Time-independent Perturbation Theory I 3 3.1 Small perturbations of a quantum system Consider Hamiltonian H0 + V̂ , (1) where H0 and V̂ both time-ind., and V̂ represents small perturbation to Hamiltonian H0, whose eigenfctns and eigenvals. |ni and En are known, H0|ni = En|ni. (2) Nondegenerate perturbation theory ?? Suppose for now |ni nondegenerate. ?? Reasonable to assume if V̂ is small, perturbations to |ni and En should be small. So we have a small dimensionless param. in which to expand, replace V̂ by ²V̂ , take ² ¿ 1. Assume soln to H|ψi = E|ψi can be expanded E = En + ²δE(1) + ²2δE(2) + . . . |ψi = |ni + ²|ψ(1)i + ²2|ψ(2)i . . . (3) (4) Since |ni form complete set, the states |ψ(1)i and |ψ(2)i may be expanded |ψi = |ni + ² X m Cm|mi + ²2 X m Dm|mi + . . . . (5) Now substitute (1-5) into Hψ = Eψ, (H0 + ²V̂ )(|ni + ² X m Cm|mi + · · ·) = (En + ²δE(1) + · · ·)(|ni + ² X m Cm|mi + · · ·), or, using (2), à ² V̂ |ni + X m ! CmEm|mi + à X ²2 CmV̂ m 1 |mi + X m ! DmEm|mi + · · · (6) à = ² δE(1)|ni + En à X m ! Cm|mi +²2 δE(2)|ni + δE(1) X m (7) Cm|mi + En X m ! Dm|mi . Now equate powers of ² to find (O(1)): V̂ |ni + X m CmEm|mi = δE(1)|ni + En X Cm|mi. m (8) Now take inner product with hn|, use hn|mi = δnm: δE(1) = hn|V̂ |ni (9) so 1st-order shift in energy level for state |ni is just expectation value of V̂ in that state. Now take inner product with hm|, find Cm = hm|V̂ |ni , m 6= n En − Em so energy eigenstate is, to 1st order, |ψi = |ni + ² Cn |ni + (10) |mihm|V̂ |ni + O(²2 ). m6=n En − Em X (11) What is the coefficient Cn? Actually we can’t determine it! Note we could write instead of (9), |ψi = (1 + ²Cn) |ni + ² |mihm|V̂ |ni + O(²2 ) m6=n En − Em X (12) the same up to corrections of O(²2). Here see that Cn just is part of overall normalization factor; can’t determine since S.-eqn. is linear. Same applies to Dn, etc. Go back and expand to 2nd order, using (9) and (10). Find: δE(2) = hn|V̂ |mihm|V̂ |ni , so E − E m6=n n m X E = En + ²hn|V̂ |ni + ²2 P m6=n hn|V̂ |mihm|V̂ |ni + O(²3) En − Em 2 (13) (14) Note when we actually do calculations we will set ² = 1 at end—we just put it in to help classify the terms in powers of V̂ formally! 3.2 DC Stark effect (Shift of energy levels of atom placed in static homogeneous electric field). Consider atom in constant E field. Potential energy of each charge in atom just work done to move charge from origin in presence of field. So V̂ = −E · X i qiri = −E · d (15) (16) where qi is charge on ith particle, ri is position of ith particle in atom, and d is the dipole moment operator. ? Temporarily let’s write energies as E to avoid confusion with E-field. Continue to assume eigenstates of H0 nondegenerate—first order energy shift (from (9)): X δE(1) = −E · qihn|ri|ni = 0 (17) i R That this vanishes follows from hn|ri|ni = d3riri|ψn(ri)|2 = 0, since |ni are eigenstates of parity Π̂, but r is odd under parity. So we have to go to 2nd order (Eq. (14): hn|V̂ |mihm|V̂ |ni En − Em m6=n X X hn|dα |mihm|dβ |ni = Eα Eβ En − Em αβ m6=n 1 X αβ α Eα Eβ ≡ − 2 αβ δE(2) = X (18) (19) (20) where we made analogy with classical E & M in last step above—ααβ is polarizability tensor. For atom without permanent dipole moment, d 3 itself ∝ applied field E, d = αE. Work done on atomic “springs” by E-field is δW = X i qiE · δri = E · δd = X αβ Eα ααβ δEβ (21) So total work involved in increasing field from 0 to E is W = Z X αβ = Eα ααβ δEβ 1 X αβ α Eα Eβ 2 αβ (22) (23) This is work stored in atomic “springs”, but we must add to this the decrease in system’s energy due to changed positions of particles in E: U = −E · d = − X αβ ααβ Eβ Eα (24) Total energy shift must be negative: 1 (25) δE = W + U = − ααβ Eα Eβ 2 so our quantum result (20) actually in accord with classical intuition here, as it should be since we are treating E-field classically. Check to make sure you see why α defined in (20) is always positive if n = 0, ground state! Note to get final answer to (2) need to know matrix elements of dipole operator, can calculate later. 3.3 Degenerate perturbation theory Note that we start with a state labelled by |ni and perturb around it. Energy shift (18) well-defined if states nondegenerate, but what if there is an |mi for which En = Em in (18). Theory breaks down. Need to go back and redo things for the degenerate case. Call e’states of H |n, αi where n labels energy level and α labels different energy e’states with same energy e’value, 4 H0|n, αi = En|n, αi hn, α|m, βi = δmnδαβ . (26) (27) Let’s again expand energy and wave fctn., E = En + δE(1) + δE(2) X |ψi = |n, αi + Cmβ |m, βi + · · · (28) (29) mβ where I supressed the ²’s for compactness. Completeness says V̂ |n, αi = X |m, βihm, β|V̂ |n, αi, (30) m,β so generalization of (7) to O(²) is V̂ |n, αi + X m,β = X m,β Cmβ Em|m, βi µ |m, βi hm, β|V̂ |n, αi + Cmβ Em = δE(1)|n, αi + En X mβ ¶ Cmβ |m, βi. (31) Coefficicent of |m, βi on both sides of (31) must agree, so hm, β|V̂ |n, αi + Cmβ Em = EnCmβ + δE(1)δnmδαβ . (32) Two cases again: m 6= n Cmβ = hmβ|V̂ |nαi En − Em (33) m=n δE(1)δαβ = hnβ|V̂ |nαi (34) If hnβ|V̂ |nαi = 0 when α 6= β, the equation (34) makes sense, and we get δE(1) = hnα|V̂ |nαi 5 (35) Note this means possibly a different splitting for each of the initially degenerate states |nαi, but is otherwise more or less same as nondegenerate case. But if hnβ|V̂ |nαi 6= 0 when α 6= β, Eq. (34) doesn’t have a solution, we get some kind of contradiction. What’s going on? ?? Recall what we said about eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues being orthogonal. If eigenvalues are degenerate, various eigenvectors need not be orthogonal—however if they aren’t, we can construct a new set corresponding to same e’value which are! ??. Can pull similar trick here: construct N linearly independent combinations (N is the degeneracy of En, e’value in question) of form P |Ai = α Aα |nαi P |Bi = α Bα |nαi N eigenstates P |Ci = α Cα |nαi ... (36) Now choose {Aα , Bα , . . .} such that hA|V̂ |Bi = 0, etc. (37) Redo previous calc. leading to (32), find now no inconsistency, rather δE(1) = hA|V̂ |Ai if |Ai is unperturbed state, = hB|V̂ |Bi ... if |Bi is unperturbed state, (38) If (37) holds, means V̂ is diagonal on subspace of degenerate eigenvectors, so can write V̂ |Ai = VA|Ai, etc. In terms of the original basis this is X α Aα V̂ |n, αi = VA X α Aα |n, αi, (39) and inner product with hn, β| is X α hn, β|V̂ |n, αiAα = VAAβ , or, in suggestive matrix form, 6 (40) ~ = VAA, ~ etc. V A (41) So we have reduced the degenerate state perturbation problem to the problem of diagonalizing V̂ and finding its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Once found, the N eigenvalues VA, VB , etc. give the energy perturbations, E = En + VA, En + VB , . . .. Summary I know this is confusing. Here’s what you have to do in practice. If you have N degenerate states |αi corresponding to one eigenvalue E, construct the matrix hα|V |α0i. If it happens to be diagonal, you’ve got it easy: for each α, read off the 1st order energy shifts, δEα = hα|V |αi. The wave function will have no 1st order shift arising from the hα|V |α0i, but beware it can still have corrections coming from the hα|V |mi, where the |mi are the states outside the degenerate manifold you’re looking at. If hα|V |α0i isn’t diagonal, you need to find a new basis |α0i in which it is, i.e. diagonalize it! You get eigenvalues VA, VB , ... (the new energy shifts) and eigenvectors |Ai, |Bi..., which are linear combinations of the old |αi. If you calculate the 1st order correction to the wavefunction with the new basis, the terms containing hA|V |Bi will again vanish for A 6= B, but don’t forget you will still have terms like hm|V |Ai which are nonzero. Linear Stark effect Note for nondegenerate case 1st order Stark shift vanished, i.e. δE ∼ E 2. If two or more atomic states degenerate, need to go back & compute matrix elements hn, α|V̂ |n, βi (42) and diagonalize. While diagonal elements in original basis will still vanish due to parity (recall V̂ ∝ Er), off-diagonal ones needn’t. Thus when V̂ is nondiagonal there will in general be linear shift ∝ E. Linear dependence on applied field therefore =⇒ degenerate states. Equivalent in classical case to atom with permanent dipole moment, i.e. in a field dipole moment 7 has a zeroth-order piece: d = d(E = 0)+δd(E). Energy E ' −d·E ∝ E unlike (23). Hydrogen atom n=2 states Take B k ẑ, so V̂ = −Eez. 4 degenerate n = 2 states of H: ψ200 ψ21m r −r/2a0 1 − 2 = e Y00 3/2 2a 0 2a0 1 1 r −r/2a0 √ = e Y1m, m = 1, 0, −1 3/2 a 3 0 2a0 1 (43) (44) Note 1. ` = 0 state has even parity, ` = 1 states odd parity, whereas V̂ has odd parity, so only states with different ` couple (only h200|V̂ |21mi and h21m|V̂ |200i are nonzero in degenerate subspace). 2. V̂ commutes with L̂z , so only connects states with same m value! Therefore only h200|V̂ |210i is nonvanishing. Therefore matrix V in original basis is just 2 × 2: h200|z|200i = 0 h200|z|210i V = h210|z|200i h210|z|210i = 0 (45) Calculate: r 2r h200|V̂ |210i = 0 r2dr(2a0)−3e−r/a0 √ 1− r 2a 3a 0 0 Z ∗ × dΩ Y00 cos θY10 = −3a0 Z ∞ (46) Now find eigenvalues δE(1)(i.e., diagonalize): −δE(1) −3eEa0 = 0 det −3eEa0 −δE(1) 8 (47) Figure 1: Stark splittings of hydrogenic energy levels. or δE(1) = ±3eEa 0 . Eigenvectors in subspace are (note (45) is propor 0 1 .) tional to 1 0 1 1 1 |ψ1i = √ ≡ √ (|200i − |210i) 2 1 2 and 1 1 1 ≡ √ (|200i + |210i) |ψ2i = √ 2 −1 2 (48) Note 1. that the new states are not eigenstates of L̂2, since L̂2 doesn’t commute with H. 2. that for the case of degenerate states Stark splitting linear in E-field! 9