On the Use of Epistemic Ordering Functions as Decision Criteria

Proc., NRAC-2011
On the Use of Epistemic Ordering Functions as Decision Criteria
for Automated and Assisted Belief Revision in SNePS
(Preliminary Report)
Ari I. Fogel and Stuart C. Shapiro
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY
We implement belief revision in SNePS based on
a user-supplied epistemic ordering of propositions.
We provide a decision procedure that performs
revision completely automatically when given a
well preorder. We also provide a decision procedure for revision that, when given a total preorder, simulates a well preorder by making a minimal number of queries to the user when multiple propositions within a minimally-inconsistent
set are minimally-epistemically-entrenched. The
first procedure uses Op|Σ|q units of space, and completes within Op|Σ|2 ¨ smax q units of time, where Σ is
the set of distinct minimally-inconsistent sets, and
smax is the number of propositions in the largest
minimally-inconsistent set. The second procedure
uses Op|Σ|2 ¨s2max q space and Op|Σ|2 ¨s2max q time. We
demonstrate how our changes generalize previous
techniques employed in SNePS.
Belief Revision
Several varieties of belief revision have appeared in the
literature over the years. AGM revision typically refers to
the addition of a belief to a belief set, at the expense of
its negation and any other beliefs supporting its negation
[Alchourron et al., 1985]. Removal of a belief and beliefs
that support it is called contraction. Alternatively, revision
can refer to the process of resolving inconsistencies in a
contradictory knowledge base, or one known to be inconsistent [Martins and Shapiro, 1988]. This is accomplished
by removing one or more beliefs responsible for the inconsistency, or culprits. This is the task with which we
are concerned. In particular, we have devised a means of
automatically resolving inconsistencies by discarding the
least-preferred beliefs in a belief base, according to some
epistemic ordering [Gärdenfors, 1988; Williams, 1994;
Gärdenfors and Rott, 1995].
The problem of belief revision is that logical considerations alone do not tell you which beliefs
to give up, but this has to be decided by some
other means. What makes things more complicated is that beliefs in a database have logical consequences. So when giving up a belief you have to
decide as well which of its consequences to retain
and which to retract... [Gärdenfors and Rott, 1995]
In later sections we will discuss in detail how to make a
choice of belief(s) to retract when presented with an inconsistent belief set.
AGM Paradigm
In [Gärdenfors, 1982; Alchourron et al., 1985], operators and
rationality postulates for theory change are discussed. In
general, any operator that satisfies those postulates may be
thought of as an AGM operation.
Let CnpAq refer to the closure under logical consequence
of a set of propositions A. A theory is defined to be a set of
propositions closed under logical consequence. Thus for any
set of propositions A, CnpAq is a theory. It is worth noting
that theories are infinite sets. [Alchourron et al., 1985] discusses operations that may be performed on theories. Partial
meet contraction and revision. defined in [Alchourron et al.,
1985], satisfy all of the postulates for a rational contraction
and revision operator, respectively.
Theory Change on Finite Bases
It is widely accepted that agents, because of their
limited resources, believe some but by no means all
of the logical consequences of their beliefs. [Lakemeyer, 1991]
A major issue with the AGM paradigm it tends to operate on
and produce infinite sets (theories). A more practical model
would include operations to be performed on finite belief
sets, or belief bases. Such operators would be useful in supporting computer-based implementations of revision systems
[Williams, 1994].
It has been argued that The AGM paradigm uses a coherentist approach1 [Gärdenfors, 1989], in that all beliefs require some sort of external justification. On the other hand,
finite-base systems are said to use a foundationalist approach,
wherein some beliefs indeed have their own epistemic standing, and others can be derived from them. SNePS, as we shall
see, uses the finite-base foundationalist approach.
1 It
has also been argued otherwise [Hansson and Olsson, 1999]
Epistemic Entrenchment
Let us assume that the decision on which beliefs to retract
from a belief base is made is based on the relative importance of each belief, which is called its degree of epistemic
entrenchment [Gärdenfors, 1988]. Then we need an ordering ď with which to compare the entrenchment of individual
beliefs. Beliefs that are less entrenched are preferentially discarded during revision over beliefs that are more entrenched.
An epistemic entrenchment ordering is used to uniquely determine the result of AGM contraction. Such an ordering is
a noncircular total preorder (that satisfies certain other postulates) on all propositions.
Ensconcements, introduced in [Williams, 1994], consist of a
set of forumlae together with a total preorder on that set. They
can be used to construct epistemic entrenchment orderings,
and determine theory base change operators.
Safe Contraction
In [Alchourron and Makinson, 1985], the operation safe contraction is introduced. Let ă be a non-circular relation over a
belief set A. An element a of A is safe with respect to x iff a
is not a minimal element of any minimal subset B of A such
that x P CnpBq. Let A{x be the set of all elements of A that are
safe with respect to x. Then the safe contraction of A by x,
denoted A ´s x, is defined to be A XCnpA{xq.
Assumption-based Truth Maintenance Systems
In an assumption-based truth maintenance system (ATMS),
the system keeps track of the assumptions (base beliefs) underlying each belief [de Kleer, 1986]. One of the roles of an
conventional TMS is to keep the database contradiction-free.
In an assumption-based ATMS, contradictions are removed as
they are discovered. When a contradiction is detected in an
ATMS, then there will be one or more minimally-inconsistent
sets of assumptions underlying the contradiction. Such sets
are called no-goods. [Martins and Shapiro, 1988] presented
SNeBR, an early implementation of an ATMS that uses the
logic of SNePS. In that paper, sets of assumptions supporting
a belief are called origin sets. They correspond to antecedents
of a justification from [de Kleer, 1986]. The focus of this paper is modifications to the modern version of SNeBR.
Kernel Contraction
In [Hansson, 1994], the operation kernel contraction is introduced. A kernel set Aáα is defined to be the set of all
minimal subsets of A that imply α . A kernel set is like a set
of origin sets from [Martins and Shapiro, 1988]. Let σ be an
incision function for A. Then for all α , σ pAáα q Ď YpAáα q,
and if H ‰ X P Aáα , then X X σ pAáα q ‰ H. The kernel
contraction of A by α based on σ , denoted A „σ α , is equal
to Azσ pAáα q.
Prioritized Versus Non-Prioritized Belief Revision
In the AGM model of belief revision [Alchourron
et al., 1985] . . . the input sentence is always accepted. This is clearly an unrealistic feature, and
. . . several models of belief change have been proposed in which no absolute priority is assigned to
the new information due to its novelty. . . . One
way to construct non-prioritized belief revision is
to base it on the following two-step process: First
we decide whether to accept or reject the input. After that, if the input was accepted, it is incorporated
into the belief state [Hansson, 1999].
Hansson goes on to describe several other models of nonprioritized belief revision, but they all have one unifiying feature distinguishing them from prioritized belief revision: the
input, i.e. the RHS argument to the revision operator, is not
always accepted. To reiterate: Prioritized belief revision is
revision in which the proposition by which the set is revised
is always present in the result (as long as it is not a contradiction). Non-prioritized belief revision is revision in which the
RHS argument to the revision operator is not always present
in the result (even if it is not a contradiction).
The closest approximation from Hansson’s work to our
work is the operation of semi-revision [Hansson, 1997].
Semi-revision is a type of non-prioritized belief revision that
may be applied to belief bases.
Description of the System
“SNePS is a logic-, frame-, and network- based knowledge
representation, reasoning, and acting system. Its logic is
based on Relevance Logic [Shapiro, 1992], a paraconsistent
logic (in which a contradiction does not imply anything whatsoever) [Shapiro and Johnson, 2000].”
SNeRE, the SNePS Rational Engine, provides an acting
system for SNePS-based agents, whose beliefs must change
to keep up with a changing world. Of particular interest is
the believe action, which is used to introduce beliefs that take
priority over all other beliefs at the time of their introduction.
Belief Change in SNePS
Every belief in a SNePS knowledge base (which consists
of a belief base and all currently-known derived propostions
therefrom) has one or more support sets, each of which consists of an origin tag and an origin set. The origin tag will
identify a belief as either being introduced as a hypothesis, or
derived (note that it is possible for a belief to be both introduced as a hypothesis and derived from other beliefs). The
origin set contains those hypotheses that were used to derive
the belief. In the case of the origin tag denoting a hypothesis, the corresponding origin set would be a singleton set
containing only the belief itself. The contents of the origin
set of a derived belief are computed by the implemented rules
of inference at the time the inference is drawn [Martins and
Shapiro, 1988; Shapiro, 1992].
The representation of beliefs in SNePS lends itself well to
the creation of processes for contraction and revision. Specifically, in order to contract a belief, one must merely remove
at least one hypothesis from each of its origin sets. Similarly,
prioritized revision by a belief b (where ␣b is already believed) is accomplished by removing at least one belief from
each origin set of ␣b. Non-prioritized belief revision under
this paradigm is a bit more complicated. We discuss both
types of revision in more detail in §2.
SNeBR, The SNePS Belief Revision subsystem, is responsible for resolving inconsistencies in the knowledge base as
they are discovered. In the current release of SNePS (version
2.7.1), SNeBR is able to automatically resolve contradictions
under a limited variety of circumstances [Shapiro and The
SNePS Implementation Group, 2010, 76]. Otherwise “assisted culprit choosing” is performed, where the user must
manually select culprits for removal. After belief revision
is performed, the knowledge base might still be inconsistent,
but every known derivation of an inconsistency has been eliminated.
New Belief Revision Algorithms
Problem Statement
Nonprioritized Belief Revision
Suppose we have a knowledge base that is not known to be
inconsistent, and suppose that at some point we add a contradictory belief to that knowledge base. Either that new belief
directly contradicts an existing belief, or we derive a belief
that directly contradicts an existing one as a result of performing forward and/or backward inference on the new belief. Now the knowledge base is known to be inconsistent.
We will refer to the contradictory beliefs as p and ␣p
Since SNePS tags each belief with one or more origin sets,
or sets of supporting hypotheses, we can identify the underlying beliefs that support each of the two contradictory beliefs.
In the case where p and ␣p each have one origin set, OS p
and OS␣ p respectively, we may resolve the contradiction by
removing at least one hypothesis from OS p Y OS␣ p . We shall
refer to such a union as a no-good. If there are m origin sets
for p, and n origin sets for ␣p, then there will be at most mˆn
distinct no-goods (some unions may be duplicates of others).
To resolve a contradiction in this case, we must retract at least
one hypothesis from each no-good (Sufficiency).
We wish to devise an algorithm that will select the hypotheses for removal from the set of no-goods. The first priority will be that the hypotheses selected should be minimallyepistemically-entrenched (Minimal Entrenchment) according
to some total preorder ď. Note that we are not referring
strictly to an AGM entrenchment order, but to a total preorder on the set of hypotheses, without regard to the AGM
postulates. The second priority will be not to remove any
more hypotheses than are necessary in order to resolve the
contradiction (Information Preservation), while still satisfying priority one.
Prioritized Belief Revision
The process of Prioritized Belief Revision in SNePS occurs
when a contradiction is discovered after a belief is asserted
explicitly using the believe act of SNeRE. The major difference here is that a subtle change is made to the entrenchment
ordering ď. If ďnonpri is the ordering used for nonprioritized
belief revision, then for prioritized belief revision we use an
ordering ď pri as follows:
Let P be the set of beliefs asserted by a believe action. Then
@e1 , e2 re1 P P ^ e2 R P Ñ ␣pe1 ď pri e2 q ^ e2 ď pri e1 s
@e1 , e2 re1 R P ^ e2 R P Ñ pe1 ď pri e2 Ø e1 ďnonpri e2 qs
@e1 , e2 re1 P P ^ e2 P P Ñ pe1 ď pri e2 Ø e1 ďnonpri e2 qs
That is, a proposition asserted by a believe action takes priority over any other proposition. When either both or neither
propositions being compared have been assserted by the believe action, then we use the same ordering as we would for
nonprioritized revision.
Common Requirements for a Rational Belief
Revision Algorithm
Primary Requirements
The inputs to the algorithm are:
• A set of formulae Φ: the current belief base, which is
known to be inconsistent
• A total preorder ď on Φ: an epistemic entrenchment ordering that can be used to compare the relative desirability of each belief in the current belief base
• Minimally-inconsistent sets of formulae σ1 , . . . , σn , each
of which is a subset of Φ: the no-goods
• A set Σ “ tσ1 , . . . , σn u: the set of all the no-goods
The algorithm should produce a set T that satisfies the following conditions:
pEESNePS 1q @σ rσ P Σ Ñ Dτ rτ P pT X σ qs (Sufficiency)
pEESNePS 2q @τ rτ P T Ñ Dσ rσ P Σ ^ τ P σ ^ @wrw P σ Ñ
τ ď wsss (Minimal Entrenchment)
pEESNePS 3q @T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ ␣@σ rσ P Σ Ñ Dτ rτ P pT 1 X
σ qsss (Information Preservation)
Condition pEESNePS 1q states that T contains at least one formula from each set in Σ. Condition pEESNePS 2q states that every formula in T is a minimally-entrenched formula of some
set in Σ. Condition pEESNePS 3q states that if any formula is
removed from T, then Condition pEESNePS 1q will no longer
hold. In addition to the above conditions, our algorithm must
terminate on all possible inputs, i.e. it must be a decision
Supplementary Requirement
In any case where queries must be made of the user in order
to determine the relative epistemic ordering of propositions,
the number of such queries must be kept to a minimum.
We present algorithms to solve the problem as stated:
Where we refer to ď below, we are using the prioritized entrenchment ordering from §2.1. In the case of nonprioritized
revision we may assume that P “ H
Using a well preorder
Let tď be the output of a function f whose input is a total
preorder ď, such that tď Ďď The idea is that f creates the
well preorder tď from ď by removing some pairs from the
total preorder ď. Note that in the case where ď is already
a well preorder, tď “ď. Then we may use Algorithm 1 to
solve the problem.
Algorithm 1 Algorithm to compute T given a well preorder
Input: Σ, tď
Output: T
1: T ð H
2: for all pσ P Σq do
Move minimally entrenched belief in σ to first position
in σ , using tď as a comparator
4: end for
5: Sort elements of Σ into descending order of the values of
the first element in each σ using tď as a comparator
6: AddLoop :
7: while pΣ ‰ Hq do
currentCulprit ð σ11
T ð T Y tcurrentCulpritu
DeleteLoop :
for all pσcurrent P Σq do
if pcurrentCulprit P σcurrent q then
Σ ð Σzσcurrent
end if
end for
16: end while
17: return T
Using a total preorder
Unfortunately it is easy to conceive of a situation in which
the supplied entrenchment ordering is a total preorder, but
not a well preorder. For instance, let us say that, when
reasoning about a changing world, propositional fluents
(propositions that are only true of a specific time or situation)
are abandoned over non-fluent propositions. It is not clear
then how we should rank two distinct propositional fluents,
nor how to rank two distinct non-fluent propositions. If
we can arbitrarily specify a well preorder that is a subset
of the total preorder we are given, then algorithm 1 will
be suitable. Otherwise, we can simulate a well order t
through an iterative construction by querying the user for
the unique minimally-entrenched proposition of a particular
set of propositions at appropriate times in the belief-revision
process. Algorithm 2 accomplishes just this.
Algorithm 2 Algorithm to compute T given a total preorder
other no-good via an lσ j ,(1 ď j ď |Σ| , i ‰ j)) then
T ð T Y tpu
for all pσcurrent P Σq do
if pp P σcurrent q then
Σ ð Σzσcurrent
end if
end for
if pΣ “ Hq then
return T
end if
end if
end for
Modi f yLoop:
for all pσ P Σq do
if (σ has multiple minimally-entrenched propositions) then
query which proposition l of the minimallyentrenched propostions is least desired.
Modify ď so that l is strictly less entrenched than
those other propositions.
break out of Modi f yLoop
end if
end for
end loop
These algorithms perform an operation similar to incision
functions [Hansson, 1994], since they select one or more
propositions to be removed from each minimally-inconsistent
set. Their output seems analogous to σ pΦápp ^ ␣pqq, where
σ is the incision function, á is the kernel-set operator from
[Hansson, 1994], and p is a proposition. But we are actually
incising Σ, the set of known no-goods. The known no-goods
are of course a subset of all no-goods, i.e. Σ Ď Φápp ^ ␣pq.
This happens because SNeBR resolves contradictions as soon
as they are discovered, rather than performing inference first
to discover all possible sources of contradictions.
The type of contraction eventually performed is similar to
safe contraction [Alchourron and Makinson, 1985], except
that there are fewer restrictions on our epistemic ordering.
3 Analysis of Algorithm 1
Input: Σ, ď
Output: T
1: T ð H
2: MainLoop:
3: loop
for all pσi P Σ, 1 ď i ď |Σ|q do
Make a list lσi of all minimally-entrenched propositions, i.e. propositions that are not strictly more
entrenched than any other, among those in σi , using
ď as a comparator.
end for
for all (σi P Σ, 1 ď i ď |Σ|) do
if (According to lσi , σ has exactly one minimallyentrenched proposition p AND the other propositions in σi are not minimally-entrenched in any
Proofs of Satisfaction of Requirements by
Algorithm 1
We show that Algorithm 1 satisfies the requirements established in section 2:
pEESNePS 1q (Sufficiency)
During each iteration of AddLoop an element τ is added to
T from some σ P Σ. Then each set σ P Σ containing τ is
removed from Σ. The process is repeated until Σ is empty.
Therefore each removed set σ in Σ contains some τ in T
(Note that each σ will be removed from Σ by the end of the
process). So @σ rσ P Σ Ñ Dτ rτ P pT X σ qs. Q.E.D.
pEESNePS 2q (Minimal Entrenchment)
From lines 8-9, we see that T is comprised solely of first elements of sets in Σ. And from lines 2-4, we see that those
first elements are all minimal under tď relative to the other
elements in each set. Since @e1 , e2 , ď re1 tď e2 Ñ e1 ď e2 s,
those first elements are minimal under ď as well. That is,
@τ rτ P T Ñ Dσ rσ P Σ^ τ P σ ^@wrw P σ Ñ τ ď wsss. Q.E.D.
pEESNePS 3q (Information Preservation)
From the previous proof we see that during each iteration of
AddLoop, we are guaranteed that at least one set σ containing
the current culprit is removed from Σ. And we know that the
current culprit for that iteration is minimally-entrenched in σ .
We also know from pEESNePS 2q that each subsequently chosen culprit will be minimally entrenched in some set. From
lines 2-5 and AddLoop, we know that subsequently chosen
culprits will be less entrenched than the current culprit. From
lines 2-5, we also see that all the other elements in σ have
higher entrenchment than the current culprit. Therefore subsequent culprits cannot be elements in σ . So, they cannot be
used to eliminate σ . Obviously, previous culprits were also
not members of σ . Therefore, if we exclude the current culprit from T , then there will be a set in Σ that does not contain
any element of T . That is,
@T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ Dσ rσ P Σ ^ ␣Dτ rτ P pT 1 X σ qsss
6 @T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ Dσ r␣␣pσ P Σ ^ ␣Dτ rτ P pT 1 X σ qqsss
6 @T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ Dσ r␣p␣pσ P Σq _ Dτ rτ P pT 1 X σ qqsss
6 @T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ Dσ r␣pσ P Σ Ñ Dτ rτ P pT 1 X σ qqss
6 @T 1 rT 1 Ă T Ñ ␣@σ rσ P Σ Ñ Dτ rτ P pT 1 X σ qsss Q.E.D.
We see that DeleteLoop is executed once for each element in
Σ, which is a finite set. So it always terminates. We see that
AddLoop terminates when Σ is empty. And from lines 8 and
13 we see that at least one set is removed from Σ during each
iteration of AddLoop. So AddLoop always terminates. Lines
2-4 involve finding a minimum element, which is a decision
procedure. Line 5 performs sorting, which is also a decision
procedure. Since every portion of Algorithm 1 always terminates, it is a decision procedure. Q.E.D.
Supplementary Requirement
Algorithm 1 is a fully-automated procedure that makes no
queries of the user. Q.E.D.
Complexity of Algorithm 1
Space Complexity
Algorithm 1 can be run completely in-place, i.e. it can use
only the memory allocated to the input, with the exception of
the production of the set of culprits T . Let us assume that the
space needed to store a single proposition is Op1q memory
units. Since we only need to remove one proposition from
each no-good to restore consistency, algorithm 1 uses Op|Σ|q
memory units.
Time Complexity
The analysis for time complexity is based on a sequentialprocesing system. Let us assume that we implement lists as
array structures. Let us assume that we may determine the
size of an array in Op1q time. Let us also assume that performing a comparison using tď takes Op1q time. Then in
lines 2-4, for each array σ P Σ we find the minimum element σ and perform a swap on two elements at most once
for each element in σ . If we let smax be the cardinality of the
largest σ in Σ, then lines 2-4 will take Op|Σ| ¨ smax q time. In
line 5, we sort the no-goods’ positions in Σ using their first
elements as keys. This takes Op|Σ| ¨ logp|Σ|qq time. Lines 716 iterate through the elements of Σ at most once for each
element in Σ. During each such iteration, a search is performed for an element within a no-good. Also, during each
iteration through all the no-goods, at least one σ is removed,
though this does not help asymptotically. Since the no-goods
are not sorted, the search takes linear time in smax . So lines
7-16 take Op|Σ|2 ¨ smax q time. Therefore, the running time is
Op|Σ|2 ¨ smax q time.
Note that the situation changes slightly if we sort the
no-goods instead of just placing the minimally-entrenched
proposition at the front, as in lines 2-4. In this case,
each search through a no-good will take Oplogpsmax qq time,
yielding a new total time of Op|Σ| ¨ smax ¨ logpsmax q ` |Σ|2 ¨
logpsmax qq.
4 Analysis of Algorithm 2
Proofs of Satisfaction of Requirements by
Algorithm 2
We show that Algorithm 2 satisfies the requirements established in section 2:
pEESNePS 1q (Sufficiency)
Since every set of propositions must contain at least one
proposition that is minimally entrenched, at least one proposition is added to the list in each iteration of ListLoop. In the
worst case, assume that for each iteration of MainLoop, only
either RemoveLoop or Modi f yLoop do any work. We know
that at least this much work is done for the following reasons: if Modi f yLoop cannot operate on any no-good during
an iteration of MainLoop, then all no-goods have only one
minimally-entrenched proposition. So either RemoveLoop’s
condition at line 10 would hold, or:
1. A no-good has multiple minimally-entrenched propositions, causing Modi f yLoop to do work. This contradicts our
assumption that Modi f yLoop could not do any work during
this iteration of MainLoop, so we set this possibility aside.
2. Some proposition p1 is a non-minimally-entrenched
proposition in some no-good σn , and a minimally-entrenched
one in another no-good σm . In this case, either p1 is removed
during the iteration of RemoveLoop where σm is considered,
or there is another proposition p2 in σm that is not minimallyentrenched in σm , but is in σm1 . This chaining must eventually terminate at a no-good σm f inal since ď is transitive.
And the final proposition in the chain p f inal must be the sole
minimally-entrenched proposition in σ f inal , since otherwise
Modi f yLoop would have been able to do work for this iteration of MainLoop, which is a contradiction. Modi f yLoop
can only do work once for each no-good, so eventually its
work is finished. If Modi f yLoop has no more work left to
do, then RemoveLoop must do work at least once for each iteration of MainLoop. And in doing so, it will create a list of
culprits of which each no-good contains at least one. Q.E.D.
pEESNePS 2q (Minimal Entrenchment)
Since propositions are only added to T when the condition in
line 10 is satisfied, it is guaranteed that every proposition in
T is a minimally-entrenched proposition in some no-good σ .
pEESNePS 3q (Information Preservation)
From line 10, we see that when a proposition p is removed,
none of the other propositions in its no-good are minimallyentrenched in any other no-good. That means none of the
other propositions could be a candidate for removal. So, the
only way to remove the no-good in which p appears is by removing p. So if p were not removed, then pEESNePS 1q would
not be satisfied. Q.E.D.
ListLoop creates lists of minimal elements of lists. This
is a decision procedure since the comparator is a total preorder. From the proof of pEESNePS 1q above, we see that
either RemoveLoop or Modi f yLoop must do work for each
iteration of MainLoop. Modi f yLoop cannot operate more
than once on the same no-good, because there are no longer
multiple minimally-entrenched propositions in the no-good
after it does its work. Nor can RemoveLoop operate twice
on the same no-good, since the no-good is removed when
Modi f yLoop does work. So, eventually Modi f yLoop has no
more work to do, and at that point RemoveLoop will remove
at least one no-good for each iteration of MainLoop. By lines
17-18, when the last no-good is removed, the procedure terminates. So it always terminates. Q.E.D.
Supplementary Requirement
RemoveLoop attempts to compute T each time it is run
from MainLoop. If the procedure does not terminate within
RemoveLoop, then we run Modi f yLoop on at most one nogood. Afterwards, we run RemoveLoop again. Since the user
is only queried when the procedure cannot automatically determine any propositions to remove, we argue that this means
minimal queries are made of the user. Q.E.D.
Complexity of Algorithm 2
Space Complexity
As before, let smax be the cardinality of the largest no-good
in Σ. In the worst case all propositions are minimally entrenched, so ListLoop will recreate Σ. So ListLoop will use
Op|Σ| ¨ smax q space. RemoveLoop creates a culprit list, which
we stated before takes Op|Σ|q space. ModifyLoop may be implemented in a variety of ways. We will assume that it creates
a list of pairs, of which the first and second elements range
over propositions in the no-goods. In this case Modi f yLoop
uses Op|Σ|2 ¨ s2max q space. So the total space requirement is
Op|Σ|2 ¨ s2max q memory units.
Time Complexity
The analysis for time complexity is based on a sequentialprocesing system. For each no-good σ , in the worst case,
ListLoop will have to compare each proposition in σ agains
every other. So, for each iteration of MainLoop, ListLoop
takes Op|Σ| ¨ s2max q time. There are at most Opsmax q elements
in each list created by ListLoop. So, checking the condition
in line 10 takes Op|Σ| ¨ s2max q time. Lines 12-16 can be executed in Op|Σ| ¨ smax q time. Therefore, RemoveLoop takes
Op|Σ| ¨ s2max q time. We assume that all the work in lines 2427 can be done in constant time. So, Modi f yLoop takes
Op|Σ|q time. We noted earlier that during each iteration of
MainLoop, RemoveLoop or Modi f yLoop will do work. In
the worst case, only one will do work each time. And they
each may do work at most |Σ| times. So the total running
time for the procedure is Op|Σ|2 ¨ s2max q.
5 Annotated Demonstrations
A significant feature of our work is that it generalizes previous published work on belief revision in SNePS [Johnson
and Shapiro, 1999; Shapiro and Johnson, 2000; Shapiro and
Kandefer, 2005]. The following demonstrations showcase the
new features we have introduced to SNeBR, and capture the
essence of belief revision as seen in the papers mentioned
above by using well-specified epistemic ordering functions.
The demos have been edited for formatting and clarity.
The commands br-tie-mode auto and br-tie-mode manual
indicate that Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 should be used respectively. A wff is a well-formed formula. A wff followed
by a period (.) indicates that the wff should be asserted, i.e.
added to the knowledge base. A wff followed by an exclamation point (!) indicates that the wff should be asserted, and
that forward inference should be performed on it.
Says Who?
We present a demonstration on how the source-credibilitybased revision behavior from [Shapiro and Johnson, 2000] is
generalized by our changes to SNeBR. The knowledge base
in the demo is taken from [Johnson and Shapiro, 1999]. In the
following example, the command set-order source sets the
epistemic ordering used by SNeBR to be a lisp function that
compares two propositions based on the relative credibility of
their sources. Unsourced propositions are assumed to have
maximal credibility. The sources, as well as their relative
credibility are represented as meta-knowledge in the SNePS
knowledge base. This was also done in [Johnson and Shapiro,
1999] and [Shapiro and Johnson, 2000]. The source function
makes SNePSLOG queries to determine sources of propositions and credibility of sources, using the askwh and ask
commands [Shapiro and The SNePS Implementation Group,
2010]. This allows it to perform inference in making determinations about sources.
Here we see that the nerd and the sexist make the generalizations that all jocks are not smart and all females are not
smart respectively, while the holy book and the professor state
that all old people are smart, and all grad students are smart
respectively. Since Fran is an old female jock graduate student, there are two sources that would claim she is smart, and
two that would claim she is not, which is a contradiction.
; ; ; Show origin sets
: expert
: br´mode auto
Automatic b e l i e f revision will now be automatically selected .
: br´tie´mode manual
The user will be consulted when an entrenchment t i e occurs
; ; ; Use source c r e d i b i l i t i e s as epistemic ordering c r i t e r i a .
set´order source
; ; ; The holy book i s a b e t t e r source than the professor .
IsBetterSource ( holybook , prof ) .
; ; ; The professor i s a b e t t e r source than the nerd .
IsBetterSource ( prof , nerd ) .
; ; ; The nerd i s a b e t t e r source than the s e x i s t .
IsBetterSource ( nerd , s e x i s t ) .
; ; ; Fran i s a b e t t e r source than the nerd .
IsBetterSource ( fran , nerd ) .
; ; ; Better´Source i s a t r a n s i t i v e r e l a t i o n
a l l (x , y , z ) ({IsBetterSource (x , y) , IsBetterSource (y , z )} &=>
IsBetterSource (x , z ) ) !
; ; ; All jocks are not smart .
a l l (x) ( jock (x)=>˜smart (x) ) . ; wff10
; ; ; The source of the statement ’ All jocks are not smart ’ i s the nerd
HasSource(wff10 , nerd ) .
; ; ; All females are not smart .
a l l (x) ( female (x)=>˜smart (x) ) . ; wff12
; ; ; The source of the statement ’ All females are not smart ’ i s the
sexist .
HasSource(wff12 , s e x i s t ) .
; ; ; All graduate students are smart .
a l l (x) ( grad (x)=>smart (x) ) . ; wff14
; ; ; The source of the statement ’ All graduate students are smart ’ i s
the professor .
HasSource(wff14 , prof ) .
; ; ; All old people are smart .
a l l (x) ( old (x)=>smart (x) ) . ; wff16
; ; ; The source of the statement ’ All old people are smart ’ i s the
holy book .
HasSource(wff16 , holybook ) .
; ; ; The source of the statement ’Fran i s an old female jock who i s a
graduate student ’ i s fran .
HasSource(and{jock ( fran ) , grad ( fran ) , female ( fran ) , old ( fran ) }, fran ) .
; ; ; The KB thus far l i s t´asserted´wffs
wff23 ! : HasSource( old ( fran ) and female ( fran ) and grad ( fran ) and
jock ( fran ) , fran ) {<hyp,{wff23}>}
wff17 ! : HasSource( a l l (x) ( old (x) => smart (x) ) , holybook ){<hyp,{wff17}>}
wff16 ! : a l l (x) ( old (x) => smart (x) ) {<hyp,{wff16}>}
wff15 ! : HasSource( a l l (x) ( grad (x) => smart (x) ) , prof ) {<hyp,{wff15}>}
wff14 ! : a l l (x) ( grad (x) => smart (x) ) {<hyp,{wff14}>}
wff13 ! : HasSource( a l l (x) ( female (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) , s e x i s t )
wff12 ! : a l l (x) ( female (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) {<hyp,{wff12}>}
wff11 ! : HasSource( a l l (x) ( jock (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) , nerd ) <hyp,{wff11}>}
wff10 ! : a l l (x) ( jock (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) {<hyp,{wff10}>}
wff9 ! : IsBetterSource ( fran , s e x i s t ) {<der ,{wff3 , wff4 , wff5}>}
wff8 ! : IsBetterSource ( prof , s e x i s t ) {<der ,{wff2 , wff3 , wff5}>}
wff7 ! : IsBetterSource ( holybook , s e x i s t ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff2 , wff3 , wff5}>}
wff6 ! : IsBetterSource ( holybook , nerd ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff2 , wff5}>}
wff5 ! : a l l ( z , y , x) ({IsBetterSource (y , z ) , IsBetterSource (x , y)} &=>
{IsBetterSource (x , z ) }) {<hyp,{wff5}>}
wff4 ! : IsBetterSource ( fran , nerd ) {<hyp,{wff4}>}
wff3 ! : IsBetterSource ( nerd , s e x i s t ) {<hyp,{wff3}>}
wff2 ! : IsBetterSource ( prof , nerd ) {<hyp,{wff2}>}
wff1 ! : IsBetterSource ( holybook , prof ) {<hyp,{wff1}>}
; ; ; Fran i s an old female jock who i s a graduate student ( asserted
with forward inference ) .
and{jock ( fran ) , grad ( fran ) , female ( fran ) , old ( fran ) }!
wff50 ! : ˜ ( a l l (x) ( jock (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) )
{<ext ,{wff16 , wff22}>,<ext ,{wff14 , wff22}>}
wff24 ! : smart ( fran ) {<der ,{wff16 , wff22}>,<der ,{wff14 , wff22}>}
; ; ; The resulting knowledge base (HasSource and IsBetterSource omited
for c l a r i t y )
l i s t´asserted´wffs
wff50 ! : ˜ ( a l l (x) ( jock (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) )
{<ext ,{wff16 , wff22}>, <ext ,{wff14 , wff22}>}
wff37 ! : ˜ ( a l l (x) ( female (x) => ( ˜ smart (x) ) ) ) {<ext ,{wff16 , wff22}>}
wff24 ! : smart ( fran ) {<der ,{wff16 , wff22}>,<der ,{wff14 , wff22}>}
wff22 ! : old ( fran ) and female ( fran ) and grad ( fran ) and jock ( fran )
wff21 ! : old ( fran ) {<der ,{wff22}>}
wff20 ! : female ( fran ) {<der ,{wff22}>}
wff19 ! : grad ( fran ) {<der ,{wff22}>}
wff18 ! : jock ( fran ) {<der ,{wff22}>}
wff16 ! : a l l (x) ( old (x) => smart (x) ) {<hyp,{wff16}>}
wff14 ! : a l l (x) ( grad (x) => smart (x) ) {<hyp,{wff14}>}
We see that the statements that all jocks are not smart and
that all females are not smart are no longer asserted at the
end. These statements supported the statement that Fran is
not smart. The statements that all old people are smart and
that all grad students are smart supported the statement that
Fran is smart. The contradiction was resolved by contracting
“Fran is not smart,” since the sources for its supports were
less credible than the sources for “Fran is smart.”
Wumpus World
We present a demonstration on how the state-constraintbased revision behavior from [Shapiro and Kandefer, 2005]
is generalized by our changes to SNeBR. The command setorder fluent says that propositional fluents are strictly less entrenched than non-fluent propositions. The fluent order was
created specifically to replace the original belief revision behavior of the SNeRE believe act. In the version of SNeBR
used in [Shapiro and Kandefer, 2005], propositions of the
form andorpă 0|1 ą, 1qpp1 , p2 , . . .q were assumed to be state
contraints, while the inner propositions, p1 , p2 , etc., were assumed to be fluents. The fluents were less entrenched than
the state constraints. We see that the ordering was heavily
In our new version, the determination of which propositions are fluents is made by checking for membership of the
predicate symbol of an atomic proposition in a list called
*fluents*, which is defined by the user to include the
predicate symbols of all propositional fluents. So the entrenchment ordering defined here uses metaknowledge about
the knowledge base that is not represented in the SNePS
knowledge base. The command br-tie-mode manual indicates that Algorithm 2 should be used. Note that the xor connective [Shapiro, 2010] used below replaces instances of andor(1,1)(. . . ) from [Shapiro and Kandefer, 2005]. The command perform believe(wff) is identical to the command wff!, except that the former causes wff to be strictly
more entrenched than every other proposition during belief
revision. That is, wff is guaranteed to be safe (unless wff
is itself a contradiction). So we would be using prioritized
belief revision.
; ; ; Show origin sets
: expert
; ; ; Always use automatic b e l i e f revision
: br´mode auto
Automatic b e l i e f revision will now be automatically selected .
; ; ; Use algorithm 2
: br´tie´mode manual
The user will be consulted when an entrenchment t i e occurs .
; ; ; Use an entrenchment ordering that favors non´fluents over
; ; ; fluents
set´order fluent
; ; ; Establish what kinds of propositions are fluents ; specifically ,
that the agent i s facing some direction i s a fact th a t may
change over time .
ˆ ( s e t f ∗fluents∗ ’( Facing ) )
; ; ; The agent i s Facing west
Facing ( west ) .
; ; ; At any given time , the agent i s facing e i t h e r north , south , east ,
or west ( asserted with forward inference ) .
xor{Facing ( north ) , Facing ( south ) , Facing ( east ) , Facing ( west ) }!
; ; ; The knowledge base as i t stands
l i s t´asserted´wffs
wff8 ! : ˜ Facing ( north ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff5}>}
wff7 ! : ˜ Facing ( south ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff5}>}
wff6 ! : ˜ Facing ( east ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff5}>}
wff5 ! : xor{Facing ( east ) , Facing ( south ) , Facing ( north ) , Facing ( west )}
wff1 ! : Facing ( west ) {<hyp,{wff1}>}
; ; ; Tell the agent to believe i t i s now facing east .
perform believe ( Facing ( east ) )
; ; ; The resulting knowledge base
l i s t´asserted´wffs
wff10 ! : ˜ Facing ( west ) {<ext ,{wff4 , wff5}>}
wff8 ! : ˜ Facing ( north ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff5}>,<der ,{wff4 , wff5}>}
wff7 ! : ˜ Facing ( south ) {<der ,{wff1 , wff5}>,<der ,{wff4 , wff5}>}
wff5 ! : xor{Facing ( east ) , Facing ( south ) , Facing ( north ) , Facing ( west )} {<
wff4 ! : Facing ( east ) {<hyp,{wff4}>}
There are three propositions in the no-good when revision is performed: Facing(west), Facing,east, and
xor(1,1){Facing(...}. Facing(east) is not considered for removal since it was prioritized by the believe
action. The state-constraint xor(1,1){Facing...} remains in the knowledge base at the end, because it is more
entrenched than Facing(west), a propositional fluent,
which is ultimately removed.
Our modified version of SNeBR provides decision procedures for belief revision in SNePS. By providing a single resulting knowledge base, these procedures essentially perform
maxichoice revision for SNePS. Using a well preorder, belief
revision can be performed completely automatically. Given a
total preorder, it may be necessary to consult the user in order to simulate a well preorder. The simulated well preorder
need only be partially specified; it is only necessary to query
the user when multiple beliefs are minimally-epistemicallyentrenched within a no-good, and even then only in the case
where no other belief in the no-good is already being removed. In any event, the epistemic ordering itself is usersupplied. Our algorithm for revision given a well preorder
uses asymptotically less time and space than the other algorithm, which uses a total preorder. Our work generalize previous belief revision techniques employed in SNePS.
We would like to thank Prof. William Rapaport for providing
editorial review, and Prof. Russ Miller for his advice concerning the analysis portion of this paper.
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