~ --- I '0 Deductive Efficiency + Belief Revision: How they affect an ontology of actions and acting I Deep" Kumar and Stuart C. Shapiro Department of Computer Science 226 Bell Hall State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260 kumard. shapiro~a.butTalo.edu I I Abstract The SNePS infere.nce engin~ i8 opti~zed.fo.r deductive efficiency, 1.e., all bel1efa ~Ulred VIa 1nference ue added to the agent'8 beh~fa BO tha.t fu1ure queri~ ~a.y be a.nawered b.y a retneva.l rather ~han rederivauon. An U8ump11on-bued ~rut~ m&1;nteDance IY8tem keeps track of the denva.t1on his to- I I ries of derived chitec1ure beliefa. I of of how ~ts; precond1t1o~I, and the effi- addit1on, ~educt1ve rulea, acta) Are form tenna iu Each formula. il The the Introd proposition called SWM, uction repr_nt.ed SWM, SNePS underlying denotes numbers used a belief for nod~ logic and of by the all SNePS. o! the Alent formulas and a.re names SNePS nodes. The excla.ma.tion indica.tes tha.t the agent currently represented .supported the logic uaing the in the example numbered. pla.n decompos1t1ons. node. "1 of mArk (!) believes and K22 ue aiD.. (Swff8) which form the basic objecu of underl.ying the infer~nce and belie! re--:is~on I.em the proposition8 the agent Traditionally systems beliefa co~jure and the1r truth up maintenance ima.ges subsequent ~e- bellef , or, In some more adventurous cases, reasoning about the future, as ' " , ' d ' d ' in a pliLnnrng sltua.tlon; or, rn a. pla.nnlng omaln, etectrng al d r I ed I . ,the InconsIstences In an rea. y ,ormu a.1. p a.n, or, more tYPIcally, reasoning about the b~li~fa of other agents. SN~BR. the SNePS system for belief reVISIon [MartIns and ShapIro 1988] ' an , bee'n used for some part of SNePS of I.lIese 2.1 tasks. [Sha.piro It and forms Group 1989, Shapiro and Martins 1989]. i.e. any~ne working wit~ SNePS hu at their disposal a.t least the facull.y ~f an A,~MS (l.e. contradiction del.~tion and subsequen~ belIef revI810n!. It turns of the inference 2 To illustrate &S5ume The SNePS Inference BOrne of the fea.tures that I.he Alent has following inference hypol.h~ the and agent form II uked the ? g d ch b ~war --I- ., IJn1ng t ' IS a bl e to ded uce ag ent h roug h th 1 ted b e ru e represen y K1 A is a support, which is Note thaI. represented the by &gent the h&8 proposil.ion now K53 added the (see newly Figure 2). derived be- lief to its current belief space along with the origin tag of der and a.n origin set containing the hypotheses K1 and K22 indicating that these were used in il.s derivation. D d 3 one g~ts Engine of the SNePS I.he 1 are When o Em d B 0 1 0 f R . 0 er h engine" toget all y, A actIng. dd efficiency viable alterna.tives 1.0overcome ~he STRIPS assumpt,lon whue modeling agents that I.C~. Th18 pa.per present8,evldence of some of"~bese nol. so obvlo~s results that we claIm denote a partIal IntegratIon heaven (term {rom Pa~l Roeenbloom), First we presenl. an ~xam,ple of the SNePS In~erence engine I.nd the TMS operat,lonl In~olved. Then we dIscuss our decilion8 I.bout deductIve effic1ency. Then we present proposlI.ion&! representa.l.ionl for planning a.nd I.cl.ing aff~ted by the presence of deductive efficiency and belief revision. gine. ' US1n . and plannrng for resentatlons the deductive Figure space. IS a support. of the presence of such an 1ntegrated to simplify certain propositional rep'. with , Itlon . , I What " inl.egra.! in I. bellef query ~f, detecti~n reV1810n; 8how~ '8 curren evision revision) arise Ie agent. m,ay a cons18tent e belief modeled I.hal. to guaranl.ee an of the incon8istencie8 and clency space informa.tion uctlve so a.s 1.0 del.ecl. of new e (TMS) ca.use out thaI. I.he guarantee ATMS can be exploited I , tionl, nodea the corresponding alter a node name I I Ar- 8Yltem. Asaociated w1th each 8wff 1S a IUpport contalnrng a.n origin togwhich i8 hyp for bypotbeBeB, and der for derived IWff8i a.n origin letwhich contains thC»e (and only thC»e) hypotheses used in the deriva.tion of the Iwffi and a ~..triction .set-wbich record. inconsistency in!ormal.ion. All beliefa o! I.be agent reside in a. beliej.spoce which is a set of all I.he hypotheses and all the 8wffs derived from them. Thus, has I .~ pr.o~t1onal .ciency o! th~ basic sY8tem au tomat1cal~y exte~ds Itself to effiae~t, search o! plan8, and hleruch1cal of contradicting I I Iuch of which Are repr~nted u SNePS propositiou K22a.nd K1 (.ee Figure 1). In tm. pa.per we a.re ~ng a liDea.r predica.1e-logic notation to illuatra.te the exa.mples. In reality, 1he propo.itiou a.re repr~nted U aema.ntic network nodes. The nol.&1ion uaed in 1he pa.per ma.y a.ppeAr u a. hiper-order logic. However, remember tha.t all eDtiti~ (individuall, propo.i- SNIP, the SNePS inference packa.ge [Hull 1986, Pinto-Ferreira. et 01. 1989] is optimized for deductive efficiency, i.e., all beliefs acquired via inference a.re added 1.0 the agent's belieu so I.ba.1.ful.ure queries ma.y be a.nswered bv a. retrieval ra.l.ber tha.n rederiva.l.ion. Of course, il. is imperati~e. I.hen. to have a built-in trul.h majnl.enance sys- (or I 8how ontology pla.n8; In 1 I . 1he actions. I I We limplifies representa1ionl effects I A is a block. All blocks are supports. en- beliefs: In the exa.mple the a.gent will continue to believe M53 as long as the beliefs Ml and M22 are held. If the earlier query is repeated the I.nawer is retrieved (i,e. A is a support) by limply looking at the belief 8ta.tU8 of M53. Tbis i8 what we mean bv deductive efficiency, i.e. the inference engine does not re~a.t the inference process used in deriving M53 8ince it had already derived it eArlier and its origin leI. still holdl. A derived proposition i8 au1oma.~ically removed agent'. belief 8pace if a.ny ODe of the hypotheses from the contajned in iu origin let il removed. AI beliefa of the agenl. change beca.use of action. this providea I. built-in mechanism for reviling a belief space alter an action i. performed. All that needl1o be done by the Alent alter executins an action il to perform 93 above, the acts of believing the action's consequences which ~ -- .- No.: FormulA Suppor\. < hyp,{M22!}, {} > M22!: lu(A.BLOCK) M1!: Vx[lu(x,BLOCK)- 1u(x.SUPPORT)J Filure < hyp,(M1!),{~-~ 1: M22: A is I block. M1: All block, Ire 5UPPOI'U_- No.: FormulA < hyp, {M22!}, {} > M1!:Vx[lu(x,BLOCK)-lu(x,SUPPORT)J MS3!:lu(A,SUPPORT) <hyp,{M1!},{} > <der,{Ml!,M22!},{} > . involvel adding or deleting oChypo\.hesesdirectly relAted to that the block iI held (MB). Filure. \.he ac\. performed. SNePS provides two operationsIdd-tocontextI.he and remove-from-context to add or remove hypotheses from &gent'. bdieC space. space &fl.er the effects oC the loCI.oCpicking up a block are &110 added. .. ~elief& oCt~e a~ent change frequently during acl.ing. ~very if for some reason M 1 (or M22) was removed from the &genl.'I belief space (using remove-from-context). M53 would &Iso be removed. A\. a lal.er time if M1 (or M22) i& &gain added 1.0 the &gent '& belief Ipace, M53 is automatic&lly replaced. Thus maintaining deductive efficiency. . . . effiCIency, . The combination of above three feal.urel (deductive time an action 1&performed the world changel. Accordingly, the &gent'& beliefs about the world Ihould &150change. Typic&lly, effects of a.n action (represented as STRIPS-ltyle ope:rator& [Fike! and Nil5lO~ 19:1J) are .pecified as .add-dele~e llst& so that after the actIon IS performed the belief .pace IS upda.ted by using the operator'. &dd-delel.e lilt, Traditiona.l A STRIPS a.IIumption underlie! such implementation&, .auto~a\.ic revi~ion of ~he ~lief &pace, and a~l.omatic reI~cluslon of,de~lved b~lIefs) In an ATMS-,based Infere~c~ englne has a ~Ignltica.nt Infl~ence on the. desIgn of proposILI~na.J repres.enl.~tlons for pl.a.-nnl.nga.nd acting and Lhe mechanIsm of acLlng ILself. We will dIscuss the!'e nexL. schemes for using an ATMS for a.n acting .ysl.em rec_ommend that effecl.& of performing action& Ihould only be added a.nd a consistency maintenance function applied to del.ecL incon&i8tencies in the belief space, and 8elecL an appropriate set of beliefs to be removed 80 u to mAke the belief space con- " t ro p os1 lona o 1R 0" Act1ng and Belter 0 0 Rev1s10n siltent [Drummond 1987]. While belief revision sysLems are built to detect incon5iltencies, a.utomated selection of beliefs .", to be removed 1&not a. vIable option. Typlc&llyan ATMS, as doe! SNeBR, enters a di&log with the user 80 that the user ca.n select the beliefs to be removed upon detecLion of some incon&istency. t t" r epresen a lons lor . actlons \\.e will presenL an overvi~w of our representations of a.ction~ Lhrough an exa.mple. See [Kumar a.nd Shapiro 1991a, J\umar and Shapiro 1991b] for more deLa.ils. Con&ider Lhe block&world acLion of picJ.:jng up a blocK. We inform the agent abou\. \.h~ action by tirs\. saying In the SNePS a.cting sYltem we define two mental a.ctions~ELIEVE a.nd DISBELIEVE, t.hat ,ue used 1.0 upda.te the belIefs of the &gen\. &fter an actIon 1&performed. The effecLory componen\.s of the I.wo actions are the operations add-tocontext and remove-from-context respectively, The TMS facilitates automaLic revi&ion of the belief space after a hypothesis is removed as a result of 5Ome DISBELIEVE a.ction (&II derived beliefs having the disbelieved hypothesi& in their origin All blocks are supports Picking up is a primitive action. . . , . whIch .resuJLs In the pro~<:>sltlons represented by M1 a.nd M2 (~ FI.gure 3), Precond!tlons of a.cL&are also represented a.s proposItIons. Thu& the Input Bf . k. bl k h bl k b I e ore piC Ing up a oc t e oc must e c ear. ed . I .f ' d '. f . . IS Interpret a.sa generic ru e &peC1 Ylng a precon Itlon or pi.cking up a block. The rule i& repr~nted by. no~e M3 in FIgure 3. I\. could be paraphrued 1.&, For &11x, If x IS a block then Lhe act of picking up x ha.s Lhe precondition tha.l x is clear." Effects are .imila.rly represented. Thus the following set are also removed). This implements the utendedSTRIPS a.IIumption [Georgeff 1987]. For example, if the &gent'&belief &pa.ceis that of Figure 4 and it is I.old After picking up a block the block is not clear and the block is h~ld. the a.cting system infer& the propc:.il.ion& A is I block. A is clear. which get represented by nodes M22 and M23 re!pectively in Figure 5. and asked to perform the a.ct I I I I ... I I I I I I I Pick up A. A precondition of picking up A is that A is clear. An effect of picking up A is that A is no longer clear An effect of picking up A is that A is held. is represented by two ruJes- one specifying the effect that Lhe block is no longer clear (M6); and the other specifying 94 ~ show. the &gen\.',belief Anol.her important efficiency criterion incorpora.l.edin the de5ign of I.he SNePS inference engine i& automal.ic re-inclu&ion of derived belief&inl.o the currenl. belief &paceif &11oCI.he hypo\.hesesin \.heir origin se\.come 1.0be included. For exa.mple, 5 :I .I Filure 2: M22: A is I block. M1: All block, Ire IUPPOI'U.MS3: A is I 5Upport. P I ' Suppor\. M22!: lu(A, BLOCK) 4 - I I I ~ . ~~~~ I No.: Formula. I Ml!: ~ Vx[15a(x, BLOCK) 1 I < hyp,{Ml!}, {} > - < hyp,{M2!},{} > < hyp,{M3!}, {} > ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x),Clear(x»)] clear. No.: Formula. ""--'Ml! : Vx{lu(x, BLOCK) Support . - 'sa(x, SUPPORT)] -- ..- M2! : lu(PICKUP, PRIMITIVE) M3! : Vx(lsa(x,BLOCK) 1--M6!:Vx(lsa(x,BLOCK) I I - Isa(x,SUPPORT)] M2!: lu(PICKUP,PRIMITIVE) M3!: Vx[lu(x, BLOCK) I I Support ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x),Clear(x»)] ActEffect(PICKUP(x),..,Clear(x)] .1 I I I ., < hyp,{Ml!}, {} > < hyp, {M2!}, {} > < hyp,{M3!},{} > < hyp, {M6!}, {} > Figure 4: The SNePS representa.tion of the a.ct of picking up a.block. (Ml: All blocks are supports. M2: Pickinl up is a pl'imit~ action. M3: Before picking up a block the block must be clear. M6: After picking up I block the block i5 not clear. M8: After picking up a block the block the block is held.) -Support ~o.: Formula Ml! : Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - 1 ,- ---, Isa(x, SUPPORT)] M2! : Isa(PICKUP, PRIMITIVE) M3! : Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x), Clear(x»] M6!: Vx[lsa(x,BLOCK) ActEffect(PICKUP(x),..,Clear(x))] M8!: Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActEffect(PICKUP(x), Held(x))] ,-"M22!: Isa(A, BLOCK) - ~\M13!:Clear(A). < hyp, {Ml!}, {} > < hyp, {M2!}, {} > < hyp,{M3!}, {} > < hyp,{M6!}, {} > < hyp,{M8!}, {} > < hyp,{M22!}, {} > <hyp.{M23!},{} > < der, {M22!,M3!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M8!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M6!}, {} > M26!: ActPrecondition(PICKUP(A),Clear(A)) M29!: ActEfTect(PICKUP(A),Held(A)) M30!: ActEffect(PICKUP(A),..,Clear(A)) supports. M2: Picking up is a primitive action. M3: Before picking up a block the block must be clear. M6: After picking up a block the block is not clear. M8: After picking up a block the block the block is held. M22: A is a block. M23: A is clear. M26: A precondition of picking up A is that A is clear. M29: An effect of picking up A is that A is held. M30: An effect of picking up A is that A is no longer clear.) I I I No.: Formula Ml! : Vx[lsa(x. BLOCK) Support .- -. - Isa(x, SUPPORT)] M2!:lsa(PICKUP,PRIMITIVE) M3! : Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x), Clear(x))] M6! : Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActEffect(PICKUP(x),..,Clear(x))] M8!: Vx[lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActEffect(PICKUP(x), Held(x))] M22!: Isa(A, BLOCK) M26! : ActPrecondition(PICKUP(A),Clear(A)) M29!: ActEffect(PICKUP(A), Held(A)) I .. I . M30!: ActEffect(PICKUP(A),-.Clear(A)) M28!: -.Clear(A) M27!: Held(A) < < hyp, hyp, 1M3!},{} > {M6!}, {} > < hyp,{M8!}, {} > < hyp,{M22!}, {} > < der, {M22!, M3!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M8!},{} > < der, {M22!,M6!}, {} > < hyp,{M28!}, {} > < hyp,{M27!}, {} > Figure 6: Belief spa.ce of the a.gent a.fter the a.ct PICKUP(A) is performed (Ml: All blocks Ire 5upportS. M2: Picking up is a primitive action. M3: Before picking up a block the block must be clear. M6: After picking up I block the block i5 not clear. M8: After picking up a block the block the block is held. M22: A is a block. M26: A pl'econdition of picking up A is that A is clear. M29: An effect of picking up A is that A is held. M30: An effect of picking up A it that A it no longer clear. M28: A is not clear M27: A is held.) I I .. < hyp, {Ml!}, {} > < hyp,{M2!},{} > 95 . which ~ lepl~Dt.ed by .ods M26, M30 _d M29 18pecLively (Figure 5). SiDce the p~diLiOD ia 8a.1isied (i.e. the Two t~ ~La.boD . ageDt belie'98 M23) tbe actoiODwill be ~t.ed ~~ aILer the aceDt will perform tbe acta ~OD~. BElIEVE(HeId(A)) DISBElIEVE(Clelr(A)) ' . . '. of belleY1Dgthe effecta (tDdiat.ed by bdiefl ~3~, M29). Tbe eff~r a>mpoDent of the mea\&J act of belieY1Dg(BELiEVE(p)) ia impleme.ted uiDg remow-from-context on "'p aDd add-to-context on p aDd DISBElIEVE(p) ia ~mOYe-fr~ open.&or, unst8Ck [Nil8OD IPSO], waich ia .-&1ural. Thul, Bot oDly do we elimi.a.t.e 'be Deed {or opera.1on u ~p&ra.\.e .- _d tbe~ are ill~.by tkia ~~e:- of a>D~UYe eft"ect of deriged pro~Lio~ tha.1tberep~ l.nY1al; _d caD .~ acAieged by tbe belief Tbe fonDer, lD &.radi~al STRIPS style reJ>- ~La.1iou of thebloa-orld leqmfataerepraeDt.&Liou -Lama.LIC {or actoiou, we a18O_d of - extra .p with (ewer, aim- pier, _d at the aame Ume more .u8&tile rep~ta.1.iODI for actiou. Tbe latter (automatic belief reMOD by removal of deriged prop<)8itiou) impiemeD&.athe e%tendedSTRIPS uavmption, context on p aDd Idd-to-context OD "'p. Thu aILer the act .. performed aDd itl effecu belieYed, we will ha.e the reYi8ed I!. in belief 'p&a ahown in FiJure 6. fect remoYedearlier will automatically be re-1DclDded.Thll , . ' . a fDture ait~ati°n.' A iI on B~ the a>Dt.ex~epeDdent way of ,pecifyiDg a>ntex\-depeDdent effect.- ~ e~- to be bet- ThiJ; example 1l1uatrat.e8o~e of the ad~I.a.gS of dedudin effiaenc:y employed by t~e.lDfereDceenpDe-- ODtethe. acent hu. denved the ~recoD~tlOU ud effecta of ~rlo~ng -:n acUODon a ,~fic object they become ~enYed beliefl l.n t~e agent', belief apace, heDce ~uture retne.Yal of pr:eco~ditlonl/effectl of the lame ~ W111 Dot z:eqwre reden~~on. (I.e, ... long u the uaumptloDI,underlYl.Dg the propO8luou M26, M29 a.nd M30 hold, they WIll be believed, The uaumJ>tions being M3 and M22 for M26, MS, M22 for ~29, .and M6, M22 for M30. As ,lOOn u the, agent corns to diI~leYe ,uy on~ of th~ underlYing uaumptlons, the c;orrea,pondingdenYed ?elle£. -:111be removed from the, ~ent I belief IPace" Thus, \er thu that uaed by SIPE [Wilkiu IPS8] {or 8eYeralreuonl. For ODe,we han elimiAa.1edthe Deed{or aleparal.e apecification of actiou u opet'ator.. In SIPE, a>Dtex\-dependeDteffecta are rep~nted by domain rvJeoI,While domain ruls of SIPE help to make the operators more applicable the applicability of the domain ruls them8elys (u a rep~ntation of a aual theory) ia not uniform in SIPE. ID our repre8enl.ationl the 10 called traditional operator il conltrucl.ed dynamically at the time of acting, i.e, each time IJI act il performed. its preconditions aDd effec&.aare deduced. Coupling deductive efficiency with belief-revision provides a more natural, yet efficient, way of representing actions, a.nd at the lame I.ime, a If an action hu any context-sensitive the condition qualifying the context more uniform effects, we CIJI Include in the IJItecedent part of the rule specifying the effects, This is preaenLed next, of a auaal C 5,1 Context-senlitive effects I n a worId were h blU\:Aa --I..d -_.J th r 11 . are con51 e~ luppor_,,. e 10 oWIng .. _I ff t -_.J b .fi -.J f . _\..: bl k. -AU .JdItlonAJ e ec s n=u Lo e spec cu or pl~ng up a oc, If a bl.ock is on a support then Ifler picking, up the block the block IS not on the support Ind the support IS clear, The belief apace after the above two propositions nol.ion IJId B is a block. A i$ on B. . .. .. a!e ad~ed to the b:lIef spaceof Figure ~ ISshown In Flgure 7. theory. . , .. An effect of p~ck~ng up A ~ thlt An effect of pickIng up A '$ that , . precondItions have beliefl a.bout. So, plana, once derived will be believed '.. by the -.gent u long AI their underlYing I.IaUmptlonl are be_1 1... d -.J 1. _.J Th . 1..- _.J leycu. e agent CIJI AJIO uc proVl = zenenc p~pac&Ag= abst~&Ci .plul that form I.,he -.genl. 's pllJl library. Before indulglng In a pllJl genera.tlon phase, I.he agenl., when uked to do IOmething, cu retrieve lpecific piau from the plana it already hu belie£. about. We have pr°po,ai.tional repr~n- tations for pla.ns that rep~nt decompositions of complex actions... well u thc.e that apecify ways of achieving goals. The repr~ntationl of pla.nsa.r:edefined in I.ermsof primiti ve control actions which, in our repertoire, iDclude sequencing, conditional, ud iterative actl (among others), like the aimple one below I ' I I I I I 8 I I If a block is on I 5UPport then I plan to achieve that the 5upport is clear is to pick up the block Ind then put the block on the A ~ no longer on B. B IS clear. w~ich are represented by de~iYed propositions (Figure 8 shows the Dew belief space). I d't ' 6 on 1 lona I PI ana Like acta,wetreat plus u mental entitis I.ha.tthe ~ent can R~l.rieval of plans, limila.rly, benefiu !rom the deductive effi. ciency of the inference engine. Additionl.lly, conditional plans , . . the agent will deduce two addItIonal I . ~~XL, If the agenL IS now requested to Pickup A. - b'talC, M35 and M36 Howeyer, th~ propositions hold only in I.he cue where A is on B. Notice that the origin 8ets of M35 IJId M36 contain the hypol.heses MI, M2I (which were used to derive M34), M22, a.nd M24. After the act is performed the mental actions BELIEVE(Held(A)) DISBElIEVE(Clear(A)) BELiEVE(Clelr(B) ) DISBELIEVE(On(A, B)) cu be repr~nted, u in the case of context-8en&iLiye ~ffec\.s, by specifying the qualifying proposil.ion5 ... u~ents of the rule specifying the plan. i.e. yo x,y [Isa(x, BLOCK) Isa ( y, SUPPORT) - " " 0 n(x,y ) the agenl 's belief space. Since M35 a.nd M36 cont&1n M24 in their respective origin 8eU th~y are also removed. The revised belief space after this is shown in Figure 9, 96 ' I GoaIPlan(Clear(y),SEQUENCE(PICKUP(x), PUT(x, TABLE)))] Once -.gain, in a situation where A il on B, to clear B the. agent will use the above rule to derive will beperformed, Thelut mentalacl.ion removes M~4from I A plan to clear B is to first pickup A Ind then put A on the table, ." ... whlclJ IS a denved proposItion haYln.g the quallfYlng 5IlU~. \.ion On(A, B) u one of il.s Ioaumpl.lons. Once the plan IS executed it will no longer be bdi~yed. II will, u usual, be . . . 8 I I I :t44.t . I I 1 . ~~ ~ . 't-i ~' ,~..,.~,.,--~ ,,--,~ '"' ~ 1: .;,;..,;... ' ~. ---"-- , . No.: Formula. Support Ml!: Vx{lsa(x, BLOCK)- lu(x,SUPPORT)] --. < hyp,{MI!}, {} > M2!: Isa(PICKUP,PRIMITIVE) < hyp,{M2!}, {} > M3!: Vx(lsa(x, BLOCK)- ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x),Clear(x))] < hyp,{M3!},{} > M6!: Vx{lsa(x, BLOCK) - ActEffect(PICKUP(x),-.Clear(x))] < hyp,{M6!}, {} > M8!: Vx{1sa(x, BLOCK)- ActEffect(PICKUP(x), Held(x))) I I ; I I < hyp,{M8!}, {} > M22! : Iu(A, BLOCK) M23!: Clear(A) M9! : Vx, y(lsa(x, BLOCK)" lsa(y, SUPPORT) "On(x,y) < hyp, {M22!}, {} > < hyp, {M23!}, {} > MI0! : Vx, y(lsa(x, BLOCK)" lsa(y, SUPPORT) "On(x, y) < hyp,{MI0!},{} > M2l!:Iu(B,BLOCK) M24!:On(A,B) <hyp,{M2l!},{} > < hyp,{M24!},{} > - ActEffect(PICKUP(A),-.On(x,y))) < hyp,{M9!}, {} > - ActEffect(PICKUP(A),Clear(y))] 5UPPorU.M2: Picking up i5 a primitive action. M3: Before pickinK up a block the block mu5t be clear. M6: After picking up a block the block is not clear. M8: After picking up a block the block the block is held. M22: A is a block. M23: A is clear. M9: If a block is on a 5upport then an effect of picking up the block is that the block is not on the support. If a block is on a 5UPportthen an effect of picking up the block is that the support is clear. M2I: B is a block. M24: A i5 on B.) I I No.: Formula I Support MI!: Vx(15a(x,BLOCK) - Isa(x,SUPPORT)] M2! : Isa(PICKUP, PRIMITIVE) < 1 M3! : Vx(15a(x. BLOCK) M6! : Vx(lsa(x. BLOCK) - < hyp, {M3!}, < hyp, {M6!}, I M8! : Vx(15a(x,BLOCK) ActEffect(PICKUP(x), Held(x»] M22!:lsa(A,BLOCK) M23! : Clear(A) M26!: ActPrecondition(PICKUP(A),Clear(A)) M29!: ActEffect(PICKUP(A), Held(A)) M30!: ActEffect(PICKUP(A),-.Clear(A) M9! : Vx, y(lsa(x, BLOCK) A Isa(y, SUPPORT) A On(x, y) ActEffect(PICKUP(~,-.On(x,y))] I - I I I I {} > {} > < hyp,{M8!}. {} > < hyp,{M23!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M3!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M8!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M6!}, {} > < hyp,{M9!}, {} - ActEffect(PICKUp(~,Clear(y))] <hyp.{M24!},{} Isa(B,SUPPORT) > < hyp,{MI0!}, {} > < hyp,{M2l!}, {} > M24!:On(A,B) < der, {M2I!.MI!}, > {} > < der, {MI!, M2I!. M22!.M24!}, {} > < der,{MI!, M2I!, M22!,M24!},{} > M3S! : ActEffect(PICKUP(A),-.On(A, B)) M36! : ActEffect(PICKUP(A),Clear(B)) Figure 8: Belief space alter the preconditions &lid effects of PICK up is a primj~iv~action. M3: Before picking up a b~ck the block m~st be clear. M6: Af~er picking up a block the. ~Iock is ?ot. clear. M8: After pICkingup a block the block the block IS held. M22: A ISa block. M23: A ISclear. M26: A preconditIOnof pICkingup A "81 that A i5 clear. M29: An effect of picking up A i5 that A is held. M30: An effect of pickinc up A "81that A is no longer clear. M28: A is not clear. M9: If a block is a 5upport then an effect of pickinK up a block i5 that the block "81no IonKeron the support. MI0: If a block is on a 5UPportthen an effect of picking up a block is that the support is cle.r. M2l: B is. block. M24: A is on B. M34: B is a 5upport. M3S: An effect of picking up A is that A is not on B. M36: An effect of pickinK up A is that B is clear) I - {MI!}, {} > <hyp,{M22!},{}>' - M34!: . ActPrecondition(PICKUP(x),Clear(x»)] ActEffect(PICKUP(x), -.Clear(x))] MIa! : Vx,y(lsa(x,BLOCK)A Isa(y,SUPPORT)"On(x, y) M2I!: Isa(B,BLOCK) hyp, < hyp, {M2!}, {} > 97 ~;,~" '. No.: Formula , M1!:Y'x{iII(x,BLOCK)-ka(x,SUPPORT)] M2!: ka(PICKUP,PRIMITIVE) 1I8(x, BLOCK) M3! : ~ ~ .~~~ Support. <hyp,{Ml!},{} > < hyp,{M2!}, {} > < hyp, {MJ!}, {} > - ActPreconditK>n(PICKUP(x),Clur(x»)] < hyp,{M6!},{} M6!:V 118(x,BLOCK)- ActEft"ect(PICKUP(x),...clur(x)] M8!:V 118(x,BLOCK)- M22! : iII(A, < hyp,{M8!},{} > ActEt:ect(PICKUP(x), Held(x))] < hyp, {M22!}, {} > BLOCK) < der, {M22!, M8!}, {} > < der, {M22!,M6!), {} > - ActEt:ect(PICKUP(A),...on(x,y))] < hyp, {M9!), {) > MID!: Vx,y[lu(x, BLOCK) A lu(y, SUPPORT) A On(x,y) - ActEt:ect(PICKUP(A),Clear(y»] M27! : Held(A) < hyp,{MID!), {) <hyp,{M21!),{} < der,{M2I!,M1!}, {} <hyp,{M37!},{} <hyp,{M38!},{} < hyp,{M28!}, {} < hyp,{M27!}, {} > > > > > > > Fi~ure 9: Belief Ipa.celiter the act PICKUP(A) ia performed (Ml: All blocks Ire supporu. M2: Picking up ill primitive action. M3: Before picking up a block the block must be clear. M6: After picking up I block the block iI not clear. M8: After picking up a block the block the block j5 held. M22: A is I block. M26: A precondition of picking up A iI that A i5 clear. M29: An effect of picking up A j5 that A j5 held. M3D: An effect of picking up A i5 that A j5 no Ion~er clear. M9: If I block i5 a support then an effect of pic.kingup a block j5 t.hat the block is ~o longer on the 5uP'p°rt. MID: If a block ~son a support then ~n effect of picking up a block .5 that the support IS clear. M21: B .5 a block. M34: B IS a 5Upport. M37: A .5 not on B. MJ8: B .5 clear. M28: A is not clear. M27: A i5 held.) re-included in the belief apaceif a simila.r situation (i.e. A is on B) il attained. While preconditions of pll.M CI.JIbe del.lt by specifying them in the antecedents of rules, pla.nl tha.t include condition&! a.cuonl still use condition&! control actions (See [Kuma.r a.nd Shapiro 1991b]) as part of the pla.n. 7 Work.hop, pagel 189-212, Loe Alt~, CA, 1987. AAAI I.JId CSLI, Morgl.Jl Kauffma.nn. 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