-. .~CA'c C; ;c-,;;;, " ~ " " ' ".:: "j.-~~"""'.f"'~':""':"'~"'~7"" ,""';~(;i;;i"J"),; c; 2- " '.,-"" ""~ r'r,'" '; " ""'""""""',~ , ,0", ' \ \r.Q V\0 (" \ / STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO " DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE II ;; .. P ,-- Q ,I I INFERENCE AND CONTROL IN MULTIPROCESSING ENVIRONMENTS ' Fa by ~- '.' ,,",,:~,.:~ -" . Harold i II This work was supported F~undation, under Grant ~""",,~i'C1"::o:;: in part by the National MCS80-06314. ; Science ;,;", ;;;\fj~ ":'~f,:~~j~~~ ,i:,~~'~#::" ,,/;:c':fl!l:1 " '~""'-.'Y'L'~"i""""""."c"":" -- . .,' . rIM fm ." ~" ,~i~ ",\;~!f,:"";',WicJ;.t.,, ';'~:';J:§ft~;:"",, d: '"i I ",c"",,"~~,~;r c';;';~~1iJ ~. -~ :rd . I I ; !l~~ ~ ~ , . ~ ;~:",.' Shubl.n f Ii n :.;;:;:~:~~ "'c;~: , I . :: ~ ~tfJ 1 I .~ . / / / ..,: cc:~7' ';?~:1..:~ c ; ;,'C, """'~;'":f;' "'1;',; --- "";;,'~", J ;"";,, I ~ !II ~ j ~ .. C IIJFEREIICE ArID ~ J CO:;TI~OL - - ItJ ~":;¥~::.'! flULTIPROCESSING ENVIROlil-tEfITS C --~2: - J , -.'- ,,-. -" I " U j " .; t,,-~ '::.; '.. " '., '... ...; ~ - ~ ;j i j A thesi Faculty 11 ~ of University f u 1 fill of men t 0f s submitted the Graduatc liew York the J.1 at 1;.0 tile School Buffalo r e qui r em e n t :; for as t e r 0 f Sc i en c e ' of in the :::: State C", . partial :Y;; degr eC 0 f ~,:' f~ .'II ,... 11 :. ~~ , 11 ,.,i,\",;;: ~, ~i:; ' c" I,. ~ ;~;C ' . .. -::-;~~i ~!,j ~: '-iJ J ',".1 ;~ 1 ", . : 't! I 1- ,~"~': c:;'f" !;: ,Q II -- ._-,.. - ': ~c)~::,J:;;:'[~~ - j stract; '" Ttle ideas betlind infercnce, as used Artificial in .~., (AI) Intclligence control "'-, ~ ,,::' syster:ls, structures used in are sit1ilar to those cther of computation. and specificallY are~s of certain , This studies the paper discusses forward, data backward flow concept, search. A model Consumer (SPC) contrasts those of and bi-directional lazy is pOJirs and caled Supplier-Producer- as a vehicle inference and bi-directional the introduced of infcrencc; evaluation Co!:1putation / I-:odel, between ideas for and control' moking strater-ies. ::: . Contrasts .along . . another dlScusslng are static dlfferentlY . and eager is ln . disc made)ln the c. t1ultiprocessing paper diMension ' usses tt:e evaluation an different ," idea be n e fit of 5 of DY..):;:;~,,;~:]t{i'~&:~~. " ,;.,:~, schemes.':-"~"~:!-!!',ic~~~~"J.,'""",;' ~ ,,:,.. which areas ,model has science. r e and on infercnce uni-~rocessing "'-,,~,.,' been'lmPlemented,~;;;~~~~~;":.~.:.;""'c:;i;; computer so ftwa ~~; This. SiC1Ul a t ions ,~,c:~~;~~~~Cflf~~~~: '.-~~;:~~~i:()~'t~ of ""c ~ultiproccssing .:.;;,;~~;~~;'I:;2:; systems for these control methods. ;G:!*t:;l~"-i~:~~;fi . :'~:;r';~:~::krr'. ~."'r~~:\;',;,' ,,~;..,,~,,~,;f~::;S c::iO.:;,.-~,;~%~~, FinallY. bi-directiotlal method:. (computation, infercnce ~,:\:;":',;;".:,",;;"'" Dnd search) hackwa ar e rd di sc ussed. coin pu ta t i on Th e rJe tllod s cot'lb a U>\IS i nat each ion of to a ssi for\Jard st and the -:C'-i(~'~ ...'.' '~i':'~I:t~' other. ~;, ...:i(";';c.,;""3t and suggests , new J \-1a Y s for I ..I -Co. a pro g r a rn to interact with a user. ~;~bf'::'~ .. ,~y[~~ . ; -. ':;; ., 1. IlITRODUCTr(jf~ ',"';" 0 . --':~-One m of ~ inferencc ideCJ computation. and control and computa ] operation the one data stJo\/n f~ by ba sed on use all input data. of t ions pr9"ceed whosc in inputs of the Both technique the there of the area !or\..ar~ these tile idca.:' n ed is In of u other the Neither'-~ne present tr y ac t i on s. and same Ci pred eterr.ii are ,,:ays. exi~tence concept. are irnmcd i ate requires -- or d er I!Jay becin. tile da t a-request ~IIJen la zy eva luat a request is. i on and - made for ba c kwa rd .:- that a~ y J\lonc 1 n for mat i on or 1 n c 0 r:JP 1 e tee " . Bl-dlrcctlonal for and ~Iith cla:;3 :;'.J/cd: whi CII r e p r c s en t s the -eaBer and J dimension stCltic of 6 tcchniqucs in the evaluCJtion Cll!lOunt of in c ~,,~~ ...'"'.' Tht'se III oPPoslte . schclnes, to tile bc amount unnecess~ry of \lork .' scheMes ends . which made. These parallelism tl1at .~;~;.~ thcy :"j"~f;!f,;;~;~;ii~~: ,,~i~~~1 '~::!~~:?!'.:'~"C~~!":t;~~';i~ ' bl-cl~tlona! pro b 1 em be i n G sol v e d cufnparisons differ fro TI1cse specif~cd lncludes search. ~\roceed enc t'. . -co. '.. cor:Jputation to evZiluation~ 1 val u at ion 3. ~~onal infer incompletely '. inference f a number :'";~.'~;;"~':if 1. 1 .I is in scllemc, con s i st i ng ofI act 1 J used inference the s e da ta-en 1 ;;~ an full ] be thut techniques. J l'lay ~ of ,... .~,:~~;~~[~ provide the network \1e a 1 sod allow i s c us S control involved .':.~::~~. ';, ;~ '~',!.;~' ;:"~:,ii ,;;t,.. another two ..c t--j;yC~,:{~ " : and allow. 1 A 1:lodel r , Colrlputation, C:.JPC) 11odcl, Production mClkine of the corltrasts called is uf:t\:('en the introduccd the Supplier-Consumer- as inference a vehiclc for and control mcthod:.. ;; ~ ;'-~?~ ,,-. ;! I '-- - . B a I NTRODUCT IO:J . . ti..any of these techniques ;: 9 \/hieh allows parallcl.. nlore than Tile m multiprocessing I inference 1.1.. Organizat-ion of to be executed in software-sir:tulalcd l10W it improves metl1odsand the operation especially of thc the of the Paper ,- I 2 I~ives 11 top i cst I multiproce~sin6. 3 explains techniGues relRtionship between discussion inforr!\Rtion in fer en c e. Der;tons are and control the somc background 0 bed is c u sse d ~ Section 'I fron MlAltiprocessinG, computations. Scction -I discussion and control -m - benefit one operation shows bi-directional 11 Pa be ~ ~ the also on the c o'.~t r 0 1, and introduced. S PC rn0 del. Dre introduced ' All of the of production is in f c r en c e s,ho\:n " (:'-,;i::I.,; inic-~~ and acquisition 4 discusses tIle result of combining forward "':'.?c j..",:';(~.~~! . Section ,:,:¥:~~~~' ;;;'!;::~ The methods. 1 c c;:,;'~::,':';""5~""1~~,i;~,-, ;: ;;;'.,";",:5;,~:r;-..!!:1t and contrasted. the model and computation of combinations t """~"'-K;.:'i and r: ,!~ ,;;" "~l ;'.\ .m back\'/ard cor:lputation bi-directional i discussed :1 schemes. This combination col11putation,_inference, gives and search, which and contrasted. Section 5 contains the summary. -' c. 1 1.2. 19 licknowlcdgements I wish .'Ii Buidance 11 deal :1 to thank and Ddvice durinE t'l1C tirne I Co! ~y C1dvisor, in this that. .../ork. Stu Shapiro, I have I have worked for learried witl~ him. his c l~rcat arc c 1: J T I~0 D ,,"!'c..':. . ~; Pa I.:e , r.:; : ;, , ;'. . rlembers The J. ff..lo. c3peciall}t "rcat J cn:irc ]- this cleiJl in eroup tile ~:as the :'::1l:1'5 Rcsearch Groul.' Don i:cKay ilnd f1artins, ~JUY c:' involved Joao constructivf: in ilt SUNY contributf:c; critic tile is discus.'jions In. TII<: wllich.led to thesis. I J of tiri1c am very t~rateful cditine tllc friend. to tcxt, Uarb for .Duck being for spenuinr; supportivc, so and for tnuc!1 bcinr; I Last, J but certainly not least, there's "The Team.";:,. , l It " c s bee n s well. ,.1,~~",\'i , I wo~k This . Foundatlon, . was supported 7" under in " ~rant <C. ..Co;J80-06..114. part by ') tile :;ational ," C"~'i""""""\:c :" ,.~.c,'" ~, 1,,;.,:1, ,';.' c/",. 5~i~~ ..c;,"; c~"' ""c,:1;',;-,~:~~"';;;;"i",!'!'1\~,;,\o"';:1 1 1-- "~~1£~r" J f{;{i;1 ) !~ -'" .(,tK~ ,~~ 1 ,"t'""'. ~;~ , . ;:1 ;g+~.!~"-:~~t ..,.~ ] .~~:.~(.;;~; i,:;~",' r)" I"" ;;;;;*~:3 :'~'o;~ :1 1 .;,~: j ",",' "'j!" '~:'.' ;,:;'~~ ! J "of j i i . ...c,;"~' . / D lrJFEHEIICE. COIITROL t.r:D r1ULTIPROCESSIr~G J 6 ?3~f: 0" 0 . 2. INFERENCE. ;.,~,C::T~OLAND IIULTIPROCESSIr:G ., ~.,.~~..;;:c;~:~.. m rerrluinder d information I ,: ,,~:, ~:: scction. This ;l~..,~ ",."c introduccs of "the paper on each thc discussec topics and gives 1J1~ general in tl,c background topic. ,. ;JKi ,;::;;g:: 2.1. :: Inference ';;~j~ . \;00 ~ . Simulating/intelligence . For ~ E;0 a 1 0 f AI ~ involvc natural r;f il:1!,ortant ' and intelligent behavior is understanding. ~Inference is .,.,,"'!fft. for this work; becausc much of ",i}i\::1~~ :~: ;,:;~;('t.?:;~,~f,;'.'"~ whnt is~"~~:~;f~~~r"~ii '.1:~11'f[~~~ donc td t~chniquc " CI p in ply understanding i n g pre lanGuage v i 0 u 31 y invo1vcs g CI i 11e d k n 0 ~/l c d Get 76a]. Infercn9c 0 rnakinh inferences , - . .. ate x t or:'; b};';"'t'~:!f~ij"~ ::oO"~'w' :""..;.ir~~",~ i;;!~~~1'Y$;i~'':;':.7j~~~:;$!i~,. . 'c"c.r",~,. utterance" II questions S input. " [Charniak or to glean all possible can be uscc infornation to' answe from a new ','~::riJ~ :':' c'e" ";;~,~~c. ' 1'.;i;~tj~(:r~ ,'it""e "" This paper makes some assumptions about " inferenc~: c'..~"{.c'",, . Rules particular d 0 f are used to describe inference. the r u lei Thc s call the action . pattern, or e d a n ant c c e den t . of ",""~,," ':!.'~~,:::;;~~~~;:!~~ "~14, ~ a a ! an . ~ a.::: ins tan c e; man y cur r en t res ear c h pro j ec t s language c~;,,~~ .. n " prc-condition. :c;~::';~4';\i"~' "';'t:~"~~,:~7f: ~'A" ,,;;.,;~ A r u 1 c r.la y 11a v c -':,coO' Plultiple .1ntecedcnts, all in for to of ,...l1ich necd to be satisfied :'...it~;~; 1: ii1 ".'" order tile rule fire. TIle result of an ' .- "":.:"!f.;~ ;'c! II in f c r c n c e is co!:!sequen!. the as:> e r t ion whictl i~; stored of in an ins t (] n c e c f the data base the as if ~ Id f! it; :,-;';;1 " ""."" ::~j~ Cj;~,,:.;{."!;: wcre ~n input. ',o;;tr '~: Fi ~ ur e 2. 1 s h 0 il S two .. I ~~ /! rules which \1 i 11 be used 'J:;'c"\"";';i~ ; '¥"'q":,~ ~"e~ c,"w,,- ,-- -. [' I ] . II;f[itEI~C[. C(JrJTi\I)l. ;.r.l: :.:;I,~IPli(J(;I-::;::;rl,G . 1:1;;I! 'f c.-t~ tIJrou~l:olJt J tf:i t.','1ch oc s tll(' pfi~c.r in:'( to I"f'rl"" der10nzlriltc t.ht: Lifll! col.lrnI nctj ons of ::(~h(:I'I(;~. --- - ) -- ~ ri u 1 L' :; to j b to us c control :;c, 1) z 1 or .a 0 r A 11 ~ 2 ) .3 d i I.. r, 11 tJ i s c us s ion S 0 fin f C r e rl c (; ;j n d types: = x (x I '~ F t V'x ~ t. (x u a y y) <'c e n t's + w! or ~I y) 0 ~ t (..lr.ebrilic => z R \-1 ten 1'rl d (~'.tl:;jent(x) s => vcrsion) (boolean c t, i 011 vcrsion) E Ii 00 z 1 - - . httEndSc!lc'ol(x» :, " A In t}, bc c: fir any s t r u 1 e (~ 1], fJropositions ve of r S-). il 3rlJitt"ury. . x. Y. <) n d cor:1J:l<:xity. ~ '..., 1 S Z 1:1 ~ 1. Y ';~,(,~',~*",~~~ 1;.' ; 1 '1 C . '~";"'.'::;";~!~& Two S i r.1 p 1 t: I n fer c: n c c E\ u 1 (; s ,(;.\;;::~,~~- -- --- . TI.c sarlc ru1e~ .irc USCG for for~/r..rcJ ~~~{il; . . '. J 1nfcreuce .:" "."'t1;t~~;.. ;'C ~ as,...,;;'';'C::'c ), ,~,::~:;:~£; for lJ~c:<w;lrd infcrel1c~. ' 1.;"',, II;iS ...f,c~... Ttlc ccdu.ction co:r:ponent (' ~ 1 s tli proFC'r Y t [r ' jar t In \), S 1' OJ . 1 I (' ~ " ~ v~ c" .--;cc 1 ,,"" r '., U ~ 1 fl r c; 0 ~ of 1'.11 ro - 1 . 7 '- ~.%t"';vif (, 11]). " ~yst"em:3 «(;.1;., =,~/,I:t;l::fi ll:c\litt f~::J ,'", c' ,;:"~-"'l;;;:JS - - Ctl.cr , " (:9.11]) GO not. ,,:;;:"..,~j~ ;,;"::,,,;~,~, I Iftf;corer!") ins t e (J d S I; c- c i f Y . t i, ~ t C! II art i c u 1 r r U 1 e (0 r ""'~': be u:;c:u 1'(.;:- (~itller forwiird or uack~/Ciru ."c- - U t ion. S ~ c t i u r. 1; c x pI ~ ins tit e i m J:. 0 r t a 11 ceo f t) lis ,';:1~;~" " "" , c ~::,'~~,,:;!~~ d ;':14: '~';"":'~ ". e " d c " -'c but .-i ) , to Ul-~lrf:ctlona1 llifcrcnce. ~:~'~~ "ic\\ ; .,,:' !". , ;?2. Cont.t'ul Tec)jlliquc:-: I I I (:ontrcl. tl;l~ 1:lctllOJ in c;ilcl t,1.<. (xtcnt ,/ :)CI::';... u:;ed '..C) ~:::icll - in Ci t.ili~ I;ror,rar:! j)c.)Ic::r, r~l..t(!s ev..lu~tl::s t.o :,;;:!¥;' :-,.;;, c"'; , , - . , . 'f IrsFEI:ENCE, COriTROL AtlV ~jULT1 rHUC£5S1l.G Pacc (, .. I ) state!:lents. Ii evaluatinG J required tecllniqucs The all expressions do to so, to purelY 1 difference between 1 is 1 Der!\ons range to cvaluatinc and from evaluation not studied using sequential what is froln inlr:,ediately nothin~ until 11ir;hly concurrell,t methods." "control" ,'ti-ote that and what is the "infcrence" absolut<!. c' -; '" '.'1.'.;. J i A,rule-based , ways. One charactcrization flrcd, 1.C., .. j system i/hether by f the ..n is systcm, until interpreter be implemented . how the rules & nu:nber are chccked a t y PC ~ ~ 0 f base found at with :' Thc role "5]. of s~'me rDrt. the rules ~ intcrpreter . DDVis and King's whicll a portion oS but it DCt i v cpa cacll i-lIICn i p Dn t s . r tic to der:1on has fire. a pro'i,r"n which is a y 5 do r rr:;, n t ..1a i tin G for A dcl,on not invoked its II . new pie activate ceo to t~ tliC k now 1 e d G e was and would kno~;lcdee rfJ f creDtc uy ~ipplying oriGinal add cd, own additional their pi<..ce. picces respective Tllcsc new " explicitly, de rI 0 n s of t0 "~j: could in turn [JarBon kno~lled~c 19]. Dre consists :/1 :'-; rules J~ Denonz 'c';1 '. W0 u 1 d rf1 ) "'-c,," ' inference pieces :-,:""i_~ ;;ocr (:!',b' activate r:lorc der!\orJ~ "IS tile inferer!ces filtered down tllrouch ch,Jinr. of Jul:,ic. I:eanwhile the 1:lain pr°l'.r;IM could continue wit!: \;Ilatcver its prir:lary task \-1as. 11 . is 50 me con d i t ion ( s ) va r i 0 u s "'""1:; "1~ ;",:,~: ,:~'.~~~' "cc:'~~: occur... For exam~'le, a knowledge r:1anipulation procrC1rl rli~!Jt implcment infcrence rules as demons. \,'llencvcr a ra ~ :~'~~i~~~} this -, tcrrlinolol~~' tells of whi chI of ".' in - UsinG ;:;~~~~~I """",..,,~ f.. a pas 5 i v eon e . Hu 1 c 5 r e pre 5 e n t e d u y de m0 n:3 are '4 ,. """,,"",fi~ i."nd' checked' . [Davlz s Y5 tern is Eind "'i\;.~..:i!t~ :,,' 1 looked . data of active., .or are ~ !:IC1tch is in rules they are passive In a Production ! can u~;cful in .-- bec,.u:3e kno\-line - "a :111 lot sorts of cor1non of tiny sense little. fact.'; r c~ ;j1"":;~;$~t~~: , i: I ~ ~ I "FI:: 1\I::r~CE, AI; to r:UL Tl PReCE:';':; 1 NG . .. pop up whcn one J, [~;tcels 1 the 19]. is rnC3in tdsk if they in thinkinc about liroccsses TliCSC Charniak, arc related iMpl(;~ented [Charniak'16b]. states that be made as scon as enough information 1 enters a systeln. . ] Toward that for\~ard." ~£utines. used to ttlan one fiis ; ~~~pi~. activate demo~' base updatcd, are ~-~ch. Dll he int.roduced demons to BA5e routines , and I:lay be responsil:lc is used for to keep ~rc r~ore the d~ta ",~,,~,j;::~,~~' ~~'~~~~~~~ , when new information enters the system. .'~1;~~;~~;:;:~~" ,ij~?,~':! .,. "; "\I!"""-""':!'~"";)~"" ..." Factfinders . ~ with fin'dcrs. f.)oukeeping inferences to nake them implcmented and £!ct deMons, '. I demons end, intcrruptin{'. a:. uemons. should "look objt:cts" c~n work witt:out. I 1 ,$ - ':' P:ll~C ;;~{,:~f~'~.5;: that I CO:lTI\UL are used to deal \~ith facts which are "'if-¥V'i:\i";:',~!C.,~~~ not "s",:,::"~j: 1 important must 1 1 enough be deCJlt tCJ be asserted \lith in tile ~ a ~latc~1 on keep pro c c s so r (r c" base, but 1 whicll: ;'c.~~,,;::~;~.;~~~ ;1;Q~~;~I~1,q,t ,,;;".; ::,;$" ;'; . ..~ Some deGree of r:1ultiprocessinB to data the 0r procecc sir,,; IJ 1 ate is ings. d. required for Each denon see the ':~:,"!f;~ deMons ':;;""',-;1: :}.';:'-;ic1~ t;;; may be Bivcn d i s c us s i 011 ' 0 f ,\:cc~..~J. c 1 ] .. multiprocessing below) rnakes tllUt thE: runninc point the prograi:1. [Charni~k 12]. describes sitUDtions \:hen it begins onE rnust set and tlley Section that tile executinG. ;::;;:...~,;~ '::~'~~ Charniak are not "learned" LI. on bi-dircctional '" . demons up beforc :;! " col1'JputCit1on. ~ J ! j wllere Der.lons rcpresent z.:Iy "If ,. .;: ~ ~" .~ \If:t." outside. it It is raininr; would ACrCRa Gcncr..l and ill:;tcad ill de~on5 JaIl!'. ::;;IY "If get wet." are rulcs. is it created A deMon would outside. is \':hilc dyn~ll1icallY. John will .~"', not 'CC;"~ r.E:t raininr; and ACTO?;a is certain dcwons rr.ight '" ~,: :. '- ~".~~ .'t;,~ I c '..~;C'C"" .c,:," "'""""1""' ""c'" ..., .o,.~t ",co L r II FEREtl CE . 4 I I I C(,):. T r.0 L i: !; D I! UL TIP ROCES~ I IJG . only I I . rclale to ir:~tanceS tt of .. certain situations. .t lo~e Pa Be' tilcy can bc used in C .:11 .' uill.lons. 51 ! 2.3. ( Multiprocessing is l!ulliprocessinc u tcchniquc UScd for I cxecution 1 in a computer . system. speedinG up 0 - -- ~ 'root)" be defincd gS an integrc:ted containing t\o/O or Ir:ore ccntr:Jl A multiprocessor I computer . Pl-occssing I . :3ystem units. implies tt.at pro bra Ins . The qualification the CPUs cooperate [ I; aye s 1 C:, p l4l48 ] By increasinG on a prograrn', I r:lay the number of execution the 'intcgratoed' in the execution processes should rcquire of availablc to work less tirlc real to " ~~"~,~t"" "..;..;;'C ~;; ,.' c-~~iJi~~ , cumplcte. There \Iill perforril..ncc wil!i t proccssors, ho\o/cvcr, rc~ources in the Somt: further I the !'.Cirle prOf.rar:l, I input/output of the tt:cy ~ystems tile nccd number of to !;lcI1tioncc to (}xecutc that in in share '",yo .., f!lust an<; lie by different sh.,rc I:ayes [Jre processes ne~~ory thnt of tIle and by the .same oj:-eratill(. controlled system. I !Iayes "lso i n cJ i r c c t 1 Y Thi~ 1 , nClkes if n d d i r (; c t 1 y di:;tinctjor. bct~Jeen the .;;, (.!i~tirlction co dCl:cnd:: u p 1 c ct on Ci'Us irvolvec~. tIle r:ote between f.1 U 1 tip der.r(~e that roc of in standalone, e s 5 i n -1 5 Y s t e 1:15 ~ ~oftwarc t ~ . Ii r e not ~i!~Jul~tion of I"ultiproce~:.ing, r e 1 e v ~ n t . f I I ~ . . I ,/ ,," and . cumr:1uniccltiol1 the cJisclJssioli , these distinctions c:;'o~:::;,:~c.~c"c:~':: :"C;:;:~~~~;1i!'~~ °j:ii~;i;~;;~,f:,~ ;":;:':,"!;c7 lirilitcd "- :3y zter:l. restrl'c-lions or illcrc~se increase l;CC:iu~e CPUs must bc able 1 be an n-fold an n-fold I J~ not of ",c:::;;i,...:ji;~ ::"c~:i; '~ Ct\' '-" '" , ] ~ IlifE/\I::HCl-:, COl;TiiOL :;ljLt liULTlrROCE~~I::G I':i:~( 11 1 J LC5Sin(! '[,ncl ~ultiproce~;5in(:. Corkill sy::tens: J (Col;,plctelY t.ccurutc. 1 encl-: Ilodc Ila::. .:.11 of ~ ~ i tllc ~ computc!tion Accuratc, Coopcrative) sh~rinG of able to I:,erforr.J lack of data '. The Ilc~!rly cor:plcte C1] dcscriLc [L~5sine first. inforl:lution on itfi inforx.lfition cor.1j1letc thot it 'ill ~;:Iicl: ,necd:', n[1(: can (I-.unctionally on tlle otllcr nodcs. coMputations incollplctc Ci./t;;, syst(~::lS, own. FhlC bctween cal1cJ i~ AutOl1orlous) :;ystems, and/or type cf t...1O tyrC:5 lland They flay due to knowledge ~f necd riot be a :~...i~~, :;!~:;;':~;;;";"lt c;n l!lcorithrn "j.i,;;;-~~~;;f~ Cur. coopt:r.!t.c ,., 1hc i in fI the t\IO nodc!s \lays \lork \lllicil 1n fin [r;,r1ith (:1]: involved tl1e ;i1Ultl(,rOCCS5in~,; in experts 5ystCI':l t.as~-sl:arinc., the in r,roblcl~; report which tlley ~rl1t C!rld reslllt-slla~i:1C, parti..!l re;3ults to ~~%~-1~::~;,t:;,:-:';J~f~~+ ~'~'H","'" ~ IJ: ill c:ich (,1'.:.licr C1~ ;?; 1:1 tllcy worl;. III the forll1er case, tllc probl~11) is such tllnt "'~~"':~£:l~~~j:~}~~ ~;!' ~ i t CCln b c d i v ide din 13 ~ w rlorc experts \:orl:inl~ C~lS("S where the II ' bt . tt.c corlllJleticn .. t.l,t- bf ,-". l~ r:. b c: sol v (d The other sub-task ~', cxp(.rt., s to Clre i1l1d by metliotJ OIIC sub-task ;Inott~cr .. - t ask tot:ct.ilcr. rczults of ' ... t,/I.cra t 0 sub 50 0 II C "r 1~"~""~: "",..;1; ..~ '...";:-~~~~r:l :'i,,;~~":'i;"'~""i is us(.'\! 111 ~J"~~Y;;J;:f1~:;::!;' ':hT,~:;;~;~~ nec<:5sury for . "'-j~~:S. i;:';t~i comr:unic'tltiOli -,,;;;j,,'c:;~ " ; c<:.,,~ry. ,:,-:~:,..~"'~~~:Jt .'.~"'.j~~", ."""'~~~ 'tI In an Clrticlc riapl,Oiel 12 ~ D If:s5 Ilu:;ic iii II suspended l)rocc~:.; /lJ is in rroj:r~(!lli\inl'. stril.:t co'ntro1 ~lvLiilclule cont.cxt control ~iI " I Tllc Civc on t!IC C1 :;tut.~ dcfinition il1noVation ..Lility :11 II0dt,;lc~ is tJc\:,ivc of that to savc I;nl>ro\... is nO\1 beil1t. a r"lodule ill c... thin ~r'onc t}l~ slructurc. Li Lir~c, we .' o,lld l,ultirroc'::~:;il;I',: r~oucl cDll 0.11) uf If it ""'-..c~~' 'f!lto' .~ trr:(: tl (' CJrlly one " corout.i:I(.' of ::;';;]"c:r'~i,-;1 ' :".':~;*4 its ... is .~;;;~-: : ,.. 11;.(;C "nd c:f ~;u51'cndcC: ~nir:lc;tion. r,t:U(:tllrc j rldt;c(~d ~y \11 th (~ontr()l "as51ni~ modul~:;, lunr,uvGC:s, ,;~ c~:~: "c ',c7~: ,:c;:~j~~;, c~,:,;;~,~~." , , I "C" II.fli'(;"C~.::C(~-JTI:fJL :' [,lit ~' ;:::L.lIl'ROCE:';~II!G f,tr';C: '!i) 1;- ", . ~ 'C rc..ime. If proccssir,~ can be thought of as r;oin: r,)n ~;'":-"silnultaneouslY in sc'!cral 130dules. we c:lll it a ;~ !;~;:: muitiproc('ssinc rc~i:-.e. :iultiprocessinr. is usuallj' " ;::;:-t ~~~~'-bY scl:cdUlinr:. tl.rouJ!.h til:1e-qu:1ntuIJ interru~'t~ "t 'the systcm lcv~l. or tine allocation in the lanGu..~e in t e r pre t e r u cue s f-rea 1 sou sed. s c c bel 0 \J. J. [ bob roW .. t.I [r. 74. p 157]. Dy simulating , ! 1!lultiprcce:3sine. one Gets a rr:ore dynaMic' flo\1 II J as of control the - than ability to in a (see.M strictlY to) sequen~ial do r:lore than SyztCM one as thin~ at well '.':fj';;7~;~" ,::~ ., ,: c;)~: ,-, a . .- . c 1 , tiJ:le. The sY:3t~ci is oil' a uni-proccssor. still but ovcr tir.le it .;::'i: '" ! ...; . ,: appear:3 to be doing r:ulti~...ocessins. us i n & dcmons. for ~ x 21;1;>1 e. or for This in ference is helpful in ":~c,_z,ti~. ~~1'::';'~~~~ te chn i que s wilt ch ~.;~~:,,: '. , ';t;"'f" ;'f; can then run I \Jhile rlemory 5tructurcs are beinB built f"or,- I -,,':c ~~~~~!" 5 i 1;1 U1 ate d mu 1 tip r J\ it I~ultiproccszing c ;: ~~~.. ..:<~ii.;:;.~:~,t' t :.;, ~lhE':ther system, :"~~'~' '!1'~;;';~!i!,*:ti~;l';f, ;: ~r:""" mean to - power deDctivated. opcrc.tinr. , taken be should "' cornputinB i5 :.-', . . -\ ", , relinqust".t.;s wIlen otlaer\/ise. . roc e s sin r. process process ] 5j.)ecified ~aper unless this read. in being "J::ultiprocessing" I story or 'y, to by .~-:.'J~i;J,i';~;:.'~:;' "" !:I~;-,'4!;;iIi!f!+ anotller '" ,,""_i\f~j~~:.": the . ~, ,:-~,;:., ;;,,~ ':-j,:;r.1~~~:'" by itsclf. F:e~sons ;' for :j~i~;?,,:~ 1 d(~clctivntion includc: succe.-;sfully corlpletinc an assicn~ent..:1~~i~i'~';",,~ ,!~~i'~~;;;; no lancer bc in g ncedr:d beccuse of the re~ul t s of Dnotl-.~r "'~ft~t- :,"." ."!~~ . jj process( resourccs cs). or a procc~.'". zuch as til~e cr '.;sing up its complement the nur.1ber of inferences ",c'J of 7"': I'. ':~~;~i~5.:~1 c..;,,<;~::~~. I! Made. ,," "C~~.'~~~~'~ ] ;:;~:.,." ~..-~~'" t Thc lattcr 1 rc:ason The ncxt i:; c~llc.: t(; procE::jS resourcc-limitcd receive processinG. control can be cc":~O\1 j:~~i' current tIle ;J ..-",)" pro c c s S I Z r are n t. .. P r c ( 0: S 5 i t has c r cat e d. or 0 n Co" w 1"1 i c I. \l AS-. "', ,,;z. J ,1e (! c t i v .. t c d c CJ r 1 i l:!" . ilnimation. .;a Pr :, j ~ .. %'; ,! i:; n u \1 i n Os s tat e 0f '~ i# ~~ ';~;~'::":~~ . ~" s U 5 P f: n d e cJ "'" (; v 'lllcrc is i 0 u ~ pro c e s s. .1 -- :'!o rt:.-:uirernent . to return control co~ i r. .: ;:u reI y s e que n t. i a 1 z Ys t e 1'1 c - ~o . i,S , --; -~ tile c"C,:,~:.c"' . .,~~" ::~ 10 ,\"~ " ;;:"'.#"~ ~,¥~~:~:' "'M ..j"", ~ ;~".«~~j' , !i;, -:; . 1 ' . IIJFl::f:EI4CE, CO;!TRLL ;.I:r; =:lJLrrPROCE~SII!G Pace I . . ..,- Uohrow and Rapllael note, I proce:iSCS c:ccording J a~ rcquircd by the control to ti,e I rnultiprocessinl'; J 0 . J f 1 ue u c s . i crcate I flow l.icrarc!IY for ~iMulating tt:is sequential type :iystcm one of Many. dcpendinG takes to processes rc-activate and sfhedulc or r.ot. . froM tiler:!. on the the the use the y are systel'l put dcsiGr:). queue onc after ["rocesses new processc.s of is Asp roc e s s c s ;1red. e e Med c x e c u ~a b 1 e, An evaluator 1 ~llJong the pass trce-strlJctured on d strictly on a q-ueue -(or another can exccution. One itlplclnentation 1 i;. r1ay be allowed execute, as they to i:"::' so the ;~:.':~:ti;!;it:~:, .,~f."!:~"~,:~ of control !:lay be very Stallman 'J- que u e s, and Sussman e c.c h wit h d iff EL prObr..n. 1 j que u e ," In dynalnic. (Stall ere n t !:Ian 77] p r i 0 r i tie s. 11ULTI (I:ct~ay wh i c Ii con t Co ins ;;),::f:~;:::"'~~,~~ 80], there pro c e s s est use D number of . t 0 i 1:1 pie me n t . t I lei- r is ':1'.j~~z,:~~ ;';:J:!;~~~i~:+1" ';(rJ:i':'j~~;;i~1!,~ :~.i~~f~f~ il "process 0 be' e val u ate d, l''~f1~~~'i" ",..c, "., , a l\ d a rl y 0 f :f:~.:~~f:; ,;..:~t~ ;?'~ ,;,~;~ thcse I describes 1 (Stccls proces~es i!lay a sir:til~r 80], Ilave its own orl.:~l\izC1tion \-1hcrc experts for 1 queuc of activities to pcrform. , B1]use I ~ pC1rsed 1 par s cr. f~spa I:.tlCY are tul{en I j in their for (:valuation queuc to distrit'uted of Ili~ (constr~ints) "top-proccss-qucue" a f{UtI-IIE queue hold and Hei~er tile list \.'ord-cxpert processes. Constraint wait of tl:c: w': :Iac}lirle "1~;. ':It: on tile eac}1 rlay hClve its OW!'! and Small (neiger of words to naturnl r sin G 0 f \; () r Cs i s co ffi\>1 e t c d 0 r off Steels be lanGuClgc z u s pen d ed, c;ueue. ..' 1 c".t, . 1 . I ,j ~ ..'~g; :,c,' ,4, ' / 1 1 ,,; ii'"', ..',:?o-;,.'...'::\~f' I ..' , :' . -- 3 . THE" oj ,,~¥'1i;',../~';" "':~c*""ri~#,."..!"~",;,;~,*".~~,,,,,. Supplier-I)roducer-Consurner The an~logy the PC "ODELf: I'. (5PC) a 1.ypotheticCil between inference and control is IJodel nanufacturin£ ~tructures ,foc an situation discussed in i'nd this ,~"\; paper. . Jh e sy stelll cons i st s of thrce part.s: a produc er . c:o~ ~ .; ., suppliers, and consumers as ~lIown in Figure ,- ': i £r~~ucer Manufactures nunber of only supplics. suppl ier-. Each The conSUMers one type supplY can of is e~ch 3.1. The -- product, produced : use'the a by one or : ~') usinc -'~" ~orc ~,:;, ",;L ;~;;::i{::;t~I4,,;~;~t product.,;: . sup P1 i e r I ~ : 1 . -1 r con s ulne r !i~~t"; .., ._'~: pro d u c e r :. '," .J .,'./ L' suppli~r-rn !~!jf:>,r'::;r,1';:'!ii;:::."~ .", 0/:;, :,~J..:"~ ~~",, . . . I -1 ~ ;":lM"C"""i~ consulllcr-n "::~ii.:,;..;:$.. .. . S PC F1 I'... U r e 3 1 t Di -- (1 B r CIm of the ' a n a 1 o.g y ,... --- ! Each ncmtJer of t i rne S - t}le r:loctel plays each role at different ~ "" c"'!" 'c;"~:",~~ - ;~;,c:,i ", "'1~ .";"~ . 1nor d crt 0 suP.; 1 y its pro d u c e r, the sup p li e r r1:u St ! ;;1 C ",,;"*'i, J consume 1 supply j the thc: liroduct c!nd consul:1ptiorl production j The control flo~l I schemes I of an earlier rrltes rlay procJucc:r, therefore and ~o on. The be as varicd ;:"", .~.. as rate. SPC syst.~r! J J ," " perfOrl1~j iMl'oscd tJifferently on it. de{jendin!.; Data flo\l und on lCizy the "",} cO' ";,'~,,~, ~ if THE PaGe 15 evaluation wllile of can supplics. :: also t eviJluation production methods model will I oS belnc r:lcans of production, rncthods arc of acquisition ... of the inference at and static cager Each . be looked will techniques and its be described. be discussed. Its correspondin£ effect on the The same treatment SPC \Iill he - I I applied to the production and production both acquisition techniques,. acquisition \-lill Four be analyzed, combinations of consid'ering I as contro~ and as inference. , . 3.1. 1 , I :;;;:i',;,c;*Z:~;~ Production l'lcthods This model '"~~ti'l :, " ~:;': I includes two types of production, .c""";:~":?"-""""""~~ dota-entry :;.~;t7.:,:~~ 1 ;~:ti~':';:4. (forward) CJnd dCJta-request 1 d i s c us sed us 1 model; (backward). Each typc \1111 .:'.,:if:"~;;'~ be_~c - .*,1":":.'1i~~1i~ CJ n in fer e ,nc co:'" con t r 01 mc tho din the SP C ';;:7::"tK4',?~: C"~i'~. 3.1.1. Data-entry Production ~ 'c'1:,~ 1 C"""'. c ';.4;[, ';"C '-. The two 1 forward J ~se of inferencc, a~l InformatIon 1 data-entry input share data enters can use it production t,he idea should methods, that be made. suc/J a system, all full data and of':',;,' and irllmediate ;'.s soon actors flow or .'. )_:;;~ as new rules ";". w11ict. "" may do so concurrently. J 1 . .:' , J ~ i ~ Forward Infcrcnce \l/Jen new kno\-lledBc forward inference, inference I ;' j s added rules to a SYStCl11 capable may be used to nerive . .,;.;' _c_-- of ij ,if: ,*"'c'~"'" ~'!:1![ ... . TlfE SPC 110DEL Pa;:e 1f . . roore information purpose of froc forward new information [Charniak In of the have inference and order for that is which all in of to to Charniak, find the connections already found, fire antecedent In in matched system. I:lad e . can to are the their in fc r c--.r. ~ ,'-:; are processes a rule assertions rul:~s Match According exists between in memory 76bJ. input mode, it. a forward against inference the antecedents As matches are found conditions satisfied,' and rules forward a mu1 tip r oc e s sin g en vi ronmen t , be set up for and they can inferences all corresponding be active to eac:l simultaneously. I In ~ full forward also trigger will continue been made. inference, the new inferences. until In all This of restricted the resultin~ infer-assert-infer possible forward assertions may loop new inferences inference, only lIave inferencE:s \ directly resulting Charniai, inference," refers ~lilks lie is that of input forward deals are performed. inference with as "read-time story A understandinr,. "knowledge-acquisition-time . mentions inference l~ziness term the to lJecnuse more ~eneral inference." In:;tcad from a dispute sllould allowinG Ilypothc5is over be made in full to forward rcztrict the amount a progrDI!1 inference. tIle number of in - forward [\-~il~~s 76]. 11e sug~ests of inferences made. TlIiz hypotllcsiz st;Jtes I.I. oj .'" tllat one should ." -~-- flOt introduce a ,- ?"~~#~t "" ,,';:j(. .:- '. TilE" .r'u f' ~ ~..PC }'(;r.. into a ',no\lle<lGe base . ..: necr::;~C1ry superficiC11 unles:; levcl" prcference the equation part of (x 75]. The Figure of or Dny point be this' the boolean asserted i.i:: point. C1l&ebraic operators. expression w is C1t ,.., mort; describez illustrates , . tliDII :;olvc~ SC1I;1epaper 3.2 .shows antecedent & y) ot CC1nnot which 1n terms when the when either problcln system. expressed fire:; inforr:1at10n [~Jilks semantics The first only "more ~ ... ; is The rule satisfied, as as true. '0' In the second part of the figure. a sir:lple rule. "All . students . I story co. :': is hur:1an. attend school", sllown. This We "know" \-lhich rulc that might may be see~._a" students used for ~1ttle go to reading a redundant - school.:-but ,,'Co~':i ';.'i,~~~~;;~fg;& a;.:t;~~.'\:~;~'~"'~ " ,-~,.~':;,! to a pror.r ,;,;""¥"" , need s th is . assertion 1 c c.;C,,~~~" \.,~" 'J- ,. '~~~':'c;.;,;; ! I :.,~ ,;;:,:~ d a tab only in forma t i on ex pl i c i tl Y st or ed. or in a rule. Instead as e \~i t h in for mat ion those so idcntified :J ass ~ crt ion ~ as Codemon ill t hcm tile wasting as space v e r Y p 0 s :; i b 1 cst input 'would '" ~ '!:O;;; ..,. ~:' . ,::~'~~~i:~:: ~:~1i4";':'~ an in "'i;~%;..~,~:~ a b 0 ute in mad e a b 0 u t of ei ther '.~!' ~ ~'~ the u den t ,'1..:~:~~~~~~i' :'(;f:~;;~i~:;;:,~~~ .! . "./""" t this have :;;:ii~,$! . s imp 1 e r u 1 e 1 i k e t his [\ can act.:; ",,;;.\!:~;j;t}~ -,~!£J~4.'$"~ a multiproccssillg system whicll does :~r~iJi~~ full J -;":~',,;~i~ for\-/ard irlfercncc -- it c~n sit ill waitinl'" lookinl~ for ,"'r: ":~, :1' a j. :; information it that i~nowS about goes to someone is students, a student such and as tl'.e fact then add whatever thCJt lie or zchool. she :,f ..,;:';::!:;;'~ " "[(4,' -i;~;;,,~1f! ~t""".,,;c,:d~ 'c'~"~'i~ :.~;~\;~. 'c",ift"i:i~~;\, " ",' "-..,~,~ 'V~",,":>;'; ~ . Tlli s rule ~/oul d. of course. only be useful in a ;:!'...,,"":f;; ;;~:;~~ situatior. ",/IICrc bcinG a ~tudent arid attendinr. sc!lool wcre ,~"t;;";o;;,:!, ""Co''Co~::~" Ii ir:ir,ort~nt. Irl otllcr :;ituutions. the inforl,lation :~]iI :ibout "";;<~ 1ft W S orneo n cis uc in ('; CJ stud c n t co ul d be \-/uuld not trii~ger infc:retlcc. ( ~ \i i for\Jar,j au d e d in A uscr a l!1an n e r could \.:11i ch thel! ' .. -, . "t;:t! :,:;,;;..~,~ .i"::;;~' "'"CC;;'!~ C .,.c,;:,,~,~ "'c"," I' I ..I ,...',:;:,!*,!if~": THE :';PC 110 ~':'c::'~1';:" .. Pa (;t; 1.:. '"'1' '~..'J: .. ...~:" ;:', 1 query the systern Cit £! later time about a person ~:llether J attends 1 school, discussion Dnd trieecr of bacl:ward backward inference, inference. in See the section 3.1.2.. , I j .. . ] Rule: (x & y) Assertion: Result: 1 j. t A "" o>o>er x . . 10n. or w => rlothing, x is not encu~h ant e c e den t con d i t ion s 0 f asserted alone forward to f . V Asse r t ion. is.cnouB1I. 1nference . tr1gcer this other because were c: full z . could ex1sting be rules. c 11 001 1 The S ru result: e' recorded c'i~ci~'~"~"(~':~~~~'~~",~, the liary cat this attends a bas c type : systcm, were so asser t tl'.at w0 u 1 d not Inference C;~;,;'C:C ,': . f c ?,i,~;r';;:':,~ ,.~c', , ed fie" ;,::;~~;':;g;!{~~~.~ t 1,e were ."'" 111 "'-.:-.'}, ~ c. t'..: ~'~'Y;;;fi.. """o"'iN ,";:"'"";," ~,,:t~~.f;, c.' if r.gain, 1.a vet ", f?.;~,,~i:;:";';:-';' '. ,"'~,':;;,";;;~"'" :""~."cW'.f;"""'l:;". ,J'"!""""C of ;', ""'CN'C"'"c.-'~'" :.',f:';:.; "':-"?i'!:..!~i~C" .,' ,;,~ -. 0 he "."",~:i~i;bf"::;;,;:;";~ C ~~ ;",i"', ';.;!;,J~.",',""'.';E":"":':'§~: 3.2 r~xamples - . Y' C":~fj -'-- l-low "..:"."'i;,i;I' - ,C~~ AdD t a f 1 0 5 Y :. t em i son I! c \/ 11i Clies c t: e ws the t r a d i t i 0 .n~~ ;:;t,t;j .._c" 4 j ..' -"~(!'::lc.:",j:~'!i!:';~~;$%~ ",?",.'~.,t, ,..5.,~!, . : ", . c-- Z ;j rea 11 ass crt e din The processes . '-o:hic}: of the de d u c t J. 0ns st Fi&urc Forward l>c:it.. used'j:::'I7;cci;"""":7~,,'.';:i'~';i~t c.c!:;ty,t'Y'~,;~i"~1'!:;~"",w.",":i~.:" and Attend~c1Iool(li.iry), Student(iiary), made. ':.,; one antecedent' . that 5i ~ tn h i f it cant c e of e ex a new de d u c t ion .0 as its facti y) . n (ilar rer:lain in the " t U d en t(I '.ary ) .) I c.. ;.,- ij:~';~!:R~" , "ee 0>. x, w, and data base. used 1. naIl 1 'c"c,,'!i w ,',c,~,c.", ,'.~,~r~',:",C", fires, AttendSchool , ; If base, 'c~P"',"co"';!"°J.:"~~1;"c~,~,~ present. . For1 tile J. ';:i " => AttendSc11ool(x» . The rulc J : ,)l~ ";..::; tile :.>t u den t ( I: a r Y ) . S ; data system, any x (Student(x) . L .I - Firlal t1le .. is » in I Result: i to satisfy' the r u 1 e . c;'" z is I Rule.. z w Result: I !""" ,.':"";i;~;. "";i~ ,.'"'" ",~ ,I --- ;~:~";~ c, ;,;~: "",,::~~r . ..c '.~ %: , ~ . ,. ~"'r ""~ PC " ,J D t;.. t: L ir; " p~"C t.. . conce,pt of t i::i E:. in cocc:. An 0 n l~' opcrZ!tions u r d!! r ,; r e 5 C r i !J c d un rcady. . ev;:luati~i:. operation is flo~.. system::: con t r c 1 s t rat ~ i~ Y . 1'.5 described in (\:enr. on thc: at t i r:I e when use this 75]. ooservation instruction~ the perforr:led Datn ba:;~d or that \1 r i tin data datA an 0 r its "tile one {: ore a~ flo~l' operation a t I: t:' inputs depelldency 'datCl' at their concept (or an tile required is ,: / instru~ticn) zhould i rl . u top coran '. opcratlons c s be are S Y.$ten ~;a its f1 a d c . ZupplYlnB cxccuted CJv ail for zoon ab 1c by lnputs." r cqu ns t 11e corn p 1 e t ion . . the 'on 1 y as Uecause i red- data a inputs data and 0 f flow does ';~"(!.i:T"¥:~'~'~~ ",?~~~j~t~i.~~~,?~ not "!'~l~:~;;,.'",~~~r~;~ process instructions tOlay be rcady a sequentially, for cxecution number of and simultaneously opcration~ . "thus, c,;f;l,;f;:';",:~'!t t:1Btlly <~~'~,~:'":}'- , concurrent cor,lpu t;. t i on i ~ ~ natural cons l!qucncc of :;:;,':;:;,;,';; thc data -f10\.j conccpt" (u~nnis 60J. ' ;';}..~:; ,';:":.. ~'c;,",c:;);' c:J~; ~ D.lta f10\1 pro(rarns ;,re cenernl1y reprc.sentcc as procrnl:! ";( " f 1 ;: r C) phs 0;1 tIle by truph ~I i t 11 for 0 r 5. - ttie function ,~ act arc ~ - expression nu~e an c l 0 ken --- "6=3*2." circle a inside . Fir; An- actor is "*", It>", s (e.n., 3. 3 11r e s! lOW j ,; c,t S ,",c ,o!!',- specified , :,"'1t "r:lcrge") , Va 1 u e ~nd u Sf. J is in Ct to used c 9 :'J S tan specify t an operation expression. /111 or CIc tor an S C)ctual :;:::-"1: " Ge n c r ~ t c ";:;?'~',;f,,: ';'"f!';';'!~~ ;~; SO::1C value .:::s tl!eir result" [llcGraw 79]. To':ens represent ,,;,~ tl:<: v;'llu~s cdrriec in ar:l! out of tile actors 011 input and ..ctor is '.~f' "f;; outj.Jut c..rc~, rcspec~i\'clY. In Fir,ure 3.::;, tile "I" "}:,,'~' '... :,;,i:~ for r;;u1tip1il;t,tio:1 0 u t l- u t cnc v ~ 1 u l: 5 ~ r c t.1le "1 r i t t c fl t;:)kens 0 nth rcprcscntinl'; e ti r C 5 tl.c input "lid "~~:, ".~ . (~~ c..c ...,'h ~ ";'~ [. dr.ti1 flow I ! ~:,'stel~ is data-driven, and COr:lt)ut~tiorl~ grc "'of; " . .".,,~~(~,..t~, . " TilE ~ ...PC II . r..i.'.C ~ ..!. ::~'~:;:~"\;',; by the input triscercd d;It... rlu~1;;J~1t~U<'I~c:- because of thri ClIJplicativc 76, 79b) lClnBua~es). arcs its :10 n(!t of for the output arcs Firinc An exar:lple of Exi&tinl~ input/()ut.~)ut flow thcnl two as soon however 1,rucc:Jurc:i, concept. -. of fire each, are rules data can Ie systcm. incorllorat1118 ciescrirtlons- one tok;en 0 :ip~ciry of An Clctor hav~ a a ln difficulty rlCJturc Dennis of they into (Sec datil f10\-I as all of ent~r tl;c [t\rvind ': its tile input Systen, and clear. show :..ow an actor a rule for tile proccs~es Multiplication its c-:, input~. operator :";i;\~';IJ, :' ,", (".") ",':~c ,,; .'~Z,i.f;,,;,..c.';~~ is shown "" lnput in arc~ 3.4. ~il:ure The "before" have tokens. but the patt'crn shows arcs .:\rc clcar..' output '1:;"-.' ,- "Dfter" pattern . -.. -- 1 n put the I' the in put how Clr c S Clr c c lea r tile the ,t:1~;~~~)~ !tIC,. o~r~~.~;,,~~;i , ~ . operr,tor ; proccszes . 2 n d a to ken th~ r e ~}r c s e n tin ,!i~"~;-"""~.;" "c;C~~""'(i';li:;' ~"'~";;:~~c";""'t~~ r; ":'f;*¥:~f~(';;'~~ c ":~'r~i;;~"~:1:1 '.". re&ult flo~ demonstrate~ tl;at is !?;raphs on arc the outut r:odcled (The arc. ...fter fiuurcs for . [Dcnnis 19a. ~~enr; " pro~ralrl 15. Lt.'unr. :;,!'.;i; """. '1it:t .' ;~"':~ 0';::1',\' , . '7 ' 1 :J] ) . - ~;.";:! "'::~'L"f;; - ;c ~ -*, ~i~~;' - , c' 6 -;. ;, Exa:nj.;le , The of Go L,ata -- r:Jultiplicutioil arc ~ and one output.. them. ,\ctors art.' Fieurc Flow ;..;ctor r c. ,I .. "'---, .c. i~ .:l\.Jays even i r tIle.. conneC't.ed I I 3.3 :1ultiplication in {"ctor s}lo..;n \-/it!/ t\..o input r C:3 h;, v e no vallI e s on a networ~.: to rcprc:=ent ~ r ~ TIlE 'ZPC 00 procral.1 Pa!;e as 1n cxpression of not U3C fi,~ur(: Thc in c repr~scnts tllC that instead values arc nlecbr[Jic data have flow syztcn:.: "immutnble" Ileld on tJo values the arcs as lon(; as uze. .. .: . are w r:oticc and 79]. . 2.1. v[Jrinbles. [licGraw tllcy . 3ur~ ;:; --~.~.' - '-..~",""",-. , '7 * .. , 1 cur . 1 r e ~. . 1 n g k u 1 e ';:f' 0' 'c':' .*".. . , F . F . v'' 4 - for" t u CO"." - ;.'~c.; ~ ; . : 1 t i pI i cat i on ~"":!:i;~ ",~:,.',~;,i-:,;t,;~~:: ;tc"...'; ',,~; "i:;:';J ~PC 110del io the ;:'c.o on . Effcct ;;fi; ,- c.. .;~~. producer in the t.liC data liict1est flow ttlrouGhput ~ode. rate \lork iz \Jhen .beeun on it 2 -t:;:;~ "C,,". product i:\!(~~ operates tiuS .'c'..;":~ The a~ soon m i (',lit as be all part:; (see section 3.21. tl1e if tl!is \/hole tliC r:"y c3t:h is be built d i available. 3C ussi because \./Ilich on producers uses will be as input. built :Jecol!1liosihle at into \..I:enever their if of earlier producer product l,rocuct are the or tl!lich only but parts orders products liorllallY. necessary of: in completer) tliOSC the becuuse acquisition tir'1c, of Clny one sul"lIJart.s, input pDI.t~ ;,re prc:sent. I '.':~ I i Y -;-_.~. i'~~; , ..::!;,: .. . n' !I .' J ,to "Ii (. '.I:" L '"'~ r' PC oJ I,J"e;"'; '"' -- -- I::qucltion: = z PrO~ralIJ flo~/ (X .. y) + \.. ;:.raph: .-. X ':':\*" " '-:: -, - y - -. - ~ , ., .; + Z - --cc - - .. ; i Input: x Result: no tot "~~'_." ... W action, because x is r i 3 g era n y act 0 r. not . : enoui~h c:,-' ""'( y In put: Res u'l t: t Ii eMU 1 tip 1 i cat ion act 0 r f 1 res, sendinB the value (x*y) to the; . suIt: '.c.j;:..~".":"",~,~..~,:>,,.c the ciddition actor fires, and result is placed on its output for use by any other: actor. Final result: tllc arc , thi~ part of t!le syste/1 i~ in the s am e ~ t ute CJ s be for c t I. e e x a r:IpIe. AIl in put arc s c:r c c 1 e a r- an d t h c C!c tor s c:r e l' r e par e d to fir c . c, 't: , ",;.',- F 1 Gu r c Flo~/ DDt;l "',;~~t'::;,';"~." ",.' ,., , ':~::"' : :. :: 3. J Example ,.;. '~!:':'f ~ .~ - ." .,~. ,'" "~f \./ lie I~I ,~ ~f,-;:,:,r::.,~;'." add 1 t 1 0 n actor. Input: ';,,:~,: , ,'" t, s soon as a Ion L1 for use tile!:. ue \..i 11 was t cd. the \/110 1 cpr by the ublc to 110 0 r d e r :: co rI z um e r.'1 US(' prodl.ct not 5tockpiled. output . i sex the product but pre 3 c nt, par t s are is com pIc It ,I C C e p t e d i r Wasted . ?r e pro d u C c r ; is 0 d u c tis l,o!J'efu1ly 0r t c, i... :) E:n t p e c t e cJ t h D ton if \..a i t e c not, for by pro d u c t s are inadc i t up for it I 0f is the hui 1t b~' tllc e . l~ xc (: S 5 " " .'~f;: \;,~~: i ,1 . - : "" % P. t," e 1 . 1 ,:,~;;. I c" , IT. i n CJ t ion 0 f c(JnsU~Jcrs) nnd boo ~~:<e e p t n n <: 1 i III 1 t;ddition, ] ~ Lalnnced ] Contrast tllat tIle (e. n ., (;fficient tl.c ,:jp.; to r e cor (: in.:: use ~ystem :Juppliers manner i:; Cind lJininize \)f (Jr d c r :i til1e in or(.anizctl, con:;UI1I~r5 fro n production. will it is llf: chosell ill \lastc. ~ / Th ere ] by tl.e ullen expectcd C1 r c so me d iff ere n c e s bet \1c end a t a f low (I n d c'~ ,! . 1 '-.',' ... ~",.c. forward inference prescnted .,:; here.' They arc not' 1 .. ..' nccessCJr1ly yifferences 1n technique:. the ttlel!lselves, bl;t . !I .'" system . asserts conclus1on 1tS . ! n c ~I structures or by C1 S :. crt i n r, c xis tin per~nne~t ~ z t r uc t u r c s :,;~:';:::-"'.::~,~ ~~~.,,;~~; atf!~-,,~,~ .. "~~ by building , ";~'~;;;.~!';~ ~ ..;,~;i,,;,~",~ " ,,'!\"' ,.~ .,'~;:W~~1;~i~~ ,~.;.c:~ t h C 11:1pie 1:1 en tat ion s . An infcrence in c;;.~~.~ e. ~4..~~t.'II'~~:""'~ ~~?l'$"~"-~;;;f'~.,..,~ . "1n tI - ; ",;~~.,;:"1;'~1 ;~;;!::~~-'c:~;~ I ! data flO~,1 sy:.t~m, no lcft bel11nd. nssertlon file record of 15 r,lercly C1 cOAlculntion a tokcn on iz i;n ~ output ~,~ ~,! -:; ;,rc. ~ I of ! wl)ich datil notl;in{~ di:;...ppcars flow is ~yster:l-~ cllDneed if r.ot -- tlley but ti.t' uscd. This arc is value~ which pazz ~ .~i,":':~i~ -C:l:~ and alonc; the I ,,:,;, ;'.;',;c:~~';,~ a cllnr"cteristic sidc-cffect-frce . -'~c" nrcs. -j,,-~"':i~; ".t,C';: c'c",:.~{i ;"~.~:' I 3.1.2. I Prc:duction DatLi-rcquest ,;:"'" ! ",,=' ' """, IJot doing i n vol v c (~ i n ~ny t I; c: work <.!Ci ... Q until it - r e (; u cst is requested pro d u c t ion is c,' concept tilt! t c:c t n i que s, cv~lu~tion (tliG !JoCt:..;;3rd infcrencC':. I:valut,tions 1 tJZ Y . and ,":;: ~ inr~'rcncc~ u:;cr or .jrc I.cl,! .:notller cff part of. lAr-;til t!IC "t c ~... ~:;:,;: ~ '" ~ ;;:;#; explicitly rc(;ueztccJ ~yster:;. Ly tile . ;' ::"~~ ;r:'~L~ - ',.:.:I.;:;?:'.' ,:;;c;:',*,'~ . - I ,i / ' - . .- -. c ..11- - ~ -,').r. ":c.,",."': .", '"c.,." "'. ;"c" :;j.~ ~ THE :';PC !~ODI::L :,' i~.t(;kw;)ru ~4 In f(~r(:IIC(~ An infercncing ques~10ns. of The 01 computer provcn. wcre UackwO1rd ;J Questions may proBrac. and or be they created in inference 1 t c r n at i v e to uses backwarcJ systcr:l is for ~..or din infercncc explicit. may some as be goal~ other part described in fer en c c for to from which of [~lack anS~lf.:r the user necd to the 3yster;1. 68] as be an ..."",,- an s~..e r i n l~. que ~ t ion ""'::'~\'i ; . Suhstituting requirc for\-Iard r.lakin{o; all number of .. - rules. lnforr101tlon . Dac~:ward for Doing . \-IhlCh this ut slo'-' .up tl..c ncvcr solves inference the us~ng ,s::~~:c,~.!'~""'. 'c'~'#'~.L¥' .' input. know1edze tJart.',,;:~~~.~~t; ::£~~~,$:~:":{~ hase ':-'.~~~~(;'_'j.k". :c';.'~;:,;,:~f~;";:!i' used. l>e this \-lould'~ii'4"~~,.i~;'"~*,.~ :"'- ~"'~~~"."(!~;'., ""-'-'" read-time. would clutter rnieht infercnce backward inferences and IlopelcsslY trcl1lendously ~/lth possiblc - largc infercnce c'" ;;;; .'::..;c\'c; ;;t ~!!i\~f,~:~;.~i*~~~;:1 c'::::;'-~~::,';..; problcr:a ~;itli back\lCird '~:J"';f~";J;:f'~~ ~'::~;1~~'~~~~ ~_!Iainin~. TIle~. ,1301inst the thc consequents about. Tilose . for each rule rul~s of are found. question rulcs u5ed the to systeIl1 beinG wl,icll ?sked. the try to can use is r:latcl,ed "."i:;\~;-";:,,~l I:no\..s ,,:,{\~"'ij~i 5ystCI:l derive the tile rule \. ;,!.'},,;:;.;':~i, ;,,:~~,~lJj;~ ';~i~;;;~:1;~,~jI ":':J\!.,~.;':;;.;~~ ',~,," i:; answer. if it can :rl!,,~c. "' 5110\1 that the cJntecedent of the rule holds in the current 'ic ";'::~J:i,~~;;;;':~ ~ ::"';Ci(S~"";.;i#{ ., environment. r~ r u 1 c ':; This requires clrl t e c e den tag a ins t Matching the the pattern in the aSS e r t e d k now 1 cd g e in the .::7'~~;;'~~~{;"~ !'~ci,.ft~t _;ft:~::. dat a , . .. . bO)z~. itself If in superior a rule is con~equent rulc must found ~/11ich matches the eoal. but is po~ition of another rulc. tllcn tile be :;1'0'./11 to hold in tile ~ ~ Ex a r:JP 1 c s 0 f IJ en c ear :,;;,,::?~,t~ ' e l';i v en i n F i Cur e 3. C. .1:,:;,'.~~";;~!~: ;ti:?~~~ .::'::;~il;:~~ ::;:;~;'cS~,~ ;:'.~~;,';'i~ ;, :;:"'5::8, using the zalTle r\llcs a;. ~ b a c k \-1a r d i Ii fer ""J !!,,;,;':::'~;~ game cnvironmc:nt. ! ':'I:)", ,'!f. th a t b a c k ~Ia r r / as in tllC for\o.'ard ir.fcrence ca:;c. I:ote ",:;(c~ZM;::~," \:i;.:[~- i rI f (; r en c e i s t r i r; g ere d b ~t que r i e s (C';Ucst ion :3 -;-- ;$/~;~cC'.~ ,;;:;~;:~c,;j~ , - . ,ii, TJ!E ;.~rc auol,;t i:C~i::L p.:,~c: forward , whill, cora:;f.:qucr:ts) ,,:>:.crt i 0 rI S 0 f ojfl t e c cd c n t s infcrer.cc is trieccr~c ,I, :' r'j' . -- -- Rule: (x t- y) c.ucry: x? Rcsult: or w => z !lothing, x is of a rule. Guery: z? Result: not in conscqucnt position (,issuI1e t!lr3t w l1as becn a:".sertcd previously) The ij'stem Ilotes that tl.is rulc has Z i,n t!le consequent l)osition, ;Jnd trics to prove tl:..t its o:::Jtecedcnts Irold. It finds the cxisterlct: of L'I, and c;ln thus conclude tilat z? is true. ..~~"-,;c.:,"~' Jiule" \/x (Studcl1t(x) => f,ttendSchool(x» :,';-:' ;;; '\)ii:~,:,;~'\:r,'f,:;,~:'5~;: " Qu e r Y ". I. t ten d Sc h . 001 ( J 0 h n ) Rcsult: (..ssume that told that founc 0 f t i,~,j~,,~:tv~,:?~;,~ """-"",": ";,~~\: tllc between t-. e r system John is u 1 c the . ~ t ~IClS alrcady a student). query u den t ( J 0 and the h i n bcen i;J]"M.':;',~; ':~'~:;:;~t, ""';~;"~J!i !::?Z "".~, "':",!" A r:Jatch is ) s consequent f 0 un d t 0 ' "':c,~:f,;;::'":!i "',," - c xis t thDt in tile John is 5 Ys t em, a n'd the indeed a student. user i 5 told i , Fin::!l result: \.. and ~;tu!lent(John) The results of the are still deduction~ kept, bc and llavin~ to tl1CY Inay Inakc tile used actual nsserted. are also CigDin CDckward tIle sugC£::3t :'~: "::;:J;;: '..;" ~'c,-.~.'~::~ , '",( :.)z,_;:1~~:: wi thout deductions. FiG u r c 3. (.. Infercnce Exar:lplc ~, ;,,~;:;j~;i;,ii~; ;0&, t--j""",£.: ;,,;t '..;:l. "'~\, ~a zy Ev~~!£.!!. In [F"ric:c::ic,n ,'(,]. Clutilors ttlat ccrtain functions ""C , ir. (siJc-cffcct.-frec) upplicciliv(; ir!tcrprctc:J arr,ur1entz, 1 ;; t (.'r t i ri \: ir; ii hut 132.') il'lsteDd fci;;:11ioti 5!joul(~ : II laneu3Gl~!i and shaull! "prol::isc ::.lloull' not to evaluatc cv.;luc.tc bc tl:eir tht.:r" ;It ;:. '. ,-* C ;: i I /' :~'Z%!: ;:~~ ';--" '!;~';; - ; I. I , ! 11£ ': c. . Sf'C It ;'..\;'..,:~~~\,~:\~; ',;,c, ~"c." '";""";:,:;""'.'1:;; ,-", c':; , is our thesis rccord . can suspf:nded Cc ,;.. fillet! evill in:;te;ld i be uf fields tile' l1ith ot\"~:newlY'r!ll.oc?tCd' a structure r~.l)rescntir.t uatiolt of the rcsvcctive value of thilt arculllcnt, tlltc' ~S 10'; done suspensions and to force evaluation that the valuc is :;elluincly critical i tIle coniputc::tion function). then strict ! I By using evaluating scnel,e a lazy funct~ons VII all tllcse the tinc to the course of to tIle value of tile Maill are the same as thosc of a (neccssary tile results evaluation 0111)' at If 2(, tllc drr;UI1ent, . syste/:ls ,1/ith strict imvle/:lcntation of. cons. other clel1entary fu:lctions are ablc to dctect I i that ?:Jr~e whenever both cvc;luator~.:'one need whose results complete converGe. not spen.d ti!;j~ are not ,;;: neCE~ssary. . environments of tIle cvaluations I in I The the C;, suspension expected to of the evaluation, ~'Iake up for the' is b,e I:ept .~":" ;:c~:~ "' ,..;~ t'he'..til:ie .' cxtr:.: s l'~:'.;t:~;5,\~!.' stor&r.e.l);~;i~"~;~;:";"~;~{;ii;¥'~ ': output-driven c ,!;;~t~:1';r~'~,";;;:~'1-:~\ conputation, Ct "-";';;;""~,",f;-""";' ,;~~;;'cJ~~;,,;j!4!o"" r "'".;,..ci.w""'.' evalu;!tion ,'i." ~ but i Lazy (,lust i 1 CJ c t u ale ! fun ct ions. -1 f dt]ta-drivt'n). I . i A-" ! !I v CJ 1 u a t ion s are ( Co n t rCi st If . th ~..l tt: i:; the ~f~;::.$;;.;;::\~:::,:;~,:'~ t rig Cere d bY c a 11 s toP RI r:T d at;). arru.,cnts to fl ow, \/11i cn i s PRIt:T lire tile '$,;,~;" ~~":!;;~",:':;;i;;';?' '~~;,~"~~;tiii,~~!fT not c:ctual . v C)I u e s, s u c II as con 5 t c;n t:; or 1 i t c r nl until finc!s involved. . ev OJ 1u at 0 r h n s ba c ~:e d up ,I S far as i t can \1i tho u t r C5 0 1 v i n B . all of tIle vuriable bindings. In that tu ,.sk tl1c user furtticr case, . of until ~ne the '""'" ',';:~:~~t,1 ;'~.:~7;;;f; tIle solution .c-~¥£t;,:~;, ",.,' ,c', vnriables continue all ' a rlay for t I. e back-chains }>roccss values then evaluator Thi~ it va 1 u e s, ':';~.,;'~:;;~i:~~ i~ :;;',;;~4i:,;;;rjf~J ",'1.'i.ii~~",~;,; ;f,~:;~~ ;\.;~E:v~t' ;. for inforl,lation, :.ce section 4.3. ,'if '.c;li \Ji tho u t . cvaluator I:liel.t val u e s n e cd ca I cu c c!11 s toP 1 t . u'lons. to ignore F.I r:T fun c t ion S, ..11 b C 0 Ut put, of t Ii ere tIle calculatiu:1z. i",", nolI ,,!\C OJ pur c 1 y 1 a z y c e cJ top Sinc(; !' c,:,-,,' c;.:::£ 110 e r for 1.1 t I: c \ "'c ;'". ~ . '" TJIr: ~rc Par;c '10PE - .. (CC);IS I, II :;tandard \\ II SIJ~pctldcd \\ \1 ; { . n). \\ II Evaluation (Value !L) \\ (Value . Evaluation B» -'. { \\ (Susp A \1., env) . ,,;: Where a .. (Susp ,- (Susp suspcns.ion t un 1 . Fiaure standard The standard, arl~uments, part vs. or and return5 pointing to . of r:leans x . , ' tllat '", tllc :", stored d . ;, .' . . i'f;1~;~,i~ . COtlS c ". function data the . in evuluatlon two-part value e) neeCJe . env» - e is t 115 Lisp a the 1 D . . of 3.1 lazy strict, ~ x environmcnt -- ;;"! t..kes structure, witll respective "':".1"7:~+:;'::';:':.t two eacll iJrr;Ument. '\;;:~~~~~:;!~;fc For - example, Fic;ure 3.1 "'l,,;,;:,"i~,tif sho\..$ how a Lisp . CO:IS would be evaluatec: \lh1Ctl returns ."~~~\:t~~ .' \.J1th thc :.tandard """.';::;;:.\,,:"~'{~'? evaluator, i1nd "":;i:i1~.~:c;r{5"f \-lltll one ~,:~,j~;,~ "i!:"~§¥i~: s u ~ pen 5 ion function 5 ins tea d acccs~es 0 f the act u a 1 val u e 5 suspension, i:h . it can e n CI 5 t r i c t coerce ': "~: ,.;::~ the . ,:f!->~ ,:.;.-~ "valu a ti ... otl .', . -'" Su:.pcnsions :> t, r uc t ur C s are \...1. i c 11 workin~ wit!-1 c ~l u e n t i a 11 y CI c c e sse useful r:1U s t \.Jhen be", data d, 1 i k e 1 i 5 t s . in Lisp. Tile 0 r t h car function. of ~ti1n(~;!rd !~ u 1;1C n t In the S (:;trict) 0 r sor:le furl situc unnecc~~ary The ;J fol1o\~ing - c t ion b c for e e val inn!:., this iD not ..Ior~~ ~!}.icli will Lisp fori:! 5~:0\:S ! -/, -- ;---c.. evaluator Lisp be ho\.J done. IJSinb evaluate:. U r1 t, i nG dcsirnblc all t hc bccause " , c: Pal~e 28 THE SPC r:CDEL . save5 execution time: ( r 1\I r~T (C AD R (C 0 t. :j (0"') (COrl~ 'n , , \ -. TIle CADR function returns case the the its atom D; argument. the (C) 5econd iteM function PRIIIT A and C are A strict (COt:$ " evaluation the » in prints unspecified of 'I»» a list, out in this the value of functions. expression would c.ausE:.:?!.!. , of these functions, A and C perfor:m wasted because I tIle CADrI of If their values be evaluatcd. tllen nluch necessary the f." or.) were evaluated suspensions a list would t h a n e val u a tin C a 11 0 f PRIllTi . be nc COt'S "".c;:":",,-,-C"" ...',!c:;ii';ii~4;s~?~.,;':' by Ct lazy be C. f.. and set. up .',;;c~:~~~:ci~r;:r~,~~;~:;; for "';"_c'~t~~4£~;~J: ';';i.!11'j;j;t~:~~~ ; Somework has to be done suspensions, of tl:c will F;'f'" resultlng functions If time to .' li5t of C, to are not ... thcn COtJStruct A and cDlculations, expression tllis evaluations to cotnplex the interpreter, -.. including is less . :' . t II e fun c t ion s but this . ':;~.~i~t~ .;:j;!i~,..; On c e t his lis t 0f be located, r(';)~~., :;,i ;;!) ..;;t,~~;;i~:- 5usl,ensions and its i~ value crcated. the returned, in CADR of tllis the case list can just-the :,;~~;;;~!,~ :!,; ... atOl11 8. i",.,~ C' - ; Effect on the . ,: t .'.:.PC f)odel 'c'*' ;,"\~ flo\1 A lazy ZPC sY5tem system. rlothin~ rcque::.t out to for tl:c the eliMinates i5 built product. supplicrs until At that for tt.e waste tIle found a consurler time, needed reque~t5 parts. in a data tnakes a are sent "5 a full -, "' cor:lplcment , ! ; : of supplie~ cor:1es in, the product is built and.' ,:: sent to the consum~r wllo requested it. ;:c';~;;) , '~. 1-;-- -, f~;!r§ i;;,"c' i'¥i;f~~j~{ T1:£ ~PC r:ODEL Lazy produccrs titl£: wiselY. IJlar~:et, use this technique. of model porC!llelism c"" f.f allow be of beavcr dore SIIO\'/~ tlc1ndle the t.hcir Supplies' tIle to is sar11Jle :", ' differ one use unneccssary \lork ;".. " ';;":;""'~"'!~i' c, :",;;::.""':~1"c.'.';~,;"" ..:~1, [Uaker CIS possiblc. of called 77]" '~':: ~~~1c :i i mu 1 tan eo u sly. 7h i s is not lio~/ever, as as "., l~". ;, the Tite "5ililplc propositions bccause r~t:Jf.linin~ ln soon futur(~~ rCJrC'l:1ctcrl(.':3~ cnough ttle eaeer c:n "eOleer evcry Dre to . .-~ [ Pr CIt t - " ~nd assigned then all ttlf: to evaluated a r a 11 e lop opcrands era t ion. return conditions), located i.LGOL-GO \:0 ' ,~.. . created of f ~valuator Olr.tecedent 2n~i ~hunl.:s, [used] s\lllpror,rains Ii y n ~:~c" . I ~ that rarDllcl." s t r i c t 1 yap cv"luntions li::cn \. r LIn :'1!1i ~;s ion are \.J1\ich are (~atisfyin('. Tr;UE ..utl\or~ of evaluatinc: and tlO~1 ('In !uture~ eacll of r:e ttlcir starts "-.Jhicll i:' as acquisition in c1nd I:~witt "':...' valuc bc~t ,. ,,', ,- :.::_;( ., rule. Processcs tile c; .,i~t,t , discussed ClMount of l~aker ;" , reprcsentation the on quality , of wor~~crs's r!ono...oly hiCh ;t1:.;, ~S soon i1 of . ::;,;.:::~.,' .~;:.-;~!t;fF,,; evaluator" subcx~lrc:i:;ion 3.U are colllput~tion in Accordit1£~ u:.inc tlClS l! tlear structures and to ~ in ' Acquisition t1\is pC!f~ti ; ~ ,,:... The control in who one ~/hose produc'ts :t "3.,t': 3.2. ]'i' ' interested producer /, or tirc , for 75]. till terl:1inat~d. \;}Iicll ;:rc.. 5il~,ulatinf-: ~ ~;: .. ~l~;~. ' r Prol~rarnminl~ cv",luation. lunr;uar.('~ In cor.1pilcd it J-"ortran languages). cvaluated. fenerally st~tcmcnt (or of their use one subcxprcssions !.!.! reGardless do not in uould ear;er most otht:r uc commonly result~. 1\ Lisp interpreter in strict left-right . order. of the ;-, evaluates a Uoolean but as stops d e t e r mi n e d . soon 11 expression as e i t h~ r thc vDlue Lis p nor expression For t ran can i n vol v can c";:~~J,~:~ ~.:~~t,,;r£\~~ be ,. .,~::~; ::.~~ y .. ,,;'f~ :¥! ".' .. con cur r en c y 0 r :~~ .,~~}: :~,j:':7 s a vi n g 0 f ( F u t u rex) \ \\ \ res u 1 t s . -""" -;~:':~ ( F~ t u r e y) I ( Fu t u r e 11) . - "f~" : I II I ; OR : c"C;..C"."'c..c..,."'~~.- r:'I~ ; Ar~D "'~:~'~~~;~~7:, ::',:':' wa i t for one FI RST to finish : I " ~igure " I] Example of 3.l:: Eager - Evaluation ;~,:1:~ :c~Cilfii'~ ~~ Results future. of so the cofTIpleted value ev..luations of that arc J;Jarticular saved process uy the need -.;c¥f~'~~: :'.- ',:,\-;",.:' not be i'~~i~~'.i;'~i.-" " '-\;~ rccomputed. For pc.rallcls to this. sec [t1cl~ay 80] for; ..e c:' ;it11' ., description of the -<!at~-collcctor proceszes [ Ka p 1 an 7 3 ]. W11c r e c I: art -5 a r (! us cd to sub g ram r:1()rev a 1 u a t ion sin n a t u r all in Savet r1ULTI. or' he r c s u 1t s of an Gu age r roc e s sin C . ,:::c~,~c:~:':,,;~~ c':...:.,;::~;~c~ :"~::,,:' ;:~::,,'~;r::,~ 7i~;: Eager evaluation I rc5ults -.- in savinGs of execution time "i~~' :. \!.:¥f;~ij:-~:1!_' ,.,,!;~~I ~ - ,", TliE :':Pc but it r.iODEL ~b ~C , '. i .' . r:Jay also Irrc.:lev~nt Crf:C1te Many irrelevant processes par a 11 e 1 Iii tho others the r s. finishes. savings in where arc but In overall the which exalip1c in time FALSE after calculations but Ilave beLun Fiuure 3.f, the proce/s ses a series w quickly beG in but as soon as the future irrelevant. Uaker ir. of to ev a Iua ti ng at for w finishes, and Hewitt in the lonG evaluates note c~sc and TRUE. 1\11 , samc t i!:le , the tile that tl r c a larr;e !:lay be found - c" t hr ec of exE'clItir:r. b c c ome ex t ran co u s when 0 n e 0 f execution x arid y return corup1cx ttlose processes. others without beco~e ;,:." some nieans ,"" :; of ::t. large ':,c. deterr:1i~lnc irrelevancy, amount these process1nc. of "'processes - tit1e. waste :, introduce !hey scheme to recycle Garbage-collection can a irrelev~nt ,.;",;; c'~ '!if:;'"~"';:.:c.,f~ ~":;;",;;;':;'~~:l\~\$'c,r,~ a .,--"" , ";\r::'!'~",...q;y';;',~:;: cc~ c:;:~,:!Z;;:}~~ processes. j,.;\ti:O:;,:;:t";'i'i - TllC are node:; eai~er in ttie FA/C producers of system \.JI.ich can [Lessin~ share 81) (pace. 10) information "?;(:-::~::;~,'...:Wi r?":,&~jt t'~'-::i,..~i aMong t thenscIves bases. to fill . in Gaps in their. respective v . COrl{111 and state bc "self-directed", d i r c c t ion passin~ ttlat t h c i r work. ba5ed Ef . f C con. t -- of in t. h c v' PC nodcs they state of in an CDn eacli and the ) on tile tllat ext cnt the rest FI\/C of {,::.l!;:;,':.ff' '.::1- ,;,::iif ~i'y '"~~~:~ c.'\I' . ;, ;.' tile ,!c. t I: e i r I::e s saG e the , network. pro d u c t ion. first ,1:;~:;'i *ic):;;"j ;",c-: ." 00 d C 1 '~'."'."!i.j,~ ;;: ~pc.; procucerz are concerned Ii e que 5 t s a r (: s Co nt part. of each ~" -~f';:",':"" ";.:~~~;~ , --- I;:a~~cr ]:; ~,~c .~'ii;,;;iki systenl detcrl:1ine of "~,t;~ data en a b 11 n r; them to compute nor e c 0~ pIc t c results. Lessing Tile the type 0ut received to \:itll all will spEed 0f the 11(;' u:.ed of sup p] i e r s bccaust' ".f '- ":..:;,'. . 'is? . 32 Pa[.e ~ettinc than the waitinr; for outstanding Partial of product out the par,t hest orders productions the work to consumer part. begun is Tllcrc unless are involvcd, the 50lne of more irlr-ortant will ;ilway:; each part by conpleting and '~/aitinc for --,' b~ prcscnt. i~ a certain an actual ~ rlr"lount. order ueforc ~~; its completion. :~, ;.of; The arc suppliers there which are not Clny prcferences part. There acceptance of queried in any as to which special supplier r;lay be a r:1inimuln-quality parts supplied, but even order, provi.des threshold in nor this for case, all c",;."\.~Jjc"~~;."'~ replies f 0 - h will not be waited o for once a part arrives whicll ° ll;h Static enoucll Evalu~tion In :. tat. 1 c prescribed statements ., .' ";". "'~"":~"c;~""""!t;li~iC""7":"I'~"';~'1i?c'" ° e val u a t 3.9, x is before w. Unlike purcly static Static 1 C n, e v evaluated some of evaluator (11 u a t before the will cvaluation o.f processes is which evaluate all st~ndard in requires is tl!ut it all. Its drawbacl: i~ tlj~lt cor:1plex mir;ht rc50lvl: on tile y, methods adv,:ntar.e . 1 0 n other rnain onc:; which I ., " ,.~:,,~~;~!;~~;r"i;;c"f~ ~.':J,J"'"'~1'c' 'j", . Its -Eff<:ct c.,' is in a problens is sequerltial .;c"2J$ c::'~ ,:' evaluated its ;'" ,~~ :",:~; (I arfuments. systeMs. no parCillcli~m evaluations mucll '-;':;'.;,;:; in dcscribcd, of c.:1.:;ci;,,;,,':{j;; "::,~..'~ (static) order, usually the order in whictl are ~/ritten dO\'ln in a progralR. For example, FiGure , ?~"'~~ c~;i;':.,""'i:',;~7:( -",~,,:I:~~~;v~ ,. qualIty. ;::;~~~~: I is delay nt siMpler fa:;ter. ~PC liodel I \i';~': !,,!! c'c" 'c """'00 ., c,." ""~"",..;;c,!'~, CC c""""f""""'. ;; r I - , ~ ~ " \ T!IE ~PC !]GDE Pc.:;e 33 / --- ;,..,"i;f!\ "';;;f1~,-5PC :oyster!:. \Jllicra ollcratc if) a ~t~tic cv;;.lu~tion ~odc "'~-~"" are interested in IlrC)(juction. c a c 4i;~:lity Whcr: h sup p re::;ults 1 i e supp1i but. i~ the worth ion r:lay .,1)11 r;-:tt:cr ncc(led. act Tir:lc but !>rod'uct c,rf.' no in. er. qu.J1ity parts r. CJ!"C of rL'quL'st.:; i he '..i.c~11 s t a~: (; nun wnsted osophy of r:lethods and ~rf.' t i ~l.!. 1 wait1l1C tile sta tic cf scnt to f 0 I'or rcltco t h the produc c slo\..est e r is tha t waiting / 3.3. Combinntions, .,. Thc two . "" supply hc t\loproouction ~ethod3;'~;UF~;!'~vi;~;:~;~ I Ci!.n be corn wll1 cd to yield r.tode 1 rea 1-wor] , four cor:cbinations. :~Or:lC d sy ~t.CMS in conputcr of ~c 1 CI1CC or .;';"?~!:f',c:;";; . :USinc:ss. "' - S t CJ tic e val u a t ion 0 f (x t. y)' 0 r \1 > = " " evaluatc x to TRUE or .}. f:g:,;;;:;,~,~c;::; .,~",",..:, z ': " - c'l'~! ""c4[ F/\LSE i;:~ ,:"" ~:.:~~, . - evaluate y to TRUE ,or x is FALSE. \: "RUE FALZE. cven if l-"I\LSE. even if ~"i~'~J~ :,;,"'{?" ~cf,:, - evaluat<: to (x or i'r y) is . TRUE. ':,,?", '? "'"c(;;: ~::ft ',";'c' "::.-~,~;: - a:.:.ign L: its value fro!!! the (jtove .';~': e v ..1 u at 1 0 n s . l;"iGure 3.<; Ev..!luiJt.ion F:xal~l:le ;JtHtic - If a iind - --- n a log 0 bacl:\/iJrd u tIle I:ro,:uc:ion sin f c r E; n C co :ll:'..I:ocJs are t Y II (.':: (f infercr:cei'cr 0 ];Izy r \1 a r din cv;-,luatio:~). I I ! ., --- looked fer t':S ..;t - bin li:!~'~-A;!'~+~"1'::#' en c C J.- then 0 tt:e r l~ Ci ,Ie t. c: f ~:O1'/e low '",,::: ,.. . TI:E ::;PC i:LDEL Pa[,c ;1, --"" to ;ir:;:]()LUt.~ lypc~ of ilip}Cllcllt;lt.i()ns cQ/;JbillcJtior::. LAZY/EAGEJ;: ;) t,rocceds as fa:.t requested frol:l tliat in come Daker is and is ordered, the \ihen for that IJc\/itt j;()t.l. a con~ur;cr itel!1 sugGest p~rts first a new are parts pnrt are some ord(:r.'; lirocluctiotl rJecessary nnd used. :;)':;l\~I::~. until done possible. suPJ..lier:., order:. jllf('r(:II~'~ di.c;cu:-;scc1. a product c.S are outstandine Clrl: :;otllin;: i':llen IJroduct. for is of eCicl1 tYJJc delivered, .1n)" st.opped. deeree of lazy evaluntion ~ in their :;c!lel:le evu}Uator I;cttinc instnnce, Col!!j)uting inteGers). --- to This take c'c:.re of a li~t would t problel:t on an open-cndcd stuck S0 r~e ~;p e c i f i c d poi n t tile of be not thc used an eager cornJ'lltation :'iquarcs to of tialt of tlll (for of _..,:'.~i~~~':~\{;tfi: tilC '1:~'-':'" ';,,: ;,!~;;';~:~ -:ii nfter , () conli'utation co.' . to be COIl tin u e c! u n t i 1 r e qui r e c1 , " ~'.c,:",{ "~,, 1"~~"; LAZY/STf..TIC: a I!:adc-to-order l:othinG is conSUI:1er. lazy/.c;tatic I~ r:-lanufacturer done until that time, and only the best :;upplic~.c; tt.e and tile of Eotl; the :i i mil art. 0 1:1U 1 tip roc <:,iecr DcCjuisitiorl process e s sin to t II C! t r; products II /.! to In are involvinG s y 5 t e r:l per .1 n din for tile a the same time tilan and/or( a I:lanner, only r:~dc. evaluation The fer .'3 e q u c n t i O;i1 r:lore as supplicr:i, tllis lazy M i n Girl at custorrlers. from lJ.'JcKward inrcrcnce. b c t \.. C C t~ n at received used. 1~,etIIO(! ;:ll()\-ls bef.in deManding GJrc scnt arc coMbinations m-oY !J~ looked very is orclers "freshe~tU uc vic\...ed a~ involving i ~ for an order At best :;ystem c ncc C 1-: c one thc . I:jay difference i n 'J a ~ i n (~ " -'","'"c, a n inference :3ane infcrcncE: "~,- . , ..:;.:;'[~,,~:i:iilir";:",;, TI!E ~PC MCDEL r.'~y be ruJl U~i~t. :0ir:lul stLitic and DATA over uti tan ('ousl 'l cvDluC'ltion inference on one by assertion LIt Tllis the need sc t.~ restrict to cf the . ~ s scr t i Of IS system to one C:i tirne. in becausethe-.dat3 constrained d i f fer en t \..\)ulc FLOW/STATIC: on ;:- Pace not the flow aspect ;/ait for nornnl of all dcJta thc of flo~ c;>eration tile is suppliers of "i);fC", any part. f \!hen ;111 of the requested parts II;JVC arrived, th"e " rr.ust best. As soon productioJl pro d u c t til:le as all The 1 0 n ~e:cidinr. of tl1c It !.Jeiiri's. . finishcd. ;3pend chccl~ ~/hic!1 have parts terMinates on tIle of been \lhcn . quality cach of type is decided thc OfIe tIle supplies :i~;*'"~;~",;,:~,,. . :,~'t;~,.~~"i;;;.;.t1 .' c::;ii-;"~:","l'~'~:?'i!:f:' on, vroduct 1:'# . tt.c is ~""rJJ:;~' holds c;:5':~t;;:'-;5~~~3~i; producc:r ul: " ~.' -: !,,'" " "'A,.,~~r~~:;': ;;~i;"'~;~. c,: c ";~.:¥;;:,,,~ '.':;;~~:~fii~,;If -.. Coin bin in c. d a t tI f 1 0 \; GJ n d s tat ice va 1 u at ion ~ c c m s t.o be f. ;~<:."~}j'~~~" :~d:"f~;,,:;'~r;. contradiction of ~orts. Thc data flo\/ part tries to procuce ;;;;!§~:":'~!i;\*' .. LIS und mucll ~ bruke of tile on as fast the as possilJle, throuGhput \Ihile by requirinr, thc static an cvaluation Ilaif ":~1~~,:f~\~, puts of ~',!;:;:I{f :.",'"~;~~,:;~'" .:+~':~~~~;i cill ;.";~;~ti~t~~ inputs. The data flow concept says that as soon as' ,~,t: ~ . all data are present for ~ny actor, it can firc. Static ;S~!!,,~.~. '"i':4~~,:li(t]: {i';~:"~J eviJluation, I~oi/evcr, requires tt1at expressions be evaluated "~ff;:~,"i;:~]:~1 ;;: in CJ predeterr:lined order. The resul.t is tIle ,.Icquisition of .1"" ."~i:';~i;'; ::c"~,;~;:;';~~c4!1 :;:;i;;i'c"~;i~j SUI!plies rI 0 t in b c i~u tl a ztalic order Uti t i 1 ::11). are (onc L1t p r f~~ Cn t cl , tir:iC) \-Jitll productiorl ".;;,~ :; . . :".,""~ :,' OJl.T/. I:LQ\:IE;~G~~R: proccdure. (~((: . 'i!.i.'3 . . [.:.-:nn1:; ~s tl:c 7<;b] for :;PC systcn ~tandf)rd G: dcscrlptlon J.:"Ita . " flo\.J of tIle "0, , data , " "~::c""f!~;~ ," '4~'l5:$' ~::';:.'.~1~'~ flo\/ pro l'ilneuc;ce cj II C (, . VAL). The is always pr(.'p;tred to c;::;c;;:;:;::.-;':~~~~ ~';";li:,!~;..t"'~ /~11 tov .1i 1;.!J 1 e t: (I r t ~ tI r c u z c c1 and "II - 0 r (I c r s for"':' . ;.::," i .~~~ 1 Pane 36 .. rcplncer:tents Only are tl.e first sent of CiS soon each as tYIJe of tile supply proc!uct. is will used t;':ver up./ be .ac:ccpted. There does not may be excess concern the' t>rodlJct system. is \/Ilich bccnusc the never ~oal used. il~re Tllat is to produce. The distinction-betwcen forward to infErence toe distinction . b a c h \1 a r d 1 n fer between enc e . sub e que n t 1 ale .' ..., , .., inference n V 1 r 0 nMen t 5 . flow for the 5 t 1 t ute / . OJ data substitutcd betwcen forward . .. is the d datu pt.irs flow wtlen is s'ilTlilar lazy evaluation pairs In. It d iff 1S in rnultiprocessine the with ere ". ,;,;...'.~:j";':':'"~i;~ n c e c ,;~';;;'\:r';:~:i:;;~t'iit~ ." 'r,.,!,~;'-;'-" and .'~,;r~~~: (~.,. "'\C;~.;:4;~;~~".ii'i;"" :..;;," f",.;;;~\f"!~~,~:~"~;';;;~,~)" ~ .., ,." . . ~it; ;:{i~, '~""~f~1 ~ I~I-r;)Ir::::CTI{jI:f,L . COi1PUTI,TIO;1 11. f~I-DIHI::CTI(iijf,L All . of bee nun i tllat the - d ire triggered of - or d i s c us sed. In I the.': product tile - parts of llave 1:0 :.1ere ~ and .fhlS. cla.:;s f. been (data-driv-en). ,..~ fot~l...ard bl-dlrectlon..tl. ::..,ve demand-driven vrescnce of fL:r PC 1:1 CIcIC'1 t II i s r::c ~ n s might (representins ltiUS for \1a r d a :"1 d b a c k \1a r d pro d u c t ion combination . di~cu~~C'(! t ern s 0 f I :)"..-;~f';/.:':7,~ . c~lled scllenes CI specific by Uinn t ion s 0 f A . c t ion a I by an order COI!Jputation) COin COI:rUTATI(1!: cor:lvut~tion production 37 PaGc bac~:\-lard schel:les cun ... be . of COni)~t&tions lncludes ~nd comput...:.tion r:Jethods. ;~,:," ;'i;~;;,c. :L;~;,~~~jc;" :;::~r~}~..;=. "c.~,c~::,~~~ conhinations of Uencfits - 0 of f the inferencc, ttlese cor:lbincltions ~ c tua 1 nur:lbe r of col:lponent can dlrect Dyn;!mic suspend~d demons demons proccsses. described searcfl savinGs ~onpu ta t ions tIle of space ,1nd :::!\~~~~;,:";~ !::;~I:fr:-_~: C'Y:'~..,:;;~1:":;;c;" ""#'~"."1"~""",..;"",,;;;;" "" per forl.j ed becau s e each i""ii;",t~ ~;"r':~~~~r'?;~?} other. j;;'fff&'~f~ "; be introduced will These in include f:~~~i~2":*i1! are [Churniuk as a description different 72] ~nd ttlan thc ~.. '.cii!, of st..tic abovc. . LJ.1. Ili-directional ProbleMs Se;,I'ch \:tlicl: tllought of F'il~urc 4.1. stei's, ,-'nd Olle CJ:) tot ~;olved occupyinG" ;1 st;;te by increlnentDl ~~, space of r(;~.rcsent5 one st..:te r::a)' Ilav(: a nul7ibcr is tt.(-! (;ollcction Thc 5tQtc-SpC:c~ ~o 1 uti ~ arc II cpr I i of of steps Ci:J sllown tIle be ir. irlcrel:lctltal of successor all nay of 0 b] e rl i s r'~ p r f: SCn t e <f b yap;) tllo~c stL1tcs. states. i\ t I: t Ii r 0 u 2.h the .' :-- ",C"i' "jii;~:'!';"'~' .. ., . 8I-DIRECT!O:SAL COr1PUT/\Tlf;:~ Pa:.:~ 3f / :;p~cc, conncctinl~ 5t~te. ~c.lrch rJDy belli any path rcquir<;:d i~ attacking i~ tIle :;t.:tcs tIle procc:.s po s s i 1>1 c Z 0 1 uti to of ;In irliti."t1 findinp; Cnd'd it. [rli1~50n Therc ;;0] are is (081 tl1CJt patt:. 0 :'iS t 0 a pro U 1 c n, s01vc searc:1. bet\/ct'n but 'ilany a eood Thcre 0 n 1 y () n e ways sourcc of of sorlc of them. - - f I i .. '/St~IISt~ .I \ c' .-tl .., ,>t5 - \ \ '- ., .. "ic:'~~::.,'" - - O)tn-c: - -.-tg II St \ <, " \\ I I .,,:;~:,.. ' \ I ~tn-1., :3 \ \ r." 1 I St6 :~ c';c.co I \ \ Fl. r: ure Thc ~;tate . 4 1 Space hcprescntation scarch tccl:niqucs ., of a Problem Two stRndard search. irlitial r 0r In forward . ~tate. ;1 pat h tot bc~i'l with \ihic}1 direction \!iti'l for both tile h eGo C1l Z t c.t c. St {~ conl and wor~~ to\/ard select\~c the bcl';ins Figure . j(:pends trick fo!:\-}{-Ird I~rocedurt: (in situcltions, I tl:e exa/:Jl-.le 3ti is I seDrc:l, are lies initial on tile in ~t 11.1) and A b ~ c ~:WD r d tJ!e and ~kl/~rc zor,c se~rcllcs sea r c i1 '.J0 u 1 d st:1t~. CltJpliccltion. havinr: an ~lLoritt,I'i " c I 'l)l-!)Ir.f:CTIOl:AL (or COilPIJTATIO;i Ileuristic) for ::cl(~ctinc: l:i-dirl'ct1oI1Lil lI:lcl:\I./rd seArch the ir/itir.l to Rc.t}ler than advr!ntaccOU3 two to hi-directional the solutiull.!TI:e exponentially few c r s t D t cst tree 1'or"';lrci w}lcrl ...: t:or:IJ>lr:tc i.s Poh1 ~Incl t}I': !J..th fron say:;, searches, t~:o scnrches it ~un into bc:~ -- . sct:rcii \.;i~h each cohtributinr. p~rt l'f r,:otivCition is that ~carcll trees ;.;ro..-; znd two slicrter searctl diDr:1cters l;(!llcratc h a n ,i sin G1 e 10 n Gc r' d i a r;'c t e r t r e e . l Pc h 1 DcChal,lIJe"ux for st:-,tc 01' at. tcrr.~inrltf"s 5tatc. indt'I)Cnd~nt t}le cor:lbine is c:1d the somcw!-:at erowinr, s t ;Jt c. frol:) rej<::cts in [1'cCh[tI1pe~ux Ih<: IJroblem rJore co~p1(;:x in 0f initial of clir('ctions of ti.c (ivc therc and his next a scarc}1 from tile pro b 1 e r:! e X i :3t [lJicho1uon c~lrdin(11ity ilnproveu the is one ([',liP!,). an selectinr~ t!lat 0 n 5 tot Algorithlll A1(:,oritllm 77] of ~tC1te sol uti fDvor Path Patll ul!PA. ,Jlternntion that J;euristic iclt tile f. n u mb e r il1cludin& Sltortest I j~i-dircctionul [, hcuristic -. ~o.Jl a f;i-dirccticnal Gives and \/lli1c look -:::: P 128] Polll ([)~PA) s(arcl: indicatinG th('; to :1 r:ur:-iJirlntiun TI.c intersect, state 71, i:; te~l~ni(iu,-,:;. trecs stute ~ n('xt :;c:,r.':1 -.- sc;:rcl. t~o p~~~ (;0,,1 , 66]. f'0111 colI'parison : r,rinciple not-yet [Pol.1 69], visited nodes (:oI1IJoncr,t and rro/;. providing tile !.~~ l,rOI:lisill:':;. l;ncc ~ati~fie:,; s t' 1 t: C t e ~ \.J}lil~:1 col~pares tile re;;cllable tilC by l-~(;k\/ard ~'articul;:r I.est one ccec cor:IIJur.ent. c."!n<.!idutl's tJ (!ir(~(\.iol-i sizes tile is i5 choscr: ~)electe'!, b(:inf: thc sets fror:1 the forward or 111(' direction as tIll! us~d of for tllc r;\ost nodc \/J~icll closcriess i~ . I.i-dircctionijl se~rcl:. p r c,z ("rl t e tJ II Cr e, bc' n c fit ! ,I "i!:c tlie ~, f'r c ~i a r;1U1 tip other tcchljiquc~ r u c c s sit:!~ / -- ~ c n vir 0 tl ~ Cn t . "-0;'. '0' 'c : :::,' or a EI-DIHECTIOi;AL CCt:PUTATIO~1 P.ICC I~~ . P:lrCJllcl i'rOcl'~:;c~ sclcct Cilrl Bi-directional combined. <~tloo~e ~nd back\o/CJrd inference t1artins ct al. call in f c r e n c c [t I art i n ~ 8 1 ] . either c()n direction, towards 0f the one interests full for ,\1a r c1 0 r neC(;S5ary, Dacl~ward Forwar<1 for is inference "focus the full <~irl'ction5 allC tec,hniques arc: to result bi-directional tile u~cr fer e n c e to systelil's and can l' roc e e din attentioll cut down thc fan ." b a c !-:". a r d c h a i n i n g r 0 r \01 a r (! 0 r b 3 C~~ W~ r () i n fer c n c C d r c bCC3use inference the l~Y 2110 win Gin of SP e c i f i c I;;0 des not to Inference \-1hcn forward 0 ut u~;elj nodes. ~.2. -- bc e~cll input initiated is used \lhen I:lay be initiDted where a uscr whcn the it appll£:s. asks a question. user :"idds new , ! inforrnCition. TIle 0 lJc r ,I t e ~.:) full the bDckward This [\lilks Fo r \1a r din inference fits 7~), "nd in the IIOt exists, sinply need 1y i f ~va1uatiorl. the y ::.red This ssi st "lazirles5 lclzy a usC)ble I-:ay be used. not 1 y <:n ou g h to.; \lil~:s' ide<1 of becDusc Qny rule lJu ton \litll fer £:n c e s Inil y be mad eon a :':nO\ln coal, cOllIlJoncnt r 0 r w<1r <1 i 11fer c n c c. p"rt. hypothesis" no goal for\lard rule i r c c t c d ~t exists. is not the If 5()~iC as r cst r i c t e d for war cJ i n f (; r c n c c be C:1us c t tl e s y s t e1'1 i S I~0 t nccessary to triGL';er prc...ented a nF:W for\-I:'lrc: For~::1rd il,fcrcnccz fro!:: inferenc~ whicll c:.lnrlot ! !I usinr; R newly ~sscrted propo~itioll infl:rence. <':<:r:Jon:~.:ay j;rov(; - ,j !)c crc.:tcd sufficient by lJ:lci:~;:lrrl nll!~bcr of ~. ~ . . LiI-DIHECTIOfSAL ~I}tcccdcnts. l..s :.oon c:.sserted, tile expected . ..s the demons queric:; c n t ere d 'c Paee ~ 1 CO1IPUTf,TIOIJ In act. riis3inc propositions Alternat.ively, 30l:!e of C..11"1 bc M~de beforc t 11e ~:I e P~ s y s t em, arc any t his thc d;Jt:1 h,1S been i s k no ..111as ,..r"l,rc-conpilinb", proccsses saved, all at1d is at tile unles~ rulc5 start. inference. be used Another set up tl.e \-1orks because inference ti,e cleared by the uscr, either for\Jard or for cause exll~ustinc to It explicitly can procedurc used of its for~'ard of and because bac~ward demons allocation are proccs:se:. is an inference resources.. ;;~:'".: Until ~~i~~;~;:i::~i it ,.."i'C'-' is O1:.signcd t10rc. and re~ctivated. the inference remains as 1] den 0 n . t hi:. u r e some of _'."iifO:;i~~ '~;~;~~~~;;--:;~ "'Ch",,"'\,-" '.' ::'~, ..'!7;~ Sorlc - ,," deductions t h c U5 e fllC:Y not of r C sou be r c e -1 ~lJle i m i t c d to cori;11ctc. pro c c s sin Causes r;, or of t h ~ t ;~_Cc": . ,':~,";;\;;~~ ,t:(:-,:\;(;:~;~ !i:;:,,:,~' the required prcllositions . t lie s c cas C s, t h r C cop art: not available. In . . t 1 on ~ ~iij", CX1 St : Quit. If -:- pro CCsse s an inference cannot '.;'l;,:;r~~ "3'""~';c"';;,,, ..:~#!t'?~¥l~{ -- * c,"~::" complete, tlie 1 n v () 1 v e d (:.] n iJe 10 cat e d .:In d de .c;t r 0 ye d . "':i;';' c,~ cl;; '"'0 \Jhen ;:,:::;;J~ tlle nceded propositions are found. thc inference ~an he c,:k~; , S t [j r t (~ cI ,I :~[1in, res 1 t s u n !1 cI ~ \1i t t. a n c w set U S pen d (~ d pro c e S of S c s processes. are not Par t i to1 .c; a v f: d 0 r ~: e p ,,:,:~!l:;. ,":\-;.~~l' ~',i'.;:,;~!~ ., c';~) t " '.',~ ,; trO1c~: of. rillc t r i L 11e r f: J a t Sa I;)e d c ,~r e c protJ] i1 1iJt t' r 11c"n y * ~uspcnd. inference it~clf c..ln ., tile and !!.~!:. <, ~t~tc :3arlC rule nicllt lie par t i a 11 y e x e c i.Jt e tot comp1 e tin l'.. 11rocess(c5) be lC'cCited irl tllat tin C, t j :1 I; s, Till' isjltllcn j (!r,.. is involv~d in the Clnd susp~ndcC. Tile of sus~cn,:Jc(! t.nination " evuluation .::nd '";" '.'1 11(", I .. . bI-ul., r n ECTI0 -'-- C' Or" pu ./I~.,. C' ! ' ':I.,~'I J ft l I"' '~., J "C' .,.I'~ . lias becc)l:Ie I. s (j CJ::I'~c;i,!l c s c rib e type d particular i!1 ~: c c t trieeer bc ion ~. ~u:;i'cnsivn 2, t p~lttern prcsent .in c:..lleC;;, II C d (tilt' thc data C:-1 0 n ..1 at l:Iissinr. b..se de:,O:1. c he s for its propositior,s) and tllen rctS. II"I t.ili~ ~ to of casc, the demon opposed lias tc; can re-do \o/ork dynarfJically cier:on... cr.eClted, dizjcussecl reSUMe in w11erc \lliich it ::;s left [Ctlclrniai~ off 3lrcady Ci~ 72]. without been TI;c 11;jvin:~ to conplctec. J~ C:~t3 ."..;"~ , dci:lorl the bcen \1 act 0 actors, r v h i c J lis " " but wtllcl, S1 t u a t 10 n . \.IJ(; n I \,/i 11 fir i s sin g SOt "4-., fit S , r c q II j.3 in co r;:1 w5 1 n C 1 n put.. 1".. :'he 0 prcscnt, '.." un t i 1 t !: c r. i tis A.-;I:. e 11Ci5ot.hers I, ~. . r~ ;4r cpr i .," C;4n nsl{ tI,e c d ";c' uscr 1t C"~:':i;,;,~;~'~~;;\i', tat I! . for : :'C:'."'!f'{~ the 'c:;,Z~ - -- needcd ::: propositions. lJy dolnc so. the i'\t:~ ,,:"",,"...,:::t:~ a sir...ilar e~,c nt, i n a. s u s pen c!cds rrOl;rcllJ r interaction. C'.s ;';';~~ ,~'~;,. 1'.-;: a:; t h c co 1:1() U t c:; t ion. be mi s sin G i t e 1;1 ~ nee d not corn e s b i _.<~ i r {' c t ion ~]. I, -~ n s t~riB 6 e r c x t c n d c d que 5 t ion 'c"~~! 11 ',,~~ c well ..1 ~r 7J;~ 0 c 1 , f :;,,:;~~~ sessions. Certail". hiel!cr priorities prot:ratl"-; col:1 rules can tllarl exccutio~ p letc. be others to P C\~ and query l~lternativcly. identified !;e flble the uscr oint-vallJ(!s !lavinG to if ""?;J' stol~ they can "~~* , the" ",:~ !---cii~~~ cannot be ':."f~:$'l~' t.. a:;si~ncd ';;f};. '-.:';~; '-': cDch proposition involved in a dcduction rule. . "':,' '.'.'. for \;I~cn the cul:1ulatiVE.. total spccifi<'d of a question thr~shol{;. \1!lich C.:Jr:rlot itcflJS can ~ontinue. pf..SZf:S a bc i.!skccl. but do rIot trirgcr, ,. '" Procc~s('.c; r:Jissing que s t i 0 II 5 r e 1:1 (1 i n c; r LI ~ (I C 1~1 ;-:. p e c 0 n s . C ..¥ \1 hen the b a c k ~I d tis s top P c Co: d u c toll CI v i n r ~ :_" I - .-. "!:'ii[i'~#'.41 -- ':~ '. ~ . I.;I-lJIRECTIOfJAL CUr.~FL'TATIO:: Paec 1:3 . eX;lrIUSt.<.'rl its ifivolvcu nore cor,l;ilcl,1ent (If LJre su5penccd resourccs co., put a t ion request ba c k nace ar.iJin arc i s oy (!cr::ons, cillocated. for the :.;us~.encled. ~hr1piro'::; as rC:iourcL'S, ready t h C II S crt progr.1m. prO{;rarl, \'::licll to lattcr c. usc of \!herl hold us f:: to involved the is continuc \1ay 0 ref Tha llrocC55t:'S to f..nothcr J;n CXC)111..lc of COCCI ttlC backwr1rd ;Jn 5 \1e r (; proccsses are sltuation is tlis :i.y~tcm SUePS . Rulcs: "'" 1. 3tudcnt{a) 2. (x t. y) => AttendSctlool(~) or \.. => Z, z repre~ents where Studcnt(a) cz':':. ilre ,', . and " :;orle x \"andw ", conditions "';o,c,..", '.".",,', ~/llic!1 ttlat ~;:: """".!' " "".'; :~~t~;':'~;i;k . esttlbllstl ~'::;.,. ,,' . lS ona ;~';"" a . ':; ';c , student. Input: httendSchool(Joiln)? 'ii., :','; ",;,. [backward :' aspect] . -- Rcsult: )(ule 1 is seen conscquent l~..Ja r din to tlave Studcnt(John) fi1USt be 5YStCI1 tlClS no v;;lues i fl fer c:n c cis x Re~ult: ,";. "c f?: /-- eoal in ,~, "",:"C,":"" its position and is 5clcctecl for f c r en c e . TOll set his r u1C, b CIc In lJu t : tile provcd, for x, but y or s us pen d e d a sac: ttlC w. .~;;, i' ' TIle ' e r,10 n . ; [ for \Jn r d i'!5 P e c t ) If y can be ~ho\-In to hold, pc r for 11i n e ,I b a c k \Jr1r din far (possibly c n c to'), c..n be used to assert Student(John) can be used by the suspanded rule Attend:>chool(Johrl) , r,nd the systeln rcport this to thc user. Thc systcrn initiates a r('qucst for y. If non e is r1va i 1 i'jb 1 e, t tl e in fer s u s pen d e d . by the n r u 1 e 2 ;- , whictl 1 to can conclude, "' ,'~"""'f~ .;~; a valuE: for ': en c e is;.:: ..' ,:~ '" , Fl ' Bi-dircctionn] --(1S "If, eXllert r. u:;cr of or IJnknown" in COCCI to . <!o:n(.iill tl;j:) the ur C l' . .., . . Co InfcrL'nce -- tl:1.: ~,ny r(;qul.':;t " oriticn I",~de of by r~plying tllc , '.;, "'" Exanple of 11icrolJioloBY [Shapiro "riot l,ro,l;raf1. 1ge 1). ';:~i appli.cable ;\s ~tnted , ! ';'~~:r =- ' I .. . :.;!~!)rJ1'r:CTICH/lL COI1PUT/lTIOII P:1r;C 41: . . . ijbovc:. the.-;e :,;eetion 2.1: ClcI10ns work uccau5c Infcrl,:nce direction; rule.-; and processe.:i of c..rl the ~5SU:1rtions he uscd Clnd jlartial in r;Cinc in ('itllcr evCiluDtions ~re. retained. A sir,1pl c ex alnpl c of in Fi(,ure Su h s tit u~cd 4.2. using uti 0 n s arc \..ith tile suspended both rulc. shown. information to rules r; ~d c i n t Ii e fir second is bi -d i r ec t i onCJl in fercnce the FiGure st r u 1 -: to A case and ~ case ask fro':; user \-I!lcrc where for a 11 o\." . ft is to be inference systeM c. value shown 2.1. the the is lIas nlso is enoueh s}:own. .. ,. c ~.3. Bi-dircctional Cor:1iJutation Co11bin i n C d a t ~ f low c1n d 1 CiZY e val u at 1 0 n y i c 1 d s a hi-directional computation sche~e analogous hi-directional il-.ference. Again, there $y.stem to at time. 3ny prol:lpted l.ave nn alGorithm because tile -- /Is described COli!(Ion e nt, i sou P I! I IJT Tllc pro.:rat:1 run c t i 0 11S for\-1arcl C0 f;1put :1t ion i:; used LI lazy evaluation, 1IIIert' i nit it i~ ;/ r: i for component depends or -d ire by ttje no nced a PRIIIT the the to use on wh~t function. backward c t ion a 1 COMput a t ion s need to evaluate is data-driven. arr~ul'1ents . cz.;lls i:3 is taken function. -d r i v en. to ~Ihich HEAD cor:lpon(:rlt. cont,;in~ decidc dircction above, t put to be initiat"d r1;JY ttlerefore 0f the ..iction ' ", "-.",: c:i;:t!~~~i~'i i'.'i",;"" , rlatCJ \.0 i ate G READ . f\ functions. If a for\';<1rd :3 c. val ue e n t e r s t h c s Ys t erJ, i t Cippropri;:ltc. , flo~J, -, ;'is lonr: ..:,; a p~rticIJl~r lJSC ~ "", . DI-DIRECTIOi:r,L i s COl1PUiATI(It4 <I i r to'c t e <I tow a r (I no (:xislirll~ tllat ~0&11:o, ltl~n needs happens actor if f10\1 opcr"ting v~llJC sc t r 0a1 . Ir t I: e r <~ i I r (~ Ci1n bc lJ:;/. I ItY any in component? bi-directiona1 but one are either a for\Jard Thcse questions prt:sent or CiS suspensions Clc1.or if are for backward tilt' mode? system ans..lerec i a input in has ::;ection thrcc 4.2. ,\ choiccs : by process as to i ' 11as ~ actions in bi-directiona1 computation, t. 0 the options r r e :0en t e d for i'nfercn~e a missinp, to~:ens exist 100kinc ~t possiblc which are similar finds lilc all \-1IIY do computations da.ta c v i 0 ll:O 1 Y it. \lhat given :~0 1;1cpr Pa~c ~5 ; ',~ .-' ... 1': \-lhich ho\i . ," . ~-:'::"":'~ , c c,. " ' ",~.' to continue: . - Quit. The processes involved in an inference I , whic!1 di~ partial complete results aG~in, the not are arc saved. new !Jroccsses arc sct up for ,Ire dynar:1ic demons the involved and becomc :;uspended, rule is the :1'. tri(:;gered inferC'ncc, but repeatedly. The processes inference IIone of \Jhen thc saine ~~ork may bc done . Suspe~. destroyed. arc- Jiffcrent froln in tile demons. tllos~ of Thesc [Charni~k "'~~ -:,;,,;!fi~~ 72] llccau:oc prograr:l :~~' Hrc cxecutes. found, it tl,ey the lcft dcf'lon cre.,tecl l!llen and tllo C!(:ts, and destroyed l1'.i:osinc. the ;:.s the propositions deduction ;:rc rCSUI1es ..:llere off. .~. Tile pror,ral1 can Dsk tl1C user for thc " missing . ,. inforr!:"tion. - . /I III - . this ca:oe. the - interecticn. ,)S i . . BI-::JIRECTIOJJAL well COI1PUT!..TIOt! Ct~ the Pal;c in f c r c n c (!. be c 0 r1e s b i d i ~ c US S Cd i t. Se c t i 0 11 II. 2.. . valucs need more trigr.er important normD1 pro(',r.Jm is of passivelY J'\ n 0 Ce i nun r;lissing -- interaction 4.2: it tllat can C:1se from another information is n is:: i n C user. only steps progr~ms. s 1'. in tt,e out ttlat inforMation. of the the not".. .- F.\ / C s y s t em [ L e s sin f; F.1) \.1h i CII i s it ha~ choices cor.1putation the the . it. information section Tl1is ;lcquirine ;lcccptinG ~ t ion n 1 0f of data-driven actively a 11 questions ones. bounds not -d ire needs 5imilDr request node). it forthcominB. to to complete tllose l,resented tllc inforr:1ation can suspend OJ" it" can a in (in this itself heain if no n new cornputDtion. An cxarnp1c FiGure tile 4. :1. Three situ~tion Su~pE!nd. of bi-rJirE~ctional ros~ibi1ities where or Ask. In the requested for r:iore C'.r ~ II res is Dnd no inputs input C 11t vullJes sllspcnded ~re iz could the fi~urc. wtlen iJllows t II t' bc for QIJit. two ",rc lattcr c!loicf:s result A request t~:o of ~.CI) t from of tt:e is the ttir~e user input~ t ~llci r.l~ COt.":P 1 e t e con t r 0 1 UY i rl (~l ud i n {~ res 0 u r Cc -1 i:1 i t. c:1 pro Ce ~ s i ri e O:1C~ to Q~ove . Ea c 11 c om po rl e n tis wtJicll ShO\ln in not" cornplete: \..hcn it5 present. n"de is prcscntcd \~ere cc:1cu1ation L! The conputation S!.OWI1. com{Jutation ~llort ('X('cutcc I" C sou r C <:~ n ! cCJMIJut.,tiorls in Yl0 Cale Ilurst~;. d to i t to finisll, \:her;" (f 0 r (s e e 5 e c tic lJut cat;sez cor:Jj:ut.:lticn ins tan c e, ~I 2. 3) , Ion eel" exh::lust:; t i r1e c r n u 1:1 Ue r 46. I -, ,4 ~ , , J' f ' CTIO I" ' J A L C()I ' PU ~ ' 1' IC o. 1,. .. ';T : T 1:.1.-"-.1.\, -o. of calculaticns). it it ' . ("ut;,t' ", t: {!cactivrlted. 'illerl ::Jure ':f re~ourccs - C;qu~tion: Input: z (x = requcst user or tlle + \1 for value of anotller pDrt back~Jard z. of Rcquest nClY be from the systen. . This is "- corl;::onent. IJot cnol,.l.';t! j,ita is prcscnt to ,IS~: the u:;cr fcr inforrlation to conJ}let.J the corn I; uta t i 0!1 . It i s s us p c n d e d. 1:1 Clkin (, i t I(esult: i1 for ..;~ x. y. Ag~in. user or the proGram. for \-1a r d I com po n e n t. flesult: ""'C'"{ ", ,- cler:-lon. values Input: y) f! Th('re is cOMplctc this It can aIr-lost enough thc calculation. data a value \l request bc froM represcnts ';:~,-' " the ,c,~jJ::';;c::{~~~ ,~<:~:Y~;': o"1:;;"~~j:;:,..,,,:;.:,'!; , ,:!;",. " :,:;c"':;" " .,~:...~ and ;;""t;,"'!~:- c ,:~~' ,oj"'c complctc tIle user. the ::::; . - i;';"' ".: _:::'~J';~";o -. 0"'" 'c'~-,;';'!:;c".j.;;"~. present to so the vrorram frOt1 ~- evaluation. If the user cannot. s ~ p P l)' a v iJ ] Ue. t I j e comJIuta t ion r e f1a ins suspcnded . CClfl for the '.."" l;"iGurc 4.3 ColliJlutation Pi-directional -- ' :':i;::',:-,-~';.' . Exc.:!l;Jle .'::",:":_,,,,(~ - - ":~~';',1;~ ,,-"0 ," i:rc :1 l~rovidcd for it. it r;IDY continuc executinl:; fror:l tl:e 0 ~ I~oint it lcft off. Its E:nVirOnlilent \lill have been savcd in :c';i,~ .~,jo "c- suspcndcc1 proccsses. tliC ;:r,: ',,-( ,co: ( II , ;. . Con t r t] s t:; Any or I iJ ~ ." ;,ctt;urJ.. r;r::;:-II. of t.oc rlocJ~:.:. (~il.:Urc: rer...(':.-:cr.tln;.: ~)i-(.lirec;tiontJl \!!;ic!: ~.4: I ,! --- I rcferrcd fOI'.t'xa:1;J~(:. ,) ';)1-f!lrcc!.1o:::Jl I . is CClll be I'eprc~('!jted ;jctiOllS to sho\/S Infcrencc .:~ t1 :;tc:.tc-~p:,ce ,'," an Ar~D-Cj{ ~rcpr! t:xD!Jple u~ed b:,' ir. ,:;;¥:~ -" ," "":"1' ;, ;C':.'" ~ ': l' :; :: . ~ . iJ1-D1RECT1UIJAL [I:artin:; tI,e COrl{'(;T1\11O:: '.:1]). t',raph ncl\/ork is for P\.l;~(, 1:0<.'(;:; rCI)r~~;ent for hi-directional ;...nd rulc~ inference. bi-oircction"l intermediate propositions :;eo:rcll or Tile if nod!::: cor:!putation 4[ irl .1 rCprCSE:llt steps. II 1 I ~ri J / ': f,l; R2 .' . ii2 j . i'ocic~ labeled , , 11~.. :15 :' . "f"x" tho ~ c 1 a b E'led" ~,'t;l~;;;~~:lt~'c~~~ {'. re pre~ent Prc position-x r e pre s c n t r u1e "" 1-;x" ~,.:&::\"" ::'~,~~;~:t";:;:~~:;: "'\ c"', ,,~,';1~~ . -x . -",i;C'c:':'!",;;c,;,?,;,( -- I; I~ . .c'"'i~;r~.~ fl(, '!~~:~8 Fitiurc - An 11f;L'-Olf for I! ~ c h (I f the b i-Ii of ~cckinr; ~ j;<11.ll tllouCI!t a~; of az ~~i-directionCil '" ,:, Scarcp -- TI;c .!~ . 11 throu:I .. a net~:ork . tt;e" all. J j, '.ot :~;:;k;~ ctin ~ )':c;",:-;~!c .i4"~:. searc!. t~cllniqlJcs. ;~\,; i r c c t ion a 1. s t rat c L i c z c:'r"n b e ~cC1rcll. Ui-<.!irectionDl thrc:c 4.11,,~;~ ::artins's nc c c;U3 C thou~ht bc Gr~pll i:. tnc initi~l ':lost (Jlld re:;trictcd ~oal of zt;:.te5 must .;;~ t~':e },::+ ~e ';;: "'~'" '+'1j: kno\:n CXtJlicitly 'olticn tilt.: 3ec;rC;! u~l~ins [D'~(:I:c:mrenUX 7",'. ,!;' """~ Pon!11]. palli:; "i"he i~ :.ec:rcl: ~ucc:cssful \JhCTI tliE' t\IO :;c~rct. intcr~ccl. Ilultiple ~tC1rt ant! i;o~l 5tatcs 3rc.: possible in ~ 'h 'C~ ~ t~ , ui-<lireclionfil inCcrenc(.. "II rcllr~se!1tillf; -,. nodt"~ c"3~;ert.~c! ) , .,!~ or :..~~ ,:~;~,,~;"J"i! . :~ ... . . I.I-VIRECTIOrJftL qucricd by CliiiJ;'JT,,\TIC:: for'.J::JrcJ do not Thcy '.Jr !JCJ'.:i;wilrd r~pre5cnt Rntllcr, tlley instead of c:r~ tile P~l;~ irlferen(!<:, ~C:t:arc;tc dynill:lic ~in2lc stiitcs of initii'll ~scd in statc ncets tile frontier i n f Eo' r e n Ce s can by tile IOU:} tlultiple -. com output-lJriven, nny :icarch of .Jsit one goal i::; in [;ro\/in(; (1n)' st~rt from a Goal CDll states nay De c a use to ~ beco!le:3 to functions rRIljT or:(; of !iicIJ mlJ3t bc output trcc t'IC U:;C. 1.;;,,<: furthcr to cor.ijilctcd tlJ,-t tllat statc sc~;rcti 3tate." ::etl s 1 t u C1 t ion also c rea t e d exist b a c I: w ~ r d initiates the nodes. goal take f~:;~~~~t:,~ '. a t Ion 1 s c,.',:':~~~:~.~C :~;~~'t,'~"';:;;?' ':;:"4:~(' .~~;. ~;,,;;;(.. :;;~" ... '"c"_:'j"' " ' t-,1;:"" . rcpresent input c. ,.~¥. ,.!i,';":';~~'.;;~~~ irl co r:Jput function is TII~ it of not \)f duta <l:ftCi is u~e. ,I tree . t!l~t inr,ut flo\.' tJI(.' n('!~urc n!.;cf.'s:"Jar'j Tllis :;Uf:l~"~"'S r-:-- one the searcll initial nocJc, :3tate r;j(!ctinC::. t:iat printeC. :;oa! IJ}' thnt forl/.1rd ull d'ita [ort:arG t.' fron pat'; c.:Jn be of for search valuc rcj')re:;Crltcd :10t ./hen of the initial ~r; a rt;prc:3entinG De c a u ~ c C3 Ch Go a 1 :3tat I,c ~rint.ed, so node3 satisfied 1~leets tilE: scarch :;c('!r(:~j in~i(;ate~ C:I thc t II e i 11r ere n c c c" s e ..n The ir;ipliC!s "The f 1 e c tin it the . r. u t C1t Ion. COr:1I-'utntior! rcprC:3ent~ found ~1) reports, frol;; nn~I :;oal throu311 bi-cirectional C,IC!I .- statc:3. The search trcc:: used _: --~~:::. and c,"ll:3 initial [ro.:in:~ initi.::l ~ir"iJarly, nod~-" one. . 0 b 1 - d i r c c t 1 0 n a 1 bncl:\/ard ~oal n~tt/orl.:. -- --- frontier the n be T;I",d ere 0 prey th<: arid thc classical. /:s r.r;:a,rtin~ i:3 succcssful--!-lhenf:ve:r throur,l-: - -. - bi-directiona_L:;~c"rch. rc::I;cctivcly. .'iearcllcs :;ct:-. 4~4. Sti!tC i,as coMr:'utation or resul Scarcn t:;, trccs_- to ",,;;i'.~J~oili~~lf' ., . ~ CI-ijIllECTIO!;AL rll..I?U not connec:t .j:J:..umption on Goals set) it COI.:PUTATIOrl tllut set by rcquires iz \;itll Goals exist. Effect -- on f"or\/:lrc.! the UaCI~~/(ird [Ill the sc:c'!rcil tree searcr (it not to Boals l:fJve zearch. sf?arcI1e:. focus' l-ccn unlcs~~ If are ~O the be undertCi~:en ;J backward for\..ard Ilo\-It"vcr. rcztrictcd lIe coMponent of possible trC':c:;. col:1J.oncllt fOr\lard C! at tIle bucl..\/ard the that directed Pafie no c:llo\/ed. ~PC I:odel /1.5 di3cll~seu thus fiJr, production in the is SPc Model , uni-drcctional, prczcncc tllst of product. - (:at~ -d ire of it can Tllis triecerz ir:!:!ediately. or Si1I'ie proccss. CI supplier A producer c;rc CY.I.) icitl'j . tile The to uct rc-1ur-:;ts \!!Iich a bi to ~Iicl;t for rec( ;Jctin!~ irl ivcs lilc at Uti Ilave t. h e some POillt). pro d u c e r . order froM Lo tht' \.,ill i('s tllrOui~li is rcacllC"":. 1::'CCiU~C it tllis ~Dck-c:)t!in :!)i~llt !lccds. tho:;c tliell It.s a .. del i v e r t' c.' (!irf;c:tiorl r('cilJC:!31.. thc r.,.st of tllc I),~rts ,~uppli(:r~ woUlri tllell lit..' c.!emcnd of 0f for on :Iand ;:;or:1C :;uppl a COI!1putfJtion. to SuPi:lies t'or'\:arl! ideas by 'un suppliers Ut' tile a nIl llack\-/ard tile by for - d i r (\ c t i 0:1Cs1 stilrtcd !JC 1~(:5 I..llc l'(irts \/!IO t 11u t ,3S procJucer~ 'fh 0 S e par t 5 r.1i e h t supr].ier~ in the ( Rerr: e I,)b e r rcpre~cnts re(juest.~ eithcr Ci COrlSur:lcr incorl'orate uct C:1n rcqucst [t p pro p r i ~ t e p C1 rt ~ :;Ulil:lierz syster-. SPC sy~tc~ consumer. ordcr thc trif~r;cred from producer t 11e ,1c t i v i t i (~s 0 f An inactive 01.llcr CCin be a reCIucst the r:!ode, Lo 0 kat urll..il it c t ion (I 1 c "~I put ~ t ion. corl(Jonents The by Uy allowinG rnultiproccssin~ bi ~r is. ~ . ." DI-DIRECTIONAL Tn f' of :; y :>t suppli(~s ha~ no COI":PUrI..TIOfl ~!;)'5 to to an "oriGin;"!l" requests inside any for and tllc be ~ allowed cannot be oriGinal for any of for any nurnber processes the Di-directional coclputation, u s c r 's wi tll tille, nee d 5 I!lore tllan .,nd pro d u c t . for r~quests parts / parts or demons, can All of on and these .1 til,e, number of etc. likc a ~y~tem conSUl:lcr based proccsscs arrivcd, usinr to more sensitivc roc c s ~ i n l~, und supplies be bi-<Jirectional I;lore can tllan be r e que s t s \l h i c h Ii ~1V e bee n 1:1 ad e . I ii required Ilave products. schelne supplies, for linitinG production sif"!ultancously, n y u sin C I~iU1 tip one by suspensions, "..hose production, .,110t,,3 the . by c;'Jn initiate r~quests of bc of then created or can abs(:nce set, are ~llil;l; tirle. processinG amount been cnc supplies the producer, Tllese be active rescurce-limj.tcd in have sub-r,roducts can workers, each producer of These processes a later is, c t e G t 0 ~1a r d .t hem obtained. 'at rcactivatcd The i 3 d ire production resources wllich goals i C'.t e c b y i n rJlJt tllat systen. productions If for tl a r d pr 0 d u c t ion proouccr. thc all parts. Suspcndcd .1i ~0 be i nit 3 Ct i v i tie s can supplicrs applied Pc1CC 51 to a. l-'rod u c e r one focussed suppl ('; can ier to\l'clrd dea1 at the 8 - . Pa c e t;2 c"""" f'" oJu..I"rl" ~ .. ~. SUjll:Jl.RY p;) i r:3 0 f for \: iI rd. tJ ,I C I: \..rJr d discusscd. are co 11t r c 1 a 1'1 ~.: in f <:r c n c c ~;t r i) t Ci: i e ~. TI:e inference 11c.nifestations For\/ard of dati:; irl!:JcdiutelY Cilld data The backward to co!:Jput;:;tion. r CI; r t' 5 Cn t ~ d by .c v..1 u Dt ion:3. wait Ui -d ire for 1:1C3I:cup wtlic}1 evuluntion. to ~:cre all I;ossiblc. Group before is perforr:;inG c 1 uo e b i -d i r c c tic inferl:IICe. .,11 of ion s tor e d u c t' strategies. irltroc:u~ed These involvcs differ jlCJrallcli5m wllich the ~ D1 cornlline n U::1b c r static i 0r to in add two ;an~ o'loi~s anc1 eat;cr Clllother ~/ays: dir:ension ear;er unnecessary ~Ji11 ~;OI1(; 1::lnCcr':o.~;ary i,:.. r OI"' (' r ,,v,,'I.~,lJ < '&-" J" ";.,Co ~..'.~", ~IJP:)licr-i'r~dl:~r:1"-;cn~~J':'ir :.Ii(! riorJel ,, t cc ! ,! " nl ., ' au I""" "" r::odel t:.:.e:3 I:rcduction d'"t.:1-rC(!U<l~t ~t c;11 tJn d work. (~;I'C) j"!ie the Col!1putations. c V r. 1 u ::1t i () t I j II vol v ';; s n 0 pur" 11 f: 1 ism I)Cr[orm tc evaluation \1h i 1 c ~ t n tic <lc:t~-cnt..r}' [or\.;'irl:.! use extent data-request c t i 0:1 a 1 "c t ion sin control cprililarisons. introdllccJ. r:".ir required. Two otller In eacll tllc acts erc;:;test c1 rcquest for \. a r d ~ n d b a c k \-1a r d 0 P c rat calculations in f c r e n c e ~ n d 1 ~ z y e v [! 1 u a t ion. and bi-'Jircction~.l sc'drch. the or b a c k ~Ia r din tccllniqucs flo\1 Group. and 5cllCI:ICS 5C1me idea. 01" datu-entry new (~ c t ion :11 t c c :! n i q u CS \Je r c And control the i(jfercnce Col:lputation. These -() ire bi ;JrI d r c r r L ~ (; :"1tin l~or:1l)utations. tlJC of cor:putatiO:i to r(.pr(:'~Cr1t LI~(: ~cqui~ition .1,15 to - I ~ , . U ... """"' .;> ",'/\11 Y Pan" '- ra:'r('.~ellt and static eaGer cilcll t.cctlniquc discu:;scd. evl:Jluation. i1ncl it.:; Cor.lbin~tions d~scribed to sito... thc J~:O~Itile rcspcctive Wus di~cussecl usinr for war d and to enable search space overiJll of use arid rcsource-linitcC: togethc-r a computation. bi-directional tJlroui';l, ev(.;]uatiorls pro I" r Din q u cry ~as which could the u ~c r Spi1ce; rIot for the u1 t r,nd SPC modcl. irltroduccd cut to down tllc ,,;erc to i3llo\J dcmons, complete; /" is sin Gin i1nd 0f t.cchniques ShO\1 s c lie 101 c s co u 1 d be computation senrcll I in \!erC' a producer Tit ere:; infcr(';nce A/nons pro(:cssin~, the und of . \;as acquisition operation combinations work Inodcl and i s aft' e c t c (I computation ta' for search in prorJuction b a c k war d com IJu t i3t ion them CJrI tllc control tile I3i-directional (Jffect of r ('.p r c s en tin g a corn}JIJ t c! t ion co~binin~ -'J r.o: the 110W COinbin e d size devices of thc sug[,c~tcd Multiprocc:ssinc a brea(;tll-fir~t to handle 11.:lvinl~ tile fur 1:1 i1t i Qn . 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