Internat. J. Math. #kh. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 3 (1983) 545-550 545 FIBONACCI POLYNOMIALS OF ORDER K, MULTINOMIAL EXPANSIONS AND PROBABILITY ANDREA$ N. PHILIPPOU Department of Mathematics Unlveristy of Patras Patras, Greece COSTA$ GEORGHIOU School of Engineering Unlverlsty of Patras Patras, Greece GEORGE N.. PHILIPPOU Department of General Studies Higher Technical Institute Nicosia, Cyprus (Received October 31, 1982) ABSTRACT. The Fibonacci polynomials of order k are introduced and two expansions of them are obtained, in terms of the multlnomial and binomial coefficients, respectively. A relation between them and probability is also established. izes results of [2] KEY ORDS AND PHRASES. The present work general- [4] and [5]. Fibonacc polynom of ode k, eo, mano d binomial coeff/e/ents, probability. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. i. IOA40. INTRODUCTION. In the sequel, k is a fixed integer greater than or equal to 2, x is a positive and finite real number, and n is a nonnegative integer unless otherwise specified. introduced the Fibonacci polynomials of order M of their properties. First we observe that to be denoted by f(k)(x) n [3], [4], and (x)(n>_-(r-2)) of [i] for k=r and n>-O. prove a theorem, which provides two expansions of ial and binomial coefficients, respectively. results, give another expansion of f(k)(x), n and study some are generalized polynomials, appro- priate extensions for the Fibonacci and Pell numbers of order k to the r-bonacci polynomials R f(k) (x) n Motivated f(k)(x) n identlca/ Then we state and (n>l) in terms of the multimom- Hoggatt and Bicknell [i], amoung other in terms of the A.N. PHILIPPOU, C. GEORGHIOU and G. N. PHILIPP J 546 The latter, however, are less widely justified k-nomial triangle. elements of the left known and used than the multinomial and binomial coefficients, and on this account our As a corollary to our theorem, we derive several expansions may be considered better. results of [2]-[4] and [5]. f(k)(x) n We also obtain a relation between (n->l) and probability. 2. THE FIBONACCI POLYNOMIALS OF ORDER K AND MULTINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS. In this section, we introduce the Fibonacci polynomials of order k and derive two expansions of them im terms of the multinomial and binomial coefficients, respectively. The proof is along the lines of [2] and [4]. DEFINITION. fk)(x)--O, fk)(x)=l, Fibonacci polynomials of order k if f(k)(x) < I n__ If {f(k) (x) }n--0 n The sequence of polynomials frjt(x)=O n 7 i=l and if 2 < n < k (2.1) k Z i=l xk-i f(k) (x) n-i k if n + i Hoggatt and Bick [i] call Rn for -(r-2)<n<-i n k-i f(k)(x) n-i is said to be the sequel of (x)--f((x) r) (n>-(r-2)) r-bonacci polynomials. Denoting by F n(x) f (k) n (k) and P n respectively, the Fibonacci polynomials [5], the Fibonacci numbers of order k [3], and the Pell numbers of order k [4], it follows from (2.1) that f(2) (x) n Fn(X) f(k) (!) n f (k) and F (k) (2) n n P (k) n (2.2) We now proceed to show the following lemma. LEMMA. Let f (k) (x) } 0 be the sequence of Fibonacci polynomials of order k, and n= denote its generating function hy Zk(S ;x) PROOF. for 3Nn<_k+l gk(s;x). Then, for s(l) We see from the definition that f and xf (k) n (x) sl <x/(l+xk), s k)(x)=xk-I xf(k) (x) (X) _f(k) (x) -xkf(k) n-i n n-i k (x) f(k) (x)=x f(k)...(k) n-i n-i Lx)-mn_l_k for n>k+2 Therefore (i + x’-)f f(k__(x) n (i "k)(x) 3 < n < k n-1 I k )f(k)(x) n-i + 547 EXPANSIONS AND PROBABILITY MULTIN(4IAL x f(k) (x) n-l-k n > k [(i + xk)]n-2 xk-I 1 _Ix( I + xk)f(k) n-l(X) ---x f(k) n-l-k(X)’ + 1 + 2 2 <n<k+l (2.3) n > k + 2. It may be seen, by means of (2.3) and induction on n, that f(k) (x) n [(l+xk) ]n-2 xk-i < (s;x) which implies the convergence of for n>2 Is <x/(l+xk). (2.4) Next, by means of (2.3), we observe that snf(k)(x) n E (s;x) n=0 k=l s + xk)]n-2xk-I + I snf n(k) (x), sn[(l n-k+2 n2 + (2.5) 7. and F. n-k+2 1 (k) Z "_n. (k)l(X)’- r. _n:Zn--.. 1(x) -(l+xk) n-k+2 Zn x n-k+2 snf(k)(x) n s__(l=xk) s k [(z+ Z n-0 snfn(k) (x)-s- k+l )- ix 1(’;)-Sx sn[--ix(l+xk n= 2 2 k=l z s"[ ]n-2xk-i -sl snfn<k) (x) k+l (Z+x)] n-2 Xk-i (2.6) The last two relations give s s(s;x) , + Z(z + k x s k) k(S;X) s2 so that s gk(s;x) (l---) z(z+k_s k) x 8 z_-+-’" 2 We will employ the above leema to establish the following expansions of TnO. Lt (a) {re) (x) }(R) n=0 n .(k) In+l(x) nl be the Fibonacci polynomials of order k. Z nl+" xk(nl ’nk \nl’" "’+nk) "’nk +" +nk)-n ne0 f(k)(x) n Then (>i). 548 A.N. PHILIPPOU, C. GEORGHIOU and G. N. PHILIPPOU where the summation is over all noo-negative integers nl,..,nk such that (b) E n/l (x) ki x (-I) nl+2n2+../knk-n; (l+xk) i-O x i-O nl, where, as ual, Ix] denotes the greatest interger in x. First we show (a). PROOF. _Let n Let I,I k) < .o that lxk[’-/()+. +()kll<l X be non-negative integers as specified below Then, using the lemma and the i(l<i<k) k multinomial theorem, and replacing n by n- E (i-1)n i, we get, i=l E n-O snf(k).. .+tx s k [ + (s)2+. ..+() }-I k s {l_x 2+. s kn -o’X n.,,.. s k }n r ( ,no nl+2n2 +. .+knk nl+ +nk=n hr. s n-O n I,... ,nk nl+2n2+- (nl+"’+nk Ink(nl+’’’+nk)-n’ (2.8) nl’" ’nk +knk=n from which (a) follows. We now proceed to establish (b). Let 0 < s < x/(l + xk), so that iX"S(-l+xk-s k- < i. Then, using the lemma and the binomial theorem, replacing n by n-kl, and setting B (k) n (x) .l+xk)n [n/Ik+l)] (-i) ki i (---- we ge [: [1- s_( l+xk-s k) Z s n.(k) n/l(X)= (1- s_) x x n-O (i- s ) E is_ (1+xk-s k) n-O x (n ) xki k) (l+x (k+l)i n>O, (2.9) MULTINOHIAL EXPANSIONS AND PROBABILITY x (i- I=0 s Z s ) n=O (1-s_) x n=l since Bo(.k) (x) i:O [n/(k+l)] n (l+xk)n-(k+l)i X-(n-ki) nkl (_l)i i=O E s n B (k) (x), by (2.9) n n= 0 7. i+ 549 sn[B(k) (x) n i from (2.9). 1 B(k) n-l(X) ], (2.10) " The last two relations show part (b) of the theorem. We have the following obvious corollary to the theorem, by means of relation (2.2). COROLLARY 2.1. Let F (x), n f(k) n and p(k)n denote the Fibonacci polynomials, the Fibonacci numbers of order k and the Pell numbers of order k, respectively. (a) Fn+ l(x) (b) (1) (b) (if) n;i xn-21 7. i=0 .(k) rn+I n0; n>-0; % nk9 n I n i+2n2+. +knk-n (k) I rn+ 2 n In/(k+l) (_l)i ?L i=O (n-l)/ -2n- 1 (k+l) i=O (c) (1) p(k) n=l n n 1+2n2+ k n (c) (It) .I+2 rn+ I (---) l.l+2k +kn k-n (n-l-ki 2-(k+l)i (-l)i (_l)i i’O ,n 2k( n->O; (n;ki)2ki(l+2k)-(k+l)i n-i [(n-l)/(k+l)] (-i) i=O n>_l; i k(nl+...+n> n/i(+l) t------) REMARK. [n[ki)2-(k+l)i ,nl, nk9 I Then, i (n-l-ki) 2kl i (I+2 k) (k+l) i nl. Part (a) of Corollary 2.1 was proposed by Swamy F51, who appears to be the first to introduce the Fibonaccl polynomials. Part (b)(1) was first shown in while (b) and (c), respectively, were later proved by a different method in [2l and [4]. The following corollary relates the Fibonaccl polynomials of order k to probability. A.N. PHILIPPOU, C. GEORGHIOU and G. N. PHILIPPOU 550 COROY 2 2. Let {f(k)(x))o be n n-0 the sequence of Fibonacci polynomials of order k, and denote by Nk the number of trials until the occurrence of the kth consecutive success in independent trials with success probability p (0<p<l). .(k) pn+k()n/k Zn+ I (()l/k), P(Nk.n+k PROOF. Then, n>O. It follows directly from Theorem 3.1 of [3] and part (a) of the present theorem. In partlcular, Corollary 2.2. reduces to the following results of [2] and [4], respectively, by means of (2,2). Let N be as above, and set k p-(l+2k) -1 Then 2 P(Nk=n+k) (1+2 Let N be as above, and set p=I/2. k n ...(k) k)n+k rn+l’ Then, 1 ,.(k) n In+l 2 P (Nk’n+k) (2 ii) n >0 (2 12) n_>O" REFERENCES I. HOGGATT, VoE. nd BICKNELL, MARORIE. Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials, Th___e Fbonacc_ Quarter!y I__i (1973), 457-465. 2, PIIILIPPOU, A.N. A Note On Khe Fibonacci Sequence Of Order k and Multinomial Coefficients, Th.e Fib0nacci _Quarte.rly 2.1 (1983), in press. 3. PHILIPPOU, A.N. and MUWAFI, A.A. Waiting for the kth Consecutive Success and the Fibonacci Sequence of Order k, The Fibonacci Quarterly 20 (1982), 28-32. The Pell Sequence of Order k, Multinomial Coefficients, and Probability, Submitted for publication (1982). PHILZPPOU, A.N. and PHILIPPOU, G.N. 5,, SWAMY M.N.S, Problem B- 74, The Fibonacci Quarterly 3_ (1965), 236.