Intern. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 2 (1983) 395-402 395 GENERALIZED FUNCTION TREATMENT OF THE ALFVIN-GRAVITY WAVE PROBLEM L. DEBNATH and K. VAJRAVELU Department of Mathematics East Carolina University Greenville, N. C. 27834, U.S.A. (Received September 30, 1982 and in revised form April 12, 1983) ABSTRACT. A study is made of the steady-state Alfvn-gravity waves in an inviscid incompressible electrically conducting fluid with an interface due to a harmonically oscillating pressure distribution acting on the interface. The generalized function method is employed to solve the problem in the fluid of infinite, finite and shallow depth. A unique solution of physical interest is derived by imposing the Sommerfeld Several limiting cases of physical interest are ob- radiation condition at infinity. tained from the present analysis. The physical significance of the solutions and their limiting cases are discussed. KEY I#ORS AND PHRASES. Alvdn-ravi waves, enerazed run,ions, FoYer transforms of dtribions, water ,v, dersion reons. I80 MATHEATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CES. 76B15, 76(95. i. INTRODUCTION. Steady-state surface wave problem in which the wave motion is simple harmonic in time is one of the most fundamental problems in the theory of surface wave phenomena in oceans. This is, indeed, a key problem for discussion of a variety of results and However, it is, in general, not possible to derive a unique solution of the problem by imposing only bounded condition at infinity. In observations in water waves. fact, sharper conditions such as the Sommerfeld radiation condition are required to obtain a unique solution of physical interest. Several methods have been employed to solve the steady-state wave problem in order to obtain a unique solution of physical interest. fictitious damping force method method These methods include (i) Lamb’s rl, (ii) Stoker’s complicated [2], (iii) Lighthill’s method [37 complex variable concerning an alternative way of applying the radiation condition and (iv) Debnath’s generalized function method [47. All these methods have been aimed at deriving a unique solution of physical interest, and in fact, led to the same solution. An extensive usage of classical Fourier transform methods in water wave problems and other wave problems are well known and readily available in the existing L. DEBNATH and K. VAJRAVELU 396 literature (Stoker [27, Sneddon (57) on the subiects. However, Debnath F47 has clearly pointed out certain inherent difficulties involved in the steady-state water wave problems and in their method of solution by the classical Fourier analysis. These difficulties are mainly related to the existence, uniqueness, and the real A careful singularies of the inverse Fourier integral solution of the problems. study indicates that a new treatment of the steady-state surface wave problem by the generalized function method [47 can not only eliminate the inherent difficulties of the classical Fourier transform analysis, but also enable us to obtain unique solution Thus it seems to be an extremely useful device from the view of physical interest. point of sufficient generality. Another convincing point about this method is that nor any I7 obtained by Lighthill’s there is neither any need for modification of the basic equations (Lamb justification of the limit operation involved in the solution method [37. In spite of the tremendous progress on the steady-state surface wave problems in non-conducting fluids, hardly any attention has been given to the steady-state Alfvn-gravity wave problem in The main purpose of an electrically conductin fluid. this paper is to make a steady-state investigation of the Alfvn-gravity waves in an inviscid, incompressible electrically conducting liquid with an interface due to a harmonically oscillating pressure acting on the interface. A new generalized function method will be employed to solve this problem in the fluid of infinite, finite and shallow depth. A unique solution of physical interest is derived by imposing the Sommerfeld radiation condition at infinity. been obtained from the present analysis. and their limiting Several limiting cases of interest have The physical significance of the solutions cases are discussed. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION. 2. We consider the two-dimensional linearized steady-state Alfvn-gravity wave problem in an inviscid, incompressible electrically conducting fluid of uniform density In its undisturbed state, the field-free conducting with a free surface. 0 fluid of constant depth occupies the region h -h _< z -< 0 in the rectangular Cartisian coordinate system with the origin at the free surface, and the region z > 0 is a vacuum under the action of constant magnetic field B (B0,0,0) 0 We investigate the generation and p$opagation of magnetohydrodynamic surface waves in the fluid system due to a harmonically-oscillating pressure distribution acting at the interface 0 z in the form p(x,t) P where and m is a constant, f(x) Pf(x)e imt (2.1) is a physically realistic arbitrary function of x is the fixed frequency. In view of the fact that the motion is irrotational, there exists a velocity potential (x,z;t) which satisfies the Laplace equation V2 in -h _< z -< 0 and < x < + 0 (2.2) ALFVEN-GRAVITY WAVE PROBLEM 397 Outside the fluid the vacuum magnetic field must be a potential field so that the also satisfies the Laplace equation magnetic potential )2 x + V2 in z > 0 )z (2.3) 0 < x <, with the boundary condition at infinity and Ivl 0 as z+ . (2.4) The free su#face dynamic and kinematic conditions in the linearized form are 4)t + gn + B0 z p(x,t) z at nt n(x,t) where (2.5 ab) 0 4)z is the vertical free surface elevation, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The interfacial condition describes the constraint of frozen-in lines of force in the fluid on the vacuum magnetic field so that the interface remains a magnetic field line even in the disturbed state and is given by Bn BO x z (2.6) 0 z on In the case of infinitely deep fluid, the bottom boundary condition is given by 4) 0 (2.7) z as For the case of fluid of finite depth, the boundary condition at the rigid bottom is 4)z 0 (2.8) -h z on In addition, an appropriate radiation condition has to be imposed to ensure the uniqueness of the solution of the steady-state wave problem. This will be done later at appropriate places. 3. SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM IN A FLUID OF INFINITE DEPTH. As a trial, we assume that functions transform with respect to x 4)(k,z;t) 4) # and possess ordinary Fourier defined by the integral 1 [ e -ikx 4)(x,z:t)dx (3.I) Application of the Fourier transform method to equations (2.1)-(2.7) gives solution for 4) @ and n as pim (k,z;t) (k,z;t) (k) e 0 imt D(m,k) PilklB O (k) 0 + Iklz (3.2) e D(m,k) (3.3) L. DEBNATH and K. VAJRAVELU 398 P (k t) (k)eimt lkl0 D(m,k) (3.4) where and B / 410 a is the O Alfvn glk m2 D(m,k) a2k 2 (3.5) wave velocity. The use of the inverse ourier transformation gives the integral solutions for and in the form e ikx (3.6 abc) dk It is noted that these inversion integrals are divergent because of the fact that the integrands of (3.6 abc) have polar singularities at the zeros of axis of integration. and D(m,k) on the Consequently, the original assumDtion that functions possess the Fourier transform in the ordinary sense was invalid. This is logical because a function which has a Fourier transform must tend to infinity, but and we expect to have wave-like behaviour, that is, bounded at infinity but not tending to zero at infinity. To overcome this inherent difficulty, we treat the functions Lihthill 6] generalized functions in the sense of as in which case they do have the Thus (3.6 abc) represent valid inversion integrals in the gener- Fourier transform. alized sense. and So one can use the generalized function method to evaluate the inte- gral (3.6 abc). It would be sufficient for determination of the principal features method, that is, if P(k) We next evaluate (3.6c) (x,t).. of the wave motions to evaluate the integral for by using result (24) of Debnath and Resenblat [77 based on the generalized function k has a simple pole at k I in a < k I < b then as b P (k) e ikx dk i Sgn x e iklX F (k) (residue of at k k I) + 0(i I). (3.7) a Making use of the result, we evaluate integral (3.6c) written explicitly in the form P e (x,t) imt kl 0 (x,t) to obtain the solution for P i e n(x,t) 0 N/2 + imt a 2 sgn x (k2-k 11 k I e ikx dk D(m,k) Ixl as [ (k) (3.81 in the form x (kl e-iklX k2(k2)e _ik2 kl(kl)eiklX- k2(k2)eik2xl + 0[,,] (3.9) ALFVEN-GRAVITY WAVE PROBLEM k where I k and - 399 are the real roots of the dispersion equation 2 D(,k) glk 2 a2k 2 (3.10) 0 The solution (3.9) for the free surface elevation n(x,t) contains four Alfvn-gravity two of them correspond to outgoing dispersive exponential terms waves from the source of disturbance and the other two represent incoming waves from in- finity. In order to achieve unique solution of physical interest, we impose the Sommerfeld - incominE wave terms present in the solution (3.9). (x,t) in the form radiation condition to eliminate the This leads to the unique solution for P i e n(x,t) 0a 2 [k (kl)e-ikllxl k2(k2)eik2’x’] it I (k2_kl) Alfvn-gravity This result corresponds to dispersive as c - km Cpm C + I + 2a2k /gk + a2k 2 2 In the absence of the external magnetic field E (x) the Dirac delta distribution so that pm and the group velo- (3.13) B . all these results reduce to - In particular, when (k) we also recover Debnath’s result for the steady-sace gravity waves from (3.11) in the limit a 4. (3 11) (3.12) those for pure gravity wave solution due to Debnath [4 f(x) C a2)1/2 (k 3k gm lllj waves characterized by the dispersion relation (3.10) which gives the phase velocity, city + 0 SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM IN A FLUID OF FINITE DEPTH. 0 Application of the generalized Fourier transform to (2.1)-(2.6) combined with $ bottom boundary condition (2.8) gives solutions for (k z’t) e f(k)e 0 D,k) Pi (k,z;t) imt +/-m Ikl B 0 (z C_osh[_k_l Cosh|klh (k) 0 P (k,t) eimt (k) 0 tanhlklh and +h) exp(imt- as (4.1) Iklz) (4.2) D, (re,k) Ik! tanhlk, lh D,(m, k) (4.3) where 2 D,(m,k) (glk + a2k 2) tanhlklh (4.4) The inverse Fourier transformation enables us to obtain an explicit integral solution for (x,t) as L. DEBNATH and K. VAJRAVELU 400 P e (x,t) imt I_ ikltanhlkl h (.+ 2Oo where a (k) is given by - )(k)eikxdk (4.5) (glkl + a2k2)tanhlklh 2(k) Making use of result (3.7), we can evaluate the wave integral (4.5). out that the significant contribution to the solution for from the poles of the integrand of (4.5). a(k) +/- m a(k) 0 n(x,t) as Ixl It turns comes / These poles are the roots of the equation and are readily found from the points of intersection of the curves with the straight lines +/- From the graphical representation of m these curves, it turns out that real roots of the above equations are at k +/- k + k* 2 Using the same formula (3.7), the wave integral (4.5) can easily be evaluated to obtain the solution as P i e (x, t) imt sg.n x (kl*) 2po/’2T F(k2*) {e ikl, x + e {e ik2*x + e -ik2*x ] -ikl*x + 0 (4.7) 171 where P(k) =[(k) k tanh kh]/[k (4.8) As in the case of infinitely deep fluid, the solution (4.7) consists of both outgoing waves from the source of the disturbance and incoming waves from infinity. In order to eliminate the incoming solution, we require to impose the Sommerfeld radiation condition. This leads to the unique solution of physical interest in the form P i e n(x,t) it [ (kl*)e _ikl,x This solution also represents dispersive the dispersion relation of the wave motions. a2(k by Debnath [4]. (B 0 Alfvn-gravity which gives the phase and O) (3.11). (4.9) waves characterized by te In the limiting case of infinitely deep fluid solution (4.9) reduces to result magnetic field m2 ] (k2,) eik2,x group velocities (kh =) On the other hand, when there is no external these findings are in agreement with those obtained earlier ALFVEN-GRAVITY WAVE PROBLEM 5. 401 -IISPERSIVE WAVES IN A VERY SHALLOW CONDUCTING FLUID. (kh In this case c2 gh tanhlklh 0) Iklh e2(k) so that c2k 2 + a2hlklk 2 Consequently, the integral solution (4.5) can easily be simplified to (x,t) obtain an explicit representation for P0 (x, t) eimt a2 2 ! k 23+Bk2+D(k) ikx (e + e -ikx) (5. i) dk where c2 B ha--/ > 0 oj D and 2 ha--/ (5.2 ab) < 0 The significant contribution to the solution for singularities of the integrand in (5.1). are the roots of the cubic equation for k Since the constant form in k comes from real polar in the form + Bk 2 + D (5.3) n(x,t) The singularities of the integrand in (5.1) (5.3) 0 is negative, this cubic equation must, there- fore, allow at least one positive real root, k k This lead to factorize (5.3) 0 in the form k0)(k2 (k- + 2sk + 8) (5.4) 0 By comparison with equation (5.3), it turns out that D 2k0 > 0 and 8 D -;---K0 > (5.5 ab) 0 It can then readily be shown that the two remaining roots of (5.4) are either real and negative or complex conjugate with negative real parts. A simple inspection reveals that the significant contribution to the solution for (x,t) comes from the positive real poles of the cubic (5.4). Following the same procedure used earlier, the integral (5.1) can easily be evaluated to obtain the solution in_the form (x, t P e it 0 (i sgn x) a2k/- (k02 k02(k0) + 2ek0 + 8) .eik0x + e-ik0x (5.6) By imposing the radiation condition, a unique solution of physical interest has the form (x,t) Pni 0 sgn a2k/ k02(k0) (k02 + 2ak0 + This solution represents the dispersive 8) e i(mt-k 01xl) (5.7) Alfve’n-gravity waves characterized by the dispersion equation (5.3). readily be calculated. Hence, the phase and the group velocities of the waves can In the absence of the magnetic field (B 0 and a 0) 0 the abmve result (5.7) reduces to the corresponding solution in a shallow non-condmcth/g liquid, and shows a striking contrast to the non-dispersive shallow water waves. L. DEBNATH and K. VAJRAVELU 402 6. CLOSING REMARKS. The above entire analysis has been carried out for an arbitrary function involved in the applied pressure given by (2.1). f(x) f(x) Some simple functional form for can easily be chosen to illustrate the general theory presented in this paper. However, the present study has revealed the principal features of the dispersive Alfven-gravlty wave motions in a conducting liquid. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This work was partially supported by a research grant from East Carolina University. REFERENCES i. 2. 3. 4. LAMB, H. Hydrodynamics, Cambridge University Press, London, 1932. STOKER, J. J. Water Waves, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1957. LIGHTHILL, M. J. Studies on Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Other Anisotropic Wave Motions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A252 (1960) 397-430. DEBNATH, L. A New Treatment of the Steady-State Wave Problem (1969) 502-506. I, Proc. Nat. Institute Sci., India A35 1952. 5. SNEDDON, I.N. 6. LIGHTHILL, M. J. 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