297 Internat. J. h. & Math. Si. Vol. 6 No. 2 (1983) 297-306 AN AMENABILITY PROPERTY OF ALGEBRAS OF FUNCTIONS ON SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS BAO-TING LERNER Department of Mathematics U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 (Received March 2, 1982 and in revised form June 28, 1982) ABSTRACT. Let S I and S 2 be semitopological semigroups, SI S 2 a semldlrect product. An amenability property is established for algebras of functions on S S I 2. This result is used to decompose the kernel of the weakly almost periodic compactlflcatlon of SIS 2 into a semidirect product. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Semitopological s emigroup, s emidect product, compatification, amenay, strongly almost periodic, weary ost piodic, krnel. AMS (MOS) subject clasificio (1970). Secondary 460 i. INTRODUCTION. Primary 22A15, 22A20, 43A01; Let S I, S be semitopological semigroups (in the terminology of 2 Berglund and Hofmann (i)) with identities, each denoted by i. That is S have (Hausdorff) topologies relative to which multiplication in S I and S I and S 2 2 is separately continuous. s I, t Let T S I S I, s2,t 2 2 x S S I S 2, T(s2,(t2,tl)), T(s2,1) We shall assume the map t I S I. The I be a separately T(s2,slt I) continuous map satisfying for each (s2,sl)(s2,tl), (s2t2,t I) i, and T(I,’) is the identity map. (Sl,S2) Sect pOdct SlT(S2,tl) S 1 SIS 2 of S I and x S S 2 2 S I is continuous for each is the topological space 29 8 S B.-T. LERNER S I x 2 equipped with multiplication The above conditions on (Sl,S2)(tl,t2) SIS 2 imply that (s I (s2,tl) s2t2). is a semitopological semigroup with identity (I,i). Let F be a closed translation invariant sub-C*-algebra of C(S 2 below) containing the constant functions. I S2) (see In previous papers (2) and (3), the author has formulated the necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposition of the F-compactification of (S I $2) into a semidirect product. The decomposition may be written symbolically as (S I$2 where G {f(.,l) f F} and H )F SI G $2 H {f(l,’): f 0 being another semidirect isomorphism (i.i) F} and equality denotes canonical product). Applications of this decomposition were then made to the almost periodic (AP), strongly almost periodic (SAP) and left-uniformly continuous (LUC) cases. situation is less well-behaved in the weakly almost periodic (WAP) case. example, if S 2 For is any commutative topological semigroup with identity for AP(SI), WAP(SI) which S I The SIS 2 then (i.i) fails even if is taken to be the special case of a direct product (Junghenn (4)). However, in the present paper we shall prove an amenability property of algebras of functions on S I S 2 which generalizes a result of Junghenn (5) and provides conditions under which the kernel of the WAP-compactification of S S I 2 can be decomposed into a semidirect product. PRELIMINARIES. 2. Throughout this section S denotes a semitopological semigroup and C(S) the C*-algebra of bounded continuous complex-valued functions on S. define operators R R f(s) t t and Ls f(st) We on C(S) by L s f(t) (s,t C(S)) f S Let F be a conjugate closed, norm closed linear subspace of C(S) containing the constant function i. R S F F (resp. L= F=F) Then F is g (resp. et) Ya0n inva fO iv if if it is both left and right translation invariant. A mn on F is a positive that (i) I II I- linear functional in F the dual of F, such We denote by M(F) the set of all means on F. A mean 299 FUNCTIONS ON SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS mtiplicaive if (fg) on F is (f)(g), f, g F. We denote the set of all multiplicative means on F by MM(F). If F is left (resp. right) translation invariant, then a mean right) invariat F for each f if left (resp. (f) (resp. (R s f) we have (L f) s S s is The set of all lft (resp. right) invariant means on F shall be denoted by (f)). ElM(F) (resp. RIM(F)). RIM(F) # ). F is left (resp. ,ight)enable if ElM(F) # (resp. If F is translation invariant and both left and right amenable, F is called amenable. Now suppose F is left translation invariant. Tv T F / C(S) by (Tvf) F CF for each v if T (s) M(F). F -F for each e (Lsf), S. Then F is If F is an algebra, then F is MM(F). defined in an analogous F, s f F For each v define left iroved if left-m-ioved Right introversion and right-m-introversion are manner. F algebra of C(S) then S denotes the spectrum (=space of If F is a sub-C nonzero continuous complex homomorphisms) of F equipped with the relativized weak topology, and e: S S / F the evaluation mapping. If F is admissible (i.e. F is translation invariant, left-m- introverted, containing the constant functions) then a binary operation (x,y) on S (i) F relative to which the pair S y (li) e F (sF,e) xy may be defined has the following properties: is a compact Hausdorff topological space and a semigroup such that for each S F the mapping x S S each s (iii) e C(S E F F / S F is continuous; is a continuous homomorphism with range dense in S S F) S xy the mapping x e(s)x S F + S F F such that for is continuous; and F. The pair (S F, e) is the ea0/ F-eompaion of S. Let K(S), called the ke of S, denote the mnimal ideal of S. We shall use the amenability property in the next section to decompose the kernel of the WAP- compactification of 3. SIS 2 into a semidirect product. THE AMENABILITY THEOREM. identities and SIS Let S I and S 2 denote semltopologlcal semlgroups with as defined in 2_ a semldirect product I. We shall denote by B.-T. LERNER 300 SI SI$2 / ql (l,s2), q2(s2) dual mapping of and for s S s I e I, 2 e (ql(Sl) the injection mappings , Let $2). C(SI@S2) qi C(SI) (Sl,l), denote the 1,2. i qi’ SI$2 $2 q2 THEOREM 3. i Suppose F is a left translation invariant, left introverted closed subspace of (a) C(SIS 2) D {s containing the constant functions, and the semigroup e S 2 "r(s2,S 1) 2 S 1} is dense in S , amenable if ql F and 2. Then F is left q2 F are left amenable. Suppose F is a right translation invariant, right introverted closed subspace (b) of C(S and ,I S 2) Then F is right amenable if containing the constant functions. ql F q2 F are right amenable. To prove (a) choose any PROOF. , l(ql (Uf)(s 2) F Then U TF=F f) )’ (L(l,s2) , / q2 s2 e S e LIM(q i M(F) where and for each f e F define 2. Since F is left introverted, For let f e F. F I*F ), (L (Tf)(s I s 2) (Sl,S2) f) (s I F f s2)e(S I@$2). Observe that (Uf) (s 2) Ul(ql (L(l,s2) f)) (T(I oql* f) (s2 , q2 Then UF e , q2*F since T(U 1 and (i) 2 e f e F. T(lOql,) i. LIM(q2) Thus We must show * f (i for any s linear operator of norm I since Let ql and put l ’s2) e S 2 2. , F Furthermore, U ql F. is a mean on 2U. , e F Then + (f) q2 F _> is a positive 0 for each f _> 0 in F, is a mean on F. e LIM(F). , ql (L (s I,I) L (l,s2) f) Observe that for s , , ql (L (l,s2)(s ql I S I e S I, s 2 e 2, (3.1) ,l)f) (L(T(s2,sl), s 2) f). Furthermore, for any g e F, s I, t I, e S I, , ql (L(sl,l)g)(tl) L(sl, l(tl’l) (ql* g)(sltl) Thus, , ql (L (Sl,l) L (l,s 2) f) g(Sltl’l) Ls l(ql , g)(tl) )" Lsl(ql*L (l,s 2) f). (3.2) FUNCTIONS ON SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS By (3.1) and (3.2) we obtain for d e D, s I e S I, f l(ql*(e((d,s I), d) 301 F, l(ql *(e(s I,I) L(l,d)f)) f)) (3.3) * i (ql (n(l,d) f) (Lslql*(L(l,d) f)) (Uf) (d). By the definition of D and the continuity in the variable s I of the extreme left side of (3.3), we obtain, l(ql *(L (Sl,d) f)) S Since 2 (Uf)(d) (d e D s SI) I we therefore have Ul (ql* (L (Sl,S 2) f)) (Uf)(s 2) (s I e S I, s 2 e S2). That is, UL (s I ,i) Uf, Ys f S I e I. (3.4) Observe that for s 2, t e S 2, 2 U(L(l,s2) f)(t2) I (q i *(L (l,t L (l,s f)) 2) 2) i (ql (L s 2 (L(l,s2t2)f)) (Uf)(s2t2) Uf)(t2). Thus, U(L(I,s2) f) L s Uf, s 2 (3.5) S 2 e 2 By (3.4) and (3.5) we obtain for any s I e S I, s 2 (e (s l,s 2) f) (e U2 e (l,s 2) (s I ,i) S f) [U(L(I,s2) e (s I ,l)f)] u2[es 2 U(L (Sl ,l)f)] 2(Uf) 2(e s 2 Uf) (f). e LIM(F) and we are done. Thus The proof of (b) is done in an analogous manner and is, in fact, much easier. RIM(qI*F) and for each f e F, define Choose any Ul (Uf) (s 2) i (ql* (R(l, s2) f)) Then U F e * q2 F s 2 S 2 since F is right introverted. positive linear operator of norm 1 since I Furthermore, is a mean on ql *F q2* F U: F Let 2 e is a RIM(q2*F) B.-T. LERNER 302 and put is a mean on F and we must show Then 2-U. Observe that for any s I, t I f(t ql*R(l,t2)R(sl,s2 f[(t i S I, I’ I)(i t s2, t 2 $2, 2 f RIM(F). F, (Sl’ s2)] f[(tl(t2,Sl), t2s 2)] f[(tl(t2,s l),l)(l,t2s2)] ql*R(l, t2s2) f (tl (t2,Sl)) R (t2,s I) ql*R (l,t2s 2) f(tl). ql*R(l,t2) R (Sl,S2) f R (t2,Sl) ql*R(l,t 2 s2)f, Thus, and therefore since U(R (Sl,S 2) f)(t 2) RIM(qI*F), f) i (ql*R (l,t2) R( Sl,S2) e i l(R(t2,sl)ql*R(l,t2s2) f) l(ql *R (l,t2s 2) f) Rs2 Uf(t2)" Then, (R(sl,s2)f) 2[U(R(sl,s2)f)] 2(Rs2Uf) 2(Uf) Hence 4. (f). RIM(F) and we are done. Application to K(S S I 2)WAP Let S be a semitopological semigroup and let SAP(S) denote the closed linear span in C(S) of the coefficients of all finite-dimensional continuous unitary representation of S. functions on S. SAP(S) is called the space of {f e C(S) Let WAP(S) WAP(S) is called the space of Rsf SYong moS p0c is relatively weakly compact}. w amo p0c functions on S. (See Berglund, Junghenn and Milnes (6) for properties of SAP(S), WAP(S)). In (3) it was shown that if SI,S 2 are semitopological semigroups with identities then (SI$2)SAP XS2 SAP where (S and S I s2)SAP and S2 sAP are the canonical SAp-compactifications of S (4.1) I S 2 X is a compact topological group which is a homomorphic image 2 respectively, FUNCTIONS ON SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS 303 of the canonical SAP-compactification of S I, and equality denotes canonical isomorphism. We now prove the following lemma which shall be used in the decomposition of the kernel. LEMMA. 4.1 (sWAP,Y) sWAP/K(SWAP) Let Let S be a semitopological semigroup such that WAP(S) is amenable. be a WAP-compactification of S, be right multiplication. K(sWAP), 05: the identity of (K(sWAP), p) Then is an SAP-compactification of S. PROOF. Since group (deLeeuw and Glicksberg (7)). 0: K(S S sWAPs. WAP) S Observe that Let (S SAP WAP) sWAP wAP Then p maps S WAP(S) is amenable, K(S WAP and is a compact topological onto K(S WAP) and is a continuous homomorphism with range dense in 0IK(sWAP) is the identity mapping on K(S WAP). y) be the canonical SAP-compactification of S. By the universal mapping property of SAP and WAP compactifications, there exist continuous and homomorphisms , such that Observe further that since and the fact that P(S) jt :sSAP/KsWAP sWAP.s SAP and 0,=. 0, then =0 by the continuity of S wAP - All of the above relations are illustrated in the following commutative diagram: SAP It suffices to show that compactification of S. that (x Since S I) SAP Yl and Let (x2) WAP) is one-to-one so that K(S SAP . Then there Yl Y2 S (y2 Y2" Suppose (yl WAP) exist Then will be an SAP- x I x 2 s sWAP ((x25)). SAP Thus O(x i) On the other hand, @(xi)@() @(xi$)(i=l,2), such ((x2)). ((Xl)) is a compact topological group and @() is an idempotent in S @() is the identity of S ((Xl)) K(S SAP, so B.-T. LERNER 304 (8(xi)) so, Xl x25, and hence O(xi) (x25) (Xl$) Yl xi (i i, 2), // Y2" We shall use the relation (4.1), the above lemma and the results in the following discussion to establish conditions under which we may express $2 )WAP] K[(S I as a semidirect product $2 )WAP] K[(S I X @ K(S2 WAP) where equality denotes canonical isomorphism and X is a compact topological group. WAP(S2) are amenable. By (deLeeuw and Glicksberg (7), Lemma 5.2) since qi Si SIS2 is a continuous homomorphism for 1,2, then F i ql WAP (S I $2) CWAP (SI), and F 2 q2*WAP(SI S2)WAP(S2). I (In fact, equality holds in the latter.) Thus, ql WAP(SIS2) and q2*WAP(SIS 2) are amenable and if we assume D Is 2 e S2: (s2,S I) S 2} is dense in S I, then We shall assume that WAP(S I $2) WAP(Sl) and is amenable by Theorem 3.1. $2 )WAP] K[(S I By ((7), Theorem 4.11) groups. Furthermore, by Lemma 4.1, SI$2, and K[(S K(S2WAP) I s2)WAP $2 )SAP (S I D ( {s S and K(S S (s2,SI) 2 Suppose S I} (S 1 @ () $2 )WAP] s2)WAP X@ K(S2WAP) and S 2 (symbollically S SAP respectively 2 WAP 2 WAP 2 WA.P(Sl), is dense in S Furthermore, we may represent K[ (S K[ (S I is a SAP-compactification of denoted by where equality Thus, we have proved the following 2 a semidirect product. e 2 K[(SIS2 )wAP] are compact topological Let S I, S be semitopological semigroups with identities and 2 PROPOSITION 4.2 1 K(S2 WAP) is a SAP-compactification of S denotes canonical isomorphism). S and I 2. s2)WAP] WAP(S 2) are amenable, and Then WAP(S I@S 2) is amenable. as a semidirect product where equality denotes canonical isomorphism, are canonical WAP-compactifications of S 1 @ S 2 and S 2 respectively, and X is a compact topological group which is a continuous homomorphic image of the canonical SAP-compactification of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Sl.// This work was supported by a U. S. Naval Academy Research Council Grant. The author wishes to thank the referee for suggesting several improvements to the exposition of the paper. FUNCTIONS ON SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS 305 REFERENCES i. BERGLUND, J. F. and HOFMANN, K. H., Compact Semitopological Semlgroups and Weakly Almost Periodic Functions, Lecture Notes in Math., oI. 42, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1967. 2. LERNER, B.T., C* 3. JUNGHENN, H. D. and LERNER, B.T., Semigroup Compactifications of Semidirect Products, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 265 (1981), 393-404. 4. JUNGHENN, H.D., C* Algebras of Functions on Direct Products of Semigroups, Rocky Mountain J. of Math., 10(3) (1980), 589-597. 5. JUNGHENN, H.D., Topological Left Amenability of Semidirect Products, Canad. Math. Bull., 24(1) (1981), 79-85. 6. 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