SFUs Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) Newsletter February 12th 2016 ISC Calendar-of-events page: https://www.sfu.ca/students/indigenous/services/ISCāCalendar.html Events at ISC and on-campus ISC Learning and Writing Peer Educator, Marton J @ ISC every Monday: Monday, February 15, 11am – 1 pm, Marton's role will be to help Indigenous Students with writing and study strategies: https://www.sfu.ca/students/indigenous/PeerCousins.html Meet & Greet with Nancy Boehmer, SFU Health & Counselling Services: Monday, February 15, 10am – 11:30 am, Nancy will be at ISC during the spring term to see ISC students as needed! Métis Nation of BC Program coordinator Gail Sayese @ ISC Feb 17 2016, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm: Do you have questions about Métis citizenship, funding, etc.? If so this session is for you! http://at.sfu.ca/KCNRzo Workshop on "Strategies for Time Management" with Ruth Silverman Feb 18 2016, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm: "Are you juggling work, school and other responsibilities? Attend this workshop to build skills around living by your priorities. It will be a good investment of your precious time." http://at.sfu.ca/seTHGk Write-A-Way: FREE!! On-line tutoring for SFU undergraduates now available, for Spring term, Jan 18 to April 8 2016! Did you know that you can submit your assignment up to 3 times to online tutors? Click on the link and create an account and take advantage of this service: http://writeaway.ca/connect.php ISC Tutoring Program Did you know that we have a pool of tutors available forFirst Nations, Métis, or Inuit undergraduate students? Currently, the ISC Tutoring program focuses on a variety of courses. Do not hesitate to ask, especially early in the term. The sessions are 1 hour/week and the ISC will only allow 13 hours per course over the term. If you have any questions, please contact our office directly at 778-7826929. Please note that tutors must be assigned and approved by ISC. Self-recruitment of tutors will not be honoured, or paid. https://www.sfu.ca/students/indigenous/services.html Honouring Feast 2016 Participate in ISC Honouring Feast for FNS, Metis, & Inuit graduates on Wednesday, June 8th, 2016, 5 pm: All FNS, Metis, & Inuit graduates at SFU completing between Summer 2015 and June 2016, please RSVP at: http://at.sfu.ca/wPmxQa Indigenous Graduate Information Graduate Aboriginal Entrance Scholarship Awards, for both graduate and PHD students. 18k to 21k available, Deadline March 30, 2016. For those students who are starting in January, May, or September. More details here: http://at.sfu.ca/TsyBUK SFU – UBC Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium: March 4-5, 2016, Registration is Now Open! Attend our Second Annual SFU-UBC Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium. (UBC campus-FNS House of Learning). Friday, March 4th (5:00 - 8:00pm), and Saturday, March 5, 2016 (9:00am 4:00pm): https://www.sfu.ca/students/indigenous/grads.html CUVIC 2016 Conference: UVIC, Reconciliation, Innovation and Transformation through Engagement April 27-29 2016: Delegates for keynote presentations, workshops and social networking opportunities to support engagement. We acknowledge and respect the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSANEC peoples on whose traditional territories the university stands and whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day: http://www.uvic.ca/cuvic2016/ SFU – Indigenous Online Learning Community (OLC) seek submissions: Submit special interest articles with Indigenous content. It's a great place for writers to gain exposure, and we have a large readership and following. I will also post articles on our Facebook and Twitter profiles. I will review the submissions and offer mentorship as well as help them to publish the article. Send to cmaxson@sfu.ca with 'OLC Submission' in the subject line. Volunteer @ SFU University Preview Day for Indigenous students coming to SFU – March 9 2016, SFU Recruitment and Transition will be hosting a university preview day for indigenous high school students at the Burnaby campus. We are currently looking for enthusiastic student volunteers to assist with the day's activities. See job ID 3444: https://myinvolvement.sfu.ca/home.htm Undergraduate researcher needs your feedback for neo-colonial process of residential schools and impacts on education today: My name is Louise Heffernan and I am an ex-exchange student of Simon Fraser University. I need your help to reveal First Nation history to people in the UK. I am currently at the University of Manchester and completing my undergraduate thesis. Whilst I was at SFU for two terms I became very interested in the residential school legacy. Please see the questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BLS28P6 Employment Opportunities Student Academic Advisor – Are you interested in helping out fellow students? Academic Advising is hiring new Student Academic Advisors. The posting is now available on MyInvolvement - it closes Monday, February 15th. See the ad for requirements. https://myinvolvement.sfu.ca Tuzz is emailed to students, staff and friends associated with Indigenous Student Centre as part of our support for students. If you have resources to share with the wider community and you would like us to post it in Tuzz, please visit this link: https://www.sfu.ca/students/indigenous/services/tuzz.html. You may also visit our website and calendar for more events. ISC is also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SFU.ISC or, Twitter: @ISCSFU