β-Gaussian Ensembles and the Non-orientability of Polygonal Glueings Michael La Croix Massachusetts Institute of Technology April 6, 2013 Gaussian Ensembles For β ∈ {1, 2, 4} an element of the β-Gaussian ensemble is constructed as A = G + G∗ where G is n × n with i.i.d. Guassian entries selected from {R, C, H}. Motivating Question What is the value of E(f (A)), when f is a symmetric function of the eigenvalues of its argument? Example 5n + 5n2 + 2n3 β = 1 4 n + 2n3 β=2 E(tr(A )) = 5 5 2 3 3 β=4 4n − 2n + 4n Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 1 / 15 General β via Eigenvalue Density The eigenvalues of A are all real with joint density proportional to ! n 2 Y X β λ i |λi − λj |β exp − 2 2 i=1 1≤i<j≤n Theorem For every θ, E(pθ (λ))β is a polynomial in the variables n and b = 2 β − 1. Example E(p4 (λ))β = (1 + b + 3b2 )n + 5bn2 + 2n3 Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 2 / 15 A Recurrence behind the theorem 1 − 2(1+b) p2 (x) Set Ω := e Integrate 2 |V (x)| 1+b , so that hf i = E(f (x)) = cb,n R Rn f Ω dx. p (x) 2 ∂ j+1 ∂ j+1 − 2 x1 pθ (x)Ω = x1 pθ (x)|V (x)| 1+b e 2(1+b) ∂x1 ∂x1 = (j + 1)xj1 pθ (x)Ω + X imi (θ)xi+j 1 pθ\i (x)Ω + 2 1+b N j+1 X x p θ (x) x1 −xi Ω 1 − j+2 1 1+b x1 pθ (x)Ω i=2 i∈θ to get An Algebraic recurrence Example hpj+2 pθ i = b(j + 1) hpj pθ i + α X j X imi (θ) pi+j pθ\i + hpl pj−l pθ i. i∈θ Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings l=0 April 6, 2013 3 / 15 What’s being counted? Example (for β ∈ {1, 2, 4}) i tr(A4 ) = X Aij Ajk Akl Ali A ij A li j A jk i,j,k,l l A kl k n n E tr(A4 ) = 1! E(A11 A11 A11 A11 ) + 2! E(4A11 A11 A12 A21 ) 1 2 n n + 2! E(A12 A21 A12 A21 ) + 3! E(2A12 A21 A13 A31 ) 2 3 n n + 4! E(A12 A23 A34 A41 ) + 3! E(4A11 A12 A23 A31 ) 4 3 n + 2! E(2A11 A12 A22 A21 ) 2 Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 4 / 15 What’s being counted? Example (for β ∈ {1, 2, 4}) i tr(A4 ) = X Aij Ajk Akl Ali A ij A li 1 1 j 1 2 1 1 A jk 1 1 1 2 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 i,j,k,l l A kl n n E tr(A4 ) = 1! E(A11 A11 A11 A11 ) + 2! E(4A11 A11 A12 A21 ) 1 2 n n + 2! E(A12 A21 A12 A21 ) + 3! E(2A12 A21 A13 A31 ) 2 3 n n + 4! E(A12 A23 A34 A41 ) + 3! E(4A11 A12 A23 A31 ) 4 3 n + 2! E(2A11 A12 A22 A21 ) 2 Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 4 / 15 Expectations as Sums Since the entries of A are independent Guassians, X Y E(Ai1 j1 Ai2 j2 . . . Aik jk ) = E(Au Av ) m (u,v)∈m summed over perfect matchings of the multiset {i1 j1 , i2 j2 , . . . , ik jk } X #{pairings consistent with p} p a painting = X #{paintings consistent with m} m a matching Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 5 / 15 Count the polygon glueings in 2 different ways (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 (n)1 0 0 (n)2 0 0 0 0 0 (n)2 0 0 0 2 n(n-1) 0 (n)2 0 0 0 0 0 (n)2 0 0 0 0 2 n(n-1) 0 0 (n)2 0 0 (n)2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 n(n-1) 0 (n)2 0 0 (n)2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 n(n-1) 0 (n)2 (n)2 0 0 0 0 0 0 (n)2 0 0 3 n(n-1) 0 0 (n)3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n(n-1)(n-2) 0 (n)3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n(n-1)(n-2) n3 n3 n n2 n2 n n2 n2 n2 n n n Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings 12 n April 6, 2013 6 / 15 Polygon Glueings = Maps Identifying the edges of a polygon creates a surface. = Its boundary is a graph embedded in the surface. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 7 / 15 Polygon Glueings = Maps = = Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 7 / 15 Polygon Glueings = Maps Extra polygons give extra faces (and possibles extra components) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 7 / 15 Graphs, Surfaces, and Maps Example Definition A surface is a compact 2-manifold without boundary. (Non-orientable surfaces are permitted.) Definition A graph is a finite set of vertices together with a finite set of edges, such that each edge is associated with either one or two vertices. (It may have loops / parallel edges.) Definition A map is a 2-cell embedding of a graph in a surface. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 8 / 15 Equivalence of Maps Two maps are equivalent if the embeddings are homeomorphic. Homeomorphisms are more complicated than we might think Dehn Twists Y-Homeomorphisms Not Present for Photo Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 9 / 15 Equivalence of Maps Two maps are equivalent if the embeddings are homeomorphic. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 9 / 15 Ribbon Graphs, Flags, and Rooted Maps Example Definition The neighbourhood of the graph determines a ribbon graph, and the boundaries of ribbons determine flags. Definition Automorphisms permute flags, and a rooted map is a map together with a distinguished orbit of flags. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 10 / 15 Ribbon Graphs, Flags, and Rooted Maps Example Definition The neighbourhood of the graph determines a ribbon graph, and the boundaries of ribbons determine flags. Definition Automorphisms permute flags, and a rooted map is a map together with a distinguished orbit of flags. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 10 / 15 Ribbon Graphs, Flags, and Rooted Maps Example Definition The neighbourhood of the graph determines a ribbon graph, and the boundaries of ribbons determine flags. Definition Automorphisms permute flags, and a rooted map is a map together with a distinguished orbit of flags. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 10 / 15 Twisted Ribbons allow Non-Orientable Maps Example (A map on the Klein Bottle) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 11 / 15 Twisted Ribbons allow Non-Orientable Maps Example (A map on the Torus) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 11 / 15 Root Edge Deletion A rooted map with k edges can be thought of as a sequence of k maps. α 2 2 2 2 2 2 bn bn bn n 2 bn n n bn 2 Consecutive submaps differ in genus by 0, 1, or 2, and these steps are marked by 1, b, and a = α2 to assign a weight to a glueing. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 12 / 15 Algebraic and Combinatorial Recurrences agree An Algebraic Recurrence Example hpj+2 pθ i = b(j + 1) hpj pθ i + α X j X imi (θ) pi+j pθ\i + hpl pj−l pθ i. i∈θ l=0 A Combinatorial Recurrence It corresponds to a combinatorial recurrence for counting polygon glueings. i j-l i+j j j+2 Michael La Croix (MIT) j+2 β-Polygonal Glueings j+2 l April 6, 2013 13 / 15 3 bn n 3 n n Michael La Croix (MIT) 2 bn 2 bn bn 2 bn 2 bn 2 bn bn bn β-Polygonal Glueings 2 2 2 April 6, 2013 14 / 15 The Future The combinatorial interpretation has a two-parameter refinement. Is there a corresponding matrix question? At b = 0, we obtain glueings in 2g : 1 correspondence with orientable glueings. Can this correspondence be made to preserve vertex degrees as well as face degrees? A similar recurrence describes moments of the β-Laguerre distribution, with maps replaced by hypermaps . For β ∈ {1, 2, 4} we can refine the combinatorial model and compute moments of XA. Is there a model for the β-Ensembles where this interpretation makes sense. For β = 1 and β = 2, there is a natural duality between vertices and faces. What operation replaces it for b-weighted glueings? The connection with Michael La Croix (MIT) Jack symmetric functions β-Polygonal Glueings that needs to be explored. April 6, 2013 15 / 15 The End Thank You Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 15 / 15 Example is enumerated by x32 x23 (y3 y4 y5 ) z26 . ν = [23 , 32 ] φ = [3, 4, 5] = [26 ] Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 16 / 15 Explicit Formulae The hypermap series can be computed explicitly when H consists of orientable hypermaps or all hypermaps. Theorem (Jackson and Visentin - 1990) When H is the set of orientable hypermaps, HO ∂ p(x), p(y), p(z); 0 = t ln ∂t X θ∈P ! t Hθ sθ (x)sθ (y)sθ (z) |θ| t=1. Theorem (Goulden and Jackson - 1996) When H is the set of all hypermaps (orientable and non-orientable), ! X 1 ∂ t|θ| Zθ (x)Zθ (y)Zθ (z) HA p(x), p(y), p(z); 1 = 2t ln ∂t H2θ θ∈P Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings t=1. April 6, 2013 17 / 15 A Generalized Series Jack symmetric functions, Definition , are a one-parameter family, denoted by {Jθ (α)}θ , that generalizes both Schur functions and zonal polynomials. b -Conjecture (Goulden and Jackson - 1996) The generalized series, H p(x), p(y), p(z); b X ∂ Jθ (x; 1 + b)Jθ (y; 1 + b)Jθ (z; 1 + b) := (1 + b)t ln t|θ| ∂t hJθ , Jθ i1+b θ∈P X X = cν,φ, (b)pν (x)pφ (y)p (z), ! t=1 n≥0 ν,φ,`n has an combinatorial interpretation involving hypermaps. In particular X cν,φ, (b) = b β(h) for some invariant β of rooted hypermaps. h∈Hν,φ, Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 18 / 15 For general β, integrate over eigenvalues Definition For a function f : Rn → R, define an expectation operator h·i by Z 2 − 1 p (λ) |V (λ)| 1+b f (λ)e 2(1+b) 2 dλ, hf i1+b := c1+b Rn with c1+b chosen such that h1i1+b = 1. Theorem (Okounkov - 1997) If n is a positive integer, 1 + b is a positive real number, and θ is an integer partition of 2n, then E D (1+b) (1+b) (1+b) (λ) = Jθ (In )[p[2n ] ]Jθ . Jθ 1+b Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 19 / 15 Jack Symmetric Functions With respect to the inner product defined by hpλ (x), pµ (x)iα = δλ,µ |λ|! `(λ) α , |Cλ | Jack symmetric functions are the unique family satisfying: (P1) (Orthogonality) If λ 6= µ, then hJλ , Jµ iα = 0. X (P2) (Triangularity) Jλ = vλµ (α)mµ , where vλµ (α) is a rational µ4λ function in α, and ‘4’ denotes the natural order on partitions. (P3) (Normalization) If |λ| = n, then vλ,[1n ] (α) = n!. Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 20 / 15 Jack Symmetric Functions Jack symmetric functions, are a one-parameter family, denoted by {Jθ (α)}θ , that generalizes both Schur functions and zonal polynomials. Proposition (Stanley - 1989) Jack symmetric functions are related to Schur functions and zonal polynomials by: hJλ , Jλ i1 = Hλ2 , Jλ (1) = Hλ sλ , Jλ (2) = Zλ , and hJλ , Jλ i2 = H2λ , where 2λ is the partition obtained from λ by multiplying each part by two. Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 21 / 15 hpj+2 pθ i = b(j + 1) hpj pθ i + (1 + b) X j X imi (θ) pi+j pθ\i + hpl pj−l pθ i i∈θ l=0 Example h1i = 1 hp0 i = n hp2 i = b hp0 i + hp0 p0 i = bn + n2 hp1 p1 i = (1 + b) hp0 i = (1 + b)n hp4 i = 3b hp2 i + hp0 p2 i + hp1 p1 i + hp2 p0 i = (1 + b + 3b2 )n + 5bn2 + 2n3 hp3 p1 i = 2b hp1 p1 i + (1 + b) hp2 i + hp0 p1 p1 i + hp1 p0 p1 i = (3b + 3b2 )n + (3 + 3b)n2 hp2 p2 i = b hp0 p2 i + 2(1 + b) hp2 i + hp0 p0 p2 i = 2b(1 + b)n + (2 + 2b + b2 )n2 + 2bn3 + n4 hp2 p1,1 i = b hp0 p1,1 i + 2(1 + b) hp1,1 i + hp0 p0 p1,1 i = 2(1 + b)2 n + (b + b2 )n2 + (1 + b)n3 hp1 p3 i = 3(1 + b) hp2 i = (3b + 3b2 )n + (3 + 3b)n2 hp1 p2,1 i = 2(1 + b) hp1,1 i + (1 + b) hp0 p2 i = (2 + 4b + 2b2 )n + (b + b2 )n2 + (1 + b)n3 hp1,1,1,1 i = 3(1 + b) hp0 p1,1 i = (1 + 2b + b2 )n2 Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 22 / 15 hpj+2 pθ i = b(j + 1) hpj pθ i + (1 + b) X j X imi (θ) pi+j pθ\i + hpl pj−l pθ i i∈θ l=0 Example h1i = 1 hp0 i = n hp2 i = b hp0 i + hp0 p0 i = bn + n2 hp1 p1 i = (1 + b) hp0 i = (1 + b)n hp4 i = 3b hp2 i + hp0 p2 i + hp1 p1 i + hp2 p0 i = (1 + b + 3b2 )n + 5bn2 + 2n3 hp3 p1 i = 2b hp1 p1 i + (1 + b) hp2 i + hp0 p1 p1 i + hp1 p0 p1 i = (3b + 3b2 )n + (3 + 3b)n2 hp2 p2 i = b hp0 p2 i + 2(1 + b) hp2 i + hp0 p0 p2 i = 2b(1 + b)n + (2 + 2b + b2 )n2 + 2bn3 + n4 hp2 p1,1 i = b hp0 p1,1 i + 2(1 + b) hp1,1 i + hp0 p0 p1,1 i = 2(1 + b)2 n + (b + b2 )n2 + (1 + b)n3 hp1 p3 i = 3(1 + b) hp2 i = (3b + 3b2 )n + (3 + 3b)n2 hp1 p2,1 i = 2(1 + b) hp1,1 i + (1 + b) hp0 p2 i = (2 + 4b + 2b2 )n + (b + b2 )n2 + (1 + b)n3 hp1,1,1,1 i = 3(1 + b) hp0 p1,1 i = (1 + 2b + b2 )n2 Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 23 / 15 b is ubiquitous The many lives of b b=0 Hypermaps Symmetric Functions Matrix Integrals Moduli Spaces Matching Systems Michael La Croix (MIT) Orientable sθ GUE over C Bipartite b=1 ? Jθ (b) ? ? ? β-Polygonal Glueings Locally Orientable Zθ GOE over R All April 6, 2013 24 / 15 Encoding Orientable Maps 1 Orient and label the edges. 2 This induces labels on flags. 3 Clockwise circulations at each vertex determine ν. 4 1 2 4 3 Face circulations are the cycles of ν. 5 6 = (1 10 )(2 20 )(3 30 )(4 40 )(5 50 )(6 60 ) ν = (1 2 3)(10 4)(20 5)(30 50 6)(40 60 ) ν = φ = (1 4 60 30 )(10 2 5 6 40 )(20 3 50 ) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 25 / 15 Encoding Orientable Maps 1 Orient and label the edges. 2 This induces labels on flags. 3 Clockwise circulations at each vertex determine ν. 4 Face circulations are the cycles of ν. 1 4 2 3 5 6 = (1 10 )(2 20 )(3 30 )(4 40 )(5 50 )(6 60 ) ν = (1 2 3)(10 4)(20 5)(30 50 6)(40 60 ) ν = φ = (1 4 60 30 )(10 2 5 6 40 )(20 3 50 ) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 25 / 15 Encoding Orientable Maps 1’ 1 Orient and label the edges. 2 This induces labels on flags. 3 Clockwise circulations at each vertex determine ν. 4 4 Face circulations are the cycles of ν. 2 1 2’ 3 4’ 6’ 3’ 5 5’ 6 = (1 10 )(2 20 )(3 30 )(4 40 )(5 50 )(6 60 ) ν = (1 2 3)(10 4)(20 5)(30 50 6)(40 60 ) ν = φ = (1 4 60 30 )(10 2 5 6 40 )(20 3 50 ) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 25 / 15 Encoding Orientable Maps 1’ 1 Orient and label the edges. 2 This induces labels on flags. 3 Clockwise circulations at each vertex determine ν. 4 4 Face circulations are the cycles of ν. 2 1 2’ 3 4’ 6’ 3’ 5 5’ 6 = (1 10 )(2 20 )(3 30 )(4 40 )(5 50 )(6 60 ) ν = (1 2 3)(10 4)(20 5)(30 50 6)(40 60 ) ν = φ = (1 4 60 30 )(10 2 5 6 40 )(20 3 50 ) Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 25 / 15 Encoding all Maps Equivalence classes can be encoded by perfect matchings of flags. Start with a ribbon graph. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Encoding all Maps Equivalence classes can be encoded by perfect matchings of flags. Mv Me Mf Ribbon boundaries determine 3 perfect matchings of flags. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Encoding all Maps Equivalence classes can be encoded by perfect matchings of flags. Mv Me Pairs of matchings determine, faces, Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Encoding all Maps Equivalence classes can be encoded by perfect matchings of flags. Mv Mf Pairs of matchings determine, faces, edges, Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Encoding all Maps Equivalence classes can be encoded by perfect matchings of flags. Me Mf Pairs of matchings determine, faces, edges, and vertices. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Encoding all Maps Mv 6’ 5 5’ 6 7’ 7 8’ 8 3’ 3 2 2’ 1 1’ Me 4’ 4 Mf Mv = {1, 3}, {10 , 30 }, {2, 5}, {20 , 50 }, {4, 80 }, {40 , 8}, {6, 7}, {60 , 70 } Me = {1, 20 }, {10 , 4}, {2, 30 }, {3, 40 }, {5, 60 }, {50 , 8}, {6, 70 }, {7, 80 } Mf = {1, 10 }, {2, 20 }, {3, 30 }, {4, 40 }, {5, 50 }, {6, 60 }, {7, 70 }, {8, 80 } Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 26 / 15 Hypermaps Generalizing the combinatorial encoding, an arbitrary triple of perfect matchings determines a hypermap when the triple induces a connected graph, with cycles of Me ∪ Mf , Me ∪ Mv , and Mv ∪ Mf determining vertices, hyperfaces, and hyperedges. Example Hypermaps both specialize and generalize maps. Example ,→ Return Hypermaps can be represented as face-bipartite maps. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 27 / 15 Hypermaps Generalizing the combinatorial encoding, an arbitrary triple of perfect matchings determines a hypermap when the triple induces a connected graph, with cycles of Me ∪ Mf , Me ∪ Mv , and Mv ∪ Mf determining vertices, hyperfaces, and hyperedges. Example Hypermaps both specialize and generalize maps. Example ,→ Return Maps can be represented as hypermaps with = [2n ]. Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 27 / 15 Example Mf ν = [23 ] = [32 ] Mv φ = [6] Me Return Michael La Croix (MIT) β-Polygonal Glueings April 6, 2013 28 / 15