PageI vd16ljra0.o|!&riq Mrrh 166- Ilnd Etrn Revlew 4.3,44, 5.1,5.2,M.l-M.3,R l-F.4,G.1,and L.l, L.2, l,t-1.7,2.1-2.4,3.1-3.4, ThcfollowiogreviewcorcrsSectiotrs C.2 andcontainsaboutI Foblem (or I part of a Foblcm) Fr scction. Sime manysectionscontainmultiplc topicg probldns,this reviewshouldnot be uscdasyour solesouceof practic€prcblemsas thst canbe addr€$€dh separate in lccturc,problcmson thc cxamoand you shrdyfor thc final exam.Youshould,lso revicwall cxrmplesdemon8ratcd honcwor* ptoblciE from tour lcrtbook, thc Problcmsfrom thc quizzcayou havct kcn this s€m€stli,thc ouEgcstod onlinchorneworts,andproblcrnsfrom prcviourwcck-itHrvic{s. for I ycar.Pastrccor& indicateth$ drivcruaslo$,-risktf thcy dlesccidcnr-frca l An insumncrcompanycl8ssinca lhc ocrt ycst, 8nd?8% of thc 98%ol lhe drivarsin thc low-riskcategoryonc ycsr will rcm{in in that catagoay dd\€$ who a$ not in the low-dskcatcgoryorc ycsr will rmve lo lhc low-riskcstcgorythc ftxt ycar.( dfulfu,b'lr&a{h.d.tb) (a) If 90% of $c driveNin drc cornmunityo& in thc low-riskcs&gorydrisycar,whotb thc probabilitydroro drivq cho6€nat randomfrom thc comlnunitywi bc in thc low-riskcatcgorytq,oyaarsftorn now? L:-lJt)l |t ^ ' rt b { r' X. L'.!l'.'ttq<I t)./tlt I tc r / t_ L I ,SS ,1xl I -,"., I I N q r t l , o A .? .*I LJ ', /o = L:i; r.qn1 -' Xr'T'X, /.rar1 11.412' O) If this t$nd continu.s,whst pdccnt of tlr€drivcrsin thc comnunitywill bc in $c lolP{irk catcgoryin thc longrun? inul r \\ \P(l?r. t|ud'X-;+tu+edith vX,u re X=[[] T X,X u,v'r.c l. 4 ,tt' ]r " ,' ' L'iaa"]e)? ) ', . q x+ \ .tx\: I , ) ] I | 'raJ. 1 I.r - o'oeiI01tt)= o a'oa'Y-o:1(5=o q1,s70 *F \ 9:T,1'J,1, fi'u, ll1l3.,::; Ii- fl inthcca'k* 2. PedoIm thc ncxt two ro* operations l'l 0 2 lo 6) a I oy'--ct tl\4k4c I il a LDoI u J JhlJ, ";.u*J' | I al "t ll, ili lt'ovq*'"$' 1'or q - ^l- t1-t1 lo'+ v^t4 W\.LLL^u lo I 1l 03 q n) Page2 M16turrao|l4kry wasconductedto oe€\r'ttichof thefotlowingthftc countaies 3. A sunry ol $onrccollcgcstrrdents thcy hadvisit€d: Mexico,Csnad4andEngland.It wasfoundthat Ir-+r"rr.r..,ril :frf::l# ]|:lff llT#',JI **'."" q{h05c ,u"qfl 44 snrdenrs hadvisiredcxrrty t of rhcse3 counnies. wfi. hadVitrt{ f\Ulico. 3? 53 126 l6E ,16 shrdd'rshadvisiicdonly McxicoatrdEngland. st|rdcntshadvisitedMcxicoandCsnad{. stud.ntshadvtuiledEngllnd, studcnbhd visiEd Canadao! Bngland studcnbhadvisitcdncithcrMcxiconor England. (a) How manysodcntswcrcsurvcyad? l ot a4+ ljt 41+ e4+ + + f* l =Fil +aa O) EunAtly Btud.nbsurvcycdhodvisibd Canada8!d Englsnd? .!il+44-- [,n r* j' l (c) Erylolly sudentssulvcycdhadviritcd Mcxicoor c.n.da butnot borh? + tz r44=@ ro +31 (d) Whatis he probabilitydut r Etrdomly6ehctd studrntfiom thiscurvryh.d b.Grto noncof ficr. lhrc. counEid? : r--VT1 J' I l- t I I [/ ll (c) Whatb dtc probabilitythat a randony scloctrdENdcntf,on this surveyhadnot visitcd&Ulad but h.d ro at lcarioiE of thcothd two countrics? lo+ )q + t5 +tl Cla$ify cacbof thc follo\trirg tyF6 of raddomvuirblcs sscithcr filitc discrrtc,infini& discrc(e,or cot inu,u8. oodsta&thcpossibtcvrlucsol thcraodomvariabla. (r) X = ihc numbarofblack cntsbring bodrdadat a kcmcl thatcsnhourcat mo6t45 aaimals. X- 0 ,1 ,? ,...)4'; (b) y = thc lumbcr of gallod of wat.tuatrlck NL !L< Itn;+. d, sLvt:t< t thai hasa msrifitrm copacityof 5 gdlonr. Anth,'tutu* (c) Z = dle lumbcr of timc6 ttly phonerings beforc I answcrit, 7-- O,l,C,.. Q6utz7<l,.r&",;1a- u- Pagc3 Md16Ard@I!*rry 5. Aflelia w!nt! !o saveenoughmoneysothat shc*'ill have$3,000to sp€ndon a t ip to Europethatshcis pleqning to takein 5 yeals.If sl& opcmsn accountpaying6% intattstcompourdcdmonthlywith $400ard makesrnonthly dcpositsfor 5 ycrrs, wlut is thosizcof themodbly paynctrtthatwil rcachhggg ? Pfi1r--? ----> NJ=ta*s FV -- 30@ I\o-- lP (/Y'-elY-17 (,,t, -4oo lo fiodoutif lhcyconsidar thcmsclvca to bc! Rcpublicsn, pcoplcarcrandornly survcycd s€vcrat 6. In ancrpcriment, pcrson's is along with his or h.i s.i' rccordcd. Bach &spons€' or rndcpcndctrt. Dcmocmt, R- RqoL^lr(ic4+\ (a) Writeanrpgopria&samplc spsccfor thiscspcrinrcnt. i - Dp.'vAeVA-+ 5--i((,rn),(K,F)1(o,A),tb,F),(t,m),(rf)J ?.f^*n1^** (b) writ! thcovctrrth.t tlrcF,eonsurvcy.dis femdc L'-1 ( &,r),to,rl,t r,t{ li1 ^ mhh g'- s<'n^1" (c) writc th..\,cntih.t thcpcroon considcnhimt lf or bcanIndcpcdrdt. survcyod t^t, (-?- l g { fi \t ( T ,F)J (d) tu€ thc cvcnefoundin (b) 6nd(c) mutu.lly exclusive? ca+ Mot \ttt\wa!)^t u&Lulolt( 1i''aa- Ee"\d G hepq* UME h^ ei € AG = {rc.,c>\ L+ '+l^! propositions tha 7. Conside! p: Sofircof theprEs€nts alt wrappcd gucsb havc 8riv.d. All of lhc {: n Thefoodh mt rsdy. Writa cymbolicsllythc stdenrcnt,"All of tha gucsbhavcsrrivcd,hot thr food ir not r€adyandnoncof thc prcscntsarl lvrappcd." / \ i t-,' /\v'/t'w?) % ^ Writr synbolicatlytllc statcmd{,'EilJrcrthc foodir lcadyor all of thegucatshavaanivEd,hn rct bo6." ^ 'c Y ? (c) ftitc drcrtatqrEnt (* {v.) n p in Englisb. ( W aA q.t4.^tqwstsWN a({ |rtl Dr +!^t 6oolit fi 0+ u d! ) bu* 01-r 94+ ptl*fnts are o4oo42d. . .ar"^L (d) WriE dE sratednt (rv pf in English. - , . (""Vp) -- 't rA-p a'^tU* l4 A^u^4#i.l'n"*qil^tyu'xrv1= "*id @ri.rnl hgc 4 @|-b*ry E. Th€ Capitalfto crrdit arxdconp@y hasfoundthat 23%of its cardholdcnaIElatFin naking tbcir monthly paymrnts.Findthepmbabilitythatamotlg50rsndornlyselcctcdcardholdc$,at lcastl0 botfcwcrlhan30 arclate monrh. in maki4 drcirpsfncnlin a psrocutar t. A. .'i..! (.rts " - [a*< i-,a4'"4 X , * fl,ic. e ezsscS (n,.vn)', ?(rctX < 5o)=bi'm,/{ I c"4r1^1^r 5.j . . lo , bino-ncl((Qt'x"1) 4. 1lt'P{ 0,1'!Vt" Frcd,Bob,oid SucaI! all aticnswilh cxtrlrnelyIonglifc cxp.ctancics.Bob andSuo'8conbircd !8. in }!€rs is onlyhslf tl|srofFrcd's,alldBobhasbccnslivcfof tbtlc tim€ss! m{!y ycsrsasSuc.If thcthftr fricrds' cornbincd ffiT-ji,XT#iiffi^iT'qva.[-t^'l'rpa]n{* ylzlll il {;*r.,"9.t\*r:.'.,[ff t[: i-il3J-l:;Itiy| L . +t^,-alLtL;luzr)', I tt =5a+ t+ ' ' ut+z x+g+t- so+) ' lhtrl. "", t - yl --------iy.r"5rt ' o ' 5' ", , ttL, btt' tt bSlo4tnr.s \tsltuu4-t s{/., ''-'4 a'"e dl:--, \ ii ,te'b-,t i-u"' 10. Sl.f,pcopL g.t tnlo an clevalorthat ocwicls 12 noon i-oa ccrtainhrilding. What ir thc probabtlitythat ftcsc 6 Foplc cxi! thc elcaatorvith at lc&st2 peoplc€xitingon tbc rsmcfloof? ooY - td""L L- er*r"a \{,o-t a.r' -rras{tuto a"{(\ 6'r.r+1 l(L\, t-!(e) 8' *diff;1lb'"' tbqtr1"0"7aaa(i+ ec--t''txnt d^-0.^t \ft+3 | r t( ( ,) - 1 _ t lr'! '9'L'1 = l- . llag. \ =V7^ * J - 6 a t\ ' I 13w$')l'r''t *D ' : ,l- ll. Constructthetruthtablcfot N (pA - q)Y p. P to '-% T T f F v f Y F F ( p A- F T "" (l A.vt6) 1- r \- Y I f ( T A.k I T r T No{.i&is ;z a-Iau*duSg Page5 '6ft6tum@lrier,@ 12. Bobjust boughrr houscfor $200,000.Hc madca 15%do|ld paymentrnd financedthc balanccwith a loan that monthly. compounded hssaninteEstrateof 5.45%/ycar (a) ff lhc loanis amonizodfor, whatis Bob'srDodhlypayrncnt? Pn? l, --z $ loa.i,tt flo-* 5,t15 Fr/= o 0u.t10wt vl\--e.l\-,t1-, (b) Aftcr l0 ycaNof polment!,howmuch.quity hosBob.atncdon his housc? N. WPs : U*QA. 6l'kl'rr. €'ruitr u u -!&ro\ | . =7:liil-t - ^AL'I Nr 6|,ll fttL: ; 215e8- ' 3- l N-- l1)rro Plnl-=- roat,tt 11"--q4'@=9 fv-t'tooa/?t\--otv =o I I L 1 rst,3-7 -\* as - l-'loooo i 141 ,uu,l I 3. At I cortlin univcrsig,65%of drcahdlnts arclib€rd .rts najols, ard 35%st€ rcienccmtjors. Fifty-twopcrccnt of thc libaralsrfi mqjorsand47%of thc tcianccmajorsa$ fcmslc. (.) Whattudlc probrbilitythat. nndor y s.lcct€dstudcntat thisunivcrsityis I rci.ncc majorifit is hon'n that shcisfcmala? L- U'wtt! l,'t ts w!'r n v - 4 |.ak- L- '>nI L't U vr^Jot '.K:,ffi lq _ ln J4 0/t,At\ [r(clF)='wpg\ -- - h'os\(o'"t) t(o,rt;)0.*'tl {o,U6Yus}) 0.iA14 o( lDot (b) Whrt is drcprobabilitythata randony schct d studct iBmslc anda libc.rlort' m.jof? --IDJlr \ AL)=(.r,5y,40 PUl1 (c) At! dracvcntsof bcinga scienccrujor andbcidgfctDalcind€pcndcnt? Why or why not? {a3t $( aft.nalq0?G\ Pr> 1oud1s>)+/o'3txo4?) ( L,c)('q1): Uut i o .r v #il 0' 115 q -- u.\ 07Y Page6 xd6drm@|&drq 14. tf ,{ is a 4 x 4 matsix,I is a 2 x 4 rnatix, C ie a 4 x 5 mstrir, andD k a 5 x 4 matsbl whichof lh. following arl possiblc?If lhe operationIS pos6iblc,givc dresizcof dlc r€sultin8nratdx.If th€opcrationis NOT possible, explai! why. A ;> A*'l ^*Ll 6\ Arc+D * s1At S.,-rQ.( -, f;LlLz k-c +-9_. <:4-€> (€4_ (c) cD - 5A * 5A 3!. 4aq 4..+ a.dd-watrius-. Wwvts+ ni^taY W )l,a- 4&rvrL hral', L T - 5 Ai 5 4 \ + 5t n 7ta ,./ (d)rl(r.)r Typo: A'(ctDr ora,4Ar g,*-@dt {Y{ t-!=: r' [(co)' i5 4\+ 4 tr.l J_f 15. Niko has? *hit , 3 bl..k, .nd 8 bluc shilts.Hc nndon y s.L.1s 6 shir$ to takpwith him o &bolinc,lsEip. lrt X &prarcDtdlc numbcrof bl6ckshinr rclcctld. (.) Writc rhcptobdblutydistritotiotrfor x. U ^l^!- p {X 'x ) c1l5&)_ ct16,b) (< io{ Ct lt'lr) t 3! ttg Ltt,7)cttr4jur,t)atE7) C(r(u) f 6 ) ot (b) Howmlny bhct shirc cln hc cxFct to scl.ct? + ll#) +al*\ r'rl&\ o(F..) E(x)= ' Pagc7 tur66Md@rlr*brlq 16. nle od& in favorofthc ev€ntA are2;3. Theoddsin hvor ofthe cventI are4:3. IfA {trdI srcmutudly erclusir€ ----evcn6,fnd theprobabilitythatA or, occurs. - eA^a)=o ?(Aug)=?(A\+?r0)-Pl*nb\ = fto+ h2 --%r) =l*,1 17. Sevcralsnack-siradbaSsol M&M's l,crE exarnincdto dclami4c dlc numbc.of M&M's in aachpnckagr,'Illc --rcsul$ofthc sody arEgivcnin thc tnblcbctow. X- Le ---.t nunbcrofpackrgcs| 5 o 4 2 numbcf ofM&M's I l0 13 ll fu*-Xinto L1 ----a l= 7 9 15 (a) Wh6tshouldtharandomvarisbloX rggr€scnt, numbcrof p&kagcsor numborof M&M's? X---wnrtxa\/Yl&fnb G)' Gi\rccxchof thc followingfor thisdat! 8ct.Roundto 4 dacinalplacarvhcrl nc€cssrry, ,. prxt=-Zjotslt ii. variancc= 5tr0l '- lV,osrb (Mts. Rrmrcy'scl&ss:Is thir a sampleor a populadon?) f iii. modc=--tfrv. fil.(lltn = d lY','' 6D qw'lL ,t __tL x- 2y+a= - 3 2x+ Y- 22= 2 - U= - 2.x+ 4y It. Solvcthc followingsystcmofcquatiomi (r -L r t-71 It r-tlel v L 1- 1 - l v ) f I . i.^"n=si--to,l-:6e 6 * (vi -vrlvsl lo{t) -1/f I'tt I to " o o loJ d"*t-v,w&r.^s'tt"3-t l , -2t vo -L '5 x--4t * 'r--QtrLs ^u'"^Ia '' 1 - f a= * !'L tt !'+t ,L 75 ,t +-- inftni+e$vrull11ol*+)'rnt. xd 16A!26 lbgc E O{rEriq 19. Tbatuc volumcof sodnh 2-litd bod€spsckagodby Acnc, Irrc. ts normallydistribulcrlwith a nra& ol 1.95L atrda standsddcviationof 0.35L. | 0(a) Find 6c pmbability tha! a ratrdonly sclcc'tcdbotdc cooiai$ nror! than 2 L of coda" ,L J, PU>*)-nnvMclf('4 tdt, ,lt|€,0,75) rhstislcssthu | '(rtl [s!. f) 35of s[ htlca csitaina volurnc (o.zr;.1r2at) --t.t tt I 0-'-\n lJunm :;-w- f A{a\ 20. Solvcfor r, t, a, qndl9 h thsfollowingmafix cqurtiql lx u1l lr rl[-r A,L ' t i--= 2 (-,t o1 | | - tl LJ\/r pr-tt-t xtl "l l- I f-t +- -rrw--f , It{ L""- 7Vl [- + ?.\L ----a Ie-ar -yIr l * l * -z 5J , -8 t1 .l "' l' o]*[ o -z]=[s rJ-?- l J -1 210 5 ffi L:L-) l0 l rD/ (-,t ,rl t/ LE "J Lx-2t-8 -- -4 (tr)'2t = 4 7'5=t L x(q-2 ,v --| I 21, Horvmany\{ayscrn 4 trd cr.yor8, 6 bluc c.ayous,aad5 ycllow ctayo$ bc !!!g! lamccolorart idctrtical? ?e( ffiTistrnt | (l,vxlttltt$flF| l5l Lltvl.s! '-.--'? 0' (-t ru1 I -lr -l t p^blr") b4o,b3 -lt=L ? --l if cr&yo$ of hc Page9 b6roder9brlq 22. Blliot santsto tuy Olivia 8 rnoviesfor hcr birdday. Olivia hasgivenElliot a list of 15diffcrrnt moviq!rhatshe wouldlil(e to have,but Elliot lcff {|e list at honc. rlq-orov wars c€nElliot rsndomlychooscE moviasoff a shelfthlt has35difidctrt novies (15of whichareooOlivi{l list) sndgc{3!@Z movi€sthatarconthc list? I Ot- r+\Or<- (1actr\-7 ,. I E{ o .\ Qtr,l\Uto,t)+ c(15,8) l3 s,rc< 23. A nndon vad.blc X hass rl,an of 34 anda standardd.vidtiooof 2.5. Us. Chcbychcv'sin qudity to cstirnstr P(28.15 <X <39.25). lrL ii1€ --ifr 5.e5=\Lrl,6 t , t =b b1.7t ,24 -6e< fZ-,1-\ > l- # = p(^sxs4N'+31.25) \'.r-l-J x 0,1 1 i 1 - andlctA = {a.c..,3,51,8={1,2,4,d},andC = {c,?.3}.w}ich ofqtcfollor24. LEau= {a.b.c,d,.,1.2.3,4.5}. L- .la,b,4,t,L,+,f5 in8arctruc? @aaararcaisjoint.frr.,.a (d){c,?,3} € {arc,e,3,5} F^1s4. @a,z,sl e nuetut.Sw'.lr;,Nd,a,t",5J @tu"n*a**rr* {",e,2\9J",",rO,1 gg. b2- i5 Uiur- = {3,5}F..l* ,ry.lC,el\ (D(AnC)" ( FAlr4 le!cLr,.,^t si q€c-(r-tin accountpayitrg 25. Hownuch shouldBobiivcst now a ssvings l0 yc{s hc has$25,000in th. accoutrt? to N-'3u5x Pmf- o t\o').7s ({--AsaD I'P 1 l/\'lh'Ao5 ,off.,;,1J,5,jj,r,+s1 2.25%Ecs!compoirdcddaily-solhat at lhc cnd-of - Page | 0 6r6tud@ld6r!q of all customers at AcrncHardwaFonsnyparticulardry buycault Ae4'rdingto compadyrEcords,24% (a) Findtllc probabilitythrt among35randornlys€lecledcllstodlcrs,at most7 buycaulkthatday. n--3i "srcura' - lll.-Jv^tLL ?'-.u {nrq/ rpinawdf(aq. -- 0. 31^8 ^4,'t) O) How manyofthc 35custonErscstrbeexpectcdto hry c{ulk? E(xl--ng=55xoa4= 27. (ScqionO.| ) Roy qndClaficcplay a gam. in which ftcy cach6ip a coin at thc aamctimc. If both coinslsnd he.ds,RoypaysClstic. $2. If bolhcoinslandtail6,thcnClrtriccpeysRoy $3, If Roy SctrhcadrandClartc€gets tails,Clrricc paysRoy$5, Odtc isc,RoypaysClaricr $6. optimalsEatcgic8 for eachplay.r. (^ ^ \ - ') ' tr ' k l r L l ' il$'6^ itur' uvo&^, fffra^'- t5 -l ' (I% bUn'r,l Ln*"fiAitt1 ?-v^tI a*-AAN iq'J^su-tA 2E. Johnbonow.d$378'fiomBob,whoch{rgcdhim simplcintcrcstat a ratr of 3.? Aicr sornctim., tohr Fpaid Bobwith $401.31,Ho', riady monthspals€dbctwccndrctim.0utJohn borowcdthc moncysndtbctimc Bob? hclcpaid A--?rt lrtot:tl-nll -- t1g *D'061'*t =fuOrn t y,u 'kn,ryE ve- 3w quaItcily,by whstFrccnt will 29. U Am i6 cardnginicrastir ! s{vingsaccount!t a mtc of 1l.2%/ycarcomgoundcd ha! &countgrowby in onaycsrif sh€mak s no additionddaporit$? (htsisoquvoJe.* awwu.a{ n elVI\ frv {Lc Sidl Wrh* (o. r4.tfriw'ra+e ( i^\t(?;t) ntir,'r,4)'-"@ Page11 h6tua@|l.ebe A husines6 analystsordieda groupof cmbuyctsin a nteliopolitanar€a(all with goss alnlral incofirefof$l rnifiion or mor€)andfoundlhat of thosewhocutendy ownaneconomycar,25%will tuy a mjd-sizedsedanard 5% wiU buy a luiury s€danfor thcir rcxt car. Of thosewho cun€ntlyo*n a mid-sizeds€dan,40%will hoy an.conomy car andl5% will buy a lurury sedanfor theirrcxt car. All of tho6€who c|'rcndy o*n a luxury s€drnwill never buyaly olhertypcof caragain. (4, W.irc thc transition matrix for this Markov proc$s. If there are any absoding statcs,list thcm first in the matrix. , ry*j L- l:- L -t.ut'.o*"1rat fl-rr,itl,4dda*t'l-w1r/,1?d'a- ln Ll I I o.u t0 ,t( V 0 0.1 0 ,+ Nt''{r l 0 I i1 a/v\absnbi U Sldlt ' J 0.45o. (b) If this Eansitionrnatrixis foi a rcgularMarkovprocass,6nd thc sleady-statdistribution,If this transition rnatdxis for anabsorbingMartov proccss,find thelfunitinSmatrix. L€ L I e--{o'o;ol;f ad A1rye)-l,pte,a $ = 1u.r o,41 bF 0.lry1 b^:\11 =€ Mfi?hr\ F nl 0 (c) Wtst is thc pmbabilityth6t somcon who initially owncda ndd-siz€ds€danwill cwntu.lly own a luxury scdln? f v uUa l' i> l' garne. I | . (ScctionC.2) td A = | -j" 'r? tc rtrcpayof nratrixfor ! two-pcrson. z€rD-sum L -J- UIJ no{ +, 6pjcr^,n4 -ttl (a) Finddteoptima.lftixcd straacgrcs for player. e ,] ? =Lp' (n' -- Alu c, +4'b'c t+5 - - 4 + tr - il tS e*d'e'a1 rptinae.cna'r,*ca( ?,."'n d.a.1.l,t'5 - !)t7 a,ogt=l - h , it P--L th +l' q d-b b-l n t*,-1 , 'l ,4 = a Le"l %,=;A:8. - 4F1,:2-rt 6 '"qri,l;{+-it r 5 t!'. 1 LJZqaJ lx41a. plnacz s optj /v{"t- w**-eA Snal+tL (o, tlrnou|c cxlrcclpopayo[ rc urerowprayerrr oourprayersuscurer opumarrmxaosrarcgrc6, =r llb+El E=fAQ L-,i]l:il,].3""JWFT krd.r.,tv*rt{rd I ,- Y--- bc 4*lt - ALs) 4 e+d'b'c 4+b-a-+J od- ---7-7--- =# -^$bx/ - L t3