Page I M,h ,6 Fdr2M O&,er 6st Math 166- Exam 3 ReYiew NOTE:For rcriewsof theothersectionson E\arn 3, referto thefrst pageof WIR#7 and#8. SectionM.1 - Markov Processes . Markov Process(or Markoy Chain) - a sp€cialclassof stochastic processes in whichtheprobabilitiesassociated with theoutcomesat anystageof theexperimentdependonl) on the outcomesof theprecedingstage. . Theoutcomeat anystageof theexperimentin a Markovprocessis calledthesttte of theexperiment. . TransitionMatrix - A transition matrixassociated with a Markovchainwiihrl statesis annxn matrixf with : j) P(rnoving to state il currcntly in state suchthat entriesat L ai; 2 0 for all i andj. 2. Thesumof theentriesin eachcolumnof I is 1. . Any matrixsatisfying thetwoproperties aboveis calleda rtochaiticmatrix. . If 7 is thetransition matrixassociated wilh a Markovprocess, thentheprobability distribution of thesystemafter (or steps)is givenby n obsewations Xn: T"Xo . Powcrsof the Tlansition Matrix - The entry of Ir in row i andcolumnj givesthe probabilitythat the system (i.e.,n stepsin theMarkovchain)giventhatit wasinitiallyin stotej. movesto statei in n observations SectionM.2 - Resular Markov Processcs . Thegoalof thissectio[is to investigate long-term trendsofcertainMarkovprocesses. . RcgufarMarkov Proc$s- A stochastic matrixI is a r€gularMarkov chainif thesequence T,Tz,TI,.. . approaches a steadystatematrixin whichall entriesareporiti)e(i.e.,strictlygreater than0). . lt canbeshownthata stochastic powerof 7 hasentries matrixf is regularif andonlyif .rorr?e thatare6ll posilive. . FindiDgthe Steady.State DlstributionVector- Let f be a regularstochastic matdx, Thenthe scady-siate vectorX maybe foundby solvidgthematdxequation distribuiion 7X = X together with theconditionthatthe sumof theelements of thevectorX mustequal1. SectionM.3 - Absorbin! Markov Proc€sscs . Absorbing Markov Process- A Markovprocessis calledabsorbingif thefollowing two conditionsaresatisfied. state. l. Thereis at leastoneabsorbing stateto oneof theabsorbing 2. It is possible to movefromanynonabsorbing statesin a finitenumberof stages (i.e.,stepsin theMarkovchain). . The transitionmatrix for an absorbingMa*ov processis said to be an absorbing stochasticmatrix. When studyingthe long-termbehaviorof an absorbingMarkov process,we reorganizethe transitionmatrix so thal absorbingltatesarelistedfirsl, followedby nonabsoftingstates. . Theorem1 - In an absorbingMarkovprocess,the long{ermprobabilityof goingftom anynombsorbingstateto someabsorbins stateis l. Page2 Ms16rt!eofudq&|@ Theorem2 CfomastikandEp6tein,pg. 350)- Id f bethetransitionmatrixofm absorting Mad@vproc€sswith a alrsorting statesand6 nonabsoftingstates.Reorderthe statesso thatthefirst a of themareabsorbingandthe .emaining, ofthem ar€nonabforbing.Panidonthematrixasfollows: Thenth€followingaretrue: l. As , becomeslargewithoulboun4 thematrixfo, whichis th. transitionmatsixftom theinitial stageto lhe stage,hesdsfor thelimiting matrix ',d Ir o*" Ag R) t1 --Obn l (/- 8)-' is thesamedimensionas8, thatis, Dx ,. wherctheidentityrnatix l in lhe expression Th€entryin theid row and/d columnofthe sub"mafix,{(/ - B)_l girestheprobabilitythatthesysternwill endup in therd sbsorbingslatewheninitially in th€/d nonabsobing3late. All columnsurnsof,1(1-- 8)-l arel, andthuseverythingis ery)ectd tobe abso ed. L True/False TRUEa tALsD a\ I^A= AIr: A rora]lmatrices ,{ fyug rnur 6G\ u (l*G') TRTJE ,nrs nXn, A\f Whenusingrrcf h thecalculator,s rowofall 0's at thebottomofthe resultirig mabixguarante€s thatth€ s)stemofequationshasinfinitclymsnysolutions. c) To be ableto computetie mafix product,{8, the numberof colurmsof,{ musteoualth€dtlrnberofrows of8. @ d) @ e) Iff is al x 3 transitionmaDrix.then13 raprcsenBthe probabilityofgoi!8 io_. ,/ TRUE \ FALSE (TU") FALSE 6;) ;{ If8 isa 2 x 2 InaEix, tllenB+12=B. 9!r=$ in stlrel. trb, p\r1fi6.fttWt 3t -+e t,,?tr''-tlatLl srate 3 nextifcurrEntfy ct'r.v'o* t' StLk t 5 3lrrf -3 If itr solvirya syst€itlof equltionsin thcvaliableg r and/ usingtlc CaDss| | o lll Jordancliminationme6odyouobrain| ; ; I : l. tbenrbesycremofequaL U rl6 j tionshasonly onesolution, FAISE lf thepor.mctricsolutionto s rFtem ofequationsis (3t + 2, -t - 3,r), dren (-7,0, -3) is a particular solution. f - -3 h) If,4 is a3 x 4 matrixandB is a2 x 4 [t6trix, thedBl! is a 2 x 3 matrix. l./ nt(t^B 1t 'l \4 t w At- 4\--___J ^ | L-, -..,-- t-x5 ,t 4 -."a L) - --- I , . lf - Pagel M16tumol]leF|lq 2. Forthercxt two wordprobl€msdo thefolloq,rng: I) Defirc ttrc€dables tlnr areusedin settingupthesystemof equations. n) Setup thesys&mofequatiorsthatRp.esentsthisproblem. m) Solvefol thesolution. I\) Ifthe solutiotris param€tsic, thentell whatrestr'rctionr shcnd be placedon lhe peramet<s).Also givethree soecicsolutions. (a) Fre4 Bob,andG€orgeareavid collectorsof tuseballcards.Amonglhe lhlee of tlero, theyhave924cards. Bobhrs thrEetimesasmanycnrdsssF&4 andCoorgebat 100ftot€ cardsthanFrcdad Bob docombined.How ({t,thI^A'lD1(q,lsrBobLv't b9 ut/5, 2,J H'^6t Ltt ' Ca/\A 5 , =l)w6nt3to providea rabbitwith o(ecdy1000unitsof gihmi! A, cxactly O) ln.lsbor.tory €xperimelt a researcher 1600unih of vitunin C andoxastly2400utritsof vitaminE. The nbbit is fed a mixtrrc of rhi€r foode. Bach grsrnof food I ooDisins2 utritsofvitami! A,3 unitsofvitaEin C, aDd5 unitsofvitaEtinE. E3chgrab of food2 conbins4 lmit! of vitaminA, 7 unitr of vitaEin C, a|rd9 unitsof vitlmin E, Bschgralr of food3 coDfriff 6 units of vitdnin A, l0 unih ofvitarnh C, ad 14utrib of vibmin E, Howmlny grdnsof€achfoodshoulddrcnbbit be tan /1 | 1= t&t d,qM!r{^- 4 q!4e q ktod I d* q ={" .t-.|',^trtr{{u.-aq hil> 11*i --\kw."t*^ {,fra* u t qt^il3 u foodl t0 (rlnt Tota.l lU)0'-t,'itl lU,rr.irS lu fD.*4i'5 vr'tt'is t{,r,r"ii s }4 0u &N+ 4 q tb t- - p o o 'rcu) 3y+14Hnt 5r$4vt9z--)4o() r X *1 t n; t > * t' -ro o l$if if r ooI 'q * e --,* lo trDlo !* z--t t wl,.w t satlru! \ -- -? +zoo x -" t r3tD -L+5oo>/D t.LhsD I O, *,u'wJUlr'7q t t = l tr D " l-'-t+rva J --cttou _t|007O tL-tu) Ir u"lHi c -tr+luDrL) {r,X,e)= (-c t-aoo) v!.r.1 AL't atoo P4rg3s-.{4!5lr44!Is1 z (60orl0o,D)to ,rtfil-- o, 1-1,517) Ir tv1}$lobd 2-)05!tr lool1 loetlr.a'esbt@d . tOl.,r t: loo,(X9t?)= (lDo, OrrDo)rr) ^ rl toudI r Ottb{rola, rooqqfood 2^'0o\ f. = r) ('r'A,A)-- (fq4, qq, lY 9i) . W"o,^t qqld[tsora) ,q.5 dLfoD4 \, lSr\lDcd3 Page4 e16lr16(o|&&bfy r. solvethesistsn alYte\ \ ='-rusingthecauss-Jorderelirliruli@rncfiod".(s€.mR#?forrdcxmplcwith *;1:, lnrrc ud tlnkrow''.) Rl-.r.R_, \ p-a 1r'ln,-a,n^-c, [,--l=l:J tr t-'J -'))_. L* _o -t) [r 1 =Lr-o fl-elzo -,, i1 Lt,:"| ,', t: "*. ol 'Jt -rs -j*i_+ ?1 Ra-JR,.-R*' [r -flr-l i"K^-R'-,f, -,trlr-l'-'-'=--<--.-*-ltp-t ' >/_h-^ Lo' rr'rtffiil "x 'ri ----x n / g,tl 5Raaa, .- - " 1 * * l g,tlsgaaAr. ilt*l f x' fu x= -* [, [' ffi l) I l''l-al l,-'r:;t It+,-")\ |i po$ible,exphinwhy. 4. Solvrfrr thcvsriiblorr," X'ts1=q y=-gu y=-L u x-:rn;= ,.,"=j (',u)=lRr <--:_ 6ji{f4'ot 0ll l2 41.17 I 0l =-[^l 1- r 5 | _l j*1" , -tJ[v-1 -iJ [' 'J tl -,tl f:ara* rt-zl I L, (J - L v lx-rr5",> "l l+ lz €l [r z+1 f t-- st"zf Ltt-' 9: -Jtdu ll 'z 34 n+ Z - - - t o f-t+'n | -,OJ L v s\ -t =3 ox--b+ z SX: - lt t ] tY: -15 lv ---31 -^ 1) --t, X-5-r -5 =-?-x 5 -- x--1 tu Page5 16rdfl@@ni'ry 5. A smalltownhasor y two dry cleane(s,AcrneDry Clean,andEmcaDry Clearcrs.Acme3 mrnrgerhopesto ircrEasetbc finn's marketshareby conductingan extensiveadv€nisingcampaign.After tbecampoign,a martet of Acme'scwtomerswill retumto AcmeDry Cl€€nwith their next load of dry researchfim finds thal 65010 cleaning,and25%of Emca'sc'trstomefs ry!11-$dtc$qAcmefor theirn€xtloadof dry cle&ing. Swposethateach cleani(&ler w!9Lg,N thal beforethe adcampaign.35%of aI cuslome$us€d custorierbringsonelosd of &y AcmeDry Cleanard 65%of all customenusedEmcaDry Cl€anets. (a) Whatis theaansitionmafix for thir Mar*ovprocess? Ifthis is anabsorbing Markovprocess, ordertbesbtes Lurre.^t ar€listedfirst. sothalall abEorbing srates A- A.'//u ?r\(" E- Ewc li3Clr"^rY ,4 (- -t A l,{6 .25'l r-- ruu',lr "'s1 O) what will thc perconllgcsofthe marketsharelook Iike 4 weelcssfterthe rounded!o 2 decimalplaces. answgraspercedages h'lT4 xr-{4x"= 1.414.v1 toaqj L Alt<v 4wlc.,4l.so9o I I apto /ltnt WU{.Aq^. ",i a+ol"wit\ {D faEw''4^, (o) Whatis dtepoblbility thst aniEdividualwho itritially took his or h€f dry clc.ningto AcmcDry Cl€anwill besr[s? thentrke his or herdry cleaningto EmcaDry Cleonen(|nereek afierdred campalSn (e) Is thiss regularMa*ov $oces6or anabsorbing Markovprocess? If&.gulsr,find thesteady-sbte disfibdioo process. Ifabso.bin& ddtermircthe long-termbehaviorofthis Markovproc€ss.If vectorfor thir Markov neilhcr.explsinwhy. (,l1tlll.f ti tU 6!tre'^lytQsarzgoVb;li1;<s fi .V^"vroo's. L+X'[-i] \LIIA TX-X l.u< L.t5 t:lttl'lil 1el0zr,4rr5.t n .4, I , t ^nl rthr^+!iq-ehkl.;' vrt--f "n'-1 y',1^) \.\ -;l;;j =i " ;:?,: ?::li'G =;fu+fl*&\,4 Pag66 6. Us€ the gii€n matricesio computcesch oflhe following. lfan op€rationis not possibl€,explain why. r 2l s 1=ILir ;r'1l .8 : f| 5 8 l, ._l "6 t 5 [3 (e)R+C -3 1l harAV anfttl bt-adllA 'trxcnuP' , .Uft az-cnDt It-P A-n"-e'+W c _9- ] 4 1f o) 8c bc-,f,. +4 P' -a L't5 -v (c)ABr - 5c a$I$ rtut_d" am 1r, l- 1 O6r_5s--_\-atl -v -r4 \. 5e_ tW*^*1 q jtz" -u) i 5lr l i l_-r -) (d)cA aj-W ,'nd.t|,,k tN4r a - +4, 0r")- l---.)-- 7. (b+r.d t x !e.o d.e/h!e 4\,r'At Nobpo::iL\e frC'/D()rtot rd rlrreb, ,tbrltut" "rbll' ,t d ,ry s@ r b) ^rrffii p--ritemarcsunrma.ized in thefiIst A company du.luficturesthreeproducts:A, B, andC. Its productioncxp€nses trble below.Thesec.ndbble givesthenunberofeaohtypeofptoductproducedin ea.hqutrterof 2007. Pmjlg&I!gq&tle!g_949!L"'r) qurndty ProdN.d Erch Qurrt r prcduct -T-----B-----C Expenser Materials 20 Assembly 12 Psckaging 2 26 15 | P ro d u c t l2 3 4 ---T---T30--3t5- 11 l0 2 B c 320 2n n5 250 485 410 415 3q) Writetwo matricesC rnd I $mmarizingtheaboveinfofi$tiod a.Ddshowhowmrtrix multiplicotiotrcanbeus€d to poducea matix tbal givesthetot6lcostsfor €achtypeofexpensefor eachquarter. r#Ft?"il u (- Erbrtle: f\+t t{\artiia.otoSt fr" ,10,L: n7i*',h< b11291) )atD 215 I c f Qt{ .1ro ar< "w Uqo) &,o't+ttl xg* rffr +?v*bo + r'1e+(5 " t*t,l absuS 2toto ttqgo!t<o (wL L lqqo lst'o 3lb05 tl115 t'6+t 4 2o,{ooI 11,01e I ,1"0l Page? Mdr&rjrm@ll*n'ry a. 1de6or*n.4 4to.tuMbd,!4rlll:'6,h.4brd.4sBtu,dsi4r) wortsoutin thegymeveryday.Thewortoutsiary ftom stscnuous A groupofphysicalfitr€ssdevotees to moderate to hght. Whedtheir exercis€routinewasrecorde4thefollowingobsenationl,a3 made:Ofthe peoplewhowork out skenuously otra panicularday,40olowill workoutstrenuoullythenextday,45%will wod<out moderately the people next p€dicula. nextdat endtherestwill do a lighl workoutth€ day.Oftho whoworkout moderatelyon a moderatel,and liehtly (resp€ctively) d^y, 5V/", 30% arfr 2(Y" will work out strenuously, the no( day. Of the peoplcworkiry out lightly on a pqnicularday,45yo,3U/oLad25o/owill \xork out strenuously, modemtely,and lighdy (r€specli!€Iy)thenextday. (a) Writethe transitionmarrixfor this Markovproc€ss.Ifthis is anabsorbingMarkovprocess,orderthe states q,lYt{.^+ sothat all at8orbingstalasaralistedfrst. Jj*a^,c*5P5r':*t iA "f? T'J '1r| --I2 (as- .-Uf€u* fl4-Ynodn Jl 'a r,ls+cnl,a5 ,j ,101 t-hal* *nlr o,rr :u* s[rd ,r ,rdl (b) wlrat is the probability6!t 6 per6onwho did a sifmuousworkouton Thesdaywill do ! light,\rorkouton Friday,(same week)? .\--J' . .-. tA4t G7 1 ifiu \!_, (od j" 5 tl4..4 r rw VrmL*z*nlt n-i-r, 1 L o * - a * + 0 .a L',, <rr1 'r s[{453b-'l o.l Xte l f X"--i$ia-d,/,r=r'" x,'fEftl17 L_ ^T t '.wortout, lat Uandro l do (c)-Suppose $ar ona panicularMonday80''/odo a sEmuousworkout.IOZ do a mo&rate 10/o percentages a light workout.Whatwill th€ ? 'rsgl_ v -:[.g -l n. -tl.\ for eachtypeof workoutlmk like ooGnel@f Oe-.1!!!gggg_ 0n,wrli05da14 ',tr t ' ^o'lt I = [,rrlr,ol ,1.,,,y_,,X0 l."i"rrl ttr t1t*"hi,*{i;"!fr.2 y ,T1v [. ffif,#r;rt.#'J''" (d) Is lhis o rc8ularMorkovprocessor anabsorbirgMarkovproocss? lf r€gular,find th€steady--staG distriturion proce$. voclorfor this Markov lf ahortin& determinethe long-termbehaviorof this Markovproc€ss.lf ncithcr,cxpleinwhy. av posit.,Q-' (rg^tar einno a!'a-a'^"kt'ost6l \'[i) * dr;trivutior' ./octar IX=X [.+ .s .+<lf'.] fxl . 4x+ .5 J+ .* s L=x 4 , + s d r,4 r,4 t -- 5 Lli7 kll2J',St1 S yt 5uoa"-s.k -.{aX +,55 r,zl5.t --o -', .45i{-;t1 +,5t =o , 15*+ ,.r5 t ,*st'- L ,r< * + ' \-,ts t =o -I h:i+fl^i ii\n:q Pag€8 h6rdMol]i&R'ry 9. Sotvedrc followitrgsyst€nsof €Wari63. If lhqr lre irfuitely h6It.Jsoirtions,stde so andgive6€ ldr'dneEic solutio[ Ifther€ is no solution,stateso. = 4y+z = -r+52 = 14-y -3' (a) y-1 2t+z -1X- 4q-L= D l f-r -4r -5 y r i4-st'1 ' | . - aXft1r€-''r \- z X Li\ ttl ---\ , /' - 1"^ \ r r ok lloo 11 . l- : - : - n l^ , , I IU \ D r llrl I loo ( €r.r -. lot 9t +2y - 62 3x-v-22 -3r-iy+z' 6x-2y-42 x 9? h ' t.e - b l,r -1 xt \-aol-Lo x - - i\ - Lu 2" O=l Fo-!e! \ 0:D +"n"s t-rt 3 r-tr ..,+rb -! 3 t-tf ,r+J 4 LL .L 7 ) 8Jt.1-i&'-) -7 -20 kis&tr3 l"Y 5=t utt^r/o \ -- \'1/t \l 'w _ D.l \ 2x-Y = = "'6x- 3 y+42 (u -t L.- Lu ' Y"r.I L o' lh ^ f\ r a Ito r,1 t g'/21 = l) -* t7 l _t I *o l o l1 ll o I o l b -q ,, ll5 ,[2 [ | 1., t -t -+ lr.1 x \\7 .L t'- + o g)\ rw!. ttY'"lW' t=l L-- -2 , Nofd.,,A Page9 Md16rdldolj!&klry 10. Dercrminewh€tler eachof the following is the tralsition matdx for a r€gularMarkov process,an abdorbing Mar&ovprocess,or neith€r.If tio trdsitiotr malrix is for anabsoibiryMad@vFoc€ss,Eordertbe ststesso that ,ff slnsnrbinesraresaJ€first. sndthenfind de llnitins narrix. (.1 . 11 ^ .2-s1 ,,8 a+ T7 t ,'= l'-tr.n I L-oot, r .08 .31J L. trt fl :1: l r'%ltI 3?3ll. - a.^;_yaslfiy A,rttz aWoW;rs ll$T2 0 Ahryt ot^ A.bis<bi^^ ttL+e-, (, n 0., ef it i i r olol o 0 1l =\ at porr5 Lo"rc LLI 0 0l ilJd-** p-.\ l| o,"J19 LO*l l0 T: r^ "fi ll,',-l i 3 l , lo r uJ r - loe r l- \ -4DJ O LI aWb\i5 L'[4-21l1 $ (o , ol-r itnkl^Q ( i5.LrXu2ar. \J'.1 u,t o o'5 I o'u I :l 19o 'J Page10 M16FnreOlrleRlq I l, trctr6rd,sd*e.ds6r) 1r&dtu*tr,r!.1sd.ejfub4rr61r'l&/k The 6gur€belowgiveslhe layoutof a housewith four roomscomectedby doors. Room I containsa 0ive) mou3etmp, and Room2 containsch€es€.A mouse,after beingplacedh eitherRmrn 3 or 4, wi[ s€archfor chees€:ifunsuccessfirlaftertwo minutes,it will €xit to anothdroomby selectedoneofthe doon at random.A mous€edterjngRoomI will b€ trnp?edaDdthereforeno longermoveto othermoms, Also, a mouseent€ring Roorn2 will rqnain in thatroom. (a) Writg lhe traruitionmatrixfor this Markovprocess.If this is anahorbing MarkovFocess,orderthe sbt€s sothat all abso$ingsta!.sar€list€dtusL !t!ks LiStl bq fte{u ,/]'/r-'..J.fli-, tL -t{- - 34 r f r olo +l alo rli tl rlo o l0 fi l 4Lo o I ? o J th) Tfr mouscbesiN in Room l. whar is the ombabiliw that i! will find the c[ees€.aft€r8 minur€s? -G3- -n:r,.,5----;"-*tr"y*,7 Loe\.a* rwa,tD&ezartSqU f+: lf, n\-'J '[tr1 'r^'1 o,x,,!f x"--:Y\i|X ,Tq i t \ .rLor 4LoJ (c) Determin€the long-t€nnbeheviorofthfu MarLovprocessby findingthe limiting matrixandexplainingthe meaningofit6 entn$. AG.-g\ lL. t ?, I Lt , to o\ OO o0 4 _.., t t/4 tt"l t/q 5 / q l -l ol ol whl^t [= lu I ' l- . { I l-l q I o-d9-- l0 l? "o[' l) t^Sq"/fisf :Y,T,':,':.':#fi J^U^l. it unLt*.:,r"u9 ii^ir^, J*.u"1. t }t.p+ .. t: wYN" -&d; t*Ttr * \t ^1"W): ^Yl*1 ta^t s 6 rnrryull, * Ine,Mw' ['J\lj N#:#,iw:ffiie* ##:l\ft A"!d^!r/t ,"frNt0\ [,^A