Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The Global Stability of the Minkowski Spacetime Solution to the Einstein-Nonlinear Electromagnetic System in Wave Coordinates Jared Speck Department of Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology October 12, 2011 Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The “Electromagnetic Divergence Problem” Electric field surrounding an electron: E(Maxwell) = q |r|r̂ 2 R Electrostatic energy = R3 E(Maxwell) |2 dVol R∞ = 4q 2 π r =0 r12 dr = ∞ Lorentz force: F(Lorentz) = qE(Maxwell) = Undefined (at the electron’s location) Analogous difficulties appear in QED M. Born: “The attempts to combine Maxwell’s equations with the quantum theory (...) have not succeeded. One can see that the failure does not lie on the side of the quantum theory, but on the side of the field equations, which do not account for the existence of a radius of the electron (or its finite energy=mass).” Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The “Electromagnetic Divergence Problem” Electric field surrounding an electron: E(Maxwell) = q |r|r̂ 2 R Electrostatic energy = R3 E(Maxwell) |2 dVol R∞ = 4q 2 π r =0 r12 dr = ∞ Lorentz force: F(Lorentz) = qE(Maxwell) = Undefined (at the electron’s location) Analogous difficulties appear in QED M. Born: “The attempts to combine Maxwell’s equations with the quantum theory (...) have not succeeded. One can see that the failure does not lie on the side of the quantum theory, but on the side of the field equations, which do not account for the existence of a radius of the electron (or its finite energy=mass).” Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Towards a possible resolution Idea (Born, Infeld, Bialynicki-Birula, Gibbons, Carley, Kiessling, Tahvildar-Zadeh, · · · ): nonlinear field equations Example: the Born-Infeld model ( =⇒ finite energy electrons) Lorentz force remains undefined; Kiessling → new law of motion for point charges All physically reasonable models ∼ Maxwell model in the weak-field limit No physically reasonable model should destroy the stability of Minkowski spacetime (in absence of point charges). This is what my work confirms. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Towards a possible resolution Idea (Born, Infeld, Bialynicki-Birula, Gibbons, Carley, Kiessling, Tahvildar-Zadeh, · · · ): nonlinear field equations Example: the Born-Infeld model ( =⇒ finite energy electrons) Lorentz force remains undefined; Kiessling → new law of motion for point charges All physically reasonable models ∼ Maxwell model in the weak-field limit No physically reasonable model should destroy the stability of Minkowski spacetime (in absence of point charges). This is what my work confirms. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The 1 + 3 dimensional Einstein-nonlinear electromagnetic equations 1 Ricµν − gµν R = Tµν , 2 (dF)λµν = 0, (dM)λµν = 0. gµν is the spacetime metric; Ricµν = Ricµν (g, ∂g, ∂ 2 g) is def the Ricci tensor; R = (g −1 )κλ Ricκλ is the scalar curvature Tµν is the energy-momentum tensor Fµν is the Faraday tensor Mµν is the Maxwell tensor Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Previous mathematical results in 1 + 3 dimensions Fritz John: blow-up for nonlinear wave equations in three spatial dimensions (1981) Christodoulou, Klainerman: global existence for nonlinear wave equations and the null condition (1984) Friedrich: “stability of the Minkowski spacetime solution” to the Einstein-vacuum equations for restricted data using the conformal method (1986) Christodoulou-Klainerman: “ ” using an invariant framework (1993) Zipser: “ ” to the Einstein-Maxwell system (2000) Lindblad-Rodnianski: “ ” to the Einstein-scalar field system in wave coordinates (2005, 2010) Loizelet: “ ” to the Einstein-scalar field-Maxwell system in Lorenz-gauge + wave coordinates (2008) Bieri: “ ” to the Einstein-vacuum equations for slowly decaying data (2009) JS: “ ” to the Einstein-nonlinear electromagnetic system in wave coordinates (2010) Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The initial data on Σ0 = R3 g̊ = Riemannian metric K̊ = symmetric type 02 tensor D̊ = electric displacement B̊ = magnetic induction Constraint equations (j = 1, 2, 3) 2 R̊ − K̊ab K̊ ab + (g̊ −1 )ab K̊ab = 2T (N̂, N̂)|Σ0 , ∂ (g̊ −1 )ab D̊ a K̊bj − (g̊ −1 )ab D̊ j K̊ab = T (N̂, j )|Σ0 , ∂x (g̊ −1 )ab D̊ a D̊b = 0, (g̊ −1 )ab D̊ a B̊b = 0 Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Positive mass theorem of Schoen-Yau, Witten Decay assumptions on the data (κ > 0, M > 0) (0) (1) • g̊ jk = δjk + h̊jk + h̊jk , (0) 2M δjk , r = o(r −1−κ ), • h̊jk = χ(r ) (1) • h̊jk • K̊jk = o(r −2−κ ), • D̊j = o(r −2−κ ), • B̊j = o(r −2−κ ), as r → ∞, as r → ∞, as r → ∞, as r → ∞ Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Splitting the spacetime metric gµν Minkowski metric z}|{ = mµν +hµν (0) (1) hµν + hµν |{z} |{z} Schwarzschild tail remainder piece = χ rt χ(r ) 2M r δµν hµν = (0) hµν χ ∈ C ∞, χ ≡ 1 for z ≥ 3/4, χ ≡ 0 for z ≤ 1/2. Note: χ0 ( rt ) is supported in the interior region {[1/2 ≤ r /t ≤ 3/4]} Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Assumptions on the electromagnetic Lagrangian 1 L = − (1) +O(|((1) , (2) )|2 ) | 2{z } ? ?L def (A1) (Maxwell) (1) = 21 (g −1 )κµ (g −1 )λν Fκλ Fµν ' “|B|2 − |E|2 , ” def (2) = 41 (g −1 )κµ (g −1 )λν Fκλ ?F µν = 18 #κλµν Fκλ Fµν ' “E · B” Tκλ X κ Y λ ≥ 0 (Dominant energy condition) (A2) whenever X , Y are both timelike (i.e., gκλ X κ X λ < 0, gκλ Y κ Y λ < 0) X , Y are future-directed Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Example: the Born-Infeld Lagrangian L (BI) = 1 − ? q 1 + (1) − 2(2) 1 = − (1) +O(|((1) , (2) )|2 ) | 2{z } ?L (Maxwell) Null frame Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The Maxwell tensor and the energy-momentum tensor • Mµν = 2 = ∂ ?L ? ∂ ?L F µν − Fµν ∂(1) ∂(2) ∗ + O(|h||F|) + O(|F|3 ; h), F µν |{z} Minkowskian Hodge dual ∂ ?L −1 κλ ∂ ?L (g ) Fµκ Fνλ − (2) gµν + gµν ?L ∂(1) ∂(2) 1 = (m−1 )κλ Fµκ Fνλ − mµν (m−1 )κη (m−1 )λζ Fκλ Fηζ 4 | {z } • Tµν = −2 Minkowskian/linear energy-momentum tensor + O(|h||F|2 ) + O(|F|3 ; h) Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates The wave coordinate gauge Wave coordinates (à la Choquet-Bruhat & Lindblad-Rodnianski): • (g −1 )κλ Γκµλ = 0 1 e g gµν + Nµν (g, ∇g) =⇒ Ricµν = − 2 2 e g = (g −1 )κλ ∇κ ∇λ 2 ∇ = Minkowski connection Null frame Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The reduced equations (1) (0) e g hµν e g hµν 2 = Hµν − 2 , ∇λ Fµν + ∇µ Fνλ + ∇ν Fλµ = 0, N #µνκλ ∇µ Fκλ = Iν . (1;h) (2;h) • Hµν = P(∇µ h, ∇ν h) + Qµν (∇h, ∇h) + Qµν (F, F) + H4 µν , ν ν • Iν = Q(2;F ) (∇h, F) + I4 , 1 ∂ 2?L 1 ∂ ?L #µνκλ + 2 ∂Fµν ∂Fκλ 2 ∂(2) 1 n −1 µκ −1 νλ (m ) (m ) − (m−1 )µλ (m−1 )νκ = 2 • N #µνκλ = − o #µνκλ − 2hµκ (m−1 )νλ − 2(m−1 )µκ hνλ + N4 . Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The energy of the reduced solution • 2 E`;γ;µ (t) def = sup 0≤τ ≤t XZ |I|≤` Στ n o |∇∇IZ h(1) |2 + |LIZ F|2 w(q) d 3 x, def q = |x| − t, • w = w(q) = 1 + (1 + |q|)1+2γ , if q > 0, , 1 + (1 + |q|)−2µ , if q < 0, 0 < γ < 1/2, 0 < µ < 1/2, ∂ ∂ ∂ def ∂ , xµ ν − xν µ , x κ κ 0≤µ<ν≤3 • Z= µ ∂x ∂x ∂x | {z∂x } 11 Minkowskian conformal Killing fields Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Continuation principle Lemma If the solution blows up at time Tmax > 0, then one of the following blow-up scenarios must occur: The hyperbolicity of the equations breaks down as t ↑ Tmax limt↑Tmax E`;γ;µ (t) = ∞ Moral conclusion: You can show global existence by proving that the energy E`;γ;µ (t) never blows up. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Main results Theorem Let ` ≥ 8 and assume the wave coordinate condition. There exists a constant ε` > 0 such that if E`;γ;µ (0) + M ≤ ε ≤ ε` , then the reduced solution exists for (t, x) ∈ (−∞, ∞) × R3 and the resulting spacetime is geodesically complete. Furthermore, there exist constants c` > 0, e c` > 0 such that E`;γ;µ (t) ≤ c` ε(1 + |t|)ec` ε for t ∈ (−∞, ∞). Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The bootstrap argument Goal: assume that there exist constants 0 < ε and 0 < δ < 1/4 such that for t ∈ [0, T ) • E`;γ;µ (t) ≤ ε(1 + t)δ , 0 ≤ k ≤ `, and prove that for 0 ≤ k ≤ ` and t ∈ [0, T ) : Z t 2 (0) + M 2 + ε3 + ε (1 + τ )−1 Ek2;γ;µ (τ ) dτ Ek2;γ;µ (t) . E`;γ;µ 0 Z t + ε (1 + τ )−1+Cε Ek2−1;γ;µ (τ ) dτ 0 Conclusion (Gronwall’s lemma): 2 2 E`;γ;µ (t) ≤ c` E`;γ;µ (0) + M 2 + ε3 (1 + t)ec` ε Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Fundamental difficulty The behavior of Ek2;γ;µ (t) is not directly accessible. We only know how to study Ek2;γ;µ (t) through the use of auxiliary quantities, e.g. energy currents. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The EOV and the canonical stress The equations of variation (EOV) for us z}|{ = İλµν , 0 ∇λ Ḟµν + ∇µ Ḟνλ + ∇ν Ḟλµ N #µνκλ [h, F]∇µ Ḟκλ = İν • To estimate F, we can use (g −1 )κλ Dκ Tµλ = 0. • But how do we obtain useful differential identities for Ḟ? • Answer: the canonical stress tensor (Christodoulou) 1 def Q̇ µν = N #µζκλ Ḟκλ Ḟνζ − δνµ N #ζηκλ Ḟζη Ḟκλ 4 Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The EOV and the canonical stress The equations of variation (EOV) for us z}|{ = İλµν , 0 ∇λ Ḟµν + ∇µ Ḟνλ + ∇ν Ḟλµ N #µνκλ [h, F]∇µ Ḟκλ = İν • To estimate F, we can use (g −1 )κλ Dκ Tµλ = 0. • But how do we obtain useful differential identities for Ḟ? • Answer: the canonical stress tensor (Christodoulou) 1 def Q̇ µν = N #µζκλ Ḟκλ Ḟνζ − δνµ N #ζηκλ Ḟζη Ḟκλ 4 Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The EOV and the canonical stress The equations of variation (EOV) for us z}|{ = İλµν , 0 ∇λ Ḟµν + ∇µ Ḟνλ + ∇ν Ḟλµ N #µνκλ [h, F]∇µ Ḟκλ = İν • To estimate F, we can use (g −1 )κλ Dκ Tµλ = 0. • But how do we obtain useful differential identities for Ḟ? • Answer: the canonical stress tensor (Christodoulou) 1 def Q̇ µν = N #µζκλ Ḟκλ Ḟνζ − δνµ N #ζηκλ Ḟζη Ḟκλ 4 Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Expansion of the canonical stress Q̇ µν linear energy-momentum tensor in flat spacetime z }| { 1 = Ḟ µζ Ḟνζ − δνµ Ḟζη Ḟ ζη 4 corrections to linear theory arising from h z }| { 1 η −hµκ Ḟκζ Ḟνζ − hκλ Ḟ µκ Ḟνλ + δνµ hκλ Ḟκη Ḟλ 2 1 µ #ζηκλ #µζκλ + N4 Ḟκλ Ḟνζ − δν N4 Ḟζη Ḟκλ . 4 | {z } quartic error terms Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay An expression for ∇µ Q̇ µν Lemma If Ḟµν verifies the equations of variation with inhomogeneous terms İνκλ and İη , then 1 ∇µ Q̇ µν = − N #ζηκλ Ḟζη İνκλ + Ḟνη İη 2 1 − (∇µ hµκ )Ḟκζ Ḟνζ − (∇µ hκλ )Ḟ µκ Ḟνλ + (∇ν hκλ )Ḟκη Ḟλη 2 1 #µζκλ #ζηκλ + (∇µ N4 )Ḟκλ Ḟνζ − (∇ν N4 )Ḟζη Ḟκλ 4 Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates A current for Ḟ Set X ν = w(q)δ0ν and define µ µ µ ν J̇(h,F ) [Ḟ] = −Q̇ ν X = −w(q)Q̇ 0 def def w(q) = 1 + (1 + |q|)1+2γ , if q > 0, 1 + (1 + |q|)−2µ , if q < 0, 0 < γ < 1/2, 0 < µ < 1/2. Lemma 0 2 J̇(h,F ) [Ḟ] ≈ |Ḟ| w(q). Null frame Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay The divergence theorem Lemma Let Ḟµν be a solution to the electromagnetic equations of variation with inhomogeneous terms İν . Assume that “h . ε” is suitably small. Then Z Σt 2 3 |Ḟ| w(q) d x + . Z 2 Σ0 + 0 3 Στ |Ḟ| w(q) d x + ε Z tZ 0 Z tZ Στ |α̇|2 + ρ̇2 + σ̇ 2 w 0 (q) d 3 x dτ Z tZ 0 Στ |Ḟ0κ İκ |w(q) d 3 x dτ |Ḟ|2 w(q) d 3 x dτ 1+τ Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Weighted Klainerman-Sobolev inequality (with def q = |x| − t) Lemma (1 + t + |x|)[(1 + |q|)w(q)]1/2 |φ(t, x)| . 1/2 (1 + t + |x|)[(1 + |q|)w(q)] 2 1/2 (1 + t + |x|) [(1 + |q|)w(q)] |F(t, x)| . |∇φ(t, x)| . X w 1/2 ∇IZ φ(t, ·) 2 , L |I|≤2 X w 1/2 LIZ F(t, ·) 2 , L |I|≤2 X w 1/2 ∇IZ φ(t, ·) 2 L |I|≤3 Not sufficient to close the estimates; we need to upgrade these inequalities using the special null structure of the equations. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Weighted Klainerman-Sobolev inequality (with def q = |x| − t) Lemma (1 + t + |x|)[(1 + |q|)w(q)]1/2 |φ(t, x)| . 1/2 (1 + t + |x|)[(1 + |q|)w(q)] 2 1/2 (1 + t + |x|) [(1 + |q|)w(q)] |F(t, x)| . |∇φ(t, x)| . X w 1/2 ∇IZ φ(t, ·) 2 , L |I|≤2 X w 1/2 LIZ F(t, ·) 2 , L |I|≤2 X w 1/2 ∇IZ φ(t, ·) 2 L |I|≤3 Not sufficient to close the estimates; we need to upgrade these inequalities using the special null structure of the equations. Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Heuristics Moral reason for stability: the “worst possible” quadratic terms are absent from the equations weak null condition Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Important surfaces in Minkowski space t ∈ R, x ∈ R3 Cs− = {(τ, y ) | |y | + τ = s} are the ingoing null cones def def Cq+ = {(τ, y ) | |y | − τ = q} are the outgoing null cones def Σt = {(τ, y ) | τ = t} are the constant time slices def Sr ,t = {(τ, y ) | τ = t, |y | = r } are the Euclidean spheres Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame The Minkowskian null frame t L = ∂t − ∂ r t− L = ∂t + ∂ r r= co ns t angular directions Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Minkowskian null frame and null coordinates def def def Null frame: N = {L, L, e1 , e2 }, T = {L, e1 , e2 }, L = {L} def L = ∂t − ∂r is tangent to the ingoing cones def L = ∂t + ∂r is tangent to the outgoing cones e1 , e2 are orthonormal, & tangent to the spheres Null coordinates (useful for expressing decay rates) q = r − t (constant on outgoing cones) s = r + t (constant on ingoing cones) Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Null decompositions def With 6 mµν = mµν + 1 2 def Lµ Lν + Lµ Lν , 6 υ µν = 12 [µνκλ]Lκ Lλ , def αµ =6 mµν Fνλ Lλ = BAD, def αµ =6 mµν Fνλ Lλ = good, The 6 components of F def ρ = 12 Fκλ Lκ Lλ = good, def σ = 21 6 υ κλ Fκλ = good. 6 mµν projects m−orthogonally onto the Sr ,t π µν projects m−orthogonally onto the Cq+ def ∇µ = π µκ ∇κ are the good derivatives Upgraded decay Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Upgraded decay estimates via wave coordinates Null p decompose the wave coordinate condition |det g|(g −1 )µν = 0 to obtain (Lindblad-Rodnianski) ∇µ |∇h|LT . |∇h| + |h||∇h| Conclusion: |h|LT decays better than “expected” Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Upgraded decay estimates for F def def With αµ =6 mµν Fνλ Lλ , Λ = L + 14 hLL L, Null decomposing the electromagnetic equations =⇒ r −1 |∇Λ (r α)| . r −1 |h|LL |α| + + X |I1 |+|I2 |≤1 + X |I|≤1 r −1 X |I|≤1 r −1 |LIZ F|LN + |LIZ F|T T |∇IZ1 h||LIZ2 F| (1 + |q|)−1 |h| |LIZ F|LN + |LIZ F|T T + cubic error terms. Conclusion: r α satisfies an “ODE” with favorable sources Integration yields |α| . (1 + t)−1 Klainerman-Sobolev yields only |α| . (1 + t)−1+δ Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Post-upgraded-decay-estimate integral inequalities XZ tZ |I|≤k 0 Στ .ε n o I (LZ F0ν ) N #µνκλ ∇µ LIZ Fκλ − L̂IZ N #µνκλ ∇µ Fκλ w(q) d 3 x dτ XZ tZ |I|≤k + ε 0 | + ε 0 Στ (1 + τ )−1 |∇[∇IZ h(1) ]|2 w(q) d 3 x dτ XZ tZ |I|≤k + ε (1 + τ )−1 |LIZ F|2 w(q) d 3 x dτ XZ tZ |I|≤k + ε Στ X 0 n o |∇[∇IZ h(1) ]|2 + |LIZ F|2LN + |LIZ F|2T T w 0 (q) d 3 x dτ Στ Z tZ |J 0 |≤k −2 0 Στ X Z tZ |J|≤k −1 0 0 Στ (1 + τ + |q|)−1+Cε |∇[∇JZ h(1) ]|2 w(q)d 3 x dτ {z absent if k = 1 (1 + τ + |q|)−1+Cε |LJZ F|2 w(q)d 3 x dτ + ε3 } Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Null frame Upgraded decay Future directions Introduction to the theory of regularly hyperbolic PDEs (with Willie Wong) Formation of singularities in nonlinear electromagnetic equations Intro Einstein equations Reduced equations Main theorem EOV Decay estimates Thank you Null frame Upgraded decay