Year 2006 Number I1 Metropolis News · General Secretariat English Version Conclusions of the last Metropolis Board of Directors Meeting Summary of Standing Commissions and training activities New appointments Metropolis website upgrade Calendar of meetings Metropolis to elect a new President on December 16 Board of Directors Meeting Summary Toronto 2006 Joan.Clos will step down after..eight years as head of Metropolis following appointment as.Minister of.Industry, Trade..and Tourism..for the..Spanish Government. The President of Metropolis, Joan Clos, has called an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors to select his successor as head of the World Association of Major Metropolises. The 22 members of the Metropolis Board of Directors will meet in Paris on December 16 to hold this important meeting. Joan Clos, who has been President of Metropolis since 1998 and Mayor of Barcelona since 1997, was appointed Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism by the Spanish Government on September 9, 2006. Jordi Hereu has replaced Joan Clos as Mayor of Barcelona and has reconfirmed Barcelona’s strong commitment to Metropolis. Joan Clos has been President of Metropolis between 1998 and 2006. Summary The Board of Directors meeting in Toronto was held on June 16 under the presidency of Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal and Executive Vice-President North America and Treasurer of Metropolis. President Joan Clos was unable to travel to Toronto due to an important referendum taking place in Catalonia. Board of Directors participation was high, with over 80% of the metropolises represented at the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting two new active members were unanimously voted in: Frankfurt and Manchester. With regard to the Activity Reports, a detailed assessment was made of the period since the last Board of Directors meeting in Berlin in 2005. The six Metropolis Standing Commissions for the 2006-2008 period (C1 on Eco-Regions, C2 on Financing of Services and Urban Infrastructures, C3 on Comprehensive Neighbourhood Regeneration, C4 on Urban Mobility Management, C5 on Metropolitan Performance Measurement, and C6 on Water Management) warranted special attention, and each of their respective coordinators (Michel Vampouille, Paris Ile-de-France; Amara Ouerghi, Montreal; Helena Maria Gasparian, Sao Paulo; Ingeborg Junge-Reyer, Berlin; Julien Hill, Melbourne-Victoria, and Marcela Velasco, State of Mexico) made a presentation. Three of these groups (C1, C2 and C4) held their first meetings in Toronto. C3 held it first meeting in Sao Paulo (March 2006) and C5 within the framework of the World Urban Forum in Vancouver, which took place just a few days after the Toronto Board of Directors meeting. The presentation of the C5 report was chosen as the moment to pay a warm tribute to Tanzib Chowdhury, who together with Mary Lewin, served as joint Coordinator of the Metropolis Commission On Tanzib Chowdhury (1968-2006) Performance Measurement. Tanzib Chowdhury, who worked with UN-Habitat, died on April 11th in a fatal car accident near Mombassa, Kenya. With regard to training activities, the Board approved the proposal put forth by Amara Ouerghi, Director of the Metropolis International Training Institute, to work with the Training Center for Local Authorities and Civil Society Leaders (CIFAL Atlanta). Following this, Vice-President of the World Bank Institute, Frannie Leautier, reported good prospects for the work developed between the two institutions in the area of metropolitan governance. Lastly, Amara Ouerghi presented the distance learning pilot project, a strategic commitment aimed at significantly increasing the number of students at the Institute. The Board approved the proposal. In the area of technical assistance, Josep Roig, Secretary General of Metropolis, reported on the waste management assistance programme for Puebla. The Mayor of Antananarivo, Patrick Ramiaramanana, requested technical assistance for cleaning up the Andriantany Canal. The Board of Directors gave its support to both projects. Francine Senécal, Coordinator of the Women’s Network of Metropolis, gave a very positive assessment of the network’s progress and expressed her desire to see it become a permanent commission. As for international activities, Josep Roig underscored the collaborative efforts between Metropolis and UN-Habitat, UNACLA, ICLEI and the US Conference of Mayors. The Board of Directors first approved the 2005-2006 Activity Report and then the 2005 Financial Report, presented by Amara Ouerghi, Treasurer of Metropolis. Debate then got underway on the 2006-2008 Action Plan. In the first place, Janine Haddad and Jacques Bailet made recommendations on the Bank of the Cities project headed by Paris-Ile de France. Secondly, Josep Roig explained the project to create a study group on the Trends in Metropolises Development, already included in the 2006-2008 Action Plan approved at the Berlin Congress. However, the Board of Directors decided to suspend the 2007 budget allocation for this project. David Miller, Mayor of Toronto, Patrick Ramiaramanana, Mayor of Antananarivo, Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal, Chris Johnson, Director of Sydney 2008, after the press conference. Thus, the Board passed the 2007 Budget and Membership Fees. The only change made was to shift the resources originally earmarked for analysing the evolution of the metropolises to the area of Technical Assistance. Lastly, the Board members were notified about pre-candidates for hosting the 2009 Board of Directors meeting. The final decision, however, will not be taken until the Antananarivo meeting in 2007. Following this last item, Acting President of Metropolis, Gérald Tremblay, thanked all of the Board members for their participation and congratulated himself on the success of the Toronto meetings. The Board of Directors Meeting. Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Elisabeth Gateau, invited Metropolis members to the UCLG World Congress to be held in October 2007 in Jeju, South Korea. Next, the Mayor of Antananarivo gave a rundown of the provisional programme for the 2007 Board of Directors. Chris Johnson, Director of Sydney 2008, revealed a few details on the 9th Metropolis Congress. The Secretary General of Metropolis provided a general assessment of the main activities dealing with the exchange of information, transfer of knowledge and member communication and campaign. He also took the occasion to present the “Study on Metropolitan Regions”, which analyses 52 metropolises around the world. View of Toronto Comission 2: Financing of Urban Services and Infrastructures Meeting The Commission 2 on Financing Infrastructures and Services, led by Montreal, held its work from June 14 to 16 2006 in Toronto. Approximately 120 people representing 22 metropolises took part in this work. On June 15, the delegates of member metropolises attended the presentations of 12 case studies of cities (Toronto, Abidjan, Guangzhou, Brampton, Halifax, Barcelona, Bamako, Vancouver, Brussels, Montréal, Buenos Aires and Teheran), and of the project of Bank of Cities. On June 16, the representatives of multilateral and international institutions (World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank) and of the private sector made their presentations. A round table joining together representatives of various financing related domainsconcluded these days of exchanges. The participants to the roundtable (Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montréal, Moussa Badoulaye Traore, Mayor of Bamako, Enrique Peña Nieto, Governor of the State of Mexico, Frannie Léautier, Vice-President, World Bank Institute and William Spurr, President, Bombardier -Transport), according to their different points of view, recalled the importance of the private investment in the public infrastructures. It was stated on several occasions that the public-private partnerships were not the solution to all management and financing problems, that each project is unique and specific to a given context and that the PPP formula cannot meet all types of needs. In the closing session, Mayor Tremblay pointed out the importance of the Millennium Development Goals, insisting on the urgency to fight against the poverty in cities and thus to preserve the human dignity. For further information, please contact Amara Ouerghi, Coordinator of Commission 2: Comission 1: Eco-regions Meeting Commission 1 Meeting. On June 15, 2006 the first meeting of Commission 1 on Eco-regions was held in Toronto with some 40 delegates present. 17 cities were represented from 12 different countries. Michel Vampouille, Vice-President of the Île-deFrance Region, responsible for Environment, Sustainable Development and Eco-regions, chaired the meeting. The city of Toronto, the Secretariat General.of.Metropolis Barcelona, representatives from international organizations, UNESCO, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability and experts from different countries were also present. During the meeting the member cities had the opportunity to present, compare and analyse their experiences. Commission 1 continues implementing the exchange of experiences and technical training among Metropolis member cities with regard to the concept of “eco-region” and its main themes: governance, management of green spaces and sustainable tourism. The second meeting of Commission 1 will take place in Paris in September 2007. For further information, please contact Marie Giorgi, Project Manager of Commission 1: Commission 2 Meeting. Foreground, Georgina Pozo, State of Mexico. Training on Urban Infrastructure Maintenance The Metropolis International Institute organised from June 14 to 17, in Toronto, a seminar on maintenance of infrastructure. This seminar had the following main objectives: provide practical information; refresh knowledge; master techniques; get to know new innovative approaches; link with professional experts and elaborate infrastructure maintenance strategies. 19 participants representing nine metropolises (Abidjan, Abomey, Bamako, Cotonou, Kinshasa, Mexico, Montreal, Moscow, Toronto) benefited from this formation which related to the following elements: planning, design, maintenance, rehabilitation, costs, cycles of life and optimization methods. Participants during the Study Tour to Toronto Union Station. Comission 4: Urban Mobility Management Meeting Commission 4 Meeting. This year’s annual meeting of Commission 4 “Urban Mobility Management” was held in Toronto on June 15, 2006. The main topic of the meeting referred to “Mobility and Social Cohesion” with a strong emphasis put on gender issues in transportation. This choice of topic was based on the Berlin Declaration on Sustainable Urban Mobility adopted in 2005 and further discussions between the members of the Commission. The conference was attended by representatives from 16 cities and also included members of the Metropolis International Women Network The President of the Commission, Inge-borg Junge-Reyer, Senator for Urban Development in Berlin, opened the meeting by outlining the importance of the chosen subject. She stated that in order to participate in urban life, people need to be mobile, and enabling mobility of all people in the city is therefore a prerequisite for an active, cohesive society. These opening remarks were followed by a number of keynote speeches that explored the subject further and gave detailed information on the kind and extent of the various issues related to the overall topic in the cities. Furthermore, two panel discussions allowed for all participants to share in the discussion, exchange opinions and learn from each other’s experiences. On the day following the Commission’s meeting, participants were also able to attend the ssion of Commission 2 and consider the possibility of creating further synergies between the work of the two Commissions. The conference documentation will soon be made available on the Metropolis homepage, and a CD-Rom containing all presentations and further important information can also be oredered from Commission 4. For further information, please contact Cornelia Poczka, Coordinator of Commission 4: cornelia.poczka@senstadt. New appointments From Metropolis we would like to congralulate Theodoros Bechrakis, Mayor of Athens; Seoung-hyo Park, Mayor of Daejeon; Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General for Planning of Dubai Municipality; Kim Moon Soo, Governor of Gyeonggi Province; Oh Se-Hoon, Mayor of Seoul, and Kristina Axén Olin, Mayor of Stockholm. METROPOLIS WEBSITE UPGRADE: We are pleased to inform you that the Metropolis website has been upgraded. We invite you to visit it at: CALENDAR OF MEETINGS NOVEMBER 2006 Date Name Venue Organized by Further information 22-25 21st Annual General Meeting Manchester Eurocities main.php 29-1 Dec. Cities Alliance Meeting Washington DC Cities Alliance 29-1 Dec. Forum “Higher Education, Research and Knowledge” Paris UNESCO researchforum 29-1 Dec. 12th Mercociudades Summit Morón Mercociudades http://www.mercociudades. org 1-3 Megacities International Conference 2006 Guangzhou Megacities 4-6 Cityscape 2006: The 5th International Property Investment & Development Event Dubai Cityscape 5-7 International Forum on NEPAD and African Municipalities (FINEM 2006) Yaoundé Hearafryca 5-9 83rd Congress of Cities and Exposition of the National League of Cities Reno National League of Cities 15-16 Metropolis Extraordinary Board of Directors Meeting Paris Metropolis 20-25 World Social Forum 2007 Nairobi World Social Forum www.forumsocialmundial. org/ve/Ingles 24-28 World Economic Forum Davos World Economic Forum DECEMBER 2006 JANUARY 2007 Secretariat General: Avinyó 15 08002 Barcelona (Spain) Tel (+34) 93 342 94 60 Fax (+34) 93 342 94 66 e-mail: Regional Secretariats: Abidjan Africa · Melbourne Asia-Pacific · París lle-de-France Europe · Montreal North America Río de Janeiro America and The Caribbean