PLN: 15-02 File Code: R02 Planning Department Memo Interim Move of Edward Johnson PS Students To: Martha Rogers, Director of Education From: Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance Date: January 13, 2015 Report Type: INFORMATION Background A boundary review involving Edward Johnson PS was conducted in 2011-2012 which directed approximately 100 students to the rebuilt King George PS in September 2012. Students living south of Grange Road and east of Watson Parkway North and in the former Tyler PS attendance area were grandparented at Edward Johnson PS until June 2014. Despite the boundary change and the end of grandparenting, enrolments at Edward Johnson PS have increased significantly beyond the boundary review projections. Three more portables were added to the Edward Johnson PS property in the fall of 2014 to accommodate increased enrolment. However, there is not capacity on the property for all of the temporary accommodation needs for the entire student body to remain at Edward Johnson PS until a new school in east Guelph is available. Issue Students must be moved from Edward Johnson PS to another school for the 2015/16 school year and possibly the 2016/17 school if the new school in east Guelph is not open for September 2016. Recommendations 1. That memo PLN: 15-02 “Interim Move of Edward Johnson PS Students” be received and referred to a special Board Meeting to be held on February 10, 2015. This document is available in alternative formats upon request. Page 1 of 4 Interim Move of Edward Johnson PS Students PLN: 15-02 Rationale Edward Johnson Enrolment Pressure As of October 31, 2014 there were 491 pupils enrolled at Edward Johnson PS. In 2015/16 there are projected to be 585 pupils at Edward Johnson PS. The On the Ground (OTG) capacity of Edward Johnson PS is 271 students. A total of 10 portable classrooms, a 4-room port-a-pak and 6 portables, provide additional capacity as of September 2014. The total capacity available on the site in 2014/15 is 501 pupil places. Cohorts of more than 100 JK students are replacing small cohorts of approximately 30 Grade 6 students graduating out of the Edward Johnson PS to King George PS. Figure 1 shows the impact of this trend and continued growth in the Edward Johnson PS attendance area relative to the school’s OTG and current portable capacity. This growth is placing significant pressure on the ability of the school building and school site to accommodate this number of students until the new school is constructed east of Watson Parkway North. Figure 1 - Edward Johnson PS Enrolment Projection Page 2 of 4 Interim Move of Edward Johnson PS Students PLN: 15-02 There may be the potential to accommodate 2 or 3 more portables on the property in September 2015. However, even if this is possible, staff are concerned that placing more portables doesn’t address the total accommodation needs of the school for up to two years. New East Guelph School The zoning of the site of the new school, located at the intersection of Watson Parkway North and Couling Crescent, was approved by the City of Guelph in September 2014. The site plan for the new school must be approved by the City before construction can be started. At this time it is not known if the new school building will open prior to midway through the 2016/17 school year. Because schools cannot be easily re-organized to create a new school body mid-way through the year, up to two years of interim accommodation must be considered. A boundary review for the new school is expected to commence in February 2015 and run into late May or June 2015. This process cannot be used to determine what needs to occur for the 2015/16 school year. There needs to be a solution found to the immediate accommodation issues at Edward Johnson PS prior to the commencement of the Board’s staffing process in February 2015. Accommodation Options Given the constraints outlined with respect to portable accommodation at Edward Johnson PS, the forecasted enrolments at Edward Johnson PS and the timing constraints currently known with respect to the new east Guelph school, staff has considered several options for how students may be accommodated until the new school is opened. The available accommodation options are listed below and presented in Appendix A including an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario. Staff recognizes that in any of the options presented students will have to be moved to one or more locations for up to two years and this will be disruptive for students, families and school staff. 1. Accommodate all Grade 3-6 Edward Johnson PS students at a satellite campus of Edward Johnson PS in the former Tytler PS building in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. Page 3 of 4 Interim Move of Edward Johnson PS Students PLN: 15-02 2. Cap JK enrolment at Edward Johnson PS at 45 students starting in 2015, cap SK and Grade 1 Edward Johnson PS students at current levels, impose school specific caps in other Regular Track and Dual Track schools, plus move Grades 5 & 6 Edward Johnson PS students to King George PS in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. 3. Without any portables added to Edward Johnson PS - Accommodate Edward Johnson PS Grade 3 & 4 students at a satellite campus of Edward Johnson PS in the former Tytler PS building, and move Edward Johnson PS Grade 5 & 6 students to King George PS in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. 4. With portables added to Edward Johnson PS – Accommodate Edward Johnson PS Grade 5 & 6 students at King George PS in 2015/16 and Grade 4-6 Edward Johnson PS students in 2016/17 if new school is not open. 5. Create an interim boundary for the new east Guelph school from the Edward Johnson PS attendance area only, and temporarily accommodate students of the new school in the former Tytler PS building in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. In 2015/16 the school would be JK-3, in 2016/17 the new school would grow to JK-4 if new school is not open. A full boundary review would be completed including the King George PS school community in spring 2015. Proposed Process A public information meeting is to be held on January 8, 2015 at Edward Johnson PS in the gymnasium starting at 7pm to share the accommodation options presented herein. Staff will address questions from parents/guardians at that meeting. Trustees will receive delegations on this matter on January 13, 2015, January 27, 2015, February 3, 2015 and February 10, 2015. Staff will summarize feedback from the public information meeting, the online feedback form and delegations received up until February 3, 2015 and provide this material to Trustees for their information. Trustees will consider the options presented and the feedback received at a special meeting of the Board on February 10, 2015 and render a decision on how Edward Johnson PS students will be accommodated in 2015/16 and 2016/17, if necessary. A detailed communication plan is included in Appendix B. Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX A Option 1 Accommodate all Grade 3-6 Edward Johnson PS students at a satellite campus of Edward Johnson PS. Students would be accommodated in the former Tytler PS building in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. Option 2 Cap JK enrolment at Edward Johnson PS at 45 students starting in 2015, cap SK and Grade 1 Edward Johnson PS students at current levels. Impose school specific caps in other Regular Track and Dual Track schools. Move Grades 5 & 6 Edward Johnson PS students to King George PS in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. Option 3 Without any portables added to Edward Johnson PS. Accommodate Edward Johnson PS Grade 3 & 4 students at a satellite campus of Edward Johnson PS in the former Tytler PS building. Move Edward Johnson PS Grade 5 & 6 students to King George PS in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. Option 4 With portables added to Edward Johnson PS – Accommodate Edward Johnson PS Grade 5 & 6 students at King George PS in 2015/16 . Grade 4-6 Edward Johnson PS students at King George PS in 2016/17 if new school is not open. Option 5 Create an interim boundary for the new east Guelph school from the Edward Johnson PS attendance area only. Temporarily accommodate students of the new school in the former Tytler PS building in 2015/16 and 2016/17 if new school is not open. In 2015/16 the school would be JK-3. In 2016/17 the new school would grow to JK-4 if new school is not open. A full boundary review would be completed including the King George PS school community in spring 2015. 1. Short Term Move – Grades 3-6 Advantages Disadvantages Keeps cohorts of Grade 3-6 Difficulty staffing Additional VP allocation would be required to equal 1.0 Need additional OC & Caretaker Challenge moving planning time and resource staff between sites Need library and phys. ed. resources. Bus times to be coordinated. Students face multiple moves. Creates a primary (JK-2) school of students together. Sufficient space at Tytler PS to accommodate students for 2 years if necessary. Allows time to create new boundary and organize new school in new building when ready. Class organizations allow staffing of same number of classrooms as if students were in one facility. 400+ students at EJPS 2. Cap & Move – Grades 5 & 6 Advantages Disadvantages Keeps cohorts of Grade 5 & 6 Difficult to get random students together at KGPS. Students would stay together until graduation. Space available at KGPS for 2 years – if 3-4 portables used. Staffing could be done with students integrated into KGPS classes or staffed separately. Creates manageable, predictable enrolments for all Guelph schools with FI. selection registration system running in time for JK registration No consultation on Cap with FI community 3. Grades 5 & 6 to KGPS – w/o portables added at EJPS still requires Grades 3 & 4 to move Advantages Disadvantages Keeps cohorts of Grade 5 & 6 Would still need to students together at KGPS. Students would stay together until graduation. Space available at KGPS for 2 years – if 3-4 portables used. Staffing could be done with students integrated into KGPS classes or staffed separately. accommodate Grades 3 & 4 at another location. Forces cross-divisional organizations. Inefficient organizations created at both schools. Takes advantage of Out of Boundary process. All the same staffing, facility and resource issues as Option 1 4. Move of Grade 4, 5 & 6 to KGPS & Add Portables to EJPS Advantages Disadvantages Keeps cohorts of Grade 5 & 6 Not enough space at EJPS for students together at KGPS. Students would stay together until graduation. Staffing could be done with students integrated into KGPS classes or staffed separately. Grades JK-4, despite portables, to address 2-year need. May require 6 or 7 portables installed at KGPS by 2016. Creates a primary (JK-3) school of 500+ students at EJPS Similar staffing and organizational inefficiencies if EJPS classes staffed separately at KGPS. 5. Create partial new school boundary from EJPS only, housed at Tytler PS Advantages Disadvantages Creates JK-3 school in 15/16 and Does not follow Boundary JK-4 in 16/17 at Tytler PS. Starts to develop school community before building open . Minimizes changes for EJPS community. Doesn’t immediately impact KGPS students who just moved within in last 2 years. Allows time to conduct boundary review including KGPS. Avoids continued overcrowding at EJPS and additional pressure at KGPS for next 2 years. Review Policy Tight timing to name principal, Office Coordinator, etc. Requires designation of surplus staff from EJPS quickly. Need to address facility and resource issues. APPENDIX B COMMUNICATION PLAN Communication Plan The Communication Plan has two goals; to keep the community informed through a variety of channels, and provide a way for people to submit comments. To accomplish these goads staff will: Send a letter home to parents/guardians of Edward Johnson PS on Thursday, December 18, 2014 about the Public Information Session planned on January 8, 2015. The letter will provide background information, key dates, and details on how to learn more. Create a web page for the Edward Johnson PS interim student move in the Planning Department section of the Board’s website. Create an online form that gives community members the opportunity to sign up and receive email alerts when new content is added. Comments will also be shared publicly on the Board’s website, without names or personally identifying information. Users submitting comments will be informed in advance that it will not be possible to provide individual responses. Promote the Public Information Session through a news brief on the home page of the Board’s website and on the home pages of Edward Johnson PS; through the online event calendars of both sites; and a graphic button on the Edward Johnson site. Inform parents/guardians about the opportunities for delegations to appear before trustees on January 13, 2015, January 27, 2015, February 3, 2015 and February 10, 2015. Provide a reminder of the January 8, 2015 Public Information Meeting on January 5, 2015 on the school web page; via e-mail distribution and/or school call-out system; and in the school’s January 2015 newsletter. Write a media release for local newspapers and TV. The release will distributed following the Business Operations Committee on January 13, 2015. Send a letter home to parents/guardians of Edward Johnson PS following the February 10, 2015 meeting detailing the Board’s decision. Write a media release for local newspapers and TV to be distributed following the Board’s decision either on February 10th.