ARI Report No. RR-1330 ARI Contract No. 10066 Measurements and Analyses of Urban Metabolism and Trace Gas Respiration Prepared By J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, M.S. Zahniser and C.E. Kolb Center for Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry Aerodyne Research, Inc. Billerica, MA 01821-3976 S.M. O’Neill, D. Stock, S. Napelenok, E.J. Allwine and B.K. Lamb Laboratory for Atmospheric Research Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-2910 E. Scheuer and R.W. Talbot Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824-3525 F. San Martini, G. Adamkiewicz, B.K.-L.l Pun, C. Wang, and G.J. McRae Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 01239-4307 L. Cao, A.A. Ismail, M. Kawabata, C.-H. Yeang, G. Narasimhan, S. Humbad, M. Zhang, and J. Ferreira, Jr. Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 01239-4307 Prepared For Office of Earth Sciences National Aeronautic and Space Administration Washington, DC 20546-0001 May 2002 Table of Contents 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW .........................................................................................1 1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................2 1.2 Project Team Descrition ................................................................................2 1.3 Experiment Goals...........................................................................................2 1.4 Analysis Goals ...............................................................................................3 1.5 Project Accomplishments and Impacts ..........................................................4 2.0 FIELD MEASUREMENT STRATEGIES ............................................................6 2.1 Instrument Overview .....................................................................................6 2.1.1 Tunable Infrared Laser Sensors .........................................................6 Background ............................................................................6 Laser Sources .........................................................................7 Instrument Description...........................................................8 Signal Processing ...................................................................10 Instrument Operation .............................................................11 2.1.2 Commercial Licor CO2/UV Ozone/Eppley UV Sensors ...................12 2.1.3 Fine Aerosol Measurements (Condensation Particle Counter) ..........13 2.1.4 Tracer Release and Detection Instrumentation ..................................13 2.1.5 VOC Sampling and Analysis Instrumentation ...................................14 2.1.6 Sodar and Meteorological Instrumentation ........................................17 2.2 ARI Mobile Laboratory .................................................................................18 2.3 WSU Mobile Laboratory ...............................................................................19 2.4 Field Measurement Sites ................................................................................23 2.4.1 Manchester, NH .................................................................................23 2.4.2 Boston, MA ........................................................................................23 2.4.3 Cambridge, Massachusetts .................................................................23 2.5 Field Measurement Strategies ........................................................................25 2.5.1 Pollution Mapping .............................................................................25 3.0 FIELD DATA OVERVIEW ...................................................................................28 3.1 ARI Trace Gas Data Description ...................................................................30 3.2 UNH Total Particle Data Description ............................................................32 3.3 WSU Trace Data Description ........................................................................33 3.4 WSU VOC Data Description .........................................................................34 3.5 WSU Sodar and Meteorological Data Description ........................................34 4.0 DATA ANALYSIS STRATEGIES ........................................................................35 4.1 Motor Vehicle Pollutant from Mobile Measurements ...................................37 4.1.1 General Results of Mobile Measurements .........................................38 4.1.2 Special Issues for Mobile Measurements of ER’s .............................41 4.1.3 Separation of “Peaks” and “Local Background” ...............................45 4.1.4 Methods of Deriving Emission ratios ................................................45 4.1.5 NO Emission Ratio Results ...............................................................49 4.1.6 CO and CH4 Emission Results...........................................................62 iii 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.1.7 Discussion ..........................................................................................62 Background Pollutant Maps ...........................................................................69 Fixed Site Pollutant Measurement Analysis ..................................................72 Mesoscale Wind Field Modeling ...................................................................76 Turbulence Modeling of Urban Landscapes ..................................................80 4.5.1 Tracer Data Analysis..........................................................................80 4.5.2 Turbulence Modeling of an Urban Landscape...................................83 Urban Footprint Modeling .............................................................................85 Urban Emissions – Air Quality Relationships ...............................................92 4.7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................92 4.7.2 The Need for Better Emissions Inventories in Control Strategy Design ......................................................................92 4.7.3 Inverse Modeling ...............................................................................93 4.7.4 Application to Atmospheric Systems.................................................94 4.7.5 Optimal Field Determination .............................................................95 4.7.6 Empirical Karhunen-Loeve Series Expansion ...................................96 4.7.7 Los Angeles Case Study ....................................................................99 4.7.8 Formulation of Optimization Problem ...............................................100 4.7.9 Pseudo-Data Inversion .......................................................................104 4.7.10 CO Inversion ......................................................................................104 4.7.11 Objective Function Modification .......................................................112 4.7.12 Summary of Results from Inverse Methods ......................................112 4.7.13 Role of Uncertainty ............................................................................114 4.7.14 Probabilistic Collocation Approach ...................................................114 4.7.15 Applications .......................................................................................117 4.7.16 Uncertain Parameters .........................................................................118 4.7.17 Results: Ozone Uncertainty and Variance Analysis .........................120 4.7.18 Observations/Conclusions..................................................................125 4.7.19 Conclusions for Inverse Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis ...........133 Model Inversion of Pollutant Maps: Diffusion Modeling of SF6 Release Experiments ...................................................................................134 4.8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................134 4.8.2 Observed Phenomena.........................................................................134 4.8.3 Experimental Data .............................................................................135 4.8.4 Model Description .............................................................................147 4.8.5 Results and Discussion ......................................................................151 4.8.6 Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................168 Photochemical Steady State NOx Analyses ...................................................169 GIS Based Emissions Analyses .....................................................................175 4.10.1 GIS Analyses for Manchester, NH ....................................................175 Creating Base Maps ............................................................177 The Distributed GIS Architecture .......................................178 Visualizing Mobile Measurements of Trace Gas Concentration..................................................182 iv Table of Contents (Continued) 4.11 4.12 Geo-Processing Examples ..................................................183 Conclusions from Initial Work on Distributed GIS Systems ..................................................186 4.10.2 GIS Analyses for Boston, MA ...........................................................187 Digital Orthophotography and GIS-Based Visualization ...187 Modeling Emission Sources ...............................................191 Stack Emission Model ........................................................193 Traffic Congestion Model ...................................................198 Emission Modeling Conclusions ........................................201 Comparing GIS-based Models and Trace Gas Observations ........................203 4.11.1 Spatial Regressions of the May 25, 1999, Trace Gas Observations ..205 4.11.2 System Architectures for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling .................................................................................210 Fine Aerosol ................................................................................................212 5.0 PROJECT OUTPUT ...............................................................................................219 5.1 Symposia Presentations, Proceedings Papers and Journal Publications ........219 5.1.1 Presentations Without Published Proceedings Papers .......................219 5.1.2 Presentations With Published Proceedings Papers ............................220 5.1.3 Archival Journal Papers .....................................................................222 5.1.4 Graduate These Fully or Partially Supported.....................................222 5.2 Planned Archival Journal Papers ...................................................................223 5.3 Web Sites with Archived Project Data and Modeling/Analyses ...................223 6.0 SUMMARY ................................................................................................226 7.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................228 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 2.1.1. Schematic for a Two-Laser TDL Instrument with 153 Meter Multiple Pass Astigmatic Absorption Cell ...............................................................................4 2.1.2 Calculated Mirror Beam Spots for Two Patterns, Each with 182 Passes Propogating in an Astigmatic Herriott Cell ...............................................................6 2.1.3 One-second TILDAS Spectra and Calculated Non-Linear Least Squares Fit for 1 ppb Ambient Ethane and 1.7 ppm Methane ................................................6 2.1.4 SF6 Tracer Data Obtained May 25, 1998 in the South Boston Area ........................10 2.1.5 (a) Isoprene and (b) Toluene 1 Hour Integrated Canister Sample Results for Manchester, NH on August 25, 1998 ...................................................................12 2.1.6 Comparison of MM5 and Sodar Wind Direction & Wind Speed at MIT ................13 2.3.1 (a) CO2, (b) CO Conentrations Measured by the WSU Van on May 25, 1999 in South Boston, MA ................................................................................................16 2.4.1 Boston Mobile Measurement Region, Comprising Principally of Dorchester and Roxbury, MA ................................................................................................19 2.4.2 Stationary Field Measurement Site on the Campus of MIT in Cambridge, MA .......19 2.5.1 CO Data Collected at 1 Hz by the TDL System on June 16, 1998 in Manchester, NH ................................................................................................21 2.5.2 NO Data Collected at 1 Hz by the TDL System on May 25, 1999 in the Boston, MA Area, Including the Routes to/from Billerica, MA ...............................22 4.1.1 Typical Segment of Mobile Concentration Data Showing Coincident Peaks of CO2, NO and NO2 ................................................................................................38 4.1.2 Autocorrelations of Peak Segments of CO2 and NO Data, With Subtracted Means ................................................................................................40 4.1.3 Cross-Correlation of Peak Segments (With Zero Mean) of CO2 and NO2 Showing the Strong Association Between These Gases ............................................40 4.1.4 Cosine of the Wind Direction as Sensed in the Truck, as a Function of Truck Velocity, Assuming a General Wind from the North at 1 m/s. .......................42 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.1.5 Average CO2 Concentration for Velocity Bins During Traverses on May 25, 1999. ................................................................................................43 4.1.6 Fourier Transforms of Data Records for CO2 and NO. .............................................44 4.1.7 A Data Sample with Local-Background Lines Derived from the “Range-Minimum” Method .......................................................................................46 4.1.8 Example of CO2 and NO Data and the Emission Ratio as a Function of Time, Determined Using Point Ratios and Linear Regression in a 5-Point Sliding Window. ................................................................................................48 4.1.9 Histogram (Probability Density) of NO/CO2 ER from the SlidingWindow Regression Method......................................................................................49 4.1.10 Comparison of NO ER Distributions from Mobile Sampling in Boston on 5/25/99 and from a Cross-Road Remote Sensing Experiment Conducted in California in 1996. ................................................................................................50 4.1.11 Measurement Route on 5/25/99 Color Coded by NO/CO2 ER..................................51 4.1.12 Histogram of NO/CO2 Emission Ratio as a Function of Sampling Speed ................52 4.1.13 Histogram of NO/CO2 Emission Ratio as a Function of Sampling Acceleration......52 4.1.14 Simple Model of Stop and Go Traffic, With (Raised) Sinusoidal Speed and Circular Motion in the Speed-Acceleration Plane ..............................................53 4.1.15 City Driving Data Segment, Speed and Acceleration, with the Speed Curve Color and Width Showing CO2 Concentration ...............................................53 4.1.16 A Segment of City Driving Data, with the Trace Color and Size Indicating CO2 Concentration. ...................................................................................54 4.1.17 A Segment of City Driving Data, with the Trace Color and Size Indicating CO2 Concentration. ...................................................................................55 4.1.18 Average CO2 Concentration as a Function of Speed and Acceleration of the Mobile Lab, for City Driving in Boston on 5/25/99. .......................................56 4.1.19 Average ER (NO/CO2) as a Function of Speed and Acceleration of the Mobile Lab, for City Driving in Boston on 5/25/99. .................................................57 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.1.20 Average CO2 Concentration as a Function of Driving Cycle Phase for the Mobile Lab, for City Driving in Boston on 5/25/99.......................................58 4.1.21 Average ER (NO/CO2) as a Function of Driving Cycle Phase for the Mobile Lab, for City Driving in Boston on 5/25/99. .................................................59 4.1.22 Scatterplot of N2O vs CO2 for City and Highway Driving in Manchester, NH on 6/16/98, with Solid Line Showing the Linear Regression Fit ................................................................................................60 4.1.23 Histogram of Pointwise Ratios for Mobile Peak Data (Dotted line), N2O/CO2, City and Highway, and CO2 > 15 ppm. ..................................................61 4.1.24 Concentration Probability Distributions for NO and CO2 in Boston on 5/25/99. .....66 4.1.25 Computed Probability Distribution for a Gaussian Plume Model, with a set of 20 Sources, each Emitting Two Different Gases at a Ratio of Between 1 and 2. ................................................................................................67 4.2.1 Points Where CO2 Concentrations are Below the Maximum Probability Concentration, in Boston on 5/25/99. .....................................................70 4.2.2 Interpolated Minima in CO2 Over a Rnage of +/-250 Meters During Traverses on 5/25/99 in Boston. ................................................................................71 4.2.3 Interpolated Minima in NO Over a Range of +/-250 Meters During Traverses on 5/25/99 in Boston. ................................................................................71 4.3.1 Measurement of Trace Gas Species at Harnett Park, Manchester, NH, Site of an EPA Monitoring Station, and Surrounding Area on August 26, 1998. .....72 4.3.2 One Hour Averages and Standard Deviation of Each 1 Hour Data Set of the 1 Hz NO, NO2, and CO2 Data from the ARI Mobile Laboratory. ...................74 4.3.3 Probability Distributions of NO, NO2 and CO2 as a Function of Time of Day. ........74 4.3.4 Probability Density of NO2, NO and CO2 for 12 1-hour Time Periods Spanning from 22:00 EDT May 27 Until 20:00 EDT May 28. .................................75 4.4.1 (a) MM5 27 km Model Domain for Manchester, NH and (b) MM5 3 km and 1 km Domains for Manchester, NH ...........................................77 viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure 4.4.2 Page (a) MM5 27 km Model Domain for Boston, MA and (b) MM5 3 km and 1 km Domains for Boston, MA ..................................................77 4.4.3 MM5 Surface Layer Winds in the 1 km Manchester, NH Domain at 6 pm EST on 11/11/97. ............................................................................78 4.4.4 Back Trajectories Calculated by RIP for the Period Ending (a) August 28, 1998 at 9 am EDT and (b) August 30, 1998 at 9 am for Manchester, NH and Boston, MA..............................................................................79 4.4.5 Comparison of MM5 and NCDC/FSL Radiosonde Archived (a) Wind Direction and (b) Wind Speed at Chatham, MA on May 25, 1999 at 7 pm EST. .......................................................................................80 4.5.1 Instantaneous Diffibusion Coefficients Calculated by the Centerline and Moment Methods Versus Downwind Distance for Tracer Tests Conducted in Manchester, NH, August 17, 28 and 30, 1998. ...................................81 4.5.2 (a) Logarithmic Wind Speed Profile Generated from MM5 Output, and (b) Turbulent Kinetic Energy Estiamted from Stuff (1994), for Manchester, NH 6:00 pm 11/11/97............................................................................83 4.5.3 TEMPEST Model Domain for a 2-D Idealized Urban Profile. .................................84 4.5.4 TEMPEST Solution for a 2-D Idealized Urban Profile. ............................................85 4.6.1 Nox (a) Point and (b) Area Emission Inventory Data for New England Applied to May 25, 1999 at 12 pm EST. ...................................................................86 4.6.2 Upwind Source Area Influencing Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. ............87 4.6.3 Source Contribution Calculation Results for Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. ................................................................................................88 4.6.4 Average Pollutant Source Travel Times in Relation to Boston, MA at 5 pm EST, May 25, 1999. ..........................................................................................89 4.6.5 Fractional Source Contributions of NOx on the Receptor Concentrations at Boston, MA at 5 PM EST May 25, 1999. ..................................................................90 4.6.6 Fractional Source Contributions of NOx within Approximately 75 km of the Receptor, Boston, MA at 5 PM EST May 25, 1999. ............................91 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.7.1 Typical CIT Airshed Model Emissions Field ............................................................96 4.7.2 CIT Modeling Domain, UTM Coordinates ...............................................................99 4.7.3 Monitoring Stations Within SCAQS Region and CIT Modeling Domain ................100 4.7.4 ALKE and CO Emissions Eigenvalue Spectra for August 27-28, 1987....................101 4.7.5 Eigenvalue Representation Error for ALKE, CO and NO Emissions (August 27-28, 1987). ................................................................................................102 4.7.6 Error Norm Reduction as a Function of Optimization Iteration ................................102 4.7.7 Flowsheet 1: Overall Optimization Strategy Flow Diagram ....................................103 4.7.8 Flowsheet 2: Search Algorithm and Associated Code ..............................................103 4.7.9 Flow Diagram for Objective Function Evaluator (Getfunc Shell Script) ..................104 4.7.10 Emissions Time Series for CO Emissions (August 27-28, 1987). .............................105 4.7.11 First Four ALKE Temporal Eigenfunctions ..............................................................106 4.7.12 Two-Dimensional Contour-Plots of First Five ALKE Eigenfucntions .....................107 4.7.13 Three-Dimensional Surface-Plots of First Four ALKE Eigenfunctions ....................108 4.7.14 Ozone Predictions for Base Case Simulation (August 28, 1987). .............................109 4.7.15 Optimized Result for August 28, 1987 (24 hour norm) .............................................110 4.7.16 Emissions Time Series for ALKE Emissions (August 27-28, 1987).........................110 4.7.17 Difference Between Optimized and Base Case ALKE Field (8 am) .........................111 4.7.18 Optimal Coefficients for Base Case, Optimized Field and 3 Error Runs (ALKE Emissions) (August 27-28, 1987). ................................................................111 4.7.19 Optimized Result for August 28, 1987 (14.7.5 pm norm) .........................................112 4.7.20 Optimal Coefficients for Base Case and Optimized Fields for Two Error Norms (August 27-28, 1987). ..................................................................113 x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.7.21 Emissions Time Series for ALKE Emissions (August 27-28, 1987).........................113 4.7.22 DEMM Flow Diagram [Wang, 1999]. .......................................................................117 4.7.23 Monitoring Stations within SCAQS Region and CIT Modeling Domain .................120 4.7.24 Uncertain Parameters With Increased Average Variance Contribution Under at 1.5 x ROG Case ..........................................................................................123 4.7.25 ncertain Parameters with Decreased Average Variance Contribution Under a 1.5 x ROG Case............................................................................................123 4.7.26 Morning Ozone Variance Contribution, CELA .........................................................126 4.7.27 Primary Variance Contributing Parameters at RIVR.................................................127 4.7.28 Ozone Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Central Los Angeles ...........128 4.7.29 Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5 x Base case ROG) (8/27/87), Central Los Angeles ................................................................................................128 4.7.30 Ozone Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Claremont ...........................129 4.7.31 Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Claremont ............129 4.7.32 Ozone Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Hawthorne...........................130 4.7.33 Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Hawthorne ...........130 4.7.34 Ozone Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Pasadena .............................131 4.7.35 Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Pasadena ..............131 4.7.36 Ozone Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Riverside .............................132 4.7.37 Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5 x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Riverside ..............132 4.8.1 Continuous Point Source............................................................................................135 4.8.2 Predicted v. Measured 10-Meter Wind Speed at Logan Airport on 5/25/99. ............136 4.8.3 Predicted v. Measured Wind Direction at Logan Airport for 5/25/99 .......................136 xi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.8.4 SF6 Release Site and Adjacent Four Grid Points for Which Wind Fields Are Available. ................................................................................................138 4.8.5 Power-Law Fit for the Average Wind Speed at the SF6 Release Site for 16:00 GMT on 5/25/99. .............................................................................................139 4.8.6 Route for the Aerodyne (blue) and WSU Mobile Lab (yellow), and the SF6 Release Site (Red) for 5/25/99. ...........................................................................140 4.8.7 Detail of the Route Followed by the Two Mobile Labs ............................................141 4.8.8 Shifted Coordinates Using the Wind Direction, where xo, yo are the Coordinates of the SF6 Release Site...........................................................................142 4.8.9 Reduced Data Set for Aerodyne Data ........................................................................144 4.8.10 Rotated and Reduced Data Set from Aerodyne .........................................................144 4.8.11 Shifted WSU Data ................................................................................................145 4.8.12 Final WSU Rotated and Shifted Data Set. .................................................................146 4.8.13 Combined Rotated and Shifted Final WSU and Aerodyne Data ...............................147 4.8.14 Measured SF6 Concentrations Using the Data Set Combined3. ................................153 4.8.15 Measured SF6 Concentrations Using the Data Set ARI_SF6 Data. ...........................154 4.8.16 Measured vs. Predicted SF6 Concentration for the Combined3 Dataset Using the Best-Fit Parameters of Equation (4.8.32) .....................................156 4.8.17 Measured vs Predicted SF6 Concentration for the Combined3 Dataset Using the Best-Fit Parameters of Equation (4.8.33). ....................................156 4.8.18 Predicted Concentration of SF6 Assuming an Average Wind Speed Of 7.2 m/s and p=0.077. ............................................................................................158 4.8.19 Individual Road Segments Considered from the Aerodyne Dataset .........................159 4.8.20 Detail of the Route for the Road Labeled Road_100 in Figure 4.8.20 (left) and the Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations (right). ...........................160 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.8.21 Road_250 in Figure 4.8.19.........................................................................................160 4.8.22 Road_600 ................................................................................................161 4.8.23 Road_1000 in Figure 4.8.19.......................................................................................161 4.8.24 Road_1500 in Figure 4.8.19.......................................................................................162 4.8.25 Road_1500_WSU in Figure 4.8.19 ............................................................................162 4.8.26 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_100 Using Parameters Regressed Using Only Data from Road_100 ..........................................164 4.8.27 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_250 ......................................164 4.8.28 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_600 ......................................165 4.8.29 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_1000 ....................................165 4.8.30 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_1000 ....................................166 4.8.31 Observed and Predicted SF6 Concentrations for Road_1000 ....................................166 4.9.1 Relationship of NO2 to Total NOx.............................................................................171 4.9.2 Relationship of NO2 to total NOx ..............................................................................172 4.9.3 Relationship of NO2 to Total NOx.............................................................................174 4.10.1. Terrain Model of Manchester, NH, and ArcView Screen-Shot of Manchester.........177 4.10.2 MapCafe Screen-Shot Comparing CO2 Measurements at Different Times of Day ..............................................................................................178 4.10.3 Conceptual Diagram of the Distributed GIS Architecture .........................................179 4.10.4 Detailed Diagram of Distributed GIS Architecture for Manchester Analyses ..........180 4.10.5 Query Box for Customized Querying and Mapping of Trace Gas Measurements ....183 4.10.6 Promixity-to-Road Model for Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Vehicle Emissions ................................................................................................185 xiii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.10.7 Aerodyne Van Traversal Along I-93 and I-90 in Boston.. ........................................188 4.10.8 Eastern Mass Counties and Interstate Highways with a Boston Area Ortho .............189 4.10.9 Van Speed (Light Color is Slow) vs Concentration (Height) of NO (Left) And NO2 (Right) ................................................................................................190 4.10.10 Urban Respiration Project – GIS Modeling ............................................................191 4.10.11 The Mechanism of Connecting GIS and RDBMS ..................................................193 4.10.12 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Calculation of Trace Gas Concentrations .......194 4.10.13 Flow Chart of Method for Dispersion Model Calculations ....................................195 4.10.14 Estimated CO Concentration Distribution After the Stack Emission Model .........197 4.10.15 Estimated NO2 Concentration Distribution After the Stack Emission Model ........197 4.10.16 Find All the Road Intersections and Highway Exits ...............................................200 4.10.17 Estimated Trace Gas Concentration from Traffic Congestion Around Road Intersections ................................................................................................201 4.11.1 Flow Chart of Emission Modeling Approach .........................................................203 4.11.2 Land Use in the Boston Study Area ........................................................................204 4.11.3 Population Density (total population per acre) for the Boston Study Area ............205 4.11.4 Average Observed Values of NO (ppb) During May 25, 1999 Mobile Van Runs .207 4.11.5 Typical Regression Results for May 25 NO Observations .....................................208 4.11.6 May 25 NO Residuals (as standard deviations) for the SW3 Model ......................209 4.12.1 Concentration of Fine Particles (particles cm-3) Along Boston Roads and Highways on May 23, 1999. ............................................................................213 4.12.2 Selected Water-Soluble Composition of Urban Aerosols Sampled on the MIT Campus During May 27-29, 1999. .................................................................214 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 4.12.3 Time Series of CO2 and Fine Particles During Stationary Measurements In Cambridge, MA ................................................................................................216 4.12.4 Summary Relationships of Total Fine Particles with NO and CO During the Afternoon of May 28.........................................................................................216 4.12.5 Summary of Total Fine Particle and CO2 Relationships Observed During the Mobile Laboratory Measurements in the Boston Area on Four different Days in May 1999. ................................................................................................217 xv LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 2.3.1 - Summary of WSU Van Instrumentation Operations .....................................20 Table 3.1 - Mobile Campaign Data ..................................................................................28 Table 3.2.1 - Summary of Tracer Test Periods ...................................................................33 Table 4.5.1 - Instantaneous diffusion coefficients calculated by the centerline method and moment method for tracer tests conducted in Manchester, NH August 27, 28 and 30, 1998. .........................82 Table 4.6.1 - Percent Contribution of Emissions to the Boston Receptor at Incremented Radial Distances........................................................................91 Table 4.7.1 - Properties of Well-Posed Inverse Problems ..................................................94 Table 4.7.2 - Percent of Variance Captured by First Five Eigenfunctions. ........................101 Table 4.7.3 - Lumped Organic Classes Used in the CIT Model. ........................................105 Table 4.7.4 - Typical Input Parameters used in Photochemical Models. ............................118 Table 4.7.5 - Uncertain mechanism parameters (based on Stockwell and Pun [1997])......119 Table 4.7.6 - Relative Error of Second Order Approximation for Ozone. ..........................119 Table 4.7.7 - Monitoring Site Description. .........................................................................120 Table 4.7.8 - Ozone Variance Contribution, CELA (percent) (values > 5 are in bold, values < 0.1 not shown.............................................122 Table 4.7.9 - Ozone Variance Contribution, RIVR (percent) (values > 5 are in bold, values < 0.1 not shown.............................................122 Table 4.7.10 - Relative Change in Ozone Percent Variance Contribution 1.5 ROG Case versus Base Case Analysis (values shown are average factors from 12:00-16:00PST). .........................................................122 Table 4.7.11 - Effect of different scenarios on variance contribution (12 - 4 pm) ( A = Base Case; B = 1.5 ROG; C = 1.5 ROG and 1.5 NOx ). ............124 Table 4.7.12 - Temporal Differences in Ozone Concentration and Variance. ......................125 xvi LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 4.7.13 - Ozone Variance Contribution for Selected Reactions at CELA and RIVR (2pm). ...........................................................................................126 Table 4.7.14 - Primary Variance-Contributing Photolysis Reactions ...................................126 Table 4.7.15 - Dominant Variance-Contributing Parameters at RIVR. ................................127 Table 4.8.1 - Release Site Wind Field Parameters. .............................................................139 Table 4.8.2 - SF6 Release Site Coordinates. ........................................................................142 Table 4.8.3 - Summary of Parameters for Boston 05/25/99. ...............................................146 Table 4.8.4 – Summary of Utilized Data Sets......................................................................152 Table 4.8.5 - Best-fit parameters using Equation (4.8.32). .................................................154 Table 4.8.6 - Best-fit parameters using Equation (4.8.33). .................................................155 Table 4.8.7 - Best-Fit Parameters Using the Dataset Combined3 and Allowing to Vary Hourly. ..................................................................................................157 Table 4.8.8 - Theory v. Best-Fit Parameters. ......................................................................158 Table 4.8.9 - Individual Road Best-Fit Parameters. ............................................................163 Table 4.8.10 - Best-fit Parameters for Different Sized Data Sets. ........................................167 Table 4.8.11 - Best-fit Parameters, allowing for Offset in Wind Direction. .........................168 xvii 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Motivation Human society has well defined metabolic processes that can be characterized and quantified in the same way that an ecosystem’s metabolism can be defined and understood [Fischer-Kowalski, 1998.] The study of “industrial metabolism” is now a well-established topic, forming a key component of the emerging field of industrial ecology [Ayres and Simmonis, 1994; Fischer-Kowalski and Hüttler, 1998]. The fact that the metabolism of cities can be analyzed in a manner similar to that used for ecosystems or industries has long been recognized [Wolman, 1965.] However, the increasingly rapid pace of urbanization and the emergence of megacities, particularly in the developing world, lends increased urgency to the study of “urban metabolism.” A recent review by Decker et al. [2000] surveys energy and materials flow though the world’s twenty-five largest metropolitan areas. In 1995 these cities had populations estimated to range between 6.6 and 26.8 million people; all are expected to exceed 10 million by 2010. Urban metabolism, driven by the consumption of energy and materials, cannot take place without respiration. Both combustion based energy sources and the human and animal populations of cities consume atmospheric oxygen and expire carbon dioxide as well as a range of other trace gases and small particles. While the detail content of these urban emissions are generally not well known, there is no doubt that they are large and varied [Decker et al., 2000.] There is growing recognition that airborne emissions from major urban and industrial areas influence both air quality and climate change on scales ranging from regional up to continental and global. Urban/industrial emissions from the developed world, and increasingly from the megacities of the developing world change the chemical content of the downwind troposphere in a number of fundamental ways. Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), CO and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) drive the formation of photochemical smog and its associated oxidants, degrading air quality and threatening both human and ecosystem health. On a larger scale, these same emissions drive the production of ozone (a powerful greenhouse gas) in the free troposphere, contributing significantly to global warming. Urban and industrial areas are also large sources of the major directly forcing greenhouse gases, including CO2, CH4, N2O and halocarbons. Nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide emissions are also processed to strong acids by atmospheric photochemistry on regional to continental scales, driving acid deposition to sensitive ecosystems. Direct urban/industrial emission of carbonaceous aerosols is compounded by the emission of copious amounts of secondary aerosol precursors, including: NOx, VOCs, SO2, and NH3. The resulting mix of primary (directly emitted) and secondary aerosols is now recognized to play an important role in the climate of the Northern Hemisphere. What is less widely recognized is the poor state of our knowledge of the magnitudes, and spatial and temporal distributions, of gaseous and aerosol pollutants from urban/industrial areas. While most cities in the developed world do have a few continuous fixed site monitoring stations measuring point concentrations of regulated air pollutants; these measurements very poorly constrain the patterns of pollutant measurements from the urban area as a whole. Most cities in the developing world lack even these relatively sparse routine measurements. Air quality agencies in the developed world have assembled urban/industrial emissions inventories for some 1 key pollutants, most notably NOx, CO, some VOCs, SO2, and some primary aerosols such as soot and particulate lead. However, far too often these emission inventories are based on engineering estimates rather than measured emissions. In addition, they often miss or poorly quantify smaller fixed sources, mobile sources (motor vehicles, trains, boats, aircraft) and area sources like landfills. Emissions inventories in developing countries, where they exist, are often based on dubious extrapolations of those used for cities in the developed world. This sad state of affairs is a serious problem. First, it is difficult to predict the impact of poorly defined emissions and pollutant distributions on urban air quality and its impact on citizen’s health and local ecosystem viability. Second, since the atmospheric chemistry which drives processes like ozone or secondary aerosol production is highly nonlinear, the impact of urban/industrial emissions on larger scales cannot be predicted without a relatively accurate and detailed knowledge of the temporal and spatial distributions of their precursors. Since “business as usual” is doing a poor job of specifying the real distributions of urban/ industrial atmospheric pollutants, new tools and techniques need to be developed to more easily and accurately quantify these emissions and allow accurate prediction of their subsequent chemical transformations and transport to larger scales. 1.2 Project Team Description Our NASA Earth Science Enterprise funded Urban Metabolism and Trace Gas Respiration Project is an effort to better understand the distribution and emission patterns of pollutants in urban areas. The project took place between February, 1997 and October, 2001 as an Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) investigation associated with the Earth Observing System (EOS) project. It involved a highly interdisciplinary collaboration between five research teams from the Center for Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry at Aerodyne Research, Inc. (ARI), the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Institute of Earth, Oceans, and Space at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), and the Laboratory for Atmospheric Research at Washington State University (WSU). The team included physicists, physical chemists, and environmental engineers expert in atmospheric measurement techniques, chemical and environmental engineers skilled in developing and utilizing models of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics, and urban planners with a research focus on the development of geographical information systems (GIS) and their innovative use in mapping and intercomparing urban characteristics, including pollutant distributions. Graduate students from MIT, UNH, and WSU were involved in both the measurement and modeling/analyses portions of the project. 1.3 Experimental Goals Airborne platforms featuring fast response sensors have previously been deployed, with dramatic effect, to measure stratospheric and free tropospheric processes (e.g. Anderson et al., 1989) and even to follow urban emission plumes to quantify downwind pollution evolution [Trainor et al., 1995; Nunnermacker et al., 1998]. Components of our team have also used ground vehicles equipped with fast response trace gas sensors to quantify methane emissions 2 from urban (and rural) components of natural and town gas systems, urban landfills, and sections of towns and cities [Lamb et al., 1995; Mosher et al, 1999; Shorter et al., 1996; 1997]. However, mobile fast response sensors had not been used previously to characterize multi-pollutant distributions and source emissions within urban areas. For this project we proposed to develop, deploy and demonstrate better urban atmospheric measurement techniques based on sensitive, accurate, real-time trace gas and particulate sensors onboard a ground mobile platform (a mobile laboratory.) We anticipated that the deployment of real-time (~1s response) sensitive and specific trace pollutant instruments in a mobile laboratory would generate a wealth of data on the distribution of both urban ambient pollutant levels and the distribution and nature of both mobile and stationary (including point and area) emission sources. As proposed, we first tested our instrumented mobile laboratory in two field missions in Manchester, NH a compact urban area with a population of ~100,000 well isolated from other urban centers. We then deployed our mobile laboratory in a intensive campaign in Boston, MA at the center of a metropolitan area with ~3 million people. These field programs allowed us to learn how to effectively deploy real-time mobile instruments in a major urban area and gain valuable data on pollutant distributions and emission sources. Our field measurement tools and strategies are presented in Section 2 of this report and an overview of the urban field measurement data we obtained is presented in Section 3. 1.4 Analysis Goals Since our real-time mobile measurements would generate copious amounts of data, a key programmatic goal was to develop the data reduction and analysis methods that would allow us to learn the most about pollutant distributions and emission sources. Further, since we proposed to develop novel methods of investigating urban gaseous polluant and fine particle emissions and distributions, we planned that analyses and evaluations of our initial field measurements would be used to design better measurement strategies to collect and analyze trace gas and fine particle concentration and flux data. In order to analyze experimental strategies and field measurement data the MIT and WSU groups have used state-of-the-art air quality models and developed new model analysis techniques. The WSU team developed a two component approach to model the turbulent atmospheric dynamics over urban landscapes. First, they used the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) state-of-the-art MM5 model to provide a mesoscale model of the regional wind field and then applied TEMPEST, a 3-d turbulence model developed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that simulates the actual urban landscape. WSU also developed a capability for predicting the downwind urban pollution footprint by combining MM5 computed windfields, MCIP, the meteorological processor from EPA’s Models-3/CMAQ model to invert the windfields, and the CALPUFF plume dispersion model. MIT used the MM5 windfields generated by WSU to test urban scale diffusion models by analyzing SF6 tracer release experiments performed as part of our Boston field campaign. In addition, the MM5 output was used to input the California Institute of Technology (CIT) air quality model to assist in analyses of the ozone and NOx trace gas distributions measured in Boston. Finally, MIT 3 investigated the use of air quality model inversion techniques to determine how well spatial emissions distributions can be deduced from measured urban pollutant distributions. The project also involved the novel use of geographic information systems (GIS) and urban databases to correlate observed trace gas emission fluxes (urban respiration) with urban and industrial activity and consumption factors (urban metabolism). Finally, correlations between measured trace gas emissions and urban/industrial activity/ consumption factors are used to identify parameters accessible to air- and satellite-borne remote sensing systems in order to enable automated estimates of urban and industrial trace gas emissions relevant to global change and regional pollution issues. Data analysis strategies and modeling results are presented in report Section 4. 1.5 Project Accomplishments and Impacts We believe that the research presented in this report and in the papers and symposia presentations this project has stimulated or will produce demonstrate that our team has broken new ground in the measurement and analyses of urban pollution distributions and emission source characterization. The deployment of multiple fast response pollutant measurement instruments on board a mobile ground vehicle was successfully accomplished. This accomplishment has allowed the development of novel urban pollution measurement strategies that have expanded our capability to more fully characterize the air quality and pollutant emission sources in urban settings. The novel data sets obtained during our field measurements have stimulated the development of innovative modeling approaches for urban atmospheric processes. The interaction between atmospheric models /data analysts and urban planners using GIS techniques to map and visualize urban processes has been fruitful, leading to interesting new ways to present and interpret urban air quality and emissions data. A summary of project related symposia presentations, symposia proceedings papers, archival journal articles that have been presented or published to date is presented in Section 5 of the report. This section also lists in preparation or planned journal articles and web sites where data archives and modeling/analysis results can be accessed. The project presented in this report is only a start. The measurement and modeling/analysis methods developed during our project will only make an impact if they can be deployed in a wide range of major cites worldwide. On that score, we can report good news. The ARI mobile laboratory, supplemented by the addition of a novel, fast response, aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) developed at ARI [Jayne et al., 2000], has been incorporated into the PMTACS-NY project, an EPA airborne particulate supersite program focused on New York City and led by the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center of SUNY, Albany. The ARI mobile lab was used to map pollutant distributions and measure mobile source emissions in two New York City field campaigns conducted in October, 2000 and July/August, 2001. Preliminary data from the first New York City measurement campaign are summarized in Shorter et al. (2001). The ARI mobile laboratory and components of our WSU and MIT collaborations are also playing a major role in the MIT led “Integrated Program on Urban, Regional and Global Air Pollution: Mexico City Case Study” funded by the Comisión Ambiental Metropolitana (CAM), the 4 Mexican Agency in charge of improving air quality in the Mexico City metropolitan area, and by MIT. With the help of Mexican research groups, ARI, MIT and WSU personnel deployed the ARI mobile laboratory, supplemented with a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTRMS) for rapid response measurements of selected aromatic and oxygenated VOCs, and additional pollutant measurement equipment supplied by WSU and MIT in exploratory Mexico City field measurements in February, 2002. The PTR-MS was supplied and manned by Montana State University (MSU). An second, more extensive field campaign by ARI, MIT, WSU, MSU and numerous Mexican investigators is planned for the spring of 2003. Since the NASA project developed methods presented in this report have already been expanded and deployed in New York City and Mexico City, key examples of developed and developing megacities, we are confident that they will be extensively utilized in the future to better characterize urban respiration and determine its health, ecological and climate impacts on all scales, from local to global. 5 2.0 FIELD MEASUREMENT STRATEGIES Our field measurement approach is to combine real-time mobile measurements of multiple trace gases and particulates with meteorological data collection. Our instrumented mobile laboratory easily performs real-time, fast response, simultaneous measurement of multiple trace gases under normal driving condition. Mobile measurement can identify the distribution of local sources in an urban area and thus better correlate urban activity with emissions. Intensive stationary data collection with our instrument suite can simulate a fast response monitoring site for comparison to time averaged results from traditional air quality monitoring sites. 2.1 Instrument Overview The mobile laboratory was deployed with a series of sensitive, specific, real-time (~1 second response) sensors for trace gases and fine particulates; a global positioning system (GPS); and a central data logging computer. Specifically, the sensors include an ARI two-laser tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectrometer system (TILDAS), capable of measuring between 2 and 4 trace gases simultaneously; a Licor NDIR carbon dioxide (CO2) instrument; A TSI condensation nuclei instrument for fine particulates detection; a uv absorption ozone instrument; and an Eppley total ultraviolet radiometer. The real-time instruments have been described in detail previously [Shorter, et al., 1998; 2000; Lamb, et al., 1995; Zahniser, et al., 1995]. We summarize the instruments in the following Sections (2.1.1 – 2.1.6) 2.1.1 Tunable Infrared Laser Sensors Background The mobile sampling work employed a dual tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectrometer (TILDAS) for detecting gas phase urban pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Essentially all gaseous combustion exhaust pollutants of interest have strong fundamental vibrational/rotational transitions in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region between ~3 and 20 m. High resolution tunable mid-IR lasers can interrogate spectral micro-windows, where trace pollutant absorption features can be detected and integrated between water and or carbon dioxide lines. TILDAS methods for trace gas analysis generally operate in the linear absorption regime of Beer’s law, where the fractional absorption between a molecular spectral feature and the background baseline is proportional to the feature’s absorption cross section (), the absorption pass length (L) and the species concentration (n): I/I = nL (2.1.1) I/I values down to10-5 are measurable in a few seconds with stable laboratory instruments, although field conditions often restrict rapid measurements to minimum differential absorptions of order 10-4 or larger. The spectral specificity of TILDAS techniques make them particularly well suited to detect small (2 to ~8) atom molecules which typically have resolvable vibrational/rotational lines 6 in the mid-infrared, or at least sharp absorption features such as highly structured Q-branches. A high level of molecular symmetry, leading to simpler and intensity enhanced mid-IR absorption features, also allows the effective measurement of some larger molecules like benzene (C6H6). We have used TILDAS to detect CH4, N2O, C2H6, NO, NO2, SO2 and H2CO emissions in our urban studies programs. Laser sources To date, most mid-infrared tunable laser trace gas instruments have employed lead salt diode lasers, which have been commercially available for over twenty-five years. These tunable diode lasers (TDLs) generally require cryogenic cooling, are relatively weak (typically, 0.1 mw or less in single mode operation), and subject to multimode operation, usually requiring a monochomator for mode selection. On the plus side, variations in composition have allowed the production of lasers operating between ~2.5 and 25 m, although lasers operating between 3.5 and 15 m are more commonly available. Individual laser modes are typically tunable over ~2 cm-1 and via temperature selection of sequential modes each laser is typically piecewise tunable over ~200 cm-1. Most of the trace gas pollutant measurements discussed in this report were made with lead salt TDL systems. With the advent of fiber optics telecommunications, near infrared (~0.8 to 2.5 m) tunable diode lasers with III-V composition have also become widely available. These lasers have the advantage of higher power and normally do not require cryogenic cooling. However, near IR TDLs can access fundamental infrared transitions for very few molecules and thus must exploit combination and overtone bands which are typically factors of 20 to 1000 less intense than fundamental transitions, significantly compromising measurement sensitivities for trace species. More recently, other tunable mid-IR laser sources have become available. In our laboratory, instruments to measure selected trace gases including CH4, CO, and N2O have been based on Zeeman tuned rare gas discharge lasers [McManus et al., 1989; Kebabian and Kolb, 1993]. These lasers are limited in power and spectra coverage, but do offer an efficient, noncryogenic source when a rare gas plasma emission line is nearly coincident with an absorption line of a relevant pollutant species. Several laboratories have recently had significant success using difference frequency generation (DFG) in nonlinear crystals driven by a near IR diode/NdYAG laser combinations or, more recently, two near IR diode lasers. The most practical advanced systems developed to date have exploited periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) driven by a two near IR diode lasers to achieve usable intensities in the 3.3 to 4.3 m spectral range. Optical fiber amplifiers are used to enhance the output of one or more pump diodes since output power scales as the product of the input powers. While more complicated than single laser sources, DFG systems offer both noncryogenic operation and the promise of very wide spectral coverages. DFG systems based on materials like phased matched GaAs may extend these systems much further into the infrared than the 4.5-5.0 m opacity cutoff exhibited by PPLN. 7 Finally the advent of quantum cascade lasers has opened up a new source of commercially available tunable mid-IR sources. Commercial versions of these lasers currently require cryogenic cooling for continuous wave (cw) operation but can be used in pulsed operation with thermoelectric cooling. The first functional instruments using this source technology for non-cryogenic sub-part-per-billion detection of atmospheric trace gases have recently been developed at Aerodyne for NO and NH3 [Nelson et al., 2002] and appear very promising for mobile operation in future deployments. Instrument Description The system used in this study is an extended version of an instrument we first developed in 1993 for measurements of methane and nitrous oxide source fluxes using the eddy correlation method [Zahniser et al., 1995]. The instrument used in the mobile measurements has two important modifications to the standard instrument: 1) The absorption path length is extended by a factor of 4 (from 36 m to 150 m) to obtain the higher sensitivity, and 2) the system operates with two lasers simultaneously sharing the same multiple pass cell. The dual system allows two gases to be detected simultaneously without compromising the detection limit for either. The dual system also provides a comfortable redundancy for field work in remote areas of the world The dual-TILDAS system consists of two main modules: the optical bench apparatus, including the diode lasers, optics, detectors, and reduced pressure multi-pass cell; and the electronic module, containing two Pentium computers running control and data acquisition software, a two-channel Laser Photonics laser control unit, and various related interface and measurement electronics. The optical apparatus is constructed on a two by four foot aluminum honeycomb table, surrounded by an aluminum cover. The aluminum cover and optical table form a conductive enclosure to which thin film heaters are attached, allowing the temperature inside to be closely controlled at 30o C. This design minimizes thermal gradients in the instrument, which cause optical fringes to drift and add noise to the measurements. The optical table and cover are contained within a roto-molded polyethylene shell with 6 cm of closed cell foam insulation on all sides to assure temperature uniformity. The optical table is mounted within an outer case using a coil spring suspension system to avoid vibration and shock during shipping and transport in the back of the mobile van. The dual TILDAS system employs separate diode lasers to produce distinct beams of two different frequencies. The diodes are housed in one liquid nitrogen dewar, along with the detectors for both the multi-pass cell sample beams and the reference cell beams. Figure 2.1.1 shows the schematic layout of the instrument. The multi-pass absorption cell is an astigmatic Herriott type developed at ARI which maximizes path length while keeping total volume small by effectively filling the volume between the mirrors with the beams [McManus et al., 1995]. The small volume of the cell insures a fast time response in the absence of wall effects. For a particular set of multi-pass cell dimensions, with fixed mirror radii of curvature and base length, there are distinct configurations of distance between and rotation of the mirrors for which the beam path exactly closes on itself and exits the cell through the coupling hole by which it entered. The cell can easily be adjusted 8 PUMP Path Length = 153.5 m 174 passes through the multi-pass cell DEWAR CH4 BEAM 2989 cm-1 Diode #1 Diode #2 Detectors C2H6 BEAM 2990 cm-1 INLET A-D D-A Converters Display Data Analysis Acquisition Line Fitting Software Software Laser Control Module REFERENCE CELLS Figure 2.1.1. Schematic for a two-laser TDL instrument with 153 meter multiple pass astigmatic absorption cell. Both lasers and infrared detectors are contained in the same liquid nitrogen-cooled dewar. to change path lengths by altering the mirror spacing and rotating the mirror axes to select for these re-entrant patterns. Broad-band enhanced-silver mirror coatings provide a reflectivity of 99.2% in the infrared, so that with a base length of 88 cm between the mirrors the cell is capable of supporting 334 passes for a total path length of 295 m in a volume of 5 L. For the mobile measurements program, a 174 pass pattern with an overall path length of 153.5 m was pre-selected as a precaution against possible degradation in mirror reflectivity due to the extremely dusty environments. Also, the lower pass pattern is less susceptible to vibrational misalignment of the external optical path. This sacrifice of a factor of 2 in overall sensitivity using a shorter path length seemed a small price to pay for increased confidence in the system reliability under rigorous vibration of the vehicle since it would have been difficult or impossible to readjust the mirrors once the field program was underway. The two beam paths are multiplexed into the same cell at right angles, so that two separate patterns propagate through the cell without interference. Two individual output beams emerge and are subsequently transmitted to the detectors. The input beam defines the corner of a rectangle, with the beam exiting the cell from the opposite corner; the input-output beam directions define the coupling plane. This design orients the coupling planes of the two beams 9 orthogonally, so that one is horizontal and the other vertical. Simulations of the beam reflections on the cell mirrors have been carried out so that the distinctive patterns formed by coaligned HeNe laser beams can be used to recognize proper cell alignment (Figure 2.1.2). The pumping system consisted of rotary vane vacuum pump which provided a flow rate of 300 liter/minute operating at a cell pressure of 30 Torr and giving a system response time of about 1 second. The inlet to the mutipass sampling cell consisted of 5 meters of 4 mm i.d. polyethylene and teflon tubing to go from the instrument to the front of the vehicle. The flow regulating valve where the pressure dropped from 760 Torr to 30 Torr was located 2 meters upstream of the cell. The time delay for the sample to transit this length of tubing was on the order of .5 s. Signal Processing The TILDAS spectrometer measures absorption spectra directly using a rapid scan sweep integration. This approach produces absorption spectra which are analyzed in terms of known line strengths and positions to yield the absolute concentration of the trace gases. The control module sweeps the current applied to the diodes in order to vary the wavelength over a number of absorption lines and acquire a distinctive “fingerprint” for the trace gas. Compared to monitoring at a single absorbing wavelength, this approach makes the retrieved concentrations much less sensitive to potential interferences from other species absorbing in the same spectral region, as well as those of weak etalon fringes inherent to the optical system when considering fractional absorptions on the order of 10-5. The fast sweep integration also eliminates the need for second harmonic detection while retaining information on the unabsorbed laser power so that the technique remains an absolute measurement and does not need to be based on calibrations from standard samples. Fingerprint fits are performed with an iterative nonlinear least squares minimization routine which computes the Voigt profile for each line in the spectrum using the HITRAN spectral database line parameters [Rothman et al., 1998], temperature, and pressure in the cell. The TDL software developed by ARI allows up to 45 individual lines to be used in the fingerprint fit for each species and can fit up to four species in each spectrum. The analysis of spectra is done in real time and resulting concentrations are saved to disk, with the option of archiving some or all background subtracted spectra for later review or analysis. A typical spectrum for is shown in Figure 2.1.3. A fraction of the beam from each laser is directed on a separate path through a reference cell and onto a second detector. The reference cells have a 5 cm path length and are used to lock the laser frequency to the proper frequency. The absorption in the reference leg can also be used to confirm the mode purity of the laser and to allow corrections to be made to the ambient measurements for variations in laser mode purity during the course of the field trials. The reference optical path could also be arranged to pass through a monochromator when the appropriate kinematically mounted mirror is inserted. This capability is used when characterizing a new diode, both to determine its wavelength and its mode purity. 10 Figure 2.1.2. Calculated mirror beam spots for two patterns, each with 182 passes propagating in an astigmatic Herriott cell. The two different wavelengths are shown as different shades, and spot diameters are largest for the earliest reflections. TRANSMISSION 1.0004 methane . 1.0002 ethane 1 ppb 30 Torr, 300 K, 153.5 m 1.0000 0.9998 data ethane methane fit 0.9996 2989.8 2989.9 2990.0 2990.1 WAVENUMBER (cm 2990.2 2990.3 -1 ) Figure 2.1.3. One-second TILDAS spectra and calculated non-linear least squares fit for 1 ppb ambient ethane and 1.7 ppm methane. The top traces and the combined fit to the data are calculated from tabulated molecular properties. Instrument operation Two well-known problems in tunable diode laser infrared spectroscopy set the requirements for instrument operation and the degree of operator intervention required to achieve good measurements. The first is the existence of interference fringes in the spectrum, which to a greater or lesser extent will not be distinguishable from modulations of the laser intensity due to molecular absorption lines. This can lead to uncertainty of a trace gas concentration depending on whether a peak or a valley of the sinusoidal fringes is aligned with the peak of the absorption line. If temperature changes in the apparatus lead to changes in the period of the fringes, this leads to a systematic “baseline drift” over time, and if the temperature change continues long enough in the same direction, the change in “baseline correction” can be approximately sinusoidal as well. The second is the possibility that the laser is operating multimode rather than single mode, so that only a fraction of the total detected light will be absorbed by a given 11 absorption line, no matter how strong. If this problem is not detected, it has the result that concentrations derived from multimode spectra will be smaller than the true values. To compensate for the first problem, baseline calibration procedures were carried out at frequent intervals. A flow of dry nitrogen replaced the ambient air being pumped into the multipass cell. This was done by opening a shutoff valve to a line to the gas vent of the liquid nitrogen tank. The nitrogen was added through a “T” fitting located 10 cm from the end of the sampling tube with a slight excess flow which vented through the sampling inlet without changing the inlet pressure. The trace gases are completely flushed from the multipass cell in about 5 seconds. The spectrum of the nitrogen-filled multipass cell was recorded. This “background spectrum” contains all the information about the variation of diode intensity over the scan, including any interference fringes. When the background spectrum is subtracted from the ambient sample spectrum the resulting difference spectrum will contain only absorptions due to the trace gases. The background spectrum also provides the absolute intensity of the laser needed to apply Beer’s Law to calculate absorbance and molecular concentrations. The second potential problem of mode purity was addressed in two ways: 1) observing the depth of absorption in the reference cell and comparing it against the expected value in the laboratory before deployment; and 2) periodic injection of high concentration of the trace gas at the cell inlet to observe that the lines are actually fully adsorbed or “black”. The frequency of this check is highly dependent upon the individual laser and its past history of mode drift and can requires frequent operator attention. In general, the current diode laser TILDAS system used in our urban respiration measurements are able to quantify trace gaseous pollutants, including CH4, CH2O, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, and O3 at the 0.5 to 0.5 ppbv level for one second measurement times. 2.1.2 Commercial Licor CO2/UV Ozone/Eppley UV sensors Carbon dioxide mixing ratios were measured by sub-sampling ambient air from a common sampling manifold connected to the shielded, forward-facing inlet installed in the ARI mobile lab. This sub-sample was directed into a Licor model 6262 infrared analyzer calibrated periodically with NOAA-CMDL certified CO2 standards. The CO2 sensor has a 1 sec response time and a 1 ppm sensitivity. Urban ozone mixing ratios were measured in the last campaign in Manchester (8/98) and in the Boston campaign (5/99) with a UV Photometric ambient O3 analyzer/Calibrator (Model 49/49PS). The instrument measures ozone with a time lag of 10 seconds and response time of 20 seconds. Its minimum detectable limit is 2 ppb, with a precision of 2 ppb, and noise equal to 1 ppb. The Eppley total ultraviolet radiometer was mounted on the roof of the ARI mobile van during the field campaigns in 8/98 and 5/99. This radiometer has response between 290 – 385 nm; i.e., adhering closely to the generally accepted limits for solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth’s surface. The sensor reports total uv as voltage, and has a response of 2.01 mV/mW cm-2 (adjusted to ambient temperature of 25 °C). 12 2.1.3 Fine Aerosol Measurements (Condensation Particle Counter) The number density of fine aerosols was measured with a TSI model 3022A particle counter sensitive to fine aerosols in the 10 - 3000 nm aerodynamic diameter range. This size range essentially corresponds to the PM2.5 designation by the U.S. EPA These are primarily secondary aerosols composed of sulfates, nitrates, and organic material. Since these aerosols are generally in the accumulation mode, they are not removed effectively from the atmosphere by wet and dry deposition processes. These aerosols can be transported over long distances in the troposphere and are usually hygroscopic making them effective cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). These ambient aerosols also have significant light scattering capability (i.e., their size is comparable to that of visible light; 520 nm). The sampling inlet for fine aerosols was a tandem arrangement of rear-facing inlets positioned about 1-foot above 8-inches horizontally offset from the ARI mobile lab. One flow stream was directed directly into the instrument and the other incorporated a 3-foot heated length that was maintained at 300 C. Either flow stream can be directed into the particle counter providing information on the total/volatile/non-volatile fine aerosol fractions. At 300 C the sulfates, nitrates, and a portion of the organic material are volatilized [Clarke, 1991]. The nonvolatile fraction (that remaining at 300 C) in an urban setting should be mostly representative the black carbon component. The total fine particle number density is comprised of sulfates (including H2SO4), nitrates, organic material and very fine crustal dust. Volatilization and aerosol passing efficiency tests were conducted at the University of New Hampshire using ambient aerosols and a TSI aerosol generator to verify quantitative volatilization of the nitrate and sulfate components and passing of both fractions in our sampling inlet. The data were collected using National Instruments hardware and LabView software on a standard laptop PC. Temporal adjustment was accounted for an inlet residence time of approximately 2.5 seconds. Bad data, generally caused by equilibration effects after switching from one inlet to the other, were filtered out during post processing. This filtering resulted in a loss of about 10 seconds of data every 2 minutes. Aerosol number density data was otherwise reported at 1 hertz. During the May 27 to May 29 1999 stationary intensive sampling campaign, bulk aerosol composition measurements were made in addition to particle number density and CO2. These measurements were accomplished using a standard Teflon filter exposure technique (see e.g., Talbot et al., 1992). Subsequent methanol/deionized water extraction and analysis by ion chromatography was performed at the University of New Hampshire. Mixing ratios of aerosol Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, NO3-, SO4=, NH4+, Ca2+, K+, PO43-, CH3COO-, HCOO- were reported for the hour long (and half hour long during periods of high automobile traffic) sample integration period. 2.1.4 Tracer Release and Detection Instrumentation During campaigns in Manchester, NH and Boston, MA, sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas (SF6) was released to tag specific urban source areas and to obtain urban dispersion data. Typically, tracer releases were conducted for several hours from a ground level location and real time continuous analyzers were used in either the ARI Mobile Laboratory or in a WSU mobile 13 van to track the downwind movement of the tracer. The mobile operations included repeated crosswind traverses along available roads at different downwind distances to obtain horizontal tracer concentration profiles. During each tracer release, SF6 was released at a steady rate from gas cylinders through a stainless steel capillary flow restrictor and a dry gas meter. The gas cylinders and flowmeters were housed in a van and tracer was released through tubing secured to the roof of the van. Dry gas meter readings were manually recorded periodically throughout each release period, and the tracer release rate was determined from sequential dry gas meter readings. Typical release rates were approximately 1 g/s. The estimated variability and accuracy in the release rates are less than 5%. For all of the campaigns, the ARI van was fitted with a continuous SF6 analyzer and data system. In Boston, a second analyzer was installed in a van operated by WSU. The SF6 analyzer, as developed by Benner and Lamb [1985], provides continuous detection of SF6 with a detection limit less than 50 parts per trillion (ppt) and an instrument response time less than 1 s. The WSU instruments were fitted with commercial 63Ni electron capture detectors (Valco, Inc.). The instrument was connected to the van inlet manifold for sampling via a small external pump. The SF6 signal was recorded on either the ARI data system or the WSU van data system at 1 Hz. During tracer tests, the instrument was calibrated periodically using a series of commercial, certified SF6/air standards (Scott-Marrin, Inc, 5% accuracy) over the range 300 ppt to 10 ppb. Overall uncertainty in the measured SF6 concentrations is approximately 15%. Further descriptions of the tracer release and analytical instrumentation are available in Lamb et al. [1995]. Tracer tests were conducted during three of the four field campaigns. A summary of the tracer test periods is given in Table 3.2.1. Figure 2.1.4 shows an example of the instantaneous SF6 concentrations measured during one sample period from the Boston, MA May 25, 1998 tracer test period. Section 5.3 gives data file location information. 2.1.5 VOC Sampling and Analysis Instrumentation During each field campaign, VOC whole air samples were collected at selected sampling points within the urban area using portable canister samplers. Each sampler consisted of a stainless steel inlet, aluminum-Teflon 12 DC sampling pump, flow restrictor, solenoid valve, six liter electropolished canister and timer. Each unit was housed in a plastic cooler. The sample inlet was at approximately 1 m above the surface. Approximately ten samplers were used in each campaign. Samplers were deployed immediately prior to the sample period and collected immediately following the sample period. Typically, 3 hr averaged samples were collected with a pre-selected start time. Canisters were cleaned by heating overnight at 50 oC while flushing with zero, humidified air. The canisters were pressurized with zero humid air for transport to the field location. Prior to sampling, each canister was evacuated to less than 0.03 psia. During sampling, the pump and solenoid valve were activated by the timer and air was pumped into the 14 Figure 2.1.4. SF6 tracer data obtained May 25, 1998 in the South Boston Area. canister at a controlled rate. Typically, canisters were pressurized to approximately 18 psia during the specified sample period. Canisters were returned to WSU for analysis after collection. Additional details are given in Lamb et al. [1995]. The whole air samples were analyzed for individual VOC using cryogenic preconcentration with capillary column gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID, HP5890) [Zimmerman and Westberg, 1992]. A specified volume of sample was transferred from the canister to a cryogenic freeze-out loop filled with glass beads. The sample loop was then heated quickly and the contents transferred to the head of the column. The column was temperature programmed from –50 oC to 150 oC at 4 oC/min. The system was calibrated periodically using a certified standard of neo-hexane (Scott Specialty Gases, Inc. 2% accuracy). Individual VOC compounds were identified on the basis of peak retention time in comparison to known mixtures of VOC and in comparison to results from GC-MS analyses using the same chromatography parameters. Processing has been completed for the following compounds for the August 1998 field campaign: iso-pentane, n-pentane, isoprene, benzene, and toluene. Figure 2.1.5 shows (a) isoprene and (b) toluene concentrations for August 25, 1998 at various locations throughout Manchester, NH. 15 A u g u s t 2 5 , 1 9 9 8 : Is o p r e n e 1 4 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 H our ppbC 1 0 .0 0 8 .0 0 12 14 16 6 .0 0 4 .0 0 2 .0 0 4 n o ti d ta o S S N F H .S A ta Q ti S a it r e 7 o n 6 o .S F F .S ta ti ta ti o n 3 n 1 n o ti ta .S F F C .B e .C m h e u ta rc ry h 0 0 .0 0 S it e ID August 25, 1998: Toluene (b) 16.00 14.00 Hour ppbC 12.00 10.00 12 8.00 14 16 6.00 4.00 2.00 n4 St at io r So da te Si NH AQ n7 F. St at io n6 St at io F. n3 St at io F. n1 0 St at io F. B. Ch ur ch F. Ce m et ar y 0.00 Site ID Figure 2.1.5. (a) Isoprene and (b) toluene 1 hour integrated canister sample results for Manchester, NH on August 25, 1998 for hour 12 (12 pm EDT), hour 14 (2 pm EDT), and hour 16 (4 pm EDT). 16 2.1.6 Sodar and Meteorological Instrumentation During the 6/98, 8/98, and 5/99 field campaigns, a mini Doppler acoustic sodar (Aerovironment, Inc., Model 4000) was deployed at a fixed site and operated on a continuous basis during the measurement periods. A sodar is designed to measure wind speed, wind direction and other turbulence data of the atmosphere vertically at a fixed site. Typically, the system was set to collect 15 minute average measurements from 14 m to 280 m for 40 layers. The data were then processed into hourly average profiles of wind speed, wind direction, standard deviation of the vertical wind component (sigmaW), and standard deviation of the wind direction (sigmaWD). Figure 2.1.6 shows an example vertical profile of wind speed and direction obtained in Boston, MA during the 5/99 field campaign. The sodar data are compared with MM5 output data (see Section 4.4) and are also processed to remove the influence of a building directly upwind that impacted the sodar measurements at approximately 80 m. 280 280 240 240 200 200 160 160 Height (m) Height (m) During the 5/99 Boston field campaign, the WSU mobile van was fitted with a horizontal sonic anemometer to provide on-site surface wind speed and direction data. The unit was mounted on the roof of the van and the signal recorded at 1 Hz on the van data acquisition system. Due to the aerodynamics of the van, an accelerated wind field dominates measurements when the van is moving, therefore data were only collected when the van was stationary. These wind data are merged with the WSU van instrument data and GPS data 120 120 80 80 40 40 0 90 0 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 WindDirection(deg) sodar mm5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 WindSpeed(m/s) sodar avg sodar mm5 sodar avg Figure 2.1.6. Comparison of MM5 and Sodar Wind Direction & Wind Speed at MIT on May 25, 1999 at 5 PM. 17 2.2 ARI Mobile Laboratory The Aerodyne Research Inc Mobile Laboratory is a step-van equipped with real-time trace gas and particle instruments and a global positioning system. Our instrumented mobile laboratory easily performs real-time fast response (1 sec), simultaneous measurement of multiple trace gases under normal driving conditions. Fast response measurements allow us to detect discrete changes with location and to react immediately to probe further into these changes. All trace gases are sampled from a common shielded, forward-facing inlet installed on the front of the van at a height of ~2 m. The particle instrument sampled from a separate inlet. The particle inlet was a tandem arrangement of rear-facing inlets positioned about 1-foot above the roof of the mobile laboratory, 8-inches horizontally offset. One flow stream was directed directly into the instrument and the other incorporated a 3-foot heated length that was maintained at 300 C. The mobile laboratory was equipped with sensitive, real-time sensors for greenhouse, aerosol precursor and ozone precursor trace gases and fine particles; a global positioning system; an Eppley total ultraviolet radiometer and a central logging computer. Trace gas sensors deployed varied slightly over the course of the measurement campaigns of the program. An ARI Zeeman HeNe tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectrometer (TILDAS) for methane detection was deployed in the first survey measurements in Manchester, NH in November 1997. The ARI two-color TDL system was deployed in the subsequent three campaigns in June and August 1998 in Manchester and in May 1999 in Boston, MA. The TDL monitored greenhouse trace gases (N2O, CO, CH4) in June 1998, and aerosol and ozone precursors (NO and NO2) in August 1998 and May 1999. In addition the ARI mobile laboratory had a Licor instrument to measure CO2 and a WSU fast response electron capture detector (ECD) for SF6 detection in all measurement campaigns in 1997 – 1999. A TSI condensation nuclei instrument for particulates detection was deployed in the van in the latter 3 measurement campaigns (1998 – 1999). The real – time instruments have been described in more detail above, and in previous publications [see Lamb et al., 1995; McManus, et al., 1991; Benner & Lamb 1985; Nelson, et al., 1996; Wormhoudt, et al., 1995; Zahniser, et al., 1995]. A global positioning system (Trimble Pro XR) with real-time differential correction collected position information of the van at 1 Hz with an accuracy of ~0.3 m. Real-time differential correction was possible by collecting radio beacon data from a stationary site simultaneously with the gps satellite data. In addition, we performed post-corrections on the data using local basestation data (available on the internet) for infrequent short drop-out periods in the beacon signal. The travel speed and acceleration of the mobile laboratory was calculated from the position data. Data from the individual instrument were logged on a central computer, enabling all data streams to be stored synchronously. Just prior to the May 1999 campaign, Trimble software became available which allowed real-time output of the GPS position data to the data logging computer. In all of the campaigns the GPS data was also stored on a separate laptop PC in Trimble proprietary format. The clocks on the laptop and central logging computers were synched at least 2 times a day (at start and end of data collection). The GPS data was later exported into ASCII format and merged with the remaining data sets. 18 Raw data were archived daily on an ARI server and on zip disks. Post-processing procedures merged the data onto a common 1 sec time stamp and eliminated fall-out periods in the data stream. The result is a set of ascii data files; one for each day. The processed data was maintained on the ARI server and posted on the Aerodyne FTP site for access by non-ARI participants. 2.3 WSU Mobile Laboratory During the 5/99 Boston campaign, a second mobile laboratory was set up by WSU. This van, fitted with commercial gas pollutant analyzers and an SF6 analyzer, was used to complement the data obtained with the ARI van. During selected study periods, the van was used to map pollutant concentrations along roads, while in other situations, the van was parked and data were collected over an extended time period at one location. The van was a 15-passenger van with several seats removed. The van instruments included commercial NOx (Teco Model 42), CO2 (Licor 6262) and CO (Monitor Labs Model 9830) analyzers mounted in an instrument rack secured in the van. An O3 instrument was also installed; however, it did not perform well and the data were not utilized. A WSU real-time SF6 analyzer was also mounted inside the van (described previously). A Teflon sampling manifold fixed to the roof of the van was used to drawn air into the van for analysis. A nephelometer (DataRam PM2.5) fitted with a PM2.5 inlet was mounted on the roof of the van and used to measure aerosol concentrations during fixed location sampling. Tests of the system showed that the nephelometer inlet did not perform correctly when the vehicle was moving at speeds greater than approximately 15 mph. In addition to the gas and PM analyzers, the van was fitted with horizontal sonic anemometer on the roof (used only in fixed sampling locations) and a GPS position recording system. In the field, the NOx instrument and CO instruments were calibrated periodically using a dynamic dilution system for NOx and commercial gas mixtures for CO. In the dynamic dilution system, a primary standard (Scott Specialty Gases, 1% accuracy) was diluted in a glass mixing chamber with scrubbed dilution air at rates controlled with Tylan mass flow controllers (0 to 50 sscm for the standard, and 0 to 5 slpm for the dilution air). For CO, a single standard mixture was used (Scott Specialty, Inc., 5% accuracy). Operating parameters for the various van instruments are summarized in Table 2.3.1. In several cases, the WSU van and ARI van were parked at the same location for comparison purposes. Two laptops operated as the data acquisition systems for the WSU van. The first laptop gathered data every 0.1 Hz from the trace gas instruments, nephelometer, and the sonic anemometer. Data were taken every 1 Hz during the tracer release tests. The second laptop was dedicated to the GPS system gathering time, latitude, longitude and elevation above mean sea level (MSL) data every 1 Hz. Post-processing of the data was required to merge the two datasets and remove anemometer data during periods of van movement. The final result is a set of ascii data files; one for each day, with the following columns of data: 19 Time (hh:mm:ss) CO2 (ppm) CO (ppm) NO (ppb) NO2 (ppm) Latitude Longitude Height above MSL Wind speed (3 minute running mean) Wind direction (3 minute running mean) Table 2.3.1 - Summary of WSU Van Instrumentation Operations Instrument Concentration Range Response or Estimated accuracy (%) integration time 0.5 ppb – 200 ppb 1 Hz +/- 0.5 ppb precision 0.05 ppm – 200 ppm 20 seconds +/- 0.1 ppm precision WSU SF6 analyzer 300 ppt – 10 ppb 1 Hz +/- 5% DataRam mg/m3 – 1 Hz +/- 5% of reading Nephelometer 400 mg/m3 Teco NOx Model 42 Monitor Labs CO Model 9830 Model PM2.5 Horizontal Sonic 0 to 25 m/s WS Anemometer 0 to 360 deg WD Trimble Pro XRS Not Applicable 1 Hz 1 Hz 50 cm with 5 satellites GPS System CO2 Licor 6262 3 ppm – 3000 ppm +/- 1 ppm An example of data from the WSU van are shown in Figure 2.3.1 for CO2, CO, NO, and NO2 obtained May 25, 1999. 20 1200 CO2 (ppm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 12:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 Time (hr) 40 35 CO (ppm) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 12:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 Time (hr) Figure 2.3.1. (a) CO2, (b) CO concentrations measured by the WSU van on May 25, 1999 in South Boston, MA [(c) NO, and (d) NO2.concentrations shown on next page]. 21 600 NO (ppb) 500 400 300 200 100 0 12:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 Time (hr) 600 500 NO2 400 300 200 100 0 12:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 Time (hr) Figure 2.3.1. (a) CO2, (b) CO, (c) NO, and (d) NO2 concentrations measured by the WSU van on May 25, 1999 in South Boston, MA. 22 2.4 Field Measurement Sites Two urban areas were selected as field measurement sites for the program. Manchester, New Hampshire was chosen as the test city for the program. Our goal was to use the test city to test and refine the instrumentation and measurement strategies before planning and implementing a field campaign in the larger urban area of Boston, Massachusetts. 2.4.1 Manchester, New Hampshire The test city for the study was Manchester, NH with a population of 100,000. Measurements were performed there in 1997 and 1998. Located in Southcentral New Hampshire, Manchester is a compact industrial city on the Merrimack River. Manchester was selected for this study because of its location close to the ARI facilities, its isolation from other urban areas, its mix of industrial and residential areas, and its road system which includes a loop road surrounding the city. The loop road provided easy access to points upwind and downwind of the city. 2.4.2 Boston, Massachusetts The second urban area selected for the study was the Boston metropolitan area. Boston, Massachusetts is located on the northeast coast of the United States and has a population of over 2,870,000. The area has a generally flat topography and is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Two general sections of Boston were chosen for our study in May 1999. We focused our mobile measurements on the bordering Dorchester and Roxbury communities of Boston (see Figure 2.4.1). Dorchester and Roxbury, two bordering urban regions, were chosen because they contain a mixture of different kinds of residential and industrial land use. The areas encompass both light and heavy traffic regions and the density of housing is variable. There is also a large park area (Franklin Park) on the western edge of the region. The measurement region covered about 4 x 6 km., approximately the area of one standard modeling cell. Attempts to study the entire Boston region under a given set of meteorological conditions with the mobile laboratory would have been impractical. 2.4.3 Cambridge, Massachusetts The second measurement site chosen in the Boston metropolitan area was a fixed location on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA. At the end of the May 1999 campaign, about 46 hours of continuous, fixed location data were collected at this site. The site, a campus parking lot along the south side of Main Street, was a few blocks from the Charles River. The Charles River separates Cambridge and Boston. The box in Figure 2.4.2 by Main Street gives the approximate location of the stationary test site. Main Street, an artery leading from MIT, leads directly onto a bridge (the Longfellow Bridge), a main connection between Cambridge and Boston. The site was downwind of Boston for a portion of the measurement period. 23 Figure 2.4.1 Boston Mobile Measurement Region, comprising principally of Dorchester and Roxbury, MA. Figure 2.4.2 Stationary Field Measurement Site on the campus of MIT in Cambridge, MA. 24 2.5 Field Measurement Strategies Our field measurement approach is to combine real-time measurements of multiple trace gases and particulates with meteorological data collection. In this NASA program we implemented both mobile and stationary measurement strategies, with the emphasis on mobile measurements. Mobile measurements can identify the distribution of local sources in an urban area and thus better correlate urban activity with emissions. Intensive stationary data collection with the instrument suite can simulate a fast response monitoring site and compared to the results of averaging such data. Several measurement strategies were followed in the mobile measurements of the field campaigns: pollution concentration surveying and mapping, determination of mobile source emissions ratios, and area source tracer ratio method experiments. These methods have been described in detail previously [Lamb, et al., 1995; Jimenez et al., 2001] and will be summarized in the following Subsections (2.5.1- 2.5.3). 2.5.1 Pollution Mapping There are two general approaches to collecting trace gas data as a function of location. Concentration or pollutant surveys are a coarse set of traverses in an area to identify major emission sources, while pollutant maps are a finer set of traverses designed for more detailed identification of source location and trends in concentration with location. During “mapping” we record trace gas concentrations on a dense grid within the city, together with precise position data from the GPS, as a data set that can yield a map of trace gas concentrations. The data set is also available for model-based inversion to determine source strengths. How fine the grid or series of traverses is that one follows when mapping, is determined primarily by the time required to traverse a section of the area. This in turn is governed by the size of the measurement area, the time of day, the traffic patterns, and the time required to cover the area. Ideally, one would like to complete the mapping entirely under the same meteorological conditions. It is difficult to complete detailed pollutant maps of large urban areas such as Manchester and Boston. The size and heavy traffic precludes attempting to traverse the area many times in a fine grid within a reasonable period of time. Instead we collected general surveys covering the entire Manchester area, and several more detailed pollutant maps in selected areas of Manchester. An example of a map of CO mixing ratios in Manchester, NH is given in Figure 2.5.1. The data points on the positions where they were measured are colored and sized according to the CO mixing ratio measured at that point. The CO data was collected at 1 Hz by the TDL system on June 16, 1998. The CO ranged from 192 ppb to 10.2 ppm, with the primary source of CO being vehicle exhaust. Boston covers an even greater land area than Manchester, with higher traffic levels. Our approach was to select a limited area of Boston for the measurement campaign. The Dorchester/Roxbury area, covering about 4 x 6 km, was manageable for surveys and coarse 25 10x10 3 43.04 8 Latitude (deg) 43.02 4 CO (ppb) 6 2 43.00 42.98 42.96 42.94 -71.48 -71.44 Longitude (deg) -71.40 Figure 2.5.1. CO data collected at 1 Hz by the TDL system on June 16, 1998 in Manchester, NH. The carbon monoxide mixing ratio ranged from 192 ppb to 10.2 ppm, with the primary source of CO being vehicle exhaust. mapping. The heavy traffic during the daytime measurements, prevented us from completing fine maps of the area. However, the maps which we did generate still yields overall emission characteristics of the area. An example of a map of NO mixing ratios is given in Figure 2.5.2. We display the NO data from the routes into and out of Boston from Aerodyne Research, Inc. located in Billerica, a suburb northwest of Boston, as well as NO levels on traverses in Boston. In this figure the Dorchester/Roxbury area is in the lower right side of the map, where there is a denser grid of data. Each data points is on the position where it was measured and is colored and sized according to the corresponding NO mixing ratio. The data was collected on 5/25/99. The NO color range is 0 to 500 ppb. Two large gaps in the data appear when the mobile van entered a tunnel and lost GPS satellite coverage (e.g. at approximately 42.37 deg latitude and –71.06 degree longitude). The primary source of high NO was vehicle exhaust. Additional examples and results of the pollutant mapping will be given in Section 4.2 of this report. 26 42.50 latitude (deg) 42.45 42.40 42.35 42.30 0 100 200 300 400 500 NO (ppb) -71.25 -71.20 -71.15 -71.10 longitude (deg) -71.05 Figure 2.5.2. NO data collected at 1 Hz by the TDL system on May 25, 1999 in the Boston, MA area, including the routes to/from Billerica, MA. The nitric oxide mixing ratio in the figure ranges from 0 to 500 ppb. 27 3.0 FIELD DATA OVERVIEW In this section we summarize the available data collected during the four mobile measurement campaigns during the Urban Respiration project. The campaigns and the type of experiments and data collected are summarized below in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 - Mobile Campaign Data Manchester Campaign, November 1997 Date & TOD Weather Data Collected Exper. Type(s) Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/10 CO2, CH4, canisters Survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------11/11, 4-8pm clear & cool CO2, CH4, canisters Survey, rush hour buildup Vets day holiday N/NW, 7-8 kt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------11/13 CO2, CH4, canisters Survey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Manchester Campaign, June 1998 Canister data from 6/14, 15, 16, 17, 19; Days with mobile data: 6/16, 17, 19 = 3 Date &TOD Weather Data Collected Exper. Type(s) Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------6/16, 2-11 pm cloudy N2O, NO CO2, CO Extensive survey Tracer test scrubbed var wind,NE to SW Particles * Used in Chemosphere paper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6/17, 3-9 pm cloudy “ Survey var. Wind, NE to E “ +Balloon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------6/19, 7am- 2pm p. Cloudy “ Tracer rain later + SF6 +Survey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 28 Manchester Campaign, August 1998 Date & TOD Weather Data Collected Exper. Type(s) Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------8/22, 3p-12M clear, light wind NO, NO2, CO2, multiple loops around city before sunset. particles, uv (at sodar) after sunset, 1 loop then cross town ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------8/24, 5-8p hot & hazy, light wind NO, NO2, CO2, Local measurements High ozone day part’s, Van uv, O3 (Billerica/Burlington/Bedford) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------8/25, 10a-7p Hot and humid. “ “ mapping &city traverses NO laser drifting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------8/26, 2-9p “ “ neighborhood traverses stationary measurements by EPA monitoring station ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------8/27, 2-8p west wind “ “ tracer test NO problematic again ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------8/28, 12-5p S/SE winds “ “ tracer test -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8/30, 12-6p W/NW winds NO2, CO2 tracer test not collecting NO part’s, Van uv, O3 response time tests Boston Campaign, May 1999 Date & TOD Weather Data Collected Exper. Type(s) Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/21, 11a-7p clear, breezy NO, NO2, CO2 Mapping Franklin Park bkgn Fri E wind part’s, Van uv, O3 ARI + WSU mobile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/22, 11a-5p clear, breezy “ “ Mapping JFK Lib Bkgn Sat NE wind Some NO data lost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/23, 1p-6:30p overcast/drizzle “ “ Mapping JFK Lib co-sample Sun. S wind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/25, 11aSunny/PC “ “ Mapping Tu SW/W wind +Tracer @ Ceylon Plg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/26 Cloudy to PC “ “ Mapping Wed SW wind +Early Tracer (~8 am) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5/27, 2p-... Clear/PC “ “ Stationary at MIT Thur warm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/28 “ “ “ Stationary at MIT Big Mem. Day Traffic Tie-up Fri With broken bridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------5/29, ...-3p “ “ “ Stationary at MIT Sat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------TDL data from 5/21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 = 8 days 29 30 3.1 ARI Trace Gas Data Description The trace gas data was collected at approximately 1 Hz. The data from the TDL, CO2 Licor, the GPS, and UV radiometer, were merged into a single file for each experimental day, with data interpolated onto the 1 sec grid of the GPS data. The mixing ratios of the TILDAS data (e.g. NO, NO2 in the May 1999 campaign) and , O3 when measured, and CO2 and uv intensity (in August 1998 and May 1999) are combined in the data files with position data measured with the GPS. The data files, in ASCII format, are stored on the ARI FTP site. Each file contains tab delimited data. In general, the data is listed in the following order: date&time O3 CO2 latitude uv longitude altitude tdl species1 tdl species2 … tdl species n. where ozone and uv level were only collected in the August 1998 and May 1999 campaigns, and n is the total number of species measured with the TILDAS instrument. The time is the GPS time is given in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The latitude and longitude are given in degrees and the altitude is in meters (m). The mixing ratios of the tdl species and O3 are in parts per billion by volume (ppbv); CO2 is in units of parts per million by volume (ppmv), and the uv intensity is in mW/cm2. There is data available for determining emission ratios from mobile combustion sources. The data that are available is summarized in Table 3.1.1. 31 Table 3.1.1 - Data Available: Mobile Combustion Source Emission Ratios Gas: Date Location CH4 CO N2O NO NO2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/10/97 Manchester | x | | | | | 11/11/97 11/13/97 Manchester Manchester | x | x | | | | 6/16/98 6/17/98 6/19/98 Manchester Manchester Manchester | | | | x | x | x 8/22/98 8/24/98 8/25/98 8/26/98 8/27/98 8/28/98 8/30/98 Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester | | | | | | | 5/21/99 5/22/99 5/23/99 5/25/99 5/26/99 5/27/99 5/28/99 5/29/99 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x2 | x | x | x | x | x | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x x x1 x x1 x | | | | | | | x x x x x x x | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x x x x x x x x | | | | | | | | x x x x x x x x | | | | | | | | Notes: 1: NO laser drifting & problematical 2: N2O data used in Chemosphere paper 32 3.2 UNH Total Particle Data Description The fine particulate data were collected using National Instruments hardware and LabView software on a standard laptop PC. Temporal adjustment was accounted for an inlet residence time of approximately 2.5 seconds. Bad data, generally caused by equilibration effects after switching from one inlet to the other (heated versus non-heated inlets), were filtered out during post processing. This filtering resulted in a loss of about 10 seconds of data every 2 minutes. Aerosol number density data was otherwise reported at 1 hertz. During the May 27 to May 29 1999 stationary intensive sampling campaign, bulk aerosol composition measurements were made in addition to particle number density and CO2. These measurements were accomplished using a standard Teflon filter exposure technique (see e.g., Talbot et al., 1992). Subsequent methanol/deionized water extraction and analysis by ion chromatography was performed at the University of New Hampshire. Mixing ratios of aerosol Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, NO3-, SO4=, NH4+, Ca2+, K+, PO43-, CH3COO-, HCOO- were reported for the hour long (and half hour long during periods of high automobile traffic) sample integration period. 33 3.3 WSU Trace Data Description Tracer tests were conducted during three of the four field campaigns. A summary of the tracer test periods is given in Table 3.2.1. Then data is archived at WSU and is available as described in Section 5.3. Table 3.2.1 - Summary of Tracer Test Periods SF6 Release Location Parking Lot Downtown Manchester, NH Lat = 42.994 deg Lon = -71.46 deg <Same as above> Date Start Time Stop Time (EDT) (EDT) 8/27/98 4:06 pm 6:02 pm Release Rate (g/s) 0.926 8/28/98 2:58 pm 5:15 pm 0.756 <Same as above> 8/30/98 2:22 pm 5:06 pm 0.824 South Boston, Ceylon Park Lat = 42.3098 deg Lon = -71.0751 deg South Boston, Playground south of Gallivan St. and Norfolk St. Boston, corner of Beacon St. & Walnut St. 5/25/99 12:05 pm 5:40 pm 0.737 5/26/99 7:53 am 12 pm 0.787 5/28/99 3:46 pm 10 pm 0.633 34 Comments Mobile test, ARI Van Mobile test, ARI Van Mobile test, ARI Van Mobile test, ARI Van & WSU Van Mobile test, WSU van SF6 analyzer not functional Stationary test, WSU van SF6 analyzer not functional 3.4 WSU VOC Data Description During each field campaign, VOC whole air samples were collected at selected sampling points within the urban area using portable canister samplers. Samplers were deployed immediately prior to the sample period and collected immediately following the sample period. Typically, 3 hr averaged samples were collected with a pre-selected start time. 3.5 WSU Sodar and Meteorological Data Description During the 6/98, 8/98, and 5/99 field campaigns, a mini Doppler acoustic sodar (Aerovironment, Inc., Model 4000) was deployed at a fixed site and operated on a continuous basis during the measurement periods. A sodar is designed to measure wind speed, wind direction and other turbulence data of the atmosphere vertically at a fixed site. Typically, the system was set to collect 15 minute average measurements from 14 m to 280 m for 40 layers. The data were then processed into hourly average profiles of wind speed, wind direction, standard deviation of the vertical wind component (sigmaW), and standard deviation of the wind direction (sigmaWD). During the 5/99 Boston field campaign, the WSU mobile van was fitted with a horizontal sonic anemometer to provide on-site surface wind speed and direction data. The unit was mounted on the roof of the van and the signal recorded at 1 Hz on the van data acquisition system. Due to the aerodynamics of the van, an accelerated wind field dominates measurements when the van is moving, therefore data were only collected when the van was stationary. 35 4.0 DATA ANALYSIS STRATEGIES In this long section, we present several different analysis strategies for the data collected during the urban respiration field measurement campaigns. This data set is a new type of window into urban air quality, and considerable effort has been spent during this project to develop techniques to analyze this novel data. As of the writing of this report, the full data set has not been thoroughly analyzed by all of the methods that we have explored. As we proceed with the writing of planned papers [see Section 5.2] further analysis will be done. For the analysis strategies presented below, we offer brief summaries and identify the lead institutions responsible for those strategies. Section 4.1, Motor Vehicle Pollutant Emissions from Mobile Measurements [lead: Aerodyne Research] We present methods of deriving motor vehicle pollutant emission indices from mobile measurements. The emission index is a ratio of pollutant to CO2, which can be used to derive aggregate vehicle fleet emissions, given an average mileage. We present emission indices for NO, NO2, CO and CH4, with comparison to other published results. Section 4.2, Background Pollutant Maps [lead: Aerodyne Research] We examine the lower concentrations of pollutants, between the high concentrations produced by the many local sources [i.e. vehicles], to search for overall patterns in urban pollutants. Section 4.3, Fixed Site Pollutant Measurement Analysis [lead: Aerodyne Research] During a two day period in May of 1999 the mobile instrumentation was held stationary, to mimic a high sensitivity fast response monitoring site. We observed the diurnal buildup of pollutants and contributions due to local sources. Section 4.4, Mesoscale Wind Field Modeling [lead: Washington State University] The MM5 meteorological model was used to simulate the wind field for the New England coast during the three major field measurement campaigns. Prevailing winds are used to estimate surface winds, which allows a back-propagation calculation of the pollutant footprint. Section 4.5, Turbulence Modeling of Urban Landscapes [lead: Washington State University] Tracer data analysis is used to help understand turbulence and plume spread in an urban boundary layer. Further, turbulence modeling of an urban landscape combines mesoscale modeling of the urban windfield with a 3-d turbulence model of the urban landscape. Section 4.6, Urban Footprint Modeling [lead: Washington State University] 36 Application of plume diffusion theory along a back-trajectory yields the upwind source distribution (source footprint) affecting a receptor at the starting point. Back trajectory calculations were performed for the Boston campaign. 37 Section 4.7, Urban Emissions Air Quality Relationships [lead: MIT Dept. Chemical Engineering] We describe an improved, faster technique for solution of the inverse problem of determining the spatial temporal and chemical form of pollutant emissions, given a sparse set of measurements. The methods are demonstrated on an earlier set of measurements in Los Angeles. Section 4.8, Model Inversion of Pollutant Maps [lead: MIT Dept. Chemical Engineering] Tracer release studies are analyzed in terms of a Gaussian plume model to help in understanding of dispersion in the urban environment and how to better perform the inversion techniques described in Section 4.7. Section 4.9, Photochemical Steady State NOx Analysis [lead: Aerodyne Research] Mobile data for NO, NO2, O3 and ultraviolet are combined in a simple photochemical steady state model linking these quantities. We found that the measurements were generally consistent with photochemical steady state, except when very close to local sources. Section 4.10, GIS Based Emissions Analysis [lead: MIT Dept Urban Studies and Planning] State-of-the-art geographical information system (GIS) techniques are presented that allow the overlay of air pollutant concentration measurements on maps of urban population, economic activities, and transportation infrastructures. Examples for the Manchester, NH and Boston, MA metropolitan areas are presented. Section 4.11, GIS Based Pollutant Activity Comparisons [lead: MIT Dept Urban Studies and Planning] The utility of correlations observed urban pollution ratios with available GIS based activity factor distributions is examined. The capabilities of currently available GIS software is critiqued and suggestions for improvements are presented. Section 4.12, Fine Aerosol [lead: University of New Hampshire] We present results of measurement of fine aerosols (7 - 3000 nm diameter) from mobile and stationary sampling periods, with correlation to NO and CO2. 38 4.1. Motor Vehicle Pollutant Emissions from Mobile Measurements Measurements of pollutant emissions from motor vehicles under real world conditions are useful for verification fleet emissions estimates based dynamometer measurements and fleet composition models. One very direct way to validate fleet emissions models is by pollution measurements on highway or city streets, for which several techniques have been reported. For example, “tunnel studies” employ a roadway tunnel as an integration volume that allows measurement of the average emissions for a large set of vehicles [Berges et al., 1999; 2000; Sjödin et al., 1995; 1998; Becker et al., 1999; 2000]. Tunnel studies cannot easily provide the statistical distribution of emissions, and the range of driving conditions in tunnels is limited. Alternatively, individual emissions measurements can be conducted with commercially available cross-road optical sensors, combined with license plate reading and vehicle identification [Bishop et al., 1989; Zhang, 1996]. However, cross road measurements with current commercial instrumentation suffers some restrictions on location and vehicle speed due to limited range and sensitivity. New laser based cross-road instrumentation developed at Aerodyne Research, Inc. is more sensitive than commercial lamp based instruments, and provides an alternative method of measuring on-road vehicle emissions [Jiménez et al., 1997; 1999; 2000; Nelson et al., 1998; 1999]. Another way to measure aggregate motor vehicle pollution emissions is to continuously sample exhaust plumes from a mobile platform that moves through traffic. Fast-response highsensitivity measurements of pollutant gases may be combined with simultaneous CO2 measurements so that ratios of elevations of pollutant and CO2 provides a molecular emission ratio. Reporting data as a molar emission ratio, e.g. ER = NO / CO2 in the vehicle exhaust, is a more basic measured quantity than other commonly reported measures, such as “grams per kilometer”. The emission ratio can be converted to an extrapolated concentration as the gas leaves the tailpipe, assuming stoichiometric gasoline combustion, which can be estimated to good approximation by multiplying the emission ratio (e.g. NO / CO2) by an assumed tailpipe CO2 mixing ratio of 0.13. Molecular emission ratio then can be put in terms of emission per unit fuel consumption, based on average fuel use rate. With mobile instrumentation, emission ratio data can be collected rapidly over a wide area and under a wide range of driving conditions. The Urban Respiration project has provided an opportunity to generate statistics on aggregate emission ratios (ER’s) measured with a mobile platform for the emitted gases: CO, CH4, NO, NO2 and N2O. New methods to extract emissions ratios have been developed under this contract. We derive average ER’s as well as their distributions. We observe variations in ER’s in different situations, driving conditions, and road types. We derive statistical properties of the emissions, but generally do not identify individual emitting vehicles. In follow-on work, we identified specific vehicles by following closely while video recording and measuring their emissions. As of the writing of this report, the mobile data set has not yet been thoroughly analyzed to extract the full set of emissions information. The methods of mobile data analysis have been under development throughout the project, and some results are presented at a more advanced 39 state than others. We expect the analysis of the data to continue, and for further publications to result. 4.1.1. General Results of Mobile Measurements When we measure trace gases with our mobile laboratory on congested city streets, and when the measured gases are typically found in motor vehicle exhaust, we generally record a set of concentration peaks. We observe peaks in concentration for the major exhaust gas, CO2, as well as minority species, which have included CO, NO, NO2, N2O and CH4. A representative sample of data is shown in Figure 4.1.1. There generally is a strong correlation between CO2 and the minority species, which leads us to believe that the minor species are co-emitted with CO2 by local compact combustion sources, i.e. motor vehicles. The data record contains a large number of peaks, of variable height and width in space and time. It is not immediately clear from the data record if the peaks correspond to single vehicles or groups of vehicles, but a consideration of the peak magnitudes gives some indications. In general, the peaks in CO2 concentration range from ~10 to ~200 ppm above the background level (of approximately 375 ppm). If we consider the CO2 peaks as the result of complete combustion of hydrocarbons (generic formula (CH2)x), the initial CO2 concentration in the exhaust gas is ~13 %, so the peak concentration range noted above represents exhaust dilution factors of ~700 to ~13,000. The dilution factor in a plume will be approximately the 500 480 CO2, ppm CO2 NO2 NO 140 1400 120 1200 100 1000 80 800 60 600 40 400 20 200 420 NO, ppb 440 NO2, ppb 460 5/25/99 Boston, MA Dudley Sq 400 380 360 0 0 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8x10 3 File point, (seconds) Figure 4.1.1. Typical segment of mobile concentration data showing coincident peaks of CO2, NO and NO2. 40 same as the increase in plume area as it spreads, so these dilution factors imply increases in plume diameters by factors of ~25 to ~100. If the plume is from vehicle exhaust, where the tailpipe diameter is ~5 cm, then the diluted plume diameter would be ~1.3 to ~6 m. Thus, the smaller plumes at higher concentrations would likely be from single vehicles. The lower concentration peaks could be from groups of vehicles, due to the larger effective plume size and with the opportunity to mix the exhaust plumes from multiple vehicles. One manifestation of the “peakiness” of the concentration data is the high (positive) statistical skew. Skew is the normalized third moment about the mean, which measures the excursion of the data preferentially to one side of the mean. For Gaussian fluctuations, which are symmetric about the mean, the skew is zero. For example, the statistics for three gases on 5/25/99 in Boston (city driving, ~14,000 seconds) were as follows: Gas CO2 NO NO2 Average 402 ppm 76.7 ppb 17.8 ppb STD Skew 26.6 130 12.4 2.3 5.8 2.9 While we will later examine various methods of extraction of emission ratios, correlations in the data records provide simple global measures of the associations between gases, as well as the average width of the peaks. The correlation between two data records (A(t), B(t)) is defined as: C(A, B; ) = ∫ A(t+) B(t) dt . If A and B are the same data record, then the above expression is the autocorrelation. The interpretation of correlations is simplified if we consider data with zero mean, i.e with the average subtracted (labeled as “ac”, e.g. Aac(t)). If the data record consists of random fluctuations the autocorrelation of the ac-data will have a sharp peak at zero offset (=0) and will tend toward zero elsewhere. If the data consists of peaks of uniform width (w0), then the autocorrelation will have a peak of width ~w0 2. In Figure 4.1.2, we show the autocorrelations of the ac-parts of CO2 and NO concentrations recorded on 5/25/99 in Boston. The sharp autocorrelation peaks are expected from the long data records with many separate and randomly placed concentration peaks. The autocorrelation peak widths (FWHM) are 18 seconds for CO2 and 6 seconds for NO. Thus, the average concentration peak widths are ~13 seconds for CO2 and ~4 seconds for NO. The narrower autocorrelation peak width for NO versus CO2 is a robust feature of the data and is not due to differing instrument response times. The association between CO2 and NO is seen in the correlation between these two gases, shown in Figure 4.1.3. If we assume that the pollutant gas is present in proportion to the CO2, then the average emission ratio (ER) is given approximately by the ratio of the peaks of cross correlation to autocorrelation: ER = C(CO2ac, NOac; 0) / C(CO2ac, CO2ac; 0) For the case of NO and CO2 on 5/25/99 in Boston, the ER determined by this method is 2.9 x10-3. 41 14x10 6 350x10 CO2_peaks_AC Autocorrelation 12 10 300 250 CO2acAutocor NOacAutocor 8 200 6 150 4 100 2 50 0 0 -400 NO_peaks_AC Autocorrelation Boston 5/25/99 CO2 & NO peaks from Rangemin Autocorrelations -200 0 Points offset 200 6 400 Figure 4.1.2. Autocorrelations of peak segments of CO2 and NO data, with subtracted means. NO_pks_ac & CO2_pks_ac Correlation 40x10 6 30 20 10 0 -400 -200 0 Points offset 200 400 Figure 4.1.3. Cross-correlation of peak segments (with zero mean) of CO2 and NO, showing the strong association between these gases. 42 4.1.2. Special Issues for Mobile Measurements of ER’s Vehicle Identification Measuring emission ratios in a laboratory moving on city streets presents several special issues and problems. The first issue to consider is that measuring emission ratios was not the primary experimental objective of the Urban Respiration project. Rather, it was a foreseen but side benefit of the pollutant mapping effort. In the collection of data, we did not attempt (except in a few cases) to identify the specific vehicle being measured. Therefore, the data collected is treated as an aggregate sampling of emission ratios. However, wind tunnel studies show that onroad sampling predominately reflects the vehicle in directly front [Clifford et al., 1997]. In a later project designed to measure emissions from specific vehicles [Shorter et al., 2001] , we used a video camera and a close following measurement strategy. Possible tail-wind contamination Another issue in mobile measurements is the possibility of sampling the exhaust from the mobile laboratory itself. That is especially a concern because a gasoline-fueled generator without emission controls is attached to the rear of the mobile laboratory. We need to be certain that we sample with a relative head-wind in the mobile lab. When wind comes from behind the lab, we may sense our own exhaust, either from the lab (truck) itself or the generator on the rear bumper. In addition to tail-wind, other on-board wind directions may have measurement significance. Head wind should be completely free of interference from the mobile lab exhaust. Wind from the left may bring more plumes due to local traffic (in the opposing lanes of traffic), as compared to wind from the right. We can estimate the occasions when tail-wind sampling might be occurring by calculating the wind direction as sensed in the mobile lab at each point in the measurement trajectory, by assuming that the wind reported at a central location (e.g. the airport) applies to the entire measurement area. A more direct measurement might be with a lab-mounted anemometer, provided that it is mounted far enough forward that the air flow is unaffected by the vehicle itself. While data contamination by tail wind sensing is possible, we need to examine the data to determine how much it actually occurs. One way to present the mobile data that shows the extent of tail wind influence is to plot concentration as a function of X and Y components of measurement velocity. Furthermore, if we rotate the velocity basis to align with the prevailing wind and scale by the wind speed, then the dynamical regions for tail wind sampling are apparent and also are put into a standard form. The distinction between head wind and tail wind in such a plot can be seen from the cosine of the wind as sensed on the mobile lab. We show in Figure 4.1.4, a calculation of the cosine of the wind as sensed in the truck, as a function of truck velocity. The cosine of the on-board wind direction is 1 for head wind, -1 for tail wind, and 0 for side wind. The contour in Figure 4.1.4 at cosine=0 separates head wind from tail wind. We have assumed for the calculation in Figure 4.1.4 that the wind is from the north at 1 m/s. 43 In Figure 4.1.5, we show a compilation of the mobile lab sampling velocities experienced during traverses on May 25, 1999. The average CO2 concentration is tabulated for each velocity bin. The velocities are rotated so that the wind direction is from the top of the figure, in order to match the geometry of Figure 4.1.4. Figure 4.1.5 indicates that we may have measured the mobile lab cosine in the velocity regime corresponding to on-board wind direction cosine <0, the tail wind sampling regime in Figure 4.1.4. However, the enhanced CO2 in the tail wind velocity regime is not particularly strong for 5/25/99. Observing this possible sampling artifact allows us to exclude the corresponding velocity regime from subsequent data analysis. 2 1 0 0.4 -0.6 0.2 0 -0.4 -0.8 Truck Northerly Speed Truckwind Orientation Contours of Cos(head-angle) Wind sourc e north, speed 1 cos=0 divides head/tail 'Vxy =-0.8' 'Vxy =-0.6' 'Vxy =-0.4' 'Vxy =-0.2' 'Vxy =0' 'Vxy =0.2' 'Vxy =0.4' 'Vxy =0.6' 'Vxy =0.8' -0.2 -1 0.6 0.8 -2 -2 -1 0 Truck Easterly Speed 1 2 Figure 4.1.4. Cosine of the wind direction as sensed in the truck, as a function of truck velocity, assuming a general wind from the north at 1 m/s. The cosine of the on-board wind direction is 1 for head wind, -1 for tail wind, and 0 for side wind. 44 Boston 5 /25/99 CO2 vs Tru ck Vel oci ty Rotated for North Win d ppm , Blu e375 -Re d440 15 10 Northerly Velocity, m/s 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -15 -10 -5 0 Easterly Velocity, m/s 5 10 15 Figure 4.1.5. Average CO2 concentration for velocity bins during traverses on May 25, 1999. The velocities are rotated so that the ambient wind direction is from the top of the figure, in order to match the geometry of Figure 4.1.4. We may have measured the mobile lab cosine in the velocity regime corresponding to on-board wind direction cosine <0, i.e. tail wind sampling Time response and speed filtering In order to derive accurate emission ratios from mobile data that is rapidly changing, the instrument response times must be well matched. During the setup of the instrument suite, the flow response times of the CO2 and TDL instruments were adjusted to be nearly equal. The data rate of the instrumentation on board the mobile lab is one data point per second, which is well matched to the gas flow response times through the instruments. A comparison of the Fourier transforms of data records from the CO2 (LICOR NDIR) and NO (tunable diode laser) instruments can reveal the similarity of the instrument responses. The Fourier transforms of NO and CO2 data from 5/25/99 is shown in Figure 4.1.6, where the data first had their averages subtracted and were then scaled by the STD. Both CO2 and NO FT’s have similar low frequency 45 slopes, and a high-frequency roll-off beginning at ~0.2 Hz, indicating that these instruments are reasonably well matched. The CO2 rolloff slope is somewhat steeper than for NO. When we smooth the NO data with a 1-second Gaussian filter before the Fourier transform, then the resulting frequency rolloff is more similar to the CO2 rolloff. A consequence of the fixed time response is a variable spatial resolution. When the lab is stationary, the 1 second sample corresponds to the distance the wind moves in that time. When the lab is moving at 30 m/s, the minimum spatial scale that is discernable is 60 m. When moving at high speed, the concentration profiles will tend to be averaged out, and concentration peaks may appear wider and lower than they really are. Fourier Transform Amplitude 1000 100 Boston 5/25/99 NO & CO2 FT's pre: *-avg, */STD CO2city_FT NOci ty_FT NOci ty_FTs m 10 1 100µHz 1mHz 10mHz Frequency 100mHz Figure 4.1.6. Fourier transforms of data records for CO2 and NO. The light blue curve is for NO data that has been smoothed with a 1-second Gaussian filter. 46 4.1.3 Separation of “Peaks” and “Local Background” The data records may be viewed as consisting of many concentration peaks above a slowly varying “local background”. Empirically, we observe that between cleanly separated peaks, the concentration returns to a similar level, of near 380 ppm for CO2 and near zero for NO. In computing emission indices, we would like to concentrate on the local sources (i.e. vehicles), rather than the diffuse background which represents more varied sources. Thus the peak data is used to calculate ER’s, while the local background can be used to estimate urban accumulation of gases. Several methods have been investigated for separating the peaks. The simplest is to scroll through the data and identify local minima, then to interpolate between those minima to estimate the local background. Subtracting the interpolated background leaves the peak data. A more well defined method is to define the local background at each point as the minimum concentration obtained within some distance range along the traverse, in the backward and forward directions. We have employed this “range-minimum” method to automatically derive background and peak data components, usually with a range of ± 500 m. We take the additional step of smoothing the background level before subtracting. A data sample is shown in Figure 4.1.7 with a local-background line derived from the “range-minimum” method. For the city-driving data on 5/25/99, the local background average and STD gas concentrations are 383 ± 14 ppm for CO2 and 1.7 ± 3.2 ppb for NO. 4.1.4. Methods of Deriving Emission Ratios The ratio of the excursions above background, i.e. (delta-pollutant)/(delta-CO2) gives the molecular emission ratio (ER) of the local sources. We are interested in the average ER as well as the statistical variability. The various methods we have examined for ER determination include: correlations, area ratios, linear regressions, point-by-point ratios and sliding window regressions. For the investigation of methodology, we have concentrated on a single data set, NO and CO2 emissions on May 25, 1999 in Boston. 47 500 480 1200 460 1000 440 800 420 600 400 400 380 200 NO, ppb CO2, ppm 1400 co2 CO2_RM500 no NO_RM500 0 360 88 90 92 94x 10 3 Linear Distance Traveled, m Figure 4.1.7. A data sample with local-background lines derived from the “range-minimum” method. Correlations As we described in Section 4.1.1, the cross-correlation integral can be used to give an emission ratio based on aggregating the data into large blocks. For the 5/25/99 city data segment, we arrive at ER=2.90 x10-3. However, the correlation method has several problems. The correlation ratio method operates on all values of concentration, so low concentration values (with mixing) can have a significant effect, possibly lowering the average ER. This method reports a single average value, and not a distribution of values. The unequal widths of the correlation peaks adds uncertainty to the interpretation of the reported ER. Area ratios If we subtract backgrounds from the data waves for pollutant and CO2, the ratio of the total local source concentrations above background will yield an aggregate ER. In the rangeminimum procedure, the background level for each point is the minimum concentration encountered within ±500 m from the measurement point. We calculated area ratios for the city segment of the 5/25/99 traverses, (points 2000 to 16500), giving the aggregate emission ratio NO/CO2 = 3.45 x10-3. 48 Point by point ratios If we subtract backgrounds from the data waves for P & C, the ratio of the individual peak points (concentrations above background) will be a local ER. The ratios will be unstable as the peak concentrations approach zero, so a limit on minimum elevation will be needed. When we use the range-minimum subtracted data, and consider only points where CO2 is 10 ppm above background, we get average ER 3.53 ± 3.03 x10-3. Linear Regressions Linear regressions assume the relationship P = A + B*C, and find the coefficients A & B for the whole data set. A & B are determined by minimizing the Chi-squared for the data set, assuming the linear relationship. The explicit relationships are: A= [ ∑ i Ci2 ∑ i Pi - ∑ i Ci ∑ i (CiPi )] / [ N ∑ i Ci2 - ( ∑ i Ci)2 ] B= [ N ∑ i (CiPi) - ∑ i Ci ∑ i Pi ] / [ N ∑ i Ci2 - ( ∑ i Ci)2 ] . The goodness of fit is related to the r-coefficient: r = ∑ i(Ci - Cavg)(Pi - Pavg) / [ N ∑ i(Ci - Cavg)2 ∑ i(Pi - Pavg)2 ] 1/2 . For the city segment of the data, the regression slope gives an emission index of NO/CO2 = 3.12 x10-3. A regression analysis for the highway segment #2 (returning to ARI through evening rush hour), shows a slightly higher correlation slope of 3.54 x10-3. When linear regressions are performed on long data records, the r-coefficient for the fit tends to be rather low, indicating a poor fit. Indeed, a plot of NO vs CO2 for a long data set generally shows a large scatter. However, shorter segments of data tend to show less scatter and better fits (higher r-coefficients). We believe the reason for the large scatter and poor fits for long data sets is the variation of emission index through the sampling period. The problem of variation in the regression slope is addressed with the sliding-window regression technique described below. Sliding window regressions Linear regressions can be performed over relatively narrow “windows” in the data, giving intercept (A) and slope (B) as a function of location in the data waves. This may be more stable than the point-by-point ratios of background-subtracted waves. When the moving window regression is performed on background subtracted data (i.e. the “peaks”) we hold A=0 (since the intercept is presumably made zero by the background subtraction). Indeed, when we run a windowed fit (5 points wide) with floating A, the value reported for A fluctuates with a large amplitude. The results achieved by setting A=0 appear to be more consistent. For the city data segment, a 5-point sliding window regression with A=0, and with the cut: (CO2- background) > 10 ppm, gives ER 3.68 (± 2.81) x10-3 . 49 In Figure 4.1.8, we give show a data segment that compares the sliding-window regression method with the point-by-point ratio method. The windowed regression result is similar to the point ratio result, but smoother and less prone to large excursions. When we apply the condition that CO2 be greater than 10 ppm (above local background) the large excursions in ER are further reduced. Summary of ER methods and results In calculating the NO/CO2 ER by different methods for the same city segment of data from 5/25/99, we have generated 11 different values. The average (± standard deviation) for these values is 3.36 (± 0.19) x10-3. Thus, the different methods are in reasonably good agreement. We prefer to use the last method described, the sliding window fit (with A=0 and with a cut on CO2 level). The analysis path for that method is well defined and yields consistent results. Also, that method allows us to examine the statistics of the ER, via moment analysis (e.g. standard deviation and skew) as well as generating probability distributions for the ER. 25 20 15 10 100 CO2 peaks NO peaks NO/CO2 point ratio Window ed Regres sion Window Regr, CO2pks >10 500 400 300 5 NO Peaks, ppb CO2 Peaks, ppm 150 600 ER, NO/CO2, ppb/ppm 200 200 0 50 100 -5 0 -10 5700 0 5800 5900 6000 File Points Figure 4.1.8. Example of CO2 and NO data and the emission ratio as a function of time, determined using point ratios and linear regression in a 5-point sliding window. 50 Boston 5 /25/99 ER NO/CO2 histogram s All , city, h wy 0.1 Number per Bin ER_hi st_a ll ER_hi st_city ER_hi st_h wy1 ER_hi st_h wy2 fi t_ER_hi st_a ll 0.01 Fit, sl ope= -.32 28 0.001 0.0001 0 5 10 15 ER (window fit), NO/CO2, ppb/ppm 20 25 Figure 4.1.9. Histogram (probability density) of NO/CO2 ER from the sliding-window regression method. 4.1.5. NO Emission Ratio Results The most recent and most extensive effort on the development of mobile ER analysis has concentrated on NO emissions. Therefore, considerable results for NO emissions have been presented earlier. In this section we consider the dependence of NO emissions on roadway type (city vs. Highway) and on driving cycle within the city. Before those analyses are presented, we first present a comparison between the mobile ER and ER data obtained in a cross-road remote sensing experiment conducted by Aerodyne Research in California in 1996 [Jinenez et al., 1999]. In Figure 4.1.10, we show the distributions of ER’s obtained from the two experiments. The agreement is quite good, with both distributions showing a similar exponential form and exponential decay constant. 51 Emission Ratio: City vs Highway We observed significant variations in NO/CO2 ER in different segments of highway and city driving, as summarized in the map shown in Figure 4.1.11. On 5/25/99, the city driving segment ER was 3.68 (± 2.81) x10-3. The highway driving segment toward Boston (Route 3 south to route 128 north to I-93 south) had an ER of 6.22 (± 2.91) x10-3. The return highway segment (I-93 north, I-90 west, Route 128 north, Route 3 north) had a lower ER of 3.56 (± 2.19) x10-3. The return highway segment traffic was generally slower than the first highway segment. A particularly high ER [7.86 (± 2.11) x10-3] was observed on the first highway segment, on Route 128 north where the speed was high and there was a long rising grade. Bos ton 5/25 /99 ER NO/CO2 his togra ms Mobi le: All & City & CA Cro ss-Rd Number per Bin 0.1 Mobi le, All Fi t exp slop e= -.323 0.01 Cross Road, CA Fi t exp slop e= -.258 0.001 Mob ile_ all Exp fit_ Mo bile _all Mob ile_ city Cros s Road Exp fit Cro ss Roa d 0.0001 0 5 10 15 20 25 ER, NO/CO2, ppb/ppm Figure 4.1.10. Comparison of NO ER distributions from mobile sampling in Boston on 5/25/99 and from a cross-road remote sensing expermient conducted in California in 1996. 52 ARI Rte 3 3 25x10 20 I-93 Northerly Distance, m I-95 / Rte 128 15 10 I-90 5 0 Bos ton, 5/2 5/99 NO/CO2 Avg. ER Ma p (w/ m oving wi ndow fit) 20 0 m cel ls Blu e=0, Red=1 0 pp b/pp m -10x10 3 Boston -5 Easterly Distance, m 0 5 Figure 4.1.11. Measurement route on 5/25/99 color coded by NO/CO2 ER. Driving cycle analysis: Mobile data may be analyzed in terms of the variables of sampling speed and acceleration, derived from the GPS record. Those variables apply to the mobile laboratory, and not to the emitting vehicles. However, the mobile lab generally moves along with the other traffic and experiences approximately the same dynamics, with some delay. In a simple course of analysis, we can examine the CO2 concentration and NO/CO2 emission ratio as a function of speed and acceleration. As shown in Figures 4.1.12 and 4.1.13, we observe higher ER’s at higher speed and higher acceleration. 53 6.5 Boston city traffic, 5/25/99 Emis sion Ratio, NO/CO2 NO/CO2, ppb/ppm 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 0 2 4 6 8 Speed, m/s 10 12 14 Figure 4.1.12. Histogram of NO/CO2 emission ratio as a function of sampling speed. Avg ER, NO/CO2, ppb/ppm 5.5 Boston city traffic , 5/25/99 Emiss ion Ratio, NO/CO2 vs Acceleration 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Acceleration, m/s2 0.5 1.0 Figure 4.1.13. Histogram of NO/CO2 emission ratio as a function of sampling acceleration. In a somewhat more complex analysis, we can examine the data as a function of both speed (S) and acceleration (A), plotting the sampling data on the S-A plane. This way of plotting the ER links the data to the driving cycle of stop and go city traffic. The driving cycle is exemplified by a simple model of stop and go driving, with the speed as a function of time proportional to a raised sinusoid, i.e. V(t) = Vo (1+ sin(2 t / ) ) , where the period of one cycle is . If such motion is plotted in the speed-acceleration plane (Figure 4.1.14), a circle results. 54 Figure 4.1.14. Simple model of stop and go traffic, with (raised) sinusoidal speed and circular motion in the speed-acceleration plane. A segment of city driving data from 5/25/99 in Boston shows how the simple model compares to real data. In Figure 4.1.15 we plot speed and acceleration, with the speed curve color and width showing CO2 concentration. When a segment of city driving data is plotted on the speed-acceleration plane (Figure 4.1.16), we see generally circular motion, within a speed range of 0-15 m/s and acceleration range ±1 m/s2. With the curve color and width indicating CO2 concentration, we see that most peaks in concentration extend over a fraction of a cycle. That behavior is more apparent when we just plot the higher concentration points, as shown in Figure 4.1.17. 20 Boston city traffic, 5/25/99 Speed trace color & s ize as CO2 Blue=380, Red=480 ppm Speed_city ac cel_city 1.5 1.0 Speed, m/s 0.5 0.0 10 -0.5 Acceleration, m/s2 15 5 -1.0 0 -1.5 14.0 14.2 14.4 Point number (sec onds ) 14.6 14.8x10 3 Figure 4.1.15. City driving data segment, speed and acceleration, with the speed curve color and width showing CO2 concentration. 55 1.5 Bos ton city traffic, 5/2 5/99 tra ce col or & s ize as CO2 Blu e=38 0, Red =480 ppm city se gmen t pts 11 900-1 4875 Acceleration, m/s2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 5 10 15 20 Speed, m/s Figure 4.1.16. A segment of city driving data, with the trace color and size indicating CO2 concentration. Next, we compute average CO2 concentrations as well as NO/CO2 emission ratio for bins in the speed-acceleration plane. The results are plotted in Figures 4.1.18 and 4.1.19, with the additional condition applied that more than 20 data points must be in each bin that is plotted. The CO2 and ER patterns are subtle. More CO2 is seen in the sector at low speed and negative acceleration, when approaching stopped traffic. Higher ER’s are seen at higher speeds and higher accelerations. The data can be further abstracted by averaging concentrations and ER’s as a function of “phase angle” in the driving cycle. The phase angle is computed with respect to a center point in the speed acceleration plane, at speed ~6 m/s, the median speed (excluding zero speed points) and at zero acceleration. Such averaging (Figures 4.1.20 and 4.1.21) shows a clear pattern in CO2 concentration and ER. 56 Boston 5 /25/99 City Tra ffic Peaks Onl y, CO2 >420 Color & Size a s CO2 420 -520 ppm Truck Acceleration, m/s2 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Truck Speed, m/s Figure 4.1.17: A segment of city driving data, with the trace color and size indicating CO2 concentration. For this plot, only the sections of the data corresponding to CO2 peaks are shown, above concentrations of 420 ppm. 57 Boston 5 /25/99, city CO2 avg vs S & A B=38 0, R=4 10 onl y w/ >20 pts /ce ll 1.0 Acceleration, m/s2 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 2 4 6 8 Speed, m/s 10 12 14 Figure 4.1.18. Average CO2 concentration as a function of speed and acceleration of the mobile lab, for city driving in Boston on 5/25/99. The concentration is color coded, from blue=380 ppm to red=410 ppm. 58 1.0 Boston, city, 5/2 5/99 Avg NO/CO2 vs V & A onl y w/ >20 pts per cel l Blue =1, Re d=4 ppb/ppm Acceleration, m/s2 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 2 4 6 8 Speed, m/s 10 12 14 Figure 4.1.19. Average ER (NO/CO2) as a function of speed and acceleration of the mobile lab, for city driving in Boston on 5/25/99. The ER is color coded, from blue=1 x10-3 to red=4 x10-3. N2O Emission Results We present in this section results from a mobile measurement campaign in Manchester, New Hampshire in 1998. The results summarized here have been published in a special issue of Chemosphere on N2O emissions [Jiménez et al., 2000]. The results also have been cited in the latest IPCC report on climate change [IPCC, 2001]. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is both a powerful greenhouse gas and the major precursor for nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the stratosphere. Significant uncertainties remain in the atmospheric budget of N2O, particularly in identifying sources to balance its stratospheric photolysis and photochemical sinks [Cicerone, 1989; Khalil et al., 1992; NRC, 1993; IPCC, 1996]. Most atmospheric N2O is believed to be produced by microbial action in soil, fresh water and marine environments. The growing atmospheric burden of N2O is most likely due to the intensification of agriculture, which deposits increased burdens of both synthetic and organic fixed nitrogen into the biosphere [Kroeze et al., 1999]. 59 1.5 Bos ton, ci ty, 5/25/9 9 Avg CO2 vs Drive Cycle Phas e B=3 90, R=405 ppm Acceleration, m/s2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 4 8 Speed, m/s 12 Figure 4.1.20 Average CO2 concentration as a function of driving cycle phase for the mobile lab, for city driving in Boston on 5/25/99. The concentration is color coded, from blue=390 ppm to red=405 ppm. Motor vehicle exhaust emissions are a second, non-agricultural, anthropogenic source of N2O which is suspected to be increasing steadily. Nitrous oxide is known to be produced as a byproduct of nitric oxide (NO) reduction and carbon monoxide/unburned hydrocarbon (CO/HC) oxidation on noble metal three-way catalysts utilized to reduce pollutants in motor vehicle exhaust emissions [Cant et al., 1998]. Attempts to quantify fleet emissions of N2O from motor vehicle exhausts have faced difficulty because N2O emissions are dependent on driving cycle variables, catalyst composition, catalyst age, catalyst exposure to variable levels of sulfur compounds and other poisons in the exhaust, and to the fraction of the fleet equipped with catalytic converters. Thus, measurements on small numbers of selected vehicles may not represent fleet averages [e.g. Dasch, 1992], and fleet averages obtained from tunnel studies have yielded disparate results [Berges et al., 1993; Sjödin et al., 1995, 1997; Becker et al., 1999; Becker et al., 2000 ]. A recent driving-cycle study concluded that fleet emissions had been over estimated [Michaels, 1998]. N2O Emissions Data Analysis Two primary methods were used to derive emission ratios for N2O, linear regression and point ratios. At the time of the N2O analysis, the sliding window regression method had not been developed. Also, we separated the data into peaks and background components, but with the earlier manual method. 60 1.5 Bos ton, ci ty, 5/25/9 9 Avg NO/CO2 vs Dri ve Cycle Phase B=3 .5, R=5.5 ppb/ppm Acceleration, m/s2 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 4 8 Speed, m/s 12 Figure 4.1.21. Average ER (NO/CO2) as a function of driving cycle phase for the mobile lab, for city driving in Boston on 5/25/99. The ER is color coded, from blue=3.5 to red=5.5 x10-3. A linear regression fit to the peak component of the data gives an emission ratio of (10.9±0.1) x10-5 (r2=0.36). A scatterplot of the data segment is shown in Figure 4.1.22. As discussed earlier, the wide scatter in the points and the low regression coefficient is due to the variation in the emission ratio. For shorter data segments the points fall closer to a line and the regression coefficients are greater. A linear regression for the slowly varying trend line (background) data shows a smaller slope, for a background N2O/CO2 ratio of (4.41±0.09) x10-5 (r2=0.15). If each pair of N2O and CO2 data points is ratioed, we generate a set of ~104 emission ratio samples, which then can be used to form distributions as well as averages. Selections and conditions can be applied easily to the set of pointwise ratios, in order to find the best data subset for emission index determination and to test dependencies. The first selection is to consider the highway plus city roadway data set used in the scatterplot above [Figure 4.1.21]. Next, we select data with CO2 greater than a minimum level (above the subtracted background). The minimum CO2 elevation selection excludes data close to the background, which can be negative for either CO2 or N2O. Thus, we reduce contamination of the ratio distribution with negative or spuriously large values. We empirically set the CO2 cutoff to be 15 ppm (close to the average for the whole “peaks” set), which eliminates 52% of the data points, with 5538 remaining (from the 6/16/98 measurement). The cutoff value is selected by observing the effect of increasing cutoff on the ratio distribution. There is a large change going from zero cutoff to 10 ppm, but quite small changes from 10 to 20 ppm. 61 12 Manchester, 6/16/98 Peak data, Hwy+City N2 O peak, ppm x 10 -3 10 Regr. slope 10.9x10 -5 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 CO2 peak, ppm 40 50 60 Figure 4.1.22. Scatterplot of N2O vs. CO2 for city and highway driving in Manchester, New Hampshire on 6/16/98, with the solid line showing the linear regression fit.. The selected normalized distribution of emission ratios (determined on a point by point basis) from mobile measurements is shown in Figure 4.1.23. From this distribution, we derive our reported average emission ratio of (12.8 ± 0.3) x10-5. The uncertainty in the mean is primarily systematic, estimated from the variation in the mean with changes in CO2 cutoff. The distribution has a similar shape as that observed in cross road measurements. The distribution is skewed, with a peak at low values and an exponentially decreasing tail. The width of the distribution in terms of standard deviation is ~10 x 10-5. N2O emission dependencies The data can be segregated to test the effect of potential controlling variables. For example, if we divide the data contained in Figure 4.1.23 into highway vs city roads, then we observe a difference in the emission ratio: (10.9 ± 0.3) x 10-5 for the highway versus (15.6 ± 0.3) x 10-5 for the city roads. A separation of the data into two groups with speed less than or greater than 16 m/s (36 mph) shows a similar difference in the emission ratio, reflecting the traffic speed difference between city and highway roads. Thus, the grouping of data by city-highway or slowfast represents the same classification, with a robust difference in the N2O emission ratios. This difference is probably due to the smaller fraction of vehicles in cold start on the highway, and 62 2 Normalized Histograms Mobile Data Cross Road Data 0.1 P(x) dx 6 5 4 3 2 0.01 6 5 4 3 2 0.001 6 5 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Ratio N 2 O/CO 2 , X10 -3 0.6 0.8 Figure 4.1.23. Histogram of pointwise ratios for mobile peak data (dotted line), N2O/CO2 , city and highway, and CO2 > 15 ppm. Also shown (solid line) is a histogram of N2O emission ratios determined by cross-road sampling. also to the higher catalyst temperatures at higher speeds, both of which result in lower N2O emissions [Rabl et al., 1997; Odaka et al., 1998]. We tested other grouping methods, (positive vs negative acceleration, positive vs negative vertical climb rate) and found much smaller differences in emission ratios. We have considered the question of possible dependence of our emission index distribution on the method of grouping data. The data might be grouped into larger blocks, each of which contains one (or a few) peaks. The set of minimum points used to identify the local background provides a convenient way to segment the data into relatively small blocks. Some of these segments are individual peaks, and some contain clusters of peaks. We calculated regression slopes for each of the ~250 peak segments contained in the scatterplot [Figure 4.1.22]. The peaks have an average width in time of 28 ± 32 seconds, covering an average distance of 460 ± 680 m, so we expect that many vehicles contribute to each peak. Each sample point may contain contributions from more than one vehicle, effectively averaging the measurement to some degree. Averaging will tend to decrease the extremes of the distribution, at both high and low values. 63 4.1.6. CO and CH4 Emission Results During a field campaign in Manchester, New Hampshire in June of 1998 we had the opportunity to measure emission ratios for carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4). These measurements were rather early in this research program, and the analysis methods applied were relatively simple. We separated the data into peaks and local background components and performed regression analyses on segments of peak data. The primary segmentation of the data was between highway and city driving. Regression slopes for data taken on 6/16/98 are presented in the table below, in units of ppbv/ppmv, or molecular ratio x10-3. Data Segment All CO vs CO2 Regr. Slope Regr. Coeff. r2 CH4 vs. CO2 Regr. Slope Regr. Coeff. r2 24.49 0.62 1.50 ± 0.44 (average of 7 segments) 38.02 0.70 0.990 0.58 0.54 0.924 0.58 0.65 1.80 0.82 25.18 0.47 2.31 0.68 City 1 23.28 0.71 1.48 0.75 City 2 29.89 0.74 1.38 0.48 City 4 46.92 0.78 -0.34 -0.061 City 5 41.74 0.67 1.60 0.32 Highway 1 (Rt. 3 N; I-495 N-E; I-93 N) Highway 2 36.54 (Manchester I-93 I-293 loop) Highway 3 16.92 (Manchester I-93 I-293 loop) Highway 4 (Rt. 3 S) 4.1.7. Discussion Summary of Observed Emission Ratios The emission ratios for NO, N2O, CO, CH4 that we derived from mobile measurements are summarized in the table below. In the table below, the ER’s have been derived by different methods, which reflect our technique development over the length of the project. As we discussed in Section 4.1.4, the various ER methods give similar average values. 64 Gas Data Source Data Grouping ER ER Method -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO Boston, 5/25/99 City Roads 3.68 ± 2.8 x10-3 windowed regression -3 Highway, 1 6.22 ± 2.9 x 10 “ Highway, 2 3.56 ± 2.2 x 10-3 “ N2O Manchester, 6/18/98 City + H’wy Highway City 12.8 ± 0.3 x10-5 10.9 ± 0.3 x10-5 15.6 ± 0.3 x10-5 point ratio with CO2 cut “ “ CO Manchester, 6/18/98 City + H’wy Highway City 24.5 x10-3 29.2 ± 6.6 x10-3 35.5 ± 9.4 x10-3 linear regression “ avg. of 4 segments “ avg. of 4 segments CH4 Manchester, 6/18/98 City + H’wy Highway City 1.50 ± 0.44 x10-3 1.51 ± 0.58 x10-3 1.49 ± 0.09 x10-3 linear regression, 7 segments “ avg. of 4 segments “ avg. of 3 segments We also collected mobile data for NO2, but that data is not presented in the table. The levels for NO2 were approximately one-tenth of NO levels. However, since we have not clearly separated promptly emitted NO2 from that which is produced by O3 oxidation of NO, we do not present an ER for NO2. A possible method to identify directly emitted NO2 is to consider the photochemical model (Section 4.9) that links equilibrium concentrations of NO, NO2, O3 and UV radiation. Points where NO2 is well in excess of the photochemical equilibrium concentration should indicate direct emission. However, the question of direct emission of NO2 is better answered by detailed studies of individual vehicles. In a follow-on study of vehicle emissions employing a close following measurement strategy, we found that significant direct emissions of NO2 are primarily due to HDDV’s, where NO2 may constitute 5 to 40 % of NOx [Shorter et al., 2001]. The emission ratio analysis has been applied to a small fraction of the data collected during the four field campaigns of the Urban Respiration project. During those field campaigns, we collected data that could yield ER’s on at least 12 days. We hope to continue analysis of our field data to generate a more complete picture of mobile emission ratios. Comparison to other reported emission ratios The above results may be compared to other work on the emission ratios of motor vehicles. Numerous studies have shown that pollutant emissions are a strong function of vehicle age, as newer vehicles reflect improved emissions control technologies and better maintenance [e.g. Stephens et al., 1997; Sjödin & Andreasson 2000; Harley et al., 2001]. The average emissions of a group of vehicles thus will depend upon the specific mix of vehicle age and type. The comparison of our values to others can be expected to yield only approximate agreement. 65 In the technical literature, in line with EPA conventions, emission indices often are reported in units of “grams/mile” or “grams/kilometer”. Our molecular ratios can be converted to such units given an average fuel use rate and other physical parameters. For example, if we use a recently published value, 6.89 g/mi CO at a fuel use rate of 21.5 MPG [Durbin et al., 2002], the CO emission rate may be expressed as 0.246 moles/mi. The CO2 emission rate is: ( 21.5 MPG)-1 ( 2550 g/gal) (0.842 g carbon / g fuel) (12 g/mole carbon)-1 = 8.32 moles carbon/mi = 8.32 moles CO2/mi , using the density and carbon content of octane, and assuming that essentially all of the carbon appears as CO2. The molar ratio (CO/CO2) then is 0.03. We have presented a detailed comparison of our N2O results (both mobile measurements and cross-road remote sensing) in an earlier publication [Jiménez et al., 2000]. We found that the aggregate emission ratio for N2O was lower than many previous reports. Several representative literature reports of other pollutant emission rates are summarized in the table below. Reported ER, Reference Pollutant Emission Rate molar ratio to CO2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CO 6.35 g/mi 0.036 Pierson et al., 1996 NO ~2 † - 0.2 # vol% exhaust 0.15 † - 0.015 ~ 2 † - 0.15 #vol% exhaust 0.15 † - 0.01 63 g/L (fleet average) 0.047 Harley et al., 2001 6.89 g/mi 0.030 Durbin et al., 2002 0.72 g/mi 4.0 x10-3 Pierson et al., 1996 ~0.13 † - 0.02 #vol% exhaust CH4 # # 0.01 † - 0.0001 Stephens et al., 1997 Sjödin & Andresson, 2000 # Sjödin & Andresson, 2000 8.7±2.6 g/L (as NOx) 0.0061 Harley et al., 2001 0.573 g/mi 0.0023 Durbin et al., 2002 0.002 ± 0.0005 Heeb et al., 2001 13.8 ±2 mg/km, FTP Phase 3 † Older cars; # Newest cars Peak Counting and Statistical Significance We believe that we sampled a large number of vehicle exhaust plumes in our city wide surveys, where we typically would drive in traffic for several hours, often under congested conditions. However, the number of vehicles sampled and therefore the statistical significance of the reported averages should be addressed quantitatively. The question of the statistical significance of the data sets that we have analyzed may be addressed by counting the “peaks” in the data. Each significant CO2 concentration peak can be viewed as a plume encounter or 66 “event”. As we discussed earlier, the stronger peaks probably represent individual vehicles, while the smaller peaks may represent mixed plumes from several vehicles. However, it is not clear from the data how many times we encounter the plume from a single vehicle. Counting the peaks may give us only an order of magnitude estimate of the number of sampled vehicles. In attempting to present a count of the peaks in a typical data set, we see that the number depends upon how we define a “peak” and how the count is performed. The simplest definition of a peak is as a local maximum. However, some local maxima are due to noise, and some are due to fine structure within a broader Gaussian-like shape. Spurious fine structure local maxima may be suppressed by smoothing the data. Low level peaks may be ignored with a concentration cut. Another way to count peaks is to enumerate the (positive) crossings of a given concentration level. By either method, the number of peaks depends upon both the degree of smoothing and the concentration cut level. Peak counting methods were tested with the CO2 data collected 5/25/99 in Boston, a data record of 14,500 points (~4 hours at 1 Hz). We use the background-subtracted data set dervied from the “range-minimum” procedure. The number of local maxima is 2059, of which 1409 are above 10 ppm. When we smooth the data to a 4 second response (convolve with a Gaussian with half width 4 seconds), the number of local maxima is 845, of which 693 are above 10 ppm. When we count the number of crossings of 10 ppm level, we find 983 peaks in the raw data and 600 in the smoothed data. Thus, we count between 600 and 1000 peaks in this data set. On the interpretation of ER probability distributions A unique product of our mobile measurements is molar emission ratio data with high spatial and temporal resolution, with statistical distributions instead of just averages. This type of data relates to studies of the dispersion of pollutants in the urban roadway [e.g. Clifford et al., 1997; Chan et al., 2001]. The interpretation of this new type of data leads to several questions. First, one can ask how representative the measurements are of fresh tailpipe emissions versus mixed air with possibly altered molar ratios. We have attempted to reduce the potential influence of mixing by subtracting variable background levels and by limiting our attention to data where the concentration is significantly above background. The derived distributions of ER’s tend to have a similar shape, with a Gaussian-like bump at low ER, and then an (approximately) exponentially falling tail at high ER’s. That shape of curve raises a concern that mixing still is influencing the ratio statistics, since the concentration statistics for individual gases have similar types of distributions. A typical example of this type of concentration probability distribution is shown in Figure 4.1.24, for NO and CO2 in Boston on 5/25/99. The histograms have overlaid fits, which are combinations of Gaussians and exponential tails. The type of concentration probability distribution shown in Figure 4.1.23 can be explained in terms of mixing, as shown by a set of calculations using a simple Gaussian plume model. In our model, we construct a set of sources each producing a Gaussian plume, and then compute the probability distribution for downwind concentration sampling. We find that this model robustly produces probability distributions with exponential tails, even when all the 67 source strengths are equal. An example of a model probability distribution is shown in Figure 4.1.25, for a set of 20 sources, each emitting two different gases at a ratio of between 1 and 2. The sources are at random locations upwind of the sampling volume. The resulting concentration distributions are very similar in form to those shown in Figure 4.1.24. The same plume modeling that we used to generate Figure 4.1.25 indicated that distortions to the ER probability distribution by mixing can be avoided if we do not include data with low CO2 concentration. In balance, we do not believe that mixing effects dominate the ER distributions that result from the moving window regression analysis. Empirical evidence for this conclusion is provided by two observations. The distribution shapes remain stable as we increase the threshold concentration of CO2 (above local background), for ∆CO2 greater than ~10 ppm. The mobile ER distributions are similar to the cross-road ER distributions. 400 CO2 conc., ppm 450 500 550 Boston 5/25/99 City segment NO bins 2 ppb CO2 bins 2 ppm 0.1 P(C) dC NO_ci ty_his t CO2_city_hi st CO2_ch_fi t NO_ch _fit 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 NO conc, ppb 300 400 Figure 4.1.24. Concentration probability distributions for NO and CO2 in Boston on 5/25/99. The histograms have overlaid fits which are combinations of Gaussians and exponential tails. 68 2 Comp uted Poll utan t Concentratio n Prob abil ity 20 sou rces @ ran dom lo cations , -13 <z<-3 P/C=1 or 2 , ran dom 0.1 8 7 6 5 Ph ist_ sc1 Ph ist_ sp1 4 P(C) dC 3 2 0.01 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0.001 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Concentration, arb units 0.4 0.5 Figure 4.1.25. Computed probability distribution for a Gaussian plume model, with a set of 20 sources, each emitting two different gases at a ratio of between 1 and 2. The sources are at random locations upwind of the sampling volume. Variable instantaneous pollutant emission rates also complicates the interpretation of mobile sampled ER’s. Sampled ER’s in urban environments will reflect a combination of the average emission characteristics of vehicles as well as high emission events for vehicles with low average emissions. Recent studies have shown that pollutant emissions can vary strongly through the driving cycle, with brief peaks in emissions of CO, NOx and HC [e.g. de Haan & Keller, 2000]. A knowledge of the distribution of average vehicle emissions may be insufficient to predict the observed distribution of urban ER’s. Despite that caution, the one available detailed comparison between ER’s determined by mobile surveys and cross road remote sensing (which we conducted, [Jiménez et al., 1999; 2000]), for NO and N2O shows good agreement between the ER distributions, as shown in Figures 4.1.10 and 4.1.23. 69 The existence of brief high-emission events within the driving cycle would explain why the autocorrelation for NO is narrower than for CO2, and why the number of NO peaks is greater. Brief emission peaks within the driving cycle could give pollutant enriched local structure to the CO2 plume from an individual vehicle. Evaluation of the technique of mobile ER determination The technique of assessing aggregate emission ratio by surveying concentrations of CO2 and pollutants in a mobile laboratory with fast response high sensitivity instruments can yield average fleet emission factors and related statistics. The dependence of the ER on roadway type and driving conditions can be evaluated. The observed ER’s can be compared to model predictions based on fleet compositions and standardized emission factors. However, comparing against detailed models of motor vehicle emissions needs inputs on the type of vehicle, age, and detailed operating conditions. The techniques reported in this project do not supply that detailed information on individual vehicles. We cannot define the composition of the vehicle fleet that we sampled in the work reported here. Our techniques of extracting ER’s from the mobile data has evolved throughout the project. The latest method has a well defined procedure that appears to yield robust results, i.e. the results do not depend significantly on the detailed settings used in the procedure. The latest procedure contains the following steps: 1] Background subtraction: with background defined as the minimum value (greater than zero) observed within a range (backward or forward) in the traverse, generally using a range of ±500 m. The background level thus derived is smoothed and then subtracted from the data record to give the “peaks” segment. 2] Windowed linear regression: The peaks segment is fit to a linear form with the intercept forced to zero (pollutant = A*CO2) over a moving square window of modest width, usually ~5 points. The slope (A) is the instantaneous molar emission ratio. 3] Cut on minimum CO2: We ignore data with CO2 (peak segment) less than some minimum, usually 10 ppm. The technique of evaluating aggregate emissions by mobile surveys could be improved in several ways. First, a reliable method of measuring wind direction on board the mobile laboratory could improve the reliability of gauging tail-wind contamination as well as identifying the direction of the detected sources. An on-board wind sensing instrument must be set far enough forward of the laboratory that the perturbed wind-flow around the laboratory does not unduly influence the local wind reading. A video camera recording the vehicles in front of the mobile lab would help to define the traffic conditions and the mix of vehicles being sampled. Just such a video camera has been employed in follow-on work [Shorter et al., 2001]. 70 4.2 Background Pollutant Maps In spatial displays of pollutant concentrations along measurement traverses, the picture typically is dominated by the many pollutant peaks due to local (on-road) sources. An underlaying pattern of pollutant concentration may be better represented by the low levels between the peaks. To observe general patterns of pollution from roadway traverses is a problem analogous to seeing the forest floor between the trees. We have expected that lower concentration points should be more typical of the well mixed urban air in the absence of local sources. It has been an area of our investigation to determine the degree of correspondence between local minima in concentration and the urban background. The concept of an urban background pollutant level is based on measuring far from local sources, so that the air within the boundary layer is well mixed with average concentrations that vary slowly. Then the pollutant concentration typically would exhibit Gaussian statistics, with a relatively constant standard deviation and negligible higher order statistical moments, such as skew. Such a statistical description is quite distinct from much of our urban roadway pollutant data, which generally is highly skewed. The background in the urban environment is somewhat ill defined, since the pollutant concentrations can be expected to fall with greater distance from sources or source complexes. The minimum concentrations encountered in an urban street canyon may be relatively constant, while elevated from a nearby quiet neighborhood street or a city park. Thus, the concept of background is connected to scale and structure within the city. We have explored two methods of presenting urban background pollution concentrations. The first is to consider the probability distribution of concentrations, which typically have a low level Gaussian-like segment and a higher level exponential tail. We can select and plot the points in the low level Gaussian regime to visualize spatial patterns. An example of this process is shown in Figure 4.2.1, for CO2 concentrations in Boston on 5/25/99. We select the points that are below the concentration corresponding to the maximum probability [Figure 4.1.24], where the probability has a Gaussian form. The map shows little structure, except the segment in Franklin Park with significantly lower concentrations (blue points) than the low points on congested city roads. The second method we have explored for presenting urban background pollution concentrations is to plot the interpolated minima derived from the peak-background separation process described in Section 4.1. The “Rangemin” wave is derived by replacing each point in the data wave with the minimum concentration encountered within a certain linear distance of that point. The resulting wave also is smoothed to remove transition effects. While the primary purpose of the “Rangemin” procedure is to produce a background-subtracted peak segment for emissions ratio analysis, the background wave may reveal spatial patterns. When the minimum increases in a given location, the selection of lowest points (Figure 4.2.1) may leave that section of the map blank, while the “Rangemin” map would show the higher minimums. However, we regard such plots with some caution, since extrapolated and interpolated values are somewhat removed from the actual data. 71 We show two examples of Rangemin maps in Figures 4.2.2 and 4.2.3, for CO2 and NO in Boston on 5/25/99. From these maps we see that the minimum levels were quite low, near 380 ppm for CO2 and 0 to 5 ppb for NO. The significance of the patterns is not clear. In these plots, the width of the trace decreases with distance traveled, to reveal different minima values derived at different times. The minima generally are not constant between different traverses on the same road. The relatively high level of NO seen on the northerly road (red in Figure 4.2.3) is not observed in a subsequent traverse. 382 380 378 376 CO2 (ppm) 42.33 42.32 Lat 42.31 42.30 Boston 5/25/99 Lowest CO2 points 42.29 42.28 -71.10 -71.08 -71.06 -71.04 Long Figure 4.2.1. Points where CO2 concentrations are below the maximum probability concentration, in Boston on 5/25/99. 72 6000 400 390 380 CO2 (ppm) Northerly distance, m 5000 4000 3000 2000 Boston 5/25/99 Interpolated Min-CO2 in 500 m windows 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Easterly distance, m 5000 Figure 4.2.2. Interpolated minima in CO2 over a range of +/-250 meters during traverses on 5/25/99 in Boston. 6000 5 4 3 2 1 NO (ppb) 0 Northerly distance, m 5000 4000 3000 2000 Boston 5/25/99 Interpolated Min-NO in 500 m windows 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Easterly distance, m 73 5000 Figure 4.2.3. Interpolated minima in NO over a range of +/-250 meters during traverses on 5/25/99 in Boston. 74 4.3 Fixed Site Pollutant Measurement Analysis Manchester, NH In August 1998 we conducted an intensive measurement campaign in Manchester, New Hampshire. During this campaign we had the opportunity to collect stationary data while positioned next to an EPA monitoring station. The monitoring station was located in the municipal parking lot at Harnett Park, located in the center of Manchester. The ARI van was parked approximately 10-20 m from the monitoring station. This was the sole EPA station in Manchester in 1998 that was measuring NO2 or O3. The site has since this time been replaced by one in a different location. A time series of NO, NO2, CO2, and O3 mixing ratios from a stationary period at Harnett Park on August 26, 1998 (21:33-22:05 UTC, or 5:33-6:05 pm EDT) is presented in Figure 4.3.1, along with short periods before and after the stationary data during which mobile data was collected on the surrounding roads. There were clearly lower levels of NO, NO2 and CO2 at the station than on the streets in the flow of traffic just prior to and following the stationary measurements. There were also fewer fluctuations in these gases at the monitoring site. During the data collection at the lot winds were from the southwest at approximately 2 m/sec. For this 32 minute segment, the average trace gas mixing ratios were: 6.8611.39 ppb NO; 3693 ppm CO2; and 4.721.75 ppb NO2. 60 CO2 (ppm) 40 30 480 440 400 NO2 (ppb) 500 400 300 200 100 0 * 25 20 15 10 5 0 9:30 PM 8/26/1998 9:45 PM 10:00 PM NO (ppb) * Harnett Park O3 (ppb) 50 10:15 PM Time (UTC) Figure 4.3.1. Measurement of trace gas species at Harnett Park, Manchester, NH, site of an EPA monitoring station, and surrounding area on August 26, 1998. The data at Harnett Park are bracketed by the two * in the figure. 75 Cambridge, MA The instrumented ARI van, instrumented WSU van, and sodar were positioned at the fixed site at MIT on May 27-29, 1999. A goal of these measurements was to analyze the temporal variability of pollutants, without influence of spatial variability. The study provided a data set for comparison of fast response (1 Hz) data with slow response data over an extended period. Slow response data was simulated by averaging the fast response data over 1 hour periods, the typical reporting period at fixed monitoring stations. We collected approximately 48 hours of data, from ~19:00 EDT on Thursday May 27,1999 until ~15:00 EDT on Saturday May 29. In Figure 4.3.2 we report results of monitoring NO, NO2, O3 and CO2 with the ARI instruments at the site. We show here the averages and standard deviation of the 1 Hz data, for one-hour segments between 20:15 May 27 and 14:00 May 29 EDT. The standard deviation on the data reflects the numerous peaks in the fast response data, presumably from vehicles on nearby roads. Late at night there are fewer local sources, reflected in smaller deviations around the averages. However night-time inversion conditions led to a buildup of chemically stable gases (e.g. CO2) and consequently higher averages. The variability of the pollutant mixing ratios was greater during the day than at night because there were more local sources during the daytime hours, with the principal sources being motor vehicles. The wind during the data set was initially from the north, but then switched to the east/southeast. The latter direction corresponds to the measurement van being downwind of the Southeast Expressway, a major artery in Boston. There were increases in NOx and CO2 around rush hour in the morning, particularly on Friday morning, followed by a slight drop in the levels around mid-day. The change in NO2, an indirectly emitted pollutant, was less evident than it was for CO2 and NO, directly emitted pollutants. The early onset of an increase in the pollutants in the afternoon of May 27 may be linked to an early rush hour due to the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend. Much of the character of the variation in the data is suppressed by the averages and standard deviations in Figure 4.3.2. The probability distributions of the statistical data, shown in Figure 4.3.3, provides more insight into the characteristics of the pollutants within a specified time period. We find that the distributions are similar to distributions of mobile data. Distributions of two primary and one secondary pollutants are shown in Figure 4.3.3 for four time periods previously averaged in Figure 4.3.2 -- late night, early morning, mid-day, and afternoon rush hour. The time period of each analysis window in the figure was 1 hour. The initial maximum in the distribution has a Gaussian shape that reflects the background level of the pollutant, with an exponential tail resulting from high mixing ratios from local sources. The late night and early morning curves have less of a tail because of the smaller number of local sources during those time periods. The mid-day data has a lower background level in this data set due to the meteorological conditions. There were clear, sunny skies which allowed for much vertical mixing and therefore, dilution of the pollutants. We also observe that the probability distribution of the secondary pollutant has little or no tail. 76 420 400 O3 (ppb) 380 50 40 30 20 10 20 0 NO2 (ppb) 40 NO (ppb) CO2 (ppm) 440 100 0 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00 Time (EDT) Friday 12:00 Saturday Figure 4.3.2. One hour averages and standard deviation of each 1 hour data set of the 1 Hz NO, NO2, and CO2 data from the ARI mobile laboratory. Stationary measurements at MIT campus in Cambridge, MA. 0.1 4 0.1 2 0.1 6 4 0.01 2 0.01 0.01 6 4 2 0.001 0.001 0.001 6 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 20 Probability Figure 4.3.3 0 30 40 NO2 (ppb) NO (ppb) 50 60 380 400 420 CO2 (ppm) Probability Distributions of NO, NO2 and CO2 as a function of time of day. ---23:15-00:15 EDT, ---- 05:15-06:15 EDT, ---- 11:45-12:45 EDT, ---- 16:4517:45 EDT, from May 27 until May 28, 1999. 77 440 460 Another way of expressing the variation of a given trace species in the continuous data set is through a plot of the normalized distributions of that species. In Figure 4.3.4 we display the normalized distributions of NO, NO2, and CO2 for twelve 1 hour periods ranging from 20:00 EDT, May 27 through 20:00 EDT, May 28. These distributions have corresponding averages plotted in Figure 4.3.2. The distributions are given with probability density as color, i.e. red color corresponds to higher probability of occurrence of a given concentration (see color scale in the figure). Buildup of background level is seen as an increase in the lowest mixing ratio band. During high traffic periods, the numerous local sources produce a diffuse band toward higher concentrations. This is especially true for the directly emitted pollutants, NO and CO2, while the secondary pollutant, NO2, displays this feature to a lesser extent. NO2, ppb 50 NO 2 40 30 20 0.0 10 -0.5 Log Probability, P(c) dc 0 NO NO, ppb 300 200 . 100 CO2 , ppm 0 440 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 CO2 -3.5 420 400 380 1 22:00 2 3 02:00 4 5 6 7 8 Time Period Number 06:00 09:00 9 14:00 10 11 12 18:00 Mid-Time (EDT) Figure 4.4.4. Probability Density of NO2, NO and CO2 for 12 1- hour time periods spanning from 22:00 EDT May 27 until 20:00 EDT May 28. 78 4.4 Mesoscale Wind Field Modeling The MM5 meteorological model [Dudhia et al. 1994] was applied to simulate the wind field for the Northern New England coast for periods during three of the field campaigns as follows: November 10-13, 1997 August 26-31, 1998 May 24-26, 1999 - Domain centered over Manchester, NH Domain centered over Manchester, NH Domain centered over Boston, MA In all cases a four-nested domain was utilized with horizontal grid cell sizes of 27 km, 9 km, 3 km, and 1km. Thirty-three vertical layers of variable spacing were used for all simulations and all domains. A high degree of resolution is desired in order to capture the fine scale flows that are critical for a correct characterization of an urban landscape. Other important features that play an active role in New England meteorological conditions are both arctic air excursions from Canada as well as moist air migration from the south. These characteristics are taken into account by using a four-nested domain where the outer mesobeta scale grid is 27 km and extends from Canada down through the Gulf of Mexico and across the Atlantic to a longitude of 50. The 27 km MM5 modeling domain for the Manchester, New Hampshire runs is shown in Figure 4.4.1 and for the Boston, MA simulation in Figure 4.4.2(a). Inner domains are shown for the two areas in Figures 4.4.1b and 4.4.2b. High resolution 30 second terrain and landuse data, originally compiled by the USGS then manipulated by the University of Washington into a format compatible with the MM5 pre-processors, is utilized in the second, third, and forth domains. Surface layer winds from the MM5 simulation 6:00 pm EST on November 11, 1997 for Manchester, NH are shown in Figure 4.4.3 and illustrate the prevailing northwest winds. Such winds were ideal for the field campaign allowing for clean background air to enter the region and ensuring that sampling occurring across the southeastern portion of the city captured locally generated pollutants. Back-trajectories are calculated by the read-interpolate-plot (RIP) program developed by the University of Washington to investigate pollutant source areas for Manchester, NH and Boston, MA. Figure 4.4.4 (a) and (b) show surface layer winds from MM5 for the 3 km domain and back trajectories calculated by RIP for Manchester, NH and Boston, MA for the August 1998 field campaign period. The trajectories indicate that similar source areas probably influence both Boston and Manchester. Figure 4.4.4 (a) depicts a northerly flow and trajectories for the 10 hr period up to 9 am August 28, 1998 EDT while Figure 4.4.4 (b) depicts a southerly flow and trajectories for the 9 hr period up to 9 am August 30, 1998 EDT. Time in the figures is in GMT where 98082600 is the MM5 simulation start time in YYMMDDHH format. Vertical wind profiles from MM5 extracted from the Boston, MA simulation are compared in Figure 4.4.5 with NCDC/FSL radiosonde archived wind data from Chatham, MA on May 25, 1999 at 7 pm EST. These simulations are utilized in the turbulence modeling of urban landscapes and urban footprint modeling sections described below. 79 Figure 4.4.1 (a) MM5 27 km model domain for Manchester, NH and (b) MM5 3 km and 1 km domains for Manchester, NH. Figure 4.4.2 (a) MM5 27 km model domain for Boston, MA and (b) MM5 3 km and 1 km domains for Boston, MA. 80 Figure 4.4.3. MM5 surface layer winds in the 1 km Manchester, NH domain at 6 pm EST on 11/11/97. 81 (a ) (b ) Figure 4.4.4. Back trajectories calculated by RIP for the period ending (a) August 28, 1998 at 9 am EDT and (b) August 30, 1998 at 9 am for Manchester, NH and Boston, MA. 82 2000 1800 1800 1600 1600 1400 1400 1200 1200 Height (m) Height (m) 2000 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 WindDirection(deg) raob 5 10 15 20 25 30 Wind Speed (m/s) mm5 raob mm5 Figure 4.4.5. Comparison of MM5 and NCDC/FSL Radiosonde archived (a) wind direction and (b) wind speed at Chatham, MA on May 25, 1999 at 7 pm EST. 4.5 Turbulence Modeling of Urban Landscapes 4.5.1 Tracer Data Analysis The SF6 tracer data can be used to understand the nature of turbulence and plume spread in an urban boundary layer. Advective processes causing plume meander and diffusive processes causing plume spread determine plume growth. On a nearly instantaneous time scale the plume is quite narrow, exhibits high concentrations and plume spread is determined by diffusion. While over longer periods of time, plume meander has a greater influence, yielding a plume with larger spread and lower average concentrations. The mobile vans were used to obtain horizontal crosswind concentration profiles of the tracer plume at different downwind distances. Because each individual traverse of the plume occurred relatively quickly since the plumes were narrow, the mobile tracer data can be used to determine instantaneous plume diffusion coefficients. Assuming that a plume spreads in a Gaussian manner and spreads equally in the horizontal and vertical directions, two methods exist to calculate the instantaneous diffusion coefficient (Yi): the Centerline method and the Moment method. Plume spread calculated by the centerline method assumes that the plume centerline is successfully intercepted during the traverse, thus plume spread is calculated by: Yi Q uC cl 1/ 2 (4.5.1) where Q is the release rate (g/s), u is the mean wind speed (m/s), and Ccl is the plume centerline concentration (g/m3). 83 The second method, the moment method, involves integrating the plume profile along the crosswind distance to calculate the instantaneous diffusion coefficient by: C ( y y ) 2 y Yi Cy 1/ 2 , where y Cyy Cy (4.5.2) where C is the tracer concentration at the crosswind location y. The moment method inherently contains greater uncertainty than the centerline method because during a plume traverse the instantaneous plume is not fixed in space. If the plume meanders with the traverse vehicle, plume spread may be over-estimated, and conversely, if the plume meanders against the direction of the traverse vehicle, plume spread may be under-estimated [Peterson and Lamb, 1995]. This is the first application of instantaneous plume dispersion theory to an urban boundary layer. Previous applications of this methodology are detailed in Peterson and Lamb (1995), and Peterson et al. (2001, 1999). Horizontal diffusion coefficients are summarized in Table 4.5.1 for SF6 tracer data obtained during the August 1998 field study conducted in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire. Figure 4.5.1 depicts the instantaneous diffusion coefficients versus downwind distance. The centerline method demonstrates how typically plume spread increases with downwind distance while the moment method predicts less plume spread at the greater downwind distances. Instantaneous Diffusion Coefficient (m) 1600 1400 1200 1000 Centerline Method Moment Method 800 600 400 200 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Downwind Distance (m) Figure 4.5.1. Instantaneous diffusion coefficients calculated by the centerline and moment methods versus downwind distance for tracer tests conducted in Manchester, NH August 27, 28 and 30, 1998. 84 Table 4.5.1 - Instantaneous diffusion coefficients calculated by the centerline method and moment method for tracer tests conducted in Manchester, NH August 27, 28 and 30, 1998. Test 827c 827d 827d 827e 827e 827e 827f 827f 827f 828c 828e 828e 828f 828f 828f 828f 828f 828g 828g 830c 830d 830f 830f 830f 830f 830f 830f 830h 830h 830h 830h 830h 830i 830i 830i Source-to-Receptor Centerline Method Yi (m) Moment Method Yi (m) Distance (m) 178 112 53 508 234 124 908 348 223 3217 616 138 3983 759 196 5211 681 174 4591 1232 349 4511 1011 223 4864 1092 157 400 205 44 510 409 196 1443 421 79 638 304 234 598 414 80 854 325 55 966 454 612 1410 479 256 538 202 17 469 138 12 3273 1398 224 515 116 31 1279 638 187 536 239 67 1189 624 132 605 257 151 1550 319 115 568 186 84 1273 281 203 1047 474 40 638 262 111 2387 840 109 1917 1201 42 556 196 64 370 155 63 537 201 65 85 4.5.2 Turbulence Modeling of an Urban Landscape Turbulence modeling of an urban landscape involves two components: 1) mesoscale modeling of the regional wind field, then 2) application of a 3-d turbulence model that simulates the actual urban landscape. MM5 provides initial and boundary conditions to a fluid-dynamic 3-d code, TEMPEST [Trent et al. 1983], developed by Battelle Memorial Institute’s Pacific Northwest Laboratory. TEMPEST simulates the complex flows of the urban landscape, such as street canyon flow, the urban heat island effect, and building re-circulation zones. In TEMPEST turbulence is modeled by solving the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations with a k-e turbulence closure formulation. The focus is upon horizontal scales from 10’s to hundreds of meters. TEMPEST has been applied to successfully simulate building flows in an arctic industrial complex [Guenther et al. 1990] and isolated complex terrain features such as Steptoe Butte in eastern Washington state [Dawson et al. 1991]. As an initial test of TEMPEST’s ability to capture urban flow features, a two-dimensional idealized urban landscape is simulated. Two building obstacles are placed in the mean flow. The first building is 10 m long and 10 m high. The second building is also 10 m long and 20 m in height. An urban canyon of 20 m lies between the two buildings. The evening of November 11, 1997 is a period when both TILDAS mapping data and city-wide VOC canister sampling occurred, therefore TEMPEST is initialized with the wind profile shown in Figure 4.5.2(a) extracted from MM5 output for 6:00 pm on 11/11/97. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), also shown in Figure 4.5.2(b), is estimated from Stull (1995) for stable conditions with a mixing height of 800 m, and is also input into the model. Section 4.4 describes the MM5 wind field data used to drive the turbulence model. 1000 Height (m) Height (m) a) 100 10 1 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 b) 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 Turbulent Kinetic Energy (m^2/s^2) Wind Speed (m/s) Figure 4.5.2. 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.00 a) Logarithmic Wind Speed profile generated from MM5 output, and b) turbulent kinetic energy estimated from Stull (1994), for Manchester, NH, 6:00pm 11/11/97. 86 Variable grid spacing is applied to minimize the grid spacing in the vicinity of the buildings and maximize the grid spacing away from the buildings. A grid spacing of 2 m is applied to the buildings, street canyon, and one building length upwind and downwind. Grid spacing is thereafter doubled until reaching a value of 32 m where the remainder of the domain is covered by 32 m grids. To indicate building location and grid spacing, Figure 4.5.3 only depicts a portion of the model domain. The total domain dimensions are 660 m downwind and 804 m high resulting in a 54 x 46 grid domain. In terms of the 20 m building height (HB), the upwind edge is 10 HB from any buildings, the downwind border is 24 HB, and the vertical domain extended to 40 HB [Guenther et al. 1990]. Figure 4.5.4 depicts a steady state convergent TEMPEST solution. In two dimensions the model successfully captures the urban canyon recirculation patterns as well as the building leeside recirculation zone. Figure 4.5.3. TEMPEST Model Domain for a 2-D Idealized Urban Profile. 87 Figure 4.5.4. TEMPEST Solution for a 2-D Idealized Urban Profile. 4.6 Urban Footprint Modeling Plume diffusion modeling along a forward trajectory maps out the distribution of pollutant concentrations due to an upwind source. Application of plume diffusion theory along a back-trajectory yields the upwind source distribution (source-footprint) affecting a receptor at the trajectory initial point. Thus, our approach is to use available modeling systems to derive a detailed wind field, and then apply the CALPUFF model in reverse along back trajectories. The results yield the upwind source distribution of sources affecting a downwind receptor. Three components comprise this source-footprint modeling strategy: 1) Mesoscale modeling of the regional wind field, 2) Application of MCIP, the Models-3/CMAQ meteorological processor, then inversion of the resulting wind field, 3) Application of the CALPUFF plume dispersion model to the inverted wind field. The MM5 prognostic meteorological model provides detailed hourly wind fields to the MCIP [Byun et al. 1999] model utilized here primarily to reformat the MM5 output for input into CALPUFF [Scire et al. 1999]. Finally, the winds are inverted and the CALPUFF model is applied. By applying CALPUFF to the inverted wind field, the resulting plume trajectory and puff dispersion indicates the upwind pollutant area affecting a downwind receptor. Correlation of this source-footprint with existing emissions data yields the fractional contribution of the applicable upwind emissions to a downwind receptor. The source-footprint is correlated with a gridded 1988 emission inventory obtained from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality. The meteorology is from the May 24-26, 1999 MM5 run discussed in section 4.4. 88 The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality provided a 1988 5 km gridded emission inventory suitable for the carbon-bond IV chemical mechanism. Since we are not yet at the point where we can validate pollutant source strength, these data are used as an indicator of the spatial distribution of emissions within Boson and its surrounding areas. The emission inventory data are normalized by the total emission rate and the assumption made that pollutant source locations and the relative strengths have not changed appreciably in the previous 11 years. Data for June 21, 1988 (Tuesday) in particular were extracted from the emission inventory to coincide as closely as possible with the May 25, 1999 (Tuesday) field data. Processing was required to merge the area and point source emission data, and to re-grid the 5 km data to the 3 km MM5 grid. NOx (NO + NO2) was chosen as the pollutant of interest. Figure 4.6.1 illustrates the normalized distribution of pollutants across the domain from the gridded emission inventory for point and area sources used to represent May 25, 1999 at 5 pm EST. CALPUFF was applied to simulate the upwind source probability distribution for a receptor by application of plume dispersion theory along a back trajectory. South Boston was chosen as the receptor of interest because of the extensive mapping data available from the field study. Figure 4.6.2 depicts a backward plume originating from South Boston May 25, 1999 at 5 PM EST. This backward plume depicts the probability source distribution for Boston for pollutants undergoing advective and dispersive processes during the previous 5 hours. The winds were steady from the southwest thus causing a narrow plume and indicating that pollutants could have traveled from Connecticut and Rhode Island during the previous 5 hour period. Figure 4.6.1. NOx (a) Point and (b) Area emission inventory data for New England applied to May 25, 1999 at 12 pm EST. 89 Figure 4.6.2. Upwind source area influencing Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. As a proof of concept, the upwind source contribution area can be obtained by running CALPUFF in the forwards mode (i.e. with the regular, non-inverted wind field), with every grid acting as a source, and tracking each source’s contribution to the total concentration at Boston. Each source’s contribution is then normalized by the total concentration at Boston. This should yield a similar result as the source-footprint. To achieve this source contribution calculation, CALPUFF was run 3600 (80 columns x 45 rows) times with each grid point acting as a source and the results are depicted in Figure 4.6.3. Figures 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 compare well with each other demonstrating the usefulness of the upwind source-footprint modeling technique. 90 Figure 4.6.3. Source contribution calculation results for Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. To correlate the source-footprint with an emission inventory, knowledge of travel time is necessary because concentrations at a receptor at a particular time t are due to emissions upwind at an earlier time (t-travel time). Furthermore, each grid in the domain can be impacted by more than one puff; thus CALPUFF was modified to include a procedure to compute the average travel time (tavg) for a puff, weighted by its concentration contribution, to travel from grid i, j to the receptor for each grid of the domain, for every time t: N t avg (i, j , t ) T (i, j, t , k ) * C (i, j, t , k ) k 1 (4.6.1) CT (i, j , t ) Where, N = Number of puffs emitted from the receptor from the beginning of the simulation to time t. T(i,j,t,k) = Travel time of puff k from the receptor to the grid location i, j, at time t. C(i,j,t,k) = Concentration that puff k contributes to grid location i, j, at time t. CT(i,j,t) = Total concentration from all puffs at grid location i, j, at time t. 91 The gridded hourly average pollutant source travel times for 5 PM EST, May 25, 1999 for Boston, MA is depicted in Figure 4.6.4. Figure 4.6.4. Average pollutant source travel times in relation to Boston, MA at 5 pm EST, May 25, 1999. Once the average travel time from emission point i, j to the receptor is known (i.e. tavg), then the emission rate at grid i, j that contributed to the receptor concentration is simply the emission rate at t-tavg. In this way time varying emission inventories can be investigated with this method. The final result is a two-dimensional footprint of the hourly emission inventory for the species of interest in which each grid point contributed to some extent to the concentration at the receptor. The fractional contribution of a particular grid point emission to the concentration recorded at the receptor can then be calculated by f (i, j, t ) Emis(i, j, t tavg (i, j, t )) * Conc(i, j, t ) R C i 1 j 1 Emis(i, j, t tavg (i, j, t )) * Conc(i, j, t ) Where, C, R = Number of columns and rows in the domain. 92 (4.6.2) Emis(i,j,t-tavg(i,j,t)) = Emission rate from the emission inventory contributing to the receptor concentration at time t. Conc(i,j,t) = Concentration (as an indicator of probability) from the backward CALPUFF plume. Figure 4.6.5 depicts the fractional source contribution of NOx on the receptor concentrations at Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. Further deductions regarding the area source contribution can be obtained by tracking radial upwind areas contributing to the overall fractional contribution. In this manner, fractional source contribution from 0-15 km, 15-30 km, 30-75 km, and 75-150 km can be determined. Table 4.6.1 lists the percent contribution of emissions to the receptor concentration at Boston for May 25, 1999 at 5 PM EST for each of the radial distance ranges. Within a five hour upwind period, 93% of the emissions contributing to the receptor concentration are within 30 km of Boston. Figure 4.6.6 shows the fractional source contribution of emissions within approximately 75 km of the receptor at Boston, MA. Figure 4.6.5. Fractional source contributions of NOx on the receptor concentrations at Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. 93 Table 4.6.1 - Percent Contribution of Emissions to the Boston Receptor at Incremented Radial Distances. Radial Number of Grids Radial Distance (km) Contribution (%) 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 25 25 - 50 0 - 15 15 - 30 30 - 75 75 - 150 83.1 9.4 6.0 1.5 The source-footprint modeling system is a simple means to identify upwind source areas responsible for downwind pollutant concentrations. By linking puff dispersion with emission inventories, the picture of the resulting upwind source area takes into account distance and source strength and thus yields a fine scale structure where specific source influences become more obvious. In this application the system identified the upwind area extending from Boston southwest to eastern Connecticut as the area responsible for regional pollutants impacting Boston, MA when winds prevail from the southwest. Figure 4.6.6. Fractional source contributions of NOx within approximately 75 km of the receptor, Boston, MA at 5 pm EST May 25, 1999. 94 4.7 Urban Emissions – Air Quality Relationships 4.7.1 Introduction In many areas of the United States and, indeed, throughout the world, the lack of good emissions data is frequently cited as one of the key barriers in developing cost-effective strategies for improving urban air quality [NRC, 1991]. Previous sections of the report have clearly shown that new instruments can solve the problem of sparseness and lack of chemical specificity in the routine monitoring networks. A key challenge and the opportunity provided by the veritable flood of high quality measurement data is how to use this information to develop more accurate emissions inventories. A key goal of the urban respiration project was to show how advances in both instrumentation and air quality modeling could be used to better understand source-receptor relationships. This section of the report describes the results of a proof-of-concept study of how to develop more accurate emissions inventories by solving the so called inverse problem: given a model of the transport and transformation processes occurring determine the spatial, temporal and chemical form of the emissions that gives the best fit to the air quality observations. In the past the primary obstacle in solving this problem has been the computational complexity. This section of the report presents a new approach for the solution of the inverse problem that is orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches. Quite clearly there are many potential sources of uncertainties in solving the inverse problem. Another contribution described below is a new approach for identifying which of the many possible uncertainties in the analysis have the greatest impacts on the emissions estimates. While the method was tested by determining the CO and reactive organic gas (ROG) emissions in the Los Angeles basin it has broad applicability to other regions. Los Angeles was chosen as a study site because of its extensive data base, the richness of the air quality measurement data base and the opportunity to do data withholding experiments. An additional practical reason was the need to test the inverse and uncertainty analysis methods before data from the Massachusetts campaigns became available. Subsequent sections present the need for more accurate inventories, describe the character of the inverse problem, the new algorithms and the results. Further details can be found in two Ph.D. theses supported by the project, [Pun, 1998] and [Wang, 1999]. 4.7.2 The Need for Better Emissions Inventories in Control Strategy Design There have been many obstacles to the development of control strategies, due to difficulties in quantifying precursor emissions and their transport and reaction in the atmosphere. As with any policy decision, control strategies are based on information that is uncertain at the time action is required. The collection of data offers opportunities for added value, although these data incur a cost measured in terms of both time and capital. In designing air pollution control strategies, additional data collection and model development can provide valuable information on: ambient chemical concentrations, meteorology, chemical kinetics, emissions, etc. To date, sampling programs aimed at collecting this information have not been optimally designed, nor have the data collected been fully utilized. The magnitude of capital that is invested in control strategies warrants further work in the efficient collection and use of data that guide their design. 95 The need for improvements in control strategy design was noted by a 1991 National Research Council (NRC) study [NRC, 1991], particularly in the quantification of emissions and the atmospheric processes that lead to ozone formation. According to the study, the methods and protocols used to develop anthropogenic and biogenic ROG emissions inventories should be reassessed, since existing methodologies do not account accurately for all types of sources, nor for the magnitude of ROG emissions. This problem has most likely resulted in smaller net changes in ROG emissions due to past control technology. Also, future strategies are limited by uncertainties in base-case inventories. The study noted that the use of ambient data to identify precursor sources, to verify emissions algorithms, and to determine precursor relationships could be used to verify model predictions that are based on existing inventories. Moreover, the incorporation of observational data into the modeling of air quality offers many opportunities to reduce uncertainties in air pollution policy decisions. Previous studies have suggested that emission inventories currently contribute a large share of the uncertainty in air quality modeling. Tunnel studies have indicated that mobile source emissions are underestimated by as much as a factor of three to four. [Fujita, 1992; Pierson, 1990] Since these inventories are generally built from the 'ground up,' the methodologies and models used to create them need reevaluation. 4.7.3 Inverse Modeling Mathematical models are developed and used to predict the behavior of a system given a set of known input parameters. The class of problems that fit this description are termed forward problems (FP). Inverse modeling focuses on providing information on the values of model parameters based on the measurement of observable quantities. These parameters can vary from discrete numerical functions to continuous function of one or more variables. [Menke, 1989] The relationship between a measured variable and the true value of a parameter function can be expressed simply as follows: z F( ) v (4.7.1) where (x) lies in normed function space A, z, the measurement vector and v, the measurement error vector, lie in an M-dimensional Euclidean vector space, and the forward operator F is a functional that maps to z. The goal of inverse estimation is to is find an inverse operator, G, which maps the measurement vector to an estimate of : G(z) G[F( ) v] (4.7.2) In the absence of measurement noise, provided that the forward operator is invertible, the inverse operator is simply: G F 1 (4.7.3) ( x) F 1 ( z ) F 1 ( F ( )) ( x) (4.7.4) Inversion techniques have been studied extensively in geophysical applications, where they have been classified into two categories: (1) direct or operator-based inversion and (2) model-based inversion. [Sen and Stoffa, 1995] Direct inversion utilizes an explicit operator 96 to map the observed data to derive the parameter function. Due to the highly non-linear nature of atmospheric advection-diffusion models, direct inversion of the forward operator is rarely feasible. Model-based inversion methods utilize the forward operator and an assumed parameter function to generate data that is compared with the observed data. If these data are not in agreement, the parameter function is modified, and the process is repeated until the data sets are comparable. The inversion process is thus transformed into an optimization problem, where a search is conducted over the parameter space to minimize an error norm. The use of a lowdimensional representation of the parameter space and the application of an efficient search algorithm are typically necessary to solve these problems. Once the problem has been stated and structured mathematically, it is critical to assess the validity and usefulness of the potential solution. To accomplish this for any mathematical problem, it is necessary to determine if the problem is “well-posed.” An inverse problem is “well-posed” if it satisfies the following requirements [Hadamard, 1952; Tikhonov and Arsenin, 1977; Sun, 1994]: Table 4.7.1 - Properties of Well-Posed Inverse Problems Existence Uniqueness Stability For every measurement vector, there exists a parameter solution Every parameter solution is unique The inversion process should be stable on the spaces. Stated another way, small changes in the measurement vector lead to small changes in the parameter function In addition, inverse methods should be robust, or insensitive to a small number of large errors in the measurement vector [Sen, 1995]. 4.7.4 Application to Atmospheric Systems Inverse problems in atmospheric systems have been solved through the use of techniques such as source-receptor modeling and Kalman filtering. Kalman Filtering has been widely used in the estimation of non-stationary stochastic processes including signal processing, optimal control, and aerospace problems [Daley, 1991]. The method utilizes an iterative inverse algorithm which recursively updates estimates with only the most recent estimates [McLaughlin, 1995]. Hartley and Prinn [1993] applied an inverse method based on a linear Kalman filter to determine surface emissions of trace gases using a global atmospheric transport model. Several key conclusions are noted in their work, including: the high sensitivity of inverse methods to the accuracy of model circulation and the potential use of inverse methods to identify locations for future monitoring stations. Other studies of this type include Brown [1993] who solved a linearized formulation of a chemical transport model to determine trace gas source emissions. Brown's study, along with Newsam and Enting [1988] noted that, as the spatial and temporal resolution of the transport model becomes continuous, the amplification of errors in the inversion approaches infinity. This amplification is dependent on the advective and diffusive rates in the atmosphere. As the transport and diffusion becomes stronger, the signal from the source will be smoothed out more rapidly and will fall below the noise level in the observation. Thus, information on the location and strength of the source will be lost. 97 In summary, several obstacles exist in the inversion of atmospheric transport and reaction systems. Atmospheric processes of advection and diffusion can reduce the emissions “signal” to below the noise level, allowing for the amplification of noise through the inversion [Mulholland and Seinfeld, 1995]. The high dimensionality of grid-based airshed domains makes practical implementation of emission inversion procedures difficult. What is needed is a low-dimensional representation of the functional distribution of sources. 4.7.5 Optimal Field Determination Since a detailed re-assessment of all emissions sources can be an expensive and difficult task, the concept of inverse modeling can be applied to the problem of estimating urban-scale emissions, using observational data to determine the actual emissions field. Stated as a mathematical programming problem, the true emissions field can be found as follows: min || C m (E( x, t ), x, t ) C o ( x, t ) || n (4.7.5) E( x, t ) minimizing some norm of the error between observed concentration field Co and that predicted by the model Cm using the emissions fields as the design variables. The goal of this problem is to vary the emissions spatially and temporally until the difference between the observed and predicted ozone fields is minimized. This approach assumes that the model itself does not introduce additional errors. The difficulty in conducting such an optimization is that the emissions fields in grid based airshed models consist of tens of thousands of data points for each species of interest. With each iteration of a typical photochemical model requiring several hours of CPU time, an optimization over all emissions is clearly unaffordable unless the number of design variables is reduced by several orders of magnitude. For example, the CIT Airshed model [Harley, 1993] uses an 80x30 cell domain for the Los Angeles basin, resolved into hourly averaged fields. For a one-day simulation, optimization of this field requires a search of order 24x30x80. The order of the search also scales with the number of resolved species in the chemical mechanism. The CIT model currently uses a modified version of the LCC photochemical mechanism [Lurmann, 1987] that includes 35 chemical species, of which 16 are directly emitted into the atmosphere. One method of reducing the number of variables in a field is to represent the field by an orthogonal expansion, such that the new design variables are the expansion coefficients. Such an expansion should retain as much of the field structure as possible and require the fewest number of terms possible. These requirements suggest the use of the Karhunen-Loeve procedure with empirical eigenfunctions [Tatang, 1996]. The Karhunen-Loeve series expansion is widely known for its optimality property in approximating fields, especially when there is a strong correlation between points in the field. For a field with complicated structure, the closed form Karhunen-Loeve series expansion does not give a good representation, therefore an empirical type of that expansion can be used. 98 Figure 4.7.1. Typical CIT Airshed Model Emissions Field 4.7.6 Empirical Karhunen-Loeve Series Expansion Consider a field E(x,t) which is to be approximated. The Karhunen-Loeve series expansion of such a field has the form: N E( x , t ) c n n ( t ) n ( x ) (4.7.6) n 1 where cn is the square root of the nth eigenvalue, n(t) is the nth temporal eigenfunction, and (x) is the nth spatial eigenfunction of correlation function of E(x,t). According to KarhunenLoeve series expansion properties, those eigenfunctions should satisfy the normality conditions: 2 (4.7.7) 2 (4.7.8) n ( t ) t T 2n ( t )dt 1 n ( x ) x D 2n ( x )dx 1 and also the orthogonality conditions: E(x, t ) n ( t )d c n n (x) (4.7.9) T E(x, t ) n (t )d c n n (x) (4.7.10) D 99 The last two equations are obtained by considering the eigenfunction as an element of a complete set of the orthonormal functions in the T D space. From the above equations the relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions may be derived as: 2 C( t, s) n (s)ds c n n ( t ) (4.7.11) T 2 K( x, y) n ( y)dy c n n ( x ) (4.7.12) D where C(t,s) is the correlation matrix of the field in the temporal domain and K(x,y) is the correlation matrix of the field in the spatial domain. They are defined by C(t, s) E(x, t )E( x, s)dx (4.7.13) D K(x, y) E(x, t )E( y, t )dt (4.7.14) T When the spatial dimension is much larger than the temporal dimension, the first integral equation is clearly preferable to the second one. Assuming the first integral equation is solved, one next needs to obtain the spatial eigenfunctions. The answer to this actually comes from Equation 4.7.9. This discussion follows a similar technique from Sirovich and Everson [1992] who use a snapshot method to calculate the spatial eigenfunctions, n (x) 1 E( x, t ) n ( t )dt TT (4.7.15) However, instead of using Equation (4.7.15), we use Equation (4.7.9) directly to calculate the spatial eigenfunctions. This approach seems more appropriate if one wants to ensure the Karhunen-Loeve series expansion properties in (4.7.9) and (4.7.10). The empirical Karhunen-Loeve series expansion implies the use of empirical eigenfunctions in the temporal and spatial domains, instead of closed forms. These empirical eigenfunctions are matrices of values of the eigenfunctions at each point in T x D space, and provides a further advantage: singular value decomposition may be used to obtain the temporal eigenfunctions and eigenvalues and the first integral equation above need not be solved directly. The Karhunen-Loeve series expansions can be considered as the orthogonalization of a field, such that the terms in the resulting expansion are uncorrelated, analogous to the singular value decomposition. Thus, the correlation matrix in the temporal domain is decomposed into uncorrelated terms as follows: N C( t , s) c 2n n ( t ) n (s) (4.7.16) n 1 100 The values of cn2 and n(t) are the diagonal and orthogonal matrices resulting from application of the singular value decomposition method to the correlation matrix: C(t, s) U W V T (4.7.17) where W diag{Cn2 }nN1 and the n-th column of the orthogonal matrix U contains the values of eigenfunction n(t) at times ti, i = 1,...,N. Thus, the eigenvalues and temporal eigenfunctions are obtained from orthogonalization of the temporal correlation matrix. The next step is to calculate the spatial empirical eigenfunctions. Using equation 4.7.9, we can generate the spatial empirical eigenfunctions, n (x) 1 E( x, t ) n ( t )dt cn T (4.7.18) which are self-normalized, n (x) n (x) (4.7.19) 2 n ( x )dx D These spatial empirical eigenfunctions along with their temporal counterparts and related eigenvalues can now be used as the Karhunen-Loeve series expansion of the field. In general, the empirical Karhunen-Loeve series expansion can be used to approximate any field accurately. Since the complete set of eigenfunctions from that expansion spans the L2 space [Aubry, 1991], an arbitrary regular field in L2 space then can be theoretically approximated using the same set of eigenfunctions. In other words, in practice, chemical or physical phenomena with similar underlying structure may be represented by the same set of empirical eigenfunctions [Aubry, 1993; Kramer, 1991; Krischer, 1993; Rowlands, 1992; Urgell, 1990]. Based on this fact, we can incorporate our prior knowledge of a field and use it to generate a better prediction. Retaining only the coherent structures with higher energy as our prior information in the optimization scheme suggests that we put more weight in keeping the structure of the field. Similarly, we could also put more weight to a specific coherent structure by adding constraints to the optimization problem, for example, the coefficient associated with the first empirical eigenfunction should be greater than others. Other constraints that describe the limit of physical or chemical phenomena could also be added to the problem. For example, if a chemical concentration field is approximated, it can be specified that the posterior field will be greater than zero for all grid points. 101 4.7.7 Los Angeles Case Study The procedure described above has been applied to the problem of determining the spatial and temporal structure of VOC and CO emissions within the Los Angeles basin. As in most urban areas, the validity of the official emissions inventory for organic gases has been questioned. This example uses data collected during August 27-29, 1987 as part of the Southern California Air Quality Study (SCAQS). During this study, a variety of special meteorological and air quality measurements were carried out to supplement the routine measurements made in the Los Angeles area. The emissions inventory used in this study was received from the California Air Resources Board. Mobile Source emission estimates were based on a travel demand model and the EMFAC7E emission factor model. The South Coast Air Quality Management District prepared stationary source emission estimates. These estimates include day-specific power plant, aircraft, and refinery emissions. The detailed inventory includes emissions from more than 800 source types, with the organic gas emissions broken down into 280 detailed chemical species. The inventory region includes the South Coast Air Basin plus parts of the Southeast Desert Air Basin (see Figure 4.7.2). The primary assumption of the method used is that errors in the predicted concentration arise solely from an inaccurate emissions inventory. While it has been suggested that uncertainties in emissions inventories contribute more to modeling uncertainty than differences in chemical mechanisms, advection schemes and numerical methods, this is nonetheless a significant assumption. Future studies using several models could test the robustness of the procedure and the validity of this assumption. Figure 4.7.2. CIT Modeling Domain, UTM Coordinates (dotted grid is the domain of CARB emissions inventory) 102 4.7.8 Formulation of Optimization Problem A critical step in the formulation of any norm-reduction optimization problem is identification of error norm to be used as the algorithm’s objective function. For most atmospheric modeling inverse problems, this step involves identifying a data set that is assumed to capture the “true” concentration field, as well as a spatial and temporal domain that assures the problem is well-posed. For the problem under study, monitoring data collected during the SCAQS program were used as an estimate of the “true” ozone concentration field, assuming normally distributed measurement errors. While the model domain encompassed over 60 monitoring stations, a subset of 37 stations was selected in order to reduce the weighting of stations nearest to model boundaries. Figure 4.7.3. Monitoring Stations Within SCAQS Region and CIT Modeling Domain (Stations within dark border were used to determine error norms) The temporal domain of the error norm was chosen to be the 24 hourly data sets for these 37 SCAQS stations on second day of the simulation, August 28, 1987. The elimination of the first day’s data set is intended to reduce the effect of the model’s initial conditions. Since the base-case simulation underestimates peak ozone concentrations during the afternoon, the optimization procedure was also tested using an alternate norm, a measure of error during the afternoon (the time period that ozone concentrations reach maxima during the SCAQS study). The optimization was designed to perform a least squares minimization over the temporal and spatial domains discussed above. In other words, the goal of the optimization is to minimize an objective function of the following general form: t n Error Norm O 3 (obs ) O 3 (pred) 2 (4.7.20) 1 1 where O3 (obs) are observed ozone levels, O3 (pred) are ozone levels predicted by the CIT model, n the number of monitoring sites and t the number of hours sampled. 103 The next step is to determine the number of eigenfunctions to retain in the search. It is clear that the dimensionality of the optimization depends only on the number of coherent structures we use as our prior information. This determination should balance the incremental energy of the added eigenfunction with the added computational cost of increasing the dimensionality in the search algorithm. As is shown in Table 4.7.2, the first 5 eigenfunctions of the decomposed ALKE and CO fields capture 95 percent and 94 percent, of the ensemble's energy, respectively. Therefore, each emitted species in this study was represented by a fivedimensional KL expansion. The addition of more eigenfunctions does not significantly increase the captured energy, allowing a search over the first five eigenfunctions to be acceptable. Two additional representations of the high degree of compression available in these fields are presented: (a) graphical depiction of the eigenvalue spectrum (see Figure 4.7.4) and (b) the representation error (as measured by the ratio of total reduced emissions to total emissions) (see Figure 4.7.5). The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) variant of Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) minimization method was used to obtain the optimal coefficients [Press et al., 1996]. Figure 4.7.6 shows a representative error norm reduction using DFP minimization in this study. Notice that the most significant reduction is achieved after the first few iterations. Table 4.7.2 - Percent of Variance Captured by First Five Eigenfunctions Eigenfunction First Second Third Fourth Fifth ALKE Variance Captured 72.3 % 14.9 % 4.0 % 2.1 % 1.7 % Cumulative 72.3 % 87.2 % 91.2 % 93.3 % 95.0 % CO Variance Captured 79.0 % 5.55 % 4.01 % 2.95 % 1.89 % Cumulative 79.0 % 84.6 % 88.6 % 91.5 % 93.4 % Figure 4.7.4. ALKE and CO Emissions Eigenvalue Spectra for August 27-28, 1987 104 Figure 4.7.5 Eigenvalue Representation Error for ALKE, CO and NO Emissions (August 27-28, 1987) 1.20 1.15 Error Norm 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Iteration Figure 4.7.6 Error Norm Reduction as a Function of Optimization Iteration The overall optimization flowsheet is shown in Figures 4.7.7 and 4.7.8. 105 OPTIMIZATION FLOWSHEET 1 Assemble base case input files Determine fields to be optimized, dimensionality, etc. Create KL basis files power.c Edit files used by main.c to reflect fields to be optimized, dimensionality, etc. getfunc join_direc main.c Compile and run main.c (see Flowsheet 2) Figure 4.7.7. Flowsheet 1: Overall optimization strategy flow diagram OPTIMIZATION FLOWSHEET 2 Initialize Coefficients main.c Begin Search dfpmin.c lnsrch.c Evaluate Objective Function getfunc Finish Search Figure 4.7.8. Flowsheet 2: Search Algorithm and Associated Code getfunc Create emission fields from coefficients genfield.c Create CIT emission file using eigenfields, scaling joinscale.c 106 Run CIT CIT Airshed Model Finish Search getfunc Create emission fields from coefficients genfield.c Create CIT emission file using eigenfields, scaling joinscale.c CIT Airshed Model Run CIT Extract concentration fields getpred.c Figure 4.7.9. Flow Diagram for Objective Function Evaluator (getfunc shell script) 4.7.9 Pseudo-Data Inversion In order to test the inversion algorithm, searches were conducted using known solution and false starting values. A base-case CO emissions field was used as input to the CIT model, producing hourly averaged CO fields for every hour of a two-day run. CO concentrations at the stations of interest were extracted and assumed to be the measured concentrations for the verification simulations. As starting points for these runs, factors ranging from 1.25 through 2.00 were applied to the true field, in an attempt to simulate inaccurate initial guesses. These searches successfully reproduced the true field to within 5%. 4.7.10 CO Inversion Mulholland and Seinfeld [1995] applied a recursive least-square technique similar to Hartley, Prinn and Brown to estimate the necessary adjustments to the CO inventory in Los Angeles in order to match observed concentrations. CO was selected to remove reaction effects, since the consumption of CO by photochemical reactions over the one to two-day time scale is relatively small. In the Mulholland and Seinfeld procedure, the ground level horizontal domain of the solution volume is divided into smaller domains that comprise the entire region. Each one of these source domains is used as the emissions field for the model, with a zero initial condition and zero boundary condition. Two additional runs were conducted using (a) the initial condition alone and zero emissions and (b) a time-varying boundary condition with zero emissions. For a conservative specie, where superposition is valid, these solutions can be added together at any time step, to construct the complete concentration distribution. For the CO inversion in this study, the results were compared to the Mulholland/Seinfeld study, which showed that the average factor by which the base case inventory must be multiplied was found to peak at 3.0 at midday on weekdays. Their factor agrees with a general adjustment on mobile emissions used by Harley [1993] to match ozone predictions and observations. On the 107 weekdays, the average factor then fell below unity from 9pm to midnight, indicating that the current inventory may actually overestimate CO emissions at night. The study presented here produced a overall adjustment of 1.41 to the base case inventory, reaching a maximum of 1.53 at 4pm, as shown in Figure 4.7.10. VOC Inversion Next, an inversion of the VOC emissions within the airshed was conducted. Although urban air may contain hundreds of individual organic compounds, atmospheric models typically use a simplified representation of these compounds. For example, the modified LCC mechanism [Lurmann, 1987] used in the CIT model contains 9 lumped organic classes (see Table 4.7.3). Figure 4.7.10. Emissions Time Series for CO emissions (August 27-28, 1987) Table 4.7.3 - Lumped Organic Classes Used in the CIT Model Class Code ETHE ALKE ALKA TOLU AROM HCHO ALD2 MEK MEOH ETOH LCC VOC group Ethene Alkenes >C3 Alkanes Mono-Alkylbenzenes Di- and Tri-Alkylbenzenes Formaldehyde Higher Aldehydes Ketones Methanol Ethanol and higher alcohols 108 Therefore, to test the procedure for the base-case organic fields, a full search over a subset of coherent structures for each lumped category field would be conducted. In order to reduce the computational burden of such a search, however, one of the VOC categories, the alkene field (ALKE), was used as the test field. C3 and higher alkenes belong to this group, including propene and trans-4.7.butene. The balance of lumped species were determined using the base case ratio in each cell at each hour as follows: E opt (Org)(x, t ) E opt (ALKE)(x, t ) E base (Org)(x, t ) E base (ALKE)(x, t ) (4.7.21) Representations of the spatial and temporal ALKE eigenfunctions are shown in Figures 4.7.11 through 4.7.13. As seen in Figure 4.7.14, the base case CIT simulation for the August 27-28 episode under-predicts ozone levels in the Los Angeles basin. Four representative monitoring stations are shown: Central Los Angeles (CELA), Pasadena (PASA), Claremont (CLAR) and Riverside (RIVR). 0.3 EIG1 EIG2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.2 0.0 10 20 30 40 10 Time (hour) 20 30 40 Time (hour) 0.4 EIG3 EIG4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 10 20 30 40 10 Time (hour) 20 30 Time (hour) Figure 4.7.11. First Four ALKE Temporal Eigenfunctions 109 40 Figure 4.7.12. Two-Dimensional Contour-Plots of First Five ALKE Eigenfunctions 110 Total ALKE Field at 8am EIG1 EIG2 EIG3 EIG4 Figure 4.7.13. Three-Dimensional Surface-Plots of First Four ALKE Eigenfunctions 111 Figure 4.7.14. Ozone Predictions for Base Case Simulation (August 28, 1987) The search resulted in a net increase of VOC emissions of 57 percent over the entire airshed. If the entire field is scaled at the same factor, an increase of 61 percent is necessary to minimize the error norm. A comparison between the base case predictions and the optimized results is shown in Figures 4.7.15 – 4.7.17. An improvement in predictive capability of the model is seen for all but the highest concentration ranges. The results of this study show that the existing VOC emissions inventory developed for Los Angeles is underestimated. In order to test the sensitivity of the method to measurement errors, three additional optimizations were performed. These runs used the original data set of ozone observations, with an artificial error term added to each measurement. As shown in Figure 4.7.18, the results from these runs were in general agreement with the original optimized coefficients. However, it should be noted that coefficients 4 and 5 show the greatest diversion for the base case optimization. This is expected, since these eigenfunctions account for a very small fraction of the total emission field; therefore, large fluctuations in their associated eigenvalues will have a correspondingly smaller effect on the composite emission field than eigenfields 1 and 2. 112 Figure 4.7.15. Optimized Result for August 28, 1987 (24-hour norm) Optimum Emissions 5 BASE OPT Total ALKE Emissions 4 3 2 1 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Hour Figure 4.7.16. Emissions Time Series for ALKE emissions (August 27-28, 1987) 113 Figure 4.7.17. Difference Between Optimized and Base Case ALKE Field (8am) Error Runs 2 Magnitude 1 0 Base Opt Error1 Error2 Error3 -1 -2 1 2 3 4 5 Coefficient Figure 4.7.18. Optimal coefficients for Base Case, Optimized Field and 3 error runs (ALKE emissions) (August 27-28, 1987) 114 4.7.11 Objective Function Modification In order to test the sensitivity of the optimization to an alternate objective function, an additional optimization was conducted using a norm calculated from 14.7.5pm. These results are shown in Figures 4.7.19 through 4.7.21. Interestingly, this search also resulted in a net increase of VOC emissions of 57 percent over the entire airshed. Qualitatively, this simulation shows that, in order to achieve the high ozone levels reached mid-day, over-estimation of early morning and evening concentrations is necessary. 4.7.12 Summary of Results from Inverse Methods The adjustments made to the ROG inventory in this section are potentially indicative of the errors that exist in emissions inventories worldwide. In a region where the structure of the emissions fields can be inferred from known information, this procedure can be applied to design data collection studies using traditional sampling or remote sensing techniques. Inaccuracies in base-case emissions have the potential to lead to inaccuracies in the control strategies developed from them. As stated in Section 2.6, the primary assumption of the method presented here is that errors in the predicted concentration field arise solely from an inaccurate emissions inventory. Figure 4.7.19. Optimized Result for August 28, 1987 (14.7.5pm norm) 115 Objective Function Effect 2 Base Opt (24 hour) Opt (Afternoon) Magnitude 1 0 -1 -2 1 2 3 4 5 Coefficient Figure 4.7.20. Optimal coefficients for Base Case and Optimized Fields for Two Error Norms (August 27-28, 1987) Optimum Emissions 7 BASE OPT Total ALKE Emissions 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Hour Figure 4.7.21. Emissions Time Series for ALKE Emissions (August 27-28, 1987) 116 Thus, all additional factors that contribute to predictions and observations are assumed to be correct, such as the chemical mechanism, advection scheme, mixing height algorithm and the measurement vector. The following section addresses one potential source of uncertainty in model predictions: the rate parameters used in the chemical mechanism. The incorporation of model uncertainty into the methodology presented in this section, representing a relaxation of the methodology's underlying assumptions, would likely alter the results presented here. 4.7.13 Role of Uncertainty Uncertainty always exists in industrial and engineering systems that include reaction and transport phenomena. Uncertainties can be introduced through computational sources, process modeling and human factors. The critical problem, in practice, is to evaluate the effects of uncertainties on predicted outcomes. This research has focused on quantifying uncertainties introduced through the modeling of air pollution systems. For example, in the development of air pollution control strategies, uncertainty can be introduced from many sources, such as chemical mechanisms, numerical techniques, emissions inventories, advection schemes, etc. Modeling uncertainty can originate from the structure and parameterization of the model, or from uncertain input parameters. Structural uncertainty can be estimated by comparing the output of several models of the same system. Parametric uncertainty has typically been estimated using sensitivity analysis or sampling techniques such as Monte Carlo methods. For large modeling systems, such as photochemical models, computational sampling techniques are not efficient, since they require several thousand simulations. 4.7.14 Probabilistic Collocation Approach A computationally efficient method can be used which allows parametric uncertainty to be treated directly in the models of reaction and transport. This novel method, termed probabilistic collocation approach, becomes a better alternative to Monte Carlo methods when the response surface is smooth, regular, and polynomially approximable [Tatang, 1994]. Before discussing the probabilistic collocation approach, it would be useful if the basis for the deterministic variational approach is presented. One of the applications of deterministic variational approach is to approximate a set of outputs or response variables u(x) of a given model: N(u,x) u(x) = f(x) (4.7.22) where x are a set of inputs or independent variables, N(u,x) is a known operator which could be linear or non-linear, f(x) is a known forcing function, by using a set of specified functions of inputs {gi(x)}: M uˆ ( x) u i g i ( x) (4.7.23) i 0 117 The problem has now changed from evaluating the outputs to calculating the coefficients in the approximation {ui}. There are several available approaches that can be used to calculate those coefficients, including the Galerkin and collocation approaches. They are commonly used for solving partial differential equation models. The Galerkin approach can be described as follows: Since the approximation of u(x) may not exactly satisfy the model, we define the residual of the model as follows: Rui , x N (uˆ , x) uˆ ( x) f ( x) (4.7.24) The Galerkin approach minimizes the residual of the model with respect to a given set of approximating functions {gi(x)}. It requires that the inner-product of residual and each member of the set of approximating functions should be equal to zero (i.e., they are orthogonal to each other): Ru , xg ( x)dx 0, X i i i 1,, M (4.7.25) From this equation the M unknown coefficients {ui} can be obtained. However, to solve for these M unknown coefficients the form of residual function must be known and the integrals must be solvable. As an example, a quadrature method may be used to evaluate these integrals: X Rui , x g i ( x)dx v j Rui , x j g i ( x j ), i 1,..., M K (4.7.26) j 1 where {vj} is the corresponding set of weights in the quadrature method. If vj \ gi(xj) has the same sign and is not zero for all i and j, and K = M, then equation 4.7.26 can be approximated by the following: Ru i , x j 0, j 1,..., M (4.7.27) Equation 4.7.26 can be rewritten in terms of the integral: Ru , x x x dx 0, X i j j 1,..., M (4.7.28) This equation represents the use of the collocation approach for calculating the coefficients ui, and it suggests that the collocation approach can be treated as an approximation of the Galerkin approach. The main difference between the Galerkin and the collocation approach lies in the application of basis functions in the Galerkin approach and the delta functions in the collocation approach. This implies that the collocation approach can be applied directly to a ``black-box" or implicit type model, in other words, the collocation approach does not require one to have the form of residual function. If the value of the residual can be calculated at several given values of inputs, the coefficients of approximation can be determined. 118 The concept of deterministic variational approach can be extended to the probabilistic space. We wish to approximate the outputs or response variables of a model whenever the inputs or independent variables are random variables with a specified joint probability density function. If the inputs or independent variables are random variables then the outputs, the operator, and the forcing function become random variables. As a result, the residual and the basis functions are also random variables. Therefore, the orthogonal relationship defined by equation 4.7.27 between the residual and any basis function should be transformed to the probabilistic space by incorporating the joint probability density function of inputs p x ( ) ( x( )) : X ( ) p x ( ) ( x( )) Ru i , x( ) g i ( x( )) dx( ) 0, i 1,..., M (4.7.29) where x(w) denotes random inputs. This relationship can also be defined in terms of the expected value as the following: E Rui , x( ) g i ( x( )) 0, i 1,..., M (4.7.30) Similarly, the equations representing probabilistic collocation approach become X ( ) p x ( ) ( x( )) Ru i , x( ) ( x( ) x j )dx( ) 0, p x ( ) ( x j ) Ru i , x j 0, j 1,..., M j 1,..., M (4.7.31) (4.7.32) If we choose xj such that p x ( ) ( x j ) is positive for all j then Equation (4.7.31) can be applied to the cases where x are random variables. The first step in performing any uncertainty analysis is to determine which uncertain variables are of interest. For example, if a chemical mechanism is to be studied, the uncertain input variables could be the reaction rate constants or initial concentrations, while the output variable of interest may the average or maximum concentration of key species. The iterative approximation and estimation of error process makes the collocation approach suitable to a "black-box" type model. The number of times a model has to be solved will depend greatly on the shape and smoothness of response surface, and for some problems, the polynomial chaos expansions may not give a good approximation. Nevertheless, the generated solutions of the model at those collocation points can be reused if we want to continue performing uncertainty analysis with Monte Carlo methods. This allows the results from performing collocation to be useful whether a good approximation is achieved or not. As presented by Tatang [1994] and Wang [1999], the general procedure for applying the collocation method using DEMM is shown in Figure 4.7.22. Following model selection, the uncertain input variables to be studied must be selected. It should be noted that, while collocation methods generally provide a large computational advantage over Monte Carlo methods, an uncertainty analysis of a large model on more than a few parameters may be computationally expensive; therefore, an initial judgement must be made on the relative importance of input parameters. Uncertainties in these parameters must then be represented, typically by assuming an 119 appropriate probability distribution. These distributions may be based on several methodologies, including standard statistical estimation and expert elicitation (a full discussion of these methods is presented by Morgan and Henrion [1990]). The order of the output polynomial chaos expansion representation must also be decided and this is typically done iteratively, based on the size of the representation error. Iterative selection of key parameters Describe Uncertain Input Parameters Determine Output PCE Representation Yes, Go to Next Order Calculate Collocation Points BLACK BOX MODEL Reduce No. of Uncertain Parameters Based on VC No Acceptable Dimensionality? Determine PCE Coefficients Calculate No. of Terms of Next Order of PCE Approximation Calculate Error of Truncation Calculate Variance Contributions of Parameters No Acceptable Error? Yes Iteration to increase the accuracy of the DEMM approximation Figure 4.7.22. DEMM Flow Diagram [Wang, 1999] 4.7.15 Applications The relative contributions of several variables to uncertainties in predicted concentrations can be determined through the application of the probabilistic collocation technique. This will serve as the basis to assess priorities for data collection studies aimed at reducing these uncertainties. The quantity of input data required to perform an urban scale photochemical simulation is typically large. These data are either measured (e.g., temperature) or estimated (e.g., surface roughness). Since measured data is collected generally on a sparse grid, interpolation or smoothing techniques are used to generate a complete field. Table 4.7.4 includes a partial list of the input variables that are used in photochemical models. Since all of these variables contain some degree of measurement or estimation error, they all contribute to the uncertainty of model predictions. A first attempt will be made to assess the uncertainties in these variables and test the applicability of collocation by estimating response surfaces. Previous studies have been successful in applying the collocation method to a photochemical box model [Pun, 1998]. For example, Pun's analysis of 19 photolysis rate constants in the SAPRC photochemical mechanism showed that more than 50 percent of the uncertainty in predicted ozone levels originated from only two of these rate constants. 120 4.7.16 Uncertain Parameters The CIT Airshed model [Harley, 1993] currently uses a modified version of the LCC photochemical mechanism [Lurmann, 1987] that includes 35 chemical species, of which 16 are directly emitted into the atmosphere. This mechanism includes 95 reactions, each contributing some degree of uncertainty to model predictions. While DEMM provides an efficient tool to assess uncertainty in large models such as CIT, a full uncertainty assessment of these 95 reactions and their associated emissions is computationally prohibitive and impractical. Fortunately, the photochemical box model simulations performed by Pun [1997] provide guidance in limiting the scope of this study by focusing on variance-contributing inputs (VCIs), rather than on all uncertain parameters. Table 4.7.5 lists the rate parameters that were selected for the uncertainty analysis of the CIT model. These uncertainty factors were taken from Stockwell's compilation for the SAPRC mechanism, a modified version of the LCC mechanism. Based on the results of the inverse modeling study presented in Section 2, ROG emissions were increased by a factor of 1.5. As shown in Figure 4.7.22, one of the primary decisions in the application of the collocation method is deciding the order of approximation. For this study, as in Pun [1998], a second order approximation was used, requiring 97 model runs for a full evaluation and thirdorder error analysis. As shown in Table 4.7.6, this level of approximation was adequate, producing relative errors generally below 0.05 (approximately equivalent to 5 % error) during the time periods of interest. Errors above 0.1 were observed before 6 am and after 6pm, however, ozone concentrations during these times are very low and these periods are not of primary interest. Table 4.7.4 - Typical Input Parameters used in Photochemical Models Category Chemical Mechanism Emissions Air Quality Meteorological Surface Removal Variables Rate Constants Activation Energies Ground Level Sources Elevated Sources Initial/Boundary Conditions Upper Level Initial/Boundary Conditions Mixing Depth Wind Fields Temperature Humidity Solar Radiation Surface Roughness Land Use Categories 121 Table 4.7.5 - Uncertain mechanism parameters (based on Stockwell and Pun [1997]) RATE PARAMETER j(NO2) k(O3+NO) j(O3OSD) k(OSD+H2O) k(OSD+M) k(HO+NO2) j(HCHOR) j(HCHOM) k(ACO3+NO) k(ACO3+NO) k(PAN) k(ALK+OH) k(ETH+OH) k(ETH+O3) k(OLE+OH) k(OLE+O3) k(XYL+OH) Factor (ENOx) Factor (EROG) UNCERTAINTY FACTOR (LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION) 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.26 1.26 1.28 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.3 1.15 1.25 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 BASIS FOR INCLUSION (E.G.) VC (O3) VC (O3) VC (O3) VC (OH) VC (OH) VC (O3, OH) VC (O3) VC (O3) Secondary Organic VCI Secondary Organic VCI VC (NO2) Primary Organic VCI Primary Organic VCI Primary Organic VCI Primary Organic VCI VC (O3, OH) VC (O3) Table 4.7.6 - Relative Error of Second Order Approximation for Ozone Hour 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CELA 3.61E-02 3.28E-02 5.87E-02 6.58E-02 5.03E-02 4.38E-02 2.82E-02 2.51E-02 2.45E-02 1.09E-02 2.57E-02 1.91E-02 3.78E-02 CLAR 1.17E-02 1.71E-02 2.57E-02 1.33E-02 1.44E-02 1.29E-02 1.33E-02 1.56E-02 2.33E-02 3.36E-02 3.23E-02 3.16E-02 2.61E-02 HAWT 2.92E-02 3.44E-02 4.09E-02 3.30E-02 2.18E-02 1.25E-02 2.28E-02 9.84E-03 1.84E-02 1.53E-02 1.35E-02 9.74E-03 1.14E-02 122 PASA 2.11E-02 1.78E-02 8.81E-02 5.04E-02 2.41E-02 3.19E-02 3.94E-02 3.90E-02 3.79E-02 2.97E-02 2.26E-02 1.85E-02 1.76E-02 RIVR 4.94E-02 3.11E-02 1.76E-02 1.44E-02 7.46E-03 7.41E-03 1.14E-02 9.74E-03 1.10E-02 1.83E-02 2.90E-02 3.24E-02 3.03E-02 4.7.17 Results: Ozone Uncertainty and Variance Analysis In order to simplify the analysis and discussion presented here, several locations within the modeled domain were selected as being representative of various pollution scenarios. These locations correspond to the locations of five monitoring stations within the South Coast Air Basin (See Table 4.7.7 and Figure 4.7.23). The Central Los Angeles location (CELA) was selected as being representative of an urban location within the zone of highest emissions; ozone concentrations within this area are generally lower than downwind sites due to local nitric oxide emissions. Riverside-Rubidoux (RIVR) was selected as a representative downwind location; this area typically experiences the highest ozone levels within the basin. Table 4.7.7 - Monitoring Site Description Site Description UTM East HAWT CELA Hawthorne Los-Angeles-NorthMain Pasadena-Wilson Claremont-College Riverside-Rubidoux 373.4 386.9 UTM North 3754.3 3770.1 396.1 435.1 461.5 3777.3 3773.5 3762.0 PASA CLAR RIVR HAWT CELA PASA CLAR RIVR Figure 4.7.23. Monitoring stations within SCAQS region and CIT Modeling domain 123 The time series of predicted ozone concentrations at the five selected locations and their associated uncertainties are presented in Figures 4.7.24-37. As expected, ozone concentrations and associated uncertainties are highest downwind of central Los Angeles. For example, the peak ozone concentration at CELA is 109 33 ppb, while the peak at RIVR is 176 43 ppb. The results of the variance analysis are shown graphically and these results are tabulated for two sites, CELA and RIVR, and presented in Tables 4.7.8 and 4.7.9. Table 4.7.8 - NO. Ozone Variance Contribution, CELA (percent) (values > 5 are in bold, values < 0.1 not shown 1 5 UNCERTAIN REACTION RATE/ EMISSION FACTOR NOx Emission Factor ROG Emission Factor NO2 h NO O NO O3 NO2 HOUR 4 10 95.1 32.3 11.8 13.3 0.5 4.7 14 16.9 15.5 10.5 3.7 18 21.5 2.6 21.9 4.8 22 34.4 0.3 38.7 0.3 16 O3 h O2 O( 1D ) - - 1.3 - 0.1 17 O(1D) H 2 O OH - - 0.3 - 0.4 18 - - 0.3 - - 22 O(1D ) O NO2 OH HNO3 0.6 13.7 8.2 2.5 0.6 39 40 47 HCHO h 2HO2 CO HCHO h CO CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 - 4.9 0.1 5.3 6.6 0.3 13.1 0.5 0.1 19.9 0.4 0.1 13.0 48 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 0.5 4.4 9.8 5.5 1.4 51 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 0.2 5.6 12.2 20.3 9.8 57 71 72 ALKA OH HCHO ALD2 MEK RO2 N R2O2 RO2 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.1 - 0.7 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.3 1.0 0.1 3.6 0.6 - 0.1 0.2 75 76 80 ETHE OH RO2 R RO2 HCHO ALD2 ETHE O3 HCHO HO2 CO ALKE OH RO2 RO2 HCHO ALD2 ALKE O3 HCHO ALD2 RO 2 R RO 2 HO2 OH CO AROM OH CRES HO2 RO2 R RO2 DIAL MGLY CO 124 1 5 Table 4.7.9 - Ozone Variance Contribution, RIVR (percent) (values > 5 are in bold, values < 0.1 not shown) UNCERTAIN REACTION RATE/ HOUR EMISSION FACTOR 4 10 NOx Emission Factor 96.5 5.1 ROG Emission Factor 0.5 8.5 11.8 NO2 h NO O 1.9 4.0 NO O3 NO2 14 5.2 18.7 13.9 5.3 18 30.4 23.4 3.8 1.7 22 72.1 8.1 2.2 0.2 16 O3 h O2 O( 1D ) - 0.2 0.9 1.4 0.4 17 O(1D) H 2 O OH - - 0.3 0.2 - 18 - - 0.3 0.3 - 22 O(1D ) O NO2 OH HNO3 - 3.8 7.4 12.8 3.8 39 40 47 HCHO h 2HO2 CO HCHO h CO CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 0.1 3.3 27.2 3.2 0.3 14.4 9.5 0.5 4.6 6.5 3.6 48 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 0.1 12.0 16.6 5.3 - 51 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 0.3 21.4 12.2 4.2 3.1 57 71 72 ALKA OH HCHO ALD2 MEK RO2 N R2O2 RO2 0.2 - 0.5 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.9 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.2 0.1 0.2 2.1 0.5 0.1 0.9 - RX NO. 75 76 80 ETHE OH RO2 R RO2 HCHO ALD2 ETHE O3 HCHO HO2 CO ALKE OH RO2 RO2 HCHO ALD2 ALKE O3 HCHO ALD2 RO 2 R RO 2 HO2 OH CO AROM OH CRES HO2 RO2 R RO2 DIAL MGLY CO Table 4.7.10 - Relative Change in Ozone Percent Variance Contribution1.5 ROG Case versus Base Case Analysis (values shown are average factors from 12:00-16:00PST) RX NO. CELA RIVR 1 5 UNCERTAIN REACTION RATE/ EMISSION FACTOR NOx Emission Factor ROG Emission Factor NO2 h NO O NO O3 NO2 0.62 1.24 0.86 0.86 0.38 0.96 1.90 1.51 22 NO2 OH HNO3 0.90 0.61 39 47 HCHO h 2HO2 CO CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 1.11 2.05 0.60 2.51 48 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 1.30 1.35 51 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 1.84 2.65 125 As expected, the increase in ROG emissions affected the variance analysis compared to the base-case uncertainty analysis presented by Pun [1998]. Average changes in variance contribution of the uncertain parameters during the hours when ozone levels are highest (12 – 4 pm) were calculated (from hourly time series during this period for several parameters see Figures 4.7.24-25). Table 4.7.10 shows these average values at CELA and RIVR for parameters that contributed more than 1 percent of ozone variance. At both sites, the contributions of the NOx emission factor and the nitric acid formation reaction were reduced by the increase in ROG rate [see Table 4.7.11]. The contributions of the oxidation of nitric oxide by peroxyl acyl attack and the formation and destruction reactions for PAN were increased at both sites. The contributions of the photolysis of nitrogen dioxide and the reaction of nitric oxide and ozone were decreased at CELA and increased downwind at RIVR. The variance contribution of the ROG emission factor was increased at CELA and slightly reduced at RIVR. ROG Emission Factor Effect CELA ROG Emission Factor Effect RIVR 4.0 5.0 kACO3NO kACO3NO2 kPAN FAC_ROG 2.0 1.0 VC(1.5ROG)/VC(BASE) VC(1.5ROG) / VC(BASE) 4.0 3.0 jNO2 kO3NO kACO3NO kACO3NO2 kPAN 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 Hour 14 15 16 Hour Figure 4.7.24. Uncertain parameters with increased average variance contribution under a 1.5xROG case ROG Emission Factor Effect CELA ROG Emission Factor Effect RIVR 2.0 3.0 kACO3NO kACO3NO2 kPAN FAC_ROG 2.0 1.0 VC(1.5ROG)/VC(BASE) VC(1.5ROG) / VC(BASE) 4.0 0.0 kHONO2 jHCHOR FAC_NOX 1.0 0.0 12 13 14 15 16 12 Hour 13 14 15 16 Hour Figure 4.7.25. Uncertain parameters with decreased average variance contribution under a 1.5xROG case 126 Table 4.7.11 - Effect of different scenarios on variance contribution (12 - 4 pm) ( A = Base Case; B = 1.5 ROG; C = 1.5 ROG and 1.5 NOx ) NO. UNCERTAIN REACTION RATE/ EMISSION FACTOR NOx Emission Factor 1 NO2 h NO O 5 NO O3 NO2 CELA A B 27. 16. 3 9 12. 15. 1 5 13. 10. 0 5 4.7 3.7 16 O3 h O2 O( 1D ) 1.8 1.3 1.0 1.5 0.9 1.2 17 O(1D) H 2 O OH 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 18 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 22 O(1D ) O NO2 OH HNO3 9.3 8.2 8.1 8.5 7.4 39 40 47 HCHO h 2HO2 CO HCHO h CO CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 5.8 0.2 8.3 5.5 0.3 6.5 48 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 7.5 6.6 0.3 13. 1 9.8 51 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 8.5 6.6 57 71 72 ALKA OH HCHO ALD2 MEK RO2 N R2O2 RO2 0.6 0.0 0.0 12. 2 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.2 14. 6 16. 5 12. 7 0.6 0.0 0.0 3.2 0.3 14. 4 16. 6 12. 2 0.8 0.1 0.0 14. 2 9.0 0.3 5.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 91. 8 24. 3 39. 4 20. 8 0.0 0.0 0.6 92. 8 35. 1 32. 4 18. 7 0.1 0.0 0.4 92. 7 18. 1 48. 9 18. 9 0.0 0.0 0.6 92. 1 43. 8 23. 8 17. 7 0.0 0.0 0.5 93. 7 43. 2 23. 9 18. 3 ROG Emission Factor ETHE OH RO2 R RO2 HCHO ALD2 ETHE O3 HCHO HO2 CO 75 ALKE OH RO2 RO2 HCHO ALD2 ALKE O3 HCHO ALD2 RO 2 R RO 2 HO2 OH CO 76 AROM OH CRES HO2 RO2 R RO2 DIAL MGLY CO 80 Total for highlighted parameters Total for Peroxyacyl radical system (Rxns. 47, 48, 51) Total for Emission Factor parametric uncertainty Total for Photolysis Rate parametric uncertainty (Rxns. 1, 16, 39, 40) 127 C 35. 8 13. 1 12. 1 4.6 5.0 RIVR A B 8.8 5.2 15. 0 11. 1 4.3 18. 7 13. 9 5.3 C 29. 9 20. 0 3.7 1.9 6.7 5.1 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.6 90. 0 16. 9 49. 9 14. 2 4.7.18 Observations/Conclusions Several observations can be made from the variance analysis: (a) In a system where 95 reactions define the chemical mechanism, relatively few parameters contribute a large portion of the total uncertainty for the compound of interest, ozone. In this study, across different scenarios, approximately 8 of the 19 parameters studied contribute more than 90% of the ozone variance. These 19 parameters (2 emission factors and 17 rate parameters) were shown to be variance-contributing inputs (VCIs) by Pun (1997), and are thus believed to contribute a large portion of the variance of the full model. Therefore, fewer than 10 parameters likely contribute most of the uncertainty of the full model. (b) Before sunrise (05:25PST in the current simulation), as expected, uncertainties in the photolysis rate constants do not contribute to the variance in ozone concentrations. While this may be a trivial point, it is important to recognize that over different spatial and temporal ranges, different reaction subsets will be active and thus, will contribute to uncertainties in model predictions. (c) Over much of the domain, the variance contribution of the NOx emission rate is larger than that of the ROG emission rate. A notable exception is at RIVR at the time that corresponds to peak ozone levels, where NOx and ROG emissions uncertainty contribute 5.2 and 18.7 %, respectively. (d) At the 'upwind' sites (CELA, PASA, HAWT), maximum ozone concentrations generally coincided with the time when total ozone variance achieved a maximum, as given in Table 4.7.12. For the 'downwind' sites (CLAR, RIVR), the time at which maximum ozone levels were achieved generally preceded the peak in total variance by several hours. Table 4.7.12 - Temporal Differences in Ozone Concentration and Variance Site CELA HAWT PASA CLAR RIVR Maximum Ozone Concentration 14:00 13:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 Maximum Ozone Variance 13:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 (e) Initially (following sunrise), in urban ('upwind') locations such as CELA, uncertainties in the NOx photolysis rate, the formation of NO2 by reaction of nitric oxide and ozone, and NOx emission rate, dominate the variance contribution to ozone [see Figure 4.7.26]. 128 CELA Variance Contribution 100 Ozone Variance Contribution FAC_NOX kO3NO 80 jNO2 60 40 20 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hour Figure 4.7.26. Morning Ozone Variance Contribution, CELA (f) A few radical reactions that serve as sources and sinks for NOx were shown to contribute significantly to ozone variance, including the three reactions that involve peroxyacyl radical [see Table 4.7.13]. Two of these reactions control the formation and destruction of PAN. The reaction between nitrogen dioxide and the hydroxyl radical was also an important contributor. For example, these four reactions contribute more than 50% of the maximum ozone variance at Riverside. Table 4.7.13 - Ozone Variance Contribution for Selected Reactions at CELA and RIVR (2pm) Reaction NO2 OH HNO3 Description Nitric Acid formation CELA 8.2 % RIVR 7.4 % CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 Oxidation of NO by peroxy acyl radical PAN source 13.1 % 14.4 % 9.8 % 16.6 % PAN sink 12.2 % 12.2 % 43.3 % 50.6 % CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 TOTAL (g) As one might expect in a photochemical mechanism, uncertainties in the photolysis rate constants contribute an important fraction of the ozone variance. The four reactions in Table 4.7.14 contribute between 15 and 20 percent of peak ozone variance, depending on scenario: Table 4.7.14 - Primary Variance-Contributing Photolysis Reactions Reaction Rate Photolysis Reaction No. 1 NO2 h NO O 16 O3 h O2 O( 1D ) 39 40 HCHO h 2HO2 CO HCHO h CO 129 (h) At a downwind site like RIVR, where the highest ozone levels are typically reported for the region, a small subset of the uncertain parameters analyzed in this study contributes more than 90% of the ozone variance throughout most of the day. (See Figure 4.7.27) These parameters are given below in Table 4.7.15. Table 4.7.15 - Dominant Variance-Contributing Parameters at RIVR Uncertain Reaction Rate/Emission Factor FAC_NOx FAC_ROG NO2 h NO O NO2 OH HNO3 Description NOx Emission Factor ROG Emission Factor Nitrogen Dioxide photolysis Nitric Acid formation CH 3C(O)O2 NO NO2 HCHO RO2 R RO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 Oxidation of NO by peroxy acyl radical PAN source CH 3C(O)O2 NO2 CH 3C (O)O2 NO2 PAN sink RIVR Ozone Variance Contribution 100 Variance Contribution 80 FAC_ROG FAC_NOX 60 kPAN kACO3NO2 kACO3NO jHCHOR 40 kHONO2 jNO2 20 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 Hour Figure 4.7.27. Primary Variance Contributing Parameters at RIVR (i) Qualitatively, the results of the scenario analysis show that the few parameters that contribute a large fraction of the mechanism uncertainty do not change across emissions scenarios. However, as expected, the quantitative contribution of individual parameters is a function of scenario. 130 CELA Ozone [Ozone] (ppm) 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 20 Hour Figure 4.7.28. Ozone Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Central Los Angeles Figure 4.7.29. Ozone variance time series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Central Los Angeles 131 CLAR Ozone [Ozone] (ppm) 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 20 Hour Figure 4.7.30. Ozone Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Claremont CLAR FAC_ROG FAC_NOX 2500 kXYLHO kOLEO3 kOLEHO Ozone Variance (ppb 2) 2000 kETHO3 kETHHO kALKHO 1500 kPAN kACO3NO2 kACO3NO 1000 jHCHOM jHCHOR kHONO2 500 kOSDM kOSDH2O jO3O1D kO3NO 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 jNO2 Hour Figure 4.7.31. Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Claremont 132 HAWT Ozone [Ozone] (ppm) 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 20 Hour Figure 4.7.32. Ozone Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Hawthorne HAWT FAC_ROG FAC_NOX 600 kXYLHO kOLEO3 Ozone Variance (ppb 2) 500 kOLEHO kETHO3 kETHHO 400 kALKHO kPAN kACO3NO2 300 kACO3NO jHCHOM 200 jHCHOR kHONO2 kOSDM 100 kOSDH2O jO3O1D kO3NO 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 jNO2 Hour Figure 4.7.33. Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Hawthorne 133 PASA Ozone [Ozone] (ppm) 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 20 Hour Figure 4.7.34. Ozone Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Pasadena PASA FAC_ROG FAC_NOX 1800 kXYLHO kOLEO3 1600 Ozone Variance (ppb 2) kOLEHO 1400 kETHO3 kETHHO 1200 kALKHO kPAN 1000 kACO3NO2 kACO3NO 800 jHCHOM 600 jHCHOR kHONO2 400 kOSDM kOSDH2O 200 jO3O1D kO3NO 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 jNO2 Hour Figure 4.7.35. Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Pasadena 134 RIVR Ozone [Ozone] (ppm) 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0 4 8 12 16 20 Hour Figure 4.7.36. Ozone Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Riverside RIVR FAC_ROG FAC_NOX 3000 kXYLHO kOLEO3 Ozone Variance (ppb 2) 2500 kOLEHO kETHO3 kETHHO 2000 kALKHO kPAN kACO3NO2 1500 kACO3NO jHCHOM 1000 jHCHOR kHONO2 kOSDM 500 kOSDH2O jO3O1D kO3NO 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 jNO2 Hour Figure 4.7.37. Ozone Variance Time Series (1.5x Base Case ROG) (8/27/87), Riverside 135 4.7.19 Conclusions for Inverse Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis The goal for the work on inverse modeling and uncertainty analysis was to demonstrate a proof of concept for the notion that measurement data could be used to infer the form of the emission distribution. That object has been successfully achieved. More importantly, the new algorithms for inverse modeling and uncertainty analysis now mean that it is feasible to perform such calculations for realistic computational domains and typical urban areas. The instrumentation systems that can provide high spatial, temporal and chemical resolution together with the new inverse methods offer the promise of finally solving the “emission inventory problem.” The techniques described above are currently being applied to mobile laboratory mapping data from Boston and Mexico City. 136 4.8 Model Inversion of Pollutant Maps: Diffusion Modeling of SF6 Release Experiments 4.8.1 Introduction Modeling of a tracer gas allows for the selection of a diffusion model for more complex systems, such as those that include species that react in the atmosphere. The study of the diffusion of an inert gas allows one to distinguish the gas source: either the normal background concentration or levels produced by anthropogenic activities. By demonstrating methodologies to accurately model plume dispersion, it is shown that model parameters can be estimated. Thus, for example, the emission rate of a pollutant from a point source can be estimated and compared with emissions inventory data. Release experiments were performed by Aerodyne Inc. and Washington State University (WSU) on August 25th 1999 in Boston. The tracer used was sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), which was released from a stationary 2m-high port. Mobile data was collected, which include NO, NO2, O3, CO2, and SF6 concentration measurements, as well as position measurements from GPS. The tracer was release at a constant flow rate from a stationary location; two mobile labs then measured the concentrations at different wind and crosswind directions. 4.8.2 Observed Phenomena The phenomenon observed in the atmosphere as the gas is released is steady state diffusion, where molecular diffusion is negligible compared to turbulent diffusion. Since SF6 is inert, no gas-phase reactions need to be considered. Under steady-state conditions, turbulent diffusion in the mean wind direction is usually neglected (slender plume appoximation). The atmospheric diffusion equation is further simplified by assuming that horizontal homogeneity exists, i.e., the mean wind u and lateral eddy diffusivity Kyy are independent of y. The SF6 release was a constant, stationary point source. Therefore, it is expected that the highest concentration is in the centerline of the plume in the vertical and horizontal directions, as shown in Figure 4.8.1. Thus it is expected that the peak observed concentration will decrease and the plume will spread out as it is transported downwind of the release site. It is well known that the configuration of the urban area where the release was performed will create a departure from the expected Gaussian distribution. Mixing effects or increasing turbulence in intersections, as well as channeling occurs in an area that consists of a series of buildings and residential houses. A derivation of the model used here, along with the inherent assumptions, is presented in Section 4.8.4. 137 Figure 4.8.1. Continuous point source. 4.8.3 Experimental Data Wind Data The wind field was not measured in the Mobile Lab. Earlier work (Duchini 2001) used the wind data from Logan Airport as the best approximation for the wind at the release site. The meteograms used for the Logan Airport meteorology were obtained from the University of Wyoming and show the wind speed and direction as an hour average. Logan Airport, however, is a significant distance from the release site (several kilometers), and is located directly on the coast and will therefore likely experience different winds than the release site, an urban location approximately two kilometers inland from the coast. Moreover, the dispersion model is very sensitive to the accuracy of the wind field. A more accurate description of the wind fields at the release site can be obtained from MM5 predictions. O’Neil et al. [2001] applied the MM5 meteorological model to simulate the wind field for the Northern New England coast for May 24-26, 1999. A four-nested domain was utilized where grid resolutions were 27 km, 9km, 3 km, and 1 km. The 1 km domain was used in this study. O’Neill et al. (2001) compared the MM5 predictions to wind data taken from a sodar operating near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and found reasonable agreement for both the wind direction and speed. In order to further validate the MM5 predictions, model results for Logan Airport are compared here with available data. Figure 4.8.2 and 4.8.3 compare the wind speed and direction for the duration of the release experiment. It should be noted that the winds reported at Logan are from a 10-meter anemometer. Since the MM5 vertical grid resolution does not coincide with 10 meters, the average 10-meter wind speed was calculated by regressing the predicted wind profile according to the power law (see below): u( ~ z ) az~ p 138 (4.8.1) where ~z is the normalized height z – zo, where zo is the surface altitude (5.8 m), z is the altitude, a is the wind speed at ~z = 0, and p is a parameter determined empirically. It should also be noted that the lowest grid point in the MM5 domain for the period and location of interest is approximately 50 m. In contrast to the wind speed, there is no easy way of correlating the variation of wind direction with height; thus the predicted wind direction shown in Figure 4.8.3 is the wind direction at ~ 50 m. Figures 4.8.2 and 4.8.3 show that on average MM5 does a good job of predicting the winds at Logan Airport for the period of interest. 13 12 Measured u 10 u10 [m/s] 11 10 9 Predicted u 10 8 7 6 15:00 16:55 18:50 20:45 Time [GMT] Figure 4.8.2. Predicted v. measured 10-meter wind speed at Logan Airport on 5/25/99 Wind Direction [degrees] 235 230 Measured wind direction 225 220 215 210 205 Predicted wind direction 200 195 190 15:00 16:55 18:50 20:45 Time [GMT] Figure 4.8.3. Predicted v. measured wind direction at Logan Airport for 5/25/99 139 Predicted Wind Fields at Release Site Before presenting the MM5 predictions for the release site, some explanation of the handling of the MM5 output file will be presented. The converter program gradsv3.deck (available at was used to convert the MM5 binary output file to a .ctl and accompanying .dat file that can be visualized using GRADS (available at GRADS was used for the data visualization and extraction. MM5 usually obtains and analyzes its data on pressure surfaces, but these have to be interpolated to the model’s vertical coordinates. The vertical coordinate is terrain following, meaning that the lower grid levels follow the terrain while the upper surface is flat. The model levels are in terms of sigma levels, where each sigma level is defined by: -ptop)/(po-ptop) (4.8.2) where p is the pressure, ptop is a specified constant top pressure, and po is the surface pressure. Thus is zero at the top and one at the surface. Note that in defining the levels, full levels are listed, but the values of the wind speed and direction are defined in the center of the cell, i.e., at the half-level. The converter program gradsv3.deck interpolates from MM5’s sigma levels to pressure levels (in mB). From the pressure level, the height (Z) of the data point can then be calculated using the nonhydrostatic dyamic equation: F IJ RT F p I ln G G H K g Hp J K RA p Z ln o 2g poo 2 so o (4.8.3) oo where po is again the pressure at the surface, poo is sea-level pressure, R is the universal gas constant, and Tso is the base temperature in the reference state idealized temperature profile equation: To Tso A log F p I G Hp J K 0 (4.8.4) oo where A is a measure of lapse rate and taken to be 50 K. A value of 290 K for Tso was used; this value is typical for midlatitude summer conditions. Both the surface and sea-level pressure were taken to be 1003 mB. While the use of MM5 results allows for a prediction of the wind field that is much closer to the release site than the Logan Airport data, the wind field at the exact release site is not available. Figure 4.8.4 shows a map of the release site (labeled SF6 release) and the four closest grid points for which data is available (labeled wind location 1 through wind location 4). An average of the four grid points was used to calculate the release site wind fields. 140 Figure 4.8.4. SF6 Release site and adjacent four grid points for which wind fields are available. Note that the elevation of the release site is 31 m, which is high relative to the surrounding area. The mean wind speed was represented by the power-law function of height: u( ~ z ) az~ p (4.8.5) where zo, the altitude of the release site, is 31 m. Figure 4.8.5 shows an example of the fit obtained at the release site at 16:00 EDT. 141 2.38 2.36 ln(u) 2.34 2.32 2.3 y = 0.0871x + 1.9223 2.28 R2 = 0.9499 2.26 2.24 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 ln(z) Figure 4.8.5. Power-law fit for the average wind speed at the SF6 release site for 16:00 GMT on 5/25/99. The functional form of the fit is ln( u ) = pln( ~z ) + ln(a). Table 4.8.1 shows the wind field parameters for the duration of the release experiment. Table 4.8.1 - Release Site Wind Field Parameters Boston Time 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM GMT 16 17 18 19 20 21 dir 227.3 225.0 226.7 227.6 209.4 208.7 142 a [m/s] 9.9 8.5 7.5 7.5 6.8 9.2 p 0.030 0.051 0.076 0.063 0.087 0.026 Data Handling Figure 4.8.6 below shows the route taken by the Aerodyne van (blue) and the WSU van (yellow). The SF6 release site is depicted in yellow. The winds were predominantly from the southeast. Figure 4.8.7 shows a detail of the data set, focusing on the area close to the release site. Figure 4.8.6. Route for the Aerodyne (blue) and WSU mobile lab (yellow), and the SF6 release site (red) for 5/25/99. The Aerodyne van terminated in Billerca at Aerodyne Research Inc. headquarters. 143 Figure 4.8.7. Detail of the route followed by the two mobile labs. The average wind direction is from the southwest and is depicted in red. The next section describes the data processing that was performed to convert the data in a format compatible with the dispersion model. Data handling The data is reported as time (GMT), longitude (degrees), latitude (degrees), altitude (m), and SF6 concentration (ppt). Position variables obtained by GPS were transformed to rectangular coordinates (m) in ArcView. The conversion was performed using the GetX and GetY scripts and a Lambert Conformal Conic projection based on the 1983 State Plane. Given the rectangular coordinates, the data points are shifted so that the release site is the new origin (0,0,0). Table 4.8.2 lists the GPS coordinates of the release site and the corresponding rectangular and shifted rectangular coordinates. 144 Table 4.8.2 - SF6 Release Site Coordinates Longitude [o] -71.0751 Latitude [o] 42.3098 Altitude [m] 31 x [m] 235030.7 y [m] 895566.8 z [m] 31 xo [m] yo [m] zo [m] 0 0 0 The diffusion model assumes that the mean wind direction is along the x-axis, so the resulting rectangular coordinates were rotated according to the wind direction as shown in Figure 4.8.8. The angle is the deviation from the west, which corresponds to 270o, forcing the wind to flow from the negative x-axis. y - yo (y1-y0) ~ y1 ~ x1 (x1-x0) x-xo Figure 4.8.8. Shifted Coordinates using the wind direction, where xo, yo are the coordinates of the SF6 release site. By convention, a reported wind direction of 270 is wind coming from the west so that: ( 270 wind direction ) (4.8.6) The final rectangular coordinates that agree theoretically with the slender plume approximation are: ~ x ~ y bx x g by y gcosF G Htan bx x g by y gsinF G Htan 2 o 2 2 o 1 o 2 o Fby y gI I G Hbx x gJ KJ K Fby y gI I G Hbx x gJ KJ K o (4.8.7) o 1 o (4.8.8) o where xo, yo are the rectangular coordinates of the SF6 release site and the final (shifted and x and ~y . The wind direction values given in Table 4.8.1 were used to rotated) coordinates are ~ perform the coordinate rotation on an hourly basis. 145 Finally, the SF6 concentration is converted to mass concentration: P M SF6 C g 3 110 6 C ppt m RT (4.8.9) where C is the SF6 concentration, P is the atmospheric pressure assumed at 1 atm, and T is the atmospheric temperature (292 K). Aerodyne Data The raw Aerodyne data consisted of 19,651 data points, starting at 14:34 GMT (10:34 EDT) and ending at 22:48 GMT (18:48 GMT). Thus the data collection started prior to the beginning of the release experiment (approximately 12:15 EDT) and continued past the end of the release experiment (approximately 17:49 EDT). First the data points that reported an SF6 concentration of zero and NAN (not a number) were removed, as well as all the data points prior to 18:00 GMT (prior to the beginning of the release experiment). Next, all the data points below the detection limit (10 ppt) were removed, reducing the data set 1,535 points. In addition, points that were upwind of the release site and more than seven kilometers from the release site were excluded. Figure 4.8.9 shows the reduced data set, and Figure 4.8.10 shows the rotated reduced data set. The reduced data set has 1,460 data points, starting at 18:14 GMT and ending at 20:18 GMT. It should be pointed out that concentrations above the detection limit were detected for numerous points upwind of the release site. As previously mentioned, these points were excluded from the analysis: a Gaussian plume model cannot predict concentrations upwind of the source. A possible explanation for these points can be found from past measurement campaigns, where small bursts of SF6 above the detect limit were detected in industrial areas, likely from leaking high voltage electrical equipment where it is used to control arcing. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the dispersion model assumes an hourly-averaged wind direction (and speed). However, the wind can gust and rapidly change direction, effects that are not captured well in an hour-averaged model, while the data are instantaneous. It is quite possible that instantaneous wind directions could vary by a substantial degree from the average. 146 4500 Y - Y0 [m] 3500 2500 average wind direction 1500 500 -500 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 X-X0 [m] Figure 4.8.9. Reduced data set for Aerodyne data. 2000 Point 94 1500 Points 408, 409 Ytilda [m] 1000 500 hour-average wind direction 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 -500 Xtilda [m] Figure 4.8.10. Rotated and reduced data set from Aerodyne 147 1800 2000 The points circled in red (labeled 94, 408 and 409) were included in the regression analysis. The model was also regressed excluding these three data points. See Section 4.8.5. WSU Data The WSU data starts at 12:29 EDT (16:29 GMT) and ends at 17:49 EDT (21:49 GMT), and has 866 points. All data points that were below the detection limit were rejected. A detection limit of 10 ppt was used for both data sets [Lamb, 1995]. In addition, points that were upwind of the release site and more than seven kilometers from the release site were excluded. The final WSU data set was 391 data points. The shifted and rotated WSU data set are shown in Figure 4.8.11 and 4.8.12. 7000 5000 Y - Y0 [m] average wind direction 3000 Above 10 ppt Above 50 ppt Release Site 1000 -300 200 700 1200 1700 2200 -1000 -3000 X-X0 [m] Figure 4.8.11. Shifted WSU data 148 2700 3200 3700 3000 2000 1000 hourly averaged wind direction 0 Ytilda [m] 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 -1000 -2000 Point 2 -3000 -4000 Point 1 -5000 Xtilda [m] Figure 4.8.12. Final WSU rotated and shifted data set. The hourly-averaged wind direction coincides with the x-axis. Summary Table 4.8.3 summarizes the relevant parameters of the measurement campaign. The height of the release port h is 2 m. Tracer concentrations were measured in parts-per-trillion (ppt), and have an error of approximate 10% with a minimum detection limit of 10 ppt [Lamb, 1995]. The tracer release rate was determined from sequential dry gas meter readings. The estimated variability and accuracy in the release rate is less than 5% (WSU Draft Report). Note that the data taken on May 26th was not used due to failure of the SF6 pump. Table 4.8.3 - Summary of Parameters for Boston 05/25/99 Parameters Predicted Average wind speed (m/s) Predicted Average wind direction (o) Predicted Average Temperature (oF) SF6 flow rate (g/min) Release port height (m) Release Latitude (o) Release Longitude (o) Release Altitude (m) Value 7.3 220 66 44.22 2 42.3098 -71.0751 31 The complete data set used for diffusion modeling is shown in Figure 4.8.13. 149 3000 2000 1000 0 Ytilda [m] 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 -1000 WSU Data Aerodyne Data -2000 -3000 -4000 -5000 Xtilda [m] Figure 4.8.13. Combined rotated and shifted final WSU and Aerodyne data. 4.8.4 Model Description The species conservation equation is: CA N A RV , A SV , A t (4.8.10) where CA is the concentration of species A, the source terms RV,A and SV,A represent respectively the rate of formation by chemical reaction and rate of addition of species A, per unit volume, and is the gradient operator. NA is the total molar flux of A relative to fixed coordinates and is given by the sum of a convective and diffusive term: NA = uCA + JA (4.8.11) where u is the wind vector (u,v,w) and JA is the molar diffusive flux of species A. For the case of a dilute tracer gas in the atmosphere, Fick’s law is an excellent approximation to the diffusive flux: J A DACA 150 (4.8.12) where DA is the molecular diffusivity of the dilute species A in the carrier fluid (air). Thus for a gas mixture where a single species is present in small concentrations, and the density and diffusivity is constant, the conservation equation for the minor component A may be written as: CA uCA DA2CA RV , A SV , A t b g (4.8.13) where 2 is the Laplacian. SF6 is inert (RV,A = 0), so that for the steady state problem: uCA DA2CA SV , A (4.8.14) In the atmosphere, the wind field u is expected to be turbulent. Turbulent flows are irregular and random, so that the velocity components at any location vary randomly with time. Following the approach of Seinfeld and Pandis (1998), the instantaneous velocity component can be represented as the sum of a mean ( u ) and fluctuating component (u’): u u u' (4.8.15) Similarly, the instantaneous concentration of species A can be represented by: CA CA CA ' (4.8.16) where by definition the mean of a fluctuating quantity is zero (i.e., CA ' u' 0 ). Using Equations (4.8.15) and (4.8.16) in Equation (4.8.14) and averaging over an infinite ensemble of realizations of the turbulence yields (Seinfeld and Pandis 1998): d i d i u CA u' CA ' DA2 CA SV , A (4.8.17) The most common way of relating the turbulent fluxes u'CA ' to CA is through K theory: u' CA ' K CA 151 i = 1,2,3 (4.8.18) where K is the eddy diffusivity tensor. Only the diagonal entries of K are non-zero when the coordinate axes coincide with the principal axes of the eddy diffusivity tensor. Thus in Cartesian coordinates Equation (4.8.18) becomes: CA x CA v ' CA ' K yy y u' CA ' K xx w' CA ' K zz (4.8.19) CA z Combining Equations (4.8.18) and (4.8.19) yields (in Cartesian coordinates): d i dv C i dw C i FK C I FK C I FK C I x y z x G H x J K y G H y J K z G H z J K L C C C O D M (4.8.20) P S M Nx y z P Q u CA A A A A xx 2 2 A 2 A A yy zz 2 A 2 A V ,A 2 In order to make Equation (4.8.19) tractable, two further assumptions are invoked: 1. Molecular diffusion is negligible compared with turbulent diffusion: DA 2 CA xi 2 b g F G H CA ui ' CA ' Kii xi xi xi I i =1,2,3 J K 2. The atmosphere is incompressible: u v w 0 x y z With these two assumptions, Equation (4.8.20) becomes: u CA x v CA y F G H w CA K xx x x CA z I FK C I FK C I S J K y G H y J K z G H z J K A yy A zz Equation (4.8.21) is the atmospheric diffusion equation. 152 V ,A (4.8.21) In order to find an analytic solution to Equation (4.8.21) further simplifications must be made. The slender plume approximation allows one to neglect turbulent diffusion in the direction of the mean wind (since it is expected to be small relative to the convective term). This approximation holds identically when the wind direction coincides with one of the principal axes, i.e., the reference frame was rotated such that the wind direction coincides with the x-axis so that Kxx = 0. Moreover, in the rotated reference frame v = 0, and since u w Equation (4.8.21) can now be written as (where, using the same notation as Section 4.8.3, the tilda denotes the shifted, rotated reference frame): u F G H CA CA ~ K yy ~ ~ x y y I FK C I S J K ~z G H ~z J K A zz V ,A (4.8.22) where the source term SV,A can be expressed as: SV , A q ( ~ x ) ( ~ y ) ( ~ z h) (4.8.23) where q is the source strength (g/s), is the Dirac delta function, and h is the height of the release port above the ground (m). The mobile experiments released the tracer at a port height h = 2 m. In summary, Equation (4.8.22) describes the steady-state diffusion from an elevated point source of an inert species in a turbulent shear flow. An analytic solution of Equation (4.8.22) can be obtained by expressing the lateral eddy diffusivity as the rate of change of the lateral mean square particle displacement (Huang 1979): 1 d y K yy 2 dt 2 (4.8.24) By assuming flow with homogeneous turbulence in the lateral direction at each horizontal plane Taylor’s hypothesis can be invoked, and thus Equation (4.8.24) becomes [Huang, 1979]: K yy 1 d y u 2 dx~ 2 (4.8.25) The mean wind speed and vertical eddy diffusivity may be represented by a power law with respect to height: u( ~ z ) a~ zp (4.8.26) bg (4.8.27) K zz ~ z b~ zn 153 For a source near the ground (i.e., h in Equation (4.8.23) is small), and assuming Equations (4.8.25) – (4.8.27) hold, the solution to Equation (4.8.22) is given by [Huang, 1979]: b g C ~ x, ~ y, ~ z q 2 y ~ x 1 p F ~y I Fuc~z h hI expG JexpG J b ~ x F1 p I 2 K u c b h G J H K H H K 2 2 1 p 2 y 2 (4.8.28) where and are defined as: 2 pn (4.8.29) 1 n (4.8.30) The lateral standard deviation y is a function of downwind distance; the plume will spread out as it is transported downwind, i.e., the lateral standard deviation increases with downwind distance. Based on the recommendations of [Briggs, 1974], the functional form of the lateral standard deviation for urban conditions can be approximated as: b y sy ~ x 1 0.0004 ~ x g 1 2 (4.8.31) The parameter sy depend on the wind stability class, and Briggs (1974) found that sy varied between 0.11 (very stable) to 0.32 (very unstable). Least Squares Minimization Using Equation (4.8.28), the distribution with position of SF6 concentration downwind of the release site can be calculated based on four parameters: the release source strength q, the lateral standard deviation parameter sy, and the vertical eddy diffusivity parameters b and n (see Equation (4.8.27)). These parameters were estimated using least squares minimization, i.e., c Minq ,s y ,b,n CAmeasured CApredicted ,i ,i h 2 (4.8.32) i In order to judge model performance, the predicted and measured concentrations are compared, and the values of the best-fit parameters compared with those predicted from theory. 4.8.5 Results and Discussion The least squares minimization was run numerous times using different data sets in order to investigate the sensitivity of the results to the data included in the minimization. Table 4.8.4 summarizes the characteristics of the different data sets utilized. 154 Table 4.8.4 – Summary of Utilized Data Sets Name WSU_Set1 WSU_Set2 WSU_Set2 ARI_SF6 ARI_SF6v2 Combined1 Combined2 Combined3 Combined4 Figure 4.8.12 4.8. 12 4.8.12 4.8.10 4.8.10 4.8.13 4.8.13 4.8.13 4.8.13 Comments All of WSU’s data, total of 391 data points Removed point 1 in 4.8.12 Removed points 1 and 2 in Figure 4.8.12 All of Aerodyne’s data, total of 1460 data points Removed points 94, 408, and 409 in Figure 4.8.10 ARI_SF6+WSU_Set1 ARI_SF6v2 + WSU_Set3 Combined2 – all points with SF6 < 50 ppt Combined3 – all points more than 5 km downwind of site Figure 4.8.14 shows the dataset Combined3 as plotted using the Matlab interpolating function ‘griddata’. Figure 4.8.14 clearly shows a secondary peak in the positive lateral direction; the model used will be unable to capture this peak because it predicts the highest x to occur at ~y = 0, i.e., the predicted peak concentration with concentration at a given ~ downwind distance will be at the centerline of the plume. This secondary peak indicates that the assumed wind direction may be off; specifically, that the assumed wind angle may be too large. This will be investigated in Section 4.8.4. Comparing Figure 4.8.13 with Figure 4.8.14 shows there is an apparent bias in terms of where the measurements were taken: more measurements were taken in the positive lateral direction (i.e., ~y > 0). Figure 4.8.7, however, shows that data was collected in both the positive and negative lateral directions. The reason this data does not appear in Figure 4.8.14 is that it was below the instrument detection limit, thus supporting the hypothesis that the wind direction may be off. The Matlab function ‘griddata’ had to be used to plot the data due to the high amount of scatter in the dataset, i.e., small changes in position often showed a significant change in measured SF6 concentration. This high amount of scatter may be due to a variety of sources, e.g., rapid fluctuations in wind speed and direction that are not captured due to the ensemble averaging of the model (i.e., going from Equation (4.8.14) to Equation (4.8.17)), mixing effects or increasing turbulence in intersections, as well as channeling that occurs in an area that consists of a series of buildings and residential houses. While it is possible that the data scatter is due to measurement noise, it is unlikely that the instrument quality is so poor and therefore likely that the observed scatter is real. The high amount of scatter in the data also points to the fact that the resolution of the data is likely higher than the model resolution (the real-time data collected by Aerodyne was collected ~ 1 s-1). 155 Figure 4.8.14. Measured SF6 concentrations using the dataset Combined3. Figure 4.8.15 shows the dataset ARI_SF6. Comparing Figures 4.8.14 and 4.8.15, it is clear that the secondary peak off the centerline shown in Figure 4.8.14 is due to the WSU data. The prediction of higher concentrations occurring along the plume centerline is reflected more clearly in Figure 4.8.15. However, still evident in Figure 4.8.15 is that most of the measurements remain in the positive lateral direction. For the model parameter regression, two key questions must be considered: 1. What is the ‘best’ data? 2. What is the ‘best’ fit? The importance of the first question should be readily apparent by comparing Figures 4.8.14 and Figure 4.8.15 and the discussion in Section 4.8.2. The second question highlights the importance of carefully considering the method selected to perform the parameter regression. Specifically, the selection of the objective function to be minimized affects the value of the bestfit parameters. Thus there is an appreciable difference between minimizing the sum of the square of the residuals versus minimizing the sum of the absolute values of the residuals, i.e., instead of non-linear program (NLP) being Equation (4.8.32) the NLP is: Minq ,s y ,b,n cC measured A ,i i 156 CApredicted ,i h 2 (4.8.33) Figure 4.8.15. Measured SF6 concentrations using the dataset ARI_SF6 data. Tables 4.8.5 and 4.8.6 show the values of the best-fit parameters for the different data sets using Equation (4.8.32) (i.e., the objective function is the sum of the squares) and Equation (4.8.33) (i.e., the objective function is the sum of the absolute values of the residuals). Table 4.8.5 - Best-fit parameters using Equation (4.8.32) Data Set ARI_SF6 ARI_SF6v2 Set1 Set2 Set3 Combined1 Combined2 Combined3 Combined4 q [g/s] 352870 352810 247870 247680 247680 312040 311990 376030 375840 n 1.3947 1.3947 1.8150 1.8152 1.8152 1.4150 1.4151 1.1852 1.1857 sy 0.6741 0.6742 0.1838 0.1838 0.1838 0.5748 0.5748 0.7511 0.7510 157 b [m2/s] 0.0468 0.0468 0.0871 0.0871 0.0871 0.0483 0.0482 0.0363 0.0363 Objective Function 46098 46098 2458.5 2458.5 2458.5 49515 49515 42262 42261 Table 4.8.6 - Best-fit parameters using Equation (4.8.33) Data Set ARI_SF6 ARI_SF6v2 Set1 Set2 Set3 Combined1 Combined2 Combined3 Combined4 q [g/s] 513020 513630 145940 145970 145970 439270 439170 533720 533380 n 1.6107 1.6131 1.7849 1.7853 1.7853 1.6252 1.6253 1.5224 1.5228 sy 0.6772 0.6725 0.1204 0.1203 0.1203 0.5573 0.5573 0.7516 0.7515 b [m2/s] 0.0628 0.0631 0.0812 0.0812 0.0812 0.0652 0.0652 0.0531 0.0531 Objective Function 5743.3 5743.0 333.9111 333.8455 333.7818 6195.9 6195.6 5367.9 5364.6 Tables 4.8.5 and 4.8.6 illustrate that including what appears to be outliers in the individual data sets has a small effect on the value of the parameters estimated, i.e., the difference between the results for ARI_SF6 and ARI_SF6v2 is small, as is the difference between Set1, Set2, and Set3, and Combined1 and Combined2. Tables 4.8.5 and 4.8.6 also clearly show a significant difference between the parameter estimates based on the Aerodyne versus the WSU mobile laboratory data. The Aerodyne dataset is a richer dataset – it has more than three times the number of data points than the WSU dataset. However, to my knowledge there is no reason to believe that one dataset is more reliable than the other. It is therefore unclear why there is such a large difference between the two datasets. Moreover, the difference between the best-fit parameters for Combined1 and Combined2 versus Combined3 and Combined4 indicates that the data points below 50 ppt (but above 10 ppt) may be unreliable, and that a detection limit of 50 ppt may be more appropriate than 10 ppt. Contrasting Table 4.8.5 and 4.8.6, it is clear that the selection of objective function has a significant affect on the value of the best-fit parameters. For example, the predicted source strength q is always higher when Equation (4.8.33) is used. The question is what is a ‘better’ fit? Figures 4.8.16 and 4.8.17 show respectively the measured versus predicted SF6 concentration for the Combined3 dataset using the best-fit parameters based on Equation (4.8.32) and (4.8.33). Comparing the two figures it is not readily apparent that one approach is ‘better’ than the other. Judging by the different scales of the two figures, however, it appears that using Equation (4.8.32) tends to underpredict the higher SF6 measurements. One important feature that can be observed in both Figures 4.8.16 and 4.8.17 is the large amount of scatter from the ideal y = x line of the measured vs. predicted scatter plots. This feature was consistently evident in all the datasets and regression methods used, and reflects the high amount of scatter in the data. 158 Figure 4.8.16. Measured vs. predicted SF6 concentration for the Cominbed3 dataset using the best-fit parameters of Equation (4.8.32). Figure 4.8.17. Measured vs. predicted SF6 concentration for the Cominbed3 dataset using the best-fit parameters of Equation (4.8.33). 159 Based on the high amount of scatter in the data, concerns about the detection limit of the SF6 analyzer, and the significant differences between the predictions based on only the Aerodyne versus the WSU data (and the fact that there is no reason to believe one over the other), the dataset Combined3 was selected as the most reliable dataset. For the parameter regression so far, an average value of p was used when calculating in Equation (4.8.29). The regression was performed again, but this time the hourly value of p was used when calculating . Table 4.8.7 shows the values of the resultant best-fit parameters, for both the case where the objective function is the sum of the square of the residuals (Equation (4.8.32)) and the sum of the absolute value of the residuals (Equation (4.8.33)). Table 4.8.7 - Best-Fit Parameters Using the Dataset Combined3 and Allowing to Vary Hourly Equation (4.8.32) (4.8.33) q [g/s] 388420 582180 n 1.1836 1.5144 sy 0.7790 0.8500 b [m2/s] 0.0356 0.0508 Objective Function 41976 5335.2 Figure 4.8.18 shows the predicted SF6 concentration using the parameters calculated using Equation (4.8.33) and an average wind speed of 7.2 m/s and p = 0.077. As can be seen in Figure (4.8.14) the shape of the predicted distribution is symmetric about the ~y = 0 line. The peak predicted SF6 concentration of 20.2 g/m3 agrees well with the maximum observed SF6 concentration of 22.7 g/m3. If the parameters estimated using Equation (4.8.32) are used instead, the maximum predicted SF6 concentration is 17.8 g/m3. While Figure 4.8.18 compares reasonably well with the measured data (see Figure 4.8.14), it is critical to compare how the best-fit parameters compare with theory. Table 4.8.8 compares the best-fit parameters used in Figure 4.8.18 to those predicted by theory. The source strength was 44.22 g/min = 737 mg/s. The predicted source strength was 582 mg/s; thus while the predicted source strength is underestimated, given the model error that is likely present due to the effect of traffic, buildings, etc. on the plume dispersion, the agreement is good. Based on diffusion data curves, the lateral standard deviation parameter sy was estimated by Briggs [1974] for urban conditions to vary between 0.11 and 0.32, depending on the atmospheric stability class. Given that the 10m surface wind speed for the site was predicted to be greater than 6 m/s and that the release experiment was performed during the summer where strong solar radiation can be expected, the Pasquil stability class is likely to be C (slightly unstable). The standard deviation parameter should therefore be order 0.2. For a slightly unstable atmosphere, we expect the Monin-Obukhov to be negative. The roughness length of the terrain should be of order 5 m [McRae et al., 1982]. Based on the Pasquil stability class, the surface roughness, and the estimated wind power-law parameter p (see Table 4.8.1) the Monin-Obukhov length L is likely to be ~ -1 m. Huang [1979] argues that the diffusion parameter n can be estimated using the conjugate power law or from the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Using the conjugate power law, n ~ 1 – p, 160 Figure 4.8.18. Predicted concentration of SF6 assuming an average wind speed of 7.2 m/s and p = 0.077. The parameter values used are: q = 582 mg/s, n = 1.5144, sy = 0.8318, and b = 0.0508. Note the symmetry of the predicted plume in the lateral direction. and thus for the conditions in Boston n ~ 0.9. Using Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, and assuming L ~ -1 m, n is predicted to be ~ 1.2. To my knowledge there is no easy way of estimating the vertical eddy diffusivity parameter b. Table 4.8.8 - Theory v. Best-Fit Parameters Parameter q [mg/s] n sy b [m2/s] Best-fit 571 1.5152 0.8318 0.0508 Theory 737 ~1 ~ 0.2 N/A Data Withholding Exercise The analysis above considered the available data together, and hence the minimization results are for an average of all the data points used, and are therefore likely to ‘average out’ some of the observed variance. An alternative approach is to perform the minimization on individual road sweeps, and then average these results. Figure 5.8.19 shows five roads from the 161 Aerodyne data set that were examined individually, and Figures 4.8.20 – 4.8.24 show a detail of the route and compare the predicted and observed SF6 concentrations, where the parameters used are those in Table 4.8.8, i.e., based on all the data. Figure 4.8.25 shows a detail of the route followed by the WSU van (designated Road_1500_WSU) and the predicted and observed tracer concentrations. A common theme seen in Figures 4.8.20 – 4.8.25 is that the predicted tracer concentrations do not capture the variability of the observations. 2000 Ytilda [m] 1500 1000 Road_1500 500 Road_1000 Road_250 0 0 500 Road_100 1000 1500 2000 Road_600 -500 Xtilda [m] Figure 4.8.19. Individual road segments considered from the Aerodyne dataset. 162 20 25 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 0 0 100 200 300 20 400 SF6 [ug/m3] -20 Ytilda [m] -40 -60 15 10 -80 5 -100 -120 0 0 -140 200 Xtilda [m] 400 600 800 1000 Data Point Figure 4.8.20. Detail of the route for the road labeled Road_100 in Figure 4.8.20 (left) and the observed and predicted SF6 concentrations (right). We expect the tracer concentration to increase as the mobile lab approaches the plume centerline, then decrease as it travels downwind of the release site (approximately) along the plume centerline. When the road turns away from the plume centerline, the predicted tracer concentration decreases with distance from the centerline, until the road turns and approaches the release site, at which point the lateral distance continues to increase while the downwind distance decreases. Note the high amount of scatter in the data. 25 300 2:14 PM (EDT) 3:33 PM (EDT) SF6 Concentration [ug/m3] 250 Ytilda [m] 200 150 100 50 0 200 -50 250 300 350 20 15 2:14 PM 3:33 PM 10 Predicted SF6 (3:33 PM) Predicted SF6 (2:14 PM) 5 400 0 -100 0 Xtilda [m] 100 200 300 400 Position [m] Figure 4.8.21. Road_250 in Figure 4.8.19. Note that there were two passes along the road, one at 2:14 pm (EDT) and 3:33 pm (EDT); the observed tracer concentrations (right) show good consistency. As can be seen from Table 4.8.1, there is a negligible difference in wind speed between these two times. The difference between the predicted SF6 concentrations for 2:14 PM and 3:33 PM is due to the difference in stability parameter p (0.063 v. 0.076). Also, note that as the road travels further downwind and closer to the plume centerline, there is an observed decrease in tracer concentration, while the predicted tracer concentration remains quite high. This observation further supports the hypothesis that the assumed wind direction is off. The excellent agreement between the 2:14 and 3:33 pm data also raises the question of whether the results can be expected to be highly consistent, whether the scatter in Figure 4.8.20 or good agreement in Figure 4.8.21 represents more typical results. 163 100 8 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 7 50 Ytilda [m] 6 0 600 5 800 1000 1200 4 -50 3 2 -100 1 -150 0 Xtilda [m] 0 50 100 150 200 Figure 4.8.22. Road_600 600 6 2:19 PM 2:59 PM 500 2:19 PM 2:59 PM 3:39 PM Predicted SF6 Series5 Series6 5 3:39 pm SF6 [ug/m3] Ytidla [m] 400 300 200 100 0 900 -100 4 3 2 1 1000 1100 1200 1300 0 0 -200 200 400 600 800 Xtilda [m] Xtilda [m] Figure 4.8.23. Road_1000 in Figure 4.8.19. Note that there are three passes along the road that peak and show low tracer concentrations at different points, and that the predicted SF6 concentrations are a good average of the three passes. 164 900 3 Observed SF6 800 600 SF6 [ug/m3] 2 500 Ytilda [m] Predicted SF6 2.5 700 400 300 200 1.5 1 100 0.5 0 -1001600 1650 1700 1750 1800 0 0 -200 50 Xtilda [m] 100 150 200 250 Data Points Figure 4.8.24. Road_1500 in Figure 4.8.19. Again, note that the while the predicted tracer concentration matches the observed concentrations well on average, the predicted tracer concentration does not capture the variation in observed concentrations. 2 600 1.8 400 1.6 Ytilda [m] 200 0 1000 1.4 1.2 1500 2000 2500 3000 1 -200 Observed SF6 0.8 Predicted SF6 0.6 -400 0.4 -600 0.2 -800 0 Xtilda [m] 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 4.8.25. Road_1500_WSU in Figure 4.8.19. Note that the trend in the observed tracer concentrations does not match the predicted trend. 165 Table 4.8.9 shows the resultant best-fit parameters for the individual road sweeps. The maximum predicted source strength q is 5.77 x 109 g/s, four orders of magnitude greater than the theoretical result. The value of n varies from 2 to –10, while theory predicts n should be of order unity. The standard deviation parameter sy is expected to be ~ 0.2, while it is found to vary between 0.3 and 2,600. It is important to understand that while the regressed parameters may deviate significantly from the values predicted by theory, the deviation between observation and theory is less than if the parameters of Table 4.8.18 are used (see Figures 4.8.26 – 4.8.29 for a comparison of observed and predicted tracer concentrations using the parameters of Table 4.8.9). This means that only using data from an individual road is likely to result in unreliable estimated model parameters. There are two likely explanations for this: first, there simply may insufficient data points to estimate the four parameters; second, data is required over a sufficiently wide range of downwind and lateral distances as well as times. In order to further investigate this, the following additional data withholding exercises were performed. The data from the six roads was combined and the regression performed using only every other, every third, and every fourth data point from this combined data set. The results of this data withholding exercise are shown in Table 4.8.10. While there is some variation in the value of the best-fit parameters, this variation is orders of magnitude smaller than found in Table 4.8.9, indicating that in order to reliably estimate plume dispersion parameters, data from a range of downwind and lateral distances as well as times is required. The model uses a mean wind speed and direction, while the actual wind speed affecting the plume at the time of the traverse could easily be different by a factor of two or more, and the wind direction could also be significantly different. Thus it is critical to ensure that the time resolution of the measurements is broad enough to capture the variability of the wind fields. Table 4.8.9 - Individual Road Best-Fit Parameters # Points Road Road_100 787 Road_250 79 Road_600 183 Road_1000 214 Road_1500 193 Road_1500_WSU 61 q [g/s] 7.50E+05 2.07E+06 5.77E+09 3.67E+06 2.60E+05 2.67E+06 166 n 1.68 1.98 2.03 1.88 1.91 -9.86 sy 0.93 0.73 2627.20 1.45 0.31 179.90 b [m2/s] 0.07 0.43 0.22 0.11 0.05 0.23 30 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 25 SF6 [ug/m3] 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Data Point Figure 4.8.26. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_100 using parameters regressed using only data from Road_100 (q = 7.50E+05 g/s, n = 1.68, sy = 0.93, b = 0.07 m2/s). SF6 Concentration [ug/m3] 25 2:14 PM 3:33 PM 20 Predicted SF6 (2:14 PM) Predicted SF6 (3:33 PM) 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 Position [m] Figure 4.8.27. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_250 (q = 2.07E+06 g/s, n = 1.98, sy = 0.73, b = 0.43 m2/s). This figure should be compared with Figure 4.8.21 (right). Using the new parameters, there now is a significant difference between the 2:14 and 3:33 pm predicted tracer concentrations, i.e., using the new parameters causes the different p values used to have different predicted tracer concentrations for the two times, despite the fact that it the predictions are for the same road and very similar wind speeds. 167 6 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 Figure 4.8.28. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_600 (q = 5.77E+09 g/s, n = 2.03, sy = 2627.2, b = 0.22 m2/s). Comparing this figure with Figure 4.8.22 (right), it is clear that using the new parameters dramatically improves the data fit. However, the parameters are orders of magnitude different than predicted by theory. 6 2:19 PM 2:59 PM 3:39 PM Predicted SF6 (2:19 PM) Predicted SF6 (2:59 PM) Predicted SF6 (3:39 PM) 5 SF6 [ug/m3] 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 Position [m] Figure 4.8.29. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_1000 (q = 3.67E+06 g/s, n = 1.88, sy = 1.45, b = 0.11 m2/s). 168 3 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 2.5 SF6 [ug/m3] 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Data Points Figure 4.8.30. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_1000 (q = 2.60E+05 g/s, n = 1.91, sy = 0.31, b = 0.05 m2/s). 0.6 Observed SF6 Predicted SF6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 4.8.31. Observed and predicted SF6 concentrations for Road_1000_WSU (q = 2.67E+06 g/s, n = -9.86, sy = 179.90, b = 0.23 m2/s). Note that the peak concentrations observed occur as the mobile van is moving away from the plume centerline in a positive lateral direction (see Figure 4.8.25 (left)), a phenomenon that the model cannot capture, and further evidence to support the hypothesis that assumed wind directions in Table 4.8.1 are too large. 169 Table 4.8.10 - Best-fit Parameters for Different Sized Data Sets Data Set Every other Every third Every fourth q [g/s] 6.02E+05 5.33E+05 6.27E+05 # Points 758 505 379 n 1.61 1.60 1.63 sy 0.83 0.73 0.84 b [m2/s] 0.06 0.06 0.06 Wind Direction The hypothesis that the assumed wind direction was off was investigated by reformulating the optimization problem as follows: Minq,s y ,b,n,offset cC measured A ,i CApredicted ,i h 2 (4.8.34) i x cor , where offset is the deviation of the wind direction, such that the corrected coordinates ~ ~y are given by: cor ~ y ~ xcor ~ x2 ~ y 2 cos tan 1 ~ offset (4.8.35) x ~ ycor ~ x2 ~ y2 F G H Ftan sin G H 1 F IJ IJ G HK K ~ yI I F offset J G J ~ Hx K K (4.8.36) Given the higher than expected tracer concentrations observed in a positive lateral direction, we expect the offset to be positive. The results of the optimization are shown in Table 4.8.11, which also includes for comparison the parameter values for when the optimization was performed assuming the wind direction was correct and the values predicted by theory. The predicted wind offset is 6.4o. As expected, the offset is positive, i.e., the predicted offset would rotate the x,y- plane in the clockwise direction, bringing the observed peak concentrations closer to the plume centerline. While the predicted offset is quite small (~ 6 o), the effect of allowing for the uncertainty in the wind direction on the source strength is significant, bringing it within experimental error of the expected value. Including the wind direction offset also has a small effect on the lateral deviation parameter sy. Preliminary analysis of sodar data taken from WSU indicates that for the time period where data is available (13:00 – 14:00 EDT), the standard deviation in direction is approximately 50o. This value is quite high; given the expected stability class (see Section 4.8.5), a likely standard deviation of wind azimuth is ~ 15 o. Future work could use a more complex model that directly incorporates the expected variation in wind direction; however, by allowing for a small uncertainty in wind direction and folding this into the optimization routine, the simpler model given in Equation (4.8.28) can be used effectively to estimate the source strength and other model parameters. 170 Table 4.8.11 - Best-fit Parameters, allowing for Offset in Wind Direction Parameter q [mg/s] n sy 2 b [m /s] Theory 737 ~1 ~ 0.2 N/A Offset = 0o 580 1.5 0.85 0.05 Offset = 6.4o 640 1.5 0.95 0.05 4.8.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Using data collected in Boston on 5/25/1999, the dispersion of a tracer gas from a continuous point source was modeled. The predicted plume dispersion matched the measured SF6 concentrations well. The model parameters regressed from the data are in reasonable agreement with theory. The predicted plume dispersion did not reflect the fluctuations observed in the measured SF6 concentrations. This is to be expected since the model represents ensemble average diffusion, but the measurements reflect the instantaneous plume behavior. The data withholding exercise showed that a single pass along a road is unlikely to provide data of sufficient quality to reliably estimate a point-source strength and other model parameters. In order to have confidence in the estimated parameters, it is necessary to have data at different downwind and lateral distances as well as over a sufficiently long time scale, so that the average wind values used in the model are applicable to the measurements that are influenced by the turbulent variations in the wind fields. The model is sensitive to the wind direction, and it is likely that the predicted wind directions are off (on the order of a couple degrees). By incorporating the uncertainty in wind direction into the optimization problem, the tracer release source strength is recovered within experimental error. Thus, by using a relatively simple model, downwind measurements of tracer concentration, wind field predictions from MM5 and by allowing for a small uncertainty in wind direction into the optimization routine, the release rate of tracer and other model parameters were reliably estimated. Clearly, given the sensitivity of the model to wind direction, measuring the wind direction (and speed) at the release site will increase the reliability of the estimated model parameters. Several important lessons were learned simply by examining the data. The original dataset was approximately 20,000 data points. Once the data points below the instrument detection limit and the points that were upwind of the source were removed, more than 90% of the data could not be utilized. In order to maximize the use of data and the reliability of the regressed model parameters, an increase in the source strength should be considered. Meteorological predictions can be used to plan the mobile laboratory route to maximize data usage. 171 4.9 Photochemical Steady State NOx Analyses The mobile, fast response instrumentation, which has been developed and deployed in the Urban Respiration program, allows us to address a number of scientific issues. These include a need to study the impact of urban air pollutants on regional viability and on global change issues. A specific problem is the need to determine the significance of the strength and variability of levels of nitrogen oxides and ozone, urban air pollutants, and how they impact global change issues. We have studied nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone (O3) concentration dynamics in an urban environment during field campaigns in Manchester, NH and Boston, MA in 1998 and 1999. In August 1998 we measured smog precursors in Manchester, NH on several clear, sunny days. Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), ozone, carbon dioxide (CO2), and particles were measured throughout the city with high sensitivity instruments mounted in a mobile platform. All species, except for O3, were measured at a rate of 1 measurement per sec (1 Hz). The measured mixing ratios of these species result from contributions from background air, area and point sources, and their interaction in the troposphere. Ozone formation in the troposphere is governed by a basic photolytic cycle: 1 NO2 + h NO + O(3P) 2 O(3P) + O2 + M O3 + M 3 O3 + NO NO2 + O2 k1[ NO2 ] . In urban areas the major form of NOx is NO (nitric k 3 [ NO] oxide) and it results from combustion processes. To understand tropospheric urban ozone we recognize that nitrogen dioxide formation is controlled by different limiting forces during the day than at night. In the night time the limiting step to NO2 formation is O3 + NO NO2 + O2 (step 3 ) because there is no light to drive step 1. If [O3]b [NO] all of the NO will react to form NO2 and thus [NO2] will equal the initial NO concentration, where [O3]b is the background concentration of ozone. If, however, [O3]b [NO], then the concentration of NO2 will reach [O3]b. During the daytime, NO2 formation is limited by the photostationary state, and k [ NO2 ] , with the rate of NO to NO2 conversion on the order of 4 to 6 hours. [O3 ] 1 k 3 [ NO] In steady state, [O3 ] We use a simple model to describe nitrogen dioxide formation, particularly in response to sources of nitrogen oxides. This model helps us to understand the air quality impact of such sources. Background air is assumed to pass by point and area sources, which create plumes that add to the background air. The total air eventually reaches a monitoring site. The observed NOx at the site, [NOx]o, is equal to the sum of the observed NO and NO2, i.e., [NO]o + [NO2]o, and is also equal to the sum of background, area sources, and point sources: [NOx]=[NO]b + [NO2]b + [NO]a + [NO2]a + [NO]p + [NO2]p. 172 (4.9.1) The rate equations associated with reactions 1 - 3 are manipulated to obtain [NO2]=[NO2]0 + [O3] 0 - [O3] (4.9.2) and 1 2 2 1 k1 1 k1 k1 [O3 ] [ NO]0 [O3 ]0 [ NO]0 [O3 ]0 4 [O3 ]0 [ NO2 ]0 2 k3 2 k3 k2 (4.9.3) where [NO2]0, [NO]0, and [O3]0 are the initial concentrations at the measurement point of NO2, NO, and O3, respectively. The result of this analysis is that we can easily examine the relationship of NO2 to total NOx in our NOx and O3 data. In Figure 4.9.1 we have displayed NO2 versus NOx (NO + NO2) collected by our mobile laboratory on August 28, 1998 in Manchester, NH, a small industrial city in New Hampshire. Lines 1 and 2 in the figure are the night time limits: Line 1: Nighttime limit where all NOx is in the form of NO2 Line 2: Nighttime limit where all O3 has been converted to NO2, and this is the maximum NO2 limit. [NO2 ] Line 3 is the day time limit determined by the photostationary state limit, k 3 [NO][O3 ] k1 . The rate constants were set to k1= 8.9 x 10-3 sec-1 and k3=4.7 x 10-4 ppb-1sec-1 as determined from the experimental conditions during the measurements (uv intensity and air temperature). The initial concentrations of NO, NO2, and O3 at the measurement point are based on the data, and were set to 8.4, 3.4 and 15 ppb, respectively, for the determination the day time line in Figure 4.9.1. These values are based on the average background levels from the previous day. The O3 in the plume from the source is assumed to be zero. NO in the plume is varied from 0 to 1000 ppb. For each NO value we calculate the expected NO2 and O3 mixing ratios. In Figure 4.9.1 there is a wide range of NO2 and NOx levels. Most measurements lie in the area bracketed by the three limits. A number of data points also lie above the “max NO2” line. We can discriminate the data by CO2 level, where CO2 serves as an indication of a direct combustion source. For urban measurements at street level, the local combustion source is a vehicle in the vast majority of cases. Points are separated into two groups: those with CO2 below 400 ppm and those with CO2 greater than or equal to 400 ppm. All of the points above line 3 are associated with high CO2 and therefore local sources. Local sources are a critical 173 70 2 1 60 NO2 (ppb) 50 40 30 20 3 10 NO2 with CO 2 <400 ppm 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 NO x (ppb) Figure 4.9.1. Relationship of NO2 to total NOx. Data from August 28, 1998. Manchester, NH • CO2 400 ppm • CO2 < 400 ppm Line 1: All NOx in form of NO2. Line 2: Maximum possible NO2 where all O3 converted to NO2. Line 3: Photostationary state limit where k1=8.9 x 10-3 sec-1; k3=4.7 x 10-4 ppb-1sec-1. Background NO, NO2 and O3 : 8.4, 3.4, and 15 ppb, respectively. component in the understanding of urban NOx and O3. This is also illustrated in Figure 4.9.2 in which similar data from August 27, 1998 is shown. On this day there were fewer high NO2 points, but many of the higher levels are associated with high CO2. The data in Figures 4.9.1 and 4.9.2 were collected on consecutive days in Manchester, NH, but they display different distributions of NO2 versus NOx. Both data sets contain both city and highway data and were collected during the daytime in warm weather (mid 80s F). The wind direction during the measurements, however, differed on the 2 days. It was from the southeast on 8/28 and varying between northwest and southwest on 8/27. The different patterns of the data in the 2 figures 174 1 60 NO 2 with CO 2 < 400 ppm 2 50 NO2 (ppb) 40 30 20 10 3 0 Figure 4.9.2. 100 200 NOx (ppb) 300 Relationship of NO2 to total NOx. Data from August 27, 1998. Manchester, NH • CO2 400 ppm • CO2 < 400 ppm Line 1: All NOx in form of NO2. Line 2: Maximum possible NO2 where all O3 converted to NO2. Line 3: Photostationary state limit where k1=8.11x10-3 sec-1; k3=4.38 x 10-4 ppb-1sec-1. Background NO, NO2 and O3: 5, 3 and 3 ppb, respectively. probably reflect the influence of different sources of nitrogen oxides during the measurements. More local combustion sources contributed to the ambient air during the measurements on August 28 than on August 27. The significance of local sources on regional air quality is thus reflected in our measurements and subsequent analysis. We now examine the diurnal data that we collected at the fixed site in Cambridge, MA on May 27-28, 1999. We analyze the 24 hours of data covering May 27 at 20:00 until May 28 at 20:00 EDT in a similar manner as we did the mobile daytime data from Manchester. One of the first things that we observe in Figure 4.9.3 is the richness of the data and how most of the NO2 levels appear to be approaching a maximum NO2 level with increased NOx. The latter observation was not as apparent in the Manchester data, probably because it included almost exclusively daytime measurements. In Figure 4.9.3, the nighttime limits to NO2 as related to total NOx, are given by lines 1 and 2. As described previously, Line 1 represents the NO limit, 175 where [O3]b[NO] and thus NO2 will equal the initial NO concentration. There are just a few points in the figure where NOx<NO2. They are result of periods of very low NO mixing ratios during which some points fall below zero statistically. Line 2 represents the ozone limiting case, i.e. [O3]b[NO] and NO2 can only be as high in concentration as the concentration of [O3]b. In the data of Figure 4.9.3, line 2 appears to be too low. It is based on the maximum observed ozone at the site on 5/27 and 5/28 including prior to the measurement period. The data however, seems to be approaching a level of NO2 of 55 ppb. This is the level of ozone that we expect in the background air. The maximum observed ozone on 5/26 while driving in Boston was about 52 ppb, similar to that of line 2. One possibility is that this air is contributing to the background air the next day. The other possibility is that background air with high ozone originates from outside the measurement area and was perturbed by the time we observed it. Line 3 is the daytime photostationary state limit for the diurnal data. The photostationary state limit is calculated with the following parameters: k1=9.74 x 10-3 sec-1; k3=3.6 x 10-4 ppb-1sec-1 and background NO, NO2 and O3 equal to 7, 2.5 and 9.5 ppb, respectively. All of these parameters are based on observed experimental factors, including ultraviolet level, air temperature, and trace gas levels. They appear to do an excellent job representing the daytime limit. Only a few number of nitrogen dioxide points fall below this limit. As we did in the analysis of the Manchester photochemistry data, we indicate in Figure 4.4.3 the points with associated elevated carbon dioxide levels. The points in the figure in the blue shades are those points for which CO2 < 400 ppm (i.e., not elevated). The other points may be linked with direct combustion sources, such as vehicle emissions. Many of the high NOx points occurred with high carbon dioxide emission. 176 1 20:00-08:00 8:00-20:00 20:00-08:00 CO2<400ppm 8:00-20:00 CO2<400ppm 60 NO2 (ppb) 50 2 40 30 20 3 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 NOx (ppb) Figure 4.9.3. Relationship of NO2 to total NOx. Data from May 28-29, 1999. at the MIT stationary site in Cambridge, MA.+,+ all points; •, • CO2 < 400 ppm Line 1: All NOx in form of NO2. Line 2: Maximum possible NO2 where all O3 converted to NO2. Line 3: Photostationary state limit where k1=9.74 x 10-3 sec-1; k3=3.6 x 10-4 ppb-1sec-1. Background NO, NO2 and O3: 7, 2.5 and 9.5 ppb, respectively. 177 4.10 GIS Based Emissions Analyses One goal of the project involved the use of geographic information system (GIS) technologies and geo-spatially referenced datasets. By using modern GIS tools and datasets, we sought to identify readily replicated methods to facilitate the planning of field experiments and to assist in correlating the observed trace gas emission fluxes (urban respiration) with urban and industrial activity and consumption factors (urban metabolism). Increasing standardization and spatial disaggregation of metropolitan databases is providing detailed data about land use, land cover, topography, traffic congestions, and other urban activity. If such data could be correlated sufficiently well with observed trace gas emission fluxes, then it would greatly simplify the task of calibrating and using models of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics in additional metropolitan areas. It would also facilitate the use of inverse models to identify the location and nature of land uses and urban activities that are significant contributors to adverse atmospheric conditions. 4.10.1 GIS Analyses for Manchester, NH Initial efforts to assemble and test suitable GIS tools and data layers focused on Manchester, NH, and the field campaigns of November, 1997, and June, 1998. The methods and results are described in further detail in one of the project papers [Yeang, et al., 1999]. We collected a series of data layers from a variety of sources (mostly online) that are representative of datasets describing land use, land cover, terrain, demographics, meteorology, and known point-sources of air pollution. Although they are not an exhaustive list of determining factors for air pollution, they constituted a meaningful and reasonably comprehensive set of data that are relevant to the generation and dissemination of air pollutants. Moreover, they are data that can be assembled in a reasonably standardized fashion for most U.S. metropolitan areas in order to help us understand the urban respiration phenomenon. These data layers included: Land use/land coverage The land use/land cover (LULC) data files from US Geological Survey (USGS) describe the vegetation, water, natural surface, and cultural features on the land surface. Original data sources include high-altitude aerial photographs and earlier land use maps and field surveys. They are stored in a Geographic Information Retrieval Analysis System (GIRAS) format and are often available online through State-supported Web sites that archive environmental management data. The scale of the LULC maps is 1:250,000. EPA monitoring sites The Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) and the AIRS Facility Subsystem (AIRS/AFS) are online services of the EPA’s Envirofact database – a large database of environmental data maintained by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It comprises the identification information, spatial coordinates, and emission inventory of EPA-monitored sites. The chemicals monitored by EPA include CO, NO2, particluate matters, lead, SO2, and volatile 178 organic compounds. The database is open to the public and can be accessed through the World Wide Web ( Since the Envirofact data warehouse is stored in Oracle and supports SQL queries from the public using ODBC protocols, our distributed GIS architecture can include online queries of emission information for sites in the Envirofact database. [Recently, in late 2001, security concerns have prompted EPA to limit direct access to its Oracle data warehouse from outside of EPA. Special arrangements involving registration and the use of virtual private networking are now needed for such access. Such security concerns and procedures complicate the use of a distributed computing model to allow rapid development and calibration of urban respiration models. But they will be with us for the foreseeable future and will require added coordination and technical complexity both for those who model urban respiration and for those, such as EPA and State GIS Data Centers, who archive relevant data in online repositories.] Terrain data Terrain data for Manchester, NH, comes from the New Hampshire Resource Net, a GIS warehouse supported by the state of of New Hampshire and maintained at UNH ( The archived data are stored in a 7.5-minute digital elevation model (DEM) format and represent elevation estimates for use with map scales of 1:24,000 or 1:25,000. The elevation estimates are 30 meters apart for an x-y grid that is based on a UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection method and the 1927 North American Datum (NAD 1927). Surface water hydrography The data for surface water hydrography also comes from the New Hampshire Resource Net. It contains the vector representations of the boundaries and/or centerlines of various surface water bodies (lakes, ponds, rivers, wetlands, reservoirs, etc.) The scale is also 1:24,000/1:25,000. It uses New Hampshire State Plane Feet projection and 1983 North American Datum (NAD, 1983). Road networks and railroads The data about road and railroad networks also come from the same New Hampshire Resource Net and have the same projection, horizontal datum, scale, and file format as the hydrography data. Demographics Demographic data about population characteristics come from 1990 U.S. Census Bureau datasets (STF3a). They are georeferenced by place of residence down to the blockgroup level and are linked to vector-based maps of census tracts, block groups, and streets using the Census Bureau’s TIGER files (and other street centerline datasets supplied by third-parties and derived from and/or compatible with TIGER data). 179 Creating Base Maps By using the various data layers described above, we were able to create and overlay a rich collection of data relevant to the modeling and analysis of urban respiration in and around Manchester, NH. To facilitate viewing and analysis that is consistent with NH supported GIS data, all the georeferenced data were converted to New Hampshire State Plane coordinates (NAD-83, feet). While this conversion process is well understood, many GIS packages do not yet support robust enough methods of on-the-fly coordinate projection. Among the few data sources that we assembled for Manchester, NH, we encountered four different coordinate systems, 2 different NAD reference sets and both ‘meters’ and ‘feet’ accounting. Since there are good reasons why one ‘size’ does not fit all purposes, we regard this phenomenon as evidence that robust, on-the-fly methods for coordinate conversion are a key element of building useful distributed GIS systems for supporting multi-disciplinary modeling and analysis. For this work, and for subsequent analyses of the Boston, MA, metropolitan area, we used GIS software (such as ArcView and ArcInfo) from the Environmental Systems Research Institute. This vendor, ESRI, is the market leader in industrial strength GIS software and is used by most US Federal and State Agencies (such as EPA, USGS, Census, and the GIS data centers in all six New England states). Using this software was a good test of off-the-shelf GIS capabilities and facilitated the use of public datasets in the manner that could be most easily replicated in other metropolitan areas. Several of the Manchester data layers are illustrated below. Figure 4.10.1 shows, on the left, a lattice mesh terrain model of Manchester, NH, with major roads and hydrography draped over the lattice. The graphic on the right is a screen-shot of the ArcView GIS software showing a plan view of the Manchester metro area with county boundaries, major roads, and hydrography visible. Figure 4.10.1. Terrain model of Manchester, NH, and ArcView screen-shot of Manchester. 180 Figure 4.10.2 shows another screen shot of ArcView with the mobile van measurements of CO2 from November 10 and 11, 1997, overlaid on top of a land use map. The two maps compare readings for two different times of day. In addition, the maps are viewable in an ordinary web browser using a Java applet called, MapCafe, that is downloaded to the client’s browser by ESRI’s ArcView-IMS (internet map service) software. Using this distributed GIS architecture, maps can be viewed and explored by team members who need not have the underlying datasets stored locally on their machines. The Distributed GIS Architecture Figure 4.10.3 provides a conceptual diagram of the system architecture for the distributed GIS approach that we first implemented in order to permit team members to access maps and data via theWeb from their respective locations. Since the Internet and World Wide Web are so pervasive, we used TCP/IP and Web browser protocols for connectivity. On the client side, individual users access the data through the Internet without requiring proprietary software. A Web browser can function as the Graphical User Interface (GUI) at the client side. Users can use this interface to send requests about the characteristics of the GIS data they want to process or view. For example, they can identify the layers to be turned on, the spatial range of the map display, and the specific subsets of certain data layers that they need. The browser interface can also be used to display the resulting maps or GIS data files and/or to bundle subsets of data for downloading. Figure 4.10.2. MapCafe Screen-Shot comparing CO2 Measurements at Different Times of Day. 181 Figure 4.10.3. Conceptual diagram of the Distributed GIS Architecture On the server side, a Web server communicates with the client-side Web browsers. Unlike a conventional Web server, this one has an additional function of bridging to a GIS server. It translates commands from the Web browsers into the function calls identified by the GIS software. Going in the other direction, it also converts GIS maps and datasets into the formats which can be displayed on the Web. A GIS server sits behind the Web server. It functions as conventional GIS software except with distributed computing capability. In other words, it will be able to handle multiple requests from different clients. Data consistency among multiple users is one of the major problems for distributed data sharing. If two users modify the same data simultaneously, the race conditions may lead to unexpected changes in the data. A fully-fledged database system has various protection mechanisms to avoid these conflicts (such as priority queuing and transactionbased writeback). Nevertheless, due to the nature of this project, a concrete database system for complicated data sharing purposes (such as a distributed corporate database) is not required. This is because it is practical to limit client-side processing so that the ‘core’ maps and datasets that are shared are viewed as ‘read-only’. Most users are satisfied with this unidirectional data access and recognize the simplified data management that results. They can generate subsets of data and map the results, and the can downloading maps and filtered datasets. But they cannot use the interface to upload new data or otherwise alter the ‘core’ datasets A relational database management system (RDBMS) sits behind the GIS server and stores all the tabular data from the measurement and monitoring of weather and trace gases. The major advantage of using a DBMS rather than the GIS per se to store these data is the capability to extract (and aggregate, filter, or otherwise process) specific subsets from the data in response to users’ requests. For example, a single evening of mobile van readings throughout a metropolitan area might acquire tens or hundreds of thousands of observations. A researcher may wish to extract and plot a small subset of these data after, say, a smoothing operation that aggregates them in time and space to a hundred yards and/or ten seconds. These requests are readily handled as queries (and stored procedures) using the industry-standard Structured Query Language (SQL). Access to the RDBMS data is directly available to client-side users via normal distributed DBMS protocols (such as ODBC). But the system also allows the RDBMS datasets to be accessed from the GIS server in response to user-defined queries entered by the user through their GIS interface. 182 Figure 4.10.4 explains the specific implementation of the distributed GIS framework that was diagrammed conceptually in Figure 4.10.3. For the GIS server, we chose ArcView with the Internet Map Server (IMS) extensions (Environmental System Research Institute, ESRI). There were several reasons for the choice. The research team had substantial experience using ESRI software (both ArcView and ArcInfo) and, as indicated earlier, many land use and demographic datasets of interest to the project were readily available in ArcView readable formats. In addition, ArcView has both a user-friendly interface, data formats compatible with ArcInfo, and significant market share as a standalone desktop mapping package. The former advantage makes it easier to build the graphical user interface for project participants whose expertise is not GIS. The second advantage allows us to perform sophisticated GIS operations using ArcInfo and then display the resulting map layer in Arcview without the need for additional data conversion. However, ArcView plus its IMS extension cannot satisfy all our data access and management needs. If we stored the monitoring and measurement data as GIS layers (in this case, as ArcView shape files), end users would have little freedom to select and display specific subsets of the entire data set. Excluding the display of unwanted subsets of the shapefile data would be too complicated a task that is not possible with the reduced GIS functionality that is available via the ArcView-IMS graphical interface. Therefore, we decided to use a database management system (DBMS) to store the air quality data, and allow users to access these data through Arcview IMS. We chose Oracle since it supports industry-standard SQL and distributed DBMS protocols such as ODBC, it is compatible with ArcView, and it is widely used to store enterprise-level datasets for environmental planning and metropolitan management. To illustrate the need for a DBMS, suppose a user wants to display the measurement samples obtained during 2pm to 4pm among all data collection trips. The user can input his or her queries using the graphical user interface at the client side. The server-side of the ArcView-IMS application passes the request (as a standard SQL query) to the DBMS, which then returns the results as an ArcView table. ArcView then converts the data table into a GIS point data layer and display it on client’s map. Figure 4.10.4. Detailed Diagram of Distributed GIS Architecture for Manchester Analyses. 183 The client side of the implemented system is a generic web browser which runs a Java applet called MapCafe that comes with the IMS extensions to ArcView. MapCafe sends commands generated by the user interaction (in http format) to the web server, and it receives and displays image files, tables, and annotations generated by the GIS Server and packaged (in http format) for client-side viewing. The look of the GUI at client side is similar to ArcView, except more limited in its toolbars and interactivity. (Figure 4.10.5 will provide an example later in this paper). Basically, the MapCafe acts as a thin-client application providing the user with a ‘keyboard extension’ through the Web so that the user can run (some of) the ArcView functionality that they would have if they were sitting directly at the GIS server. Users can turn specific data layers on/off, zoom in/out, pan, get information about specific data elements, and print. The added functionality of executing (and then mapping) logical DBMS queries of air quality datasets required customized ‘Avenue’ scripts and JAVA programming. At the Web server side, ESRI provides a CGI program (a dynamically linked library, esrimap.dll, in the case of a PC server) which converts the incoming http commands into the GIS commands (Avenue scripts) required by the GIS server (Arcview). This ‘relay’ code on the Web server also takes the images and texts produced by ArcView and packages them for client-side display. The ArcView application runs on a GIS server that can be – but need not be – the same machine as the Web server (or the DBMS server). In our case we use either a PC or a Unix workstation as the GIS server. The GIS server listens for avenue script commands from the relay program, performs the requested manipulations as if the user were requesting them at the keyboard, and sends the updated display back to the relay program. For example, suppose the client-side user zooms in by dragging a rectangle across the map showing in their browser window. The relay program will send to the GIS server the commands that reset the zoom level of the map (the command will include the four vertices of the zoom rectangle expressed in viewing coordinates). ArcView performs the zoom, redraws the map on its local map display, and then sends the map – as a GIF image – back through the Web server to the client. In our scheme, ArcView also functions as a relay to database server. Through the Open Database Connection (ODBC), it can send SQL commands to one (or more) Oracle database servers and receives the query results. It then converts the resulting table into a temporary shape file, opens this shape file as a new layer of the map, and sends the map to the client as explained above. By using ArcView-IMS, we chose a thin-client solution for our distributed GIS. No GIS ‘smarts’ exist on the client-side. The GIS server packages all maps as graphic images and passes them to the client-side browser. All spatial data processing – e.g., buffering, point-in-polygon computations, and the like must be done on the server side and the map ‘themes’ (i.e., data layers) and associated data the ArcView displays must be explicitly loaded and prepared for viewing by the manager of the GIS server. In effect, the Web is used as a long (and somewhat cumbersome) keyboard extension to allow the client to act as if they were sitting at the GIS server examining prepared ArcView ‘projects’. An alternative (thick-client/thin-server) approach would be to use the servers only as a data repository and move the GIS processing to the client-side. A simple example would be to run ArcView on each client and use a network file server to share the raw data over the net. 184 Visualizing Mobile Measurement of Trace Gas Concentration Figure 4.10.2 above illustrates the use of the distributed GIS architecture. The maps show the CO2 concentration data collected on November 10th and 11th 1997. The background shading represents land use data from the USGS-LULC coverage. The mobile measurements are point data that form the linear paths that crisscross the downtown area and evident in the map foreground. Please note that the printed figure is far less readable than an on-screen map in color. The narrow and lighter portions of the paths represent CO2 readings at or near the background level. The wider and brighter portions of the paths represent successively higher readings. The trip on November 10th was conducted during the late evening (from 8pm to 1am), whereas the trip on November 11th was during the late afternoon and early evening (4pm to 9pm). The 10 hours of mobile readings produced 36,000 readings (one per second) for each of the two gases that were monitored (CO2 and CH4). The time stamp, GPS location, and trace gas readings for the data are stored in Oracle and converted into mappable data using ArcView. The contrast of CO2 concentration between the two time periods shown in Figure 4.10.2 is striking. The November 11th data contains more high concentration spots than the November 10th data. Except at the southern tip of the city (the intersection between routes 3 and 293), all other high concentration points are not overlapping. This reveals the possibility that either (1) most CO2 sources are non-stationary and time-varying, which strongly point to motor vehicles; and/or (2) the measurement data are very sensitive to local traffic conditions, especially if the van is measuring vehicle exhaust from cars close in front of it. The land use classification data from USGS LULC are too coarse (both spatially and in terms of land use categories) to demarcate precisely those areas that have higher CO2 concentrations (for reasons other than car emissions). Although almost all the high CO2 concentration spots are located within the industrial, commercial or residential areas, there are many low concentration spots which are located within these areas, too. Terrain and meteorological conditions (e.g. being upwind or downwind of emission sources) are likely to have significant impacts even if little atmospheric chemistry is occurring (at the surface). These observations indicate that the data processing and ‘reverse engineering’ needed to link trace gas measurements to emission sources requires considerable data filtering, modeling and analysis. But the ArcView-IMS user is limited to simple zoom, pan, and query options for exploring a limited number of data layers. Complex filtering and querying of the mobile measurements is either not possible or too awkward and time consuming with the standard ArcView-IMS tools. To address some of these issues, we added a customized query capability to ArcView-IMS so that end users can access the Oracle database directly in order to query and map selected subsets of the monitoring data. Figure 4.10.5 shows the graphical user interface for these queries of the Oracle database. The user must specify a username in order to distinguish (and hide) their customized ArcView ‘themes’ from those that other users create. Users also need to specify the name of the table to be queried and the text label they wish to use when mapping their customized datasets. These text labels are color-coded for added clarity. 185 Figure 4.10.5. Query Box for Customized Querying and Mapping of Trace Gas Measurements Users can use this dialogue box to select the subsets of trace gas readings that they wish to extract and map. They can select by type of gas, time period (including day and time of day), and measurement levels. The five selection boxes and text fields below the check boxes allow users to specify a range of conditions. In this example, only one condition is specified: the CO 2 level must be between 550 ppm and 600 ppm. Query results are the intersection of all specified conditions. After these fields are filled, users can either click the SUBMIT button to submit the query command to the Arcview server, or click the QUIT command to close the GUI window. Hitting the ‘quit’ button after entering only one’s user name will load all previously generated user-defined themes into the viewing window without generating a new theme. If a new query is specified, ArcView passes the query (in SQL format) to Oracle and automatically generates and maps a new shapefile comprising the selected datapoints. The look of the modified system is very similar to the original IMS user interface (Figure 4.10.2) except that a new button is added to the topmost button list. New layers of userselected CO2 and CH4 observations show up as additional themes in the viewing legend. Since these layers are created from individual user queries, different users can view and map different subsets of the entire trace gas measurement database. Geo-Processing Examples The previous example illustrated the use of distributed GIS tools to facilitate the visualization, filtering and aggregation of trace gas observations. The same approach can be used to handle a range of mobile (and fixed) measurement data (for meteorological data and a suite of trace gases). But such processing and mapping is only the first step in the modeling and analysis process. The broader goals are (a) to use the measurement data to calibrate the surface 186 conditions for running (and improving) the volumetric models of atmospheric chemistry and fluid dynamics, and (eventually) (b) to ‘reverse-engineer’ the model predictions in order to identify the locations and types of emissions that are most influential in producing adverse air pollution conditions. The distributed GIS architecture can also be helpful in supporting these goals. We illustrate one such use involving the estimation of certain baseline surface conditions for calibrating the model. Vehicular traffic is a key source of trace gases (such as CO2). The location and level of these emissions is, of course, dependent upon road location, traffic congestion, cold-start effects, vehicular emission controls, and the like. The GIS basemaps described earlier provide a rich source of data that can be used with the GIS tools to build useful models of the spatial pattern of vehicle emissions. For example, Figure 4.10.6 shows the road network in and around Manchester in gray and solid lines. The buffers surrounding the roads are shaded lighter and lighter to the extent that they are closer and closer to more (or more major) roads. (A simple inverse distance model is used with weightings based on road class and number of lanes). Further adjustment could be done to reflect time of day traffic congestion and/or estimated differences in vehicle mix and emission levels depending upon the proximity of the roads to residential neighborhoods with different demographic profiles. Such models can be used to create contour maps for the expected (surface) levels of trace gas concentration due to emissions from motor vehicles. And, trace gas measurements from, say, morning rush hour periods could be used to calibrate the parameters of these surface-level emission models. The calibrated models could then be used in estimating the road contribution to trace-gas emissions throughout the metropolitan area. They could also be used to extrapolate estimates of aggregate emission levels (from vehicles) that are generated within each grid cell across the metropolitan area. Surface level ‘initial conditions’ such as these are needed to calibrate and seed the air pollution models. Similar analyses and spatial data processing could be done with land use and terrain data (e.g., to estimate surface ‘roughness’), and with demographic data. GIS tools such as ArcView have the buffering, rasterization, and map algebra capabilities needed to make these estimation, spatial interpolation, and spatial aggregation steps reasonably automatic. A limited amount of coding – similar to the oracle queries discussed earlier – can add such functionality to the distributed GIS capabilities of our system. Subsequent project work experimented with these approaches. 187 Figure 4.10.6. Proximity-to-Road Model for Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Vehicle Emissions 188 Conclusions from Initial Work on Distributed GIS Systems This section described the intial prototyping and use of a distributed GIS system for modeling, analyzing, and monitoring urban respiration. A thin-client approach was used to distribute limited access to spatial data sets and monitoring data using Internet & Web-based protocols. Off-the shelf GIS and RDMBS tools were used to provide Internet-accessible spatial data processing and together with querying services with a minimal amount of customized programming. Initial experience with these tools indicates that: It is relatively easy to assemble and standardize key datasets of spatially referenced data that can serve as ‘basemaps’ for visualizing and analyzing trace gas monitoring data. It is relatively easy to store and cross-reference the GPS-referenced trace gas measurements so that they can be overlaid on the basemap layers. It is useful to provide (via ArcView-IMS) a minimal level of desktop mapping capability, with some consistency and user flexibility, to the various research teams. It is still difficult (within the limitations of a thin-client approach like ArcView-IMS) to provide sufficient flexibility and analytic capability to avoid the need for ftp exchange of raw datasets among the research teams. Standardized, industrial strength RDBMS services are needed to store manage and query the measurement and monitoring data with sufficient flexibility and power. The performance issues, reliability, and Java code requirements of a tool like ArcView-IMS are sufficiently complex and non-standard to warrant continued reliance on simpler map distribution strategies (such as static web pages and PDF-formatted maps) for some project purposes. More complex (and customizable) strategies are warranted for supporting (a) the filtering, interpolation, aggregation, and visualization of the meteorological and trace gas measurements [Figures 4.10.2 and 4.10.5], and (b) the spatial data processing needed to estimate surface level emissions, roughness, and other air pollution model parameters [Figure 4.10.6]. 189 4.10.2 GIS Analyses for Boston, MA Subsequent efforts to assemble and test suitable GIS tools and data layers focused on Boston, MA, and the field campaign of May, 1999. This section (4.10.2) describes the additional GIS data layers and tools that were available for Boston and explains the more detailed models that were developed to estimate the spatial distribution of trace gas emissions resulting from land use and urban activity. The next section (4.11) describes our efforts to calibrate the emission models using the observations from the Boston field experiments in May 1999. The methods and results are described further in one of the project papers [Cao, et al., 2001] and in a project website [see ]. The research team had access to GIS data layers for the Boston metro area that were similar to those used in Manchester. These datasets included the EPA inventory of AIRS/AFS sites and land use, hydrography, census, terrain and road network data from various State and Federal agencies. As was the case in Manchester, much of these data are now available online from the state’s lead GIS agency, MassGIS, (see ). For Massachusetts, the landuse data was much more detailed than it is in the USGS topographic maps that we used for Manchester, NH. For several decades, the Massachusetts has periodically funded a Resource Mapping Project at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The project classifies land use into a few dozen categories based on photointerpretation of 1:40,000 scale color infrared photos. We were also able to use high resolution, digital orthophotos of the Boston metro area. These one-byte, grayscale orthophotos have a ground resolution of one-half meter and were developed from aerial photography at 1:30,000 scale that was orthorectified and registered to Mass State Plane coordinates (NAD 1983). Digital Orthophotography and GIS-based Visualization The digital orthophotography was quite helpful both for planing the field experiments and for interpreting the results. Since the orthos have a meaningful geographic coordinate system, they can provide a useful visual underlay for other GIS data layers such as census demographics and the trace gas measurements recorded by our GPS-equipped mobile van. Figure 4.10.7 shows a ‘zoomed-in’ portion of the Mass orthophotos cover a 1.5x1.5 km portion of Boston near the I-93 (Southeast Expressway) and I-90 (Mass Turnpike) interchange. The red dots superimposed on the orthophoto mark the GPS-recorded location of our mobile van during one of our Boston field experiments. The dots are shaded darker red when the van was traveling fast and lighter pink when traveling slowly. The GPS-recordings were every second and they are far enough apart to be distinguished from one another along the Turnpike and for the southbound set of points along the Southeast Expressway. The Southbound run was made at 10 AM and the Northbound run (and the loop onto the Turnpike) was made during rush hour at 5 PM. The ‘bunching-up’ of the lighter colored dots - i.e., slow speeds - is quite noticeable during rush hour (until the van gets past the bottleneck and onto the free-flowing part of the Turnpike). Also visible at the lower left of the image are some registration errors. The van is displayed about 30 meters west of the roadway at this point. Both the orthorectification and the GPS estimates are subject to some error but only the GPS readings are likely to be off by this amount. 190 Figure 4.10.7. Aerodyne Van Traversal along I-93 and I-90 in Boston. GPS readings at onesecond intervals are shaded darker for higher speeds and overlaid on a digital orthophoto. Onscreen, the orthos are even sharper and it is possible to zoom in further to take advantage of the half-meter resolution. However, the digital ortho files are quite large and cumbersome. The raw imagery for Eastern Mass is more than 50 Gigabytes and the USGS countrywide series (of DOQQs at 1 meter pixel resolution) will consume 3 Terabytes of storage. Even with modern compression methods, these files are unwieldy to distribute and use. Beginning in 1996, the MIT research team pioneered Web services for ‘just-in-time’ delivery of customized snippets of digital orthos. Our methods and protocols have become part of the Open GIS Consortium ( standards for interoperable and distributed GIS components. For the Boston field experiments and subsequent analysis, we used our Web server for Boston metro orthophotos ( and an extension that we wrote for one of our GIS software packages (ArcView). The extension added two buttons to the normal ArcView mapping window. One button allows the user to select a web server that uses our MITOrthoTools to provide ortho snippets. The other ‘fill up’ button requests an ortho from the web server that is just big enough to fill the mapping window (using the lowest resolution for good on-screen viewing). The web server prepares and sends the customized ortho snippet within a few seconds and the returned files are relatively small (usually under 150 KB). There’s no need to archive a 191 complete set of orthos locally and it is easy to click the ‘fill up’ button to slip an ortho under one’s GIS map whenever it is useful. Figure 4.10.8 illustrates this use by showing an ArcView mapping window of Eastern Massachusetts with the Mass County boundaries and the Interstate highways turned on. The dark gray rectangle in the middle of the map is the ortho layer – a pie slice is cut out on the right side of the rectangle since that part is all water and was not photographed. I have zoomed out, after clicking the ’fill up’ button, to illustrate that only the orthos needed to fill the ArcView mapping window are obtained. At this scale, the ortho isn’t very detailed and interesting. But, if we zoom into the intersection of the Turnpike and I-93 – and then click the ‘fill up’ button again - we’ll get a fresh ortho snippet that has the detail of the image in Figure 4.10.7 above. The use of such a web service was very helpful at project meetings to select field experiment routes and to interpret and discuss results. It is also a good illustration of the general trend toward Web-based mapping and GIS. If such tools were widespread, a researcher could obtain needed datasets from distributed repositories only as they are needed. If the server has the right smarts, the repository data can be transformed as needed – e.g., projected to a new coordinate system, filtered using pre-established ‘business rules,’ clipped to match the view window, transparently overlaid with other data, etc. Moving as many such geoprocessing services as possible to the server side can free up the researcher to dig deeper in exploring and understanding the data and can speed up the interactions among interdisciplinary teams with different expertise. Later on, after discussing our modeling and analyses, we will have more to say about appropriate distributed GIS architectures for environmental monitoring and modeling. Figure 4.10.8. Eastern Mass Counties and Interstate Highways with a Boston area Ortho 192 Figure 4.10.9 illustrates some of the GIS-based visualization that we used to help interpret trace gas readings from the Boston field experiments. The two graphics trace the route of the Aerodyne mobile van through North Dorchester in May of 1999. The basemap is a fairly coarse portion of the Boston orthos draped on a terrain model. The GPS-based locations of the van route has been color coded and extruded above the surface. The color coding indicates speed with light pink being slow and dark red being fast. Each bar represents one observation of the concentration of NO or NO2. The height of the bar is proportional to the trace gas concentration of NO (on the left) and NO2 (on the right). Notice how the trace gas concentrations tend to rise as the mobile van slows down (light colors) at intersections or in traffic. The pattern is quite visible and we can use the GIS to zoom in on trouble spots and develop a sense of neighborhood characteristics and strategies for improved filtering of the data. Other types of visualizations (not illustrated here) involved the use of wind arrows (rather than extruded bars) to show the wind direction at the time of each observation. The color of the wind arrow is proportional to the trace gas concentration and the size and direction of the arrow reflect the wind speed and direction. Figure 4.10.9. Van Speed (light color is slow) vs. Concentration (height) of NO (left) and NO2 (right). 193 Modeling Emission Sources The purpose of the GIS-based modeling and analysis is to translate readily available GIS datasets about land use and urban activity into plausible baseline estimates of surface-level concentrations of trace gases. The procedure builds upon the distributed GIS and modeling experiments described in section 4.10.1 above. The whole modeling process can be divided into three stages: trace gas emission modeling, trace gas concentration (surface level) modeling, and air pollution modeling. Our work is focused on the modeling of trace gas concentration at surface level. The process is illustrated in Figure 4.10.10. We assume that the primary sources of trace gas emissions are point sources (such as smoke stacks in the EPA databases), vehicle emissions, other non-point source emissions that can be correlated with land use, land cover, and population density. We wish to estimate the amount and location of these emissions and then combine the estimates together by modeling wind and dispersion. To calibrate the surface-level trace gas concentration estimates from our combined model, we can use the observed concentrations of trace gases on days when we do not expect many complications from atmospheric chemistry. At this stage the focus is on a proof-of-concept regarding the feasibility of developing GIS processing ‘pipelines’ to carry out the necessary steps using readily available data. We would like this ‘pipeline’ to consist of standardizable GIS modeling components and standard ways to integrate them. In this case, models can easily be replaced with newer, better ones and new components can be added as needed. We would also like to distribute these components over the network so that they can be shared readily but maintained and calibrated by the agencies and experts most familiar with the relevant domain. Trace Gas Emissions Land Use (non-point source emissions) Stacks (point source emissions) Vehicle Emissions Simple Surface Level Concentration GIS ModelsModeling Land Use Model Stack Model Wind Model Road Model Trace Gas Concentration (surface level) Traffic Congestion Model Figure 4.10.10. Urban Respiration Project – GIS Modeling 194 Air Pollution Modeling Methodology To illustrate the modeling approach, we will focus on two of the five models needed in Figure 4.10.10 - the stack emission model and traffic congestion model. The methodology, modeling process, and modeling results will be discussed in the following parts. Surface level trace gas concentrations are the result of integrating all the models. To simplify the spatial aggregation, we create a regular grid across the study area – a 20x20 km square surrounding the Dorchester and lower Roxbury areas that were the location of our field experiments. We chose a grid cell size of 200m x 200m so the resulting cell matrix would be reasonably fine grained without being computationally unwieldy. This cell matrix contains 100 rows and 101 columns and the grid cells are overlaid on top of the data layers for each model component. The approach is to develop a grid cell value for each grid cell and for each data layer that represents the concentration estimate that we expect in that grid cell from each source. We also have trace gas concentration measurements for some of these grid cells. The trace gas measurement is obtained from a mobile van that travels around the city and measures the concentration of trace gases in real-time at the rate of one measurement every one to six seconds. This actual measurement can be viewed as the integrated result of all the models: That is: trace gas measurement = f (land use, stacks, roads, traffic, wind). Spatial regression analyses are performed to model observed trace gas concentrations as a function of each model’s result. The parameters of this estimated function can then be used to interpolate a baseline concentration surface for all surface level grid cells in the urban area and these estimates can be used to initialize volumetric atmospheric models. Integrating GIS and RDBMS in the Modeling Process As indicated in Section 4.10.1 for the Manchester experiments, we found it necessary to use relational database management systems (RDBMS) to manage many of the requisite data layers. The RDBMS not only facilitates the data management, but it makes it easier to systemize the modeling process and make the models more repeatable when some modeling parameters change. For example, SQL scripts and stored procedures can be written and saved to filter the trace gas observations and even to run the wind and dispersion models discussed below. At present the GIS software is rather weak at streamlining the modeling process and high-speed calculation. For example, we have tried to use ArcView’s “Model Builder” extension to automate the modeling process but gave up because of its limited functionality. (The Summer, 2002, release of a much improved ‘model builder’ by ESRI is claimed to have the desired features). In this project, the GIS software we used was ESRI’s ArcView and Arc/Info and the RDBMS is Oracle 8i. The mechanism to connect them includes two parts as shown in Figure 4.10.11: from ArcView to Oracle; from Oracle to ArcView. When we transfer a table from ArcView to Oracle, first the table is exported as an Arc/Info table. Then the info table is transferred to Oracle through the Arc/Info command “infodbms”. This transferring process has 195 ArcView table Arc/Info table Oracle table Oracle table Automated by an Avenue script Database Access extension ArcView table Figure 4.10.11. The mechanism of connecting GIS and RDBMS been automated by an Avenue script. When we pull an Oracle table into ArcView, the ArcView extension “Database Access” is used to directly connect to the database and get the table (Figure 4.10.11). Stack Emission Model Stack emission data are obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Envirofacts data warehouse in the same manner that we used for Manchester (see section 4.10.1). The data we get are for each stack within the study area. We aggregate the data at the facility level (since more precise x-y coordinates for each stack are often missing), We then consider all the stacks within the same facility as one point and add up all their emissions. Two kinds of trace gas emissions are taken into account: NO and CO2. Then we pull the resulting table back into ArcView and convert it to a point theme called “AFS_PLANTSTACK_PRJ.SHP”. Data processing in ArcView involves the following steps: First, we perform a "point-inpolygon" operation to join the attribute table of AFS_PLANTSTACK_PRJ.SHP to that of the base grid cell matrix. We need to do this in order to assign a matrix cell ID (gridcode) to each stack, therefore making it possible (in the RDBMS) to aggregate stack emissions within one cell to a single value for the model calculation. Once this is done, we select all the records in the joined table whose gridcode > 0 and export the selected records to a new dBase table, stacks_sa3gd.dbf , for use in ArcView. We used an Avenue script to transfer this dBase table back to Oracle. The Simple Dispersion Model (at surface level) A simple dispersion model – an Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) model, is applied to the table to simulate the distribution of trace gas concentration at surface level. For each cell of the matrix, we consider the adjacent 11x11 square cells (approximately 2000m x 2000m areas) in any direction surrounding it as its “neighbor cells”. The formulae of the IDW calculation for the center cell and its neighbor cells are as given in Figure 4.10.12: 196 Concentration of Cell(i, j): Center cell(i, j) = (1/N2) x Eij x (1/0.05)2 E: emissions, i = 1 … N, j = 1 … N Neighbor cell(a, b) = (1/N2) x Eab x (1/(0.2 x Dab))2 Dab = Sqrt ((i-a)2 + (j-b)2) Concentration of cell(i, j) = center cell(i, j) + SUM (all the neighbor cells) Note: 1. Distance unit: kilometer 2. Center cell distance = 50m = 0.05km 3. Grid size = 200m x 200m = 0.2km x 0.2km Figure 4.10.12. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Calculation of Trace Gas Concentrations The dispersion modeling is calculated in Oracle. The whole process can be illustrated by the flow chart in Figure 4.10.13. A cell’s final value equals its value at the center cell plus the sum of all its neighbor cells’ value. The scope of the neighbor cells can be adjusted according to different types of pollutant and conditions to reflect the real dispersion effect. For the stack emission model, we define the neighbor cells as 11x11 cells around a center cell. In other words, we think that the dispersion effect on a cell from a stack more than 1000 meters away can be ignored. Before the model calculation the original cell value is the total emission amount of all the stacks located within that cell. If there is no stack in a cell, the cell value is zero. 197 In ArcView, perform "pointin-polygon" joining to get the table stacks_sa3gd_jn.dbf Dump the stacks_sa3gd_jn.dbf to Oracle via Arc/Info, using Avenue Script: dbf2ora.ave. Get table: in_ora Dbf2ora.ave in_ora (table) Containing fields: emission_co, emission_no2, gridcode Containing incomplete cellids, only cells having stacks appear in this table Existing duplicated cellids since there may be more than one stack within a cell Sql_1 gd200mtri_sum (view) Summing up the emission_co and emission_no2 respectively of all the stacks within the same cell Containing fields: emisCO, emisNO2, gridcode Oracle URBANRESP Database gd200msa3 (table) Containing fields: cellid, x_coordinate, y_coordinate , rowi, colj Simple Join two tables Insert records whose cellids don’t appear in “gd200mtri_sum” to the joined table Sql_2 gd200mtri (table) Containing fields: cellid, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, rowi, colj, emisCO, emisNO2 Containing complete cellids from 1 to 10100 IDW Calculation IDW Calculation in Oracle (11x11 cells square neighborhood) Get table: “gd200mtri11” Transfer the tables to ArcView Transfer the resulting Oracle table to ArcView via “SQL Connect” extension. Join this table to the attribute table of "sa3gd.shp"(base grid matrix) by common cellid. Then display the distribution of CO andChart NO2 in Figure 4.10.13. Flow of ArcView. Method for Dispersion Model Calculations. 198 The following is part of the SQL queries in the “IDW Calculation” step: /* Center cell computation: (weight = 1 for 11x11 window) create view gd200mcenter as select, g.emisco, g.emisno2, g.rowi, g.colj, (1/121) * 400 * g.emisco emisco_c, (1/121) * 400 * g.emisno2 emisno2_c from gd200mtri g; /* neighbor cells computation: create table gd200mtri_wt11 as select, g.rowi, g.colj, sum(h.emisco *(1/121) * 25/(power((g.rowi-h.rowi),2) + power((g.colj-h.colj),2)) ) emisco_s, sum(h.emisno2*(1/121) * 25/(power((g.rowi-h.rowi),2) + power((g.colj-h.colj),2)) ) emisno2_s from gd200mtri g, gd200mtri h where g.rowi > 5 and 100 – g.rowi >= 5 and g.colj > 5 and 101 – g.colj >= 5 and abs(g.rowi – h.rowi) <= 5 and abs(g.colj – h.colj) <= 5 and (g.rowi <> h.rowi or g.colj <> h.colj) group by, g.rowi, g.colj; /* Join the two tables to get total for each cell: create index grid200id on gd200mtri_wt11(id); create view gd200mtri11 as select, g.rowi, g.colj, g.emisco, g.emisno2, emisco_c + emisco_s emisco_wt11, emisno2_c + emisno2_s emisno2_wt11 from gd200mcenter g, gd200mtri_wt11 w where =; The final Oracle table is pulled back to ArcView via the “Database Access” extension. Then this table is joined to the attribute table of the base grid matrix via the common cell ID in order to display the concentration distribution of CO and NO2. The modeling results are illustrated in Figure 4.10.14 and 4.10.15. The estimated concentrations are classified based on the standard deviation of the Z-score of CO and NO2 concentrations respectively. 199 Figure 4.10.14. Estimated CO Concentration Distribution After the Stack Emission Model Figure 4.10.15. Estimated NO2 Concentration Distribution After the Stack Emission Model 200 Traffic Congestion Model Vehicle emissions are estimated using the proximity-to-road approach described earlier for the Manchester experiments (see section 4.10.1) plus a model that estimates the location of traffic congestion. The traffic congestion model is constructed by scaling and combining spatial features of the road network in ways that are computable using GIS and RDBMS tools and readily available data. We identify the locations of road intersections and highway exits and estimate the traffic congestion level at these locations. Ultimately, vehicle counters and other monitors will enable these models to be improved. We assume that traffic congestion tends to depend on the number of traffic lanes converging at a specific intersection or exit. The hypothesis is that part of the surface level trace gas concentration (P) is proportional to the level of traffic congestion at the road intersections and highway exits: P = W * N (W is the weighting coefficient; N is the number of lanes. W can be calculated through the later spatial regression analysis which combines all the models.). The traffic congestion model has been divided into two parts: road intersections and highway exits. It doesn’t take into account the traffic on the roads appart from the intersections because that has been simulated by the road model explained in Section 4.10.1. As for the intersections, three types of road have been identified, as well as their lane numbers: Class 2 - Multi-lane Highway, not limited access; 3 lanes Class 3 - Other numbered route; 2 lanes Class 4 - Major road – connector; 1 lane When two roads intersect, the intersection is assigned a value equal to the total number of lanes of these two roads. The same principle applies to three-road intersections and so on. We handle exits from Class 1 - Limited Access Highways, separately and weighted them as if they were 4 intersecting lanes. The data layer of major roads is obtained from MassGIS website: It is a statewide arc coverage called MAJRDMHD, containing all four classes of roads mentioned above. In ArcView we process this data layer by removing Class 1- Limited Access Highway from it and clipping it to the scope of our study area. Then we get a shape file called “ROAD234_IN3.shp” which contains all the class 2, 3, and 4 roads within the study area. In order to calculate the traffic congestion distribution at road intersections, first we must identify all the intersections and their total converged lane numbers. This process is completed in Arc/Info and Oracle. The criteria to judge a node as an intersection is that its appears in the attribute table of ROAD234_IN3 as a FNODE# or a TNODE# more than twice1. The first step of this process is building the topology of ROAD234_IN3.shp in Arc/Info to get the arc coverage ROAD234_IN3. Then dump its attribute table (AAT) to Oracle through the connection between Arc/Info and Oracle. 1 ROAD234_IN3 is an arc coverage built from ROAD234_IN3.shp in Arc/Info. Its attribute table contains the node information of each arc. The column of “FNODE#” in that table means the internal sequence number of the from-node. The column of “TNODE#” means the internal sequence number of the to-node. 201 Based on this attribute table, a series of SQL queries are performed to find all the road intersections and the number of lanes converging there. The process can be illustrated as the following flow chart: Create table: Fnodecount Counting the frequency of FNODE# Create table: Tnodecount Counting the frequency of TNODE# Join two tables Create view: Totalcount GET THE X, Y COORDINATE INFORMATION FOR EACH INTERSECTION NODE Counting the total frequency of a node as a FNODE or a TNODE Find Create view: Internodes intersAssign lane Selecting nodes whose total ectionnumbers to frequency is greater than 2 s each node Join two tables and sum up lane numbers for each intersection by “group by NODE#” Get “road234_in3c.NAT” in Arc/Info by commands: Arc: BUILD road234_in3c NODE Arc: ADDXY Pull this road234_in3c table to NODE Get table: Nodescoord Oracle Create table: Allintersections Containing columns: NODE# -- node number TOTALLANES – lane numbers for an intersection Containing columns: NODE#, X coordinate, Y coordinate Join two tables Create table: intersections Containing columns: NODE#, TOTALLANES, X_COORD, Y_COORD After creating the table “intersections”, we pull it into ArcView via the "Database Access" extension. Then in ArcView, we create an event theme based on this table, using X_COORD and Y_COORD as X and Y coordinate fields. This point theme contains all the road intersections and their traffic congestion information. A visual display of the identified intersections and highway exits is shown in Figure 4.10.16 The data layer of highway exits locations is also obtained from MassGIS website: This statewide point coverage includes the exit number and the highway route number associated with each exit. This data layer is processed in ArcView by being clipped to the scope of the study area and having a weight equivalent to 16 traffic lanes assigned to each exit in the attribute table of the coverage. 202 Figure 4.10.16. Find all the Road Intersections and Highway Exits Data Processing in ArcView and Oracle The data processing in ArcView is similar to that of the stack emission model: Join the attribute table of road intersections to that of the base grid matrix; Join the attribute table of highway exits to that of the base grid matrix; Export the selected records to two dBase tables: intersections_sa3gd.dbf and exits_sa2gd.dbf; Run the Avenue script to transfer these two dBase tables to Oracle. An IDW dispersion model is applied to the above two Oracle tables, following the similar formulae and procedure of the stack emission model. The neighbor cells are also defined as 11x11 square cells around the center cell. The difference is to substitute the stack emission value of each cell with the traffic congestion value measured by the number of traffic lanes. After the calculation two tables are generated, describing the traffic congestion distribution around all the intersections and exits locations. 203 These two final tables are pulled back to ArcView via its “Database Access” extension. Then they are joined to the attribute table of the common grid matrix respectively. The resulting contributions to trace gas concentrations that result from the dispersion of road intersection congestion is shown in Figure 4.10.17. Once again, the shading is based on standardized z scores of the concentration estimates. Figure 4.10.17. Estimated Trace Gas Concentration from Traffic Congestion around Road Intersections Emission Modeling Conclusions These stack emission, road, and traffic congestion models are three of the five components of the surface level trace gas concentration model diagramed in Figure 4.10.10 above. The land use model also used the 200mx200m grid cells and was based on a combination of population density and the percentage land in the neighborhood of each cell that was use for residential, commercial, transportation, and open space (or water). The wind model simply shifted all estimates 1, 2, or 3 grid cells in the direction that the prevailing wind was blowing. All the models were computable from readily available data using standard GIS procedures plus SQL queries in the relational database manager. (We ended up doing all the IDW weightings in the RDBMS after encountering problems with the equivalent procedure in ArcView when there were 204 large neighborhoods or many cells). The major advantage of incorporating RDBMS in the modeling process is to improve the accuracy, efficiency, flexibility and repeatability of the data processing pipeline. The RDBMS has good tools complex filtering and querying of the data and for storing and automating the procedures. The modeling procedures involve data preparation and transferring, dispersion modeling, and results mapping. All five models are combined with several parameters to explain and estimate the surface level trace gas concentrations. By correlating the estimates with trace gas measurements obtained from suitably equipped mobile vans, we can estimate the model parameters. The next section explains the spatial regression analyses use to calculate the influence of each factor on the urban air quality at the surface level. Once such calculations are made, the composite modeling results then can be used to interpolate surface level concentrations throughout the study area which can, in turn, be used as input for the 3-dimentional ambient air pollution modeling work of other groups in our research team. While our study focused on metro Boston, similar raw data layers for other urban areas are increasingly available on the Internet and the methodology we propose could be applied in a reasonably standardized way for many metropolitan areas. The next section discusses the practicality of such GIS modeling efforts as well as the spatial regression modeling. 205 4.11 Comparing GIS-based Models and Trace Gas Observations This section compares the trace gas observations from the Boston field experiments with the estimates developed from the GIS modeling described in Section 4.10. In addition, we use the modeling experience to develop conclusions about the limits and practicality of using GIS modeling tools and distributed GIS architectures to support complex environmental monitoring and modeling. In experimenting with the GIS-based models, we are trying to prototype methods and system architectures that can be good templates for improved models. Toward this end, we seek models that are modular in nature and able to capitalize on emerging technologies and improvements in environmental monitoring. We have decomposed the emission modeling task along the lines suggested in Figure 4.11.1. We have focused on the most significant and straightforward activities that can be well-captured by GIS modeling. Our GIS modeling has generated, for each 200mx200m grid cell, a parametric equation estimating the emissions contribution of traffic, stack, and land use activities. In addition, we developed a simple wind model (in SQL) that models wind by shifting the grid cell values in the direction of the wind. If we assume no atmospheric chemistry or vertical dispersion, then the emission estimates (for any particular trace gas) should be additive and, in principle, we should Figure 4.11.1. Flow Chart of Emission Modeling Approach. 206 now be able to calibrate the model parameters from the mobile van’s trace gas observations during the Boston field experiments. Of course there is some chemistry, there are many degrees of freedom in our models, and the linear assumptions and simple dispersion estimates are not ideal. Nevertheless, if we picked an observation day with clear skies, a healthy southwest (prevailing) wind, and an early morning start, then we should have a shot at finding reasonable model parameter to explain surface level trace gas concentrations at the start of a daily cycle. The limited time available and the logistics of handling the several mobile vehicles prevented us from getting pre-rush hour runs through the study area. But the research team did make several afternoon and evening passes and the weather conditions were reasonably consistent that day and suggested little atmospheric chemistry. In the next sub-section, we describe the equations and techniques used to calibrate and test the model. Figure 4.11.2 maps the land use pattern in the study area. The map shows the land use at the center of each 200mx200m grid cell. The variables used in the model are the percentage of land in the neighborhing 25 grid cells that are of each land use type. Figure 4.11.3 shows the population density pattern in the study area (total population per acre). Figure 4.11.2. Land Use in the Boston Study Area 207 Figure 4.11.3. Population Density (total population per acre) for the Boston Study Area 4.11.1 Spatial Regressions of the May 25, 1999, Trace Gas Observations Which set of trace gas observations should we compare with the model estimates? Extensive study of the spatial and temporal patterns of trace gas observations by the Aerodyne team were reported earlier. We used the ‘shaved’ data from May 25 for our model tests. These shaved data filtered out observations that, due to the NO/CO2 ratio and other tests, were considered either representative of local point sources and not the general pollutant levels, or were otherwise considered unreliable. The remaining NO and CO2 observations were averaged within their 200mx200m grid cells (for the selected time periods). These calculations yielded about 300 grid cells in the study area with mobile van observations. The average NO concentrations are shown in Figure 4.11.4. The observed average concentrations were then regressed against a linear function of the model components (after scaling the road/congestion model components to standard z scores). Instead of running ordinary least squares, we used S*Plus Spatial Statistics to run a ‘spatial’ regression that tried to account for lack of independence in the observation because of spatial autocorrelation. The ArcView extension for Spatial Statistics made it easy to move the grid cell values into S*Plus for the statistical analysis and then back into ArcView for mapping. 208 The right hand side variables for the regression are May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OT7FIX May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.W7FIX May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.C7FIX May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.I7FIX May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OP7FIX May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$LANESWT.ZSCORE May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$EXITSWT.ZSCORE May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$RD.ZSCORE = = = = = = = = landuse ‘other’ percent landuse ‘water’ percent landuse ‘commercial’ percent landuse industrial percetn landuse ‘open space’ percent intersection ‘lane’ z-score highway ‘exit’ z-score road density z-score The percentage of land that is in residential use is the base case and is not included in the regression. The prefix to the variable names indicates the use of May25 data with a southwest wind model of 3 grid cells and the runs used the ‘shaved’ observations. A typical set of 4 runs is shown in Figure 4.11.5. The four are for ‘no wind shift’ and southwest wind shifts of 1, 2, or 3 grid cells. That day, the prevailing wind was southwest. The one-cell southwest wind shift produces the lowest residual standard error – although not by much. The high-low difference is only about 10%. The second best model is no-wind. In both cases, the commercial/industrial landuses have statistically significant coefficients and signs in the expected direction – positive, indicating higher observed concentrations (compared to the base residential case) in area that are more commercial or industrial. But the percent of land that is water also has a positive coefficient for the SW1 case (and an insignificant coefficient in the no-wind case. Likewise, one of the road congestion terms (highway exits) has a significant wrong sign in the SW1 case. The no-wind case looks more plausible. Figure 4.11.6 plots the NO residuals (as standard deviations) for the SW3 model. Red values show overestimated cells and blue values should underestimated. The spatial regression tends to avoid substantial spatial clustering of residuals, but the predictions still leave a lot to be desired. 209 Figure 4.11.4 Average Observed Values of NO (ppb) during May 25, 1999 Mobile Van Runs 210 sw3_conges2_baseR.txt Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 9.4991 0.9796 9.6968 0.0000 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OT7FIX -0.0183 0.0430 -0.4245 0.6715 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.W7FIX 0.0116 0.0653 0.1772 0.8595 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.C7FIX 0.0703 0.0284 2.4728 0.0140 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.I7FIX 0.0687 0.0452 1.5210 0.1293 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OP7FIX -0.0708 0.0219 -3.2252 0.0014 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$LANESWT.ZSCORE 0.7255 0.2731 2.6560 0.0083 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$EXITSWT.ZSCORE -0.0123 0.1722 -0.0714 0.9431 May25sw3f2shv.rm2scsa3$RD.ZSCORE -0.1396 0.2803 -0.4980 0.6188 Residual standard error: 2.77583 on 302 degrees of freedom sw2_conges2_baseR.txt Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 8.9155 0.9703 9.1884 0.0000 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OT7FIX 0.0710 0.0469 1.5118 0.1316 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.W7FIX -0.0086 0.0568 -0.1509 0.8801 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.C7FIX 0.0162 0.0277 0.5852 0.5589 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.I7FIX 0.0597 0.0483 1.2359 0.2175 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OP7FIX -0.0781 0.0242 -3.2340 0.0014 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$LANESWT.ZSCORE 0.1238 0.1863 0.6644 0.5069 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$EXITSWT.ZSCORE 0.5695 0.1286 4.4293 0.0000 May25sw2f2shv.rm2scsa3$RD.ZSCORE 0.1801 0.2622 0.6869 0.4927 Residual standard error: 2.82466 on 302 degrees of freedom sw1_conges2_baseR.txt Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.6975 1.0700 7.1941 0.0000 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OT7FIX 0.0156 0.0473 0.3295 0.7420 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.W7FIX 0.1045 0.0464 2.2531 0.0250 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.C7FIX 0.0691 0.0263 2.6292 0.0090 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.I7FIX 0.1291 0.0482 2.6759 0.0079 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OP7FIX -0.0330 0.0259 -1.2737 0.2038 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$LANESWT.ZSCORE 0.1481 0.1336 1.1085 0.2685 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$EXITSWT.ZSCORE -0.1951 0.0893 -2.1838 0.0297 May25sw1f2shv.rm2scsa3$RD.ZSCORE -0.2092 0.2104 -0.9943 0.3209 Residual standard error: 2.62654 on 302 degrees of freedom nowind_conges2_baseR.txt Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.1760 1.1088 6.4717 0.0000 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OT7FIX 0.0326 0.0486 0.6711 0.5027 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.W7FIX 0.0599 0.0369 1.6257 0.1051 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.C7FIX 0.0588 0.0270 2.1774 0.0302 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.I7FIX 0.0924 0.0451 2.0477 0.0415 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$PCT.OP7FIX -0.0158 0.0270 -0.5877 0.5572 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$LANESWT.ZSCORE -0.1028 0.0926 -1.1095 0.2681 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$EXITSWT.ZSCORE 0.0980 0.0376 2.6082 0.0096 May25nowindf2shv.rm2scsa3$RD.ZSCORE 0.1828 0.2131 0.8577 0.3917 Residual standard error: 2.70482 on 302 degrees of freedom Figure 4.11.5. Typical Regression Results for May 25 NO Observations 211 Figure 4.11.6. May 25 NO Residuals (as standard deviations) for the SW3 model There are a number of reasons why we might expect the regressions to be of limited value. In general the mobile van made two traversals of the study area several hours apart with the return trip during rush hour. The conditions are likely to be different later in the day when a seabreeze from the east began competing with the prevailing southwesterly in some parts of the study area. The WSU wind instruments travelled with the mobile van during parts of the day and confirmed that the local wind was not always southwest. Before trying the spatial regressions, we did a number of more exploratory analyses. For example, we identified, by overlaying van traversals on orthos land use and density maps, places where the van made parallel runs, close together in time, but through local streets and neighborhoods with different land use (e.g., residential for one and commercial/industrial for the other). In some cases, we were able to observe the expected patterns – lower NO and CO2 values in the areas downwind of open space and residential and higher values in the areas downwind of commercial/industrial. But the shifting local winds – and the limited number of van traversals and wind readings - that day seemed to limit our ability to capture the active relationships. 212 4.11.2 System Architectures for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Within the research team, we have discussed but not pursued in detail more complex model linkages between the GIS models of urban activity and the volumetric models of atmospheric chemistry and diffusion. For example, the land use data can be used to estimate surface roughness – a key factor in modeling atmospheric chemistry. At this stage, however, we did not want to address chemical interactions in the GIS modeling. Nevertheless, the land use data that we do include have breakdowns of land use at the sub-kilometer scale. These percentages can be used to develop surface rouhgness measures at 3 km and greater scales. Other studies (such as the EPA-sponsored Georgia Tech experiments in Atlanta) are developing detailed experiments to monitor and measure vehicle emissions by age of vehicle, slope of road, temperature of engine/air, etc. During the next few years, such studies and improved traffic congestion information systems will provide better vehicle emission data and models that can easily be used within the modeling architecture envisioned in this study. These frustrations with our limited ability to do more data mining of the observations highlight one of the important findings of the study. If we had been able to collect and analyze even a sample of all our observations within a few hours, if not in realtime, then we could have adjusted the mobile van traversals to make observations in the times and places that were most likely to be relevant. By the end of the study, the various teams had streamlined most of the analysis procedures to where this was conceivable. At the same time, GIS technologies have begun to appear with sufficient modeling tools, distributed computing capabilities, and interoperability standards that it will soon be practical to do near realtime data acquisition and analysis using off-the-shelf tools without limited amounts of custom programming. The difficulties that we encountered in automating the GIS ‘pipeline’ and utilizing web mapping technologies are worth enumerating and were sufficient to slow down the interaction of the research teams when we weren’t all together for the field experiments. When we were doing the experiments, the overly complex analysis ‘pipelines’ forced us to archive most of the data for later use. Listing a few of the impediments is instructive in explaining just how many calculations and technical glitches would bog down the process. The ArcView-IMS software used to provide Web mapping in the first and second year required too much Java download and/or client PC capability and tended to cause research team member’s PC to lock up. In one case, the user had too small a display and too limited a color table to make the maps usable. The current ‘model builder’ tool is a long ways from a universal modeling language (UML) tool that could greatly facilitate the integration of GIS tools with complex engineering models. The current version can not mix and match vector and raster operations of sufficient complexity to be helpful in automating our data processing pipeline. One example of specific difficulties involved the use of different coordinate systems. Local data tended to be in a State Plane coordinate system (to preserve areas). The meteorological models use a Lambert conical projection – and the raster grid cells in that coordinate system are no longer square grid cells when projected to state plane systems. Moreover, the grid cell boundaries in the MM5 models are based on a starting center point and not easily registered to any grid cell boundaries that might be generated in a typical GIS system. 213 The tens of thousands of data points collected each observation day need considerable filtering and analysis before they are sufficiently robust to be used in modeling. Dumping them directly into a networked RDBMS database engine would make a lot of sense. Then stored procedures could be written to automatically check and transform the data – transform coordinates to state plane, adjust GMT time, filter out bad NO/CO2 readings, detect subtle system anomolies, etc. Current wireless technologies now make it practical for the mobile van to do live reporting of GPS and trace gas readings. Once this step is taken, any number of users could study the data in near real-time. Additional team members back at the office could examine the data and plot afternoon traversals. At the same time, metropolitan areas are improving their base mapping of parcels land fills and other large-scale features that could greatly assist in calibrating the emission models. New datasets are also coming online for traffic congestion reporting, air quality monitoring stations, and the like. With these datasets for ground truthing and the right system architecture to support complex but flexible engineering modeling, near realtime analysis and modeling will become practical. When this occurs, it will be come practical to use satellite imagery for the mobile component of environmental monitoring in order to significantly increase the scope and replicability of air quality models. Modeling the environmental implications of land use and transportation is a complex, multidimensional and multidisciplinary undertaking that has begun to involve a growing number of researchers and Federal agencies in the US and around the world. Progress in this area will depend on the gradual improvement, standardization, and interoperability of many model elements, data layers and geoprocessing methods. For this reason, we have focused on exploring the capabilities and limitations involved in using readily available datasets and current GIS and RDBMS technologies. The idea is to see how easily we can assemble and interconnect relevant data layers and models into a data processing 'pipeline' that can be easily replicated and return with improved datasets and modeling components. The results are promising but highlight the need for improved modeling languages and 'process modeling' tools (such as UML and ESRI's 'model builder'). Current versions of these tools are too limited and inflexible in their handling of modeling complexity, interoperability, network transparency, and user interface. Improvements in metropolitan information infrastructures along with increased interest in environmental monitoring and real-time traffic information systems is beginning to provide the data needed to make such modeling pipelines practical and reliable. But the model elements are too complex, multidisciplinary, and evolutionary to be manageable, using today's GIS tools, as a collection of distributed and interoperable modeling components. As the GIS technology evolves from standalone programs to distributed geoprocessing components the type of modeling systems described in this paper will become increasingly practical and portable. 214 4.12 Fine Aerosol The concentration of fine particles (~7 – 3000 nm diameter) was measured through nonheated and heated (300ºC) inlets using a TSI model 3022A condensation particle counter. Tests showed that the heated inlet (non-volatile fraction) volatilized nitrates, sulfates, and organic materials. The non-volatile fraction in an urban environment is typically composed of fine crustal dust, soot carbon, and high molecular weight organic materials. The 1999 Boston campaign included both mobile and stationary sampling regimes. Mobile samples were collected while traveling through and around major city thoroughfares while stationary sampling was conducted over a several day period on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus in Cambridge. In Figure 4.12.1 we show typical data for fine particles collected during highway runs around the Boston area. The largest concentrations of fine particle were observed in the vicinity of traffic lights or congested merging areas, suggesting that mobile sources were a significant source of both total and non-volatile particles. The variability and differences in total and non-volatile particle sources is evident from the fact these two parameters were not always correlated positively. “Hot spots” were apparent for both parameters, and these were usually not located concomitantly. Interestingly, the total particle, but not the non-volatile, concentration was quite elevated in the area of the “Big Dig” in Boston. This can be identified as the green colored highway area in the upper right corner of the left panel. These particles could be related to the extensive use of heavy machinery for highway excavation and construction in the area. We speculate below that our aerosol filter collections during stationary measurements in Cambridge actually sampled suspended particles from the “Big Dig” construction activities. During the stationary sampling on the MIT campus during May 27-29, 1999 we observed high concentrations of particulate calcium (Figure 4.12.2). Calcium is a tracer of soil dust, cement, and other alkaline materials. Calcium and sulfate values shown in Figure 4.12.2 have been corrected for contribution from sea salt (i.e., non-sea-salt concentrations shown only). In the late afternoon on May 28 we observed what appeared to be a sea breeze front move into the greater Boston area. This is evident by the very high levels of sodium and chloride. Coincident with these were elevated concentrations of non-sea-salt calcium. It is highly likely that the sea breeze brought suspended fine dust and other alkaline materials into the Cambridge area that were associated with “Big Dig” activities to the east of our sampling site. This was a very well defined event, which ended around 18:00 local time, just about the time the sea breeze would be expected to retreat back toward the ocean as the land surface began to cool. Throughout the night and into the early morning hours of May 29 a major pollution episode influenced the air quality at the Cambridge site. Here ppbv levels of ammonium and nitrate were observed with lesser amounts of sulfate aerosol. It is highly likely that the high levels of nitrate were directly related to the significant mobile sources of reactive nitrogen in the area. It also points to large urban or mobile sources of ammonia. Mobile sources have been proposed to be a significant source of ammonia in the Los Angeles basin leading to production of 215 Total Counts Non-Volatile Counts 283001-1350000 45000-803000 137001-283000 30000-45000 56301-137000 15000-30000 5450-56300 2680-15000 Figure 4.12.1. Concentration of fine particles (particles cm-3) along Boston roads and highways on May 23, 1999. The left panel the concentration of total fine particles (unheated) while the right one is the non-volatile fraction (heated). The Ferriera group at MIT generated these GPS-GIS based maps. fine light scattering aerosols after reaction with nitric acid [Fraser and Cass, 1998]. Our data for the Boston area tends to support their findings. On a global scale, biogenic and agricultural sources dominate the ammonia budget [Deneter and Crutzen, 1994]. This may not be the case in urban areas, and this issue clearly requires closer attention in future studies. 216 Multiple mechanisms are possible for formation of nitrate aerosols in an urban environment, including direct reaction of nitric acid and ammonia, reaction/uptake of N2O5 and HONO at nighttime, and uptake of nitric acid on basic particles such as crustal and highway abraded dust (e.g., cement) [Roberts, 1995]. The relative amount of nitrate and sulfate aerosols in this urban area is the opposite of what has been observed upwind of the Boston area in central Massachusetts. At Harvard Forest near Petersham, MA, Lefer and Talbot [2001] nearly always observed much higher concentrations (factors of 2 –20) of sulfate compared to nitrate aerosols. Only during periods of high anthropogenic influence did nitrate concentrations exceed 100 pptv. These results appear to be very consistent with an urban source for the enhanced levels of ammonium nitrate aerosol occasionally observed at Harvard Forest. 1600 Mixing Ratio, pptv Sodium Chloride Magnesium nss-Calcium 1200 800 400 0 12:00:00 20:24:00 4:48:00 13:12:00 21:36:00 6:00:00 14:24:00 6:00:00 14:24:00 2000 Mixing Ratio, pptv Ammonium nss-Sulfate Nitrate 1500 1000 500 0 12:00:00 20:24:00 4:48:00 13:12:00 21:36:00 Local Time Figure 4.12.2. Selected water-soluble composition of urban aerosols sampled on the MIT campus during May 27-29, 1999. About 95% of total calcium and sulfate were of non-sea-salt origin. 217 The aerosol composition data collected during this project emphasizes the complex nature of urban aerosols, and the diversity of sources and mechanisms influencing the distribution and concentration of fine particles. Since many large cities in the U.S. tend to occur along the coastline, they too are likely to have a strong but variable marine influence. This probably has important implications for gas phase chemistry, particularly that of reactive nitrogen, which have yet to be realized. This project provided a first look at the complexities offered by studying heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry in a coastal urban environment. A summary of the CO2 and fine particle data for May 28, 1999 is shown in Figure 4.12.3. The data were initially collected at 1 Hz, averaged to a one-minute interval, and then binned as hourly segments. The peak that occurs around 16 hours after midnight is probably due to rush hour traffic. This was a Friday afternoon going into Memorial Day weekend, so the traffic was unusually heavy. There was close correspondence between elevated CO2 and fine particles during this time interval, again suggesting that mobile sources were dominant at this time. Note that the non-volatile fraction represents about 50% of the total fine particle concentration. This was typical of our Boston area measurements, including the mobile-based ones. During the instrument-testing phase of this study we sampled in rural and small communities in New Hampshire and on the University of New Hampshire campus and rarely observed more than 30% of the total as the non-volatile fraction. The total particle concentrations were surprisingly quite similar between rural New Hampshire and Cambridge (i.e., on the order of 104). It would be interesting to see if other urban areas have characteristically a larger proportion of non-volatile particles compared to the surrounding region. We explored additional inter-relationships between fine particles and trace gases using data collected on May 28. Figure 4.12.4 illustrates some of these using the NO and CO data. The correlation of fine particles and NO was slightly better than that with CO. This may reflect the importance of mobile sources for both of these species. The sources of fine particles, NO, CO, and even CO2 are extremely diverse in an urban environment. These plots therefore reflect to a large extent the net effect, so a close correspondence would not necessarily be expected between fine particles and trace gases. In addition, fine particles have both primary and secondary sources, which adds significant confounding problems to interpreting the data. It is possible that these relationships are better defined in the downwind sector from an urban plume. For the Boston area this is not easy to sample, as the downwind area is usually extends out over the North Atlantic. 218 475 CO2, ppmv 450 425 400 375 Unheated, Particles cm -3 350 1e+5 8e+4 6e+4 4e+4 2e+4 Heated, Particles cm -3 0 1e+5 8e+4 6e+4 4e+4 2e+4 0 0 10 20 30 Hours Since Midnight May 1999 28. Hours since Midnight on28,May 160 Particles per cubic centimeter (x 10-3) Particles per cubic centimeter (x 10-3) Figure 4.12.3. Time series of CO2 and fine particles during stationary measurements in Cambridge, MA. The individual data are hourly averages and the solid line represents a spline fit to the data. 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 CO, ppmv 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 NO, ppbv Figure 4.12.4. Summary relationships of total fine particles with NO and CO during the afternoon of May 28. 219 To identify trace gas – fine particle relationships for the greater Boston area, measurements of fine particles and CO2 from the mobile runs on May 22, 23, 25 and 26 were examined. As before, the data were collected at 1 Hz, but were averaged to one minute to look for these inter-relationships. The highway paths taken were typical to the ones depicted in Figure 4.12.5 (the first one shown here). Summary plots of fine particles and CO2 are shown in Figure 4.12.6. We purposely choose to conduct measurements over a weekend and then on two weekdays. May 22 and 23 were a Saturday/Sunday pair, and May 25 and 26 a Tuesday/Wednesday pair. This was followed up by the stationary measurements discussed previously that occurred on the following Thursday to Saturday interval. May 23, 1999 May 22, 1999 300 Particles per cubic centimeter (x 10-3) Particles fper cubic centimeter (x 10-3) 300 200 100 0 d Particles/d CO2 = 1575 350 400 450 500 550 0 d Particles/d CO2 = 1698 350 600 400 450 CO2, ppmv May 25, 1999 May 26, 1999 500 700 -3 Particles per cubic centimeter (x 10 ) Particles per cubic centimeter (x 10-3) 100 CO2, ppmv 300 200 100 0 d Particles/d CO2 = 1712 350 200 400 450 600 500 400 300 200 100 500 350 CO2, ppmv d Particles/d CO2 = 1829 0 400 450 500 550 600 CO2, ppmv Figure 4.12.5. Summary of total fine particle and CO2 relationships observed during the mobile laboratory measurements in the Boston area on four different days in May 1999. 220 We found was a surprisingly robust relationship between fine particles and CO2. The slopes of the plots were very similar, average 1704 ± 104 particles cm-3 per ppmv CO2. We are exploring various ways to use these data to better estimate regional Boston fine particle emissions and determine emission factors for urban areas. 221 5.0 PROJECT OUTPUT While we have presented or published only a small portion of our project’s output to date, we will be preparing additional publications and presentations as the data are fully analyzed and modeled. The following subsection, 5.1, lists presentations, as well as published symposia papers and archival journal papers published to date. Section 5.2 lists archival journal articles that are currently planned or in preparation. Section 5.3 lists and describes web sites where project data archives or model/analysis results can be accessed. 5.1 Symposia Presentations, Proceedings Papers and Journal Publications 5.1.1 Presentations Without Published Proceedings Papers Presentations at the Urban Emissions and Atmospheric Chemistry Symposium, Spring American Geophysical Union Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 1999. J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, C.E. Kolb, B.K. Lamb, E. Allwine, S. O’Neill, G McRae, J. Ferreira, R. Talbot, P. Crill and E. Scheuer, Correlations of Pollutant Gases From RealTime Measurements in an Urban Area, Paper A21D-01. G. Adamkiewicz, G.R. McRae and J.H. Shorter, Determination of Urban-Scale Emissions Using Inverse Air Quality Modeling, Paper A21D-02. J.H. Shorter, G.J. McRae, J.B. McManus, C.E. Kolb, B.K. Lamb, S. O’Neill and E. Allwine, Measurement and Interpretation of Nitrogen Oxide and Ozone Concentration Dynamics in an Urban Environment, Paper A21D-03. S.M. O’Neill, B.K. Lamb, D. Stock, E. Allwine, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, G McRae and J. Ferreira, An Urban Emissions Footprint Model, Paper A22A-013. A.A. Ismail and J. Ferreira, Jr., Distributed GIS Tools for Integrating Urban Land Use and Demographic Data Into Air Quality Models, Paper A22A-14 Other Presentations Without Published Proceedings Papers S.M. O’Neill, 1999, An Urban Emissions Footprint Model. EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Graduate Fellowship Conference Abstracts, Arlington, VA, p. 192. S.M.,O’Neill, B.K. Lamb, D. Stock, R. Villasenor, E. Allwine, J.H. Shorter, J.B. McManus, 1998. Turbulence Model of an Urban Landscape for use in an Urban Footprint Model. Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) paper and poster competition, Washington State University, Pullman WA. 222 C.E. Kolb, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, D.D. Nelson, M.S. Zahniser, G. Adamkiewicz, G.J. McRae, and J. Ferreira, 1997, Urban Metabolism and Trace Gas Respiration, NASA 12th Mission to Planet Earth/Earth Observing System/Investigators Working Group Meeting, San Diego, CA (February, 1997). C.E. Kolb and J.B. McManus, 1997, Tools to Characterize Urban Respiration, NASA 13th Mission to Planet Earth/Earth Observing System/Investigators Working Group Meeting, Atlanta, GA (November, 1997). C.E. Kolb, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, D.D. Nelson, M.S. Zahniser, G. Adamkiewicz, G.J. McRae, and J. Ferreira, 1998, Urban Metabolism and Trace Gas Respiration, NASA 14th Mission to Planet Earth/Earth Observing System/Investigators Working Group Meeting, Durham, NH (October, 1998). C.E. Kolb, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, D.D. Nelson, M.S. Zahniser, G. Adamkiewicz, G.J. McRae, and R.C. Harriss, 1998, Innovative Tools and Methods to Characterize Urban Emissions, Workshop on Urban Air Quality, Houston, TX (April, 1998). C.E. Kolb, 2002, Results of Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Urban Emissions Sources and Airborne Pollution Distributions in Boston and New York City, Fifth Workshop on Mexico City Air Quality, Ixtapan de la Sal, Mexico (January, 2002). During the Spring of 1999 and 2000, project data and models were used for group projects on GIS-based urban environmental modeling in MIT subject 11.521, Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems. The class projects tested the robustness and practicality of GIS-based methods developed by the urban respiration project. 5.1.2 Presentations With Published Proceedings Papers S. Napelenok, S. M. O'Neill, B. K. Lamb, E. J. Allwine, D. Stock, Modeling the Upwind Pollutant Source Footprint Along Backward Trajectories Using the MM5/CALMET/CALPUFF Modeling System, Preprint Volume of the 24th Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 14th Conference on Biometeorolgy and Aerobiology, and 3rd Urban Environment Symposium American Meteorological Society, Davis, CA (2000). J.H. Shorter, J.B. McManus, C.E. Kolb, B.K. Lamb, S.M. O’Neill, E.J. Allwine, R.W. Talbot, E. Scheuer, P.M. Crill, J. Ferreira, Jr., ad G.J. McRae, Understanding the Influence of Local and Regional Sources on the Temporal and Spatial variability of Pollutants in Urban Environments, Preprint Volume of the 24th Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 14th Conference on Biometeorolgy and Aerobiology, and 3rd Urban Environment Symposium American Meteorological Society, Davis, CA (2000). 223 S.M. O'Neill, B.K. Lamb, J. Chen, S. Napelenok, E. Allwine, D. Stock, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, C E. Kolb, , Correlating an Upwind Source-Footprint with Urban Emissions Data Using the MM5/MCIP/CALPUFF Modeling System. Preprint Volume of the International Emission Inventory Conference, US EPA (2001) ( J.H. Shorter, J.B. McManus, C.E. Kolb, B.K. Lamb, S.M. O'Neill, E.J. Allwine, R.W. Talbot, E. Scheuer, J. Ferreira and G.J. McRae, "Understanding The Influence Of Local And Regional Sources On The Temporal And Spatial Variability Of Pollutants In Urban Environments", Workshop on Atmospheric Composition, Biogeochemical Cycles, and Climate, Aspen Global Change Institute, (August, 2000). J. H. Shorter, J. B. McManus, C. E. Kolb, E.J. Allwine, S.M. O’Neill, B.K. Lamb, E.Scheuer, P.M. Crill, R.W. Talbot, J. Ferreira, Jr., and G.J. McRae, 1998, "Recent measurements of urban metabolism and trace gas respiration," Preprint Volume of the 23th Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 13th Conference on Biometeorolgy and Aerobiology, and 2rd Urban Environment Symposium American Meteorological Society, Albuquerque, NM, 49-52, (1998). S. O’Neill, R. Villasenor, B. K. Lamb, D. Stock, E. Allwine, J. H. Shorter, J. B. McManus, 1998, Turbulence model of an urban landscape for use in an urban footprint model, Preprint Volume of the 23th Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 13th Conference on Biometeorolgy and Aerobiology, and 2rd Urban Environment Symposium American Meteorological Society, Albuquerque, NM, p. 180-183. C-H Yeang and J. Ferreira, Jr., “Distributed GIS for Monitoring and Modeling Urban Air Quality”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Urban Planning and Urban Management, September, 1999, Venice. (Also translated into Italian and subsequently published in the Journal URBANISTICA, n.114, October, 2000.) L. Cao and J. Ferreira, Jr., “Integrating GIS and RDBMS to Model Traffic Congestion and Urban Air Pollutants”, Proceedings of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 39th Annual Conference, October 2002, Long Beach, CA. (This paper won the prize for the best student-authored paper at this conference). 224 5.1.3 Archival Journal Papers Jiménez, J.L., J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, D.D. Nelson, M.S. Zahniser, M. Koplow, G.J. McRae and C. E. Kolb, 2000, Cross Road and Mobile Tunable Infrared Laser Measurements of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Motor Vehicles, Chemosphere: Global Change Sci. 2, 397-412. 5.1.4. Graduate Theses Fully or Partially Supported Adamkiewicz, B., An Integrated Study of Photochemical Air Pollution- From Emissions to Health Effects, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. Alameh, N., Scalable and Extensible Infrastructures for Distributing Geographic Information Services on the Internet, Ph.D. Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. Ismail, A., A Distributed System Architecture for Spatial Data Management to Support Engineering Modeling, MCP Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. O’Neill, S., Modeling Ozone and Aerosol Formation and Transport in the Pacific Northwest and Calculating Fractional Source Contributions to Downwind Receptors, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, 2002. Pun, B.K.-L., Treatment of Uncertainties in Atmospheric Systems: A Combined Modeling and Experimental Approach, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. Wang, C., Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for Complex Engineering Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. 225 5.2 Planned Archival Journal Papers Talbot, R. W., et al., 2002, An assessment of fine particles in the Boston metropolitan atmosphere, Atmos. Environ., in preparation. Shorter, J.H., J.B. McManus, C.E. Kolb, Spatial and Temporal Variability of Pollutants in an Urban Area, Environ. Sci. and Technol., in preparation. McManus, J.B., et al., Pollutant Emission Indices from Mobile Measurements, Environ. Sci. and Technol., in preparation. J. Ferreira, Jr., Liou Cao, and Mizuki Kawabata, Spatial Data Infrastructures for Urban Environmental Modeling, [Forthcoming paper for journal submission to: International Journal of GIS or Environment and Planning (B)]. C.E. Kolb, S.C. Herndon, J.B. McManus, J.H. Shorter, M.S. Zahniser, D.D. Nelson, J.T. Jayne, M.R. Canagaratna, and D.R. Worsnop, Mobile Laboratory for Realtime Measurements of Urban and Regional Trace Gas and Particulate Distributions and Emission Source Characterization, Environ. Sci. Technol., in preparation. 5.3 Web Sites With Archived Project Data and Modeling/Analyses MIT Urban Studies GIS Web Site - Website for GIS-based modeling and data analyses of the Boston metro area. The site documents the GIS-based data processing 'pipeline' for linking observed, surface-level trace gas concentrations to readily available data about local land use, traffic conditions, and major urban activities. The web site also provides links to underlying datasets and to detailed information about the modeling components and experimental results. The site will be maintained for the foreseeable future as a repository for project-related information. 226 WSU Field Campaign Archived Data Field Data Campaign Type 11/97 MM5 06/98 Sodar 08/98 VOC 08/98 Sodar 08/98 SF6 Tracer Data 08/98 MM5 05/99 Sodar 05/99 SF6 Tracer Data MM5 05/99 05/99 WSU Van Data Location NCAR Mass Storage System, directory: /SMO/MM5V2/manchesterNH/nov10-13.1997, directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/jun98/sodar (one file for each day), directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/aug98/VOC, directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/aug98/sodar (one file for each day), directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/aug98/POST_tracer files for tests conducted: 8/27/98, 8/28/98, 8/30/98 NCAR Mass Storage System, directory: /SMO/MM5V2/ManchesterNH/aug26-31.1998, directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/may99/sodar (one file for each day), directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/may99/Post/052599_ sf6.prn NCAR Mass Storage System, directory: /SMO/MM5V3/boston/may 24-26.1999, directory: /users/lar/susan/UrbanResp/may99/Post (one file for each day) Comments Ascii data Hourly averages WS, WD, sigmaW, sigmaWD MS excel file Ascii data Hourly averages WS, WD, sigmaW, sigmaWD Ascii data Date, Time, Lat, Lon, MSL, SF6 (ppt) Ascii data Hourly averages of WS, WD, sigmaW, sigmaWD Ascii data Time, SF6 (ppt), Lat, Lon, MSL Ascii data, CO2, CO, NO, NO2, Lat, Lon, MSL, WS, WD ARI Field Campaign Archived Data The data from the TDL, CO2 Licor, the GPS, and UV radiometer, were merged into a single file for each experimental day, with data interpolated onto the 1 sec grid of the GPS data. The data files, in ASCII format, are stored on the ARI FTP site, This is a read-only ftp site, accessible via anonymous ftp. The data files are in the gps_data folder in, with a separate folder for each field campaign: man_june contains 6/98 data, man_august contains 8/98 data, bos_may99 contains 5/99 data. A read-me file is located within each folder and has information about the data file format, and specific information with respect to the specific field campaign. 227 Each data file contains tab delimited data. In general, the data is listed in the following order: date&time O3 CO2 latitude uv longitude altitude tdl species1 tdl species2 … tdl species n. where ozone and uv level were only collected in the August 1998 and May 1999 campaigns, and n is the total number of species measured with the TILDAS instrument. The time is the GPS time is given in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The latitude and longitude are given in degrees and the altitude is in meters (m). The mixing ratios of the tdl species and O3 are in parts per billion by volume (ppbv); CO2 is in units of parts per million by volume (ppmv), and the uv intensity is in mW/cm2. 228 6.0 SUMMARY Our Urban Metabolism and Trace Gas Respiration project was a very ambitious and highly multi-disciplinary project. Its goals included changing the basic way we measure and assess urban trace gas and fine particle emissions, the way we measure and analyze ambient urban air pollutant concentration distributions, and the way we associate pollutant emissions and concentration distributions with underlying urban activities and processes. While we cannot claim full success in all of these areas, we believe we have demonstrated substantial progress in each. Despite initial difficulties in communicating across disciplines, we believe that the results obtained are a clear indication that progress in urban air quality issues in particular, and the atmospheric sciences in general, will require the type of cross disciplinary efforts measured in this report. In summarizing our project’s accomplishments we would like to highlight the eight following achievements: 1) We have demonstrated that a mobile laboratory equipped with sensitive, specific, fast response instruments can be used to gather temporally and spatially resolved distributions of key ground level pollutants in urban areas. 2) We have shown that by using CO2 as an internal tracer of combustion source emission plumes that the trace gas and fine particle data collected by the mobile laboratory can be analyzed to yield accurate values of pollutant emission factors for both mobile and fixed combustion sources. 3) We have determined that areal distributions of background urban pollutant levels can be determined by using correlations among measured pollutants to subtract out the effects of strong local sources. 4) We have demonstrated that an inert chemical tracer like SF6 can be used to trace urban air motion and to test models used to determine how large point and extended emission sources influence urban pollution distributions. 5) We have developed a novel way, using inverse diffusion modeling, to determine the fractional contribution of upwind sources to concentrations measured at downwind receptors. 6) We have shown how coupled models of regional meteorology and atmospheric chemistry can be used to predict the regional impact of urban pollutants, and to possibly identify targets for evolving remote sensing satellite instruments designed to monitor tropospheric pollutants. 7) We have demonstrated that coupled urban meterology/photochemistry models can be inverted to deduce if measured distributions of pollutants are consistent with assumed pollutant and pollutant precursor distributed emissions inventories. Coupled with the ability to determine better urban pollutant distributions using the mobile laboratory 229 techniques noted above, this advance promises to allow a much more incisive test of current urban emission inventory models and assumptions. 8) We have mapped measured urban pollution distributions onto sophisticated GIS representations of urban activity factors, demonstrating new methods of presenting and evaluating the connections between urban pollution emissions and distributions, and the distributions of urban population, economic activities, and transportation infrastructure. The symposia presentations and proceedings papers, published and planned archival papers, graduate student theses, and web archives listed in Section 5 of this report have presented or will present the specific results of our measurements and analyses of pollutant emissions and distributions in the Manchester, NH and Boston, MA metropolitan areas. More importantly, we feel that this project has clearly demonstrated innovative methods of gathering and understanding urban air pollutant emission and distribution data. We believe that the measurement and analyses techniques we have pioneered during this project will profoundly influence the way complex urban air pollution issues are engaged in the future. This is a bold assertion. Our best evidence of its correctness is that the results of our Manchester and Boston measurements have been impressive enough that major elements of our team have been funded to use these methods for in depth studies of air quality in New York City and Mexico City. Our recent measurement campaigns in these megacities have been very successful and our initial analyses indicate that we have identified important underreported pollutant emissions sources and unexpected pollutant distribution features in both cities. 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