WO · S JU -WOSUBA SUBCHANNEL CODE FOR STEADY-STATE AND TRANSIENT THERMAL-HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF BWR FUEL PIN BUNDLES VOLUME III ASSESSMENT AND COMPARISON by L. Wolf, A. Faya, A. Levine, W. Boyd, L. Guillebaud Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 78-025 October 1977 __I _ ___ I_ · _I_ t -WOSUBA SUBCHANNEL CODE FOR STEADY-STATE AND TRANSIENT THERMAL-HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF BWR FUEL PIN BUNDLES VOLUME III ASSESSMENT AND COMPARISON by L. Wolf, A. Faya, A. Levine, W. Boyd, L. Guillebaud Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-78-025 October 1977 Topical Report for Task 3 of the Nuclear Power Reactor Safety Research Program Sponsored by New England Electric System Northeast Utilities Service Co. under the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory Electric Power Program ------- __ ii ABSTRACT The WOSUB-codes are spin-offs and extensions of the MATTEO-code [1]. The series of three reports describe WOSUB-I and WOSUB-II in their respective status as of July 31, 1977. This report is the third in a series of three, the first of which [2] contains all the information about the models, solution methods and constitutive equations and the second [3] being the user's manual of the code. This report summarizes the assessment of the WOSUBcode against experiments and compares its results with the results of other subchannel codes. The following experiments are used for the purpose of the assessment of the code under steady-state conditions: 1) 9-rod GE-tests with radially uniform and nonuniform peaking factor patterns. 2) 16-rod Columbia tests with slight power tilts. 3) Planned 9-rod Swedish tests with very strong power tilts. 4) Actually performed 9-rod Swedish tests with power tilt. 5) 9-rod GE-CHF experiments. The comparison with these data shows that WOSUB is capable of predicting the lower-than-average behavior of the corner subchannel and the higher-than-average behavior of the center subchannel for both quality and mass flux. None of the other well-known subchannel codes is indeed capable of specifically predicting the correct corner subchannel behavior. These codes seem to inherently suffer from major deficiencies associated with their incorporated mixing models. Therefore, it is concluded that only improved models for the description of two- phase flow phenomena are capable of handling these situations and that the vapor drift flux model together with the vador diffusion model as incorporated into WOSUB is doing a good job. The fact that WOSUB does not perfectly match the experimental results over the whole spectrum of experimental evidence can be attributed to the vapor diffusion model which was originally fitted to air-water test results in a geometry consisting of two subchannels only. Obviously, this geometry leads to overemphasizing the importance of the vapor diffusion as compared to what actually happens in a multi-rod geometry. WOSUB gives the user the option of calculating the critical power as a function of the boiling length - a concept which is especially useful to easily account for axially ___ _____ __ · ___ _ 1_ 1 iii nonuniform power profiles and which closely resembles the procedure now used by GE. Furthermore, the code determines four heat transfer coefficients around the circumference of the fuel pin, thus giving the user the possibility of selecting the minimal one for the purpose of hot spot calculations. Overall, the assessment and comparison presented in this volume show that the WOSUB-code has to be considered a valuable tool for BWR bundle and PWR test bundle analysis with a potential for further improvements. The commonly used concept of power-to-flow ratio fails to explain most of the test data used for comparison this report. in The WOSUB-code is still in the stage of evolutionary development. In this context, the results presented in this present report have to be considered preliminary. reflect the development as of July 1977. They iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The assessment and comparison of the WOSUB-subchannel code results was started in the Fall of 1976, when Louis Guillebaud worked on his N.E. Thesis. His preliminary results were updated by Alan Levin who provided the additional subroutines for calculating the heat transfer coefficient and the critical heat flux. By his efforts the spectrum of the assessment and the comparison was greatly enlarged. He was succeeded by William Boyd in January 1977, who largely concentrated his work on a parametric sensitivity study of the drift flux parameters and their effects upon the overall results. When he left M.I.T., Artur Faya started working on His first achievement, his Ph.D. Thesis. was to fully inte- grate the fuel pin model into WOSUB thus making it possible calculate pointwise the first time. assessment temperatures in fuel and clad regions for Again, this step enlarged of the code. to Furthermore, the spectrum of the he provided all the left necessary help to collect all the pieces of information from the others to put this report together. To all these gentlemen I owe a great deal of gratitude for their devotion as well as their tireless efforts in accomplishing all these achievements. would like to acknowledge the financial Finally, support as well as the fruitful discussions by the New England Electric System and Northeast Utilities Service Company as part of the Nuclear ·--- ·---- I----_ -- - I-- __ ___ Eactor Safety Research __ __ I Pro-ram under the M.I.T. _ v Energy Laboratory's Electric Power Program. Lothar Wolf Principal Investigator Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering --111111··-···-LI _1 _ __ I· vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 1. Comparison of WOSUBResults with Steady-State Experiments 1.1 9-Rod GE Test Bundle Experiments 1.1.1 1.1.2 Introduction Bundle and Test Description 1.1.3 Results for Isothermal Test Data Comparison with Experiments Comparison with Analytical Results and Other Subchannel Codes Conclusions 1.1.4 Results for Radially Uniform Peaking Factor Patterns Overall Comparison Detailed Subchannel Behavior and Comparison Corner Subehannel Side Subchannel Center Subchar.nel 1 1 2 10 10 10 17 18 18 23 23 26 26 Comparison with Results of Other Subchannel Codes Conclusions 1.1.5 Results for Radially 30 35 Nonuniform Peaking Factor Patterns 1 Comparison of WOSUB Results with the Experiment Comparison with Other Subchannel Codes 1.2 16-Rod Columbia Test Bundle Experiment 1.2.1 Introduction 1.2.2 Description of the Bundle and Test Conditions 41 44 50 57 57 57 1.2.3 1.2.4 Results of the Experiment Comparison of Columbia Tests with GE Tests 59 61 1.2.5 1.2.6 Comparison of COBRA-II with the Experiments Comparison of WOSUB withthe Columbia Eeiments and COBRA-IIIC/MIT 61 1.2.7 Conclusions 72 65 1.3 * Planned 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle Experiments with Strong Power Tilt 1.3.1 Introduction 73 73 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 76 76 88 Description of the Geometry and the Test Conditions Comparison of WOSUB with Other Subchannel Codes Conclusion vii Table of Contents continued Page 1.4 Performed 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle Experiments with Power Tilt 96 1.4.1 Introduction 1.4.2 Description 96 of the Geometry and the Test Conditions Comparison of WOSUB with the Experiment and the Other Subchannel Codes Comparison of the Quality Predictions Comparison of Mass Flux Predictions Comparison of Predicted Individual Subchannel 97 1.4.3 Qualities 1.4.4 1.5 113 Comparison with Predicted Individual Subchannel Mass Fluxes 120 Conclusion 123 Hitachi 7 x 7 BWR Fuel Pin Bundle with 3-D Power Profile 1.5.1 Introduction 1.5.2 Description of the Bundle and Physical 1.5.3 Results and Comparison 1.5.4 Conclusions 1.6 Input Data GE-CHF Tests 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7 103 103 110 125 125 126 129 136 139 Introduction Bundle and Test Descriptions Results and Comparison Conclusions Sample Cases for the Prediction 139 139 140 150 of the Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Pin Temperature Distribution 1.7.1 Introduction 153 153 1.7.2 155 Results and Discussion 1.8 Sensitivity Study of the Void Concentration Parameters and Relaxation Length 1.8.1 Introduction 1.8.2 Results and Discussion 162 162 162 1.8.3 166 1.9 Conclusions Other Supporting Evidence for the GE Findings and the Drift-Flux, Vapor-Diffusion Model 1.9.1 Introduction 1.9.2 Results and Discussion 168 168 168 1.9.3 174 Conclusions ____ ___ · viii Table of Contents continued Pag, Chapter 178 2 Tests of WOSUB-I in Transient 2. Situations 178 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Mass Flow Reduction Transients 2.3 2.4 Depressurization Power Transient 2.5 Discussion and Conclusions Transient Chapter 3 3. Steady-State Calculations Transient Calculations 187 191 194 196 Recommendations 196 Calculations 4.1 Steady-State 4.2 Transient Calculations Refeernces 184 184 191 Chapter 4 4. 178 191 Conclusions 3.1 3.2 178 196 198 200 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 9-Rod GE Bundle Geometry Figure 2 Radial Power Peaking Pattern for the 9-Rod 3 GE Bundle Figure Figure Figure 3 4 5 8 THINCII',THINC-IV [9], and WOSUB Results for Nine Rod Bundle Isothermal Flow Tests 15 Comparison of Measured Versus Calculated Subchannel Exit Mass Velocities for the SinglePhase Isothermal Data (COBRA-IV-I, WOSUB) 16 Comparison of WOSUB with GE Experiments 2D for Subchannel Figure 6 Figure 7 Exit Qualities as a Function of Bundle Averaged Exit Quality 20 Comparison of WOSUB with GE Experiments 2E for Subchannel Exit Qualities as a Function of Bundle Averaged Exit Qualities 21 Comparison of WOSUB with GE Test 2D for the Subchannel Mass Flux in the Corner Subchannel as a Function of Subchannel Exit Quality Figure 8 Comparison of WOSUB with GE Test 2D for the Subchannel Mass Flux in the Side Subchannel as a Function Figure 9 25 Comparison of Subchannel Exit Quality 27 of WOSUB with GE Test 2D for the Subchannel Mass Flux in the Center Subchannel as a Function of Subchannel Exit Quality Figure 10 Comparison Between Experimental Data and Predictions by Various Subchannel Codes for the Individual Subchannel Mass Flux Deviations from Bundle Average Behavior 28 36 Figure 11 Nine Rod Bundle Uniform Radial Power Distribution Tests, Mass Velocity Comparion THINC-IV, and WOSUB Figure THINC-II, 37 12 Nine Rod Bundle Uniform Radial Power Distribution Tests, Quality Comparison THINC-II, THINC-IV, and WOSUB 38 x List of Figures continued Page Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Comparison of Measured Versus Calculated Subchannel Exit Mass Velocities for the Two-Phase Data (COBRA - IV - I, WOSUB) 39 Radial Power Peaking Pattern and Subchannel Numbering Scheme 42 Nine Rod Bundle Non-Uniform Radial Power Distribution Tests, Quality, Comparison THINC-II, THINC-IV and WOSUB 55 Nine Rod Bundle Non-Uniform Radial Power Distribution Tests, Mass Velocity Comparison THINC-II, THINC-IV and WOSUB 56 58 Figure 17 Columbia University 16-Rod Test Geometry Figure 18 Mass Flux Deviation from Bundle Average for the Hot Center Subchannel Figure 19 Figure 20 of 66 Mass Flux Deviation from Bundle Average for the Cold Center Subchannel as a Function of Bundle Average Exit Quality 67 Mass Flux Deviation from Bundle Average for the Hot Center Subchannel the Exit Quality Figure 21 as a Function the Bundle Average Quality as a Function of 68 Mass Flux Deviation from Bundle Average for the Cold Center Subchannel its Exit Quality as a Function of Figure 22 Layout of Planned 9-Rod Studsvik Text Bundle Figure Numbering 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 69 74 Scheme for the Subchannel of the Studsvik Test Bundle 77 Comparison of Various Subchannel Codes for the Deviation of Exit Subchannel Qualities from Bundle Average as a Function of Subchannel Number and Bundle Power a Parameter 91 Comparison Deviations of Various Subchannel Codes for the of Exit Subchannel 2 and 8 Mass Fluxes from Bundle Average as a Function of Bundle Power 92 xi List of Figures continued Page Figure 26 Comparison of Various Subchannel Codes for the Deviation of Subchannel Exit Qualities Versus Subchannel Exit Mass Fluxes from Bundle Average for Subchannels 2 and 8 93 Figure 27a Geometry of the 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle 98 Figure 27b Spaces Locations in the 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle 99 Figure 28 Flow Split Device in the 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle for Sampling Two Neighboring Subchannels 102 Figure 29 Layout of the 7x7 Hitachi Pin Bundle 127 Figure 30 Axial Heat Flux Profiles at the Corners a and b of Bundle 3 and Control Rod Positions of Rods A and B 128 Heat Flux Distribution Across the Bundle Diagonal at Four Axial Elevations 130 Comparison of Void Fraction Distributions Across the Bundle Diagonal at Three Axial Elevations as Determined by COBRA-IIIC/MIT, FASMO and WOSUB 132 Schematic View of Test Channels, Showing Axial Positions of Heated Length and Grid-Type Spacers 141 Comparison of Three CHF Correlations with Measurements 144 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure Figure Figure 33 34 35 Critical Heat Flux Versus Quality, Test Channel No. 1 Figure Figure Figure 36 37 38 Comparison of Measured 145 and Calculated CHF as a Function of Bundle Average Quality 147 Comparison of Measured and Calculated CHF Versus Bundle Average Quality for the 9-Rod GE Bundle at High Mass Flux 148 Comparison of Measured and Calculated CHF Versus Bundle Average Quality for the 9-Rod E Bundle at Low Mass Flux 149 xii List of Figures continued Page Figure 39 Figure 40 Comparison Between Measured and Calculated Critical Bundle Power Versus Subcooling Logic for the Evaluation fo the Heat Tansfer Coefficient Figure 41 42 154 Heat Transfer Coefficients and Clad Surface Temperatures Figure 151 Around a Corner Pin in a 3x3 Pin Bundle 156 Temperature Distribution in a Fuel Rod During a Power Transient - Comparison Between the Finite Difference Method and the Collocation Method 160 43 Steady-State Temperature Profiles in the Fuel as Obtained by the Collocation Method Using Hermite Cubic Spline Functions Figure 44 Effect of the Variation in Ze Upon Subchannel Quality and Mass Flux 164 Effect of the Variation in Ze Upon Subchannel Quality and Mass Flux 165 Subchannel Mass Flux Deviations from Bundle Average Versus Bundle Average Quality [191 169 Subchannel Mass Flux Deviations from Bundle Average Versus Bundle Average Quality [19] 170 Subchannel Exit Quality Deviation from Bundle Average Versus Bundle Average Quality [19] 172 Subchannel Exit Quality Deviation from Bundle Average Versus Bundle Average Qualtiy [19] 173 Figure Figure Figure 45 46 Figure 47 Figure 48 Figure 49 Figure 50 Cross Flow Enthalpy Between Side and Corner Channels Figure 51 Figure 53 175 Cross Flow Enthalpy Between Center and Side Channels Figure 52 [19] [19] 176 Center and Corner Subchannel Exit Qualities Versus Time for a Mass Flux Reduction Transient Transient Subchannel Mass Fluxes for a Severe Mass Flux Reduction of 50% in ls 179 xiii List of Figures continued Page Figure 54 Deviation of Subchannel Exit Quality from Bundle Average Exit Quality as Function Figure 55 Figure 56 Figure 57 Figure 58 of Time for the Mass Flux Reduction Transient Shown in Figure 53 183 Subchannel Mass Fluxes Versus Time for a Depressurization Transient 185 Subchannel Exit Qualities versus Time for a Power Transient i86 Boiling Length and Clad Surface Temperature Versus Time for the Power Transient 188 Calculated CHF as Function Power Transient -- -1 of Time for the 189 xiv LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Geometric and Hydraulic Parameters of the 9-Rod GE Bundle 4 Experimental Test Conditions for the 9-Rod GE Isothermal Tests 6 Test Conditions for Uniform Radial Peaking 7 Runs Table 4 Test Conditions for Non-Uniform Radial Peaking Runs Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 9 Comparison of Experiments and Calculations for Single-Phase Subchannel FlowSplits 11 Comparison of WOSUB with Vapor Diffusion Model and GE-Test Data for Radially Uniform Peaking Factor Pattern in a 9-Rod Bundle 19 Comparison of the Results of Different Subchannel Codes with the Experimental Results for Test 33 Run 2E2 Table 8 Comparison of the Results of Different Subchannel Codes with the Experimental Results for Test 34 Run 2E3 Table 9 Comparison Between GE Data and WOSUB Results for Table 10 Channels 1, 16, 2, 15 and 45 6 WOSUB Predictions for the Individual Subchannels for Test 3E1 with X = 0.0304 and G = 1.097 x 106 2 lb/ft-hr Table 11 48 WOSUB Predictions for the Individual Subchannels for Test 3E2 with = 0.096 and = 1.077 x 106 lb/ft2-hr 49 Table 12a Comparison Between Test Results and Subchannel Code Results 51 for 3D! Table 12b Comparison Between Test Results and Subchannel 52 Code Results for 3E1 ii I xv List'of Tables continued Page Table 13 Comparison Between Test Results and Subchannel Code Results Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 for 3E2 53 Test Conditions for the Columbia 16-Rod Bundle Tests 60 Test Conditions for the 9-Rod Bundle with Tilted Power Distribution 78 Comparison of Results for Subchannel 1 and 2 Qualities from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion) and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 17 Comparison of Results for Subchannel 1 and 2 Mass Fluxes from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 18 Comparison of Results for Subchannel Comparison of Results for Subchannel Comparison of Results for Subchannel Comparison of Results for Subchannel Trends in Quality for the WOSUB Options When the Total Bundle Power is Raised from 346KW to 870KW for the Studsvik BWR Bundle Table 23 Test Conditions Table 24 Steam Quality (%) in Each Split Channel Comparison Between Experiment and Various Subchannel Table 25 83 7 and 8 Mass Fluxes from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion) and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 22 82 7 and 8 Qualities from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion) and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 21 81 5 and 6 Mass Fluxes from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion) and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 20 80 5 and 6 Qualities from Various Subchannel Codes with WOSUB (Vapor Diffusion) and (No Vapor Diffusion) Table 19 79 Codes (Case 1) [91 84 94 95 101 104 Mass Flux in Each Split Channel - Comparison Between Experiment and Various Subchannel Codes (Case 1 continued) 105 xvi List of Tables continued Page Table 26 Steam Quality in Each Split Channel - Comparison Between Experiment and Various Subchannel Codes (Case 4) Table 27 106 Mass Flux in Each Split Channel - Comparison Between Experiment and Various Subchannel Codes Table Table Table 28 29 30 Table 31 (Case 4 continued) 107 Steam Quality in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes (Case 1) 114 Mass Flux in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes (Case 1 continued) 115 Steam Quality in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes (Case 4) 116 Mass Flux in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes (Case 4 continued) Table 32 117 Comparison of CHF Results Between Experiments and Predictions Table 33 for Test Channel No. 2 142 Comparison of a Finite-Difference Method with the Collocation 158 - Method at Time = 2 seconds and 4 seconds I - - I -- 159 - -- --- -- --- - ----.-- -- - -- CHAPTER I COMPARISON OF WOSUB RESULTS WITH STEADY-STATE EXPERIMENTS In this chapter a comparison between the WOSUB results and a number of experimental discussed. test data will be performed and These efforts are mainly focused on the following test data which are available in the open literature: 1) 9-Rod 2) 10-Rod Columbia Test Bundle 3) 9-Rod Swedish Test Bundle 4) GE-CHF Data [5] GE Experiment 4, 5, 6, 7] [8] [9, 10, 11. 12] It should be noticed at this point that although larger bundles were tested, no detailed information concerning subchannel quantities are available for those. Thus, this study has to be limited to bundles of comparatively size, Fortunately, a lot of computer small codes have been tested against the aforementioned experimental evidence. Therefore, it is possible not only to show how WOSUB compares to the ex- periment but at the same time to indicate commonly used codes for the analysis its superiority over of encapsulated bundles. All of these comparisons are performed for steady-state conditions because no information is available for subchannel quantities in transient situations. 1. Comparison of WOSUB Results with Steady-State Experiments 1.1 1.1.1 9-Rod GE Test Bundle Experiments Introduction Test conditions typical of operating BWR situations 2 have been investigated at GE with electrically heated (3 x 3) rod bundles for both uniform and nonuniform radial power distributions. The experimental have been widely published findings of the various tests [3, 4, 5, 6] but the reports GEAP-13049 and GEAP-10347 have to be considered the main documents. It should be noticed that the GE-data were the first published for square-array arrangements. ticularly important for the development It is therefore par- of the WOSUB code to assess its analytical predictions against these findings. The data were the first to indicate deficiencies inherent to commonly used subchannel models. Although this was already explicitly stated in 1971 [6, 7] by comparing the data with COBRA--i nothing was really done about it. Therefore, deficiencies including the most were carried through up to and recently developed codes as will be shown the same n Section l..4.3.by comparison. The assessment of WOSUB consists in comparing the data against results obtained for both vapor and no-vapor diffusion options. ocal qualities and mass fluxes are the relevant physical quantities for the following series of comparisons. 1.1.2 Bundle and Test Description The 9-rod bundle test section is shown in Figure 1 and its geometrical and hydraulic data relevant for the comparison are summarized in Table 1. Reference [4] describes in great detail the set-up of this experiment as well as the 3 I 1l An CORNER SUBCHASNNEL 0 _" 0.40 ADIUS(TYPICAL)3' O o~i 0.7 38 (TYPICAL) FIGURE 1: 9-Rod GE Bundle 0. 420 (TYPICAL) eometry - -- -------- -L-*- Number of Rods 9 Rod Diameter .570 inch Radius of Corner Subchannel .400 inch Rod Rod Clearance .168 inch Rod Wall Clearance .135 inch Hydraulic Diameter .474 inch Heated Length - ----- .. Table 1: 72 inches ___ __ __ ________ Geometric and Hydraulic Parameters of the 9-Rod GE-Bundle measurement techniques. this reference The interested reader should consult for a complete review. Three types of experiments were performed: 1) Unheated, isothermal tests in order to determine the flow split between subchannels. The corresponding test conditions are summarized in Table 2. 2) Tests where all rods were uniformly heated in the radial direction as well as in the axial direction. The corresponding test conditions used for the purpose of comparison are reported in Table 3. 3) Tests where the rods were non-uniformly radially but uniform in axial direction. heated The radial peaking pattern is shown in Figure 2 whereas the corresponding test conditions used for the purpose of comparison in this study are reported in Table 4. 6 Test Point Bundle Average Corner Subchannel Side Subchannel Center Subchannel G x 10 - 6 G 1 x 10 6 G2 x 10 6 G3 x 10 lb/hr-ft i lb/ lbft /hr-ft2 lb/hr-ft 2 1B 0.480 0.311 0.462 0.526 1C 0.990 0.701 0.939 1.150 1D 1.510 1.095 1.441 1.690 1E 1.97 1.62 1.91 2.190 _ i Table 2: Experimental ._ 6 i Test Cond'itions for the 9-Rod GE Isothermal Tests _i 7 >~ -o i Z C Ii C 3 - oU -o i C C C z t C Ln- I O · PO m CD coJ JD H 1 C4 co U2 r-~ X 0 H tu H h o o C a)) C H H H rl 0 -_ C IM Co C C C i m on oInC\ oO n Cn I in I L ¢rs \7 i i,i ii fzc I . .... H rl 1 H E-- C X * H ZOM C-O C C H H - CM CM A CM CM x H C _ 8 FIGURE RADIAL POWER PEAKING PATTERI 2 FOR THE 9-ROD GE BUNDLE 9 E-e H x H [ iii I ICO I C i i i oO i i rU r. .r P,: =.. )E. ,o C',O G oC o b rn a, 0 Q H EcK 0 Ov r -i ZC ,I X COH oI iI H o _o 4Q, _ i 0 zHC 10 1.1.3 Results for Isothermal Test Data Comparison with Experiments GE performed several unheated tests with the bundle described in the foregoing section. results are given in Table and 1E. 5 The test conditions and for the test points The purpose of these single-phase B, 1C, 1D flow tests was to establish the flow splits between the subchannels and at the same time to check the validity of the turbulent mixing models. The comparison of the WOSUB-results mental test data shows excellent agreement; being not larger than ±5%. with the experi- the differences The only data point which falls out of this range is that of the center subchannel at the highest lbm/ft 2-hr. flow rate of G = 1.97 x 106 Unfortunately, error bands are given by GE for these measurements no but it can be safely assumed that it is finite and may even increase with an increase in flow rate. The agreement between experiment and WOSUB results is best for the side subchannels. for test point measurements. D show the overall best agreement with the It can be safely concluded that the single-phase mixing model built into the WOSUB-code The results [31 is working just fine. Comparison with Analytical Results and Other Subchannel Codes A first estimate for the flow split between sub- channels can be obtained by assuming that no mixing takes place at all. With this assumption from [ 4 ]. ui = 2/3 hi u3 Gi(i = 1,2,3) can be determined 11 1B 1E 2 G3 x10- 6 lbm/ 0.311 0.322 0.352 0.462 0.447 0.456 0.526 0.562 0.565 COBRA-IB = 0.01 0.352 0.451 0.551 COBRA-IB = 0.005 0.336 0.447 0.560 Data 0.701 0.939 1.150 0.664 0.922 1.159 WOSUB 0.730 0.942 1.160 COBRA-IB = 0.01 0.740 0.934 1.128 COBRA-IB = 0.005 0.704 0.925 1.149 Data 1.095 1.441 1.690 1.013 1.406 1.768 WOSUB 1.120 1.440 1.767 COBRA-IB= 0.01 1.143 1.427 1. 713 COBRA-IB = 0.005 1.085 1.414 1.746 Data 1.62 1.91 2.19 Dh2 /3 -Prediction 1.321 1.834 2.306 WOSUB 1.54 1.937 2.37 COBRA-IB= 0.01 1.502 1.865 2.229 COBRA-IB = 0.005 1.424 1.847 2.273 3-Prediction [ II I I Table 5: III I I I I I I Gx1O6 lm/ hr ft-hr Data Dh2 / 3 -Prediction WOSUB h2 / 3 -Prediction 1D lbm/ ft Dh 1C 6 Gxx10-6 ibm/ TEST POINT I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comparisonof Experirents and Calculations for Single-Phase SubchamnelFlow Splits 0.48 0.99 1.51 1.97 12 Results according to this formula are listed in Table 5. The comparison with the experimental data indicates that this simple model gives fairly good results especially for side and center subchannels at low average mass fluxes. This suggests that un- der these conditions the flow split is indeed fully developed. In order to cope with the other data the concepts of mixing and crossflows have been introduced into subchannel codes. Various processes are known to generate crossflows among them pressure gradients and turbulence effects. Under the assumption of a totally ventilated bundle cross section the contribution due to diversion crossflow is zero and only tur- bulent mixing remains to be considered. This approach has been taken by all the subchannel codes of the first generation and is accepted to be valid for the encapsuled Therefore, Lahey et al subchannel mass fluxes. specified 4,7] used COBRA-I [131 to compute the One of the variables as input to the commonly the mixing parameter W' = BWR bundles. that has to be used subchannel codes is which is indirectly defined by sG where W' = mass flux per unit length s = rod-rod or rod-wall gap spacing = dimensionless mixing parameter G = average mass flux of adjacent The mixing parameter may be redefined subchannels. in terms of an eddy diffusivity of momentum as: G1 where 1 is the mixing length or the effective mixing 13 distance between subchannels. The latter approach is used in WOSUB as described in as a result the supply of a appropriate necessitates tutive equation 2] and consti- For COBRA-I, Rowe [ 7 ] recommends for E. for B the following equation: Dh = (0.0062) -h 0 (Re) - .1 which for the geometry under consideration gives a value for B of the order of 0.005. Lahey et al [4 ] used this value and = 0.01 to obtain the results as listed in Table 5. The comparison with the experimental data indicates that the best overall agreement is achieved by taking 3 = 0.005. for the highest flow rate it seems that B >0.01 However, would result in better agreement with the data. By comparing the WOSUB results with those obtained from COBRA-I it can be concluded that the former present a trend which resembles data obtained for >0.01. Therefore, the high flow rate results are indeed in better agreement with the test data than the COBRA-results In the underlying are. concept of turbulent mixing in single-phase flow nothing has changed until now since the generation of COBRA-I with the exception that due to more experimental data slightly different coefficients and exponents for are recommended now. However, the functional dependancy remained essentially unchanged. Due to the fact that most publicly available sub- channel codes today are applied for both PWR and BWR core design modern versions of COBRA, such as COBRA-II, COBRA-III-C and 14 COBRA-IV-I [14] contain a diversion crossflow model which is essential to deal with semi-open cores. Therefore, the whole solution procedures of these codes are even oriented towards this phenomenon. In order to examine the question of whether diversion crossflow and/or improved correlations for changes the computational results it seems prudent to compare WOSUB with more recent versions of subchannel codes. Fortunately, two sources of information are available for this purpose. Figure 3 shows the comparison of THINC-II and THINC-IV results [15 with the GE test data. are added into this graph. The most deviating WOSUB-results Overall, the indications are that WOSUB generates more reliable data than either of these codes. In most cases the WOSUB results fall just in between those obtained by THTNC-II and THINC-IV. Figure 4 shows the same comparison tained by COBRA-IV-I [l14. with results ob- WOSUB results are added for test lE because there the largest deviations were observed. Again, overall WOSUB shows closer agreement. No outlier, i.e. where differences are larger than ±10% are produced by WOSUB, rather all data are within ±5% as shown in Figure 4 with one exception. Finally, it can be concluded that obviously diversion crossflow does not play a role for the tests considered here. The assumption of zero pressure gradient between subchannels seems therefore justified at least for the single-phase tests. I __ flow 15 i 6035-17 t [ ( 2.6 W .... D: LEGEND: TH I C-l 2.2 i I IsIjITH 5h h/WOSUTH I C-' L" X ,.. A SUBCHASNEL CORNER S1DE El CENTER - to x 1.8 0 0 I-I cZ3 I.4 - .i= -; ui 1 .0 0.6 0.2 0.2 I I 0.6 1.0 GPREDIOTED FIGURE 3: (L l ! 1'. 4 "I I. IIF THINC-II; THIINC-IV [9]; Results for Nine Rod Bundle Isothermal Flow Tests I ( i !o. ~), and WOSUB 2.2 2.G 2.6 , 2.4 22 = 2.0 =LS xL2 b- Z LO I Q 0.8 C 0.6 , 0.4 U 0.2 0 0 02 0.4 06 8 LO u1 L4 L6 L8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2) - (106Iblhr - ft EXITMASSVELOCITY SUBCHANNEL MEASURED FIGURE __ 4: -Comparison of Measured Versus Calculated Subchannel Exit Mass Velocities for the SinglePhase Isothermal Data (COBRA-IV-I,WOSUB) 17 Conclusions The comparisons of WOSUB results with single-phase flow test data and results obtained by various subchannel codes indicate the code generates results which are equal if not even superior in accuracy. The fully ventilated-bundle assumption is valid for single-phase flow conditions. .____ 18 1.1.4 Results for Radially Uniform Peaking Factor Patterns Overall Comparison The comparison with the experimental data from GE concentrates upon the 2D and 2E series as summarized Table 6. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate in the trends in the subchannel qualities with respect to the bundle average quality. are taken at the exit of the bundle. quantities All The subchannel qualities increase with the average quality, the center subchannel (#3) being the "hottest" and the corner subchannel the "coolest". The side subchannel (#1) (#2) behaves about the same The center subchannel quality is seen as the bundle average. to be consistently higher than the average whereas the quality of the corner subchannel is lower than the average. There appears to be a trend such that subchannel qualities tend to converge to the average at approximately 5-15% bundle average quality. This can be attributed to enhanced mixing in the slug-annular transition flow-transition regime. Due to the fact that this occurs in different subchannels at different values this effect may not occur simultaneously of the average quality, in all subchannels. As Figures 5 and 6 depict, WOSUB overpredicts the quality in the corner channel at low values of x but underpredicts it at high values of x. For the 2D series the qualities of side and center subchannels are predicted well within the experimental error band. For the 2E series the center sub- channel quality is slightly overpredicted for x > 5%. The deficiency in calculating the corner subchannel quality becomes T ___ __ ___ 19 H C-1 ONE * - mo - U\ L\ * H O oo b-~~ L~ - O CY O C cO H f Ln CX z,9 ~~D Cn' mf LL rH oC 0 o1 CJ Cc-q r C\ O C H H I c 0 0D0 0 C) 0 0 ro r-4 CD 0 11 a: 4o O4 0H 11 CM H-C \QO O C.D 'l I0 _ ' = E4H E-o 4 I C) 0- 0 0N C cO OL EIO 1 M i I o1 .a 0 CC H 0C 0 . O Cm.. rcoCD O O o m J 0 I o n O H C zI P: OS ' Cl Q1CC LC ,- Il OL\ o XP - a oX 0 0LD I 0 O9 0 IKOO 0 t Co cIc H ..0 CO 0. L 00 h0 I 0-i i d H Z ) O H 0C U2 H CM C O~ Or~ rC O 0 o C El ) 0 E-0) 0 I C)LC\ OX CM 0rt O 0C 1 0CM C 0CM , -. _ -~ ' -- u) I) 0 CCd - - 20 L") 4,1 d O 4 ': C, ce O "l o H x2 C c 0 0 4*4 S-, £ c O IS) o O~rO C =C ''.; U .. 0 O lO O O 0r O r0 o d q X ' AlInflO ____I_ O 0 O 0 0 2NVHDGnflS O 0 C 21 I I I I / THI 0.24 - SUBCHANEL 3 0.20 0.16 x Es " 0.12 03 al a -~~~~--- ct 0.04 0 J -0.04 I 0.05 0 I I I 0.10 0.15 0.20 AVERAGE ,IrTJIT 65: Comparison Qualities as a ofe QUALITY, WTOSUB wiith GE unction 0.25 X Exneriments 2E of Bundle Averaged Exit for Subchannel Exit ualities . . 22 more apparent for this series especially for high bundle average quality (x =20%). However, this deficiency has to be seen in the light of the results obtained from THINC-IV corner subchannel [ 15 ] for the as shown in Figure 6 for 2E2 and 2E3 as taken from Tables 7 and 8 . As the dotted line indicates, THINC-IV predicts the corner subchannel always "hotter" than the bundle average, i.e., it gives a completely wrong picture. As the tables show, the failure of predicting the correct corner behavior is representative for all the other known subchannel codes, too. It should be kept in mind that although the WOSUB results are not perfect as compared to the experiments. it still has the potential for corrective actions. it is hoped to increase the gradient of the line xl at the same time decrease qualitatively In this context, = f(x) and that of the line x 3 = f(x) as shown by the directions of the arrows in the figure below. XCh Xx No equivalent correction seems to work for the other subchannel codes, because even with high mixing factors they cannot predict the substantially lower-than-average qualities in the corner subchannel, and higher-than-average qualities 23 in the center subchannel. In fact, if mixing were made even infinitely large the three subchannels would all be at average conditions and thus the data cannot be explained in terms of mixing. The most reasonable explanations for the trends of the data are the tendancy of the steam to move preferentially to the center of the rod bundle and/or the presence of thick liquid "cold" film on the unheated channel wall. Detailed Subchannel Behavior and Comparison Corner Subchannel For the 2D seriesWOSUB with vapor diffusion model included overpredicts the quality at low bundle average qualities, x, and underpredicts The same behavior Figure 6. it for x > 20% as can be seen from Figure 5. shows up for the 2E-series as depicted in If WOSUB is run without the vapor diffusion option it generates qualities comparable to those of the other subchannel codes such as COBRA-IV and THINC-IV. qualities are determined This means that far too high in the corner subchannel. There is no way to correct this wrong trend by changing coefficients in the mixing models of these subchannel codes. However, the vapor diffusion model in WOSUB can be changed such that the corner subchannel does not lose too much vapor at high x and gives up more at lower x. The reason that the built-in vapor diffusion model overemphasizes the vapor transport at higher bundle average qualitites has to be attributed to the fact that this model as described in [2] was fitted to results of air-water consisting tests in a geometry _II____I___·I1_IIII_1_111^1111111-sl-1 --IYDII·--- -Il_--_t--ll I - of two - _ · 24 sized subchannels. differently As Lahey et al [ 7] pointed out, mixing data stemming from these types of test sections tend to the transport overpredict Thus, it must be concluded effects. that multi-rod bundles show a damping effect as compared to the data obtained from simplified test section set-ups. Corrective actions will be made during the next round of model improvements in the future. In terms of the mass flux behavior, Figure 7 shows for the 2D-series that WOSUB predicts overall the characteristic behavior lower-than-average gradient over the range of x. of the computational However, the It is hoped results is too high. though that the aforementioned corrective actions with respect to the vapor diffusion model will cure this problem, same behavior as for the 2D-series is experienced too. The for the 2E- series where for x > 15% WOSUB is giving a slightly higher- than-average result. Again, it is thought that the correction in the vapor diffusion model will help to move the curve back into the lower-than-average region. It should be noticed that both test series were calculated model. taking the same parameters in the vapor drift flux As explained in Section 11.8. something can be gained by individually fitting these parameters according to test conditions. However, this margin is not very large and it must be concluded that WOSUB's deficiencies are with the vapor diffusion model as outlined above. fusion WOSUB predicts subchannel _ __ far too low mass fluxes in the corner as do THINC-IV ___ ____ 11____ Without vapor dif- and COBRA-IV as shown in Figure ___I_· 25 _ I __ I I -1 0 'A uI O wl er - >1 -C s 'L C -a cd kO- z 0 V) n o VI c~ ci, 0 Q11 N r-a, cC Cd ;0 4a) cIt rQ .0 oa) rl) C ;m ok Ce C X 0 .Orci, -J4 mI LU x '2 r- 2 $L40.f-4 o o d C. cd 0 O11 UZ rr t V] Q V4 O a ,) 2 z su .0 z m Qt 4- ed 0 .- C U Cr W: H Fx- 0 C~ C, W r= Cd I I a 6 6 i e4 c0 ! 0 1e = oC) 26 Finally, it must be pointed out that the well known concept of power-to-flow ratio which is mostly used to get a first estimate for the thermal-hydraulic subchannel behavior totally fails in predicting the GE test results. be kept in mind in interpreting This should the other test results in the following sections. Side Subchannel In general, which the side subchannel shows a behavior closely follows that of the bundle average. series the side subchannel shows a very slightly higher-than- average quality at high x whereas in the 2E-series the lower-than-average In the 2D- region for all x. it stays in WOSUB with vapor diffusion model included does an excellent job in predicting the qualitites for both series as can be seen from Figures 5 and 6 by comparison. In terms of the behavior underpredicts of the mass flux, WOSUB the mass flux for both test series at lower x (O - 10%), whereas it predicts tained by the experiment fr It is interesting very closely the data as ob- x > 10%. (Compare with Fig. 8.) to notice that the option without vapor diffusion gives reasonable results for the side subchannel. Center Subchannel The GE test data show that the center subchannel runs at a higher-than-average quality and mass flux. The WOSUB results (see Fig. 9 ) are in excellent quantities __ agreement with the test data for both in the case of the 2D-series. However, the code 27 rt a) _I v~ .I 6 I az s(U ri C ,. 4: C ;n od a -J w Cd t. c H 4 U PCd) a: Em ILl O- o C3 c' G3Cd OA C5 LU 1d U 0 0- CIA %A a %LL O Cd : D oa) a CQ C U H a F S U X .. . I · I 0 I- I III I i) rU 3o E H rr Cd >t Cd x w~3 28 I I I I II X I I 6 -I 0 .. H C Q) 0 C Cd Co I.I 2 d VI w to UI ~1 (.J UL tU vW C o czl a) H( D PI C 0 -ri 4-) 0 -I t~L CO 4-- . 0 Z0) E. H Cd Q) C; ai IC __ He o _ __ a· 1! 41 H 1 . rC') E1 Cd . U]V -H x 29 30 slightly overpredicts predicts especially the quality of the 2E-series and under- the mass flux for x > 5%. It is hoped that this trend can be reversed, once the vapor diffusion model has been corrected. distribution This correction should indeed lead to a re- of flows. It is interesting to note that WOSUB without the vapor diffusion model gives closer results the center subchannel or the quality in for higher values of x than does the vapor diffusion option as compared with the experiment. This finding supports the aforementioned reasoning, namely that too much vapor is transferred from the corner into the center subchannel thus making it too "hot". Comparison with Results of Other Subchannel Codes Due to the complete documentation of the GE-test series, these data have been widely used by various researchers and institutions in order to check the validity of their sub- channel codes against local exit subchannel quantities. This is very fortunate indeed because it makes it possible to compare the results obtained by WOSUB with those generated by a whole variety of well-known codes. Although the results of the latter show widespread differences between them, no explanations are given for these phenomena in what follows. considered behind as one group as compared to WOSUB. this approach ticated two-phase Rather they are The reasoning is that whereas WOSUB uses a more sophis- flow model as well as a vapor generation and transport model, the other subchannel codes are mainly characterized by the fact that they all use the homogeneous __ flow 31 model as the basic underlying flow model. As a result, dif- ferences between these codes are mainly attributable to differences in the mixing model and their associated input data. What is of interest here, instead, answer to the question is to find an of whether or not the introduction of a more sophisticated flow model results in improvements in the interpretation is worth mentioning of experimental data. Inthis context, it that inherent deficiencies in the sub- channel codes were discovered and pinpointed as early as 1971 [ 6 ]. However, until then nothing had been actually done in the area of subchannel code development this situation, was introduced. to improve up to the point where the MATTEO-code Despite of its appearance new code developments. [1] it did not spark Instead, as most recent developments such as THINC-IV and COBRA-IV show, most institutions stayed within the concepts and models already being used about a decade ago. This has to be considered very unfortunate be- cause on the other hand side trends in the thermal-hydraulic reactor safety analysis clearly indicate the need for improved two-phase flow models. Indeed, these developments are well underway and first results ustify the efforts. As a result, the gap in the model sophistication between design and safety codes widens, although it is not clear where and how to draw the line between these two classes, felt that the application yet. Therefore, it is of the drift flux model is indeed needed to bridge this gap and thereby to enlarge the range of applicability of design codes. .______ 32 By inspection of Tables 7 and that the common subchannel 8 it becomes obvious codes using the homogeneous flow model together with common state-of-the-art mixing models strongly overpredict the quality of the corner subchannel. At the same time they underpredict by a substantial margin. difference. the mass flux in this subchannel Especially COBRA-IV shows a large In the context of the applied mixing models there seems to be no way to reverse the trend in quality by pushing it into the lower-than-average region by an appropriate choice of input parameters to the mixing model because even infinitely large mixing coefficients would only result in a corner subchannel quality which equals just the bundle average one. a result, if one accepts the experimental As findings - and there is more evidence to support them today (see Section 1.9)- it must be concluded that the flow model together with the transverse transport mechanisms employed by those codes show inherent dificiencies which are obviously unrepairable in the context of the theory used by the codes. This is to say, that as long as these subchannel codes are used to analyze encapsuled bundles where diversion crossflows are less likely, their results are of limited value. With respect to the side and center subchannels the following conclusions can be drawn from the calculational results by these codes. They all cverpredict the side sub- channel quality and underpredict that of the center subchannel to some extent. are equally wrong With respect to the mass fluxes the trends especially for the side subchannel as shown 33 r'd -p u E > o-i II O o o o -' r"rd H "- O' O' O ,,. .. r H H o o ooO 0 ,4 CCO .O rl r r H rH H Cx CM rH O 0 0 C' a C I ,4 oc -I o "- O'C UM CD CO r4 O rl H H o O e O 0 ml t O >C4 OC U1 z ao al *, 2: EH o\ Ir0' E 0 0o '- O O r- X 6 Cl) O O ' O 0k. ,0O r O 01 O O O O" O 0..c o- c .o\ O 0 CO O j 01 Z r O, C-H .- " . . "I .- O X,.. r.. rlfE 8i P H - l0 O t. .- ~ 03 E- 0 H '- C : - OO r rH It ' C t- L cO H 0 . o .- 0 O o 0 0 4- H : ZD o O O O oII 11 oII EH E o 11 V o HC I 0 H= E U) I ' O * ri a II 0 Q Z II V o0 40 Z H H E E oV oV.) (%1 CM 4-p U) E II i~~~~~~~~~ Cl) 0>/)C/ 00 C- :: o r- E- o o c0 rd co i 3 .o 0I C,! 324 C i Ch CO - 0 .- r r-l CO rl = O O0 C' rn ¢o Cdx H r4 4U i\ -C kD L:E r rl -r i r( M U) H(d Ic IIb' Icz) zPr; w E- z 01 Hd C S CO ri rt d O r- C C C1 oC I C , c rH r O -P U) 0 I HC rH -P H .CO CO co 0O 0OO H H LC H Cr 0 -0 H H C> H CM Z H H M H 0O 0O CM O CO - i , H I co CM 0 o 0O O r;- 0 Z cn '.D rU . 0 C II - 0 CU CM CM CM CM -X CD O Cd fr -' ,CMH H '3 .r-i I01. H Q 3 0 .0 F-- w P-4 Io O o 01 QN, 5f X -; i LN Cr) O O CM 0 r H C c -J O J 0 J r-4 0> 0 JJ 0 J O J~~~~~~(; O COj 0 9- -c 0 r' .l H S 0 H z 0 4- O, 0 r-. O CC 0 > 0 a0 c r 0u C 0 O O o3 0i i o 1 U 0 0 U0 CIv o O I cH I · U ;:L !x EP 1I 0 ri z H 3e C rd QU E- 0 o 35 in Figure 10 for THINC-IV. If at that point in time one worries about the wrong trend given by WOSUB for the mass flux in the center subchannel as a function Section of x as discussed in one should realize that all the other subchannel codes are not doing better basically in all the subchannels. This fact has been obviously overlooked if error bands of ±10% are assigned trends of side and center thus far. the details of values and subchannel quantities good example for this approach Indeed, get lost. A is given in Figures for the mass flux and quality results, 11 and 12 respectively, as obtained by THINC-II and THINC-IV, as well as in Figure 13 for the mass flux calculated by COBRA-IV-I. For the purpose of comparison There is the WOSUB results have been added into these graphs. no doubt that they compare more favorably to the measurements. Conclusions From the foregoing comparison of the results with experiments and other widely used subchannel codes the following conclusions 1) can be drawn: The drift flux model together with the vapor diffusion model produces data which are in good agreement with the experimental data. 2) The drift flux model without the vapor diffusion model generates results which are close to those obtained by the common subchannel codes. 3) The widely used subchannel codes such as COBRA and the like are unable to predict the lower-thanaverage behavior of the corner subchannel quality _..__·__I____· __ 36 __ 0.1Z 0.0 0. 4 I I I I I I 1 I __ I I I I O.IS' 0.20 0.25 - _ 0 I 1 x - 0.04 :3 - 0.08 _ / U A z Ca ; - o.12 _ A cn -0. -O.l. 2E SERICS trSTS i CORNERSUSCANNEt. . SDE . ..... -- 1I ! _ 1Q i J El i V· W SCAHANNNEL fR SU8CHA N(L C, GE-EXP. -. -. -_ WOSUB O.24 m O - THING IV COBRA IV , 0.O 0.0o SUBCHANNEL QUALITY, I7JURE 10: Compariscn. Between X xperimental Data and Predictions by Various Subchannel Codes for the Individual Subchannel M-'assDeviations Average ..-. c. --- ---.._I. 1.._ from Bundle ehavior .L __ __ 0,30 I 37 I 3 6035-16 =:I, i I I C cc, C" 0 _ O _ XL C: .2 II c *0 H L o . i ) cC -C - C I ) i t I i Z> i I A -'.o r I, 4 -- - (; i ~~~~~~~( _0I zij -}'/,I 8 ) 3 LO 'S,V 2 N 09 y9 t _I ---- · I__L-l--(---·--·III- - - _- * i~~~~~ ~rlr ilI 6035-1 38 I I Ij _W I eo __ ,. =. C,, O 01 111, N sO Q_ LA Z LL ak: C. z C) * -) C 4) 'of 1 ,:o iuJ LO , -. o I .0 I 0 " 0 .. 4 W .J o O- G C.J LI .t: ,j _ -- __- r .) L--~~~~~~~~~~~~ R~~~ , 0 . r--H 0 -.Z c r ! J~ -'1 I v .Ik I L . i I o 0 C) i 36) \Jn~~ I~iSV. £ ---- ;, --- -.- 'iH i r ! - ! o k-- H H r_ .. L. 39 '- I- I- I =C w c 0.1 02 0.3 04 0.5 0.6 07 0. 0.9 1 L1 1.2 MEASURED SUBCHANNEL EXITMASSVELOCITY106Iblhr - ft2 ) FIGURE 13: Comparison of Measured Versus Calculated Subchannel Exit Mass Velocities for the Two-Phase Data (COBRA-IV-I, WOSUB) 111111111 - 40 and mass flux as well as the higher-than-average behavior of the two quantities in the center sub- channel. 4) There is no hope of effectively inherent deficiency correcting the of these codes in the framework of the mixing models used thus far. 5) A model like the vapor diffusion model seems to be necessary to predict the trends observed in the data. 6) Still existing differences which show up in the comparison between the data and the WOSUB results are consistent in themselves, that is to say, they follow a logical pattern which can be attributable to a too strong vapor diffusion transport coming mainly out of the corner channel. 7) The vapor diffusion model is simple in its structure and without changing the underlying theory can be improved very easily in order to fit the multi-rod test data more closely. 8) Empirical transport correlations stemming from simplified geometries should be carefully such as two-subchannel tests checked for their applicability to multi-rod geometries. The latter introduce a damping effect upon the transverse transport. 9) The widely used power-to-flow to interpret _ the experimental _I _· ratio concept fails data. 41 1.1.5 Results for Radially Nonuniform Peaking Factor Patterns For this test series, GE ran subchannel sampling tests with different power on the nine rods in order to obtain a radial peaking factor distribution, whereas the heat flux was kept uniform in the axial direction. The radial peaking factor pattern is shown in Figure 14 together with the numbering scheme of the subchannels. As can be seen the pattern is nearly diagonally symmetrical with the hot corner rod power being approximately twice the cold rod power. The test conditions for the three out of four runs performed by GE which are considered in this report are summarized in Table 4. The experimental findings by GE [5-7] can be summarized as follows: 1) The hot center subchannel runs at the highest quality in all cases. 2) The cold side subchannel is the lowest in quality and generally has the highest mass flux. For tests 3D1 and 3E1 this channel is even substantially sub- cooled at the exit. 3) The hot corner subchannel runs at higher-than- average quality and has generally the lowest mass flux. 4) The quality of the hot corner subchannel runs much higher than that of the corner subchannel for uniform local peaking conditions discussed in the preceeding section. It also runs higher than the bundle average. .___. _·__11_______1_111_Y___···LII·^.·_ I__ _ _ _ _ 42 FIGURE 14 RADIAL POWER PEAKING PATTERN I AND SUBCHANNEL NUT4BER SCHEME _ 5) The quality of the cold corner subchannel is not very much affected and behaves close to the corner subchannel under radially uniform heating conditions. Some data indicate even that the quality is slightly higher than that in the uniform case. 6) The quality of the hot side subchannel than in the uniform is higher case and higher than the bundle average quality. 7) The hot center subchannel quality is higher than that obtained without local peaking which as was shown in the preceeding section was already the hottest subchannel for uniform heating. 8) The trends in mass flux are not as clearly defined as those for the quality. 9) With one exception the hot corner subchannel has the least flow when compared to the uniform case and cold corner subchannel flows. 10) The cold side subchannel has a greater mass flux than the uniform case except at low flow and quality. 11) The hot side subchannel flow is lower than the side subchannel flow in the uniform case. 12) The hot center subchannel has a lower flow rate than the center subchannel in the uniform case except at low average flow rate and quality. Altogether, these findings give a fairly complex picture of what happens in this more realistic case. Unfortunately, the results obtained by GE suffer from the fact that no mass and __1__1_1_ _ 44 and energy balances were performed because not all subchannels were sampled. 1L1.5.1. Comparison of WOSUB Results with the'Experiment Table 9 summarizes the comparison for the three test cases 3D1, 3E1, 3E2 for the hot and cold corner subchannels, hot and cold side subchannels It should be recalled the and the hot center subchannel. that with the exception of the local peaking factor pattern the test conditions for 3D1 are identical to those of 2D1, 3E1 is identical to 2E1 and 3E2 is identical to 2E2. This makes it easy to refer back to the radially uniform heated tests discussed in the preceeding section. The following conclusions can be drawn from Table with respect to the WOSUB results (if not therwise stated "WOSUB results" means with vapor diffusion): 1) The hot center subchannel has the highest quality only for 3E2 whereas for 3D1 and 3E! the hot side channel shows the highest quality. 2) The cold side subchannel is the lowest in quality and has the highest mass flux. The exit qualities for tests 3D1 and 3E1 are subcooled. 3) The hot corner subchannel runs with the exception of that in test 3E2 at higher-than-average quality. In general it has the lowest mass flux. 4) The quality of the hot corner subchannel is pre- dicted higher for local peaking than for uniform heating condition. It is higher than the bundle average with the exception · ____ _ I_ _·_1_ 1__1__1___ _ _ of test 3E2 where it is ______ _ __ _ L___ 45 -0 k\o Ct ' - c_) ~ ~~ o Il ~ tD S 9-01 X S r- Ii ooo ooo CC C kD r i i~ ilii CD C(_ Cz/Ul O0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c oLC- o04- o('Xo00os -o 0oo C ZTMn Z C0 _Cm 0\ !cC00 000 oL¢S o,md\c rlH g (R79_0l Ln C; U3 C~ L9n .... 3_0E Comm cO\kD J-t 5 oo L-. M ; C; ,,,:= C f I Pt o \ Pt Pt . C' i C; oo o ao --:c-C, ~~~..._._. 0 0 0 ( 0^0 .. 0L0_ ® · ,-tS ooo ooo 9-_0 O Sd x tI ri ii ro --4Or4 X N .X O -- C)0 ON 00 0n (D I ,-I r.I .'x ,- - O\C)k C-rlco rlAX cU qo o co ooo 9' t0x(g-ZZoL.O D re I ~--qC--Ch ob--C, (MO M 000 ooO0 ooo ,... _ .. . 00 CC; co00 oc r- mom Co 0 -OT to I ·. __ ,,__ X0 -0 (·ry-~,) q o'\ X\,, oo 00 0 c i- 0 rl 9~ ~ ~.~ oC; oOd-..oC _H ) i, Jm v X xo Xa% 0 o0 CD L~q-~%j/n%~ Iv LVH DVt~[AV olo C 9-O:xf x ;rm -:Z--=r -T .-. oh o ooo 04 b- C_ i i cr\ C n- I, I 4- -- --I--------------------- oo CD c3hrmomO CD oo ooo S 6 C \ 0 CD0 r m m\ W m z Q) o oo zot LI- -I\ C\ LSI0 ,T,~ZT, _l C3 M 01, o-o o0 c0 (Z-ZJ/ql) S~,~S aXl X V3-aS co o o o 0MS0 -L.(h~CDrCL O kO PI ¢- > o P I i ---- 46 slightly lower than predicted. 5) The quality of the cold corner subchannel is underpredicted compared to the experiment and to the uniform case. 6) The quality of the hot side subchannel higher than that for the uniform case. is predicted Furthermore it is higher than the bundle average. 7) The quality in the hot center subchannel dicted to be higher is pre- for the local peaking factor pattern than without it. 8) (Intentionally left blank for easier reference with uniform peaking pattern.) 9) The mass flux in the hot corner subchannel is smaller than that obtained by the code for the uniit is smaller than that of Furthermore, form case. the cold corner subchannel. 10) The cold side subchannel has a greater mass flux for the nonuniform case than for the uniform one. 11) The hot side subchannel flow is determined lower than the subchannel to be flow in the uniform case. 12) The hot center subchannel flow is determined to be lower than for the uniform case. 13) Bundle average.mass fluxes and qualities are determined by both options in WOSUB equally well and are in excellent agreement with the data. deviation I_·__I__ II___ ________ I _ _ in quality shows up for 3E1. _ I_ _______ __1_1 A small 47 By comparing this list point by point with the list given in the preceeding section it becomes obvious that WOSUB predicts the same trends as obtained experimentally. Epecially, it should be noticed that it is consistent with the experimental findings in the transition uniform case. from the uniform case to the non- The deviations observed in points 1, 3 and 4 are minor and are believed to be well within the limits of experimental uncertainty. Furthermore, closer agreement should be achieved once the vapor diffusion model has been updated to produce better agreement in magnitude for the uniform case. In terms of the absolute value of the individual quantities excellent agreement has been achieved with WOSUB expecially for the qualities, the only exception being probably the hot corner subchannel quality for test 3E2. it is observed that too much vapor is removed Here again, from the hot corner subchannel. For the individual mass fluxes a data-to-data comparison with the experiment reveals that WOSUB slightly overpredicts the mass fluxes in the hot and cold corner subchannels, in the hot side subchannel as well as in the hot center sub- channel. The mass flux is underpredicted however for the cold side subchannel. Tables 10 and 11 show the results for all 16 subchannels for 3Eland 3E2. The results shown in these tables are somewhat different from the foregoing ones because it was tried to reach a closer agreement with the experiment by changing the parameters. The results obtained by WOSUB without including the vapor diffusion model look quite reasonable with the exception of the qualities for the hot corner and the hot center subchannels. The former are determined far too high whereas the latter are too low. ______ __ 48 Table 10: WOSUB Predictions for the Individual Subchannels for Test 3E1 with X = 0.0304 and G = 1.097 x 106 lb/ft2-hr Subchannel # Xch Gch Xch -X G - G G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 0.096 0.113 0.066 0.045 0.113 0.084 0.029 0.014 0.065 0.028 -0.016 13 14 -0.026 0.044 0.010 15 -0.031 16 -0.027 0.773 0.846 0.949 0.900 0.854 1.016 1.213 1.115 2.16 2.72 1.17 0.48 2.72 1.76 -0.05 -0.30 -0.23 -0.13 -0.18 -0.22 -0.07 -0.54 0 .11 0.02 0.952 1.14 -0.13 1.214 -0.08 1.413 1.253 -1.86 0.886 0.45 1.122 -0.67 -2.02 0.11 0.29 +0.14 -0.19 0.02 0.16 -1.89 -0.02 1.271 1.075 -1.53 I 49 Table 11: WOSUB Predictions for the Individual Subchannels for Test 3E2 with Xch Subchannel # = 0.096 and G = 1.077 x 106 lb/ft 2-hr Gch G h ch X ch G X 1 2 0.107 0.877 0.11 0.o76 o .83 -0.18 3 4 0.127 0.32 -0.11 5 6 0.177 0.211 0.882 0.957 0.979 0.888 7 0.105 8 0.073 9 0.124 0o.,069 10 11 0.103 12 0.030 o .068 0.042 13 14 0.071 0.025 15 16 ----·-- - · P - 0.022 - - I--- -0.28 0.84 1.20 0.917 1.113 1.094 0.964 1.119 1.367 1.268 0.967 1.095 1.288 1.145 -0.19 o .09 -0.18 -0.15 0.03 -0.24 0.02 0.29 -0 . 10 0.07 -0.56 -0 .69 -0.29 -0.26 -0.74 -0.77 -I- 0.04 0.27 0.18 -0 .10 0.02 0.20 0.06 50 Finally, that the experiments it should be emphasized clearly revealed that even for locally nonuniform heating the hot center subchannel corner subchannel. this trend. qualities has the highest quality and not the hot The WOSJUBdata are in total agreement with of the This is what counts although the magnitude as determined by the code are not yet in perfect agreement when compared to the experimental findings. However, there is no doubt that this can be fixed by corrective measures in the vapor diffusion power-to-flow model. Again, the data indicate that the ratio concept fails to estimate the correct trend. 11.5.2 Comparison with Other Subchannel Codes Only two sources of information could be found to compare the test series "3" and the WOSUB results. Fortunately, both deal with highly regarded subehannel codes, namely COBRA-IV-I and THINC-IV. numbers are available Whereas for the former the individual only graphs can be given for the latter. Tables 12a,b and 13 summarize and compare the COBRA-IV-I results with both experiments and WOSUB results. A point-to point comparison with the list of experimental findings given in Section reveals that COBRA-IV-I determines the hot corner subchannel having the highest quality which totally contradicts the experiments. code determines (Point in Section 1.a) the he cold corner subchannel as having the lowest quality which contradicts point 2 in Section 11.5. As a result it fails to predict exit subcooling in test case 3D1 and naturally for the cold side channel does not agree with point 5. All other points are seemingly satisfied. ·_ Furthermore, ____ By recognizing these 51 I I I I I ! I I H 4.3 Cc~ (3.) a, CI4 ~ o ~I 4-3 .o O ql-f r-l 'a:3oJ o I X _--i4 nM H- a) C) ! I a 0 4-) rd C\J I co (C oJ a0 LC r- \0 O .r.,t a r.O a,l x 4--- .. o r, IN,QO - 4o 0q) r- z z C, H EPI r..) I 0 H P-4 H O a Iz -O ~,.~ 0 )'O r .Q 0z rT-4 a 0 H z3D r- tOI C) -- \- 'OI[ CY) Lr~ C ~ Cr C)4 L E H a, Cr3 C Cc a, o 0 0 0: (' O r- -b. oj M-I C~J aC H '~ C1 \0 X r- -) 4..3XHH C PIz C.J O -I X k C, O O)j - 0z o~ 0CY' M H a, H r. E-- Co I a, 0 C, M 0--4 0\ CY a) a) ,P *0 Q) M= CO rrl 0 II Ix om z 4 -4 H o r-I H CY) H I--i a, M a) E-- ~> 0 '> ' - > O IC x W ------ oCo I 0H I O C/) o O C') O 52 - - - - I C- Co oo H Il 1 ! 0a) WI! I o -p 'LI 0 o r-H L i EJ I 0 r--i M H 0 0k \ o0 O -, U) x aD 4 O r- a) r- ; CI) a) \o H k I 0 00I C0 f i \C 0 Hs I M CO C Q) M a, 0 I oft Hf a) 0 (\J Hz E \D xI o k 00c H 0P4 H CQ X H 0 C: 0 C I I a) Q CO I rco o cl H - o 0o C4 I o rl PC \ LI C J H -Iq O C 04 H U, 0a, 0 0~ C a)r 1 Q) H E- X X -p kD z-P 0) co a) k oI 0 H- PCt X rt J tl- 0 0 Q) -P a)~ l _ _ ) I _ I Ix 0 C2 0 4-) Cu a) E--, e I cd H I I: x 0 _, 0 . t 3 o _0 0 cO 0 0 H X - U) u-p rrl otX H v a) E - coI 0 o :B: C _ _ ___ . 0C) 3: v Ii 5? 43 - C C H m r4 H H cv o i 4c XHQcU cs O 0 = 0Opz C\m OC H 0 0 H) (D .i O ' . K I So c.) a0 CO r; H a z W E- o r.o 4 0C. I ci) 0 z co, L 00 L Cd . a~ c0 Xr( o O r-IQJ XH O '"4 3.~.n I o 0 0 H t-t : LL-. c-bI N 4J 43 O· · i7- i i 0C CI ~ 0 H (Vi o0 c co cc - cj a) Ii O o0 o _o Hi 0 _ R 0o H. O O _: 0 Xr -c cX rl CQ O i0 r 04 0 O rrlb *H CI z U 0 k '0 04 Cd O 0 m a) H II Ix aI a a 4U E, E-- H I H r-4 m LT; o i :3 ii ii o o :3 ii i 54 deviations from the experimental findings it must be concluded that COBRA-IV-I fails to predict the main feature originating from the tests, namely that despite local peaking center subchannel still remains the hottest. the hot As was observed in the uniform heated case no remedy exists in the framework of the applied mixing model theory to reverse the trend as predicted by COBRA-IV-I. As a result it must be concluded that WOSUB is superior, because not only are the trends predicted correctly but there are corrective measures effect that the magnitude available to the of the results come into closer agreement with the data. Figures15 and 16 show the comparison between THINC-IV results and the test data for quality and mass flux, respectively. For convenience, WOSUB results are added into these figures to more easily comprehend differences in the codes' predictions. __________I______II____ i --- 6035-13 i II i _ 0 __ Ur) I z z _. I- I-- I I . C U - 0 o -, C' LU V) I0 c3 o <~ O L- (z I3 0t O 0 x' >- o V) 0I0. L;J ~ O V" 0 S >V) J -J 0 C) 00- 0 . _ ,x~:ax sah C-)0,I- 0 1- 0 Z - C - 03I LLU - W 0CO c I H OHV -H EH H O I C,V) r> Zu 1--, . C:0 i i Ip- i --- · ll·llh-C·-·lllI - I:-·1·1-····1···1·115 1 i --- i -·- _ _ %% * LC' H .A ._ Or I) Ln o0 c"" . CN ICD un C14 ( C14 Ln -- ) c C I H rXn ( J. to,-111)~13(.') i I J, V 0 I ' co a: -\ UI - - - I I = 2: -I -- CD - 0 -' oU 3 I- uJ I c: _-- C0 O C: c I 00 C) LU C -j- c- N~~ o C.I <1 >. r '- 0 ZI Q: 0 0 C.) C -) uz Cl) -* O C >- C- E C 0) N U) C- C)" 19 z C.C U) - m S O~~~L aYl C o~ C c R~~~ _ Ls o o cC 0 O LwO a: :.. "= ' ,J- . C) I-- c Co \- \ 7V~ Lz C . _ n -- : - ^ HE PI \c~~\ CL1 ,; C \. 0CO ( C H _GU C \~~ Cl E-r r ;D g O ~', FHi m , N· \~~~, _ cr\ j II CN _ C1 _1*._. D *.. ... .. . 0 i I _) ( I I i I _ *_...1....... _. , ;_e CI-4 "0 ~' (19(y-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )~ I"- -11, I',a) CI O - -;C.) - ~PI:I3ir j - ; '3 . _vj I _ ~ 00~ ~ . . 57 16-Rod Columbia Test Bundle Experiment 1.2 1.2.1 [ 8 ] Introduction Simultaneous measurements of flow and enthalpy were made at the exits of two subchannels in a sixteen rod electri- cally heated full-scale bundle of a typical LWR fuel rod geoThe tests were carried out for both subcooled and bulk metry. boiling conditions. findings The authors compared their experimental with predictions by the COBRA-II subchannel in order to assess the code's applicability possible and to determine Therefore, the turbulent mixing at the same time. code [ 16 ] it is now to not only compare WOSUB with the test data but also to another subchannel used for comparing code. the same test data were Fortunately, the COBRA-IIIC/MIT code Liu [ 18] 17]. reported this comparison which allows a comparison of WOSUB with a more recent version of the COBRA-code family with regard to the Columbia tests. 1.2.2 Description Figure of the Bundle and Test Conditions 17 shows the layout and the dimensions rod bundle cross section. The power profile of the is uniform in the axial direction but varies radially as indicated in the figure, i.e., two rows of rods have a peaking factor of 1 whereas the other two rod rows have a peaking factor of 0.8. Obviously, the unequal heating results in a slight power tilt. are centered by three short longitudinal The rods fins inside each cylinder and are designed to give minimum flow disruption. Spacer grids are located at 10 inch intervals from the end of the heated lengths. PII.I I _ I IIP-I-·^--I -- starting 7 inches Flows and enthalpies -- I ·. 11 were 58 m A I II .. u^_@. - .. 'tIIIAi4c.L ^^..^..^._. CERAMJIC LINER li M 93 In C% I lB i 2.333 in. R03 OUTSIE CIAMETER 0.422 n. 0.555 in. 0.:;3 in. 0.;33 in. RC3TO '¢;ALLt RODTO tRCO, SAC,;;G TOTA Fr.o , ARZA W!ISMIAN;4 AREA G.C0.!3 ft2 YOT ;DS Hi EAT[ CC In. LE4GCTH FIGURE 17: CJ"Irik!aa niPvetzy IC-Rcd T,'st S-cm;-rr/ "- 59 measured in the cross-hatched center subchannels, denoted as hot and cold subchannels in Figure 17 , respectively. The test conditions covered by the experiments are summarized in Table 14. 1.2.3 Results of the Experiments The results of the experiments can be summarized as follows: 1) In subcooled and bulk boiling a significant flow redistribution is observed. 2) The hot center subchannel experiences the change before the cold center subchannel. 3) Both hot and cold center subchannels show a higher than bundle average enthalpy behavior with the former having the largest deviation. 4) In all cases, the initiation of bulk boiling curred in the center subchannels accompanied oc- by a relatively sharp decrease in the flow, due to the increase in local pressure drop and void volume. In- dications are that this reduction finally slows down and that even a change in direction occurs once the outer channels start bulk boiling (compare findings by Bayoumi et al [ 19 ]1in Section 1.9). 5) Subcooled boiling is an important phenomenon during redistribution. The data indicate that as much as 30% flow reduction occurs before zero quality is even reached. 6) The subcooled flow redistribution is more signifi- cant the higher the heat flux and the lower the 60 Pressure 500 and 1200 psia Average Bundle Mass Flux 1 x 106; Inlet Temperature 172F Average Heat Flux 0.384 x 2 x l0 ; Table 14 : lbm/hr-ft to 484°F O6; 0.56 x 106; 0.967 x 106 Tranverse Heating Ratio 3 x 10 Colder/Hotter Btu/hr-ft : 0.86 Colder/Average: 1.02 Hotter/Average: 1.08 Test Conditions 2 for the Columbia 16-Rod Bundle Tests - --- I-------- - - ---~- --"---- ------- ------- ----- - - ---------- --- --- -- 61 pressure because of the strong increase in void formation and two-phase frictional pressure loss with increasing heat flux and decreasing pressure. In conclusion the experimental results indicate that the inner subchannels are hotter than average, that strong redistributions occur and that subcooled boiling is an important contributor to this phenomenon. 1.2.4 Comparison of Columbia Tests with GE Tests In the context of this research it is of general interest to find out whether the Columbia tests support and how they compare with the experimental findings by GE. In general, the trends in the data as observed by the Columbia team agree with what has been found by GE, the only exception being that the GE test data show little effect of heat flux on the center- subchannel flow rate or of the bundle average flow rate on the subchannel quality. On the other hand, the center-subchannel quality was found to increase when the heat flux was increased. In order to comprehend these differences it must be recalled that the Columbia tests were primarily performed with subcooled exit conditions. 1.2.5 Comparison of COBRA-II with the Experiments As already indicated in Section 1.2.1, Castellana and Casterline 8 ] compared their test data with predictions by COBRA-II with the objective of assessing the accuracy of subchannel codes. It is interesting to see what these authors found in 1972 in order to compare it with what exists to date. At this point it should be recalled that COBRA-II already 62 contained the Levy subcooled boiling model [ 20]. In addition, it should be remembered that energy and momentum transport in the non-boiling regime is mainly due to turbulent transport whereas in the subcooled and bulk boiling regimes the additional transport phenomenon of gross diversion of flow comes into the picture either modeled as a mass-to-mass (COBRA-approach) or volume-to-volume exchange (WOSUB-approach). It becomes obvious then that a clear cut between turbulent and gross diversion (diffusion) phenomena is dependent upon the appropriate selection of two-phase correlations. The results of the comparison performed by Castellana and Casterline can be summarized as follows: 1) A mixing coefficient of zero, i.e., no turbulent interchange, results in flow reductions and positive enthalpy deviations which are greater than experimentally found. 2) A value of somewhere between 0.01 and 0.02 gives reasonable predictions for the hot center subchannel up to the point of bulk boiling quality at the channel exit. 3) The recommended value of in point 2 fails to predict the behavior of the cold center subchannel. Instead for this channel a value of somewhere be- tween 0.0 and 0.01 should be selected. 4) Subcooled boiling initiates earlier than predicted. This may indicate an inadequate void model or the failure of the donor cell approach for enthalpy exchange in the subchannel codes, because _ ___ __ in reality the 63 fluid in the gap region between two subchannels should be relatively hotter. 5) The selection of an appropriate and accurate two- phase flow pressure drop multiplier seems to be important. 6) The COBRA-II results are unable to consistently match the test data for one selected qualities above -5%. B for average The overall agreement is indeed fairly unsatisfactory. 7) Some data suggest even a negative As a result of the aforementioned were able to really Justify the validity 8. findings of COBRA-II the authors only for the non-boiling regions whereas for subcooled and low bulk quality boiling the subchannel code results have to be taken with care, especially due to the inadequacy of using a constant turbulent mixing coefficient despite of wide variation of coolant conditions into the subchannel a. codes. 8 should be allowed to vary both axially and trans- versely, to account for mixing rate differences in the single-phase, subcooled boiling and bulk boiling regions. b. At higher qualities, the possibility of prefer- ential transverse phase transport, namely different turbulent transport rates of the liquid and gas phases should be considered. These recommendations are certainly good advice in light of the comparison with COBRA-II. The question then is whether this advice has been taken seriously enough by industry and institutions which developed and refined subchannel codes until then. The general answer to this question exception being the MATTEO [ is no, with the 1 ] and thus the WOSUB codes. Especially, the COBRA-code family has been improved in the meantime without consideration of the aforementiond recommendations and indications are that the same is true for the proprietary codes of the vendors. COBRA-IV code Only the recently published gives the user the opportunity now to provide as function of quality. a table input to the code with The reluctance of industry and institutions to meet the two requirements may be partly explained as follows: 1) Most well-known PWR analysis subchannel codes were designed with the implication for that for these analyses only the non-boiling and subcooled boiling regions need to be covered. 2) The experimental data base is not broad enough to allow the specification of as function of the flow regimes. However, in view of what is done and what is available to date both arguments do not hold any longer. First of all, the same subchannel codes which have been thoroughly checked and approved in the subcooled boiling regime are applied for analyzing severe transients which undoubtedly lead to qualities far beyond those even covered by the Columbia tests although it was noticed that the methods already fail to predict those where the bundle average exit quality approaches zero. Secondly, there has been generated enough experimental evidence in the past which supports the GE and Columbia findings. Even if these are considered to be not __ 65 sufficient in general they would have justified at least the implementation of more flexible mixing models as indicated above, with the understanding to improve the input parameters as more experimental evidence becomes available. has not been done thus far indications as soon Because this are that even to date people are busy matching data with the wrong models and concepts al- trying to squeeze out and argue about the third digit in though this is totally fruitless in view of the evidence shown above and in what follows. In contrast, when the recommendations a) and b) are compared with what has been incorporated into the MATTEO [ 1 and the WOSUB-codes [ 2 ] the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) By virtue of the drift flux and vapor diffusion both recommendations are accounted for. 2) of the code only Although the present version contains the basic formulation of the drift flux model as it was known in 1973, it has the potential for improvements by incorporating recent correlations for annular and mist flow developed This flexibility In conclusion, by Ishii et al [21,22]. is not available it can be expected in the other codes. that WOSUB should at least follow the trend better than the other subchannnel codes. 1.2.6 Comparison of WOSUB with the Columbia Experiments and COBRA-IIIC/MIT Figures 18 and 19 show the mass flux deviations from bundle average as functions of the bundle average exit qualities for the hot and cold center subchannels, respectively. ___ A r I I 1 HOT CHANNEL o.1 -~-·-Z% Is 0. \\ % C 0 3' 0.02 0 - 0.1 = 0.01 0 - o.2. WO c -a3 -. - CO] 0 EX] I 0 I I -0.2. -0.3 I I 0 -0.1 8 uw 4 le A verage QuGi;ty ITCIJ.E 18: Mass Flux Hot Center Deviation Subchannel as a Function Avere s-- ---------------------- _ -----^---·l··r·----- from Bundle . 4vera;e of he Bundle Qualitv . _~~~~ - II--------- for the - 67 II I I- I COLD CHANNEL 0.1 p~~~~~~~~~ 0.05 W 0O 0 P 0.01 -0.1 -O.2 0 WOSUB COBRA-3C [18] --.0 EXPERIMENT I I I _ 1v.' A - _ n - n j s"C -_ I I -l O. -" - BUNDLE A VERA GE QLJAL Ir Flux Deviation from Bundle Averaze for the Cold Center Subchannel as a Function of Bundle FIGURE 19: 'lass Average Exit uality 68 « O _ I I I i I G-G .'\ 0. \ ® *_ ( O. I - 0. ( - 0.2 POT -CIANNEL e -a COLUMBIA DATA I WOSUB RESULTS -- - COBRA-3C RESULTS I -0o. I - o.2 -0.3 ! -0o. I I O. 0.1 I 0.2 SUBCHANNEL QUALITY i7GURE 20A: MlassFlux Deviation from Bundle Averare for Hot Center ---~- -- Subchannel ----------- as a Function the of its Exit quality 69 _ _ _ __ I I ' I I I G-G o.l ---- fB O~~ O. - . -0o.1 -02. COL COLUMBIA ® DATA WIOSUB RESULTS -0.3 COBRA-3C RESULTS [183 -.-- I -0.+ - .3 -! . I -O.1 . I.. 0 0.1 . 0.2. SUBCHAUNEL QUALITY FIGURE 21B: Mass Flux Deviation from Bundle Average for the Cold Center Subchannel as a Function of its Exit Quality 70 comparison with the data points reveals that the results obtained by WOSUB follow closely the trends given by the data in both subchannels over the whole band width of quality variations. The predictions by WOSUB even indicate the reversal flux deviation at higher qualities of the mass in the hot center subchannel. However, whereas the WOSUB predictions are in magnitude fairly close to the test data in the highly subcooled boiling regions the curves show a systematic nearly constant and parallel to the left of the data points. The off-set is smaller for the cold channel than fcr the hot channel. The reason for this disare pre- is that the mass fluxes in both subchannels placement dicted too low for a given bundle average exit quality. fact this systematic compariscn shift trend has been already observed In in the with the GE test data for uniform radial peaking that hot and cold center subchannels are surrounded by four equally heated rods, respectively). As already mentioned in Section 1.1.5 the (note apor inflowinto this channel has to be reduced by modifying the vapor diffusion model. This change should lead to an even closer agreement with the data points in the future. A more stringent the mass flux deviation criterion for comparison is to plot versus the subchannel exit uality. Figures 20 and 21 summarize and compare these results. Again, the inability of COBRA-IIIC/yjIT to predict reliable results for x > 0 becomes apparent, whereas WOSUB follows fairly closely the experimental data oints. By comparing the predictions obtained from COBRAIIIC/MIT 1 C- [ 1S ] with the data points and the WOSUB results as ------rr·1-o--L-------·----·-- ·-- rr----- I --___-·i___l___l_.I_ __ 71 well as with the earlier published COBRA-II results [ 8 ] the following conclusions must be drawn 1) The predictions by COBRA-IIIC/MIT are seemingly more off than those by COBRA-II although it contains an improved transverse momentum equation compared to the latter. 2) as recommended Varying the value of by the Columbia team does not help to match the data. 3) The predictions do not follow the trend for x av > 0. 4) Indications are that by setting B = 0 even would not help instead the trends of the data and the predictions call for B's smaller than zero, i.e., negative values! The aforementioned evidence is fairly discouraging for COBRA-IIIC-users. Indeed computational results for condi- tions where xav > 0 should be accepted with very great caution. In all fairness it should be noticed that one of the reasons for statement 1 above is that at the time when these data were produced Levy's subcooled boiling model did not work properly. As was mentioned in point 4 of Section 1.2.5. this is however absolutely necessary to obtain the correct flow reduction at least in the subcooled boiling regime. This point will be checked out with the corrected version of the subroutine in the near future. the accuracy However, of the COBRA-IIIC/MIT beyond that of the COBRA-II _ --1_-111111····111111 it is not believed predictions results. that will go far 72 1.2.7 Conclusions The evidence produced in this chapter clearly indi- cates again the superiority of the WOSUB code in predicting correct trends of the Columbia tests. the It has been also shown that the code is equally well performing in the non-boiling and subcooled boiling regimes as compared to the accepted COBRA-II and COBRA-IIIC codes. dictions Systematic differences between the pre- and the data can be attributed to the yet not optimized vapor diffusion model. This fact was already discovered in the comparisons described in the foregoing chapters. code behaves in a consistent and pre-predictable As such the way which is very important to know in order to guide future improvements. More comparative runs are needed for completeness. Especially, it is suggested to go even higher with xav in order to follow the reversed trend in the mass flux deviation. The reason for this suggestion becomes more obvious when Bayoumi's results are discussed I in Chapter i.9. _ __ ___ I 73 1.3 Planned 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle Experiments with Strong Power Tilt 1.3.1 Introduction In 1971 a series of tests were described and Kellen 9 by Gustafson in a 9-rod, square array test section with a very high radial power gradient. As shown in Figure 22 it was planned that the power generated in the first row of rods is zero, 0.9 in the second and 2.1 in the third row. results are given in [9 Although from runs in different loops for the development of the water film, and void needle meters the experiments themselves were never really carried out. Rather a modified set of tests as described chapter were actually performed later on. in the next Still, what makes the planned tests valuable in the context of this comparison here is the fact that during the planning stage of the experi- ment a unique collection of results from subchannel codes was put together by Flinta [ 12 ] in order to perform a benchmark test. data are published Some additional in [ 9 together with a complete list of results from the various participants. According to the time when these predictions were handed in all participating codes must be considered as subchannel codes of the 1. generation. The comparison which follows will include results from the following codes and specific proprietary versions thereof by the various institutions: 1) COBRA-AE (AB - Atomenergi Version of COBRA-I) 2) COBRA/KTH (Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) version of COBRA-I) 3) I COLIBRI (Asea - Atom version of COBRA-I) _I _ _ ____ 74 5'i.? or- - / SlMME TRY REL. 14EAr FLUX Pla.h4o Pe.orme.l I' HEATED 16G.3 LENGTH FLOW AREA I--- -----··--------I-- 22: -- 1j--12,2 : 1.5 o (o) 0.9 (0o.3) 2.1 (0.7) 25s- M : 1625 x 10 -3 2 M Layout of Pl-anned9-'od Studsvk Test Bundile ---- -- ----- --- - --- ------- ------- 75 4) DYNAMIT (INTERATOM, Germany) 5) FLICA/CENG (Centre d'Etude Nucleaire de Grenoble, France) 6) HAMBO/AE (AB - Atomenergi version of HAMBO, Sweden) 7) HAMBO/Ris8 (Belgo-Nucleaire version of HAMBO, Belgium) 8) THERMOHYDRAULIC (KWU, Germany) 9) TRASAM (AB -Atomenergi, Sweden) This list shows a broad cross section of participants of different nations. versions The individual features of the various of COBRA-I and HAMBO ar not known but it will be in- teresting to see how they compare with each other and to WOSUB in the final results. At this point it should be remembered that most of the codes listed above are still around and in use presumably with various updated versions of the different transport phenomena. What has been certainly kept though is the basic underlying model. The objective of this chapter is to analyze and com- pare the WOSUB predictions with those obtained by the various codes as given in [ 9 . Because of the severity of the planned tests one can expect more pronounced redistributions transverse effects and as those observed by the Columbia tests. It is of special interest then to run WOSUB with both options in order to more easily comprehend how especially the vapor diffusion model will cope with the strong power gradient effects. The attention will focus particularly upon the quality and mass flux distribution across the bundle at the exit in order __ 76 to establish a direct comparison with the previously collected 9 data in . that final con- it must be fully understood clusions can be only drawn if experimental evidence becomes In this respect the conclusions available. drawn in the following sections must be considered tentative and relative to the computational 1.3.2 Description predictions. of the Geometry and the Test Conditions The layout of the bundle and the subchannel numbering scheme are shown in Figure 23 whereas the test conditions in Table summarized 15. are The heated length is 1.5 m with an axially uniform power distribution. The test conditions were planned to consist only of changes in total bundle power in keeping all other parameters such as mass flow rate, pressure and subcooling constant. 1.3.3 Comparison of WOSUB with Other Subchannel Codes Due to the symmetry of the bundle with respect to the local peaking pattern only half of the bundle needs to be analyzed by the code and consequently the analysis reduces to eight subchannels. Tables 16 through 21 summarize all available infor- mation about qualities and mass fluxes together with the WOSUB results as function of total bundle power for subchannels 1 and 2, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8. The form of the presentation, namely in terms of deviations from the bundle average behavior as Deviation ( = ) k(I) k __ ________I _____ __1___1____ _ _ __ _I_ ____ ak(Z) A k k 77 0 0,90 2,10 5, 9 FIGURE 23 NUMBER SCHEME FOR THE SUBCHANNELS OF THE PLANNED STUDSVIK TEST BUNDLE -------- · -- - -- - --- 78 TEST POINT AVERAGE MASS-FLUX (kg/sec-m2 ) PRESSURE (Bars) POWER (KW) DEGREE OF INLET SUBCOOLING AVERAGE EXIT QUALITY X e (0C) SW-346 70 1000 346 -10 .10618 70 1000 462 -10 .15347 70 1000 870 -10 .31980 (V) sw-462 (V) SW-870 (V) Table 15: Test Conditions for the 9-Rod Bundle with Tilted Power Distribution - --- -- ---- - --· -- -- - ----- --- 79 Table 16 AX/X(%), POWER(KW) CODE . mm { .I CHANNEL m. l- -66 -91 3466 COBRA/KTH 325 360 346 HAMBO/Ri s THERMOHYDRAULIC WOSUB(v.d.) -115. 346 WOSUB( no v.d.) -117.23 462 COBRA/AE DYNAMIT FLICA/CENG HAMBO/AE 494 431 462 X/ ( %) CHANNEL 2 1 -6 3 lo. 6 9. -90 -87 4 , -120 -120 11 10.6 -120.75 10.6 -60 15.6 -120 16.8 13 -83 15.4 -87 15.4 462 TRASAM WOSUB(v.d.) -o6 -106 -111 15.34 462 WOSUB(inio v.d.) -110 .42 -113.0 15.3 686 COLIBRI -84 -86 870 HAMBO/BN -67 -67 870 WOSUB(v.d.) -86 -100 31.9 870 WOSUB(rno v.d.) -103 31.9 ---- 462 I 30 i- -102 COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR SUBCHANNEL 1 AND 2 QUALITIES FROM VARIOUS SUBCHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB (VAPOR DIFFUSION) AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION) ---- -- L 80 Table 17 POWER(KW) CODE AQ/Q(%) AQ/Q(%) CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 346 COBRA/KTH +12 +18 325 HAMBO/Ris8 +29 +36 360 THERMOHYDRAULIK +28 +39 346 WOSUB(v.d.) - 4.9 +12 346 WOSUB(no - +12 462 COBRA/AE +20 +26 494 DYNAMIT - 7 + 8 431 FLICA/CENG -- -- 462 HAMBO/AE +44 +51 462 TRASAM + 7 +18 WOSUB(v.d.) + 9 +26 1462 WOSJUB(no v.d.) + 6.1 +24 686 COLIBRI +53 +77 870 HAMBO/BN +25 +36 870 WOSUB(v.d.) -42 +79 870 WOSUB(no +50 +72 OF RESULTS FOR SUBCHANNEL 1 AND 2 MASS | 462 COMPARISON v.d.) v.d.) 5.9 FLUXES FROM VARIOUS SUBCHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB (VAPOR DIFFUSION ) AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION). ___ __._ __._ ___ __ 81 Table 18 aX/X(%) POWER ___ CODE AX/X(%) CHANNEL CHANNEL 5 346 COBRA/KTH +33 +47 325 HAMBO/Ris8 +62 +77 360 THERMOHYDRAULIK +i00 +143 346 WOSUB(v.d.) +58 +151.25 346 WOSUB(no +654 +120.85 462 COBRA/AE 431 DYNAMIT +74 +136 462 FLICA/CENG 462 HAMBO/AE 462 TRASAM 462 WOSUB(v.d.) +56 +175.62 462 WOSUB(no +72 +132.61 686 COLIBRI +94 +132 870 HAMBO/BN +43 +53 870 WOSUB(v.d.) +18 +297 870 WOSUB(no v.d.) v.d.) v.d.) . . ~ +197 +93 ~ 6 - - COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR SUBCHANNEL 5 AND 6 QUALITIES FROM VARIOUS SUBCHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB (VAPOR DIFFUSION) AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION) _,~ . .1 _ 1~-· 82 Table 19 AQ/Q(%) POWER(KW) CODE CHANNEL AQ/Q(%) CHANNEL 5 346 COBRA/KTH -9 -7 325 HAMBO/Ris8 -17 -13 360 THERMOHYDRAULIK 16 -20 346 WOSUB(v.d.) -8.9 346 WOSUB(no v.d.) -10.9 462 COBRA/AE -!1 -11 431 DYNAMIT -15 -11 462 FLICA/CENG -- -- 462 HAMBO/AE - 14 -10 462 TRASAM -12 -5 462 WOSUB(v.d.) -13 -20 462 WOSUB(no -I6 -14 686 COLIBRI -30 -27 870 HAMBO/BN -18 -10 870 WOSTB/(v.d.) -11 -47 870 WOSUB(no v.d.) -27 -41 COMPARISON v.d.) OF RES-JLTS FROM VARIOUS FOR SUBCHANNEL -9.9 -5.5 5 AND 6 MASS FLUXES SUBOHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB "VAPOCR DIFFUSIO AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION) " -~II I --- s,*.--,----·p· rp·-r·s---llslr^--------· _aa -_-- ---- __ 6 83 Table 20 AX/X(%) CHANNEL 7 CODE POWER (KW) AX/X(%) CHANNEL +67 +83 HAMBO/Risb' +115 +134 366 THERMOHYDRAULIK +165 +206 346 WOSUB(v.d.) 346 WOSUB(n. 462 COBRA/AE 494 DYNAMIT +150 +224 431 FLICA/CENG +127 +154 462 HAMBO/AE 462 TRASAM 462 WOSUB(v.d.) 462 WOSUB(no v.d.) +138.41 +190.45 686 COLIBRI +179 +226 870 HAMBO/BN +97 +108 870 WOSUB(v.d.) 870 WOSUB(no v.d.) 346 COBRA/KTH 325 v.d.) +40.31 +147.05 +135.19 +183.04 -- 8 +80 __ . -+27.06 -4.5 +150 192 +141.7 +93 +245 COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR SUBCHANNEL 7 AND 8 QUALITIES FROM VARIOUS SUBCHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB (VAPOR DIFFUSION) AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION) 84 Table 21 POWER(KW) AQ/Q(%) CHANNEL 7 CODE AQ/Q(%) CHANNEL 346 COBRA/KTH -19 -18 325 HAMBO/Risb' -29 -26 360 THERMOHYDRAULIK -30 -29 346 WOSUB(v.d.) -15.9 -16.9 346 WOSUB(no -26 -20.9 462 COBRA/AE -23 -23 494 DYNAMIT -33 -33 431 FLICA/CENG -33 -34 462 HAMBO/AE -28 -25 462 TRASAM -28 -24 462 WOSUB(v.d.) -19 -22 462 WOSUB(no v.d.) -31 -27 686 COLIBRI -48 -48 870 HAMBO/BN -34 -30 870 WOSUB (v.d.) -28.9 -18 870 WOSUB(no v.d.) -33 -43 v.d.) COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR SUBCHANNEL 7 AND 8 MASS 8 MASS FLUXES FROM VARIOUS SUBCHANNEL CODES WITH WOSUB (VAPOR DIFFUSION) AND (NO VAPOR DIFFUSION) 85 where k(I) I x or G subchannel number bundle average exit quantity, x or G, was necessita .ted by the fact that the data of the other ccides are given as such in subchannel 9 . All WOSUB results have been generated by using the standard parameters as supplied Unfortunately, .n th,e code. some of the results of the other subchannel codes were obtained for different power levels. unable In addition, some participants were either or not willing to provide the information for all subchannels. As a result, the comparison is not as complete as it could be. Nevertheless, it can be considered as being the first of its kind and the data provide enough information for getting some ideas about general trends. By comparing the results for the bundle-average qualities as listed in the third column of Table 16 it can be concluded that all codes give equivalent answers. are due to different Differences powers used in the individual predictions. With respect to the local quality and mass flux predictions it is noticed that tremendous differences exist not only between different codes such as COBRA and HAMBO but what looks especially disappointing the same code by different larger discrepancies. of is that the application institutions leads to seemingly even Especially disappointing is that already large differences between the codes' results exist for channels 1 and 2 which are essentially subcooled for all powers considered in these tests. ____··I____ The general trends which can be seen ___ 86 from Table 16 are: 1) The deviation in quality from bundle average is slightly smaller for the cold corner subchannel than for the cold side subchannel. 2) Increasing the total bundle power leads to a decrease in the deviation. Both trends are predicted by both options in the WOSUB code, too. The actual numbers show that WOSUB overall comes up with larger deviations than the other codes. By comparing the results from WOSUB with vapor diffusion model with those without accounting for vapor diffusion it should be recognized that the former approaches nicely the latter in the subcooled boiling regime where the vapor diffusion is indeed negligible. This is very interesting because it shows that the code can be safely used with the vapor diffusion model even in this region without forcing the user to take special precautionary measures. By comparing the mass fluxes as given by Table 17 for subchannels i and 2 it becomes apparent that codes which predicted about he same deviations in quality show huge dif- ferences in their mass flux predictions (see for instance HAMBO/AE and TRASAM for 462 KW). In general, the following trends are observed in the data for the mass flux deviations from bundle average: 1) They are smaller for the cold corner subchannel than for the cold side subchannel for all power levels. 2) The deviations in the subchannel mass fluxes from bundle average increase with increasing power. 1 _ ___ ·I __ _ _ _ _ _ _· 87 Both WOSUB options do predict these trends. The agreement between WOSUB and some of the other codes seems to be better for the mass flux predictions than for those of the quality. Table 18 and 19 show quality and mass flux deviations from bundle average for subchannels 5 and 6. Both channels are characterized by higher-than-average qualities where the center subchannel shows the largest deviations increasing with total bundle power. The quality deviation of the side channel decreases with increasing power as predicted by WOSUB with the vapor diffusion model. Without including the vapor diffusion model the results show a similar behavior than those of the other codes, namely an increase of quality. It should be noticed that the differences even between the other codes are as high as 300%. As with respect to the differences in the WOSUB result due to the different options it becomes clear from Table 18 that the vapor diffusion model gives higher deviations for the center subchannel but lower ones for the side subchannel than does the option without the vapor diffusion model. Table 19 shows the mass flux data for the same subchannels. Obviously, the mass fluxes are lower-than-average for both subchannels. All codes predict that. Again, the agreement in the mass fluxes seems to be closer in general than that in the predicted qualities. At lower power WOSUB with vapor diffusion model predicts lower deviations than the other codes. At high power level this trend is reversed the center subchannel. _____ for It should be noticed that the other 88 subchannel codes predict in general larger deviations for the side subchannel. Table 20 summarizes the quality deviations for hot corner and hot side subchannels. Both are naturally higherthan-average. In fact, all subchannel codes including WOSUB without vapor diffusion model, however with the exception of the vapor diffusion model predict channel and channel 7 being the next hottest. being the hottest The trends indicated by the results of these codes seem to show an increase in quality with total bundle power. In contrast, WOSUB with vapor dif- fusion does not predict channel 8 being the hottest. Further- more, the deviation from bundle average decrease with increasing power. In case of the hot corner subchannel this even leads to a lower-than-average quality at the highest power considered here. On the other hand, WOSUB without vapor diffusion is in substantial agreement with the results of the other subchannel codes. Finally, Table 21 shows the mass flux deviations bundle average for subchannel 7 and 8. from WOSUB with vapor diffusion predicts that the mass flux deviation decreases with increasing quality. total bundle power, i.e., increasing bundle exit The reverse is predicted for channel 7 where the deviation increases. 1.3 .4 Conclusion As was the case in the foregoing comparisons with the experimental evidence, WOSUB with vapor diffusion model included predicts again the center subchannel being the hottest 11111_ __ _ _ __ _ 89 in contrast to the other subchannel hot side channel being the hottest. codes which determine However, the it was clearly shown that all these codes failed to correctly predict the trends especially for positive bundle average exit quality. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that these codes are correct under these circumstances. Rather, the WOSUB results should be trusted which proved to be reliable comparisons. emphasis However, in the foregoing it is admitted that due to the over- of the vapor transport from the corner and the side subchannels to the center subchannel the latter may be determined to be too hot. This has been shown to happen in the foregoing chapter and should occur even more pronouncedly under these circumstances with the large power gradient involved. Furthermore, it can be assumed that the hot channels are in annular flow for the higher of the power levels considered here. Due to the fact that the drift flux model incorporated into WOSUB does not contain information concerning the two- phase annular flow regime, this may result in another source of uncertainty. Despite these shortcomings it is believed that WOSUB more correctly predicts the trends whereas with respect to the magnitude of the data it is suggested first to correct the vapor diffusion model such that it more closely predicts the GE and Columbia tests and then to apply again to the Swedish test conditions. In order to more easily comprehend the various trends observed by both WOSUB options for the individual subchannels Table 22 summarizes the finding of the computer runs described -. IIILIXII- I sil __i 90 in this chapter. In addition, Figures 24 through 26 display some of the trends which have been discussed in detail. Especially helpful for understanding the general trends is Figure 26 where x/x is plotted as function of G/G. In summary, it becomes obvious again that the concept of power-to-flow ratio fails to predict the hottest subchannel. This was already found in the previous heating conditions less severe tilted and is also confirmed here. Table 22 summarizes the trends in quality in the various subchannels as found by both options in WOSUB when the bundle power is increased 4_1_1__ _____ ____ __ ___ ____ from 346 KW to 870 KW. _____ 91 FIGURIE 24: of Various Subchannel Codes for the Comarison from Bundle Average Deviation of Exit Subchannel Qalities as a Function of Subchannel Number and Bundle Power as Parameter. 'd x ), NOMENCLATURE Z40 .··'' !0 i. .4 / I I / ~. .' / 1 llE ,' I,. II K .// \ (462 * COBRA/KTH (346 KW) (636 KW) + (494 iCW) /. <b- . HAMBO/BN (870 K;W) o HAMBO/Riso (325 A THERMOHYDRAULIC( 360 V TRASXA * WOSUB(VAP) 346 KiW o WOSUB (NO VAP) 346 i(- 4z ir.i (462 _n--, ,O.,'.FI n\............, /'.... % .WU3U] (VAY) WOSUB(NO VAP) 462 OSUB(VAP) A ' V 0 - WOSUB (JO I *6 z/ w 5 CHANN6 7 CHANNEL NUMBER -ll----UIIIII~~I"U"U~UII-III(--^s ----. I^-·I·IPLWL·C-·l--·--·-·Llill VAP) 870 870 tJW) IW) KW) ;,W ;'W K;' - / 40 0 (431 KWI) . . ) ( 4 b ZIj ^ -- 0 I / DYNAIT w tM±KJ/AZ l7 iCMW) El· COLIBRI - 140 120 COBRA/AE < FLICA/CENG 1, .. i° O --- I 92 %C 4 _ Q %A:of 1. q:" . U, a O (' o ujsN. X *f la qa Ge0 I laC -ALx U zt., a ."r x - VV z 'W-, zc Q' I- \ j C40 o g :C Ist o0 r. IC* < Qt UV +m x __ __ - _ I I · 0 I _I I 0 C 0 "-I 4..) I 0o I a: V-f OT C _ t I a I a - i00 ci) c c 41 -1 iIti/u 1 c, C 1 .:C ci~ ci) le I lax FC 0 C., 0 Q- x :3 x ,-4 c V Ca ;0 0 la /I I I / CM 3 o Q - 4 d \-a V c-i co A A Col (4 , (4 4: 4 u ! 0I o I 0 I O kD :------ --- - I--- - -- I I a I I C 1._ ___ --I--------L C CJ I I _I II. __ ___ ., C 1 Cl 93 + COB fA/A E 0 · COSiA/KrH COL/BRI DYNAIT n 0 FL ICAI/CLG ' $ HAM^o/A; 9 HAMo/0n X X HAMBo/Riso / TERO HNYOAMALC k\ TRA SAM * WOSL8(VAP) NOSV8 W \ Subchannel 100- z 8 ,A WOs V WOSd' I . 0 3'%61w yVAP) wosuC (vAP) * WoSI ( II A --100 (o 36t4w 62'(w VAP)f CZL I8 CVAP) 70 Kw (1o V 4d) I 70Kw % Aq 00 7 -lo 0 Subchannel 0 2 I - 00 I a 4-W FIGURE 26: C'omarison of Various Subchannel Codes for the Deviation of Subchannel Exit Exit I Mass ' Qualities versus Subchannel Fluxes from Bundle Average for Subchannels 2 and 8. - =M = II IIII n )i III III I I I 4- 2 0 'Hl 0 0 O4-O f- · 0 ) 0 42 d r=i Ud >4 C4- O 4c2 C+-4 H "d 42) rd 2 Ce 42 Hd (1) 42 H U) H H rc 0: Z: .C 42 U) 0' -rO.H ceo O a © U) -4 ro O C, 0 Q d,_ U) rO O 42 CQ 0 C ' 0r f HQ. 0 0 o 0 U C4' ri 2 0zc 20 ~ .2~3- 0U) C: U3) (VI 0D r- 0 'n a H, 2 C 0 2 U) Of> Ce~ 2- © 2 0a Ce L> 0 c) 'H U) 0C s ,-C 'H o oCo 0 ,r 42 4.S S2a H) 0 ' HCO' 0o 4s 0 'ri d 13 :n Ug C) c~ C4-- C 42H ® 0 C4 .2 r'·2 0' 0 0 H .rd .2 U) 4- C Ln U2 'Hrl 42 *r o t: bID Ce C 'H .rH -)a'Z: H)U 4- U)oQH 0 C X 'H C4l Q C) 0 rcn 0 ord E C) SO4 '20 42- 04U 42 0 H (d 42r-'H 42) 0 .H U) rd o -Q -'2 H 0 ;-4 U)4 z © 2 Cd 01 0 r , 0 0 c ,.0o 4"> H0ZD .2 0H U) O U) 4.) U) _ I 0H I0 bjD 'H 42 I I· I E 0 C) I; G U m E- H (4 I II II II III C= ® 2 z U) .' U)H _ I 0 42 Ce KRl I .2 42 U) O > 'ri '15 .H I K) ® z I I I I II II II III I I II I a Ce H E E 4- Cv I bL*, 9- 1 C © 44440,~ ,. Cd E- I IH Lrf m m V) 7 4 U: rl, _ -- i ------. Y---.--.--------- ---1····I·1I1I1·II···-FIII ._ C___ IC 95 - 4 I! IIII S~~ I ~oO o~ C 4. Ia osH50 o 0. :z 0C Q .. ) C Z Oo os bo r m ;4 4-( w ko W o = CO m IS-. :~ ~.,.~ U) -H .,- q) Q n o O S o s r QQc3 4.o~ O Cd Cdo r.0:- ~ o; o -Hoo5,t.. SH S C C H CO Q )O ac- 0OShl0o ) H · -) f U1 CO Q-t U c, c 0 0 4od oO 4or ~O Q a Cd E Q) 4 M) O oo m.© ,~.,--4 C) ~ r] C,D Q 0 *, - a C pr w O 3rl d c0oo k · Q) . -) 0 CQ O C IIcr U) ^v4 I P 4I k USH a, O EO Sr , Z ao c C:=fCm H snc -cS; X CI " r kstOu 1-V1 Eda>E ^* .Ha Q d a, o a, C, C a >W, a ) *rtoa)a U]O o'a C V] C O-I 4O wC S hD 30 s ^l r·=f a X O CS O U) U3 rl O Ct~ Q-,rl a) Us Wc * U2 E zCCC C)r O· 0 5 au 0 a- O$ O 0 0 -i o H I~cd7 C;Shd Q Q EQ 0 O ~QH 4III aQ O ) 33t) O MW)C o Q a, (d HEd o sO~O Cc o; CIh W Ad e ~-H )C t -w >hO Q-- C d = .p: m > M aQ 4 k CO C d4 a, U) O C O O ,1 O U 5 ( WD~ Mc c- > r-· C o 5Co C v; d O st O C 3 -a *H-C O C m < h 1 I:z W rn Cd \ttj > m3 Q I r D tC CO !: ;rd © kdq Q) C I ",d : 44-D o 0'- Q~d m Z 5 v O · C,-P ,.4 PE C ra, * wU C) U O O -H C ~~. o a~ic ~ C14 rn -7 o Q4 Q) Q) 4U) a, c E4 5D 0 ,. 4J o acC Q ,.u Qc2 ~9r= I rf rl MCO)r O j0 oa COas C O ri rf c Url 1D CTJ dO 0 O 'L a I a) Ca) . O · o b 4.O) : 4I C 4H > H Q Cd 0 O -pt 3 CO -H Q Z:J rt· Id c) - 0 C: ~· cO a4 .p SQ) d) C ~4-v r·4-H w Q) Edrl· 5 In .O , M- E- pt O.Q 0 P -H 0-) H ESe0 a) -~ O'ETQ) Q ~-~ ~~'~lCO 0 V r-:: -0 p H O to 4 H *H ·ta 4- bu z Q.,0 0 H ~-ct T>5 -i ccO or©E QmO QoC- > a), >kD > -~ Ed C L: O oco 0 ' . r-i a OF En w f2, (t k0 ;q E-e bC 0 9-4 0 _ t I _, aci~~-ilc !~~~·> I9 1 I CC) Z ~tto m Z* no~ oi -- co f/] Go I a) rl CO O Q C) JX4 7-1 _ M _PI _ v m E- = 0 I- A H Z c rrt 0= cs] 96 1.4 Performed 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle Experiments with Power Tilt 1.4.1 Introduction The experimental tests as described in Sect. (1.3) were obviously never performed. Instead as proposed in [10] a less severe power tilt has been finally used in actually carrying out this experiment. In fact, for the first time experimental results are now available for this kind of strong radial power tilt. of various Moreover, a unique collection of results subchannel codes has been assembled experiment as a benchmark test. [11] using this Nine institutions participated in this exercise with the following codes, most of them being of proprietary character: 1) HAMBO 2) COBRA-IIIC 3) SDS -Belgonucleaire, Bruxelles, J Belgium -AB Atomenergik, Studsvik Sweden 4) COBRA-II -Royal institute of Techno- 5) MATTEO -Consorzio Nuclital, 6) THERMOHYDRAULIK 7) VIPER old (COBRA-IIIC) -KWU, Erlangen, Germany 8) VIPER new (TORC?) 9) MIXER logy, Stockholm, Sweden Italy 2 10) COLA I -Institut for Space-Aviation and Nuclear Engineering 11) COLA IIS Tu Braunschweig, Germany 12) FLICA -Centre d'Etude Nucleaire, Grenoble, France 13) SDS -Research Establishment 14) TORC Denmark -Combustion Engineering, USA Rise 97 The comparison of the results of these codes together those from WOSUB and the experimental cases will be presented in Sect. evidence for two test 1.4.3. The coverage test cases would go beyond the scope of this report. a critical review and evaluation with of all However, of the whole set of data and numerical results will be issued at a later time [12] together with a reevaluation of WOSUB, once the vapor diffusion model has been optimized. 1.4.2 Description of the Geometry and the Test Conditions The geometry of the test section is given in Fig. 27a together with the power skew applied in the tests. It should be noticed that the diameters of the pins for two rows differ from those of the third row. The bundle contains four spacers typical for BWR-design. Fig. 27b. Their positions are depicted in The subchannel spacer coefficients and flow areas as given in [10] are: Subchannel Spacer Coefficient Flow Area 2 _ (velocity heads) 1 1.22 62.9 2 2.03 100.7 3 2.08 99.6 4 1.53 150.2 5 2.13 98.4 6 1.58 147.8 7 1.27 61.7 8 2.13 98.4 0 1 E S 0 S Rod no. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. 98 12.25 mm. Rod no 7,8 and 9 j 12.0 rr. n Flow area :1639. 6.10 Heated length -6 m 2 1.5 m. Ir.tet calming length: 0.29B m. Flow split walls in the ower distribution '1- SPLI T- CHANNEL *-70 *I. SPLIT . 1IANNEL 30 4 )t'Ll 1. I , HANNFL 0 %. ., PLI TCHANNE L Figure 27a: Geometry of the 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle nf I I I l 011 oom *LtTLtJ 4 Figure 27b: Spaces Locations 9-Rod Studsvik Test Bundle in the 100 These values are used as input into the subchannel codes. in Table 23. The test conditions are summarized Only cases 1 and 4 will be used for the purpose of compariThe rest of the cases will be presented son in this report. in [23]. The outlet of the test section was equipped with and pressure taps. flow split devices as shown in Fig. 28 The flow split devices were arranged such that always two subehannels were sampled together according to the following scheme: Split Channel Subchannels 1 7 &8 2 5 3 3 & 4 4 1 & 2 As a result of this procedure, channel data available. &6 there are no individual sub- Thus, final conclusions may not be reached at this point in time. However, there is some hope that individual subchannel data may become available in the future. The following quantities were measured in the four split channels: a) mass flow b) quality c) enthalpy in subchannel In addition, the pressure drop was measured a location .-_. I..__- --- -1--- - - . 0.6 4 6 m downstream _ I- - -_ _ - _..__-1 3 at from the inlet to the location of _ L_ ___.,, _ _ _ ___ ______ _. __ 101 P bar Case Pcl KW G 2 kg/m s 1 70 900 380 10 2 70 900 380 20 3 70 900 380 30 4 70 1200 420 10 5 70 1200 380 30 6 70 2000 500 10 7 70 2000 500 20 Imll I I I Table I 23: II II I I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Test Conditions for the Studsvik BWR Bundle [9] -------- e sub inlet oC 1 F;/ i I iI i -, - the 9-gRod ion rw evie oTestP -~~~~ir 8 WS33t eiei a h ~0 cua_ cn t ' 103 the flow split device. 1.4.3 Comparison of WOSUB with the Experiment and the Other Subchannel Codes Comparison of the Quality Predictions Tables 27 , 24 and 25 as well as Tables 26 and summarize the steam quality and the mass fluxes for cases 1 and 4, respectively. Comparing the experimental findings with the WOSUB results as shown in Tables 24 and 26 the following con- clusions can be drawn with respect to quality predictions in the various split channels: 1) WOSUB predicts the quality in split channel 1 very well for both cases. 2) It overpredicts the quality in split channel 2 in both cases. 3) WOSUB underpredicts the quality in split channel 3 more so in case 1 than in case 4. 4) WOSUB underpredicts the quality in split channel 4, again more so in case 1 than case 4. These conclusions do not come unexpectedly because as already indicated in the foregoing sections too much vapor is diffused into the hot center subchannel which leads on the other hand to an overcooling effect in the cooler split channels. By changing the vapor diffusion it is hoped to match the experimental results better in the future. By comparing the results of the other subchannel codes with the experiment, the following conclusions can be .I-· III·LL- - _- Il···--_··_II I------II· ___ 104 Table Case 24: Steam Quality (%) in Each Split Channel - Comparison Between Experiment 1 and Various Subchannel Codes Split Experiment Channel SDS* HAMBO COBRA-IIIC THERMO HYDRAULIK VIPER (old) 1 26.7 27.6 29.7 29.3 31.7 32.3 2 22.7 20.8 22.6 22.3 23.9 24.3 3 10.2 11.1 8.9 8.3 7.7 9.3 4 1.8 3.4 2.2 1.9 1.6 2.2 VIPER IMIXER-2 MATTEO COBRA-II COLA I COLA 2S (new) 1 34.0 28.0 37.2 30.4 34.6 24.9 2 25.7 21.9 29.1 23.4 25.3 19.1 3 9.3 9.9 6.1 9.1 6.6 10.5 4 0.8 3.2 -1.3 2.7 0.6 6.4 SDS** TORC WOSUB FLICA 1 36.0 36.5 33.2 26.7 2 30.4 27.5 24.6 27.8 3 8.8 9.0 8.7 5.3 4 0.2 1.0 1.2 -1.6 IIJ~I- * Studsvik ** Ris8 = 70.3 bar D G av = 907 kg/m 2s ATsub = 9.3C Power = 380 KW I- ` 105 Table 25: Mass Flux (kg/m x) in Each Split Channel Comparison Between Experiment and Various Subchannel Codes Case 1 (continued) Split Experiment Channel SDS* HAMBO COBRA-IIIC VIPER (old) 1 678 631 661 689 624 562 2 812 800 794 837 724 736 3 951 1009 1024 1058 1036 1031 4 1204 1177 1140 996 1261 1313 VIPER (new) MIXER 2 MATTEO COBRA-II COLA I COLA 2S 1 2 554 720 632 784 607 733 612 760 594 727 650 802 3 1015 1018 1074 1044 1074 1027 4 1369 1189 1217 1208 1210 1148 FLICA SDS** TORC WOSUB 1 541 595 581 774 2 652 734 762 834 3 4 1045 1382 1033 1279 1078 1183 1056 924 - -" THERMOHYDRAULIK .., - 106 Table Steam Quality in Each 26: Split Channel - Comparison Between Experiment And Various Subchannel Codes Case 4 Experiment Split SDS* THERMO- HAMBO COBRA-IIIC, HYDRAULIK Channel VIPER (old) 1 23.1 23.5 24.4 26.1 26.8 26.8 2 20.5 13.1 18.2 19.6 19.4 19.8 3 7.6 8.2 6.2 5.4 5.1 6.7 0.6 -0.7 0.1 0.7 -0. 4 VIPER (new) MIXER 2 MATTEO COBRA-I i COLA I COLA 2S 1 27.5 22.4 30.3 24.8 30.9 20.0 2 20.5 18.0 23.6 18.8 22.0 15.5 3 6.8 7.3 4.3 6.5 4.4 8.0 o0.0 0.8 -2.1 1.2 -1.56 . 4 FLICA SDS** TORC OSUB 1 29.2 29.9 26.5 21.5 2 2L.7 22.5 19.8 24.1 3 24.8 6.5 6.1 5.0 4 -0.9 0.4 i -0.4 -1.6 l i ..1 - I- * Studsvik D ** Ris8 G = 70.9 bar av = 1209 kg/m2s m = 11.1°C -sub Power = 422 KW II Ill--···-·rllllll·CIII----·U 107 Mass Flux (kg/m2x) in Each Split Table 27: Channel - Comparis.onBetween Experiment and Various Subchannel Codes Case .4 (continued) Split Experiment Channel THERMOHYDRAULIK VIPER (old) 858 772 718 SDS* HAMBO COBRA IIIC 781 852 1 800 2 1009 999 1027 1043 914 944 3 1303 1323 1375 1369 1419 1349 4 1767 1770 1579 1558 1760 1875 COLA I COLA 2S VIPER (new) MIXER 2 MATTEO COBRA-II 1 712 831 779 965 733 653 2 929 1008 742 998 939 747 3 1319 1335 1422 1378 1427 978 4 1948 1686 1700 1697 1734 1296 SDS** TORC WOSUB FLICA 1 736 771 768 934 2 876 943 998 959 3 1366 1389 1417 1366 4 1882 1764 1640 1608 - - 108 drawn: a) The closest predictions come from the institution which performed the experiment (SDS, Studsvik). b) The majority of the subchannel codes overpredicts the quality in split channel , some of them by a substantial margin, however all of them predict split channel 1 as the hottest. c) Some codes qualities (MATTEO, FLICA, SDS-Eis8) predict in split channel 2 even higher or about the same as WOSUB does. d) The majority of the codes predict the quality in the split channel 3 about correctly, although is a group consisting of THERMOHYDRAULIK, COLA I which tends to underpredict there MATTEO, the quality in that channel as WOSUB does. e) The codes which are doing about right in three of the split channels at least from the point of view of trends overpredict the uality in the coldest split channel 4, -ith especially good examples this being COLA 2S, and even SDS-Studsvik for and MIXER-2. f) Codes which are identical but are serviced by different institutions produce substantially different answers (see SDS-Studsvik differences versus SDS-Ris8). The between the results of the codes are about as large as the differences of the WOSUB results to the experiments. --m· 109 g) Codes which are designated as new versus old or III versus II etc., do not show overall consistent improvement s. h) Institutions closest to the BWR design area produced results which came closest to the experimental results. i) Judging from our experience with WOSUB, the results shown for the MATTEO code must have been obtained without the vapor diffusion option included. In summary, the picture given above by the points a) thru i) is in fact quite confuse. In general, it is found again that most of the other subchannel codes as indicated in the foregoing chapter overpredict the quality in split channel 1. exceptions are SDS-Studsvik and MIXER 2-KWU. Noticeable On the other hand both codes do overpredict the quality in the coldest split channel. Indications are that the input data play the major role in the final results. SDS-Studsvik obviously benefited most from the experimental evidence, whereas MIXER 2 relies heavily upon the GE experience. A comprehensive analysis of these data together with a check of the trends suggested by the various codes will be issued in [23]. A warning should be issued with respect to the codes with the familiar names such as COBRA-IIIC, COBRA-II and the like. It is more than possible that these codes underwent sub- stantial modifications in the mixing model, cold wall effects, etc. at the various institutions. Therefore, it is by no means obvious that these codes are in fact equivalent to _I___ _ 1111 _ 110 COBRA-IIIC/MIT or to those versions which are publicly available. In any case, runs will be performed with COBRA-IIIC/MIT in the near future to check this point. As with regard to WOSUB it can be concluded code behaves as expected. With the vapor diffusion model being still not tuned, the transport overemphasized. into the center subchannel is Once this is corrected the other split channels should close in with the experimental important results that the results, too. How tuning really is can be clearly seen by comparing the of the two SDS-code versions and the two COBRA-IIIC- versions from Belgonucleaire and KWU although the differences are not that apparent Finally, there. it should be pointed out that the average quality of each split channel has been obtained from the individually predicted subchannel quantitites according to x G F G F eGeFe+ x mm m GeF as prescribed subchannel this formula. in quality by Ulrych and Kemner areas. j......4 + G F m = 10 - 2j e - 2j = 9 [11], where the F's are the It is not clear why these areas enter into As a matter of fact, x reduces by about 0.5% (i.e. 34% instead of 34.5%) by disregarding the averaging process. Comparison of Mass Flux Predictions Tables 25 and data and the predictions 27 summarize the experimental of the subchannel codes for the mass flow rates in the four split channels 9RIll_ for cases 1 and 4 I 111 respectively. According to [11] the split channel averages were obtained from the individual subchannel predictions by using G Fe + G F G = Fe ; Fe j = 1 .....4 Fm m = 10 Fm e = - 2j 9 - 2J According to the experimental evidence the mass flow rates increase steadily going from split channel 1 to split channel 4. In case all subchannel code results follow this trend with the exception of COBRA-IIIC by Belgonucleaire and WOSUB both of which predict higher mass flow rates in split channel 3 than in split channel 4. However, in case 4 both codes are in line with the general trend. By comparing the experimental findings with the WOSUB results the following conclusions can be drawn 1) WOSUB predicts slightly higher mass flow rates for split channel 1. 2) The code gets about the right for split channel 2. 3) For case 1 the predicted mass flow rate is the high but only slightly higher in case 4 for split channel 4) 3. WOSUB predicts much too low mass flow rates for split channel 4 in case 1, however this difference is much smaller in case 4. Essentially, WOSUB shows again here the same general trends as already observed in the GE-test with radially non-uniform peaking factor pattern, namely overprediction in hot regions and underprediction in the cold regions. It is hoped that these 112 deficiencies can be fixed by virtue of changes in the vapor diffusion model. Comparing the results of the other subchannel codes the following a) conclusions can be drawn: The best predictions come from institutions which either performed the experiment or are closest to BWR bundle design (SDS-Studsvik and MIXER 2-KWU). b) The group VIPER old and new, COLA I, FLICA, SDS- Ris8 and TORC underpredict the mass flow rate in split channel 1 by about the same amount that WOSUB overpredicts it in case . in case 4 these codes do better but COLA 2S does substantially worse. Further- more, COBRA-II which give a reasonable answer for case 1 predicts an even higher mass flow rate than WOSUB for split channel in case 4. c) The behavior of split channel 2 is predicted quite well by most of the codes. Noticeable excep- tions are FLICA for both cases and COLA 2S in case 4 where both codes underpredict the experimental result by quite a margin. d) All codes overpredict the mass flow rates in split channel 3 by more or less big margins. COLA 2S exceptionally underpredicts case 4 although its predicted quality is so close to the experiment. e) Whereas the mass flow rate in split channel 4 for case 1 is calculated quite well by most of the codes (exceptions being OBRA-IIIC and WIOSUB too low, but - ---- · le ·TI·u 113 VIPER old and new, and FLICA, too high) larger differences and scatter show up in case 4. COLA 2S, being consistent in its trend, gets by far the lowest G whereas VIPER new and FLICA predict too high values for G. COBRA-IIIC and HAMBO predict also too low mass flow rates. The resultant picture is again quite diffuse, with the exceptions being SDS-Studsvik a surprise though. and MIXER 2 which should not come as On the other differences of the codes especially in the predictions for split channel 4 are larger than the difference in the measured quantities between split channels 3 and 4! This is indeed a surprise because one would assume that in the low and subcooled quality regime reliable results could be predicted by the codes now. This is obviously not the case under the given circumstances. Comparison of Predicted Individual Subchannel Qualities Some of the participants provided information about the individual subchannel qualities. and compared with the WOSUB 30 , These data are summarized redictions for cases 1 and 4, respectively. in Tables 28 and Due to the lack of experimental evidence on the individual subchannel basis, MIXER 2 is taken as a standard because it performed the split channel averages 4, i.e., subchannels disregarded with the exception 1 and 2. well in of split channel These two subchannels will be for the purpose of this comparison here. By comparing the MIXER 2 with the WOSUB results, _ the __ 114 Table 28: Steam Quality (%) in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes Case 1 -- Subchannel Number - -------- THERMOHYDRAULIK VIPER (old) VIPER (new) 1.77 2.7 0.9 3.5 1.14 3 1.9 0.7 3.0 7.38 9.2 9.0 9.3 7.85 21.82 9.4 9.5 10.2 22.4 23.8 18.4 25.23 25.4 26.8 24.1 29.23 30.0 30.7 25.4 33.18 33.6 36.0 29.6 TORC WOSUB COLA _ -- --- I I I 1.1 6.9 1.4 -1.3 0.8 6.1 1.0 -1.7 5.9 16.5 8.4 5.0 5.9 10.5 8.9 22.7 17.8 22.6 5.5 26.2 27.1 19.9 25.8 32.9 31.3 22.8 30.6 20.1 36.7 26.2 34.7 30.9 I I I I _ ---- COLA 2S MIXER - . 'll I ------ II ------ 2 --- --- --- ----- -------- --- ------- -- 115 Table Mass Flux Rate (kg/m2 Mass Flux Rate (kg/rn s) 29: in Each Subchannel - Comparison Between Various Subchannel Codes Case 1 (continued) __I Subchannel THERMOHYDRAULIK VIPER I ,1 VIPER (new) (old) MIXER 2 II I 1230 1205 1354 1148 1281 1381 1378 1214 991 950 939 978 1066 1084 1066 1044 716 696 677 767 729 763 748 796 629 545 547 636 621 573 558 630 TORC WOSUB COLA IIII~- -- -·- COLA 2S 1046 1095 1126 842 1317 1181 1219 978 1014 1005 1014 992 1113 1042 1120 1101 728 806 724 846 727 800 787 826 590 655 563 782 596 648 593 769 I I -- I I .. I -I I IIII 116 Table Steam Quality in Each Subehannel - Comparison 30: Between Various Subchannel Codes Case 4 Subchannel THERMOHYDRAULIK - VIPER (new) MIXER 0.9 0.5 0.0 0.0 4.8 6.6 6.7 6.9 4 5.3 6.8 6.9 7.6 5 17.5 18.1 18.8 15.3 6 20.5 20.8 21.5 19.8 7 24.5 24.8 24.5 20.6 8 28.2 28.0 29.3 23.6 TORC WOSUB 0.2 1.1 2 0.0 3 I COLA 2S -1 .1 3.7 -0.2 -1.4 2 -1.8 2.7 -0.5 -1.8 3 3.8 8.1 5.7 4.7 4 4.7 7.9 6.3 5.2 5 19.3 14.5 17.9 17.2 6 23.7 16.1 20.9 28.9 7 27.6 18.4 24.2 15.2 8 32.9 21.0 27.9 26.1 I ---- --- -- I I I I --- -1.-- 2 0.7 1 II. -- (old) 1 COLA ---------------- VIPER I I LI II I I _ .__ ___ 117 Mass Flux (kg/m2s) in Each Subchannel - Comparison 31: Table Between Various Subchannel Codes Case 4 (continued) --- Subchannel Number THERMOHYDRAULIK VIPER VIPER (old) (new) MIXER 2 II 1730 1757 1924 1658 1778 1948 1963 1703 1366 1261 1220 1285 1454 1407 1385 1368 895 895 873 989 927 977 966 1021 7b1 699 711 834 767 730 713 829 COLA I - COLA 2S I TORC WOSUB 1641 1534 1560 1676 1792 1632 1690 1566 1345 1292 1353 1278 1481 1349 1460 1424 917 1045 955 984 955 1047 1027 942 730 896 748 1023 734 885 780 878 I . I -- -- - II !_~~~~~ 118 following conclusions 1) can be drawn: WOSUB underpredicts the qualities in subchannels 3 and 4, the differences being larger for case 1 than for case 4. 2) WOSUB is doing a decent job for subchannel 5, it slightly overpredicts the qualities in both cases. 3) As expected, hefty margin WOSUB overpredicts the quality by a in the hot center subchannel 6 in both cases. 4) It underpredicts subchannel 5) the quality in the hot corner 7 in both cases by the same amount. WOSUB gives quite a reasonable side subchannel answer for the hot 3 as compared to MIXER 2. For case 1 the result to MIXER 2 is closer than for case 4, however both qualities are too high. In summary of the above mentioned observations, it becomes again very obvious that in WOSUB too much vapor is diverted from the hot corner subchannel into both center and side sub- channels. Once this process has been damped the WOSUB data will certainly close in to the MIXER 2 results which indicate about the same quality for both how center and hot corner subchannels under the given heating conditions. it is of great nterest to see how the other sub- channel codes compare to MIXER 2. a) This comparison reveals that All codes with the exceptions of COLA I and THERMCHYDRAUTLIK give close predictions 3 ·4111 and 4. for subchannels 119 b) With the exception COLA 2S, all codes overpredict the quality in subchannel c) 5. With the exceptions of COLA I which overpredicts and COLA 2 which underpredicts the quality in sub- channel 6, the rest of the codes are doing pretty well. d) Not unexpected major differences show up in sub- channels 7 and 8 for all codes with the exception of COLA 2S which comes closest to the MIXER 2 results than all of the other codes, although a tendancy to underpredict channels the qualities 6, 7 and 8 in both cases. codes overpredict the latter has the qualities in sub- All the other in subchannels 7 and 8. e) Given the fact that the same codes are in close agreement especially for subchannel 6, and in general also subchannel 5 and 4, there seems to be no logical way to reduce easily the differences subchannels 7 and 8. showing up in This in contrast to WOSUB where imbalance between the qualities in the various sub- channels can be clearly seen and an explanation and remedy can be given. f) From the results given in these tables it seems reasonable to infer that MIXER 2 and COLA 2S may work also with a vapor diffusion model or have the capability of accounting for individual subchannel mixing parameters because both codes avoid the trap --.--.-1111111_ 1 q __ --- ·--ll/·--^··IWILII---· II-·- Il-·IY- I·--YF-·--·---·--·I __ __ 120 of overemphasizing the hot corner and side subchannels as do the other common subchannel codes. must have the same capability. SDS-Studsvik It seems that by virtue of these undisclosed features COLA 25 obviously distributes too much into the colder channels which becomes especially apparent in subchannels 1 and 2. On the other hand it is surprising that it matches the MIXER 2 data for subchannels turn is indicative g) 3 and 4 which in of some non-consistency. With respect to the hot side subchannel WOSUB comes closest to the MIXER results. Again, the aforementioned observations indicate WOSUB's potential for real improvements. This cannot be said about the other subchannel codes which show already matching results for the majority side ones. of subchannels but fail for the hot corner and hot There is no easy way out of this situation without affecting also already matched results. Comparison with Predicted Individual Subchannel Mass Fluxes Tables 29 and 31 summarize the predictions of the participants for the individual subchannel flow rates for cases 1 and 4, respectively, and show at the same time the WOSUB results. Following the same argument as in the foregoing section for the quality, MIXER 2 is taken as standard for the mass flow rates, too, because ---- -- --- ---- --- -- -- I-- - L- its predictions ___ __ I __I matched _ the ____ _ _ 121 averaged split channel results very well. By comparing MIXER 2 and WOSUB the following conclusions can be reached: 1) In case 1 WOSUB underpredicts the mass flow rates in subchannels 1 and 2 by quite a large margin, whereas in case 4 subchannel 1 agrees very well and the difference in the results for subchannel 2 is smaller. 2) The mass flow rates in subchannels 3 are cal- culated very well by WOSUB for both cases. 3) The mass flow rates in subchannel 4 are predicted slightly too high by WOSUB in both cases. 4) WOSUB gives a somewhat higher mass flow rate for subchannel case 5) 5 for case 1 but gives a perfect answer for 4. For subchannel 6, WOSUB predicts a slightly higher mass flow rate in case 1 but a too low one in case 6) 4. The mass flow rates in subchannels 7 and 8 are predicted too high in case 1 as well as in case 4 although the difference for subchannel latter case is not very large. ence for subchannel 8 in the However, the differ- 7 is large, mainly because the quality has been predicted so low, as denoted in the foregoing section. The overall result of this comparison flow predictions C--- is that the WOSUB mass are not that bad, especially I in view of the ___ 122 fact that the differences are explainable and will be certainly decreased by taking appropriate measures. The fact that WOSUB cannot handle pins with different diameters in a bundle at this point in time might contribute also to the ob- served differences. By comparing MIXER the rest of the subchannel 2 results the following 1) observations Various codes overpredict subchannel flow rate. codes to the can be made: the MIXER 2 result for 1 in case 1; others underpredict the mass Obviously VIPER (new) and (old) have a strong tendancy to too high values in both cases. 2) The same holds for subchannel 2. 3) The mass flow rate in subchannel 3 is predicted by all codes very well in both cases. 4) The predictions are more widely scattered for subchannel 4 where THERMOHYDRAULIK, COLA I and TORC tend to overpredict. 5) The predictions for subchannel 5 are quite close to the MIXER-2 results in both cases for all codes with the exception of VIPER (new) which underpredicts. 6) All codes predict reasonable values for the mass flow rate in subchannel 6 in case 1 but the majority of them tend to underpredict 7) the result in case 4. Most of the codes underpredict rates in subchannels the mass flow 7 and 8 in both cases with the exception of COLA 2S which overpredicts. _··I_C _ __ __ ______ __II_ __ 123 1.4.4 Conclusion The Studsvik experiment is certainly an important step for the verification process of subchannel codes. order to supply final conclusive evidence, In it is however necessary to measure individual subchannel quantities. It is strongly hoped that Studsvik will undertake this badly needed experiment. Unfortunately, Studsvik did not supply an error analysis for the measured quantities. Thus, it is very difficult to assess the true reliability of the subchannel predictions supplied by the various participants and to assess the additional efforts needed in the future to bridge the gap between experiment and predictions. The predicted data show a scatter between the results of various subchannel codes which is larger than the differences measured between the individual split channels. codes do not show a consistent behavior. are SDS-Studsvik Most subchannel Noticeable exceptions and MIXER 2, and to some extent COLA 25, al- though even these are not totally perfect, especially at very low qualities. There is reason to believe that these three codes use either advanced two-phase modeling schemes and/or mixing models because all three avoid consistently the prediction of too high qualities in the hot subchannels -- a disadvantage of all common subchannel codes as observed throughout this whole assessment. parameters How important really is can be inferred by comparing of the two SDS codes serviced tively. 1 the tuning of input Naturally, I.--·---·III-·----··-·^DI.·1P-LI. at Studsvik and Ris8, respec- it does not come as a surprise ^I-----lp the results · III- that the 124 Studsvik version performs better. Similar observations can be made with respect to the various COBRA-IIIC versions applied by some participants. channel codes It seems that for the rest of the sub- (with the exception of the three above-mentioned ones) there is no room for substantial improvement unless individual subchannel mixing models are introduced. As with respect to WOSUB, all deficiencies already observed in the foregoing benchmarks show up again here. In that regard the code's behavior is consistent from benchmark to benchmark. ts data indicate the possibilities tial improvements. of substan- hus, the tuning of the model parameters is absolutely necessary and will be performed in a next step. The Studsvik experiment will serve as benchmark as well as the IXER 2 subchannel data in lieu of experimental evidence. the author's knowledge were made available. all seven experimental the predictions To this is the first time that MIXER 2 data A forthcoming report [12] will focus on cases and try to illuminate trends in of the various subchannel codes by using a unique set of information. Finally, it should be noticed that the presentation of the comparison between experiments and predictions in Ref. [11] leaves something to be desired because there the deviations number. are graphed only as a function of the split channel What is needed however are graphs which show the de- viation in the mass flow rates versus the deviations qualities. 11111111111111111188lls·1 Ref. in the 23] will supply this kind of information. _ 1 11111--··-··-··lg··-···-·-·--·- -. 125 1.5 Hitachi 7'x 7 BWR Fuel Pin Bundle with 3-D Power Profile 1.5.1 Introduction FASMO [24] is a three-dimensional, steady-state, coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic computer code for the analysis of BWR fuel pin bundles. The neutronic part uses three-group diffusion theory and accounts for local void and control rod effects. From the little information available about the thermal-hydrualic part, it can be reasoned fied version of COBRA-II. that it is a modi- This version includes the Armand model for the calculation of the two-phase friction multiplier, Levy's subcooled void model and the modified Armand model for the two-phase void fraction calculation, respectively. Further- more, it accounts for turbulent and diversion crossflow effects between the subchannels according to the following formulas: turbulent crossflow mi + m. Wi = i ai where B is a prescribed function of the quality, i.e., 8 = f(x). transverse momentum equation Cij Wij = Pi- with fl Sgcij gc ijPi P 126 Both models differ from the original COBRA-II. interesting is that has been made a function of the quality, the source for this information although has not been disclosed It is a well acknowledged by the authors. Especially should fact that indeed vary from flow regime to flow regime in the two-phase However, the only disadvantage region. of this concept is that not enough information has been effectively available thus far. FASMO iterates on the power and void distributions solution. to achieve a convergent Thus, for the purpose of the comparison which follows, a 3-D power profile was obtained [25] and the check on WOSUB as well as the comparison with FASMO and COBRA-IIIC/MIT three-dimensional was performed only with respect to the Due to the fact that the void distribution. number of subchannels in this case is higher than can be handled by WOSUB-I, it is necessary to use WOSUB-II for this analysis. 1.5.2 Description of the Bundle and Physical Input Data The subject of this study is a Hitachi 7 x 7 BR Its geometrical layout is depicted in fuel pin bundle. Fig. 29. This bundle has to be thought of as bundle number 3, shown in the insert of this figure. Due to the fact that control rod B is deeply inserted into the core whereas control rod A is nearly withdrawn, steep power gradient as shown in Fig. 30 , exists across that bundle. a fairly On top of this gradient an axially varying disturbance is superpositioned due to control rod B, i.e., in the immediate neighborhood I _____ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _________I_________·I__________I_ ___· 127 x ru z 0 :: %I' 64 41, -1-c Ed ~~~~~U, C H W 0 0X r %b 4. ! _ P C) rag *- * -" "4 -*I la N k 0:4 CY~ E-4 -r zu M-11 rAl :4 .C a T ;3 II- cs z 14 4 x C11 Ca zz 4.; cc I-- =1 ,I ---__L 4t oz E 1 t 11 Co 0 (5 ii 1___· __11_1111_1___1_11ICY··IIIIWI--·.·1L -- - - 128 om C Po 04Q ca ra) 4: l: 5 c ; E- U H Wf I w in d v m ac ao) ' ?,-Htvx) __ ________ c o ~ xnqa ltaR _ o 129 (point a) of this control rod, the power is fairly much suppressed over the whole inserted length of the rod, but it jumps nearly discontinuously at the top of the rod. Naturally, the axial disturbance is smeared out with increasing distance from that bundle: corner. flux profiles Figure 30 shows the axial heat at the corner rods a and b as well as the bundle average one. Assuming symmetry in bundle 3, 36 subchannels with 28 fuel pins have to be analyzed. flux profile was supplied Q(i,k) = Qavg where avg [25] in the following x = Information about the heat form q(i,k) average bundle heat flow i = rod number k = axial position. The heat flux distributions across four diagonal transverses at different interesting axial locations are shown in Fig. to see by comparing 31 . It is the trends of the heat fluxes along the diagonal below and above the control rod tip that the trend reverses drastically just above the control rod. The question then is how does the void distribution respond to this nearly discontinuous change. 1.5.3 Results and Comparison WOSUB-II has been run for both options, namely the vapor and the no vapor option. uses a 0.06 The results of FASMO which as a function of quality varying between 0.01 and have been published in [ 24 ]. In addition, COBRA-IIIC/MIT ___ 130 02 ol i ca -4) C: x(d Cl 0Ce in a Mc tr En~ a CL o oo o0 O Sd ;h. 02 02 D __c 0: C C) 0r ua a m Cc ;- N 0 < (1 z 0 rz - N \ X Im : ·q H , CW7~~~~~C '-4 L as I. i IL: (D ac C 0 C: 0o Q <5 F-- (0z/PYXn 0I?1 _ ___I____ __ _ _ _ I__ ___ I _I ________I_ 131 has been run with the same two-phase flow correlations as used in FASMO [24 ].- However, due to the fact that COBRA-IIIC/MIT to vary as a function of the quality, does not allow two runs = 0.01 and the other with 8 = 0.06, have been made, one with as in order to assess COBRA at the lower and upper bounds of used by FASMO. shows the comparison 32 Figure channel codes at the four axial locations. of the various sub- The following general observations can be made by first comparing the FASMO with the WOSUB results: 1) At location 5, FASMO starts to predict a higher void fraction than both of WOSUB's options whose results fall on one and the same curve because is no substantial 2) vapor generated there to be distributed. At location 11, FASMO and WOSUB start off at the same value of a in the cold corner subchannel. After that, a constant difference between the WOSUB results and FASMO exists up to rod 15, the WOSUB results staying always below those of FASMO. Beyond rod #15, both WOSUB versions go through a plateau where the differences to FASMO increase and then start to rise sharply at rod #21. WOSUB with vapor diffusion reaches a peak in subchannel 28 which is essentially the hot center subchannel and drops off in the hot corner subchannel the well-known vapor I _ _ I 36. This effect is again due to effect of distributing too much from the corner into the center subchannel _ as 132 FIGURF 32: Comarison o the.Void raction Distributions Across the Bundle Diagonal at Three Axial Elevations as Determined by COBRA-IIIC/MIT, FASMO and WOSUB i FASMO COBRA III-CIMIT _/_ _ -o o-- APOR WOSUB WOSUB \NO VAPOR - )X-- ---x- IV 0.7 it 0.6 0 0.5 OC 0.4 0.3 . 8 0.2 .1 O 1 3 6 10 15 ROD NUMBER 21 28 36 133 experienced in the foregoing comparions. the drop should not be that sharp. it is not believed On the other hand, that a36 is larger than c 2 8 simply by inferring this from the observations GE non-uniform Certainly, made in the heating cases in Sect. (1.1). FASMO, for example, shows the void fractions to be equi- valent in both subchannels. At this point it should be remembered that MIXER 2 showed only very small differences as discussed in the qualities in these two subchannels in Sect. From these observations it becomes obvious that the WOSUB model without vapor diffusion included errs by overshooting the FASMO results. 3) At location 20 both WOSUB versions produce data which fall closely around those of FASMO in the central section of the bundle. subchannels In the hot corner they show the known behavior of a drop for the vapor diffusion model and a steady increase for the non-vapor diffusion model. to see that WOSUB's predictions It is surprising for the hot center subchannel are in close agreement with FASMO. the "cold" corner of the bundle, At the vapor diffusion option predicts smaller void fractions than FASMO. WOSUB without vapor diffusion starts off at about the same value as FASMO in the cold corner subchannel but then drops in the cold center subchannel in order to increase again at about the same rate as does _ I__ 134 WOSUB with vapor diffusion. 4) It is of general interest to note, that although the heat flux distribution changes its tilt between locations 11 and 20, the void distribution lags behind; and although it increases and flattens, it does not follow the heat flux distribution. Comparing the two COBRA-IIIC/MIT runs with the FASMO the following and the WOSUB results, a) can be concluded: At all locations both runs produced results which are conservative throughout. b) The quality in the hot corner subchannel predicted by a huge margin. could not generate is over- For B = 0.06 the code data for this subchannel for the locations 11 and beyond at all. c) By taking = 0.06, results are obtained which are closer to FASMO than those for d) = 0.01. The COBRA data show a plateau similar to the WOSUB data, which does not show up in the data by FASMO. e) For B = 0.06, COBRA-IIIC/MIT result in subchannel f) matches the FASMO 21. Trendwise, COBRA-IIIC/MIT shows a similar be- havior for = 0.01 as does the WOSUB without vapor diffusion model in the cold corner region. g) By inference of the data it seems that in the middle section of the bundle COBRA-IIIC/MIT closes in with FASMO at higher elevations. ··lllllllrrrrr··llrllllrr·lrrr 135 g) In the hot corner subchannel COBRA-IIIC/MIT overpredicts --·II"-- -··--··-·I- - - - --- r------rr-------u-r^-__ c by as much as 50%. -r r - ---- r---··-·-·--·---r--- rr--r------. -r- 136 Conclusions 1.5.4 From the aforementioned observations it becomes clear that subchannel codes with constant mixing factor overpredict the void fraction by a substantial margin. As a result the input data for the neutronic moderator feedback analysis are in error. From a thermal-hydraulic point of view the overconservative results are not desirable either, because wrong decisions may be made based on an erroneous calculation. 32 The behavior of the curves in Fig. matter how is changed, COBRA-IIIC/MIT matching the FASMO data. The more the flatter the distribution indicates that no will not be capable of is increased beyond 0.06 becomes in the cooler section of the bundle and the steeper its increase in the hot part of the bundle. It is obvious that the simple changing types of codes will never lead to a matching of in these of the FASMO data. Similar behavior was noticed in discussing the Columbia tests in Sect. 1.2. with respect to the mass flow rate distribution, where it was shown that no matter how was chosen the data could not be matched. On the other hand, incorporating as a function of the quality leads to results roughly similar to those predicted by MIXER 2, namely a fairly flat behavior in the hot region. With respect to the WOSUB-II with vapor diffusion model, it can be concluded that its results are close to the FASMO predictions with the exception of its hot corner --r---u "I"llrrr*·l·rrCL-----·UIII· lsl---··111(·1111· CI III1 137 which is too low as noticed in a number of previous prediction, situations. WOSUB-II without vapor diffusion shows trends which are perfectly similar to the COBRA-IIIC/MIT prediction with = 0.01 -- the only difference being that the overall level is substantially lower. It should be noticed that it is by no means obvious that FASMO predicts the correct results although this has been assumed for the purpose of this comparison. However, at least with respect to the trends set by COBRA-IIIC/MIT findings from the foregoing comparisons could be confirmed. for WOSUB. The same holds Whether the details of the FASMO calculations are correct cannot be judged from the information received. the observations From made in the foregoing tests it may be argued that the void fraction in the cooler section of the bundle is slightly overpredicted. Finally, the following remarks seem to be in order. Comparing the bundle average void fraction with the void fractions calculated for the hot and cold corner subchannels shows quite a large difference. For instance at the elevation of 120 cm a is about 40% at the hot corner and nearly the cold. In fact, the difference zero at of the boiling boundaries is more than 80 cm between both corners. Furthermore, it should be noticed that the void distribution follows quite closely the heat flux distribution across the diagonal over the inserted length of the control rod. It is surprising to recognize that the vapor does not distribute itself more between the subchannels. As a result, the uniform void -- I----·-IIlll-Llyl-Y·l·-·--srsl-31C·l* --·- 1_11 ·_ 138 treatment as used by COBRA-IIIC/MIT in applying the code in the BWR mode denotes the possibility of highly overestimating the CHF. This should be kept in mind when whole bundles are lumped for computational convenience. ·. -----·I . - --1. - ----- I--- I --- ..-. - -- --- -- ---- -. -- .---- --· --- -C-____ 139 1.6 GE-CHF Tests 1.6.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is to test the four critical heat flux correlations built into WOSUB-I which are 1) Israel correlation 2) Janssen-Levy correlation 3) Modified Barnett correlation 4) CISE-correlation These correlations are discussed it should be remembered in detail in [ 2 ]. However, that the first three are bundle- average correlations whereas the fourth is a hot-channel correlation using the boiling length concept. The experimental tests which are used for comparison in what follows were all performed by GE [ 26 ]. The comparison focuses upon small bundle tests in order to perform the analysis with WOSUB-I because WOSUB-II does not contain the heat transfer and CHF package yet. 1.6.2 Bundle and Test Descriptions Most of the CHF tests performed the same bundle as described in Sect. compared against the GE-9-rod data. in this section use 1.1. where WOSUB was A full description of the geometric details and the actual measurement procedure is _ ___·_ 140 In all cases, the heat flux is uniform, given in [ 26]. direction. axially and in the transverse both A total of five test Test channel No. 1, 2, 2A and 3 used channels were used by GE. a 6-foot heated rod which was located 3 1/2 feet before the end in test channel No. 4 it of the 10-foot test length, whereas right at the end of the whole test length. was positioned 33 Figure the layout of all five channels. summarizes five of the channels All used the same grid-type spacers typical of modern BWR (at that time) and essentially the same rods. The principal differences between the five test channels were, besides the positions of the heated length, the axial positions with respect of the spacers particularly heated length. to the end of the in Fig. 33. The details are also disclosed In view of the fact that for test channel 4 the end of the heated length is located 2 inches before the channel exit which is typical for most out-of-core it test bundle. has been taken as the reference 1.6.3 CHF test assemblies, Results and Comparison Table 32 and the predicted summarizes the experimental test data for Test Channel No. 2. CHF-results The results of the CISE-correlation have not been listed because Before this correlation can they are by far too conservative. it must be corrected to account for be used in any analysis enthalpy exchange out of the hot subchannel. More information and its pitsfalls about the CISE-correlation WOSUB-I is given in Ref. _ ___ ______ __ ___I__ ___ as used by [2]. __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __I _ ___ ___I ___ ___ ,vil -i-' -i- ViNlAwat A -W, *VW 141 , ? cm I- I ) (0 r i } Q i e .\ ~ C Ci L LL ir I; t ' ie q C" C 5~ i C C r5j I iq: C 11 (a i i1 ,e C .o 2u C Ch I~ I C.) k a Ia a ": II CA is w i i I q C C qd C4 CZ C, U C4 '.'3. i i re I, I 13 0 ci 1Z . Ca z :I. CM Lb ci 0 - c01. E sz .!! cn I-CE uj Q r cv i a m w m: P> 2H i .) 2i ? Sj Q) I-. w w en -30--- I 142 TABLE 32 COMPARISON OF CHF RESULTS BETWEEN EXPERIMENTS AND PREDICTIONS FOR TEST CHANNEL NO. 2 Test Pressure I Mass Flux Inlet ' CHF CHF cooling 1 1399 197 800 170 1000 HF Btu/ft-h '__________ Btu/lb 218 CHFS ft -h 1.01 1203.4 1.005 I 35.1 I 0.635 1.25 '188.4 0.819 1.249 1136.8 1.242 I 97.4 0.660 10.7173 '0.729610.7445 ,0.3515 10.5475 0.567 '0.8108 10.7584'0.8728 I 172 1000 167 l1000 CHFmeas: --- ' Il~~~ 1 Jannsen-Levy CHFIS: Israel critical CHF B : Barnett critical heat flux -- I 0.710 Il~~I ~ 0.6411 j0.457 ~Il :0.7137:0.7711 i0.669110.6918 ~~~~~~~~I ~ ~ ~~ I measured critical heat flux CHFJL: ----- --- ~ I 0.748 ----- - -------- critical - ------- heat flux heat flux -- --- ----- t Calculated i J - -... ._ __ _ _____ _ .____ ____ ~ 143 Figure 34 compares the measured with the predicted CHF-values. Error bands for ±5% and ±15% have been included for convenience. The following conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 1) 34: The Janssen-Levy correlation gives far too conservative results under certain conditions. This may be the reason why it has been abolished by GE and replaced by the Hench-Levy correlation which in turn has been recently replaced by GEXL. 2) For the limited cases studied here, the modified Barnett and Israel correlations produce results which fall well within the dictions are within the 3) ±15% band. Other pre- ±5% bands. In the context of present standards the pre- dictions have to be considered satisfactory especially in view of the fact that the grid-spacer loss coef- ficients were not known for the predictions. Figure 35 shows the measured No. 1 as a function test data for Test Channel of the average bundle quality bounded by the best fit curves of the results for Test Channel No. 4. circles show the results of CHF-predictions The for the test point 3E2 discussed in Sect.l.l.5. with radially non-uniform peaking factor pattern. These results lead to the following conclusions: a) The predictions for this quite differently heated case fall within the range given by the best curve fits. _ ·_ I 144 FIGURE 34: Comparison of Three CHF Correlations with Measurements 0. 0. x-f 40. .- . t1 A/,3 ". n. ..9i V. -v-. (1ewr · I-n-- -- ---·--- I --I - ---- ----I---_ _ 1. -. 'Ia 1 - A . U. 6 V. W.r . U./ (BU/LB-FT 2 ) _ ____ ____ ___ ____ '1 145 2 S I 0 o F- - d . %0 %A U w :Z .. It 0 / I V _3 a I -. I - /0 4 -4D 0 O 'Si Pao i 0 a/ - r~'I i i i N.0 I !C 30 i a6l N - c50 0 -4i- f co· UIC-----I------ _I_ C q .- ·._ _ _ _ _ 146 The results according to Barnett's correlation b) fall in line with the Test Channel No. 1 data. forms about the best fit The Israel correlation c) The result of this comparison of widely differing cases shows that the 3E2 CHF data are also within the bounds given by Test Channel 4, according Figure 36 to the predictions. compares the test data for Test Channel No. 4 in the case of G being G = 0.5 x 106 lb/hr-ft 2 with the predictions to the Barnett and Israel correlations. for this case according The average bundle exit quality varies between 0.35 and 0.5. Two test cases were run and the results are shown in Fig. 36. which The conclusions can be drawn from this figure are: Both correlations predict conservative answers I. within the framework of WOSUB-I The modified Barnett correlation give slightly II. more conservative results than the Israel correlation. III. For high average bundle quality the predictions get closer to the test data. Figures 37 summarize the comparison with another 38 and 271 set of 9-rod CHF-data mass flow rates, for two different For the high mass flow rate, i.e., low exit respectively. quality up to 30%, Fig. agrees very well wth 37 shows that the Israel correlation the trend of the test data, whereas the modified Barnett correlation depcits again a slightly conservative trend. At the low mass flow rate, i.e. high exit qualities as shown in Fig. 1__11 _1_ ___ 38 __ __ __I__ both correlations _ _ _____ __ _ _ show a slightly _ _ _ _1__________1_ __ _____ ·____II___ 147 _ I I I _ LO 1 i I q" 'U 6 0 o0I O o" -0 Z U Zf W W E4 3o rn as X , 1t3 i 4., <C: E-X X E m 0C 0 z , W _l m 3 o Ob Z; un m n ton CD z 4 = u :e. r H C L E- C) WC E E-4 co m E ~n w W C C., c -' S-: a: 0 0 0 C; a) C 0 cof r' i C) r-- Cd ix C C */ 00 a r- IXzC + /I I z la C ii d zr IC , , 0U 2:~~C tC) G~~~o I 'It. 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L I _ _TJ __ - 4:_ - --- e _== _7=7_+7_1_ ij _ Ii I --- 1I1 = ... ____k--i____ __- 4___ _I _ = i ==47_=_: --------t__ __T_ - - - -1-- -17- - -- t- ___ -____ __=_ - - --4-- --- ------r H7I -- i , ____i= ----- J_ _ -- _E___ =_ =_4_ 4.___1 p _ -- ------ ---- zizztzzz t_ ------ 4--- -1*-- - -4-- 7774:711 Li -H--- t---7-- 7 =11~ _ 0 _ _1L~ _ C\l CY)I _=i -_- -ZZ/VL LiI,±7_1_ (Z It EF1 t--4--- - - ~--- : --_ 4-=-- t-- -- -- 7--1- --=-- _ _ _t - - - : I::: :''-t 0;l -L_ -' _ . . eCd :_.I !:t t- -- --- E~iU IzI -Z--- -t ---- -F _--- ::L 7 -- --- e-=i-- _--I- 2. x .z -4- 0l - (n . ;t--4--w '" 00 4a~ 01 Cd --- aZ -- F ___-r F-- --- - -I_4 CCd & 0+ F __21 _ ________ -A CeX ---------- 7:0 uu za: LU - t i -=T= L-4-34U+§2 Cr1 0 L- I -7V)n - O'd _.j 777777117 ow _ __ _ + _ i -: :3 w 4 -__----- ---- 4 - _ - _--1 i- j . _ _ ._ . _ _ _ _; _7F:7+ = _D =; ., .. _ ,_ t -___ 0% -ILlj__I____I_ -1 - I_ , -- . I-- -- , --r---^ -- &+ -- - ------t------ ----- _-z_1 I 1:4 #1 0-t- t . f 2f 4 --- t=-- tt- --T----:X----;-- -! -= _ w ft -+ t--F--I i - ->---- -1 t -- ; XU. =l - -k-- -- - + - - I ]._ -- --1 t t ---- rr-- ---tt---4 r------+ = _- T ___T : _1____ i-.___- : -1 -------- ------ L~-4---- ii_. + = = t 3= T= -__ - t i ___ -1T_____ -- -- t , 2 LI t------ I- - - : - C_: c-: t- .c-:---'_ 1 I -- =- -- IIi - - .. f -----q----- --i ;-z_-z ;--_L- -1Li27Y7I Z;:;S: F__ - - - - - Ir- I:::._:?x ::'i -- - ---= -- 17117 '71- t=_ t _ ___.; __ _ +- *--,- I 1 -- -:7---- 1 4 - 1 1 1 _- - , ' - ---- _T.-- '-- 't$.t .- =_ -V _: '-j --1- --7 17Z- - -1 171741 L1_Z' 1- r L = -_T --- --- '--- ------ - r - 6V___ Z 7_7.i I- - --i ,- r -- _-- , . - __, ____ - I- - -4 - - ---- - 1 __ - - - . _- - -=___ t -- . - . . ts |-- ..... 1 j 7 _1 -I -- - - I - T. . . - - - -- ? ..... =t- = . - r- . -- . - 4 - I - - - - - 1 7 . . . -- ____j -_ :.- - -- -- . _ _ t I - -. ----- : D. _ - - T- - : - . -. - - 1'. :: - - - - - i - - - - - t- , - T .,... -- .. ..... .. . - -- I -1 .... I - - - i- - - - --f __- __ . . . - - .i - -- i t- .- A;::: __:__- I - : : I ,L I ___- -t_I - . - - I - __-_ -i-L -- - -------I_1I---. __ -- _- --I --L+ t +--- - - - - 7 --fft - : ____ - -- ____I - - I - - -- . ... - I - - I = __ - :____ - =_ ____ _+_______ - - I. . . . . . - I .- - __ _ - - - _+_ . t : tt--- : -: - t - - - -_ - L__ -,- -_--, .- I_ - _T_ . -- _ _: - - - I_- ..... L.... + . t=. - -____I-__-4 ----:-t-- - -- - - - r - - -::it --:t- T i;. ' +. .. t: :,- -_ -- - [.--- - ___- I4--- ---I--- - _ - -_--------- T__.__ I __ - - - - -- , - - ___ . - . i-- -- t - - - . I . - -- - j - .. __ 1-- . i ..... . ~ .... - ___ _ - [f _. --I. - I - i -_ - f 1 ....- 1~ L!_-- -- - -. _ -- _ - - t ---I ----- : - 0_ - _ ---- t :_ +_ - - - - !!L - - - ____ -- I- I - , - ---, -- -- - - - -.-- --- -+i - - _ . 7 +-,-: : t- - 1I-ii - - I- -p _--' -- .. ---- - T . - - - - - - i - . . - - - - - . - - . t - . . . . . . - - - - I I I - - 150 conservative trend which increases toward the lower end. Favorable agreement exists at the high end of the test data. Again the Barnett correlation is a little bit more conservative than the Israel correlation. Finally, to show WOSUB's capability of predicting the critical bundle power, Fig. between 39 test [28 ] and predictions cooling at the inlet. power as determined too conservative shows a comparison as a function of the sub- The figure indicates by the CISE-correlation although the gradient that the critical is far too low and is simulated very well. This should not come as a surprise because as was already noticed before, the CISE-correlation gives very conservative results for the CHF. determined reason In turn,the boiling length is erroneously and thus affects the critical power. for the failure of the CISE-correlation The primary is that it has been developed for a rod-centered subchannel concept which has been modified for use in WOSUB. Furthermore, the specific version which has been built into the code does not account for energy transfer across the subehannel boundaries. Both effects certainly sum up very conservative predictions as confirmed by the present comparison. 1.6.4 Conclusions Within the framework of the limited test performed it can be concluded fairly reliable that the CHF-predictions by WOSUB-I are for the small bundles considered in this comparison. The Israel and/or modified Barnett correlations ------- 1.. -- ----L---__. ._I -I._ _ __ ____ ____ ____ 151 a, _ I __ . I 0 I I a r-C C *1. LL c 00 . a 45 Q'- I UA 0 o C a) r-4 -r- CJ a 8. a a 0 'I .+a c a a r 111 1. H Cu If Z. -i Q 0 . bc a 0 0 C, 0 'Z UH C'2 0 0 O 0 cm a) - 3 0 O m, a, Z co 0) 0 p. 0 0 o o oa - -a '.I FE LJ _3 _ _ *I I. _ _ 0 a __ 8 a'. 4 a o 0 a a a ' S1 C * Z r:. 152 are recommended, although for low exit qualities both exhibit conservative trends. The Jannsen-Levy correlation will be replaced by the Hench-Levy correlation in a future version of the code. Special attention must be put into the modification of the CISE-correlation in order to obtain reliable values for the boiling length which should be compared to GEXL results in the future. Future comparisons have to cover a broader range of test conditions as well as larger bundles which necessitates the incorporation of the heat transfer and CHF package into WOSUB-II. In summary, it can be concluded that this first attempt of confirming WOSUB with respect to its CHF predictions was successful by present standards. Due to the fact that the user of this code gets four CHF-values according correlations built to the four into the code, he can use engineering judge- ment to make his final decision. · _I ___ _ __ __ ___ ___ _ __ ____ __ 153 1.7 Sample Cases for the Prediction of the Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Pin Temperature Distribution 1.7.1 Introduction WOSUB-I contains a fairly elaborate logic as described in [ 2 ] for the prediction of the heat transfer coefficients in the various single and two-phase flow regimes. (See Fig. 40). The kernel of thissubroutine centers around the Chen correlation which was thought to cover consistently the spectrum of conditions of special interest to BWRs. Rather than modeling each pin in the bundle it was decided to model the hot subchannel and its immediate neighbors as precisely as possible. For this reason the code determines four heat trans- fer coefficients around each pin corresponding to the four subchannels. The user has the option to choose the minimum or the average of the four heat transfer coefficients calculation of the pin temperature distributions. the code prints out all four values. for the In any case, It is recommended that in a future version of the code all four values be used to perform four one-dimensional temperature calculations at least for the corner rod which experiences the largest circumferen- tial variations in the cooling conditions. This would lead to discontinuities at the subchannel interfaces. However, this is unimportant in view of the fact that the calculation would give a first estimate of how changes in the heat transfer coefficient will effect the center line fuel temperature. cases of PUO 2 /UO 2 fueled bundles an additional power generation 4111-·----- _ _ _ tilt in the in the fuel could be superimposed. _ - --- _ _I In 154 FIGURE 40: LOGIC FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT Yes No Single Phase HTC s Dittus-Boelter Yes No No Average Heat Transfer Coefficient ----- ---------- ---- - - -- ---- ---- - -- - -----.- --------- 155 For the determination of the temperatures in the fuel and the clad a collocation method using Hermite cubic splines is used which is described in detail in [ 2 ]. This procedure has been extensively tested before it was incorporated into WOSUB-I. the temperature However, no other solution scheme for calculations has been built into the code for comparison. Therefore, the whole numerical comparison relies upon the tests made without the fluid-dynamic solution scheme. Results and Discussion 1.7.2 Figure 41 summarizes the four heat transfer coefficients and corresponding clad surface temperatures for the corner pin in GE-test 3E2 at the axial position from the inlet. transfer A surprisingly large variation exists at the circumference conditions of test 3E2 resulting clad temperature variation of 50.4 inches in the heat of the corner pin for the in a maximum of about 140F. circumferential The lowest heat transfer coefficient and thus the highest clad surface temperature is associated with the hot center subchannel. This may be indicative of the location where CHF starts. Such detailed maps of heat transfer coefficients and temperatures have not They pro- been produced previously by other subchannel codes. vide useful input into structural codes. Observations made under various cooling conditions indicate that in fact a thorough logic (see Fig. 40 set-up of the heat transfer ) pays off because then even extreme In cases such as pool boiling can be handled with ease. contrast, the heat transfer logic in COBRA-IIIC/MIT barely covers the regions of interest. IC---(--------··-r-· __I --- c-- I-------C----··L-··--L-·-·------)- ·- ---------·--- X----- - ----- -- I 156 12500 14487 582 _ 588.i . 12532 5883 .F) I I = IrURE Heat Transfer Coefficients and Clad Surface 41: Temoeratures around a Corner Pin in a 3x3 Pin Bundle _ -.--- , __._ __ _ .. __ _ -_ _____ __- _ _ _ 157 With respect to the temperature calculations in fuel and clad, Table 33 and Fig. 42 here for convenience from [ 2 ]. are again reproduced This comparison suggests that the solution method chosen for WOSUB-I is indeed very powerful. Not only is it superior in accuracy but in addition it provides reliable point values instead of nodal values for the temperatures. This is of special importance in arriving more reliable heat flux predictions. Figure profiles 43 shows two steady-state temperature in the fuel as a result of a WOSUB-I run, showing that the subroutine has been successfully integrated into the subchannel code. will be reported Its transient capability is now tested and in the future. I _ _ _ at 158 1 I r0-4 L !. II o 0 C 0 I I __ 0 CO a H z co o .H w 0 r%4 H 0 I C C M 0 0 a \\ C Jcu q N N. N. N rHiN H N C CM . . . . . . . 00 a a C Cl a I 0 O O - \ o ri mO 0'.o~ 0 C 0 O I Ill o 43 04 4.3 c4 r4 0 04 \l = E-4 NC \ a= or = J co c on =co co m M Y) \ - in CJ %C \0 m o M II M IIIIlI N -o CN rH N I I I - HH CQ-O HO L I III I 0 4a, O 04, CO = H : 3 M N _= _ om N r0 CN m (Y % m o (. 04 O N C CN N N o .~ .~ .~ C\ - t- .~ .~ . w 0o 00 N . o-i ON 0' 0c C)0 O C HOH ro0 ao o 3 O - ~- b- U -c0 L Lfl\ CO L 43 C: .,H 0 0 000r rO r- 02 in 43: 43) a044 Qe 5 -I xE co E N I co Cc 0 0 = co U\ \. _ C III M 11 O N \O I- \H cm t Hco =O I II o o o oO Cm NO I II H P m ,~ L\ 00 0 0 000000000 .-I .r-4 H M d O o 0O4 u C M I M V r < L Ho 0\ C\ \Z V\ M M m m y M N CM d 0Q =3 4 cN C 0 Il a0 0 N E nl~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i M ,-O3- _ 0 a _co O0 o\ o0- No\, C- .- ico 6- rN 4-) D ULr C,% L- ( r -n rf\ r\ \O 0 -\ l yl t. C C\ - i L co ' Ln ,,.- \k'. -I ,--IO co co O - m 0 C) L n rc H I d ' ,,4 j-:,-~ 0000 \J N 0 \2 - N H I O 0 00 0 0 CO co 0 O q-. m a) o iii co 0 o N0 -. \ O H H H Cn C O U C itI > 0 o I Il c CC o 0 r-4 HH (4 C C _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _ ___ _ _ _ >. - 0 'd (d H H a) :: r4 $C4 w 0\ 04 (' t- O \D -s H O O\ O to o 0 - m N' CO (lJ- r1 O 0 ( H I'Dr % O O H 0 H H C\J o T- 3o - z -ri -r - C, '0 a 0 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 4-) 4.3 CO n 04 a a) 159 JI %O O =- C V- Ccc t - co - CO . . o 0 O0 -f -4 O CoO O COc o o OG (, LC1 ('4 CO 3 aO m 1 .OH 3 M v Ci 0(' (' H H CO ko H CO\ 0 03 C) 0 H- '0 0) d U 43 :3 a) 43 o a, I! 0 00 O c 4) 04 43 04 ('4 - o- r4 0 o - 0\ O 0 030o0 O 0 0 00 I I I 'o oCO 0 CO (' CO \ co a%0 o ( (''3m vM )1 C- - E-: O \0 CO (m vM(' l- H ''0O j 0D ' o 'J IWl I II II 00C) 0 0 a, 4c i 4-q a ct 0 COC) 0\ O C -i .\0 oJ o (oJ 0o0 ·· 0 C"l\L co (Y ko "o r ('4 - CO '--- 4d c1 a ., CO Hi -H r- rI rH r wz 0 0 o 10 o0 '0 (' CO a L L \0 O .-t O' 0 rl cO L- ; H rX4 .3 ro 0 ;- Ha, a) '0d $-t =s rl k4 £0 PC 4 0 F- C t- t- r r( e I V I I I I w I II o00 0\\ o O c 0 C 1 LCD M mn - 0v O - C O OC O CM tO t- (' L- 0 0IL O 'IO r-i z 0) .-0 C -ri 0 43 ii~~ 43 104 I 43 04 ('4 01 0 Pr~ 4 0 E-v E-1 o CO 0 o .O 0 H t O crn n LuCOnJ cO 0 - 'o O C' r1 ( CJO 43 cCO ·* O\ CO 3 v vi)m (v C) J C( (' 4 (N - 3- ,H 0 tC-- O a) C 00.) 0 0O 0 C r r Ln ._m Ocn O Lr O ' 0 LN\ L' t- (I J J ( t C Cn co ( ( co m 0C t-r-- Om o C O H 0\ IJ-co a,, o V P al HiH I H4 10 0 W '002 P.H j, O rHHCl ! I 0 H rH X X H H 0 I Hr H H H H 0 I I I I I I II H O 0 Ol 0 0 0 0 0 00 X X H r- H H H -I C -3- kO X Cj m 3i - 0 (' 3 %D l c O O; O H O x :xS' X X xx t- CO O-x '0 cz c M4 ' \J CO cO O H H H H H H( ;4 C r- O *cl---------------·----- - --·--- ·------------------ ·-------------- ------------ · ·------ ---- --·-- I I- 4000 3500 in Cla(1) Method 3000 2500 0 h 2000 0 '4 E4 1500 1000 0 Fig. I ___. _ - _ .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 r 10 1 (in.) Temperature Distributions in a Fuel Rod During a Power Transient - Comparison Between the Finite Difference Method and the Collocation Method _---I L .___ __.__. _I _ _ ---- _J__ __ __ _ .. __ 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.1 0.2 INCHES FIG T URE 43: Steady State Temperature Profiles in the wuel as Obtained by the Collocation ethod Using Hermite Cubic Spline Functions. 1111111-- 1_----^·1111111··Ilslllf-·- -·-SPIIIYIISIII--I -- I 162 1.8 Sensitivity Study of the Void Concentration Parameter and Relaxation Length Introduction 1.8.1 A limited sensitivity study has been performed examine the effect of the void concentration and the relaxation length, Ze' upon the predictions GE-test runs 2D1 and 2D3 (see Sect. it should be recalled parameter parameter, [ 2 ] that C for adiabatic 1.1.4). to C, of the At this point, is the void distribution flow, whereas Ze is a relaxation length to account for diabatic conditions. WOSUB-I has built-in standard reference parameters using C = 2.5 and Z e = 0. following determined grounds. These values are chosen on the For two-phase to not exceed 1.4. flow in tubes C However, has been the sutchannel geometry is a more complicated geometry. Therefore, a value has been chosen which square channels suppresses is close to the value of C 29 . measured On the other hand, setting Z the vapor source under the assumption conditions. Naturally, = 0 that the diabatic void profile is the same as the asymptotic adiabatic in one under the code user has the option to override the standard parameters by specifying them in the input to whatever 1.8.2 he thinks best meets the physical Results and Discussion For the two test conditions o in C from 1 to 4 for Ze = changes in the qualities subchannels. ..---~II---- situation. 2D1 and 2D3, changes do not result in any appreciable or mass flow rates in the individual No reason for this insensitivity can be given at P-- II 163 this time. Positive values of Ze lead to increases in the mass flow rates especially in the corner and center subchannels while decreasing their qualities, because in this case a specific fraction depending upon Ze is subtracted from the vapor flux. This means essentially that recondensation takes place in the bulk of the coolant. For negative values of Ze the vapor flux is increased and so are the qualities whereas mass fluxes are decreased. The aforementioned trends reflect only general tendencies. The whole picture is in fact more complex for the individual subchannels and largely depends upon the case under study, i.e., average exit quality, Figure 44 inlet subcooling, shows a sample of this sensitivity reveals the complexity an "optimized" study which as well as the difficulty set of input parameters. of deriving As can be seen from this sample, improvements can certainly be made. the same time it becomes apparent etc. However, at that this type of change does not lead to closing the gap with the experimentally determined quality of the corner subchannel. can be made however as depicted in Fig. 45. Some improvement Changing the input parameters too drastically leads naturally to physical nonsense. During the course of benchmarking all the experiments described the code against in the foregoing sections it has been-noticed how important the vapor diffusion model is. Unfortunately, this has not been examined -·------·------ ·L--·l"·----*l·-----ar-----·l·-·-rr in the sensitivity .__1..1 16 4 . I CX z Xi m U a I UA o- z O l col r= Cd I .i-t "-I rO 0 I b ed O r-i C A Jr) Wn 0 a cc co a 0 CaC o N. C)2 -J Ca O "I -4 r Q - I, .- 1 0 C" 0 x z o /.. a 0 *1-4 o(%J ( c N~~ II II d. Z; C. I ! ! .!0 _ _·- -L- ,. 1 0 - 0 Q_~~~~~~., a; 0 0CX ____ ___ _______ ___I _ _____ ___ _ 165 1 I I I I rJ 04 E4 W -.--- r41 U o Ic~L~.- X 'U - .C w t 1. *0 * I o 0 a) 'U 1n O2 q. O 0 *0 **" u C O' oa V4 N3 C. c 0 r o o Iz o* C OX .f-D U 1_ X 'U U - O) Q) cII ~~CAC)N N. ° X9 .,4i o G-r 4z C) a 0 qC4 4. I t I o I I 0 o I 0 166 study because it was thought that the void distribution parameter was of greater importance. Furthermore, the vapor diffusion model has been fitted against experimental data and for this reason it was believed at the time of this study that the model was reliable. experimental Now that the comparisons tests always show the same shortcoming, with i.e., too low quality in the corner, and too high quality in the center subchannel, it is thought that only a change in the vapor diffusion model can bring adjustments in the right direction. 1.8.3 Conclusions The limited sensitivity study revealed the following conclusions: 1) C o has no effect as long as Ze is set equal to zero. 2) Z e affects the results in quality and mass flow rates. The changes depend upon the range of system parameters under consideration. 3) Changes in C and Ze alone will not meet the requirements set forth by experimental evidence. 4) In order to more closely meet the experimental trends in subchannel quantities it is necessary refit the vapor diffusion model. to Once this model fits the bundle data better the sensitivity study should be repeated. One of the reasons why changes in C o and Ze do not affect drastically .I--- - -- -----. _ --__ the overall trend is that they have about __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _I_.._ I . __ ____ 167 In this situation the same impact on all of the subchannels. the only remedy for redistributing the vapor diffusion model. the phases is by the use of The reason why this model does not work to great satisfaction right now is that it has been fitted a) to air-water data b) the data stem from test sections which simulated only two subchannels. Obviously, both effects lead to a far too large diffusional redistribution. The only way to refit this model is by per- forming a parametric study on the whole set of GE and Studsvik At the same time the effect of changing C data. be studied again. However, and Ze should it is suggested that the drift flux model in WOSUB be completed by extending it into the other two-phase flow regimes before this new sensitivity study is initiated. llr -C I^-·ll·lll···-lr.r.·1111111 11 _- ·1 1----------·--1-11 111 11 __ 1 168 1.9 Other Supporting Evidence for the GE Findings and the Drift-Flux, Vapor-Diffusion Model 1.9.1 Introduction When GE published its measurements at the same time that the subchannel giving correct answers, codes were not capable of most people questioned the measure- ments and their accuracy. surfaced. [ 4 ] and showed In the meantime, supporting evidence There are the Swedish three-dimensional void measurements in round bundles on the one hand [ 30 - 32 and on the other, the recently published French data , 19 ] for a square-array, four-pin bundle tested in a Freon-loop. Unfortunately, in the assessment the both cases could not be integrated of WOSUB for the purpose of comparison because ode does not handle round bundles nor Freon properties. Therefore, this evidence is only added for convenience here. However, in what follows, emphasis will be put on the square- channel arrangement only. 1.9.2 Results and Discussion The following data are taken from Bayoumi et al [ 19]. The purpose of these measurements mixing model was to provide in the FLICA code with reliable input data. the The isokinetic sampling method has been used by the authors. Figures 46 and 47 show the deviation in the individual subchannel mass flow rates as a function of average quality. The following general conclusions can be drawn for both mass flow rates considered. - -- -- -- _11 _-- Y :..... , . :, , .. · .I . , .... ··l.. r:.,~ I· h, -- , - -L · -~r 4 i : C'i ·1... 74. · -.'..!-..~ :.i1:.-. ..: ...-:.H.~-.-, _' ---'-i '"' ' -'i0.-...... -- .~En i ~ 5:' :' *-:l..I_:l ; c5: X w u Xt '- I; ' 0.-- - :~... - I __.. U { D , - ....... * ."!. , :1 .i . - - ·· , ; .. i / . .' --. . l .I i S_ '' .. "I. , ' :* w -W ; V4 F-4 ! ' IX . ., 11 I I., :- i./.. ? - . ' | j I 'r-?:-'".. .· . -,- l ..i' _ ,}, ' ; *n a\\ . r- i ; .. .. I [ ~~~~~~, ' . * f * , ' : .i e 1 , i u Z . : . ....... 1 'T - : i. * ; ·2 r f, t1F(f , ~ ..... 169 I ... ... : '.-....._, -: ' OO '":1 ,e 0 .... x.-~ O. .... i i ;i' i'..,' I ' ' .-.t -:" -... .--. --- -,- ' .. j. . j, .' .. -':_ ... ....!._._ .i...... .. _ i . . __ . i. . ¢ C A . I m ' _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .t3 . : '. . ; - ·-- . ._..I2X_._ co EO ) _: · . ·;..., Lt I _ . I, . .i .i . i I O L. 4':... "'-,,":" : -- - , -:' - ·D, = ~ . .t. . : ' A. 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'; : i - t0 1__I I' L. .i--l·--:·---·" · ·-- C : .. ..... -ti·· i · !t " 1··'.3:·1 U , _'" ' r X . i' 170 :::::::::::: ·- ·- :·-i··--I--."~'~'~ '' ;:'t:. I': .- . ° :.zo~ ',. ! ' i iii . - * ' . . .. - - ''1 * _ ... I! _ OI 171 1) The side subchannel follows the bundle average behavior. 2) The center subchannel is characterized by a larger than bundle-average mass flow rate, whereas the corner subohannel is characterized by a smaller than average bundle mass flow rate. 3) In the subcooled regime both mass flow rates in the subchannels diverge with increasing quality, whereas beyond the inception of bulk boiling they converge towards the bundle average behavior. 4) The functional dependence as described under point 3 essentially means that in subcooled boiling the cross flow is from the corner to center sub- channel whereas in bulk boiling an inversion of cross flow takes place. Figures 48 and 49 show the deviations in the thermo- dynamic quality distributions in the individual subchannels as a function of the bundle average one, for the two mass flow rates, repectively. The following conclusions can be drawn from these data a) The side subchannel behaves like the bundle average. b) The center subchannel always shows a higher-than- average quality. c) The corner subchannel always shows a lower-than- average quality. *Plg___l_·_llll11_-·11--_114-111_ II11II___I___ ull -0' ......... . .. .. I O- o0.toV ! i I. 172 i is. ed I In ao NM' x · · f0 I <'<<" . : ". i -'U: i , .... ....................... ~...... ... . . .. I -- : ....< .".-::L_ ' :...: ..... . . !..· z -~ d O1u 3 ..r....-'~...... C~~~~~~ ~. ., ,:. ::·.'j,-:: , ~!'"' ~ . .;. ';..... t .::. : ~ ,· . . !-' ; .. _!.:. . !! ! . . ~~~~.... .... i. :....:L,.. (d fi Q, I . ·. U.~.; i : · i , , F;. . . vj) Q) _.' . t. I · , .i... .... ·.. ! 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'I-" I ;-I '---.. : ..i ;' :i" iii ' ' _ i ....L.i.'..... . ' 1_.i...,.,.1..;. ii. .:i_ ,- :-4..: ...... m ! ~..... l.-:l.. .i... :-i -, , -~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ......r.;; ' .LL....' .. ! i:; ,._;.ii. ! '.""' i . . . i ! i ---- 174 d) The differences in quality between the subchannels decrease with increasing bundle average quality but stay constant Figures enthalpies for x i > 0.10. 50 and 51 in the gap as afunction show the cross flow of the center and corner subchannel qualities respectively. These data were obtained from non-isokinetic sampling. I. The donor These figures reveal that: cell concept for energy exchange is not valid to describe the transfer process between center and side subchannel. In fact, over most of the quality range the enthalpy in the gap region is higher than both subchannel enthalpies. Dependent on the two-phase flow regime which exists, it drops below both enthalpies in order to increase again. This essentially confirms the data by Lahey et al [4-7]. II. Over a certain quality range the donor channel concept can be used to describe the energy transfer from the side to the corner subchannel. for x i corner > However, 0.10, the enthalpy in the gap starts to fall below both subchannel enthalpies. 1.9.3 Conclusions The French data presented in the foregoing section confirm the findings by GE as well as the other observations made during this assessment. Because they were obtained under diabatic and bundle conditions, they essentially constitute a more sophisticated data base for fitting the vapor diffusion -- ---. ---_1 I_ I__._____ __ _ __ _1.._.. __ __ ___ ! I i ~':-'"-...... ' .... ,___ ..t:...- .. q.I I' i · * V E t~ L __ : .....: t - ]... ___I_ i. ' i-: i. '. ."'' '' ' .i.:: :... I i ; ; !-: '-i.. . L- i.:-' . .... -:.: I : .. I I: I .:..-.-'.. .-: L' L--- L. . I C O :4 1 .j · · i· ·. -1--;.-.· .. ;....(-., I( : M..1 :_.. ,;; O . -:i.: ! -:T-: ;. I / . 10; . : - R U? I - :'tl ' ,' ~~~~~ ' C' · . i .. 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Essentially, the drift flux model with vapor diffusion eliminates the ambiguities inherent in common subchannel codes with respect to the various models, and proved to be successful tests performed. in all the benchmark still exist are explainable which Deviations in terms of not yet perfectly fitted input parameters; however what is important at this stage in the development correct. IPY-------rsl--·-.·---I -Irrrl - - is that the trends are This has been confirmed by the French data. ·-- l·----y·l*----r-.PUI---- - - - ·Lsllllllli·lllll·l·llllli·l··P C . _ 178 2 2.1 Tests of WOSUB-i in Transient Situations Introduction In contrast to the steady-state condition there are no individually measured subchannel quantities available in For this reason it is impossible to transient situations. benchmark the code with respect to local quantities at this Therefore, the results which follow in the point in time. next sections are only of scoping character in order to show transient some basic run by the code resemble 2.2 as closely as possible some of GE's However, these transients were compu- experimental tests. for only a few seconds. followed tationally The sample cases features of WOSUB-I. Mass Flow Reduction Transients Figure exit qualities shows the corner and center subchannel 52 as a function of time for a 40% flow reduction in 3 seconds in a 3 x 3 GE pin bundle with radial peaking factor pattern (3E2 series, see page 41). that the qualities still increase The results indicate further for about 1.5 s. before they reach their new asymptotic values, although the flow has already reached its new steady-state value. tial differences show up in the response Substan- of the subchannels. Whereas the corner subchannel is rather sluggish, the center subchannel responds much faster to the change in the mass flow. In addition, the ratio of the final asymptotic value to the initial value in quality is larger for the center subchannel, which naturally remains the hottest one during the transient. ___________ _______ ___ I 179 [MASS FLUX REDUCTIONI C CENTER SUBCHANNEL FIGURE 52 L EXIT MASS ., .4 u.l A; 3I-- 1001 CORNER SUBCHANNEL o0 ( +o U ~4 o I 3 2 TI E (S EC) '3.S 5 180 Another, more severe mass flow reduction transient was run with a 50% reduction actually in 1 second. This transient simulates run number 9-152 as reported in Ref. [27] However, during the computation the time at minimal mass flux which has been reported to be approximately was taken to be only 3 s. 25 s. for this run Another discrepancy may exist for the time to reach the minimal mass flux which seems to be shorter than differences, s. in the experiment. Despite these possible CHF is predicted at 0.7 s. after the minimum mass flux has been reached which compares favorably with what is reported in [27 ] where it is stated that CHF occurred at about 0.5 to 1 s. for the various tests after reaching lower flow. the The calculated boiling length increased from about 4.2 feet to 5.1 feet during the transient which roughly agrees with values reported in [34 mass fluxes in the individual time. . Figure 53 subchannels shows the exit as a function As can be seen from this figure, a substantial of redis- tribution in the mass flux takes place during the transient. The corner subchannel starting with the highest mass flux initially reaches an asymptotic value which is slightly higher than that of the corner subchannel. The side subchannel which is close to the bundle average mass flux at the start of the transient approaches a value somewhat higher than the bundle average. In general it can be noticed that the spread initially existing between the mass fluxes in the subchannels substantially is reduced at the end of the transient which is an indication of redistributions taking place during the transient - - - -- ·----- -··- ----------- --II 181 Ca Ca , n0C rJ2 Up C a) I- -j -11(1. 0 c,.. 6Z \0 6 6 _ ___ 0 _ 182 process. Figure 54 shows the deviation of the exit sub- channel quality from that of the bundle average at the exit as a function of time. It is interesting to notice that the center subchannel becomes even more hot relative to the bundle average compared with its initial value. The substantial increase occurs at about the time when the transient is finished. On the other hand, the corner subchannel which starts out with a quality below that of the bundle average responds immediately and its quality lags more and more behind the bundle average with increasing time up to about 2.4 s. into the transients where the difference establishes itself at a new asymptotic value. The side subchannel which has been observed to follow about the bundle average in steady-state follows this trend approximately also for the mass flux transient. transient this subchannel the quality difference. During the stays at the steady-state value for Starting at the end of the transient the quality difference slightly drops below its initial value. Overall, the trends as observed in steady-state are also confirmed in transient situations, where obviously the difference of the behavior in the subahannel qualities grows. It should be noticed that this calculated difference may be too large because the vapor transport into the center subchannel is overemphasized leaving the corner subchannel too cool as discovered in all of the steady-state benchmark tests. From the point of view of the CHF calculational procedure, the predictions suggest that the center subchannel · _ _ ______1 ______I 183 O.l 4>) ..QUAIr XC' -H X- X b-4 al a > 4- ri 4=) 0 a Q 04 or 44 ;4 03 4-) 00 au x = C rdm c) m: E-4 0e 0CJ O -0. -H a, Xc 4-)o 4.) C k r-4 cd .E. _H _ O4 O cd:; -H r - 0.2 > iz 0. 1. 2. T. r (SEC) z bc C F= 184 quality be taken for these calculations. As expected, the corner subchannel with its cold wall effects substantially lags behind the bundle averaged quality behavior. 2.3 Depressurization Transient Reference transients [27] reports some depressurization from an initial pressure of 1000 psi to a nominal value of 800 psi. Run 206 has been modeled for the scoping purpose of this report where a depressurization rate of 100 psi/second was used over 2 seconds. Figure the mass fluxes at the exits of the individual a function of time. According 55 shows subchannels to these results, as the mass fluxes increase rapidly at about the same rate in each subchannel, reach a maximum at 0.4 s., and decay. No C calcu- lations were performed for this transient. Furthermore, no time step sensitivity study was performed. Therefore, these results have to be considered preliminary in nature. 2.4 Power Transient For the purpose of comparison an example for a power transient in a 3 x 3 GE rod bundle has been constructed, where tne power is increased by 50% in 0.5 s. and then reduced back to its initial value at 1 s. for the validity This example is a good check of the code because the same qualities must result finally as those at the start of the transient. 56 Figure confirms that indeed the calculated exit subchannel qualities approach their respective initial values more than 1 s. after the actual transient is over. Again, as already 1113Llllllls.___lC--rr____l__l_ -·r- 4i O r4 C z1 4-) N Cc U) U) ja; U) U) V7 asx U: _ e- Q 0L4 o Z 'V 0 C) Ci O d Q ·lllllllllllsllllllls391 ~~~~~~~~C1) l a 1C 1 / -rrl- 7 --...--.III----.I----. _ I 186 .Wosua-: Il $11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PowER7ANSIrMT1 FIGURE 56 SUBCHANNEL EXIT QUALITIES VERSUES TIME FOR A POWER TRANSIENT I.S / P / .4 . / 2 en 'I' U U %J I / / 4 * L4 1 1.0 CENTE R I I..a 5lOE CORNER 0 1 2 rUIC - --- I (strc) 187 observed during the mass flux transient, the center subchannel responds fastest and reaches the highest quality in the bundle earliest in the transient, but still about 0.3 s. after the power peak. subchannels slowest of all the The corner subchannel responds and peaks latest nearly at the overall end of the transient. Figure shows the increase 57 length in the boiling and its return to the initial value. during the transients summarizes the calculated CHF results Figure 58 according to the Israel and Jannsen-Levy correlations. As can be seen from these results, the Jannsen-Levy correlation gives larger values for CHF than the Israel correlation initial and asymptotic period of the transient. during the Towards the point of power peaking the Jannsen-Levy correlation approaches the Israel correlation and even undershoots it. 2.5 Discussions and Conclusions erformed with Very few transient runs have been WOSUB. Their results have to be considered exploratory. Certainly, no real conclusions can be drawn at that point in time other than that the code operates in the various modes of transients considered. lance, the predicted At a first results seem to be reasonable although the calculated mismatch between center and corner subchannels with respect to quality may be again too large due to the well known reasons already discussed for the steady-state predictions. Indications are that WOSUB is giving reasonable ------ --- -- ----- - ---- ------- I -- 188 4~L I' 0 a0 C) 0C4 U, n C) (d) O~ QI k£aU, Cd d-Cd . QE-' Ed Is m3 To oa) - rl v t- 1 S3 hO C I04o bOO - ._ . L 0 hO 0 0 C C') (i4 H V I77 ---- 3Nr47J8g I-- -- - 189 Figure Calculated CHF as Function of Time for the Power Transient 58: In -. O Ii V- 0 a d - - N I 190 answers with respect to integral parameters such as CHF, and CP. However, most of these transients have to be run out for longer periods of time in order to make final conclusions. It should be pointed out that unfortunately only the integral parameters mentioned above and the time to CHF are available for benchmark purposes. To the author's knowledge, no local subchannel quantities were ever measured and reported in the open literature. for these quantities Therefore, the predictions cannot be benchmarked, of the code other than by com- paring them with results of other subchannel codes. As regards the predictions of CHF, it should be recalled that these heavily depend upon the empiricism entering into the various correlations. This is especially agreement important in the engineering for BWRs where there is no such community as exists for the PW9Ranalysis by using the W-3 and B&W2 correlations. ?·lllllllllr*rrlrrrul·ll·*rlrr·rmrr I 191 3 3.1 Conclusions S'teady'-StateCalculations During the assessment phase of the research period, WOSUB has been tested against the following experimental data: 1) GE 3 x 3 pin bundles under isothermal 2) GE 3 x 3 pin bundles with uniform radial peaking 3) GE 3 x 3 pin bundles with non-uniform radial conditions peaking 4) Columbia 4 x 4 pin bundle with different radial peaking 5) factors in two of the rod rows Swedish 3 x 3 pin bundle test with power tilt Overall, the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to the performance a. of the code: The predictions by WOSUB with vapor diffusion model follow the trend of the data better than the results of the common subchannel codes do. in accordance In fact, with the GE data, WOSUB determines the center subchannel quality above bundle-average, the side subchannel quality about bundle average, and the corner subchannel below bundle average. b. The determination of the magnitudes of the sub- channel quantities by WOSUB is not perfect yet for the following two reasons. flux correlation First, the built-in drift covers only the bubbly and bubbly- shape two-phase flow regimes and second, the parameters entering the vapor diffusion model have been fitted against isothermal air-water data in two-subchannel geometry. The latter fact especially leads 192 to overemphasize the vapor transport into the center sutchannel, increasing its quality too much by lowering that in the corner subchannel same time. This becomes especially comparison too much at the apparent in the with the Swedish test data, where the code predicts the combination of side and center sub- channels to be the hottest due to the aforementioned reasons, in contrast to the data, which indicate that in fact the combination is the hottest. mismatch agreement c. of corner and side subchannels With the exception the rest of the predictions of this explainable are in good with the data. The predictions substantial for the Columbia tests indicate agreement for the calculated mass fluxes of both the "hot" and the "cold" center subchannels as functions of either subchannel or bundle exit qualities. Mcre details are given at the end of the indi- vidual sections. Besides primarily benchmarking the code against actual test data, it was the intention of this study to compare WOSUB with the results of other commonly used subchannel codes. Fortunately, for all experiments considered in this study, a whole variety of subchannel code results were available, thus allowing mental a direct comparison between these codes and the experi- results as well as between WOSTIB and the experiments, and WOSUB as compared five experiments CP6r to the other codes. mentioned at the beginning In addition to the of this section, I IC. · 193 the following two tests were found in the literature for which however no experimental results are available: 6) Planned Swedish 3 x 3 pin bundle tests with very strong power tilt, 7) Hitachi 7 x 7 bundle with 3-D power distribution. According to the evidence which has been accumulated throughout this report, the following conclusions can be drawn: d. The comparison of various subchannel codes in different situation presented in this report has to be considered to represent a fairly concise picture of the state-of-the-art. e. WOSUB with vapor diffusion model included is superior overall to common subchannel codes which use constant mixing factors. f. Subchannel codes which more closely predicted the experimental results such as the proprietary MIXER 2 and SDS-codes do include presumably the same model as WOSUB but had the additional advantage of being well tuned in advance. g. Other subchannel codes using the common mixing models have seemingly no potential to be readjusted such that they would predict the trends as denoted in conclusion h. Although (a.). all subchannel codes do predict the bundle average quantities very well it must be acknowledged following conclusion (g.) that the majority of them is in fact unable to predict the hottest __ ___ 194 subchannel which must be considered a severe limitation in the applicability of these codes. even true for codes such as THINC-IV This is and COBRA-IV-I and it is no surprise that recent developments Batelle and elsewhere concentrate at in fact upon the drift flux model. i. The inclusion of the concepts and critical certainly power although of boiling not yet perfected a step in the right direction length is to follow as closely as possible the recently developed design philosophy as employed by GE. More details are given in the respective sections. 3.2 Transient Calculations Very few coping runs have been made with WOSUB under transient conditions. From these limited experiences the following preliminary a. conclusions Benchmarking can be drawn: of WOSUB will be only possible with respect to measured integral parameters such as CHF, boiling, length, time to CHF and the like. 'With respect to local subchannel quantities, be only bencnmarked against the code can ther subchannel cdes. However, due to the findings summarizedin Section 3.1, this seems to be a questionable cause the majority of existing rocedure be- subchannel codes is not giving reliable answers for BWR analysis even in the steady-state situations. The only reliable data could come from the proprietary _. _I_ I_-- 1. __. __ I ___ codes. I_ __ In this sense, ___ ______ __ ____ 195 the situation for BWR analysis is much more complicated than that for the PWR analysis. b. The preliminary runs made with the code indicate that it works for various types of transients and that its results are in agreement with the few indications given in the literature. However, much more must be done in this area. c. The results obtained by the code for the three types of transients studied indicate that the center subchannel remains the hottest one during the course of all transients. However, it must be expected that the magnitude of its heat-up is again overemphasized due to the vapor diffusion model which is not tuned yet for diabatic multi-subchannel conditions. 196 4 4.1 Recommendations Steady-State Calculations According stated in the foregoing to the conclusions chapter the following recommendations can be formulated for future work. 1) Available drift flux correlations for annular and mist flow regimes should be added to the code in order to cope with situations where either one of them occurs in steady-state or transient situations. This neces- sitates the inclusion of a flow logic into the code. 2) A sensitivity study for the vapor diffusion model should be performed. For this purpose the GE test data should be taken as a basis for the comparison. When better agreement has been achieved, it is suggested that the Swedish test data be recalculated, because individual subchannel data are available from the code MIXER 2 which should be considered the standard 3) as being in this context. Having more closely fitted the vapor diffusion model to reality it seems to be appropriate a second look at the selection parameter C to have of the distribution in subchannel geometry and the relaxa- tion parameter Ze 4) For both parameters additional correlations if necessary should be added to the codae to account for their dependencies 5) ~~ Xlllll~~r on pressure and mass flux. Cther models entering the code should be checked ru~~r r__ r~ ----- -- · r~~~sl-·____ 197 for their applicabilities in light and capabilities In this context, especially of recent developments. the single-phase mixing concept should be thoroughly tested and probably more options provided for the user of this code. 6) The spectrum of available heat transfer correlato include a suitable post- tions should be extended CHF correlation. This would enable the user to test the calculations against clad temperature measurements under severe conditions. 7) Changes should be made in the available correlations. First, the Jannsen-Levy correlation should be replaced by the more suitable Hench-Levy must be Second, the CISE-correlation correlation. CHF- extended to include a quality correction term (CISE-IV) accounting for enthalpy exchange across subchannel boundaries. improvements This would certainly lead to in the calculation which is now too conservative of the critical power due to the adiabatic hot center subchannel approach employed by the CISE-III correlation. 8) the heat transfer package, Once the drift flux package and the vapor diffusion model have been updated in WOSUB-I, the whole set should be implemented into WOSUB-II. 9) Once WOSUB-II has been completed, 7 x 7 and bundle designs can be calculated. ' -"1----"11-· " ^"·"·-LL"ls-n*--Y-·IILIIIU·I·III -- r- --- 8 x 8 198 10) The effect of axial power distributions upon boiling length and critical quality should be parametrically studied. 11) Non-uniform radial power peaking patterns which also change axially (asymmetric control rod insertions) should be studied systematically and their effect upon local quantities and bundle average quantities determined. 12) It should be checked under what circumstances a bundle lumped-parameter approach is equivalent to the more elaborate subchannel approach and where it fails. 4.2 Transient Calculations According to the conclusions stated in Chapter 3.2, the following recommendations can be added to those already listed above for steady-state calculations. 13) A set of transient benchmark data should be collected by screening the available information in the literature for power, flow and pressure transients. 14) The capability different of handling types of transients combinations of should be added to the cede. 15) Recently published transient CHF correlations should be checked for their applicability and implemented 16) into the code if necessary. The effectiveness of the temporal differencing scheme employed by the fuel pin model should be checked and if necessary replaced by a numerically J* 199 more effective one. 17) A variable fuel-clad gap model should be added. 18) Temperature-dependent properties should be included into the fuel pin model. 19) Results for the various transients recommendation 13 should be presented selected in in terms of axial penetration of the boiling transition versus time. 20) Freon properties should be eventually added to the code in order to recalculate experiments void propagation performed by Staub et al. This list is by no means complete but these additional features would help to broaden the range of applicability of the code and could identify other sources of uncertainty which have not surfaced yet. As mentioned already in the introduction WOSUB is still in the stage of development the code and some of the afore- mentioned recommendations may be included in the near future. The list of recommendations presents a ranking of priorities which will be followed in the future development. 200 REFERENCES [1i G. Forti, J.M. Gonzalez-Santalo, "A Model for Subchannel Analysis of BTR Rod Bundles in Steady State and Transient," Int. Conf. Reactor Heat Transfer, Karlsruhe, Germany, [2] 1973. L. Wolf, A. Faya, A Subchannel Code Thermal-Hydraulic Fuel Pin Bundles," A. Levin and L. Guillebaud, "WOSUB for Steady-State and Transient Analysis of -Boiling Water Reactor Vol. 1: Model Description, MIT Energy Laboratory Report, October 19'7. [3] L. Guillebaud, A. Levin, W. Boyd, A. Faya and L. Wolf, "WOSUB - A Subchannel Code or Steady-State and Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Pin Bundles," Vol. II: User's Manual, MIT Energy Laboratory Report, July 1977. [4] R.T. 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