CURRICULUM VITAE Xin Zhou Email: Phone number: +1 (650) 862 8308 Webpage:∼xinzhou/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Research Interest: Geometric Analysis; General Relativity; Calculus of Variations Employment: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, CLE Moore Instructor, Postdoc fellow, 9/13-6/16 8/13-12/13 Education: Stanford University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Ph.D. in mathematics, M.S. in mathematics, B.S. in physics and mathematics, June 2013 June 2008 June 2006 Awards: • NSF Grant DMS-1406337, 2014-2017 • Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, 2013 Papers: 1. X. Zhou, On the existence of min-max minimal torus, J. Geom. Anal. 20 (2010),1026-1055 2. X. Zhou, On the existence of min-max minimal surfaces of genus g ≥ 2, arXiv:1111.6206v2 3. R. Schoen and X. Zhou, Convexity of reduced energy and mass angular momentum inequalities, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14 (2013), 1747-1773 4. X. Zhou, Mass angular momentum inequality for axisymmetric vacuum data with small trace, Communication in Analysis and Geometry, 22, (2014) 519-571 5. X. Zhou, Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0 and 2 ≤ n ≤ 6, J. Differential Geometry, 100 (2015) 129-160 6. X. Zhou, On the free boundary min-max geodesics, accepted by International Mathematics Research Notices, arXiv:1504.00971 7. X. Zhou, Min-max hypersurface in manifold of positive Ricci curvature, arXiv:1504.00966 8. H. Li and X. Zhou, Existence of minimal surfaces of arbitrary large Morse index, arXiv:1504.00970 9. D. Ketover and X. Zhou, Entropy of closed surfaces and min-max theory, arXiv:1509.06238 10. Y. Liokumovich and X. Zhou, Sweeping out 3-manifold of positive Ricci curvature by short 1-cycles via estimates of min-max surfaces, arXiv:1510.02896v1 1 Research Talks: • “Geometric variational theory and applications”, Differential Geometry Seminar, UC Irvine, Nov. 2015 • “Min-max theory in Gaussian space and Entropy conjecture”, Differential Geometry Seminar, Harvard, Nov. 2015 • “On the Morse index in the min-max theory of minimal surfaces”, PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar, University of Connecticut, September 14, 2015 • “On the Morse index in the min-max theory of minimal surfaces”, Differential Geometry & Geometric Analysis Seminar, Princeton, April, 2015 • “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, V Workshop on Differential Geometry, Maceió, Brazil, March, 2015 • “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, Differential Geometry Seminar, Harvard, Dec. 2014 • “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, Geometric Analysis Seminar, MIT, Sep. 2014 • “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Geometric Analysis Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2014 • “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Brown Geometric Analysis Seminar, March 2014 • “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Berkeley Differential Geometry Seminar, Dec. 2013 • “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Columbia Geometry & Analysis Seminar, Nov. 2013 • ‘Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, UCSB Geometry Seminar, Oct. 2013 • “On the mass angular momentum inequalities”, MSRI Postdoc Seminar, Sep. 2013 • “Min-max minimal surface of high genus”, Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, Stanford, May 2013 • “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0 and 2 ≤ n ≤ 6”, Stanford Geometry Seminar, Oct. 10, 2012 • “Introduction to conformal method on vacuum constraint equations”, MSRI Mathematical General Relativity Workshop, July, 2012 • “On the existence of min-max minimal surface of high genus”, Annual Geometric Analysis Meeting, China, June, 2012 • “Some recent progress on mass angular momentum inequality”, Columbia General Relativity Seminar, Dec. 2, 2011 • “Axial symmetry and mass angular momentum inequality”, Beijing Summer Program in Mathematical Relativity 2011, June, 2011 2 Teaching at MIT: • • • • Lecturer, 18.950: Differential Geometry, Fall 2015 Recitation leader, 18.03: Differential Equations, Spring 2015 Recitation leader, 18.02: Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2014 Recitation leader, 18.03: Differential Equations, Spring 2014 Teaching in a summer school at Peking University: • Lecturer, Introduction to the Min-max theory of minimal surfaces, Summer 2013 Teaching at Stanford: • Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2013 • Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2012 • Teaching Assistant, Math 53: Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Winter 2012 • Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2010 • Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Winter 2010 • Course Assistant, Math 161: Set theory, Fall 2011 • Course Assistant, Math 19: Calculus, Summer 2011 • Course Assistant, Math 173: Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Winter 2011 • Course Assistant, Math 217A: Differential Geometry, Spring 2010 • Course Assistant, Math 132: Partial Differential Equations II, Spring 2009 • Course Assistant Math 220: Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics, Fall 2008 3