Dr. Muthukumaran R., Head Dated the 11th August, 2015 F.No. 4/Acad-12/Chem/15 ADMISSION NOTICE The following candidates are provisionally selected for Ph.D program in Chemistry (2015). Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 19th Name & Address Olivia Lalmuanzuali K. Lalrammawia R. Malsawmdawngzela J. Lalmalsawmi Jayanta Dowarah Lalhruaizela Sex F M M F M M Category ST ST ST ST OBC ST Candidates are advised to complete the admission formalities latest by August, 2015 and Ph. D Course Work will start from August 21, 2015 . (MUTHUKUMARAN R) Copy to: 1) P.S to V.C for kind information of VC 2) P.A to Registrar for kind information of Registrar 3) P.A to Finance Officer for kind information of FO 4) Director (CDC), MZU for kind information. 5) P.A to Controller of Examination for kind information of COE 6) Dean, SPS, MZU for kind information. 7) Deputy Registrar (Academic) for kind information 8) PRO for kind information 9) PA to Librarian for kind information of the Librarian 10) System Administrator, Computer Center for kind information and display in the University Website (MUTHUKUMARAN R) Phone: 09436352161 Fax : 0389‐2330642 E‐Mail: rsic 15@gmail.com