I nternat. J. Math. Math. Si. (1981)55-65 Vol. 4 No. 55 A COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS R. FRIC D.C. KENT Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99164 U.S.A. (Received March ii, 1980) ABSTRACT. A completion functor is constructed on the category of completely normal Cauchy groups and Cauchy-continuous homomorphlsms. A competlon functor is also obtained for a corresponding category of convergence groups. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Completion functor, Cauchy group, pre-Cauchy group, completely normal Cauchy group, convergence group 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: i. 54A20, 54E15, 18A5 INTRODUCTION. In [ 2] pletions. we developed a general functorial approach to Cauchy space com- In this paper, we consider completions of groups equipped with com- patible Cauchy structures. Such spaces have been studied by R.N. Ball [ I], who used them to obtain certain completions of lattice ordered groups. We shall use the definitions, notation, and terminology of [ 2]. However the modification functor approach to constructing completion functors used in R. FRIC AND D.C. KENT 56 [2] is not employed here. Although at least some of our results could be obtained via that method, it is found to be less convenient due, in part, to the fact that Wyler’s completion does not preserve the compatibility between group and Cauchy structures. Let PCHG be the category whose objects are groups equipped with Cauchy strudtures relative to which the group operations are Cauchy continuous (such groups are said to be pre-Cauchy), and whose morphisms are Cauchy-continuous homomorphisms. of PCHG. All Cauchy space categories considered here will be subcategories For convenience, we shall use the term "subcategory" to mean "full subcategory", so that subcategories are completely determined by their objects. In applying the definitions of such terms in [2] as "map", "completion", etc. to our present setting it is, of course, necessary to replace "Cauchy-continuous function" by "Cauchy-continuous homomorphism", etc. X will represent a group with multiplicative Throughout this paper, operation and identity element and x e F(X) will denote the set of all filters on X, x E X. will denote the fixed ultrafilter determined by are applied to subsets and filters in the obvious way. , E F(X), ( FG :F (3 -I {F-I: F } and Group operations In particular, for is the filter generated by G (.}. A completion functor is constructed on the category Section 3, we consider the subcategory of PCHG PCHG in Section 2. In consisting of Cauchy groups, and show that the completely normal Cauchy groups form a completion subcategory of CHG. Whether a completion functor exists on all of unsolved problem at this time. CHG remains an Section 4 examines the relationships between Cauchy groups and convergence groups. The results of Section 3 are used to construct a completion functor on the category of completely normal convergence groups and continuous homomorphlsms. COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS 57 PRE-CAUCHY GROUPS 2. (X,C), where X is a group and C a A pre-Cauchy group is a pair set of X satisfying the following conditions: filters on (CG I) C (CG2) If (CG3) If (CG4) If { , C and _< 6C then N Note that if , X. for all x C then -I C. C, then x =y. (X, C) is a pre-Cauchy group, then formation of inverses and products of filters. C is closed under the It is easy to see that if X is a separated (Hausdorff) topological group and C is the set of all Cauchy filters, (X, C) is a pre-Cauchy group. then PROPOSITION 2.1 is a pre-Cauchy group, then C is a Cauchy X. structure on and (X, C) If PROOF. The first two Cauchy space axioms (see (CG2). If and N and therefore [2]) are nondlsjoint filters in C, then { C (CG I) -I are covered by N >_ this establishes the third Cauchy space axiom. The Cauchy structure associated with a pre-Cauchy group is called a "group Cauchy structure" in [I]. This should not be confused with our term "Cauchy group structure", by which we shall mean the Cauchy structure associated With a Cauchy group (see Section 3). Starting with a pre-Cauchy group equivalence classes and define [][] As in on [2] [] j :X and / X* (X, C ), let the canonical map. / x be the set of Cauchy Given [5], ] { X* []-I [-I]. we associate with a Cauchy space X defined by X* if N (X, C the convergence structure C (or, equivalently, if []). For pre-Cauchy groups, equivalence of Cauchy filters is characterized in terms of convergence in the next proposition. 58 R. FRIC AND D.C. KENT PROPOSITION 2.2 N _ C iff PROOF Let -I n (-I n Then C e. / , N -i Thus e / -I ,w (X, C) be a pre-Cauchy group and Let -I >_ -i and $ >_ C -i Conversely, e / -I Then $ implies C implies m c. &) PROPOSITION 2.3 (X,C) If X*, is a pre-Cauchy group, then the operations defined above, is a group, and X j X* / equipped with is an isomorphic embedding. We shall verify only that the multipllcative operation on PROOF I2 -i - K and e I fl (X, C the filter for 1 [ 2 ] and [w I] + @ (,2,’ ,2,, -1 1 K E C By Proposition 22, j () n []. X* X* Any filter on F(X*) C { E F(X*) LEMMA 2.4 for some basic filter ^ A basic filter on filter of the form is of the form ^i E [ i ]" X* Let If e @i [ ^} is either a fixed ultrafilter, or else a is a free filter and where A basic filter A on PROOF. i i i will be the set of filters defined by: *= where each X* obtained by taking a finite product of subbasic filters will be called a basic filter. C c define Filters of the form and also all fixed ultrafilters on C be called subbasic filters on E C For each free filter @ as follows: a free filter in / e. / be a pre-Cauchy group. X* is I i 2 2 )-I e. -i -1 2 E C If I (I 2 -11.] ) 2 and (i i )( 2"2 )-In & >- e) 2 $, then on [2 ]" e, and it suffices to show II )( 22 )-I which implies Let >- I2 Note that and [i ] -I i "2 Let well-defined X* X* e ( X*. can be written as a product [i ] I 2"’" and n ] [i ] @i then ^ j ^I^2...An i [i ]’ where where the intersection of translations of free filters, and hence a free filter. is COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS THEOREM 2.5. (X, C If C*. (X*, C*) (CG4) Axiom (X, C). follows easily from Lemma 2.4, and so C* is finer than a basic filter of the form We know already that e. and hence convergent to (X*, C*) It also follows from Lemma 2.4 that is a pre-Cauchy group. is complete, since each member of 0 (X, C j / (X*, C*) Cauchy- is an isomorphic embedding, and this map is clearly Cauchy-continuous. continuity of whenever J -I follows because j -I is an isomorphism and (X,C). a pre-Cauchy group completion of To show that this completion is strict, let >_ ^. such that ^ C ^i [i ] j (i) [ Ni ]" >_ cl cl in ^ >_ el j (i j -I (^) C ((X*, C*),J) Therefore X*. is Then there is where each ^ ^1^2 ..An, Assume that Then - J(X). is a subbasic filter containing ^ is a (CG I), (CG2), and (CG 3) follow immediately from the The axioms construction of ((X*, ) ,j) is a pre-Cauchy group, then strict pre-Cauchy group completion of PROOF. 59 I NI’’" n n Nn )’ and the conclusion follows. THEOREM 2.6. and If f :(X,C (X I, C I) / is a complete pre-Cauchy group, then there is a unique Cauchy- (XI, CI) continuous homomorphism which makes the following diagram commute: f J (x*, c *) ----> (x, c cI (x I is well-defined. clear.ly f() / z. Then f() f() which implies that $ / C For each PROOF. in X is a Cauchy-continuous homomorphism, ([]) define Let ([])(]) f() / If f() / f() yz, where ([]) yz, and so is a homomorphlsm. then it is clear that if f y + y in XI; f()/ y, ([][]) yz is a subbasic filter and f(u) in XI; the fact that f is R. FRIC AND D.C. KENT 60 Cauchy-continuous follows from the fact that follows because all spaces involved are Hausdorff. ness of PCHG Let be the category of pre-Cauchy groups and Cauchy-continuous PG* homomorphisms, and let For objects f (X I, The unique- is a homomorphlsm. f eI (X,C) ( (X2, e2 + PC,... be the subcategory of complete objects in PCHG (X*, e)- K(X,e) define PC.HG, is a morphism in If (X 1 * ,e define Kf ;) (X; ,e;) be the unique extension :rphism whose existence is guaranteed by Theorem 2.6. Then K identify PCHG + i k PCHG* If, in the notation of is a covariant functor. with the embedding X j / X [2], we then the following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.6. COROLLARY 2.7. 3. K PCHG. is a strict completion funcor on CAUCHY GROUPS. A pre-Cauchy group (X, C condition is satisfied: (CG 5) Cauchy group if the following -I ( C C is said to be a -I It is natural to ask whether C and (X*, C*) group whenever is a Cauchy (X,C) The answer is not known in general, but the answer is yes for is a Cauchy group. a certain class of Cauchy groups which we shall now discuss. LEMMA 3.1. (X,C) are The following conditions on a Cauchy group equivalent. If (CN 2) If 6 (CN 3) j(X) is a normal subgroup of PROOF. and (CN I) C and (CN2). X, then x If 6 -I --1 C and (CN 2) (CN I) that (CN3). ., is non-convergent, then x e which implies that -I is non-convergent. is convergent. , X are both non-convergent members of the assertion of -I 6 C are non-convergent, then (CN I) where S S -i ,-- --1 But x This contradicts + x. must be non-convergent. We shall show that e-I j (X) e J(X) for all (X* j(X). COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS , If X*, and X: thus y (CN 3) [5] x X, 8 .-I (8), and j(x) ] e-I 8 X, and x j (X) then e j(y) e -1 -I x j (X) . -I j(X) by j(x)e Se-I is convergent, then CN / for some Y and let j(x) for some This implies that 3. (CN2). by be non-convergent filters in C Let If j (x) ( If -I e = (CNI). 8 -i x]" -I j(x)-l. Conversely, let y [ X, then x 61 is convergent, and this contradiction completes the proof. (X, C A Cauchy group which satisfies any of the three equivalent conditions of Lemma 3.1 is said to be Note that all complete completely normal. Cauchy groups and all Abelian Cauchy groups are completely normal. THEOREM 3.2. (X, C If (X*, C*) is completely normal, then is a Cauchy group. (X*, C*) We need to show that Proof. -I ^I ,.. "’An then there are subbaslc filters -I >_ (CG5). satisfies Assume that such that Recalling the form of the subbasic filters, we can argue that ^i^2...^n m any finite product of subbaslc filters is also expressible in the form where each ij 6 C If (X,C) C. and i, 1 _< i _< m, choose m AA-I c_ U 8 i j (Gi) Yi" i=l and A’ i 6 , If then for each such that A’6 -I ( -I (not necessarily in e G ik i) ij X* where m >_ i=l Gi’ c__ U 8 i , G i such that i j( i i’ Then there is G i (but G i’ can #i -and 8 i, A E such that c__ U 8 i J(G i) Yi" i=l _c and where If i’ A’ c_ A is not necessarily From these observations i I _< X* Yi m A, then A -I m 8i where i .. i there is i i=l that there is at least one index B j( i are as previously specified. For each in i i Thus, we shall assume that i ] is completely normal, then the expression for be reduced to one of the form i ikl i2 j( i2 i =il j il ) i’ it follow _< m, for which there exists a filter -I and j () are filters R. FRIC AND D.C. KENT 62 which do not contain disjoint sets. _ I Let (") j -i (CGs) I-I ( implies that AIA2 ...An CLG Let CNCHG. CNCHG*. ^IA2 ..An 1 >_ E C I -I > 1 which, by *" ( Thus since each of the filters in the and the proof is complete. C PCHG be the subcategory of CNCttG* noel Cauchy groups, and let in which implies fl -II-I From this, it follows that C implies latter product is in * ( j( This implies that j( Then determined by the completely denote the subcategory of complete objects It follows from Theorem 3.2 that the functor l maps CNCHG into K Combining this fact with Corollary 2.7, and using the se symbol for the restricted functor, we obtain CNCHG of completely is a completion functor on the category K IEORI 3.3. normal Cauchy groups. In other words, the completely normal Cauchy groups form a completion subcategory of the pre-Cauchy groups. The completion by K of an Abelian Cauchy group is clearly Abelian; thus we have also established COROLLARY 3.4. is a completion functor on the category of Abelian K Cauchy groups. 4. CONVERGENCE GROUPS. that is, (X,q) C q / "group X and a con- relative to which the group operations are continuous; q q -I -I / With each convergence group xy and, / y implies vergence structure q is a pair consisting of (X,q) A convergence group x q there is associated a natural Cauchy structure { -I E F(X) Cauchy group as follows: (X, C / x /q e and -I q_; e}. On the other hand, every pre- gives rise to a convergence structure on X defined ( iff A convergence group q (X,q) is said to be st.r.0ngly normal if -I q / e, COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS , q+ q -I e, and / 3 imp lies e 63 q 3-I e. / The definition of strong [i]. normality and statement (b) of the next proposition are due to R.N. Ball, PROPOSITION 4.1. (a) (X, C If (X, q is a pre-Cauchy group, then is c a convergence group. (b) (X,q) If group iff (X,q) (c) (X, then qc (a) Let Obvious. / "y-i N (c) (X,c q) is a convergence group and is a pre-Cauchy group, is a Cauchy group. Cq PROOF. is a pre-Cauchy is strongly normal. (X,q) If (X,c q is a convergence group, then qc x / C y n and qcx y-i -I Then / >_ (n x)(m (xy I PROPOSITION 4.2. For any group -- because X, the relation C -+ qC is a one-to-one correspondence between Cauchy group structures and strongly normal convergence group structures on PROOF. If X. (X, C is a Cauchy group, then convergence group by Proposition 4.1. If (X,q C’ =C is a strongly normal C then qc C’ is also a Cauchy group structure by Proposition 4.1, and it remains to show that C -1 If E C and since is finer than C then 3 C and C’. -I -I and 6 both of these product filters q-converge to e’ Conversely, C’.. C -I / by -i e. Thus if -i E and C’ -I then -I qc+ e are both in Therefore, and C and C follows (CG5). I It is obvious that Abellan convergence groups are strongly normal. Thus we ob taln COROLLARY 4.3. If X is an Abelian group, then Cq +-+ q is a one-to-one correspondence between Cauchy group structures and convergence group structures on X. R. FRIC AND D.C. KENT 64 (a) PROPOSITION 4.4. :(X, C) If (X I, / C1 (X,q homomorphlsm between pre-Cauchy groups, then - is a Cauchy-continuous C con tlnuous. (b) (X,q) If / (Xl,ql) If (X, C) (c) is 1 is a continuous homomorphism between strongly (X, C q) normal convergence groups, then (Xl,qC / (X I, Cql) is a complete Cauchy group, then is Cauchy-contlnuous. (X,q is a complete C convergence group. (d) (X,q) If is a complete convergence group, then (X,C q) isa complete Cauchy group. Proofs are given only for (b) and (c), the other parts being similar. q q -1 / e e implies Let Then () (3) I 3 PROOF. ()-I Similarly (c) Let qc e. I (3-1) Cq (b) + and so q+l ) e, and so () " C ql -I qc + e and (X, C) be a complete pre-Cauchy group, and let { en Cq C as was sho in the proof of Proposition 4.2, C is q C- convergent because (X, C We define a convergence group (X, C q strongly nol d (X,q) is complete. to be qompletely nodal if is a completely nodal Cauchy all Abeli convergence groups group. it is Note that d complete nvergence groups are completely normal. Let Cdenote the category whose objects are completely normal con- vergence groups and whose morphisms are continuous homomorphisms: denote the subcategory detened by the complete objects in K CNCG / classes, and CNCG* by q* Proposition 4.4. K(X,q) (X*,q *) X* (X*,q*) where , CNCG. is the set of let CNCG* Define C q-equivalence CNCG* is a consequence of the fact that q Using Proposition 4.4 along with the results of Section 3, we qC obtain the following. TKEOREM 4.5. K is a completion functor on the category normal convergence groups. In particular, K CNCG of completely is a completion functor on the 65 COMPLETION FUNCTOR FOR CAUCHY GROUPS on the subcategory of CNCG consisting of all Abelian convergence groups. The existence of a completion functor on the Abelian convergence group category was established in [3] using methods and terminology based on [4]. REFERENCES [I] R.N. Ball, "Convergence and Cauchy Structures on Lattice Ordered Groups", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear). [2] R. Fri and D.C. Kent, "Completion Functors for Cauchy Spaces", International J. Math. & Math Sci. 2(1979) 589-604. [3] R. Fric and D.C. Kent, "Completion of Pseudo-Topological Groups", Math. Nachr. (to appear). [4] S. Ghler, and G. Kneis, "Completion of Pseudo-Topological Vector Math. Nachr. 7_1976) 185-206. Spaces",