Internat. J. Math. Math. S. 801 Vol. 3 No. 4 (1980) 801-808 A LEBESGUE DECOMPOSITION FOR ELEMENTS IN A TOPOLOGICAL GROUP THOMAS P. DENCE Department of Mathematics Bowling Green State University Firelands Campus 44839 U.S.A. Huron, Ohio (Received May 3, 1979 and in revised form February 29, 1980) ABSTRACT. Our aim is to establish the Lebesgue decomposition for strongly-bounded elements in a topological group. In 1963 Richard Darst established a result giving the Lebesgue decomposition of strongly-bounded elements in a normed Abelian group with respect to an algebra of projection operators. Consequently, one can establish the decomposition of strongly-bounded additive functions defined on an algebra of sets. Analagous results follow for lattices of sets. techniques yield decomposiitons for elements Generalizing some of the in a topological group. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Lebgue decomposition, projection operor, stronglybounded, topological group. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. Primy 22A10, 28A10, 28A45. INTRODUCTION. In 1963 R. B. Darst 2] established a result giving the Lebesgue decomposition 802 T.P. DENCE of s-bounded elements in a normed Abelian group with respect to an algebra projection operators. Consequently, one can establish the decomposition of s- bounded additive functions defined on an algebra of sets ILl- The set of cor- responding restrictions of additive set functions defined on a lattice of sets corresponds to a lattice of projection operators 15. The analagous result on 3. lattices is established by using the same techniques More recently, Traynor has obtained decompositions of set functions with values in a topological group theorem for elements in a topological group by the use of projection operators. It is be- lieved that this result would aid in obtaining decompositions of eperators on non-locally convex lattices. 2. PRELIMINARIES Let G be an Abelia. topological group uder addition, and let T be I 1 on G. algebra of projection operators mean t It2 tI ad define partial ordering on T, t2 and t be the set of all / {O c G, t2 t2, whence n, defie nU U U. It t + t2 t 2 so T is a Boolean algebra of operators. But, we have t v t 2 G. For tric neighborhoods about O each positive integer OU lt2’. which in tur has a lattice structure if we set providing the sup and inf exist. (’t2’)’ t 2 to For t1, t 2 T define t This relation induces a to mean t x + Then a subset there exists an integer n such that H c each (n-1)U and y y: x Let where H C G is bounded if iven U nU. It would make sense to eve say H c(m/n)U for this would mean nH c mU. We define an element f e G to be s- - bourvd (strongly bounded) if, for every sequence elements, ti(f) O. For ti each positive real number epty subset of T with the properties T of paiuise disjoint x, Tx shall denote a non- LEBESGUE DECOMPOSITION IN A TOPOLOGICAL GROUP 803 I) tx e Tx and t T implies ttx 2) e Ty implies t Tx and . Several lemmas L@% trary g I. Let tl, G and U 2. If ti U t2 s // T. it(g) Cauch iS U for arbi- t2" is a monotone sequence of elements of in T, and if f c G G. 2nUn since addition is continuous in DEFINITION. T uch a_ t s U implies w write UO U and for each n > O we write Un to represant c U. This is possible where Un + Un C Un_ whence some element of a V t2(g) Suppose Then {ti(f) iS s-botmded, then Given Tx, and xv tye Tx+y. G. has Property A if given g that if b s T and a, (a’b)(g) 6 G and U s U then a(g) // than there axists s V and (a + a’b)(g) F V. Note that Property A is a condition yielding information about the growth of elements from G; a condition on the manner in which projections affect the relative location of elements in symmetric neighborhoods. . We also look at a smaller class of neighborhoods by selecting an arbitrary bounded set and forming the sets S .... U, 2U, U2, I, 2,. nU with n and set UI , U2, Choosing U from we then form equal to the set n It follows that U then there exists LD@tA 3. tI possesses the following property inherited from t2, then U such that U + U If T has Property A with respect to t2(g) U implies t1(g) , h. LSt f and if U for arbitrary g - G be s-bounded, & positive integer n such that if J .. c U. This yields the result t {tk C T and U i > n then z,. t2 T with G and U From now on we shall assume T has Property A with respect to L4MA if Then there exists 804 T.P. DENCE v v kn ikj For g Lemma 3 Kuarantees that %. If t(g) F. ()n [Akl + U n for " ()i" er. Ts 1/n}. T a W s S(n,g) follows. Set I ()I + ()2 + 2n-1)/2U, d hen A2 bitr Ui, d set C e (sen t e there for I choices of W e i c a d coct suce n pre=e el se . e U for all t S(n,,) + W ,o bi, T1/n, en O for s t t U e S(n,g) U1 + U2 + t(g) e. S(n,g) Is no ch at WI + W2 + {U : S(n,g) G and n s N let ven Ak ch ossible + C 0 ere es > 0 con {%(l): t s T in}, sce t() # 0 for so t. sc d ch ctue Let us denote this set W by W(n,g). This lemma implies that out of all the neighborhoods Since tt(g}i W(n,g) to contalnin t t(g): Tl/(n+l) be nested, W(n,g) t e T1/n , W(njg) is one of the "smallest." iS contained in D t t(g): T t 11n we can choose our W(n+l ,g). Assuming this sequence of neighborhoods cnverEes, we are led to defining the following function. DEFINITION. Let Y:G- by Y(g) lira W(n,g). This function is the counterpart to the function y in [2]. Our last le,ma is the following. L 6. Let G be complete and f e G be s-bounded. associated sequence of neighborhoods as above that contain Then given M > O there exists a decreasing sequence 1) if x > O then there [ai Let W(n,f) be an It(f): t e T1/n. in T such that exists an integer i such that ai e Tx, and LEBESGUE DECOMPOSITION IN A TOPOLOGICAL GROUP 2) lira ai(f) W; PROOF. To such that ti(f) E W1 J where W just sketch %he essentials W2 + + possible by the choice of such that + + W + 2 i > n + %+2 W(n,f). By Lemma imp lies V Iemma 4 again to the sequence n suc that W(n,f), v kg q If uj - V -p k / uj nj+ uj)(f) +j+3. k & nj is W. rot {nj tk)(Z) .j.e and k T1/2nj+ / Setting jk .3. Applying produces a positive t)(Z) V nj. < ti then k/ nj < i up / j<pk tk %i e T/2i+] tk)(f) e ikj nl< kn2 Continuing this process we get an increasing sequence such that allWi. there exists a positive integer n tk t or 1,2,’",M+2. This i Wi, tnl+l, tn1 +2’ "’" tn2’ / and the 1emma, we let for all ikJ integer o lira 805 > uj i j > ne. of positive integers wenever p q > nj. implies j produces the desired decreasing sequence. We now can state and THEOREM. Let . . our main decomposition result. prove G be an Abelian topological group, and let T be an algebra of projection operators on G. Assume Tx, and are as before with G being complete, and with T possessing Property A with respect to bounded then there exists unique elements If f e G is s- h, s e G such that 1)f=h+s, 2) given U e .I there exists a positive real number x such that if t e TX then t(h) e U, 3) given U e and > 0 there exists t PROOF. First, as counterparts to T such that t’(s) e U. the classical Lebesgue decomposition theorem, the element h is to represent the continuous portion of f, while s represents the singular portion. Again, to just sketch some of the essentials of the proof, we bypass the uniqueness and, turning our attention to existence 806 T.P. DENCE f satisfies condition (2) then there is nothing to prove. note that if h noting Y(f) by we assume W(f) contains points other than O e G. W(f), i Lemma 6, there exists a sequence in T such that lim i Then, from + f W1 f De- W2 ( f allWi(f). Let s lira ali(f) G and fl f Sl itm ’Cf}. f Y(fl ) 0, then fl satisfies (2) and the proof is completed because i(f)- s implies i ’(s 1)- O and thus fl is also s-bounded. So given U s and s O for there exists t e T e such that t’(s) e U, namely t for large i. i If fl does fl produces another sequence a2i T such that llm a2i(f1) Wl(f1) + W2(fl). Let s 2 lim a2i(f1) and f2 fl s2 + lim a2i ’(fl ) Then f2 is s-bounded and f f2 + (Sl + s2)" To show s s 2 ot satisfy - (2), applying Lemma 6 to (3) we let U satisfies condition ’(s 2) a2i ’( s 2) (all t A U for all i greater than a2i’)(s I) (i + A for large i. and the proof is completed. integer k, O}, Y(fk We have ali’(s I) -, O N. a2i’)(s 2) So if Y(f2 If not, Then U. (ally Condition O a21)’(s (3) then let h continue the process. we are through. and ’(s exists a positive integer N such that O. So there i v a2i > O. and + U and s2 is satisfied by letting f2 and s + s 2 s If for some positive Otherwise we obtain a sequence (Sk, fk) ea ences s i=1 of elements of T such that for each positive integer k we have 1) there exists a sequence and ald. of positive reals where T 2) s k with 3) fk fk-1 4) sk Sk Wl(fk.ll k 5) f Xki i=1 fk * si i=1 il aki’ (fk-l)’ * W2(fk.11 for all Wi(fk.1 )’ i-* O LEBESGUE DECOMPOSITION IN A TOPOLOGICAL GROUP In the end we will have our decomposition f 807 s h + s with s and i h f Toward this goal, although the steps shall be omitted, the next step is to show lira sk 0 by showing that sk eventually And then it must be established that n lt s s n i’ (sk) Uk+ s Assuming this, we then shall, sl tlt s satisfies then there exists a positive integer N such that i k s i exists. lira n s. I f to an arbitrarily selected U i for all i greater than some positive integer e lira ’d h i belongs N (s) VN aki] V aki . si c’I.t&on Since e UI, s and fen i=N+1 + sj V aki sj -j>N N k:N(sJ) + [k j=1 So, let t V k-N fled. Now h aki f s e U2 + s U. where lira + i UN+ + U N ba / s.S J>N for large i maxim1,---,MN max_M1,-.-, M... and condition and fn Y(fn "O’" Then Y(h) O (3)is satisand the decomposition is finished. These results are Dart of the author’s dissertation from Colorado State University. REFERENCES I. R.B.Darst. A Decomposition for complete normed abelian groups with applications to spaces of additive set functions,, ’lath._ Soc., 103 () 5-558. 2. R.B.Darst. The Lebesgue decomposition, Duke Tran..s Math..J.ournal 30 (1963) 553-556. s. T.P. DENCE 808 3. R.B.Darst. The Lebesgue decomposition for lattices of urojection operators, Advances in Math I 19 75) 30- 33. 4. T. Dence. A Lebesgue decomposition for vector valued additive set functions, Pacific Journal of Eath., 57 (1975) 91-98. A Lebesgue decomposition with respect to a lattice of projection operators,, Journal. of l.lath., 29(1977) 295-298. 5. T. Dence. 6. T. Traynor. Decomoosition of group-valued additive set functions, Ann. Inset. Fourier (grenoble-) 22 (1972) fasc. 3, 31-1 40. 7. T. Traynor. The Lebesgue decomoosition for group-valued set functions, Tran___s .Amer...Match. Soc., 220 (1976) 307-319.