Inter. J. Math. Math. Sc. Vol. No. 2 (1980) 24-25 247 RINGS WITH INVOLUTION WHOSE SYMMETRIC ELEMENTS ARE CENTRAL TAW PIN LIM Department of Actuarial Mathematics University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada (Received Hay 30, 1978 and in revised form February 6, 1979) ABSTRAC______T. In a ring R with involution whose symmetric elements the skew-symmetric elements K S are centrl, form a Lie algebra over the commutative ring S. The classification of such rings which are 2-torsion free is equivalent to the classification of Lie algebras K over S that is symmetric, invariant and satisfies If S is a field of char Lie algebra if and only if K’ equipped with a bilinear form [[x,y],z] 2, f # 0 and dim K > i f is nondegenerate. is either the pure quaternions over orthogonal abelian Lie ideals of S then f(y,z)x K f f(z,x)y. is a semisimple Moreover, the derived algebra or a direct sum of mutually dim <_ 2. / KEF WORDS AN PHRASES. Ring h involation, ric and kemmetc leme, L ebr, ’ymmi and invaiant 6iline form, Cn’ Criterion of miimplicit of Li eb, p quernions, mutually orthogonal abtian Lie idea. 1980 flhemZic Sbject Classification Cod: 16A68, 16A28, 17B05. 248 T.P. LIM INTRODUCTION and MAIN RESULTS. 1. Let R for all (a + b)* (ab)* b’a* R[a* {a e R la* a}, K xy R 2R 1 R C is called a x e R, For all S 2x + K. R a CS-ring then for x R If implies that R are respectively -a}. x,y e R and the symbol Z R. R If the symmetric elements of thus such that a. denotes the commutator of yx denotes the center of abbreviation, a** and and elements of _ymetr!.c [x,y] As usual, + b*, a* {a e S R / R a,b The sets of R i.e., a map *, be a ring with an involution + S, then for _. cs-!in x* + x* ,,.,ith x x is 2-torsion free then S is a group direct sum a Z, S are central, i.e., x e K, ax S e S, 0 x* e K x K K. If, additionally, K and and hence S -(ax)* xa a Lie algebra over the commutative ring + x* and therefore R K is is with respect to commutation. We have the following converse: THEOREM i. If over S S f:K K and / S is an S-bilinear map such that f(y,x) (i) f (x,y) (2) f(x,[y,z]) (3) [[x,y],z] f([x,y],z) R S K (4) (a + x)(b + y) (5) (a+x)* because is (f is invariant) can be made into a CS-ring by defining the multiplication and the involution, for all Let symmetric) (f f(y,z)x- f(z,x)y then the group direct sum PROOF. is a 2-torsion free Lie algebra K is a commutative ring, ab + f(x,y) + ay + a,b bx K, as follows: + [x,y] a- x. a,b,c e S and x,y,z K. Multiplication in R is associative 249 RINGS WITH INVOLUTION ((a + x)(b + y))(c + z) (a + x)((b + y)(c + z)) f (x,y) z+f ([x,y], z)+[ [x,y] ,z]-f (y, z)x-f (x, [y,z])-[x, [y, z] f(x,y) z- f(y,z)x- [[z,x],y] by (2) 0 by (3). and Jacobl identity From (I), (4) and (5), ((a + x)(b + y))* Hence, * Since (b + y)*(a + x)*. is an involution in K is 2-torslon free, skew-symmetrlc elements of A CS-ring will, of 2(xy + yx) f(x,y) Note that if R. R S and K and therefore are precisely the symmetric and R is a CS-rlng. course, satisfy identities (i) (3) if we put for all x,y e K. K has an S-basls and f is the dot product then (2) is the triple dot product and (3) is the "triple cross product" with opposite sign, that is, [[x,y],z] (x y). z We must, however, recall that the cross product of vectors is valid only for dimension that _< and it can also be ([3,p.61] or [5]) 3 satisfy the standard polynomial of degree 4. CS-rings An example of a commutative ring is a ring of quaternlons CS-ring S, where admits an S-basis over a 2-torslon free l,i,j,ij such that given a,b e S and i2 a, j2 b, ij =-ji i* i, i* -i, j * The skew-symmetric part K -j. is a Lie algebra (with respect to commutation) of of pure quaternions. Henceforth, we shall tacitly assum__e that K of char # 2 and that K identities (I) is equipped with an (3) such that R FK is a Lie algebra over a field F-billnear is a CS-rlng and the involution defined according to (4) and (5). frm f F satisfying with the multiplication 250 T.P. LIH As usual, the derived algebra and the radical of K’ [I,K] C I. with by x,y e K x A Lie ideal I <x,y> shall denote the dim K If We may assume PROOF. # 3 then K’ dim K > 3 Prom (3), we have dimension < 3. x,y,z,w 0 [[x,y],[z,w + vii PROPOSITION 2. 0 K E R. Since If z f # 0 E Hence, K Putting for all K x,y,z in K. then + w <x,y,z>. v Consequently, [K’,K’] 0 for arbitrary is an ideal of R contained in 0. f If f K then by (2), 0 [[x,y],[z,w]] then K" K’ K" f(x,[y,z]) Hence, K [[z,y],y] f(y,y)z f([x,y],z) K’ K’ K’ COROLLARY i. and is a Lie ideal of y in and thus K with z 0 for all K and an ideal of f(y,y) 0. If f(y,y)-l[[z,y],y] e K’. dim K/K’ > i K and thus there is a nonzero vector then by (3), Since <x,y> are linearly independent then we choose a <x,y,z> v [K,z] z e K dent modulo E I. or and thus If generated [[x,y],[z,w]]. x,y,z,w in K and thus x,y K of O. Continuing this argument, we obtain PROOF. K contained in is abellan. [[x,y],z] x,y,z where K such that in dim K/K’ F-subspace are linearly independent vectors of w e <x,y,z> v K since the prop. is trivially true for [[x,y], [z,w]] e <x,y> f <z,w> vector K is a subspace of R. then PROPOSITION i. If K of y. and Thus, if 0} are respectively It can be verified that a Lie ideal of is a proper ideal of If El (x, K) {x e [K,K], Z K then let By (3), we have x,y [[x,y],K] x e K’ 0, we have If K be vectors in <x,y> K’ a contradiction is abellan and dim K > i K’. . K which are linearly indepen0 which forces Hence, then f dim K/K’ 0 and x E K 0 xy or i 0 for 251 RINGS WITH INVOLUTION K. x,y all COROLLARY 2. 0 then dim K/K’ > i - The second equivalence follows from (3). PROOF. dim K’ # If f = 0 f If @ [K’,K] -0. then by prop. 2, 0 K/K’ < i. K’. x,y and thus 0 f Conversely, if F. K’ dim K/K’ > i. ax] [x,y 0 and thus ax e Indeed, if - ax_ [x,y], [x,y] # 0 K with be vectors in , If suffices to show that the images linearly independent over y x,y then let K/K’ in a e F for some are then Hence, a contradiction. For the Lie algebras that we are considering there is a simple proof of Cartan’s criterion for semisimpllclty. THEOREM 2. f If @ ideals if and only if PROOF. in If K " 0 # 0 then by prop. 2, K K Conversely, if linearly independent. By THEOREM 3. over F f is a nonzero Lie ideal contained is abellan. K be any vector of x Hence, O. # 0 then K f(y,z)x- f(z,x)y (3), f(z,x) If has no nonzero abellan Lie has a nonzero abelian Lie ideal and f(y,z) and hence 0 nonzero vectors in I and thus K then is nondegenerate. f [K’,K ] K’. By (3), I dim K > and K’ f(z,K) 0 I y,z be then let such that and x are y [[x,y],z] e [I,I] 0 and is either a Lie algebra of pure quaternlons or a direct sum of mutually orthogonal abellan Lie ideals of K with dim < 2. of 0 for otherwise, prop. 2 would imply that We may assume dim i. We have only to consider the two cases, Suppose K’ K K’ PROOF. K. Since KI V # 0 then let K which implies that [K’,K’] K’ [V,V] where is of [K,K] # 0, dim V < 2 dim < I, dim K/K’ dim K and by (3), 3 K is 0, i. by prop. i. 0 contradictory to [K’,Kl] K’ If [K,Kl] K. 252 T.P. LIM Hence, K = 0. Since the bilinear form x,,z. As K’ has an orthogonal basis also form a basis of is orthogonal to x a,b e F. where K. K’ x e 0 [K’, Kz] 0 # y f # 0, Let d(x) f(e,e)x reducible as a module for NOTE: <_ 2 and [x,e] d2 for and K - and x x K’. x e K’ K’C K -a F. z, [[x,y],z] e K’ K’. Moreover, e e K/K’ By (3), I is in the [2,p.87] that K’ Lx by -b, f(y,y) To show f(e,e)l where Clearly, each 0 x e K for all it follows from f(Lx,Ly) f(x,x) [z,x] there exists a nonzero vector and hence d. [x,y] and hence ax, f(y,z)x- f(z,x)y Hence, Since every nonzero vector <x,d(x)>, 0 z, [y,z] by prop. 2. By (3), Since K’. dim K’. [K’, K’]. map of with [x,y] K K’ We have i. 0. [Ix,el,el Lx f(y,[x,y]) is a Lie algebra of pure quaternions over f(K,x) d2(x) subspace K K the commutators Ix,y], [y,z], [z,x] f(x,[x,y]) and thus f(e,e) # 0. with K, Consequently, K’ Hence, and choose z e K for all y. and Suppose dim K/K’ let By (2), is symmetric and nondegenerate, We can now easily derive from (3) that f(z,z}= -ab. and f is the identity d-invariant is completely is an abelian Lie ideal of K # y. J This paper constitutes a part of the author’s Ph.D. thesis written under the supervision of Professor D. Z. DJokovic at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. PRESENT ADDRESS: 491 Parkside Drive CANADA Toronto, Ontario REFERENCES i. Bourbaki, N., Elments de Mathmatlque Groupes et Algebres de Lie, Chap. i, Hermann, Paris 1971. 2. Curtis C. W. and Reiner, I., Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras, Intersclence Publlshers, New York 1962. 3. Herstein, I. N., Rings wtih Involution, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago 1976. RINGS WITH INVOLUTION 253 REFERENCES 4. Lim, T. P., Determinants over a class of Univ. of Waterloo, Canada, 1976. 5. Lim, T. P., Some Classes of Rings with Involution satisfying the Standard Polynomial of Degree 4, submitted to the Pacific Journal of Mathematics. rins with involution, Ph. D. thesis,