Intern. J. Math. & h. Sci. Vol. 3 No. 2 (1980) 401-403 401 A NOTE ON THE SUBCLASS ALGEBRA JOHN KARLOF Department of Mathematics University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, Nebraska 68182 U.S.A. (Received January 16, 1978 and in revised form November 19, 1979) ABSTRACT. Each irreducible character of the subclass algebra is paired up with its irreducible module. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Finite group, irreducible character, subclass algebra. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: 20C05 primary; 20C15 secondary. INTRODUCTION. Let G be a finite group and let H be a subgroup of G. of G containing g is the set E B g Ex xEE g {hgh-llhEH} If gG, the subclass and the subclass sum containing g is The algebra over the complex numbers, K, generated by these subclass g sums is called the subclass algebra (denoted by S) associated with G and H. Let {MI, ..,Ms } ible character, j, be the irreducible KG-modules with of G and let {N I N t} Mj affording the irreduc- be the irreducible KH-modules with N i 402 J. KARLOF afford n% the irreducible character i of H. {f.}t I i=Iveorthogonal idempotents of KH and {el}ti=l is a set of prim- Suppose is the set of primitive central orthogonal Idempotents of KH where the sets are indexed so that N i dim fl (dim Ni)e i {cij} by Xj H i H t E cij i=l E hell i(h-1)h = KHe i and We define the non-negatlve integers Oi In [2], it was demonstrated that the irreducible S-modules are {eiMj}. D. Travls [3] has shown that the irreducible characters of S are parameterlzed by pairs Xj, #i (cij # 0) and are given by . [ ij (B) g IN hH Xj (gh)#i(h-1). () Independent of Travis’s work we show that the irreducible character afforded by eiMj is ij" IE g [x(sg) LEMMA: Xi(sB g PROOF: Since B [_ g IN 7. hgh- 1 geG we have heN 7. hell IE g /sgS Xi(hsgh -I) Xi (sB) g since hs [EEl -IH sh, . h H Xi (shgh -i) /heH Xi(sg) // THEOREM: elmj (cij Let # 0). PROOF: ij be the character afforded by the Then ij is as defined by equation (i). irreducible S-module t By proposition 2 3 of [2] we have Mj S k=lT. (dim N t 7. f.M k=ikJ t Therefore, for seS, Xj(sfi) k=iI (dim k)kj (sfi) k) ekMj A NOTE ON THE SUBCLASS ALGEBRA (dim since the trace of the action of sf action of s on f Thus lJ(B g iMj #i)@ij (sf i) i on fiMj is the same as the trace of the and the trace of the action of sf di-i Xj (Bgfi) by dlm xj(gf i) i 403 i on fkMj (i # k) is O. the Lemma z // Acknowledg.nt: We thank the referee for simplifying the proof of the above theorem. REFERENCES i. Curtis, C. W. and I. Reiner, Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative New York: Intersclence (1962). 2. Karlof, J., The Subclass Algebra Associated with a Finite Group and Subgroup, Trans. A.M.S. 207, (1975) 329-341. 3. Travis, D., Spherical Functions on Finite Groups, J. of Algebra 65-76. .29, (1974)