QUIVER VARIETIES AND THE B(∞) CRYSTAL FOR SYMMETRIZABLE KAC-MOODY ALGEBRAS VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY Abstract. Kashiwara and Saito give a geometric construction of the B(∞) crystal for a simply-laced Kac-Moody algebra by using irreducible components of Lusztig’s quiver varieties (which are representation varieties of the corresponding pre-projective algebra). We generalize their construction to symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras. The main idea of our work is to replace that preprojective algebra with a more general one, first studied by Dlab and Ringel. The varieties that we use are defined over fields which are not algebraically closed. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Recollections 2.1. Symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 2.2. Crystals 3. Preprojective Algebras 4. Quiver varieties 4.1. The crystal operators 4.2. Proof of the Main Theorem References 1 4 4 4 5 6 7 12 16 1. Introduction Fix a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra g. Kashiwara’s crystal B(−∞) is a combinatorial object (a discrete set along with some partial-permutations f˜i ) that encodes a lot of information about g and its integrable representations. This crystal is usually defined using the corresponding quantized universal enveloping algebra, but it can also be realized by other methods. In [2], Kashiwara and Saito developed a very useful geometric realization, where the underlying set consists of the collection of irreducible components of some algebraic varieties, and the partial permutations f˜i are geometric operations. The varieties used in Kashiwara and Saito’s construction are those developed by Lusztig in [3, §12], and often called Lustzig’s nilpotent varieties. They are the varieties of nilpotent representations of an algebra Λ acting on a fixed (graded) vector space. 1 2 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY The algebra Λ, usually called the preprojective algebra, is associated to an acyclic oriented graph. By choosing an appropriate orientation of the Dynkin diagram, one can associate a preprojective algebra to any symmetric Cartan datum, but not, with Lusztig’s definition, to a merely symmetrizable cartan datum. This is why Kashiwara and Saito’s construction is restricted to the symmetric case. However, even before Lusztig’s work, Dlab and Ringel ([1]) define the preprojective algebra of a “modulated graph”. There is a natural way to associate a symmetrizable (but not necessarily symmetric) Cartan datum to any modulated graph, and all symmetriable Cartan matrices arise this way. If that Cartan datum happens to be symmetric then, by making the appropriate choices in Dlab and Ringel’s construction, one recovers Lusztig’s preprojective algebra (see [4]). Our main result is to generalize Kashiwara and Saito’s realization of B(−∞) by replacing Lusztig’s preprojective algebra with certain cases of Ringel and Dlab’s preprojective algebras. This gives a realization of B(−∞) for any symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra. Before stating our result more precisely, let us expain the special case of Dlab and Ringle preprojectve algebras that we use in some more detail. Begin with an underlying undirected graph Γ, and denote the set of vertices by I and the set of edges by E. Let A be the set of directed edges, which we will call arrows; so there are two arrows in A for each edge in E. We do not allow edges connecting a vertex to itself, or multiple edges. Denote the tail of an arrow a by t(a) and the head by h(a). Fix a field F with Q ⊂ F ⊂ C. We need the additional data of: • A choice of Fi for each vertex i of the graph, such that Fi is a finite extension of F. • For each arrow a, an (Fi , Fj ) bimodule i Mj (which is a left Fi module and a right Fj module), where i = h(a), j = t(a). • For each arrow a, a non-degenerate Fi -bilinear form ji : i Mj ⊗Fj j Mi → Fi , where i = h(a), j = t(a). We will refer to all of this data as a modulated graph, and will often denote it by M . The analogue of the path algebra for a modulated graph M is the tensor algebra TM generated by all the Ma . That is, TM = M k Mk−1 ⊗Fk−1 · · · ⊗Fi3 i2 Mi2 ⊗Fi2 i2 Mi1 i1 i2 ···ik a path in Γ as a vector space over C, and multiplication is give by tensor product, provided the end of one path agrees with the beginning of the next, and is 0 otherwise. For each i, j connected by an arrow a, the bilinear form ji defines a canonical element P rji in j Mi ⊗Fi i Mj , which can be taken to be k vk ⊗ v k for any pair of dual Fi bases {vk } ⊂ j Mi , {v k } ⊂ i Mj with respect to ji . It is well known that this does not depend on the choice of dual bases. QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 3 For each i ∈ I, define ri := X h(a) ri t(a)=i Definition 1.1. The preprojective algebra ΛM is the quotient of the tensor algebra T (M ) by the ideal generated by {ri }i∈I . One can associate a symmetrizable (but not necessarily symmetric) Cartan matrix C = (cij ) to such a modulated graph as follows: 2 if i = j ci,j = − dimFi i Mj if there is an arrow from i to j 0 otherwise. As in [1], ΛM is finite dimensional over F if and only if C is a finite type Cartan matrix. If C is symmetric then Fi = C for all i, for the obvious choice of bimodules and bilinear forms, one recovers the preprojective algebra as it appears in Lusztig’s work [3] (see [4]). Note however that, even in this case, different choices of bilinear form do give non-isomorphic algebras (see [4]). To generalize Kashiwara and Saito’s construction we use the representation varieties of ΛM . P There is a natural partition of the identity e ∈ ΛM as e = i ei , where ei is the lazy L path at node i. Given a representation of ΛM on a vector space V , notice that V = i ei V , and in fact each ei V is naturally a left Fi module. Given a dimension vector v = (vi )i∈I , fix a vi dimensional left Fi module Vi for each i. Define the representation variety Λ(ν) to be the variety of representations of ΛM on V = ⊕i Vi such that ei V = Vi , and the induced left Fi module structure on Vi agrees with the original Fi module structure. Note that, up to isomorphism, Λ(ν) does not depend on any choice. The representation variety Λ(ν) is contained in M HomFj (j Mi ⊗Fi Vi , Vj ), (i,j)∈A and is cut out by the polynomial equations stating that each ri acts as 0. Although Λ is only an algebra over F, our construction ensures that Λ(ν) is an algebraic variety over F. We will show that the union over all ν of the set of irreducible components of Λ(ν) realizes B(−∞), where the crystal operators are natural analogues of those used by Kashiwara and Saito [2]. There are a few technicalities to deal with, but, to a large extent, Kashiwara and Saito’s original proof goes through. It is well-known how to realize the infinity crystal for a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra by a “folding” procedure on B(−∞) for a corresponding symmetric Kac-Moody algebra. For this reason, Kashiwara and Saito’s work can already be used to study the non-symmetric cases. However, in non-symmetric types, that construction does not realize the crystal as the irreducible components of a representation variety, as we do here. 4 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY 2. Recollections 2.1. Symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras. Let g be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra with Cartan matrix C = (cij )i∈I , and let D = diag{di }i∈I be such that DC is symmetric, with the di are relatively prime positive integers. Let P be the weight lattice of g and Q the root lattice, and denote by {αi } be the simple roots. Let Q+ = spanZ≥0 {αi }i∈I . Recall the usual bilinear form on Q defined by (αi , αj ) = di cij . 2.2. Crystals. Here we summarize some of the exposition in Section 3 of [2] regarding crystals. Definition 2.1. Let C be a set, with maps wt : C → P ; for each i ∈ I, maps i : C → Z ∪ −∞, ẽi , f˜i : C → C ∪ {0}. Let φi (b) = i (b) + hα̌i , wt(b)i. C is a crystal if these maps satisfying the following properties: (1) If b ∈ B, ẽi b ∈ B, wt(ẽi b) = wt(b) + αi , i (ẽi b) = i (b) − 1. (2) If b ∈ B, f˜i b ∈ B, wt(f˜i b) = wt(b) − αi , i (f˜i b) = i (b) + 1. (3) Given b, b0 ∈ B, i ∈ I, then b0 = ẽi b ⇐⇒ b = f˜i b0 . (4) If φi (b) = −∞, ẽi b = f˜i b = 0. Definition 2.2. Given two crystals C1 and C2 , a map ψ : C1 → C2 is a strict embedding if it satisfies the following properties: (1) ψ is an injective map satisfying ψ(ẽi c1 ) = ẽi ψ(c1 ) and ψ(f˜i c1 ) = f˜i ψ(c1 ) for c1 ∈ C1 (where let ψ(0) := 0). (2) We have wt(ψ(c1 )) = wt(c1 ) and i (ψ(c1 )) = i (c1 ). Definition 2.3. Given two crystals C1 and C2 , define a crystal structure on the tensor product C1 ⊗ C2 = {c1 ⊗ c2 |c1 ∈ C1 , c2 ∈ C2 } as follows: (1) Let i (c1 ⊗ c2 ) = max( i (c1 ), i (c2 ) − hα̌i , wt(c1 )i), wt(c1 ⊗ c2 ) = wt(c1 ) + wt(c2 ). ( ẽi b1 ⊗ b2 , if φi (b1 ) ≥ i (b2 ) (2) Let ẽi (b1 ⊗ b2 ) = b ⊗ ẽi b2 , if φi (b1 ) i (b2 ) (1 f˜i b1 ⊗ b2 , if φi (b1 ) i (b2 ) (3) Let f˜i (b1 ⊗ b2 ) = b1 ⊗ f˜i b2 , if φi (b1 ) ≤ i (b2 ) Theorem 2.4. Let B be a crystal. If the following conditions are satisfied, we have B ' B(∞). (1) For all b ∈ B, i ∈ I we have −wt(b) ∈ P + , i (b) ∈ Z. (2) There exists a unique element b0 ∈ B with wt(b) = 0. It also satisfies i (b0 ) = 0 for all i ∈ I. (3) For each i, we have a strict embedding of crystals Ψi : B → B ⊗ Bi , such that for each b ∈ B, Ψi (b) = b0 ⊗ f˜in bi for some b0 ∈ B, n ≥ 0. Further for each b 6= b0 , there exists i with Ψi (b) = b0 ⊗ f˜in bi for some b0 ∈ B, n 0. Proof. See Proposition 3.2.3 in [2]. QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 5 3. Preprojective Algebras Definition 3.1 ([1]). Let M be a graph with vertices indexed by I, and the set of oriented edges given by H ⊂ I × I. Suppose that an edge τ ∈ H goes from the vertex out(τ ) to in(τ ); let τ denote the edge from the vertex in(τ ) to out(τ ) (assume that τ ∈ H ⇒ τ ∈ H). We allow multiple edges between two vertices. Say that the graph M is “modulated” if we are given the data of a field Fi for each i ∈ I, a (Fout(τ ) ,Fin(τ ) ) bi-module Mτ with a non-degenerate bilinear pairing τ : Mτ ⊗Fin(τ ) Mτ → Fout(τ ) for each τ ∈ H. Consider the following modulated graph M , with di,j edges from node i to node j; let τ be one such edge, with out(τ ) = i, in(τ ) = j. Here let F be any characteristic 0 field, with Q ⊆ F ⊆ C. (1) Let the vertices of M be indexed by I. Given i, j ∈ I, join the corresponding vertices by aij edges. (2) Assign Fi to be a degree ki field extension of F; let Fi,j be the smallest subfield of F containing Fi and Fj . Let Mτ = Fi,j considered as an (Fi , Fj ) bi-module and let k i,j = dimF (Fi,j ). (3) Let Fi,j = Fi ∩ Fj . Let πi,j : Fi,j → Fi be a non-zero map, and define τ : Fi,j ⊗Fj Fi,j → Fi by τ (a, b) = πi,j (ab). Let g be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra defined by the following datum. Let the simple roots be indexed by I, for each simple root αi with i ∈ I, suppose it has d ki,j length ki ; and let hα̌i , αj i = i,jki . Q Let M0 = i∈I Fi , M1 = ⊕τ ∈H Mτ and Mi+1 = M1 ⊗M0 Mi (here note Mτ ⊗M0 Mτ 0 = 0 unless in(τ ) = out(τ 0 )). Define the path algebra of the Dynkin diagram D to be FM = ⊕i≥0 Mi , with product being given by tensor product of bi-modules. Assuming that dimFout(τ ) (Mτ ) < ∞, dimFin(τ ) (Mτ ) < ∞ , given τ : Mτ ⊗Fin(τ ) Mτ → Fout(τ ) we will construct an element ∗τ ∈ Mτ ⊗Fout(τ ) Mτ as follows. Pick a basis (a1 , · · · , ad ) of Mτ and aPbasis (b1 , · · · , bd ) of Mτ , as Fout(τ ) -vector spaces, such that τ (ai , bj ) = δij . Let ∗τ = 1≤i≤d bi ⊗ ai . Then we have: Lemma 3.2. The element ∗τ ∈ Mτ ⊗Fout(τ ) Mτ defined above is independent of the choice of bases (a1 , · · · , ad ) and (b1 , · · · , bd ). Proof. See Lemma 1.1 of [1]. Example 3.3. For each τ , let cτ ∈ Mτ = Fi,j denote the unit. Given τ with out(τ ) = i, in(τ ) = j, suppose [Fi,j : Fi ] = k and that Fi,j = Fi [α] for some α with αk ∈ Fi . Then we can describe ∗τ as follows. The Fi -basis {cτ , αji cτ , · · · , (αji ) i,j 1− kk j ki,j kj −1 cτ } of Mτ = Fi,j , is dual to the Fi -basis {cτ , (αji )−1 cτ , · · · , (αji ) cτ } of Mτ = Fi,j , with respect to the X i t ∗ form τ . Thus we have: τ = (αj ) cτ ⊗ (αji )−t cτ . 0≤t≤ ki,j kj −1 6 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY P Definition 3.4. Let ∗i ∈ M2 be defined by ∗i = τ,in(τ )=i ∗τ . Let I be the ideal in FM generated by ∗i for i ∈ I. Define Λg = FM/I to be the preprojective algebra associated to g. Example 3.5. Let us give a description of the pre-projective algebra in type C2 . Suppose v1 is the vertex of length 1, and v2 the vertex of length 2; to the first vertex we attach the field R, and to the second vertex we attach the field C (more generally, we 1 1 can use the fields F and F[p 2 ] where p ∈ F, p 2 ∈ / F). Let τ (resp. τ ) be the edge connecting v1 to v2 (resp. v2 to v1 ); let Mτ (resp. Mτ ) be C considered as a (R, C) (resp. (C, R)) bi-module. We have idempotents e1 and e2 at these two vertices, and paths cτ , icτ ∈ Mτ , cτ , cτ i ∈ Mτ . Then Λ = Re1 + Ce2 + Rcτ + Ricτ + Rcτ + Rcτ i + Rcτ icτ + Ricτ cτ + Rcτ cτ with the relations cτ cτ = 0 and cτ cτ + imτ mτ i = 0. 4. Quiver varieties Let P = ⊕i∈I Zαi denote the P root lattice of g, where αi denote the simple roots. Let P = ⊕i∈I Z≥0L αi , and ν = i∈I νi αi . Let V (ν)i be a νi -dimensional Fi -vector space; define V (ν) = i∈I V (ν)i , considered as a F vector space. M X(ν) = HomFin(τ ) ∩Fout(τ ) (Vout(τ ) , Vin(τ ) ) + τ ∈H Note that any B ∈ X(ν) gives a representation of the path algebra FM . Let Λ(ν) denote the variety of all B ∈ X(ν), such that B gives a nilpotent representation of the pre-projective algebra Λg. Given B ∈ Λ(ν), denote the corresponding Λg module by MB . Let IrrΛ(ν) denote the irreducible components of Λ(ν), considered as an algebraic variety over F. Example 4.1. We will continue the example of type C2 . Let us compute the variety Λ(ν) when ν = (1 − 2 ) + n(22 ) (where the two simple roots are 1 − 2 and 22 ). Accordingly, we have V , a R-vector space of dimension 1 attached to the vertex v1 , and W , a C-vector space of dimension n attached to the vertex v2 . Λ(ν) consists of R-linear maps α : V → W , β : W → V which satisfy the pre-projective relations. Fix isomorphisms V ' R, W ' Cn , and suppose α and β are determined as follows: α(1) = [x1 + x2 i : x3 + x4 i : · · · : x2n−1 + x2n i] β([t1 + t2 i : t3 + t4 i : · · · : t2n−1 + t2n i]) = 2n X ti yi i=1 The first pre-projective relation tells us that βα = 0, which means that 2n X i=1 xi y i = 0 QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 7 The second pre-projective relation tells us that αβ + iαβi = 0, i.e. that y1 −y2 y2 y1 · · · x1 x2 · · · x2n−1 x2n + · · · x2 −x1 · · · x2n −x2n−1 = 0 y2n−1 −y2n y2n−1 y2n Looking at the block corresponding to {y2i−1 , y2i }, {x2j−1 , x2j }, we obtain that y2i−1 x2j−1 = y2i x2j and y2i−1 x2j = −y2i x2j−1 . This implies that 2 2 2 2 y2i−1 (x22j−1 + x22j ) = y2i (x22j−1 + x22j ) = 0 = x2j−1 (y2i−1 + y2i ) = x2j (y2i−1 + y2i ) Since this holds for each i, j, if x22i−1 +x22i 6= 0 for some i, then y2j−1 = y2j = 0 for each j. Since x2i−1 , x2i ∈ R, x22i−1 +x22i = 0 implies x2i−1 = x2i = 0. So either x2i−1 = x2i = 0 for each i, or y2j−1 = y2j = 0 for each j. Thus as a variety Λ(ν) consists of 2 n-dimensional vector spaces inside a 2n-dimensional vector space, that intersect at 0; in particular, Λ(ν) has 2 irreducible components. 4.1. The crystal operators. ` We will show that, as was shown in the symmetric case in [2, theorem 5.3.2], the union ν IrrΛ(ν) along with some natural geometric operators realized the infinity crystal B(∞). Before stating this precisely we must first define the operators. Definition 4.2. Given ν, ν 0 ∈ P , let ν = ν + ν 0 define Λ(ν, ν 0 ) to be the set of triples φ φ0 i i → V (ν)i − → (B, φ, φ0 ) with φ = (φi )i∈I , φ0 = (φ0i )i∈I , with exact sequences 0 → V (ν)i − V (ν 0 )i → 0 for each i ∈ I, such that Im(φ) is a B-stable subspace of V (ν). Given (B, φ, φ0 ) ∈ Λ0 (ν, ν 0 ), we obtain points B ∈ Λ(ν), B 0 ∈ Λ(ν 0 ). Accordingly define ω1 : Λ(ν, ν 0 ) → Λ(ν), ω2 : Λ(ν, ν 0 ) → Λ(ν)×Λ(ν 0 ) by ω1 (B, φ, φ0 ) = B, ω2 (B, φ, φ0 ) = (B, B 0 ). Definition 4.3. Let Si denote the unique simple Λg module, with dimension vector αi . Define i (B) = dimFi Hom(MB , Si ). Let ν 0 = cαi ; since Λ(cαi ) is a point, we have ω2 : Λ0 (ν, cαi ) → Λ(ν). Definition 4.4. For ν ∈ P, i ∈ I, k ∈ Z≥0 , let Λ(ν)i,k := {B ∈ Λ(ν) | i (B) = k}. Define Λ0 (ν, cαi )0 = ω1−1 (Λ(ν)i,c ) = ω2−1 (Λ(ν)i,0 ). Let B(∞, ν)i,c = {Λ ∈ B(∞, ν) | Λ(ν)i,k ∩ Λ is open in Λ}. It will be convenient for us to define auxiliary vector spaces as follows. Given τ with in(τ ) = i, out(τ ) = j, denote V (ν)τi = V (ν)i ⊗Fi Fi,j . Given the map Bτ : V (ν)i → V (ν)j , we can construct a map Bτ : V (ν)τi → V (ν)j , by defining Bτ (αv) = αBτ (v) for v ∈ V (ν)i , α ∈ Fj ; it is clear that Bτ is well-defined, and Fj -linear. 8 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY fτ : V (ν)j → V (ν)τ as Given the map Bτ : V (ν)j → V (ν)i , we will construct maps B i follows. Pick a set of bases {β1 , · · · , βk } and {α1 , · · · , αk } of Fi,j over Fi , with αi ∈ Fj , which are dual with respect to the form τ (see the beginning of Section 3) and let: fτ (v) = β1 Bτ (α1 v) + · · · + βk Bτ (αk v) B The following lemma is a simple computation: fτ is a map of Fj -vector spaces, and does not depend on the choice of Lemma 4.5. B X dual bases. The pre-projective relation ∗i = 0 is satisfied iff the composite map τ,in(τ )=i fτ ) (B V (ν)i −−→ L (Bτ ) out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i is 0. fτ does not depend on the choice of dual bases, note that Proof. To show that B if we change the first element of the basis (i.e. replacing {α1 , · · · , αi , · · · } by {α10 , · · · , αi , · · · }), then it is easy to check that the corresponding dual basis changes from {β1 , · · · , βi , · · · }, to { βc11 , · · · , βi − βc11 ci , · · · } provided that α10 = c1 α1 + · · · + ck αk . fτ (v) also doesn’t change: Under this transformation, the value B fτ (v) = β1 B(α1 v) + · · · + βk B(αk v) B α 0 − c2 α 2 − · · · − ck α k v) + · · · + βk B(αk v) = β1 B( 1 c1 β1 ci = B(α10 v) + · · · + (βi − β1 )B(αi v) + · · · c1 c1 fτ Since any two dual bases can be linked by a sequence of such mutations, the map B does not depend on the choice of dual bases. Now given c ∈ Fj , fτ (cv) = β1 B(α1 cv) + · · · + βk B(αk cv) B fτ (v) = cβ1 B(α1 v) + · · · + cβk B(αk v) cB 0 0 Note that under the form given by πi,j : Fi,j → Fi , πi,j (a) = πi,j (c−1 a) (see the beginning of the Section 3), {β1 , · · · , βk } is dual to {α1 c, · · · , αk c}, and {cβ1 , · · · , cβk } is dual to fτ (cv) = cB fτ (v) since the map does not depend on the {α1 , · · · , αk }. It follows that B choice of dual bases. X It follows from the definitions that pre-projective relation ∗i = 0 is equivalent τ,in(τ )=i eτ = 0 (see the example following Lemma 3.2). to B τ ◦ B P For all i, we have i (B) = dimFi V (ν)i / in(τ )=i V (ν)τ , where V (ν)τ denotes the smallest Fin(τ ) -vector space in V (ν)in(τ ) containing Im(Bτ ). Alternatively, i (B) = (Bτ ) dimFi Coker(⊕out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i ). QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 9 Remark 4.6. Below we use the fact that if π : X → Y is a (locally trivial) fiber bundle with irreducible fiber F , then there is a bijection between the irreducible components of X and Y ; note that this statement is true even when X and Y are defined over fields which are not algebraically closed. First assume that Y is irreducible; we will show that X is irreducible. Suppose that X = X1 ∪ X2 , where X1 and X2 are closed in X. For each y ∈ Y , π −1 (y) = (π −1 (y) ∩ X1 ) ∪ (π −1 (y) ∩ X2 ); since π −1 (y) ' F is irreducible, π −1 (y) ⊆ X1 or π −1 (y) ⊆ X2 . Let Y1 = {y|π −1 (y) ⊆ X1 }, Y2 = {y|π −1 (y) ⊆ X2 }. We will show that Y1 and Y2 are closed sets; then since Y = Y1 ∪ Y2 is irreducible it will follow that Y = Y1 or Y = Y2 ; and hence X = X1 or X = X2 as required. Trivialize π over an open cover {Y i } of Y . We will prove that Y1 ∩ Y i is closed in Y i for each i; this implies that Y1 is closed (since then Y˜1 = ∪(Y˜1 ∩ Y i ) is open, where Y˜1 is the complement of Y1 ). Now identifying π −1 (Y i ) ' Y i × F , we have Y1 ∩ Y i = {y ∈ Y i |y × F ⊆ X1 } = ∩f ∈F {y ∈ Y i |y × f ∈ X1 } This is closed, since {y ∈ Y i |y × f ∈ X1 } is closed (it is the pre-image of X under the map Y i → Y i × F, y → (y, f )). Similarly Y2 is closed in Y . Now if Y is not irreducible, suppose Y = ∪i Yi is it’s decomposition into irreducible components; then using the above argument, π −1 (Yi ) is irreducible, so X = ∪i π −1 (Yi ) is its decomposition into irreducible components. PropositionQ 4.7. (1) The map ω1 : Λ0 (ν, cαi )0 → Λ(ν)i,c is a fibre bundle, with fibres j∈I GLFj (νj ) × GLFi (c). (2) The map ω2 : Λ0 (ν, cαi )0 → Λ(ν)i,0 is a fibre bundle with irreducible fibres. (3) We have a bijection ẽmax : B(∞, ν)i,c ' B(∞, ν)i,0 . i Proof. First note that the (3) follows from (1) and (2): B(∞, ν)i,c is in bijection with the irreducible components of Λ(ν)i,c , and B(∞, ν)i,0 is in bijection with the irreducible components of Λ(ν)i,0 . The irreducible components of Λ(ν)i,c are in bijection with the irreducible components of Λ0 (ν, cαi )0 by (1), and the irreducible components of Λ(ν)i,0 are also in bijection with the irreducible components of Λ0 (ν, cαi )0 by (2); so the result follows. To show (1), consider the fibre of Λ0 (ν, cαi ) above a point B ∈ Λ(ν)i,c . For each j 6= i, we must choose an isomorphism V (ν)j ' V (ν)j ; which gives us a fibre of GLνj (Fj ). We φ φ0 i i also need to choose P an exact sequence 0 → V (ν)i − → V (ν)i − → V (cαi )i → 0. Since i (B) = 0, Im(φi ) = in(τ )=i V (ν)τ ; which gives us a fibre of GLν i (Fi ) for choosing φi . P Choosing φ0i is equivalent to choosing an isomorphism V (ν)i / in(τ )=i V (ν)τ ' V (cαi )i , which gives us a fibre of GLFi (c). For each τ , the map Bτ : V (ν)out(τ ) → V (ν)in(τ ) determines a map B τ : V (ν)out(τ ) → V (ν)in(τ ) . The result now follows. To show that ω1 is locally trivial, consider the following open cover of the base Λ(ν)i,c . Pick a basis {e1 , · · · , eνi } of V (ν)i , and for each S ⊆ {1, · · · , νi } with |S| = c, let 10 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY Λ(ν)Si,c ⊆ Λ(ν)i,c be the open subset defined by the condition that X i ( V (ν)τ ) ⊕ Fi {ej }j∈S = V (ν)i in(τ )=i It suffices to show that ω1 |Λ(ν)Si,c is the trivial bundle. To see this, for each j 6= i, there is aPcanonical choice of isomorphism V (ν)i ' V (ν). We have a natural map V (ν)i ' in(τ )=i V (ν)τ : identify V (ν)i with Fi {ej }j ∈S / , look at it’s image under i and P project to in(τ )=i V (ν)τ . Thus we have a canonical choice of exact sequence φ0 φ i i 0 → V (ν)i − → V (ν)i − → V (cαi )i → 0 It follows that we can trivialize the bundle ω1 |Λ(ν)Si,c . To show (2), consider the fibre of Λ0 (ν, cαi ) above a point B 0 ∈ Λ(ν)i,0 . For each j 6= i, we must choose an isomorphism V (ν)j ' V (ν)j ; this gives us a fibre of GLνj (Fj ). φ0 φ i i Next we must choose an exact sequence 0 → V (ν)i − → V (ν)i − → V (cαi )i → 0. Choice of the map φi gives us a fibre of GLFi (ν i ) × Gr(ν i , V (ν)i ). If out(τ ) 6= i, Bτ is determined fτ ) (B by B τ ; it remains to choose Bτ when out(τ ) = i (or equivalently, the map V (ν)i −−→ L τ f τ,out(τ )=i V (ν)in(τ ) ). Choose a splitting V (ν)i = Im(φi ) ⊕ Wi . The map (Bτ )|Im(φi ) is fτ )|W subject to the pre-projective determined; we have freedom in choosing the map (B i fτ ) L (Bτ ) (B τ relation that the composition Wi −−→ τ,out(τ )=i V (ν)in(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i is zero. Thus we L (Bτ ) get a fiber of Hom(Wi , Ker( τ,out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i )). This is an affine space of Q fixed dimension, as we compute below; thus the fibre of ω2 is a product of j6=i GLνj (Fj ), a Grassmanian, and an affine space; and hence irreducible. dim Wi = c dim Ker ( M (Bτ ) V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i ) = dim ( τ,out(τ )=i M V (ν)τin(τ ) ) − dim Im(Bτ ) τ,out(τ )=i = X νin(τ ) out(τ )=i kin(τ ),i − νi + c ki To show that ω2 is locally trivial, first let P → Λ(ν)i,0 be the fiber bundle determined by the data V (ν)j ' V (ν)j for each j 6= i, and an exact sequence φ φ0 i i 0 → V (ν)i − → V (ν)i − → V (cαi )i → 0 By the above arguments, this bundle is locally trivial. QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 11 Now we have a map θ : Λ0 (ν, cαi ) → P , and ω2 is the composition Λ0 (ν, cαi ) → P → Λ(ν)i,0 ; so it is sufficient to show that θ is locally trivial. Recall we have chosen a basis {e1 , · · · , eνi } of V (ν)i ; for each S ⊆ {1, · · · , νi } with |S| = c, let PS ⊆ P be the open set where Im(φi ) ⊕ Fi {ej }j∈S = V (ν)i L τ Also choose a basis of τ,out(τ )=i V (ν)in(τ ) : {f1 , · · · , fN }; for each T ⊆ {1, · · · , N } with |T | = ν i , let PT ⊆ P be the open subset where M M (Bτ ) j Ker( V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i ) ⊕ Fi {ej }j∈T = V (ν)τin(τ ) τ,out(τ )=i τ,out(τ )=i L (Bτ ) Denote W1 = Fi {ej }j∈S , and W2 = Ker( τ,out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i ). Now it suffices to show that θ|PS ∩PT is the trivial bundle, for each S and T . Note that W2 has a distinguished basis (look at the images of {ek }k∈T / under j). Now the fiber of θ|PS ∩PT consists of an element of Hom(W1 , W2 ); since these two spaces have distinguished bases, θ|PS ∩PT is the trivial fiber bundle. ` Using the above proposition, we now ˜define the structure of a crystal on ν∈P + B(∞, ν) by defining the operators ẽi , fi , i , wt and φi . Definition 4.8. Given Λ ∈ B(∞, ν)i,c : • Let ẽi (Λ) ∈ B(∞, ν − αi )i,c−1 be the image of Λ under the composite bijection B(∞, ν)i,c ' B(∞, ν)i,0 ' B(∞, ν − αi )i,c−1 if c ≥ 1; if c = 0, let ẽi (Λ) = 0. • Let f˜i (Λ) ∈ B(∞, ν + αi )i,c+1 be the image of Λ under the composite bijection B(∞, ν)i,c ' B(∞, ν)i,0 ' B(∞, ν + αi )i,c+1 . • Let i (Λ) = i if Λ ∈ B(∞, ν)i,c . • Let wt(Λ) = −ν if Λ ∈ B(∞, ν). • Let φi (Λ) = i (Λ) + hα̌i , wt(Λ)i. We can now state the main result of this section: ` Theorem 4.9. ν∈P + B(∞, ν) along with the operators ẽi , f˜i from Definition 4.8 is a realization of B(∞). As a first step towards proving Theorem 4.9, note that: ` Lemma 4.10. The above maps endow ν∈P + B(∞, ν) with the structure of a combinatorial crystal. Proof. The conditions in Definition 2.1 are straightforward to check: • If Λ ∈ B(∞, ν)i,c , then wt(Λ) = −ν, wt(ẽi Λ) = −ν + αi , i (Λ) = c, i (ẽi Λ) = c − 1; so the first condition is satisfied. • If Λ ∈ B(∞, ν)i,c , then wt(Λ) = −ν, wt(f˜i Λ) = −ν − αi , i (Λ) = c, i (f˜i Λ) = c + 1; so the second condition is satisfied. 12 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY • To see that f˜i ẽi b = b, the operation f˜i ẽi corresponds to the composite bijection B(∞, ν)i,c ' B(∞, ν)i,0 ' B(∞, ν − αi )i,c−1 ' B(∞, ν)i,0 ' B(∞, ν)i,c ; similarly ẽi f˜i b = b. • The fourth condition is vacuously true, since φi (b) = −∞ is not possible. Example 4.11. While it is difficult to check Theorem 4.9 in type C2 by explicit computation, we can at least check that it is consistent with some of the data that we have. Denoting the Kostant partition function by kpf, it is well-known that |b ∈ B(∞) : wt(b) = ν| = kpf(ν) Thus we expect that |B(∞, ν)| = kpf(ν). When ν = (1 − 2 ) + n(22 ), this statement follows from the calculation in Example 4.1, since there we show that B(∞, ν) has 2 irreducible components. On the other hand, ν = (1 − 2 ) + n(22 ) = (1 + 2 ) + (n − 1)(22 ) so kpf(ν) = 2. This example also illustrates the need to work over varieties that are not algebraically closed. If we based-changed to C, then the number of irreducible components would increase, and the result would no longer be true. For instance if n = 1, then we have the subvariety of A4 cut out by the two equations y1 x1 = y2 x2 and y1 x2 = −y2 x1 . This has 4 irreducible components: the two components that we have seen before ({x1 = x2 = 0} and {y1 = y2 = 0}) as well as {x1 = x2 i, y1 = y2 i} and {x1 = −x2 i, y1 = −y2 i}. ω ω 2 1 4.2. Proof of the Main Theorem. Recall the diagram Λ(ν) × Λ(ν 0 ) ←− Λ0 (ν, ν 0 ) −→ Λ(ν), where ν = ν 0 +ν. If we set ν = cαi (as opposed to ν 0 = cαi ); then since Λ(cαi ) = 0 ω2 ω1 we have maps Λ(ν 0 ) ←− Λ0 (cαi , ν 0 ) −→ Λ(ν). Definition 4.12. Given B ∈ Λ(ν), define ∗i (B) = dimFi Hom(Si , MB ). Note that given fields F1 ⊂ F2 and a V a vector space over F2 , HomF1 (V, F1 ) is an F2 vector space (where given a ∈ F2 , φ : V → F1 , let (aφ)(v) = φ(av)). For each i ∈ I, fix an isomorphism HomF (V (ν)i , F) ' L V (ν)i ; this givesLan isomorphism L of Fi -vector spaces L θ : HomF ( i∈I V (ν)i , F) ' i∈I V (ν)i . Given i∈I V (ν)i → i∈I V (ν)i , B ∈ L B : L Λ(ν), we obtain a natural map B t : HomF ( i∈I V (ν)i , F) → HomF ( i∈I V (ν)i , F). Using the identification θ, we may consider B t ∈ Λ(ν). This map extends to give a bijection t : B(∞, ν) → B(∞, ν) (i.e. given Λ ∈ B(∞, ν), there exists Λt ∈ B(∞, ν) such that B ∈ Λ ⇐⇒ B t ∈ Λt ). (B̃τ ) Note that for all i, we have ∗i (B) = dimFi Ker(V (ν)i −−→ ⊕out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) ). Definition 4.13. Let ẽ∗max (Λ) i t t ∗ t ˜ (fi (Λ )) , φi (Λ) = φi (Λ ). = (ẽmax (Λt ))t , ẽ∗i (Λ) i = (ẽi (Λt ))t , f˜i∗ (Λ) = Lemma 4.14. Suppose that for all i ∈ I, ∗i (Λ) = 0. Then Λ is the zero component (i.e. wt(Λ) = 0). QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 13 Proof. Pick a generic B ∈ Λ. By definition, it follows that for all i, Hom(Si , MB ) = 0. This will imply that MB is the trivial module for Λg (and hence wt(Λ) = 0) provided we know that {Si |i ∈ I} is a complete set of simple modules for the pre-projective algebra Λg. Lemma 4.15. We have i (Λ) = max(i (ẽ∗max (Λ)), ∗i (Λ) + hα̌i , ν ∗ i). i ∗ ∗ Proof. Let Λ = ẽ∗,max (Λ), c = ∗i (Λ). Given a generic point B ∈ Λ , we will construct i a generic point B ∈ Λ below. Pick a surjective Fi -linear map φ0i : V (ν)i → V (ν ∗ )i , and define: M fτ ) φ0i (B V (ν)τin(τ ) ) Ni = Coker(V (ν)i − → V (ν ∗ )i −−→ out(τ )=i Note that if i 6= j, and there are di,j edges connecting nodes i and j, then hα̌i , αj i = di,j ki,j , so: ki X di,j k i,j hα̌i , ν ∗ i = 2(νi − c) − νj ki j6=i X = 2 dim V (ν ∗ )i − dim V (ν)τin(τ ) out(τ )=i dim Ni = dim( = M V (ν)τin(τ ) ) − dimV (ν ∗ )i out(τ )=i dimV (ν ∗ )i − hα̌i , ν ∗ i The maps (Bτ ) gives us a map ψi : Ni → V (ν ∗ )i . Choose a generic map ψi : Ni → V (ν)i such that ψi ◦ φ0i = ψ i . Since ψi was chosen generically, dim Ker ψi = max (dim Ker ψi − c, 0) Given an edge τ , define Bτ : V (ν)out(τ ) → V (ν)in(τ ) as follows. If in(τ ), out(τ ) 6= i, let φ0 B τ i → V (ν ∗ )i −→ Bτ = Bτ . If out(τ ) = i, let Bτ be the composition V (ν)i − V (ν)in(τ ) . If L τ0 in(τ ) = i, let Bτ be the composition V (ν)out(τ ) ,→ out(τ 0 )=i V (ν)in(τ 0 ) → Ni → V (ν)i . L (Bτ ) ψi Noting that Im( out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) −−→ V (ν)i ) = Im(N −→ V (ν)i ), compute (where the dimension is over Fi ): i (B) = dimV (ν)i − dim Im(ψ i ) = dimV (ν)i − dimNi + dim Ker(ψ i ) = dimV (ν)i − dimNi + max (dim Ker ψi − c, 0) = max(dimV (ν)i − dimNi + dim Ker ψi − c, dimV (ν)i − dimNi ) = max(dimV (ν ∗ )i − dim Im ψi , dimV (ν)i − dimV (ν ∗ )i + hα̌i , ν ∗ i) ∗ = max(Coker(ψ i ), c + hα̌i , ν ∗ i) = max(i (Λ ), c + hα̌i , ν ∗ i) 14 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY Lemma 4.16. We have: ( ẽi (ẽ∗,max Λ), if i (ẽ∗,max Λ) ≥ hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) i i ẽ∗,max (ẽ Λ) = i i ẽ∗,max Λ, if i (ẽ∗,max Λ) < hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) i i ( Λ) ≥ hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) ∗ (Λ), if i (ẽ∗,max i ∗i (ẽi Λ) = i∗ i (Λ) − 1, if i (ẽ∗,max Λ) < hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) i Proof. First we show that i (ẽ∗,max Λ) ≥ hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) ⇔ dim Ker ψi ≥ c. i ∗ ψi i (Λ ) = dim Coker(Ni −→ V (ν ∗ )i ) = dim V (ν ∗ )i − dim Im ψi = dim V (ν ∗ )i − dim Ni + dim Ker ψi = hα̌i , ν ∗ i + dim Ker ψi ∗ dim Ker ψi = i (Λ ) − hα̌i , ν ∗ i If dim Ker ψi < c, then Im ψi 6⊇ Ker φ0i ; while if dim Ker ψi ≥ c, due to our generic choice of the map ψi , Im ψi ⊇ Ker φ0i . Now consider a generic hyperplane H in V (ν) such that H ⊇ Im ψi ; taking V (ν−αi ) = H we obtain a point B 0 in the irreducible component ∗ ∗ ẽi (Λ). Similarly, considering a generic hyperplane H in V (ν ∗ ) such that H ⊇ Im ψi ∗ 0 ∗ and taking V (ν ∗ − αi ) = H we obtain a point B in the irreducible component ẽi (Λ ). ∗ ∗ Recall that given a point B in a component Λ of Λ(ν), a point B in Λ = ẽ∗max Λ can i f L (Bτ ) be constructed by replacing V (ν)i by Im(V (ν)i −−→ out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) ). (ẽi Λ) corresponds to replacing H by If dim Ker ψi < c, Im ψi 6⊇ Ker φ0i , and ẽ∗max i fτ ) L fτ ) L (B (B the vector space Im(H −−→ out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) ) = Im(V (ν)i −−→ out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) ). ∗ Thus ẽ∗max (ẽi Λ) = Λ . Also i M M fτ ) fτ ) (B (B dim Ker(H −−→ V (ν)τin(τ ) ) = dim Ker(V (ν)i −−→ V (ν)τin(τ ) )) − 1 out(τ )=i out(τ )=i ∗i (ẽi Λ) = c − 1. If dim Ker ψi ≥ c, Im ψi ⊇ Ker φ0i , and ẽ∗max (ẽi Λ) corresponds to replacing H by the i fτ ) fτ ) L (B (B vector space Im(H −−→ out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) ), which is a hyperplane in Im(V (ν)i −−→ L ∗ ∗max τ (ẽi Λ) = ẽi Λ . Also, out(τ )=i V (ν)in(τ ) ). Thus ẽi M M fτ ) fτ ) (B (B dim Ker(H −−→ V (ν)τin(τ ) ) = dim Ker(V (ν)i −−→ V (ν)τin(τ ) ) so out(τ )=i so ∗i (ẽi Λ) = c. out(τ )=i QUIVER VARIETIES AND PREPROJECTIVE ALGEBRAS 15 Lemma 4.17. For i 6= j, ∗i (ẽj (Λ)) = ∗i (Λ) and ẽ∗,max (ẽj Λ) = ẽj (ẽ∗,max (Λ)). i i Proof. Given a point B ∈ Λ, we may a point B 0 ∈ ẽi (Λ) if we replace V (ν)j by a generic hyperplane H =: V (ν − αj )j containing the vecfτ ) L (B tor space Im( out(τ )=i V (ν)τin(τ ) → V (ν)j ). Since we have dim Ker(V (ν)i −−→ fτ ) L L (B τ τ out(τ )=i V (ν)in(τ ) ) due to the generic out(τ )=i V (ν − αj )in(τ ) ) = dim Ker(V (ν)i −−→ It is also clear that ẽ∗,max (ẽj Λ) = choice of H, it follows ∗i (ẽj Λ) = ∗i Λ. i ∗,max ẽj (ẽi (Λ)). ` Proof of theorem 4.9. We will use Theorem 2.4 to show that ν B(ν) ' B(∞). Define ` ` ∗ (Λ) (Λ)⊗ f˜i i bi . Note that the first two Ψi : ( ν B(ν)) → ( ν B(ν))⊗Bi by Ψi (Λ) = ẽ∗max i conditions in Theorem 2.4 are vacuously satisfied: if Λ ∈ B(∞, ν), −wt(Λ) = ν, i (Λ) ∈ Z≥0 , and if wt(Λ) = ν, Λ is the zero component and i (Λ) = 0 for all i. By definition we have Ψi (Λ) = Λ0 ⊗ f˜in bi for n ≥ 0; by Lemma 4.14 for each non-zero component Λ there exists i such that ∗i (Λ) 6= 0, so that Ψi (Λ) = Λ0 ⊗ f˜in bi for n 0. To see that the third condition in Theorem 2.4 is satisfied, it suffices to check that Ψi is a strict embedding (Λt ) of crystals. The injectivity of the map Ψi is clear, since knowing ẽ∗max (Λ) = ẽmax i i ∗ t t and i (Λ) = i (Λ ) uniquely determines Λ , and hence Λ. Now we will check that Ψi commutes with j , wt, ẽj and f˜j . For convenience, define ν ∗ = ν − ∗i (Λ)αi . ∗ (Λ) wt(Ψi (Λ)) = wt(ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi ) i ∗ (Λ) = wt(ẽ∗max (Λ)) + wt(f˜i i bi ) = (−ν + ∗i (Λ)αi ) − ∗i (Λ)αi i = −ν = wt(Λ) ∗ (Λ) i (Ψi (Λ)) = i (ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi ) i (Λ)), ∗i (Λ) + hα̌i , ν − ∗i (Λ)αi i) = max(i (ẽ∗max i = i (Λ) (from Lemma 4.15) 16 VINOTH NANDAKUMAR, PETER TINGLEY ∗ (Λ) (Λ)) = −ν ∗ ) φi (ẽ∗,max (Λ)) − i (f˜i i ) = i (ẽ∗,max Λ) − hα̌i , ν ∗ i − ∗i (Λ) (wt(ẽ∗,max i i i ∗ (Λ) (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi ) ẽi (Ψi (Λ)) = ẽi (ẽ∗max i ( ∗ (Λ) ẽi ẽi∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi , = ∗ (Λ) (Λ) ⊗ ẽi f˜i i bi , ẽ∗max i ( ∗ (Λ) ẽi ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi , i = ∗ (Λ) ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ ẽi f˜i i bi , i ∗ (Λ) if φi (ẽ∗max (Λ)) ≥ i (f˜i i bi ) i ∗ (Λ) (Λ)) i (f˜i i bi ) if φi (ẽ∗max i if i (ẽ∗,max Λ) ≥ hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) i if i (ẽ∗,max Λ) < hα̌i , ν ∗ i + ∗i (Λ) i ∗ (ẽ Λ) = ẽ∗,max (ẽi Λ) ⊗ f˜i i i bi = Ψi (ẽi (Λ)) (see Lemma 4.16) i ∗ (Λ) For i 6= j , j (Ψi (Λ)) = j (ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi ) i = j (ẽ∗max (Λ)) (since j (f˜ik bi ) = −∞ ∀k) i = j (Λ) (using Lemma 4.15) ∗ (Λ) ẽj (Ψi (Λ)) = ẽj (ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i bi ) i ∗ (Λ) = ẽj ẽ∗max (Λ) ⊗ f˜i i i ∗i (ẽj (Λ)) = ẽ∗max (ẽj (Λ)) ⊗ f˜i i ∗ (Λ) bi (since j (f˜i i bi ) = −∞) = Ψi (ẽj Λ) (using Lemma 4.17) Note that f˜j (Ψi (Λ)) = Ψi (f˜j (Λ)) follows from ẽj (Ψi (Λ)) = Ψi (ẽj (Λ)). 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