TD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

United Nations
United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development
Distr.: General
16 November 2007
English/French/Spanish only
Trade and Development Board
Hearing with civil society and the private sector
Geneva, 2 October 2007
List of participants
Note: The entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat.
Members of the Board
Sr. Dario Celaya Alvarez, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Sra. Marcela Bordenave, Cancillería, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Montevideo
Mr. Georg Zehetner, First Secretary, Permanent Mission , Geneva
Mr. Pedro Luiz Dalcero, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Petko Draganov, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Mr. Ludmil Kotetzov, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Lin Xuan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Côte d’Ivoire
Mme. Françoise Guei, Assistante au service commercial, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Ashraf Mokhtar Bayoumy, Director, General Department for World Trade Organization
Disputes, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cairo
Ms. Doaa Samir Shoaisha, Economic Analyst, Department for World Trade Organization
Affairs, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cairo
M. Emmanuel Farcot, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Ms. Andriani Falconaki-Sotiropoulos, First Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs,
Permanent Mission, Geneva
Sr. Mauricio Alfred Perez Zepeda, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Mr. Filippo Montesi, Intern, Permanent Mission, Geneva
M. Pierrot Andriamiandrisoa, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Sr. José Luis Lopez Amador, Asistente Técnico, Ginebra
Mr. Francis Eyo, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Fredrik Arthur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
M. Gonçalo Teles Gomes, Premier secrétaire, Genève
Russian Federation
Mr. D. Godunov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Supavadee Chotikajan, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Selin Yuksel, Second Secretary at the Turkish Mission to the World Trade Organization,
Viet Nam
M. Le Huu Hung, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
United States of America
Ms. Ann Low, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mrs. Rebecca Weber, Foreign Affairs, Office of Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau
of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C.
Intergovernmental organizations
African Union
M. Yakhdane Habib, Genève
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Mme. Blanche Simonny-Abegue, responsable de projet
M. Moussa Daff, Président de la cinquième conférence des ONG francophones, Paris
Mme. Cécile Léqué, Conseiller aux affaires économiques et de développement, Genève
South Centre
Mr. Vicente Paolo Yu, Geneva
Non-governmental organizations
General Category
Action Aid International
Mr. Aftab Alam Khan, Islamabad, Pakistan
Alliance internationale des femmes (AIF)
Ms. Helene Sackstein, Grub, Switzerland
Global Traders Conference (GTC)
Mr. B.Raj Bhandari, Chief Consultant, Geneva
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
Ms. Anne-Laure Constantin, Geneva
Mr. Steven Suppan, Geneva
International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)
Mr. Charles Akande, Trade Representative, Paris
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Ms. Esther Busser, Geneva
Ocaproce Internationale
Mme. Micheline Makou Djouma, Présidente, Genève
M. Claude Citon, Genève
Mme. Sylvia Bourdin, Genève
Oxfam International (OI)
Ms. Isabel Mazzei, Geneva
Public Services International (PSI)
M. Svend Robinson, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Third World Network – Geneva
Ms. Yvonne Miller, Geneva
Third World Network – Africa (TWN)
Mr. Yao Graham, Accra, Ghana
Mr. Tetteh Hormeku, Accra, Ghana
Ms. Kathleen Boohene, Accra, Ghana
Special Category
3D -> Trade – Human Rights – Equitable Economy
Ms. Zoe Goodman, Geneva
Center of Concern – International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN)
Ms. Maria Rosaria Iorio, Geneva
International Ocean Institute (IOI)
Mr. Awni Behnam, Malta
African Women’s Economic Policy Network (AWEPON)
Ms. Elisabeth A. Eilor, Kampala
Albanian Centre for International Trade (ACIT)
Mr. Selim Belortaja, Executive Director, Tirana
Alliance for Arab Women (AAW)
Ms. Rachida Teymour, Cairo, Egypt
Association tunisienne des mères en Suisse (ATM)
Mme. Souad Amdouni-Beguelin, Genève
Centre du commerce international pour le développement (CECIDE)
Mme. Berhane Medhine Tewolde, Genève
M. Biro Diawara, Genève
M. Jean Naroumba Kourouma, Genève
Conference of non-governmental organizations in consultative relationship with the
United Nations (Congo)
Ms. Anne Laure Solnon, Geneva
Centre for Trade and Development (CENTAD)
Mr. Philip Linu Mathew, Research Officer, New Delhi
Convention of Independent Financial Advisors (CIFA)
Mr. Jean-Pierre Diserens, Geneva
Ms. Aleksandra Makeeva, Moscow
Fundacion Sales
Mr. Arturo Prins, Buenos Aires
Foundacion Salvadorena para el Desarollo Economico y Social (FUSADES)
Ms. Claudia Umana, El Salvador
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES-Geneva)
Mr. Steffen Grammling, Geneva
Femmes Africa solidarité (FAS)
Ms. Anupa Varghese, Geneva
Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos (INESC)
Ms. Iara Pietricovsky de Oliveira, Brasilia
International Council of Nurses
Ms. Françoise Méret, Geneva
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association (IFPMA)
Mme. Madeleine Eriksson, Genève
International Federation of University Women
Ms. Katherine Hagen, Hagen Resources International, Geneva
Ms. Lucy Howe Lopez, Geneva Social Observatory, Geneva
Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF)
M. Emmanuel Montanié, Paris
Network Institute for Global Democratization (NIGD)
Ms. Ruby Vander Wekken, Helsinki
Ms. Francine Mestrum, Geneva
Office africain pour le développement et la coopération (OFADEC)
M. Mamadou Ndiaye, Dakar
Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)
Ms. Samia Al-Botmeh, Ramallah
Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)
Mr. Nagesh Kumar, New Dehli
Rwanda Women’s network (RWN)
Ms. Mary Balikungeri, Kigali
South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE)
Mr. Navin Dahal, Katmandu
Uganda Consumers’ Protection Association (UCPA)
Mr. Sam Kuloba Watasa, Kampala
Village Suisse Ong (VSONG)
Mr. Albert Nouga, Geneva
Holy See
M. Jean Tardieu, Expert, Permanent Mission, Geneva
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Association (IFPMA)
Mr. Mario Ottiglio, Geneva
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Ms. Sara Arvidsson, Geneva
Inter-Parliamentary Union
Mr. Anda Filip, Geneva
Mr. Serguei Tchelnokov, Geneva