SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH Abstract. We study the “higher algebra” of spectral Mackey functors, which the first named author introduced in Part I of this paper. In particular, armed with our new theory of symmetric promonoidal ∞-categories and a suitable generalization of the second named author’s Day convolution, we endow the ∞-category of Mackey functors with a wellbehaved symmetric monoidal structure. This makes it possible to speak of spectral Green functors for any operad π. We also answer a question of Mathew, proving that the algebraic πΎ-theory of group actions is lax symmetric monoidal. We also show that the algebraic πΎtheory of derived stacks provides an example. Finally, we give a very short, new proof of the equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen theorem, which states that the algebraic πΎ-theory of the category of finite πΊ-sets is simply the πΊ-equivariant sphere spectrum. Contents 0. Summary 1. ∞-anti-operads and symmetric promonoidal ∞-categories 2. The symmetric promonoidal structure on the effective Burnside ∞-category 3. Green functors 4. Green stabilization 5. Duality 6. The Künneth spectral sequence 7. Symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibrations 8. Equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory of group actions 9. Equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory of derived stacks 10. An equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen Theorem 11. A brief epilogue about the Theorems of Guillou–May References 1 5 8 18 21 23 24 27 31 33 35 37 37 0. Summary This paper is part of an effort to give a complete description of the structures available on the algebraic πΎ-theory of varieties and schemes (and even of various derived stacks) with all their concomitant functorialities and homotopy coherences. So suppose π a scheme (quasicompact and quasiseparated). The derived tensor product ⊗L on perfect complexes on π defines a symmetric monoidal structure on the derived cateperf gory π·π of perfect complexes on π. With a little more effort, one can lift this structure to a symmetric monoidal structure on the stable ∞-category of perfect complexes on π. This suffices to get a product on algebraic πΎ-theory ⊗ βΆ πΎ(π) ∧ πΎ(π) 1 πΎ(π) 2 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH that is associative and commutative up to coherent homotopy. Thus, πΎ(π) has not only the structure of a connective spectrum, but also the structure of a connective πΈ∞ ring spectrum. This is an exceedingly rich structure: not only do the homotopy groups πΎ∗ (π) form a graded commutative ring, but these homotopy groups also support (in a functorial way) a tremendous amount of structure involving intricate higher homotopy operations called Toda brackets. Still more information (in the form of Dyer-Lashof operations) can be found on the Fπ -cohomology of πΎ(π). qcoh qcoh Now for any morphism π βΆ π π of schemes, the derived functor Lπβ βΆ π·π π·π on the category of complexes with quasicoherent cohomology preserves perfect complexes, perf perf and the resulting functor Lπβ βΆ π·π π·π induces a morphism πβ βΆ πΎ(π) πΎ(π) β on the algebraic πΎ-theory. The functor Lπ is compatible with the derived tensor product, in the sense that for any perfect complexes πΈ and πΉ on π, there is a canonical isomorphism Lπβ (πΈ ⊗L πΉ) β (Lπβ πΈ) ⊗L (Lπβ πΉ). Again this can be lifted to the level of stable ∞-categories, whence the induced morphism πβ on πΎ-theory turns out to be a morphism of connective πΈ∞ ring spectra. This implies that the induced homomorphism on homotopy groups πβ βΆ πΎ∗ (π) πΎ∗ (π) is a homomorphism of graded commutative rings, and it must respect all the higher homotopy operations on πΎ∗ (π) as well. perf Furthermore, one can fit all the functors Lπβ together to get a presheaf π π·π on the big site of all schemes. This can even be viewed as a presheaf of stable ∞-categories, which suffices to give us a presheaf of connective spectra π πΎ(π). Since the morphisms πβ are morphisms of connective πΈ∞ ring spectra, we can regard this as presheaf of πΈ∞ ring spectra. If one wanted, one might “externalize” the product on πΎ-theory in the following manner. For any two schemes π and π over a base scheme π, one may define an external tensor product perf perf perf β L βΆ π·π × π·π π·π×π π by the assignment (πΈ, πΉ) (L prβ1 πΈ) ⊗L (L prβ2 πΉ). Note that we have natural equivalences (Lπβ πΈ) β L (Lπ β πΉ) β L(π × π)β (πΈ β L πΉ) If we lift this to the level of stable ∞-categories, this gives rise to an external pairing β βΆ πΎ(π) ∧ πΎ(π) πΎ(π ×π π), which is functorial (contravariantly) in π and π. The πΈ∞ product on πΎ(π) can now be obtained by pulling back this external pairing along the diagonal map: πΎ(π) ∧ πΎ(π) πΎ(π ×π π) πΎ(π). A morphism of schemes π βΆ π π may induce morphisms in the covariant direction as qcoh qcoh well. The pushforward Rπβ βΆ π·π π·π generally will not preserve perfect complexes. If, however, π is flat and proper, then for any perfect complex πΈ, the complex Rπβ πΈ is perfect. perf perf Thus in this case Rπβ restricts to a functor Rπβ βΆ π·π π·π , and after lifting this to the stable ∞-categories, we find an induced morphism πβ βΆ πΎ(π) πΎ(π) SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 3 on the algebraic πΎ-theory. One thus obtains a covariant functor π πΎ(π), but only with respect to flat and proper morphisms. Observe, however, that since the functors Rπβ do not commute with the derived tensor product, this functor is not valued in ring spectra. Nevertheless, if π βΆ π π is proper and flat, we do have an algebraic structure preserved by Rπβ . Observe that one may regard πΎ(π) as a module over the πΈ∞ ring spectrum πΎ(π) via πβ . For any perfect complexes πΈ on π and πΉ on π, one has a canonical equivalence (Rπβ πΈ) ⊗L πΉ β Rπβ (πΈ ⊗L Lπβ πΉ) of perfect complexes; this is the usual projection formula [8, Exp. III, Pr. 3.7]. At the level of πΎ-theory, this translates to the observation that the morphism πβ βΆ πΎ(π) πΎ(π) is a morphism of connective πΎ(π)-modules. The induced map on homotopy groups πβ βΆ πΎ∗ (π) πΎ∗ (π) is therefore a homomorphism of πΎ∗ (π)-modules. Note that the external tensor product β L is actually perfectly compatible with the pushforwards, in the sense that one has natural equivalences (Rπβ πΈ) β L (Rπβ πΉ) β R(π × π)β (πΈ β L πΉ), so on πΎ-theory the external product β βΆ πΎ(π) ∧ πΎ(π) πΎ(π ×π π) is functorial (covariantly) in π and π. Last, but certainly not least, there is a compatibility between the morphisms πβ and the morphisms πβ , which results from the base change theorem for complexes [8, Exp. IV, Pr. 3.1.0]. Suppose that π π′ π π π π ′ π π is a pullback square of schemes in which the horizontal maps π are flat and proper. Then the canonical morphism Lπβ Rπβ Rπβ Lπβ perf is an objectwise equivalence of functors π·π′ there is a canonical homotopy perf π·π . This translates to the condition that πβ πβ β πβ πβ βΆ πΎ(π′ ) πΎ(π) of morphisms of πΎ(π)-modules. In fact, this compatibility between the pullbacks and the pushforwards, combined with the compatibility between πβ and the external tensor product, allows us to deduce the projection formula. Let us summarize the structure we’ve found on the assignment π πΎ(π): βΆ For every scheme π, we have an πΈ∞ ring spectrum πΎ(π). Moreover, for any two schemes π and π over a base π, one has an external pairing β βΆ πΎ(π) ∧ πΎ(π) βΆ For every morphism π βΆ π πΎ(π ×π π). π, we have a pullback morphism πβ βΆ πΎ(π) πΎ(π), which is compatible with the external pairings and thus also with the πΈ∞ product. 4 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH βΆ For every flat and proper morphism π βΆ π πβ βΆ πΎ(π) π, we have a pushforward morphism πΎ(π), which is compatible with the external pairings and thus (in light of the next condition) also with the πΎ(π)-module structure. βΆ For any pullback square π′ π π π′ π π π π in which the horizontal maps π are flat and proper, we have a canonical homotopy πβ πβ β πβ πβ βΆ πΎ(π′ ) πΎ(π). of morphisms of πΎ(π)-modules. In this paper, we will demonstrate that these structures, along with all of their homotopy coherences, are neatly packaged in a spectral Green functor on the category of schemes. This structure is the origin of both the Gal(πΈ/πΉ)-equivariant πΈ∞ ring spectrum structure on the algebraic πΎ-theory of a Galois extension πΈ ⊃ πΉ and the cyclotomic structure on the π-typical curves on a smooth Fπ -scheme. For the former, see 9.7, and for the latter, see the forthcoming paper [7]. In order to describe all the structure we see here, we study the “higher algebra” (in the sense of Lurie’s book [19], for example) of spectral Mackey functors, which we introduced in Part I of this paper [4]. The ∞-category of spectral Mackey functors turns out to admit all the same well-behaved structures as the ∞-category of spectra itself. In particular, the ∞-category of Mackey functors admits a well-behaved symmetric monoidal structure. This, combined with Saul Glasman’s convolution for ∞-categories [11], makes it possible to speak of πΈ1 algebras, πΈ∞ algebras, or indeed π-algebras for any operad π in this context; these are called π-Green functors. We use this framework to provide a very simple answer to a question posed to us by Akhil Mathew, in which we demonstrate that the functor that assigns to any ∞-category with an action of a finite group πΊ its equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory is lax symmetric monoidal. We also show that the algebraic πΎ-theory of derived stacks with its transfer maps as described above offers an example of an πΈ∞ Green functor. We also use this theory to give a new proof of the equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen theorem, which states that the algebraic πΎ-theory of the category of finite πΊ-sets is simply the πΊ-equivariant sphere spectrum. (In fact, we will generalize this result dramatically.) Warning. Let us emphasize that πΈ∞ -Green functors for a finite group πΊ are not equivalent to algebras in πΊ-equivariant spectra structured by the equivariant linear isometries operad on a complete πΊ-universe. To describe the latter in line with the discussion here – and to find such structures on algebraic πΎ-theory spectra – it is necessary to develop elements of the theory of πΊ-∞-categories. This we do in the forthcoming joint paper [5]. Acknowledgments. We have had very helpful conversations with David Ayala and Mike Hill about the contents of this paper, its predecessor, and its sequels. We also thank the other participants of the Bourbon Seminar – Emanuele Dotto, Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin, and Tomer Schlank – for their many, many insights. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 5 1. ∞-anti-operads and symmetric promonoidal ∞-categories One of the many complications that arises when one combines an ∞-category and its opposite in the way we have in our construction of the effective Burnside ∞-category is that our constructions are extremely intolerant of asymmetries in basic definitions. This complication rears its head the moment we want to contemplate the symmetric monoidal structure on the Burnside ∞-category. In effect, the description of a symmetric monoidal ∞-categories given in [19, Ch. 4] forces one to specify the data of maps out of various tensor products in a suitably compatible fashion. Thus symmetric monoidal categories are there identified as certain ∞-operads. But since we are also working with opposites of symmetric monoidal ∞-categories, we will come face-to-face with circumstances in which we must identify the data of maps into various tensor products in a suitably compatible fashion. We will call the resulting opposites of ∞-operads ∞-anti-operads.1 Awkward as this may seem, it cannot be avoided. 1.1. Notation. Let π¬(F) denote the following ordinary category. The objects will be finite sets, and a morphism π½ πΌ will be a map π½ πΌ+ ; one composes π βΆ πΎ π½+ with π βΆ π½ πΌ+ by forming the composite π π+ π πΎ π½+ πΌ++ πΌ+ , where π βΆ πΌ++ πΌ+ is the map that simply identifies the two added points. (Of course π¬(F) is equivalent to the category F∗ of pointed finite sets, but we prefer to think of the objects of π¬(F) as unpointed. This is the natural perspective on this category from the theory of operator categories [1].) 1.2. Definition. (1.2.1) An ∞-anti-operad is an inner fibration π βΆ π⊗ Nπ¬(F)op whose opposite πop βΆ (π⊗ )op Nπ¬(F) is an ∞-operad. (1.2.2) If π βΆ π⊗ Nπ¬(F)op is an ∞-anti-operad, then an edge of π⊗ will be said to be inert if it is cartesian over an edge of Nπ¬(F)op that corresponds to an inert map in π¬(F), that is, a map π βΆ π½ πΌ+ such that the induced map π−1 (πΌ) πΌ is a bijection [19, Df.], [1, Df. 8.1]. (1.2.3) A cartesian fibration π βΆ π⊗ π⊗ will be said to exhibit π⊗ as an π⊗ -monoidal ∞-category just in case the cocartesian fibration πop βΆ (π⊗ )op (π⊗ )op exhibits (π⊗ )op as an (π⊗ )op -monoidal ∞-category in the sense of [19, Df.]. When π⊗ = Nπ¬(F)op , we will say that π exhibits π⊗ as a symmetric monoidal ∞category. (1.2.4) A morphism π βΆ π⊗ π⊗ of ∞-anti-operads is a morphism over Nπ¬(F)op that carries inert edges to inert edges. If π⊗ and π⊗ are symmetric monoidal ∞-categories, then π is a symmetric monoidal functor if it carries all cartesian edges to cartesian edges. 1We do not know a standard name for this structure. In a previous verion of this paper, CB called these “cooperads,” but this conflicts with better-known terminology. 6 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH 1.3. Example. Suppose πΆ an ∞-category. We define the cartesian ∞-anti-operad as π βΆ πΆ× β ((πΆop )β )op Nπ¬(F)op , where the notation (⋅)β refers to the cocartesian ∞-operad [19, Cnstr.]. If πΆ is an ∞category that admits all products, then the functor π exhibits πΆ× as a symmetric monoidal ∞-category [19, Rk.]. An object (πΌ, π) of πΆ× consists of a finite set πΌ and a family {ππ | π ∈ πΌ}; a morphism (π, π) βΆ (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of πΆ× consists of a map of finite sets π βΆ π½ πΌ+ and a family of morphisms {ππ βΆ ππ(π) ππ | π ∈ π−1 (πΌ)} of πΆ. If πΆ admits finite products, then the morphisms ππ determine and are determined by a family of morphisms { ππ½π βΆ ππ ∏ ππ | π ∈ πΌ }; π∈π½π here π½π denotes the fiber π−1 (π). Observe that the cartesian ∞-anti-operad is significantly simpler to define than the cartesian ∞-operad. Note also that (π₯0 )× = Nπ¬(F)op . It is extremely useful to note that the condition that an ∞-operad πΆ ⊗ be a symmetric monoidal ∞-category can be broken into two conditions: (1) The first of these is corepresentability [19, Df.]; this is the condition that the π functors MapπΆπΌ⊗ (π₯πΌ , −) βΆ πΆ Top be corepresentable, where ππΌ is the unique active map πΌ ∗ in π¬(F). A compact expression of this is simply to say (as Lurie does) that the inner fibration πΆ ⊗ ππ¬(F) is locally cocartesian. (2) The second condition is symmetric promonoidality. This can be expressed in a number of ways. One may say that for any active map π βΆ π½ πΌ of π¬(F), for any object π₯π½ ∈ πΆπ½⊗ , and for any object π§ ∈ πΆ, the natural map ∫ π¦πΌ ∈πΆπΌ⊗ π π MapπΆπΌ⊗ (π¦πΌ , π§) × MapπΆ⊗ (π₯π½ , π¦πΌ ) π MapπΆπ½⊗ (π₯π½ , π§) is an equivalence; this is an operadic version of the condition expressed in [19, Ex.]. Equivalently, πΆ ⊗ is a symmetric promonoidal ∞-category if it represents a commutative algebra object in the ∞-category of ∞-categories and profunctors. In light of [19, §B.3], we make the following definition. 1.4. Definition. We will say that an ∞-operad πΆ ⊗ is symmetric promonoidal if the structure map πΆ ⊗ ππ¬(F) is a flat inner fibration [19, Df. B.3.8]. Similarly, we will say that an ∞anti-operad πΆ⊗ is symmetric promonoidal if the structure map πΆ⊗ ππ¬(F)op is a flat inner fibration. Our claim now is that the conjunction of these two conditions are equivalent to the condition that πΆ ⊗ be a symmetric monoidal ∞-category. That is, we claim that a symmetric monoidal ∞-category is precisely a corepresentable symmetric promonoidal ∞-category. This follows immediately from the following. 1.5. Proposition. The following are equivalent for an inner fibration π βΆ π (1.5.1) The inner fibration π is flat and locally cocartesian. (1.5.2) The inner fibration π is cocartesian. π. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 7 Proof. The second condition implies the first by [19, Ex. B.3.11]. Let us show that the first condition implies the second. By [16, Pr.], it suffices to consider the case in which π = π₯2 , and to show that for any section of π given by a commutative triangle π¦ π π₯ π π§ β in which π and π are locally π-cocartesian, the edge β is locally π-cocartesian as well. In this case, by [16, Cor.], we can find a cocartesian fibration π βΆ π π₯2 along with an equivalence π βΆ π ×π₯2 π¬21 ∼ π ×π₯2 π¬21 of cocartesian fibrations over π¬21 . Now since π is flat, the inclusion π ×π₯2 π¬21 π is a categorical equivalence over π₯2 . Consequently, we may lift to obtain a map π βΆ π π over π₯2 extending π. This map is a categorical equivalence since both π and π are flat. Now π(π) = π(π) and π(π) = π(π) are π-cocartesian, whence so is π(β). The stability of relative colimits under categorical equivalences [16, Pr.], in light of [16, Ex.], now implies that β is π-cocartesian. One reason to treasure symmetric promonoidal structures is the fact that, as we shall now prove, they are precisely the structure needed on an ∞-category πΆ in order for Fun(πΆ, π·) to admit a Day convolution symmetric monoidal structure.2 To explain, suppose first πΆ ⊗ a small symmetric monoidal ∞-category, and suppose π·⊗ a symmetric monoidal ∞-category such that π· admits all colimits, and the tensor product preserves colimits separately in each variable. In [11], Glasman constructs a symmetric monoidal structure on the functor ∞-category Fun(πΆ, π·) which is the natural ∞-categorical generalization of Day’s convolution product. As in Day’s construction, the convolution πΉ ⊗ πΊ of two functors πΉ, πΊ βΆ πΆ π· in Glasman’s symmetric monoidal structure is given by the left Kan extension of the composite πΆ×πΆ (πΉ, πΊ) π·×π· ⊗ π· along the tensor product ⊗ βΆ πΆ × πΆ πΆ. In particular, for any finite set πΌ, and for any πΌ-tuple {πΉπ }π∈πΌ of functors πΆ of the tensor product is given by the coend (β¨ πΉπ ) (π₯) β ∫ π’πΌ ∈πΆπΌ⊗ π·, the value π MapπΆπΌ⊗ (π’πΌ , π₯) ⊗ β¨ πΉπ (π’π ). π∈πΌ π∈πΌ Equivalently, the Day convolution on Fun(πΆ, π·) is the essentially unique symmetric monoidal structure that enjoys the following criteria: βΆ The tensor product − ⊗ − βΆ Fun(πΆ, π·) × Fun(πΆ, π·) Fun(πΆ, π·) preserves colimits separately in each variable. βΆ The functor given by the composite πΆop × π· π × id Fun(πΆ, Kan) × π· π Fun(πΆ, π·) 2We would like to acknowledge that Dylan Wilson has independently made this observation. 8 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH is symmetric monoidal, where π denotes the Yoneda embedding, and π is the functor corresponding to the composition Fun(πΆ, Kan) Fun(π· × πΆ, π· × Kan) Fun(π· × πΆ, π·) in which the first functor is the obvious one, and the functor π· × Kan π· is the tensor functor (π, πΎ) π ⊗ πΎ of [16, §4.4.4]. Conveniently, we can extend Glasman’s Day convolution to situations in which πΆ ⊗ is only symmetric promonoidal. 1.6. Proposition. For any symmetric promonoidal ∞-category πΆ ⊗ and any symmetric monoidal ∞-category π·⊗ such that π· admits all colimits and ⊗ βΆ π· × π· π· preserves colimits separately in each variable, Fun(πΆ, π·) admits a symmetric monoidal structure such that the πΈ∞ -algebras therein are morphisms of ∞-operads πΆ ⊗ π·⊗ . Proof. The results of the first two sections of [11] hold when πΆ ⊗ is symmetric promonoidal with only one change: In the proof of [11, Lm. 2.3], the reference to [16, Pr.] should be replaced with a reference to [19, Pr. B.3.14]. Consequently, our claim follows from [11, Prs. 2.11 and 2.12]. 1.7. Once again, for any finite set πΌ, and for any πΌ-tuple {πΉπ }π∈πΌ of functors πΆ of the tensor product is given by the coend (β¨ πΉπ ) (π₯) β ∫ π’πΌ ∈πΆπΌ⊗ π·, the value π MapπΆπΌ⊗ (π’πΌ , π₯) ⊗ β¨ πΉπ (π’π ). π∈πΌ π∈πΌ 2. The symmetric promonoidal structure on the effective Burnside ∞-category Suppose πΆ a disjunctive ∞-category. The product on πΆ does not induce the product on the effective Burnside ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ). (Indeed, recall that the effective Burnside ∞-category admits direct sums, and these direct sums are induced by the coproduct in πΆ.) However, a product on πΆ (if it exists) does induce a symmetric monoidal structure on π΄eff (πΆ). The construction of the previous example is just what we need to describe this structure, and it will work for a broad class of disjunctive triples – which we call cartesian – as well. It turns out to be convenient to consider situations in which πΆ does not actually have products. In this case, the effective Burnside ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ) admits not a symmetric monoidal structure, but only a symmetric promonoidal structure, which suffices to get the Day convolution on ∞-categories of Mackey functors. 2.1. Notation. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple. We now define a triple structure (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) on πΆ× in the following manner. A morphism (π, π) βΆ (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of πΆ× will be ingressive just in case π is a bijection, and each morphism ππ βΆ ππ(π) ππ is ingressive. The morphism (π, π) will be egressive just in case each morphism ππ βΆ ππ(π) is egressive (with no condition on π). It is a trivial matter to verify the following. ππ SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 9 2.2. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. Then the triple (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) is adequate in the sense of [4, Df. 5.2]. In particular, for any left complete disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), one may consider the effective Burnside ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ). 2.3. Example. Note in particular that ((π₯0 )× , ((π₯0 )× )† , ((π₯0 )× )† ) β (Nπ¬(F)op , πNπ¬(F)op , Nπ¬(F)op ), whence one proves easily that the inclusion Nπ¬(F) β (((π₯0 )× )† )op π΄eff ((π₯0 )× , ((π₯0 )× )† , ((π₯0 )× )† ) is an equivalence. We’ll use the following pair of results. They follow the same basic pattern as [4, Lms. 11.4 and 11.5]; in particular, they too follow immediately from the first author’s “omnibus theorem” [4, Th. 12.2]. 2.4. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. Then the natural functor π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) π΄eff ((π₯0 )× , ((π₯0 )× )† , ((π₯0 )× )† ) is an inner fibration. 2.5. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. Then for any object π of πΆ× lying over an object π½ ∈ (π₯0 )× and any inert morphism π βΆ πΌ π½ of ππ¬(F), there exists a cocartesian edge π π for the inner fibration π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) π΄eff ((π₯0 )× , ((π₯0 )× )† , ((π₯0 )× )† ) lying over the image of π under the equivalence of Ex. 2.3. Now we can go about defining the symmetric promonoidal structure on the effective Burnside ∞-category of a disjunctive triple. 2.6. Notation. For any disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), we define π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ as the pullback π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ β π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) ×π΄eff ((π₯0 )× ,((π₯0 )× )† ,((π₯0 )× )† ) Nπ¬(F), equipped with its canonical projection to Nπ¬(F). Note that because the inclusion Nπ¬(F) π΄eff ((π₯0 )× , (π₯0 )×,† , (π₯0 )†× ) is an equivalence, it follows that the projection functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) is actually an equivalence. 2.7. Remark. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple. The objects of the total ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ are pairs (πΌ, ππΌ ) consisting of a finite set πΌ and an πΌ-tuple ππΌ = (ππ )π∈πΌ of objects of πΆ. A morphism (π½, ππ½ ) (πΌ, ππΌ ) 10 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH of π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ can be thought of as a morphism π βΆ π½ diagrams { { { { { { π { π ππ(π) πΌ of π¬(F) and a collection of | || −1 || π ∈ π (πΌ) ππ(π) , such that for any π ∈ π½, the morphism ππ(π) | } } } } } } } ππ(π) is ingressive, and the morphism ππ(π) ππ is egressive. Composition is then defined by pullback; that is, a 2-simplex (πΎ, ππΎ ) consists of morphisms π βΆ πΎ { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { ππ { (π½, ππ½ ) π½ and π βΆ π½ (πΌ, ππΌ ) πΌ of π¬(F) along with a collection of diagrams ππ(π(π)) ππ(π) | | | | | | | | | | ππ(π(π)) ππ(π) ππ(π(π)) | } } } } } } } } } } −1 π ∈ (ππ) (πΌ) } } } } } } } } } } } in which the square in the middle exhibits each ππ (for π ∈ πΌ) as the iterated fiber product over ππ of the set of objects {ππ ×ππ ππ | π ∈ π½π }. (Note that the left completeness is used to show that this iterated fiber product exists.) In particular, π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗{1} may be identified with the effective Burnside ∞-category eff π΄ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) itself, and for any finite set πΌ, the inert morphisms ππ βΆ πΌ {π}+ together induce an equivalence π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )πΌ⊗ ∼ ∏ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗{π} . π∈πΌ For the proofs of the next few results it is convenient to introduce a bit of notation. 2.8. Notation. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a triple, suppose π΄ and π΅ are two sets, and suppose πβΆ π΄ β π΅ πΆ a functor. Then let ′ πΆ/{π ⊆ πΆ/{ππ§ }π§∈π΄βπ΅ π₯ ; ππ¦ }π₯∈π΄,π¦∈π΅ denote the full subcategory spanned by those objects such that the morphisms to the objects ππ₯ are egressive and the morphisms to the objects ππ¦ are ingressive. In particular, note that ′ Mapπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ ((π½, ππ½ ), (∗, π)) β ππΆ/{π . π ; π}π∈π½ † We have almost proven the following. 2.9. Proposition. For any left complete disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the inner fibration π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ is an ∞-operad. Nπ¬(F) SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) Proof. Following Rk. 2.7, it only remains to show that given an edge πΌ βΆ πΌ and objects (πΌ, π), (π½, π) in π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ , the cocartesian edges 11 π½ in Nπ¬(F) (∗, ππ ) (π½, π) over the inert edges ππ βΆ π½ (∗, ππ ), ∗ induce an equivalence MapπΌπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ ((πΌ, π), (π½, π)) † ππ βπΌ ∏ Mapπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ ((πΌ, π), (∗, ππ )). † π∈π½ But this is indeed true, since the map identifies the left-hand side as ′ ∏ ππΆ/{π π ; ππ } π∈πΌ−1 (π) π∈π½ . We now show that the ∞-operad π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ is symmetric promonoidal. 2.10. Proposition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. Then the ∞-operad π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F) is symmetric promonoidal; that is, π is a flat inner fibration. Proof. Suppose π βΆ π₯2 ππ¬(F) a 2-simplex given by a diagram π½ π½ πΌ πΌ πΎ πΎ a 2-simplex of ππ¬(F). Suppose (πΎ, π) (πΌ, π) (πΎ, π), an edge πΎΜ of π΄ β π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ ×ππ¬(F),π π₯2 lifting πΎ. Set πΈ β π΄(πΌ,π)/ /(πΎ,π) ×ππ¬(F) {π½} be the ∞-category of factorizations of πΎΜ through π΄π½ . Observe that an π-simplex of πΈ is a cartesian functor πͺΜ(π₯π+2 )op (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) satisfying certain conditions. We aim to show that πΈ is weakly contractible. To this end, we will identify a full subcategory πΈ′ ⊂ πΈ whose inclusion functor admits a right adjoint such that πΈ′ contains a terminal object. To begin, let us define a functor π βΆ πΈ × π₯1 πΈ extending the projection πΈ × {1} ∼ πΈ as follows: given non-negative integers π ≤ π, let ππ,π βΆ πͺΜ(π₯π+3 ) πͺΜ(π₯π+2 ) be the unique 12 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH functor which on objects is given by 0π { { ππ,π (ππ) β {0(π − 1) { {(π − 1)(π − 1) Then for every π-simplex π βΆ π₯π if π ≤ π + 1 and π ≤ π + 1; if π ≤ π + 1 and π > π + 1; if π > π + 1. πΈ corresponding to a functor π βΆ πͺΜ(π₯π+2 )op define π(π) βΆ π₯π × π₯1 simplex πΆ× , πΈ to be the unique functor which sends the nondegenerate (π + 1)- (0, 0) β― to the (π + 1)-simplex π₯π+1 (0, π) (1, π) β― (1, π) πΈ corresponding to the functor op π β πππ βΆ πͺΜ(π₯π+3 )op πΆ× . It is easy (albeit tedious) to verify that the functors π(π) assemble to yield a unique functor π. Now set π β π|(πΈ×{0}) . Given an object π ∈ πΈ displayed as a 2-simplex (πΎ, π) (π½, π01 ) (πΌ, π) of π΄, the edge ππ βΆ π (π) (πΎ, π12 ) (π½, π) (πΎ, π) π to be (πΎ, π) (π½, π01 ) (π½, π01 ) (πΌ, π) (πΎ, π) (π½, π01 ) (π½, π01 ) (πΎ, π12 ) (π½, π) (πΎ, π) From this, it is apparent that the essential image πΈ′ of π is the full subcategory spanned by those π ∈ πΈ such that the morphism (π½, π01 ) (π½, π) is an equivalence, and by the dual of [16, Pr.], π is a colocalization functor. We now define (π½, π) ∈ πΆ× by ππ β { ππ½(π) ∅ if π½(π) ≠ ∗; if π½(π) = ∗. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) There is an obvious factorization of (πΎ, π) object π ∈ πΈ′ as 13 (πΌ, π) through (π½, π), and we define an (πΎ, π) (π½, π) (πΌ, π) (πΎ, π) (π½, π) (πΎ, π) We now claim that π is terminal in πΈ′ . Let π ∈ πΈ′ be any object displayed as a 2-simplex (πΎ, π) (π½, π01 ) (πΌ, π) (πΎ, π12 ) (π½, π) (πΎ, π) of π΄. We have a homotopy pullback square MapπΈ (π, π) Mapπ΄ (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), π2 (π)) π∗ π₯0 Mapπ΄ π (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), πΎΜ) and the terms on the right-hand side are in turn given as homotopy pullbacks Mapπ΄ (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), π2 (π)) Mapπ΄ ((π½, π), (π½, π)) π2 (π)∗ π₯0 π2 (π) Mapπ΄ ((πΌ, π), (π½, π)), and Mapπ΄ (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), πΎΜ) Mapπ΄ ((π½, π), (πΎ, π)) π2 (π)∗ π₯0 Mapπ΄ ((πΌ, π), (πΎ, π)). πΎΜ In light of the equivalence (π½, π01 ) ∼ (π½, π), we obtain equivalences ′ Mapπ΄ ((π½, π), (π½, π)) β ∏ ππΆ/{(π ; ππ } ′ Mapπ΄ ((πΌ, π), (π½, π)) β ∏ ππΆ/{π ; ππ }π∈πΌ−1 (π) 01 )π π∈π½ π π∈π½ ; . Under these equivalences the map π2 (π)∗ is given by ∏π∈π½ ππ where ′ ππ βΆ ππΆ/{(π 01 )π ; ππ } ′ ππΆ/{π π ; ππ }π∈πΌ−1 (π) 14 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH is defined by postcomposition by the maps (π01 )π ππ (with π ∈ πΌ−1 (π)). As a corollary of Cor. 2.11.1 below, we may factor the square in question into two homotopy pullback squares: Mapπ΄ (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), π2 (π)) π₯0 Map(πΆ † × )id Map(πΆ ′ ∏π∈π½ ππΆ/{(π ((π½, π), (π½, π01 )) † × )πΌ 01 )π ′ ∏π∈π½ ππΆ/{π ((π½, π), (πΌ, π)) π ; ππ } ; ππ }π∈πΌ−1 (π) . Similarly, we factor the second square into two homotopy pullback squares: Mapπ΄ (πΌ,π)/ (π2 (π), πΎΜ) Map(πΆ † × )π½ π₯0 Map(πΆ ((πΎ, π), (π½, π01 )) ′ ∏π∈πΎ ππΆ/{(π 01 )π ; ππ } ((πΎ, π), (πΌ, π)) ′ ∏π∈πΎ ππΆ/{π π ; ππ } † × )πΎ π∈π½−1 (π) π∈πΎ −1 (π) The map π∗ is then seen to be equivalent to the induced map between the fibers of the horizontal maps in the following commutative square: Map(πΆ ((π½, π), (π½, π01 )) Map(πΆ ((π½, π), (πΌ, π)) Map(πΆ ((πΎ, π), (π½, π01 )) Map(πΆ ((πΎ, π), (πΌ, π)). † × )id † × )π½ † × )πΌ † × )πΎ The left vertical map is the equivalence ∏ MapπΆ† (ππ½(π) , (π01 )π ) ∼ π∈π½−1 (πΎ) ∏ ∏ MapπΆ† (ππ , (π01 )π ), π∈πΎ π∈π½−1 (π) and the right vertical map is the equivalence ∏ π∈π½−1 (πΎ) ∏ MapπΆ† (ππ½(π) , ππ ) π∈πΌ−1 (π) ∼ ∏ ∏ MapπΆ† (ππ , ππ ), π∈πΎ π∈πΎ −1 (π) so the square is in fact a homotopy pullback square and π∗ is an equivalence. Hence the mapping space MapπΈ (π, π) is contractible and π is a terminal object of πΈ′ . This proves that πΈ is weakly contractible. We digress briefly to give the following proposition, which is useful for studying the interaction of the over and undercategory functors with homotopy colimit diagrams. 2.11. Proposition. Suppose πΆ an ∞-category, and let π Set/πΆ be endowed with the model structure created by the forgetful functor to π Set equipped with the Joyal model structure. Then we have a Quillen adjunction πΆ(−)/ βΆ π Set/πΆ (π Set/πΆ )op βΆ πΆ/(−) between the over and undercategory functors. Proof. The displayed functors are indeed adjoint to each other, since for objects π βΆ π and π βΆ π πΆ we have natural isomorphisms πΆ Hom/πΆ (π, πΆπ/ ) ≅ Hom(πβπ)/ (π β π, πΆ) ≅ Hom/πΆ (π, πΆ/π ). To check that this adjunction is a Quillen adjunction, we check that πΆ(−)/ preserves cofibrations and trivial cofibrations. Let π βΆ π π′ be a map in π Set/πΆ , and let π = π2 (π) βΆ π π′ . If π is a monomorphism, by [16,] we have that πΆπ′ / πΆπ/ is a left fibration, hence by [16,] a categorical fibration. If π is a monomorphism and a categorical equivalence, SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 15 by [16,] and [16,] π is right anodyne, hence by [16,] πΆπ′ / a trivial Kan fibration. πΆπ/ is 2.11.1. Corollary. Let πΆ be an ∞-category and suppose given a morphism π βΆ π₯ and a diagram π¦ in πΆ πΎ πΎ β π₯0 π π′ π πΏ πΆ π′ πΏ β π₯0 of simplicial sets where π′ = π β id and π ′ |π₯0 selects π¦. Then we have a homotopy pullback square of ∞-categories πΉ {π₯} ×πΆ πΆ/π πΊ {π₯} ×πΆ πΆ/πβπ πΆ/π′ πΆ/π′ βπ′ where the vertical functors are given by change of diagram and the horizontal functors are to be defined. Proof. Define the functor πΉ as follows: the datum of an π-simplex π₯π {π₯} ×πΆ πΆ/π consists of a map πΌ βΆ π₯π β πΏ πΆ which restricts to π on πΏ and to the constant map to π₯ on π₯π , and we use this to define π₯π β (πΏ β π₯0 ) πΆ to be the unique map which restricts to πΌ on π₯π β πΏ and to π π₯π β π₯0 π₯1 πΆ on π₯π β π₯0 ; this gives the π-simplex of πΆ/π′ . The definition of πΊ is analogous. The square in question then fits into a rectangle {π₯} ×πΆ πΆ/π {π₯} ×πΆ πΆ/πβπ πΉ πΊ πΆ/π′ πΆ/π πΆ/π′ βπ′ πΆ/πβπ where the long horizontal functors are given as the inclusion of the fiber over π₯ and the functors in the righthand square are given by change of diagram. By Prp. 2.11 and left properness of the Joyal model structure, the righthand square is a homotopy pullback square. The vertical functor πΆ/π πΆ/πβπ is a right fibration, so the outermost square is a homotopy pullback square. The conclusion follows. If we want the symmetric promonoidal ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F) to be symmetric monoidal, we need a nontrivial condition on our disjunctive triple. 2.12. Definition. A disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) will be said to be cartesian just in case it enjoys the following properties (2.12.1) It is left complete. (2.12.2) The underlying ∞-category πΆ admits finite products. 16 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH (2.12.3) For any object π ∈ πΆ, the product functor π × −βΆ πΆ πΆ preserves finite coproducts; that is, for any finite set πΌ and any collection {ππ | π ∈ πΌ} of objects of πΆ, the natural map β(π × ππ ) π × (β ππ ) π∈πΌ π∈πΌ is an equivalence. (2.12.4) A morphism π ∏π∈π½ ππ is egressive just in case each of the components π is so. ππ 2.13. Example. Note that a disjunctive ∞-category πΆ that admits a teminal object, when equipped with the maximal triple structure (in which every morphism is both ingressive and egressive) is always cartesian. More generally, any disjunctive triple that contains a terminal object 1 with the property that every morphism π 1 is ingressive and egressive is cartesian. 2.14. Proposition. If (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a cartesian disjunctive triple, then the symmetric promonoidal ∞-category π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F) is symmetric monoidal; that is, π is a cocartesian fibration. Proof. Since π is flat, by Pr. 1.5 it suffices to verify that π is a locally cocartesian fibration. Since π is an ∞-operad, by the dual of [16, Lm.] we reduce to checking that for any active edge πΌ βΆ πΌ π½ and any object (πΌ, π) over πΌ, there exists a locally π-cocartesian edge Μπ = ∏ −1 ππ , and define πΌΜ to be πΌΜ covering πΌ. For each π ∈ π½, let π π∈πΌ (π) Μ (π½, π) Μ (π½, π), (πΌ, π) Μ ΜπΌ(π) where the morphism (π½, π) (πΌ, π) is defined using the projection maps π ππ . eff † ⊗ Then πΌΜ is a locally π-cocartesian edge if for all (π½, π) ∈ π΄ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ )π½ , the induced map Μ (π½, π)) πΌΜ∗ βΆ Mapπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ ((π½, π), † Mapπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ ((πΌ, π), (π½, π)) † π½ πΌ is an equivalence. This map is in turn equivalent to the map ∏ ππ βΆ ∏ ππΆ ′ π∈π½ π∈π½ /{∏π∈πΌ−1 (π) ππ ; ππ } ′ ∏ ππΆ/{π π ; ππ } π∈π½ π∈πΌ−1 (π) where ππ is induced by postcomposition by the projection maps ∏π∈πΌ−1 (π) ππ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a cartesian disjunctive triple, we have that the functor (πΆ† )/ ∏π∈πΌ−1 (π) ππ ππ . Since (πΆ† )/(ππ ,π∈πΌ−1 (π)) is an equivalence. Hence in light of Prp. 2.11 we have a homotopy pullback square ∏π∈π½ ππΆ ′ /{∏π∈πΌ−1 (π) ππ ; ππ } (πΆ† )/ ∏π∈πΌ−1 (π) ππ ππ ′ ∏π∈π½ ππΆ/{π π ; ππ } π∈πΌ−1 (π) (πΆ† )/{ππ }π∈πΌ−1 (π) SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 17 where the horizontal maps are equivalences. We deduce that the map πΌΜ∗ is an equivalence, as desired. In light of Lm. 2.5 and Rk. 2.7, we obtain the following. 2.15. Theorem. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. Then the functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F) exhibits π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ as a symmetric promonoidal ∞-category, the underlying ∞-category of which is the effective Burnside ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Furthermore, if (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is cartesian, then π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ is symmetric monoidal. 2.16. Notation. When (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a right complete disjunctive triple, we may employ duality and write π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ β (π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ )op . The functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F)op is then a symmetric promonoidal structure on the eff † Burnside ∞-category π΄ (πΆ, πΆ , πΆ† )op β π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). 2.17. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. Note that the formula β(π × ππ ) β π × (β ππ ) π∈πΌ π∈πΌ implies immediately that the tensor product functor ⊗ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) × π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) preserves direct sums separately in each variable. More generally, suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, suppose πΌ a finite set, and suppose {π₯π }π∈πΌ a collection of objects of πΆ, which we view, by the standard abuse, as an object of π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )πΌ⊗ . Consider the 1-simplex ππΌ βΆ π₯1 ππ¬(F), and denote by β{π₯π }π∈πΌ the restriction of the functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ ×ππ¬(F) π₯1 Kan π corepresented by {π₯π }π∈πΌ to π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Informally, this is the functor MapπΆπΌ⊗ ({π₯π }π∈πΌ , −). Suppose π ∈ πΌ, and suppose {π¦π π₯π }π∈πΎ a family of morphisms that together exhibit π₯π as the coproduct βπ∈πΎ π¦π . For each π ∈ πΌ and π ∈ πΎ, write ′ π₯π,π β{ π¦π π₯π if π = π; if π ≠ π. Then the natural map β{π₯π }π∈πΌ ′ ∏ β{π₯π,π }π∈πΌ π∈πΎ is an equivalence. 2.18. For any disjunctive ∞-category πΆ that admits a terminal object, the duality functor π· βΆ π΄eff (πΆ)op ∼ π΄eff (πΆ) of [4, Nt. 3.10] provides duals for the symmetric monoidal ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ)⊗ [17, Df. 2.3.5]. More precisely, for any object π of π΄eff (πΆ), there exists an evaluation morphism 18 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH π ⊗ π·π 1 given by the diagram π π₯ ! π×π 1, and, dually, there exists a coevaluation morphism 1 π·π ⊗ π given by the diagram π π₯ ! 1 π × π. Since the square π₯ π π×π π₯ π₯ × id π×π id ×π₯ π×π×π is a pullback, it follows that the composite π π ⊗ π·π ⊗ π π eff in π΄ (πΆ) is homotopic to the identity. We conclude that π΄eff (πΆ)⊗ is a symmetric monoidal ∞-category with duals. 2.19. If (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a cartesian disjunctive triple, then in general it is not quite the case that the symmetric monoidal ∞-category π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ admits duals. We have an evaluation morphism π ⊗ π·π 1 in π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) just in case the diagonal π₯ βΆ π π × π of πΆ is egressive, and the morphism ! βΆ π 1 is ingressive. We have a coevaluation morphism 1 π·π ⊗ π in π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) just in case π₯ is ingressive and ! is egressive. 2.20. If (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) and (π·, π·† , π·† ) are left complete disjunctive triples, then it is easy to see that a functor of disjunctive triples π βΆ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) (π·, π·† , π·† ) induces a functor of adequate triples (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) (π·× , (π·× )† , (π·× )† ) and thus a morphism of ∞-operads π΄eff (π)⊗ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ π΄eff (π·, π·† , π·† )⊗ . If, furthermore, (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) and (π·, π·† , π·† ) are cartesian and π preserves finite products, then π΄eff (π)⊗ is of course a symmetric monoidal functor. 3. Green functors Andreas Dress [10] defined Green functors as Mackey functors equipped with certain pairings. Gaunce Lewis [14] noticed that these pairings made them commutative monoids for the Day convolution tensor product on the category of Mackey functors. By an old observation of Brian Day [9, Ex. 3.2.2], these are precisely the lax symmetric monoidal additive functors on the effective Burnside category. Thanks to recent work of Saul Glasman SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 19 [11], this characterization of monoids for the Day convolution holds in the ∞-categorical context as well. 3.1. Definition. We shall say that a symmetric monoidal ∞-category πΈ⊗ is additive if the underlying ∞-category πΈ is additive, and the tensor product functor ⊗ βΆ πΈ × πΈ πΈ preserves direct sums separately in each variable. 3.2. Definition. (3.2.1) Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple and πΈ⊗ an additive symmetric monoidal ∞-category. Then a commutative Green functor is a morphism of ∞-operads π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ πΈ⊗ such that the underlying functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) πΈ preserves direct sums. (3.2.2) More generally, if π ⊗ is an ∞-operad, then an π ⊗ -Green functor is a morphism of ∞-operads π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ πΈ⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ over π ⊗ such that for any object π of the underlying ∞-category π, the functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) β (π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ )π (πΈ⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ )π β πΈ preserves direct sums. (3.2.3) Similarly, for any perfect operator category π·, we may define a π·-Green functor as a morphism π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) Nπ¬(π·) πΈ⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) Nπ¬(π·) of ∞-operads over π· such that the underlying functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) direct sums. πΈ preserves 3.3. Notation. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, and suppose πΈ⊗ an additive symmetric monoidal ∞-category. For any ∞-operad π ⊗ , let us write, employing the notation of [19, Df.] Greenπ⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ⊗ ) ⊂ Algπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ × † Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ /π⊗ (πΈ ⊗ ×Nπ¬(F) π ⊗ ) for the full subcategory spanned by the π ⊗ -Green functors. 3.4. Example. We define modules over an associative Green functor in this way. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, and suppose πΈ⊗ an additive symmetric monoidal ∞-category. Then we may consider the ∞-operad of [19, Df. 4.2.7], which we will denote LM⊗ . The inclusion Ass⊗ LM⊗ induces a functor GreenLM⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ⊗ ) GreenAss⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ⊗ ). An object π΄ of the target may be called an associative Green functor, and an object of the fiber of this functor over π΄ may be called a left π΄-module. We write Modβπ΄ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ⊗ ) β GreenLM⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ⊗ ) ×GreenAss⊗ (πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ;πΈ⊗ ) {π΄} for the ∞-category of left π΄-modules. When π΄ is a commutative Green functor, we will drop the superscript β. The convolution of two Mackey functors will not in general be a Mackey functor, but it can replaced with one by employing a localization (which we might as well call Mackeyification). To prove that convolution followed by Mackeyification defines a symmetric monoidal structure on the ∞-category of Mackey functors, it is necessary to show that Mackeyification 20 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH is compatible with the convolution symmetric monoidal structure in the sense of Lurie [19, Df., Ex.]. The following is immediate from [4, Pr. 6.5]. 3.5. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple, and suppose πΈ a presentable additive ∞-category. Then the ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ) is an accessible localization of the ∞category Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ). 3.6. Notation. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive ∞-category, and suppose πΈ a presentable additive ∞-category. Then write π for the left adjoint to the fully faithful inclusion Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ) Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ). 3.7. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive ∞-category, and suppose πΈ⊗ a presentable symmetric monoidal additive ∞-category. Then the left adjoint π constructed above is compatible in the sense of [19, Df.] with Glasman’s Day convolution symmetric monoidal structure on Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ). Proof. For any collection of objects {π π | π ∈ πΌ} of πΆ, let β{π π } βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Kan be as in 2.17, and for any object π₯ ∈ πΈ, let − ⊗ π₯ βΆ Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), Kan) Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ) be the composition with the tensor product − ⊗ π₯ βΆ Kan πΈ with spaces [16, §4.]. Thus objects of the form β{π π } ⊗ π₯ generate the ∞-category Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ) under colimits. It is easy to see that for any functors π, π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Kan and any object π₯ ∈ πΈ, the map (π × π) ⊗ π₯ (π ⊗ π₯) ⊕ (π ⊗ π₯) is an π-equivalence; furthermore, the class of π-equivalences is the strongly saturated class generated by the canonical morphisms βπ ⊕π‘ ⊗ π₯ (βπ ⊗ π₯) ⊕ (βπ‘ ⊗ π₯). This tensor product and the Day convolution are compatible in the sense that there are natural equivalences (βπ ⊗ π₯) ⊗ (βπ‘ ⊗ π¦) β β{π ,π‘} ⊗ (π₯ ⊗ π¦), whence one obtains natural π-equivalences ((βπ ⊗ π₯) ⊕ (βπ‘ ⊗ π₯)) ⊗ (βπ’ ⊗ π¦) β ((βπ ⊗ π₯) ⊗ (βπ’ ⊗ π¦)) ⊕ ((βπ‘ ⊗ π₯) ⊗ (βπ’ ⊗ π¦)) β (β{π ,π’} ⊗ π₯ ⊗ π¦) ⊕ (β{π‘,π’} ⊗ π₯ ⊗ π¦) (β{π ,π’} × β{π‘,π’} ) ⊗ π₯ ⊗ π¦ β β{π ⊕π‘,π’} ⊗ π₯ ⊗ π¦ β βπ ⊕π‘ ⊗ π₯ ⊗ βπ’ ⊗ π¦. It follows that for any π-equivalence π π and any object π ∈ Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ), the morphism π⊗π π⊗π is an π-equivalence. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 21 3.8. In particular, if (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a left complete disjunctive triple, and if πΈ⊗ a presentable symmetric monoidal additive ∞-category, we obtain a symmetric monoidal ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ)⊗ , and, in light of [11], for any ∞-operad π ⊗ , one obtains an equivalence Algπ⊗ (Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ)⊗ ) β Greenπ⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πΈ). 4. Green stabilization Now let us address the issue of multiplicative structures on the Mackey stabilization, as constructed in [4, §7]. In particular, we aim to show that if πΈ is an ∞-topos, then the Mackey stabilization of a morphism of operads π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ πΈ× naturally admits the structure of a Green functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Sp(πΈ)∧ . 4.1. Definition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple, suppose πΈ an ∞-topos, and suppose π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ πΈ× and πΉ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Sp(πΈ)⊗ morphisms of ∞-operads. Then a morphism of π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ -algebras πβΆ π πΊ∞ β πΉ will be said to exhibit πΉ as the Green stabilization of π if πΉ is a Green functor, and if, for any Green functor π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Sp(πΈ)⊗ , the map MapGreen πΈ∞ (πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ † ;Sp(πΈ)⊗ ) (πΉ, π ) MapAlg eff (πΈ π΄ (πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† )⊗ ×) (π, πΊ ∞ β π ) induced by π is an equivalence. The following result is essentially the same as [2, Pr. 2.1]. 4.2. Proposition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. There exists a symmetric monoidal ∞-category Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ and a fully faithful symmetric monoidal functor π ⊗ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ with the following properties. (4.2.1) The ∞-category Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) underlies Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ , and the underlying functor of π ⊗ is the inclusion π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) of [4, Nt. 7.2]. (4.2.2) For any symmetric monoidal ∞-category πΈ⊗ whose underlying ∞-category admits all sifted colimits such that the tensor product preserves sifted colimits separately in each variable, the induced functor AlgDπ΄(πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ (πΈ⊗ ) † Algπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ (πΈ⊗ ) † exhibits an equivalence from the full subcategory spanned by those morphisms of ∞operads π΄ whose underlying functor π΄ βΆ Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) πΈ preserves sifted colimits to the full subcategory spanned by those morphisms of ∞-operads π΅ whose underlying functor π΅ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) πΈ preserves filtered colimits. 22 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH (4.2.3) The tensor product functor ⊗ βΆ Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) × Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) preserves all colimits separately in each variable. Proof. The only part that is not a consequence of [19, Pr. and Var.] is the assertion that the tensor product functor ⊗ βΆ Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) × Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) preserves direct sums separately in each variable. This assertion holds for objects of the effective Burnside category π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) thanks to the universality of coproducts in πΆ; the general case follows by exhibiting any object of Dπ΄(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) as a colimit of a sifted diagram of objects of π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) and using the fact that both the tensor product and the direct sum commute with sifted colimits. In light of [2, Pr. 3.5] and [19, Pr. and Th.], we now have the following. 4.3. Proposition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple, suppose πΈ an ∞-topos, and suppose π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ πΈ× a morphism of ∞-operads. Then a Green stabilization of π exists. In particular, the functor πΊ ∞ β − βΆ Green(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp(πΈ)⊗ ) Algπ΄eff (πΆ,πΆ ,πΆ† )⊗ (πΈ× ) † admits a left adjoint that covers the left adjoint of the functor πΊ ∞ β − βΆ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp(πΈ)) Fun(π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), πΈ). 4.4. Example. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. Then the functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Kan corepresented by the terminal object 1 of πΆ is the unit for the Day convolution symmetric monoidal structure of Glasman, and hence it is an πΈ∞ algebra in an essentially unique fashion. Thus we can consider its Green stabilization S⊗ = S⊗(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Sp∧ , whose underlying Mackey functor is the Burnside Mackey functor S(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) of [4]. We call S⊗ the Burnside Green functor. In a similar vein, we immediately have the following: 4.5. Proposition. For any cartesian disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the functor π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )op Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp) given by the assignment π Sπ is naturally symmetric monoidal. That is, for any two objects π, π ∈ πΆ, one has a canonical equivalence Sπ ⊗ Sπ β Sπ×π 4.5.1. Corollary. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. For any spectral Mackey functor π thereon, write πΉ(π, −) for the right adjoint to the functor − ⊗ π βΆ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp) Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp). Then for any object π ∈ πΆ, the Mackey functor πΉ(Sπ , π) is given by the assignment π π(π × π). SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 23 The following is now immediate. 4.6. Proposition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. The Burnside Mackey functor S(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) is the unit in the symmetric monoidal ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp)⊗ . Consequently, the Burnside Green functor S⊗(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) is the initial object in the ∞-category GreenNπ¬(F) (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp⊗ ), and the forgetful functor ModS⊗ (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp⊗ ) ∼ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp) is an equivalence. 5. Duality In this section, suppose πΆ a disjunctive ∞-category that admits a terminal object. Since the functor π Sπ is symmetric monoidal, it follows immediately that every representable π Mackey functor S is strongly dualizable, and (Sπ )∨ β Sπ·π 5.1. Notation. For any associative spectral Green functor π and for any object π ∈ πΆ, denote by π π the left π -module π ⊗ Sπ , and denote by ππ the right π -module Sπ ⊗ π . Of course for any left (respectively, right) π -module π, one has Map(π π , π) β πΊ ∞ π(π) (resp., Map(ππ , π) β πΊ ∞ π(π) ). 5.2. Definition. For any associative spectral Green functor π on πΆ, denote by Perf βπ the smallest stable subcategory of the ∞-category Modβπ that contains the left π -modules π π (for π ∈ πΆ) and is closed under retracts. Similarly, denote by Perf ππ the smallest stable subcategory of the ∞-category Modππ that contains the right π -modules ππ (for π ∈ πΆ) and is closed under retracts. The objects of Perf βπ (respectively, Perf ππ ) will be called perfect left (resp., right) modules over π . Now we obtain the following, which is a straightforward analogue of [19, Pr.]. 5.3. Proposition. For any associative spectral Green functor π , a left π -module is compact just in case it is perfect. Proof. For any π ∈ πΆ, the functor corepresented by π π is the assignment π πΊ ∞ π(π), π which preserves filtered colimits. Hence π is compact, and thus any perfect left π -module is compact. Conversely, there is a fully faithful, colimit-preserving functor πΉ βΆ Ind(Perf βπ ) Modπ induced by the inclusion Perf βπ Modβπ . If this is not essentially surjective, there exists a nonzero left π -module π such that for every π -module π in the essential image of πΉ, the group [π, π] vanishes. In particular, for any integer π and any object π ∈ πΆ, ππ π(π) ≅ [π π [π], π] ≅ 0, whence π β 0. The proof of the following is word-for-word identical to that of [19, Pr.]. 5.4. Proposition. For any associative spectral Green functor π on πΆ, a left π -module π is perfect just in case there exists a right π -module π∨ that is dual to π in the sense that the functor Map(S, π∨ ⊗π −) βΆ Modβπ Kan is the functor that π corepresents. 24 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH 5.5. Example. Note that, in particular, for any object π ∈ πΆ, one has (π π )∨ β π·ππ . 6. The Künneth spectral sequence Let us note that the Künneth spectral sequence works in the Mackey functor context more or less exactly as in the ordinary ∞-category of spectra. To this end, let us first discuss π‘-structures on ∞-categories of spectral Mackey functors. 6.1. Proposition. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple, and suppose π΄ a stable ∞-category equipped with a π‘-structure (π΄ ≥0 , π΄ ≤0 ). Then the two subcategories Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄)≥0 β Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄ ≥0 ) and Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄)≤0 β Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄ ≤0 ) define a π‘-structure on Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄). Proof. Consider the functor πΏ βΆ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄) Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄) given by composition with π≤−1 ; it is clear that πΏ is a localization functor. Furthermore, the essential image of πΏ is the ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄ ≤−1 ), which is closed under extensions, since π΄ ≤−1 is. Now we apply [19, Pr.]. 6.2. Note that if π΄ a stable ∞-category equipped with a π‘-structure (π΄ ≥0 , π΄ ≤0 ), then for any disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the heart of the induced π‘-structure on Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄) is given by Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄)β‘ β Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄β‘ ). Furthermore, it is clear that many properties of the π‘-structure on π΄ are inherited by the induced π‘-structure Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄): in particular, one verifies easily that the π‘-structure on Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄) is left bounded, right bounded, left complete, right complete, compatible with sequential colimits, compatible with filtered colimits, or accessible if the π‘-structure on π΄ is so. 6.3. Example. For any disjunctive triple (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp) admits an accessible π‘-structure that is both left and right complete whose heart is the abelian category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; πAb). Observe that the corepresentable functors π≤0 Sπ are projective objects in the heart, and thus the heart has enough projectives. In particular, if πΊ is a profinite group and if πΆ is the disjunctive ∞-category of finite πΊ-sets, then the ∞-category MackπΊ of spectral Mackey functors for πΊ admits an accessible π‘-structure that is both left and right complete, in which the heart Mackβ‘ πΊ is the nerve of the usual abelian category of Mackey functors for πΊ. 6.4. Construction. Suppose π΄ a stable ∞-category equipped with a π‘-structure. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple, and suppose π βΆ πZ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; π΄) a filtered Mackey functor with colimit π(+∞). Then we have the spectral sequence π,π πΈπ β im [ππ+π ( π(π) ) π(π − π) ππ+π ( π(π + π − 1) )] π(π − 1) associated with π [19, Df.]. Note that this is a spectral sequence of π΄β‘ -valued Mackey functors. Since limits and colimits of Mackey functors are defined objectwise, it follows that for any object π ∈ π,π π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the value πΈπ (π) is the spectral sequence (in π΄β‘ ) associated with the filtered object π(π) βΆ πZ π΄. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 25 6.5. In the setting of Cnstr. 6.4, assume that π΄ admits all sequential colimits and that the π‘-structure is compatible with these colimits. If π(π) β 0 for π βͺ 0, then the associated spectral sequence converges to a filtration on ππ+π (π(+∞)) [19,]. That is: π,π βΆ For any π and π, there exists π β« 0 such that the differential ππ βΆ πΈπ vanishes. βΆ For any π and π, there exist a discrete, exhaustive filtration π−π,π+π−1 πΈπ −1 0 1 β― ⊂ πΉπ+π ⊂ πΉπ+π ⊂ πΉπ+π ⊂ β― ⊂ ππ+π π(+∞) π,π π π−1 and an isomorphism πΈ∞ ≅ πΉπ+π /πΉπ+π . In more general circumstances, one can obtain a kind of “local convergence.” Suppose again that π΄ admits all sequential colimits, and that the π‘-structure is compatible with these colimits. Now suppose that for every object π ∈ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), there exists π βͺ 0 such π,π that π(π)(π) β 0. Then for every object π ∈ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), the spectral sequence πΈπ (π) converges to ππ+π (π(+∞)(π)). In finitary cases (e.g., when πΆ is the disjunctive ∞-category of finite πΊ-sets for a finite group πΊ), there is no difference between the local convergence and the global convergence. Better convergence results can be obtained when the filtered Mackey functor is the skeletal filtration of a simplicial connective object π∗ [19, Pr.]. In this case, we do not need to assume that the π‘-structure on π΄ is compatible with sequential colimits, the associated spectral sequence is a first-quadrant spectral sequence, and it converges to a length π + π filtration on ππ+π |π∗ |. Now, to construct the Künneth spectral sequence for Mackey functors, we can follow very closely the arguments of Lurie [19, §7.2.1]. 6.6. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a disjunctive triple. Then the collection of corepresentable Mackey functors {Sπ | π ∈ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )} is a set of compact projective generators for Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp≥0 ) in the sense of [16, Dfn.]. Proof. The corepresentable functors provide a set of compact projective generators for the ∞category Fun× (π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), Kan) because this category is precisely ππ΄ (π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )op ). The functor πΊ ∞ β − βΆ Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp≥0 ) Fun× (π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), Kan) preserves sifted colimits and is conservative, since πΊ ∞ βΆ Sp≥0 Kan preserves sifted colimits by [19,] and is conservative, and the inclusion of both sides into all functors preserves sifted colimits (we use that Kan is cartesian closed). We conclude by applying [19,]. To set up the spectral sequence we need to impose the hypotheses of strong dualizability on the Sπ . Because of this, we now work in the generality of πΆ a disjunctive ∞-category which admits a terminal object. Suppose π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ)⊗ ×ππ¬(F) Ass⊗ Sp∧ ×ππ¬(F) Ass⊗ an associative Green functor, suppose π a right π -module, and suppose π a left π -module. There is a comparison map π π Tor0 ∗ (π∗ π, π∗ π) π∗ (π ⊗π π) 26 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH constructed as follows: given π₯ ∈ ππ π(π) and π¦ ∈ ππ π(π), choose representatives π΄ π (ππ ) π and π΄ π (π π ) π and take their smash product to obtain a map π΄ π+π (Sπ×π ) π΄ π+π (Sπ×π ) ⊗ π β π΄ π (ππ ) ⊗π π΄ π (π π ) π ⊗π π and thus an element π₯⊗π¦ ∈ ππ+π (π⊗π π)(π×π); this is suitably natural so that it descends to a map out of the Day convolution tensor product π∗ π ⊗π∗ π π∗ π to π∗ (π ⊗π π). This map is not usually an isomorphism. Instead, we construct a spectral sequence that converges to π∗ (π ⊗π π), in which this map appears as an edge homomorphism. Let π denote the class of left π -modules of the form π΄ π π π for π ∈ Z and π ∈ πΆ. By [19, Pr.], there exists an π-free π-hypercovering π• π in the (presentable) stable ∞-category Modβπ . 6.7. Lemma. For any π-hypercovering π• π π, we have that |π• | β π. π Proof. Let π≥π be the subset of π on π΄ β π for π ≥ π. From our π-hypercovering π• π, we obtain π≥π -hypercoverings π≥π π• π≥π π for every π ∈ Z. Since the π΄ π π π , π ∈ πΆ constitute a set of projective generators for Mack(πΆ; Sp≥π ) by Lm. 6.6, we have that |π≥π π• | β π≥π π by the hypercompleteness of Kan. By the right completeness of the π‘-structure, we deduce that |π• | β π. π,π By passing to the skeletal filtration of π⊗π |π• |, we obtain a spectral sequence {πΈπ , ππ }π≥1 ∗,π that converges to ππ+π (π ⊗π π). The complex (πΈ1 , π1 ) is the normalized chain complex π∗ (ππ (π ⊗π π• )). To proceed, we need to prove the following analogue of [19, Pr.]. 6.8. Lemma. If π is a direct sum of objects in π, then the map π π Tor0 ∗ (π∗ π, π∗ π) π∗ (π ⊗π π) is an isomorphism. Proof. Both sides commute with direct sums and shifts, so we reduce to the case of π = π π . We claim first that for any spectral Mackey functor E, π∗ πΈ ⊗ π≤0 Sπ ≅ π∗ (πΈ ⊗ Sπ ). Since π≤0 Sπ corepresents evaluation at π for Ab-valued Mackey functors, and π≤0 Sπ has dual π≤0 Sπ·π , we have (π∗ πΈ⊗π≤0 Sπ )(π) ≅ (π∗ πΈ)(π×π·π). Similarly, corepresentability and strong dualizability on the level of the Sp-valued Mackey functors implies that π∗ (πΈ ⊗ Sπ )(π) ≅ (π∗ πΈ)(π × π·π), so we conclude. Now we apply this claim both for π and π to see that π∗ π ⊗π∗ π π∗ (π π ) ≅ π∗ π ⊗π∗ π (π∗ π ⊗ π≤0 Sπ ) ≅ π∗ π ⊗ π≤0 Sπ ≅ π∗ (π ⊗ Sπ ) ≅ π∗ (π ⊗π π π ). We leave the identification of the specified map with this isomorphism to the reader. We thus obtain an isomorphism π π Tor0 ∗ (π∗ π, π∗ π• ) ≅ π∗ (π ⊗π π• ). As π• is an π-free π-hypercovering of π, π∗ (π∗ π• ) is a resolution of π∗ π by projective π∗ π -modules. It follows that the πΈ2 page is given by π,π π π πΈ2 ≅ Torπ∗ (π∗ π, π∗ π)π . SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 27 As in [19, Cor.], we have an immediate corollary. 6.8.1. Corollary. Suppose πΆ, π , π, and π as above. Suppose that π , π, and π are all connective. Then π ⊗π π is connective, and one has an isomorphism of ordinary Mackey functors π0 (π ⊗π π) ≅ π0 π ⊗π0 π π0 π. 6.9. Example. If πΆ is the category of finite πΊ-sets for πΊ a finite group, then our Künneth spectral sequence recovers that of Lewis and Mandell in [15]. We refer the reader there to a more extensive discussion of this spectral sequence in that particular case. 7. Symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibrations In [3], we define an π ⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category for any ∞-operad π ⊗ as an π ⊗ -algebra in the symmetric monoidal ∞-category Wald⊗∞ . We give two equivalent fibrational formulations of this notion. 7.1. Definition. Suppose π ⊗ an ∞-operad. An π ⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category consists of a pair cocartesian fibration [3, Df. 3.8] π ⊗ βΆ X⊗ π⊗ such that the following conditions obtain. (7.1.1) The composite X⊗ π⊗ Nπ¬(F) ⊗ exhibits X as an ∞-operad. (7.1.2) The fiber π βΆ X π over ∗ ∈ Nπ¬(F) is a Waldhausen cocartesian fibration. (7.1.3) For any finite set πΌ and any choice of inert morphisms {ππ βΆ π π π }π∈πΌ covering the inert morphisms πΌ {π}, an edge π of X⊗π is ingressive if and only if, for every π ∈ πΌ, the edge ππ,! (π) of Xπ π is ingressive. (7.1.4) For any finite set πΌ, any morphism π βΆ π π‘ of π ⊗ covering the unique active morphism πΌ {π}, and any choice of inert morphisms {π π π | π ∈ πΌ} covering the inert morphisms πΌ {π}, the functor of pairs π! ∏ Xπ π β X⊗π Xπ‘ π∈πΌ is exact separately in each variable [2]. Dually, suppose π⊗ an ∞-anti-operad. Then a π⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category is a pair cartesian fibration π⊗ βΆ X⊗ π⊗ such that the following conditions obtain. (7.1.5) The composition X⊗ π⊗ Nπ¬(F)op exhibits X⊗ as an ∞-anti-operad. (7.1.6) The fiber π βΆ X π over ∗ ∈ Nπ¬(F)op is a Waldhausen cartesian fibration. (7.1.7) For any finite set πΌ and any choice of inert morphisms {ππ βΆ π π π }π∈πΌ covering the inert morphisms πΌ {π}, an edge π of X⊗π is ingressive if and only if, for every π ∈ πΌ, the edge ππβ (π) of Xπ π is ingressive. 28 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH (7.1.8) For any finite set πΌ, any morphism π βΆ π‘ π of π⊗ covering the opposite of the unique active morphism πΌ {π}, and any choice of inert morphisms {π π π }π∈πΌ covering the inert morphisms πΌ {π}, the functor of pairs πβ βΆ ∏ Xπ π β X⊗,π Xπ‘ π∈πΌ is exact separately in each variable. Employing [19, Ex. and Pr.] and [2, Lm 1.4], one deduces the following. 7.2. Proposition. Suppose π ⊗ (respectively, π⊗ ) an ∞-operad (resp., an ∞-anti-operad). Then the functor π⊗ Cat∞ (resp., the functor (π⊗ )op Cat∞ ) ⊗ classifying an π -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category (resp., an π⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category) factors through an essentially unique morphism of ∞-operads π⊗ Wald⊗∞ (resp., the functor (π⊗ )op Wald⊗∞ ) 7.3. Definition. Now suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple. A symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration πβ βΆ Xβ † πΆ× β over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ ) is a functor of pairs Xβ (πΆ× ) with the following properties. (7.3.1) The underlying functor πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× is an inner fibration. (7.3.2) For any egressive morphism (π, π) βΆ (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of πΆ× (in the sense of Nt. 2.1) and for any object π of the fiber (Xβ )(π½,π) , there exists a πβ -cartesian morphism π π covering (π, π). (7.3.3) The composition Xβ πΆ× Nπ¬(F)op exhibits Xβ as an ∞-anti-operad. (7.3.4) The fiber π βΆ X πΆ over ∗ ∈ Nπ¬(F)op is a Waldhausen bicartesian fibration X πΆ over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). 7.4. This is a lot of data, so let’s unpack it a bit. First, a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× † over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ ) admits an underlying Waldhausen bicartesian fibration π βΆ X πΆ over † (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ ). This provides, for any object π ∈ πΆ, a Waldhausen ∞-category Xπ , and for any morphism π βΆ π π of πΆ, it provides an exact “pushforward” functor π! βΆ Xπ Xπ whenever π is ingressive and an exact “pullback” functor πβ βΆ Xπ Xπ whenever π is egressive. These are compatible with composition, and when π is ingressive and (therefore) egressive, these two are adjoint. There’s more structure here: for any finite set πΌ and any πΌ-tuple (ππ )π∈πΌ of objects of πΆ with product π, consider the cartesian edge ({π}, π) (πΌ, ππΌ ) of πΆ× lying over the morphism {π} πΌ of π¬(F)op corresponding to the unique active morphism πΌ {π} of π¬(F); it is of course egressive in Xβ . Hence there is a functor ϖοΏ½ βΆ ∏ Xππ π∈πΌ π∈πΌ Xπ , SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) exact separately in each variable. If (ππ βΆ ππ product π βΆ π π then the square ∏π∈πΌ Xππ ππ )π∈πΌ is an πΌ-tuple of morphisms of πΆ with ϖοΏ½π∈πΌ Xπ ∏π∈πΌ ππβ ∏π∈πΌ Xππ 29 πβ ϖοΏ½π∈πΌ Xπ commutes. When (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is cartesian, this structure endows each fiber Xπ with a symmetric monoidal structure: indeed, for any finite set πΌ, we may define β¨ β π₯∗ β ϖοΏ½, π∈πΌ π∈πΌ πΌ where π₯ βΆ π π is the diagonal. One sees easily that the commutativity of the square above implies that any functor πβ induced by a morphism π βΆ π π is symmetric monoidal in a natural way. Furthermore, a simple argument demonstrates that the external product β π∈πΌ can be recovered from the symmetric monoidal structures along with the pullback functors; for example, π β π β prβ1 π ⊗ prβ2 π. Now it follows from [19, Cor.] that if π βΆ π π is both ingressive and egressive in πΆ, then π! extends to a lax symmetric monoidal functor X⊗π X⊗π . 7.5. Lemma. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, and suppose πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Then the inner fibration πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× is an adequate inner fibration [4, Df. 10.3] for the triple (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) (Nt. 2.1). Proof. The only condition of adequate inner fibrations that isn’t explicitly part of the definition above is the assertion that for any ingressive morphism (π, π) βΆ (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of πΆ× and for any object π of the fiber (Xβ )(πΌ,π) , there exists a πβ -cocartesian morphism π π covering (π, π). So suppose that (π, π) βΆ (πΌ, π) (π½, π) is ingressive — i.e., that π βΆ π½ πΌ is a bijection and each morphism ππ−1 (π) βΆ ππ ππ−1 (π) is ingressive —, and suppose that π is an object of Xβ that lies over (πΌ, π). Then under the equivalence (Xβ )πΌ β ∏ X{π} , π∈πΌ the object π corresponds to a family (ππ )π∈πΌ of objects such that ππ lies over ππ for any π ∈ πΌ. For each π ∈ πΌ, select a π-cocartesian edge ππ ππ−1 (π) covering ππ−1 (π) . Now there is an essentially unique morphism π π covering (π, π) that corresponds under the equivalence above to the edges ππ ππ−1 (π) , and it is easy to see that it is πβ -cocartesian. If (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is a left complete disjunctive triple, and if πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration for (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), then our goal is now to equip the unfurling of X with the structure of a π΄eff (πΆ)⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen structure. It will then follow that the corresponding Mackey functor is in fact a commutative Green functor. 30 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH 7.6. Construction. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, and suppose πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Then we define πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ as the pullback πΆ(Xβ /(πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† )) ×π΄eff (πΆ× ,(πΆ× )† ,(πΆ× )† ) π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ . The inner fibration [4, Lm. 11.4] πΆ(Xβ /(πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† )) π΄eff (πΆ× , (πΆ× )† , (πΆ× )† ) pulls back to an inner fibration πΆ(π)⊗ βΆ πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ . We call this the unfurling of the symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration πβ . 7.7. Suppose, for simplicity, that (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is cartesian. Unwinding the definitions, one sees that the objects of πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ are precisely the objects of Xβ . These, in turn, can be thought of as triples (πΌ, ππΌ , πππΌ ) consiting of a finite set πΌ, an πΌ-tuple ππΌ β (ππ )π∈πΌ , and an object πππΌ of the fiber (X⊗ )ππΌ β ∏ Xππ , π∈πΌ which corresponds to an πΌ-tuple (πππ )π∈πΌ of objects of the various Waldhausen ∞-categories Xππ . Now a morphism (π½, ππ½ , πππ½ ) (πΌ, ππΌ , πππΌ ) of the unfurling πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ can be thought of as the following data: (7.7.1) a morphism π βΆ π½ πΌ of π¬(F); (7.7.2) a collection of diagrams { { { { { { { { { ππ ππ(π) ππ ππ(π) ππ(π) , } } } | || π ∈ π−1 (πΌ) } } | } } } | } of πΆ such that for any π ∈ π−1 (πΌ), the morphism ππ βΆ ππ(π) the morphism ππ βΆ ππ(π) ππ is egressive; and (7.7.3) a collection of morphisms {ππ(π),! ππ½βπ (ϖοΏ½ πππ ) π∈π½π πππ | ππ(π) is ingressive, and π ∈ πΌ} in the various ∞-categories Xππ , where ππ½π is the edge ({π}, ππ ) ing to the tuple (ππ )π∈π½π . (π½π , ππ½π ) correspond- 7.8. Theorem. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a left complete disjunctive triple, and suppose πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Then the functor πΆ(π)⊗ exhibits the ∞-category πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ as a π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 31 Proof. We first observe that, in light of [4, Pr. 11.6] and Lm. 7.5, the functor πΆ(π)⊗ is a cocartesian fibration. Let us check that the composite cocartesian fibration πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ † π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Nπ¬(F) ⊗ exhibits πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ )) as a symmetric monoidal ∞-category. To this end, it suffices to show that for any finite set πΌ and any πΌ-tuple ππΌ β (ππ )π∈πΌ of objects of πΆ, the functor ∏ ππ,! βΆ (Xβ )ππΌ β πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))π⊗πΌ ∏ πΆ(X/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))ππ β ∏ Xππ π∈πΌ π∈πΌ π∈πΌ induced by the cocartesian edges covering the inert maps ππ βΆ πΌ But this morphism can be identified with ∏ (id! β idβ β ϖοΏ½) βΆ ∏ Xππ π∈πΌ π∈{π} {π}+ is an equivalence. ∏ Xππ , π∈πΌ π∈πΌ which is homotopic to the identity. Now for any finite set π½, a morphism π π of π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ covering the unique active morphism π½ {π} is represented by a collection of spans { { { { { { { { { ππ π π ππ π. | || | } } } } π ∈ π½} } } } | } The tensor product functor can therefore be written as π! β ππ½β β ϖοΏ½ βΆ ∏ Xππ β Xπ π∈π½ Xπ , π∈π½ which is exact separately in each variable. In light of Pr. 7.2, we have the following. 7.8.1. Corollary. Suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple that is either left complete or right complete, and suppose πβ βΆ Xβ πΆ× a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). Then the cocartesian fibration πΆ(π)⊗ is classified by a Green functor M⊗π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Wald⊗∞ . 8. Equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory of group actions In this section, we answer a question of Akhil Mathew. Namely, for any Waldhausen ∞category πΆ with an action of a finite group πΊ, can one form an equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory spectrum πΎπΊ (πΆ) whose π»-fixed point spectrum is the algebraic πΎ-theory of the homotopy fixed point ∞-category πΆ βπ» ? Furthermore, can one do this in a lax symmetric monoidal fashion, so that if πΆ is an algebra in Waldhausen ∞-categories over an ∞-operad π ⊗ , then πΎπΊ (πΆ) is an algebra over π ⊗ in Mack(FπΊ ; Sp)? The answer to both of these questions is yes, and our framework makes it an almost trivial matter to see how. free 8.1. Construction. Suppose πΊ a finite group. Let denote by FπΊ ⊂ FπΊ the full subcatfree egory spanned by those finite πΊ-sets upon which πΊ acts freely. Observe that FπΊ is the finite-coproduct completion of π΅πΊ; that is, it is the free ∞-category with finite coproducts 32 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH free generated by π΅πΊ. Consequently, π΄eff (FπΊ ) is the free semiadditive ∞-category generated by π΅πΊ; that is, evaluation at πΊ/π defines an equivalence free Mack(FπΊ ; π΄) ∼ Fun(π΅πΊ, π΄). free At the same time, the subcategory FπΊ ⊂ FπΊ is clearly closed under coproducts, and since is a sieve in FπΊ , it follows that it is stable under pullbacks and binary products as well. Consequently, we obtain a fully faithful inclusion free FπΊ free π΄eff (FπΊ ) π΄eff (FπΊ ). We thus obtain, for any semiadditive ∞-category π΄, a corresponding restriction functor Mack(FπΊ ; π΄) free Mack(FπΊ ; π΄). If π΄ is an addition presentable, then the restriction functor admits a right adjoint π΅πΊ βΆ Fun(π΅πΊ, π΄) Mack(FπΊ ; π΄), given by right Kan extension. We shall call this the Borel functor, since it assigns to any “naïve” πΊ-object the corresponding Borel-equivariant object. Applying this when π΄ = Wald∞ and apply algebraic πΎ-theory, we obtain the algebraic πΎ-theory of group actions: K β π΅πΊ βΆ Fun(π΅πΊ, Wald∞ ) Mack(FπΊ ; Sp). 8.2. Proposition. The algebraic πΎ-theory of group actions extends naturally to a lax symmetric monoidal functor K⊗ β π΅πΊ⊗ βΆ Fun(π΅πΊ, Wald∞ )⊗ Mack(FπΊ ; Sp)⊗ . for the objectwise symmetric monoidal structure relative to the symmetric monoidal structure on Wald∞ [2] and the additivized Day convolution on spectral Mackey functors. Proof. Since K⊗ is lax symmetric monoidal [2], it suffices to show that for any presentable semiadditive symmetric monoidal ∞-category πΈ⊗ , the Borel functor π΅πΊ extends to a symmetric monoidal functor free π΅πΊ⊗ βΆ Fun(π΅πΊ, πΈ)⊗ β Mack(FπΊ ; π΄)⊗ Mack(FπΊ ; πΈ)⊗ . This will follow directly from [19], once one knows that the restriction functor Mack(FπΊ ; πΈ) Fun(π΅πΊ, πΈ) free extends to a symmetric monoidal functor Mack(FπΊ ; πΈ)⊗ Mack(FπΊ ; π΄)⊗ β Fun(π΅πΊ, πΈ)⊗ . free For this, observe that since FπΊ ⊂ FπΊ is stable under binary products, the inclusion free π΄eff (FπΊ ) π΄eff (FπΊ ) extends to a symmetric monoidal functor free π΄eff (FπΊ )⊗ π΄eff (FπΊ )⊗ . It thus suffices to note that for any free finite πΊ-set π, the subcategory free free free (π΄eff (FπΊ ) × π΄eff (FπΊ )) ×π΄eff (Ffree ) π΄eff (FπΊ )/π ⊂ (π΄πππ (FπΊ ) × π΄eff (FπΊ )) ×π΄eff (FπΊ ) π΄eff (FπΊ )/π πΊ is cofinal. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 33 9. Equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory of derived stacks In this section, we construct two symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibrations that extend the following two Waldhausen bicartesian fibrations introduced in [4, §D]: βΆ the Waldhausen bicartesian fibration Perf op ×Shvflat DM DM for the left complete disjunctive triple (DM, DMFP , DM) of spectral Deligne–Mumford stacks, in which the ingressive morphisms are strongly proper morphisms of finite Tor-amplitude, and all morphisms are egressive [4, Pr. D.18], and βΆ the Waldhausen bicartesian fibration Perf op Shvflat for the left complete disjunctive triple (Shvflat , Shvflat,QP , Shvflat ) of flat sheaves in which the ingressive morphisms are the quasi-affine representable and perfect morphisms, and all morphisms are egressive [4, Pr. D.21]. These will give algebraic πΎ-theory the structure of a commutative Green functor for these two triples. 9.1. To begin, we let Mod⊗ QCoh⊗ π π CAlgcn × ππ¬(F) op Shvflat × ππ¬(F) be a pullback square in which π is the cocartesian fibration of [19, Th.], and π is a cocartesian fibration classified by the right Kan extension of the functor that classifies π. The objects of QCoh⊗ can be thought of as triples (π, πΌ, ππΌ ) consisting of a sheaf π βΆ CAlgcn Kan(π 1 ) for the flat topology, a finite set πΌ, and an πΌ-tuple ππΌ = {ππ }π∈πΌ of quasicoherent modules π over π. 9.2. We may now pass to the cocartesian ∞-operads to obtain a cocartesian fibration of ∞-operads π β βΆ (QCoh⊗ )β op (Shvflat × ππ¬(F))β β (Shvflat,× )op ×ππ¬(F) ππ¬(F)β . Now ππ¬(F)β ππ¬(F) admits a section that carries any finite set πΌ to the pair (πΌ, ∗πΌ ), where ∗πΌ = {∗}π∈πΌ . Let us pull back π β along this section to obtain a cocartesian fibration of ∞-operads π β βΆ QCohβ β (QCoh⊗ )β ×ππ¬(F)β ππ¬(F) (Shvflat,× )op . 9.3. Passing to opposites, we obtain a functor (QCohop )β β (QCohβ )op Shvflat,× which βΆ restricts to a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration (QCohop )β ×Shvflat,× DM× DM× that extends the Waldhausen bicartesian fibration of [4, Pr. D.10] for the disjunctive triple of spectral Deligne–Mumford stacks, in which the ingressive morphisms are relatively scalloped, and all morphisms are egressive, and 34 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH βΆ gives a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration (QCohop )β Shvflat,× that extends the Waldhausen bicartesian fibration of [4, Pr. D.13] for the disjunctive triple of flat sheaves, in which the ingressive morphisms are quasi-affine representable, and all morphisms are egressive. 9.4. At last, restricting to perfect modules, we obtain the desired symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibrations (Perf op )β ×(Shvflat )× DM× for (DM, DMFP , DM) and (Perf op )β DM× (Shvflat )× for (Shvflat , Shvflat,QP , Shvflat ). Now, passing to the unfurling, we obtain the following pair of results. 9.5. Proposition. The Mackey functor MDM βΆ π΄eff (DM, DMFP , DM) Wald∞ of [4, Cor. D.18.1] admits a natural structure of a commutative Green functor M⊗DM . In particular, the algebraic πΎ-theory of spectral Deligne–Mumford stacks is naturally a commutative spectral Green functor for (DM, DMFP , DM). 9.6. Proposition. The Mackey functor MShvflat βΆ π΄eff (Shvflat , Shvflat,QP , Shvflat ) Wald∞ of [4, Cor. D.21.1] admits a natural structure of a commutative Green functor M⊗Shvflat . In particular, the algebraic πΎ-theory of flat sheaves is naturally a commutative spectral Green functor for (Shvflat , Shvflat,QP , Shvflat ). 9.7. Construction. Suppose π a spectral Deligne–Mumford stack. As in [4, Nt. D.23], we denote by FÉt(π) the subcategory of DM/π whose objects are finite [18, Df. 3.2.4] and étale morphisms π π and whose morphisms are finite and étale morphisms over π. Observe that the fiber product − ×π − endows FÉt(π) with the structure of a cartesian disjunctive ∞-category. We will abuse notation and write π΄eff (π)⊗ for the symmetric monoidal effective Burnside ∞-category of FÉt(π). Now the inclusion (FÉt(π), FÉt(π), FÉt(π)) (DM, DMFP , DM) is clearly a morphism of cartesian disjunctive triples, whence one can restrict the commutative Green functor M⊗DM above along the morphism of ∞-operads π΄eff (π)⊗ π΄eff (DM, DMFP , DM)⊗ to a commutative Green functor Mπ βΆ π΄eff (π)⊗ Wald⊗∞ . Now if π is (say) a connected, noetherian scheme, then a choice of geometric point π₯ of π gives rise to an equivalence ⊗ eff ⊗ π΄eff (πét 1 (π, π₯)) β π΄ (π) . SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 35 Applying algebraic πΎ-theory, we obtain a commutative spectral Green functor for the étale fundamental group: ⊗ K⊗πét (π,π₯) (π) βΆ π΄eff (πét Sp⊗ . 1 (π, π₯)) 1 This commutative Green functor deserves the handle Galois-equivariant algebraic πΎ-theory. 10. An equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen Theorem 10.1. Notation. In this section, suppose (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) a cartesian disjunctive triple. 10.2. Recollection. Recall [4, Df. 13.5] that R(πΆ) ⊂ Fun(π₯2 /π₯{0,2} , πΆ) is the full subcategory spanned by those retract diagrams π0 π1 π0 ; such that the morphism π0 π1 is a summand inclusion. We endow R(πΆ) with the structure of a pair in the following manner. A morphism π π will be declared ingressive just in case π0 π0 is an equivalence, and π1 π1 is a summand inclusion. Write π for the functor R(πΆ) πΆ given by evaluation at the vertex 0 = 2: [π0 π1 π0 ] π0 . Recall also that R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) ⊂ R(πΆ) is the full subcategory spanned by those objects π βΆ π₯2 /π₯{0,2} πΆ such that for any complement π0′ π1 of the summand inclusion π0 π1 , (10.2.1) the essentially unique morphism π0′ 1 to the terminal object of πΆ is egressive, and (10.2.2) the composite π0′ π1 π0 is ingressive. † We endow R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ ) with the pair structure induced by R(πΆ). We will abuse notation by denoting the restriction of the functor π βΆ R(πΆ) πΆ to the subcategory R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) ⊂ R(πΆ) again by π. We proved in [4, Th. 13.11] that π is a Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). 10.3. Construction. Recall that an object of the ∞-category R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )× can be described as pairs (πΌ, π) consisting of a finite set πΌ and a collection π = {ππ | π ∈ πΌ} of objects of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) indexed by the elements of πΌ. Accordingly, a morphism (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )× can be described as a map π½ πΌ+ of finite sets and a collection {ππ ∏ ππ | π ∈ πΌ} π∈π½π of morphisms of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). We now define a subcategory R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )β ⊂ R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )× that contains all the objects. A morphism (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )× is a morphism of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )β if and only if, for every π ∈ πΌ, every nonempty proper subset πΎπ ⊂ π½π , and every choice of a complement ππ,0′ ππ,1 of the summand inclusion ππ,0 ππ,1 , the square ∅ ππ,1 ∏π∈πΎπ ππ,0 × ∏π∈π½π ⧡πΎπ ππ,0′ ∏π∈π½π ππ,1 , 36 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH in which ∅ is initial and the bottom morphism is the obvious summand inclusion, is a pullback. Let us endow this ∞-category with a pair structure in the following manner. We declare a morphism (πΌ, π) (π½, π) of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )β to be ingressive just in case the map π½ πΌ+ represents an isomorphism in π¬(F), and, for every π ∈ πΌ, the map ππ ππ(π) of R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) is ingressive. The following is now immediate. 10.4. Proposition. The functor πβ βΆ R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )β πΆ× given by evaluation at 0 = 2 in π₯2 /π₯{0,2} exhibits R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) as a symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). 10.5. Construction. Now we may the unfurling construction of [4, §11] to the symmetric monoidal Waldhausen bicartesian fibration πβ to obtain an π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ -monoidal Waldhausen ∞-category (in the sense of [2]) πΆ(π)⊗ βΆ πΆ(R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )/(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ))⊗ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ . As we’ve demonstrated, πΆ(π)⊗ is classified by an πΈ∞ Green functor M⊗π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Wald⊗∞ whose underlying functor is the Mackey functor Mπ βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) Wald∞ corresponding to the unfurling of the Waldhausen bicartesian fibration R(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ) over (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ). πΆ In [2], we demonstrated that algebraic πΎ-theory lifts in a natural fashion to a morphism of ∞-operads, whence we may contemplate the commutative Green functor K⊗ β M⊗π βΆ π΄eff (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† )⊗ Sp⊗ . Observe that by [4, Th. 13.12], the underlying Mackey functor S(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) β K β Mπ of K⊗ β M⊗π is the spectral Burnside Mackey functor for (πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ), as defined in [4, Df. 8.1]. In particular, it is unit for the symmetric monoidal ∞-category Mack(πΆ, πΆ† , πΆ† ; Sp), which of course admits an essentially unique πΈ∞ structure. Consequently, we deduce the following. 10.6. Theorem (Equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen). The Green functor K⊗ β M⊗π is the spectral Burnside Green functor S(πΆ,πΆ† ,πΆ† ) . Of course, this result directly implies the original Barratt–Priddy–Quillen Theorem, which states that the algebraic πΎ-theory of the ordinary Waldhausen category F∗ of pointed finite sets (in which the cofibrations are the monomorphisms) is the sphere spectrum S. Furthermore, the essentially unique πΈ∞ structure on S is induced by the smash product of pointed finite sets. SPECTRAL MACKEY FUNCTORS AND EQUIVARIANT ALGEBRAIC πΎ-THEORY (II) 37 11. A brief epilogue about the Theorems of Guillou–May Suppose πΊ a finite group. Write OrthSpπΊ for the underlying ∞-category of the relative category of orthogonal πΊ-spectra. The Equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen Theorem of Guillou–May [12] provides a similar description in OrthSpπΊ of certain mapping spectra. Note that this is not a priori related to Th. 10.6 when πΆ = FπΊ . Nevertheless, a suitable comparison theorem (which of course Guillou–May provide in [13]) offers an implication. On the other hand, the proof of our result here, combined with work from our forthcoming book [6], will allow us to reprove, using entirely different methods, the comparison result of Guillou–May. Indeed, if we can extend the functor π΄+∞ βΆ FπΊ OrthSpπΊ to a suiteff able functor π΄ (FπΊ ) OrthSpπΊ , then the Equivariant Barratt–Priddy–Quillen Theorem above and the Schwede–Shipley theorem [20] together will imply the result of Guillou–May [13] providing the equivalence SpπΊ β OrthSpπΊ . It is, however, difficult to construct the desired functor π΄eff (FπΊ ) OrthSpπΊ directly, as this involves nontrivial homotopy coherence problems. However, in the language of πΊequivariant ∞-category theory, which we develop in the forthcoming [6] provides a universal property for the πΊ-equivariant effective Burnside ∞-category. 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MR 2003g:55034 38 CLARK BARWICK, SAUL GLASMAN, AND JAY SHAH Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Bldg. 2, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA E-mail address: clarkbar@gmail.com School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Fuld Hall, 1 Einstein Dr., Princeton NJ 08540 E-mail address: sglasman@math.ias.edu Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA E-mail address: jshah@math.mit.edu