SOLUTION SET (PSET 2, 18.085) Abstract. Section 1.4: Section 1.5: Section 1.6: All questions are taken from the book. 9,11,12 9,11,12 3,9,16,17,22,27 Solution 1. The distributed load f (x) = 1 is the integral of the loads δ(x − a) at all points x = a. The free-fixed solution u(x) = 12 (1 − x2 ) is the integral of the point-load solutions of section 1.3 in the book, i.e., ( 1 − x , a ≤ x, Q(x) = (1) 1 − a , a ≥ x. Thus we compute Z x Z 1 x2 1 1 u(x) = (1 − x)da + (1 − a)da = (1 − ) − (x − ) = (1 − x2 ). (2) 2 2 2 0 x The fixed-fixed case gives Z 1 Z x x2 1 x2 1 (1−x)ada+ (1−a)xda = (1−x) + x−(x− )x = (x−x2 ). u(x) = 2 2 2 2 x 0 (3) Solution 2. The quadratic spline is obtained as the primitive of the ramp ( 0, x≤0 Q(x) = 1 2 (4) x≥0 2x , It has one continuous derivative at zero (the ramp is continuous at zero). The cubic spline is obtained as the primitive of the quadratic spline ( 0, x≤0 Q(x) = 1 3 (5) x , x ≥0 6 It has two continuous derivative at zero. Solution 3. By integration, the general form of u(x) is u(x) = C(x) + A 3 B 2 x + x + Cx + D. 6 2 Date: February 29, 2016. 1 (6) 2 SOLUTION SET (PSET 2, 18.085) Now we use the four boundary conditions A B + + Cx + D, 6 2 A B 0 = u(−1) = C(−1) − + − Cx + D, 6 2 0 = u00 (1) = R(1) + A + B, 0 = u(1) = C(1) + (7) 0 = u00 (−1) = R(−1) − A + B, Note that C(1) = 16 , C(−1) = 0, R(1) = 1, R(−1) = 0. We can substitute that into the equations above and solve for A, B, C, D. The result is u(x) = C(x) − 1 3 1 2 1 x − x + . 12 4 6 (8) Solution 4. Our 4-by-3 backward difference matrix is −1 0 0 1 −1 1 ∆− = 0 1 −1 0 0 1 By direct computation we can verify that −1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 2 1 0 −1 1 0 = B4 = 0 1 −1 0 −1 2 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 0 0 1 (9) 0 0 , (10) 1 1 and −1 0 0 −1 1 0 0 2 −1 0 1 −1 1 = −1 2 −1 . K3 = 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 −1 1 0 −1 2 0 0 1 A straightforward MATLAB computation given eigenvalues • for K3 : 0.5858,2,3.4142 • for B4 : 0,0.5858,2,3.4142 which are the squared singular values of ∆− . (11) Solution 5. Because determinant is multiplicative, given such a decomposition, we have det(A) = det(SΛS −1 ) = det(S) det(Λ) det(S −1 ) = det(S) det(Λ) det(S)−1 = det(Λ) = λ1 · . . . · λn , (12) SOLUTION SET (PSET 2, 18.085) 3 where Λ = diag(λ1 . . . λn ). By definition, such a decomposition exists iff A is diagonalizable. Solution 6. C = At A is only semi-definite. We see it easily because A is singular, hence there exists a nonzero vector in the null space, i.e., ∃u such that Au = 0, hence Cu = 0 as well. To find all such vectors, we solve 1 −1 0 u1 0 0 1 −1 u2 = 0 . (13) −1 0 1 u3 0 But that’s just u1 = u2 = u3 . So c null(A) = c , c is any constant. c (14) Solution 7. We use the determinant test for positive definite and then pivot and multiplicities: • 1 b A= ⇒ 1 > 0, 9 − b2 > 0, (15) b 9 So the condition is −3 < b < 3. The pivots are 1 b U= (16) 0 9 − b2 The multiplicities 1 0 L= b 1 Indeed, the factorization is 1 b 1 b 1 0 A= b 1 0 1 0 9 − b2 (17) (18) • 2 4 A= ⇒ 2 > 0, 2c − 16 > 0, 4 c So the condition is c > 8. The pivots are 2 4 U= 0 c−8 (19) (20) The multiplicities 1 0 L= 2 1 Indeed, the factorization is 1 2 2 4 1 0 A= 0 1 0 c−8 2 1 (21) (22) 4 SOLUTION SET (PSET 2, 18.085) Solution 8. First proof: if the eigenvalues of A are λ1 , . . . , λn , then the −1 eigenvalues of A−1 are λ−1 1 , . . . , λn . But if all the eigenvalues of A are positive, then so are their reciprocals. Second proof: we use the determinant test of the entries of the inverse matrix, which is given by the formula 1 a −b −1 (23) A = ac − b2 −b c The first determinant we must check is the upper left corner. So for A−1 to be positive definite, we need to have c > 0. (24) ac − b2 Then we also need ca − (−b)2 > 0. (25) ac − b2 But that holds automatically if A is positive definite! For, if A is positive definite then ac − b2 = det(A) > 0. The pivot c − ab b is positive as well, 2 2 which implies c > ba > 0. The next equation is actually 1 = ca−b > 0 which ac−b2 holds. Solution 9. Consider the product a1 4 1 1 a1 a1 a2 a3 1 0 2 a2 = 4a1 + a2 + a3 , a1 + 2a3 , a1 + 2a2 + 5a3 a2 1 2 5 a3 a3 = 4a21 + 2a1 a2 + 2a1 a3 + 4a2 a3 + 5a23 (26) For example, we can take a1 = 0, a2 = 1 and a3 = 0. We get zero as a result which is impossible. Solution 10. The quadratic form in the question is just a b x z = f (x, y) = x y = ax2 + 2bxy + cy 2 . b c y (27) To have a saddle point, we need one positive eigenvalue and one negative. Equivalently the determinant of the 2-by-2 matrix, which is the product of the eigenvalues, must be negative. So the test is ac − b2 < 0. Solution 11. M is a block triangular matrix so it’s determinant is the product det(H) · deg(K) which is non-zero. N must have linearly dependent columns so it is singular and can not be positive definite. In another way, det(N ) = det(K − KK −1 K) = 0. The pivots of M are those of H and K. The pivots on N are the pivots of K. Similarly, the eigenvalues of M are the eigenvalues of K and H, while the eigenvalues of M are the eigenvalues SOLUTION SET (PSET 2, 18.085) 5 of K, just with double the algebraic multiplicity. The Cholesky factorization of M is chol(H) 0 chol(M ) = . (28) 0 chol(K) because this is upper triangular and by definition chol(H) 0 chol(H) 0 H 0 = (29) 0 chol(K) 0 chol(K) 0 K but that’s just M !