m e i . o r g . u k Curriculum Update GCSE Ofqual has published its research into SAMs for the new GCSE examinations and has announced that the exam boards will be publishing adapted SAMs, approved by Ofqual, by the end of June. Ofqual is consulting on some technical requirements for the new GCSEs. A level Ofqual’s working group on A level assessment has met twice and will be reporting to Ofqual on its findings in July. There will be sessions at the MEI conference with the latest information on A level changes and plans for MEI’s new A levels. Core Maths Core Maths launch videos are available online for teachers who want to know more about our Core Maths qualifications. I s s u e Using the news as a starting point for exploring maths and promoting discussion 4 7 J u n e 2 0 1 5 Although no longer included in the NCETM Secondary newsletter, it’s worth looking at archived ‘It’s in the News’ resources; these explore a range of mathematical themes in a topical context. The resource is not intended to be a set of instructions but a framework which you can personalise to fit your classroom and your learners. The use of real world news items is a great way to get relevant resources and to use as starting points to include maths in discussions. This is particularly relevant to Core Maths, however the use of topical material can ‘Engaging be very motivating for mathematics Mathematics for All students at all key stages. The Learners’, produced in 2009 by the Department Education World article ‘Why Teach for Education, draws Current Events?’ says: “For children to together the experience become competent lifelong learners, of teachers and their they must learn how to use nonfiction learners in a series of materials to expand their knowledge case studies. It gives guidance and base, solve problems, and make support on how to make mathematics decisions.” more exciting, meaningful and relevant In his 2012 research paper ‘Talking for all learners. about maths’, Tony Pye (University of East London) “looks at the premise that In this issue children are encouraged to talk and the reasons why this might be effective in Curriculum Update helping them understand concepts better by involving the input of their June focus: Using the news as a starting point for exploring peers.” Through using George Pólya’s maths and promoting discussion ideas (see also Monthly Maths, October 2014) as a basis for problem Crash Course: Using Python to solving, Pye reports: “We realised that simulate polling this was in many ways a more powerful Site-seeing with... Stella Dudzic way of teaching and pupils were more engaged with maths than previously, KS4 Teaching Resource: Plotting when they had been simply completing Data textbook exercises or worksheets.” Click here for the MEI Maths Item of the Month M4 is edited by Sue Owen, MEI’s Marketing Manager. We’d love your feedback & suggestions! Disclaimer: This magazine provides links to other Internet sites for the convenience of users. MEI is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does MEI endorse or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at these other Internet sites. Using news items as starting points New KS4 classroom resource At the end of the newsletter is a Key Stage 4 teaching and learning resource: KS4: Plotting data developed by Carol Knights. This edition looks at a range of visual representations of data. The focus for these activities is on making sense of graphics, and although this doesn’t necessarily relate to any particular curriculum content objective, the process of understanding information presented in novel ways and interpreting the data is a useful real-life skill as well as involving many aspects of problem solving. The resource can be downloaded from the Monthly Maths web page. Where do I look? Teachers and students have a wide variety of information options, including television, radio, the Internet, and print sources such as newspapers and magazines. It’s good to keep a log of potential news items; just copying and pasting the links onto a Word document can save you time searching for that ‘thing’ you heard about’! Newspapers and magazine (both printed and digital editions) might provide starting points for discussions and ways to teach maths topics using real world situations. Some newspapers offer free daily digital downloads, which offer a convenient way to scan through while on public transport, etc. It’s also useful to skim through newspapers, including the free editions, in order to identify useful articles that could be scanned and used in the classroom as a ‘real’ source of information on which to base a discussion. Alex Bellos writes a maths blog for the Guardian. The IMA produces the e-16+ Newsletter, aimed at students studying maths at Highers, AS or A levels. The newsletter shows “the usefulness, interest, beauty and applications of mathematics in so many areas.” Audio and video news podcasts/broadcasts can provide motivating starting points Numberphile produces many YouTube videos about maths, often in reaction to something topical. TED Talks “shares the best ideas from the TED Conference with the world, for free: trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses, all giving the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.” TED-Ed creates lessons as an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas, e.g. The math behind Michael Jordan’s legendary hang time, and Football physics: The "impossible" free kick If you’re not already a Twitter user, register and look for people posting about topical maths and ‘follow’ them. Their tweets will appear in your news feed; you don’t have to tweet if you don’t want to! Search using hashtags such as #maths, and you will find accounts such as Maths Jam, tes Maths, NRICH maths, MMP - maths.org, MathsCareers Website, and many, many more. You’ll be surprised how many ideas you will find in this way! Look for news accounts to follow, so that you scan through each day to see if there are any news stories that might lend themselves to being adapted for use in your maths classroom. Resources to help get you started Key Stage 3 Post 16 Bowland Maths Case Studies use a rich investigational style to explore topical events and real life situations, to develop “thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills and put substance into the Key Concepts and Processes or problem solving and mathematical reasoning.” The material is aimed at Key Stage 3, but can be adapted for a wide range of ages and abilities. Topical resources include: Critical Maths Free Resources, developed by MEI with DfE funding, are available through free subscription. These resources are designed for post-16 students at level 3, and will be especially useful for Core Maths classes. Torbury Festival: Interactive lessons that ask pupils to apply their mathematical knowledge to overcome challenges from floods to escaped cattle to over -excited crowds storming the stage. Water Availability: Pupils examine ways to compare the availability of water fairly between three countries, to determine which is most in need. Working in groups, pupils assemble the relevant data for one country and use it to argue for resources for that country. Level 3 Core Maths Resources, developed by MEI with funding from OCR, can be accessed free of charge by completing an online subscription form. Teachers can also access the OCR (MEI) Level 3 Tutor Area for Quantitative Problem Solving and Quantitative Reasoning Forum (subscribe and log in to view), where ideas for resources and problem solving are shared. Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving (IMPS) resources, developed by MEI and funded by The Clothworkers' Foundation, can also be accessed free of charge. They are designed to help teachers of mathematics and teachers of other subjects at A level to teach relevant aspects of mathematics and statistics, showing how they are used in solving real problems. There is also an IMPs News Forum (log in to view). Secondary/FE The Nuffield Foundation provides resources for teaching the use of mathematics and statistics. The resources are self-contained and can be used for any secondary/FE lessons where the context or skills are relevant. Resources are divided into three levels and can be used to support a wide variety of qualifications. Topical resources include: Music Festivals: Students use weather data to consider which month would be the best to hold an outdoor music festival. They practise using either a calculator in Statistics mode or a spreadsheet to calculate mean and standard deviation values. Currency Conversion: An introduction to conversion graphs and direct proportionality in the context of currency conversion, reading and plotting graphs and calculating gradients. Sightseeing Tour: This resource can be used as a classroom activity or an assignment. It involves students setting up their own network as the basis for a sightseeing tour. TES Mathematics Teaching Resources offer a mixture of types of resource shared mostly by teachers, including resources created/developed to be topical, for example: Factorising Quadratics Hannah's Sweets MegaPack Hannah's Sweets: Conditional Probability Running a Holiday Company Challenge Tour de France Maths: Problem Solving Activities You can also look in the month-bymonth Topical Resources Index relating key celebrations, awareness days and action weeks in 2015. Resources to help get you started Information is Beautiful This site is “dedicated to distilling the world’s data, information and knowledge into beautiful, interesting and, above all, useful visualizations, infographics and diagrams.” The data is available both as a spreadsheet on the website and as a Google doc. An article from April that might interest students is How much do music artists earn online? “Do digital music streaming services rip off artists? Taylor Swift thought so, asking that her stuff be removed from Spotify.” The blog keeps you in touch with the latest visualisations, and you can follow Information is Beautiful on Twitter. The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. The feature Enriching the secondary curriculum complements the Secondary Curriculum page for teachers. This feature contains some articles about rich tasks and how they can be used to inspire your students. GCSE The Shell Centre is making many of its publications available as free downloads, including Extended Tasks for GCSE Mathematics. Each of the eight topic books contains a lead task, discussed in detail with teacher's notes and examples of student work, as well as a number of secondary tasks, providing ideas for other assignments. Where there’s life, there’s maths offers a range of materials designed to support students as they pursue applications tasks. These applications tasks are intended to stimulate students' interest in, and understanding of, the world in which they live. AQA GCSE Maths has free topical resources: Football World Cup, General Election, Icelandic Volcano, Winter Olympics scroll down the resources page to view and download. On the following pages as well as resources recommended by another member of staff, you will find resources written by two of our staff members, using recent news items as their basis. Richard Lissaman has written the Crash Course resource this month in response to the interesting results of the recent general election. You can find more teaching resources about voting systems in the October 2013 edition of Monthly Maths and its associated resource How do we decide? Carol Knights has written the KS4 teaching resource Plotting Data based on recent news reports about earthquakes and diets. This looks at a range of visual representations of data. The focus for the teaching and learning activities is on making sense of graphics, and although this doesn’t necessarily relate to any particular curriculum content objective, the process of understanding information presented in novel ways and interpreting the data is a useful real-life skill as well as involving many aspects of problem solving. You can find see other interesting ways of using and visualising data on the Gapminder website, which promotes “increased use and understanding of statistics and other information about social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels.” The site includes a section for educators who want to use Gapminder in their education, as well as videos and downloads. You can follow Gapminder on Twitter. Crash Course: Using Python to simulate polling A maths and computing puzzle column written by Richard Lissaman In this edition we’ll use Python to simulate polling for elections. As we saw in the recent UK general election, polls can be surprisingly inaccurate! There might be many reasons for this including the way that the sample of voters is selected for the poll. We’ll leave these to one side below and look at how a poll result might differ from an actual result purely because it is based on a sample (i.e. because it doesn’t include everyone who will vote). In the code below the first line allows us to access a set of commands associated with randomness - specifically the command random.shuffle which appears further down the code. This column provides an introduction to the programming language Python using maths puzzles as motivation to learn code! You may wish to review Crash Course in the February edition of Monthly Maths, which covered arrays, before looking at the code opposite. Crash course April/ May problem – solution can be downloaded from the Monthly Maths web page, or click the link above. The solution to this month’s Crash Course Problem of the Month appears on the Monthly Maths web page. An array called voter of 10 values is set up. Initially the first seven values are 1 and the last three values are 0. But towards the end of the code the array gets shuffled and you can see the new order of the values printed on the right below. Hopefully it’s clear how random.shuffle works from this example. In what follows on the next page our method for sampling will be to shuffle the array which records all the voters’ intentions and then take our sample from the start of the shuffled array. An example may help! Read on… Imagine the following scenario. A town contains 1000 voters. Suppose 510 would vote for party 1 and 490 would vote for party 0 in the upcoming election. The code on the next page simulates taking 10 polls, each of 10 people and using their voting intentions to predict the result of the election. Crash Course: Polling predictions Problem of the month The Collatz conjecture states that, for any choice of positive integer for the first term x0, the series defined as follows: If xn is even then xn + 1 = xn /2. If xn is odd then xn+1 = 3xn + 1 includes the value 1. (i.e. it eventually reaches the value 1, after which it will be periodic with values 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1,…) For example If x0 = 13 this sequence is: Notice that only six out of the ten polls predict the correct result (a win for party 1). Problem of the month A town in which 1000 people are eligible to vote is about to have an election. Each voter has the choice between voting for Party 1 and voting for Party 0. 13, 40, 20, 50, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4,… Assume that the true voting intentions of the entire town are such that x% of voters will vote for Party 1 and (100-x)% will vote for Party 0. For example if x = 70 then party 1 would receive 700 votes and party 0 would receive 300 votes and party 1 would win. X9 = 1. a) Write a function called poll which takes x (as above) and m (the sample size) as inputs and prints to the screen the predicted result of the election based on a poll of m people. So poll(70,100) will return the predicted result (in the form ‘predicted win for party 1’ or ‘predicted win for party 0’ or ‘predicted tie’) based on a poll of 100 voters from a total of 1000 voters of whom 700 would definitely vote for party 1 and 300 would definitely vote for party 0. b) By repeatedly using your function, make a judgement about which of these polls in incorrect most often on average: a poll of 10 people from a town with 1000 voters in which x = 55 a poll of 100 people from a town with 1000 voters in which x = 51 For which starting integer x0 with 1 ≤ x0 ≤ 200 does the sequence above take longest to reach the value 1? For this value of x0 what is the smallest n such that xn = 1? Site seeing with… Stella Dudzic Stella Dudzic is Programme Leader (Curriculum and Resources) for MEI where she leads on all aspects of curriculum and qualification development in secondary mathematics. She has taught mathematics in secondary schools for 22 years and was a head of faculty before taking up her current post in 2006. Stella has written two revision guides for A level Statistics, is responsible for the development of resources for Core Maths and she has been the Royal Statistical Society Guy Lecturer. Stella and Neil Sheldon will be presenting the MEI Conference plenary ‘Using Technology To Explore Large Data Sets’. Stella will also deliver sessions on Florence Nightingale and MEI's new Mathematics and Further Mathematics A levels. One of my favourite websites is Figure this! (Math challenges for families) – an American site. They make good discussion questions at KS3. Here is an example: Each challenge includes a hint and an indication of contexts where this mathematics is used. There is also a suggested answer and you can search the challenges by maths topic. The thing I really like about them is that because they are written to be suitable for families, they start with a problem and the mathematical thinking comes out of that rather than trying to think of something that uses the mathematics that students are currently learning. designed to help students understand and interpret graphs and were written at a time when developments were taking place to explore how to assess investigation and problem solving in examinations – the introduction to the book sounds very topical even though it was written in 1985. “The aim of this series of Modules is gradually to introduce into the examination questions that will encourage a balanced range of classroom activities. It is particularly concerned with those activities highlighted by the Cockcroft Report: problem solving, practical mathematics, discussion and open investigation. A few new mathematical techniques may occasionally be introduced, but the main concern is to broaden the range of skills developed to include those strategic skills which are essential if pupils are to be able to deploy their technical skills when tackling unfamiliar problems both in and outside mathematics.” Because they are written for families, they are generally accessible for students who haven’t learnt a lot of mathematics content yet and most of the challenges involve problem solving. One of my all-time favourite teaching resources is the Language of Functions and Graphs from the Shell Centre – I remember using it to teach when it first came out and now you can download it for free online! The resources were Above is a question from the classroom materials. As well as a wealth of teaching materials, the resource includes teaching suggestions and solutions. It was great value when we had to pay for it and now even better value! Plotting data Representing data visually often helps people to see patterns or trends or to look for differences. It’s sometimes easier to look at a graph or chart than to look at a tables of values. On the following slides there are some interesting ways of representing data. Ternary plot The first plot is called a Ternary plot. This plot is used when each item to be plotted has 3 pieces of connected information about it to represent. An example on the next slide is about soil types. Ternary plot Can you work out how to read information from this plot about soil types? Ternary plot The plot is built around 3 ‘axes’. What would a soil which is 25% sand, 30% clay and 45% silt be known as? Ternary plot 25% sand 30% clay 45% silt Ternary plot 4 soil types are plotted, what is the composition of each? Ternary plot For each of the 4 soils, what’s the sum of the percentages? Will it always be this? Why? This is an important point about Ternary plots: they can only be used when the three categories are the only three possible ones, and so they always have to add up to 100%. There aren’t many situations where this is the case, which is perhaps one reason that we don’t often see these plots. Food and calories Calories in food come from 3 main sources: carbohydrates, proteins and fats, so each food can be broken down according to the proportion of calories coming from these 3 sources. As an approximate guide: • 1g of carbohydrate has 4 calories • 1g of protein has 4 calories • 1g of fat has 9 calories. Food and calories A popular big burger contains 25g of protein, 46g of carbohydrate and 29g of fat. How many calories come from each source? What percentage of calories come from each source? On the next slide, the percentages have been calculated for some popular foods. Plot the values on a ternary plot. Sources of calories in food: percentage values Chocolate Pizza Chips Apple Cheese Yoghurt Pasta Carrot Crisps Tuna Fat 49 33 45 3 74 47 6 0 57 7 Carbs 45 49 51 95 1 30 79 100 38 0 Protein 6 18 4 2 25 23 15 0 5 93 Sources of calories in food Who might be interested in this sort of information? Chocolate Yoghurt Pizza Pasta Chips Carrot Apple Crisps Cheese Tuna Fat % Plotting very large data One of the issues with plotting data arises when we need to represent both relatively small and relatively large data at the same time. An example of this occurs if we want to look at the relative sizes of earthquakes and tremors. First we need to understand a little bit about how earthquakes are measured. The Richter Scale The Richter scale is a term that many people will be familiar with – however, this is not strictly accurate as earthquakes are now measured using the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS). The Richter scale was found to be less reliable for earthquakes measuring more than 7… … but what does a ‘7’ actually mean? The MMS Scale The numbers refer to the amount of energy released by he earthquake as shown. How much more powerful is a MMS 7 earthquake than an MMS 5 one? MMS Approximate Energy (joules) 1 2 000 000 2 63 000 000 3 2 000 000 000 4 63 000 000 000 5 2 000 000 000 000 6 63 000 000 000 000 7 2 000 000 000 000 000 8 63 000 000 000 000 000 9 2 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 63 000 000 000 000 000 000 The MMS Scale It may be surprising that it is estimated there are over 500,000 earthquakes a year, of which only 100,000 are felt by humans since many of them are MMS 1 or 2. Seismologists record all activity and to help look for trends they sometimes plot the data too, hoping they will find ways of predicting events so that people can prepare. Last month there were over 500 which registered at MMS 4 or more. The MMS Scale A selection of earthquake data from around the world during the last month are given. Plot them, putting the date on the horizontal axis and the joules released on the vertical axis. Date Approximate Energy (joules) 12/05 6.32 x 1010 13/05 2.52 x 1011 17/05 7.96 x 1012 18/05 6.32 x 1010 19/05 7.01 x 1014 22/05 1.42 x 1015 25/05 8.93 x 1010 30/05 1.26 x 1014 02/06 1.26 x 1011 04/06 6.32 x 1013 The MMS Scale You will probably have found this a difficult task! If not an impossible one… The bigger numbers are so much larger than the smaller ones that it’s not easy to fit them on the same axes. If there are lots of ‘smaller’ values – as there are with earthquakes - the scale needs to allow people to see the differences, but then the large numbers are off the scale. The MMS Scale One possibility is to use semi-logarithmic graph paper. This has a linear scale on the horizontal axis. On the vertical axis each ‘cycle’ of numbers represents 10 times the value of the previous cycle. The MMS Scale It could be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The MMS Scale It could be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The MMS Scale It could be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 then 200 300 400… The MMS Scale It could be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 then 200 300 400… Note the ‘overlap’ at 10, 100, 1000 etc. and note that the lines get closer together. The MMS Scale For our purposes, the first cycle will be: x1010 and then x1011 and then x1012 Label the axes and plot the values. Plotting Large Data This type of graph has uses in science, for those looking at bacterial growth, the spread of infection, charting planets and distances and many others. Using a scale which gets ten times bigger is common, however, sometimes a different scale is used, such as on the following slide. It’s just important to remember that it’s not a linear scale… Plotting Large Data From the graph, can you determine: • Which country has the biggest increase in cases in any three day period? • For Chile (the pink line) when is the biggest increase in cases? Teacher notes: Plotting Data This edition looks at a range of visual representations of data. The focus for these activities is on making sense of graphics, and although this doesn’t necessarily relate to any particular curriculum content objective, the process of understanding information presented in novel ways and interpreting the data is a useful real-life skill as well as involving many aspects of problem solving. Teacher notes: Ternary Plots Make it ‘girl friendly’: This activity could be used with a wide range of students as the only previous knowledge required is expressing one value as a percentage of another. Ask students to discuss it with a friend before giving an answer Slide 4 Give students plenty of time to look at this to try to make sense of it. Slide 7 Dot colour % Sand % Clay % Silt Blue 12 64 24 Pink 41 35 24 Yellow 75 15 10 Black 15 0 85 Teacher notes: Ternary Plots Slide 10 Fat: 29 x 9 = 261 Carbohydrates: 46 x 4 = 184 Protein: 25 x 4 = 100 Total calories: 545 Fat: 48% Carbs: 34% Protein: 18% Slide 11 A blank ternary plot is available as a separate download. Teacher notes: Plotting large data For this activity students will ideally be familiar with standard index notation. This activity involves quite challenging concepts. Through trying to plot the raw data, students should come to the realisation that ‘something different’ is needed. Slide 18 Students should attempt to plot the data and should soon realise that it is very difficult to do. Frustration and ‘failure’ can be key to genuinely appreciating the issues and understanding why an alternative is helpful. If students do manage to plot the data ask them how accurate it is for the lower values – are they able to distinguish between 6.32 x 1010 and 2.52 x 1011 ? Teacher notes: Plotting large data Slide 21 to 24 It is worth spending some time looking at the paper, perhaps asking students to describe what they notice about it before showing them the slides. Slide 25 It should be relatively straight-forward to plot the data. No pattern emerges, but that is usual – particularly since these earthquakes are not from a single region. A separate file of a semi-logarithmic blank graph with 6 cycles is available to download. Slide 28 The USA has an increase in the last few days of approximately 8000 cases. Chile has the steepest line between June 8th and 11th, but this represents approximately 1500 cases, whereas between 23rd and 26th June there are about 2000 more cases. Acknowledgements Ternary soil plot from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520003/representing-ternary-plotdata-for-lookups Calories in food data from: http://www.calorieking.com/foods/ Earthquake data from: http://ds.iris.edu/seismon/eventlist/index.phtml Semi-logarithmic paper from: http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/logarithmic/ Blank Ternary Plot Source: http://ambiente.usach.cl/jromero/diagrama_ternario.htm MEI is a registered charity, number 1058911 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Free Logarithmic Graph Paper from http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/logarithmic/