Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 719-723 719 ON TWO NEW CHARACTERIZATIONS OF STIELTJES TRANSFORMS FOR DISTRIBUTIONS SUNIL KUMAR SlNHA Department of Mathematics Tata College Chaibasa, Singhbhum Bihar-833202, INDIA (Received September 27, 1981) ABSTRACT. Two new characterizations of the Stieltjes transform for distribution are developed, using two transformations on the space of distributions viz., dilation u n and exponential shifts T -p The standard theorem on analyticity, uniqueness and invertibility of the Stieltjes transform are proved, using the new characterization as the definition of the Stieltjes transform. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Stieltjes transform of distribution, iterated Laplace transform, dilations, exponential shifts. 1980 AS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 46F12. INTRODUCTION. Widder ([I], p. 325) introduced the Stieltjes transform as an iteration of the Laplace transform as follows: -xt f(x) fo e where (x) fo e so that f(x) f= o (t)dt $ ) -xt (t)dt (1.1) (t)dt (1.2) (1.3) More generally, (1.3) can be replaced by Stieltjes integral f(x) da(t) (x + t) (.4) The integral (1.4) was originally considered by Stieltjes[2]. Various generalizations of Stieltjes transform have been given by various authors viz., Widder[3], Pollard[4], Sumner[5], Mishra[6], Pathak([7]-[8]), Rao[9], Varma[lO], Arya([11]-[15]), Ghosh([16][18]), Boas & Widder[19], and Dube[20]. The present paper is concerned with two new characterizations of Stieltjes trans- formation for distributions by the help of dilation T -p introduced earlier by Gesztelyi[21]. u It is interesting to note here that Gestzelyi considered two transformations viz., dilation which are defined for ordinary fuctions and exponential shifts n u n f, complex number and exponential shifts T p, and positive integer n -p 720 S.K. SINHA by r-Pf(t) {u the sequence function n T-Pf(t)} (1.6) f(t) converges (in Mikusinski sense) as f classical Laplace transform of to the n He then defines the Laplace transform of a p at then p as the limit (whenever it exist in the sense of Mikusinski- x Mikusinski operator -pt e is a function which has a Laplace transform at f Gesztelyi proves that if (1.5) n f(nt) f(t) u {0 convergence) of the sequence T n -p x} and shows that his definition generalizes the previous formulation of the Laplace transform of Mikusinski operators of G. Doetsch Price[26] defined the Laplace transformation of a [233 and V. A. Ditkin ([24]-[25]). using sequences of the form f distribution {u n T -p f} and shows that the new defi- nition is equivalent to Schwartz’s extension of the transform to distributions. B also introduced spaces f distribution B’o in {u. f} sequepce and B o and their duals B’ and f in B’ f is in has a unique extension converges to < f,l> whenever B’ He and shows that each o He also shows that the B’o Recently, working characterizations of the Weierstrass, Mellin, Hankel and K-transform for distributions(J28], [29], [30] & [31]). 2. TWO NEW CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE STIELTJES TRANSFORMS. on the same lines the present author has given two new In the present section we give two new characterizations of Stieltjes transforms for one-dimensional distributions. We will say that a distribution (,B) interval in (a,B); subspsace such that whenever T-Pf of (a,B) If f is Stieltjes transformable if there is an open p o is a distribution in B’o + it is a complex number with real part where B’ nition , f open interval then the set is the largest such then for p e , {NOTE: f(t) ]im S[](p) (0) z 0 0 and S[f](p) we define the Stieltjes transform T -p > f Jwith f. is a Stieltjes transformable distribution, where transform has domain defi- S[f](p) where a as defined in [27]. is called the domain of definition of the Stieltjes transform for If Bo is the dual space of o R t of f at p by (2 I) R for every positive is a test function in is another distribution. For the existence of limit in (2.1) and its meaning one could focus tion on Theorem 3.1, p. 24 [26] or his atten- [27].} Thus we have another characterization also as S[f](p) where tion. f(t) S[](p) > =<T-Pf 0 t R for every positive (2.2) R and is another distribu- STIELTJES TRANSFORMS FOR DISTRIBUTION . S[f](p) From (2.2) we see that able p with domain is a complex valued function of the complex vari- + bg) =<T-P[af a<T a S l(p) f If d 3. p and g and I ,I+ b<T -pg + bg], -pf ,i S[f](p) + b S[g](p). Q, then and in S[f](p) f are complex numbers b and a is a distribution that is Stieltjes transformable in is analytic function of dp P!OOF. p For, if is linear. and p is Stieltjes transformable at S[af + bg](p) TIEOREM 2.1. S In fact, the mapping are distributions that are transformable at then (af 721 S[-t f(t)](p) The proof is analogous to that for Laplace transformation as given in [26] TREATMENT OF THE CONVOLUTION OF TWO DISTRIBUTIONS. Much of the usefulness of the Stieltjes transform is a result of the way it treats We give here this important property of the the convolution of two distributions. transformation by the following theorem: ]’]EOREM 3.1. If f and are Stieltjes transformable distributions such that the g domain of their respective transforms have intersection q transformable in PROOF. For p and for every in T-Pf Steltjes transformable at and p p in T-Pg f*g then S[f * g](p) f. B’o are both in f*g is Therefore, and from (2.2) and the definition of convolution we get S[f * g](p) =<T-P(f * =<r-Pf * g) ,i > T-Pg ,I> =<r-Pf(t)T-Pg() ,l(t + =<T-Pf(t)(r-Pg() l(t) =<T-Pf ,I><T-Pg ,i > S[f](p) S[g](p) 4. is Stieltjes S[f](p) S[g](p). Q.E.D. INVERSION AND UNIQUENESS THEOREMS FOR THE STIELTJES TRANSFORM. No theory of Stieltjes transform would be useful without the inverison and unique- ness theorems. We give Theorem 4.1 which includes both inversion and uniqueness theorems as its corollary. In what follows we will have as independent variables at various times the real variable t and real and imaginary parts of complex variable For reason we will p sometime indicate the particular independent variable for the space or an operation by a subscript e g., <f(), e-it> where f() is in B’o and T m is a parameter. S.K. SINHA 722 THEOREM 4.1. If f B’ is a distribution in then t f(t) =--2-- lim r- where the limit is taken in PROOF. t - {p: is Stieltjes transformable in lim rwhere the limlt is taken in COROLLARY 4.1(b): If (4.1) d (Inversion theorem). f(t) S[g](p) e-i I The proof is same as that of Laplace transform as given in [27]. COROLLARY 4.1 (a): If f-rr eitf__ (T) and t yo+ir c-Jr ePt Re p }. Then, as long as S[f](p) dp, (Uniqueness theorem). g are Stieltjes transformable distributions such that on some vertical line in the common domain of transforms of f g I. WIDDER, D. V. f S[f](p) and g then as distributions. 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