[r, ternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 677-681 677 ON CERTAIN INEQUALITIES FOR SOME REGULAR FUNCTIONS IN Izl<l MILUTIN OBRADOVI Department of Mathematics Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Received August 6, 1985) ABSTRACT. z+a2z 2 In this paper we give some inequalities for regular functions f(z) +... in Iz <I especially for starlike and convex functions of order C<I. To some extent those inequalities are the generalisations and improvements of the previous results given by Bernardi 111 Some interesting consequences are given, too. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. !i(gula, fun:tion.?, Starlike functions of orler , Convex INTRODUCTION Let A denote the class of functions f(z)= unit disc E- z+a2z 2 +... which are regular in the {z’Iz!<l}. For a function f_A we say that it is starlike of order c, 0<I, in E, if and only Re zf (z) >, z:E. f(z) The class of such functions we denote by S* (1.1) S*(). It is evident that S*() S*, where is the class of starlike functions in E. Similarly, for a function fA we say that it is convex of order c, Oc(I, in E, if and only if Re{ 1+ zff(z)(z) > (1 .2) zE E. The class of such functions we denote by K(a). In this case we have also that K() K(O)--K, where K that S* is the class of convex functions in E. It is well-known and K, are the subclasses of the class S of univalent functions in E [2] In this paper we give some inequalities of the integral type for the functions of A, especially for the functions of the classes S*() and K(), 0(I. For special cases of those inequalities we have some improved inequalities of Bernardi In this sense, our inequalities can be considered as the general isations and I] improvements of the corresponding inequalities of Bernardi. For the proofs of the coming inequalities we will use the following result of Miller [3] THEOREM A. domain in C x C), Let (u,v) be a complex function and let u= u1+iu2, v= D-C (C-complex plane, DSuppose that the function sarisv1+iv 2. " OBRADOVI M. 678 ed the next conditions: (a) (u,v) is contiuous in D; (b) (I,0) D and Re(l,0) (c) for all Re(u2i,vl)_<0 0; 2 <-(1/2) (l+u 2 ). D and such that v (u2i,v I) Le’t p(z)= |+plz+... be regular in the unit disc E such that (p(z),zp ’(z))ZD for all zE. If zEE, Re(p(z), zp"(z)) >0 then Rep(z)>O, zE E. INEQUALITIES AND CONSEQUENCES Let fE A, THEOREM I. < (z) >=Re Re and a>-1. Then the following implication z a+1 c ta-lf(t)dt>a+3---, f Z O z.E, (2.1) (1-[3)p(z). (2.2) is true. PROOF. Let’s put 1- /zo a+l =IS and ’+"a Z ta_lf(t)dt= 6+ p(O)=l. From (2.2) Then it is easily shown that 6<I, p is regular in E and we ha- ve that z a+l a f f(t)dt O Z a---T- 6+(1-)p(z)] and hence, after differentiation and some simple transformations, we have that f(Z)z Since Re f (z-----)>, Z z E, - -a=6 +(1-6)P(Z)+ Re{6-+ (1-6)p(z) - (u,v) (2.3) zp (z). (2.3) we get then from Now we may consider the function ]-6 + 1-6 zp’(z)}>O, +-1-6 (1-[3)u+i- (2.4) zEE. v sati(it is noted u=p(z), v=zp’(z)). It is directly checked that the function (a), (b) and (c) of Theorem A. Namely, in this case it is 2 is continuous in D (I O) D Re(1 O)= I->0 while for all D= C sfies the conditions (u2i,vl)D v1<-(I/2)-(1+u ) such that Re(u2i,v I) B - we have that + I-3 T Vl <6-+ I- 2 I-(I+u2)] -2 I-[3 a+1 u22< O Therefore, by applying Theorem A we hav that Rep(z)>O, zE; hence using (2.2) we fina!ly get Re z a+1 Z f a-lf(t)dt>6, z E, O which was to be proved. COROLLARY I. If f:S*(), Re <<I, f(z) > then it is known 3-2c zE, 14] that 679 INEQUALITIES FOR SOME REGULAR FUNCTIONS for those classes from Theorem and we have that a+l Redo ta-lf(t)dt> Because f K((): +2 zf’(z)IE S*((), COROLLARY 2. If fie f----) > f(z) 2(1_21-2) Z rz ta-lf(t)dt>3-21l() o Especially, for =O, i.e. for fK, we z a+1 z Re then from 15] we have (2.7) 2 and from Theorem +_ (2.6) 2 21og2 a+_ _ 1_ 5-2c 3(3_2a) -- 2- Re 2-< > z whe re 1(,) I__< K() K(c), O<<l, Re (2.5) zE E. 0< <I, is true, then from (2.5) for a=O we get the following estimates for f Re -I-2) (3’+2’a) a-1 a+- Jo ] (6) + 2 .(3.=2131(a))(3+2a have that I(O)= and 2+a f(t)dt>3+2- zE from (2.8)" (2.9) zIE E, which improves the earlier result of Bernardi !11, (2.8) Th.8(A), where the constant or (2.9) is equal to 1/2 (namely, 2+a for a>-1). If f A and zf" (z). K(c), O< I, then from (2.8) for a=O we have also that 5 2 () f z > Re (2.10) z(E, z -> the right side of 3.(..3_2131((}) where L () is defined by (2.7). If we put COROLLARY 3. Ref zf’(z) a+1 z (z)>a=Re ----/ a instead of fEA we get that I-( (t)dt>+3--a f o z s in Theorem (2.11) z_E, rue. From (2.|I) for a= O we have that Ref (z)>= Re f(z) T> is true. From (2.12) by applying Theorem 2+1 3 (2.12) zE, once again we have that the following impl cat ion Ref (z)> z a+1 ta_if(t)dt>2+ +2_. 3+2a’IRe--T z z:E, (2.13) is true for f(-A, <I and a>-1. Let f THEOREM 2. Re z z # o S*(), a f(z) a-1 f(t)dt O<<I, and let a>max{-1,-2c}, then we have that > 2a+2(_ 1+V/2a+2_ 2+8 (a+l) 4 ziEE (2 14) OBRADOVI M. 680 PROOF. The inequality (2.14) is equivalent to the inequality a z f(z) z Re > 2a+2cz- +x/( 2a+2- 2+8 (a+ (a+1)# a-I f(t)dt zEE 4 (a+1") (2 14") o Let’s put zaf(z) z (a+l)f a-1 + (2.15) (1-)p(z), f (t)dt o (2.14). It is easy to where B is the number or the right side of the inequality it that the funcbe shown can E (moreover, in is 0<-:;< p(z) I, regular show that z a-1 a+1 tion #t ’f(t)dt S*(c) if f S*(), Or<l, a:>-l. Hence, the function p(z) a o z may have the removable singularity in z=O) and p(O)= I. From (2.15) after logarithmic differentiation we may get zf’ (z) f(z) zf’(z) > (Z) Re and since -= zp’ (z) (a+l) -a-+(a+l) (1-F) p (z) +(1-l) +(1-1g) p(z) , z E, then Ret(a+l)8-a-+(a+l)(1-g)p(z)+(1-1g) zp’(z) g+(Z)p(z)}>O, z(E. (2.16) In this case we consider the function - (u,v) The function also that (a+l)ig- a-o+ (a+l) (1-t)u+(1-) C, where D= ({- D (I,0) D, Re(1,0)= l-c>O, v1<-(I/2)(1+u22 -_R})x C v and while for all (2.17) +(’l-B)u is continuous in D. We have (u2i,vl). D so that we get v Re{ (u2i,v I) (a+l)ig-a-a+(l-6)g < (a+l)-a-c+(-) B2+(1-13)2u 132+(I B)2u22 -(1/2) (l+u 2) 2 B2+(l_g)2 u 22 l+2(a+)-2(a+l)Blu 22 (we used the fact that lg is the solution of the equation 2(a+l)B2-(2a+2-l)g-1=O). To prove that Re(u2u,vl)<O we must show that 1+2(a+)-2(a+l)EO, what is not dif- , ficult regardin 9 the values for and B. Therefore, from Theorem A and (2.16) we have that Rep(z)>O, zE, which is equivalent to (2.14"), i.e. (2.14). COROLLARY 4. If fK(), 0<<I, what is equivalent to from (2.14) for a=O we have that Re z_f’(z)>2c f(Z) I+2/’ 1) 2 +[3 This is the former result given by Jack 16]. z E. zf’(z)eZS*(), then (2.18) 681 INEQUALITIES FOR SOME REGULAR FUNCTIONS , If f K then Re zf’(z)>1 [2], (which also implies from (2.18) COROLLARY 5 f(z) =O) and because of that, from Theorem 2 we have for Re zaf(z) a+ > z v/ a 2 + 2a+ 2 which improves the former result of Bernardi [I], (2.19) the right side of in [I] +2a+2 a+ 2 THEOREM 3. - Let f z fl Re r(z) a Z PROOF. tion zf(z) is , I+2a >---2-- K(), I+2a a+I)2 +I (= > Th.7(B). Namely, the constant on but O<,z< l, and (z) (2.19) zE, 2 # taIf(t)dt o > a+1). a>max{-1,-2}, then we have 2a+2-| + /(2a+2-I 4 jz ta_If(t)dt o 2+8(a+I) z (2.20) E. If f K() then zf(z) S*(), and by applying Theorem 2 to the funcand partial integration in corresponding integral we have the state- 3. COROLLARY 6. For ment of Theorem c= O, i.e. for f. K, we have that zf’ (z) Re f(z) a Z > 2a- +x/a-l)2+8(a+l) /ta-lf(t)dt 4 which also improves the result of Bernardi [I], z E Th.8(C). REFERENCES BERNARDI, S.D. Convex and starlike univalent functions, Trans.Amer.Math. Soc. Vol. 135(1969), 429-446. POMMERENKE, C. MILLER, S.S. Univalent functions, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gtingen (1975). Differential inequalities and Caratheodory functions, Bull. ._A_m_e_r. _Math. So_c:__81(I)(1975), 79-81. Estimates of the real part of f(z)/z for some classes of univalent functions, Mat. Vesnik 36(4)(1984), 226-270. 4. OBRADOVIC], M. 5. OBRADOVI(, M., OWA, S. 6. , Mat. On some results of convex functions of order Vesnik, to appear. JACK, I.S. Functions starlike and convex of order c, J.London Math.Soc. 3(2)(1971), 469-474.