Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 725-728 725 METHODS OF CONSTRUCTING HYPERFIELDS CH. G. MASSOUROS 54 Klious St. Cholargos Ahtens, Greece TK 155-61 (Received February I, 1983 and in revised form July 21, 1983) ABSTRACT. In this paper we introduce a class of hyperfields which contains non quotient Thus we give a negative answer to the question of whether every hyperfield hyperfields. K is isomorphic to a quotient K of a field G by some subgroup of its multiplica- rive group. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Hypereomposition, hyperfield, quotient hyperfield, hyperring. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLISSIFICATION CODE. 12K99. 1. INTRODUCTION A hyperfield is a triplet (H, +, -) composition (i.e. a mapping whose domain is H), and H where H H is a non-empty set, is a hyper- and whose range is the power set of H (i.e. for every an internal composition of + H, x-y x,y H). These two operations satisfy the following axioms: I. Multiplicative axiom H is an almost-group with regard to the multiplication. S semigroup which is the union G where An almost-group is a is a group and 0 a bilaterally we shall denote its neutral element and by 0 its ab- By S absorbing element of GU{0} sorbing element. II. Additive axioms x+y=y+x (i) (x + y) + z (ii) For every (iii) x’ III. z H is written E x + y x’ there exists one and only one and called the opposite of -x y instead of x (iv) + (y + z) x x x H such that 0 e x + x’. x; moreover we shall write + (-y) implies that y e z x Distributive axiom z (x + y) z x + z y (x + y) z x z + y z We remark that: (a) By usual convensions if "-" is an internal composition of a set E and X,Y are CH.G. MASSOUROS 726 X-Y is the set of all E, subsets of cases Y x X and such that (x,y) XY y x Y signifies the union X then E hypercomposition in U(x,y Y and is a y xxyX {x} will have the same meaning as y "-" If In both {y} X re- spectively. By virtue of axioms ll.(iii) and ll.(iv) one has (b) x Indeed; 0 x longs to so + 0. x x x Then 0 x x Also, because (a + b)(c + d) ac + + + 0 + O. H x for each x Let’s suppose y that some So x be- x different than which is absurd because of ll.(iii). y + 0 x. is a hypercomposition, the distributive axiom gives: + ad (properties of hyperfields can be found in [3], + bd. bc [5] If we replace the multiplicative axiom I by (c) I’. O. is a multiplicative semigroup having a bilaterally absorbing element H (H,+,-) we obtain a more general structure (see [4], [6]) M. Krasner in his study [I]. which is called hyperring. The concept of the hyperfield has been introduced by The hyperfield that occurs there was obtained by considering a quotient of the type K K where an equivalence relation defined from the is a valued field and 0 field’s valuation. 2. THE QUOTIENT HYPERFIELD. F Let in F G F in F by defining the product as subsets of F x,y x + y of x,y which are contained in the setwise sum of If F F is a ring and F x,y F G a normal subgroup of F F (: by F,{O}) (that in R will be a hyperring called the quotient hyperring of F by G is a group, and xG Gx F G. x (G,-) This z endowed with these two operations for all such that G to be the set of all classes becomes a hyperfield ([2]) called quotient hyperfield of R to be the class which (see [2]) that if we add It can also be proved the set that results is a union of classes modulo enables us to define the sum of Then the We shall denote by A multiplication can be introduced of two classes y x F form a partition of the set of the classes of this partition. results from their setwise product. x,y F’s multiplicative group. a subgroup of G be a field and multiplicative classes modulo F K(mod This hyperfield was called the residual of is a subset then The question that Krasner sets ([2])is whether there are other hyperfields besides the quotient hyperfields. Indeed it is quite important to find out how rich the class of all hyperfields is, for if there were only quotient hyperfields then a good part of hyperfield theory could have been deduced directly from corresponding results in field theory. At first one can notice that the residual hyperfields are always quotient hyperNext we shall prove that every subhyperfield of a quotient hyperring is a group. Indeed let R be a hyperring and a subhyperfield of R Then fields quotient of a field by a multiplicative F G LEMMA i. If uG is the unit of , F then uG is a mu]tiplicative group. 727 METHODS OF CONSTRUCTING HYPERFIELDS Let PROOF. xuG (u)uG thus xuG uG be an element of uy x u2G u(u’)G cuG. uG uGx In the same way we can show that uG uG Since Gu So the class xuG uG uG we have: uG is a subset of uG and therefore is indeed a group. [[FG]] Now if we denote by FG [[FG]] we observe that LEMMA 2. PROOF. [[FG]] and s’(uy) Let such that G PROPOSITION I. R and Let R of G t’ R [[FG]] Thus s’((uy)e) (s’(u))e se [[FG]J is the unit of R a normal multiplicative subgroup of G by s’ then there exist R Then every subhyperfield of is the by some subgroup of this subfield’s multiplicative group. R [[FG]] R uG and let for every is a hyperfield We observe be its unit. [[FG]] t there uG [[FG]] tG-t’G such that (t) (t’y’) yt’y’ is the such that I_FG]] [[FG]] s Thus we have: e G be a ring, Now since uG exists an element y,7’ If be a subhyperfield of [[FG]] F G that F Let PROOF. uG and so s the quotient hyperring of quotient of a subfield of [[FG]] uG s’(uy) s es Similarly which is generated by the set is also the unit of be the unit of e y s uG [[ FG]J uG The unit of R the subring of where e uG, and therefore there exist G is both the unit of e inverse element of t and therefore and the unit [[FG]] is a field. 3. NON QUOTIENT HYPERFIELDS. We shall construct a class of hyperfields which contains hyperfields that are not For this purpose we consider a commutative multiplica- isomorphic to quotient ones. tire almost-group (H,.) in which we introduce a hypercomposition + defined as x itself since follows: x x and x + y + x + 0 {x,y} if x,y z 0 H\{x} if x 0 + x and x e H for every x y x 0 Then: PROPOSITION 2. PROOF. 0 e x + (H,+,.) The triplet is a hyperfield. At first one can notice that the opposite of x is Next it is obvious that the hypercomposition is commutative and that the x associativity is valid when one of x,y,z is equal to 0. Now if x,y,z z 0 and distinct, then we have: x + (y + z) x + {y,z} A similar calculation shows (x + y)U(x + z) (x + y) + z equal to each other; for example x + (y + z) + (x + z) (x + y) + z x and x y, {x,y}U{x,z} {x,y,z} {x,y,z} Finally if two of x,y,z are we have: -{x} U{x,z} (x + x)U(x + z) + {x,z} (z + z)U(w + z)= (x + x) + z =[ H{x} + z z with w {z} U{w,z} H H x Now as far as the axiom ll.iv, is concerned we have: (i) if y we must have then x x z x + x + y x + x H{x} which is in fact true. This means that for every z H\{x} CH.G. MASSOUROS 728 (ii) x y If z + 0 then x {z,y} y {x,y}, thus + y x and if z x If y z or Hy} + y x E z then y z z then x So this axiom is valid as well. Finally it is straight forward to verify the distributive axiom. The class of the hyperfields constructed as above contains elements THEOREM. that do not belong to the class of quotient hyperfields. We choose an almost group (H,.) with card PROOF. x for every H\{0} E Next we consider the hyperfield 3 and such that H (H, +, .) x which is con- structed according to the above method and we suppose that this hyperfield is iso- morphic to a quotient xG. xG (i) (iii) x2G or G F for the following must be valid: x e F for every -G G (ii) G F hyperfield(..)Then )G G + G 2 =(x +2" G C G So we have () + G 2 G G + G, which F. But if F is not of charac- + i. (x---------) 2 +(-1) () 2 This contradicts (iii). F F Now if the characteristic of square; thus F\G can be written as a difference of two squares: F teristic 2 then every element of x G must contain all the squares of C Because of (i) + G from which is 2 then the sum of two contradicts again (iii). So H squares is always a cannot be isomorphic to any quotient hyperfield. REMARKS. (a) This theorem gives something more, that is, H cannot be isomor- phic even to a subhyperfield of a quotient hyperring. 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