683 [nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 685-688 RANDOM WALK OVER A HYPERSPHERE J. M. C. JOSHI Shipra Sadan G. I. C. Road, Pittogarab 262501, U. P. India (Received November 10, 1983 and in revised form July 23, [985) In a recent paper the author had shown that a special case of S. M. Joshi ABSTRACT. transform (so named after the author’s reverent father) of distributions .a (Sbf)(X) t (y), 1Fl(a 0 bo;+/-Xy) iFl(a’b’-2ixy)> a characteristic tuiction of a spherical distribution. Using the methods developed in that paper; the problem of distribution of the distance CD, where C and D are points niformly distributed in a hypersphere, has been discussed in the present paper. The form of characteristic function has also been obtained by the method of projected distribution. A generalization of Hammersley’s result has also been developed. The main purpose of the paper is to show that although the use of characteristic functions, usin the method of Bochner, is available in problems of random walk yet distributional S. M. oshi transform can be used as a natural tool has been proved for the first time in the paper. kl6Y WORDS AN[) PHRASI..S. Random walk, Distributional transform, Characteristic function, lypersphere, S. M. Joshi transform, spherical, distribution. 1980 MATHEMATICS LIBJECT CLASSIFICATION. Primary 62, Secondary 60. ;. INTRODUCTION. Bochner [] observed that the Fourier transform of a radial function can be written as a Hankel transform. Though the use of characteristic functions in problems of addi- tion of independent random vectors (using the results of Bochner) is available in the literature, it is not made clear that the Hankel transform is a natural tool. it is not made clear that there is a Further, theory for spherical distributions (i.e. when all directions are equally probable and the distribution of magnitude is independent of direction) in n dimensions which uns parallel to the theory of the addition of ran- dom variables in one dimension. Moreover, in actual problems it is frequently necessary to evaluate the Hankel t’ansform involved (in the formula for the probability function), but the ordinary methods of numerical integration are difficult to apply since the Bessel functions make tle integrand oscillate irregularly between positive and negative values. When we try to evaluate the probability function) by epansion methods, the terms contain confluent hypergeometric function,s. A new account would, therefore, appear useful (involving confluent hypergeometric function kernel transform), especially as the use of Distributional Joshi transform 684 J.M.C. JOSHI [2,3] and of its special case-the Distributional Fourier transform- in certain problems of mathematical physics is now known (See [4]). In the present note we have tried to discuss the problems of the distribution of the distance CD, when of radius in one o C D and are points uniformly distributed in a (hyper) sphere The treatment is based on general methods developed dimensions. in c my earlier papers [3]. Also a method other that that in [3] has been given here to obtain the form of the Hammersley’s result [5] has been shown to be a natural corol characteristic function. lary of our result. 2. PROBLEM OF D[S]’RIBUTION ON THE HYPERSPHERE. Let space. C D and I have the vector representation I CD Then we require the distribution of 2 and 2’ random vectors with identical uniform spherical distribution. 2 spherical symmetry has the same distribution as I to finding the dibtribution of + in n-dimensional I where 2 ), 2 and the problem is equivalent This we shall attempt presently. 2" are But, because of the In [3] have shown that the characteristic function of a spherical distribution is an S.M. Joshi transform (so called S() / P(r) 2 after P(r) my reverent father, who initiated me into researchoutlook [2] iFl(ao;bo;ir (2.1) ) iFl((n-l); n-I" -2ir )dr witl -n+2 {F(1/2n)} -2 O S()(r) x n-I F (ao;bo; -ir ) x iFl((n-l); n-l" 2ir) (2.2) d, where P(r) P(r r (2.3) + dr); and not of being characteristic function of n-dimensional distribution of S( l-dimensional of <II and a b II- r O at uniform in a sphere of radius P(r) nr IXl, Here while c where a a + X . is variable and + I, b a c r 0 r c. + are the values ao,b O Now for a distribution we have n-l-n c (2.4) O, Hence (2.1) gives S() iFl(ao;bo;iC) F ((n+l); n+l; -2ic) But the C.F. of the distribution of of i and 2, as is well known. I + 2 is the product of characteristic functions Multiplying these characteristic functions and invert- ing we get the expression for the probability function for n-1 -n 2 r nr c (n+l) x (I (n+l) p(2)(r) B(1/2(n+l) 1/2) x : 2- (2.5) }-I ---) 4c [(1/2(n+l); 1/2(n+3)/2; (I- 2 I + $2 as (2.6) -)] where (2) in p(2) indicates that the sum of two random vectors is being considered. 3. PROOF BY THE METHOD OF PROJECTED DISTRIBUTIONS. We could derive (2.6) in yet another way-by the method of projected distributions discussed in [3]. RANDOM WALK OVER A HYPERSPHERE 685 If we project from a spherical distribution of random vectors with origin as centre space of lower dimension (vectors being projected orthogonally) we get another onto a We have the result (see [3]), in terms of SMJ operators, spherical distribution. s" P (r) n P+2 k (r)] n, k B(n k) Pn+2k(r) wllere n+2k and n r n-I r Pn(r) and r2) k-1 4-n-2k+2d4 are probability functions of spherical distributions in dimensions respectively. In the distribution in tl,cn (3.1) Pn+2k (r)(2 dimensions be uniform over the sphere of radius n+2k gives (3.|) F(21])(!n+k)(k) P (r) n c-n-2k+2(c2-r)k-lrn-l’ _> c r (3.2) =0, For c, c r. k=l, (3.’2) reduces to (2.4) and thus it is evident that a uniform distribution through the volume of an n-dimenslonal sphere can be obtained by a projection from a uniform distribution over the surface of an ame radius (n+2)-dimensional sphere (each having the Further for the sum of two vectors we have, for the (n+2)-dimensional c). sphere, p(2) n+2 21-n (r) -’n n r (4c B(1/2(n+l),) r 2 n-1/2 <_ r 2c (3.) ()’ Fing (3.3) and (3. l), with k=I we get P(2)(r) as in in the genera] case of projection from the space of p(2)(r) 2a (, 2c. r f (4c k+(n-3) 2 (4 r2 k-1 (2.6). (n+2k) dimensions we have -2k+2d (3.4) r k=l ]or 4. this yields, again, (2.6). GENERALIZATION OF HAMMERSLEY’S RESULT. Before giving a generalization of Hammersley’s result [5], result (2.) different from the one presented in [3]. we append a proof of the The method of proof is relevant to the discussions in earlier sections in that it deals with the distribution of the sum of two independent random vectors. The only defect of this method is that it does not bring out the importance of characteristic functions as such. THEOREM 4.1. I + 42 Let bution function D(r) D(r) 21-n (n) with probability functions of n 141 r (n+l) PI(I) and P2(42) then the distri- is given by f S() n-1 o F (a ;b ;-ir) x 0 0 (4.1) x where () 1Fl(1/2(n+l) 1()$2()" PROOF. We require the probability that [41 141 + 42[ r, or n+l; 2irK)dg, 686 J.M.C. JOSHI p (r ll 2 + r 2 -2r 2 IiI P, r2cos r < r 0) t21 I, r where 0 and 2 is the angle between $I and $2" Then it i known that tile desired probability is given by 7 where any (mathematical) characteristic function of the set OA() is @A(X) I, A ([4] p.l) (4.3) is the set in which the desired condition is satisfied. r n F (1/2n) F (n+1) / o iFl(1/2(n+l) X n+l; (which is equal to zero when X En-le(n-P)iE (4.4) -2irE)iFl((n-l) P n-l; 2iPE)dE, and equal to one when r I the inner integral for a fixed value of r X n ((n+1)) I (n) o iFl(1/2(n-1) n-l" fo IFI $2() be the integral @A r) and evaluate the we obtain the value of as + n-1 i(r $2() P @A ($I’ $2 ), inner integral in (4.2) with the present value of $2() viz. A, Now if we let the characteristic function where A A x 0, where (4.2) pl(l) p2(2) OA( I, $2)d$1d2, e -2ir1) 1Fl(1/2(n+l); (ao’bo;(i$2"r2)P2(r2)dr 2. X r2) n+l; -2ir2)d, Here, as isevident from R.H.S. of (4.5), is the (statistical) characteristic function of the probability function corresponding to the distribution of $2 (n-dimensional), while to the probability function of the distribution of II P2(r2) P(r) in (2.1) refers r which is one dimensional. The two are related by the well-known result P(r) rn-l n 2gnr n-I p(r)/r(n) (an p(r) is the surface of the unit sphere (4.6) in n-dimensions). In this evaluation we have used the fact P2(r2)r-ldr2dn P2r-lsinn-2OdOdfln-l’ P2($2)d$2 0 where we have used as a co-latitude in defining the position of (4 7) $2" (See [6] p. 76). Evaluating the final integral in (4.2), using pt(r)r-Idn, pl(i)d$1 (4.8) r we obtain the distribution function as (or so called probability integral, D(r) n D(r) r__ {F(n) r(1/2(n+l)) 2 e i(r + integration over n-1 r n P(r)dr) n-1 ; "Pl(rl)2(K)rI-1K n (4.9) 1F 2 o ((n-1); n-I; -2irlK) 1Fl((n+l); gives rise to the factor an n+l; -2ir)dK drld n and that with respect to r yieids RANDOM WALK OVER A HYPERSPHERE {F(n)} { Pl(r 2 n-i (2 -n Thus, finally, we have by )r ?-I (n-I l)(r) n-I F 687 ((n-l);n-l;-2irl)dr SI( ). as in (4.10 (4.1) which is (2.2.12) of [5]" with S() replaced S1()$2(). This incidentally proves SI(X) S2(X) S(X) (4.11) i.e. the characteristic function S(X) of the sum of two independent random vectors and of 2 is equal to the product of the characteristic functions 2 inverting and using D’(r) 5. i! By showing 2c + (2 va|ues 21/2c-the equal to I and S2(X) P(r) we get (2.1). is asymptotically distributed in a normal distribution with and variance that for large of RESULT. HAMMERS|.EY’S mean SI(X c 2 /2n of n as n tends to infinity, Hammersley [5] has proved the distance between two points in a sphere is nearly always diagonal of the rectangle determined by the orthogonal radii. Now as shown in [3] the distribution (3.2) has the characteristic function iFl(aO’bo’iC) IFl(n+k-" n-I + 2k; -2ic). (5.1) But by [7] (4.11) is asymptotially equivalent to 2 2 (n+2k) (5.2) e But again, we know [3] that a normal distribution has the probability P(r) Ar n-I nr 2 2> 2 e (5.3) and has the characteristic function S () e 1/222/n (5.4) Thus the distribution, as is clear from (5.1), is asymptoticaIlynormalwith nc 2 2-- n+2------" Also, taking k=l (3.2)we get (2.4)and thus (2.4) is asymptotically normalwithvariance 2 nc The distribution of + is, therefore, asymptotically, normal with variance (n+2) 1 2 double that of the above. Again taking O, we see that the distribution uniform over the surface of the k sphere with radius d is asymtotic to normal distribution with variance d this variance with the variance just obtained for butation of of radius have I 42 + I + 2’ 2. Comparing we notice that the distri- is asymptotic to the distribution over the surface of the sphere (2n)c/(n+2) 1/2, which again is asymptotically equivalent to Hamersley’s result. 2c(I + ). Thus 688 J.M.C. JOSHI ACKNOWLEDGMENT. am grateful to the refree for suggesting improvement in the paper indicating the usefulness of the results proved and to the Editor for suggesting better! presentation. REFERENCES I. BOCHNER, S. and (,HANIJRASEKHARAN, K. Fourier Transforms, Annals of Math. Studies, 19, Princeton, 1949. 2. JOSHt, J.M.C. and UI’RETI, R. On the Representation of Functions as Generalized LaPlace Integrals, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 12(7), pp. 856-864, 1981. 3. JOSHI, J.M.C. and JOSHI, S.M. 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