Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 821-824 821 ON MENNICKE GROUPS OF DEFICIENCY ZERO MUHAMMAD A. ALBAR Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Received larch 26, 1985 and in revised form May 20, 1985) H(m,n,r) The Mennicke group ABSTRACT. <x,y,z x y the few known 3-generator groups of deficiency zero. x m y z y n z r z > x Several cases of is one of M(m,,r) are studied. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Presentation, Reidemeister-Schreier method, relation matrix. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 20F05. Mennicke [i] has given a class of three generator three relation M(m,n,r) r e 3 <x,y,z x y x m y z y (see also Higman [2].) provided that neither n2 n defined by which he proves to be finite for m n nor i, r2 For general m,n,r the above m,n,r a) The group M’ is abelian and M(3 3 3) M IMI THEOREM 1. PROOF. groups The aim of this paper is to consider the group for several cases with r general z r Wamsley [3] discussed the group for some cases with group is difficult to consider. m z x Macdonald [3] has shown that the above group is finite i, m n IMI 211 We notice that <x,y,z[x y divides , M 211 Z2 Z2 y x z y z x z >. We use his result that Wamsley has shown that M’ is abellan and prove: A straightforward application of the Z2. Reidemeister-Schreier rewriting process can be used to find the order of suppress the details and merely notice that the relation matrix for 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 o 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 M’ M’ We is Z 211 Z8 Z and [M[ 23(23 23 22 Another group of deficiency zero is Johnson’s group [4], y n-2 -1 n+2 z r-2 -1 r+2 x m-2 -1 m+2 J(m,n,r) <x,y,z x y x y y z y z z x z x Therefore M’ REMARK I. The order of J J(2,2,2) is 7.2 II, [4]. A question could be raised here if M and M.A. ALBAR 822 J the 2-Sylow subgroup of y -i 2 z z -I 2 J subgroup of M -r b) x y (m x x m y and n-1 PROOF: M Z d H Therefore 7 -I y 2 is the 2-Sylow H y n-1 e>, m = M Z(m n-1 where H Zn_ m d x M Therefore _ I) n-I m <a is (m x m-I > The relations H M’ n-1 2. I). The relations We consider H <x is metacyclic and it is the split a But 2, n > x and a y a a -I y -I xy e x a m imply that M’----H _c M’ M’. m The order of a is n-I (m-l, REMARK 2. m x is abelian implies that H Therefore Z <x A student K. F. Lee of David L. Johnson showed <x,ylx y I), by We consider M H n- n-I M’ THEOREM 2. J and imply that the order of e Z(m Z Z2 M(m,n,0) n-1 extension of M are different. M The group Z Z2 H and HJ H Using the Redemeister-Schreier process we write a presentation for H which gives that We find that x > <J To answer this question let are isomorphic. m m n-i n-i m m- i) + mn-3 + n-2 + m 2 + m + The above theorem could be proved using the Reidemeister-Schreier process. REMARK 3. (m-i) (n-l) ’r IMI implies that (n-l) (m n-I i) REMARK 4. The above theorem implies that REMARK 5. It is easy to see that M(a,b,c) REMARK 6. M(a,c,b) in general. In working with Mennicke’s group we find the commutator identity (known as M is a finite metabilian group. -= M(a, b, c) M(b, c, a) M(c, a, b) and the Witt identity) quite helpful. Ix, y, z] c) get z2 [Ix,y], z] y-2x-2 x Ix,y] and zlx y <x, y, x2 The relations of M(-1,-1,-i) M <x, y, x y THEOREM 3. e) M(2 z x M zlx y and x <x, y zlx y and z y 2 z x z 2 Using the Witt identity we z y y x2 x I? Therefore, M Y z y- M to get xy-2x-3 z gives Finally x-I We define in any group. xy y z z x and E. z- - x2y2z We substitute in x y x2 M y imply that z z2 z y2 x Thus e. z y2 e. x A z2 Reidemeister-Schreier process gives that M’ z-ly -I. Therefore, we have proved: is an infinite metabilian group. 2, -I) z-lY-lz-2yz z-lx -l z e straightforward application of the generated by y x 17 z give 2 x, y We use the relations of e y to get x x which together with z y e This identity holds for any Ix, z2][z, y2][y, x2] and use d) x, y ][y, z, M(2,2,2) M xy z zX][z, [x y Z Z z- >. Using the Witt identity we get We use this relation together with the relations of M to get Y z 823 MENNICKE GROUPS OF DEFICIENCY ZERO I x z -4. Y Y M <y, z f) M(-I, -i, 0) z2 (yZ) z zly x z Substituting in y3 z- e The relation (yz) 2 e> S <x, y, zlxy y M’ Schreier process we get that M THEOREM 4. H Thus H g) M and M <xl> K Therefore Using the Reidemeisterx 2 ". M’ H H Let as follows. <x But 21> It is easy to see y-lx-lyx x e M’ H M’ z_ z x <z2> is the split extension of M Therefore see [5]. zM M <zl> is <xl> by <zl> It is easy to see that We also notice that --K Z x Z (z2) x x- Iz_ z2 M’ normal in H z -2 xz.K M where the z-2 and xz 2 x-l= M’ M’ K THEOREM 5. h) M’ Therefore, z2 zlz x <x, action is given by T,us Z Z2 -F M’ M(1, 0, -1) and z M e> Thus e metabilian group. is an infinite M y2 (yz) becomes y We notice that e is infinite cyclic generated It is possible to find REMARK 7. that x -l, z y x and so e z we get M is an infinite metabilian group. It is easy to show the following cases: M(I, I, O)= Z M(3, 2, O) (iii) Z M(I, I, I)= Zx Z M(I, 2, O) M(I, O, O) Z (v) M(0, 0, 0)= M(2, 2, 0)= M(2, 0, 0)= E (i) (viii) M(I, m, n) (x) M(1, -I, O) (iv) Zm_ is infinite because Z M(-m, 2, O) M(2, 3, O)= S m 2 for m M(I m, n) M"(1,m,n) M(-m, 0, O) (xi) Z2 Zm+1, (vi) Z Z for n > n-i M(m, 2, 0)= M(m, 0, O) (ix) (xii) Z Z M(I, n, 0) (vii) (ii) is infinite. Zm+1, 0 m 0 Mennicke’s group was a generalization of a group given by Higman [2]. Another generalization of Higman’s group was considered by Fluch [6] as <a,b,clb-aaba H a m c -8bc8 b n a-caY c r then H a M(m, n, r) 8 Another generalization of Mennicke’s group was given by Post [7] as follows: We notice that when G(m,n,r,s,t) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. <a,b,clabma -I b n bc rb-I c s cac -i a t I thank Dr. D. L. Johnson for his useful comments on this paper. I also thank the University of Petroleum and Minerals for the support I get for conducting research. REFERENCES i. 2. MENNICKE, J. Einige endliche Gruppen mit drei Erzeugenden und drei Relationen, Arch. Math., 10 (1959) 409-18. HIGMAN, G. A finitely generated infinite simple group, J. London Math. Soc. 26 (1951), 61-64. 824 M.A. ALBAR 3. WAMSLEY, J. W. 4. JOHNSON, D. L. 5. ALBAR, M. A. 6. 7 The deficiency of finite groups, A Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland, 1968. A new class of 3-generator finite groups of deficiency zero, J. 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