621 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 621-623 RESEARCH NOTES LOCAL ENERGY DECAY FOR WA..VES GOVERNED BY A SYSTEM OF NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER EQUATIONS IN A NONUNIFORM MEDIUM J. E. LIN l)eprtment of Hntlem,atlcal Sclences George Mason University 22030 Fairfax, Virginia U. S. A. (Received June 21, 1985) We show that tlm local energy of a smooth locallzed solution to a system of coupled nonlinear SchrSdlnger equations in a certaln nonunlform medlum decays to ABSTRACT. zero as the time approaches inflnlty. K’Y WORDS AND PIIIAS.’S. 1980 MA]’IIF;MA2’ICS 1. Local energy, waves, nonlineo_e ehrOdin.qer eqnat{ona. SUBJECT CLA,gSIFICA]’ION CODF;. 35Q$O INTRODUCTION. Conslder a system of m coupled nonlinear Schrdlnger equatlons in a nonuniform meduum t(O/Ot)On where n (c32/Ox2)Un + Fn (1112’ lUn 12 )Un + kn(X)Un 0 (1.1) are real-valued functions of x only and F’s are m, k’s n n I, 2, We will show that under certain condltlons o[F’s and k real-valued functions. n n ’s0 namely, Fn(IU112 n-I lUn 12’ IUml2)=CnlUn 12 + h’z=1 Iuh 12 + with positive constant C for all n n I/(I + k (x) n for all n I, 2 a2x 2) 1, 2 (UI, Urn) z h =n +l 1,11,12 (1.2) m, and wlth 0 < a <_ (2/3) m, the local energy and localized solution m Z (1.3) r IUnI2 (x, t) dx for the smooth n --1 -r decays to zero as t approaches Inflnlty. Eq. (I.I) with one component and in a llnear type of nonunlform medlum was derived by Chen and Llu [1-3] in the study of so]Irons In See nonuniform medium. also Newell [4]. Gupta et al [5], Gupta [6] and upta and Ray [7] studied Eq. (I.I) with one component and a parabollc type of nonunlformlty for Its exact solution and the inverse scattering method. Eq. (1.1) with two components and k O, for all n, n was derived for envelope waves with different circular polarizations in an isotroplc nonlinear medium by Berkhoer and Zakharov [8] and also used by Eiphlck [9] for the quantum version of the one-component nonlinear Scltr6dinger model. Kaiser [I0] discussed the well-posedness of it for an Inltlal-value and boundary-value problem. Our method in this work conslsts of nn exploration of the conservation laws which Eq. (1.1) possesses and is a genera]izatlon of the one-component nonlinear Scltrdlngpr equation, (O/OX)Wn by w n’ x’ etc. and the solution (U 1, autltor’s previous work ill] for in tile loll’owing, we shall denote U m) will be assumed to be 622 J.E. LIN i.e., U smooth and localized and all its partial derivatives approach zero as approaches infinity, for each t and for all n 1, ]x m. HETIIOD. 2. Hultiplying Eq. (I.I) by V where V n’ is the complex conjugate of U n n and taking the imaginary part, we get (lun 12) t i(v u u n, x v n n, x n (2.1) x Hence IUnlZ(x, t) dx Next, multiplying Eq. (1.1) by (2.2) constant Vn, t’ taking the real part of it, making the -, use of (1.2) and integrating in x from- to we get </z)c.lo.l 4) 12 knlUnl 2 dx < constant + z + nX n i where the constant on the right-hand side is independent of t. (Iu f Now, taking the real part where L U i U n n U n, + Fn n, xx [(LnUn)xVn of (L n ([U112 lln)V n’ x iNm [2)Un + (2.3) ]’ k U n n and making the use of (1.2), we get m m Z (V (I/2i) 1 m n z + </) U -U n x C n m n n (1/2) Z V x n t n (lUll)4 x + n=l = [U)t </)(< n 2 k" (lUn 2 )xxx + 2) x m 2 (/) n=l Z n =I (IUn, x 2) x <lUll ) x n n[ Now, making the use of the assumption (1.3) on A(x) to arctan , kn, is from the assumption on k (ax), where a multlplyiug (2.4) by integrating in x from n’ using the technique of integrntion by part and makin the use of (2,2) and (2.3), we get m 0 and 0 ir z 12 -r n-l (fUn + lun ,x 2 + lUn 14) dx dt <- (2.5) Let r > 0 and B be soth such that B(x) 1 for lx r, B(x) 0 for lx 2r B i. Multiplying (2.1) by B and integrating In x from -2r to 2r, we get 2r 2 2r n(lunl )t dx b /2r (lUnlZ -2r + f2r_2r BUn2 dx iun x 12) dx for some positive constant b. Let 0 < (t- tl) 1 < t, then fr_r [Un[2 "ft I f2r -2r B[Un[ t Let t I r fr t inn [2dx Hence, by (2.5) ,ACOWLEDGEMENT. 2-10138. 2 I, dx _< (t dxds + ten (b + 1) t 1 [Un [2(x tl t I (s- 2r 2 2r([Un[ t)dx f2r _2r B([Un[2 tl) + ]U 0 as t nx 2) t dx[ds dxds Q.E.D. This work was supported by George Mason University Research Grant LOCAL ENERGY DECAY FOR WAVES IN A NONUNIFORM MEDIUM 623 REFERENCES i. CIIEN, II.II. and LIU, C.S., Solitons in Nonlinear Media, Pls. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976), 693-697. 2. CIIEN, I!.ii. and LIU, C.S., Sollton Generation at Resonance and Density Modificatlon in Laser-lrradated Plasmas, _Pl__s. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977), 1147-1151. 3. CHEN, !I.II. and LIU, C.S., Irradiated Langm1=|r So]Itons and Resonance LaserExperiments, Absorpt|on ]n PJasmas, in Plasma Pl=sics, Nonlinear Theory and 4. (Ed. Hans Wilhelmsson) 211-221, P.le1=m Pub., 1977. NEWELL, A.C., Nonlinear Tunne]llng, J. Math. Pl__s_. 19 (1978), 1126-]133. 5. GUPTA M.R., SOM, B.K. 6. 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