231 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 231-240 SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS AND WEAKLY NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES JOHN V. LEAHY Institute of Theoretical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403 and MARIE A. VITULLI Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403 (Received March 4, 1983) ABSTRACT. is paper is concerned with the seminormality of reduced graded rings and the weak normality of projective varieties. One motivation for this investi- gation is the study of the procedure of blowing up a non-weakly normal variety along its conductor ideal. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Seminormal Graded Rings, Normal Projective Varieties. 1980 ,THE4ATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 16A03. In this paper we investigate the seminormality of reduced graded rings for the purpose of studying the weak normality of projective varieties and the procedure of blowing up a non-weakly normal variety along its conductor ideal. A commutative ring with identity is seminormal if and only if it contains every element of its total ring of quotients whose square and cube are in the ring. A variety (over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero) is weakly normal if and only if every globally defined continuous function which is regular outside the singular locus is in fact globally regular. In [i] it is proven that a variety is weakly normal if and only if all of its local rings are seminormal. In section 2 of this paper the relevant commutative algebra is developed to handle questions of weak normality for projective varieties and in particular to show that the weak normalization of a projective variety is again projective. We have tried to work in as general an algebraic setting as possible, but since we wanted the normalization of a graded ring to again be graded we considered only reduced graded rings (indexed by the integers) having only a finite number of minimal prime ideals. Given an integral extension of graded rings we give an explicit description of the relative seminormalization by adapting a construction of Swan [2]. We then show that the seminormalization of a graded ring is a graded subring of its normalization and that the operations of seminormalization and homogeneous localization commute. J. V. LEAHY AND M. A. VITULLI 232 In section 3 we consider reduced (but not necessarily irreducible) projective varieties defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In particular we show that such a variety is weakly normal if and only if its veronese subrings of order 2. d. are seminormal for sufficiently large d SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS. A graded ring is a ring All rings are assumed to be commutative with identity. R such that RmR n-- R that admits a decomposition (as abelian groups) R n m+n h of R. Notice that of elements set homogeneous denote the for all m,n. We let R @ne_ R In particular O. is homogeneous of degree R the identity element of R is a sub- O R. ring of A If A is a ring we let A closure of A denote its normalization, i.e. is the integral Q(A). in its total ring of quotients is a reduced graded ring having only a finite number of i i i for minimal primes 0 I,’’’,0. Let R R/0 i, 0i and S xS S Since the minimal primes of R are homogeneous i i,-..,. Set S i i is graded where are again graded. Therefore each S the quotient rings R 1 h i i n}. S S Hence deg(t) {/t and deg() S t e T n n is a graded ring. (2.0) R Suppose that TIR Rh Ti Ix’-- neon Ri) Then there exist homogeneous elements + r r for s i i ponent of s of degree Thus i e I Now r we see that n s s.1 (n) R 1 LEMLA 2.1. for all 0 r i r and and consequently i S Consequently If R R We know that R I--- .__R R Again by the domain case R for all i S S n < O. s si(n) i s s i for all I R n R I..- XR . R of then R is a S S is a graded subring of Ix’..S (R i) n Now assume that for all 0 n (i 0 is a graded for all 0 n By the domain with notation as in (2.0). R Let i for each R n 0 l,--’,g) so that _ Assume that there exists a homogeneous R-regular element of positive degree. Let T denote the set of homogeneous R-regular elements of is a graded subring of i PROOF. primes of R Let (i i,--’,). Pi’ R Ti indexed so that Now suppose i. for all be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number of minimal primes. Then i. O. n LA 2.2. by s.1 is a graded subring of R for all negative integers 0 n m. is a graded subring of 0 ri + si(n) be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number of R case ([e], vol. 2, Thm. Ii, p.157) n denote the homogeneous com- With notation as above, the normalization negative integers Thus s. 0.(RI’’’Rn ). n such that Comparing homogeneous components of i. for all I by i p. r Ix---S S S Let minimal primes. PROOF. r n si(n) let i r e R Suppose and of degree n. I is homogeneous i (i i,---,) so that is a graded subring of S and 0 graded subring of subring of r. Replacing n. XR of degree For each i,’--,. i i we may assume that Jegree Rlx is a graded subring of R Notice that R. For each T-IR. be as in (2.0). Let qiR i,-..). Oi (i By 2.1 there exist a i i Ti ql’’’’’q such that choose a homogeneous element b i R. denote the minimal ai B q#i0j R + qi 0 i. Re- SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS AND WEAKLY NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES aib i deg(a i) + m for n 0 deg(a i) > 0 i N m Let a.1 i j#i0 we may assume that a E Pi and a. i j R-regular element of positive degree and choose m a by i be a homogeneous placing 1,’’- i where ai and let nl...n cB is homogeneous and m R. Pi for N > 0 for ai am g i R a so that we may assume that for 1 i Replacing i,... I,.-.,4. i Let R. B1 by i a.B 1 and N/n.l i deg(a i) we may assume that a Replacing [j#iPj E 233 Then c a by i al+.--+a To finish the proof it suffices to see that c is R-regular. Suppose that c + Z a and c a. j#i I R Z a a 0 ji j T- 1 R. g B R-regular and is a zero divisor in R i __T-1R. Hence T-1R One can easily check that Since implies Oi, i c for some 0. c is TIRI’..TIRE. S R by 2.1 we know that Now i. Thus a contradiction is a graded subring of S is a graded subring of so that is a graded subring of T-1R. For a graded ring R the subring of R(d) n On.ZR R(d) R OnRnd" COROLLARY 2.3. Let R(d) d, integer PROOF. for ideal. Let R Since R Suppose 0 Bi R R(d) for some Bde i 0 # But i such that [.=lqi O. In qi (O:8i) for R(d)-regular. is R If R(d) qi(d) R(d) qi plies Let ql(d) Then a e Since qj. must have be a homogeneous element of a i oi(d),’’’,o(d) Q(R(d)) Q(R/Ol(d))x.--xQ(R/%(d)) and (R/q E(d)). So integral domain and R O # R. K Q(R) and let r is an additive subgroup of icm(d,m) and set f -- adc R(d). Q(R(d)) in its total quotient ring Q(R/q l(d)) Let Then qi" qi and that R(d) qi(d) qj (d) Then im- and we qj R(d). Similarly, is the integral closure --Q(R(d)/01(d))x.-.(R(d)/0E(d)) Q(R(d)/ql(d))x---Q(R(d)/qE(d)) it suffices to establish the result when h R We O. Q(R(d)) Now Q(R(d)) {0}. and hence e/m. qi(d) are the minimal primes of are the minimal primes of We wish to see that R(D) ql(d),...,qE(d) then Nq(d) For suppose is generated by homogeneous elements qi Hence j. R Bi O, a contradiction Hence Q(R). Similarly Q(R(d)) Q(R(d)) claim that there are no containments amongst these primes. qj (d). l,---,g i d and I,--.,E. i qi is a zero divisor in R-regular and for N R q 0i i is a homogeneous particular there exist Q(R). Let and let is a graded ring and hence each R(d)-regular element is every R(d). minimal primes of is reduced we know that a For each positive R. denote the normalization of ql’’’’’q% denote the By 2.1 R(d) be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number R homogeneous elements e denote is a graded ring where R. is the normalization of i,.--,. i R Let of minimal primes. of R(d) we let d R(d) Then R nd" If R is the homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety then is called a Veronese subring of _ and a positive integer defined by Let J R(d) J n R(e) {n I(T-I) R # 0}. for some positive integer R(fm) R(m)(f) and is an Then J m. Let R(d) J. V. LEAHY AND M. A. VITULLI 234 R(e) R(m) (f). R(fm) R Thus replacing R and Let (T-IR) L R a n L scendental over and hence L[t] 0 and b and Q(R(d)) then R. i let Bm + Cl R(d). in ab b R(d) 8 Say m L[t,t d a -I] R(d) n t L abd-I/b a/b and R(d). iBm-l+ ’’-+am_lS+am 0 8 e Let where a denote the homogeneous component of c. L. i, L[t Since t -1] is tran- t L[t,t -I is it is integrally closed in as a graded subring. We claim that is integral over + has degree in t Q(R(d)). d Hence For if Lit d t a,b e Rn C Q(R(d)) -d] L(td). Q((d)) Clearly over d-I t with respect to powers of L[td,t-d]. (d) Since is a polynomial ring over is contained in R(d) Thus L[t] and the localization of K (at-n)t n. R(m), respec- and homogeneous element with a graded subring of R Then we may identify O is identified with _ i T-IR. where R(m) by tively, we may assume there exists a nonzero degree Bm-l+’’’+cm-I B+cm 0 and c l,.--,c me R(d)n R ai so that (i of degree i R(d) ind. B so that Thus to finish the proof it suffices to see that d L[t t B is integral For each l,’-’,m). R(d) Then is integral over is integrally closed -d] If L[t d,t -d] y R. hence over -i e[t,t (d) (d) is integral over [] L[t y d,t -d] Thus y then R(d) is integral over and is a graded subring of since ]. look at the question of seminormality for a reduced graded ring We will now For a ring A A. +A A J(A) let the normalization of The ring R We first recall the relevant definitions. as above. denote the Jacobson radical of The seminormalization {b g b J(x +A. A + X is said to be seminormal if A For an integral extension of rings +B {b A We say that A X A is seminormal in B V of A A A if +A. B and A let denote is defined by x Spec(A)} There is also a relative notion. B, the seminormalization bx a Ax + J(Bx) B +A V +A B is defined by xe Spec(A)} We refer the reader to [5] for some of the fundamental results on seminormality. Recall that Hamann’s criterion for seminormality asserts that A is seminormal in B if and only if A contains each element b of B such that b 2 b 3 e A ([i], Prop.l.4). McCrimmon In ([4], Thm. 2) Anderson adapts an argument of Brewer, Costa and ([5], Thm.l) to show that a graded integral domain R is Ro RI... seminormal if and only if 2 R contains each homogeneous element s e such that 3 e R. We note that the same argument applies to any integral extension of rings R S such that S is a graded ring and R is a graded subring of S (we say that R__ S is an integral extension of graded rings). s s PROPOSITION 2.4. R is seminormal in S such that PROOF. s 2 s Let S R S be an integral extension of graded rings. if and only if R contains each homogeneous element Then s of 3 e R. One half of the assertion follows immediately from Thus it suffices to show that if square and cube is in R then R R Hamann’s contains each homogeneous element of is seminormal in S. criterion. S whose SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS AND WEAKLY NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES R Assume that this condition is valid but 2 s of S\R such that s s exists an element For an element R. denote the number of nonzero homogeneous components of (s) s element S of si(1)+’’’+Si(m) max{k p(s) let si(1),’’’,Si(k_l) initial nonzero homogeneous component of Amongst those elements of element (s) with s p(s) s as above so that Sil+’’’+Si,mk (higher degree homogeneous terms) is in si(1)3 NowR and hence2 (2si(1)s) si(1) > 9(2si(1)s) Now s R. 2s(1)s2 (3s. (1)s) so that (3si(1)s) 2 and s3 (2i(I) + i (k) )-component of 3s2(1)Si(k) 3s2i(l’Sij) If 3s.2 ll)S hence 2 (s R. R. Consider s si(1))3 s S\R. 2 p(s) R are in 2Si(lSi(k for some then 0 R. 3 2 _ e si(1) R. E(2si(1)s) and s Since 2 + (terms R) in for all (s). R R Again 2_ R) j in2eith s R but Since the we must have (s) E(3s,2(1)s) then Sil) si(1)3 3Si(lS + 3Si(lS %(s) and (s) and 2si(1)s R. case2 (3si(1)s) <_ L(s). and for all (s Then Since the we must have (3s.2l)S) # Sitl+ Thus in either are in 0 2 2 Similarly E(2si(1)s) then %(2si(1)s) 2 + (terms in s is 3s. (i) i(k) 0 for some j then 3SlSi(. )" If si(1) 3 is (s). m we must have k 2si(1)si(j) 0 If 2si(1)si(j. # If p(s) 2 Thus 3 (2si(1)s) 2 and (i(1) + i (k) )-component of 2Si(lSik,,,, R. hence 2si(13s.. R R choose an has the same properties then t p(t) _< p(s). Write then the 1 R S\R whose square and cube are in minimal and such that if let R. is not in s S i(1)<--’<i(m) and Si(j) In particular if Thus there of s For each nonzero s. # si(j) 0 such that R}. S. is not seminormal in 3 235 and %(s) and 2 R and + si(1) a (s), si(1)) 2SilS (s contradiction. Hence R is seminormal in Let COROLLARY 2.5. primes. R S. be a reduced graded ring with a finite number of minimal +R Then the seminormalization R of is a graded ring and contains R as a graded subring. PROOF. By 2.1 the normalization Let graded subring. _ Ine-r+Ri R’ smallest seminormal subring of R. subring of ring of +R. Since R R R of R is graded and contains R’ By 2.4 n that contains is a graded subring of +R R’ R and hence R we know that R Let R subring of S) S ([2], Thm. 4.1) to describe is graded sub- T be a graded subring of S R S T whose cube are in T. T of Ta --c T8 a let T 8 whenever a<sTa. R. Now let containing R* We inductively define graded subrings R (0) T_I eATa is also a graded subring of T, (n+l) R, R S Ta+ I Ta[se] T’ so that R Let {s R. ale e whose square and S such that and for a limit ordinal is again a graded subring of (n)’ containing we adapt is a graded R. containing be a well ordering of the set of all homogeneous elements of _< 8. Let Set T’ R +R. be an integral extension of graded rings (so that and let is the is a graded In order to prove the analogue of 2.3 for the seminormalization of a construction of Swan as a +R But is seminormal. and set R* ">0 R(n) S Note that _ J. V. LEAHY AND M. A. VITULLI 236 PROPOSITION 2.6. R S be an integral extension of graded rings. +S L_v>nR(n) , __ seminormality of R S in R(O) c_ +/-R. R nO _ follows from 2 4 Suppose T (n) R T. +SR. T c+S R Now for all T c *R S a + 1 T_l T S a < for all --., induction so we must have Let PROPOSITION 27 R(d). PROOF. _ Then R(d) rings R by 2.4. Let R S d denote the normalization of R(d) is the normalization of +R __ we also have R(d) a T. (+R) (d) and consequently R and is semi- R is the seminormalization and let d be a positive integer. Since we have inclusions of graded (d) (+R) (d) and +(R(d)). oR (n). Thus +R is seminormal _ _ _ . _ _Using the notation of 2.6 we have R(n)(d) +(R(d)) Now R(O)(d) Let R T (n) R(d) T_I Ta(d) suppose we have and rksk d k.deg(s) (d) If B for all LEMMA 2.8. Let O C-algebra map 2 Let Ta[s]. where Irks (rksk)3 T(d) s for each k +(R(d)) rksk te R I and a a and since R (n+l) r e sa h Ta and hence +(R(d)) aAT and (R(d)) we have TB(d) jnOR(n) (d) (+R)(d) by morphism of graded ring such that Then is invertible To simplify notation let :C[X,X-I] <T B all T (d) 8 so that + r(d)). R is the seminormalization of PROOF (rksk) t TB(d) by we also +(R(d)) as be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number of min- imal primes and suppose that (+R) B Then T limit ordinal then R We as above. and suppose that -i T then was an arbitrary homogeneous element of + (R) (d) Consequently Ta Define B Let 1 Now k. Ta(d) +(R(d)) for R(n+l) (d) +(R(d)). (n) +(r(d)) for all n Thus R (d) desired. + a Hence assumption. and +(R(d)). T_l(d T. a. (by 2.3) implies that R(d) +(R(d)). Since t +(R(d)). If is a have be a well ordering of the set of all homogeneous for all 8. R(n)(d) +(R(d)). and assume that is homogeneous of degree B deg(r k) a < for all T (d) t and t T + (B(d)) + (R(d)) Ta(d) need to show that Since A} a s n > 0 Let whose square and whose cube are in T it suffices to see that n. +(R(d)). and let R elements of for all Since --JaCATa T’ so that n contains by 2.3. (+R)(d) (+R)(d) to see that Thus it suffices s and that 3 S be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number R For each positive integer of minimal primes. of where all S 2 is a limit ordinal then all is the smallest subring of Since normal in cR B > -1 Suppose by assumption we must have S S be a well whose square and whose then T8 8. If Ta[s] R and hence P" sa " TB S R If T for B Ja<BTa +SR bY(n+lassumption.) Hence Ta () + for T’ R But R by sRo s+R that R* +SR. R +S , +R. S R T c A} a e {sa Let +R. R*c We show by transfinite induction that as above. T Define S. and the Thus it suffices to see that ordering of the set of all homogeneous elements of cube are in With In particular R is a graded subring of R* U R (n) is a graded subring of S As observed earlier PROOF. Now Let R notation as above q0(X) A O RO t. cp(B[X,X-I]) (+R) B Then +R ’p O (R) and is the normalization C + ()o Define a is a degree preserving iso- and @(A[X,X-I]) R. SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS AND WEAKLY NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES C[X,X Thus homogeneous So an element of R elements of Let Then +R Q(B) B Thus -i __r where s ]. A and a e P2 then B and let K(p) (X) Hamann’s and C and a +A are homogeneous s C Since 2 a 3 B[X,X-I] B E is normal then Thus we need only show criterion. P2B[X,X is the seminormaliza- lying over the same is an isomorphism. be a (P) (0) B Hence P Let P1 P2" Then the canonical map K(P) (X) characterization of and r are prime ideals in B -i so that P Q A. 0 A Q(B) Q(A) C -i PIB[X,X A prime ideal of an isomorphism since and hence is seminormal by PI If _. denote the set of is a graded subring _- _ -n B T R s is R-regular and __r is integral over R. rt-n Q(A). A direct computaA and __r R0 S -n is seminormal if prime ideal of Traverso’s st We already have A[X,X tion of -I] +R B. +A. B that -n, A. B[X,X Since rt Let is normal. is of the form is integral over S C we must have C C By 2.2 we know that st r_ tion shows that a a R. of the same degree, deg(r). n is normal and hence R-regular elements of T-IR. of -i 237 must be +A by ([ ], Prop. 1.3). We can show that normalization (respectively, seminormalization) and homogeneous localization commute. Let COROLLARY 2.9. minimal primes and let (+R) f(d) be homogeneous of positive degree is the seminormalization of is the degree R(f) and is homogeneous of degree and be a reduced graded ring having only a finite number of # 0 (+R)(f) the normalization and PROOF. R f i. 0 subring of (R) f(d) is the seminormalization of Rf(d) and d. Then by 2.7. immediately from applying 2.8 to the reduced graded ring is R(f). f Rf(d) is Rf(d) is the normalization of Rf(d) Rf invertible by 2.3 So the assertion follows (Note that Rf(d). Rf(d) has only a finite number of minimal primes by the proof of 2.3.) RE,LARKS. I and D. F. Anderson [6] shows that if A is a seminormal integral domain an invertible fractional ideal then the Rees algebra R(1) seminormal, A Let A on n is again be a reduced ring with a finite number of minimal primes and assume that Let is seminormal. I I nO I be an ideal of guarantee us that the Rees algebra A. It is natural to ask what conditions R(1) (or the scheme Proj(R(1)) is again seminormal. We do not have any satisfactory answer to these questions at this time but we would like to make some observations. (2.10) ity of A A Since is a reduced ring with finitely minimal primes the seminormal- implies the seminormality of the polynomial ring use 2.2 and 2.4). Now total quotient ring as I n. 2 a Thus n (cf. [6] in case (2.12) a A[t]. By 2.4 we see that each positive integer a A[It] 3 e J A[t] ([5], Thin. 2 or A[t] and has the same seminormal if and only if A[It] is is a graded subring of R(1) is A[t]. seminormal in (2.11) R(1) Say an ideal then ps eudo-reduced a J. A[It] A[t] is seminormal in and each element a e A if a 2 12n if and only if for 3 3n and a e I then A is an integral domain.) J of a ring A A are as above when are all powers of If and I is pseudo-reduced if whenever a e A I and J. V. LEAHY AND M. A. VITULLI 238 A If I. power of A: (A:I n) Hence is Anderson’s argument in If I is a seminormal domain and I and is pseudo-reduced for all n >__ (this i [6]). in/i n+l gri(A A is an invertible ideal then so is each n is reduced then all powers of I are pseudo-reduced. hi0 I So, for example, if A is a reduced ideal of sequence then the Rees algebra R(1) that is generated by an out that an analagous result for normality was proven by Barshay is a normal domain and gri(A) R(I) is reduced then A-regular We would like to point is again seminormal. [7]. A Namely, if is again a normal domain. IMPLICATIONS FOR PROJECTIVE VARIETIES. 3. Let be a fixed algebraically closed field of characteristic k 0. When we use the term variety we assume that the underlying topological space is the set of closed points of a reduced, separated scheme of finite type over Let U (X,Ox). be an open subset of a variety A k. k-valued function on U is said to be Let O c-regular if it is continuous and regular on the nonsingular points of U. denote the sheaf of c-regular functions on X. We say that X is weakly c x x e X normal at OX, x ocX,x if and that X is weakly normal if cX. X An afflne variety is weakly normal if and only if its affine coordinate ring is seminormal ([i], Thm. 2.2 and (2.7)). For the fundamental results concerning weakly normal varieties the reader can consult [I]. Let cpn X T-IR Now if X by 2.2. Let n 1 R and suppose that s I, R[s I Si_l] for PROOF. Since R e R > 0. whose degree Let 0 R Hi=ik. R is a graded by 2.6. This is not the case i Then there exist positive degree 3 e but s R[s i ,’’" ’si-i in R such that ,s i m In particular s l,’’’,m and 0 is not seminormal. si2,si +R (+R) R[Sl,’’" m] R) R[Sl]. 1 Then homogeneous piece is R 1 k. R. Since k Ro c Ro Hi=ik (where is the diagonal mapping we must have is a graded subring of If R1 (and of +R) is not seminormal there exists whose square and whose cube is in R I. As above R s e R 2 1 > then R is a graded subrlng 0 so that if R we must have deg(s 2 2 of R whose degree 0 homogeneous piece is k. a homogeneous element Rl[S2] 2) Continuing in this fashion we obtain an increasing chain of graded subrings of R:R < R 1 a finite < each of whose degree 0 homogeneous piece is k. Since R is 2 R-module ([3], vol. i, Thm. 9, p. 267) this process must end in a finite R number of steps. 2.4. Clearly R m If c R +R k is not seminormal by 2.4 there exists a homogeneous element is the number of minimal primes of deg(s I) Ro T-IR T Thus letting R we know that is a graded subring of whose square and whose cube is in R denote the homoThen no minimal be the homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety R homogeneous elements S R irreducible components then has LEMA 3.1. Xc + Hence +R. with (Xo,’’-,Xn). R-regular elements in denote the set of homogeneous subring of ,xn] X with respect to the given embedding. contains the irrelevant maximal ideal R prime of k[Xo, R be a projective variety and let geneous coordinate ring of m R is seminormal by m of subring semlnormal smallest is the is the last ring in the chain then and since +R SEMINORMAL GRADED RINGS AND WEAKLY NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES R that contains +R. R we must have 239 m It is well known that the normalization of a projective variety is again projecMost proofs assume that the original variety is irreducible (e.g. [8] Them. 4, tive. p. 400). The general case follows quickly from the irreducible case. We first take the normalization of each irreducible component and then construct the disjoint union of these normal projective > components and X varieties observing that this union can be embedded in I pn XC We would like to point out that if some projective space. has irreducible then the homogeneous coordinate ring of the normalization of cannot be realized as the normalization of some Veronese subring of the homogeneous k[Xo, R coordinate ring R) Veronese subring of "’,x n] of For the normalization of X. has as its degree 0 homogeneous piece homogeneous coordinate ring of any projective variety has k (and of every R I[=lk whereas the as its degree ILomo- 0 geneous piece. We now show that the weak normalization of a projective variety is again proWe include a complete proof for the convenience of the reader. PROPOSITION 3.2. The weak normalization of a projective variety is a projective variety. jective. PROOF. Let n x R k[Xo,’-’,Xn]/I S is a graded ring d such that be a projective variety with homogeneous coordinate ring Let S denote the seminormalization of R. Then k[Xo’""x hI. S(d) (2.5) and S k o is generated as a ([8], Lemma, p. 403). Now S(d) by 3.1. Hence there exists a positive integer k-algebra, by degree 1 homogeneous elements is the seminormalization of is the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Segre transform X d(X) by we may assume that S R(d) by 2.7 and R(d) d(X) of X. Replacing k-algebra by degree 1 homo- is generated as a geneous elements. Let be a Yo’’’’’YN S k-basis for for Yi J. defined by S L and let p:N L R Since F ,---,F o Let I. O,’’’,N and let J i ker C]PN is a graded subring of (Y) R -IX V i coordinate 0 Y by "(Yi) the elements x ,-.-,x are in o n respectively n xo ,’--,x (Fo-’’,Fn). Let (Fo(a),.--,Fn(a)). Since R p(a) projection defined by c S p L I ization of R-regular element. Then Q(R(f)) Q(S(f)) are the function Y, respectively, so that (U i) for rings ,n is a finite morphism X. be an and R(xi)and ,n :y P f fields of i S S be the projective variety (see [8], Proof of Thin. 4.1, ([8], Prop. 6, p. 246). Then y the projective variety defined by the homogeneous ideal J X k[Xo’ n Let tion of be indeterminates ’P:k[Yo,’’’,YN k-algebras Let y --]pN be linear forms whose images in .]pn be the I, i.e., and YN o S are n be the linear subspace defined by the ideal p. 405) and is Y P. is an integral extension of graded rings (Y) and let I Define a degree preserving map of graded by i 0,’’" n R(xi) and 2.9. Thus hence Y Then S(xi), (Vi, Li=oVi U i and V i are affine with affine respectively, and Vi is is the S(xi) the weak normalization is weakly normal and (Y,n) seminormaliza- of U for i is the weak normal- X. DEFINITION 3.3. We say that a projective variety X-pn is arithmetically weakly normal if its homogeneous coordinate ring with respect to this embedding is J. V. LEAHY AND M. A. VITULLI 240 seminormal. REMARK 3.4. n X Suppose Then its homogeneous coordinate ring with respect to this embedding. normal for each # f 0 the affine open subset elements of R l) g by 2.8. P’l Xf X of X we see that PROPOSITION 3.5. X Let C R is arithmetically weakly normal and let R(f) Since Rf denote is semi- is the affine coordinate ring of and these cover X (as ranges through nonzero f is weakly normal. pn if and only if its Segre transforms X Then be a projective variety. is weakly normal are arithmetically weakly normal for Pd(X) d sufficiently large. PROOF. X that that 0 # Let R R(f) R f 1 we know that this implies Then is weakly normal for each Hence Supp(+R/R) that (+R/R) m sufficiently large. Now R Rf for 0 +Ro o R+ +R/R m sufficiently large, i.e. k by 3.1 so that R(d) ficiently large and the latter is seminormal by 2.2 and 2.4. homogeneous coordinate ring of the Segre transform #d(X) are weakly normal for d Ro R(d) d(X) k For if X for R(d) for m d suf- is the X. n is a reducible normal projective var- R is its homogeneous coordinate ring then whereas R(d) R(d)o Ro Since R(d) is the 0 for each d 0. R(d) is not normal for all d R(d) is the affine coordinate ring of the i=l k by 2.2 we know that Geometrically this is easy to see because union of (+R)(d) Since +Rm the Segre transforms is isomorphic to irreducible components and normalization of m We again remind the reader that the analogous statement for a reduc- ible normal variety is false. iable with d(X), R sufficiently large. The converse is clear by 3.4 as REMARK 3.6. 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