PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLN: 12‐21 September 11, 2012 File Code #: R02 MEMO TO: FROM: Martha Rogers, Director of Education Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Greg Hunter, Accommodation Planner/Geodata Analyst Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance RE: NEW SOUTH GUELPH JK‐8 FI CENTRE BOUNDARY REVIEW – Report #1 Report Classification: DECISION BACKGROUND Decisions from the Centre Guelph Accommodation Review (August 2010) contemplated the creation of a third JK‐8 FI program at a new school in the south end, housing the southernmost 7‐8 FI students as well as the City’s far south JK‐6 FI students. The Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) Capital Plan Update was approved in principle by Trustees at the June 26, 2012 Board meeting. A draft schedule of Boundary Reviews (PLN: 11‐21) was recommended by staff and approved by Trustees at the October 25, 2011 Board meeting. In the Boundary Reviews schedule, South Guelph was identified for review in 2012/13 school year triggered by FDK enrolment pressure at John McCrae. The establishment of a JK‐8 FI boundary for King George PS has been launched to address the accommodation of King George PS, Edward Johnson PS and Victory PS 7/8 FI students in North Guelph. The outcome of the King George JK‐8 FI Boundary Review will inform the New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review. ISSUE At the time of the Centre Guelph Accommodation Review a third FI program in South Guelph (in addition to John McCrae PS and F.A. Hamilton PS) was identified as a requirement before 2017. The ARC recommended building a new school to alleviate the pressure of growing FI and Regular Track (RT) programs in the south end of the city. The introduction of FDK combined with increasing participation rates in FI has compounded the need for additional FI space in South Guelph. To present Trustees with a report to initiate a boundary review process for the establishment of a new South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre boundary effective September 2014. New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Report #1 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT memo PLN: 12‐21 entitled “New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review ‐Report #1”, dated September 11th, 2012, be received. 2. THAT the Board approves the initiation of a boundary review process to establish the JK‐8 FI boundary for the New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre. 3. THAT Trustees adopt the schedule shown in Appendix B of report PLN: 12‐21, dated September 11th, 2012, as the proposed timeline for the boundary review process to establish the JK‐8 FI Centre boundary for the new South Guelph school. RATIONALE Trustees approved in principle the report entitled “UGDSB – Full Day Kindergarten, Capital Plan, June 2012 Revision”. The implementation of the plan requires the establishment of a JK‐8 FI boundary for a new school in South Guelph. The King George PS JK‐8 FI boundary review process currently underway provides an opportunity for the reassignment of some of the North Guelph 7/8 FI students to King George. This would relieve some of the enrolment pressure at John McCrae PS, which is projected to be 150‐200 students over capacity with the implementation of FDK in 2014. Staff recognizes that the King George PS JK‐8 FI boundary review provides an opportunity to relieve overcrowding concerns at Victory PS. Victory PS will be approximately 100 students over capacity in September 2014. However, King George PS cannot relieve all of the enrolment pressures in West Guelph. Table 1 indicates that Paisley Road PS will be approximately 130 students over capacity as a result of FDK implementation in 2014. Although Paisley Road PS offers a dual track program, the enrolment pressure projected is primarily as a result of the growth in French Immersion. Table 1 – South Guelph French Immersion Schools Enrolment Information It is projected that Paisley Rd PS will have three (3) portables in 2012/13 however this site is not suited to housing additional portables. Page 2 New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Report #1 The new South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre will provide an opportunity to reduce enrolment pressure at John McCrae PS with the ability to reassign JK‐8 FI students from the southernmost part of Guelph. As a result, space can be made available at John McCrae PS to relieve the enrolment pressure at Paisley Rd PS through the reassignment of some of its students to John McCrae PS. The new South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre will also provide an opportunity to relieve enrolment pressure at F.A. Hamilton PS. Goals, Objectives and Constraints A component of the proposed process is the establishment of the Goals, Objectives and Constraints (GOC). This document is intended to identify the goals of the boundary review, the measurable objectives of the review and the constraints within which these goals and objectives must be realized. The GOC lays the ground rules for the review by providing both targets and limitations for the development of alternative boundary solutions. The Goals, Objectives and Constraints for the South Guelph JK‐8 FI Boundary Review are attached as Appendix A. Proposed Process The following process has been organized in accordance with School Boundary Review Procedures Manual 320‐A; 1. Alternative scenarios are to be developed by the Staff Boundary Review Committee and reviewed with local principal(s) and Trustees between October and December 2012. 2. The Committee will shortlist scenarios and present to Trustees a second Boundary Review report at the January Business Operations Committee Meeting. This second report will describe the alternative scenarios considered to address the accommodation issue, the staff analysis of the alternative scenarios and a list of the recommended option(s). 3. A Public Information Session will follow in January where interested persons can get additional information from the Staff Committee and provide feedback (i.e. comment sheets). 4. A third and final Boundary Review report will be brought to the March Business Operations Committee Meeting. This report will include a summary of the public input, the final staff recommendation and justification and a timeline for implementation. 5. The public will have opportunities to appear as delegations before the Business Operation Committee or the Board as outlined in Appendix B. Page 3 New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Report #1 Communication Plan The Communications Plan has two goals: 1. Keep the community informed through a variety of channels. 2. Provide ways for people to submit comments. To accomplish these goals, we will: Present Report #1 to the Business Operations Committee on September 11, 2012. Send a letter home to parents and guardians of John McCrae PS, Paisley Road PS, and F.A. Hamilton PS about the upcoming boundary review. The letter will provide background information, key dates, and details on how to learn more. Publish a brief notice about the boundary review in the newsletters and websites of the following regular‐track schools: Jean Little, Priory Park, Rickson Ridge, Sir Isaac Brock, Westminster Woods. This notice will inform parents that the program for the new school being built in their community is JK‐8 FI, and also alert parents of very young children (aged 0‐3) about this new site for FI as of 2014. Create a web page for the New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review in the Planning Department section of the Board’s website. The page will summarize the reasons behind the review. It will provide links to reports, resources, memos and other documents. Create an online form that gives community members the opportunity to sign up and receive email alerts when significant new content is added. Create an online comment submission form. Comments will be considered by the Boundary Review Committee during the development of boundary scenarios. Comments will also be shared publicly on the Board’s website, without names or personally identifying information. Users submitting comments will be informed in advance that it will not be possible to provide individual responses. Promote the boundary review web page on the home page of the Board’s website and on the home pages of John McCrae PS, Paisley Road PS, and F.A. Hamilton PS. Inform parents about the opportunities for delegations to appear before trustees. Write a media release for local newspapers and TV. The release will be distributed following the Business Operations Committee on September 11, 2012. Provide updates and reminders in school newsletters and on school websites. Send a letter home upon the release of Report #2 that includes a map of the preferred boundary scenario(s). Prepare and book newspaper advertisements to promote the Public Information Session. The second report of the New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review will include a new or revised Communications Plan. Page 4 New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Report #1 Committee Composition Staff Boundary Review Committee (Proposed) Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance Linda Benallick, Superintendent of Education Brent McDonald, Superintendent of Education Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Greg Hunter, Accommodation Planner/Geodata Analyst Heather Imm, Senior Planner Paul Scinocca, Manager of Capital/Renewal Cheryl Vanooteghem, Principal of John McCrae PS Andrew Creighton, Principal of Paisley Road PS David Marquis, Principal of F.A. Hamilton PS Mark Weidmark, Administrative Officer‐Communications Rachel Guthrie, Wellington‐Dufferin Student Transportation Services Other staff resources as required Page 5 New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Goals, Objectives & Constraints OBJECTIVES: 1. Create a viable and sustainable JK‐8 FI program at the new South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre. 2. Relieve French Immersion enrolment pressure at Paisley Road PS. 3. Relieve enrolment pressure at John McCrae PS and F.A. Hamilton PS. CONSTRAINTS: 1. Develop an attendance area for the 1. The Paisley Road PS should not house new South Guelph FI Centre that more than three (3) portables. establishes a viable and sustainable JK‐8 FI program. 2. The attendance area boundary needs to be established and communicated 2. Alter the boundary or program at to affected families in time for staffing Paisley Road PS to ensure enrolment for the 2014/15 school year. is sustainable and balanced to the capacity of the school. 3. The King George JK‐8 FI boundary decision will impact South Guelph 3. Maximize the number of students boundary review considerations. within a safe walking distance to schools. 4. Minimize the number of students transported by bus. 5. Minimize the impact on students where transitions are proposed. GOALS: APPENDIX A New South Guelph JK‐8 FI Centre Boundary Review – Proposed Timeline When September 7, 2012 Who School Communities* September 11, 2012 Business Operations Committee September 12, 2012 School Communities* September 25, 2012 Board of Trustees opportunity for delegations APPENDIX B What Boundary Review website launch Notice up on School websites Presentation of Boundary Review Report #1 for Decision Background Information Goals, Objectives, Constraints Committee composition Timeline/Critical Path Communication Plan Letter home re: Boundary Review initiation Prepare and book advertisements Board Meeting ‐ Decision on Report #1 October – December, 2012 Boundary Review Staff Committee Alternative scenario development Scenario analysis Review scenarios with local Principal(s)/Trustees January 11, 2013 Trustees & School Communities Boundary Review Report #2 Distribution January 15, 2013 January 17, 2013 Business Operations Committee opportunity for delegations School Communities Presentation of Boundary Review Report #2 for Information Alternative scenarios Staff analysis of alternative scenarios Recommended option(s) Communication Plan Public Information Session Provide First & Second Boundary Review Reports Presentation of Preferred Alternative Q&A Comment Sheets January ‐ March, 2013 Boundary Review Staff Committee Consideration of Input from Public Development of final staff recommendation February 26, 2013 Board Meeting March 1, 2013 Board of Trustees opportunity for delegations School Communities Final date for public input March 8, 2013 Trustees & School Communities Final Boundary Review Report Distribution March 19, 2013 Business Operations Committee opportunity for delegations Presentation of Final Boundary Review Report Consideration of Final Boundary Review Report Summary of Info from 1st & 2nd reports Summary of public input Final Staff recommendation & justification Timeline for implementation Critical Path Communication Plan March 26, 2013 Board of Trustees opportunity for delegations Board Meeting ‐ Decision related to Final Boundary Review Report Note: There are additional delegation opportunities at all Standing Committee & Board Meetings *School Communities include: John McCrae PS, Paisley Rd PS, and F.A. Hamilton PS