Opportunity, Growth and Security Initiative

Opportunity, Growth and Security Initiative
In addition to the research addressing current pressing questions and issues important to
the nation, the FY 2015 President’s Budget proposes to devote $18,000,000 (117 FTEs) in
research that invests in the Nation’s future at regional and national levels. These
investments will be in the areas of energy security and regional and national economic
stability while simultaneously addressing conservation and restoration goals.
Research will be focused on forest management approaches, including those for urban
forests, which improve the nation’s environmental health. Research efforts will also be
directed at expanding existing and developing new markets for the full range of forest
based products including timber, low-value wood, and non-traditional timber products (e.g.
food and medicinal products). This research will generate jobs, increase the value of
underutilized forest resources and create value for landowners while simultaneously
reducing the cost of forest management and restoration activities and help forest owners
maintain economically viable working forests.
To evaluate the economic implications of this research, the Forest Service will focus and
coordinate the collective economics expertise of Forest Service R&D scientists toward
nationally significant policy and management questions.
Public land managers,
policymakers, industrial and nonindustrial private landowners, communities, and the
forest products industry all utilize timely and usable science-based information to make
informed decisions about natural resource policy, management, and investment.
Maintaining the effectiveness and competitiveness of the Forest Service R&D organization
in meeting these demands will require a blend of multiple approaches that leverage
current research capacity in new and creative ways.