Neutrino Mass via the Zee Mechanism in the 5D Split Fermion Model Phys. Rev. D 83, 025017 (2011) CS2011, Apr. 4th, 2011 We-Fu Chang,Yi-Ting Chen, and Siao-Cing Liou Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, HsinChu 300, Taiwan 2011年4月4日星期一 Outline Introduction Goal Zee Model (FCNC, Parameters) Extra dimensions & split fermions Zee Model + 5-dim Split Fermion Model —Reduce Free Parameters —FCNC Suppressed Model Setup Neutrinos get Majorana masses from Zee model in 5D Numerical Result Phenomenology Conclusions 2011年4月4日星期一 Introduction Goal Neutrino oscillation neutrino masses Zee model: a 2-higgs doublets model A. Zee. Physics Letters B, 93(4):389 – 393, 1980. FCNC problem Extra-dimensions mass hierarchy: wavefunction overlapping FCNC problem: BC for higgs in extra Dim 2011年4月4日星期一 Introduction Zee model A. Zee. Physics Letters B, 93(4):389 – 393, 1980. neutrino masses through radiative correction. Give the neutrino Majorana mass by introducing a new higgs singlet h+ and a new higgs doublet Φ2 in SM. QEDcharge new singlet �h � φ+ 1 higgs doublet Φ1 = 0 φ 1 � � + φ2 higgs doublet Φ = 2 0 φ � 2 � νL lepton doublet-L ΨL = − lL − l charge lepton-R R 2011年4月4日星期一 Q � +1 � +1 � 0 � +1 � 0 � 0 −1 -1 SU(2)L charge hyper charge I3 � 01 � � � 2 − 12 1 2 − 12 1 2 −1 2 0 � � Y 2 +1 1 2 1 2 − 12 -1 Introduction Zee model Neutrino mass matrix (Majorana) 9+9+3 too many parameters(21 complex Yukawa couplings...) FCNC problems(Two higgs doublets) A. Zee. Physics Letters B, 93(4):389 – 393, 1980. 2011年4月4日星期一 Introduction The 5th extra dimensions are compactified in a very small regions, like circles with radii R, so the Lagrangian and fields are modified. 0 Lagrangian in (4+1) �dimensions: thus Extra dimensions S= L4D = 4 � d x dy L(4+1)D dy L(4+1)D πR(−πR) Kaluza-Klein(KK) decomposition : the extra dimensional part of a field can be expanded in a complete set fn (y) (5) Φ(x , y) = µ � φ (x )fn (y) n µ n We can choose � a orthonormal basis: ∗ fn (y)fm (y)dy 2011年4月4日星期一 = δnm Introduction Extra dimensions The 5th extra dimensions are compactified in a very small regions, like circles with radii R, so the Lagrangian and fields are modified. Kaluza-Klein(KK) Particles: example: 4D L = � 1 1 1 2 2 µ y dy ∂µ Φ∂ Φ + ∂y Φ∂ Φ − m Φ 2 2 2 Φ(x , y) = µ � n 4D L 2011年4月4日星期一 = �1 n n φ (x )fn (y) ∼ cos( y) R n µ 1 n 2 n 2 1 2 n 2 ∂µ φ ∂ φ − ( ) (φ ) − m (φ ) 2 2 R 2 n µ n kk mass Introduction Extra dimensions The 5th extra dimensions are compactified in a very small regions, like circles with radii R, so the Lagrangian and fields are modified. Kaluza-Klein(KK) Particles: L = n 1 n 2 n 2 1 2 n 2 ∂µ φ ∂ φ − ( ) (φ ) − m (φ ) 2 2 R 2 n µ n n 4 3 2 1 0 2011年4月4日星期一 2 mn ... 4D ... ex �1 ... 16 2 + m R2 9 2 + m R2 4 2 + m R2 1 2 + m R2 m2 Introduction Split Fermions Nima Arkani-Hamed* and Martin Schmaltz, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, VOLUME 61, 033005 (2000) •Background field: •KK zero mode, localized in 5th D fermions, massless! in 4D •zero mode chiral (separate L & R) Φ(y) = ±2µ2 y background field (5) L5D = Ψ 2011年4月4日星期一 (xµ , y)(iΓµ ∂µ + iΓ5 ∂y − Φ(y))Ψ(5) (xµ , y) Introduction Split Fermions Nima Arkani-Hamed* and Martin Schmaltz, •Background field: Φ(y) = ±2µ y •KK zero mode, localized in 5th D fermions, massless! in 4D •zero mode chiral (separate L & R) PHYSICAL REVIEW D, VOLUME 61, 033005 (2000) 2 identify as SM fermions in 4D background field (5) L5D = Ψ 2011年4月4日星期一 (xµ , y)(iΓµ ∂µ + iΓ5 ∂y − Φ(y))Ψ(5) (xµ , y) Introduction Split Fermions Nima Arkani-Hamed* and Martin Schmaltz, •Background field: Φ(y) = ±2µ y •KK zero mode, localized in 5th D •zero mode chiral fermions, massless! in 4D PHYSICAL REVIEW D, VOLUME 61, 033005 (2000) 2 identify as SM fermions in 4D background field (5) L5D = Ψ (xµ , y)(iΓµ ∂µ + iΓ5 ∂y − Φ(y))Ψ(5) (xµ , y) Γµ = 5D Dirac equation KK expansion 2011年4月4日星期一 � 0 σ̄ µ µ σ 0 � , Γ5 = i � 1 0 0 −1 � (iΓµ ∂µ + iΓ5 ∂y − Φ(y))Ψ(5) (xµ , y) = 0 � �∞ � µ χn (x )gn (y) (5) µ n=0 � Ψ (x , y) = ∞ µ η (x )fn (y) n n=0 Gamma matrices in 5D Introduction Solutions Split Fermions back ground field Φ(y) = ±2µ2 y Ψ0 (x ) = µ � χ0 (x ) η0 (xµ ) µ � µ1/2 −µ2 y 2 g0 (y) = f0 (y) = e (π/2)1/4 Gaussian packet in 5th D Φ(y) = 2µ2 y L4D = √ mn = 2µ n � Φ(y) = −2µ2 y L4D = dyL5D ⊃ iψ0L γ µ ∂µ ψ0L Left zero mode, massless in 4D! Identify as SM Left-handed leptons � dyL5D ⊃ iψ0R γ µ ∂µ ψ0R Right zero mode, massless in 4D! Identify as SM Right-handed leptons 2011年4月4日星期一 Introduction Solutions Split Fermions back ground field Φ(y) = ±2µ2 y Ψ0 (x ) = µ � χ0 (x ) η0 (xµ ) µ � µ1/2 −µ2 y 2 g0 (y) = f0 (y) = e (π/2)1/4 √ mn = 2µ n Gaussian packet in 5th D 1.0 0.8 �0.10 �0.05 different positions in y 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.10 y → (y − aL ) �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 y → (y − bR ) 1.0 0.8 0.6 Yukawa: mass hierarchy in 4D higgs zero mode 0.4 0.2 �0.10 2011年4月4日星期一 �0.05 aL bR 0.05 0.10 Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D 0 our model πR(−πR) mass hierarchy: wavefunction overlapping FCNC problem: assign BC for Higgs in extra Dim. 2011年4月4日星期一 S 1 /Z2 Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D •Zee Model + Compactified-5D Split-fermion: 11 parameters and order 1 Yukawa couplings in 5D VEV � kk contributions πR dy −πR effective 4-D 2011年4月4日星期一 � n 0 πR(−πR) 0 Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D •Zee Model + Compactified-5D Split-fermion: πR(−πR) 11 parameters and order 1 Yukawa couplings in 5D 3+3 Leptons in the 5th-dim near the origin 2+1 Higgs in the 5th-dim 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 �3 0.2 �0.10 �0.05 Gaussian 2011年4月4日星期一 �2 �1 1 �0.5 0.05 0.10 �1.0 Sin or Cos 2 3 Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Charge lepton masses Even parity in 5th -> SM Higgs 5th-dim 0 Effective 4D � 0.6 0.2 �0.10 �0.05 πR −πR 0.4 0.05 0.10 Split fermion & SM Higgs : Gaussian distribution, constant & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR(−πR) 1.0 0.8 πR(−πR) 0 dy charge lepton mass hierarchy Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Neutrino masses No VEV 5th-dim Effective 4D 1.0 � 0.8 0.6 0.4 �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 �0.2 �0.4 Split fermion & 2 Extra higgs : Gaussian distribution, Sin(y) & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR −πR 0.2 πR(−πR) πR(−πR) Odd parity in 5th 0 0 dy small Yukawa coupling Small neutrino masses Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Neutrino masses No VEV 5th-dim Effective 4D 1.0 � 0.8 0.6 0.4 �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 �0.2 �0.4 Split fermion & 2 Extra higgs : Gaussian distribution, Sin(y) & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR −πR 0.2 πR(−πR) πR(−πR) Odd parity in 5th 0 0 dy small Yukawa coupling Small neutrino masses Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Neutrino masses No VEV 5th-dim Effective 4D 1.0 � 0.8 0.6 0.4 �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 �0.2 �0.4 Split fermion & 2 Extra higgs : Gaussian distribution, Sin(y) & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR −πR 0.2 πR(−πR) πR(−πR) Odd parity in 5th 0 0 dy small Yukawa coupling Small neutrino masses Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Neutrino masses No VEV 5th-dim Effective 4D 1.0 � 0.8 0.6 0.4 �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 �0.2 �0.4 Split fermion & 2 Extra higgs : Gaussian distribution, Sin(y) & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR −πR 0.2 πR(−πR) πR(−πR) Odd parity in 5th 0 0 dy small Yukawa coupling Small neutrino masses Introduction Zee model + Split Fermion in 5D Neutrino masses No VEV 5th-dim Effective 4D 1.0 � 0.8 0.6 0.4 �0.10 �0.05 0.05 0.10 �0.2 �0.4 Split fermion & 2 Extra higgs : Gaussian distribution, Sin(y) & overlapping 2011年4月4日星期一 πR −πR 0.2 πR(−πR) πR(−πR) Odd parity in 5th 0 0 dy small Yukawa coupling Small neutrino masses Model Setup 0 Zee model in 5 dimensions πR(−πR) 2011年4月4日星期一 Model Setup 0 Zee model in 5 dimensions πR(−πR) Leptons in 5D: ψ̂a (x , y) ⊃ ψa0L (x ) × µ µ SM L-lepton doublets in 4D ˆla (x , y) ⊃ la0R (x ) × µ µ SM R-charged-lepton singlets in 4D kk Higgs: √ µ π 14 (2) √ µ ( π2 ) 1 4 2 −µ2 (y−cL a) e 2 −µ2 (y−cR ) a e SM higgs in 4D (even in y) (odd in y) (odd in y) 2011年4月4日星期一 Model Setup 4D Effective Effective 4D zee model with kk particles: � πR dy −πR higgs cubic term charge lepton mass matrix 2011年4月4日星期一 Model Setup Neutrino mass kk contributions Neutrino mass matrix 2011年4月4日星期一 Numerical Result 2011年4月4日星期一 Numerical Result parameters: µ, R , Choose , the parameters: µ = 2 × 103 TeV, R−1 = 1TeV (5D Yukawa couplings: no hierarchy) ρab Let their components to have relative random coefficients in [0.5 ∼ 1.5] and random phases in [0 ∼ 2π] θab Search 2011年4月4日星期一 , range: [ 0, 20] (1/μ), and Numerical Result 3-higgs coupling 4 sets are all Inverted hierarchy. experiment: 2011年4月4日星期一 0.51 105 1.776 0.87 > 0.92 < 0.19 Particle Data Group Numerical Result neutrinoless double beta decay 4 sets are all Inverted hierarchy. |mνee | ∼ 0.01eV experiment: < 10−12 < 3.6 × 10−8 < 3.7 × 10−8 < 2.7 × 10−8 < 3.2 × 10−8 Particle Data Group We-Fu Chang and John N. Ng,, Phys. Rev. D 71, 053003 (2005) 2011年4月4日星期一 Phenomenology FCNC suppressed 2011年4月4日星期一 Phenomenology FCNC suppressed ex: µ → 3e Original Zee Model Zee Model in 5D with kk modes 1 σ= µ width of the split fermion 2011年4月4日星期一 Conclusions •Instead of 21 complex parameters in Zee model, our model has 11 plus order 1 Yukawa couplings with random phases. •In this model, the idea of split fermion transform the mass hierarchy for leptons into the position-differences in the 5th dimension. •Smallness of neutrino mass & FCNC suppressed: the wavefunction overlap & BC for Higgs in Extra-Dim. •Through roughly estimating, the ranges of the parameters cover the experimental data of charge lepton masses, the three mixing angles in PMNS matrix, and the differences of neutrino mass squares. •we found a inverted mass hierarchy solution for neutrinos. •Predictions of nonzero 2011年4月4日星期一 θ13 , |mνee | ∼ 0.01eV End Thank you for listening! 2011年4月4日星期一 2011年4月4日星期一 2011年4月4日星期一 Appendex Solutions Split Fermions back ground field Φ(y) = ±2µ2 y Ψ0 (x ) = µ � χ0 (x ) η0 (xµ ) µ � µ1/2 −µ2 y 2 g0 (y) = f0 (y) = e (π/2)1/4 Gaussian packet in 5th D Φ(y) = 2µ2 y L4D = Φ(y) = −2µ2 y L4D = √ mn = 2µ n � dyL5D = iψ0L γ µ ∂µ ψ0L + ∞ � n=1 iψ˜n γ µ ∂µ ψ˜n − mn ψ˜n ψ˜n Left zero mode, massless in 4D! Identify as SM Left-handed leptons � dyL5D = iψ0R γ µ ∂µ ψ0R + ∞ � iψ˜n� γ µ ∂µ ψ˜n� + mn ψ˜n� ψ˜n� n=1 Right zero mode, massless in 4D! Identify as SM Right-handed leptons 2011年4月4日星期一