Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. (1985) 197-199 197 ON TOPOLOGIES OVER RINGS SYED M. FAKHRUDDIN Department of Mathematics University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Received February 4, 1983 and in revised form June 24, 1983) ABSTRACT. F In this note, we show that if a topology over a ring certain finiteness condition, then the Gabriel topology A satisfies a generated by can be explicitly constructed and it also satisfies the same finiteness condition. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Filter, Gabriel topology, torsion theory, torsion ideal. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 16A08 INTRODUCTION. Let A A filter of right ideals be an associative ring with identity. F of A (a pretopology in Stenstrom (1971)), if it is closed for A. Suppose F satisfies in addition: If F for every a e J and J e F then such that (l:a) is called a right topology right quotients by arbitrary elements of I is a right ideal of I e A is called a right Gabriel topology over then A (an additive topology in Stenstrom (1971)). [I], In it is remarked that "if topology containing E theory generated by {A/I is a pretopology, then ". F} I E torsion theory, provided J(E) the weakest is the topology corresponding to the heriditary torsion In this note, we constructed explicitly out that J() J() without recourse to the from It turns satisfies a rather natural finiteness condition. also satisfies this condition. Moreover, this condition holds for all topologies over a right Noetherian ring. Hereafter, by a ring we mean an associative ring with identity, and ideal means right ideal; hence, all topologies are right topologies. 2. CONSTRUCTION. Let of I F be a topology over a ring with respect to One checks easily that when I e F F A and I an ideal. We define the quotient to be ( I) (F I) {a a e A (I is an over-ideal of a) e I }. and it is equal to (2.1) A precisely and that this quotient operation is monotonic in each of the variables. S. M. FAKHRUDDIN 198 I Let us write In and finally Then neN called the closure of I containing ( instead of I) I (with respect to I n A topology for some A over I and A of a) I) as one can check easily, we a) for an element a e A is called sequence-finite {I if n nN then is an ascending A has the property that every topology has, a subbase of A in particular, if F I n is a member the remarks in the preceding [ paragraph concerning the closure of an ideal can be sharpened. I A of I then all topolo- is Noetherian Ill. are sequence-finite In the case of a sequence-finite topology for an ideal T implies n Suppose the ring A and it is a such that their union belongs to finintely generated ideals gies over (([ A 11 j A sequence of ideals of F (T J and A)) a) (I F (I ( since conclude also that of I for any two ideals Moreover, ). F I then [ preclosure operation in the topological sense, namely n J (In) is an (union of an ascending chain of) ideal It is straightforward to verify that if i In+ and define inductively F I if n e F for some Indeed one has that and the closure of the union n of an ascending sequence of ideals equals the union of the closures of the members of the chain and consequently, the closure operation is in effect idempotent; namely I I I for an ideal A of Now we have THEOREM I. A over Let A be a ring with identity and Then the Gabriel topology {I and G That F is given by A is an ideal of e } (2.2) is a topology follows easily from the preceding discussion. Suppose now that in a sequence-finite topology [ generated by is also sequence finite. PROOF. a e J every I G J I I e {In}ne N Then such that for some (I I Hence belongs to In_ I In F belongs to G for some for some n and I Therefore n and consequently I0 generate the same Gabriel topology iff for every G) belongs to Also, if A and for for every ul n F a I e [ an ideal belong to In e H belongs to G I in belongs to and the defini- F H Thus G H and G H G then Since The construction above shows that two sequence-finite topologies with respect to F in But then Now the sequence finiteness of be a Gabriel topology containing Gabriel topology, J a) e be an ascending sequence of ideals such that implies that In ( a) is a Gabriel topology. belongs to Let and so ! ( A Then I) ! I also, showing Suppose tion of A) e G Consequently, so that is an ideal of (I we have F is a (the closure of I and vice-versa. is a Noetherian ring then all Gabriel topologies can be constructed using the above method. 199 TOPOLOGIES OVER RINGS In conclusion, we note that without the sequence-finite assumption, the Gabriel generated by topology Let i {I containing can be described by a transfinite process as follows: I an ideal and I! ( I) For a transfinite ordinal Then there exists an ordinal d g } I The is a topology we define + (F--B) if <=F otherwise such that ()I and 6 is then the desired Gabriel topology generated by Our construction above shows that in the presence of sequence-finiteness is equal to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This work was done during a hospitable stay at Tulane University, New Orleans (LA.), while on sabbatical leave with full financial support from the University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran (Saudi Arabia). REFERENCES Rings and Modules of Quotients, Springer Lecture notes in Mathematics V. 237, 1971. I. STENSTROM, B. 2. STENSTROM, B. Rings of Quotients, Springer-Verlag-Heidelberg, Ground Lehren-Band V. 217, 1975.