Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 37-48 37 Vol. 8 No. BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EOUATIONS INVOLVING SET VALUED MAPPINGS E.U. TARAFDAR Department of Mathematical Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton. ONTARIO. CANADA. L8S 4KI. H.B. THOMPSON Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, ST. LUCIA. 4067. QUEENSLAND. AUSTRALIA. (Received December 27, 1983) ABSTRACT. This paper is devoted to a generalization of the bifurcation theorem of snosel’skii and Rabinowitz to the set valued situation. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Compact set valued mapping, isolated zero, index, character- istic value, multiplicity, bifurcation point. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. Primary 47H15, 47A50; Seconda.y 47H10, 47A55, 54H25. 1. INTRODUCTION. In the Leray-Schauder degree theory the study of the index of an isolated fixed point of a compact mapping is a basic tool for the calculation of the degree. A fundamental and well-known result of Leray and Schauder [I] commonly known as the Leray-Schauder principle, is that the topological index at zero of an invertible linear perturbation of the identity I-A in a Banach space can be expressed in terms of multiplicity of the characteristic values of A lying in the open interval (0,1). Krasnosel’skii [2] employed this result as a basic tool to develop his bifurcation theory for equations of the form: uAx x in a real Banach space X, where A:X compact mapping, R(x,v) is of o( Ixl I) R(x,u) (1.1) 0 X is a linear compact mapping, uniformly a bounded open neighbourhood of zero in X. in Rabinowitz R: x R in compact intervals and [3] X is is studied the global char- acter of the solution set of such equations and applied his results in many directions. Because of t|e wide scope of applicability of the bifurcation theorem of :<rasnosel’skii and Rabinowitz a tremendous research interest in this field has been evidenced E. U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 38 currently (see Crandall and Rabinowitz [] and the literature cited there). The aim of this paper is to generalize the theorems of Krasnowel’skii and Rabinowitz to the set valued situation, i.e., to equations of the form: B: where A is above, CK(X) is x R in compact intervals uniformly in (1.2) Ax + R(x,) x a compact set valued mapping and Cfor definitions see Section and CK(X) being the set of all compact convex subsets of X. tions of the form (1.2) pAx + is a linear mapping, A:X Z Ixl I) being as above From our result for equa- have dedu ed the same result for equations of the form: nx where L:X 2), B is of o( a compact mapping and of o(I IxlI) (1.3) R(x,) Z a compact linear mapping, uniformly in B: in compact intervals. x R [5] (see the equation when R is single valued was first obtained by Laloux and Mawhin also Gaines and Mawhin [6] ). CK(Z) The result for even when R is single valued our result is However, more general than that of Laloux and Mawhin [5] (see remark 4.3). As an application of our results, we have included a two point boundary value problem for a generalized ordinary differential equation, although we hope that these results will find application to problems in control theory, mathematical economics and related problems. We have made the paper self-contained as far as is practically possible. 2. a real Banach space and Throughout the paper X will denote A set of all compact convex subsets of X. CK(X) will denote the set valued mapping N:Q X CK(X) is said to be compact if N is upper semicontinuous and maps bounded subsets of Q into elatively compact subsets of X. to Ma The degree theory which will be used here is due [?] although all the results obtained for compact mapDins will equally hold for more general mappings known as ultimately compact mappings by applying the degree theory for such mappings due to Petryshyn and Fitzpatrick [8]. INDEX. mapping. be an open neighbourhood of a Let We assume that a (I-N)-I(0) Beo N(a) and there exists e o is Identity mapping on X. (a) Be(a) DEFINITION 2.1. N is the integer 0 # Be(a). (0,e o) by the Bee (a) eo (l-N)(Be(a)) Thus the degree d(l-N,Be(a),0 is defined excision property of the degree. for any e (O,eo) and will be denoted by i(l-N,a). If N is single valued, then the index of a fixed point a of N as defined above coincides with the Leray-Schauder index. PROPOSITION 2.1. Let N: CK(X) be n compact-mapping such that 0 and (l-N)-l(0) is f in ite. and Under the above assumptions the index of the fixed point a of d(l-N,Be(a),O) REMARK 2.1. 0 such that CK(X) be a compact This implies that for every denotes the boundary of and is independent of e X:II-all { (0,o) where N: {a:" i.e., a is an isolated zero of I-N, where (a) Beo and X and is a finite set, say, (al,a2,...,an}; (I-N)() i.e., the set of fixed points of N BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS 39 Then n d(l-N, O) =j__Z I (l-N,a.). i 3 We can find positive numbers PROOF. Bej (aj) o Bek (a k) 1,2,...,n such that j ej, ,n} e{l,2 for any j,k with j # k. By the additivity and excision properties of degree we have n n d(I-N,,0) Let DEFINITION 2.2, Ixl I) set valued mapping. B is said to be of order if -I Ixl sup {I lylI:y B(x)} 0 as o(llxll) coincides with the usual definition of Let N THEOREM 2.1. {0} and lxll O. It is clear from the definition that B(O) REMARK 2.2. o(I Ixll) (I-A) (I-N,aj)o i X be a bounded open neighbourhood of the origin and CK(X) 5e an upper semicontinuous B: (I d(l-N,jlJ.=l Bej(aj )’0) =j=II B: 0 and the definition of when B is single valued. X is a linear compact mapping with :’er A + B where A:X CK(X) is a compact mapping of order o( Ixl I) where X is a Then 0 is an isolated zero of (I-N) and bounded open neighbourhood of the origin. i(l-N,O) i(I-A,O) where i(I-A,O) is the usual Leray-Schauder index of the fixed point 0 of A. Since B is of order PROOF. Ixll) o( and A is linear, N(O) O. We can easily verify that for each x (I-A)[I- (l-A) (l-N)(x) That (I-A) -I B](x) I) it follows that there exists (2.1) exists follows from Riesz theory. Now from the fact that B is of order o( such that -i eo(O) and for each sup{llYll: Hence for each e (O,e o] x Y and every Ix Be0(0) (I-A)-IB(x)} -< 1/2 Be(0) x [0,13 (x,k) lxll. we have %(I-A)-IB(x)} _> inf{[lx[I llxll -sup {IIyII:y Ilxll inf{llx-yIl:y %(I-A)-IB(x)} %(I-A)-IB(x)} [[y[l:y (2.2) (2.1) and (22) together imply that the only fixed point of N in ’0). (I-N) (0) eo(O)= By the homotopy invariance proFerty d(I-k(I-A)-IB,Be(O), O) d(I,Be(O),O)= for every e Now from (2.1), (2.3) 1 (O,e o] and [0, i] and the product theorem of degree we have Bo(O) is O; i.e., E. U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 40 d(I-A,Be(0),0)’l .i([ -,’..,Be(0),0) for each e (0,eo]; i.e., i(I-A, 0). i(I-N, 0) 3 CHARACTERISTIC VALUE AND MULTIPLICITY. (r(A) Each {: -I X be a linear compact mapping and r(A) Let A:’" is an eigenvalue of A}. called a characteristic value of A. is r(A) The multiplicity of b is the integer 8() dim ker I-A] n(u), where n() is the smallest non-negative integer n such that ker[ I-A] Since A is compact, n ker[ I- A] n+l 8() is finite. -i exists and is continuous. A real number U is said to be a regular value of A if (I-A) 0 is an isolated zero of I-A and R is not a characteristic value of A, x If iLS(I-A,0), the Leray-Schauder index of I-A at zero will be simply denoted by i(). We write the following well-known Leray-Schauder principle as a lemma. X is a compact linear mapping and If A:X LEMMA 3.1. characteristic values of A, then i( I) (-I)8i(2) BIFURCATION. with are not 2 i where 8 is the sum of multiplicities of the characteristic values of A lying in the interval 4. Ul,2 [I,2 ]. Throughout the rest of the paper we will assume to be an open bounded neighbourhood of the origin in X. DEFINITION 4.1. (o) Let N: CK(X) be a set valued mapping satisfying N is upper semicontinuous and compact on bounded subsets of (oo) x R; R, for each N(0,). 0 R, x Thus for each 0 is a solution of the equation x e N(x,u). (4ol) A point (0,U o) will be said to be a bifurcation point for the solution of the equation (4.1), or simply a bifurcation point of N if every neighbourhood of tains at least one solution (x,u) of the equation (4.1) with x we will sometimes refer to Uo as the bifurcation point. LEMMA 4.1. Let N be as above satisfying (o) and (OO) contains no bifurcation point of [I,2 and x , N, then there Let S such that con- If the interval [Ul,U23 0 such that, for each exists a {(x,) N(x,)x Oo [l,2]:x N(x,)}. follows that S is a compact subset of X not true. (0, o) By abuse of notation m(0), x PROOF, # O. From the compactness of N, it R. We suppose, if possible, that the lemma is Then for each positive integer n, there exist n [i,2 ], Xn Bl/n(0) BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS N(Xn, n) xn (Xn, n) Now to (XO,n). Let N be as above satisfying (o) and (oo) and let < PROOF. [(I-N(,j)) As -I (0)] i(j), (0,() s sch that 63 1,2 are defined, there j 0 such that for each 0 I,2 R with e:,ist O, j I) @ N. 1,2 such that B6j(O) [i,2 min(l,62,3)" and x N(x,u x We set which con- a bifurcation point of Suppose that the conclusion of the theorem is false. exists [i,I2] are defined and i( 1,2 i[l-N(’,j),O], 2" Further suppose that i(j) i(2). Then there exists 0 [I, l is a bifurcation point of N in Hence the lemma is proved. tradicts the hypothesis. THEOREM 4.1. (0, O) O and Clearly x 0 @ O. has a convergent subsequence converging (xn, n) Hence S which is compact. and xn 41 x (0,60] Then for each N(x,% I + (i-)2) x Hence it follows that for each 6 x . B63(0 (0,60] e each ,n % e [0,I], x e B6(O) O. => x [0,i] Then by the above lemma there and x B6(O). N(x,I I + (i-)2) Therefore by Homotopy Invariance Theorem i(l) which contradicts our hypothesis. THEOREM 4.2. Let N: R d[l-N(-,Ul) B6(0),O] d[l-N(-,2) B6(O),O] Hence the theorem is proved. CK(X) be such that N(x,u) where A:X =i( 2) wAx + B(x,u), X is a linear compact (single valued) mapping and continuous and compact on bounded subsets of on compact intervals. B: R with B(x,) Then for each bifurcation point (0,o) R o( of N, X is upper semi- Ix I) o uniformly in is a characteristic value of A. PROOF. Again we prove this theorem by contradiction. bifurcation point of N and o is not a characteristic value. Suppose that (O,u o) is a Then A (l-oA) -I exists o and is continuous. Let F: R X and G: R CK(X) be defined as follows: F(x,u) (-o)AoAX G(x,u) AoB(X,U ). and Clearly F and G are compact on bounded subsets of R. Also from the assumption o( Ixl I) and the continuity of A it follows that AoB(X,) o( I) o in compact intervals. uniformly in 1 _< Let 0 be such that 6 and 9 0 be such that whenever that B(x,) Ixl AoAII E. U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 42 [-6,Uo+61 B0(O (x,) lxl Then for each x we have -I {I sup IYlI:Y -< AoB(X,D) [Bp(0) n ] \ {0} and infI !Aox_Yl I:y AoN#X,l inf{l ,Ao[(l-oA)X+UoAxJ- _>_ >_ AoAX-V l’v infl ix+(o-)AoAX-vlI:v Ixll I-oI IAoAI lxll [1- 611AoAI IJ llxll -> Hence there exist (x,u) sup 0 and > 0 such that for each {[B; (0) n ] "{O}} AoB(x,l)} {I Ivll [Uo-,Uo+4] x v AoB(X,)} N(x,u). is not a bifurcation point, which is a contradiction. Sut this implies that Thus the theorem is proved. The following theorem in the single valued case is due to Krasnosel’skii THEOREM 4.3. Let N: CK(X) be given by N(x,) R and B are as in Theorem 4.2. If Uo Ax + B(x,) [J. where A is a characteristic value of A of odd multiplicity 5o, then (0,u o) is a bifurcation point of N. PROOF. Since A is compact, there exists 0 such that Thus from Lemma 3. o o is an isolated characteristic value of A. is the only characteristic value of A in Hence [Uo-e,o+e]. we have i(o-e i[l-(o-e)A,0] (-I)8O i(o+e). (-I)8O i[l-(o+e)A,O] Hence from the above equality and Theorem 2.1 we have i[I-N(.,o-e),O] (_l)SO i[I-N(-,o+e),O]. Now since 8 o is odd, we have i[l-N(’,o-e),O] i[l-N(’,o+e),O]. Hence by Theorem 4.1 there exists a bifurcation point (0,) of N with [Uo-e,o+e]. But since is the only characteristic value in [Uc-e,Uo+e], Theorem 4.2 implies that o (O,u o) is a bifurcation point of N. We note that all Theorems proved above hold with the same proof if we replace Uo" Thus we have proved that by X. Let E denote the space X R or R where is a bounded open neighbourhood of the origin in X. The following global version in the single valued case is due to Rabinowitz []. CK(X) be such that N(x,u) THEOREM 4.4 Let N:E uAx+B(x,) where A and B are as R being replaced by E. Let Uo be a characteristic value of A of Let S denote the closure of all nontrivial solutions of (4.1). Then S contains a component C (i.e., a maximal closed an@ connected subset) which contains (O,u o) and either is unbounded or contains (O,u) where u is a characteristic value of A in Theorem 4.2 with odd multiplicity. 43 BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS # o" and The proof of this theorem is exactly similar to that given by Rabinowitz [8J for the single valued case. However we in(also see Crandall and Rabinowitz [4] We will need the following two lemmas. of sake completeness clude the proof for the Let K be a compact metric space and A and B two LEMMA 42. (Whyburn (1958)). disjoint closed subsets of K. Then either there is a subcontinuum (i.e., a closed and connected subset)of K meeting both A and B, or there exist disjoint compact subsets KA u KB. B such that K and KB Under the hypothesis of Theorem 4.4 assume that there exists no LEMMA 4.3. subcontinuum C of S u {(0,o)} such that either (i) C is unbounded, or (ii) C contains KA A (0,) with in E such that Then there exists a bounded open set r(L). o # e, e n (0, o) S and for some positive R) (Bo-,o+6) {0} {(0,o)}. and compactness of N, Then Co r(L)by the fact that for Co is Let U is an isolated solution of (4.1) and contains no solution (0,) < e o sufficiently small U S is compact Now since S is locally compact, it follows that K U from (ii) it follows that for 0 < I-oI with > 6. in the relative topology induced from E. (U) S. component. K A u B. and B. Now from Co. be a -neighbourhood of 2.1,(0,%) Theorem be the component of Hence by the upper semicontinuity bounded,by (i). is a compact. Co Let The proof is similar to that of Lemma 1.2. PROOF. (0, o) in S u . e n ({o} . U Co Also and K 2 will not be a Co Let K Co There is no subcontinuum meeting K and K 2 for otherwise Hence by Lemma 4.2 there exist compact subsets A K] and B K 2 such that the distance between A than less is where e A of be an e-neighbourhood Let We can easily see that 0 fulfills the demand of the lemma. be the component of (0, o) in S Let {0,o)}. CO PROOF OF THEOREM 4.4. by Then that the theorem is false. Co Assume Lemma 4.3 there is a bounded open set 0 such that O, 0 n S and 0 n R) (o-,o+) {0} I-oI 6,(0,) 6}. Now for satisfying 0 < X:(x,%) (by construction of O and Theorem 2.1). Hence there {%}. For 0 such that (00,%) is the only solution of (4.1) in (%) 0. for some 6 ({o} Let {x e% is an isolated solution of (4.1) 0(%) + o 6 exists 0(o+/-6) > we choose sufficiently small, Thus for therefore d(l-N(’,%), variance tion in 0(o+6) 0(A) # and for we can assume that o Do-6 we choose (%) % 0%-0(%),0) is well defined or all d(l-(-,), O-p(),O) 0(o-6). for there is no solution of (4.1)in d(l-N(’,%),%-O(%),0) constant for %-0(%)" Hence for % o we have (A) < each % o" O. I0%-0(%)I o" By choosing satisfying {} and By homotopy in- However (4.1) hss no sol- E.U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 44 imilarly (A) holds for I d(l-N(’,l), (B) for ll-oi 6 Moreover, by homotopy invariance we have <-o" - 01, 0) Let o < 6 ’u Then from O u BO() constant o (0 + 6. Bp(G)) and by additivity of degree we have d(I-N(’,), 0 d(I-N(-,),Bo(),O) ,0) d(I-N(-,), + d(l-N(,), Bp(),O) 0(),0) by (A). Similarly, we can show that d(I-N(.,),Bp(),0). d(l-N(,), 0,0) Hence by using (B) we obtain (C) 0)= d(I-N(,), d(I-N(-,_), Bp(u) Bp() ,0). We now define the homotopy IAx + tB(x,X), 0 <- t -< I. N(x,X,t) As B(x,l) is of o( Ixl I), we can choose p() sufficiently small to obtain (I-) (x,,t) 0 for any (x,t) e LO,I] Bo() Thus by homotopy invariance d(l-N(’,), Bp(), O)= d(l-(’,,t), Bp(),O) d(l-(-,,O), Bp(),O) By repeating the same argument for d(l-A, and using (C) we obtain d(I-__A, Bp(),O) i(I-A,0) d(I-A, Bp(),O) i(I-A,0) which is a contradiction in view of the fact that multiplicity and in view of Lemma 3.1. REMARK 4.1. [] Bp(),O)o o is a characteristic value of odd Thus the theorem is proved. Results similar to Theorems 1.16, 1.25, 1.27, 1.40 in Rabinowitz can also be proved in the set valued case. We have omitted these as their proofs are only repetition of the arguments given by Rabinowitz. Let X and Z be real Banach spaces. Lx Let us now consider the equation IAx + B(x,l) N(x,) (4.2) BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS Z is a continuous linear mapping, A:X where L:X B: 45 Z is a compact linear mapping and CK(Z) is a set valued mapping which is upper semicontinuous and is compact on R. We also assume that 0 E B(0,k) for all % E R. bounded subset of A point (0, o) is said to be a bifurcation point of the equation (4.2) if every R neighbourhood of (0, o) contains at least one solution (x,) of (4.2) with x - o(IlxlI) Let B(x,k) be Let L,A and B be as above. THEORE 4.5. O. uniformly in % in compact intervals; that is, !1II uniformly in ullyll: Let (Po-) PROOF. Ilxll o R such that (L-A) -1 be a characteristic value of the compact operator (L-A)-IA Ao of odd multiplicity 0 a Assume that there exists in compact intervals. exists and is continuous. B(x,X) y Then Po is a bifurcation point of the equation (4.2). Let us consider the equation B o. x kAox + (L-A)-IB(x,+) (x,). (4.3) Now (x,p) is a solution of (4.2) if and only if (x,u-) is a solution of (4.3). Lx e N(x,) FAx Lx c pAx + B(x,p) Indeed, <=> (p-)Ax + B(x,-+) <- (-)(L-A)-IAx + (e-A)-iB(x,_+) (p-)Aox + (e-A)-iB(x,-+) x x (x,p-). (4.4) -I Noting that (L-A) B(x,+) is of o(I I) uniformly in % in compact intervals, by applying Theorem 4.3 we conclude that is a bifurcation point of (4.3). Hence it follows from (4.4) that Po is a bifurcation point of (4.2). REMARK 4.2 The corresponding global version of Theorem 4.5 also holds. REtARK 4.3. It is clear that in Theorem 4.5 instead of assuming A and Ixl o- (L-A)-lA B(x,) (L-A)-lB to be compact it would suffice to assume A and to be compact. o If we do this, then even when B is single valued our Theorem will be more general than that proved in Laloux and Mawhin [5] in the sense that we are not assuming L to be a Fredholm mapping of index zero. Note that all the conditions in Theorem 4.5 have also been assumed implicitly by Laloux and Mawhin. 5. APPLICATION. Let CK(X) be as defined in Section 2. F:[O,] be upper semicontinuous and q sup{ t c We lulI:u R Rn LI[0,] F(t,%,y,z), some Let Rn -CK(Rn) (abbreviated as L I) be such that % R, y,z [0,]. consider the two point boundary value problem Rn} <_ q(t) (5.1) E. U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 46 (t) y(0) where a solution (5.2) y(t) + F(t,X,y(t),(t)), a.e. t [0,] Rn satisfies y:[O,] (5.3) y() 0 is absolutely continuous on [0,] and y sat- sfies (5.2).(5.3). [0,], We assume that for t sup{[lull:u uniformly for t (abbreviated as [0,] and (C)n) when z t Rn R, y,z F(t,k,y,z,)} lYll % bounded, as (5.4) 0 lzll + For y,z e O. (C[O,])n let Rnmeasura|le, f(t) e F(t,%,y(t), {f:f:[O,] B(y,z,%) k e B(y,%). we abbreviate this to z(t))}; For (C) n R,y,z let F(t,l,y(t),z(t)) H(t) then CK(Rn) H:[0,] is upper semicontinuous as a composition of an upper semicontinuous function with a continuous function and hence is closed and hence measurable. in Rockafeller [9] Rn [0,] {(t,u,(t)) u(t) e H(t) t [0,]} Thus the set B(y,z,%) is non empty by the results stated Also B is convex valued as F is convex valued. f is measurable and llf(t) ll so f -< q(t) e[O,] t (el) n. Let [0,] G:[O,] R be given by (r-x) t 0 <- t -<x -< x t < G(x, t) x(-t) and let K: (LI) n X 0 be given by K(x) fG(x,t)(t) o dt where (t) (l(t),...,n(t)),i L I, i <_ i <- n, Since f B(y,z,%), BIFURCATION FOR THE SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS 47 and (CI[o,])n. X (LI) n For S let X For y S}. {K KS let N(y,X) (v + KB(y,l). Thus N(y,%) CK(X) (5.2), (5.3) and finding a solution to problems is equivalent to finding a solution to %Ky + KB(y,%). y e N(y,l) Now KB(y,%) is upper semicontinuous. a.e. [0,] t - f -< q(t) [0,], t/ t fj sequence h i (el) n. (LI)n llf(t) ll If fi and -< q(t), B(y,X) and Kf i f in Thus there exists hi (el p, h i convex combinations of the (LI) n Kf g in X then -< q(t) Thus h i a e B(y,) and hjK f Thus as F is upper semicontinuous f B(y,X) and hi g t [0 ] some sub- KB(y,X) A similar argument using the upper semicontinuity of F with X R CK(X) is upper semicontinuous. Now K:X X is is closed and hence compact. respect to As B is convex valued and K is II (’:)(t)l so KB(y,X) is equicontinuous in X. weakly in fi such that CK(X) R B(y,X) implies f Since f [[fi(t)[] so X This can be seen as follows. linear KB is convex valued. lf(t)ll CK(X) and KB (X,y,z) shows KB completely continuous with eigenvalues i n 1,2,3,... all of multiplicity one. From (5.4) we see that for R and y sup as y I 0 in X; here ][u[l and {] X ]u]]:u_. KB(Y,) ) [[Y[I are the X norms of u and y respectively. conditions of Theorem 4.2 are satisfied and the points the problem (5o2), (53) REMARK 5.1. 0 (0,n 2) are has nontrivial solutions (y,X) near Thus the bifurcation points and (0,n’). The upper semicontinuity of F can be relaxed to E. U. TARAFDAR AND H. B. THOMPSON 48 (i) F(t,’,’,’) (ii) F(’,%,y,z,) (iii) is upper semicontinuous for almost every t e [0,] is measurable for all (%,y,z) e R Rn Rn F is closed convex valued and (iv) there exists Rn for each (%,y,z) e R f:[O,] Rn Rn measurable such that f(t) e F(t,%,y,z) for all t e [0,] IIf(t) II for almost every t Note. L 1 such that and there exists fixed q _< q(t) [0,]. The permanent address of the first author is: Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 4067. REFERENCES i. IJERAY, J., and $CNAUDh, J., Topologie et qotions functionelles. Ann. Ecole Norm. 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