IJMMS 29:9 (2002) 501–516 PII. S0161171202007652 http://ijmms.hindawi.com © Hindawi Publishing Corp. ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS TO THE QUADRATIC NONLINEAR SCHRÖDINGER EQUATIONS IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL SPACES NAKAO HAYASHI and PAVEL I. NAUMKIN Received 15 February 2001 and in revised form 20 May 2001 We study asymptotic behavior in time of global small solutions to the quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two-dimensional spaces i∂t u + (1/2)∆u = ᏺ(u), (t, x) ∈ R × R2 ; u(0, x) = ϕ(x), x ∈ R2 , where ᏺ(u) = 2j,k=1 (λjk (∂xj u)(∂xk u)+µjk (∂xj u)(∂xk u)), where λjk , µjk ∈ C. We prove that if the initial data ϕ satisfy some analyticity and smallness conditions in a suitable norm, then the solution of the above Cauchy problem has the asymptotic representation in the neighborhood of the scattering states. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q35. 1. Introduction. We consider the large time asymptotic behavior of small analytic solutions to the Cauchy problem for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two-dimensional spaces 1 i∂t u + ∆u = ᏺ(u), 2 u(0, x) = ϕ(x), (t, x) ∈ R × R2 , (1.1) x ∈ R2 , with quadratic nonlinearity ᏺ(u) = 2 λjk ∂xj u ∂xk u + µjk ∂xj u ∂xk u , (1.2) j,k=1 where λjk , µjk ∈ C. In [8], we proved the global in time existence of small analytic solutions to the Cauchy problem (1.1) and showed that the usual scattering states exist. In [3], a global existence theorem of small solutions to (1.1) with λjk = 0 was shown in the usual weighted Sobolev space by using the method of normal forms by Shatah [12]. In the present paper, we continue to study the asymptotic behavior in time of solutions to the Cauchy problem (1.1) and obtain the asymptotic expansion of solutions in the neighborhood of the scattering states. We use the following classification of the scattering problem. If the usual scattering states exist in L2 sense, then we call the scattering problem a super-critical problem. If the usual scattering states do not exist and the L2 norm of the nonlinearity decays like Ct −δ , then we call the problem a critical one, when δ = 1 and a sub-critical one, 502 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN when 0 < δ < 1. The problem under consideration is classified as super-critical since the usual scattering states were shown, in [8], to exist in L2 . In [10], the asymptotic expansion was obtained in the neighborhood of scattering states for small solutions to the nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger equations with nonlinearities of Hartree type 2 ᏺ(u) = u(t, x) dy|x − y|−δ u(t, y) (1.3) in the super-critical case 1 < δ < n. The critical case δ = 1 was treated in [13], where the asymptotic expansion of small solutions in the neighborhood of the modified scattering states was obtained. In the case of critical power nonlinearity ᏺ(u) = |u|2 u in onedimensional spaces, the asymptotic expansion of solutions was constructed in [11]. In [5, 6], the sub-critical scattering problem in one-dimensional spaces was studied for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with power nonlinearity ᏺ(u) = t 1−δ |u|2 u and Hartree type nonlinearity (1.3) with 0 < δ < 1. Roughly speaking, they used the asymptotic expansion in the neighborhood of the final states to the transformed equations for the new dependent variable t 2 w = Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) exp i t −δ Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) dt (1.4) 1 (in the case of the power type nonlinearity). Thus the asymptotic expansions of solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations were studied extensively in the case of the nonlinear terms without derivatives of unknown function and satisfying the gauge condition (i.e., having the self-conjugate property ᏺ(u) = e−iθ ᏺ(eiθ u) for any θ ∈ R). The present paper is concerned with the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations which do not satisfy the gauge condition. The presence of derivatives in the nonlinear term implies the so-called derivative loss and the absence of the gauge condition makes it difficult to estimate the norm involving the operator = x + it∇, which plays a crucial role in the large time asymptotic behavior of solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations. To overcome these obm,p stacles, we use the analytic function spaces Ab defined in (1.9) and the operators ᏼ = x · ∇ + 2t∂t and ᏽ = x · ∇ + it∆. To state our result precisely, we now give notation and function spaces. We deα α note ∂xj = ∂/∂xj and ∂ α = ∂x11 ∂x22 , where α ∈ (N ∪ {0})2 . We define the following differential operators ᏼ = x · ∇ + 2t∂t , ᏽ = x · ∇ + it∆, = x + it∇ and the vector Ω = (Ω(j,k) )(j,k=1,2) , where the operators Ω(j,k) = xj ∂k − xk ∂j act as the angular derivatives. These operators help us to obtain the time decay properties of the linear Schrödinger evolution group ᐁ(t)φ = 1 2π it 2 2 e(i/2t)(x−y) φ(y)dy = Ᏺ−1 e−(it/2)ξ Ᏺφ, (1.5) where Ᏺφ ≡ φ̂(ξ) = (1/2π ) e−i(x·ξ) φ(x)dx denotes the Fourier transform of the function φ(x), and Ᏺ−1 is the inverse Fourier transformation defined by Ᏺ−1 φ ≡ φ̌(x) = (1/2π ) ei(x·ξ) φ(ξ)dξ. Note that the free Schrödinger evolution group ᐁ(t) ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS 503 also can be represented as ᐁ(t) = ᏹ(t)Ᏸ(t)Ᏺᏹ(t), where ᏹ(t) = exp(ix 2 /2t), the dilation operator is (Ᏸ(t)φ)(x) = (i/t)φ(x/t), then the inverse free Schrödinger evolution group is written as ᐁ(−t) = −ᏹ(−t)iᏲ−1 Ᏸ(1/t)ᏹ(−t), where Ᏸ−1 (t) = −iᏰ(1/t) is the inverse dilation operator. We define the extended vectors Γ = (ᏼ, Ω, ∇), Γ = (ᏼ + 2, Ω, ∇), and Θ = (ᏽ, Ω, ∇). We have the following relations: ᏽ = ᏼ − 2it ᏸ = · ∇ = ᐁ(t)x ᐁ(−t) · ∇ = it ᏹ(t)∇ᏹ(t) · ∇, where ᏹ(t) = eix 2 /2t (1.6) , ᏸ = i∂t + (1/2)∆. The commutation relations [ᏽ, ∇] = [ᏼ, ∇] = −∇, [ᏽ, ] = [ᏼ, ] = , (k) ∂k , l = δl , [ᏼ, ᏽ] = [Ω, ᏼ] = [Ω, ᏽ] = 0, (j,k) (j) (k) Ωx , ∂l = δl ∂j − δl ∂k , (k) (1.7) (k) where δj = 1 if j = k and δj = 0 if j ≠ k are used freely in the paper. We denote the usual Lebesgue space by Lp (R2 ) with the norm φp = ( R2 |φ(x)|p dx)1/p if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and φ∞ = ess sup{|φ(x)|; x ∈ R2 } if p = ∞. For simplicity we write · = ·2 . The weighted Sobolev space is defined by Hpm,k R2 = φ ∈ Lp R2 : xk i∇m φp < ∞ , (1.8) √ where m, k ∈ R+ , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, x = 1 + x 2 . We write for simplicity Hm,k (R2 ) = m,k H2 (R2 ) and the norm φm,k = φm,k,2 . Now we define the analytic function space b|α| 2 2 Γ α+β φ < ∞ , m = Am = φ ∈ L R ; φ Ab b α! |β|≤m α (1.9) where the vector Γ = Γ (t) = (ᏼ, Ω, ∇), b = b(t) = b0 + (a − b0 )(log(e + t))−γ , 0 < b0 < a < 1, γ > 0 is sufficiently small. Similarly, we write b|α| 2 2 α+β m Γ = φ ∈ L = φ A R ; φ < ∞ . m b A b α! |β|≤m α (1.10) Here the summation is over all admissible multi-indices α. We often use the summations convention if it does not cause confusion. By [s] we denote the largest integer less than or equal to s. Let C(I; B) be the space of continuous functions from a time interval I to a Banach space B. We denote different positive constants by the same letter C. We introduce the following functional spaces Xb = u ∈ C R; L2 R2 ; uXb < ∞ , Yb = u ∈ C R; L2 R2 ; sup u(t)Yb < ∞ , t>0 (1.11) 504 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN where γ u(t) 2 uXb = sup u(t)A3 + sup t −1−η A b t>0 t>0 b |γ|=1 0 + sup t 1−2η t>0 b |γ|≤1 ∞ Θγ u 3 b dt + + A ∞ |γ|=1, |σ |≤1 1 γ σ Θ u b dt A3 b t 1+η b|α| ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α ∇u(t) ∞ α! α ∞ b|α| ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ u(t)t 2η−1/2 dt, + 1 α α! |δ|≤3 u(t) Yb = u(t)A2 + b + t 1−η |β|+|γ|≤1 (1.12) t −|β|−|γ|−η γ Θβ u(t)A1 b b|α| ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+γ Θδ u(t), α! |γ|+|δ|≤1 α where η > 0 is sufficiently small. We define the constants {bn } such that 0 < bn < bn−1 < · · · < b1 < b0 < a < 1. (1.13) Let u0 (t) = ᐁ(t)u+ with some final state u+ ∈ L2 and un (t), n = 1, 2, . . . , be the solution to the final problem for the linear Schrödinger equations ᏸ un = n−1 ᏺ un−1−m , um , (1.14) m=0 such that limt→∞ un (t) = 0 in L2 , where ᏸ = i∂t + (1/2)∆ and ᏺ(φ, ψ) = 2 λjk ∂xj φ ∂xk ψ + µjk ∂xj φ̄ ∂xk ψ̄ . (1.15) j,k=1 From [8] we see that if the initial data ϕ ∈ A3a are such that xj ϕ ∈ A2a for j = 1, 2 and the norm ϕA3a + x1 ϕA2a + x2 ϕA2a = ε is sufficiently small, then the final state u+ ∈ A2a1 , where b0 < a1 < a, hence u0 ∈ Yb0 and u − u0 Yb ≤ Cε2 t −w for all t ≥ 1, 0 where w ∈ (0, 1/2). Now we state the main result in this paper. Theorem 1.1. We assume that the initial data ϕ ∈ A3a are such that xj ϕ ∈ A2a for j = 1, 2 and the norm ϕA3a +x1 ϕA2a +x2 ϕA2a = ε is sufficiently small. Then there exists a unique global solution u(t, x) ∈ A3b(t) of the Cauchy problem (1.1). Moreover, the estimates un (t) Ybn ≤ Cn εn+1 t −nw , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (1.16) and the asymptotics n−1 u(t) − um (t) m=0 Ybn ≤ Cn εn+1 t −nw , n = 1, 2, . . . (1.17) ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS 505 are valid for all t ≥ 1, where w ∈ (0, 1/2) and 2n Cn = C(n + 1) n j=0 bj log bj+1 −1 2n , (1.18) where C is a positive constant independent of n and bj . We assume in Theorem 1.1 that 0 < a < 1. This ensures that the function space A3a for the initial data is not empty, as in [1, 2], we can see that our result is valid for the initial function φ, which has analytic continuation Φ to the domain = z ∈ C2 ; zj = xj + iyj , xj ∈ R, −C1 − xj tan ϑ < yj < C1 + xj tan ϑ, j = 1, 2 , (1.19) such that Φ(z)2 dx dy < ∞, (1.20) where ϑ ∈ (0, π /2), sin ϑ = C2 , and C1 , C2 ∈ (a, 1). For example, we can take 1/(1+x 4 ), 2 e−x as the initial data for the Cauchy problem (1.1). + Denote u+ 0 (t, ξ) = u (ξ) and u+ n (t, ξ) = − t 2 n−1 dτ ξ ξ 1 2 + t, t, u+ λ ξ ξ eitξ /4 u m jk j k 4 m=0 n−1−m 2 2 j,k=1 iτ ∞ t 2 n−1 dτ ξ ξ 1 2 + t, − t, − − u+ µ ξ ξ e3itξ /4 u . m jk j k 4 m=0 n−1−m 2 2 j,k=1 iτ ∞ (1.21) Corollary 1.2. Let the conditions of Theorem 1.1 be fulfilled. Then the following asymptotics in L2 sense Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) = u+ (ξ) + n−1 −nw u+ j (t, ξ) + O t (1.22) j=1 are valid for large time t ≥ 1, where n = 1, 2, . . . . For the convenience of the reader we now give the outline of the proof of Theorem 1.1. As in [8] we apply the operator Ᏺᐁ(−t) to (1.1) to get i∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)u = I(t, ξ) + R(t, ξ), (1.23) where I(t, ξ) = 2 1 λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xj u Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xk u it j,k=1 + µjk Ᏸ−2 E Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xj u Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xk u , 6 (1.24) 506 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN 2 E = eitξ /2 , and R is a remainder term since in [8] we proved the estimate R ≤ Ct −1−w |α|≤1 Θα u2 , Θ = (Q, Ω, ∇), 0 < w < 1/2. Then we show that the first term of the integral I(t, ξ)dt is also convergent in view of the oscillating factor E. Roughly speaking, in [8] the following estimate was shown: u(t) ≤ u(1) + C t Θα u2 dτ. τ −1−w 1 (1.25) |α|≤1 Similarly, we have t Γ β u(t) ≤ Γ β u (1) + C τ −1−w |β|≤1 1 |β|≤1 α β 2 Θ Γ u dτ. (1.26) |α|≤1, |β|≤1 However, the right-hand sides of (1.25) and (1.26) contain an additional operator Θ (derivative loss with respect to derivative Θ). This is the reason why we used the analytic function spaces involving generalized derivative Γ , enabling us to get an additional regularity with respect to operator Γ , hence we obtain the estimate b(t)|β| Γ β u(t) < Cε. β! |β|≤1 (1.27) |β| b1 Γ β u(t) − Γ β u(s) < Cε2 |t|−w β! (1.28) Similarly, we have ≤1 |β| for all t > s > 0. The last estimate implies existence of the usual scattering states u+ . Method of analytic function spaces involving usual derivatives was used by many authors (e.g., see [4, 9]) and analytic function spaces involving the generalized derivatives was used in [7]. By the definition of un (t) we have with ᏸ = i∂t + (1/2)∆ n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 ᏸ u− um = ᏺ u − um , um + ᏺ um , u − um m=0 m=0 + ᏺ u − m=0 n−1 m=0 um , u − m=0 n−1 m=0 (1.29) um + R, m=0 where R is the remainder term since RYb n+1 ≤ Cεn+2 |t|−1−(n+1)w . In Section 3, we will prove that the other three terms are estimated by Cεn+1 |t|−1−nw in the norm Ybn+1 . Then via the inequality α Γ u Yb n+1 ≤ C n j=1 bj log bj+1 −1 |α| uYbn , (1.30) for any |α| we obtain the desired result. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we state some preliminary estimates concerning the analytic functional spaces Am b . Section 3 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2. ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS 507 2. Preliminary estimates. We summarize some lemmas proved in [7, 8], which are necessary to prove the theorem. m,p Lemma 2.1. Let φ ∈ Ab , then φA m,p ≤ e2b φAm,p , b (2.1) b where m,p Ab m,p A b b|α| Γ α+β φ < ∞ , = φ ∈ Lp R2 ; φAm,p = p b α! |β|≤m α b|α| Γ α+β φ < ∞ , = φ ∈ Lp R2 ; φA m,p = p b α! |β|≤m α (2.2) and 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Lemma 2.2. The following commutation relations are valid: l , , ∂ = −ll−1 ∂xl j , xj = l∂xl−1 x xj , j j j ᏼl xj = Clm xj ᏼl−m , ᏼl ∂xj = Clm (−1)m ∂xj ᏼl−m 0≤m≤l xj ᏼ = l 0≤m≤l Clm (−1)m ᏼl−m xj , 0≤m≤l Ωxl j xk ∂xj = (−1)m Cl2m ∂xj Ωxl−2m + j xk 0≤2m≤l ∂xj Ωxl j xk = ∂xj ᏼl = Clm ᏼl−m ∂xj 0≤m≤l (2.3) (−1)m+1 Cl2m+1 ∂xk Ωxl−2m−1 , j xk 0≤2m+1≤l (−1)m+1 Cl2m Ωxl−2m ∂ + j xk xj 0≤2m≤l (−1)m Cl2m+1 Ωxl−2m−1 ∂xk , j xk 0≤2m+1≤l where Clm = l!/(l − m)!m! is the binomial coefficient. Lemma 2.3. The estimate ∇φAm,p ≤ C b Θ α φ |α|=1 m,p Ab (2.4) is true. Lemma 2.4. The inequalities b|α| ∂xj Γ α+β φ ≤ C2 ∂xj φAm,p , C1 ∂xj φAm,p ≤ p b b α! |β|≤m α b|α| xj Γ α+β φ + φAm,p C1 xj φAm,p ≤ p b b α! |β|≤m ≤ C2 xj φAm,p + φAm,p b are true for all t > 0, where C1 , C2 > 0. b (2.5) 508 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN We define the evolution operator ᐂ(t)φ = Ᏺ−1 eiξ 2 /2t Ᏺφ = t 2iπ 2 e(−it/2)(ξ−y) φ(y)dy (2.6) and = Ᏺᏹᐁ(−t). By a direct calculation we see that ᐂ(−t) E ν−1 φ = Ᏸν E ν(ν−1) ᐂ(−νt)φ, (2.7) 2 with Ᏸν φ = (1/ν)φ(ξ/ν) and E = eitξ /2 , where ν ≠ 0. We need the following lemma to get the decay estimates of the solution for large time. Lemma 2.5. The estimate Ᏸν E ν(ν−1) ᐂ(−νt) − 1 (φ)(ψ) + Ᏸν E ν(ν−1) (ψ) ᐂ(−νt) − 1 (φ) α β φ ψ ≤ Ct η−1/2 (2.8) |α|≤1,|β|≤1 is valid for all t > 0, where ν ≠ 0, η > 0 is sufficiently small. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.1. We consider the linear Schrödinger equation ᏸ un = n−1 ᏺ un−1−m , um . (3.1) m=0 Since u0 (t) is a solution of linear Schrödinger equation it is easy to see that u0 (t)Yb 0 ≤ C0 ε. Then by induction we assume that uj (t) Yb j ≤ Cj εj+1 |t|−jw , 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. (3.2) Multiplying both sides of (3.1) by Γ α+δ , where = Ᏺᏹᐁ(−t), we get ᏸξ Γ α+δ un = 2 n−1 (3.3) 1 β γ λjk E Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g + µjk Ē 3 Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g , Cα Cδ it m=0 β≤α γ≤δ j,k=1 β where ᏸξ = i∂t + (1/2t 2 )∆ξ , f = Γ α−β ∂xj un−1−m , g = Γ β ∂xk um , Cα = α!/(α − β)!β!, |δ| ≤ 2. Applying the operator ᐂ(−t) = Ᏺ−1 ᏹ(t)Ᏺ to both sides of (3.3) we obtain by virtue of identity (2.7) i∂t ᐂ(−t)Γ α+δ un (t) = 2 n−1 1 γ β Cδ Cα ᐂ(−t) λjk E Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g + µjk Ē 3 Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α j,k=1 509 ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS = 2 n−1 1 γ β Cδ Cα λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 ᐂ(−2t) Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α j,k=1 + µjk Ᏸ−2 E 6 ᐂ(2t) Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g . (3.4) Then we write the identity ᐂ(−2t) Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g = ᐂ(−2t)Γ δ−γ f ᐂ(−2t)Γ γ g − Γ γ g ᐂ(−2t) − 1 Γ δ−γ f − ᐂ(−2t)Γ δ−γ f ᐂ(−2t) − 1 Γ γ g + ᐂ(−2t) − 1 Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g. (3.5) By Lemma 2.5, we have the estimate Ᏸ2 E 2 ᐂ(−2t) − 1 Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g + Ᏸ2 E 2 Γ γ g ᐂ(−2t) − 1 Γ δ−γ f σ σ −γ σ γ η−1/2 Γ Γ g . f ≤ C|t| |σ |≤1 (3.6) |σ |≤1 Thus we can rewrite (3.4) in the form i∂t ᐂ(−t)Γ α+δ un (t) = 2 n−1 1 γ β Cδ Cα λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 ᐂ(−t)Γ δ−γ f ᐂ(−t)Γ γ g it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α j,k=1 + µjk Ᏸ−2 E 6 ᐂ(−t)Γ δ−γ f ᐂ(−t)Γ γ g + R1 (t), (3.7) where the remainder term R1 (t) can be estimated by virtue of (3.6) and Lemmas 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 as follows: bn |α| R1 (t) α! α ≤ C|t| η−3/2 n−1 γ β Cδ Cα m=0 γ≤δ α β≤α ≤ C|t|η−3/2 n−1 |α| σ γ bn σ Γ δ−γ f Γ g α! |σ |≤1 |σ |≤1 Θσ un−1−m (t) 2 A bn m=0 |σ |≤1 ≤ C|t| η−3/2 n j=0 ≤ C n j=0 bj log bj+1 bj log bj+1 −1 −1 2 2 n−1 Θσ um (t) un−1−m (t) 2 A bn−1−m m=0 n−1 m=0 A2 b |σ |≤1 (3.8) n um (t) 2 A Cn−1−m Cm εn+1 |t|η−3/2−(n−1)w . bm 510 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN Since n−1 Cn−1−m Cm ≤ m=0 n−1 2(n−1−m) (n − m) n−1−m m=0 j=0 × (m + 1)2m m j=0 ≤ n−1 j=0 bj log bj+1 −1 bj log bj+1 bj log bj+1 −1 −1 2(n−1−m) 2m (3.9) 2(n−1) (n + 1)2n , we have −1 2n n bn |α| b j R1 (t) ≤ C (n + 1)2n εn+1 |t|η−3/2−(n−1)w log α! bj+1 α j=0 (3.10) ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|η−3/2−(n−1)w . By virtue of the identity ᐂ(−t) = Ᏺ−1 ᏹᏲᏲᏹᐁ(−t) = Ᏺᐁ(−t), we have iξj ᐂ(−t) = ᐂ(−t)∂xj . Hence by (3.7) we get i∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ un (t) = 2 n−1 1 γ β Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g Cδ Cα λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j t m=0 γ≤δ β≤α j,k=1 δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g +R1 (t). −µjk D−2 E 6 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j Γ (3.11) If |δ − γ| < |γ| we exchange f and g in the right-hand side of (3.11). By virtue of the equality E ν = (1 + (it/2)νξ 2 )−1 ∂t (tE ν ) we obtain the identity 1 + itνξ 2 φE ν E ν ∂t φ φ ν ν E = ∂t + − 2 φE . 2 2 t 1 + (it/2)νξ 1 + (it/2)νξ t 1 + (it/2)νξ 2 (3.12) Therefore, we get from (3.11) i∂t Ψ = R2 , (3.13) where Ψ = Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ un (t) + n−1 γ β Cδ Cα m=0 γ≤δ β≤α × 2 j,k=1 λjk Ᏸ2 ξj E 2 Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j 2 1 + itξ ξj E 6 −1 δ−γ γ Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xj Γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ g , + µjk Ᏸ−2 1 + 3itξ 2 (3.14) ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS R2 = R1 + I1 = 3 j=1 Ij , 511 and n−1 1 γ β C Cα it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α δ 2 × j,k=1 1 + 2itξ 2 E 2 −1 δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g λjk Ᏸ2 2 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xj Γ 1 + itξ 2 1 + 6itξ 2 E 6 −1 − µjk Ᏸ−2 2 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xj Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g , 1 + 3itξ 2 I2 = − 2 n−1 ξj E 2 1 γ β Cδ Cα λjk Ᏸ2 it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α 1 + itξ 2 j,k=1 Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g × ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j (3.15) Γ δ−γ f ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g , + Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j I3 = − 2 n−1 ξj E 6 1 γ β Cδ Cα µjk Ᏸ−2 it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α 1 + 3itξ 2 j,k=1 × δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j Γ δ−γ f ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g . + Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j Γ By Hölder’s inequality, the identity j = ᐁ(t)xj ᐁ(−t), and Lemmas 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 we get the estimates bn |α| I1 (t) α! α ≤ C|t| −3/2 n−1 β Cα m=0 α β≤α |α| 2 bn −1 δ ∂ Γ f α! j,k=1 |δ|≤2 xj ᐂ(−t)Γ γ g × ∞ |γ|≤1 ≤ C|t| −3/2 n−1 m=0 α β≤α × |γ|≤1 β Cα |α| bn −1 δ ∂xj Γ f α! |δ|≤2 1−η σ γ η σ γ Γ g Γ g |σ |≤1 |σ |≤2 ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−3/2−(n−1−m)w−mw+(1−mw)η ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|η−3/2−(n−1−mη)w (3.16) 512 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN for |δ| ≤ 3. In the same way we obtain bn |α| I2 (t) + I3 (t) α! α ≤ C|t| −1/2 n−1 γ β Cδ Cα m=0 α β≤α |γ|≤1 × 2 |α| bn α! ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂ −1 Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g xj j,k=1 ∞ Γ δ−γ f + ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g ∞ Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂x−1 j (3.17) bn |α| ≤ C|t|−1/2 α! m=0 α n−1 ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ un−1−m (t) × εm+1 |t|−mw |δ|≤3 + εn−m |t|−(n−m−1)w ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+γ ∇um (t) γ≤1 ≤ Cn ε n+1 |t| η−3/2−(n−1)w . In view of (3.10), (3.16), and (3.17) we have the estimate bn |α| R2 (t) ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−1−nw . α! α (3.18) Multiplying both sides of (3.13) by Ψ (t), integrating with respect to the space variables, and taking the imaginary part of the result, we obtain the inequality (d/dt)Ψ (t) ≤ R2 (t), hence |α| bn |α| d bn Ψ (t) ≤ R2 (t) ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−1−nw . dt α α! α! α (3.19) Then integration with respect to t in view of (3.18) yields un (t) 2 ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−nw . A bn (3.20) Applying the operator xl to both sides of (3.1), we get ᏸxl Γ α+δ un = γ≤δ β≤α γ β Cδ Cα 2 λjk Γ δ−γ f xl Γ γ g + itλjk ∂xl Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g j,k=1 + µjk Γ δ−γ f xl Γ γ g − itµjk ∂xl Γ δ−γ f Γ γ g , (3.21) hence by the classical energy method, via the inequality ∂x φ ∂x ψ ≤ C ΘφΘψ, j k t (3.22) 513 ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS and Lemmas 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 we obtain bn |α| d x Γ α+δ un (t) ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−1/2−(n−1)w+η l α! dt α (3.23) for |δ| ≤ 1. Multiplying both sides of the last inequality by t −1−η and integrating with respect to t, we have γ un (t) t −1−η |γ|=1 ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−nw . A2 b n (3.24) By the identity ᏼu = ᏽu + 2it ᏺ(ν), and Lemmas 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 we see that ᏽ un n−1 ᏽun−1−m 1 ᏽum 1 ≤ ᏼun A1 + C A A A1 bn bn ≤ ᏼun A1 b n bn m=0 + Cn ε n+1 |t| −nw bn (3.25) . Therefore, by virtue of (3.24) and (3.25) we get t −1−η γ δ Θ un (t) |γ|+|δ|=1 A2 b n ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−nw . (3.26) In the same way as above by virtue of (3.11) and (3.26) we obtain t 1−η bn |α| ∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+γ Θδ un (t) ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−nw . α! |γ|+|δ|≤1 α (3.27) By (3.20), (3.26), and (3.27) we have the first part of the theorem un (t) Ybn ≤ Cn εn+1 |t|−nw (3.28) for any n ∈ N. We next prove the last part of the theorem by induction. By the definition of un (t) we have with ᏸ = i∂t + (1/2)∆ ᏸ u− n um = ᏺ(u, u) − m=0 n k−1 ᏺ uk−1−m , um = I + R, (3.29) k=1 m=0 where I = ᏺu − n−1 um , m=0 + ᏺ u − n−1 m=0 n−1 um + ᏺ m=0 um , u − n−1 m=0 n−1 um , u − n−1 um m=0 (3.30) um m=0 and R consists of quadratic nonlinearities involving uk ul and ūk ūl with k+l ≥ n. We have n α+δ u− um = Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ (I + R). (3.31) i∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ m=0 514 N. HAYASHI AND P. I. NAUMKIN In the same way as in the proof of (3.7) we estimate Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ α+δ ᏺ(φ, ψ) = 2 n−1 1 γ β Cδ Cα λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g it m=0 γ≤δ β≤α j,k=1 (3.32) + µjk Ᏸ−2 E 6 Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ δ−γ f Ᏺᐁ(−t)Γ γ g + R3 (t), f = Γ α−β ∂xj φ, g = Γ β ∂xk ψ. We have by (3.10) and the fact that bn < bn−1 bn |α| R3 (t) ≤ C|t|η−3/2 Θσ φ(t) 3 Θσ ψ(t) 3 . Ab Ab n n α! α |σ |≤1 |σ |≤1 (3.33) Hence by the assumption and (3.28) bn+1 |α| Γ α+δ I(t) ≤ Cn εn+2 |t|−1−(n+1)w . α! α (3.34) We also have by (3.28) bn+1 |α| Γ α+δ R(t) ≤ C uk (t)ul (t) ≤ Cn εn+2 |t|−1−(n+1)w . Yb n+1 α! α Thus in view of (3.28), (3.31), (3.32), (3.34), and (3.35) we obtain n u − um ≤ Cn εn+2 |t|−1−(n+1)w m=0 (3.35) (3.36) Yb n+1 which yields the second part of the theorem. Theorem 1.1 is proved. Proof of Corollary 1.2. By (1.1) we have i∂t Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) = 2 1 λjk Ᏸ2 E 2 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)u Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xk u t j,k=1 − µjk Ᏸ−2 E 6 ξj Ᏺᐁ(−t)u Ᏺᐁ(−t)∂xk u + R(t) (3.37) and the property of the solution of (1.1) we see that R ≤ Cε2 |t|−1−wt . In the same way as in the proof of Theorem 1.1 we have Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) − u+ (ξ) ≤ C1 ε2 |t|−wt . (3.38) By the definition of u we see that Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) − u+ (ξ) 2 ξ ξ 1 t λjk 1/2 + =− E dτξj ξk u u+ 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 2 1 t µjk 3/2 ξ ξ E dτξj ξk u+ − + I, − u+ − 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 (3.39) ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF SMALL ANALYTIC SOLUTIONS 515 where 2 2 ξ 1 t λjk 1/2 t, E dτξj ξk Ᏺᐁ(−t)u 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 2 1 t µjk 3/2 ξ E dτξj ξk − Ᏺᐁ(−t)u t, − 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 I=− 2 ξ ξ 1 t λjk 1/2 E dτξj ξk u+ u+ + 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 + (3.40) 2 1 t µjk 3/2 ξ ξ E dτξj ξk u+ − . u+ − 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 From (3.38) the L2 norm of I is estimated as I(t) ≤ Cε3 |t|−2w . Therefore we get 2 1 t λjk 1/2 ξ ξ Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) − u+ (ξ) + E dτξj ξk u+ u+ 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 (3.41) 2 1 t µjk 3/2 ξ ξ 3 −2w + + ≤ C3 ε |t| E dτξj ξk u − . + u − 4 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 We iterate this procedure to get Ᏺᐁ(−t)u(t) − u+ (ξ) n l−1 2 1 t λjk 1/2 ξ ξ + + E dτξj ξk ul−1−m t, + um t, 4 l=1 m=0 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 n l−1 2 1 t µjk 3/2 ξ ξ + + u + t, − t, − E dτξj ξk u m l−1−m 4 l=1 m=0 j,k=1 ∞ iτ 2 2 (3.42) ≤ Cn+1 εn+2 |t|−(n+1)w + with u+ 0 (t, ξ) = u (ξ). 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