B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . I L2 is spanned by commutators, [a, b], for a, b ∈ A. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . I L2 is spanned by commutators, [a, b], for a, b ∈ A. I L3 is spanned by double commtuators, [a, [b, c]]. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . I L2 is spanned by commutators, [a, b], for a, b ∈ A. I L3 is spanned by double commtuators, [a, [b, c]]. I L4 is spanned by triple commutators, [a, [b, [c, d]]]. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . I L2 is spanned by commutators, [a, b], for a, b ∈ A. I L3 is spanned by double commtuators, [a, [b, c]]. I L4 is spanned by triple commutators, [a, [b, [c, d]]]. I And so on . . . T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES One way to study interaction between commutative and non-commutative algebras is via the lower central series: I A = L1 ⊃ L2 ⊃ · · · . I L2 is spanned by commutators, [a, b], for a, b ∈ A. I L3 is spanned by double commtuators, [a, [b, c]]. I L4 is spanned by triple commutators, [a, [b, [c, d]]]. I And so on . . . I Each successive quotient Bk := Lk /Lk+1 keeps track of more and more non-commutativity. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . I B1 (An ) has a basis of cyclic words (e.g. x1 x2 x3 ∼ x3 x1 x2 ). B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . I I B1 (An ) has a basis of cyclic words (e.g. x1 x2 x3 ∼ x3 x1 x2 ). Feigin-Shoikhet: B2 (An ) ∼ = Ωev (Cn ), the space of ex even-degree, exact differential forms on Cn . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . I I B1 (An ) has a basis of cyclic words (e.g. x1 x2 x3 ∼ x3 x1 x2 ). Feigin-Shoikhet: B2 (An ) ∼ = Ωev (Cn ), the space of ex even-degree, exact differential forms on Cn . I Etingof and Dobrovolska showed that each Bk (An ), for k > 2, is also described in differential geometric terms. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . I I B1 (An ) has a basis of cyclic words (e.g. x1 x2 x3 ∼ x3 x1 x2 ). Feigin-Shoikhet: B2 (An ) ∼ = Ωev (Cn ), the space of ex even-degree, exact differential forms on Cn . I Etingof and Dobrovolska showed that each Bk (An ), for k > 2, is also described in differential geometric terms. I In particular, for k ≥ 2, each Bk (An ) has polynomial growth. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM These quotients have surprising descriptions. Consider the free algebra An over C on x1 , . . . xn . I I B1 (An ) has a basis of cyclic words (e.g. x1 x2 x3 ∼ x3 x1 x2 ). Feigin-Shoikhet: B2 (An ) ∼ = Ωev (Cn ), the space of ex even-degree, exact differential forms on Cn . I Etingof and Dobrovolska showed that each Bk (An ), for k > 2, is also described in differential geometric terms. I In particular, for k ≥ 2, each Bk (An ) has polynomial growth. I The present focus is on extending these methods to characteristic p, where a geometric approach is less clear. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION Lower central series of free algebras in characteristic p Surya Bhupatiraju, William Kuszmaul, Jason Li MIT PRIMES May 21, 2011 T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : 1 T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : 1 xy T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : 1 xy x2 xy yx y2 T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : 1 xy x2 xy yx y2 x3 x2 y xyx yx2 y2 x yxy xy2 y3 T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM F REE ALGEBRAS I Let An be a free algebra on generators x1 , . . . , xn . I An is spanned by all words in letters x1 , . . . , xn , e.g. A2 : 1 xy x2 xy yx y2 x3 x2 y xyx yx2 y2 x yxy xy2 y3 I We can take coefficients in the rational numbers Q, integers Z, or a finite field Fp . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION C OMMUTATOR Definition The commutator, [c, d], for c, d ∈ A, is: [c, d] := cd − dc T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION C OMMUTATOR Definition The commutator, [c, d], for c, d ∈ A, is: [c, d] := cd − dc We can iterate: T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION C OMMUTATOR Definition The commutator, [c, d], for c, d ∈ A, is: [c, d] := cd − dc We can iterate: I [b, [c, d]] = [b, cd − dc] = bcd − bdc − cdb + dcb T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION C OMMUTATOR Definition The commutator, [c, d], for c, d ∈ A, is: [c, d] := cd − dc We can iterate: I [b, [c, d]] = [b, cd − dc] = bcd − bdc − cdb + dcb I [a, [b, [c, d]]] = [a, bcd − bdc − cdb + dcb] = abcd − abdc − acdb + adcb − bcda + bdca + cdba − dcba T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES Definition The lower central series filtration of an associative algebra A A = L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ L3 ⊇ . . . is defined recursively by L1 := A, Lk := [A, Lk−1 ], all linear combinations of expressions [a, b] for a ∈ A, b ∈ Lk−1 . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES Definition The lower central series filtration of an associative algebra A A = L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ L3 ⊇ . . . is defined recursively by L1 := A, Lk := [A, Lk−1 ], all linear combinations of expressions [a, b] for a ∈ A, b ∈ Lk−1 . More explicitly, Lk is all linear combinations of all expressions [a1 , [a2 , [a3 , [. . . [ak−1 , ak ] . . .]]]] for ai ∈ A. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES Definition The lower central series filtration of an associative algebra A A = L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ L3 ⊇ . . . is defined recursively by L1 := A, Lk := [A, Lk−1 ], all linear combinations of expressions [a, b] for a ∈ A, b ∈ Lk−1 . More explicitly, Lk is all linear combinations of all expressions [a1 , [a2 , [a3 , [. . . [ak−1 , ak ] . . .]]]] for ai ∈ A. Definition The associated graded components Bk to the filtration are defined as Bk := Lk /Lk+1 . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES I Bk are vector spaces when the coefficients are taken in Fp or Q, and are only abelian groups when coefficients are in Z. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM L OWER CENTRAL SERIES I Bk are vector spaces when the coefficients are taken in Fp or Q, and are only abelian groups when coefficients are in Z. B1 L1 B2 L2 L3 B3 ... B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM H ILBERT S ERIES Since the spaces we consider are infinite dimensional, we study them combinatorially via so-called ’Hilbert series’: B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM H ILBERT S ERIES Since the spaces we consider are infinite dimensional, we study them combinatorially via so-called ’Hilbert series’: Definition A finite m-grading on a vector space V is a direct sum decomposition: M V= Vk , k∈Zm + such that each Vk is finite dimensional. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM H ILBERT S ERIES Since the spaces we consider are infinite dimensional, we study them combinatorially via so-called ’Hilbert series’: Definition A finite m-grading on a vector space V is a direct sum decomposition: M V= Vk , k∈Zm + such that each Vk is finite dimensional. Definition The multivariable Hilbert series of V is the sum X h(V; t1 , . . . , tm ) := dim(Vk )tk11 · · · tkmm k∈Zm + B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION H ILBERT S ERIES Example The Hilbert series of A2 is: X k + l 1 tk1 tl2 = h(A2 ; t1 , t2 ) := k 1 − (t1 + t2 ) m k∈Z+ T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM H ILBERT S ERIES Example The Hilbert series of A2 is: X k + l 1 tk1 tl2 = h(A2 ; t1 , t2 ) := k 1 − (t1 + t2 ) m k∈Z+ Example The Hilbert series of C[x, y] is: h(A2 ; t1 , t2 ) := X k∈Zm + tk1 tl2 = 1 (1 − t1 )(1 − t2 ) B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T HE P ROBLEM Problem Calculate the spaces Bk (An (Fp )), and compare them to Bk (An (Q)). B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T HE P ROBLEM Problem Calculate the spaces Bk (An (Fp )), and compare them to Bk (An (Q)). I Using the iterative definition of the Lk , and the programming language MAGMA, we computed the following Hilbert series: B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T HE P ROBLEM Problem Calculate the spaces Bk (An (Fp )), and compare them to Bk (An (Q)). I Using the iterative definition of the Lk , and the programming language MAGMA, we computed the following Hilbert series: h(B2 (A2 (Q)); x, y) xy = xy + xy2 + x2 y + x3 y + x2 y2 + xy3 + . . . = (1−x)(1−y) . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T HE P ROBLEM Problem Calculate the spaces Bk (An (Fp )), and compare them to Bk (An (Q)). I Using the iterative definition of the Lk , and the programming language MAGMA, we computed the following Hilbert series: h(B2 (A2 (Q)); x, y) xy = xy + xy2 + x2 y + x3 y + x2 y2 + xy3 + . . . = (1−x)(1−y) . h(B2 (A2 (F2 )); x, y) xy = xy + xy2 + x2 y + x3 y + x2 y2 + xy3 + . . . = (1−x)(1−y) . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T HE P ROBLEM Problem Calculate the spaces Bk (An (Fp )), and compare them to Bk (An (Q)). I Using the iterative definition of the Lk , and the programming language MAGMA, we computed the following Hilbert series: h(B2 (A2 (Q)); x, y) xy = xy + xy2 + x2 y + x3 y + x2 y2 + xy3 + . . . = (1−x)(1−y) . h(B2 (A2 (F2 )); x, y) xy = xy + xy2 + x2 y + x3 y + x2 y2 + xy3 + . . . = (1−x)(1−y) . They appear to coincide. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION D IFFERENCES IN H ILBERT S ERIES The series h(B2 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B3 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B4 (A2 (Fp ))) are independent of p in the range we computed. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM D IFFERENCES IN H ILBERT S ERIES The series h(B2 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B3 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B4 (A2 (Fp ))) are independent of p in the range we computed. I h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM D IFFERENCES IN H ILBERT S ERIES The series h(B2 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B3 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B4 (A2 (Fp ))) are independent of p in the range we computed. I h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · I h(B2 (A3 (F2 ))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 3x2 y2 z2 + · · · B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM D IFFERENCES IN H ILBERT S ERIES The series h(B2 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B3 (A2 (Fp ))), h(B4 (A2 (Fp ))) are independent of p in the range we computed. I h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · I h(B2 (A3 (F2 ))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 3x2 y2 z2 + · · · I Why do these changes occur? B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. ∼ B2 (An (Z)) ⊗ F. I We have an isomorphism: B2 (An (F)) = T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. ∼ B2 (An (Z)) ⊗ F. I We have an isomorphism: B2 (An (F)) = I B2 (An (Z)) is an abelian group, and may have torsion: T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. ∼ B2 (An (Z)) ⊗ F. I We have an isomorphism: B2 (An (F)) = I B2 (An (Z)) is an abelian group, and may have torsion: Definition An element g 6= 0 is called an m-torsion element if mg = 0, and m > 0 is the minimal such. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. ∼ B2 (An (Z)) ⊗ F. I We have an isomorphism: B2 (An (F)) = I B2 (An (Z)) is an abelian group, and may have torsion: Definition An element g 6= 0 is called an m-torsion element if mg = 0, and m > 0 is the minimal such. I An m-torsion element g ∈ B2 (An (Z)) survives to B2 (An (Fp )) if, and only if, p divides m. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T ORSION To explain the varying behavior over different Fp , we work instead over Z. ∼ B2 (An (Z)) ⊗ F. I We have an isomorphism: B2 (An (F)) = I B2 (An (Z)) is an abelian group, and may have torsion: Definition An element g 6= 0 is called an m-torsion element if mg = 0, and m > 0 is the minimal such. I An m-torsion element g ∈ B2 (An (Z)) survives to B2 (An (Fp )) if, and only if, p divides m. I Torsion does not survive to B2 (An (Q)). B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION For example, B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) ∼ = Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION For example, B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) ∼ = Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z. I B2 (A3 (Q))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ Q ∼ = Q ⊕ Q. T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM For example, B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) ∼ = Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z. I I B2 (A3 (Q))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ Q ∼ = Q ⊕ Q. h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM For example, B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) ∼ = Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z. I I I B2 (A3 (Q))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ Q ∼ = Q ⊕ Q. h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · B2 (A3 (F2 ))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ F2 ∼ = F2 ⊕ F2 ⊕ F2 . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM For example, B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) ∼ = Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z. I I I I B2 (A3 (Q))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ Q ∼ = Q ⊕ Q. h(B2 (A3 (Q))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 2x2 y2 z2 + · · · B2 (A3 (F2 ))(2,2,2) ∼ = (Z ⊕ Z ⊕ Z/2Z) ⊗ F2 ∼ = F2 ⊕ F2 ⊕ F2 . h(B2 (A3 (F2 ))) = xy + xz + yz + x2 y + x2 z + xy2 + 2xyz + xz2 + y2 z + yz2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2 + x2 y2 + 2x2 yz + 2x2 y2 z + 2x2 yz2 + 2xy2 z2 + 2xy2 z + 2xyz2 + 3x2 y2 z2 + · · · B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , I 3-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(3,3,3) , T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , I 3-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(3,3,3) , I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,2,2) , and its permutations, T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , I 3-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(3,3,3) , I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,2,2) , and its permutations, I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,4,2) , and its permutations, T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , I 3-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(3,3,3) , I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,2,2) , and its permutations, I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,4,2) , and its permutations, I 2-torsion in B2 (A4 (Z))(2,2,2,2) (3-dimensional). T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION R ESULTS FROM C OMPUTATIONS Some places where we found torsion are: I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(2,2,2) , I 3-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(3,3,3) , I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,2,2) , and its permutations, I 2-torsion in B2 (A3 (Z))(4,4,2) , and its permutations, I 2-torsion in B2 (A4 (Z))(2,2,2,2) (3-dimensional). Conjecture For all a, b, c, the element: v(a, b, c) = [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] ∈ B2 (A3 (Z))(a,b,c) , is torsion, of order equal to gcd(a, b, c), and generates the torsion subgroup of B2 (A3 (Z))(a,b,c) . T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. We use the identity in A4 (Z) : I [z, w[x, y]] = [[w, y], xz] − [z, [y, wx]] + [x, [w, zy]] + x[z, w]y + [w, z]yx. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. We use the identity in A4 (Z) : I [z, w[x, y]] = [[w, y], xz] − [z, [y, wx]] + [x, [w, zy]] + x[z, w]y + [w, z]yx. I Set z 7→ z, w 7→ za−1 , x 7→ x, y 7→ xb−1 yc . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. We use the identity in A4 (Z) : I [z, w[x, y]] = [[w, y], xz] − [z, [y, wx]] + [x, [w, zy]] + x[z, w]y + [w, z]yx. I Set z 7→ z, w 7→ za−1 , x 7→ x, y 7→ xb−1 yc . I ⇒ cv ∈ L3 (A3 (Z)) ⇒ cv = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)). B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. We use the identity in A4 (Z) : I [z, w[x, y]] = [[w, y], xz] − [z, [y, wx]] + [x, [w, zy]] + x[z, w]y + [w, z]yx. I Set z 7→ z, w 7→ za−1 , x 7→ x, y 7→ xb−1 yc . I ⇒ cv ∈ L3 (A3 (Z)) ⇒ cv = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)). I The claim that av = bv = 0 is proved similarly. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM T OWARDS THE CONJECTURE It is not hard to prove that gcd(a, b, c) · [z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)) : I Feigin-Shoikhet: [A, AL3 ] ⊂ L3 . I [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]] = c[z, za−1 xb−1 yc−1 [x, y]] mod L3 . I ⇒ cv = [z, za−1 [x, xb−1 yc ]]. We use the identity in A4 (Z) : I [z, w[x, y]] = [[w, y], xz] − [z, [y, wx]] + [x, [w, zy]] + x[z, w]y + [w, z]yx. I Set z 7→ z, w 7→ za−1 , x 7→ x, y 7→ xb−1 yc . I ⇒ cv ∈ L3 (A3 (Z)) ⇒ cv = 0 in B2 (A3 (Z)). I The claim that av = bv = 0 is proved similarly. However, we still do not know v is nonzero (if gcd(a, b, c) > 1)! Computation confirms this in small cases. B ACKGROUND Future goals: I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION Future goals: I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION Future goals: I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). I Understand torsion in other Bk (An (Z)). T HE P ROBLEM B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM Future goals: I I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). I Understand torsion in other Bk (An (Z)). Conjecture Bk (An (Fp )) has polynomial growth for all k and p (more precisely the coefficients of the multivariable Hilbert series are bounded). B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM Future goals: I I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). I Understand torsion in other Bk (An (Z)). Conjecture Bk (An (Fp )) has polynomial growth for all k and p (more precisely the coefficients of the multivariable Hilbert series are bounded). I Relate to geometry in characteristic p. B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM Future goals: I I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). I Understand torsion in other Bk (An (Z)). Conjecture Bk (An (Fp )) has polynomial growth for all k and p (more precisely the coefficients of the multivariable Hilbert series are bounded). I Relate to geometry in characteristic p. I We found no torsion in B2 (A2 (Z)), B3 (A2 (Z)), B4 (A2 (Z)). We can conjecture there is no torsion in Bk (A2 (Z)). . . B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM Future goals: I I Understand torsion in B2 (An (Z)). I Understand torsion in other Bk (An (Z)). Conjecture Bk (An (Fp )) has polynomial growth for all k and p (more precisely the coefficients of the multivariable Hilbert series are bounded). I Relate to geometry in characteristic p. I We found no torsion in B2 (A2 (Z)), B3 (A2 (Z)), B4 (A2 (Z)). We can conjecture there is no torsion in Bk (A2 (Z)). . . But there exists a 2-torsion element in B5 (A2 (Z))(4,4) !! B ACKGROUND I NTRODUCTION T HE P ROBLEM A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS I Thanks to Martina Balagovic for her thorough edits with the presentation. I Thanks to Pavel Etingof for suggestions and help for many aspects of the project. I Many, many thanks to our mentor David Jordan, for his countless hours of assistance and help =) I Thank you PRIMES!