Hadronic B Decays related to QCD at Belle 2010.03.03 Jeri, M.C. Chang (張敏娟) FU JEN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY(輔仁大學) 2010/Mar./4 @ NTHU(清華大學) 1 Some names related to Belle Exp. KEK: 高エネルギー加速器研究機 構 (High Energy Accelerator Organization). KEKB: The Accelerator at KEK Belle: The Detector placed in the electron and position interaction point Located in Japan. 2010.02.09 The KEKB Collider (Tsukuba, Japan) KEKB: e-: 8.0 GeV e+: 3.5 GeV 3km circumference ECMS=M(U(4S))=10.58 GeV 2009 Ldt = 1000 fb-1 1999 3 Basic Knowledge ECMS=M(U(4S)) : U(4S) Resonance is just above the threshold for BB-bar production. Due to momentum conservation, the B and B-bar has equal energy~5.29 GeV. ‘B Factory’ Huge numbers of B meson decay events are created. Therefore, Belle experiment is also called a B Factory. Analyzed Number of BB-bar events = (771.581 +/- 10.566) x 106 Belle Detector Aerogel Cherenkov counter n=1.015~1.030 SC solenoid 1.5T 3.5GeV e+ CsI (Tl) TOF counters 8GeV eTracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C2H6 Si vertex Detector m / KL detection Belle detector can measure Position of the B Decay Vertex Tracks and Energy of flying particles Identify different Particles ECL: absorbed particle energy Taking shifts @ Belle control room 2009.12.18 Belle Collaboration International cooperation (~300 scientists) 2009 Belle experiment run-end party 11 Some names related to BaBar Exp. SLAC, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory : Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, operated by Stanford University. PEP-II: The Accelerator at SLAC BaBar: The Detector placed in the electron and position interaction point Located in USA. Old Situation In 2001 there was a single dominant physics goal B factories: extraordinary data samples KEKB + PEP-II and luminosities ~ 1.5 billion BB pairs ~946/fb (7/09) KEKB/Belle ~100 fb-1 @U(5S) PEP-II/BaBar ~553/fb Recent progress at KEKB: L=2.1 x 1034/cm2/sec with crab cavities. New Situation: Only One Major Player In preparation, LHCb (needs commissioning time for the LHC) and Belle-II (needs ~3 years of construction). Many physics goals: all motivated by the search for NP Nobel Prizes from Surprising Discoveries about Weak Interactions of Quarks Maximal P violation 1957 T.D. Lee C.N. Yang Small CP violation 1980 J. Cronin V. Fitch O(1) CP violation and 3 generations M. Kobayashi T. Maskawa 2008 Everyone can take a picture with Kobayashi-san Particles in Physics (1) Elementary Particle: Fermions Quarks: u, d, c, s, t, b Leptons: e-, e+, m-, m+, t-, t+, ne, nm, nt , n e n m n t Bosons Gauge: g, g, W±, Z Particles in Physics (2) Composite Particle: Hadrons Baryons/Hyperons: N (p · n) · Δ · Λ · Σ · Ξ · Ω Mesons/Quarkonia: π · ρ · η · η′ · φ · ω · J/ψ · ϒ · θ · K · B · D · T Selected topic (1): Baryonic B Decays Only Belle did the baryonic B decay measurements. No BaBar papers. Introduction Profound baryonic decays: a unique feature of B meson Well established after few years of B-factory running BF(2-body) < BF(3-body) < BF(4-body) Baryonic B Decays Threshold enhancement in the baryon-antibaryon system (No conclusive explanation yet) Searching ground for exotic states (eg. Pentaquark) There may be unexpected large CP violation in charmless modes + New results from B h and B p 21 B h 22 23 The branching fraction indicate that there is no one to one correspondence 24 25 26 27 28 + + B p 605fb-1 PRD 80: 111103(R) 2009 +0.88 BF( B + p + - ) = (5.92 -0.84 ± 0.69)x10-6 Fit with threshold function Significance = 9.1 + 0 BF( B p +0.67 ) = (4.78 -0.64 ± 0.60)x10-6 Significance = 9.5 Hint: +0.77 + BF( B pf 2 (1270) ) = (2.03 -0.72 ± 0.27)x10-6 Significance = 3 29 B p + B p + + 0 + B pf 2 (1270) 605fb-1 PRD 80: 111103(R) 2009 30 Summary (1) More baryonic modes have been found in B meson decays Comparisons between pph and ΛΛh show that the underlying dominant decay diagrams may be different First 4-body charmless baryonic decay has been observed in B→pΛππ Threshold enhancement is the key to understand baryonic B decays 31 Selected topic (2): Selected topic (3): Belle-II Belle and BaBar results lead to 2008 Nobel Prize for Kobayashi & Maskawa KEKB→SuperKEKB Belle →Belle-II VERTEXING PID EM CALORIMETER 1999.May ~ 2009.Dec 2012 ~ 40 Two super B-factory projects KEKB/Belle are prolongation of the successful B-factories PEP-II/BaBar 8 × 1035 2.1 × 1034 10 × 1035 1.2 × 1034 SuperKEKB/Belle2 SuperB How to get high luminosity Target luminosity: 8×1035/cm2/s Continuous injection (succesful experience of KEKB operation) Constraint: to save money use existing KEKB components as much as possible z x* z Two options: High Current Nano-Beam Slightly smaller βy* 6.5(LER)/5.9(HER) → 3.0/6.0 Significantly increase beam currents 1.8A(LER)/1.45A(HER) → 9.4A/4.1A Increase ξy 0.1(LER)/0.06(HER) → 0.3 or more Developement of the LoI design for SuperKEKB (2004) x* L 2f Half crossing angle: f~30mrad Much smaller βy* 6.5(LER)/5.9(HER) → 0.21/0.37 Slightly increase beam currents 1.8A(LER)/1.45A(HER) → 3.6A/2.1A Keep ξy 0.1(LER)/0.06(HER) → 0.09/0.09 Proposed by P. Raimondi et al. for use at Italian Super B Factory; Now considered also for SuperKEKB Belle-II Organizational issues Australia Univ. of Sydney Univ. of Melbourne Austria Austrian Academy of Sciences (HEPHY) China Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science Univ. of Science and Technology of China Czech Charles University in Prague Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik - MPI Munich Univ. of Giessen Bonn Univ. India Korea Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Indian Institute of Technology Madras Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai) Panjab Univ. Tata Insitute of Fundamental Research Gyeongsang National Univ. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Korea Univ. Kyungpook National Univ. Seoul National Univ. Yonsei Univ. Hanyang Univ. Poland The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Science Russia Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Institute for Theoretical Experimental Physics Slovenia Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana) Univ. of Nova Gorica Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic Univ. National Central Univ. National United Univ National Taiwan Univ. U.S.A. Univ. of Cincinnati Univ. of Hawaii Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Wayne State Univ. Japan Nagoya Univ. Nara Women's Univ. Niigata Univ. Osaka City Univ. Toho Univ. Tohoku Univ. Tokyo Metroporitan Univ. Univ. of Tokyo KEK Particle ID: TOP (Barrel) & RICH(Forward Endcap) Cherenkov ring in quartz bar: difference of propagation time for K/π is ~100ps Photon detector MCP-PMT Radiator aerogel tiles Belle II 4σ K/π separation in 1-4GeV Belle Electromagnetic calorimeter and muon-KL detector To keep Electromagnetic calorimeter resolution with pile up: Barrel: Keep CsI(Tl) + improve read out Endcap: Replace with pure CsI (shorter decay time) + photopentode + faster read out To keep KLM efficiency: Barrel: Keep RPC Endcap: Replace with scintillator strips + WLS read out by SiPM Organization Belle II is a new international collaboration (Spokesperson Peter Križan, Ljubljana) with the most Belle members continuing with new project + Many new collaborators from new institutes joined last two years Open for new groups Current Status of the project: SuperKEKB is a lab priority The Japanese government has allocated in FY 2009 ~$32 M for R&D KEK has submitted a budget request for FY 2010 and beyond of $350 M for construction; Funding in other countries on the way TDR to be submitted by March 2010 Start data taking in 2013 Conclusion B factory -> Super B factory New B factories: Belle-II vs. LHCb New Physics found in 2020 and a new Nobel price winner in this field? Thank you! Belle II have to deal with: • higher background radiation damage, higher occupancy • higher event rates DAQ • improved performance hermeticity ECL: wave form sampling pure CsI endcaps m, KL: scintillator strips endcaps vertexing: Central Drift Chamber: PID: 2 lyrs DEPFET pixel smaller cell size TOP barrel 4 lyrs DSSD improved read-out ARICH forward From Wikipedia Resonance (particle physics) In particle physics, a resonance is the peak located around a certain energy found in differential cross sections of scattering experiments. These peaks are associated with subatomic particles (such as Nucleons, Delta baryons, Upsilon mesons, ...) and their excitations. The width of the resonance (Γ) is related to the lifetime (τ) of the particle (or its excited state) by the relation t where ħ is the planck constant.