Σ+ → pµ+ µ− Standard Model or New Physics? Jusak Tandean National Taiwan University in collaboration with XG He & G Valencia High Energy Physics Seminar National Tsing Hua University 25 September 2008 Outline of talk • • Introduction Evaluation of Σ+ → pµ+ µ− within standard model • New particle interpretation of HyperCP results • Candidate for new particle in NMSSM • Testable predictions • Conclusions J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 2 Introduction • Interesting experimental finding PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS PRL 94, 021801 (2005) week ending 21 JANUARY 2005 Evidence for the Decay ! p 8 5 H. K. Park, R. A. Burnstein, A. Chakravorty,5 Y. C. Chen,1 W. S. Choong,2,7 K. Clark,9 E. C. Dukes,10 C. Durandet,10 J. Felix,4 Y. Fu,7 G. Gidal,7 H. R. Gustafson,8 T. Holmstrom,10 M. Huang,10 C. James,3 C. M. Jenkins,9 T. Jones,7 D. M. Kaplan,5 L. M. Lederman,5 N. Leros,6 M. J. Longo,8,* F. Lopez,8 L. C. Lu,10 W. Luebke,5 K. B. Luk,2,7 K. S. Nelson,10 J.-P. Perroud,6 D. Rajaram,5 H. A. Rubin,5 J. Volk,3 C. G. White,5 S. L. White,5 and P. Zyla7 (HyperCP Collaboration) 1 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, Republic of China 2 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 3 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois 60510, USA 4 Universidad de Guanajuato, 37000 León, Mexico 5 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616, USA 6 Université de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 7 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 8 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA 9 University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama 36688, USA 10 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904, USA (Received 3 November 2004; published 18 January 2005) We report the first evidence for the decay ! p from data taken by the HyperCP (E871) experiment at Fermilab. Based on three observed events, the branching ratio is B ! p 8 8:66:6 5:4 stat 5:5syst 10 . The narrow range of dimuon masses may indicate that the decay proceeds via a neutral intermediate state, ! pP0 ; P0 ! with a P0 mass of 214:3 8 0:5 MeV=c2 and branching ratio B ! pP0 ; P0 ! 3:12:4 1:9 stat 1:5syst 10 . DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.021801 PACS numbers: 13.30.Ce, 14.20.Jn, 14.80.Mz • What’sInthe up-to-date standard-model prediction for the decay? dent on copper targets and momentum selected by a curved the standard model (SM), the decay ! • Do the observed 3 events hint at new physics? calculation by Bergstrom, collimator situated in (old a dipole magnet (hyperon magnet).Safadi, Singer, ZPC, 1988) pl l pll ; l e; can be described as proceeding The sign of the charged secondary beam was periodically through a flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) interacchanged by reversing the field of the hyperon magnet. We tion and by internal conversion, as shown in Fig. 1(a)–1(c). analyzed 2:14 109 triggers from the positive-secondaryBergström et al. [1] argue that in the SM the FCNC beam data set and 0:37 109 from the negative. contribution for the decay pll is not dominant. The decay The signature of the p decay is two unlike-sign is of interest since it also allows a direct search for a J Tandean (NTU) pll NTHU muon HEP tracks Seminar, Septrack 2008originating from a common and a25 proton new scalar or vector particle, which could contribute an 3 Standard model calculation • (He, JT, Valencia, PRD, 2005) Long-distance contributions dominate Σ+ → pµ+ µ− . γ∗ Σ+ • µ+ µ− p Gauge-invariant amplitude has four form-factors M Bi → Bf γ ∗ = −eGF B̄f iσ µν qµ a + bγ5 + (q 2 γ ν − q ν6 q) c + dγ5 Bi ε∗ν q four-momentum of γ ∗ . • • Form factors a(q 2 ), b(q 2 ), c(q 2 ), and d(q 2 ) are all complex and get imaginary parts from N π intermediate states. a(0) and b(0) contribute to the (on shell) radiative decay Σ+ → pγ, but c and d do not. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 4 Long-distance contributions to Σ+ → pγ ∗ • Unitarity cut Σ+ • γ π p N Leading-order diagrams for N π → pγ ∗ reactions γ π+ π0 p γ π+ p n p n γ π0 p p π+ γ n p γ p • Diagrams for imaginary part of amplitude in heavy-baryon case • Pole diagrams contributing to the c and d amplitudes (a) (b) J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 5 Results in standard model • Invariant-mass distributions corresponding to the smallest and largest branching ratios for the (a,b) relativistic and (c,d) heavy baryon cases. 2 Re a = 13.3 MeV Re b = −6.0 MeV 6 Re a = −6.0 MeV Re b = 13.3 MeV (a) (b) 0 2 220 240 Mµµ (MeV) 260 Re a = 11.1 MeV Re b = −7.3 MeV (c) dΓ(Σ+ →pµ+ µ− ) (MeV−1 ) dq 2 1 1023 × 1023 × dΓ(Σ+ →pµ+ µ− ) (MeV−1 ) dq 2 4 1 2 0 6 220 240 Mµµ (MeV) 260 Re a = −7.3 MeV Re b = 11.1 MeV (d) 4 2 0 220 240 Mµµ (MeV) 260 0 220 240 Mµµ (MeV) 260 Each solid curve receives contributions from all form factors. • Different possible graphs reflect uncertainty in the calculation. • Not surprisingly, the predicted spectra show no sharp peak anywhere. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 6 Branching ratio in standard model • The SM calculation yields the range 1.6 × 10−8 ≤ B Σ+ → pµ+ µ− • ≤ 9.0 × 10−8 This agrees well with HyperCP measurement −8 B(Σ+ → pµ+ µ− ) = 8.6+6.6 −5.4 ± 5.5 × 10 (under the assumption of no new physics). • The lower end of the predicted rate leaves room for attributing all the 3 events observed by HyperCP to new physics. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 7 Alternative interpretation of HyperCP results From HK Park’s talk (2007) J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 8 New particle hypothesis • • Interpreting their results as hinting at a new particle (X 0 ), HyperCP finds + ∗ B Σ → pX 0 → pµ+ µ− = 3.1+2.4 ± 1.5 × 10−8 −1.9 ∗ mass m X = (214.3 ± 0.5) MeV This observation implies the particle ∗ is short lived, decaying inside detector −7 MeV ∗ is narrow, with Γ X ∼ 10 + − + − ∗ decays mainly into µ µ , e e , or γγ ∗ does not interact strongly ∗ has effective |∆S| = 1 coupling to d, s quarks J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 (Geng & Hsiao, PLB, 2006) 9 Constraints on new particle with mass 214 MeV • The existence of a new particle with such a low mass would be remarkable, as it would signal the existence of physics beyond the SM unambiguously. • But the new-particle interpretation faces serious challenges: ∗ A new-physics model having a suitable candidate for the particle and able to explain why it is light. ∗ An explanation of why the particle has not been observed by other experiments covering the same kinematic range. ∗ Its interactions must produce the rate implied by the HyperCP observation. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 10 Constraints from kaon and B-meson decays • E865 at BNL: B(K ± → π ± A01 ) . 8.7 × 10−9 • NA48: • BABAR & Belle: B(B → Xs A01 ) . 8.0 × 10−7 (Batley et al., PLB, 2004) B(KS → π J Tandean (NTU) (Ma et al., PRL, 2000) 0 A01 ) −9 . 1.8 × 10 NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 (Aubert et al., PRL, 2004) (Iwasaki et al., PRD, 2005) 11 Two types of |∆S| = 1 contributions (He, JT, Valencia, PRD, 2006) • Two-quark contributions LAsd = iCR ¯ iCL ¯ d(1 + γ5 )s A01 + d(1 − γ5 )s A01 + H.c. 2 2 CL,R are in general unrelated. • Four-quark contributions, which arise from the combined effects of the usual SM four-quark |∆S| = 1 operators and A01 being radiated off one of the light quarks via its flavor-conserving couplings. u d A01 W s • u Similarly for a scalar particle. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 12 Hadronic couplings arising from two-quark contributions • Chiral Lagrangian techniques can be used to derive the hadronic realization of the sdA01 couplings. • The resulting Lagrangian LA = bD B̄ {hA , B } + bF B̄ [hA , B ] + b0 hhA i B̄ B + α hA 1 2 f B0 2 hhA i α + c T̄ hA Tα − c0 hhA i T̄ Tα + H.c. = −i CR ξ † hξ † + CL ξhξ A01 and h = 21 λ6 + iλ7 . • Baryon and meson fields are contained in 3×3 matrices B and ξ, and also tensor Tµ . A01 • Diagrams for Σ → pA01 A01 K̄ 0 Σ + p Σ + p • Similarly for a scalar particle. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 13 Chiral Lagrangians in SM • Leading-order strong Lagrangian Ls = B̄ iγ µ ∂µ B + Vµ , B − m0 B̄ B + D B̄ γ µ γ5 Aµ , B + F B̄ γ µ γ5 Aµ , B + bD B̄ {M+ , B} + bF B̄ [M+ , B] + b0 hM+ i B̄ B + 41 f 2 ∂ µ Σ† ∂µ Σ + 12 f 2 B0 hM+ i − T̄ µ i D 6 Tµ + mT T̄ µ Tµ + C T̄ µ Aµ B + B̄Aµ T µ + c T̄ µ M+ Tµ − c0 M+ T̄ µ Tµ • Leading-order weak Lagrangian Lw = hD B̄ ξ † hξ, B + hF B̄ ξ † hξ, B + γ8 f 2 h ∂µ Σ ∂ µ Σ† + 2γ̃8 f 2 B0 hξM+ ξ † + hC T̄ µ ξ † hξTµ + H.c. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 14 Chiral Lagrangians for four-quark contributions • From SM strong and weak chiral Lagrangians, one derives A Ls = bD B̄ M̃− , B + bF B̄ M̃− , B + b0 M̃− B̄ B + 1 2 2 f B0 M̃− iA01 v 0 A 2 † iA1 + H.c. Lw = 2γ̃8 f B0 hξ M̃− ξ v M̃− = ξ † M̃ ξ † − ξ M̃ † ξ and M̃ = diag lu m̂, ld m̂, ld ms • From the coupling of A01 to two gluons via the axial anomaly, Lη 1A 2 = − 12 mη − 1 2 2 3 mK A − 2 1 3 mπ #2 f A0 η1 + √ 1 (2lu + ld ) 6v " A 0 π , η, η ′ π , η, η p Σ+ A 0 Σ+ ′ 0 π , η, η p Σ+ Σ+ K J Tandean (NTU) p p A A ′ A A π K K0 π 0 , η, η ′ π K K π NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 K π 0 , η, η ′ π 15 Two- and four-quark contributions • The interplay between the 2- and 4-quark contributions makes it possible to find a desired model However, it is not easy to devise such a model. ¯ • In most models having dsX couplings, the 2-quark operators have the ¯ structure d(1 ± γ5 )sX: the part without γ5 contributes significantly to K → πµ+ µ− leading to couplings that are too small to account for the HyperCP events. • • In some models, there may be parameter space where the 2- and 4-quark contributions are comparable and cancel sufficiently to lead to rates within the kaon and hyperon bounds. • However, since in many models the flavor-changing two-quark couplings q̄q 0 X are related for different (q, q 0 ) sets, experimental data on B → Xs µ+ µ− also provide stringent constraints. • Thus the light (pseudo)scalars in many models, such as the SM and the two-Higgs-doublet model, are ruled out as candidates to explain the HyperCP events. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 16 Any candidate for X? • The next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) is an extension of the MSSM. • In the NMSSM, there is a gauge-singlet Higgs field N in addition to the two Higgs fields Hu and Hd responsible for the up- and down-type quark masses in the MSSM. • As a result, the physical spectrum of the NMSSM has 2 additional neutral Higgs bosons: one a scalar and the other a pseudoscalar. • The lighter pseudoscalar Higgs boson, the A01 , turns out to be able to play the role of X. • The soft-susy-breaking term in the Higgs potential is Vsoft = m2Hu |Hu |2 + m2Hd |Hd |2 + m2N |N |2 − λAλ Hd Hu N + 13 kAk N 3 + H.c. and has a global U(1) symmetry in the limit that Aλ , Ak → 0. (Dobrescu, Matchev, JHEP, 2000) • The global U(1) symmetry allows the A01 mass to be naturally, and masses of order 100 MeV are not ruled out. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 (Dobrescu, PRD, 2001) 17 A01 in NMSSM • In the large-tan β limit (tan β the ratio of VEVs of Higgs doublets) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ the A01 is mostly the singlet pseudoscalar and couples to SM fields through mixing its squared mass m2A = 3k x Ak + O(1/ tan β) with x = hN i its tree-level couplings to up-type quarks are negligible its tree-level couplings to down-type quarks and charged leptons can be described in terms of one parameter, ¯ 5d LAdd = −ld md dγ ld = v δ − / ∗ • √ iA01 , v ¯ 5` LA` = −ld m` `γ iA01 , v 2 x , with v = 246 GeV and δ− = (Aλ − 2kx)/(Aλ + kx) the lower bound of ld is |ld | ∼ 0.1 and its upper bound |ld | ∼ 1.2. (Hiller, PRD, 2004) (He, JT, Valencia, PLB, 2005) Therefore the 4-quark contributions are given in terms of ld in the large-tan β limit J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 18 Two-quark contributions of A01 in NMSSM • In certain versions of the NMSSM at large tan β, the couplings CL,R are related by CL = −CR md /ms = −2gA md /v, corresponding to LAsd = igA ¯ + γ5 )s − md d(1 ¯ − γ5 )s A01 + H.c. ms d(1 v • This is the case with the NMSSM of Hiller (2004) at large tan β, where CL,R are generated by one-loop diagrams containing charginos and squarks. • With suitable modifications, the Hiller model provides an A01 with the desired properties: it can evade the K and B bounds, while being responsible for the HyperCP events. (He, JT, Valencia, PRL, 2007) • Including the 4-quark contributions 10-7 with ld = 0.35 + + K → π A01 (dotted curves), and KS → π 0 A01 (dashed curves), where 10-8 B • Branching ratios of Σ+ → pA01 (solid curves), 10-9 horizontal lines indicate HyperCP and kaon bounds. 0.2 J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 0.4 0.6 107 gA 0.8 1 19 More general scenario for light A01 in NMSSM • Additional one-loop contributions to the sdA01 couplings with other SUSY particles in the loop could enlarge the parameter space, making CL,R unrelated. LAsd = iCR ¯ iCL ¯ 0 0 d(1 + γ5 )s A1 + d(1 − γ5 )s A1 + H.c. 2 2 • Loops containing gluinos and neutralinos have been shown to produce this decoupling. (Gao, Li, Li, Zhang, EPJC, 2008) • This opens up the possibility of satisfying the kaon bounds in the absence of the 4-quark contributions. Thus CL and CR can be taken to be independent, to be constrained with data. • J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 20 Parameter space 1.0 • Regions in the (CL +CR , ld ) parameter space allowed by K + → π + µ+ µ− (blue) and KS → π 0 µ+ µ− (green). The overlap (red) band covers points that satisfy both constraints. ld 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 10 HCL + CRL 0.5 1.0 10 15 10 5 0 10 10 HCL - CRL • Regions in the (CL +CR , CL −CR ) parameter space reproducing the HyperCP result (yellow) and respecting the K → πµ+ µ− bounds (red) for ld = 0.35. The overlap (black) areas cover points satisfying both the hyperon and kaon constraints, and the unshaded (white) region on the vertical band corresponds to the case of related CL,R . -5 -10 -15 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 10 HCL + CRL 0.5 1.0 10 J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 21 Other rare decays with light A01 in NMSSM • • • • (He, JT, Valencia, JHEP, 2008) Some other rare decays can help confirm of refute the light-A01 hypothesis |∆S| = 1 decays 0 + − ∗ Evaluate K̄ → ππA and 1 → ππµ µ − − 0 − + − Ω → Ξ A1 → Ξ µ µ . ∗ They involve both two-quark and four-quark contributions. Flavor-conserving decays 0 + − ∗ Υ(1S) → γA and φ → γA01 → γµ+ µ− . 1 → γµ µ 0 + − ∗ Evaluate η → ππA 1 → ππµ µ ∗ They help test the hypothesis independently of the details of the flavor-changing sector. They can be searched for in ongoing experiments. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 22 K → ππA01 π 2-quark contributions K̄ π 4-quark contributions π A01 π A01 π A01 K̄ K̄ π K̄ K̄ P A01 P K̄ π A01 CL,R being related. A01 5 0.6 8 0.4 8 + - A01 6 0.8 0.2 0.0 -15 P π 4 3 2 1 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 Being studied by KTeV. P K̄ 1.0 10 ´ BHKL ® Π Π A10 L 2-quark contributions alone, the pink bands indicate the allowed ranges of CL −CR , and each green dashed line corresponds to the case of P π • Predicted branching ratios (solid curves) for KL → π + π − A01 and KL → π 0 π 0 A01 with ld = 0.35. π K̄ K̄ π • The dotted curves result from the π π P A01 π π K̄ J Tandean (NTU) A01 π π K̄ K̄ π • K̄ 0 K̄ π K̄ • π A01 10 ´ BHKL ® Π0 Π0 A01 L • NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 10 15 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 15 10 23 Ω− → Ξ− A01 A01 • Two- and four-quark contributions A01 K̄ 0 Ω− Ξ∗− Ω− Ξ− P Ξ− 12 10 6 Predicted branching ratio for ld = 0.35 10 ´ BHW- ® X- A01 L • 8 6 4 2 0 -15 -10 -5 0 10 HCL - CRL 5 10 15 10 • • • The best limit currently available from HyperCP (2003) B(Ω− → Ξ− µ+ µ− ) < 6.1 × 10−6 (90%C.L.) SM predicts BSM (Ω− → Ξ− µ+ µ− ) = 6.6 × 10−8 (Safadi & Singer, PRD, 1988) The predicted Ω → Ξ → Ξ µ µ rate for most of allowed regions is substantially enhanced with respect to the SM rate. J Tandean (NTU) − − A01 − + − NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 24 η → ππA01 • They are special, involving only flavor-diagonal interactions π η π A01 π η, η ′ η A01 π • Predicted branching ratio B η → π + π − A01 = 5.4 × 10−7 ld2 for η-η 0 mixing angle θ = −19.7◦ . • The best limit currently available from CELCIUS/WASA collaboration (2008) B(η → π + π − µ+ µ− ) < 3.6 × 10−4 (90%C.L.) implies loose bound |ld | < 26. • • There is room for enhancement over the expected standard-model rate −9 BSM (η → π + π − µ+ µ− ) = 7.5+4.5 (Borasoy, Nissler, EPJA, 2007) −2.7 × 10 η → π + π − µ+ µ− may be accessible to DAΦNE experiment. J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 25 New constraint from CLEO • arXiv:0807.1427v1 [hep-ex] CLNS 08/2033 CLEO 08-16 [hep-ex] 9 Jul 2008 Searh for Light CP-odd Higgs in Radiative Deays of (1S) W. Love,1 V. Savinov,1 H. Mendez,2 J. Y. Ge,3 D. H. Miller,3 I. P. J. Shipsey,3 B. Xin,3 G. S. Adams,4 M. Anderson,4 J. P. Cummings,4 I. Danko,4 D. Hu,4 B. Moziak,4 J. Napolitano,4 Q. He,5 J. Insler,5 H. Muramatsu,5 C. S. Park,5 E. H. Thorndike,5 F. Yang,5 M. Artuso,6 S. Blusk,6 S. Khalil,6 J. Li,6 R. Mountain,6 S. Nisar,6 6 K. Randrianarivony,6 N. Sultana,6 T. Skwarniki, S. Stone,6 J. C. Wang,6 L. M. Zhang,6 Abstrat 7 7 8 8 0 ) with 7mP.0 Naik, Bonviini, D. Cinabro,CP-odd M. Dubrovin, A.(aLinoln, in Rademaker, radiative deays of WeG.searh for a 7non-SM-like Higgs boson 1 a1 < 2mb J. 9 9 9 10 10 M. SAsner, K. W. Edwards, J. Reed, R.produed A. Briere, G. We Tatishvili, theD.(1 ), using 21.5M (1S ) mesons diretly in10e+T.e Ferguson, annihilation. investigate 10 0 10 11 12 12 + + 0 J. L. Rosner, J. P. Alexander, D. G.WeCassel, deay hannels. No signiant signal is found. obtain upper Vogel, and a1M.!E. Watkins, a1 ! H. 12 + results + ).12Our ! + Galik, ) or 12B(L. a01 ! and B(12a01 R. limitsJ.onE.the produt12ofR.B((1 S ) !12aL.01 ) Fields, Dubosq, Ehrlih, S. Gibbons, R. Gray, 12 orders of magnitude 12 than previous 12 12 areW. almost two stringent upper limits. data provide S. Gray, D. L. Hartill,12 B. K.more Heltsley, D. Hertz,12 J. M. Hunt, J. Our Kandaswamy, 12 12 noD.evidene for a12Higgs with a mass of 214 MeV to u+ger, .12 Existene of suh12 a L. Kreinik, V. E.state Kuznetsov, J. Ledoux, H.deaying Mahlke-Kr D. Mohapatra, 12 12 12 state as an explanation for 3 12+D.!Riley, p+ 12 events, +Sado, masses P. U.wasE.previously Onyisi,12 proposed J. R. Patterson, D. Peterson, A. Ryd,having A. J. 12 the kinemati 12 12 13 13 13 just above observed by the HyperCP experiment. Our results onstrain X. Shi, S. Stroiney,12 threshold, W. M. Sun, T. Wilksen, S. B. Athar, R. Patel, J. Yelton, 14 NMSSM models. P. Rubin, B. I. Eisenstein,15 I. Karliner,15 S. Mehrabyan,15 N. Lowrey,15 M. Selen,15 E. J. White,15 J. Wiss,15 R. E. Mithell,16 M. R. Shepherd,16 D. Besson,17 T. K. Pedlar,18 D. Cronin-Hennessy,19 K. Y. Gao,19 J. Hietala,19 Y. Kubota,19 T. Klein,19 B. W. Lang,19 R. Poling,19 A. W. Sott,19 P. Zweber,19 S. Dobbs,20 Z. Metreveli,20 K. K. Seth,20 A. Tomaradze,20 J. Libby,21 L. Martin,21 A. Powell,21 G. Wilkinson,21 and K. M. Eklund22 J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 26 Detour • The 4-quark contribution to Σ+ → pA01 M4q (Σ+ → pA01 ) = f ld 2v −bπ + bη cθ + bη0 sθ ip̄ Apπ0 − Bpπ0 γ5 Σ+ has a sign ambiguity because Apπ0 and Bpπ0 are extracted from the data on nonleptonic decay Σ+ → pπ 0 up to an overall sign. • With the opposite relative sign of the 2- and 4-quark contributions to Σ+ → pA01 15 10 6 5 0.4 8 -5 0.6 8 + - 0 10 ´ BHKL ® Π0 Π0 A01 L 10 ´ BHKL ® Π Π A10 L 0.8 10 10 HCL - CRL 1.0 5 -10 -15 -1.0 0.2 -0.5 0.0 10 HCL + CRL 10 J Tandean (NTU) 0.5 1.0 0.0 -15 4 3 2 1 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 10 15 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 15 10 27 CLEO’s constraint on A01 • Branching ratios of Σ+ → pA01 (solid • Horizontal lines indicate HyperCP and kaon bounds. ld = 0.35 10-7 10-8 B curves), K + → π + A01 (dotted curves), and KS → π 0 A01 (dashed curves) as functions of CL + CR . 10-9 • CLEO (2008) reported < 2.3 × 10 0.0 0.2 10 HCL + CRL 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 −6 ld = 0.15, with 2Q-4Q in S+ at 90% C.L., which implies ld < 0.16 -7 10 • This squeezes the parameter space for the scenario with CL,R being related, but not completely yet. 10-8 B B Υ(1S) → γA01 10-9 0.0 0.2 10 HCL + CRL 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 28 Absence of four-quark contributions for ld = 0 ld = 0 15 If CL,R are not related, the experimental bounds can be satisfied even in the absence of the 4-quark contributions. 10 5 10 HCL - CRL 0 10 • -5 -10 ld = 0 ld = 0 6 10 ´ BHKL ® Π0 Π0 A01 L 0.8 0.6 8 0.4 0.2 -0.5 0.0 10 HCL + CRL 0.5 1.0 10 4 3 2 ld = 0 12 1 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 15 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 HCL - CRL 10 10 15 6 10 10 ´ BHW- ® X- A10 L 0.0 -15 -15 -1.0 5 8 + - 10 ´ BHKL ® Π Π A10 L 1.0 8 6 4 2 0 -15 -10 -5 0 10 HCL - CRL 5 10 15 10 J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 29 Conclusions • The decay Σ+ → pµ+ µ− within the SM is long-distance dominated, and the predicted rate is in the right range to explain the HyperCP observation. • Within the SM, the predicted mµµ distribution does not have any sharp peaks, and so it is unlikely to find all 3 events clustered at the same mass. • Current constraints allow for an explanation of the 3 events with a new particle as long as its effective flavor-changing coupling is mostly pseudoscalar (or axial vector) and smaller for b → s transitions than what naive scaling from s → d transitions (with CKM angles) would predict. • • • The NMSSM has a CP -odd Higgs boson, the A01 , that could have the desired mass and satisfy all the experimental constraints. Additional rare decays can help confirm or refute this hypothesis: K → ππA01 , Ω− → Ξ− A01 . Some other rare decays can test the hypothesis independently of the flavor-changing sector: Υ(1S) → γA01 , φ → γA01 , η → ππA01 . J Tandean (NTU) NTHU HEP Seminar, 25 Sep 2008 30