Instrumentation for Scientists Linking the physical/chemical and electrical worlds in the scientific laboratory Physical and chemical domains Scale position Number Potential difference, V Conductivity, ρ Charge, q Non-electrical domains Electrical domains Current, I Paul W. Zitzewitz Department of Natural Sciences University of Michigan-Dearborn June, 2008 i © Paul W. Zitzewitz, 2008 ii Table of Contents Note to students............................................................................................................................... v 1. Simple sensors ............................................................................................................................ 1 A. Electric circuit models ........................................................................................................... 1 B. Introduction to laboratory equipment..................................................................................... 2 C. Resistive sensors .................................................................................................................... 2 1. Laboratory explorations ...................................................................................................... 2 2. Textbook and classroom explanations ................................................................................ 3 3. Questions and problems ...................................................................................................... 9 D. Converting resistance to potential difference ...................................................................... 10 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 10 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 10 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 11 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 12 E. Loading the voltage divider.................................................................................................. 13 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 13 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 13 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 16 2. Complex sensors ....................................................................................................................... 19 A. Sensors that produce a voltage or a current ......................................................................... 19 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 19 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 19 3. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 20 B. Introduction to additional laboratory equipment.................................................................. 20 C. Signal and noise: RC filters.................................................................................................. 22 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 22 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 23 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 29 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 29 3. Increasing the size (amplitude) of signals................................................................................. 31 A. The operational amplifier..................................................................................................... 31 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 31 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 33 3. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 37 B. Other uses of operational amplifiers. ................................................................................... 38 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 38 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 39 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 43 4. Further textbook and classroom explanations................................................................... 46 5. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 49 C. Extending the use of the op-amp: diodes and transistors .................................................... 50 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 50 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 54 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 70 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 70 iii 4. Entering the digital world ......................................................................................................... 73 A. From analog to digital .......................................................................................................... 73 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 73 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 75 3. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 78 B. Digital logic.......................................................................................................................... 79 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 79 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 80 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 87 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 87 C. Sequential logic.................................................................................................................... 87 1. Laboratory explorations .................................................................................................... 87 2. Textbook and classroom explanations .............................................................................. 90 3. Applications ...................................................................................................................... 91 4. Questions and problems .................................................................................................... 92 5. Conversions between the analog and digital worlds................................................................. 95 A. Fundamentals of analog-digital conversion ......................................................................... 95 1. Laboratory exploration...................................................................................................... 95 2. Textbook and classroom explanation................................................................................ 95 B. Digital to analog converters ................................................................................................. 96 1. Laboratory Exploration ..................................................................................................... 96 2. Textbook and classroom explanation................................................................................ 98 3. Questions and problems .................................................................................................. 101 6. Interfacing the computer with the laboratory.......................................................................... 103 A. The National Instruments USB-6009 digital acquisition system....................................... 103 1. Laboratory exploration.................................................................................................... 103 2. Textbook and classroom explanations ............................................................................ 106 B. Using the USB-6009 with LabView .................................................................................. 106 1. Laboratory exploration.................................................................................................... 106 2. Applications .................................................................................................................... 106 Appendices.................................................................................................................................. 107 Appendix A: Resistor color code............................................................................................ 107 Appendix B: RC Filters using complex numbers ................................................................... 109 Appendix C: A/D, D/A game ................................................................................................. 115 Appendix D: Data sheets ........................................................................................................ 119 iv Note to students This book is the product of teaching an electronics course, Instrumentation for Scientists, at the University of Michigan-Dearborn many times since 1974. In the first few years the course concentrated on dc and ac circuits and those involving diodes and transistors. Integrated circuits, both analog and digital, were taught in the last few weeks. The transistors and integrated circuits were plugged into sockets; all connections were made by soldering wires. The oscilloscopes were assembled from Heathkits. Circuits built and tested mostly demonstrated how signals could be filtered and amplified, how feedback worked, and how regulated dc power supplies could be designed. During the 1970s grant money enabled the purchase of Heathkit digital and analog circuit designers that allowed students to plug wires in rather than soldering them. Integrated circuits became a greater focus of the course and digital circuits were taught before analog. Counters were built that could count pulses and display numbers up to 999. In 1982 digital-to-analog (DAC) and analog-to-digital (ADC) converters were introduced and digital and analog light measurements were made. In 1987 additional grant money allowed the purchase of Commodore 64 computers. Students could now learn how the computer could analyze digital signals that came from laboratory measurements and how the computer could transmit digital signals to laboratory equipment. The ADCs and DACs built with integrated circuits allowed analog signals to be used as inputs to the computers and analog signals to be sent back to the equipment. Students wrote short BASIClanguage programs to receive and transmit the signals, although machine-language programs, supplied by the instructor, were needed for high-speed transfers. In 1995 the Commodore 64s were retired and replaced with IBM PCs. Commercial interface cards had multiple ADCs and DACs as well as digital inputs and outputs. BASIC-langauge programs could still be used, although commercial software handled most of the detailed communication between the interface cards and the computers. Sensors were investigated that could measure light intensity and temperature, and stepper motors demonstrated how electronics could create controlled motion in the laboratory. Between 1995 and 2004 Professor Vaman Naik improved the laboratories and introduced LabVIEW to the course. This widely-used commercial program greatly simplifies communication with interfaces and analysis of laboratory data. In 2005 I revamped the course in several ways. First, I shifted the focus from a collection of electronic circuits that were useful in the laboratory to sensors that convert physical quantities (light, magnetic field, temperature, etc.) to electronic signals (voltages) and to devices that convert voltages to physical quantities (motion, heat, etc.). Electronic circuits to be investigated are selected on the basis of whether or not they are useful in these conversions. Second, I introduced new flexible, low-cost, high quality data acquisition systems from National Instruments. These communicate with the computer over a USB cable and work directly with LabVIEW. Third, I changed the way the course was taught from separate lectures and laboratories, where the lectures explained what would be done in the next four-hour laboratory, to a combined lecture/laboratory where the lectures explained what had just been done in the last laboratory v activity. That is, the course is now based on the Learning Cycle (Engage, Explore, Explain, Expand, Examine). I have found that no commercially available textbook fits either the content or the pedagogy of this course. Further, most books written for electronics courses taught to physics students are at least ten years out of date. For that reason, this book includes laboratory explorations, textbook explanations, and questions and problems for students. It contains only slightly more material than can be covered in a thirteen-week course that meets seven hours per week and allows for student projects in the last two weeks. This book (and the course) are clearly a work in progress. Student and instructor experiences will most certainly lead to changes in the laboratory explanations, the textbook explanations, and the questions and problems. Students are likely to find it useful to select a traditional, comprehensive textbook as a reference. There is no better reference than The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill (Cambridge University Press, 1989). Trade books written for the hobbiest and often available at Radio Shack are also very useful. There are also excellent resources on the Web for circuits, explanations, and datasheets. I sincerely invite suggestions for improvements. Paul W. Zitzewitz Dearborn, MI June, 2008. vi 1. Simple sensors A. Electric circuit models How can one model voltage, current, and resistance: the fundamental quantities describing electric circuits? Building models is an important part of any science. Models for electricity abound. You’ve probably heard of a flowing water model. You’ve also used mathematical models (V = IR and Kirchhoff’s laws) in physics classes. Later in this course you’ll be introduced to several other mathematically-based models. For now, however, you will investigate a physical model involving air. You’ll find some straws and coffee stirrers on the table. Blow through one and use your hand to feel the air flow coming through it. Create a quantitative measure of the amount of air flow that uses a sheet of paper. Make a dark mark in the middle of the paper. Using tape, hang the paper from the edge of the table. Now blow directly at the dark mark. Note that the deflection of the paper is a good measure of the amount of air flow. What do you have to do to change the air flow? The following table lists many of the analogies between electric circuits and this model Electric Circuit Battery Strength of battery push (measured in volts) Blowing-through-straw Model Lungs and mouth Strength of blowing through straw (air pressure in lungs/mouth) Straw Air in lungs, mouth, straw and hitting paper Air current: the rate of flow of air Resistor Electric charges in entire circuit Electric current: the rate of flow of electric charges Electric current meter (ammeter) measures value of electric current Value of electric current measured in amps (milliamps) Air current meter (hanging paper) measures value of air flow Value of air flow measured by how far end of paper moves from its original position Work with your group to develop demonstrations of the following aspects of electricity 1. For a constant resistance, current is proportional to battery voltage. 2. A resistor consists of a material (often a wire) characterized by its diameter and length. The resistance is proportional to the length of the wire. 3. The resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area (πr2). 4. When resistors are placed in series, for a constant battery voltage the current drops. 5. When resistors are placed in parallel, for a constant battery voltage the current increases. Your lab group will be asked to show the class one of these demonstrations. What are some limitations of this model? 1 B. Introduction to laboratory equipment What are the design workstation (ProtoBoard) and digital multimeter (DMM), tools you will be using throughout the course? • Use the DMM to measure the voltages that the power supplies on the ProtoBoard produce. Note that connections to the workstation are made by pushing the stripped ends of #22 solid insulated wires into the small holes in connection blocks on the workstation. DMM probes can then touch the other ends of the stripped wires. • Obtain a resistor from the stocks. Pick one with a resistance of several thousand ohms (kΩ or just k). Use the DMM to measure its resistance. Determine whether or not the resistance is within the stated tolerance of the resistor. To interpret the color code used for resistors see Appendix A. • Using the workstation, hook up a simple circuit with the resistor and a power source. Measure the voltage drop across the resistor and the current through it. Check to see that the resistance calculated using R = V/I agrees with the measured resistance within the uncertainties of your measurements. C. Resistive sensors What are the properties of electronic devices that can sense physical conditions such as light, temperature, force, position, angle? Photoresistor (light) Thermistor (temperature) Strain gage (force) Linear potentiometer (position) Potentiometer (angle) 1. Laboratory explorations You will be given a selection of sensors that are in the resistive or conductive domain. That is, their resistance depends on a specific physical condition, light, temperature, force, position, or angle. You are to design experiments to measure the resistance of each under three or four different conditions. You should make these conditions reproducible so that you can test different sensors under the same condition at a later time. For example, when testing a temperature sensor you could use the ice point (0oC), room temperature, and hot water at or near the boiling point (100oC). When testing a light sensor use a point light source (LED or diode laser) and two polarizing sheets whose angles can be measured to 5o or better. Light, temperature, and force sensors are two-terminal devices, but potentiometers are not. When using the rotary and linear potentiometers measure the resistance between the one end and the movable contact. The force sensor will show a small, but detectable change in resistance. Wait to make quantitative measurements until later. Chapter 1. Simple sensors 2 • Record the resistance of the device under each physical condition. • Determine how the resistance changes in response to the input condition. • Draw a graph of the relationship of either resistance or its inverse, conductance, as a function of the physical condition. • How linear is the relationship? How can you tell? 2. Textbook and classroom explanations Basic principles of direct-current circuits You have studied the principles of electric circuits in previous physics courses, so we need only make a brief review here. Circuits are made up of materials the permit the motion of electric charges. A circuit is a complete loop that allows the charges to cycle around for as long as the circuit is complete. Current In most metals the mobile charges are electrons, which have a charge of –1.602×10–19 coulombs. The rate of flow of charges is called current, represented by the symbol I. The SI unit of current is the ampere (A), which is equal to one coulomb (C) per second (s). While an ampere is a useful unit to use in measuring current in household circuits, in electronic instrumentation, currents are much smaller and the following units are normally used: Unit mA (milliamp) µA (microamp) nA (nanoamp) pA (picoamp) Value 10–3 A 10–6A 10–9 A 10–12 A Electrons are the mobile charge carriers in most metals, but in semiconductors, as we will learn, either electrons or “holes” (the absence of an electron) carry the current, depending on the type of material. For historical reasons, physicists and engineers work with conventional current. They assume that positive charges flow in the opposite direction from the flow of electrons. Potential Charges flow in the direction that minimizes their energy. Therefore they move from a region of high potential energy to a region of lower energy. Rather than considering potential energy, we normally consider electric potential, or energy per charge. The unit of electric potential is the volt (V), which is equal to one joule (J) per coulomb (C). So, charges flow from high to low potential. Energy must be added to charges in order to increase their potential. Therefore a circuit must have a source of electrical energy if there is to be a current. Because energy can be neither created nor destroyed, the energy source is really a device that converts another form of energy to electrical energy. The most common source is the battery, which converts chemical to electrical energy. While we will usually analyze circuits as if they had a battery, in practice we will use a “power supply,” a device that is able to raise the potential of charges to a selected value and supply as much current as needed. Chapter 1. Simple sensors 3 Words about language Most people use “voltage” in place of potential difference. They will say “A battery has a voltage of 1.5 volts.” We will follow this usage here. Power, which is measured in watts, if often treated the same way. Wattage and power are often used interchangeably. The same is often done for current and amperage. One might even talk about ohmage instead of resistance and jouleage instead of energy, faradage for capacitance and henryage for inductance. Please resist the temptation! Well use voltage, but go no further! Does current flow? Current is the flow of charge, so a flow can’t really flow. There is a current through a wire, and there is a potential difference (ok, voltage) across a resistor. Ground A charge moves in response to a difference in potential, so the voltage at one location in a circuit must be used as a reference point, and all other voltages are expressed relative to that point. The reference point is then assumed to be at ground, that is, zero volts. Strictly speaking, ground is the potential of Earth. In practice, the ground potential is that of a cold water pipe or a metal rod driven several feet into the ground. The rounded or grounding pin of a three-prong electrical outlet is connected to ground. In a properly designed and constructed the metal case will be grounded. Power As you can see by inspecting units, the rate at which a battery or power supply produces electrical energy is the product of the voltage it maintains and the current drawn from it. That is, P(J/s) = V(J/C) × I(C/s). Resistance A device that causes the potential of a charge moving through it to drop is called a resistor and has the property of resistance. Resistance, R is defined as the potential drop, V, divided by the current, I. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). Thus, since R = V/I, an ohm equals a volt divided by an amp. An ohm is a very small amount of resistance. In most circuits resistances have magnitudes of kilohm, (103 Ω) kΩ or simply k, and megohm (106 Ω), MΩ or simply M. Note that 1 kΩ = 1 V/1 mA, and 1 MΩ = 1 V/1 µA. Thus for voltages commonly used in the laboratory, the current through resistors in the kilohm range will be milliamps, while those through megohm resistors will be microamps. When there is a current through a resistance the potential drops, and so the energy of the electrical charges drops. That means that energy must be converted to another form. Indeed, it becomes thermal energy—the resistor’s temperature increases. The resistor, in turn, transfers this energy to its surroundings, it heats the air around it and anything it touches. The rate at which a resistor converts electrical to thermal energy, that is the power it “dissipates” (or converts to thermal energy) is, by the definition of electrical power, P = IV. This equation can be rewritten if either the voltage and resistance are known, or if the current and resistance are known as P = V2/R or P = I2R. Chapter 1. Simple sensors 4 Commercially available resistors are most often made of a thin carbon film deposited on a rod made of an insulator. Resistances from 0.5 Ω to 10 MΩ are available in sizes designed to dissipate power from 1/8 W to 1 W. In the laboratory we will generally be using ¼ W resistors. The power rating can be determined from the size of the resistor. Resistors are sold with specific tolerances, which are typically between 10% and 1%. For example, the 5% tolerance resistors in the laboratory should be within 5% of the advertised resistance. Resistors are labeled using a color code, a series of colored bands painted on the body of the resistor. The color code is described in Appendix A. In addition to fixed resistors, we will be using “potentiometers” or devices designed to allow the resistance to vary depending on the position of a knob or slider. We will also use devices designed so the resistance depends on temperature (thermistor) or light intensity falling on them (photoresistor). Potentiometers Potentiometers are most often strips of resistive material (for example, wire, graphite, a conductive polymer) with a contact that can be moved along the material from one end to the other. The resistance of the device depends on the resistivity of the material, ρ, and the dimensions (length, l, and cross-sectional area A) of the device: R = ρl/A. If the strip has a width w and a thickness t, then the resistance is R = ρl/wt. How does this equation correspond to what you experienced when you changed the location of the contact? How could you create a potentiometer with a larger or smaller resistance if you had to make it the same physical size? Strain Gage If a piece of resistive material is stretched, its length will increase and its cross-sectional area will be reduced. Thus its resistance will increase. A device that is designed to show a change in resistance resulting from a small change in its length is called a strain gage. If the gage is attached to a metal strip that is bent as the result of forces on it, for example, the gage can measure the change in length of that strip. A common configuration of a strain gage is shown below. It is made of a thin foil, about 0.025 mm thick, and from 5 to 100 mm long. The foil is bonded to a thin plastic film that in turn is glued to the metal strip. Strain gage When stretched horizontally its resistance increases. The amount of increase is given by the Gage Factor, GF = Chapter 1. Simple sensors 5 ∆R / R . ∆L / L A typical strain gage has a gage factor of about 2%. That means that the change in resistance is extremely small. Moreover, the resistance depends on temperature, and if too much current is put through it, it will become warm. Nevertheless, strain gages, when used with modern amplifiers, can provide linear, reproducible, and stable measures of the deformation of the material on which they are mounted. Thermistors Photoresistors and thermistors are devices constructed from semiconductors. Resistivity (measured in ohm-meters) and conductivity are reciprocal properties: σ = 1/ρ. The conductivity of such a device depends on the number of free charge carriers that exist in the material. A thermistor uses a semiconductor selected to have a large change in the number of free carriers over a particular temperature range. The dependence of conductivity on temperature is nonlinear. The industry-standard equation that provides an excellent fit to the resistance is the so-called Steinhart-Hart equation 1 = A + B ln( R ) + C ln( R )3 . T The thermistor is a negative-coefficient device—that is, its resistance decreases with increasing temperature, as shown on the graph to the right. The resistance is obviously nonlinear, but, over a small enough temperature range, a linear approximation is often used. Thermistors are inexpensive and can be made very small (1-2 mm in diameter) so that they not only respond quickly to changes but can be used to measure the temperature of small devices. Resolutions of 5×10–4 o C are easily obtained. A serious problem is self heating. Current through the device causes it to dissipate power. When it warms, its resistance drops, which increases the heating. The temperature can increase rapidly, destroying the device. Photoresistors A typical cadmium sulfide (CdS) photoresistor is shown at the right: The device is connected to a source of potential difference and the current (limited by a resistor placed in series) through it is measured. In the dark there is a very small current, called the dark current. When light falls on the device the conductivity increases, resistance falls, and the current increases. CdS is a semiconductor. That is, at room temperature in the dark essentially all the electrons are involved in covalent bonding; they are in the “valence band.” The minimum energy needed to create a free electron is 2.41 eV, the energy of a 515-nm photon. If light or this or a smaller wavelength is incident on the material, free electrons are created that are removed from the material by the applied potential difference (and replaced by that potential source). Chapter 1. Simple sensors 6 Each photon can generate as many as 900 free electrons, making CdS very sensitive to light. Sensitivity also depends on construction of the cell. It should have minimal separation of electrodes (l) and maximum length (d), which can be obtained by creating many zig-zags. The conductivity, σ, of the device depends on the intensity of the light, E, according to the following equation: σ = kEγ. The characteristic γ is the slope of the log-log plot of the conductivity as a function of light intensity, or illumination. If the resistance rather than the conductance is plotted, then γ is the negative of the slope. For the graph shown above γ = 1.15. Note that many details have been omitted in this simple explanation. See any solid-state physics textbook or Kirchhoff’s Laws Two fundamental conservation laws of physics are given new names when applied to electronic circuits. They are called Kirchhoff’s laws after the German physicist of the 19th century, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, who published the laws in 1845. If the potential of a charge is increased by an amount V in a battery or power supply, then the potential must drop an equal amount in the remainder of the circuit. If it did not, then the energy of the charge would keep rising (or falling) as the charged continued to loop around the circuit. Conservation of energy would be violated. To conserve the energy of a charge in a closed circuit loop, the net change in potential difference around the loop must be zero. That is ∑V = 0. This equation is called Kirchhoff’s loop law. Electric charge cannot be created or destroyed. As a result, at any junction in a circuit, the number of charges entering the junction (or node) must equal the number leaving. That is, ∑I = 0. This equation is called Kirchhoff’s current law. Let’s illustrate the use of Kirchhoff’s laws by deriving the equations for resistances in series and parallel. Consider three resistors connected in series with a voltage source: Chapter 1. Simple sensors 7 + I + R1 Vs + R2 + R3 Resistors in series According to Kirchhoff’s loop law, the changes in potential going around the loop sum to zero. The current through the three resistors is the same and is labeled by I. When you move through a resistor in the direction of the current the potential falls by an amount ∆V = IR. Thus the first end of the resistor encountered is more positive than the second end. When moving through a voltage source from the negative to the positive terminal the potential increases. Therefore Kirchhoff’s loop law gives ∑V = +V s − IR1 − IR2 − IR3 = 0 or Vs = I(R1 + R2 + R3). Now if the three resistors were replaced by a single, equivalent resistor, Vs = IReq. Therefore, you can see that Req = R1 + R2 + R3. In the general case, Req = ∑Ri. Consider now three resistors connected in parallel: I I1 + Vs + I2 + I3 + R1 R2 R3 Resistors in parallel According to Kirchhoff’s node or current law, ∑I = 0. Currents into a junction are considered positive, those leaving the junction are negative. Therefore, at the upper junction I – I1 – I2 – I3 = 0. Chapter 1. Simple sensors 8 That is, I = I1 +I2 + I3. Now the potential drops across the three resistors are the same and are equal to the potential increase across the voltage source. That is, Vs = I1R1, Vs = I2R2, and Vs = I3R3. Therefore I1 = Vs/R1, I2 = Vs/R2, and I3 = Vs/R3. Thus I = Vs(1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3). Now, if the three were replaced by a single equivalent resistor, the current through that resistor would be I = Vs/Req. Therefore 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3. Or, in general 1/Req = ∑(1/Ri). NOTE: ∑(1/Ri) is NOT the same as 1/∑Ri! 3. Questions and problems 1. What are some major limitations to the sensors you explored? For example, a) What are the minimum and maximum values of force/light intensity/temperature/position/angle to which they will respond? b) How fast do they respond? How could you tell? c) If you attached the sensor to an object, would the sensor change the property of the object being measured? How could you tell? To answer some of these questions you will need to do some research either in the library or on web. 2. Resistors stocked in the laboratory come in a small number of different values. In general, the values are 1.0×10n, 1.5×10n, 2.2×10n, 2.7×10n, 3.3×10n, 4.7×10n, 6.8×10n, and 9.1×10n where n varies from 1 to 6. The minimum value is 10Ω and the maximum 3.3 M. You have a 100k resistor, but need a total resistance of 150k. What combination of resistors in series would create this resistance? 3. What is the resistance of 15-k and 10-k resistors in parallel? 4. What is the resistance of 3.3-k, 4.7-k, and 2.2-k resistors in parallel? Chapter 1. Simple sensors 9 D. Converting resistance to potential difference How can you convert a a change in resistance to a change in voltage? How can the electrical domain of a sensor be changed from resistance or conductivity to voltage? 1. Laboratory explorations We’ll use the fact that when there is a current through a resistor a potential difference exists across it. Because a battery (or “power supply”) is a source of constant potential difference, there must be a resistor in series with the sensor. A circuit containing a voltage source and two resistors in series can be called a “voltage divider.” Vsource R1 Vout R2 The voltage divider A potentiometer effectively contains two resistors, one on each side of the moveable contact. Connect the potentiometer across a voltage source, Vsource. Warning: the power dissipation of potentiometers is limited. If you connect too large a voltage across them they will overheat and be ruined! The 1k pots on the ProtoBoard will be destroyed if you put 15 volts across them. • Measure the output voltage, Vout, for three or four positions of the potentiometer. Compare the quotient Vout/ Vsource with the position or angle of the potentiometer knob. Now make voltage dividers using the resistive temperature or light sensors as one of the two resistors in a divider. How do you choose the value of the second resistor? Here is one approach. Use the data you collected in part C to find the resistance of sensor roughly in the middle of the range of conditions you explored. Make the other resistor in the divider approximately equal to the resistance of the sensor. • Measure the output voltage for the three or four conditions you previously selected. Change the resistor to one with a value approximately ten times as large or one-tenth as large. • Measure the output voltage for the three or four conditions. • Summarize your results by describing how the choice of the second resistor affects the use of the sensor. 2. Textbook and classroom explanations We can use Kirchhoff’s laws to find the output voltage of the voltage divider. The voltage divider is a series circuit. According to Kirchhoff’s current law, because there are no junctions, the current is the same everywhere in the circuit. Call that current I. The current is given by the battery voltage, Vsource, divided by the total resistance, R1 + R2. That is, Chapter 1. Simple sensors 10 I= Vsource . R1 + R2 The “output” voltage, Vout, is the potential drop across the sensor with resistance R2. That is, Vout = IR2. Putting the two equations together gives Vout R2 = . Vsource R1 + R2 The ratio of the output to input voltage is equal to the ratio of the sensor’s resistance to the sum of the resistance of the sensor and the added resistor. 3. Applications Selecting the second resistance value. Should the sensor or fixed resistor be R2? In either case the output voltage depends on the value of R2 in a non-linear way. Let the sensor be R2 and write the equation above in terms of R2/R1. You obtain Vout R2 / R1 = . Vsource 1 + R2 / R1 If R2/R1 >> 1 then the output voltage is essentially equal to the source voltage. If R2/R1 << 1 then Vout/Vsource ≈ R2/R1. Now let the sensor be R1 and write the equation above in terms of R1/R2. You obtain Vout 1 = . Vsource R1 / R2 + 1 For R1/R2 >> 1 Vout/Vsource ≈ 1/(R1/R2) while for .R1/R2 << 1, output voltage is essentially equal to the source voltage. So, if you want an output voltage that is proportional to the resistance of the sensor, place the sensor in the R2 location and make the fixed resistance much larger than the sensor resistance. Note, however, that the output voltage will be small. If you want an output voltage proportional to the conductance of the sensor, place the sensor in the R1 location and again make the fixed resistance much larger than the sensor resistance. Measuring very small voltage changes There are two force sensors glued to the steel strip. They can be connected as a voltage divider across a power supply. One sensor is R1, the other R2. When the strip is bent one resistance increases, the other decreases. You would find that it is very difficult to get precise measurements of the output voltage of the divider because of the limited precision of the digital voltmeter. An excellent method of increasing the measurement precision of a varying voltage is to subtract a fixed voltage so that variation is around zero. A Wheatstone bridge is a circuit that accomplishes this subtraction. It consists of two voltage dividers. The output voltage, Vout, is just the difference between the output voltages of the two voltage dividers. That is, Chapter 1. Simple sensors 11 Vout = Vsource ( R2 R4 − ). R1 + R2 R3 + R4 The sensors form one divider while the other divider has two resistors selected so that when the force is zero, the output voltage is also zero. Vsource R1 R3 Vout R2 R4 Wheatstone bridge Construct a Wheatstone bridge for the force sensors using a 1-k pot as the second voltage divider. Repeat the force measurements that you made above and compare the precision of your results. 4. Questions and problems 1. A voltage divider consists of R1 = 1.0k and R2 = 3.3 k. The source voltage is 5.0 V. What is the output voltage? 2. Find a pair of resistors that would produce an output voltage of 5.0 V from a source voltage of 15 V. 3. You are working with Vsource = 15 V. A thermistor has a room-temperature resistance of 30k. What value of R1 would produce an output voltage of 5 V. Replace R1 with a value available in the laboratory and calculate the new output voltage. 4. The same thermistor is used with Vsource = 9 V and R1 = 27k. Find the output voltage at room temperature and when the thermistor’s resistance has risen by 10% to 33k. 5. How does the choice of R1 affect the amount the output voltage changes, ∆Vout, when the sensor resistance changes by an amount ∆R2? Consider the three cases R1 ≅ R2, R1 ∼0.1 R2 and R1 ∼10 R2. Let ∆R2/R2 be 10% and find ∆Vout/Vout. Describe the advantages of using each of the three values of R1 in a voltage divider containing a sensor. 6. Four 120.4-Ω strain gages, electrically connected in a Wheatstone bridge, are glued to a flexible metal strip, two on one face and two on the opposite. R1 and R3 are stretched when the strip is bent, R2 and R4 are compressed. A 3.0 V potential is placed across the bridge. The gage factor is 2.10%. Suppose the strip is bent so that ∆L/L = 0.0031. What is the change in resistance of each gage and the output voltage of the bridge? Chapter 1. Simple sensors 12 E. Loading the voltage divider. What happens to the output of the voltage divider when current is drawn from it? 1. Laboratory explorations The DMM used as a voltmeter acts like a 10M resistor. Thus there is very little current through it. Other devices, however, have lower resistances and therefore draw more current. • Choose one of the voltage dividers including a sensor that you have investigated. Add a “load resistor” as shown in the diagram below. • Measure the output voltage as you lower the value of the load resistor in steps from 10M to 1M, 100k, 10k, and 1k. Report your results. Vsource R1 R2 V out Rload Loaded voltage divider 2. Textbook and classroom explanations The most straightforward method of analyzing the loaded voltage divider is to recognize that R2 RR and Rload are in parallel, to calculate the equivalent resistance of the two using Req = 2 load , R2 + Rload and then to recalculate the output voltage of the voltage divider. A more general method is to model the voltage divider by creating a Thévenin equivalent circuit. Such a circuit is a combination of an ideal voltage source and a single series resistance. The first statement of a method of modeling a complex circuit in this way was developed by the German physiologist and physicist, Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) in 1853 (Őber einige Gesetze der Verteilung elektrischen Strım in kırperlichen Leitern mit Anwendung auf die tierischelektrischen Versuche Concerning some laws about the distribution of electrical currents in solid conductors with applications to animal-electricity experiments, Annalen der Physik und Chemie 89 211-233, 1853). The idea was rediscovered and named after Léon Charles Thévenin (18571926), a French telegraph engineer who published the results in 1883 (Sur un nouveau théorème d’électricitié dynamique On a new theorem of current electricity, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 97 159-151, 1883) The steps in creating a Thévenin equivalent are • Isolate the circuit element (in this case the voltage divider) • Calculate the output voltage with no load and call it VTH. In this case VTH = Vout. • Replace the battery with a wire and calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit. This resistance is called RTH. In this case after the battery is replaced R1 and R2 are in parallel, so Chapter 1. Simple sensors 13 RTH = • R1R2 . R1 + R2 The Thévenin equivalent is then the voltage source VTH in series with the resistance RTH. RTH V out VTH Thévenin equivalent circuit To find the effect of the load resistor, you connect it across the terminals of the equivalent circuit. Note that it now acts like a new voltage divider with the two resistors RTH and Rload and you can easily find the output voltage: Vout = VTH Vsource RLoad . RTH + RLoad RTH RLoad V out Loaded voltage divider using the Thévenin equivalent Consequences of the Thévenin equivalent: 1) To obtain the largest output voltage make sure the resistance of the load is much larger than the equivalent resistance: RLoad >> RTH. A. Use high input-resistance (RLoad) meters, instruments, or circuits. B. Design sources with low Thévenin equivalent resistances (RTH) 2) Because a load that draws current (low RLoad) will reduce the output voltage, measure the output voltage under the conditions it will see in service. A. Test batteries by drawing current, not using a high-resistance voltmeter. B. The equivalent resistance of batteries increases with age and when temperatures drop. Car batteries have problems starting cars in winter. 3) The power delivered to a load is given by 2 VTH R Load VTH VTH RL = P = IV = . 2 R + R R + R ( R + R ) Load TH Load TH TH Load Chapter 1. Simple sensors 14 a. When RLoad is very small in comparison to RTH the power delivered is small and proportional to RLoad. Reason: current is large (VTH/RTH) and independent of RLoad. Voltage is very small (VTHRLoad/RTH) but proportional to the load resistance. b. When RLoad is very large in comparison to RHT the power is small and proportional to RL–1. Reason: current is very small (VTH/RLoad) and inversely proportional to RLoad. Voltage is the source voltage (VTH) and independent of the load resistance. c. There is a maximum power at some value of RLoad that can be found by differentiating the power equation with respect to RLoad and setting the derivative equal to zero. At this value VTH2 power delivered to the load is given by P = . Half the power is dissipated in the load, 4 R Load half in the equivalent resistor. d. Application: selecting speakers to match amplifiers. Speaker impedance should be equal to the amplifier output impedance. Connecting two speakers in series increases the effective impedance; connecting two in parallel decreases it. Both connections make power delivery less efficient. Here’s a second example of using the Thévenin equivalent. You have already used the Wheatstone bridge. What happens if you use a low-resistance device to measure the output voltage? Then the circuit looks like this: RL R1 Vsource R3 Vout R4 R2 Loaded Wheatstone bridge Without the load resistor, RL, the output voltage, Vout, is Vout = Vsource ( R2 R4 − ). R1 + R2 R3 + R4 You can use Kirchhoff’s laws to calculate the voltage with the load resistor, but it is easier to replace each voltage divider with its Thévenin equivalent circuit: RL RTH1 RTH2 VTH1 Vout VTH2 Wheatstone bridge Thévenin equivalent Chapter 1. Simple sensors 15 First, use the results of the voltage divider example to find the equivalent voltages and resistances. VTH1 = Vsource(R2/(R1 + R2)), VTH2 = Vsource(R4/(R3 + R4)) and RTH1 = R1R2/(R1 + R2), RTH1 = R3R4/(R3 + R4). It’s now convenient to rearrange the voltage sources and resistors so you see that the circuit consists of two voltage sources in series (with opposite signs) and two resistors in series. RTH1 RTH2 VTH1 Vout VTH2 RL Simplified Thévenin equivalent Now add the load resistor and use Kirchhoff’s loop law to find the current through this series circuit: – VTH2 + VTH1 – I(RTH1 +RTH2 + RL) = 0. That is, I = (VTH1 – VTH2)/(RTH1 +RTH2 + RL). Now note that Vout = IRL. Or, Vout = RL VTH1 − VTH2 RL + RTH1 + RTH2 Notice that this relatively simple procedure doesn’t produce a simple equation, especially when you substitute back the values of the equivalent voltages and resistances. Note that when the load resistance is much larger than the four resistors in the bridge the earlier result is obtained. Vout = VTH1 – VTH2, 4. Questions and problems 1. Return to problem 3 in the previous section. Calculate the Thévenin equivalent circuit. 2. What would be the output voltage if a 1k resistor were connected across the output terminals? A 10k resistor? 3. Two different thermistors are being considered for a circuit. One has a room-temperature resistance of 30k, the other 3k. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of using each one in a portable instrument that is powered by batteries? Assume the device connected to the voltage divider has a 1k resistance. 4. Prove the result given in the text that power delivered is maximum when P = Chapter 1. Simple sensors 16 VTH2 4 R Load 5. Show that in a Wheatstone bridge when the load resistance is much larger than the four resistors in the bridge the earlier result, Vout = VTH1 – VTH2, is obtained. 6. In grade school, students often wide wire around a nail to create an electromagnet. A scientific supply house delivered kits containing rechargeable batteries to save money and reduce waste. The teacher discovered, however, that the electromagnets now got hot enough to burn fingers. The alkaline and rechargeable batteries supplied the same voltage. Why would they act differently? A quick search of battery properties showed that the internal resistance of rechargeable batteries is much smaller than that of alkaline batteries. Why would this cause the overheated magnets? Chapter 1. Simple sensors 17 Chapter 1. Simple sensors 18 2. Complex sensors A. Sensors that produce a voltage or a current How can more complex sensors be used to measure the same or different physical conditions? 1. Laboratory explorations Obtain three new sensors, a phototransistor to measure light intensity, an integrated-circuit temperature sensor, and a hall-effect magnetic field sensor. For each one in turn, connect it as shown below, then measure the output under the three-four different physical conditions you used in the previous unit. V = +10V Light V=5V V =+10 V Red R = 10k Phototransistor Black UGN3503U Vout R = 10k Black LM335 Green Phototransistor Red V out Temperature sensor (Viewed from "branded" side) Vout Magnetic field sensor For the magnetic field sensor you will need to create new conditions. Make sure you stay below the limits of the device, ±900 gauss or ±0.09 T. Determine how each sensor’s output voltage changes in response to the physical input. Draw graphs. Describe limitations of the sensor. 2. Textbook and classroom explanations We’ll explore transistors in more depth later. For the purposes of this experiment you need to know that the current through the phototransistor is proportional to the light intensity incident on it. What happens when you add a resistor in series with the phototransistor? As the current increases, the voltage across the resistor increases proportionally (to what maximum voltage?). But, as the voltage across the resistor increases, the voltage across the transistor decreases. This affects the proportionality constant between light intensity and current. We’ll learn later in the course how to convert the current to a voltage in a way that avoids this problem. The temperature sensor contains a number of transistors, diodes, and resistors on an integrated circuit chip. The datasheet for the LM335 is in Appendix D. The LM335 has an output voltage proportional to the absolute (Kelvin) temperature in the amount of 10 mV/K. The claimed accuracy is 1 K after the green lead is used to calibrate the device at one temperature. The resistor in series with the power supply limits the current through the device to safe levels. The output voltage should not depend on the power supply voltage (or the current through the device, as long it is between 0.4 and 5 mA). Chapter 2. Complex sensors 19 The magnetic field sensor uses the Hall effect—the appearance of a potential difference across a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The device creates a constant current through a conductor (or semiconductor). The tiny Hall-effect voltage is amplified in the device. Because the voltage depends on the temperature of the conductor, additional circuitry is needed. Typical sensitivities are between 1.25 and 2.50 mV/gauss. These devices have been used extensively in industry in recent years, and so the price has fallen dramatically. They come in two flavors— linear and digital. The latter produce zero volts if the field is below a certain value and 5 V if it is above the trigger value. They are often used to measure the rotational speed of motors. See the datasheet and application guide in Appendix D. 3. Questions and problems You have explored two different light and two different temperature sensors. 1. From your work so far, describe the strengths and weaknesses of each. 2. After doing appropriate research, design experiments to measure properties such as • response speed • linearity • thermal capacity (heat required to raise its temperature) of the two thermal sensors • wavelength dependence of the two light detectors. B. Introduction to additional laboratory equipment The oscilloscope is the instrument of choice for measuring voltages that vary in time, such as those produced by a fluorescent lamp. It can display complex waveforms, permitting you to determine the amplitude, period, and shape visually. At the heart of most oscilloscopes is a cathode-ray tube (CRT). A CRT is a vacuum tube in which a beam of electrons is produced, controlled, and directed to the tube’s face on which a phosphorescent coating is deposited. Electrons striking the coating produce light pulses. Normally the electron beam is swept from left to right across the face while the signal to be measured moves the beam vertically. Thus a graph of voltage versus time is displayed. The oscilloscope has four major systems as shown schematically on the next page. The vertical amplifier conditions and amplifies the signal so that it can deflect the beam over a suitable range of positions. The amplifier’s gain and offset can be adjusted. The horizontal sweep generator creates a voltage that increases in time to move the beam from left to right. The rate at which the voltage increases determines how rapidly the beam moves and thus the scale of the time axis of the display. That rate can be adjusted. The trigger system detects a suitable point on the waveform of the signal and starts the horizontal sweep. The level of the signal, whether its slope is positive or negative, and other details can be selected. Proper adjustment of the sweep rate and trigger is necessary to create a graph that is both stable and displays the desired details of the waveform. Finally, voltage supplies are needed to create the electron beam, accelerate and focus it, and provide the high voltages needed to deflect it vertically and horizontally. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 20 dc ac Input gnd Vertical Amplifier Vertical deflection Gain (V/cm) Offset Trigger circuit Level Slope (+/-) Type deflection (cm) Sweep circuit Horizontal deflection time (ms) Sweep rate (cm/ms) You learned how to use an oscilloscope in your introductory physics course. • Practice these skills by first measuring the voltages produced by the power supplies. Set the sweep and triggering so that you obtain a constant trace. • Explore and then describe the difference between “dc” and “ac” inputs. • Use the oscilloscope to see the outputs of the function generator on the workstation. Explore how the triggering controls work to create static displays. Sketch and describe what you see. • Use the oscilloscope to view the output of the light and/or magnetic field sensors. Develop ways to vary the light intensity (hint—view the fluorescent lamps) and magnetic field. Sketch and describe what you see. • Connect a small electret microphone as shown below. Decide whether to use an oscilloscope or DMM (or both) to measure the output voltage as you sing low and high pitches into it. V=5V R = 2.2k Microphone Capsule Red vout Microphone connections Chapter 2. Complex sensors 21 C. Signal and noise: RC filters How can you distinguish signal from noise? In fact, what is the difference between signal and noise? Is constant dc signal and variations in it noise or the other way around? Is the flickering light from the fluorescent lamps noise or signal? It obviously depends on the task you are trying to accomplish. 1. Laboratory explorations A voltage divider that consists not of two resistors but a capacitor and a resistor has an output that depends on the frequency of the input voltage. You are to explore the operation of this new kind of voltage divider, called an RC filter. The input voltage will be provided not by the workstation but by a function generator. Period (T = 1/f) Amplitude (peak-to-peak) Introduction to the function generator and ac signals. A function generator is a versatile instrument that can produce signals of different frequency, amplitude, and shape. Connect the output of the function generator to the oscilloscope using a coaxial cable with BNC connectors on each end. Explore how to vary the frequency, amplitude, and shape (sine, triangle, or square waves). Your goal is to create a sine-wave signal with an amplitude of 10 V peak to peak with frequencies between 50 Hz and 50 kHz (periods between 20 ms and 20 µs). Measuring the output of an RC voltage divider. Explore the way the two dividers below work using R = 15 k and C = 0.01 µF. vin C R vin vout R C vout • The input voltage should be 10 V peak to peak. You will use both channels of the oscilloscope, using Channel 1 to view the input voltage, Channel 2 to view the output. The ‘scope should be triggered by Channel 1 only. Be sure to adjust the sensitivity of Channel 2 so that the trace is as large as possible. • Measure the output voltage at frequencies of 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, etc. up to 50,000 Hz. Make a table of the ratio vout / vin versus the frequency. • One of these dividers is called a “low-pass filter” and the other a “high-pass filter.” Which is which? • Add a high-pass filter to the microphone circuit using C = 10 µF and R = 2.2 k. Describe the results. Can you detect any change in the low-frequency sound response of the microphone? Chapter 2. Complex sensors 22 2. Textbook and classroom explanations As you have seen, when you put a sinewave signal into a circuit containing a resistor and capacitor the output is a sinewave with exactly the same frequency, but a different amplitude and, perhaps, a different phase. We will explore the sinewave in detail, not only because it is the most common alternating voltage, but also because Fourier showed that almost any repetitive signal can be created by a series of sine waves of different frequencies. So, our goal is to find for such a circuit its frequency response, that is, a graph of the ratio of output to input amplitude and phase as a function of frequency. The sinewave Let’s start with a mathematical representation of a sinewave. The instantaneous voltage, v(t) is given by v(t) = Vp sin(2π ft), where Vp is the peak or maximum voltage, and f the frequency in hertz (cycles per second). The period is the inverse of the frequency: T = 1/f. A more general form of the sine wave allows for an arbitrary phase: v(t ) = V p sin( 2πft + φ) . Suppose you observe a wave such as the one below on the oscilloscope. What is the equation of the voltage versus time? The vertical scale is set at 2V/cm, the horizontal at 2 ms/cm. The maximum value of the trace is 2.5 cm, or 5 V and the minimum is –5V. Given the information above the amplitude Vp = 5V. The period is measures 2.5 cm on the screen which is a time of 5 ms. Thus the frequency f = 1/(5 ms) = 200 Hz. Find the phase by noting that v(0) = Vpsin(φ). Because v(0) = Vp, sin(φ) = 1 and φ = π/2. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 23 Therefore v(t) = (5 V) sin(2π(200Hz)t + π/2). If the generator producing this signal were connected to a resistor there would be a current i(t) = v(t) / R = Ip sin(2πft + φ) where Ip = Vp/R. The current has the same phase as the voltage. i(t) v(t) R Alternating current through resistor Power dissipation What power is dissipated in the resistor? Power is the product of voltage and current, or P(t) = VpIp sin2(2πft + φ). The power is varying between 0 and VpIp, but always positive. What is its average value over one period? If we assume that the phase angle is zero, then we need to calculate P (t ) = V p I p 1T 2 ∫ sin ( 2πft ) dt . T0 Using standard techniques we find the value of the integral is ½. Therefore P = ½VpIp. In similar ways one can find P = ½Vp2/R and P = ½Ip2R. It is helpful to define a value ac current or voltage that can dissipate the same power as the dc current. Inspecting the equations above suggests that for a sine wave Veffective = Vp/√2. The proper name for the effective voltage (or current) is the rms, or root-mean-square value, coming from the sequence of operations of squaring, taking the mean value, and then taking the square root. Thus, for a sine wave, Vrms = Vp/√2 and Irms = Ip/√2. In the United States wall sockets deliver Vrms = 120 V. The peak voltage is then 170 volts. The peak-to-peak voltage is twice that, or 340 volts. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 24 The rms values for waveforms other than sine waves can be found by following the same method: integrating the square of the voltage (or current) over one cycle, then taking the square root. Capacitors and inductors The relationship between charge on and voltage across a capacitor is Q = C V. Because current is the time rate of change of charge, then i = C dv/dt. Therefore, if we let vC(t) = VC cos(2πft + φ) then i(t) = –2πfCVC sin(2πft + φ) But sin(θ) = cos(θ–π/2). That is sin(θ) = cos(θ–90o). Therefore i(t) = –2πfCVC cos(2πft + φ – π/2). That is, the voltage across a capacitor is 90o behind the current through it. If we use an analogy to the definition of resistance: R = V/I, the equivalent resistance of a capacitor would be 1/2πfC . This quantity is called the capacitive reactance, XC. Its magnitude is given by XC = 1 . 2πfC Reactance has units of ohms, but is obviously frequency dependent. At dc the reactance of a capacitor is infinity (it blocks constant currents) while at very high frequencies it vanishes. Thus a capacitor acts like a good conductor to high-frequency currents. The relationship between current and voltage in an inductor is v = –(di/dt)L. This leads to an inductive reactance |XL| = 2πfL o and the voltage being 90 ahead of the current. An inductor acts like a short circuit (low resistance) to dc and like an open circuit (high resistance) for high frequencies. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 25 Resistors, capacitors, and inductors in circuits When you use two of the three devices, resistor, capacitor, and inductor, in a circuit (or all three), the different phase relationships between current and voltage in the devices means that the algebra and trigonometry becomes complicated. A method that uses only trigonometry will be discussed here. Another method is to represent the voltage as a complex number. This method is developed in Appendix B. RC Circuits: Now let’s consider an RC circuit such as this: C vin R vout RC circuit: high-pass filter Kirchhoff’s node law says that the current is the same through both the resistor and the capacitor. The voltage across the resistor is given by the equation vR = iR, or vR(t) = –2πfRCVC sin(2πft + φ). Note that the amplitude of the voltage across the resistor is VR = 2πfRCVC. Kirchhoff’s loop law demands that vin = vC + vR or Vin cos(2πft) = VC cos(2πft + φ) –2πfRCVC sin(2πft + φ). Now in order to solve this equation for the two unknowns, VC and φ, we need to use some trigonometry to relate cos(2πft) to cos(2πft + φ) and sin(2πft + φ). Use the relationships cos(A+B) = cosA cosB – sinA sinB sin(A+B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB with A = 2πft and B = φ to obtain Vin cos2πft = VC {cos2πft cosφ – sin2πft sinφ –2πfRC sin2πft cosφ –2πfRC cos2πft sinφ}. For this equation to be true, the coefficients of cos2πft and sin2πft must be the same on both sides of the equation. That is, Vin = VC {cosφ – 2πfRC sinφ} and 0 = VC { –sinφ –2πfRC cosφ}. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 26 The second equation can be satisfied if sinφ = –2πfRC cosφ, or tanφ = –2πfRC. Substitute for sinφ in the first equation to obtain Vin = VC cosφ (1 + (2πfRC)2). Finally, we know what tanφ is, and we have to find out what cosφ is. Start with the definition tanφ = sinφ/cosφ. Then use sin2φ = 1 – cos2φ, to replace sinφ with cosφ and follow through with the algebra to obtain the relationship cos φ = 1 / 1 + tan 2 φ . Substituting for tan φ gives cos φ = 1 / 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 . We use this relationship and the equation above for Vin to find VC and VR in terms of V0. VC = Vin VR = Vin `1 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 2πfRC 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 . Do the amplitudes obey Kirchhoff’s loop law? That is, does VC + VR = Vin? From an inspection of the equations above you see that the answer is no! Does that mean Kirchhoff’s loop law is violated? Not if the two voltages are not in phase. How are phases of the two voltages related? Recall that sinθ = cos(θ – π/2) and that cosθ = –cos(θ – π). Therefore –sinθ = cos(θ + π/2) and vC(t) = VC cos (2πft + φ) vR(t) = VR cos (2πft + φ + π/2). So, the voltage across the resistor leads the voltage across the capacitor by π/2 (90o). In the filter we are considering vout is the voltage across the resistor, vR. Therefore vout = vin 2πfRC 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 Let’s examine this equation. At high frequencies, where 2πfRC >> 1, vout = vin. That is, there is no reduction, or attenuation, of the signal. At low frequencies, where 2πfRC << 1, vout = 2πfRC vin. That is, the output voltage is very small and increases linearly with frequency. When the frequency doubles, the output voltage doubles. The frequency where 2πfRC = 1, that is, f = 1/(2πRC), is a good way to characterize the filter. At this frequency the output voltage is 1/ 2 times the input voltage. Engineers call this frequency Chapter 2. Complex sensors 27 the “–3dB breakpoint” of the filter. Below this frequency the response is almost linear in frequency, above it, it is almost constant. Thus f 3dB = 1 . 2πRC The phase angle between the output and input voltages is given by the tangent of the ratio of the imaginary to the real parts tan φ = 1 . 2πRC At high frequencies the phase angle approaches zero. At low frequencies the phase angle approaches π/2 or +90o. At the –3dB frequency tan φ = 1, or φ = 45o. These results are summarized in these graphs: In the low-pass filter the roles of the resistor and capacitor are interchanged, so the analysis is very similar. vin R vout C RC circuit: low-pass filter The output voltage is vout = vin Chapter 2. Complex sensors 28 1 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 and the phase angle is given by tan φ = − 1 2πRC At very low frequencies the output voltage is now approximately equal to the input voltage and the two are in phase. At very high frequencies the output drops proportional to 1/f (it is cut in half for every doubling of the frequency) and the phase approaches –π/2 or –90o. The –3dB frequency is the same, f 3dB = 1 . 2πRC The resultant graphs are shown below: 3. Applications Does the measured phase relationship between input and output voltages agree with the theoretical results? Your first task will be to measure it for either the low-pass or high-pass filter. Use the same method you used to measure the amplitude. Remember that if the phase difference is 0o, the peaks will be at the same time; when it is 90o the peak of one will occur when the other signal is zero. 4. Questions and problems 1. A sinewave signal has a frequency of 1 kHz and an amplitude Vp = 10.0 V. It is connected to a 10-kΩ resistor. Find the peak and rms currents through the resistor. What power is dissipated in the resistor? 2. Consider a square wave signal with a period of 10 ms that alternates between –Vp and +Vp. What is the average voltage? The rms voltage? What power would this signal dissipate in the 10-kΩ resistor? 3. What is f3dB for the low-pass and high-pass filters whose graphs are shown above? 4. If the capacitor in the low-pass and high-pass filters is 0.01 µF, what was the resistor? Chapter 2. Complex sensors 29 5. Design an RC high-pass filter so that at f = 120 Hz Vout = (1/20) Vin. Make the resistance about 10k. 6. Plot Vout/Vin for the low-pass and high-pass data you obtained in the laboratory versus the log of the frequency. Also plot the log of Vout/Vin versus the log of the frequency. 7. According to theory, the –3dB points of the high-pass and low-pass filters are the same. Was that true of your filters? Show your data and calculations. 8. Return to the question about Kirchhoff’s loop law. Show that when the phase it taken into account at any instant in time Kirchhoff’s law is indeed satisfied. Chapter 2. Complex sensors 30 3. Increasing the size (amplitude) of signals A. The operational amplifier 1. Laboratory explorations Introduction The operational amplifier, or “op amp” for short, has been the workhorse of analog electronics for over 30 years. It has two inputs and one output with the voltages related by the equation vout = Av(v+ – v–) where Av , the “open loop gain” is a large number, typically 105. Rather than using this large gain directly, we use negative feedback to reduce the gain but make the gain depend on a pair of resistors, not on the amplifier itself. The reason for this decision and the positive aspects of feedback will be explored in the next few units of the course. We will be using one of the best known op amps, the 741. It is in an 8-pin device dual-inline package (DIP). A dot on one corner of the package identifies pin 1. The internal connection to each pin is shown below together with a schematic diagram of the input and output of the op amp. 8 V+ vout 7 6 5 v– vout v+ 1 2 3 4 v– v+ V– Op amp connections Op amp schematic The op amp requires external power. Set the +5-15 V supply to +15 V and the –5-15 V supply to –15 V. Connect the +15V to pin 7, the –15V to pin 4. First measurements with an operational amplifier The circuit below shows one way of connecting an op amp as an amplifier. Both vin and vout are measured with respect to ground. R2 vin R1 vout Inverting amplifier Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 31 Choose one pair of resistor values with R2 > R1 and R1 at least 1k. First make the input voltage a variable dc value that can be either positive or negative. A good way to do this shown below. Use the 10-k potentiometer. +15 V Connect to vin –15 V Adjustable dc source • Determine the maximum output voltage of the amplifier (both positive and negative). • Measure the gain of the amplifier, where the gain is defined as A = ∆Vout/∆Vin. • Make sure that the output voltage changes as you change the input voltage and isn’t “pinned” at either the maximum positive or negative value. • Remove the 10-k pot and vin to ground to make the input voltage is zero. Measure the output voltage. Any deviation from zero is called the voltage offset. Is there a measurable offset? • Find the gain of the amplifier for low-frequency (10-100Hz) ac. Connect the output of the function generator to the input connection of the op amp. Is the dc gain, found above, and the ac gain the same? If different, report the differences. • Repeat for at least two different pairs of resistor values to explore how the gain depends on the resistors. A second way of connecting an op amp as an amplifier is shown below. R2 vout vin R1 Non-inverting amplifier • Repeat your gain measurements with the same set of resistors. • What differences are there between the two ways of connecting the op amp? • Why is one connection called “inverting” and the other “non-inverting”? Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 32 2. Textbook and classroom explanations History of the op amp The term operational amplifier refers to their origin as the building blocks of analog computers in the 1940s. These devices used voltages as analogs for numerical quantities. The computer then performed mathematical operations such as addition, multiplication, differentiation, and integration on the voltages. As an example of a problem such a computer could solve, you could assign voltages to represent the parameters of an artillery shell (mass, air resistance, initial speed and angle, initial position, and wind speed) and the computer could calculate its height and horizontal position as a function of time. These computers were roomsized, used tremendous amounts of electrical power, and were very slow. In 1952 George A. Philbrick Researches, Inc. introduced the “small” K2-W commercial op amp. It cost $24 ($160 in 2006 dollars) and required sources of +300 V and –300 V. Ten years later they introduced the first version that replaced the vacuum tubes with transistors. In 1965 Robert Widlar, working at Fairchild Semiconductors, invented the first integrated-circuit op amp, the µA709 and it sold in 1966 for $22.50 ($120 now). Voltages sources of + and –15 volts made this device much easier to use. In 1968 Widlar, now at National Semiconductors, developed an improved version, the 741. Today the 741, and many improved versions, are widely available for about $0.40. An ideal amplifier What would be the properties of an ideal amplifier? It would have a gain that would easily chosen, independent of frequency over a wide frequency range, and a gain that didn’t change if the amplifier aged or if its power sources changed. It would have a very high input impedance so that it wouldn’t load down its source, and it would have a very low output impedance so it wouldn’t be loaded down by a circuit it was driving. It would be able to accept both input signals reference to ground, and differential signals (like from a Wheatstone bridge). How could the desired characteristics of gain be achieved? The answer came from a much earlier invention, negative feedback. In the 1920s Bell Telephone worked hard on reducing distortion in telephone amplifiers. One of the problems was that the vacuum-tube amplifiers of that time aged rapidly, and it would be much better if the gain depended on simple components, like resistors, rather than vacuum tubes. The solution came to Western Electric engineer Harold S. Black while he was commuting to work on a ferry boat in August, 1927. He wrote the equations on the only piece of paper available, the New York Times he was reading. His idea was to feed part of the output of the amplifier back to the input, but in a way to reduce the gain. He showed that the final gain would then depend more on the resistors used to feed back the signal than on the amplifier. The patent office thought it was a stupid thing to do. Black said “Our patent application was treated in the same manner as one for a perpetual-motion machine.” (IEEE Spectrum, December, 1977) We will explore these ideas in more detail later in the course. The important point to note here is that the gain of the ideal amplifier should be much higher than the gain you want to achieve with your circuit. Here, then is a schematic of an idea op amp. There is a very high resistance, Rin between the two Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 33 input terminals. The op amp produces a voltage proportional to the difference in the two input voltages, vo = A(v+ – v–). This voltage is connected to the output through a small resistor, Rout, the output resistance. v– Rout Rin vo vout v+ The ideal op amp Note that in the circuit above, and all circuits to follow, power must be supplied to the op amp. In most cases both +15 V and –15 V are required. Let’s apply the characteristics of the ideal amplifier and see how closely they can be achieved. Infinite gain. Gain is the ratio of the output voltage, v0, to the input (v+ – v–). That is, A = v0/(v+ – v–). If A = ∞, then no matter what the output voltage is, the input voltage is zero! In practice, A > 105, so if the output voltage is around 10 V, then the input voltage is well under a millivolt. Infinite input impedance. The input impedance, represented by a resistor, Rin, between the two inputs, determines the current into (or out of) the amplifier: i = (v+ – v–)/Rin. While infinite resistance cannot be obtained, resistances of 1012 Ω are possible, so input currents can be infinitesimal. Not shown on the diagram are resistances between each of the inputs and ground, which can lead to more input current than Rin. Even so, the input current can usually be neglected. Zero output impedance. If Rout is zero, then vout = vo for any current. In practice circuit design limits the current an op amp can produce to about 25 mA. The first two lead to the following “Golden Rules” that permit easy analysis of op amp circuits: 1. The output attempts to do whatever is necessary to make the voltage difference between the two inputs zero: v+ – v– = 0 2. The inputs draw no current. Rule 1 only works if there is way for the output to feed back a signal to the input. The op amp can’t do it itself! Let’s apply these rules to some common op amp configurations Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 34 The voltage follower vout vin Voltage follower According to the first golden rule, the two inputs of the op amp must be at the same voltage. Because the negative (or inverting) input is at the same voltage as the output, then the positive (or non-inverting) input must also be at the output voltage. That is, vout = vin. What is the use of a voltage follower? According to the second golden rule, op amp inputs draw no current. Thus the input impedance of the follower is infinity. If you connected the follower to a voltage divider and connected a load to the op amp, the voltage produce by the divider would not be changed by the load. The device acts as a buffer between the signal source and load. Inverting Amplifier You have already explored the inverting amplifier. I2 + R2 I1 + vin R1 A vout Inverting amplifier Let’s analyze this circuit. First redraw the two resistors as a voltage divider: vin I1 v- R1 A I2 R2 vout Inverting op amp resistors Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 35 According to the first golden rule, there is no voltage difference between the two inputs. For that reason the potential at point A (v–) is zero. It is not physically connected to ground, so it is said to be at a virtual ground. Therefore the current I1. the voltage across the resistor divided by its resistance, is I1 = (vin – 0)/R1. In a similar manner I2 = (0 – vout)/R2. But, according to the second golden rule, the op amp does not draw any current. That means that I1 = I2. Therefore vin/R1 = –vout/R2, or vout R =− 2 vin R1 How does an op amp make vin and vout behave like this? Suppose R1is 1k and R2 is 2k and assume the amplifier gain is ∞. vin = 1 V vin = 1 V R1 = 1k v- = 0.67 V R1 = 1k v- = 0 V A A R2 = 2k vout = 0 V R2 = 2k vout = -2 V How an op amp responds to input voltages Suppose you suddenly make vin = 1 V. The output, vout, is still 0V. Then what happens? Because the currents through the two resistors is the same, point A is at 0.67 V. So the inputs, v+ and v–, are not at the same voltage— v– is much more positive than v+, so vout goes negative. When vout reaches –2V the v– is now 0 V, the two input voltages are the same, and the op amp is “happy.” If the output were to go more negative, the inputs would again be unbalanced, but in the opposite direction, which would bring the output back to –2V. If the amplifier gain were not infinite, then the two input voltages would differ by a fraction of a millivolt, but the operation would not be changed by much. The Non-inverting amplifier Consider the circuit below vout vin I2 A + + R2 I1 R1 Non-inverting amplifier Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 36 The voltage divider formed by the two resistors is slightly different: vout I2 v- R2 A I1 R1 Non-inverting op amp resistors The consequence of the first golden rule is that the voltage at point A, v–, is equal to the input voltage, vin. The current through resistor R1 is given by I1 = (vin – 0)/R1. The current through the resistor R2 is given by I2 = (vout – vin)/R2. But, the second golden rule means that I1 = I2. Therefore vin/R1 = (vout – vin)/R2. This can be rearranged as vout = vin(1 + R2/R1). So, the gain of a non-inverting amplifier is vout R2 = +1. vin R1 3. Questions and problems 1. Compare the measured and theoretical gains of the inverting amplifier at both dc and ac for the pairs of resistors you chose. Are you measurements in agreement? If not, propose reasons why they are not in agreement. 2. Repeat for the non-inverting amplifier. 3. Design an amplifier with a gain of –150. 4. The text above described how an ideal op amp works to keep the input voltage difference zero. Repeat the analysis for a real op amp with a gain of 105. That is, vout = 105(v+ – v–). 5. Propose two ways to create an amplifier with a gain of +100. Note that you may use any number of op amps in your circuits. 6. Use the two golden rules to find the gain of the circuit below. 100 kΩ vin 10 kΩ vout 9.1 kΩ Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 37 B. Other uses of operational amplifiers. What are other uses of operational amplifiers? What limitations do op amps have? 1. Laboratory explorations 1. How does the gain of an amplifier depend on frequency? • Assemble an inverting amplifier with a gain –10 and measure its gain from 100 Hz to 1MHz. Make measurements at decade steps (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, etc.). • Assemble a gain –1000 amplifier and repeat the measurements. • Make plots of the log of the gain versus the log of the frequency, putting both plots on the same graph. Report how the two graphs are similar and how they differ. 2. What load does op amp place on a signal source? That is, what is the input impedance? Introduction From your experience with voltage dividers, you know that if the two resistors are equal then the output voltage is half the input voltage. To the signal source, the input of an amplifier “looks like” (has a Thévenin equivalent) a resistor with a value of Rin. The function generator “looks like” (has a Thévenin equivalent) an ideal voltage source in series with a Rout = 50-Ω. Connect a resistance-substitution box (Rsub box) in series between the function generator and the amplifier as shown below so that you can “dial in” an added resistance. Increase the resistance of the sub box until the output of the amplifier drops to ½ its value with no dialed-in resistance. Then Rin = Rsub box + Rout Function generator Rsub box Rout Amplifier vs Rin vout Measuring input resistance Measurements • Measure the input resistance of an inverting amplifier with two different values of R1. Does the input resistance depend on gain? On frequency? • Repeat for a non-inverting amplifier. You may have to make an estimate or a lower limit (as in, the input impedance is greater than …). Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 38 2. Textbook and classroom explanations Input impedance of op amp circuits Return to the figure of the inverting amplifier. Because point A is at virtual ground, resistor R1 is the input resistance. For that reason, an inverting amplifier is a poor choice if high input impedance is important. The input impedance of a non-inverting amplifier depends on the input impedance of the op amp itself. So, for an ideal op amp the impedance is infinity. Real operational amplifiers Finite gain: The gain of a real op amp isn’t infinity. At dc and low frequencies it is typically 105 or higher. The gain is called the “open loop gain” because it is the amplifier’s gain before the feedback loop is closed. Gain is usually specified in decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic scale. For example, 100 dB is a gain of 105, 80 dB is a gain of 104, etc. Thus a decrease of 20 dB means that the gain has decreased by a factor of 101, a decrease of 20 dB is a factor of 102, etc. Open-loop Gain If the amplifier is to be stable, that is, not prone to the type of oscillation that you often hear from a public-address system, its gain must be limited at high frequencies. The high-frequency behavior is the same as that of a low-pass filter. That is, if the frequency is doubled, the gain drops by a factor of 2 (6 dB). If the frequency is increased by a factor of 10, the gain drops by 20 dB. The gain is 1 (unity gain) at a frequency called the gain-bandwidth product. A typical value is 1.5 MHz. See the graph below 106 120 105 100 104 80 103 60 102 40 10 20 1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 dB 0 107 Frequency (Hz) 741 frequency response How does finite gain, especially at high frequencies, affect the gain of a circuit with feedback? To find out we have to relax golden rule 1. Because A = vout/(v+ – v–), the two inputs cannot be assumed to be at the same voltage. But golden rule 2 still holds; the op amp draws no current. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 39 I2 + R2 I1 + vin v- R1 vout v+ Inverting amplifier So, again writing I1 + I2 = 0 gives (vin – v–)/R1 + (vout – v–)/R2 = 0. But, with v+ = 0, A = –(vout/v–), or v– = –vout/A. Therefore vin/R1 + vout/AR1 + vout/R2 + vout/AR2 = 0. This simplifies to vout R 1 =− 2 . vin R1 1 + (1 + R2 / R1 ) / A The table below shows how the kind of decrease in A typical of an op amp affects the closedloop gain for two different values of R2/R1 Open-loop gain A 105 104 103 102 101 100 R2/R1 = 10 Ideal Real –10 –9.999 –10 –9.99 –10 –9.89 –10 –9.01 –10 –4.76 –10 –0.83 R2/R1 = 1000 Ideal Real –1000 –990 –1000 –909 –1000 –500 –1000 –90.8 –1000 –9.89 –1000 –0.998 Open-loop Gain These results are shown graphically below: 106 120 105 100 104 80 103 60 102 40 10 20 1 1 10 102 103 104 Frequency (Hz) Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 40 105 106 0 107 dB Amplifier input errors Offset voltage. Input voltage offset: If you connect the two inputs together you’ll probably find the output voltage not zero. This is called the input offset voltage. The offset voltage is the result of pairs of resistors in the op amp that do not have precisely equal resistances. The input stages of an inexpensive op amp can’t be perfectly balanced. This defect isn’t a problem with low-gain inverting or non-inverting amplifiers, but it is in other applications that we’ll soon consider. Op amps specify the offset voltage as the output voltage when the two inputs are at the same potential. For the 741, VOS is about 2 mV. The closed-loop gain increases that voltage to Vout = GdcVOS, where Gdc is the dc gain of the feedback circuit. So if the gain is 1000, then the output voltage would be 2 V. The offset voltage can be measured using the circuit below. 200k 50Ω Vout VOS = Vout/4000 Offset voltage measurement The voltage offset of most single op amps can be trimmed using a single potentiometer. For example, the offset on a 741 can be made zero by connecting a 10-k pot between pins 1 and 5, with the center (adjustable) terminal of the pot connected to –15 V. The OP177, which will be used later requires a 20-k pot between pins 1 and 5 with the center terminal connected to +15 V. Adjust the pot for zero output voltage. Unfortunately, the adjustment can change in time or if the op amp’s temperature changes. For example, if the op amp is used to drive a high-current load, then it can heat up, changing the offset voltage. OP177 741 5 5 1 1 +15 V Voltage offset adjustments If the offset is a problem then use a precision op amp that was made with laser trimming techniques to balance the two resistances individually for each device produced. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 41 Input bias current Input bias current, IB, is the current into or out of both inputs. It produces a voltage drop across the feedback resistors even when the input voltage is zero. For an inverting amplifier Vout = (–R2/R1)IB(R1||R2), where R1||R2 is the parallel combination of the two resistors. Reducing both the gain and the parallel combination of the two resistors decreases this problem but at the cost of circuit input impedance. Placing a resistor between V+ and ground with a value equal to the parallel combination causes an equal drop in the voltage at this input, reducing errors due to input bias current. Input offset current Input offset current, IOS, is the imbalance in input bias current between the two inputs. It is usually a factor of 2 to 20 times smaller than the input bias current. The solution to problems caused by input offset current is to choose an op amp with the smallest possible current. Both kinds of input currents increase rapidly with temperature. Running circuits at or below room temperature is vital. Input impedance of op amp If the input impedance of the op amp is not infinity, then it forms a voltage divider with the input resistor, R1, reducing the gain. But, feedback multiplies the op amp’s input impedance by the closed-loop gain of the circuit, and low-cost op amps with astronomical values of input impedances are widely available. Selected Operational Amplifier Characteristics Type Supply voltage Gain (dB) fT (MHz) 1.2 4 Voltage offset typ. (mV) 2 0.8 Voltage offset max (mV) 6 2 Current bias max (nA) 500 0.2 Current offset max (nA) 200 0.1 LM741 LF411 ±18 ±18 86 88 CA3140A ±18 86 3.7 2 5 0.04 0.02 LM308 OP07A OP177G AD509K 1436 ±18 ±22 ±22 ±20 ±40 88 110 140 80 97 0.3 0.6 0.6 20 1 2 0.01 0.02 4 5 7.5 0.025 0.06 8 10 7 2 0.3 25000 30 1 2 1.2 30 Comments Classic, low cost Classic, low cost high input impedance Old very high input impedance Original low bias Original precision High precision High frequency High voltage Input impedance of circuit The input impedance of a 741 is about 2M. The effects of feedback increase this to such a high value that it is almost never a problem. If necessary, use a high-input impedance op amp like the LF411 or CA3140A. Of greater concern are the input bias currents and input offset currents. Output impedance of circuit and current limits Feedback reduces the output impedance to almost negligible values, but more important is the maximum output current, which is typically 20 mA. When larger currents are needed either individual transistors or a power op amp is called for. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 42 3. Applications Current-to-voltage converters As you have seen, a resistor essentially converts current to voltage: V= IR, but if a resistor and a sensor that produces a current are connected in series across a voltage source, the voltage across the resistor cannot be larger than the voltage source. Even before that occurs, the voltage across the sensor can drop to such a small value that it no longer functions correctly. The phototransistor is one such sensor. It develops a current that is proportional to the intensity of electromagnetic radiation falling on it. In an earlier exploration you used a resistor to convert the current to a voltage. But, in that device the voltage across the phototransistor varied as the light intensity changed. The op amp circuit shown below keeps the voltage across the transistor at a constant 15 V. V = +15V Light I R = 470k Phototransistor A Vout Photometer: phototransistor and current-to-voltage converter Use the two golden rules developed to calculate the relationship between phototransistor current and output voltage. Look up the characteristics of the phototransistor in Appendix D to obtain an equation relating output voltage to input light intensity. If this circuit is to be a useful photometer, its properties must be checked. Is its output voltage zero when there is no light falling on the detector? Is the output voltage proportional to the light intensity? That is, is it a linear device? In order to test the linearity we must have a method that varies the light intensity in a known matter. One method is to use the intensity of plane-polarized light passing through a polarizer. Basic optics theory shows that for an ideal polarizer Iout = Iin cos2θ, where θ is the angle between the plane of light polarization and the axis of the polarizer. There are two methods of obtaining polarized light. One is to use a diode laser, which emits almost 100%-polarized light. The second is to pass unpolarized light through a polarizer. Develop an experimental apparatus and test the linearity of the photometer. You should carefully plan your experiment so that you cover the range of cos2θ from 0 to 1 in three or four steps of equal size in cos2θ. Also note that real polarizers do pass some light when θ = 90o and do not pass all light when θ = 0o. Furthermore, some polarizers, specifically Polaroid ™ sheets, do not polarize infrared radiation. How will your experiment address these limitations? Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 43 Mathematical operations As mentioned above, operational amplifiers were originally developed for use in analog computers in which a voltage was an “analog” of a number, and op amps performed arithmetic operations, such addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as more sophisticated operations such as taking the logarithm and exponential, differentiating, and integrating. We will explore three such operations. Adding two voltages—the summing amplifier Op amps can add two voltages at the same time that it amplifies them. One application is to shift the central voltage of a sinewave. For example, you could either remove a non-zero central voltage to center the result around zero, or introduce an offset to, for example, make the sinewave totally positive. The circuit of a summing amplifier is shown below: va vb R2 R1a R1b A vout Summing amplifier As will be shown in the next section, vout = – (R2/R1a)va – (R2/R1b)vb. An application that is related to the sensors you have previously explored is to convert the output of the LM335 temperature sensor from kelvins to degrees Celsius. To make the device useful in room temperatures when the output of an op-amp is limited to about +14V, you should design the converter so that 1o C = 0.01 V. Your task is to choose the value of the second voltage and the three resistors. If you choose to use a voltage divider to supply the second voltage remember that the input impedance of the summing amplifier will load the divider and change its voltage. Design the circuit so that loading is avoided (Hints: recall the value of a voltage follower or avoid the problem all together by taking the second voltage from a power supply on you Protoboard. Check your device with the three or four temperatures you previously used. Subtracting two voltages—the difference amplifier You have already encountered two sensors for which the output was a small variation of a relatively large voltage. Two strain gages connected as a voltage divider created a voltage that was approximately half the source voltage, with small variations due to the bending of the strip. The magnetic field sensor produces approximately 2.5 V for no magnetic field. You explored the use of a Wheatstone bridge in which the sensor(s) comprised half the bridge and a voltage divider the other half. The output of the bridge was then a small signal varying about 0 V. Your goal is to amplify that signal. Because one of the two leads is not at ground, op amp circuits studied so far cannot be used. The solution is to use a difference amplifier for which the input is the difference in voltage between the two outputs of the bridge. You could use a 10-k pot as the voltage divider half of the Wheatstone bridge. But then it could be very difficult to balance the bridge—to make the output zero when the strip is not bent or the Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 44 magnetic field is equal to zero. A solution is to use a “trim pot” to make the small adjustments. +15 V R1 Rtrim Vout R1 -15 V Voltage divider with a trim pot Suppose that you use a 1-k potentiometer as the trip pot, Rtrim. Further suppose you wanted a 1-V adjustment in the output voltage, centered about 0 V. Then the current through the trim pot would be 1 mA. The voltage across R1 would be 14.5 V, so a 14.5-k resistor would be called for. A 15-k resistor is the closest standard value, which would slightly reduce the voltage across the trip pot. The same size resistor would be used for R2. If you want Vout to be variable about a voltage other than zero, then choose the voltages at the ends of the divider and the values of the resistors accordingly. Construct a Wheatstone bridge with either the strain gages or the magnetic field sensor as one half and the voltage divider with trim pot as the other. Instead of using a 741 as a difference amplifier, you will amplify the output of the bridge using an AD620 instrumentation amplifier. As can be seen from the datasheet in Appendix D and as will be discussed later, this device has very high input impedance, low offset voltage and bias currents, and, most importantly, needs no external feedback resistors! Gain is adjusted by a single resistor connected between pins 1 and 8. The value is calculated from the formula 49.4kΩ RG G = 1+ +VS VinRG 2 7 1 8 AD620 3 4 6 5 Vin+ -VS Instrumentation amplifier Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 45 Vout Explore the output of your device with gains of approximately 100 and 1000. Find the sensitivity of your device. That is, how small a force on the steel strip or how small a magnetic field can you measure reliably? Note that pin 5 must be connected to ground for the amplifier to work. Integrating a voltage C R Vin Vout Integrator You have already used one method of measuring magnetic field. A second method uses Faraday’s law, which states that the EMF created across the terminals of a coil of wire is given by E = – dΦ , where Φ is the magnetic flux through the coil and E the EMF generated. dt r r Therefore Φ – Φ0 = –∫E dt. If the field is uniform across the coil, then Φ = nB ⋅ A = nBA cos θ , where B is the magnetic field, A the area of the coil, n the number of turns, and θ the angle between the field and the normal to the coil. If the coil is flipped through 180o, then the initial and final fluxes will be equal and opposite so that Φ – Φ0 = 2nB⊥A, where B⊥ is the component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the coil. You will design an experiment using a coil and the integrator that can measure the magnitude and direction of Earth’s magnetic field by flipping the coil through 180o. Note that all three components must be measured, then converted into a vector with magnitude and direction. Consider the electronics side of the experiment. If the flux doesn’t change, then the output voltage must remain zero. To test this condition first construct the integrator using a low-leakage capacitor with C = 0.01 µF and a resistor of your choosing. If you find that the output voltage drifts, it is most likely due to input bias current and input offset voltage in the op-amp. Replace the 741 op amp with the OP177G that has a much lower IB and Vos than the 741. You may then need to add the 20-k pot to adjust the voltage offset of the OP177 to zero. Report results of tests you made of the output voltage of the integrator for zero input voltages and the magnetic flux experiments you conducted. 4. Further textbook and classroom explanations The current-to-voltage converter How do the two golden rules permit us to analyze the operation of a current-to-voltage converter? Consider the photometer circuit shown above. The second golden rule means that the current through the phototransistor, I, is equal to the current through the resistor. The first golden rule says that the summing point, A, is at virtual ground. That means that the current through the resistor is given by I = –vout/R. Thus vout = –IR. Also because of the first golden rule the voltage across the phototransistor is 15V, no matter what the current through it is. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 46 The summing amplifier A version of the summing amplifier useful for analysis is shown below: I2 I1a va vb R2 R1a R1b A vout I1b Summing amplifier The first golden rule states that point A is a virtual ground. Therefore the three currents can be easily found: I1a = va/R1a, I1b = va/R1b, and I2 = –vout/R2. The second golden rule says that I1a + I1b = I2. Therefore va/R1a, + va/R1b = –vout/R2. Or, vout = – (R2/R1a)va – (R2/R1b)vb. Thus the summing amplifier can add two voltages, and the voltages can be separately scaled or weighted. The difference amplifier How could you take the difference of two voltages? One way would be to use a unity-gain inverting amplifier to produce the negative of one voltage. A better method is to use the circuit below: Ia R2 Ia va vb R1 vout Ib Ib R1 R2 Difference amplifier Let’s use the golden rules to analyze its operation. The first golden rule says that the voltages at the op amp inputs are the same: v– = v+. The second says because the op amp draws no current the currents into and out of each of the inputs are the same. They’re called Ia and Ib. Use the equality of the currents to find the voltage drops across the resistors in the two voltage dividers. Thus (va – v–)/R1 = (v– – vout)/R2 and (vb – v+)/R1 = v+/R2. Solve the second equation for v+ to obtain v+ = vb R2/(R1 + R2). Now gather terms in the first and substitute v+ for v– to obtain va/R1 + vout/R2 = vb R2/(R1 + R2)(1/R1 +1/R2) = vb/R1. The final result is Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 47 vout = (R2/R1)(vb – va). This result depends on the two resistors labeled R1 and the two labeled R2 being precisely matched. Further, the input impedance of the two inputs is low. The classic improvement was the three-op amp circuit shown below: vin- RG R1 R2 vout vin+ Three-op amp difference amplifier The four unmarked resistors are all equal, so the third op amp has a gain of –1. The two added op amps are connected in the non-inverting amplifier configuration, so the input impedance is very high. The entire gain is set by the three resistors R1, R2, and RG. G = 1+ R1 + R2 RG If precision op amps are used this is an excellent difference amplifier. Today you can purchase the three-op amp circuit as a single device called the instrumentation amplifier. The AD620 that you used is a low-cost version, yet has extremely low offset voltages, input currents, and a gain-bandwidth product over 1MHz. In this device R1 and R2 have been laser trimmed to 24.7 kΩ each. The integrator Recall from the section on ac circuits that the definition of capacitance, C = q/V means that i = C(dV/dt). Therefore V = V0 + (1 / C ) ∫ idt where V0 is the voltage at the start of the integration period. When a capacitor is used as the feedback element, as in the circuit below, the voltage across it is the negative of the output voltage –Vout and the current is the input current through R, that is, Vin/R. As long as the capacitor has been discharged at the start (V0 = 0), Vout = −(1 / RC ) ∫ Vin dt . Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 48 C I Vin R A Vout The op amp integrator There are several conditions on the op amp in order for the circuit to work well. First, there must be minimal voltage offset. That is, when Vin = 0, Vout must be zero. Second, input bias currents must be very small. For that reason an FET-input device such as the LF411 or OP177G is almost a necessity. Third, the capacitor must be high quality, with no “leakage” (that is, charges on it cannot leak away, reducing the voltage across it). Finally, it is useful to put a momentary-contact switch across the capacitor so that it can be discharged immediately before the integrator is to be used. 5. Questions and problems 1. The original K2-W op amp had a dc gain of 1.5×104 and a unity gain frequency of 105 Hz. You choose the resistors to make a gain –1000 amplifier. What would be the highest frequency for which gain the gain is greater than –100? 2. Derive the gain equation for the three-op amp difference amplifier: G = 1 + (R1+R2)/RG. Hint: consider the three resistors that are in series. The gain of the final amplifier is 1, so the voltage at the top of R1 is vout, the voltage at the bottom of R2 is zero. Thanks to the first golden rule the voltage across Rg is the input voltage. The second golden rule says that the current through the three resistors is the same. 3. Design a summing amplifier that can add 1.5 V to a sinewave to shift center of wave above ground. Assume that you have available vb = –15 V. 4. You want to make the dc offset of the summing amplifier of the previous problem adjustable. So, you use a 10-k pot between 0 and –15 V as a voltage divider and connect it to the same resistor R1b that you used in the previous problem. Before connecting op amp you adjusted output of pot to –6.5 V. But, when you connected it to the resistor you found that the voltage had changed. Explain why. Hint: consider the input impedance of your amplifier. 5. You are using an op amp integrator to convert a square wave into a triangle wave. The square wave has an amplitude of 10 V and a period of 20 ms. During the 10 ms that the square wave is +10 V you want the output to rise from zero to 1 V. During the 10 ms that the square wave is –10 V you want the output to fall 1 V. What R resistor and capacitor should you use? 6. Find how Vout depends on Vin in the circuit at the right. Hint: start with the golden rules. 7. Design a Fahrenheit thermometer using the LM335. That is, convert the output of the LM335 from 10 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 49 C Vin Vout mV/K to 10 mV/oF. C. Extending the use of the op-amp: diodes and transistors The output current of an LM741 is limited to 20 mA. How can you connect an operational amplifier to a high-current device such as one that can produce light, sound, magnetic fields, or heat? 1. Laboratory explorations Rather than using special-purpose high-current op-amps, we will use the basic components from which integrated circuits are built: diodes and transistors. The LED How are the current through and voltage across a light-emitting diode, or LED related? The schematic diagram below represents a LED. Schematic view of LED The current must be limited to about 40 mA (0.04 A) to avoid burning out an LED, so you must not connect an LED directly across the 0-15V power supply on the workstation. Instead a current-limiting series resistor must be used. First, estimate the resistance needed to keep the current from a 15-V supply to less than 0.04 A. Then create first a table and then a graph of the current as a function of the voltage across the LED. On your table describe the LED brightness. Test both polarities of voltage. From your data answer the question: Is the diode ohmic? That is, does it obey Ohm’s law (current through is proportional to voltage across, independent of the direction of the current)? The transistor The transistor is a three-terminal device with the terminals named (for historic reasons) the base (B), emitter (E), and collector (C). Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 50 E C B B C E Bottom view of 2N4401 transistor Schematic view of npn transistor We will first explore the current-voltage relationship of the base-emitter junction. The arrow suggests that this circuit contains a diode (with the base being more positive than the emitter to create current in the direction of the arrow), so use the same method you used to measure the properties of the LED, but keep the current below 1 mA. Rather than measuring the current directly, put a 10k resistor in series with the base and measure the voltage drop across the resistor. Plot the potential difference between the base and emitter (base-emitter voltage), or VBE, as a function of base current, IB, from zero to 1 mA. As you will learn shortly, current in the base-emitter junction controls the current in the collector-emitter circuit. Explore how this works with the following circuit. +15 V 270 Ω LED +5 V 10k 1-k pot 2N4401 LED Driver Adjust the 1-k pot to change the current through the base-emitter junction, and thus the current through the LED (most easily determined by measuring the voltage drop across the 270-Ω resistor). For each value of the collector (LED) current (try 10 to 50 mA in steps of 10 mA) measure the base current (by measuring the voltage drop across the 10-k resistor) and VCE, the voltage between the emitter and collector terminals of the transistor. Plot the collector current versus VCE and note on each point on your graph the value of the base current. You now see how the base current controls the collector voltage and current. We’ll use a different transistor amplifier circuit, one in which the LED and its resistor is connected to the emitter rather than the collector. The base will be driven by an op amp, as shown below. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 51 As is always the case, resistors R1 and R2 determine the op amp gain. Thus they set the amplitude of the input signal that varies the brightness of the LED from zero to the maximum possible from this circuit. R2 +15 V R1 2N4401 vin 270 Ω LED Op amp with transistor LED driver For now choose resistors so that the op amp gain is 10 and put a very low-frequency (about 1 Hz) signal from the signal generator into vin. Adjust the generator output amplitude to vary the LED brightness. Now turn the amplitude down to zero and change the dc offset of the signal generator until the LED is at moderate brightness. Increase the amplitude and note that you can make the brightness vary smoothly, without being either full-on or off during much of the cycle. When you later use this driver you’ll use a summing amplifier to provide this dc offset. Constant-current source A battery or a buffered voltage divider can supply a constant-voltage source. Why would you want a constant-current source? Here’s one example: the magnetic field of a solenoid is proportional to the current through it. If it is connected to a source of constant voltage, as the solenoid warms up due to the power dissipated in it, its resistance changes, and therefore the current through it will change. For a second example, consider the thermistor we explored briefly at the beginning of the course. The temperature can be found from the resistance. That in turn can be measured by the voltage across the thermistor, but only if the current through it is constant. Consider the circuit below: +15 V R +15 V 10k 2N3906 10k Thermistor Constant-current source To see why the current through the thermistor is independent of its resistance, analyze the op Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 52 amp circuit using the two golden rules. First calculate the voltage at the non-inverting input. What is the voltage at the inverting input? What is the voltage across the resistor R? What value of R is needed for a current of 0.1 mA? The transistor used is pnp rather than npn. The current through the collector-emitter circuit is in the direction of the arrow; down in this case. The base is about 0.7 V more negative (less positive) than the emitter. What is the voltage at the base of the transistor and the output of the op amp? The current through the thermistor is the collector current. Because of the base current, the collector current is not equal to the emitter current, but, for low-power transistors like the 2N3906, the ratio of emitter-to-base current is at least 50:1, so to a good approximation the collector and emitter currents are equal. If there is a current of 0.1 mA through R, there is almost exactly 0.1 mA through the thermistor. Note that the current through the thermistor depends on the voltage set by the voltage divider connected to the non-inverting input of the op amp, the resistance R, and the ability of the op amp to keep the two input voltages the same. The role of the transistor is to provide a source of current beyond what the op amp can supply. The major limitation of this circuit is the need for the collector voltage to be less positive than the emitter voltage. Therefore the voltage across the thermistor is limited. If it gets too high because the thermistor resistance is too large, then the transistor will not be able to conduct and perform its task. Either connect the grounded end of the thermistor to a negative voltage or reduce the current through it. Construct the circuit and find the thermsistor’s resistance at a minimum of three temperatures. This circuit will be used later as a digital thermometer. Producing high-current, positive and negative voltages with an op amp The single transistor driver has an important limitation: there is no way to have an output that can produce either positive or negative currents. A combination of two transistors, one npn, the other pnp called a push-pull pair, avoids this problem. It will be used later to drive a variety of devices. For now, we’ll just explore how it works. Choose a resistor of about 10Ω for Rload. +15 V R2 TIP29 R1 1k vout vin Rload TIP30 B C E –15 V Op amp with push-pull driver TIP 29, TIP 30 pins Use a function generator to supply a 1-kHz sine-wave signal to the input. View the output on the oscilloscope as you change the input amplitude. Why is the output not a faithful reproduction of the input? (Hint: what is the minimum base-emitter voltage needed for a transistor to have Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 53 significant collector-emitter current?) Put the two transistors within the feedback loop by connecting the right-hand end of R2 to vout rather than to the output pin of the op amp. Is the output now a faithful reproduction of the input? Explain why this simple change in connections makes such a large difference. 2. Textbook and classroom explanations In order to understand diodes and transistors, we will first examine how metals conduct electricity. We will then explore conduction in semiconductors. Metals What are some characteristics of a metal? Hard, but malleable, not brittle. Opaque to light and shiny (reflects light). Good conductor of electricity and heat. How are these characteristics explained? A quick glance at the periodic table shows that many of the most common metals are in columns IA and IB. Most metals have one or two electrons in either an s, p, or d orbital; these are valence electrons. Their nuclei are arranged in a regular array or lattice. The valence electrons are mobile and not associated with a particular atom. As a result one can envision a metal as an array of positively charged ions in an electron gas. The metals are held together by the attractive force between the ions and the electron gas. The gas is dense, with, in the case of copper, 8.5×1028 m–3. For comparison, the STP density of air is 3.2×1025 m–3. Quantum mechanics is needed to explain the properties of the electron gas. Electrons have a halfintegral spin, and so are called fermions. The probability of finding an electron with energy E can be shown to be f FD ( E ) = 1 e( E − E F ) / kT + 1 where T is the temperature in kelvins, k is the Boltzmann constant and EF is called the Fermi energy or Fermi level. At T = 0 the probability fFD(E) = 1 for E < EF and fFD(E) = 0 for E > EF. Thus all states with energies less than the Fermi energy are filled and all with higher energies are empty. At temperatures above absolute zero the population of states with energies between (EF – kT) and EF are empty and those between EF and (EF + kT) are filled. The Fermi energy is large. For copper EF = 7.1 eV, corresponding to a velocity of 1.6×106 m/s or an equivalent temperature of 8.1×104 K. So a metal contains a dense gas of very fast-moving electrons. The electrons go in straight-line paths until they scatter off an ion. A variety of experimental data show that the mean-free-path between collisions is 39 nm, or about 150 times the distance between the ions. How can they go so far without scattering? It’s because of the wave nature of matter. If the lattice were perfect, the distance would approach infinity. The motion is disturbed by imperfections in the lattice, including the thermal vibrations of the ions, which increase with increasing temperature. How does a metal conduct electricity? When a potential difference is placed across a conductor, there is an electric field in it. That field results in a force on the electrons. During the time between collisions the electron is displaced a small distance in comparison to the mean-free-path. The result is a slow drift velocity proportional to the electric field, of order of less than one millimeter per second. When an electron moves under the influence of an electric field its energy increases. How does Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 54 this increase occur in light of the quantized energy levels in atoms? Copper has 29 electrons. The n = 1, n = 2, and n = 3 levels are filled, and there is a single electron in the 4s state so we can almost think of it as a single-electron atom. When two copper atoms are far apart, the energies of the 4s electrons is the same. But, as they are brought closer together the two 4s energy levels split, one going up, the other down. The splitting can be understood in terms of the wave nature of electrons. As the wave functions overlap they form two mixed states, one symmetric, with the probability of finding the electron being larger between the two atoms. The other is antisymmetric, with the probabilities largest between the atoms. The symmetric state has a lower energy. The energy separation depends on the amount of overlap of the charge, and thus on the spacing between the atoms. Where the energy is lowest the two atoms would find themselves at an equilibrium separation. As more atoms are added, there are more ways of combining the wavefunctions and more energy levels. All energies are between the low and high energies of the two atoms. Six atoms would lead to six states; a mole of atoms would lead to of order 1023 states. The energy levels are so close together that they are called an energy band. ψ1 ψ2 ψ1 + ψ 2 ψ1 – ψ 2 Two atoms Six atoms Large number of atoms Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 55 Each energy level can be occupied by two electrons, one with each orientation of its spin. The energy bands of the lower levels, n = 1, 2, or 3, are all filled. The energy band of the 4s electrons in copper is half full. The energy of the highestenergy electron in this band is the Fermi energy. At absolute zero the boundary between occupied and vacant levels is sharp. The function fFD(E) goes from 1 to 0 at a single energy, EF. E Empty levels 4p N 4s 10N 3d 6N 3p 2N 3s 6N 2p 2N 2s 2N 1s EF fFD(E) Filled levels 0 1 E At temperatures above Empty levels absolute zero the function EF drops smoothly to zero over Filled levels fFD(E) a width ∆E = 2kT (at room temperature 2kT is about 0.05 eV while EF is about 8 eV). This means that a few states below EF are empty, a few states above are filled. When an electric field is added there is an empty level only a tiny amount higher into which the electron can go. Thus metals are good conductors because there are so many empty states close to the filled energy states. The fact that electrons in metals can readily absorb tiny amounts of energy explains why they are opaque to light. The electric fields in a light wave accelerate the electrons, increasing their energy, absorbing the energy of the light. If the accelerated electrons are on the surface, they can reradiate the light, resulting in reflection. Semiconductors and insulators Most of the electrical insulators you use today are plastics. Because there is such a wide variety of insulating materials, we’ll describe only one, the diamond. Diamond is a form of carbon, which has six electrons. In an isolated atom two are in the 1s state, two in the 2s, and two in the 2p states. There are four vacant 2p states. When two or more carbon atoms are brought together the energies of both the 2s and the 2p states split. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 56 6N states Lattice spacing in Si, Ge Energy Lattice spacing in diamond Conduction band 4N states 2p 2s 2N states 4N states Valence band Atomic spacing When the atoms are a certain distance apart the lowest 2p state of an atom attains the same energy as the highest 2s state. The “s” and “p” characteristics of the four electrons merge, forming a hybrid state called sp3. The four electrons try to get as far apart as possible, which results in a tetrahedral shape. Because it is these electrons that form the bonds between atoms, the diamond crystal has a tetrahedral structure. Tetrahedral structure of diamond, silicon, and germanium So diamond has 4N valence electrons binding atoms together. Their energies are in the valence band. There are also 4N excited sp3 states that are not occupied. There is a gap of 5.45 eV between the highest state in the valence band and the lowest state in the conduction band. If an electron is given that much energy it can be detached from an atom and be free to move through the crystal to conduct electricity. As the temperature is increased the transition in the function fFD does soften, but never enough to be able to free enough electrons to allow diamond to conduct electricity. It is an insulator. E Empty levels EF fFD(E) Band gap Filled levels 0 1 Energy level structure of insulator Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 57 The element below carbon is silicon. The valence electrons in silicon are the 3s and 3p, which again hybridize. But in this case the equilibrium separation between atoms is larger than that of diamond. As a result the band gap is only 1.17 eV. In germanium, the element below silicon, the gap is 0.744 eV. Silicon and germanium are called semiconductors. Why? Because the gap is much smaller, at room temperature there is a very small, but significant number of electrons in the conduction band. How many are there? The function fFD(E) for Eg>>kT can be well approximated by − E / kT f FD ( E ) = e g . For an insulator this fraction is 10–44. Thus in a sample of about 1020 electrons, there are none in the conduction band. For a semiconductor the probability that there is an electron in the bottom of the conduction band is about 10–9, so there may be 1011 electrons. Compare this to a conductor where there would be one per atom, or 1020. If there are a few filled states in the conduction band, there must be a few empty states in the valence band. That is, there must be just as many bonds missing an electron as there are free electrons, 1011. This equality means that the Fermi energy is in the center of the band gap. What happens when an electric field is applied to a semiconductor? The free electrons in the conduction band respond as they do in a conductor, but the electrons in the valence band are also affected. The only ones that can move are those very close to a vacant state. So, as a valance electron moves one way, the vacancy moves in the opposite direction. The vacancy is called a “hole” and therefore as electrons move in one direction, holes move in the opposite direction. Although there are as many free electrons as holes, the free electrons can move much more easily, and contribute about four times as much to the current as do the holes. Conduction band Free electrons Valence band Band gap Free holes Electric field Conduction in a semiconductor A semiconductor that conducts current in this way is called an intrinsic semiconductor. Because so few electrons can contribute to the conduction process, the semiconductor must be extremely pure in order that the impurities don’t affect the conduction process. It is extremely difficult, but now possible to remove impurities from Si and Ge at the level of a part in 109, or 1 ppb. On the other hand, if impurities with a known effect on the properties of a semiconductor are introduced at the level of one part in 106 or lower, they can easily overwhelm the intrinsic conduction process. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 58 Doping semiconductors Suppose atoms of an element like P, As, or Sb is added to silicon or germanium. These elements are in group V of the periodic table; they have five valence electrons. Four of these electrons would be involved in bonding to the neighboring host atoms, but the fifth electron is not needed, and so would be weakly bound to the impurity atom. The energy needed to remove this electron is small, so on an energy diagram they would be have a discrete energy level just below the conduction band. Conduction band Donor states Eg ∼ 1 eV Valence band Donor doping Because the energy separation between the discrete states and the conduction band is close to thermal energy at room temperature, it is easy for these electrons to be excited into the conduction band and be free to move. They are called donor states because the impurity atoms donate their electrons to the conduction band. The impurities are called donors, and the process of adding them to a pure semiconductor is called doping. The resulting semiconductor is called an extrinsic n-type semiconductor because negative electrons carry the current. Atoms of an element such as B, Al, Ga, or In can also be added. They are in group III and have only three valence electrons. Those three electrons bond to the host atoms, but one of the neighboring host atoms has an unbound electron. An electron can be easily captured to complete the bonding. That is, thermal energy can excite it from the valence band into the discrete state. The state is called an acceptor state because it accepts electrons from the valance band. This process leaves a hole in the valence band. That hole can move easily, resulting in electric conduction. Because the conductivity is due to positively-charged holes, it is called an extrinsic p-type semiconductor. Conduction band Eg ∼ 1 eV Acceptor states Valence band Acceptor doping It should be noted that n-type and p-type semiconductors are electrically neutral. The n and p refer only to the charge carriers, not the overall charge. Finally, just as in an intrinsic semiconductor electrons are the majority charge carriers and holes the minority, in doped semiconductors holes carry some current in n-type and electrons some current in p-type. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 59 At absolute zero the donor and acceptor states are empty, and so the Fermi level lies between the valence band and the acceptor level for a p-type and between the donor level and the conduction band for an n-type semiconductor. But, as the temperature rises, thermal energy causes these states to be populated, and the Fermi level moves toward the center of the band gap. At high enough temperatures an extrinsic semiconductor behaves like an intrinsic one. The pn junction In practice, a pn junction is typically formed by starting with an n-type semiconductor and doping it from the surface with enough group III atoms to create a p-type region. The process is shown in detail at In principle, one can conceive of starting with separate pieces of n-type and p-type semiconductors and bringing them together so that they touch. n-type n-type p-type p-type free electrons free electrons free holes free holes Creating a semiconductor junction Once they are in contact the free electrons in the conduction band in the n-type material are attracted to the positively-charged holes on the p-type side. They fill the holes. But remember that each side was electrically neutral. The free electrons came from the donor states; the free holes from the acceptor states. The positively-charged donor states and the negatively-charged acceptor states near the junction oppose further electron migration. They create a kind of battery, with the n-type side more positive and the p-type side more negative. The region devoid of electrons and holes is called the depletion zone. n-type n-type p-type p-type free electrons free electrons free holes free holes Depletion zone Formation of the depletion zone A more accurate picture of the junction is obtained by considering the Fermi energy. The energy must be the same on both sides of the junction, as shown below. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 60 p-type n-type eV0 EF Fermi level in a pn-junction As a result the valence and conduction bands are “bent.” This picture helps you see how electrons and holes can move. You can think of the electrons as marbles rolling on the bottom of the conduction band. They would need additional energy to go “up hill” from the n-side to the pside. Holes can be considered to be air bubbles in a liquid-filled valence band. They rise to the highest level. Again, energy would be needed to pull them down so they could enter the n-side of the junction. The semiconductor diode The two pieces of doped silicon joined at the junction are called a diode. How does a diode act in a circuit? p-type n- p-type n- eV0 + eV0 – EF EF – + + VS – VS Forward- and reverse-biasing a diode Suppose that you connect the diode to a voltage source, Vs, with a series resistor to limit the current. If you connect the negative terminal of the voltage source to the n-side of the diode, electrons will flow from the source into the diode, pushing the free electrons toward the junction. If they have enough energy they will climb the potential hill and reach the p-side. That is, there will be a current through the junction. The electrons leave the p-side with less energy than they entered in the amount eV0, that is, their potential is lowered by an amount V0. Holes will flow in the opposite direction and will lose the same amount of energy. The depletion zone is narrowed. The diode is said to be forward biased. If the positive terminal of the source is connected to the n-side of the diode, free electrons will be attracted to the voltage source and away from the junction. This action increases the width of the depletion zone. Similarly, holes will be attracted toward the negative terminal of the source and away from the junction. There will be no current through the diode. The diode is said to be Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 61 reverse biased. How does the current depend on the potential difference placed across the diode? It can be shown that the current is well described by the equation I (V ) = I R (eαeV / kT − 1) . In this equation e is the electronic charge, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute temperature, α is a constant that depends on how the diode is made, and IR is the (small) current when the diode is strongly reverse-biased. Note that when the voltage is more than a few tenths of a volt negative (reverse bias) the current is –IR. When the voltage is positive the current rises rapidly. A good model for the current through a silicon diode is shown on the graph below. The current is very small until the diode is forward-biased by 0.7 V: Then the current increases very rapidly. Diodes made of different materials begin to conduct at different voltages and have differing current-voltage slopes. But in essence, all are similar in the sense that they act as open circuits when reverse-biased and very low resistance closed circuits when forward-biased. Further, they all have a voltage drop across them when forward biased. This is called the forward voltage drop. For silicon diodes it is about 0.6 V. It is smaller for Ge diodes, much larger for LEDs. Diode characteristic IV-curve Light-emitting diodes and light-sensitive diodes Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, and light-sensitive diodes, or photodiodes, are complementary examples of the same physical process, the transfer of energy between an electron in the diode and a light photon. In a forward-biased LED a conduction electron fills a hole. It loses energy and a photon of the same energy is emitted. The voltage source and resistor supply electrons to the n-side of the diode and add holes to the p-side. The materials from which the diode is made are carefully selected so that the bandgap has the correct energy for the wavelength of photon to be emitted. LEDs are available that emit photons from blue through near infrared energies. The forward voltage drop depends on the material. The power of the light emitted is roughly proportional to the current. The diode is packaged in a transparent case, often with a lens built in to create either a narrow beam of light or a diffused source. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 62 p-type n-type eV0 – eVS EF – + VS Light-emitting diode LEDs are constructed from semiconductors consisting of two, three, or four elements. Small variations in the proportions cause a change in color produced. For example, GaAs0.60P0.40 is a red LED, GaAs0.35P0.65 is orange, GaAs0.15P0.85 is yellow, and GaAs0.00P1.00 is green. In general GaAsP (gallium arsenide, phosphide) is used for red through green. AlGaInP (aluminum gallium indium phosphide) produces the same colors, but with higher brightness. InGaN (indium gallium nitride) is used for green through blue LEDs. AlGaAs (aluminum gallium arsenide) produces red through infrared light. Violet and UV LEDs are also available. In a photodiode the opposite process occurs. A photon is absorbed in the p-layer, freeing a bound electron, which simultaneously creates a hole and a conduction electron. A photodiode can be run at zero bias where it generates a potential difference and, as a result, a small current through a resistor. More frequently the diode is reverse biased, and current through the resistor is monitored. The current is proportional to the rate at which light energy is absorbed by the junction. The actual construction, shown below, looks somewhat different from the energy diagram shown above. Again, selection of the materials from which the diode is made determines the minimum photon energy that can be absorbed. For example, Si diodes are sensitive from 190 to 1100 nm (peak sensitivity 780 nm), Ge diodes in the infrared from 800 to 1800 nm, and InGaAs diodes even deeper infrared, 800-2600 nm. Actually all diodes, including LEDs are photosensitive, but they are not manufactured to maximize conversion of light to current. Transparent cover Depletion zone Positive connection Negative connection Light n-layer p-layer Photodiode construction Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 63 In summary, a diode is a two terminal device. As you have seen it is a one-way conductor. That is, it acts like a short circuit when one end is positive and like an open circuit when the other end is positive. For that reason it is often used to “rectify” ac, converting it to dc (at least to voltages that are either positive or negative, but not both). Diodes can emit light; other diodes can detect light. But one thing that a diode cannot do is to increase the current through it (or voltage across it). For that a third terminal is needed. The transistor In 1945, William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain, began working at Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop a device constructed from solids (crystals). In December, 1947, Bardeen and Brattain constructed the first three-terminal point-contact amplifier. Shockley, the team leader, had not been directly involved. He was both elated and furious, and in a four-week period developed the theory for a version that is the one used today. Creating a practical device took two more years! J.R. Pierce at Bell Labs decided to call the device the transistor. It is both a shortened version of trans-resistor and is similar to the word thermistor that was already in use. A junction transistor, the only kind in use today can be considered to be two diodes placed backto-back. You could put either the n or the p sides together. In one case you would have a pnp transistor, in the other a npn. We’ll discuss npn transistors. As shown below, the junction between what is called the base and the emitter is forward biased, while the base-collector junction is reverse biased. n + Collector + p Base n Emitter Transistor biasing The second diagram shows the energy levels for the biased transistor. The forward bias of the emitter-base junction pushes electrons into the emitter. They are given enough energy to overcome the barrier and go into the base. Therefore there is a small emitter-base current. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 64 n-type p-type n- eV0 – eVBE eV0 + eVBC emitter base collector Energy levels in transistor But, the base is made very thin. A majority of the electrons don’t leave at the base but continue into the collector, which they can because of the bias that is applied. Therefore the emittercollector current is much larger than the emitter-base current. We define two ratios: α = IC/IE and β = IC/IB. = α/(1 – α). The value of α is very close to 1 (like 0.99) and β is large, typically around 100. That is, a very tiny base current produces a large collector current. How does a transistor amplify? Small changes in the forward bias voltage of the emitter-base junction cause large changes in the emitter-base current because the IV curve of the diode is almost vertical. Then, these changes in the emitter-base current cause changes in the emittercollector current that are larger by a factor of β. In other words, the base acts like a valve to control the current from the emitter to the collector. Transistor amplifiers How then can the transistor be connected into a circuit to be an amplifier? We’ll consider only one configuration, the so-called common-emitter amplifier. That is shown below. RC IC + RB VCE IB VBB _ + VCC VBE Common-emitter amplifier circuit Suppose you vary the base voltage (VBB). The base-emitter voltage is virtually constant, so almost all the change in the base voltage creates a change in the base current as given by the equation IB = (VBB – VBE)/RB. The transistor then changes the collector current. How does that change a voltage? Consider the collector circuit in the diagram. Kirchhoff’s laws give Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 65 VCC – ICRC – VCE = 0, or VCE = VCC – ICRC. Therefore as IC changes, so does the voltage across RC and VCE. Let’s quantify this analysis. The graph below has a family of curves that show how the collector current and collector-emitter voltage depend on base current. Note that at a fixed base current as VCE rises, the collector current first rises rapidly, then much more slowly. Now consider holding VCE fixed and increasing the base current. The collector current rises. Note that if you increase IB by 10 µA, IC increases by roughly 1 mA. That is, this transistor has a current amplification factor of about 100. 80 70 9 60 50 IC (mA) 5 IB (µA) 40 30 20 10 5 VCE (V) 9 Transistor IV characteristic curves Now consider the collector circuit that obeys the equation VCE = VCC – ICRC. When IC = 0, VCE = VCC. In the case shown above, VCC = 9V. When VCE = 0 IC = VCC/RC. Therefore RC = VCC/IC, or 1kΩ. The diagonal line represents how VCE and IC are related. The value of IB determines the value of IC, and VCC and RC determine the value of VCE. So, we could change an input voltage in such a way that the base current varies between 0 and 80 µA and the result would be a variation in the voltage across the transistor from about 1 to 9 volts. Note that this is an inverting amp: as VB and IB increase, VCE decreases. The problem is that most signals are bipolar—they oscillate around V = 0. We solve this problem to creating a fixed base bias current and have the signal vary the base current around the fixed value. The fixed value is called the Q or quiescent point. It is best to choose the Q point in the middle of the diagonal line. In this case IBQ = 40 µA would be a good choice. It would result in VCEQ = 4.5 V and ICQ = 4.5 mA. A practical common-emitter design doesn’t use two separate batteries. Rather, it uses a voltage divider to bias the base. Further, you want a design that doesn’t depend on the properties of the transistor itself (just as you want an op amp design that doesn’t depend on the gain of the op amp itself). You want the gain to depend on resistors, not on the transistor. A practical circuit is shown below. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 66 VCC RC RB2 C1 C2 Vout Vin RB1 RE Practical common-emitter amplifier How does it work? Because the base-emitter voltage is about 0.6 V, VE = VB – 0.6V. The changes in the base and emitter voltages will be the same: vE = vB. The variation in the emitter current is given by iE = vE/RE, but vE = vB, so iE = vB/RE. Because the value of β of the transistor is very high, iB << iC, so Kirchhoff’s node law for currents, iE = iB + iC becomes iE = iC and so iC = vB/RE. The changes in VCE are equal (and opposite in sign) to the changes in the voltage across the collector resistor. That is, the changes in the output voltage are given by –vC. But vC = iCRC. But, as was shown above, iC = vB/RE. Therefore vC = vB RC/RE. Therefore the voltage gain of the amplifier, AV = –vC/vE AV = RC/RE. Here is a technique for choosing the value of the components: 1) Choose the gain. Make it no larger than 10. As you know, the gain is equal to RC/RE. 2) Choose the quiescent point. A good value for ICQ is a few milliamps. A good value for VCEQ is roughly half the power supply voltage VCC. 3) The Q-point then determines the sum of the two resistances: RC + RE = (VCC – VCEQ)/ICQ. The gain gives you the ratio of the resistors, so you can determine the two values. Adjust everything so you can use available resistors. 4) Select the base resistors. First, from calculations above, find VE. Add 0.6 V to it to get VB. Then use the voltage divider equation to find RB2/RB1. That is, since VB = VCC/(1+RB2/RB1), RB2/RB1 = (VCC/VB – 1). The parallel combination of the two should be at least ten times RE, which means, typically, that each resistor is in the 10-50k range. 5) Choose the capacitors. Each is part of a high-pass filter. The –3-dB point should be below the lowest frequency you want to amplify. The high-pass filter resistor for C1 is the parallel combination of βRE, RB1, and RB2. The resistor for C2 is the input resistance of the next device. Typically C1 and C2 are 1-10 µF. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 67 Practical example: 1) Make the gain about 5. 2) Choose ICQ = 2.0 mA and VCC = 9.0 V. Then VCEQ = 4.5 V. 3) RC + RE = 4.5V/2.0 mA = 2.25k. If RE = 390Ω, then RC = 1.8kΩ would be acceptable. 4) VE = (2.0mA)(390Ω) = 0.8 V, so VB = 0.8 + 0.6 = 1.4V and RB2/RB1 = (9/1.4 – 1) = 5.4. 12k and 68k would be reasonable choices. 5) The parallel combination of three resistances is 8k. If C1 = 2µF the –3dB frequency is 10 Hz. With RC = 1.8k, one would need C2 = 10 µF to achieve the same –3dB frequency. Input and output impedances How are the input voltage and current related? For the transistor alone, Rin = vB/iB. Because the base-emitter voltage is essentially constant, the variations in the base and emitter voltages are the same, so Rin = vE/iB. But vE = iERE, so Rin = RE(iE/iB). As long as β is large, Rin = βRE. In the common-emitter amplifier the input impedance is the parallel combination of Rin = βRE and the two biasing resistors, R1 and R2. The reason for making those two resistors large is to roughly balance the input impedance among its three components, βRE, R1, and R2. The output impedance is just the collector resistance, RC. Because this resistance determines the gain and is usually fairly large, the common emitter amplifier has a high output impedance. Power amplifiers The high output resistance of the common-emitter amplifier means if you draw significant current from it the output voltage falls. One way to provide the current needed for a high current load is to use an emitter follower amplifier. This is like the common emitter, but with RC = 0. It has a voltage gain of 1. We will use it to drive an LED, which requires a current larger than an ordinary op amp can supply. +15V Vin VB VE RE Vd LED-driver Here are the steps to be followed in designing an emitter follower amplifier used with an LED: Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 68 Step 1) Choose the value of RE. a) The op amp will limit the maximum value of Vin. This voltage will be VB (max) b) Find the maximum value of VE = VB – 0.7 V c) Decide on the maximum current through the diode. d) From measurements of the IV curves of the diode, find the forward voltage drop across the diode, Vd, at this current d) Select RE = (VE (max) – Vd)/I 2) Recheck the voltage at the base of the transistor, VB. a) Calculate the voltage at the emitter, VE = Vd + I RE . b) Find the voltage at the base, VB = VE + 0.7 V c) If this is too large, reduce the size of RE 3) Find the input voltage needed to turn off the diode. a) Select a very small current, one that results in a very dim output. b) Find the voltage across the diode at that current. c) Find the emitter voltage VE = Vd + I RE d) Calculate the base voltage VB = VE + VBE 5) Summarize Find the desired range of input voltages and the center value, the “quiescent” voltage, around which the input should swing. Example VB (max) = 13 V VE (max) = 12.3 V I = 40 mA Vd = 2.5 V RE = (12.3 – 2.5)/0.04 = 245Ω. Use an available value like 220Ω. VE = 2.5 + (0.04 A)(220Ω) = 11.3 V. VB = 11.3 + 0.7 = 12.0 V No change needed. Imin = 2 mA. Estimate Vd = 2 V VE = 2 V + (2 mA)(220Ω) = 2.4 V VB =2.4 + 0.7 = 3.1 V I = 2 to 40 mA requires Vin between 3.1 and 12.0 V. Center value is 7.55 V. The problem with this circuit is that the collector current when the varying signal is zero is quite large, especially if very large currents are needed. For example, for a 10-W amplifier driving an 8-Ω speaker, this current would be tens of amps. Even with no signal the transistors and resistors would be dissipating large amounts of power and getting very hot. The solution to use a “push-pull” amplifier using matched npn and pnp transistors. When the input is positive the npn transistor conducts and when the input is negative the pnp transistor does the duty. When the input is zero neither transistor conducts. There is less wasted power! Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 69 +15V –15V Push-pull speaker amplifier The problem with this circuit is the voltage drops between the bases and emitters. As a result, the output voltage is always about 0.6V smaller than the input voltage. When the input drops to +0.6V the output is zero, and it stays zero until the input is below –0.6V. Small input signals, those with peak voltages less than 0.6 V, produce no output signal at all. We’ll investigate two solutions to this problem, one in a problem, one later. 3. Applications You will design and test a light-wave communication system that can communicate across the laboratory. The transmitter will use a microphone that is amplified by an op amp and uses a transistor to drive an LED. The receiver will use a phototransistor that is amplified using an op amp and a complementary-symmetry circuit to drive a loudspeaker. Hints for transmitter design: You’ll need to make the dc voltage output of the microphone zero with no sound. This will require a high-pass filter. The “R” is the input resistance of the amplifier. Choose the capacitor so that the circuit is sensitive to frequencies as low as 100 Hz. The op amp gain should be large enough that the microphone will modulate the LED output from no light to full intensity. You’ll need to use a summing amplifier so that you can add a variable dc offset voltage to adjust the LED output to just-barely-visible when you are not speaking into the microphone. What wavelength LED should you use? Match it to the sensitivity of the phototransistor in the receiver. Hints for receiver design: You will have to choose the gain of the circuit to produce a reasonable level of sound at the speaker. The gain will depend on the amount of light detected by the phototransistor. Test the transmitter/receiver pair and develop methods of reducing interference from the room lights. 4. Questions and problems 1. Design a common-emitter amplifier with a gain of 10 that has VCC = 24 V. Select values of C1` and C2 so that the –3 dB frequency of the amplifier is 10 Hz. 2. Calculate the input and output resistances of the amplifier of Problem 1. 3. Design an emitter follower that will drive an LED with currents up to 30 mA. The op amp Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 70 can produce output voltages between –12.5 V and +12.5 V. The collector of the transistor is connected to +15 V, the cathode of the diode to –15 V. What input voltages would be needed to change the current through the diode from 2 mA to 30 mA? 4. Consider the circuit below. The diodes are both Si diodes that have a forward voltage drop of 0.6 V. The two resistors are each 10k. If Vin = 0 V, what is V1? V2? Now suppose that Vin is connected to a signal generator that produces an ac voltage with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.5 V. What would V1 and V2 be? +15 V R1 V1 Vin V2 R2 −15 V Circuit for problem 4 5. The circuit in Problem 4 is used with a push-pull amplifier, with V1 and V2 connected to the bases of the two transistors, and Vin is the input to the circuit as shown below. Explain how this addition solves the problem of no output signal for small input signals. +15 V R1 Vin Vout R2 −15 V Circuit for problem 5 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 71 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 72 4. Entering the digital world A. From analog to digital Analog signals vary continuously; digital are either off or on. How can you convert an analog to a digital signal? For example, you might want an electronic thermometer to turn a heater on when the temperature falls below a set point, a force-sensitive resistor held against an artery to create a signal when the vessel pulses, a light detector to register the blockage of a light beam. Any of these events might be used to produce an “on” or an “off” signal or to create a pulse that turns “on” and then back “off” after a specified time. 1. Laboratory explorations The comparator At the heart of a device to convert analog to digital is a comparator; a circuit that compares a signal to a fixed voltage value. A 741 op amp without the feedback resistor can be used as a comparator because the output voltage swings from one extreme to the other when the difference in input voltage changes from a few millivolts positive to negative. Rather than using the 741, an op amp specially designed to be used as a comparator, the 311, will be employed. Complete the circuit below to test the 311. The circuit has a reference voltage that is produced by the voltage divider consisting of R1and R2. This voltage is compared with the voltage, from the 10-k potentiometer. Note that the pin assignments on the 311 are different from those on the 741 and a single +5 V supply is used instead of the +/– 15 V supplies. +5 V 10-k pot 3 1k 8 Vin R2 = 10k 2 Vref 7 311 1 Vout 4 R1 = 10k 311 comparator test circuit Connect the output to one of the logic indicator lamps on the ProtoBoard. Check to see that the indicator goes on or off when the voltage from the potentiometer, Vin, equals Vref. A major difficulty in using a comparator such as this is that if the input voltage (now controlled by the potentiometer) oscillates near the value of the reference voltage (most likely due to noise), the output will also rapidly oscillate. The solution is to provide some “hysteresis,” or memory (cf. “history”). The idea is if the comparator is off and the input voltage drops below a threshold and turns on the comparator, the voltage has to go up to a higher voltage to turn the output off again. That is, the hystersis circuit lowers the “turn on” voltage and raises the “turn off” voltage. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 73 Adding a resistor that provides positive feedback produces hysteresis as will be explained later. The result is the Schmitt trigger circuit shown below. +5 V 10-k pot R2 = 10k 1k 8 3 7 311 2 Vout 1 4 R3 = 27k R1 = 10k Schmitt trigger test circuit Determine the hysteresis voltage of this circuit. How could you change R3 to increase the hysteresis? Test your prediction by making R3 smaller and measuring the new hysteresis. Now replace the 10-k pot with an input signal from a sensor. You may use the LM335 to make a thermostat, a phototransistor (with an op amp I-V converter) to detect light/dark changes, or an integrated circuit magnetic field sensor to see if a magnet is close to the sensor. Replace the voltage divider formed by R1 and R2 with the 10-k pot so that you can adjust the reference voltage. Report your investigation and results. From level change to a pulse: the monostable multivibrator The comparator and Schmitt trigger create a digital, or on/off signal from a varying analog signal. Frequently digital circuits demand a pulse, a signal that turns on and then back off a specified time later. You will first explore a circuit that creates a single pulse of fixed time width when the input is lowered, and then connect this circuit to the Schmitt trigger. The technical term for the pulse generator is a monostable multivibrator. Monostable refers the fact that the output has one stable state (off) and the on state is only temporary. A convenient device to use in this application is the 555 multivibrator. +5V 1k 10k R 8 4 7 555 6 3 Vout 2 0.01µF 1 C 5 0.01µF 555 monostable multivibrator Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 74 The pulse width is given by T = 1.1 RC. Choose a combination to create a pulse about 10 ms long. The 555 requires that the voltage on pin 2 drop to 1/3 of the voltage on pin 4 in order to start the pulse, but it must return to 2/3 of 5 V before the pulse ends. Explore how the RC circuit attached to the pushbutton switch accomplishes this deed. Once the pulse generator is working remove the pushbutton and 1-k resistor and connect the lefthand end of the capacitor to the output of the 311 Schmitt trigger. Report on the results. Note that the pulse is generated when the Schmitt trigger turns off. How can the entire circuit be modified so that the pulse is generated when the trigger turns on? 2. Textbook and classroom explanations A comparator should compare an input voltage, Vin, with a reference voltage, VR, and produce one output voltage (1 V) when the input is greater than the reference and a second voltage (0 V) when the input is below the reference, as shown in the figure below. Noise-free comparator operation The high gain of an ordinary op amp like the 741 can produce output voltages of approximately +12.5 and –12.5, depending on whether it is true or false that V+ is larger than V–. Yet, a 741 is hardly ever used as a comparator. Why? First, the speed with which a 741 can drive its output voltage from one extreme to the other is limited by the “slew rate.” This term comes from the language of servomechanisms, where the slew rate is the maximum speed at which a device can move when the feedback system is not attempting to move the servo to a particular position. For the 741 the slew rate is about 0.5 V/µs. Thus it requires about 50 µs for the output to go from one extreme to the other. The slew rate is slow because the internal circuitry limits high frequency gain in order to avoid oscillations. Second, most digital systems work with a different pair of voltages that signify “true” or “false.” The digital systems that we will explore use +5V for “true” and 0V for “false.” The LM311 is an op amp specifically designed for use as a comparator. Its output can be driven from “off” to “on” in about 0.2 µs. Further, the output is extremely flexible. One can arrange the device to produce almost any pair of high and low voltages. We will ground pin 1 and connect pin 7 to +5V through a 1-k resistor. Then when the comparator is “off” there will be a virtual short circuit between pins 7 and 1, so the output voltage will be 0V. When the comparator is “on” there will be an open circuit between pins 7 and 1 so the output voltage will be +5V. If pin Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 75 1 were to be connected to –15 V, and the 1-k resistor to +15V, then the output would change between –15V and +15V. What happens if the signal has noise on it? The figure below shows a fast, low amplitude sine wave “noise” superimposed on the slower “signal.” Comparator with signal and noise Notice that the output is turned on and off by the noise. The solution to this problem is to add hysteresis to the comparator. “Hysteresis” comes from the word “history.” It means that the reference voltage depends on whether the output is on or off. If it is off, then the reference level is raised a certain amount. That is, the signal must be somewhat larger to turn it on. Once it is on, then the level the signal must drop to a lower level to turn it off. The hysteresis band—the difference between the off and on levels, is adjust to be slightly larger than the amplitude of the noise. Comparator with hysteresis Hysteresis is added to a household thermostat so that the furnace isn’t rapidly turned on and off when the temperature is at the set point. For example, the temperature might have to fall to 68o before the furnace turns on and above 72o before it turns off. Hysteresis is added to a comparator by using positive feedback. Resistor R3 modifies the voltage divider consisting of resistors R1 and R2. Because the end of R3 connected to the comparator output is either at 0 V or 5 V, the circuit can be modeled as shown in the diagrams below Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 76 +5 V +5 V R2 R2 R3 Vref R1 R3 Vref R1 Schmitt trigger analysis The left-hand situation applies when the output, pin 7, is at 0V. Then analysis of the voltage divider shows that Vref = (5V)(R1||R3)/(R1||R3 + R2), where R1||R3 means the parallel combination of R1 and R3. When the output is at +5V, then the output voltage is given by Vref = (5V)(R1)/(R2||R3 + R1). Straightforward algebra shows that the difference in the voltages is R1R2 equal to ∆Vref = (5V ) . This can also be written as R1R2 + R1R3 + R2 R3 ∆Vref = (5V)RTH/(RTH + R3), where RTH is the Thevénin equivalent resistance of the original voltage divider, the parallel combination of R1 and R2. The multivibrator The 555 (pronounced “five-fifty-five”) is one of the most versatile integrated circuits ever made. An equivalent circuit of the 555 is shown below to the left. V+ +5V 8 R R Threshold Control 6 8 5 R 4 7 Trigger 2 R 6 555 3 Vout R Flip Flop Discharge 2 S Reset Q V+ 7 1 Reset 5 4 Output C 0.01µF 3 V- 1 555 equivalent circuit 555 one-shot multivibrator The 555 contains a three-resistor voltage divider, establishing reference voltages of 2/3 V+ and 1/3 V+. The left-hand comparator compares the threshold input to 2/3 V+. The right-hand comparator compares the trigger input to 1/3 V+. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 77 These two comparators go to a Flip Flop. The Trigger comparator turns the Flip Flop on, the threshold turns it off. When the circuit is first powered up the capacitor C is discharged. The unmarked resistor connected to pin 2 keeps the Trigger input high. Trigger voltage Capacitor voltage Output voltage t = 1.1 RC One-shot multivibrator operation When the switch is briefly closed, pin 2, the Trigger input, is pulled to 0V. The Flip Flop is turned on. As a result the Q output is set at 0V. This turns off the transistor connected to it, allowing the voltage on the Discharge (pin 7) to rise. Meanwhile, the Output (pin 3) is raised to 5 V. The current through R charges C. When the voltage across C reaches 2/3 V+ (3.3 V) the threshold is reached. The Flip Flop is turned off. This raises Q to 5V. The transistor turns on, making a low-resistance connection between Discharge (pin 7) and ground, shorting the capacitor and discharging it. At the same time the Output (pin 3) is turned off. The time required for the capacitor to reach the threshold voltage t = 1.1 RC. It is important that the voltage at the Trigger input return to 5V before the output goes back to 0V, so in the circuit used in the lab the 10-k resistor recharges the capacitor connected to the switch, raising the Trigger input back to 5 V. The 555 has many other uses. The principal use is as an “astable” multivibrator. In this mode its output oscillates, producing an asymmetric square wave (on and off times are not equal). There are entire books written of applications for the 555. 3. Questions and problems 1. Design comparator circuit (without hysteresis) that could be connected to an LM335 sensor and would turn off when the temperature rises to 23oC . 2. Derive the equation for ∆Vref given above. 3. Add hysteresis to the circuit of problem 1 that requires the temperature to be above or below the set point by 0.5K for the comparator output to change. 4. Explain how the 1-k and 10-k resistors and the 0.01-µF capacitor work. Determine how long pin 2 has the required lower voltage (1/3 V+ or 1.67 V). 5. You need to obtain a 10 µs-wide pulse using a 555 monostable multivibrator. If C = 1000 pF, what is R? Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 78 B. Digital logic How do you make decisions based on two or more digital signals? The familiar logical operations of NOT, AND, and OR can be implemented with electronic circuitry 1. Laboratory explorations Digital logic Digital circuitry requires definition of the two states 1/0, TRUE/FALSE, HIGH/LOW or ON/OFF. We will use the convention that a high voltage (the power supply voltage) represents ON, TRUE, or 1, a low voltage (ground) represents OFF, FALSE, or 0. A number of different definitions of high and low voltages exist that depend on the electronic circuits used. Two families of devices are in common use today: CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) and TTL (transistor-transistor logic). We will concentrate on the latter. TTL devices are powered by 5-V power supplies. As a result, they can accept signal voltages between 0 and 5.0 V. As shown in the explanations that follow, when a voltage is applied to a device, it will interpret a voltage between 0 and 0.7 V as “low” and between 2.0 and 5.0 V as “high.” When a device produces a signal, a “low” signal is between 0 and 0.4 V and “high” is between 2.4 and 5.0 V. But it isn’t quite a simple as that, as we shall see. Your ProtoBoards support digital circuitry in several ways 1. Sources of digital signals Eight tiny “DIP” switches that put out either 0 or 5 V Two “SPDT” (Single Pole Double Throw) slide switches that connect a center contact to either of two end contacts Two “debounced” pushbuttons (to be explained later) A TTL output of the function generator. 2. Indicators of digital signals Eight “logic indicators,” LEDs that glow when their input voltage is greater than 1.4 V. 3. Power supply 5.0 V at up to 1.0 A. Exploring the ProtoBoard Connect a wire from one of the DIP switches to an indicator and determine how to set the switch to produce a 0 (light off) and how to set it to produce a 1 (light on). Then connect the output of one of the push buttons to an indicator to see how it works. Finally connect the TTL output of the function generator to an indicator and set the frequency to about 1 Hz. Verify that the generator can produce digital signals. Exploring digital gates A gate is an electronic circuit that implements one of the logical operations. The gate circuits are an integrated circuit that sold as a DIP (dual-inline) package similar to the 741 op amp. To save space, each package contains several gates. For example, devices that implement the OR Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 79 operation usually have four gates and thus are called “quad or gates.” Each package must be connected to 5.0 V and ground in order to operate. The Inverter or NOT The 7404 is a hex inverter. The connections to the pins are shown at the right. Connect pin 14 (Vcc) to 5.0 V and pin 7 to ground. Verify that one of the six 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 gates inverts the signal: a high input produces a low output Vcc and visa versa. Summarize your results in a truth table like the one shown below: Input 1 0 Output The NAND gate “NAND” means “NOT AND.” That is, the logical operation “AND” is applied to two (or more) inputs and the result is inverted. The reason for this seemingly bizarre operation will be made clear later. The 7400 is a two-input quad NAND gate. Connect this device to 5 V and ground and test one of the gates, summarizing your results in a truth table like the one shown below: Inputs 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vcc GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Output The NOR gate “NOR” means “NOT OR.” As above, the logical operation “OR” is applied to two (or more) inputs and the result is inverted. The 7402 is a two-input 14 13 12 11 10 9 quad NOR gate. Connect this device to 5 V and ground and Vcc test one of the gates, summarizing your results in a truth table like the one shown below: 8 Inputs 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 Output GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Textbook and classroom explanations As you have seen, digital electronics is based on the notion that a signal can be in one of two states. There are many ways of naming the states, 1/0, TRUE/FALSE, HIGH/LOW or ON/OFF. For compactness we will use 1/0 to designate the state of a signal. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 80 Boolean algebra George Boole (1815-1864) was an English mathematician who, in 1847 published “The Mathematical Analysis of Logic” in which he argued that the discipline of logic belonged more in mathematics than in philosophy. Over the next seven years he refined his “Analysis,” developing a language system for encoding logical arguments. His system, today usually called Boolean Algebra, involves two objects, yes/no or true/false, and three operations, AND, OR, and NOT. Boole’s system was introduced to the United States in 1866 by the logician/philosopher C.S. Peirce, but not widely used until Claude Shannon (1916-2001) in his 1937 Ph.D. thesis at MIT made the connection between Boolean algebra and electric circuits. It was first applied to telephone circuits. In 1948 he published “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” the work that is the foundation of the discipline of information theory. The development of digital computers is based on Shannon’s work. A variable in Boolean algebra is represented by a letter that can have one of two values, 0 and 1. NOT Logically, one uses the operation NOT like this: “If a statement is true, then the opposite of the statement is false.” If we use the letter A to represent the statement and A to represent its opposite, then one would say “If A is true, then A is false.” Or, “If A is 1, then A is 0.” The Boolean operation NOT, or negation, is represented by a bar over a letter A . That is, if A = 1, A = 0. The most useful way of displaying the results of Boolean algebra is to use a truth table. A truth table has two or more columns. The left-hand column(s) display the inputs, the right-hand column the result. Here is the truth table for NOT A 1 0 A 0 1 An electronic device that implements the NOT application is the inverter. It has one input and an output. If the input is 0, the output is 1; if the input is 1, the output is 0. The symbol is shown below: Gates Digital circuitry is built from gates, which can be thought of as a switch that can be opened (to reject a signal) or closed (to transmit a signal). Thus a gate also has two states: 1/0, closed/open, on/off. Again, for compactness, we will use 1/0 to designate the state of a gate. Gates can be used to implement the Boolean operations AND or OR. AND Logically, one usually combines “and” with “both” in the following way: “If BOTH A AND B are true, then the result is true.” Thus the result is true (1) in only one case, when A is true (1) and B is true (1). If either is false, the result is false. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 81 In Boolean algebra the operation AND is represented by multiplication, the “•” sign. Thus one would write: A•B = Q The truth table for AND is the following: A 0 1 0 1 B 0 0 1 1 A••B 0 0 0 1 One can purchase AND gates in a number of configurations. The most common gate has two inputs and one output. Four are included on a single integrated circuit, the so-called quad AND gate. You can also purchase gates with three or four inputs. The symbol for a two-input gate is shown below: A A•B B OR Logically, one usually combines “or” with “either” in the following way: “If EITHER A OR B are true, then the result is true.” Thus the result is false (0) in only one case, when A is false (0) and B is false (0). If either (or both) is true, the result is true. In Boolean algebra the operation OR is represented by addition, the “+” sign. Thus one would write: A+B = Q The truth table for OR is the following: A 0 1 0 1 B 0 0 1 1 A+B 0 1 1 1 One can also purchase OR gates in a number of configurations. The most common gate has two inputs and one output, usually grouped so that four are on a single integrated circuit, resulting in a quad OR gate. You can also purchase gates with three or four inputs. The symbol for a twoinput OR gate is: A A+B B NAND and NOR While OR and AND are the fundamental Boolean operations, for electronic purposes the most useful operations are combinations of these two called NAND (for NOT AND) and NOR (for NOT OR). That is, a NAND is an AND gate followed by an inverter, and similarly for the NOR gate. Their symbols are shown below. Note that a circle at the output denotes inversion Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 82 A A•B B A A+B B How are they more useful than AND and OR gates? The first way they can be used is to create an inverter. If you connect the two inputs of a NAND gate together, then B = A. From the truth table you can easily see that A•A = A or A • A = A . Thus the output is the opposite of the input. You should verify that the same can be done with a NOR gate. Further uses are based on a set of two equations called de Morgan’s theorems. In symbolic form the two theorems are A+ B = A• B A• B = A+ B The relationships would be said “NOT A OR NOT B equals A NAND B,” and “NOT A AND NOT B equals A NOR B.” These theorems can demonstrate how to construct AND, OR, and NOR gates from several NAND gates. For example, to create NOR, first use a NAND gate to invert A to form A and use a second NAND gate to negate B. Then put the two inputs, A and B into a NAND gate. The result is A • B = A + B = A + B . A final inverter changes the OR into a NOR. That is, A A A•B = A+B = A+B A+B B B In a similar way NOR gates can be used to create all other operations. A table of theorems of Boolean algebra is shown below: A+ A = A A• A = A A+ A• B = A A +1 = 1 A •1 = A A+ A• B = A+ B A+0 = A A•0 = 0 A+ A• B = A+ B A+ A =1 A• A = 0 A+ A• B = A+ B It might seem that creating OR from four NANDs is an incredible waste of space, wire, and time. But, if the gates are produced using microelectronic techniques on integrated circuits there are great advantages of having only one type of gate on a chip and very small costs of creating additional interconnections between the gates. Analyzing logic problems Consider the following problem: Light an LED if either the left or the right car door is open and the driver is seated. What are the steps in solving the problem? Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 83 1) First, you have to decide, for each input and output, the meaning of “1” and “0” (or “true” and “false”). Either an open or a closed door can be “true”; the driver’s seat vacant or occupied can be “true.” You can light an LED with the output either high (“true”) or low (“false”) depending on how you connect it. 2) Note how the choice of true/false determines the logic. “Either the left or right door is open” is logically equivalent to the negative of “Both the left and right doors are closed.” This is DeMorgan’s theorem in language form. 3) Write down a truth table for the problem. Choices: Door closed is “1”, Seat occupied is “1”, light on is “1” Left 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Right 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Seat 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Light 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 Concentrate on the rows in the table where the smallest number of rows have a unique output. In this case five are 0, three are 1, so concentrate on the three that are 1. 4) Plan to use two-input NOR or NAND gates. While three- and four-input gates are available, they are rarely used. Because you can create all possible logical operations from NAND or NOR alone they are much more versatile than AND and OR gates. Write down the truth tables for the two operations for reference: A 0 1 0 1 B 0 0 1 1 A⋅B 1 1 1 0 A+B 1 0 0 0 5) If there are more than two inputs in the problem look for obvious groupings of inputs. In this problem the two doors should be grouped together first. Examine the truth table. In this case you can see that the light is 1 if BOTH doors are NOT 1. Comparing that statement with the truth tables for NAND and NOR, you can see that NAND has the desired result: a 1 when the light is 1 and a 0 when the light is 0. Left 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world Right L ⋅ R 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 84 Seat Light 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 6) Combine the result of the step above with the remaining input(s). In this case you can see that if you combine Right NAND Left with Seat using an AND you have the correct logic. Write down the result: Light = ( L ⋅ R )•S. 7) Convert to electronic gates. Because you’re not supposed to use AND you replace it with a NAND and either (1) change the definition of the output, making 1 represent light off, or (2) you follow the NAND with an inverter (made from another NAND). The result is the following: Left Right Light Seat 8) Check your results. You might also reconsider your input choices and see if different choices could lead to a simpler solution (one that involves only two gates instead of three). TTL Gates As digital logic devices have been developed a number of product lines, or groups of compatible devices, have been made available. We are using the TTL (transistor-transistor logic), first developed in the early 1970s. Devices are identified by four- or five-digit numbers beginning with 74. For example, the 7408 is a package containing four two-input AND gates. There are compatible sub-families identified by letters between the “74” and the digits identifying the kind of device. The most common are L (low power, but slow), LS (low-power Schottky-clamped), and ALS (Advanced Low-power Schottky). By 1980 regular TTL was almost obsolete, replaced by LS. A simplified schematic of a TTL NAND gate is shown below: 5V 4k 1.6k 130 Q3 Q1 A Q2 Output B Q4 1k TTL NAND gate schematic The first transistor, Q1, has multiple emitters. There can be a base-emitter current through either (or both). The diodes on the inputs are designed to protect the circuit from damage if the inputs are connected to negative voltages. To see how the gate works, consider the two situations below: Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 85 5V 5V 4k 1.6k VB high Q1 A Q2 VB low ON 4k 130 Q1 A OFF VB low 1k 130 VB low Q3 ON OFF VB high Output B 1.6k B Q4 High (3.6 V) OFF 1k Q2 ON VB high Q3 OFF Output Q4 Low (0.2 V) ON TTL NAND gate with input low, output high TTL NAND gate with input high, output low In the left-hand situation one of the two inputs is connected to ground. With a current path from 5V through the 4-k resistor and the base-emitter circuit of Q1 there is base current and Q1 is turned on. As a result, the collector-emitter voltage is small (about 0.2 V), and the base voltage for Q2 is below 0.6 V. As a result, Q2 is off, meaning there is no collector current, so the emitter voltage is at ground. There can be base current for Q3 through the 1.6-k resistor. This turns on Q3, meaning that there can be a current through the 130-Ω resistor, Q3, and the diode to the output. Because the emitter voltage of Q2 is at ground, transistor Q4 is off, so there is no current through it to ground. The output voltage depends on the current drawn from the gate. If the current is small the voltage is about 3.6 V. Now look at the right-hand schematic. When the input voltage is high, then there is no base current through Q1, so the transistor is off. There is enough current through the 4-k resistor and Q1 (backward from the base to the collector). This turns on Q2. As a result its collector and emitter are at almost the same voltage, turning off Q3 and turning on Q4. Now current can come in from the output and through Q4 to ground. Note that TTL operates in an almost counter-intuitive manner. The output can supply little current when high, but can sink large currents when low. The inputs require no current to be high, but require currents to ground if they are to be pulled low. One output can sink enough current to pull about 10 gates low. That is, the “fan out” capability is 10. Also note deMorgan’s theorem in action. If either input to the gate is low, then the output is not low. If, in a perverse way, you chose low to be true, then this gate is would be a NOR gate. Indicator lamps An LED is a perfect indicator for the state of a TTL gate. If you want the LED to be on when the output is high you run into the problem of the limited ability of a TTL gate to provide current. An LED connected between the output and ground will emit a dim glow when the output is high. But, the TTL gate can sink a relatively large current when the output is low. Connecting an LED in series with a 220-Ω resistor between 5V and the output will emit a bright light when the output is low. The LEDs on the ProtoBoard have built-in current amplifiers so that TTL limitations are no problem. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 86 3. Applications Explore how at TTL gate responds to an input that is not connected to either ground or 5 volts. Does it consider the input to be high (1) or low (0)? The name “gate” is not accidental because either the NAND or the NOR can be used to “gate” a signal, that is to allow it to pass or to block it, depending on the value of a control signal. To explore this use, use the TTL output of the function generator as a signal. Design and test a circuit that will allow the signal to pass (it can pass inverted or not) when the control is 0 and another when the control is 1. Implement a circuit that will perform the following task: You are designing a traffic light for a small North-South street that intersects a major East-West road. The East-West light should be green under all conditions except when there is a car going either north or south and there are no cars going either east or west. Design the logic circuit for the traffic light. Notice that you can define either a lane with a car or without a car as a “1” input and that you can define the EastWest light green or red as the “1” output. 4. Questions and problems 1. You have seen one way that a NAND can perform the NOT operation. How else could be in connected as an inverter? Should the second input be held at the 0 or 1 level? Find all the ways a NOR gate could perform the NOT operation. 2. Using the results of problem 1, construct AND and OR gates from NOR gates. 3. Show how to construct a 3-input NOR gate from 2-input NORs. C. Sequential logic Combinatorial logic has allowed you to make decisions based on two or more inputs. These inputs are likely to be static, or at least slowly changing. How can you deal with changing signals and make decisions based on which signal changed first and how many changes there were? In other word, how can you deal with pulses, not levels? 1. Laboratory explorations Mechanical switches have a problem. They are constructed of some springy material. When they are turned on this springy material is pressed against a metal contact. Because of the flexibility, the material vibrates, repeatedly closing and re-opening the switch. If that switch were used, for example, so that the first closing started a stopwatch and the second closing stopped it, the results would be unpredictable. What is needed is a device that is turned on, or “set” by the first closing of a switch and remains on until a second switch turns it off, or “resets” it. A device that has two stable states is called a flipflop. Construct the following device from a quad NAND gate: Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 87 S Q Q R RS Flipflop As you know, a bar over a symbol means that it is negated. That is, if Q is 0, Q is 1. S performs a “set” or makes Q true if its value is 0; R performs the “reset,” making Q false when its value goes to 0. “RS” means “Reset-Set.” Experimentally determine the truth table for the RS flipflop. For the input states 0 0 and 1 1 check to see if the previous state of the outputs plays a role in determining the result. What is strange about the outputs when the inputs are both zero? Inputs R S 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Outputs Q Q We will next use the RS flipflop to construct a “debounced” pushbutton. Use a momentary-contact, single-pole, double-throw switch that has three wires soldered to it. “NC” means normally closed. That is, the switch is normally in this position. “NO” means normally open. This contact will be connected to the moveable contact when the switch is activated. Determine which wire is connected to which contact. NC NO Add the switch to the RS flipflop as shown below. Q S NO NC Q R Debounced pushbutton Determine the outputs of the circuit when the switch is pressed and when it is not pressed. Leave it on your ProtoBoard for future use. The D Flipflop When a number of digital circuits are used together the system should be “clocked” so that all outputs are synchronized so that they change at the same time. A typical synchronizer is the data or D flipflop. We’ll use the 7474 dual D-flipflop device. The connections to the pins are shown below. Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 88 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vcc 2R 2D 2CP 2S 2Q 2Q 7474 1R 1D 1CP 1S 1Q 1Q Gnd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7474 dual D flipflop Each flipflop has six connections, which are shown schematically below: S D Q CP Q R D-flipflop connections The set ( S ) and reset ( R ) inputs and two outputs are similar to those on a RS flipflop. “D” is the data input and “CP” is the input for the clock pulse. Explore how the data and clock inputs work. In particular, determine how the output (Q) depends on the value of the data input (D) and the clock pulse. In particular, does the input change the output (a) when the clock is high, (b), when the clock is low, (c) when the clock makes a low-to-high transition, or (d) when the clock makes a high-to-low transition. You may be able to determine the answer to this question by using the TTL function generator set at the lowest frequency as the input to the clock pulse and connecting indicator lamps to CP and Q as you use a switch to change D. Dividing by two Because the value of Q is always equal to that of D (at least at the time determined by the clock pulse), that means that D is always the opposite of Q (again, at the time determined by the clock pulse). As a result, the device can be used as a true flip flop, or binary counter. Wire the following circuit. Output D Q Q CP Input Divide-by-two Monitor input and output with the indicator LEDs, reporting the results in a table like that below and describe why the circuit is called a “divide-by-two.” Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 89 Input 0 1 0 1 0 1 Output The divide-by-two can be used to control a gate so that the first input pulse turns the gate on and the second pulse turns it off. Construct such a device using the debounced pushbutton as input to the divide-by-two and the same kind of gate you used to control pulses from the function generator. Report the circuit you devised. 2. Textbook and classroom explanations A flip flop is the basic device on which digital memory and counters are based. A variety of very useful instruments can be constructed of them, instruments that can count pulses, determine the time between pulses or the frequency of a series of pulses. Microcomputers are based on these devices. Yet it is precisely the computer that has, in the opinion of the author, rendered an extensive study of the flip flop and its uses obsolete. Most of the tasks that discrete flip flops or small numbers of them put together once did are now done much more easily by a computer. For that reason, we have confined our study to only two kinds, the RS, or set/reset, and the D, or data flip flop. RS flip flop As you have seen, the basic RS flip flop can be “set” to one or “reset” to zero by grounding the appropriate input. When both inputs are high the output is often said to be “indefinite.” As you found, under these conditions both outputs are the same. Because one output is defined to be Q and the other Q , this input condition produces a logical impossibility. The RS flip flop can be improved by adding two additional NAND gates as shown below: S Q C Q R Clocked RS flip flop When you work through the truth table you will find that when C = 1, the device works like the normal RS flip flop. But, when C = 0, the outputs are not affected by the inputs. That is, when C = 0 the device is disabled. A flip flop that can be disabled is called a latch. The value of the flip flop when C was last high is retained, or held, when C is made low. The circuit has another use. C is said to be the clock input and the flip flop is said to be under clock control. The device counts when the clock is high and is frozen when the clock is low. Controlling a number of flip flops in this way allows their Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 90 outputs to be synchronized so they can all be read at the same time. Data or D flip flop A problem with the clocked RS flip flop is that the output can change while the clock level is high. That’s why it is also called a transparent latch, because the output “sees through” to the input while the clock level is high. A modification of the clocked RS flip flop results in what is called a data flip flop, shown schematically below. There are three sets of flip flops. The lefthand two make sure that the two inputs to the right-hand flip flop are opposite of each other. But, the values of these two inputs are not delivered until the clock pulse goes from low to high. For that reason, this is called an “edge triggered” flip flop. The small wedge on the diagram of the D-flip flop means “edge-triggered.” Both rising and falling-edge triggering is possible. A small circle in front of the wedge denotes a falling-edge triggered device. Data flip flops also have set and reset inputs. They work independently of the clock pulse, and so can override the clocked input and, for example, force the output of the flip flop to be zero. Q CP Q Data Edge-triggered data flipflop Two-state counting system The ability to count from 0 to 1 is obviously extremely limiting. In the same way that the decimal system permits counting beyond 10, by assigning a value to the digit depending on its position, the two-state or binary system can be used to count well beyond 2. For example, in the table below, the number 58026 is decoded as being equal to 5×104 + 8×103 + 2×101 + 6×100 or 50000+8000+20+6. Note that the zero in the 102 position is a place holder. 104 5 103 8 102 0 101 2 100 6 Here is a similar example in the binary system, where we decode the number 10111: 24 1 23 0 22 1 21 1 20 1 You can see from the table that number is 24 + 22 + 21 + 20. In the decimal system this number is 16+4+2+1 or 23. 3. Applications Extend the divide-by-two to a “count-to-16” circuit by making the output of the divide-by-two Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 91 the input of a second divide-by-two, and so on until you have four circuits (with one input and four outputs). Extend the table above to include all four outputs and record the results until the outputs return to the initial state (all zero). Pulse number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Outputs 2 3 4 Leave the circuit on your ProtoBoard for future use. 4. Questions and problems 1. Develop an RS flipflop using NOR gates rather than NAND gates. 2. Your “count-to-16” counter results allow you to represent the numbers 0-15 as a set of four binary digits (0 or 1). Write a table that allows you to convert between the decimal and fourbit binary representations of the numbers 0 through 15. 3. Make a small modification to your counter to make it count down from 15 to 0. 4. It takes a small, but measurable time, typically 4 ns, for the input to a flipflop to be reflected at the output. Why would a counter like the one we made be called “synchronous”? Consider what would happen if you had a 32-bit counter operating at high clock speeds (100 MHz). What problems could be caused? Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 92 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 93 Chapter 4 Entering the digital world 94 5. Conversions between the analog and digital worlds A. Fundamentals of analog-digital conversion What is needed to create an accurate representation of an analog signal? 1. Laboratory exploration You and your lab partner will play the A/D D/A game (Appendix C) to gain some experience in what is needed to be able to convert a signal from analog to digital and back again. You and your partner will each draw an analog signal on the graph. You will then digitize it and transmit the digital values to your partner who will use them to try to reconstruct your analog signal. You will both compare the transmitted signals with your originals. The game sheets are in the appendix. 2. Textbook and classroom explanation As you have seen, the two key parameters that describe analog-digital conversions are the number of bits and the sampling rate. Eight digital bits allow a choice of 28 or 256 values. Therefore a 0-5V analog signal would have steps of (5/256) V or about 20 mV. Ten bits reduces the step size to 5 mV, twelve bits to about 1 mV. Is higher resolution always better? Not necessarily, because the higher resolution is lost if the analog circuitry adds a random, or noise voltage that is equal in size to the resolution set by the converter. How fast do you have to sample the analog signal? The textbook answer to the minimum required sampling frequency is usually called the Nyquist criterion. The criterion states that the sampling frequency should be twice the highest frequency component in the signal. The Nyquist criterion is based on a rather amazing fact about periodic, real-valued functions. Such a function can be expressed as a series of trigonometric functions: v(t ) = ∞ A0 ∞ + ∑ An sin( 2πnft ) + ∑ Bm cos(2πmft ) 2 n=1 m =1 Here m and n are integers and f = 1/T, the period of the function. For a pure sine wave v(t) = A sin(2πft), A1 = A, and for n > 1, An = 0. All the Bm coefficients are also zero. If a function has a non-zero average value (like a dc component on an ac signal), A0/2 is that component. Such a description of a function is called a Fourier series. The expansion of functions as sums of trigonometric functions has a long history. Charles Bossut (1730-1814) used a finite number of terms so write a number of functions. Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) extended Bossut’s results to an infinite number of terms. Leonard Euler, in 1744 expanded one function as an infinite number of sine terms. In 1777 he was able to find the coefficients for an expansion in cosine terms. Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) published expressions for both the sine and cosine terms in 1807 in his The Mathematical Theory of Heat. It took many people several more years to put the series on firm mathematical foundations. We will explore only a few Fourier series descriptions of common waveforms. For a square wave of amplitude A and period T that has a phase such that v(t=0) = +A is given by Bm = 4A/πm if m is odd and Bm = 0 if m is even. All An are zero. The first three terms are Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 95 2πt 1 3 ⋅ 2πt 1 5 ⋅ 2πt 4 A v(t ) = ) + sin( ) + sin( ) + K sin( T T T π 3 5 How many terms are needed to achieve a reasonably good reproduction of a square wave? On the next page is a figure that shows a progression of sums. The first graph is only the first term, the second the first two, the third the first three, and so on to the first five terms. Notice that even with frequencies as high as nine times the fundamental, the “square” wave has wiggles that have an amplitude of about 10% of the amplitude of the square wave. The triangle wave series also has only odd sine terms, but in this case the coefficients are given ( m −1) / 2 8 A (−1) . That is, they alternate in sign. A good reference is at by Bm = 2 2 m π When trying to reproduce sound waves, it is not necessary to include frequencies beyond those detectable by the human ear (15 kHz). That means a minimum sampling rate is 30 kHz. In practice 44 kHz is used for CD players. B. Digital to analog converters 1. Laboratory Exploration The digital-to-analog converter (DAC) we will be using, either the DAC0808 or the MC1408L8, uses an 8-bit digital number, n, and a reference voltage, Vin, that is converted into an input current by a resistor to create an output current equal to (n/256)Iin, where n varies between 0 and 255. The DAC, as shown below, requires a reference current supply consisting of a 12-V potential source and a 6.8-k resistor. The eight digital inputs will initially be connected to the eight DIP switches. You will need to determine whether a disconnected input is treated as a 0 (low) or 1 (high). The analog output current is converted to a voltage by means of an op amp with a 2-k feedback resistor. Note that the current is negative, so the voltage will be positive. +12 V +5 V 6.8k Vref+ 14 VrefComp 15 16 0.01 µF 3 Vee 5 27 2k Vcc 13 4 MC1408L8 DAC0808 6 26 7 25 8 24 9 23 10 11 12 22 21 2 Iout+ Iout- 20 -12 V Digital inputs Digital-to-analog converter Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 96 Vout Synthesizing a square wave from Fourier components Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 97 Manually step through the digital input range. You do not have to go through all 256 possible inputs. Using the DMM, determine the range of output voltage and the resolution of the converter. Connect the four most significant digits to the output of the divide-by-16 counter and view the output voltage on an oscilloscope. Describe what you see 2. Textbook and classroom explanation Digital-to-analog converters Consult the datasheet for your DAC in the appendix. The datasheet’s explanation for the operation of the MC1408 reads, in part, “The MC1408 consists of a reference current amplifier, an R-2R ladder, and 8 high-speed current switches. The R-2R ladder divides the reference amplifier current into binarily-related components, which are fed to the remainder current which is equal to the least significant bit. This current is shunted to ground, and the maximum output current is 255/256 of the reference amplifier current, or 1.992 mA for a 2.0-mA reference amplifier current.” The simplified diagram is shown below: MC1408L8 simplified schematic diagram What is an “R-2R ladder” and how does it work? Let’s look a simplified version that has only three bits and works with positive current, rather than the negative in the MC1408. 2R I/2 R I/2 Vref I/4 2R I/4 R 2R I/8 MSB 2R I/8 LSB Vout Four-bit R-2R ladder Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 98 The first thing to note is that the potential drop across the op amp inputs is zero, so the bottom of the resistors are at ground potential whether the switch is to the right, sending the current through the op amp, or the left, sending the current to ground. Consider the resistors starting at the righthand end. The two 2R resistors, having equal resistance and potential drop across them have equal currents, labeled I/8. Together their effective resistance is equal to R, which means that the sum of the current through them equals the current through the R resistor. The two parallel 2R resistors are in series with the R resistor, making an equivalent resistance 2R. That’s why the I/4 currents are equal. This argument is repeated as many times as there are bits in the ladder. In this example, the current into the op amp would be I/2 + I/4 + I/8 = 7I/8. If any of the switches were in the other direction, then the current through the corresponding resistor would go to ground, not through the op amp. The DAC0808 and MC1408L2 are called multiplying DACs because the output current is the product of the reference current and the digital switching circuitry. The input current can be either positive or negative, and the output current can be taken from either the positive or negative terminals. The DAC0808 has an accuracy of ±1 LSB (least significant bit) and takes 100ns for the output to achieve its final value. The MC14008L8 has an accuracy of ±½LSB and a settling time of 70 ns. More advanced DACs The two DACs that we have used have eight digital bits, which means that the least significant bit has a value of 1/28 or 1/256 of the reference voltage. One commercial application of DACs is in analog computer monitors where they convert the digital signals that represent the intensity of each of the three primary colors (red, green, and blue) to an analog voltage that controls the brightness of the color on the screen. Three 8-bit DACs can provide 24-bit color images. Other applications are in conversion of digital signals into sound (CDs, cell phones, mp3 players, etc). Ten, twelve, fourteen, and even sixteen bit DACs are now readily available. Most have serial digital inputs, which reduces the number of pins needed on the device. For a 16-bit DAC serial data inputs require sixteen clock cycles to send a byte, so the clock rates must be very high. For example, the AD5060 from Analog Devices can accept clock rates as high as 30 MHz. It updates the digital bytes at a rate of 250k samples per second. Its analog output amplifier has a settling time of 4µs and an accuracy of ±1 LSB. It must be noted that if the reference voltage is 2.5 V, then the least significant bit is about 36 µV. Building an analog system that has noise (random voltage variations) as small as 36µV is a difficult task. Because the AD5060 is a serial device, it has only eight pins and dissipates 6mW of power. A faster DAC from the same manufacturer is the AD5062 that updates at 1.3M samples per second, but has the same settling time and accuracy, and consumes only 3.5 mW, which is important in densely-packed instruments. Equally important is the ability of the DAC to go into a low-power (micro watt) standby state when not being used. The DACs in the data acquisition system you will soon be using are very slow. While having 12bit resolution, and a 0-5 V output voltage that can drive 5 mA, they can sample at a rate of only 150 Hz. Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 99 The Sampling Theorem The Nyquist criterion, is that if the maximum frequency of components in an analog signal is f, then you need to have a rate of equally-spaced samples at a rate of 2f to reconstruct the signal. The attribution of this criterion to Harry Nyquist uncertain. A 1928 paper is usually cited, but how the results of that paper can be applied to the sampling rate problem is unclear. If all the people who independently “discovered” the result were to be named it should be called the Whittaker-Kotel'nikov-Raabe-Shannon-Someya (WiKRaSS) sampling theorem. For that reason, it is probably best to just call it the “sampling theorem.” How do you reconstruct an analog signal? As you found in the game, you have to interpolate between the digitized values. A linear interpolation is best, but sharp corners contain highfrequency components, and so are smoothed by the reduced high-frequency response of the analog output amplifier. Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) Your laboratory work did not include experience with a stand-alone ADC. The data acquisition system that you will use contains a successive approximation ADC. Vin Comp. Vref DAC Vout High/Low Conversion complete Control logic Clock Start conversion Digital output Successive approximation ADC The successive approximation ADC contains a DAC, a comparator, and control logic. Basically, the DAC starts with a selected digital value and generates an appropriate voltage. That voltage is compared with the voltage to be digitized. If the voltage is too high, the digital value is reduced; if it is too low, it is increased. When the two voltages agree to within the accuracy of the DAC, the conversion is complete. Let’s try an example to see how it works. Assume that the input voltage is 3.370V and the 8-bit converter’s range is 0 to 5V. Then the voltage represented by each of the 8 bits is given by Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Voltage 5V/2 = 2.50000V 5V/4 = 1.25000V 5V/8 = 0.62500V 5V/16= 0.31250V 5V/32= 0.15625V 5V/64= 0.07813V 5V/128=0.03906V 5V/256=0.01953V Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 100 When the “Start conversion” signal is sent to the ADC digital bit 1 is turned on. The comparator reports that 2.5 V is lower than the input voltage (3.370 V), so bit 1 remains on and bit 2 is tentatively turned on and 2.5V+1.25V is compared with 3.370V. The process continues: Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Voltage 2.5 2.5+1.25 =3.75 2.5 + 0.625 = 3.125 2.5+0.625+0.3125 = 3.4375 2.5+0.625+0.15625 = 3.2813 2.5+0.625+0.15625 + 0.07813 = 3.3594 2.5+0.625+0.15625 + 0.07813 + 0.03906 = 3.3984 2.5+0.625+0.15625 + 0.07813 + 0.01953 = 3.3789 Comparison < 3.370 > 3.370 < 3.370 > 3.370 < 3.370 < 3.370 > 3.370 > 3.370 Decision on off on off on on off off Digital output 1xxxxxxx 10xxxxxx 101xxxxx 1010xxxx 10101xxx 101011xx 1010110x 10101100 When the eighth bit has been determined the digital output is set to 10101100, the “conversion complete” signal is sent, and the converter is ready for the next voltage. Assuming that no time is needed for starting or reporting the result, eight clock cycles are needed to convert a voltage. The ADCs in the digital acquisition system you will be using can convert 48k 13- or 14-bit samples per second, and require about 21 µs to complete a conversion. Note that the resolution is the size of the least significant bit, or about 0.020V. If the input voltage had been 3.379V, the digital output would have been one bit higher. If the voltage had been 3.340V the result would have been one bit lower. 3. Questions and problems 1. A 12-bit DAC is attached to an op amp that converts the output current to a voltage that varies between –12.5V and +12.5V. What change in voltage results from a change of 1 least significant bit in the digital input? 2. You are designing a digital thermometer using a thermistor. You’ll be using a 12-bit ADC that has a 0-10V input range. Your thermistor has the following resistances T (oC) R (kΩ) 0 10 20 30 40 94.99 59.75 37.30 24.27 16.15 ∆ R /∆ T (kΩ/ o C) 4.70 2.75 1.65 1.02 0.64 To keep the maximum voltage below 10V you use a 0.1 mA constant current source. What temperature resolution does your digital thermometer have at each of these five temperatures, assuming that all of the uncertainty in the temperature comes from the resolution of the ADC? 3. An alternative to the successive approximation ADC is the counting ADC. As you learned, in the successive approximation ADC the digital value started in the middle of the range, and then went up or down depending on the comparator. In the counting ADC the digital value starts and zero and then counts up, one bit at a time, until the analog output exceeds the input Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 101 voltage. The counting ADC has the advantage of simpler digital circuitry. What are its disadvantages? Quantify them for two possible input voltages, 0.65V and 4.76V, assuming that the 12-bit ADC has a 0-5V input range. Chapter 5 Conversions between the analog and digital worlds 102 6. Interfacing the computer with the laboratory A. The National Instruments USB-6009 digital acquisition system What can the NI USB-6009 do? It has eight analog inputs and two analog outputs, 12 combined digital input/output lines, and a counter/timer input/output. 1. Laboratory exploration Examine the DAQ. Note that there are separate analog and digital sides. Read the instruction manual to find the eight analog inputs, two analog outputs, 12 digital terminals that can be either input or output, and the counter/timer connector. Find the ground(s), the 5-V output, and the 2.5 V output. Note how wires are to be connected to the terminals. We will first use the simple software provided with the device to perform tests on all functions of the DAQ. Before connecting the device to the external world we need to learn its voltage and current limitations. Read the instruction manual, paying careful attention to the maximum voltage permitted for analog and digital inputs and the maximum current that the outputs can supply. The function generator on the ProtoBoard can safely test the analog input. Either a DMM or oscilloscope can safely test the outputs (either analog or digital). But digital outputs can be displayed more readily with an LED. How can one be connected to the digital output? Let’s explore the system. Plug the DAQ into a USB port on the computer, turn on the computer, and click on the “Measurement and Automation” icon. When the program starts you will be presented with the following screen: Click on “Devices and Interfaces” and you’ll see this screen: Chapter 6 Interfacing the computer with the laboratory 103 The USB-6009 device should be listed. If it is not, check that the USB cable is connected properly. Click on USB-6009 to bring up this screen. The next step is to run the test panels to see how they work. Click on Test Panels at the top of the screen. You will get a window with four tabs, initially open to the Analog Input test panel. Here are what you see when clicking each of the four tabs. Chapter 6 Interfacing the computer with the laboratory 104 Chapter 6 Interfacing the computer with the laboratory 105 First test analog input. Use the function generator to generate a varying analog signal. Select one analog input channel. Be sure to connect ground on the DAQ to ground on the ProtoBoard. Make sure that the same analog channel is selected by the software. Try a low-frequency (50-200 Hz) sine wave with a medium amplitude. Start recording. Try changing the amplitude and frequency. See how triangle and square waves are recorded. Continue testing the DAQ, going through all other functions. The Voltage Output can be checked with the DMM as all you can do is to choose a voltage and then tell the DAQ to put it on the output line. Try configuring some digital lines to input, others to output. Finally check the counter. 2. Textbook and classroom explanations We will explore the instruction manual that summarizes the capabilities and limitations of the DAQ. B. Using the USB-6009 with LabView 1. Laboratory exploration You have seen that the test panels are very limited. Work through the exercises in the first, second, and fourth chapters of the book LabVIEW Express. In the fourth chapter you will finally use LabVIEW to interface with the DAQ. Then work through the six-hour tutorial on LabView that is on your computer. 2. Applications Use the DAQ with LabVIEW to gather data from a variety of the sensors we have studied: the LM335 temperature sensor, the thermistor connected to a constant current source, the phototransistor connected to a current-to-voltage converter, the magnetic field sensor, the strain gage force sensor, and the microphone with amplifier. You will have to decide how much the signal from the sensor has to be changed by electronic hardware (usually an op amp) before it is connected to the DAQ. Connect both the momentary SPDT switch and the debounced pushbutton (you can use the ones on the ProtoBoard) to the counter input to explore switch bounce. Use the analog voltage output to drive a speaker and an LED through an appropriate power amplifier. Explore the hardware/software tradeoff. That is, when should electronic hardware perform functions such as amplification, filtering, level shifting, and conversion to a digital signal with a comparator, and when should these functions be done in software? Do the same function two different ways to determine the advantages and disadvantages of hardware and software implementations of a function. Chapter 6 Interfacing the computer with the laboratory 106 Appendices Appendix A: Resistor color code First band × 10 Second band × 1 Multiplier 10n Tolerance Examples: Brown Black Brown (1×10 + 0)×100 = 100 Yellow Violet Red (4×10 + 7)×102 = 4700 or 4.7k In general look first at the third band. Brown 100s of ohms Red kΩ Orange 10kΩ Yellow 100kΩ Green MΩ Appendices 107 Colors Values Tolerance Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gold Silver 5% 10% Appendices 108 Appendix B: RC Filters using complex numbers An alternative approach to the trigonometric representations used to analyze ac circuits is used in most electrical engineering texts. This approach uses complex number to represent electrical quantities. It is also often called the phasor approach. First we must develop the rules needed to go back and forth between the actual currents and voltages and their complex representations. Representations: Voltage and current are represented by the complex quantities V and I. For example, the voltage v(t) = Vp cos(ωt+φ). On the Gaussian plane, where the real part is on the horizontal axis and the imaginary on the vertical, the voltage v(t) is a vector of length Vp. At time t=0 the vector at an angle φ above the horizontal. It rotates counter-clockwise, revolving once in the time T = 2π/ω. This voltage is represented by the complex number V = Vpejφ. The complex representation for V has the same length, Vp, but doesn’t rotate. Rather it remains at the angle φ. Note that we use j to represent − 1 rather than i to avoid confusion with current. For a more compact notation we use, ω = 2πf. The Euler equation, ejφ = cos φ + j sin φ connects the exponential and graphical representations. What is the complex representation of i(t) = Ip sin(ωt)? Remember that sinθ = cos(θ – π/2). Therefore sin(ωt) = cos(ωt – π/2). So i(t) = Ip cos(ωt – π/2). The complex representation will then be I = Ip e–jπ/2. But, from the Euler equation e–jπ/2 = cos(–π/2) + jsin(–π/2) = –j. So, I = –jIp. It is a vector pointing downwards along the –j axis. Actual voltages: To find the actual (physical) voltage, which changes in time, multiply the complex quantity by ejωt and then take the real part. Following our previous example, multiplying Vpejφ by ejωt gives Vpej(ωt+φ) = Vp(cos(ωt+φ) + jsin(ωt+φ)). The real part is Vpcos(ωt+φ). Note that the complex representations are not time dependent while the actual voltages and currents are. For example, a current with the complex representation I = –3j corresponds to a real current given by i(t) = Re(–3j ejω) = Re(–3jcos(ωt)+j(–3j)sin(ωt)) = +3sin(ωt). Resistors: Voltage and current are in phase. That is, just in the case of dc circuits, R = v/i, so R = V/I. Capacitors: From the relationship i = C dv/dt, and with v(t) = Vp cos(ωt), we have i(t) = –VpCω sin(ωt). The complex representation of v(t) is just V = Vp. The complex representation of current is I = jVpωC. By analogy with resistance, XC = V/I. Appendices 109 Thus XC = 1/jωC = –j/ωC. The negative sign in front of the j means that the voltage lags the current by π/2 or 90o. Inductors: Again, we will not go through the derivation, but XL = jωL. The positive sign in front of the j means that the voltage leads the current π/2 or 90o Impedance: Real world devices usually have some resistance, some inductive reactance, and some capacitive reactance. The sum of the three is called impedance, Z, and is defined as Z = R + XC + XL. An ideal resistor has no reactance, so for it Z = R. For an ideal capacitor Z = XC = –j/ωC. For an ideal inductor Z = XL = jωL. Magnitude and phase: So far we’ve dealt with currents and voltages that have complex representations that are either real or multiplied by j or –j. That is, they have phase angles of either 0, +π/2 or –π/2. A voltage at a more general phase angle would be written in complex representation as Vejφ. But such a quantity can also be written as a sum of a real and imaginary part: Vcosφ + jVsinφ. What would such a voltage look like on an oscilloscope? It would have a magnitude and a phase angle. The phase angle can be found from tan φ = sinφ/cosφ, that is, the imaginary part divided by the real part. The magnitude is (V cos φ) 2 + (V sin φ) 2 , that is, the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts. RC Filters The high-pass filter How can we find the output voltage? All we need to do is to write the equation for a voltage divider in terms of the impedances of the two components: Vin R or R + XC Vin R = R − j / ωC Vout = Vout What is the magnitude and what is the phase of the output voltage? We need to separate this fraction into a real and an imaginary part, that is, to write it as a + jb. To do this we use the identity (a + jb)(a – jb) = a2 + b2. Thus we multiply the numerator and the denominator by R+j/ωC. and obtain Appendices 110 Vout = Vin R R + ( j / ωC ) . R 2 + ( j / ωC ) 2 The magnitude of the output voltage is the square root of the sum of the squares of the real part (R/(R2 + (j/ωC)2)) and the imaginary part, ((1/ωC)/(R2 + (j/ωC)2)). That is Vout = Vin R R 2 + (1 / ωC ) 2 = Vin 2πfRC 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 . Let’s examine this equation. At high frequencies, where 2πfRC >> 1, Vout = Vin. That is, there is no reduction, or attenuation, of the signal. At low frequencies, where 2πfRC << 1, Vout = 2πfRC Vin. That is, the output voltage is very small and increases linearly with frequency. When the frequency doubles, the output voltage doubles. The frequency where 2πfRC = 1, that is, f = 1/(2πRC), is a good way to characterize the filter. At this frequency the output voltage is 1/ 2 times the input voltage. Engineers call this frequency the “–3dB breakpoint” of the filter. Below this frequency the response is almost linear in frequency, above it, it is almost constant. Thus f3dB = 1/(2πRC). The phase angle between the output and input voltages is given by the tangent of the ratio of the imaginary to the real parts tan φ = 1 (ωRC ) = 1 (2πfRC ) . At high frequencies the phase angle approaches zero. At low frequencies it approaches π/2 or +90o. At the –3dB frequency tan φ = 1, or φ = 45o. The low-pass filter In this case the output voltage is taken across the capacitor so Vout = Vin X C . Or R + XC Vout = Vin (− j / ωC ) . R − j / ωC “Rationalizing the denominator” gives Vout = Vin (− j / ωC ) R + ( j / ωC ) . R 2 + ( j / ωC ) 2 The magnitude of the output voltage is then Vout = Vin (1 / ωC ) R 2 + (1 / ωC ) 2 = Vin 1 1 + (2πfRC ) 2 and the phase angle is given by tan φ = − 1 (ωRC ) = − 1 (2πfRC ) . At very low frequencies the output voltage is now approximately the input voltage and the two are in phase. At very high frequencies the output is reduced as 1/f (being cut in half for every Appendices 111 doubling of the frequency) and the phase approaches –π/2 or –90o. The –3dB frequency is the same, f3dB = 1/(2πRC). The resultant graphs are shown in the main portion of the textbook. Appendices 112 Appendices 113 Appendices 114 Appendix C: A/D, D/A game Converting an analog signal to a digital signal Draw a waveform on the graph below. Make it vary between 0 and 7 Volts and have some slowchanging regions and some fast-changing regions. Convert signal into a digital format. The simplest way to do this is to record the voltage every 2 ms, rounding down to the nearest volt. Then convert the number into a binary number. Time Voltage 22 (ms) (V) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 21 20 Transmit these data to your partner. Do it by saying the binary bits in order. For example, if your seven numbers were 2, 4, 6, 2, 1, 2, 5, 7 you would say “010, 100, 110, 020, 001, 020, 101, 111.” Appendices 115 Converting a digital signal to an analog signal Write down the signal transmitted by your partner. Then convert the binary numbers to decimal and record them. Time 22 (ms) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 21 20 Voltage (V) Mark the points on the graph below and then connect them with a smooth curve. Compare the received signal with the original. Appendices 116 Improving the accuracy of analog to digital conversion As you have probably guessed, the two methods to increase accuracy are: 1. Sample more often. 2. Divide the voltage into a smaller chunks by using more bits! Repeat the conversion of an analog waveform to digital by drawing a new waveform on the graph below. The signal can now go between 0 and 15 volts. Again make it vary rapidly in some regions and slowly in others. Convert the voltages to binary bits in the same way that you did before. Note, however, that this time you will be recording data every ms. Transmit the binary bits to your partner. Time Voltage 23 (ms) (V) 0 1 2 3 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Appendices 22 21 20 117 Improved digital to analog conversion Repeat the conversion of a digital waveform to analog by recording the received binary bits, converting to a decimal value, and then plotting the points and joining them with a smooth curve. Time 23 22 21 20 Voltage (ms) (V) 0 1 2 3 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Compare the reproduced waveform with the original. Grade the result for accuracy. Appendices 118 Appendix D: Data sheets Page Device Description 1 LM335 Integrated circuit temperature sensor 5 UGN3503 Hall-effect magnetic field sensor 9 OP802 Phototransistor 11 LM741 General purpose operational amplifier 15 LF411 High input impedance operational amplifier 19 OP177 Precision, low offset voltage, low input bias operational amplifier 25 AD624 Instrumentation amplifier 33 2N4401 General purpose npn transistor 35 TIP 29/30 Power transistors, npn and pnp 37 LM311 Comparator 43 LM555 Multivibrator 51 DAC0808 8-bit digital-to-analog converter 57 USB6009 National Instruments Data acquisition system Appendices 119 Appendices 120 LM135/LM235/LM335, LM135A/LM235A/LM335A Precision Temperature Sensors General Description The LM135 series are precision, easily-calibrated, integrated circuit temperature sensors. Operating as a 2-terminal zener, the LM135 has a breakdown voltage directly proportional to absolute temperature at +10 mV/˚K. With less than 1Ω dynamic impedance the device operates over a current range of 400 µA to 5 mA with virtually no change in performance. When calibrated at 25˚C the LM135 has typically less than 1˚C error over a 100˚C temperature range. Unlike other sensors the LM135 has a linear output. Applications for the LM135 include almost any type of temperature sensing over a −55˚C to +150˚C temperature range. The low impedance and linear output make interfacing to readout or control circuitry especially easy. The LM135 operates over a −55˚C to +150˚C temperature range while the LM235 operates over a −40˚C to +125˚C temperature range. The LM335 operates from −40˚C to +100˚C. The LM135/LM235/LM335 are available packaged in hermetic TO-46 transistor packages while the LM335 is also available in plastic TO-92 packages. Features n n n n n n n n Directly calibrated in ˚Kelvin 1˚C initial accuracy available Operates from 400 µA to 5 mA Less than 1Ω dynamic impedance Easily calibrated Wide operating temperature range 200˚C overrange Low cost Schematic Diagram DS005698-1 © 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005698 Appendix D 1 LM135/LM235/LM335, LM135A/LM235A/LM335A Precision Temperature Sensors May 1999 Connection Diagrams TO-92 Plastic Package SO-8 Surface Mount Package TO-46 Metal Can Package* DS005698-8 Bottom View Order Number LM335Z or LM335AZ See NS Package Number Z03A DS005698-26 DS005698-25 Order Number LM335M See NS Package Number M08A 2 Appendix D 2 *Case is connected to negative pin Bottom View Order Number LM135H, LM135H-MIL, LM235H, LM335H, LM135AH, LM235AH or LM335AH See NS Package Number H03H Specified Operating Temp. Range Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 4) Continuous If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Reverse Current Forward Current Storage Temperature TO-46 Package TO-92 Package SO-8 Package Intermittent (Note 2) 150˚C to 200˚C 125˚C to 150˚C 100˚C to 125˚C LM135, LM135A −55˚C to +150˚C LM235, LM235A −40˚C to +125˚C LM335, LM335A −40˚C to +100˚C Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) TO-92 Package: TO-46 Package: SO-8 Package: Vapor Phase (60 seconds): Infrared (15 seconds): 15 mA 10 mA −60˚C to +180˚C −60˚C to +150˚C −65˚C to +150˚C 260˚C 300˚C 300˚C 215˚C 220˚C Temperature Accuracy (Note 1) LM135/LM235, LM135A/LM235A Parameter Operating Output Voltage Uncalibrated Temperature Error Uncalibrated Temperature Error Temperature Error with 25˚C Conditions LM135A/LM235A TC = 25˚C, IR = 1 mA TC = 25˚C, IR = 1 mA TMIN ≤ TC ≤ TMAX, IR = 1 mA TMIN ≤ TC ≤ TMAX, IR = 1 mA LM135/LM235 Units Min Typ Max Min Typ Max 2.97 2.98 2.99 2.95 2.98 3.01 V 0.5 1 1 3 ˚C 1.3 2.7 2 5 ˚C 0.3 1 0.5 1.5 ˚C Calibration Calibrated Error at Extended TC = TMAX (Intermittent) 2 2 ˚C Temperatures Non-Linearity IR = 1 mA 0.3 0.5 0.3 1 ˚C Temperature Accuracy (Note 1) LM335, LM335A Parameter Operating Output Voltage Uncalibrated Temperature Error Uncalibrated Temperature Error Temperature Error with 25˚C Conditions LM335A TC = 25˚C, IR = 1 mA TC = 25˚C, IR = 1 mA TMIN ≤ TC ≤ TMAX, IR = 1 mA TMIN ≤ TC ≤ TMAX, IR = 1 mA LM335 Units Min Typ Max Min Typ Max 2.95 2.98 3.01 2.92 2.98 3.04 V 1 3 2 6 ˚C 2 5 4 9 ˚C 0.5 1 1 2 ˚C Calibration Calibrated Error at Extended TC = TMAX (Intermittent) 2 2 ˚C Temperatures Non-Linearity IR = 1 mA 0.3 1.5 0.3 1.5 ˚C Electrical Characteristics (Note 1) Parameter Conditions LM135/LM235 LM335 LM135A/LM235A LM335A Min Operating Output Voltage 400 µA≤IR≤5 mA Change with Current At Constant Temperature IR = 1 mA Dynamic Impedance Typ Max 2.5 10 Min Units Typ Max 3 14 mV 0.5 0.6 Ω +10 +10 mV/˚C Still Air 80 80 sec 100 ft/Min Air 10 10 sec Stirred Oil TC = 125˚C 1 1 sec 0.2 0.2 ˚C/khr Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient Time Constant Time Stability 3 Appendix D 3 Electrical Characteristics (Note 1) (Continued) Note 1: Accuracy measurements are made in a well-stirred oil bath. For other conditions, self heating must be considered. Note 2: Continuous operation at these temperatures for 10,000 hours for H package and 5,000 hours for Z package may decrease life expectancy of the device. Note 3: Thermal Resistance TO-92 θJA (junction to ambient) 202˚C/W 400˚C/W TO-46 θJC (junction to case) 170˚C/W N/A SO-8 165˚C/W N/A Note 4: Refer to RETS135H for military specifications. Typical Performance Characteristics Reverse Voltage Change Calibrated Error Reverse Characteristics DS005698-27 Response Time DS005698-28 Dynamic Impedance DS005698-30 Thermal Resistance Junction to Air Noise Voltage DS005698-31 DS005698-34 4 Appendix D 4 DS005698-32 Thermal Response in Still Air Thermal Time Constant DS005698-33 DS005698-29 DS005698-35 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Thermal Response in Stirred Oil Bath Forward Characteristics DS005698-36 DS005698-37 To insure good sensing accuracy several precautions must be taken. Like any temperature sensing device, self heating can reduce accuracy. The LM135 should be operated at the lowest current suitable for the application. Sufficient current, of course, must be available to drive both the sensor and the calibration pot at the maximum operating temperature as well as any external loads. If the sensor is used in an ambient where the thermal resistance is constant, self heating errors can be calibrated out. This is possible if the device is run with a temperature stable current. Heating will then be proportional to zener voltage and therefore temperature. This makes the self heating error proportional to absolute temperature the same as scale factor errors. Application Hints CALIBRATING THE LM135 Included on the LM135 chip is an easy method of calibrating the device for higher accuracies. A pot connected across the LM135 with the arm tied to the adjustment terminal allows a 1-point calibration of the sensor that corrects for inaccuracy over the full temperature range. This single point calibration works because the output of the LM135 is proportional to absolute temperature with the extrapolated output of sensor going to 0V output at 0˚K (−273.15˚C). Errors in output voltage versus temperature are only slope (or scale factor) errors so a slope calibration at one temperature corrects at all temperatures. The output of the device (calibrated or uncalibrated) can be expressed as: WATERPROOFING SENSORS Meltable inner core heat shrinkable tubing such as manufactured by Raychem can be used to make low-cost waterproof sensors. The LM335 is inserted into the tubing about 1⁄2" from the end and the tubing heated above the melting point of the core. The unfilled 1⁄2" end melts and provides a seal over the device. where T is the unknown temperature and To is a reference temperature, both expressed in degrees Kelvin. By calibrating the output to read correctly at one temperature the output at all temperatures is correct. Nominally the output is calibrated at 10 mV/˚K. Typical Applications Basic Temperature Sensor Calibrated Sensor Wide Operating Supply DS005698-2 DS005698-9 *Calibrate for 2.982V at 25˚C DS005698-10 5 Appendix D 5 Typical Applications (Continued) Minimum Temperature Sensing Average Temperature Sensing Remote Temperature Sensing DS005698-19 DS005698-4 Wire length for 1˚C error due to wire drop IR = 1 mA IR = 0.5 mA* AWG FEET FEET 14 4000 8000 16 2500 5000 18 1600 3200 20 1000 2000 22 625 1250 24 400 800 DS005698-18 *For IR = 0.5 mA, the trim pot must be deleted. Isolated Temperature Sensor DS005698-20 6 Appendix D 6 Data Sheet 27501B* 3503 RATIOMETRIC, LINEAR HALL-EFFECT SENSORS The UGN3503LT, UGN3503U, and UGN3503UA Hall-effect sensors accurately track extremely small changes in magnetic flux density—changes generally too small to operate Hall-effect switches. X As motion detectors, gear tooth sensors, and proximity detectors, they are magnetically driven mirrors of mechanical events. As sensitive monitors of electromagnets, they can effectively measure a system's performance with negligible system loading while providing isolation from contaminated and electrically noisy environments. Each Hall-effect integrated circuit includes a Hall sensing element, linear amplifier, and emitter-follower output stage. Problems associated with handling tiny analog signals are minimized by having the Hall cell and amplifier on a single chip. 2 3 OUTPUT 1 GROUND CC SUPPLY V Dwg. PH-006 Pinning is shown viewed from branded side. Three package styles provide a magnetically optimized package for most applications. Package suffix ‘LT’ is a miniature SOT-89/TO243AA transistor package for surface-mount applications; suffix ‘U’ is a miniature three-lead plastic SIP, while ‘UA’ is a three-lead ultra-miniSIP. All devices are rated for continuous operation over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C. FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Extremely Sensitive Flat Response to 23 kHz Low-Noise Output 4.5 V to 6 V Operation Magnetically Optimized Package ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage, VCC ............................. 8 V Magnetic Flux Density, B ......... Unlimited Operating Temperature Range, TA ............................ -20°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, TS ........................... -65°C to +150°C Always order by complete part number, e.g., UGN3503UA . Appendix D 7 3503 RATIOMETRIC, LINEAR HALL-EFFECT SENSORS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC 1 REG. X 3 OUTPUT 2 GROUND Dwg. FH-007 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at TA = +25°C, VCC = 5 V Limits Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Operating Voltage VCC 4.5 — 6.0 V Supply Current ICC — 9.0 13 mA Quiescent Output Voltage VOUT B=0G 2.25 2.50 2.75 V Sensitivity ∆VOUT B = 0 G to ±900 G 0.75 1.30 1.75 mV/G — 23 — kHz — 90 — µV — 50 220 Ω Bandwidth (-3 dB) BW Broadband Output Noise Vout Output Resistance ROUT BW = 10 Hz to 10 kHz All output-voltage measurements are made with a voltmeter having an input impedance of at least 10 kΩ. Magnetic flux density is measured at most sensitive area of device located 0.016" (0.41 mm) below the branded face of the ‘U’ package; 0.020" (0.51 mm) below the branded face of the ‘UA’ package; and 0.030" (0.76 mm) below the branded face of the ‘LT’ package. Appendix D 115 Northeast Cutoff, 8 Box 15036 Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000 Copyright © 1985, 1999, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. 3503 RATIOMETRIC, LINEAR HALL-EFFECT SENSORS OUTPUT VOLTAGE AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE OUTPUT NOISE AS A FUNCTION OF FREQUENCY 4.0 10 OUTPUT NOISE IN µ Vrms √HZ VCC = 5V 3.5 OUTPUT IN VOLTS B= +500G 3.0 B = 0G 2.5 2.0 8.0 VCC = +5V TA = +25°C 6.0 4.0 2.0 B= -500G 0 1.5 40 20 0 +25 +85 10 +125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN C SUPPLY CURRENT AS A FUNCTION OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1K 10K Dwg. A-12,505 DEVICE SENSITIVITY AS A FUNCTION OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE 12 2.5 TYPICAL SENSITIVITY IN V/G B = 0G 11 TA = +25°C SUPPLY CURRENT IN mA 100 FREQUENCY IN HZ Dwg. A-12,573 10 9.0 TA = +25°C 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 8.0 7.0 0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0 Dwg. A-12,506 Dwg. A-12,507 OUTPUT NULL VOLTAGE AS A FUNCTION OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE LINEARITY AND SYMMETRY AS A FUNCTION OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE 100 LINEARITY AND SYMMETRY IN PERCENT 5.0 OUTPUT NULL VOLTAGE IN VOLTS B = 0G TA = +25°C 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 OUTPUT SYMMETRY 99 98 W ITY BELO LINEAR G B = -900 NULL VE NU ITY ABO LINEAR G B = +900 LL 97 TA = +25°C 96 95 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0 4.5 Dwg. A-12,508 Appendix D 9 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0 Dwg.A-12,509 3503 RATIOMETRIC, LINEAR HALL-EFFECT SENSORS OPERATION NOTCH SENSOR The output null voltage (B = 0 G) is nominally one-half the supply voltage. A south magnetic pole, presented to the branded face of the Halleffect sensor will drive the output higher than the null voltage level. A north magnetic pole will drive the output below the null level. In operation, instantaneous and proportional output-voltage levels are dependent on magnetic flux density at the most sensitive area of the device. Greatest sensitivity is obtained with a supply voltage of 6 V, but at the cost of increased supply current and a slight loss of output symmetry. The sensor's output is usually capacitively coupled to an amplifier that boosts the output above the millivolt level. In two applications shown, a permanent bias magnet is attached with epoxy glue to the back of the epoxy package. The presence of ferrous material at the face of the package acts as a flux concentrator. Dwg. A-12,574 GEAR TOOTH SENSOR The south pole of a magnet is attached to the back of the package if the Hall-effect IC is to sense the presence of ferrous material. The north pole of a magnet is attached to the back surface if the integrated circuit is to sense the absence of ferrous matrial. Calibrated linear Hall devices, which can be used to determine the actual flux density presented to the sensor in a particular application, are available. SENSOR LOCATIONS N SUFFIX “U” ACTIVE AREA DEPTH 0.015" 0.38 mm 0.093" 2.37 mm NOM 3 2 0.072" 1.83 mm 1 Dwg. A-12,512 A CURRENT MONITOR BRANDED SURFACE 1 2 3 Dwg. MH-002-5C SUFFIX “LT” ACTIVE AREA DEPTH 0.030" 0.76 mm NOM SUFFIX “UA” ACTIVE AREA DEPTH 0.018" 0.46 mm NOM 0.091" 2.32 mm 0.084" 2.13 mm 0.042" 1.08 mm 0.056" 1.43 mm A A 1 2 BRANDED SURFACE 3 1 2 3 Dwg. A-12,513 Dwg. MH-008-9 Appendix D 115 Northeast Cutoff, 10 Box 15036 Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000 Dwg. MH-011-3C Appendix D 11 Appendix D 12 LM741 Operational Amplifier General Description The LM741 series are general purpose operational amplifiers which feature improved performance over industry standards like the LM709. They are direct, plug-in replacements for the 709C, LM201, MC1439 and 748 in most applications. The amplifiers offer many features which make their application nearly foolproof: overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common mode range is exceeded, as well as freedom from oscillations. The LM741C is identical to the LM741/LM741A except that the LM741C has their performance guaranteed over a 0˚C to +70˚C temperature range, instead of −55˚C to +125˚C. Features Connection Diagrams Metal Can Package Dual-In-Line or S.O. Package 00934103 00934102 Note 1: LM741H is available per JM38510/10101 Order Number LM741H, LM741H/883 (Note 1), LM741AH/883 or LM741CH See NS Package Number H08C Order Number LM741J, LM741J/883, LM741CN See NS Package Number J08A, M08A or N08E Ceramic Flatpak 00934106 Order Number LM741W/883 See NS Package Number W10A Typical Application Offset Nulling Circuit 00934107 © 2004 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009341 Appendix D 13 LM741 Operational Amplifier August 2000 LM741 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. (Note 7) LM741A LM741 ± 22V ± 22V ± 18V 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW ± 30V ± 15V ± 30V ± 15V ± 30V ± 15V Output Short Circuit Duration Continuous Continuous Continuous Operating Temperature Range −55˚C to +125˚C −55˚C to +125˚C 0˚C to +70˚C Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C −65˚C to +150˚C −65˚C to +150˚C 150˚C 150˚C 100˚C N-Package (10 seconds) 260˚C 260˚C 260˚C J- or H-Package (10 seconds) 300˚C 300˚C 300˚C Vapor Phase (60 seconds) 215˚C 215˚C 215˚C Infrared (15 seconds) 215˚C 215˚C 215˚C Supply Voltage Power Dissipation (Note 3) Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage (Note 4) Junction Temperature LM741C Soldering Information M-Package See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. ESD Tolerance (Note 8) 400V 400V 400V Electrical Characteristics (Note 5) Parameter Conditions LM741A Min Input Offset Voltage LM741 Min LM741C Typ Max 1.0 5.0 Min Units Typ Max Typ Max 0.8 3.0 2.0 6.0 mV 4.0 mV TA = 25˚C RS ≤ 10 kΩ RS ≤ 50Ω mV TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX RS ≤ 50Ω RS ≤ 10 kΩ 6.0 Average Input Offset 7.5 15 mV µV/˚C Voltage Drift Input Offset Voltage TA = 25˚C, VS = ± 20V ± 10 ± 15 ± 15 mV Adjustment Range Input Offset Current TA = 25˚C 3.0 TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX Average Input Offset 30 20 200 70 85 500 20 200 nA 300 nA 0.5 nA/˚C Current Drift Input Bias Current TA = 25˚C 30 TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX Input Resistance 80 80 0.210 TA = 25˚C, VS = ± 20V 1.0 TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX, 0.5 6.0 500 80 1.5 0.3 2.0 500 0.8 0.3 2.0 nA µA MΩ MΩ VS = ± 20V Input Voltage Range ± 12 TA = 25˚C TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX ± 12 Appendix D 2 14 ± 13 ± 13 V V Parameter (Continued) Conditions LM741A Min Large Signal Voltage Gain Typ LM741 Max Min Typ 50 200 LM741C Max Min Typ 20 200 Units Max TA = 25˚C, RL ≥ 2 kΩ VS = ± 20V, VO = ± 15V 50 V/mV VS = ± 15V, VO = ± 10V V/mV TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX, RL ≥ 2 kΩ, VS = ± 20V, VO = ± 15V 32 V/mV VS = ± 15V, VO = ± 10V VS = ± 5V, VO = ± 2V Output Voltage Swing 25 15 V/mV 10 V/mV ± 16 ± 15 V VS = ± 20V RL ≥ 10 kΩ RL ≥ 2 kΩ V VS = ± 15V RL ≥ 10 kΩ ± 12 ± 10 RL ≥ 2 kΩ Output Short Circuit TA = 25˚C 10 Current TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX 10 Common-Mode TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX Rejection Ratio 25 35 Supply Voltage Rejection TAMIN ≤ TA ≤ TAMAX, Ratio VS = ± 20V to VS = ± 5V RS ≤ 50Ω 25 ± 14 ± 13 V 25 mA 95 86 96 90 70 90 dB 77 96 77 96 dB µs TA = 25˚C, Unity Gain 0.25 0.8 0.3 0.3 Overshoot 6.0 20 5 5 Bandwidth (Note 6) TA = 25˚C Slew Rate TA = 25˚C, Unity Gain Supply Current TA = 25˚C Power Consumption TA = 25˚C VS = ± 20V 0.437 1.5 0.3 0.7 80 % MHz 0.5 0.5 V/µs 1.7 2.8 1.7 2.8 50 85 50 85 150 VS = ± 15V LM741 dB dB Rise Time LM741A V mA 70 80 RS ≤ 10 kΩ Transient Response ± 12 ± 10 40 RS ≤ 10 kΩ, VCM = ± 12V RS ≤ 50Ω, VCM = ± 12V ± 14 ± 13 mA mW mW VS = ± 20V TA = TAMIN 165 mW TA = TAMAX 135 mW VS = ± 15V TA = TAMIN 60 100 mW TA = TAMAX 45 75 mW Note 2: “Absolute Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Appendix D 3 15 LM741 Electrical Characteristics (Note 5) LM741 Electrical Characteristics (Note 5) (Continued) Note 3: For operation at elevated temperatures, these devices must be derated based on thermal resistance, and Tj max. (listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings”). Tj = TA + (θjA PD). Thermal Resistance θjA (Junction to Ambient) θjC (Junction to Case) Cerdip (J) DIP (N) HO8 (H) SO-8 (M) 100˚C/W 100˚C/W 170˚C/W 195˚C/W N/A N/A 25˚C/W N/A Note 4: For supply voltages less than ± 15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. Note 5: Unless otherwise specified, these specifications apply for VS = ± 15V, −55˚C ≤ TA ≤ +125˚C (LM741/LM741A). For the LM741C/LM741E, these specifications are limited to 0˚C ≤ TA ≤ +70˚C. Note 6: Calculated value from: BW (MHz) = 0.35/Rise Time(µs). Note 7: For military specifications see RETS741X for LM741 and RETS741AX for LM741A. Note 8: Human body model, 1.5 kΩ in series with 100 pF. Schematic Diagram 00934101 Appendix D 4 16 LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier General Description Features These devices are low cost, high speed, JFET input operational amplifiers with very low input offset voltage and guaranteed input offset voltage drift. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain bandwidth product and fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input bias and offset currents. The LF411 is pin compatible with the standard LM741 allowing designers to immediately upgrade the overall performance of existing designs. These amplifiers may be used in applications such as high speed integrators, fast D/A converters, sample and hold circuits and many other circuits requiring low input offset voltage and drift, low input bias current, high input impedance, high slew rate and wide bandwidth. Y Typical Connection Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Internally trimmed offset voltage 0.5 mV(max) Input offset voltage drift 10 mV/§ C(max) Low input bias current 50 pA Low input noise current 0.01 pA/0Hz Wide gain bandwidth 3 MHz(min) High slew rate 10V/ms(min) Low supply current 1.8 mA High input impedance 1012X k 0.02% Low total harmonic distortion AV e 10, RL e 10k, VO e 20 Vp-p, BW e 20 Hzb20 kHz Low 1/f noise corner 50 Hz Fast settling time to 0.01% 2 ms Ordering Information X Y Z LF411XYZ indicates electrical grade indicates temperature range ‘‘M’’ for military ‘‘C’’ for commercial indicates package type ‘‘H’’ or ‘‘N’’ Connection Diagrams Metal Can Package TL/H/5655 – 5 Top View Note: Pin 4 connected to case. Order Number LF411ACH or LF411MH/883* See NS Package Number H08A TL/H/5655–1 Simplified Schematic Dual-In-Line Package TL/H/5655 – 7 TL/H/5655 – 6 BI-FET IITM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation Top View Order Number LF411ACN, LF411CN or LF411MJ/883* See NS Package Number N08E or J08A *Available per JM38510/11904 RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A. TL/H/5655 Appendix D 17 LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier February 1995 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. (Note 8) LF411A LF411 g 22V g 18V Supply Voltage g 38V g 30V Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage Range g 19V g 15V (Note 1) Output Short Circuit Duration Continuous Continuous H Package N Package 670 mW 670 mW 150§ C 162§ C/W (Still Air) 65§ C/W (400 LF/min Air Flow) 120§ C/W Power Dissipation (Notes 2 and 9) Tjmax ijA ijC Operating Temp. Range Storage Temp. Range 115§ C 20§ C/W (Note 3) (Note 3) b 65§ C s TA s 150§ C b 65§ C s TA s 150§ C Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 sec.) ESD Tolerance 260§ C 260§ C Rating to be determined. DC Electrical Characteristics (Note 4) Symbol Parameter LF411A Conditions Min VOS Input Offset Voltage RS e 10 kX, TA e 25§ C DVOS/DT Average TC of Input Offset Voltage RS e 10 kX (Note 5) IOS Input Offset Current VS e g 15V (Notes 4, 6) IB Input Bias Current Typ Max 0.3 0.5 Tj e 25§ C VS e g 15V (Notes 4, 6) LF411 Min Tj e 25§ C VS e g 15V, VO e g 10V, RL e 2k, TA e 25§ C VO Output Voltage Swing VCM Input Common-Mode Voltage Range 25 100 25 100 pA 2 nA Tj e 125§ C 25 25 nA 50 200 50 PSRR Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio (Note 7) IS Supply Current pA 4 nA 50 nA 50 50 200 25 1012 X 200 V/mV 25 200 15 200 V/mV g 12 g 13.5 g 12 g 13.5 V g 16 a 19.5 g 11 a 14.5 V b 11.5 V b 16.5 RSs10k 200 4 VS e g 15V, RL e 10k Common-Mode Rejection Ratio mV/§ C 7 2 Over Temperature CMRR mV 10 1012 Large Signal Voltage Gain 2.0 7 Tj e 125§ C Input Resistance 0.8 Tj e 70§ C Tj e 25§ C AVOL Max 20 (Note 5) Tj e 70§ C RIN Units Typ 80 100 70 100 dB 80 100 70 100 dB 1.8 2.8 1.8 3.4 mA AC Electrical Characteristics (Note 4) Symbol Parameter LF411A Conditions Min Typ LF411 Max Min Typ Units Max SR Slew Rate VS e g 15V, TA e 25§ C 10 15 8 15 V/ms GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product VS e g 15V, TA e 25§ C 3 4 2.7 4 MHz en Equivalent Input Noise Voltage TA e 25§ C, RS e 100X, f e 1 kHz 25 25 nV/ S0Hz in Equivalent Input Noise Current TA e 25§ C, f e 1 kHz 0.01 0.01 pA/ S0Hz 2 Appendix D 18 Note 1: Unless otherwise specified the absolute maximum negative input voltage is equal to the negative power supply voltage. Note 2: For operating at elevated temperature, these devices must be derated based on a thermal resistance of ijA. Note 3: These devices are available in both the commercial temperature range 0§ C s TA s 70§ C and the military temperature range b 55§ C s TA s 125§ C. The temperature range is designated by the position just before the package type in the device number. A ‘‘C’’ indicates the commercial temperature range and an ‘‘M’’ indicates the military temperature range. The military temperature range is available in ‘‘H’’ package only. Note 4: Unless otherwise specified, the specifications apply over the full temperature range and for VS e g 20V for the LF411A and for VS e g 15V for the LF411. VOS, IB, and IOS are measured at VCM e 0. Note 5: The LF411A is 100% tested to this specification. The LF411 is sample tested to insure at least 90% of the units meet this specification. Note 6: The input bias currents are junction leakage currents which approximately double for every 10§ C increase in the junction temperature, Tj. Due to limited production test time, the input bias currents measured are correlated to junction temperature. In normal operation the junction temperature rises above the ambient temperature as a result of internal power dissipation, PD. Tj e TA a ijA PD where ijA is the thermal resistance from junction to ambient. Use of a heat sink is recommended if input bias current is to be kept to a minimum. Note 7: Supply voltage rejection ratio is measured for both supply magnitudes increasing or decreasing simultaneously in accordance with common practice, from g 15V to g 5V for the LF411 and from g 20V to g 5V for the LF411A. Note 8: RETS 411X for LF411MH and LF411MJ military specifications. Note 9: Max. Power Dissipation is defined by the package characteristics. Operating the part near the Max. Power Dissipation may cause the part to operate outside guaranteed limits. Typical Performance Characteristics Input Bias Current Input Bias Current Supply Current Positive Common-Mode Input Voltage Limit Negative Common-Mode Input Voltage Limit Positive Current Limit Negative Current Limit Output Voltage Swing Output Voltage Swing TL/H/5655 – 2 3 Appendix D 19 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Gain Bandwidth Bode Plot Slew Rate Distortion vs Frequency Undistorted Output Voltage Swing Open Loop Frequency Response Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Power Supply Rejection Ratio Equivalent Input Noise Voltage Open Loop Voltage Gain Output Impedance Inverter Settling Time TL/H/5655 – 3 4 Appendix D 20 Ultraprecision Operational Amplifier OP177 PIN CONFIGURATION Ultralow offset voltage TA = 25°C, 25 μV maximum Outstanding offset voltage drift 0.1 μV/°C maximum Excellent open-loop gain and gain linearity 12 V/μV typical CMRR: 130 dB minimum PSRR: 115 dB minimum Low supply current 2.0 mA maximum Fits industry-standard precision op amp sockets VOS TRIM 1 –IN +IN 3 V– OP177 2 4 8 VOS TRIM 7 V+ 6 OUT TOP VIEW 5 NC (Not to Scale) NC = NO CONNECT 00289-001 FEATURES Figure 1. 8-Lead PDIP (P-Suffix), 8-Lead SOIC (S-Suffix) GENERAL DESCRIPTION operational amplifier. The combination of outstanding specifications of the OP177 ensures accurate performance in high closed-loop gain applications. The OP177 features one of the highest precision performance of any op amp currently available. Offset voltage of the OP177 is only 25 μV maximum at room temperature. The ultralow VOS of the OP177 combines with its exceptional offset voltage drift (TCVOS) of 0.1 μV/°C maximum to eliminate the need for external VOS adjustment and increases system accuracy over temperature. This low noise, bipolar input op amp is also a cost effective alternative to chopper-stabilized amplifiers. The OP177 provides chopper-type performance without the usual problems of high noise, low frequency chopper spikes, large physical size, limited common-mode input voltage range, and bulky external storage capacitors. The OP177 open-loop gain of 12 V/μV is maintained over the full ±10 V output range. CMRR of 130 dB minimum, PSRR of 120 dB minimum, and maximum supply current of 2 mA are just a few examples of the excellent performance of this The OP177 is offered in the −40°C to +85°C extended industrial temperature ranges. This product is available in 8-lead PDIP, as well as the space saving 8-lead SOIC. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM V+ R2A* (OPTIONAL NULL) R2B* C1 R7 R1B R1A Q19 2B Q10 Q9 Q7 NONINVERTING INPUT INVERTING INPUT R3 Q3 Q5 Q11 Q8 Q6 Q4 Q1 R4 OUTPUT Q27 Q21 Q23 Q22 Q24 R9 Q12 Q26 C3 C2 Q17 R10 Q16 R5 Q20 Q25 Q15 Q2 Q18 Q14 *R2A AND R2B ARE ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTED ON CHIP AT FACTORY. R6 R8 00289-002 Q13 V– Figure 2. Simplified Schematic Rev. E Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Appendix DTel: 781.329.4700 21 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2006 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. OP177 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ VS = ±15 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE LONG-TERM INPUT OFFSET 1 Voltage Stability INPUT OFFSET CURRENT INPUT BIAS CURRENT INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE INPUT NOISE CURRENT INPUT RESISTANCE Differential Mode 3 INPUT RESISTANCE COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE 4 COMMON-MODE REJECTION RATIO POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO LARGE SIGNAL VOLTAGE GAIN OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING Symbol VOS SLEW RATE2 CLOSED-LOOP BANDWIDTH2 OPEN-LOOP OUTPUT RESISTANCE POWER CONSUMPTION SR BW RO PD SUPPLY CURRENT OFFSET ADJUSTMENT RANGE ISY Conditions Min OP177F Typ 10 Max 25 −0.2 0.3 0.3 +1.2 118 3 1.5 +2 150 8 Min OP177G Typ Max 20 60 Unit μV T ΔVOS/time IOS IB en in RIN RINCM IVR CMRR PSRR AVO VO 2 fO = 1 Hz to 100 Hz fO = 1 Hz to 100 Hz2 26 VCM = ±13 V VS = ±3 V to ±18 V RL ≥ 2 kΩ, VO = ±10 V 5 RL ≥ 10 kΩ RL ≥ 2 kΩ RL ≥ 1 kΩ RL ≥ 2 kΩ AVCL = 1 VS = ±15 V, no load VS = ±3 V, no load VS = ±15 V, no load RP = 20 kΩ 1 ±13 130 115 5000 ±13.5 ±12.5 ±12.0 0.1 0.4 45 200 ±14 140 125 12,000 ±14.0 ±13.0 ±12.5 0.3 0.6 60 50 3.5 1.6 ±3 −0.2 18.5 ±13 115 110 2000 ±13.5 ±12.5 ±12.0 0.1 0.4 60 4.5 2 0.4 0.3 +1.2 118 3 45 200 ±14 140 120 6000 ±14.0 ±13.0 ±12.5 0.3 0.6 60 50 3.5 1.6 ±3 2.8 +2.8 150 8 60 4.5 2 μV/mo nA nA nV rms pA rms MΩ GΩ V dB dB V/mV V V V V/μs MHz Ω mW mW mA mV Long-term input offset voltage stability refers to the averaged trend line of VOS vs. time over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. Excluding the initial hour of operation, changes in VOS during the first 30 operating days are typically less than 2.0 μV. 2 Sample tested. 3 Guaranteed by design. 4 Guaranteed by CMRR test condition. 5 To ensure high open-loop gain throughout the ±10 V output range, AVO is tested at −10 V ≤ VO ≤ 0 V, 0 V ≤ VO ≤ +10 V, and –10 V ≤ VO ≤ +10 V. Appendix D Rev. E22 | Page 3 of 16 OP177 @ VS = ±15 V, −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter INPUT Input Offset Voltage Average Input Offset Voltage Drift 1 Input Offset Current Average Input Offset Current Drift 2 Input Bias Current Average Input Bias Current Drift2 Input Voltage Range 3 COMMON-MODE REJECTION RATIO POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO LARGE-SIGNAL VOLTAGE GAIN 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING POWER CONSUMPTION SUPPLY CURRENT Symbol Conditions VOS TCVOS IOS TCIOS IB TCIB IVR CMRR PSRR AVO VO PD ISY OP177F Typ Min 15 0.1 0.5 1.5 +2.4 8 ±13.5 140 120 6000 ±13 60 20 −0.2 VCM = ±13 V VS = ±3 V to ±18 V RL ≥ 2 kΩ, VO = ±10 V RL ≥ 2 kΩ VS = ±15 V, no load VS = ±15 V, no load ±13 120 110 2000 ±12 1 Max Min 40 0.3 2.2 40 +4 40 ±13 110 106 1000 ±12 75 2.5 OP177G Typ 20 0.7 0.5 1.5 +2.4 15 ±13.5 140 115 4000 ±13 60 2 TCVOS is sample tested. Guaranteed by endpoint limits. 3 Guaranteed by CMRR test condition. 4 To ensure high open-loop gain throughout the ±10 V output range, AVO is tested at −10 V ≤ VO ≤ 0 V, 0 V ≤ VO ≤ +10 V, and −10 V ≤ VO ≤ +10 V. 2 TEST CIRCUITS 200kΩ 50Ω – OP177 VOS = VO 00289-003 + VO 4000 Figure 3. Typical Offset Voltage Test Circuit 20kΩ V+ – – INPUT OUTPUT OP177 VOS TRIM RANGE IS TYPICALLY ±3.0mV V– Figure 4. Optional Offset Nulling Circuit 20kΩ +20V – OP177 + –20V Figure 5. Burn-In Circuit Appendix D Rev. E | Page 234 of 16 00289-005 PINOUTS SHOWN FOR P AND Z PACKAGES 00289-004 + + Max Unit 100 1.2 4.5 85 ±6 60 μV μV/°C nA pA/°C nA pA/°C V dB dB V/mV V mW mA 75 2.5 OP177 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 3. Parameter Supply Voltage Internal Power Dissipation1 Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage Output Short-Circuit Duration Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) DICE Junction Temperature (TJ) 1 Ratings ±22 V 500 mW ±30 V ±22 V Indefinite −65°C to +125°C −40°C to +85°C 300°C −65°C to +150°C For supply voltages less than ±22 V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. THERMAL RESISTANCE θJA is specified for worst-case mounting conditions, that is, θJA is specified for device in socket for PDIP; θJA is specified for device soldered to printed circuit board for SOIC package. Table 4. Thermal Resistance Package Type 8-Lead PDIP (P-Suffix) 8-Lead SOIC (S-Suffix) ESD CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Appendix D Rev. E24 | Page 5 of 16 θJA 103 158 θJC 43 43 Unit °C/W °C/W OP177 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 20 TA = 25°C VS = ±15V RL = 10kΩ VS = ±15V ABSOLUTE CHANGE IN INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (µV) 25 1 0 –1 DEVICE IMMERSED IN 70° OIL BATH (20 UNITS) 30 35 40 –2 –10 –5 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 5 00289-009 45 00289-006 INPUT VOLTAGE (µV) (NULLED TO 0mV @ VOUT = 0V) 2 50 10 0 50 60 70 25 100 VS = ±15V TA = 25°C OPEN-LOOP GAIN (V/µV) 20 10 15 10 1 0 10 20 30 TOTAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE, V+ TO V– (V) 0 –55 40 00289-010 5 00289-007 POWER CONSUMPTION (mW) 20 30 40 TIME (Seconds) Figure 9. Offset Voltage Change Due to Thermal Shock Figure 6. Gain Linearity (Input Voltage vs. Output Voltage) –35 –15 5 25 45 65 TEMPERATURE (°C) 85 105 125 Figure 10. Open-Loop Gain vs. Temperature Figure 7. Power Consumption vs. Power Supply 16 5 TA = 25°C RL = 2kΩ 4 3 1 OPEN-LOOP GAIN (V/µV) LOT A LOT B LOT C LOT D 2 0 –1 –2 12 8 4 –4 –5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TIME (Seconds) 140 160 0 180 00289-011 –3 00289-008 VOS (µV) 10 0 ±5 ±10 ±15 POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) Figure 11. Open-Loop Gain vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 8. Warm-Up VOS Drift (Normalized) Z Package Appendix D Rev. E | Page 256 of 16 ±20 OP177 4 160 VS = ±15V TA = 25°C VS = ±15V OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) 3 2 1 –50 0 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 80 60 40 0 0.01 100 00289-015 0 120 20 00289-012 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) 140 0.1 1 10 100 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k 1M Figure 15. Open-Loop Frequency Response Figure 12. Input Bias Current vs. Temperature 2.0 150 VS = ±15V TA = 25°C 1.5 CMRR (dB) 130 1.0 110 90 –50 0 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 80 100 00289-016 0 120 100 0.5 00289-013 1 100 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k Figure 16. CMRR vs. Frequency Figure 13. Input Offset Current vs. Temperature 130 100 TA = 25°C VS = ±15V TA = 25°C 120 80 110 60 PSRR (dB) CLOSED-LOOP GAIN (dB) 10 40 20 90 80 00289-014 0 –20 100 10 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) 1M 10M Figure 14. Closed-Loop Response for Various Gain Configurations Appendix D Rev. E26 | Page 7 of 16 70 60 0.1 00289-017 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT (nA) 140 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 17. PSRR vs. Frequency 1k 10k Low Cost Low Power Instrumentation Amplifier AD620 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAM 1 8 –IN 2 7 +VS +IN 3 6 –VS 4 AD620 RG OUTPUT 5 REF TOP VIEW Figure 1. 8-Lead PDIP (N), CERDIP (Q), and SOIC (R) Packages PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD620 is a low cost, high accuracy instrumentation amplifier that requires only one external resistor to set gains of 1 to 10,000. Furthermore, the AD620 features 8-lead SOIC and DIP packaging that is smaller than discrete designs and offers lower power (only 1.3 mA max supply current), making it a good fit for battery-powered, portable (or remote) applications. The AD620, with its high accuracy of 40 ppm maximum nonlinearity, low offset voltage of 50 µV max, and offset drift of 0.6 µV/°C max, is ideal for use in precision data acquisition systems, such as weigh scales and transducer interfaces. Furthermore, the low noise, low input bias current, and low power of the AD620 make it well suited for medical applications, such as ECG and noninvasive blood pressure monitors. APPLICATIONS Weigh scales ECG and medical instrumentation Transducer interface Data acquisition systems Industrial process controls Battery-powered and portable equipment The low input bias current of 1.0 nA max is made possible with the use of Superϐeta processing in the input stage. The AD620 works well as a preamplifier due to its low input voltage noise of 9 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz, 0.28 µV p-p in the 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz band, and 0.1 pA/√Hz input current noise. Also, the AD620 is well suited for multiplexed applications with its settling time of 15 µs to 0.01%, and its cost is low enough to enable designs with one in-amp per channel. 30,000 10,000 3 OP AMP IN-AMP (3 OP-07s) RTI VOLTAGE NOISE (0.1 – 10Hz) (µV p-p) 1,000 20,000 15,000 AD620A 10,000 RG TYPICAL STANDARD BIPOLAR INPUT IN-AMP 100 G = 100 10 AD620 SUPERβETA BIPOLAR INPUT IN-AMP 1 5,000 0 0 5 10 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 15 20 0.1 1k Figure 2. Three Op Amp IA Designs vs. AD620 10k 100k 1M SOURCE RESISTANCE (Ω) 10M 100M 00775-0-003 25,000 00775-0-002 TOTAL ERROR, PPM OF FULL SCALE RG 00775-0-001 Easy to use Gain set with one external resistor (Gain range 1 to 10,000) Wide power supply range (±2.3 V to ±18 V) Higher performance than 3 op amp IA designs Available in 8-lead DIP and SOIC packaging Low power, 1.3 mA max supply current Excellent dc performance (B grade) 50 µV max, input offset voltage 0.6 µV/°C max, input offset drift 1.0 nA max, input bias current 100 dB min common-mode rejection ratio (G = 10) Low noise 9 nV/√Hz @ 1 kHz, input voltage noise 0.28 µV p-p noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Excellent ac specifications 120 kHz bandwidth (G = 100) 15 µs settling time to 0.01% Figure 3. Total Voltage Noise vs. Source Resistance Rev. G Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. © 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Appendix DTel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703 27 AD620 SPECIFICATIONS Typical @ 25°C, VS = ±15 V, and RL = 2 kΩ, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. AD620A Parameter GAIN Gain Range Gain Error2 G=1 G = 10 G = 100 G = 1000 Nonlinearity G = 1–1000 G = 1–100 Gain vs. Temperature VOLTAGE OFFSET Input Offset, VOSI Overtemperature Average TC Output Offset, VOSO Overtemperature Average TC Offset Referred to the Input vs. Supply (PSR) G=1 G = 10 G = 100 G = 1000 INPUT CURRENT Input Bias Current Overtemperature Average TC Input Offset Current Overtemperature Average TC INPUT Input Impedance Differential Common-Mode Input Voltage Range3 Overtemperature Overtemperature Conditions Min G = 1 + (49.4 kΩ/RG) 1 VOUT = ±10 V VOUT = −10 V to +10 V RL = 10 kΩ RL = 2 kΩ Typ AD620B Max Min 10,000 1 Typ Max Min 10,000 1 AD620S1 Typ Max Unit 10,000 0.03 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.70 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.35 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.50 0.03 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.70 % % % % 10 10 40 95 10 10 40 95 10 10 40 95 ppm ppm 10 −50 ppm/°C ppm/°C 125 µV 225 µV G=1 Gain >12 (Total RTI Error = VOSI + VOSO/G) VS = ±5 V 30 to ± 15 V VS = ±5 V to ± 15 V VS = ±5 V 0.3 to ± 15 V VS = ±15 V 400 VS = ± 5 V VS = ±5 V to ± 15 V VS = ±5 V 5.0 to ± 15 V 10 −50 10 −50 125 15 185 50 30 85 1.0 0.1 0.6 0.3 1.0 µV/°C 1000 1500 2000 200 500 750 1000 400 1000 1500 2000 µV µV µV 15 2.5 7.0 5.0 15 µV/°C VS = ±2.3 V to ±18 V 80 95 110 110 100 120 140 140 0.5 3.0 0.3 VS = ±2.3 V −VS + 1.9 to ±5 V −VS + 2.1 VS = ± 5 V −VS + 1.9 to ±18 V −VS + 2.1 80 100 120 120 2.0 2.5 100 120 140 140 0.5 3.0 0.3 1.0 1.5 80 95 110 110 1.0 1.5 100 120 140 140 0.5 8.0 0.3 0.5 0.75 1.5 1.5 8.0 10||2 10||2 10||2 10||2 10||2 10||2 dB dB dB dB 2 4 1.0 2.0 nA nA pA/°C nA nA pA/°C +VS − 1.2 −VS + 1.9 +VS − 1.2 −VS + 1.9 +VS − 1.2 GΩ_pF GΩ_pF V +VS − 1.3 +VS − 1.4 −VS + 2.1 −VS + 1.9 +VS − 1.3 +VS − 1.4 −VS + 2.1 −VS + 1.9 +VS − 1.3 +VS − 1.4 V V +VS − 1.4 −VS + 2.1 +VS + 2.1 −VS + 2.3 +VS − 1.4 V Appendix D Rev. G28 | Page 3 of 20 AD620 AD620A AD620B Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Common-Mode Rejection Ratio DC to 60 Hz with 1 kΩ Source Imbalance VCM = 0 V to ± 10 V G=1 73 90 G = 10 93 110 G = 100 110 130 G = 1000 110 130 OUTPUT Output Swing RL = 10 kΩ VS = ±2.3 V −VS + +VS − 1.2 to ± 5 V 1.1 Overtemperature −VS + 1.4 +VS − 1.3 VS = ±5 V −VS + 1.2 +VS − 1.4 to ± 18 V Overtemperature −VS + 1.6 +VS – 1.5 Short Circuit Current ±18 DYNAMIC RESPONSE Small Signal –3 dB Bandwidth G=1 1000 G = 10 800 G = 100 120 G = 1000 12 Slew Rate 0.75 1.2 Settling Time to 0.01% 10 V Step G = 1–100 15 G = 1000 150 NOISE Voltage Noise, 1 kHz Total RTI Noise = (e 2ni ) + (e / G)2 Min Typ 80 100 120 120 90 110 130 130 Max Min AD620S1 Typ Max 73 93 110 110 90 110 130 130 Unit dB dB dB dB −VS + 1.1 +VS − 1.2 −VS + 1.1 +VS − 1.2 V −VS + 1.4 −VS + 1.2 +VS − 1.3 +VS − 1.4 −VS + 1.6 −VS + 1.2 +VS − 1.3 +VS − 1.4 V V +VS – 1.5 –VS + 2.3 +VS – 1.5 −VS + 1.6 0.75 ±18 ±18 V mA 1000 800 120 12 1.2 1000 800 120 12 1.2 kHz kHz kHz kHz V/µs 15 150 µs µs 0.75 15 150 no Input, Voltage Noise, eni Output, Voltage Noise, eno RTI, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz G=1 G = 10 G = 100–1000 Current Noise 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz REFERENCE INPUT RIN IIN Voltage Range Gain to Output POWER SUPPLY Operating Range4 Quiescent Current 9 72 3.0 0.55 0.28 100 10 f = 1 kHz 20 50 VIN+, VREF = 0 −VS + 1.6 1 ± 0.0001 ±2.3 VS = ±2.3 V to ±18 V Overtemperature TEMPERATURE RANGE For Specified Performance 13 100 60 +VS − 1.6 0.9 ±18 1.3 1.1 1.6 −40 to +85 9 72 13 100 9 72 13 100 nV/√Hz nV/√Hz 3.0 0.55 0.28 100 10 6.0 0.8 0.4 3.0 0.55 0.28 100 10 6.0 0.8 0.4 µV p-p µV p-p µV p-p fA/√Hz pA p-p 20 50 −VS + 1.6 1 ± 0.0001 ±2.3 −40 to +85 1 See Analog Devices military data sheet for 883B tested specifications. Does not include effects of external resistor RG. 3 One input grounded. G = 1. 4 This is defined as the same supply range that is used to specify PSR. 2 Appendix D Rev. G29 | Page 4 of 20 60 +VS − 1.6 0.9 ±18 1.3 1.1 1.6 20 50 60 +VS − 1.6 kΩ µA V 0.9 ±18 1.3 V mA 1.1 1.6 mA −VS + 1.6 1 ± 0.0001 ±2.3 −55 to +125 °C AD620 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 2. Parameter Supply Voltage Internal Power Dissipation1 Input Voltage (Common-Mode) Differential Input Voltage Output Short-Circuit Duration Storage Temperature Range (Q) Storage Temperature Range (N, R) Operating Temperature Range AD620 (A, B) AD620 (S) Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 10 seconds) 1 Rating ±18 V 650 mW ±VS 25 V Indefinite −65°C to +150°C −65°C to +125°C Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other condition s above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. −40°C to +85°C −55°C to +125°C 300°C Specification is for device in free air: 8-Lead Plastic Package: θJA = 95°C 8-Lead CERDIP Package: θJA = 110°C 8-Lead SOIC Package: θJA = 155°C ESD CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Appendix D Rev. G30 | Page 5 of 20 AD620 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (@ 25°C, VS = ±15 V, RL = 2 kΩ, unless otherwise noted.) 2.0 50 SAMPLE SIZE = 360 1.5 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) PERCENTAGE OF UNITS 40 30 20 10 1.0 +IB –I B 0.5 0 –0.5 –1.0 –40 0 40 80 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (µV) 175 00775-0-008 –80 5 00775-0-009 0 00775-0-005 –1.5 –2.0 –75 –25 25 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 8. Input Bias Current vs. Temperature Figure 5. Typical Distribution of Input Offset Voltage 2.0 50 CHANGE IN OFFSET VOLTAGE (µV) SAMPLE SIZE = 850 PERCENTAGE OF UNITS 40 30 20 0 –1200 –600 0 600 1200 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (pA) 00775-0-006 10 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 WARM-UP TIME (Minutes) 4 Figure 9. Change in Input Offset Voltage vs. Warm-Up Time Figure 6. Typical Distribution of Input Bias Current 1000 50 SAMPLE SIZE = 850 GAIN = 1 VOLTAGE NOISE (nV/ Hz) 30 20 10 100 GAIN = 10 10 GAIN = 100, 1,000 0 –400 –200 0 200 400 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT (pA) Figure 7. Typical Distribution of Input Offset Current 1 1 10 100 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k 00775-0-010 GAIN = 1000 BW LIMIT 00775-0-007 PERCENTAGE OF UNITS 40 Figure 10. Voltage Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency (G = 1−1000) Appendix D Rev. G31 | Page 7 of 20 AD620 THEORY OF OPERATION I1 20µA VB I2 20µA A1 The input transistors Q1 and Q2 provide a single differentialpair bipolar input for high precision (Figure 38), yet offer 10× lower input bias current thanks to Superϐeta processing. Feedback through the Q1-A1-R1 loop and the Q2-A2-R2 loop maintains constant collector current of the input devices Q1 and Q2, thereby impressing the input voltage across the external gain setting resistor RG. This creates a differential gain from the inputs to the A1/A2 outputs given by G = (R1 + R2)/RG + 1. The unity-gain subtractor, A3, removes any common-mode signal, yielding a single-ended output referred to the REF pin potential. A2 10kΩ C2 C1 10kΩ A3 R3 400Ω R1 R2 Q1 Q2 R4 400Ω RG GAIN SENSE OUTPUT 10kΩ REF +IN GAIN SENSE –VS 00775-0-038 – IN 10kΩ Figure 38. Simplified Schematic of AD620 The AD620 is a monolithic instrumentation amplifier based on a modification of the classic three op amp approach. Absolute value trimming allows the user to program gain accurately (to 0.15% at G = 100) with only one resistor. Monolithic construction and laser wafer trimming allow the tight matching and tracking of circuit components, thus ensuring the high level of performance inherent in this circuit. The value of RG also determines the transconductance of the preamp stage. As RG is reduced for larger gains, the transconductance increases asymptotically to that of the input transistors. This has three important advantages: (a) Open-loop gain is boosted for increasing programmed gain, thus reducing gain related errors. (b) The gain-bandwidth product (determined by C1 and C2 and the preamp transconductance) increases with programmed gain, thus optimizing frequency response. (c) The input voltage noise is reduced to a value of 9 nV/√Hz, determined mainly by the collector current and base resistance of the input devices. The internal gain resistors, R1 and R2, are trimmed to an absolute value of 24.7 kΩ, allowing the gain to be programmed accurately with a single external resistor. The gain equation is then G= 49.4 kΩ RG = RG +1 49.4 kΩ G−1 Make vs. Buy: a Typical Bridge Application Error Budget The AD620 offers improved performance over “homebrew” three op amp IA designs, along with smaller size, fewer components, and 10× lower supply current. In the typical application, shown in Figure 39, a gain of 100 is required to amplify a bridge output of 20 mV full-scale over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. Table 3 shows how to calculate the effect various error sources have on circuit accuracy. Appendix D Rev. G32 | Page 13 of 20 AD620 Note that for the homebrew circuit, the OP07 specifications for input voltage offset and noise have been multiplied by √2. This is because a three op amp type in-amp has two op amps at its inputs, both contributing to the overall input error. Regardless of the system in which it is being used, the AD620 provides greater accuracy at low power and price. In simple systems, absolute accuracy and drift errors are by far the most significant contributors to error. In more complex systems with an intelligent processor, an autogain/autozero cycle will remove all absolute accuracy and drift errors, leaving only the resolution errors of gain, nonlinearity, and noise, thus allowing full 14-bit accuracy. 10V 10kΩ * R = 350Ω 10kΩ ** REFERENCE PRECISION BRIDGE TRANSDUCER AD620A MONOLITHIC INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER, G = 100 SUPPLY CURRENT = 1.3mA MAX 100Ω ** 10kΩ ** OP07D 00775-0-040 R = 350Ω 00775-0-039 R = 350Ω 10kΩ * OP07D AD620A OP07D 10kΩ * 10kΩ* "HOMEBREW" IN-AMP, G = 100 *0.02% RESISTOR MATCH, 3ppm/°C TRACKING **DISCRETE 1% RESISTOR, 100ppm/ °C TRACKING SUPPLY CURRENT = 15mA MAX Figure 39. Make vs. Buy Table 3. Make vs. Buy Error Budget Error Source ABSOLUTE ACCURACY at TA = 25°C Input Offset Voltage, µV Output Offset Voltage, µV Input Offset Current, nA CMR, dB DRIFT TO 85°C Gain Drift, ppm/°C Input Offset Voltage Drift, µV/°C Output Offset Voltage Drift, µV/°C RESOLUTION Gain Nonlinearity, ppm of Full Scale Typ 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Voltage Noise, µV p-p Error, ppm of Full Scale AD620 Homebrew AD620 Circuit Calculation “Homebrew” Circuit Calculation 125 µV/20 mV 1000 µV/100 mV/20 mV 2 nA ×350 Ω/20 mV 110 dB(3.16 ppm) ×5 V/20 mV (150 µV × √2)/20 mV ((150 µV × 2)/100)/20 mV (6 nA ×350 Ω)/20 mV (0.02% Match × 5 V)/20 mV/100 6,250 500 18 791 10,607 150 53 500 Total Absolute Error 7,559 11,310 100 ppm/°C Track × 60°C (2.5 µV/°C × √2 × 60°C)/20 mV (2.5 µV/°C × 2 × 60°C)/100 mV/20 mV 3,600 3,000 450 6,000 10,607 150 Total Drift Error 7,050 16,757 40 14 54 14,663 40 27 67 28,134 (50 ppm + 10 ppm) ×60°C 1 µV/°C × 60°C/20 mV 15 µV/°C × 60°C/100 mV/20 mV 40 ppm 0.28 µV p-p/20 mV 40 ppm (0.38 µV p-p × √2)/20 mV Total Resolution Error Grand Total Error G = 100, VS = ±15 V. (All errors are min/max and referred to input.) Appendix D Rev. G33 | Page 14 of 20 00775-0-041 R = 350Ω RG 499Ω AD620 5V 3kΩ 3kΩ 3kΩ 3kΩ 20kΩ 7 3 REF 8 AD620B G = 100 499Ω 6 IN 10kΩ 5 1 ADC 4 2 20kΩ 1.7mA DIGITAL DATA OUTPUT AD705 0.10mA 00775-0-042 1.3mA MAX AGND 0.6mA MAX Figure 40. A Pressure Monitor Circuit that Operates on a 5 V Single Supply Pressure Measurement Medical ECG Although useful in many bridge applications, such as weigh scales, the AD620 is especially suitable for higher resistance pressure sensors powered at lower voltages where small size and low power become more significant. The low current noise of the AD620 allows its use in ECG monitors (Figure 41) where high source resistances of 1 MΩ or higher are not uncommon. The AD620’s low power, low supply voltage requirements, and space-saving 8-lead mini-DIP and SOIC package offerings make it an excellent choice for batterypowered data recorders. Figure 40 shows a 3 kΩ pressure transducer bridge powered from 5 V. In such a circuit, the bridge consumes only 1.7 mA. Adding the AD620 and a buffered voltage divider allows the signal to be conditioned for only 3.8 mA of total supply current. Small size and low cost make the AD620 especially attractive for voltage output pressure transducers. Since it delivers low noise and drift, it will also serve applications such as diagnostic noninvasive blood pressure measurement. R1 10kΩ R4 1MΩ The value of capacitor C1 is chosen to maintain stability of the right leg drive loop. Proper safeguards, such as isolation, must be added to this circuit to protect the patient from possible harm. +3V PATIENT/CIRCUIT PROTECTION/ISOLATION C1 Furthermore, the low bias currents and low current noise, coupled with the low voltage noise of the AD620, improve the dynamic range for better performance. R3 24.9kΩ R2 24.9kΩ RG 8.25kΩ AD620A G=7 0.03Hz HIGHPASS FILTER G = 143 OUTPUT 1V/mV OUTPUT AMPLIFIER –3V Figure 41. A Medical ECG Monitor Circuit Appendix D Rev. G34 | Page 15 of 20 00775-0-043 AD705J UMT4401 / SST4401 / MMST4401 / 2N4401 Transistors NPN Medium Power Transistor (Switching) UMT4401 / SST4401 / MMST4401 / 2N4401 !External dimensions (Units : mm) UMT4401 2.0±0.2 0.65 0.65 SST4401 MMST4401 2N4401 Packaging type UMT3 R2X SST3 R2X SMT3 R2X TO-92 - T106 T116 T146 T93 3000 MMST4401 V V V A Tstg 2N4401 W 0.625 150 All terminals have the same +0.1 dimensions 4.8±0.2 ˚C -55~+150 0.15 −0.06 0.4 +0.1 −0.05 (1) Emitter (2) Base (3) Collector 3.7±0.2 2.5Min. Tj Storage temperature 0~0.1 (3) ROHM : SMT3 EIAJ : SC-59 0.2 PC Junction temperature 1.6+0.2 −0.1 Unit 60 40 6 0.6 2N4401 0.8±0.1 (2) (1) 4.8±0.2 UMT4401 SST4401 MMST4401 1.1+0.2 −0.1 (12.7Min.) Collector power dissipation Limits VCBO VCEO VEBO IC 2.1±0.1 2.9±0.2 1.9±0.2 0.95 0.95 Symbol (1) Emitter (2) Base (3) Collector 0.15 −0.06 0.4 +0.1 −0.05 !Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter 0.2Min. All terminals have the same dimensions +0.1 ROHM : SST3 Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector current 0~0.1 (3) 0.3~0.6 3000 0.45±0.1 (2) (1) 2.8±0.2 3000 (1) Emitter (2) Base (3) Collector 0.95 +0.2 −0.1 0.95 0.95 1.3+0.2 −0.1 SST4401 2.4±0.2 UMT4401 3000 2.9±0.2 1.9±0.2 Part No. Code Basic ordering unit (pieces) 0~0.1 0.3+0.1 0.15±0.05 −0 All terminals have the same dimensions ROHM : UMT3 EIAJ : SC-70 !Package, marking, and packaging specifications 0.7±0.1 0.2 (2) 1.25±0.1 (1) (3) Marking 0.9±0.1 1.3±0.1 0.1~0.4 !Features 1) BVCEO>40V (IC=1mA) 2) Complements the UMT4403 / SST4403 / MMST4403 / PN4403. ˚C 0.5±0.1. ROHM : TO-92 EIAJ : SC-43 (1) (2) (3) +0.3 2.5 − 0.1 5 0.45±0.1 !Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C) Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Parameter BVCBO BVCEO 60 40 - - V V IC=100µA IC=1mA Emitter-base breakdown voltage BVEBO 6 - - 0.1 0.1 V µA IE=100µA - - 0.4 - - 0.75 - - 0.95 - - 1.2 20 40 - - Collector cutoff current ICBO Emitter cutoff current IEBO Collector-emitter saturation voltage Base-emitter saturation voltage DC current transfer ratio VCE(sat) VBE(sat) hFE - µA V V VCB=35V VEB=5V IC/IB=150mA/15mA IC/IB=500mA/50mA IC/IB=150mA/15mA IC/IB=500mA/50mA VCE=1V, IC=0.1mA VCE=1V, IC=1mA 80 - - 100 - 300 - 40 250 - - 6.5 MHz pF pF VCE=1V, IC=10mA VCE=1V, IC=150mA VCE=2V, IC=500mA VCE=10V, IE=-20mA, f=100MHz VCB=10V, f=100kHz VEB=0.5V, f=100kHz Transition frequency Collector output capacitance Cob Emitter input capacitance Cib - - 30 td - - 15 ns VCC=30V, VEB(OFF)=2V, IC=150mA, IB1=15mA tr tstg - - 20 225 ns ns VCC=30V, VEB(OFF)=2V, IC=150mA, IB1=15mA VCC=30V, IC=150mA, IB1=-IB2=15mA tf - - 30 ns VCC=30V, IC=150mA, IB1=-IB2=15mA Delay time Rise time Storage time Fall time fT - Conditions Appendix D 35 2.3 (1) Emitter (2) Base (3) Collector UMT4401 / SST4401 / MMST4401 / 2N4401 Transistors !Electrical characteristic curves 100 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) Ta=25°C 1000 600 DC CURRENT GAIN : hFE 500 400 50 Ta=25°C VCE=10V 100 300 200 1V 100 IB=0µA 10 0.1 0 0 10 5 COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE : VCE(V) COLLECTOR EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE : VCE(sat)(V) 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) 100 1000 Fig.3 DC current gain vs. collector current(Ι) Fig.1 Grounded emitter output characteristics Ta=25°C IC / IB=10 1.0 1000 VCE=10V DC CURRENT GAIN : hFE 0.3 0.1 0 1.0 25°C 100 10 100 1000 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) −55°C 10 0.1 1.0 1000 AC CURRENT GAIN : hFE Ta=25°C VCE=10V f=1kHz 100 1.0 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) 100 1000 Fig.4 DC current gain vs. collector current(ΙΙ) Fig.2 Collector-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current 10 0.1 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) 100 1000 Fig.5 AC current gain vs. collector current Appendix D 36 BASE EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE : VBE(sat)(V) 0.2 Ta=125°C 1.8 1.6 Ta=25°C IC / IB=10 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 1.0 10 100 1000 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(mA) Fig.6 Base-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current A Appendix D 37 A Appendix D 38 LM111/LM211/LM311 Voltage Comparator 1.0 General Description The LM111, LM211 and LM311 are voltage comparators that have input currents nearly a thousand times lower than devices like the LM106 or LM710. They are also designed to operate over a wider range of supply voltages: from standard ± 15V op amp supplies down to the single 5V supply used for IC logic. Their output is compatible with RTL, DTL and TTL as well as MOS circuits. Further, they can drive lamps or relays, switching voltages up to 50V at currents as high as 50 mA. Both the inputs and the outputs of the LM111, LM211 or the LM311 can be isolated from system ground, and the output can drive loads referred to ground, the positive supply or the negative supply. Offset balancing and strobe capability are provided and outputs can be wire OR’ed. Although slower than the LM106 and LM710 (200 ns response time vs 40 ns) 3.0 Typical Applications the devices are also much less prone to spurious oscillations. The LM111 has the same pin configuration as the LM106 and LM710. The LM211 is identical to the LM111, except that its performance is specified over a −25˚C to +85˚C temperature range instead of −55˚C to +125˚C. The LM311 has a temperature range of 0˚C to +70˚C. 2.0 Features n n n n n Operates from single 5V supply Input current: 150 nA max. over temperature Offset current: 20 nA max. over temperature Differential input voltage range: ± 30V Power consumption: 135 mW at ± 15V (Note 3) Offset Balancing Strobing 00570436 00570437 Note: Do Not Ground Strobe Pin. Output is turned off when current is pulled from Strobe Pin. Increasing Input Stage Current (Note 1) Detector for Magnetic Transducer 00570438 Note 1: Increases typical common mode slew from 7.0V/µs to 18V/µs. 00570439 © 2004 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005704 Appendix D 39 LM111/LM211/LM311 Voltage Comparator January 2001 LM111/LM211/LM311 3.0 Typical Applications (Note 3) (Continued) Digital Transmission Isolator Relay Driver with Strobe 00570440 00570441 *Absorbs inductive kickback of relay and protects IC from severe voltage transients on V++ line. Note: Do Not Ground Strobe Pin. Strobing off Both Input and Output Stages (Note 2) 00570442 Note: Do Not Ground Strobe Pin. Note 2: Typical input current is 50 pA with inputs strobed off. Note 3: Pin connections shown on schematic diagram and typical applications are for H08 metal can package. Positive Peak Detector Zero Crossing Detector Driving MOS Logic 00570424 00570423 *Solid tantalum Appendix D 2 40 LM111/LM211/LM311 5.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings for the LM311(Note 12) Output Short Circuit Duration If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Storage Temperature Range Total Supply Voltage (V84) 36V Soldering Information Output to Negative Supply Voltage (V74) 40V Ground to Negative Supply Voltage (V14) 30V 10 sec Operating Temperature Range 0˚ to 70˚C −65˚C to 150˚C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) 260˚C Voltage at Strobe Pin V+−5V Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260˚C Small Outline Package ± 30V ± 15V Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage (Note 13) Power Dissipation (Note 14) 500 mW ESD Rating (Note 19) 300V Electrical Characteristics (Note 15) Parameter Vapor Phase (60 seconds) 215˚C Infrared (15 seconds) 220˚C See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. for the LM311 Typ Max Units Input Offset Voltage (Note 16) TA=25˚C, RS≤50k Conditions Min 2.0 7.5 mV Input Offset Current(Note 16) TA=25˚C 6.0 50 nA Input Bias Current TA=25˚C 100 250 Voltage Gain TA=25˚C Response Time (Note 17) Saturation Voltage 40 nA 200 V/mV TA=25˚C 200 ns VIN≤−10 mV, IOUT=50 mA 0.75 1.5 V 2.0 5.0 mA 0.2 50 nA 10 mV Input Offset Current (Note 16) 70 nA Input Bias Current 300 nA TA=25˚C Strobe ON Current (Note 18) TA=25˚C Output Leakage Current VIN≥10 mV, VOUT=35V TA=25˚C, ISTROBE=3 mA V− = Pin 1 = −5V Input Offset Voltage (Note 16) RS≤50K Input Voltage Range −14.5 13.8,−14.7 13.0 V 0.23 0.4 V Saturation Voltage V+≥4.5V, V−=0 Positive Supply Current TA=25˚C 5.1 7.5 mA Negative Supply Current TA=25˚C 4.1 5.0 mA VIN≤−10 mV, IOUT≤8 mA Note 12: “Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits.” Note 13: This rating applies for ± 15V supplies. The positive input voltage limit is 30V above the negative supply. The negative input voltage limit is equal to the negative supply voltage or 30V below the positive supply, whichever is less. Note 14: The maximum junction temperature of the LM311 is 110˚C. For operating at elevated temperature, devices in the H08 package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 165˚C/W, junction to ambient, or 20˚C/W, junction to case. The thermal resistance of the dual-in-line package is 100˚C/W, junction to ambient. Note 15: These specifications apply for VS= ± 15V and Pin 1 at ground, and 0˚C < TA < +70˚C, unless otherwise specified. The offset voltage, offset current and bias current specifications apply for any supply voltage from a single 5V supply up to ± 15V supplies. Note 16: The offset voltages and offset currents given are the maximum values required to drive the output within a volt of either supply with 1 mA load. Thus, these parameters define an error band and take into account the worst-case effects of voltage gain and RS. Note 17: The response time specified (see definitions) is for a 100 mV input step with 5 mV overdrive. Note 18: This specification gives the range of current which must be drawn from the strobe pin to ensure the output is properly disabled. Do not short the strobe pin to ground; it should be current driven at 3 to 5 mA. Note 19: Human body model, 1.5 kΩ in series with 100 pF. Appendix D 4 41 Supply Current LM111/LM211/LM311 6.0 LM111/LM211 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Supply Current 00570455 00570456 Leakage Currents 00570457 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics Input Bias Current Input Offset Current 00570458 00570459 Appendix D 7 42 LM111/LM211/LM311 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics Offset Error (Continued) Input Characteristics 00570461 00570460 Common Mode Limits Transfer Function 00570462 Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Response Time for Various Input Overdrives 00570464 00570463 Appendix D 8 43 00570465 LM111/LM211/LM311 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Output Saturation Voltage 00570466 00570467 Response Time for Various Input Overdrives Output Limiting Characteristics 00570469 00570468 Supply Current Supply Current 00570470 00570471 Appendix D 9 44 LM555 Timer General Description Features The LM555 is a highly stable device for generating accurate time delays or oscillation. Additional terminals are provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of operation, the time is precisely controlled by one external resistor and capacitor. For astable operation as an oscillator, the free running frequency and duty cycle are accurately controlled with two external resistors and one capacitor. The circuit may be triggered and reset on falling waveforms, and the output circuit can source or sink up to 200mA or drive TTL circuits. n n n n n n n n n Direct replacement for SE555/NE555 Timing from microseconds through hours Operates in both astable and monostable modes Adjustable duty cycle Output can source or sink 200 mA Output and supply TTL compatible Temperature stability better than 0.005% per ˚C Normally on and normally off output Available in 8-pin MSOP package Applications n n n n n n n Precision timing Pulse generation Sequential timing Time delay generation Pulse width modulation Pulse position modulation Linear ramp generator Schematic Diagram DS007851-1 © 2000 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007851 Appendix D 45 LM555 Timer February 2000 LM555 Connection Diagram Dual-In-Line, Small Outline and Molded Mini Small Outline Packages DS007851-3 Top View Ordering Information Package 8-Pin SOIC 8-Pin MSOP 8-Pin MDIP Part Number Package Marking Media Transport LM555CM LM555CM Rails LM555CMX LM555CM 2.5k Units Tape and Reel LM555CMM Z55 1k Units Tape and Reel LM555CMMX Z55 3.5k Units Tape and Reel LM555CN LM555CN Rails Appendix D 2 46 NSC Drawing M08A MUA08A N08E If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Power Dissipation (Note 3) LM555CM, LM555CN LM555CMM Operating Temperature Ranges LM555C Storage Temperature Range +18V 1180 mW 613 mW Soldering Information Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 Seconds) 260˚C Small Outline Packages (SOIC and MSOP) Vapor Phase (60 Seconds) 215˚C Infrared (15 Seconds) 220˚C See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. 0˚C to +70˚C −65˚C to +150˚C Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) (TA = 25˚C, VCC = +5V to +15V, unless othewise specified) Parameter Conditions Limits Units LM555C Min Supply Voltage Supply Current Typ 4.5 Max 16 V 6 15 mA VCC = 5V, RL = ∞ VCC = 15V, RL = ∞ (Low State) (Note 4) 3 10 1 % RA = 1k to 100kΩ, 50 ppm/˚C Timing Error, Monostable Initial Accuracy Drift with Temperature C = 0.1µF, (Note 5) Accuracy over Temperature 1.5 % Drift with Supply 0.1 %/V Timing Error, Astable Initial Accuracy Drift with Temperature RA, RB = 1k to 100kΩ, 2.25 % 150 ppm/˚C C = 0.1µF, (Note 5) Accuracy over Temperature 3.0 % Drift with Supply 0.30 %/V Threshold Voltage Trigger Voltage 0.667 x VCC VCC = 15V 5 V VCC = 5V 1.67 Trigger Current Reset Voltage 0.4 Reset Current Threshold Current Control Voltage Level (Note 6) VCC = 15V VCC = 5V 9 2.6 Pin 7 Leakage Output High V 0.5 0.9 µA 0.5 1 V 0.1 0.4 mA 0.1 0.25 µA 10 3.33 11 4 V 1 100 nA 200 mV Pin 7 Sat (Note 7) Output Low VCC = 15V, I7 = 15mA 180 Output Low VCC = 4.5V, I7 = 4.5mA 80 Appendix D 3 47 mV LM555 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 2) LM555 Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) (Continued) (TA = 25˚C, VCC = +5V to +15V, unless othewise specified) Parameter Conditions Limits Units LM555C Min Output Voltage Drop (Low) Typ Max ISINK = 10mA 0.1 0.25 ISINK = 50mA 0.4 0.75 V ISINK = 100mA 2 2.5 V ISINK = 200mA 2.5 VCC = 15V V V VCC = 5V ISINK = 8mA Output Voltage Drop (High) V ISINK = 5mA 0.25 ISOURCE = 200mA, VCC = 15V 12.5 ISOURCE = 100mA, VCC = 15V 0.35 V V 12.75 13.3 V 2.75 3.3 V Rise Time of Output 100 ns Fall Time of Output 100 ns VCC = 5V Note 1: All voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin, unless otherwise specified. Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions which guarantee specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. Specifications are not guaranteed for parameters where no limit is given, however, the typical value is a good indication of device performance. Note 3: For operating at elevated temperatures the device must be derated above 25˚C based on a +150˚C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 106˚C/W (DIP), 170˚C/W (S0-8), and 204˚C/W (MSOP) junction to ambient. Note 4: Supply current when output high typically 1 mA less at VCC = 5V. Note 5: Tested at VCC = 5V and VCC = 15V. Note 6: This will determine the maximum value of RA + RB for 15V operation. The maximum total (RA + RB) is 20MΩ. Note 7: No protection against excessive pin 7 current is necessary providing the package dissipation rating will not be exceeded. Note 8: Refer to RETS555X drawing of military LM555H and LM555J versions for specifications. Appendix D 4 48 LM555 Typical Performance Characteristics Minimuim Pulse Width Required for Triggering Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage DS007851-4 High Output Voltage vs. Output Source Current DS007851-19 Low Output Voltage vs. Output Sink Current DS007851-20 Low Output Voltage vs. Output Sink Current DS007851-21 Low Output Voltage vs. Output Sink Current DS007851-22 DS007851-23 Appendix D 5 49 LM555 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Output Propagation Delay vs. Voltage Level of Trigger Pulse Output Propagation Delay vs. Voltage Level of Trigger Pulse DS007851-24 Discharge Transistor (Pin 7) Voltage vs. Sink Current DS007851-25 Discharge Transistor (Pin 7) Voltage vs. Sink Current DS007851-26 Appendix D 6 50 DS007851-27 MONOSTABLE OPERATION In this mode of operation, the timer functions as a one-shot (Figure 1). The external capacitor is initially held discharged by a transistor inside the timer. Upon application of a negative trigger pulse of less than 1/3 VCC to pin 2, the flip-flop is set which both releases the short circuit across the capacitor and drives the output high. NOTE: In monostable operation, the trigger should be driven high before the end of timing cycle. DS007851-7 FIGURE 3. Time Delay DS007851-5 FIGURE 1. Monostable ASTABLE OPERATION If the circuit is connected as shown in Figure 4 (pins 2 and 6 connected) it will trigger itself and free run as a multivibrator. The external capacitor charges through RA + RB and discharges through RB. Thus the duty cycle may be precisely set by the ratio of these two resistors. The voltage across the capacitor then increases exponentially for a period of t = 1.1 RA C, at the end of which time the voltage equals 2/3 VCC. The comparator then resets the flip-flop which in turn discharges the capacitor and drives the output to its low state. Figure 2 shows the waveforms generated in this mode of operation. Since the charge and the threshold level of the comparator are both directly proportional to supply voltage, the timing internal is independent of supply. DS007851-8 FIGURE 4. Astable DS007851-6 VCC = 5V TIME = 0.1 ms/DIV. RA = 9.1kΩ C = 0.01µF Top Trace: Input 5V/Div. Middle Trace: Output 5V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 2V/Div. In this mode of operation, the capacitor charges and discharges between 1/3 VCC and 2/3 VCC. As in the triggered mode, the charge and discharge times, and therefore the frequency are independent of the supply voltage. FIGURE 2. Monostable Waveforms During the timing cycle when the output is high, the further application of a trigger pulse will not effect the circuit so long as the trigger input is returned high at least 10µs before the end of the timing interval. However the circuit can be reset during this time by the application of a negative pulse to the reset terminal (pin 4). The output will then remain in the low state until a trigger pulse is again applied. When the reset function is not in use, it is recommended that it be connected to VCC to avoid any possibility of false triggering. Figure 3 is a nomograph for easy determination of R, C values for various time delays. Appendix D 7 51 LM555 Applications Information LM555 Applications Information (Continued) Figure 5 shows the waveforms generated in this mode of operation. DS007851-11 VCC = 5V TIME = 20µs/DIV. RA = 9.1kΩ C = 0.01µF DS007851-9 VCC = 5V TIME = 20µs/DIV. RA = 3.9kΩ RB = 3kΩ C = 0.01µF Top Trace: Output 5V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 1V/Div. Top Trace: Input 4V/Div. Middle Trace: Output 2V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor 2V/Div. FIGURE 7. Frequency Divider PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR When the timer is connected in the monostable mode and triggered with a continuous pulse train, the output pulse width can be modulated by a signal applied to pin 5. Figure 8 shows the circuit, and in Figure 9 are some waveform examples. FIGURE 5. Astable Waveforms The charge time (output high) is given by: t1 = 0.693 (RA + RB) C And the discharge time (output low) by: t2 = 0.693 (RB) C Thus the total period is: T = t1 + t2 = 0.693 (RA +2RB) C The frequency of oscillation is: Figure 6 may be used for quick determination of these RC values. The duty cycle is: DS007851-12 FIGURE 8. Pulse Width Modulator DS007851-13 DS007851-10 FIGURE 6. Free Running Frequency FREQUENCY DIVIDER The monostable circuit of Figure 1 can be used as a frequency divider by adjusting the length of the timing cycle. Figure 7 shows the waveforms generated in a divide by three circuit. Appendix D 8 52 VCC = 5V Top Trace: Modulation 1V/Div. TIME = 0.2 ms/DIV. Bottom Trace: Output Voltage 2V/Div. RA = 9.1kΩ C = 0.01µF FIGURE 9. Pulse Width Modulator DAC0808 8-Bit D/A Converter General Description Features The DAC0808 is an 8-bit monolithic digital-to-analog converter (DAC) featuring a full scale output current settling time of 150 ns while dissipating only 33 mW with ± 5V supplies. No reference current (IREF) trimming is required for most applications since the full scale output current is typically ± 1 LSB of 255 IREF/256. Relative accuracies of better than ± 0.19% assure 8-bit monotonicity and linearity while zero level output current of less than 4 µA provides 8-bit zero accuracy for IREF≥2 mA. The power supply currents of the DAC0808 is independent of bit codes, and exhibits essentially constant device characteristics over the entire supply voltage range. The DAC0808 will interface directly with popular TTL, DTL or CMOS logic levels, and is a direct replacement for the MC1508/MC1408. For higher speed applications, see DAC0800 data sheet. n n n n Relative accuracy: ± 0.19% error maximum Full scale current match: ± 1 LSB typ Fast settling time: 150 ns typ Noninverting digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible n High speed multiplying input slew rate: 8 mA/µs n Power supply voltage range: ± 4.5V to ± 18V n Low power consumption: 33 mW @ ± 5V Block and Connection Diagrams DS005687-1 Dual-In-Line Package DS005687-2 Top View Order Number DAC0808 See NS Package M16A or N16A © 2001 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005687 Appendix D 53 DAC0808 8-Bit D/A Converter May 1999 DAC0808 Block and Connection Diagrams (Continued) Small-Outline Package DS005687-13 Ordering Information ACCURACY OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 8-bit N PACKAGE (N16A) (Note 1) 0˚C≤TA≤+75˚C DAC0808LCN Note 1: Devices may be ordered by using either order number. Appendix D 2 54 MC1408P8 SO PACKAGE (M16A) DAC0808LCM Storage Temperature Range Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) Dual-In-Line Package (Plastic) Dual-In-Line Package (Ceramic) Surface Mount Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Power Supply Voltage VCC VEE Digital Input Voltage, V5–V12 Applied Output Voltage, VO Reference Current, I14 Reference Amplifier Inputs, V14, V15 Power Dissipation (Note 4) ESD Susceptibility (Note 5) −10 VDC −11 VDC +18 VDC −18 VDC to +18 VDC to +18 VDC 5 mA VCC, VEE 1000 mW TBD −65˚C to +150˚C 260˚C 300˚C 215˚C 220˚C Operating Ratings TMIN ≤ TA ≤ TMAX 0 ≤TA ≤ +75˚C Temperature Range DAC0808 Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 5V, VEE = −15 VDC, VREF/R14 = 2 mA, and all digital inputs at high logic level unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Er Parameter Relative Accuracy (Error Relative Conditions Min Typ Max Units (Figure 4) % to Full Scale IO) ± 0.19 DAC0808LC (LM1408-8) Settling Time to Within ⁄ LSB TA =25˚C (Note 7), (Includes tPLH) (Figure 5) TA = 25˚C, (Figure 5) 12 tPLH, tPHL Propagation Delay Time TCIO Output Full Scale Current Drift MSB Digital Input Logic Levels VIH High Level, Logic “1” VIL Low Level, Logic “0” MSB I15 IO Digital Input Current % 150 30 ns 100 ns ± 20 ppm/˚C (Figure 3) 2 VDC 0.8 VDC (Figure 3) High Level VIH = 5V 0 0.040 mA Low Level VIL = 0.8V −0.003 −0.8 mA Reference Input Bias Current (Figure 3) −1 −3 µA Output Current Range (Figure 3) Output Current VEE = −5V 0 2.0 2.1 mA VEE = −15V, TA = 25˚C 0 2.0 4.2 mA 1.9 1.99 2.1 mA 0 4 µA VREF = 2.000V, R14 = 1000Ω, (Figure 3) SRIREF Output Current, All Bits Low (Figure 3) Output Voltage Compliance (Note 3) Er ≤ 0.19%, TA = 25˚C VEE =−5V, IREF =1 mA −0.55, +0.4 VDC VEE Below −10V −5.0, +0.4 VDC Reference Current Slew Rate (Figure 6) Output Current Power Supply −5V ≤ VEE ≤ −16.5V 4 8 mA/µs 0.05 2.7 µA/V 2.3 22 mA −4.3 −13 mA Sensitivity Power Supply Current (All Bits (Figure 3) Low) ICC IEE Power Supply Voltage Range TA = 25˚C, (Figure 3) VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 VDC VEE −4.5 −15 −16.5 VDC Power Dissipation Appendix D 3 55 DAC0808 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 2) DAC0808 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) (VCC = 5V, VEE = −15 VDC, VREF/R14 = 2 mA, and all digital inputs at high logic level unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Parameter All Bits Low All Bits High Typ Max VCC = 5V, VEE = −5V Conditions Min 33 170 Units mW VCC = 5V, VEE = −15V 106 305 mW VCC = 15V, VEE = −5V 90 mW VCC = 15V, VEE = −15V 160 mW Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device beyond its specified operating conditions. Note 3: Range control is not required. Note 4: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX, θJA, and the ambient temperature, TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is PD = (TJMAX − TA)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maixmum Ratings, whichever is lower. For this device, TJMAX = 125˚C, and the typical junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of the dual-in-line J package when the board mounted is 100˚C/W. For the dual-in-line N package, this number increases to 175˚C/W and for the small outline M package this number is 100˚C/W. Note 5: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kΩ resistor. Note 6: All current switches are tested to guarantee at least 50% of rated current. Note 7: All bits switched. Note 8: Pin-out numbers for the DAL080X represent the dual-in-line package. The small outline package pinout differs from the dual-in-line package. Typical Application DS005687-23 DS005687-3 FIGURE 1. +10V Output Digital to Analog Converter (Note 8) Typical Performance Characteristics Logic Input Current vs Input Voltage VCC = 5V, VEE = −15V, TA = 25˚C, unless otherwise noted Logic Threshold Voltage vs Temperature Bit Transfer Characteristics DS005687-14 DS005687-15 DS005687-16 Appendix D 4 56 DAC0808 Typical Performance Characteristics VCC = 5V, VEE = −15V, TA = 25˚C, unless otherwise noted (Continued) Output Current vs Output Voltage (Output Voltage Compliance) Output Voltage Compliance vs Temperature Typical Power Supply Current vs Temperature DS005687-18 DS005687-19 DS005687-17 Typical Power Supply Current vs VEE Typical Power Supply Current vs VCC DS005687-20 Reference Input Frequency Response DS005687-21 DS005687-22 Unless otherwise specified: R14 = R15 = 1 kΩ, C = 15 pF, pin 16 to VEE; RL = 50Ω, pin 4 to ground. Curve A: Large Signal Bandwidth Method of Figure 7, VREF = 2 Vp-p offset 1V above ground. Curve B: Small Signal Bandwidth Method of Figure 7, RL = 250Ω, VREF = 50 mVp-p offset 200 mV above ground. Curve C: Large and Small Signal Bandwidth Method of Figure 9 (no op amp, RL = 50Ω), RS = 50Ω, VREF = 2V, VS = 100 mVp-p centered at 0V. Appendix D 5 57 Appendix D 6 58 FIGURE 2. Equivalent Circuit of the DAC0808 Series (Note 8) DS005687-4 DAC0808 Low-Cost Multifunction DAQ for USB NEW NI USB-6008, NI USB-6009 • Small, portable multifunction data acquisition devices • 12 or 14-bit input resolution, at up to 48 kS/s • Built-in, removable connectors for easier and more cost-effective connectivity • 2 true DAC analog outputs for accurate output signals • 12 digital I/O lines (TTL/LVTTL/CMOS) • 32-bit event counter • Student kits available Product Bus Analog Inputs1 USB-6009 USB 8 SE/4 DI USB-6008 USB 8 SE/4 DI 1 SE = single ended, DI = differential Operating Systems • Windows 2000/XP • Mac OS X • Linux Recommended Software • LabVIEW • LabWindows/CVI Measurement Services Software (included) • NI-DAQmx Base • Ready-to-Run Data Logger Input Resolution Max Sampling (bits) Rate (kS/s) 14 48 12 10 Input Range (V) ±1 to ±20 ±1 to ±20 Analog Outputs 2 2 Output Resolution (bits) 12 12 Output Rate (Hz) 150 150 Output Range (V) 0 to 5 0 to 5 Digital I/O Lines 12 12 32-bit Counter 1 1 Trigger Digital Digital Hardware Description Information for Student Ownership The National Instruments USB-6008 and USB-6009 multifunction data acquisition devices provide reliable data acquisition at a low price. With plug-and-play USB connectivity, these devices are simple enough for quick measurements, but versatile enough for more complex measurement applications. To supplement simulation, measurement, and automation theory courses with practical experiments, NI has developed the USB-6008 and USB-6009 student kits that include LabVIEW Student Edition and a ready-to-run data logger application. These kits are exclusively for students, giving them a powerful, low-cost hands-on learning tool. Visit for more details. Software Description The NI USB-6008 and USB-6009 include a ready-to-run data logger application that acquires and logs up to eight channels of analog data. For more functionality, NI-DAQmx Base software is a multiplatform driver with a subset of the NI-DAQmx programming interface. Use it to develop customized DAQ applications with NI LabVIEW or C-based development environments. Recommended Accessories The USB-6008 and USB-6009 have built-in connectivity, so no additional accessories are required. Common Applications Information for OEM Customers For information on special configurations and pricing, please visit Ordering Information NI USB-60081 ................................................................779051-01 NI USB-60091 ................................................................779026-01 NI USB-6008 Student-kit1,2 ..........................................779320-22 NI USB-6009 Student-kit1,2 ..........................................779321-22 1Includes NI-DAQmx Base Software, NI-Ready-to-Run Data Logger Software, and a USB cable. 2Includes LabVIEW Student Edition The USB-6008 and USB-6009 are ideal for a number of applications where economy, small size, and simplicity are essential, such as: • Data logging – Log environmental or voltage data quickly and easily • Academic lab use – The low price facilitates student ownership of DAQ hardware for completely interactive lab-based courses. Academic pricing available. Visit for details. • Embedded OEM applications Appendix D 59 Low-Cost Multifunction DAQ for USB Specifications Typical at 25 °C unless otherwise noted. Digital I/O Analog Input Number of channels......................................... 12 total 8 (P0.<0..7>) 4 (P1.<0..3>) Direction control............................................... Each channel individually programmable as input or output Output driver type USB-6008................................................... Open-drain USB-6009................................................... Each channel individually programmable as push-pull or open-drain. Compatibility .................................................... CMOS, TTL, LVTTL Internal pull-up resistor.................................... 4.7 kΩ to +5 V Power-on state ................................................. Input (high impedance) Absolute maximum voltage range ................... -0.5 to +5.8 V Absolute accuracy, single-ended Range ±10 Typical at 25 ˚C (mV) 14.7 Maximum (0 to 55 ˚C) (mV) 138 Absolute accuracy at full scale, differential1 Range ±20 ±10 ±5 ±4 ±2.5 ±2 ±1.25 ±1 1 Typical at 25 ˚C (mV) 14.7 7.73 4.28 3.59 2.56 2.21 1.70 1.53 Maximum (0 to 55 ˚C) (mV) 138 84.8 58.4 53.1 45.1 42.5 38.9 37.5 Input voltages may not exceed the working voltage range Number of channels......................................... 8 single-ended / 4 differential Type of ADC...................................................... Successive approximation ADC resolution (bits) Device USB-6008 USB-6009 Differential 12 14 Single-Ended 11 13 Maximum sampling rate (system dependent) Device USB-6008 USB-6009 Maximum Sampling Rate (kS/s) 10 48 Input range, single-ended ................................ Input range, differential ................................... Maximum working voltage .............................. Overvoltage protection..................................... FIFO buffer size................................................. Timing resolution.............................................. Timing accuracy................................................ Input Impedance............................................... Trigger source................................................... System noise .................................................... ±10 V ±20, ±10, ±5, ±4, ±2.5, ±2, ±1.25, ±1 V ±10 V ±35 V 512 B 41.67 ns (24 MHz timebase) 100 ppm of actual sample rate 144 kΩ Software or external digital trigger 0.3 LSBrms (±10 V range) Digital logic levels Level Input low voltage Input high voltage Input leakage current Output low voltage (I = 8.5 mA) Output high voltage (Push-pull, I = -8.5 mA) Output high voltage (Open-drain, I = -0.6 mA, nominal) Output high voltage (Open-drain, I = -8.5 mA, with external pull-up resistor) Min -0.3 2.0 – – 2.0 2.0 Max 0.8 5.8 50 0.8 3.5 5.0 Units V V µA V V V 2.0 – V Counter Number of counters ......................................... Resolution......................................................... Counter measurements .................................... Pull-up Resistor ................................................ Maximum input frequency ............................... Minimum high pulse width .............................. Minimum low pulse width ............................... Input high voltage ............................................ Input low voltage ............................................. 1 32 bits Edge counting (falling edge) 4.7 kΩ to 5 V 5 MHz 100 ns 100 ns 2.0 V 0.8 V Power Available at I/O Connector +5 V output (200 mA maximum) ...................... +5 V typical +4.85 V minimum +2.5 V output (1 mA maximum) ....................... +2.5 V typical +2.5 V output accuracy..................................... 0.25 % max Voltage reference temperature drift................ 50 ppm/°C max Physical Characteristics If you need to clean the module, wipe it with a dry towel. Analog Output Absolute accuracy (no load)............................. Number of channels......................................... Type of DAC...................................................... DAC resolution ................................................. Maximum update rate...................................... Output range .................................................... Output impedance ............................................ Output current drive ......................................... Power-on state ................................................. Slew rate .......................................................... Short-circuit current ......................................... 2 7 mV typical, 36.4 mV maximum at full scale 2 Successive approximation 12 bits 150 Hz, software-timed 0 to +5 V 50 Ω 5 mA 0V 1 V/µs 50 mA Dimensions (without connectors) .................... 6.35 by 8.51 by 2.31 cm (2.50 by 3.35 by 0.91 in.) Dimensions (with connectors).......................... 8.18 by 8.51 by 2.31 cm (3.22 by 3.35 by 0.91 in.) Weight (without connectors) ........................... 59 g (2.1 oz.) Weight (with connectors)................................. 84 g (3 oz.) I/O Connectors ................................................. USB series B receptacle (2) 16-position (screw-terminal) plug headers Screw-terminal wiring ..................................... 16 to 28 AWG Screw-terminal torque ..................................... 0.22 to 0.25 N•m (2.0 to 2.2 lb•in.) Appendix D 60 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 813-3693 • • Low-Cost Multifunction DAQ for USB Bus Interface Voltages USB specification ............................................. USB 2.0 full-speed USB bus speed ................................................. 12 Mb/s Connect only voltages that are within the absolution maximum limits of the connection point. See pertinent specification section for appropriate limits. Power Requirement Hazardous Locations USB (4.10 to 5.25 VDC) .................................... 80 mA typical 500 mA maximum USB Suspend.................................................... 300 µA typical 500 µA maximum The USB-6008 and USB-6009 are not certified for use in hazardous locations. Electromagnetic Compatibility Environmental The USB-6008 and USB-6009 are intended for indoor use only. Operating Environment Ambient temperature range...................... 0 to 55 °C (tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1 and IEC-60068-2-2.) Relative humidity range ............................ 10% to 90%, non-condensing (tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-56.) Storage Environment Ambient temperature range...................... -40 to 85 °C (tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1 and IEC-60068-2-2.) Relative humidity range ............................ 5% to 90%, non-condensing (tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-56.) Maximum altitude ............................................ 2,000 m (at 25 °C ambient temperature) Pollution Degree............................................... 2 Certifications and Compliances Emissions.......................................................... EN 55011 Class A at 10 m FCC Part 15A above 1 GHz Immunity........................................................... Industrial levels per EN 61326:1997 + A2:2001, Table 1 EMC/EMI .......................................................... CE, C-Tick, and FCC Part 15 (Class A) Compliant Note: The USB-6008 and USB-6009 may experience temporary variations in analog input readings when exposed to radiated and conducted RF noise. Device returns to normal operation after RF exposure is removed. CE Compliance This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as amended for CE marking, as follows: Low-Voltage Directive (safety)......................... 73/23/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC).......................................... 89/336/EEC Note Refer to the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for this product for any additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain the DoC for this product, visit, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column. The USB-6008 and USB-6009 are designed to meet the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: • IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1 • UL 61010-1 • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1 Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label, or visit, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column. Appendix D 61 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 813-3693 • • 3 NI Services and Support NI has the services and support to meet your needs around the globe and through the application life cycle – from planning and development through deployment and ongoing maintenance. We offer services and service levels to meet customer requirements in research, design, validation, and manufacturing. Visit for more information. Local Sales and Technical Support In offices worldwide, NI staff is local to the country, giving you access to engineers who speak your language. NI delivers industry-leading technical support through an online KnowledgeBase, applications engineers, and access to 14,000 measurement and automation professionals within NI Developer Exchange forums. Find immediate answers to your questions at We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to your application development environment and higher levels of technical support. Visit SERVICE NEEDS Training and Certification NI training is the fastest, most certain route to productivity with our products. NI training can shorten your learning curve, save development time, and reduce maintenance costs over the application life cycle. NI schedules instructor-led courses in cities worldwide, or can hold a course at your facility. NI also offers a professional certification program that identifies individuals who have high levels of skill and knowledge on using NI products. Visit Hardware Services NI Factory Installation Services NI Factory Installation Services (FIS) is the fastest and easiest way to use your PXI or PXI/SCXI combination systems right out of the box. Trained NI technicians install the software and hardware and configure the system to your specifications. NI extends the standard warranty by one year on hardware components (controllers, chassis, modules) purchased with FIS. To use FIS, simply configure your system online with Professional Services The NI Professional Services Team is comprised of NI applications engineers, NI consulting services, and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner Program of more than 600 independent consultants and integrators. Services range from start-up assistance to turnkey system integration. Visit for more information. Calibration Services NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for high-accuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration procedures, services to recalibrate your products, and automated calibration software specifically designed for use by metrology laboratories. Visit Repair and Extended Warranty We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you want to use our products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and services for OEM customers, visit for more information. NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair and advance replacement services are also available. We offer extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements. Visit • (800) 813-3693 National Instruments • Appendix D 62 © 2005 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. CVI, LabVIEW, National Instruments Alliance Partner,, NI-DAQ, and SCXI are trademarks or trade names of National Instruments. Other products and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. National Instruments Alliance Partner Program Members are business entities independent from National Instruments and have no agency, partnership or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments. 2004_4947_301_101_D OEM Support