Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC) Subsidy Application Form (SAF)

Boise State Center for Materials Characterization (BSCMC)
Subsidy Application Form (SAF)
BSCMC subsidy is available for principal investigators (PIs) of BSU who do not have
appropriate funding to support BSCMC user fees. To obtain a BSCMC subsidy, it is mandatory
that the PI first consults with his/her department chair to request research funding through the
department. The PI is furthermore encouraged to consult the Dean’s Office of the appropriate
college for financial support of his/her endeavor.
The SAF (this form) must be submitted to Rick Ubic (Director BSCMC, MEC 403K, MS 2095).
Approved applications are valid for one year or until external funding is granted, whichever
comes first. After one year, a new SAF may be submitted.
Name and department of the applicant: ………………………………………………….
Within the last six months, I have submitted a proposal requesting funding of materials
characterization fees.
Provide at least the following data about one recently submitted proposal: title of proposal, date when
submitted, funding agency, and amount requested for materials characterization.
Within the next six months, I will submit a proposal requesting funding of materials
characterization fees.
Provide at least the following data about one proposal that you intend to submit: title of proposal, date when
proposal is due, funding agency where the proposal will be submitted, number of RFP (request for proposals),
and the amount you intend to requested for materials characterization.
By signing, the PI and the department chair attest that the PI has currently no appropriate funding
to cover the costs of the services of the BSCMC, that the department chair was consulted for
appropriate support, and that the corresponding department is not able to cover the costs of the
services of the BSCMC; therefore, the PI applies for subsidy from the BSCMC, which includes
subsidy from both the College of Engineering and the Department of Materials Science and
PI, date
Department Chair, date