I nt. J. Mh. & th. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (1982) 513-527 513 UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES EVA LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS Vrije Universiteit Brussel Oepertement Wiskunde, F7 Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel (Received April 13, 1981) ABSTRACT. A family C of filters on a set X is uniformizable if there is a uniformity on X such that C is its collection of Cauchy filters. Using the theory of completions and Cauchy continuous maps for Cauchy spaces, we obtain characterizations of uniformizable C,auchy spaces. In pati-.ular, given a Cauchy structuYe C on X we investigate F what conditions the filter u(C) F x F is under a uniformity and C is FEC its collection of Cauchy filters. This problem is treated usinE Cauchy coveinE systems. -, KEY ’ORS AN PHRASES. Uniformity, Cch pace, completion, Cauchy ompctne Cchy covering ytem. @inu 1980 MAThEMATiCS SUBJECT CLASSIFiCATiON CODES. 54A20, 54E15. INTRODUCTION As background for eading this paper, the mathematician unfamilia with Ceuchy spaces might consult the paper Completions of uniform convergence spaces by E, Rmed I. A Cauchy structure C on a set X is a coiIection of fiIters on X satisfying the conditions that for every point x of X the fiIter gene- 514 E. LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS {x} belongs to C. rated ty Ig a gilter belongs to C, then so does every finer filter and, if two fllters in C have a supremum, their intersection beiongs to C. In |2 KeIier has shown that these proper- ties are necessary and sufficient in order to have a uniform conver- gence structure on X in the sense of collectlon of its Cauchy fiIters. in the sense of to be (4] uniformi.za,ble. with C as 3 such that C is exactly the If there exists a unlgorm structure its family of Cauchy fllters, This notion was introduced in 5. C is said The main pur- pose of this paper is to flnO supplementary conditions on a Cauchy space in order to characterize the unlformlzabillty. When C the is collection of convergent fiIters of a topoIoglcal space, the problem reduces to the complete unlformlzabillty of the topology. Two diffe- rent attempts wIII be made in studying the unlformlzabIiity. The first method uses Cauchy continuous maps. Barring measurable cardlnais, we obtain that a Cauchy space (X,C) is unlformizable if and oniy ig there exists a colIectlon of realvaiued Cauchy continuous maps such that C is the family of aiI filters having a Cauchy image on IR for every map in the colIectlon. A second method uses completlons. We show that (X,C) is unlformlzable if and oniy if there is a dense Cauchy embedding in the coIIec- tlon of convergent fllters of a completely unlformlzable topological space, more specifically if and only if its Kowalsky or ultrafllter compietlon Barrln (1 is a completely unlformizable topologlcaI space. measurabie cardlnals the previous the realcompactness of the completlon. tions on C can condition is equivaIent to From this property some condi- be derived. Any uniformity on X having C as its family of Cauchy filters is coarser than the fiIter u(C) converent F F x F. filters of a topoIogicaI space, hood filter of the dlagonal. When C is the coilectlon of then u(C) is the neighbor- In the second part of the paper we shaI1 UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY_ SPACES 515 investlgate if u(C) ls a unlformlty and If so, C is its collectlon of Cauchy Tilters. under what conditions A very usefuI notion to treat these problems is that of a Cauchy covering system, a notion introduced in 6] and extending the definition of covering system of a convergence space 7]. Using Cauchy covering systems we characterize the property of u(C) being a uniformity. We show that u(C) C its family of Cauchy filters if and only if has C as unlformizabie. is Exten- dlng the notion of paracompactness we introduce Cauchy paracompactness for Cauchy spaces. We show that for every Cauchy space wlth minimum elements In its equlvalence classes, which Is Cauchy paracompact and u(C) Is a uniformity with C as its family of Cauchy filters. round, In the flnal section we treat the speclal case of a totally bounded Cauchy space. PRELIDIINARIES 2. We Eecall some of the fundamental definitions on Cauchy spaces needed in the paper. 6 8) 9 oY For addltionai Informatlon. we refer to 10). Let X be a set and F(X) the collectlon ters on X. A subset C C F(X) is a Cauchy structure if’ {i) FoE every x E X the filter {II) If F E C and G (iii) If P E C and F G E C The filters in C aye then and G F vG generated by {x} belongs to C C exists then _Ca.uchy filters F and the space Every uniform space {X,U) in the sense of 41 G C (X,C) a _Cjauch s_pace. induces a Cauchy struc- ture c(U) which is its collection of Cauchy filters. A Cauchy structure induces a convergence structure The Hausdorff property, F x if and only if the Cauchy E C. closure operation, and continuity for a Cauchy space are defined in the induced convergence space. theer F F Throughout pace (X,C) used in the formulation of the theo- rems is supposed to be Hausdorff. A map f between two Cauchy spaces (X,C) and (Y,D) is Cauchy continuous if the image f() of every in E. LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS 516 belongs to D. Here fCF) Cauchy continuous maps are continuous. Cauchy embed- Cauchy subspaces, are defined in the obvious way. For and Cauchy homeomorphisms dings, F E F}. {fCF) the filter generated by is Cauchy continuity of maps between uniform spaces, we use the induced Cauchy spaces When C and C then D ( ( coarser, is (,) to (X,C) D are Cauchy structures on the same set X, D is finer) A Cauchy structure is totall_y Cauchy continuous. is bounded if every ultrafilter is Cauchy of its convergent filters is (Y,P) it is if every c__o.m.piete For every convergence space the collection Cauchy filter converges. (Y,D,K) if the identity from if and only of a Cauchy space a complete Cauchy space. (X,C) consists of a complete Cauchy space Y such that K(X) is dense in Y. X and a Cauchy embedding k A completion Two filters in C are equivalent if their intersection belongs to C. For a filter F in C, let <F> be its equivalence class. X of all equivalence 6] 8] 9] classes an j 10] {o E E A C X, O let A o X . C Finally (X ,C ,j) is o(p)}. For . a filter on X for every p is the collection let ro(F) (X,C) o E is be the filter either B or {A F < XIA be X p for p and on X, let o be converges to some p X P such that of all convergent filters on the KowalsKy completion of X F E, there is a filter F and B subsets of X, we have the relation A < and, 5] F}. A corvergence structure on F A filter for every o o(pi such that x for x E X}. For each o O generated by {F is defined as follows if and only if, X A F(X) X (J(x)) {p E X the filter on X Let I will be used explicitely in the text. the collection of all maps I] In Eiven to construct completions. The methods are Ko____wals_____Ky com_p=l_e=ti_o._n. and let I maps x to <x>. X X is the set E (X,C). For o and A B if and only if A C B belongs to o(p). A for some F r For F E F(X), F}. A Cauchy space caiied round if it is closed for the operation r for every UNIFOIIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES 517 WEAK CAUCHY STRUCTURES 3. {f1" i E Let F C Let for i E I, This oefines I} be a collection of maps if and only if g. 1 . a Cauchy structure on X0 called the weak Cauchy structure qf P. (F} (X,C), let F U (X,O) It (X,.C) is uniformizable if and only if (1) There exists a nonempty collection ( C (2) structure of @, C the weak structure of is PF’OOF. If C is (X,C) the collection (XC). one of the folowin equivalent conditios are weak For a continuous, the collection of ali Cauchy con- be of all Tealvau_ed Cauchy c.ont.%nqou.s ma.ps on A Cauchy spa.ca 1. 1 is the coarsest Cauchy tinuous maps from (X,C) to uniform spaces and T,EOREK 3,1. X-(Yi,Di) fi /or every (not necessarily Hausdorff), structure on X making all the maps in @ Cauchy Cauchy space where Fulfilled F U (X,) C such tr. at is the U uniformizable and consider i the identit_y U is a uniformity fr (X,) to (X,Q) on X such that and let @ {i}. Hence (I) is satisfi_ed, et @ To shcw that (I) lmplSes (2] Cauchy structure of U is (x,C) C. and the @. Then atter is U (x,C) such that C is fineT than ls the weak th.e weak str6cture of flne. r than the weak struoture of @ which Hence, they a.l co%ncde and (2) %s fulfil_led, To complete the proof, suppose C %s the weak Cauchy structure of u(X,C), Let U be the weak unifermity of u(X,C), sest uniformity on X makin all the maps in tinuous. Then we have c(O) THEOREM 3,2, If a Cauchy uniformity of C and C is r U (X,C] uniformly con- uniformizable. same {X,C) %s F U (X,C) is the finest which is the coar- uniformizab%e, .uniformity with of Cauchy filters and among the uniformities with C as its family C as family of Cauchy fiIters it is the only uniformity makin all maps in uniformly continuous. the weak u (X ) 518 E. LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS PROOF. Let U De the weak uniormlty of F (X C) U the previous C. Let theorem it is shown that c(i/) uniformity on X such that c() r U (X (X,W) belongs to C. Then C C). Hence In the proof be another the identity from (XC) to I W in addition is supposed to make all the maps in F (X C) uniformly continuous U since U is the then coarsest such structure. In the next theorem we suppose X has non measurable cardinaiity, which is a very light restriction to make since no measurable cardlnals are known. With this restriction complete uniformlzabillty og 111. a topoIogical space Is equlvalent to realcompactness THEOREM 3.3. A Cauchy space (X,C) is unlformizable if and only if one of the following equivalent conditions is fulfilled . (1} There exists a nonempty collection the weak Cauchy structure of (2) C is the weak Cauchy structure of @ C F] FIR (X,C) such that C is [X,C). PROOF. Let U be a uniformity on X such that c(i/) C. Suppose F is a filter on X such that for every ]]R Let (X Cauchy of X in X X, and CIR be the completion of (X x I/x) CiR (X mlty of I/K) CIR (X hoJ(F) on X the embedding is IR-Cauchy for But then j(F) Is a Cauchy filter I/x) J the collection of all real valued conti nuous maps on [X 1/x). It follows that h [X,U) or every the weak unlfor Since we are barring measurable cardinals thls uniformity is complete and so J{F) converges. Hence F E C. The other implications in the theorem follow trlvlaIly from (3.2). 4. COMPLETIONS In this paragraph we investigate the relation between the uni?or- mizability of (x,C) and properties of its completions. THEOREM 4.1. A Cauchy space (X,) is uniformlzable if and only if it is embedded in a [dense) Cauchy subspace of a completely uniformizable topological space. UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES 519 PROOF. If (X,C) is uniformizable by U, then the completion (X ,U ) (X,C) provides e completely unlformizable topological space in which is densely Cauchy embedded. If there is a Cauchy embedding j of (X,C) having a complete uniformity W, then j-1 into a topological space Y x j-l(,) is a uniformity on X for which C is the collection of Cauchy filters. (1| In several methods are given to construct completions of a given Cauchy space. Some of them preserve unlformlzability, for example the KowalsKy completion and the ultrafilter completion. fact, when In (X,C) is unlformlzable, these completions are Cauchy homeomorphic to the Cauchy structure of the 8ourbaKi completion. From the previous theorem, we now immediately have the following property. EOREM 4.2. A Cauchy space is uniformizable if and only if its KowalsKy completion (ultrafilter completion) is a completely uniformizable topological space. Ws will apply this theorem for the case of the Kowalsky completion in order to find explicit conditions for unlformizability. tel property that will be needed is the A fundamen- .r.e.ular _ext_enelon prppert 1]. It means that every Cauchy continuous map from a Cauchy space (X,C) to a complete and regular Cauchy space has a unique (Cauchy) continuous extension to the Kowalsky completion. In the special case of IR FIR (X this implies X that there is a C x) mapping f to its extension is a ring isomorphism and a p E X x, the value of fX f--F--. fx from fir For f E in p is the limit of f(F) where This (X,C) to This bljection, lattice isomorphism. filter arbitrarily chosen in p. A biJection in fact, F F (X,C) and is a Cauchy limit is unique and equals We shortly write lim f(F). FEF THEOREM 4.3. For nonmeasurable cardinals, a Cauchy space (X,C) is uniormizable i and only if each of the following conditions (2), (3) and (4) hold. Condition (4) (1), can be replaced by the equivalent 520 E. LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS (4’). conditlon (I) Every equivalence class in C has a minimum element. [2) The minimal Cauchy filters have an open base. (3) For every minimal Cauchy filter and for every M E M exists a Cauchy continuous map f such that llm f() lim f(f) (4) {(f) the subset of X F fir (x,C)} f E and X\M. 0 for every Cauchy filter containing In the collection (x,C) there where (f) is consisting of those p for which there exists an p with lim f(F) O, every subcollection, maximal for the finite intersection property and with the countable intersection property, has a nonempty intersection. Let 4 (rf) fEr rl (x,c). g be a collection of real numbers indexeO by (x, C) If for every finite subset I 0 C > 0 there is an x E X such that f E I O, If(x) then there is a Cauchy filter for every f E r]R F r (x,C) rfl and for every for every < such that lim f(F) rf (x,C). PROOF. Suppose (X,C) is uniformizable by a uniformity O. Then (1) and (2) hold. and p E X X\j(x) Let U be the map on X to the minimum element in p. Then, for p E X the neighborhoodfilter in the topology filter U where the minimum in p. is T of the completion is the Condition (3) then follows immediately from the complete regularity of this topology. r] f-1(O), (X,C), we have (f) zerosets for x T) on (X C] (X T ), Condition x . (x,C), let p x, for p and let o (4) X (x,C) is nothing but the is the collection of x,C ) be + the map p(x) N be the map O(P) Then o is the extension of p T realcompactness of be the product of real (x,C) (X so For the collection of realvelued continuous maps In order to prove (4’), let fir , to F(X) which maps J(x) to lines indexed by (f(x))fEr3 (fX(P)) x T Since (X for q (x,c) fr is X, C) realcom- pact, the map o is a homeomorphism onto o(X x) which is closed in . UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES 521 Hence o[X x) D -(-X-). Condition (4’] follows. Suppose conditions (I), (2). (3) (4) the Kowalsky completion is a completely Let gical space. are fulfilled. We show that re&ular realcompact topolo- be the map as defined above. Then . belongs to Z. It is clear that a filter converges to p for the Kowalsky structure if and only if it is finer than is open, so is M M where M is the minimum of p. If It follows that the Kowalsky completion is topo- logical and (3) and (4) clearly imply that it is completely regular and realcompact. {X ,C*) If [4’) is fulfilled instead of (4), then. since is completely regular, we have that the map o defined above o(X}. is a homeomorphlsm onto It follows from (4’) and from the P- continuity of o that o(X $o 0 is closed and (X x Cx is realcompact. s. c__.ucHY_ COy!N..G. _Sy__I_Em_s_ AND,..H__ .fl_T_ R _p.,) Fo a Cauchy space (X,C), let u(C) {F x F F 6 C}. u(C) clearly is a filte with a symmetric base and whose elements all contain the dlaonal. In this section, we investigate under what con- ditions u(C) is a uniformity and, if so, whether of Cauchy filters, i.e. c(u(C)) When space, C C is,its collection C. is the collection of convergent filters of a topological u(C) is the neiBhborhood filter of the diagonal in X x X. There exist completely unlformizable topological spaces which are not normal [11]. The neighborhood filter of the diaonal in such spaces is not a uniformity. Hence the unlformlzablllty of C does not imply that u(C) is a uniformity. Conversely for the open ordinal space [0.) filter of the (121. Hence is evident diaBonal if u(C) f.i., the neighborhood is a unique uniformity and it is non complete is a uniformity C need not be uniformizable. It that when u(C) is a uniformity we always have C C c(u(C)). THEOREM 5.1. u(C) is a uniformity if and only if it is the weak 522 E. LOWEN-COLEBIYNDERS uniformity of r u (x,C). Proof. The if part is trivial. For the only if part suppose u[C) is a uniformity. Then the identity from [X,C) to (X,u(C)) is Cauchy continuous So u(C) is coarser than the weak uniformity of r U (x c) On the other hand let f be a Cauchy continuous map from (x,C) to a uniform space (Y,). For W E such that f(F) x f(F) C W. Then, for V F E C, and U F choose F F x F, we have FEC f x f(V) C W. It follows that u(C) makes f uniformly continuous and so u(C) equals the weak uniformity of F (X,C), u From (3.2) and (5,1) we now have the following property, COROLLARY 5.2. If (X,C) is a Cauchy space and if u(C) fortuity, then we have c(u(C)) C If the Kowalsky completion (X if and only i ,C ) C is is a uniformizeble. of (X,C] is divisible, which means that the neighborhood filter V(A x] of the diagonal in X is a uniformity, u(C) is the trace of with c(u(C)) (Xx,C x) V(A ) on X and if unt- is completely untormtzable, x X then x X, and so it is a uniformity on X C. In order to prove the converse of this statement, we make a preliminary assumption on (X borhoods of the dlgonal in X x.,X ,C ), namely ,that the neigh- have a close base. In 13] this property is called A-normality and the precise position of A-normality with regard to normality conditions end other separation axioms is settled there THEOREM 53 If u(C) is a uniformity and C is untformtzable, then (X C) is divisible if and only if PROOF If (Xx,C x) (X C R) is A-normal is divisible then it clearly is A-normal, prove the converse suppose (X x ,C is 8-normal, u(C) is a uniformity. and C is untformlzable, nal of X M x M P Let V be a closed neighborhood of the diagoFrom theorem 4 3 it follows that or every p E X x we x X can choose an To Mp E Mp such that, C V. Then we have U pEX M (with the notations of 4.3), P x M P E u(C) and so UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES cl Xx X * U M pEx P x M 523 C V. But then V(A X) is the uniformity P of the completion of (Xou(C)). DEFINITION 5.4. A collection of subsets of a Cauchy space (X,C) __Cauchy cov_ertng syt_em is a the collection filter in it is a basic Cauchy covering C there are C contains a member of if every filter in _system if for every a finite number of members of the collection whose union belongs to the filter. The first notion was introduced in [8]. Both definitions in (5.3) extend the notions of covering system and basic covering system of a convergence space introduced in 7]. The condition in the following theorem extends the characterization by means of open covers given in 14] of the property that the neighborhood filter of the diagonal of X x X is a uniformity. The proof is straightforward. THEOREM 5.5. u(C) is a uniformity if and only if, for every Cauchy covering system ring system y belong to B {Bj U Bj BK, A j E {A t t E I}, there exists a Cauchy cove- J} such that. if Bj N k # and if x and there is an i E I such that x and y both belong to A I In order to prove an extension of the theorem that every paracompact space is completely unlformizable by the neighborhood filter of the diagonal, we need some preliminary definitions. DEFINITION 5.6. A Cauchy covering system of a Cauchy space is Cauchyftnite if every Cauchy filter contains a set intersecting only finitely many members of the system. DEFINITION 5.7. A Cauchy space [X,C] is [basic) Ceuchy_pa.recompact if for every Cauchy covering system, there is a (basic) Cauchy cove- ring Cauchy finite refinement. THEOREM 5.8. If (x,C) is a (basic) Cauchy paracompact space which is round and has a minimum Cauchy filter in each equivalence class, then u(C) is a uniformity and c(u(C)) C. 54 E. PROOF, Let U E u(C). an A E such that A x LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS Fo every E U. Let A be ^ constructed in this way. Let m, nlma! element the following way. A E A , , ( C x to F(X) which maps ls round, we have rX() We make a neu Cauchy cover A’ in Cauchy filter such that A’ covsnE < and for A. Ths Cauchy ne auehy covetn , enement and we let we hom A B E A such that B A B x A B U (XIB] x (X]B]. Then V B belongs to u(C). Let f V n let be a minimal Caohy flte. There exists an B Fo B E V , For every minimal (bae) Cauhy sy=tee, h= VB in we choose A’ E the collection of sets A be the map on X p to its minimum element (p). Since for every we choose minimal Cauchy filter M E <X AB Intersecting only fn!tely sony members of h{VB M x M C 0 E , But thn V(x) C VB(X have B h M- }. !t follows that V E u(C}. For a B E E C an so there exists x E X, thm flltec B. We C AB end so V(x) B containing x. x V(x) C U. Slnce V ls symme- trlo we have V,V C U, . It remains tO be lhown that c(u{C)} c C. Let F E c(u(C)). Suppose F M E . foc every minimal Cauchy fllter M F, and let A in C. For every choose be the Cauchy covering system consist!rig of Sets M onstructed In this way. In the flrst part of the proof. it is shown that a V E u(C) exists much that (V(X))xE x refines There I= an Choose F 0 E F such that F 0 x F 0 C V end choose x 0 E M O. A contradiction and F 0 and an M 0 ( n 0 (h A wlth V(x O) C FO MO ollows, THEOREM 5.g. A Cauohy space (x.C) has minimum elements in each equlvalenoe class, is round, and Cauchy paraoompact if and only if the Kowalsky completion ls a paracompact topological space. PROOF. From [4.2) and (5.8). it follows that when C has minima. is round, end Cauhy paracompact, be the map as in (4.3) p then {0 X is a topological space. 0 C X, open} is a Let p base for the UNIFORMIZABLE CAUCHY SPACES open sets of X open. Then m. {0 i Let {Oi i E I} j E {Oj J} be an open cover is a Cauchy cover of X. a Cauchy finite refinement, Then I} i 525 o X wlth Ol C X E J} be J {gj Let This collection can be chosen open is an open (4.3). locally finite refinement of the given collection. Suppose X minima (4,3). open, then {A . m is a paracompact topological space. Then (X,C) has If p A cover of X which may be chosen to be is a Cauchy A E A} is an open cover of X finite open refinement. Then the collection Let B be a locmlly {JI(B) B E B} is a Cauchy cover of X which is a Cauchy finite refinement of the given collection, Since is paracompact and Hausdorff, X 9] It follows from a corollary in and ZM satisfies for the map introduced in 7. if and only if REMARK 5,iO. Z where T. has an open base, we have the filter generated by is Therefore every M E } {7.M M E F for some F E p}. {p E X On the other hand since X regular. that the Kowalsky completion coincides with the completion constructed there, minimal Cauchy filter it is rim M E M} and M l {M . MX MH where MEX(p)} {p E X (5.B), Finally it is easily checked that It follows that X is If u(C) is a uniformity and c(u(C)) round, C, then clearly C has minima in lts equivalence classes and C is round, But C need not be Cauchy paracompact. Corson 15] This follows from a result of that a completely uniformlzable topological which the netghborhbodftlteb Of the diagonal space for ts a uniformity need not be paracompact. In the final section we treat the special case of a totally bounded Cauchy Space, THEOREM 5.11. A totally bounded Cauchy space is basic Cauchy paracompact, PROOF. Let A be a Cauchy cover in a totally bounded Cauchy space 526 E. LOWEN-COLEBUNDERS (X,C). For every that there exist A 8 An } {A there is an A E A N U. It follows n U A X. Let such that i ultrafilter on X, A n in A I=I then this is a basic covering Cauchy finite refine- ment. THEOREM 5.12. For a totally bounded Cauchy space the following properties ere equivalent. (I) C (2) X x is uniformizable is a compact Hausdorff topological space (3] C [4) u(C) is a uniformity and c[u(C)) [5) There is exactly one uniformity with C as its collection of is round and has a minimum in each equivalence class C Cauchy filters PROOF. (1) (5.11) {4) " " (2) (5) 1] From (4) (2) " (3) it follows and so it has a unique uniformity (3] (5.9) (5) that X = (I) " (4) (5.8) and is compact Hausdorff trivial. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I would like to thank Professor D.C. Kent for the many fruitful suggestions on the subject. REFERENCES "Completions of uniform convergence spaces" 194, 83-108, 1971. Ma.th., Ann.. 1. REED, E. 2. KELLER, H. 3. "Uniform convergence structures" COOK, C. and FISCHER, H. Math. 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