nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (1982)609-612 609 SHORT PROOFS OF THEOREMS OF LEKKERKERKER AND BALLIEU MAX RIEDERLE Eberhardstr. 14 79 Ulm/Donau West Germany (Received October 16, 1981) For any irrational number ABSTRACT. points of {z: z=q(q- p), p , q - let A() denote the set of all accumulation {0}, p and q relatively prime}. In this paper the following theorem of Lekkerkerker is proved in a short and elementary way: The set A() is discrete and does not contain zero if and only if is a quadratic The procedure used for this proof simultaneously takes care of a irrational. theorem of Ballieu. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Lekkerkerker s Theorem, Approximation of numbeJ I atio na 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. Quadratic 10F05, 10F35. INTRODUCTION. This paper is easily readable by anyone familiar with the elements of continued fractions, as far as irrationals. Lagrange’s theorem on the periodic representation of quadratic Throughout this paper, denotes an irrational number which is repre- sented by the regular continued fraction - [b0,bl,b 2 [bo,b I and A() stands for the set of all the real accumulation points of {z: p e q {0}, p and q relatively prime}. n and g > 0 set B(x,g) (x n z q(q-p), Obviously, A() describes those Dirichlet approximation qualities which occur infinitely often. any sequence (a) let H(a ,bn_l,n] Furthermore, for denote the set of all its limit points and for x e R g, x + g). The main purpose of this paper is to gJ’e a simple proof of the following theorem of Lekkerkerker [i] (cf. also [2])" M. RIEDERLE 610 A() The set is discrete and does not contain zero if and only if is a quadratic irrational. The proof of the sufficient part of the theorem mainly depends on the irre- , ducible polynomial of whereas the necessary part is a consequence of the relation between A() and the sequence (n) and simultaneously establishes the following theorem of Ballieu [3]: The set H( n is finite and () is bounded if and only f n is a quadratic irrational. we shall show how to evaluate A() in Finally for any quadratic irrational an easy way. BAS IC FORMULAS. 2. In this section we state the formulas used in the sequel. Let A /B n [bo,bl,b 2,... where An and Bn are relatively 6n Bn(Bn- An)" Then the following formulas (-l)n 6 n n+l + i/0n the n-th convergent of On n Bn/Bn_ 1 e]O: and put n denote prime. Set hold for all (2.1) n-i - PROOF. 6n_ I (-) On + I/n+I (2.2) n+l i+i+46 n 6 n-i n (-I) 26 n (2.3) Equation (2.1) is an easy consequence of the well known identity (-l)n/(Bn[Bnn+l_+ Bn_,l)),formula An/Bn using the identities n b + i/n+I n (2.2) can be derived from (2.1) when b and O n n + i/ 0n-i and, finally (2 3) can be obtained when combining (2.1) and (2.2). 3. PROOF OF LKKKERKERKER’S THEOREM. (1) Suppose form f(x,y) ax 2 + bxy + cy algebraic conjugate of for all (p,q) ( . There exists an indefinite quadratic is a quadratic irrational. f(p,q) x 2 with a,b,c e . and f(,l) O. If denotes the then if follows by Vieta’s theorem that a(p q)(p q) aq(q- p)( (.- {0}) which implies that p/q) (3.1) 611 THEOREMS OF LEKKERKERKER AND BALLIEU f(P,q) q(q- p) {(x,y): When using the notation (3.2) a(- p/q) ., x,y y # 0, x and y relatively prime} equation (3.2) implies that A() (Pn’qn) since if f(Z) Z with nlmoo qn(qn (ii) distinct, -< 1 for all n H(n) 6. A(). and hence it follows by (3.3) that 0 q0" From equation (2.1) we can A(). n Therefore and since all the numbers is a compact subset of Clearly, Now from (3.1) we can see that Suppose that A() is discrete and 0 16nI see that nlmoo Pn/qn A() then p) and we conclude that A($) is discrete. f(p,q) # 0 for all (p,q) e (3 3) a(- E) H(n is finite and and (n) is bounded. are H(n). A() and hence 0 n) Therefore, Now by (2.3) it is easy to see that H( is finite in order to complete the proof, it suffices to prove Ballieu’s theorem. PROOF OF BALLIEU’S THEOREM. 4. Suppose that (i) ($n,) It follows from the identity < k for all n bn H(n) set z H(n) is finite say H(n) {z I m lq such that a there that k exists [bn’bn+l’’’" bn + i/k < < bn + i i/(k + i). Therefore, the is bounded and n n IN, and hence n -is empty and we can find a number > 0 such that g th sets B(zv,g) are pairwise disjoint and contained in]R-Z. Z put Let l(z) denote the greatest integer not exceeding z and for z I(z) (z l(z)) -i Clearly, n+l I(n for all n IN0" Also the function I is H(n) therefore I(H(n) H(n) and we can find a 6, 0 < 6 < g, m} {i There exists a number such that I(B(z,$)) = B(I(z),g) for all v m such that B(z,) for all n > n o Therefore, when B(Zl,) and o =I we obtain by induction that writing (P) for the p-th composition map of continuous on n n n O the B(I(P)(zl)’6) sequence ((P)(zl)), p I(T by for all p + p e (p) (Zl)) O , e0" Since is periodic. H(n) (H(n)) and From the identities we conclude that the sequence (b n Lagrange’s theorem, (ii) lq0, n O + p) P 0’ H(n bno is finite, l(n o + p) is periodic and thus, is a quadratic irrational. The other direction of Ballieu’s theorem is an easy consequence of i. RI EDERLE 612 Lagrange’s 5. theorem. CONCLUDING REkRKS. The inclusion in (3.3) is actually an equality. In order to prove this, we need the following well known theorem (cf. [4], p. 22-23): Let f(x,y) be an indefinite quadratic form with integer coefficients and let Then for any pair (p,q) e Z be one of its roots. many relatively prime integers and nlm (qn p) Pn’ qn such that x(-{0}) f(pn,qn there are infinitely f(p,q) for all n O. In fact, this result combined with (5) and (6), leads to the following: THEOREM. Suppose that is a quadratic irrational, say . indefinite quadratic form f(x,y) with integer coefficients. the algebraic conjugate of f(,l) 0 for some Moreover, let E be Then A() f(z) f(l,0)(E- ) REFERENCES i. LEKKERKERKER, C.G. 2. JURKAT, W.B. and PERERIMHOFF, A. 3. BALLIEU, R. 4. CASSELS, J.W.S. An Introduction to Diophantine Approximation. Press, Cambridge, 1965. 5. PERRON, O. Una questione di approssimazione diofantea e una proprieta caratteristica dei numeri quadratici I, II. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei. Rend. CI. Sci. Fis. [at. Nat. 21 (1956) 179-185, 257-262. Characteristic approximat’ion properties of quadratic irrationals, Intern. 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