479 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1978)479-496 Vol. CHARACTERISTIC APPROXIMATION PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS W. B. JURKAT AND A. PEYERIMHOFF Universitat ULM (MNH) Abt. f. Mathematic I 7900 Ulm (Donau) Oberer Eselsberg, Germany (Received April 19, 1978) ABSTRACT. Some characteristic approximation properties of quadratic irrationals are studied in this paper. of the sequence n It is shown that the limit points form a subset C(x), and D(x) can be generated from C(x) in a relatively simple way. is given using relations between Another proof of Lekkerkerker’s theorem dn-l’ n’ n+l which are independent of x and n. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Quadratic Iionals, Approximation of numbers, Badly Appro ximable Numb e AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. 10F05, 10F35. 480 W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMOFF O. l’hroughout this paper will denote a real irrational number. x r (x) Given n [_ig,gi) r<x) which implies Inxl I<i/ D(x) x is lxll ontains bounded subsequences (e.g. by Hurwitz’s theorem), and it seems natural n of all its limit points which_ describes the various qualities of approximation of number n e q for infinitely many to investigate the set + x Ir(x) nl{nxl{, the sequence x x by rationals which occur again and again "well approximable" if 0 e D(x) (e.g. a Liouville number) and "badly approximable" if [0, ) D(x) We introduce x=e=2.71.., or if if D(x) 0 1). 0 e D(x) If A x then is 2) hence interesting numbers in this context are the badly approximable numbers. Let x be represented by the continued fraction [b o’ b i’ let A /B n n denote its convergent s and let 6n 6n(X) BnlBnX Anl The limit points of the sequence 6 n > -2 Bn[IBnXll (6n C(x) form a subset n constructive) and we shall show that D(x) for n > i). (I) (which is in a sense can be generated from relatively simple way (Theorem i), so the structure of C(x) C(x) in a is basic in our context. A theorem of Lekkerkerker [5] lhow that for a badly approximable number set C(x) is finite if and only if x C(x) I) infD(x) which is the inverse of and the bibliography of this paper. 2) D(x) D(x) show that is discrete if and only if For results on [5, Let Th,n see [i] nil [nixll ni ni 0 / n i choose ]]nixll the is a quadratic irrational, and the con- nection between and x O< e 1 for i large and Perron’s modular and let ni n i / function n Hence D(x). PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS x We wll also give another (badly approximable and) a quadratic irrational. is proof of Lekkerkerker’s theorem using relations between are independent of n and x [b [b o’ b i x B Pn - THE BASIC FORMULAS. Writing n i/ Po n > i B n-i 0 + 1 ] ,bn_ 1 o’ b I n > 0 we have for b n n + [b n n formulas E ’n-l’ n’ n+l which and seem to tell the whole structure of the n ’s (Lemma 3, Theorem 3). I. 481 n bn+l the following well known I (2) n+l (-l)n B (B x- A n n n and n+l (3) +1 n bn+l (cf. For p 2 n 1 b On_ I b Bn+ I bn+ 1 Bn + Bn_l, I n > -i). unless 3) p 6n_l (5) 1 b 1 n (6) n It follows from (2) and (4) that PROOF. If n n > 1 + 6n_l < 1 6n 3) (4) p 13; (4) is a consequence of [7] LEMMA i. n+ 1 Pn+l n 1 + i n+l then + 6o 1 1 Pn- 1 n+l + 61 (x-Ix]) + Pn This and (i), n >- i (x-Ix]- I) l0 (3) W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 482 show that n+ n-i n+l +Pn I + 0n+ 1 which implies (5) (note that for In order to prove (6) we note that the > 1) n+l (7) n > 1 foregoing calculations also show that I-4 Pn n+l 1-4 nn-i (i + Pnn+l 2 and this leads immediately to (6). Formulas (4) and (6) suggest the introduction of the function l-xz +2z (x,y;z) 4yz < 1 4xz < 1 z > 0 using this notation, we have bn+l (n-I n > 0 %+i The following properties of (8) 0 I will be used in later sections of this paper (x,y;z) (y,x;z) (x,y;z) + (strictly)if (x,-z;z) (x O;z) ( (x,i-z;z) 12z-l x+ y+ z+ or (io) W_.’4.’ + /’ 2z .i,-,..z-i,ii 2z (9) 1 if 1-__z z < 1 z _< I/2 if z > i /i In conclusion we mention that (5) contains Vahlen’s result (see e.g. [7] 12) 14) PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS that at least one of n-1, n’ n+l least one of I/ is < 11 + 5 Pn+l [7],14) that follows from (6), (8) and (i0). ’s if this were not true then one of the and (6) would imply and Borel’s result (see 1/2 is < n-I n 483 would be > i but 2 p i/ n (since Indeed, n+l n is rational) and this and (8) and (I0) imply b but 2. n+l > 1 C(x) THE RELATION BETWEEN In addition to d(x) C(x) and AND D(x). we introduce the sets D (x) the limit points of the sequence n r(nx) C (x) the limit points of the sequence B r(B x) s s n n These sets contain information on the sign of the approximations of rationals Let and lnxll D(x) or nx-ml, C(x) is known if sign (nx- m) n %B k D (x) s or C (x) s x by is known. Then it follows from e + DBk_ 1 (13) m by Cramer’s rule that % % + -i k _> -I and that %, g nlXBk_ 1 _i + (-I) k e Bk_ 1 llnxll (14) nlxBk THEOREM i. Let 0 -l)k I D(x) Then e B k D (x) Inxl[ if and only if at W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 484 %2y_ y q % where (% ) # (0 O) 0 lira % 2B lira B k 1 (15) _ir(Bk1 _1 x) k.1 + BY Formula (15) and COROLLARY. B and for some sequence Bkir(Bk’X)1 + signy < 0 show that D(x) C(x) and are con- netted by (16) PROOF of Theorem i. Let ni(nix-mi) nir(nix a / Ds(X) and select (for all large lq ki i) such that Bk. Inixll Define numbers < follows from (17) and (14) that lnixll to a contradiction to lBk.+IXll > Bk.+l + which implies (Bk.+l Bk.+2 n. -< It follows from 0 + > (17). ni, mi, %i i IBk.Xll (17) i by (13) (with %i’ i since otherwise lBk.Xll nil Bk.+ixl n lq o (18) k i instead of Condition (17) implies < Hence, there is a constant -< n i 13) and (18) that Im IBk.+ixll Bk.+Inil Inixll D(x) k by Lagrange’s Theorem ([7], 15) which lead: ([7] <- n.2 1/2 B It On the other hand, it follows from Bk.+2 )-I 21 n, m, k). Bki+2 and C for all large 1 Bkl BkXll < bk+ I C(, x) such that B k +i(II + o(i)) i ([7], 13) that bk+ 0(i). PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS Bk. -< ni < C( x)B 485 (19) for all large i, k .-i From (19) and (14) we infer that 0<l i < KI( K I, K for constants 0 -< x) and all large 2 -< i K2 (’ x) i By taking subsequences, the foregoing shows that sequences n.l / =, k. / exist such that nir(nix) n (20) / e %Bk. + Bk.-l’ i Bk._l r(Bk._ix) Let n_.,x kol nir(nix) satisfy (20). 2Bkir(Bkix) + / REMARKS. D (x) s lel I. < K Bki r(B 8 k C(x) x) -i’ / ’ ,o (’ ) # (0, 0) lq y i BnX- An r(BnX)__ (ki Bk-Ir(Bkl-Ix) D s +. Bkir(Bkix) for n -> i) + 2Bki_ir(Bki_l x) has a representation (15) and that every s K > 0 Then the proof of Theorem a representation (15) holds for some bounded by a constant which depends on discrete (i.e. i 1 D Let i Then (note that This and (6) show that every number (15) belongs to + m.1 i is finite since K Bn and ....llBnXll x only. <_ shows that for every and Hence, if then D(x) which are C(x) is is discrete and vice versa. 2. A slight modification of the proof of Theorem 1 also shows that 1/2 (n lq) implies n/m A /B for some ([7] 13;[2] W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 486 [4], Theorem 184; for a more general result compare k > i choose and n < B n such that (-i) If )t _> 3. THE STRUCTURE OF k-I LEMM 2. If x C(x) and k (n=l is a trivial case). then (14) implies n -< )t < 1 since C(x) Bk, WHEN C(x) We show first that S < n < B then (14) leads to the contradiction Be, k. O. But C (x) Bk_" I hence x Proposition 4). IS A i, hence -i/2 > hence IRRATIONALITY. UADRATIC is finite when < k pAk_ 1. m lBk_ 1 (-i) If Inxl] Inxll 0, >-n p > n < 2n 0 < In fact, is a quadratic irrationality. x C(x) belongs to a quadratic number field, then 0 and are finite. This Lemma is essentially due to Lekkerkerker The following proof contains an explicit [5], see also Perron [6], p.6. representation of the elements of c (x). PROOF. [b x o tinued fraction, i.e. i"’" [b x =[pu P+I’" ,br_ i, po, o u Pk-l’ Po "’Pu-I It follows from (4) that Pr+nk+v.-i is represented in this case by a periodic con- for br+nk+v P follows that x b --Ip I’ Pn ’Pk ] i 0,1,...,k-I then n e and if o hence (n c Pv-2’’’’’Po Pk-I ’’’’’p lq It x r+nk+v ibn, bn-l"’"bl k >- I r > I and the state- / ment of Lemma 2 follows from (3). It follows from a theorem of Galois ([7], 23) REMARK. where x is the conjugate of (-1) X x if k C Hence, the elements of r+v-1 X that is even This formula leads to an even more explicit _+1 X X if k S c 1 X are is odd. (21) representation of the elements of C S (x) 487 PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS This representation uses the notation bj ] bj+ I ([7] 5). C Then the elements of (-I) s(x) x ([7], Bi, j 19). But - 4. + [Po "’’’Pk-I Bk-l’ if k is odd D + (A__I 2 Bk_ 2) + 4(-1) k-I 1,9-Bk-2,9 + 2 2Bk- I, bjAi_l,j+ I Ai, j + Bi_l,j+ I + 4(-1) k-I ([7], 5) bv-l-2,v + Bk_2, v + -3, v bk- l+v-2, v + -3,v + Bk-2,v -l,v-I +Bk-2,v-I -l,v denote the convergents of (22) Ai_l,j+ I and it follows that for the convergents of if k is even 0, l,...,k-I In fact, we have n n n,j are Bk-l’9 rq-I A /B Let /Bn, J A Hence Bk-2,v D D and (22) follows. o THE RELATION BETWEEN THREE CONSECUTIVE Formula (8) shows that lowing Lemma shows that bn+ 1 bn+ 1 ’s. is a function of is also a function of n-l, 6 n, n-l, 6 n+l" alone. n The folThis fact is the key to the following considerations, which will show that the converse of Lemma 2 is also true. LEPTA 3. For n (n-I bn+l PROOF. n+l - >- 0 0; n and (6 n-l’ 0; a n) I Formulas (3), (6) and (8) imply 1 n i p n 1 + 1-46n6n _I 26 n (6n-1,0; n (n >-0) (23) W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 488 and (23)follows from (note that =bn+l’ bn+2’’’" ] [n+l bn+l is irrational). n+l REMARK. n+l Formulas (6) and (4) show that Pn+l--bn+l’ bn’ bl] (n > 0) and it follows n> O; (n+l’ bn+l n (n+l’O; I, b I > i. The first formula (24) remains true for n if 2 or if ( bn+ I 6 n 0. i, o > It follows from (8) that by (I0) a function (6n’ 6n-i n-I n+l X(n’ 6n-l) unless (6n-l’ 6n+l’ n 1 b n hence there exists n -> 0 X(n’ n+l unless (26) i, b n I 1 we find explicitely 1 46 The following theorem gives Let (25) 1/2 X(n, n-i Using the function THEOREM 2. n > 0 n-1 such that X n+l and similarly exists such that bn+l (n’ 6n+l and the remark shows that also n (24) 1 n Lemma 3 shows that a (universal) function i.e. unless n n >-0 i n 2n P( n’ n- $n- I i (2 7) in a more convenient form than Lemma 3. k n 1 Then 6 k n-I # n (l-kn n and 489 PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS k n (6 n, bn+l n 6 Assume that Let 6n_l k n + k b Let 6n-I n e n+l [0, 6 n(l-kn6 n)) k (k l-kn6 n) n-I I-6 (28) k n n I) which contradicts (23). > Then by (I0)and (28) kn(l-kn6n)). (0 0"6 n > (6 n 1 follows from Lemma 3 i > n (kn(l-knn )’ 1-8n 0;6n (kn(l-kn6 n > n >_ I which implies since 0;6 n) 6_i k n 0. kn (kn(l-kn6n)’ k -I n b n+l n 0; > (n_l,0;n) > -’(O,O;n) > (l-n’0;6n) i 1 6n 1 > k n 1 follows from Lemma 3 Figure 1 shows the areas of constancy for the function 5. THE INFLUENCE OF 0 C(x). Our next step is to introduce the assumption n for some lq LEMMA 4. Let % C(x) into our considerations. 0 < % < n-I I/ and If n > 1 4) This interval is empty if and if 0 n+2 k n are I > % then i.e. n >- % and Then, by (28), (I0), (5)and (12) and n) Then 6 k-1, n n 26 n n n if [0 n-I 2 + 1 26 k I kn(_l-kn6n)._ n-I ( n-l’ o; )= (note that 6 6n_l k PROOF if > 0 4). W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 490 (29) n+l n Our proof depends on the inequality PROOF. (3O) In order to prove (30) we observe that I 2 z) 4z + %2 < + (2z- % and (30) follows from z;z) -< + z 6n +6n+l Assume that the assumptions of Lemma 4 hold and that If 6 n-> 1 b n+l > 6n hence > % X < _< q(%, -6 ;6 n n -< (6 n’ 6n+2 6n+l < (,6 n 6n+l -< (%, 6n+l i-%- 6 n+l < I > 1 REMARK. If n+l;6 n 6n+1 bn+2 bn+2 hI/1- 1 Similarily, if but >- 1 then by (8), (I0) and (30) Jl-%- bn+ 1 --(6n_l, 6n+l;6n)< but + %) 2z Formula (5) is for for all n n > 2 (29) a special case of then it follows form (29) that 2)t < -, i/. Lemma 4 will be used now to show that the points distance from the discontinuities of if 0 (6n, 6n-1 C(x) keep a certain We introduce the notation 491 PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS q and we assume chat Let 1/2 n n k (l-k n n n n > I > 0 for some fixed I > 0 for some + nE. Formula (8) and Theorem 2imply n > 2 2 and all nn k (31) 2 6nkn-26n 2k 2 nkn In what follows we need the inequality and the formulas Let 8 > n-i qn 1-46 nn (2 k-I) 2 n +I > (note that (i-28) n kn > 2 Then it follows from (31) that /b hence (use 2 k i-4 8 (I-8) n n nn n n-I n n+l E_ < > 8.n+1_< 2 8 1+ (a-b) / (- + V’b q n+1 8nn+ I n 46n6n_ 1 n-1 + (28 nkn-1) nn-Sn_ 1 1/3 It follows that 6 Let 6 n-i > q q n-1 < n (32) 6 Then it follows from (31) that n 8n6n+ 1 hence, by Lemma 4 n_l-qn 26nkn- I+ QI-4 6n6n_ 1 It follows that (n + 8n+l) I-4 8n6n+l+(l-2n 1 2) W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF 492 (33) Formula (4) implies that all points (6 n’ 6 n-i n > 2 are in a certain open triangle, and some straight lines inside of this triangle are excluded by Theorem 2 (cf. figure I) Fig. 1 Moreover, if 6 n restriction for > k > 0 (6n, n_l then (29), (32) and (33) introduce some additional To describe the remaining region we introduce the following set. Let M(k) perties 0 -< < I/, denote the (open) set of points (x, y) with the pro- 493 PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS x > % y > % and for x < (l-x y < (Figure 2 illustrates x + y < 1/2 or M(%) for % i/5 .) Fig. 2 If n 0 > % and (33). for all n c I then (n, n-i e M(%) for n > 3 by (29), (32) The combination of this result with the results of section 4 leads im- mediately to THEOREM 3. such that bn+l There are (universal) functions (n’ n-i n+l X(n, n-i and n >-0 X defined on M(0) 494 W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF The functions n 6. > and ( < > 0 i/) for all LE THE CONVERSE OF q n then ( % > O. M(%) are continuous on every X M() n- i n If n -> 3. for 2. We use Theorem 3 to prove the following result of Lekkerkerker [5]. THEOREM 4. C (x) s If C (x) 0 is finite and then s x belongs to a quadratic number field. PROOF. pairs Let (i’ j) M() If a for every nk_l / .j (i’ j) (n’ n-i a’ then (X(i, j) 6nk+l X(nk, the successor of a. {(x,y) U(a,e) u(a,) M() (0, N e 1 x be so large that depending on n > N A since nk by Theorem is finite, hence if < e a a e A Choose U(a,e) n U(b,) which is F(n+l, n (n+l’ 6n) since n > N. a’ ( n’ n F( n U(a,e n-1 i.e. if n-i c_ U(a’,) > 0 such that # b U(a’ e) U(a,e successor preserving" (X(n’ n_l ), then one A This establishes a mapping Indeed, if A a U(a,s) a (x,y) if a a (34) for exactly one a F( n n -> N and n a A a ,i A The set such that for every ((x,y) Let C(s) 0 Since for all large nk-l)--> (i’ j) is constant on every , e (x,y) for every It follows that Choose I M() be the set to all A a of its later successors is again Let A and let on a subsequence. / such that e A implies a’ We call n-I (n’ > 0 (i’ j) C(x) denote the elements of with there is some a . F( n i.e. (n by (34), hence for every n-i then a n-i e n-i (n+l’ n a e A , U(a,e U(a’, then PROPERTIES OF QUADRATIC IRRATIONALS n > N Take a fixed cessors a and let (o) a F(n, n_l). a a" ,...,a (1) a 1 e lq 495 Consider a sequence of suc- with a (1) a. It follows that F(6n++k 6n_l++k) Since a () Y is constant on every U(a,e bn++k+l (Bn+9+K,Bn++k/_l) fraction for x REMARK. x (i + ,-i, k 0, i 0, I, 2,... (35) it follows from (35) that is independent of k, i.e. the continued This proves Theorem 4. is periodic. As conclusion we explain our results in the simplest case /2 ,i (22), and D(x) C(x) Here consists of the single point 1%2 consists of the points (%,) # (0,0) by (16). 21/ % i/by with integral It is well-known (see [3], p. 554) that represents exactly the integers for which the exponents in the prime factor- ization must be even for all primes D(x) __i 5 4__ 2 or 3 nod 5 9__ Since this set contains only one element Furthermore, given C(y) i/} given by integral transformations I__I 1__6 ax+b cx+d 1__9 ad y y with quotients ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Foundation. has period 1 1 C(x) uniquely. which produce this set are bc This follows because the proof of Theorem 4 works with fraction for 20 (0,I) it determines all possible Y So +I. i, so the continued (the terms before the period being of no influence by (22). This research was supported in part by the National Science 496 W. B. JURKAT & A. PEYERIMHOFF REFERENCES i. Quadratic Irrationals in the Lower Lagrange Davis, N. and Kinney, J.R. Spectrum. 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