I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982) 315-335 315 THE SOLUTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL EQUATION OF D’ALEMBERT’S TYPE FOR COMMUTATIVE GROUPS A.L. RUKHIN Department of Statistics, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 U.S.A. (Received June 2, 1980 and in revised form December Ii, 1980) ABSTRACT. A functional equation of the form where functions solved. i,2,i,8i, i l(x+Y) + 2(x-Y) [. 1 ei(x) 8 i(y), l,...,n are defined on a co:,utatlve group, is We also obtain conditions for the solutions of this equation to be matrix elements of a finite dimensional representation of the group. D’Alembe’s (cosine) functonal equaon, finite dimensional representations, groups, ids of characterstic zero. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. commve 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 43A99 i. Primary 3..9B50, Secondary 20K99, INTRODUCTION. Consider the functional equation + l(x+Y) where l,#2,ei, Si, i ing values in a field Clearly, if f(x) 2(x-Y) I, al(X)l (y) + + n (x)8 (Y) n n are functions given on a commutative group , (i.i) tak- of characteristic zero. l(X)-2(x)’ g(x) l(X) + . 2(x), then m f (x+y)-f (x-y) i:l i(x) [8 i(y)-8 i(-y)] and 7, i=l , hj(x)kj(y) (1.2) p n g(x+y) + g(x-y) j =I ei(x) [8 i(y)+8 i(-y)] i=l u i(x)vi(y), (1.3) 316 A.L. RIFKHIN where the functions 1 j m and i ui,vl, i Therefore it suffices to consider the case when pendent. (I.i). hj,kj, Note that linear independence of h. and implies uj v.(y),1 vi(-y) i % 2 k. (-y) 3 3 m and ,p are linearly indeor % =-% -kj (y), in j i, p. i The equation (i.i) can be viewed as a generalization of D’Alembert’s (cosine) functional equation #(x+y) + #(x-y) (1.4) 2 (x)#(y), which has been much studied (cf Aczel [i, p. 176], Corovei [3], Hosszu [6], Kannappan [7], O’Connor [12], Rejto [14]). tions (Rukhln It also arises in statistical applica- [15]). The functional equations (1.2) and (1.3) follow from the equation (x+y) a l(x) B l(y) + + a m (x)B (x) (1.5) m Clearly (1.5) implies that the space which also was an object of detailed study. is of finite di- obtained by taking finite linear combinations of translates of . mension, and this of course means that al representation of the group [17]) that, for is a matrix element of a finite dimension- It is known (cf Engert [4], Laird [8], Stone a locally compact group, every finite dimensional (or only closed in the space of all continuous functions) translation invariant subspsce consists of exponential polynomials. In other terms #. must have the form n (x) where gi L Pi(x) gi(x), i=l . are multiplicative homomorphisms of different additive homomorphisms of Q into into and Pi are polynomials in Actually, the solutions of the functional equation (1.5) are known to be of such a form in a more general situation when Q is a groupoid or a semigroup and [2], McKiernan [I0], [ii]). is a commutative ring (see Aczel However, as we shall see, not every exponential poly- nomial is a solution of (1.5) in the nonlocally compact case. In Section 3 we obtain the general form of the solutions f and g of equations (1.2) and (1.3). These solutions are expressed as linear combinations of matrix elements of inequivalent finite dimensional representations of the group FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS and also of terms involving homomorphlsms of and homomorphisms of field 317 . n over the into a vector space into additive matrix group over Section 2 con- tains some preliminary results about polynomials on Abelian groups. The discussion of the main result is given in Section 4, where the equations (1.2) and (1.3) are proved to have all solutions being exponential polynomials. We also prove that while every solution of (1.2) is a solution of (1.5), there are solutions of (1.3) which are not matrix elements of any finite dimensional representation of , i.e. which do not satisfy (1.5), and give sufficient conditions for a solution of (1.3) to have such form. 2. POLYNOMIALS OVER COMMUTATIVE GROUPS. Let will be a vector space n of dimension n on. space lian group q, . of all nn matrices over the then L(x), x E is the translation operator, the translates of the function (L(x)-l)n+l(y) E field , or the vector is an -valued function defined on the Abe- If . . Thus L is a regular representation of some n, (In this paper, De a finite dimensional vector space over the field. L(x)(’) (’+x). which acts in the linear space spanned by is called a polynomial if, for The function The smallest number n for which 0 for all x, y E this identity holds is called the degree of the polynomial. Thus a polynomial of degree one satisfies the identity (x+y) + (x-y) If 2 Horn 2(x). = this condition implies that (q,); i.e., X(x+y) (x) + (y) (x) (x) + c, where for all x, y c , q. A polynomial @ is said to be homogenous, if (e (x) -l) n@ (. nl@(x). The following elementary results [9] will be used in Section 3. If is a homogenous polynomial of degree n, then for all integer j (jx) If jn(x), x is a polynomial of degree n, then q. (x) (Lx)-l)n(y) does not de- depend on y and is an homogenous polynomial of degree n in x. If @ is a polynomial of degree n, then (L(Xl)-l)...(L(xj)-l(x) is a poly- A.L. RUKHIN 318 nomial in x of degree n-j. 4 is a polynomial of degree n, then If n (x) + (x) where (x), 1 jCx) x j.---CLCx)-l) n) is a Xn,X(-,x2 ,x 2 If One has -. (L(x)-l)n(") i j n (.1 (f(-) j+l(.)). If 9 is a homogenous polynomial of degree n, then X(X I n. O, and for j=n-i . 0 (x) is a homogenous polynomial of degree j, j=O j n(X) 5 + symmetric function of Xn) Xl,...,xn x) X(x,... ,x) where and for fixed 6Horn is a polynomial of even degree and then in all formulas 2 above L (x)-I can be replaced by L (x/2)-L (-x/2). If k 6 n and k E n, where *n is the dual space, then <h,k> will always denote the value of the linear functional k on the element h. With this conven- tion, equation (1.2), for instance, can be rewritten as f(x+y) where h(x). E m, and k(y) f(x-y) m. <h(x),k(y)>, (2.1) t Also, A will denote the transpose of a linear transformation A. 3. THE .AIN RESULT. A structure theorem for the solutions of the functional equations (1.2) and (1.3) is obtained in this Section. Theorem I. Assume that is a commutative group such that function f taking values in an algebraically closed field 2 ] A ]. of characteristic zero is a solution of the equation (1.2) with linearly independent functions I hj,kj, j m mR,mI + I ,m if, and only if, there exist nonnegatlve integers + mR m such that <S(X)fl,X)> f(x) + <T(X)QlX)> R + Here Hom(,ml),S(x) r __[ <F (x)f ml-i r r r > + <F r (-x)d r’ k-- Hk (x,x)/(2k+l)!,T(x) r>] + ml-i k= k c. (3.1) H (x,x)/(2k+2)!,where 319 FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CIMMUTATIVE GROUPS m for each y E m F H I >_ i, Q H(-,y) EHom 2(x,y) (Qml), H(x,y) I H(y,x), H (x,y) 0 if H t(x,y)x) for all x,y; H(x,x)H(y,y),Ht(x,x) (y) r=2,...,R are pairwise inequivalent matrix representations of the groupQ of de- r gree mr where all *mr vertible linear operators from R, f r + d r r=2 ml C(x) Hk(x,x)/(2k)!; equal and not identically one; mr, r=2,...,R; r=2 2Qr r, S(X)QlX), x q span ml-1 *ml, to QiHt(x,x),Fr(X)Qr QrFrt(X), H(x,X)Ql mr fr,dr C(x) f I + Fr are eigenvalues of R, spondingly. [Ft(x)-Ft(-X)r ]r’ r the spaces xE c and the vectors S k=0 the vectors fl mr t mr . are in- *mr Also the vectors (x)x) span mr and and by the vectors Qr r=2 R are spanned by Fr(x)fr-Fr(-X)d r x , corre- The representation (3.1) is unique up to equivalence for matrices H(x,x) and F (x), r=2 r R. We do not prove the next Theorem 2 since its proof is analogous to that of Theorem i. Theorem 2. Under assumptions of Theorem i a function g is a solution of the equation (1.3) with linearly independent function there exist nonnegative integers g(x) ui,v i pl,...,pR,Pl+...+pR <C(X)Qlgl,al > + i=l,...,p if, and only if, p, such that <S(x)(x),a R + <F (x)g r r= 2 ,S(x),Fr(X),Qr by pr, Hom(, a > r r + <F r (-x)b r ’mr> Here C(x) and placed l),br,g r mr,gr_br t The vectors C (x)a I, x spacesPr and Pl; the F (x)g r r + Fr(-X)b r trix functions Qr span *Pr Pl f=2 and the mr re- R, cE 2Qrar,ar r, r= 2 span vectors C(X)al+ S(x)(x), x , ,R are spanned by the vectors and by the vectors H(x,x) and F r (x) r=2 [F$(x)+F$(-x)]a r correspondingly. fl(x-Y) The ma- R are defined uniquely up to equivalence. Assume that the functional equation fl(x+Y) c have the same meaning as in Theorem i with We break up the proof of Theorem i into three lemmas. Lemma i. + <w(x) ,k(y)> 320 A.L. RUKHIN fl’ fl (-x) fl (x)" has a symmetric solution Then the vector function w has the m, Bt=B. Also k(x) Tt(x), where T is an invertible linear operator from *m to mr *m and there exist nonnegative integers mI mR such that *m *ml form, w(x) Bk(x), where B is an invertible linear operator from *m to ... the projections and r of *mr satisfy the following functional equa- onto tion, r (x+y) + r 2B r(y)r(x). (x-y) Here B (y) is an upper triangular matrix of dimension m with the same diagonal r r elements b(r) (y)’ b(r)(y) invertible operators # b(S)(y), t Qr’ Qr Br(X+y) Proof of Lemma i. + Since r # s, such that Qr’ r=l Br(x-y). fl QrBr(Y) R, and 2B r(x)Br(y) <w(y),k(x)>. Therefore there exists an invertible linear operator B from B B and for all x L(x): L(x)g to m such that (3.2) Bk(x). spanned by the translates f(-+x), Now let V denote the linear space over Q of the function f m Q w(x) xE tr(y)Qr with some is symmetric <w(x),k(y)> t B which satisfies (1.2). Then the regular representation g(-+), gV acts in V, and the functional equation (1.2 means that m [L(y) L(-y)]f k j=l j (y)h (3 3) "" Here f denotes the {cyclic Ivector of V corresponding to the function f(.), and h h I If V_ m are vectors from V which correspond to the functions denotes the subspace of V spanned by the vectors [L(y) it follows from (3.3) that V has dimension m. variant under all operators L(x) + L(-x), x + L(-x)]/2 m j=l k (y)A(x)h j J j=l y Q, Q. Then, m m L(-y)]f, Also, as is easy to see, V Let A(x) denote the restriction of the operator [L(x) 2 h (.). hi(.) [kj (x+y) + kj (-x+y) ]hj, on V then is in- 321 FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS so that 2At(x)k(y). k(x+y) + k(-x+y) Therefore (see Suprunenko and It is evident that all matrices A(x) commute. Tyshkevich [18] p. 16) the whole space *m can be represented as a direct sum of invariant subspaces Wr, with respect to all parts of A(x) and A(x) IWs IWr A(x), for r=l # while for r are equivalent lemma shows that all irreducible parts of A(x) operators. B r(x) IWr, b(r) (x),b (r) (x) and all matrices B (x), r=l r TBT Let Q Shur’s lemma Q QrBr(X) t. Then Qt QIO"" Qr Btr(x)Qr’ ,R T-IBt(x)T, mr dim (s) (x), r # s. # b Qr where is of dimension Tt(y) Also, if k(y) 1(y)O... OR(y) with mr, (x+y) + r=l’’’’’R Clearly m with the ml+...+mR r (x-y) B t(x)Q. Because of and then 2B(y)(x). rQ*mr’ r=l,.." ,R be the partition of (y) into direct sum corresponding to that of the matrix B(x). r Wr, commute. (x+y) + (x-y) Let (y) where B(x) is on the principal, diagonal, and Q, Q is invertible and QB(x) r=l,...,R. IWr R, are one-dimensional r=l BI(X),...,BR(X) is an upper triangular matrix of dimension same diagonal elements The irreducible is algebraically closed, Shur’s Thus all matrices A(t) have the form A(x) a quasi-diagonal matrix with blocks R. s the irreducible parts of A(x) Since the field are not equivalent. (3.4) 2B r Then for r=l R (3.5) (y)r(X). It is easy to deduce from the definition of A(x) that the matrices A(x) satisfy D’Alembert’s functional equation A(x+y) + A(x-y) (3.6) 2A(x)A(y). It follows from (3.6) that B (x+y) + r Br(x-y) 2B r (X)Br(Y) r=l (3.7) ,R, so that Lemma i is proven. Lemma 2. For r=l,...,R b(r)(x) IX r(x) + r(-X)]/2’ where X is a multiplicative homomorphism of r Xr is not identically one, then into , Xr(X+y) Xr(X)r(y). If 322 A.L. RUKHIN r (x) G (-x)] r r [G (x) r where G (x) are lower triangular matrices of dimension m with all diagonal eler r ments equal to t Qr’ gr Qr’ Qr Gt(x)Qrr with invertible Gr(X)Gr(Y); QrGr (x) Xr(X)’ Gr(x+Y) m. ( It follows from (3.7) that Proof of Lemma 2. b(r)(x+y) + 2b(r)(x)b(r)(y). b(r)(x-y) All solutions of this D’Alembert’s functional equation are known to be of the form (cf. Kannappan [7]) b where Xr (r) r Xr(-X)]/2 B2(x0 )-Ir [Br(2Xo)-I]/2 ular lower triangular matrix G B where P 2(xO)-I r r E 0 such that such that G B2(xo)-I. r r pr Indeed O. Thus one can put m -I (-l)i+l(2i-l) ’’.. + Gr [(Xr(X0)-Xr(-X0))/2][I+Pr/2 i=2 Clearly Gr Br(X) commutes with all matrices 2 and i QrGr i! .t GrQr Now let Gr(X G-l[Br(X)(Gr-B (x0)3 + B r (x+x0)] r B (x)-Gl [B (x)B (Xo)-Br(X+XO) ]. r r r r It is easy to check (cf. [5]) that r(x)Gr(y) G (x+y) r G QrGr (x) Gtr(x)Qr" and Evidently Gr(X) and Gs(x) # 1 and the Moreover, one can find is nonsingular. 2 Xr(2XO) [(Xr(XO)-Xr(-XO))/212[I+Pr is a nilpotent matrix, r into Xr(X)Xr(Y). is not identically one there exists x matrix q is a multiplicative homorphism of Xr(X+y) If + [Xr(X) (x) are inequivalent for r # s and P] a nonsing- 323 FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMIFfATIVE GROUPS + G (x) r -I 2B (x)-G r r G (-x) r [2Br (X)Br (Xo)-Br (X+Xo)-Br (-X+Xo) 2Br (x) It is also clear that G (x) is a lower triangular matrix with all diagonal r elements (and hence eigenvalues) equal to Xr(X). It follows from (3.5) r (x+y) + r(Y-X) 2B r (X)r (y) so that r (x-y) B (y) r r (x)-Br (x) r (Y)" Using again (35) we see that 2B r (x)[r(X+y) + r (y)r(2X) 2Br(Y)[Br(x-Y)r(X+y) (x-y)] 2B r + Br(X+Y)r(X-y)]. Now one deduces from (3.7) B r [B (x) + B (x-2y)]/2 (Y)Br(x-y) r r and Br(Y)Br (x+y) [Br(X) + B r (x+2y)]/2. Thus [Br (x)-Br (x-2y) ]r (x+y) -[Br (x)-Br (x+2y) ]r (x-y). It is easy to check that [Gr(Y)-G r (-y)][Gr(x-y)-Gr(rX+y)]/2 Br(X)-B r(x-2y) and -B (x) + B (x+2y) (y)-Gr(-y)][Gr(x+y)-Gr(-X-y)]/2. K the matrix G (x)-G r(-x) is nonsingular. Xr(2X) r r It follows K [Gr(x+y)-G (-x-y)] (x-y) [G (x-y)-Gr(-X+y)]Er(X+y). r r r r r Let K {x: r Thus if y i}. x+y that the relations [G r [G r K r and x-y (x+y)-Gr(-X-y) ]-i r (x+y) 19other words for m K with some vector x+2y, x, y r If there exists x r imply -i [G r(x-y)-G r(-x+y) r x+y (3.8) with y K r and x-y We prove now that every element z 0 (x-y). [G r(z)-G r(-z)]r r if z has the form z K K r r(Z) z r If x Kr such that Xr(XO) # i we put z K r K r or has this form. (z+x0)-x 0. 324 A.L. RUKHIN Clearly z + xov Kr show that z x+y x0/2 Kr. and K with x, y one has r(X) i, then we Indeed in this case it suffices to take r z/2. y . Thus (3.8) holds for all z z. 6 Kr If for all X E Kr, Let z 6 r (z+x) + r Kr, x K We prove now that (3.8) is valid for all r + z then x Kr Kr. and x-z Therefore + Gr(-Z-x)-Gr(X-Z)] r 2Br(X) [Gr(Z)-Gr(-Z) ]r" (z-x) [G r (x+z)-Gr (-x-z) From this relation and (3.5) it follows that (3.8) holds if there exists x K 2x such that the matrix B (x) is nonsingular. r r K If 2x 6 K r follows x Kr r for all for all x. x Thus zq Assume that Xl(X) Lemma 3. then because of the condition Xr(X) Thus (3.8) is true for all The latter condition is met if 2 it i for all x contrary to our assumption. and Lemma 2 is proven. i and let q m I. Then 1(x) is a polynomial of degree 2q-l, which has the form q-i k l(X) 0 k(x,x). M (2k+l)! l(X)" Here M(x,y) are matrices of dimension q under the following conditions: M(Xl+X2,Y) Mq(x,x) O, M(Xl,Y) M2(x,y) + M(x2,Y) M(x,x)M(y,y), 91 (x+y) =91 (x) + 91 (y)’9 Proof of Lemma 3. 1 QiM(x,x) Mt(x,X)Ql M(x,Y)l(X) M(x,x)l(y) and M(y,x), M(x,y) q" We have I + N(x), where Bl(X) Nq(x) 0, q m I. Thus i (x+y) + 1(x-y)-2gl(X) 2N(y) 1(x) and N(x+y) + N(x-y)-2N(x) 2N(y) + 2N(x)N(y). The latter identity can be rewritten [e(y/2)-e(-y/2)]2N(x) Easy induction shows that for k 2N(y)[l + N(x)]. 1,2,... [L(y/2)-L(-y/2)]2(x) 2k(y)[I + N(x)]. Thus in particular [L(y/2) ]-L(-y/2) ]2q-2N(x) 2q-iN q-I (y), (3.9) FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS 325 which implies [l-L(y)]2q-lN(x) i.e., N(x) is a polynomial of degree 2q-2. 0; Because of the result mentioned in Section 2, N(x) where for k N2q_2(x) + + l,...,q-i [n(y/2)-L(-y/2)]2kN2k(X i.e., Nz(x) N2k(X) is a homogenous polynomial of (2k)!N2k(Y); degree 2k, N2k(nx) n2kN2k(X). These polynomials are defined by the formulas q-2 and for k N2k(X) [L(x/2)-L(-x/2)]2q-2N(’)’ i N2q-2(x) (2q-2)! ,i [L(x/2)-L(-x/2)]2k[N(’)-N2q_2(’)-...-N2k+2(’)]. 1 We prove at first that q-i Z N2k(X) where the coefficients j=k djk[2N(x)]J/(2j).’, can be found in the following way. djk triangular matrix formed by djk If D is the lower P -I where the elements k < j, then D have the form i jP-k (Clearly Pjk 2k)’ 2k i=0 2k (i)(-l) i (i-k) 2j =0ifk>j). Indeed, N2q- 2(x) so that d q-i q-i [L(x/2)-L(-x/2) ]2q-2N(-) (2q-2)! i [2N(x) (2q-2) q-I i. Also, [L(x/2)-L(-x/2)]2kN2j (0) 2k Z i=0 2k i 2k) (-1) N2j ((k-i)x) i 2k i i (-i) (i-k) (2k)!PjkN2j (x). 2j N2-’3 (x) Pjk of P 326 A.L. RUKHIN Thus I (2k) N2k(X) [L(x/2)-L(-x/2) ql [2N(x) ]k/(2k)!- j=k+l 2k[N(0)-N2q_2 (0)p "-N2k+2 (0) (3.10) kN2j (x), and it follows by induction that J djk=- i=k+l dji Pik J3 But these identities mean D -D(P-I) + I or DP > k I. We prove now that [L(y/2)-L(-y/2)]2N2k(X) 2[N2k(Y) + }, j<k N2j (Y)N2 (k_j) (x) ]. Indeed [L(y/2)-L (-y/2) 2 [2N(x) k l(Z) [e(y/2)-e(-y/2)]2 , 2k i--0 2k i=0 k-i " i=0 k-i i=0 k-i i 2k) (-i) 2N((i-k)y) l(z+(i-k)x) i 2k i )(-l)i2N((i-k)Y)[lz+(i-k)x)+l (z-(i-k)x) (2k)(-l)i4N((i-k)y)N((i-k)X)gl(Z). 1 2k (-1)i2N((i-k)Y) 1 (z) i , (2k) 2k i=0 2k (2k)(_l)i (z+(i-k)x) 1 i i (-i) 12N ((i-k) Y)N ((i-k) x) i (z) (2k) i (-1)12N((i-k)Y)gl(Z). Therefore [e(y/2)-e(-y/2) 2 [2N(x) 2(2k)! ipj+ikN2jy)N2i (x)+2(2k) J, and [e(y/2)-L(-y/2) ]2N2k(X) q-1 j=k djk[L(y/2)-L(-y/2) 2 [2N(x) (2j)! ]J PjkN2j (y) FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS 327 -I I djk Pn+ijN2N (y)N2 i (x)+2 =2j=k nl 2[ N i<k 2i (y)N 2 (k-i) (y) + j=k i djk PijN2i(Y N2k (y)] Using (3.10) repeatedly we can now establish the following formula [L(y/2)-L(-y/2)]22k(.) 2 k jl+...j k [2N k N2Jl (Y)...N2j 2(y)]k, (3.]_1) which gives the basic result: i N2k(Y) [L(y/2)-L(-y/2) (2k)! ]2]q2k(-) Note that there exists a function M(x,y) on 2N2(x)=M(x,x) (y) k 2N (Y) 2 (2k)! with values in q such that and it possesses the properties from the condition of Lemma 3. Now we return to the equation (3.9) which can be rewritten in the following forln [L(y/2)-L(-y/2)]E l(x) It is easy to check that for k 2N(y)E l(x). 1,2,... [e(y/2)-t(-y/2)]2kE l(x) [2N(y)]kE l(x). Thus [ey/2)-t(-y/2) ]2qE l(x) and El(X) 0, is a polynomial of degree 2q-l. Analogously to previous considerations, l(X) --92q_l(X) where 2k+l(X) }2k+l (nx) n 2k+l E(x) +91(x), is an homogenous polynomial of degree 2k+l, g2k+l (x). Note, that if 2x function + 2y, then 2i(x/2) 92k+i (x) 2k+l (y)’ k 0,i q-l. Thus the is defined. Similarly to (3.10) we prove q-i 2k+l(x) c j=k jk [(2j+l)’]-i [2N(x)] j E(x), where the lower triangular matrix C formed by the coefficients form C -1. V Here V is the matrix with elements (3.12) Cjk, k < j has the 328 A.L. RUKHIN 2k 2 Vjk Clearly v Jk (2k+l)! 0 if k > 0 i 2j+l (2k) (-i) (i-k+ll2) i J. Also [L(y/2)-L(-y/2) ]212N(x) 2[L(y/2)-L(y/2)]2 j (-i) i i=0 i 1 ((i-J) x+x/2) 2j 2 i=0 27 4 i=0 (i.3)(-l)12N((i_j+i/2)Y)1((i_j+i/2)x) 2j (i)(-1 )i n ,k N2n(Y)k+l(x)(i-j+l/2)2n+2k+l’z so that [L(y/2)-L(-y/2)]2 2k+l(X) 2 jk_ CkVn+i . n,1 T2n y )2i+i (x) 2 N2 (k-i) (Y)2i+l (x). Using this identity repeatedly one obtains [L(y/Z)-L(-y/2) 2k %k+l(X) 2 k ii+. [2N .+ik+ik+l=kN2il (y)...N2ik(Y) 2ik+l+I (x) 2(y)]kl(x) and [L(y/2)-L(-y/2) ]2k+l2k+l (x) [2N 2 (y) ]kl(y). k=0,1 q-i (3.13) Therefore 2N (x) 2 92k+I (x) (2k+l)! k i (x)’ and l(X) -i k=0 [2N2(x)] (2k+l) k l(X) The relation (3.13) for k=l implies that M(x,y) ql (y) Since l(X) M(y, y) ql (x). is an additive homomorphism. is a polynomial of degree one, 4 1 Thus we proved Lemma 3. Proof of Theorem i. Now we are able to obtain the desired formula for the FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMIPrATIVE GROUPS solution of (1.2). Clearly fl(x) f2(x) f(x) where [f(x) + f(-x)]/2, fl(x) 329 + f2 [f(x) -f(-x)]/2. It follows from (1.2) that fl(x+Y)-fl(x-Y) <[h(x)-h(-x)]/2,k(y)> <w(x),k(y)> and f2(x) Thus fl(x) <h(0),k(x)> <h,k(x)> is a symmetric solution of the functional equation of Lemma i so that the vector functions k(x) and (x) possess all properties given in the Lemmas. Therefore f(x)-f(0) fl(x)-fl(O)+f2(x) <h(x/2) ,k(x/2) > <w(x/2) ,k(x/2)>+<h,k(x)> <Q(x/2),(x/2)> + <Th,(X)> R <Qrr (x/2) ’r (x/2)>+<fr’r (x)> r=l < ml-i Mk(x/2 x/2) fl’ E (2k+l) k--0 ml-I [Mt (x/2,x/2) i + < R Z r=2 E (x)> ql(x), (2k+l)! ml-i Mi(x/2, x/2) (x)> (2i+l) i--0 k=O {<[Gt(x/2)-Gtr(-X/2)]Qrr r [Gr(X/2)-Gr(-X/2)] r > + <fr’ [Gr(X)-Gr(-X) ]> ml-I Mt (x,x)]k (x)> < (2k+l)! fl + < ml-I [Mt(x,x) ]k (x) (2k+2)! Q k=0 k=0 R + [<c ,G r=2 We used here the formula r r(x) r>+<dr’ G r(-x) r >+<c r-d r r > x)> 330 A.L. RUKHIN I (x/2,x/2) (2k+l) =0 ] 2 q-i 2 k=0 (x,x) (2k+2)’ which follows from the properties of M(x,x). Mt(x,x) The formula (3.1) follows with H(x,x) Gt(x). r and F (x) r We prove now that every function f of the form (3.1) satisfies the equation (1.3). Note that for k > i k k H (x+y, x+y)-H (x-y, x-y) 2i:k_i odd(ik)[H(x,x)+H(y,y)]i[2H(x,y)] k-i 2i:k-iE odd, 2 < i+l k (ki) (j)[H(x,x)] j+(k-i-l)/2 [H(y,y)] i-j+(k-i-l)/22k-iH(x,y i j<_i 2k [H(x,x) ]i [H(y,y) (2 i+l k-l-i (3.14) H (x y). The last identity follows from the formula i:k-i odd 2j+k-i=2p-i 2k (ki)()2k-i (2p_ 1 a2Pb 2k-2p which is easily obtained by comparison of coefficients of (a2+b2+2ab)k-(a2+b2-2ab)k and in expansions (a+b)2k-(a-b) 2k. Also, (x+y,x+y) + Hk(x-y,x-y) 2 .2k. i i<k [2i)H (x x)H k-i(y,y) Using this formula, (3.14) and properties of the function H one obtains f(x+y)-f(x-y) 2< ml-I Hk(x,x) (2k) k=0 fl + ml-i ml-iHk k0 (2k+l) Q19(x)’ E t [H (y y) ]i (2i+i) i=0 9(y)> R + E r=2 <F (x)c r t(-y)] >. r-Fr (-x)d r [Ft(y)-F r r r (3.15) Thus (1.2) holds and the statements of the Theorem 1 about vectors C(x)f I + S(X)Ql.(x ), Fr(X)Cr-Fr(-X)d r and [Ft(x)-Ftr(-X)]r ,r from the assumed linear independence of functions hj ,kj, j=l xE St(x)9(x), r=2,...,R follow m. The uniqueness up to equivalence of the matrices in formula (3.1) is a corollary of the uniqueness of the decomposition of the space m into direct sum of subspaces invariant with FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS respect to commuting matrices A(x) from (3.4). REMARK i. If q Theorem i is proved. is a topological group and f (or g) is assumed to be a contin- uous (or only a measurable) function, then the condition 1 (or 2) can be replaced by the following one: 331 2 Q the subgroup 2 of the Theorem q is dense in In- cidentally, this condition means that the dual group does not have elements of order two. Theorems i and 2 are true if the field REMARK 2. into corresponding vector spaces over In this case all homomorphisms from . should into vector spaces over a finite extension of be replaced by homomorphisms from the field is not algebraically closed. is the field of reals, this extension coincides with Of course if the field of complex numbers. For instance, any solution of the classical D’Alembert’s equation (1.4) has the form [X(X) +X(-X)]/2 tension of the initial field The general form of a solution of (i.I) easily follows from Theorems REMARK 3. i and 2. . where X is a multiplicative homomorphism into a simple ex- Namely, if m and p denote the maximal number of linearly independent j (x), 8j (Y)-Sj functions among (-Y) and among j (x), 8j (Y)+j (-Y), j=l n, re- spectively, then [f(x)+g(x)]/2, l(X) 2(x) [f(x)-g(x)]72 where the forms of f(x) and g(x) are given in Theorems i and 2. 4. DISCUSSION. It follows from the proof of Theorem 1 that every solution f of (1.2) has the fo rm (4.1) <L(x) f,A>. f(x) Here L is a cyclic representation of the group Q in the space V with a cyclic vector f, and the space V m. The element A of the dual space V representation L <h, A> , spanned by the vectors [L(x)-L(-x)]f, x E Q has dimension L (x) t L (-x). h(0) for all h from V. L (x)A, x. 6 Q is a cyclic vector for the contragradient (Indeed we define A in the following way: Then <h, L (x)A> must span the whole space V .) h(-x) and the vectors Clearly the representation L under these conditions is defined uniquely up to equivalence. A natural question A.L. RUKHIN 332 is whether the representation L is finite dimensional. Bounds for the dimension The same question can be formulated for of L in terms of m are also of interest. the functional equation (1.3) It was proved in [13] that for both equations the space V is finite dimensional if Q is a compact group. In the non-locally compact case the situation for the equations (1.2) and (1.3) is different. Here is an example of a solution to (1.3) with infinite dimensional representation L. lxl 12 be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space, g(x) Let g(x+y) + g(x-y) 11x 2( lYl 12), 12 + so that (1.3) holds, and the dimension of the subspace [L (x)+L (-x) ]g, x6 Q is two, and Then V+ spanned by the vectors g(x) is a polynomial of degree two. However 4 < x,y g(x+y)-g(x-y) and the space V is an infinite dimensional one. dimensional space as well. >, Therefore V V(g) is an infinite Thus not every polynomial solves (1.2) or (1.5). Note that in this example the homomorphism that if g is an odd function, g(-x) g(x+y)-g(x-y) so that g also satisfies (1.2). of Theorem 2 is zero. Also note -g(x), and g satisfies (1.3), then g(x+y) + g(y-x) Thus both spaces the dimension of V does not exceed 2p. <u(y), v(x)>, V+and V_ have dimension p, and Of course the same remark refers to equa- tion (1.21. Now let f be a solution of (1.2). Then F has the form (3.11, and 2<C(Y)fl,St(x)(x)> F(x+y) + f(x-y) + 2<H(x,y)T(x)Q I (x), rt(y) g (y)>+2<T(X)Ql R + 2<T(ylQIqqy), qy)>+ <F (x)f +F (-x)d r r r r r=2 (x), (y)> >. [Ft(xl+Frt(-x)] r r The proof of (4.2) is analogous to that of the identity (3.15). Note that the second term in (4.1) has the form <H(x,y)T(x)Q 19(x),Tt(y)(y)> <H(x,x)T(x)Q m I (y),Tt(y) (y)> 1 i,j=l ij (x) qi(Y)Nj (Y)’ (4.21 333 FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR CUMMUTATIVE GROUPS where ij (x) are elements of the matrix H(x,x)T(X)Qland 9i(y) Tt(y)(y). dinates of the functions #(y) and Therefore the dimension of the space R m21 + I + m 2 + r=2 V+ j (y) are coor- does not exceed m21 + mr and m / 2. Thus m _< V(f) dim + 2m + 2 _< m 2 + 2m + 2, and the next result follows. Every solution f of the equation (1.2) has the form (4.1) with 2 a finite dimensional representation L, dim L < m + m + 2. The representation L Theorem 3. is defined uniquely up to equivalence. Theorem 4. Every solution g of the euation (1.3) has the form (4.1) with a finite dimensional representation L under one of the two following conditions: (i) g(-x) (ii) d im Hom -g(x), x q, q, Under condition (i) dim L 1,2, for n Pn < <_ 2p; under condition (ii) dim L <_ p(pp+2). The proof of Theorem 4 under condition (ii) follows from the following for- mua valid for any solution of (1.3) t t 2<H(x,y)S(X)Qla I ,S (Y)al>+2<S(y)(y) ,C (x)al> g(x+y)-g(x-y) R + r=2 <[Fr(x)gr-Fr(-X)b r > [Ftr(Y)-Ft(-y)]a r r This identity implies, that the dimension of the subspace V is less or equal to R PlPPl + Pl + r=2 Pr p + PI p Pl Therefore dim V(g) <_ p + Pl ppl+l < p (Pp+2), and Theorem 2 follows. Assume now that is a topological group and continuous solutions of equations (1.2) and (1.3) are considered. group of Q. The (x) 0 for all x belonging to a compact sub- Therefore the first term in the formula (3.1) vanishes if is a com- pact group. If the group does not contain nontrivial compact groups, then any matrix homomorphism F(x) has the form F(x) exp{H(x)} where H E Horn (,). (cf. [5p. 334 A.L. RUKHIN In this case, the power series for, say, 393] for one dimensional result.) [F(x)+F(-x)]/2 bears some resemblance to the function C(x) and explains the struc- ture of the latter. Thus if G is a compact commutative group, it follows from Theorem i, that every solution of (1.2) has the form [ [ckXk(x)+dkXk(-x) ], f(x) k=l of Xk(X)Xk(Y), Xk(X+y) where q. m are different multiplicative homomorphlsms k=l The same is true for equation (1.3). As another application of Theorems i and 2 notice that every solution of (1.2) (However, as we noticed, not every exponen- or (i. 3) is an exponential polynomial. Indeed, the proof of Theorem 1 shows that tial polynomial can be a solution.) <T(X)Qlg(X),9(x)> are polynomials in components of (x) of degree I is gr(X) (I+C r(x)) where gr(X) is a multiplicative homomorphism, m <S(x)f I, (x)> and 2m and Fr(X) r the identity matrix, and the matrix C (*) is a nilpotent one, C (x) r r <Fr(X)fr ’r >= r(x)<l where Pr(X) + Cr(x)fr,r > is a polynomial of degree m in this work. grant MCS 77 Thus gr(X)Pr (x) In the case ditlons on the coefficients of these polynomials (See ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. 0. = m R one can indicate con- [16].). The author is grateful to Professor R.C. Penney for his interest This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation 19640 and in part by National Science Foundation grant MCS 7802300. REFERENCES !. ACZEL, J. Lectures on functional equations and their applications, Academic Press, New York (1966). 2. ACZEL, J. 3. COROVEI, I. 4. ENGERT, M. 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