Building Equations from Sequences

A.) Predict the next 3 terms
8, 10, 12,14,
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
E.) What pattern in my terms do I see? What equation could I build? Is this like an X-Y table?
Guess and check.
Prove it works for the first few terms
D.) Let’s use the equation to find the
A.) Predict the next 3 terms
. term?
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
E.) What pattern in my terms do I see? What equation could I build? Is this like an X-Y table?
Guess and check.
Prove it works for the first few terms
D.) Let’s use the equation to find the
A.) Predict the next 3 terms
10, 5, 0, -5,
. term?
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
E.) What pattern in my terms do I see? What equation could I build? Is this like an X-Y table?
Guess and check.
Prove it works for the first few terms
D.) Let’s use the equation to find the
. term?
Predict the next 3 terms
3, 0, -3, -6
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
E.) What pattern in my terms do I see? What equation could I build? Is this like an X-Y table?
Guess and check.
Prove it works for the first few terms
D.) Let’s use the equation to find the
A.) Predict the next 3 terms
20, 30, 40
. term?
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
E.) What pattern in my terms do I see? What equation could I build? Is this like an X-Y table?
Guess and check.
Prove it works for the first few terms
D.) Let’s use the equation to find the
A.) Predict the next 3 terms
10, 0, -10, -20
E.) Write your equation so
far with the value next to x.
. term?
B.) Predict what the
equation for the
pattern might be.
C.) What will the
value be for the
. term?
F.) Now use your x-y
values from D. to get
the “alone” number
G.) Prove it works by using x=1 and x=2 to make sure you
got it.
H.) Let’s use the equation to find the
. term?
D.) What is the first, second, third,
etc. terms in our sequence?
1.) Write an equation for the following sequence AND use it to
find the 72nd term.
-4, -1, 2, 5,
2.) Which of the following equations best describes the sequence?
9, 7, 5, 3
a.) y=x+2
b.) y=x-2
c.) y=-2x + 13
d.) y=2x+13
3.) 12, 6, 0, -6
a.) y= -6x+18
b.) y= 6x-18
c.) y= -6x + 13
d.) y= 6x-13
Start with a simple sequence on a students own paper. Have them predict the next 3-4 terms. Then ask them wha the
200th term would be. Have them understand that they need to do it a bunch. That sucks.